6 September 1993

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6 September 1993 · ·TODAY: SKELETON COAST CASE ON HOLD· NAM, 3 ERMANY TO SIGN KEY PACT* SUPER SPORT· •. • Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.241 Nose bite 'attack' ends in hail of shots from AK-4 7 CHRISTOF MALETSKY A MEMBER oflhe Namibia Defe nce Force who shot aad killed a fellow soldier with an AK·47 after the man allegedly bit him Ob tbe nose was on Friday sentenced to an effective 15 years in jail. Sacky Ipinge (43) ori ginall y picadcd guilty to the chargecf shooting and killing Thomas Sakeus at the Nepara base in Kavango on June 7 lasl year. How· ever. when his statement was read oul in coun Ipinge could not agree with a section which slated that he knew that he cowd kill Sakeus when he slaned firing shots. The coon lIlcn entered a plea of not guilty. According 10 Ipinge. they were at a cuca shop when Sakeus al legedly "started making trouble and bil me on the nosc", He ..... ent 10 the military sick bay to receive treat­ ment. Sakeus followed him and confronted him when he left again. To page 2 Savimbi's 'peace offer' dismissed' DUNE ACTION _. During his short visit to Walvis Hay OD Thursday German Minister of Economic CcroperatioD and Development Carl· Dieter Spranger (right) took up the t hallenge of scaling Dune 7 near the port town. With him are Go,,"ernor of Erongo Region, Asser Kapere (left), LlSHON : AngoLan General HiginoCarneirosaid supervise the security the weekend that gOY' and MiDmer of Aviculture, Water aDd Rural Development, Anton von over the weekend th .. t an annountement by and repatriati on of some ernment forces retook Wietersbeim. Photo: Cbris Ndivanga Unita ~der Jonas Savimbi Ob plans to propose 50 Portuguese nationals the town of Cuvelai in ---------------------------1 a ceaserlre for the war·lorn country was a ploy. trapped in Kuito, the southern Cunene prov­ Cameiro. the Angolan The Portuguese presi- main city in the Angolan ince early last week. military government's dency announced on Fri­ province of Bie which The Angolan Military Sizzling strike stopped negotiator in the last day that Savimbi had has been under Unita High Command has also peace talks in Abidjan. said he was planning to siege for eight months. announced that Unita said in an interview with propose a ceasefire in Cameiro added that killed the commander of workforce from going on strike, the private Lisbon radio Angola for which the the government would government troops in CHRISTOF MALETSKY "They are already paying the out­ TSF: "It's an attempt to United Nations could set oniyundertakenewlaJks Kuilo on Thursday. only standing increases for the month of try to prevent the next the date. if both sides agreed 10 hours after he was pro­ THE Namibia WbolesaleaDd Retail August and we felt we could now give meeting of the (UN) Se- Savimbi said in a tel­ respect the tenns of a moted to GeneraL Gen­ Worker's Union (NAWRWU) them some time to settle the amounts curity Council" sched- ephone call with Portu­ peace treaty signed in eral Alfredo Kusswnua maDaged to avert a strike at outslanding for July," Yon told The uied for September 15, guese President Mario Portugal in 1991 as well was killed by greandes Kentucky Fried Chicken in Namibian. Theconfrontationbetween which could act against Soares that he would put as the resuh of legisla­ thrown by troops belong­ Windboek at the end of last week the union and Kentucky Fried Chicken Unita. the proposal to UN Sec· tive elections in Septem­ ing 10 Unita. wheD the managemenl agreed 10 was caused by delays in implement­ He added that the pro- retary General Boutros ber 1992 and the Secu­ * The Angolan gov­ backdate wage increases to July. ing a 19 per cent increase for the posal did not mean that Boutros-Ghali Friday, rity Council resolutions. ernment announced on According to NA WRU President workers which had been agreed to in Savimbi's National Un· the president said in a Meanwhile armed Saturday ithad approved Aloysius Yon, management had con· July. Yon also said the Wlion was ion for the Total fide· statement Friday. forces spokesman Briga· sweeping emergency finned that the increases would be negotiating possible new·wage agree- pendence of Angola was Savimbi also told dier General Jose paid in time to prevent the entire To page 1 willingtoholdnewtallcs. Soares that Unita would Manuel "Jota" said over To page 1 2 Monday September 6 1993 THE NAMIBIAN Namibian wins We talk to American/Swiss the nation competition THE ON LV branch of American Swissjewellery in Namibia, housed in Windhoek'slndependence A venue, has oulcompeled 149 shops in South Advertise to our AFrica. One of its regular customers. Auguslinus Kangootui. won R IO{)(x) in a 'best customer' lucky constituency draw competio n. KangoOlui is a driver with FP du Toil transpon company. Kangoolui. who said he couldn't believe he had won the pri7.c. said he h3d been a regular customer for live years. During the IwO weeks in which the competition was run. he bought a gold watch for R I 500 and a gold ring for R500, .' My whole family wears American Swiss jewel· News for Now lery" , a beaming Kangootui said. .The paper of the people company Weather Forecast PRttORlA: The WeaI.... b tr Bureau's dehli\ed l:::I1~ ~~ar)' J~~aml ~ !O; l,IIe. ~tSf',~.' ....