Suggested alternative routes during disruption

When Southern services from this station are subject to unplanned disruption, we have Issued Date: arranged for your ticket to be accepted as indicated below to get you to your destination May 2018

Suggested alternative route details from West Norwood Southern ticket holders To: Suggested routes:

Bus 432 from stop T to Crystal Palace station, then Balham Bus 315 from stop W to Gate Overground train to New Cross Gate

Bus 2 or 196 from stop W to Vauxhall, then bus 156 or 344 Bus 68 or 468 from stop W to Herne Hill station, then bus Park North Dulwich to Battersea Park station 37 to North Dulwich station

Beckenham Bus 432 from stop T to Crystal Palace Parade, then bus Norwood Junction Bus 196 from stop T to Norwood Junction station Junction 227 to Junction station

Bus 68 or 468 from stop W to Denmark Hill station, then Bus 432 from stop T to station, then bus 354 to Birkbeck Peckham Rye Southeastern, or train to Peckham Rye

Bus 432 from stop T to Crystal Palace station, then London Queen's Road Bus 68 or 468 from stop W to Denmark Hill station, then Brockley Overground train to Brockley Peckham London Overground train to Queen's Road Peckham

Bus 68 or 468 from stop W to Denmark Hill station, Bus 468 from stop T to West , then bus 154 or 407 Carshalton Beeches South Bermondsey Southeastern or London Overground train to Peckham Rye, to near Carshalton station then bus P12 to South Bermondsey station

Bus 2, 196 or 432 from stop W to Brixton station, then bus Bus 2, 68, 196, 432, 468 from stop W to Tulse Hill, then bus Clapham Junction Streatham Hill 35 or 37 to Clapham Junction station 201 or P13 to Streatham Hill station

Bus 432 from stop T to Crystal Palace Parade, it's a short Bus 468 from stop T to West Croydon, then bus 407 or X26 Crystal Palace Sutton walk to Crystal Palace station to near Sutton station

Bus 468 from stop T. to Croydon (alight bus at Wellesley Bus 432 from stop T to Crystal Palace station, then London East Croydon Sydenham Road for ) Overground train to Sydenham

Bus 68 or 468 from stop W to Herne Hill station, then bus 37 East Dulwich Tulse Hill Bus 2, 68, 196, 432, 468 from stop W to Tulse Hill station to Derwent Grove for East Dulwich station

Bus 432 from stop T to Crystal Palace station, then London Bus 468 from stop T to West Croydon, then bus 154, 157, Forest Hill Overground train to Forest Hill 407 or 410 to near Waddon station

Bus 468 from stop T to West Croydon, then bus 154, 157, Gipsy Hill Bus 322 from stop Q on Robson Road to Gipsy Hill station Wallington 407 or 410 to near Wallington station

Bus 432 from stop T to Crystal Palace station, then London Wandsworth Bus 315 from stop W to Streatham, then bus 319 to Honor Oak Park Overground train to Honor Oak Park Common Wandsworth Common station

Bus 432 from stop T to Crystal Palace station, London Overground train to Canada Water then Jubilee line, OR Bus 468 from stop T to Croydon (alight bus at Wellesley London Bridge West Croydon bus 468 from stop W to Elephant & Castle station then Road for ) Northern line to London Bridge

Bus 2, 196 or 432 from stop W to Brixton station, then London Victoria Victoria line to Victoria Key N68 68 Euston 2 Day buses in black Marylebone 2 Tottenham N68 Night buses in blue Court Road X68 Russell Square for British Museum ؗ Gloucester Place Connections with for Baker Street River Thames Holborn u Connections with London Overground Marble Arch R Connections with N2 Aldwych for Covent Garden 322 and Museum h Connections with Hyde Park Corner Trafalgar Square Clapham Common for Buckingham Palace for Charing Cross River Thames  Connections with river boats Old Town Westminster Waterloo Bridge for Southbank Centre, x Mondays to Fridays morning peaks only, limited stop IMAX Cinema and London Eye w Mondays to Fridays evening peaks only Clapham Common Victoria Waterloo

