. "

co:.~:·lUZ,I ..,U~ :10.10 . . , - . de LI3!HlACION NACICNAL PUErtTORRIQUENA S~J?TB:·iB.::t~ 21 1 l 'J7b AR:·Ir;D :1!".:1\CZS Oi-" It.~:\TI02;.t\L ~IA3E..t.1ATIO!l Todcy o. .bo~£o JNO.!J :plo.ccd in the capit\.llict onterprioo,!:ew York . Hilton aotcl. ~·;a ·tho F.A.L.:;. to.l-:.c !·espor!nlbility fo~ tho action aa a protoot u.gtinst colouial c.;ovorn.or dafa.ol.llurnanuoz Colon's ao.cu:·ancos to u• ...;. cu. pi ~~in t cor;?oru tion.U to invos t in i-uor::o Rico o~d to o~~ist in P~o ~e~rc-oloction. ~hia only d~~onstratos to tho \':ork.il~.; class \'lho tho-ac tu.:.D. oppro!J!jora o t tho \10rking cloos a.Ild t!lo i·ucrto. i~ican poo 1.·lo uro really oro. Hcrnande z Colon is toJay ;,·,olco~od ut a bunquElt by the Sa!!le corpo.::·atioa:J ·.:l1ich hn.vo kopt our pooplo opprcoocJ through lov; \Wlgos,infl:.tt:..on~y st.:1nd~ds of l.i'linb, the ecnocido ol· ocn,';Iooan, ancl childroH,::s..ttcrapto to destroy our cultaro and lo.nr;~ur;o 1;ttrOUt;ri "'0 forc-;d a.ssi:.:.ilution. '.L'hat all thcso jac~-c.olo should bo in ono 0 di3cttn:..;i~:.g cocin~ ~~ovc.::bc= r- roo:n tho colo:c.io.l ole ctions of thin n only 1·cin!o.r~uf; our resolve to t:itruczlo for the indopondcnce of m Puerto ~~ico u.n til our colonizcu no. ticn !inu.lly rcachou it'::-; triu.:n:b. As :iarnon~oz Colon rc~asurcs cupit4liat corportionn th~t their invc:;t::ont :tn :·uorto i~ico \'lill i'a.ce no polU.tical couvlic~-cior..:;. ~·:o, tho F.~\.!...;i. usnure tho yunqui ioporialict:J th:.1t t!iot!lor t!loir livos. nor tli.oi'l.. prorK~rty , nor their invoatwont.:J \1ill b3 sn.fc until we obtain tho i'l.. cedo!.t for our coc.ntry. 7ho l1ono:... abla nation.:;.li3t lead<:n·,.?edro ..\lbizu Co.. ::l~oo,whoso 85_th birthc~uy '\Juo on ..;opt. 1~, toucht for the indcfond0nca of ~uorto aico to the end o! hiG lifo. .z He op!_)~:_;ed colonial elections, for ho lmo::~ th.:.lt they ocrvcJ only :< to r~iui"orco ~·o.nqui control of our l)Coplo ... o also oppose colonial •n olccto:·cl !;!'vCOOS, for 'WC balicVO th::J.t ito purpooa is to ~tO":? o·~ ••• · atrus~lo an,L r.o !ocus tho indepcnco oovo:Jont on \·;orki.n; \:Ji thin their :3yutc.·1 •.:... syotcn v1;1ich c ...-.n n0rvor be used to obta:..n i'r.Jodo::l frou c~loniul b0nuuee. In boubin.::; the 1Jc',:/ lork :iil ton, ';;O strlko a.g:..1inst on..: of tha corpor.J.tior..i; !:'.':IJ t roost rooponziblo for yan.:1ui· coloniali.:::J i!l o-ar countr,y. 0-:.t.:." uc tion toda.y alno ic in ro::1o .ubranco of .i.JoJ.ro .:\lbiza C

F, !\• L.l:. Ci:U:rAL CO~·~·tiu1D .·



~oday, commando units of FALN attacked mayor Yanki corporations 1n now York Ci~3: Those. actions have been taken in commemoration - of the October JO, 1950 uprising in against.Yanki

colonial. domination~· These bombings are also to accent the seriousnes!: of our demands for the release of the five Puerto Rican political

prisoners, the longest held ~oli tical prisone.rs in the hemisphere a . OSCAR COLI.. AZO, LOLITA LEBRON, RAFAEL· CANCEL MIRANDA, ANDRES PIGUEROA CORDERO and IRVING FLORES, and the immediate and unconditional independence of Puerto Rico. The corporations that we bombed are an integral part of Yanki monopoly capitalism and are responsible for the murderous policies

o:r the -Yanki government in Puerto Rico, Latin Ame:rica, a11d against

workers, peasants and Indios throughout the world~· It is these corporations which are responsible for the robbery and exploitation

of ~hird World countries in order to make greater profit and increase

their capital. They are the ones ~hich often decide who shall govern countries, who shall·live and who shall die. For these reasons these corporations and the criminala who run them are the enemies of all freedom loving· people, who are strnegllng for self determination and the right to decide their own destini€s.

