Audit of Failure Rate of Sulfadoxine/Pyrimethamine
Auditof failurerate of sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine combinedwith chloroquine to treatfalciparum malariaat singlefourteen-day follow-up. VaughanWilliams,CH Summary-i\ BSc,MBBS, DCH, Objective. MFamMed(Natal) To assessthe failure rate of the presentfirst line treatmentregime for MosvoldHospital, lngwavuma, uncomplicatedfalciparum malaria of sulfadoxine/pyrimethaminecombined KwaZulu-Natal,South Africa with chloroquine. Memberof Subcommitteefor Design. Chemoprophylaxisand Therapy A before-afterstudyl of the NationalMalariaAdvisory Group Setting. La Cock, C Ndumo Clinic,Ingwavuma District, South Africa, October 2000 StudyGroup.55 patientspresenting to Ndumo clinicwith uncomplicated MedicalTechnologist, KwaZulu- malariaand malariatrophozoites visible on thin film. NatalLaboratory Services at Department of ::".i..":d Main outcome measures: Health,Jozini Trophozoitecount on thick film at day14. Henry, GFf Results. MBBS,DRCOG, MRCGP l5 out of 37 patientswho returnedfor follow-upstill had trophozoites MosvoldHospital, Ingwavuma on thick film.Symptoms of most patientsat day0 and day l4 were mild, Ross,AJ parasitecounts before and after treatment were low, and trophozoites MB,ChB,DCh, MFamMed were atypical. (MEDUNSA) Conclusions. MedicalSuperintendent, There appearsto be an unacceptablyhigh day 14 failure rate with the MosvoldHospital, Ingwavuma combinationof sulfadoxine/pyrimethamineand chloroguine.Themildness Correspondence to: of symptoms,low parasite counts and atypicaltrophozoites suggest VaughanWilliams immunityto falciparummalaria amongst the
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