Vauxhall Bridge Road St GeorgeÕs Circus A for Pimlico Red discs show the bus stop you need for your chosen bus Clapham North 196 service. The disc !A appears on the top of the bus stop in the for Clapham High Street 468 Elephant & Castle 1 2 3 4 5 6 street (see map of town centre in centre of diagram). Wandsworth Road Vauxhall H&R Route 315 operates as hail and ride on the sections of Lansdowne Green Kennington Walworth Road Route X68 runs non-stop between roads marked H&R on the map. Buses stop at any safe Lane Landor Road West Norwood and Waterloo during point along the road. Camberwell Green Mondays to Fridays morning peaks only. Please indicate clearly to the driver when you wish to Passengers will not be set down board or alight. South Stockwell Lambeth Road Denmark Hill before Waterloo. for KingÕs College Hospital 432 and Maudsley Hospital Route finder Brixton Railton Road Effra Parade Denmark Hill Deepdene Road Day buses Railton Road BRIXTON Railton Road Denmark Hill Herne Hill Road Bus route Towards Bus stops Regent Road Brixton Lambeth Town Hall Kellett Road 2 Marylebone !N !W !U !Y Herne Hill Frankfurt Road Dulwich Road 68 Euston !M !W Chaucer Road/ Herne Hill Hollingbourne Road Effra Parade 196 Elephant & Castle !N !W !Y Brixton The yellow tinted area includes every Water Lane Dulwich Road bus stop up to one-and-a-half miles Norwood Junction !L !P !T !U !V Effra Road Herne Hill Morval Road Brockwell Lido from West Norwood. Main stops are shown in the white area outside. 315 Balham !N !W !Y H&R1 Brockwell Park Tulse Hill 322 Clapham Common !N !R Brixton Water Lane Norwood Road Rosendale Road Crystal Palace !L !Q Tulse Hill Jubilee Primary School Norwood Road Brockwell Park Gardens 432 Anerley !L !P !S !T !Z Tulse Hill Craignair Road Norwood Road Deronda Road Brixton !N !W !U !Y Tulse Hill Norwood Road Thurlow Park Road 468 Elephant & Castle !M !W !Y Upper Tulse Hill Tulse Hill Hardel High Trees Rise Tulse Hill !L !P !T !U !V X68 Russell Square x !M !W !Y Bus Stop LocationsNorwood Road Lancaster Avenue N L TH West Croydon w !P !T !U !V O R H&R2 WO R ATS W CH Y LL WA HI O 315 RK M O Robson Park Hall Road YO H&R1 D ROAD Night buses ESTNUT Balham R CH Road Martell Road Bus route Towards Bus stops LL O E HI A Q Rosendale Road SDOWN P LAN N D ROAD . OBSON N2 Crystal Palace !L !P !S !T !Z GR R Balham RY BU R Trafalgar Square !N !W !U !Y Health Centre Hail & Ride ER Hail & Ride T N Cemetery And Vale Street section Royal AN section C K O Crematorium !L !P !T !U !V Circus N R N68 Old W W Bedford Hill I


Fontenoy Road H !M !W !Y Canterbury O St Gothard Road

Tottenham Court Road T D

Grove West S AUC

H KL Bedford Hill Norwood AND I H

L IL Leigham Court Road H L Hail & Ride Gipsy Road Hillbury Road AD L WOLFINGTON RO I St PeterÕs Church G section St Gothard Road Destination finder H Bedford Hill S Valley Road T Destination Bus routes Bus stops Woodfield Avenue R ROAD E Gipsy Road Oaks Avenue AN’S FARM E Hail & Ride t JULI T A S S GarradÕs Road section Gleneldon Road Y Aldwych for Covent Garden 68 !M !W Becmead Avenue N T. BEADMAN STREET S Gipsy Hill Gipsy Road O G and London Transort Museum R IN L R X68W, N68 !M !W !Y Stanthorpe Road ORNLAW ROAD AVE. W A TH L ERNEST W I O H O Gipsy Hill Anerley u R 432 !L !P !S !T !Z U D Streatham S

