
DCC List Moneris®’ Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)* is an easy to implement and secure feature that lets you offer international customers the option to pay in their own currency. DCC converts international Visa® and Mastercard® credit or debit card purchases into over 90 from around the world. Albanian Lek Colombian Kazakhstan Tenge Polish New Zloty ALL COP KZT PLN Algerian Costa Rican Colon Kenyan Qatari Rial DZD CRC KES QAR Kwanza Romanian New Leu AOA HRK KWD RON Pataca Russian ARS CUP MOP RUB Rwanda AWG CZK MKD RWF Australian AUD DKK MYR SAR (New) Azerbaijanian Franc Kwacha Serbian Denar Manat AZN DJF MWK RSD Rufiyaa Seychelles BSD Peso DOP MVR SCR East Caribbean Dollar Mauritius Rupee Dollar BHD XCD MUR SGD Egyptian BDT EGP MXN ZAR Dollar Moroccan BBD EUR MAD KRW Dollar Dollar Metical Rupee BZD FJD MZN LKR Georgia Lari Swedish Krona BMD GEL NAD SEK Bosnia & Herzegovina Ghana Cedi New Turkish Convertible Mark BAM GHS TRY CHF Bolivian Bolivianos Dollar New Dollar BOB GIP NZD TWD Pula Quetzal Nicaraguan Cordoba Tajikistan Somoni BWP GTQ NIO TJS Nigeria Naira BRL HNL NGN TZS Dollar Dollar BND HKD NOK THB Trinidad & Tobago BGN HUF OMR TTD Burundi Franc Iceland Krona Rupee BIF ISK PKR TND Cabo Verde Escudo U.A.E. Dirham CVE INR PAB AED New Guinea U.S. Dollar Dollar KYD IDR Kina PGK USD CFA Franc BEAC Israeli Shekel Paraguayan Guarani UK XAF ILS PYG GBP CFA Franc BCEAO Peruvian Nuevo Sol XOF JMD PEN UAH Peso Uruguayo Bolivar** CLP JPY UYU VEF Chinese Yuan CNY JOD PHP

For additional information, contact us at 1-866-DCC-2234 or on moneris.com/DCC

*Certain terms and conditions apply. The number of currencies supported may change or vary. Not all currencies may be available at all times. Moneris has the right to suspend conversion in certain currencies.**Venezuela Bolivar – VEF only offered on Mastercard. ®MONERIS and MONERIS & Design are registered trade-marks of Moneris Solutions Corporation. VISA is a registered trade-mark of Visa International. Mastercard is a registered trade-mark of Mastercard International Incorporated. TM MONERIS BE PAYMENT READY & Design are trade-marks of Moneris Solutions Corporation. All other marks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.