--- - ---~----.,.;;. hot but<OOler la tilt Soo ••. c-: ~ e .. I PartlY .-1 ..d - with roe paI(h<s but .he Sootl>. 4 - ~- - -- ... Wiad: Moderate aortll-westerly 18 south· .. e~ I.. ..... r~' c .... _ .........., la !be Soutl>.· P:f: s:';;-a17 : 1 Washing of C~~ ~= =:.;-~;; 7o:-rth' Help keep death off our WITH LOVE FROM KARIBIB _ Barbara KabaUipara (19), a B Comm roads. Stay sober. Don't I....... ' at tbe Uaiversity ofNam.ibia and astJlli..fmalist in last ytar'sMiss I Pos t dated I ~ Wash FREE J Namibia ' was crOWDed Miss Namibia 1993 to I chequ es I ,----.... Drink and Drive. Stay Alive!! nigbl. Barbar. Is already well known as a \."~c!;P!;'!.I ~.. ~ ...... .. ... , umces, HOUseS.' fi NA L' .Co• nfe rence Hall,.• f AREW EL.L OuttoingMissNamibia, _____..~ & •••• Loun if'lii.e •••SuitV Anj a SchrOd er ( st:~led , cenlr e), said her Special s on c~ goodbyes on Frid ay ( seats night berore hand ing J over her crown. In a -- - -- ITcl. ~2j"1 j"23' gracious speech, Anja ~---- ;'I recounted what her year asMissNami bta '92had meanl. She said althou gh she was ste pping down , she would con linue her work with t he ha ndicap ped in Namibia. In a generous IN PARTNERSHIP gesture she donated a WITH OUR COMMUNITY compulercourseshehad WE GROW received as one or her Miss Namibia prizes 10 oneofthe handicapped DAY - CARE CENTRE people she had gou en to know and who was OKURYANGAVA presenl on Friday night, !.I We are Involved and uplift our Nose bite ends in murder, jail Kentucky ". community Savimbi who had t 7 years expe­ victed of murder, Judge from page 1 from page I We invite capable persons and institutions 10 apply from page I rience with weapons, he Johan Strydom told for the management of the above mentioned cenb'e. did not think the weapon Ipinge that everything ments with Galaxy Jew­ measures 10 reform the Sakeus allegedly said: was set on automatic. " I appeared to point 10 the ell ers. Metro and war-tom economy. "I will show you who I that had P,..tige Properties will erect II"e W~Wlg for I!1e was thinking that I was fact he de liber­ Cashbuild Namibia. 1bemeasures announced am," before brandishing • NAWRWU has commtJ"lity and you will do the management aiming low and using ately aimed at Sakeus. include new wes and cuts a knobkierie at him. single shOts but after a ' 'If you had intended to apologised for an in stafe spending to revi ve: error Ipinge then went 10 fetch rew shots I realised it scare him away then which appeared last ihe eConomy bi t by infl a­ Incumbent must: his AK-47 rifleandfired was on automatic, surely the shots shou1 d week in which they were 1. Have previous experience " tion of 1 300 per cent and • pl ummeting cu(rency several shots al Sakeus I then decided to con­ have been frred in the quoted as saying that the 2. Be able 10 function ir<leperdenlly and repor1 lo worth 4 000 kwanzas to the "lO scare him away". As tinue as it was already air," the Judge added. workers were seeking management dollar offICi ally and 55 000 Sakeus fled. he was hit done," Ipinge told the Ipinge was sentenced wage increases of90per 3. Manage and maintain the centre to$l on lhcblackmarkct.· all ov{' ~ the body. court. 10 an effective 15 years cent or more. In fact. it 4. Generate own funds 10 run the centre Sapa-AFP According to tpinge, Before he was con- in prison. was 19 per cent. S. Be able 10 WO/1( wi lh smaD children (+1· 3 10 5 years) Help fight AIDS in Namibia. Always wear For ..... IntonnIIIon -CIII KJ Per_ ToI: 212640 a condom. Remember, no glove - no love! THE 'N'AMtBIAN " Monday " SeptMritler 6 t993' ~ NDAWU moves to Court reserves judgement in empower Namibia's : key Skeleton Coast hearing domestic workers FRANNA KAVARI CHRISTOF MALETSKY havebecndccidcdbythc aforegoingauacksonlhe sure.andthru costsshould THE Namibian Domestic Workers Union Cabinet. way ilexerciscd its pow- be awarded against the (NDA WU) has vowed 10 fight apathy among They funher submit- ersare nOl sUSt:J.ined.
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