Differences Baptists and Campbellites
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BAPTISTS AND CAMPBELLITES By J. W. PORTER; " "'}1': -t;1' -.. ' ," ~ ,; .' • - .1" Jifftrtncts Jttwttn Japtists and tampbtllilts By 1. w. PORTER Price 35c Published by MRS. J. W. PORTER 189 Kentucky Ave. Lexington, Ky. 1938 Copies of this book may be obtained from Mrs. J. W. Porter, 189 Kentucky Avenue, Lex ington, Kentucky, upon receipt of the price, 35c per copy. Churches desiring to use this book for train ing schools and study courses are urged to write for special prices on orders of this nature. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BAPTISTS AND CAMPBELLITES J. W. PORTER INTRODUCTION Some years since, the writer was requested by the Baptist State Mis sion Board of Kentucky to prepare a statement of the differences between the faith of the Baptists, and the 'Ancient Gospel", as propounded by Alexander Campbell. In pointing out these differences, all quotations will be made directly from the writings of Alexander Campbell. This would seem to be perfectly fair and to place us on safe ground. Mr. Campbell, by common consent, was the founder of the sect, known as the "Christian Church"; "Church of the Disciples"; "Reformers"; "Campbellites", et al. He was the propounder of its faith, and the pastor of its first society, and therefore to him we must go to ascertain its teachings. It may be said that many of his people no longer believe the tenets and teachings of Mr. Campbell. This may be true, and we trust it is, but since not one single article of his faith has been repudiated by his people, as a de nomination, it is but fair to hold tha.t they still believe the tenets that called them into being.
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