T Dulwich Wood Avenue St LeonardÕs Church H H Norwood I G G B I Bus Garage H

N S Gipsy Hill K V Balham Ø— R and Health Centre 315 !N !W !Y H&R1 STREATHAM T . R D ROTHSCHILD STREET E Z !N !W !Y H&R1 T R E Bedford Hill 315 IO T Gipsy Hill Highland Road EV Elder Road Central Hill CH Eylewood Road SalterÕs Hill Beulah Hill 196, 468, N68 !L !P !T !U !V Did you know about this disruption before you got to the station? Other than those bus routes shown below you may have to buy a bus ticket and apply for a Central Hill refund Become one of the thousands of people every month who get the latest information from our website Knights Hill Chapel Road Crystal !P !T !U !V The routes listed above are only suggestions. Your ticket will also be accepted on services of the following Hermitage Road X68w operators to get to your destination: Further information and contacts Westow Palace Trains: Buses: Journeys via alternative routes may take longer than your normal journey or operate onlyNorwood at certain times. Further information will be available from the sources below: Hill Parade British Museum 68 !M !W Knights Hill- East Midlands Lakeview Trains (for London Road - - & Hove on any reasonable route Park /Bedford ticket holders only) - on all appropriate routes within the Transport Rail services: Tube and London bus: Bus services outside of London: - Greater Anglia for London boundary National Rail Enquiries Traveline 322 !M !W !Y - Great Western Railway - Metrobus on any reasonable route Online Online Online Central Hill X68x Knights Hill- GreatFurneaux Northern Avenue - Stagecoach Coastliner route 700 depending on the location of the disruption By telephone By telephone By telephone - London North Western N2 03457 48 49 50 0343 222 1234 0871 200 22 33 Rockmount Road Ø— !N !W !U !Y - London Tramlink Brixton R 2, 432, N2 - London Overground Delay Repay Norwood Crown- London Point/Beulah Underground Hill If your journey on Southern was delayed by 15 minutes or more, you can claim for compensation through the CRYSTAL - Southeastern Delay Repay scheme. 196 !N !W !Y - South Western Railway To claim, pick up a Delay Repay leaflet or fill in the online form Beulah Hill- ThameslinkGrecian Crescent PALACE 322 !N !R Journeys via alternative routes may take longer than your normal journey or only operate at certain times. Crystal Palace For rail journeys please check or with National Rail Enquiries on 03457 48 49 50 and !N !W !Y Beulahfor all bus Hill journeys withBiggin Traveline on Hill0871 200 22 33 Brixton Water Lane 196 We have made every effort to ensure the information above was correct at the time of printing. However information including bus numbers/routes may be altered by third parties without prior notice. Anerley Road Hamlet Road Brockwell Lido 196 !N !W !Y Beulah Hill Convent Hill !M !W Brockwell Park 68 Beulah Hill Hermitage Road Anerley Road Thicket Road 196 !N !W !Y Beulah Hill Beulah Spa Anerley 432 322 !N !R 468, N68 !M !W !Y Beulah Hill Upper Beulah Hill All SaintsÕ Church C !M !W Hill Ross Road South Norwood Hill Camberwell Green 68 Route X68 runs to West Croydon during Stanley Hill 468, N68 !M !W !Y Mondays to Fridays evening peaks only, Norwood Junction Grosvenor Road !N !W !Y H&R1 serving all stops. Whitehorse Lane for Crystal Palace FC Canterbury Grove 315 West Croydon 196 High Street Central Hill 432, N2 !L !P !S !T !Z Bus Station X68 Whitehorse Road Clapham North Ø— 322 !N !R for Clapham High Street u CROYDON West Croydon St MaryÕs Church Clapham Common Ø— 322 !N !R Croydon Wellesley Road for Coulsdon Town R N68 !L !P !T !U !V 468 Croydon High Street N68 continues to Purley , Croydon 468, N68 !L !P !T !U !V Coulsdon Town and South Croydon South End High Street and Wellesley Road h Old Coulsdon for Whitgift Centre Crystal Palace Parade 322 !L !Q © Transport for London Information correct from 25 October 2013 N2 !L !P !S !T !Z Crystal Palace u R and 432 !L !P !S !T !Z Destination Bus routes Bus stops Destination Bus routes Bus stops Destination Bus routes Bus stops Crystal Palace Park K R Tulse Hill Brixton Water Lane, 2, 432, N2 !N !U !W !Y Crystal Palace FC 468, N68 !L !P !T !U !V !N !R Craignair Road, High Trees Kennington Lane 196 !N !W !Y Railton Road 322 Jubilee Primary School, D King’s College Hospital 68 !M !W Robson Road 322 !L !Q and Upper Tulse Hill !M !W !Y Rosendale Road 322 !L !Q Denmark Hill u R 68 !M !W 468, N68 U !M !W !Y Knights Hill 196, 468, N68 !L !P !T !U !V Royal Circus 315 !N !W !Y H&R1 468, N68 Upper Norwood All Saints’ Church 196, 468, N68 !L !P !T !X !N !W !Y X68w !P !T !U !V Russell Square Ø— 68 !M !W Dulwich Road 196 X68w !P !T !X X68x !M !W !Y L E V !N !U !W !Y Landor Road 322 !N !R S Effra Road 2, 432, N2 Vale Street 322 !L !Q !N !W !Y Leigham Court Road 315 !N !W !Y H&R1 St George’s Circus 68 !M !W 196 Valley Road 315 !N !W !Y H&R1 !L !P !S !T !Z St Peter’s Church N68 !M !W !Y Elder Road 432, N2 Vauxhall Ø— R 2, N2 !N !U !W !Y Ø— !M !W St Gothard Road 322 !L !Q Elephant & Castle u R 68 M 196 !N !W !Y !N !W !Y Ø— South Croydon South End 468, N68 !L !P !T !U !V 196 Marble Arch 2 !N !U !W !Y Vauxhall Bridge Road for Pimlico Ø— 2, N2 !N !U !W !Y South Lambeth Road 2, N2 !N !U !W !Y 468, N68 !M !W !Y Marylebone Ø— R 2 !N !U !W !Y Ø— !N !U !W !Y !L !P !T !U !V Victoria R 2, N2 Euston Ø— u R 68 !M !W !Y Maudesley Hospital 68 !M !W South Norwood Hill Ross Road 196, 468, N68 !P !T !U !V 468, N68 !M !W !Y X68w W G Stanthorpe Road 315 !N !W !Y H&R1 Walworth Road 68 !M !W !N !W !Y H&R1 Garrad’s Road Becmead Avenue 315 N Stockwell Ø— 2, N2 !N !U !W !Y 468, N68 !M !W !Y !L !Q Gipsy Hill R 322 Norwood Crown Point/Beulah Hill 196, 468, N68 !L !P !T !U !V 196 !N !W !Y Wandsworth Road Lansdowne Green 196 !N !W !Y !L !Q !P !T !U !V Gipsy Road 322 X68w Streatham St Leonard’s Church 315 !N !W !Y H&R1 Waterloo Ø— R 68 !M !W !N !W !Y H&R1 !L !P !S !T !Z Gleneldon Road 315 Norwood High Street Gipsy Road 432, N2 X68x, N68 !M !W !Y Ø— !N !U !W !Y !L !P !T !X! T Gloucester Place for Baker Street 2 Norwood Junction u R 196 Waterloo Bridge  68 !M !W Grosvenor Road Thornton Heath High Street 468, N68 !L !P !T !U !V for Southbank Centre, X68x, N68 !M !W !Y H Norwood Park 432, N2 !L !P !S !U !V X68w !P !T !U !V !M !W IMAX Cinema and London Eye Herne Hill R 68 Norwood Road 68 !M !W Tottenham Court Road Ø— N68 !M !W !Y !L !P !T !U !V !N !W !Y West Croydon u R h 468, N68 196 Brockwell Park Gardens, 196 !N !W !Y Trafalgar Square N2 !N !U !W !Y !P !T !U !V Deronda Road, Rosendale Road X68w 322 !N !R !N !R for Charing Cross Ø— R and Thurlow Park Road 322 Westminster Ø—  N2 !N !U !W !Y 468, N68 !M !W !Y !M !W !Y Tulse Hill R 2, 432, N2 !N !U !W !Y 468, N68 Westow Hill 322 !L !Q Herne Hill Frankfurt Road 68 !M !W 68 !M !W 432, N2 !L !P !S !T !Z and Hollingbourne Road 468, N68 !M !W !Y O 196 !N !W !Y Whitehorse Lane 468, N68 !L !P !T !U !V Ø— !M !W Old Coulsdon N68 !L !P !T !U !V 322 !N !R Holborn 68 and Whitehorse Road !P !T !X !M !W !Y !M !W !Y X68w X68x, N68 P 468, N68 Hyde Park Corner Ø— 2 !N !U !W !Y Park Hall Road Martell Road 322 !L !Q for Buckingham Palace Purley R N68 !L !P !T !U !V

WEST NORWOOD DR (LAM) TfL27308.10.13 (F)