-·-·-=-...-- -.,~ ..,.._ ____ page 2 . ' . . '· ·. We,· the c~erilleros of the FALN, have undertaken these . . bombings.· not only asainst the presence of the yanki corpora- tions in Puerto Rico, but as part of the international. workers revolution and all people fighting for national liberation.

~hese actions, along with bombing of major department stores, for three consecutive days in late spring, and the . . ' dynamite blastsJat ~ewark Police Headquarters and City Hall, demonstrate what we have said since 1969a that the Puerto Rican people organizing and arming in- order to form a Peoples Revolutionary Army which will rid Puerto Rico of yanki colonial­ ism. We have opened ...... two fronts, one in Puerto Rico the other in the ,.United States, both nourished by the Puerto Rican people and allies within Northamerica. We are not pure militarists. Therefore we do not oppose those parties oz:o people who believe in mass organization. However, to be truly revolutionary, a party must educate and . . organize the masses for the seizure of power by way of an or-· ganized and disciplined vehicle, a Peoples Revolutionary Army. A party which fails to do this falls into reformism and becomes ari agent of the bourgeoisie for the continued exploitation and oppression of the people.

~he importance of a Peoples Revolutionary Army is that it

arms the masses, and produces cadres to lead the masses to victory and \he development of a Marxist-Lennist Party, tried and tested under fire, which will educate and organize the people for the construction of a socialist society. finally, the FALN supports the demonstration, at Madison Square Garden, on Oct. 27, in support of the independence of

Puerto Rico. We view this as a significant step in the for~ation • t/ . . ' ~t ~n ~n~i~lmpe~ialist !romt, in the United States, which will -~pport a~d fight for the national liberation of ~uerto Rico,

&n~ ~g~~~t~ tne American people to the murderous and genocidal ~l~91~s 91 the yanki capitalists ·throughout.the world.




PALNr CENTRAL CO~~AND .. !- ·•.... _ ~ . '· . . . ~ ... .·., .. .. ·; ......

.. ~ -· ·--. ---...... ~

. ~· ......

ARff.ED r"OrtCES C.f' PUERTO iUCJ~N !lA'1'IC;i1\f.~ LII;:~HA't'IOI'l II

, ... ,UN···p:·• ~2 Co.... , .&....,~,.;r.,. v DECE!.\!JErt II, 197ft • • .. rr::sr)or.Udlity for tho'dynnrnito attacl; on mcr~1horn of th~ t~r.,., I York Clty pollen force, on Wed Doco:.;bor 11,1971;. • in E!J !j.\HHIO. 'l'hi a i a the re5ponsc of tho l'vorto Rlcnn pcoplo to the:

brutnl rnurdor or f.~artin "'fit.o" Pcrc1. by ~ho nndintic ard::.:1l!i

against the Puerto q)ca.n nnd BJ'acl~ co:.~muni ticn hy thr' r:.i.c i :.t

H!'w York 01 ty pol i':e departr.1~nt.

ln r~l:tl1ntlr~.~ ~1r.nin~1t Titc'::; dei.'th t:(' nro also ...~ ''''l''";w ~ ·u •· .,• '* ..... '

ot.IH'I' \nn0cont PtH'rt~ F!ir.:.'ln 'u and Black • D who have been ~)rutn! l~

Bo!1aul tt~rl and murd~rcd by roc i st cops.

fly thls action the FALN wlchc!'J to mal:c it known th~t . World ~ommuni ti<'::,. ::\S Wt~1 \ o.s Rttnck!l acnln~t o;~ Puorto Htcan

1 11 1 ''""""C\'ll' I.. (J'I• ....• C(J .....t'lo,. ' l'lI .i ",., '1,•1 . • 1 \ ·'4 ll '·"Uv 1,1._.1.··t.~· "'''1;,, t.}•., I_ ~~ ,···. r·r.·,r'. ""..l l''•!",\,.;_ ~... ·.·' ·. r',·-· •." •. ----~ ... . . · • . .. f:l ..

• •

Even 'though we support the demonstration which took place in City Hall on Monday, Decemhar 9, we fully realize that the

people will not g~tin jurtt1oG by demou~tratin4 Rn·1 fth<"utlul'l. Tho only justice "' that can bft handed out to tho murder•r• of - our people is revolutionary justice through the implementation or revolutionary violence. Yankl capitalism has developed through the utilttation

or racist policiee. The genocide or the 1nd\o!t, r-n~lflvtonHlnt of mill ions of Africans, inhumane bombing of the lndochlnune

people and the massive sterllitation of thousand~ tlf" Puerto

Rican women n.re just a few examples of the r:tc\~t J'oll<'1n~ ..

"" ' A<\ nflCJShl ~cp

teT"riblo health tr~atment, low salarien, rPleRntion of our

people to the most menial joBs and exploitation by whltehuaine~~­

men.and landlords is a symptom of capitalism.and can only be eliminated by the destruction of the yanki system of eovernmP.nt. For each repressive act taken upon our peoplt:t and fighters

for Puerto Rican ·lndt1penden~e 'fho FALN will respor~cl with r<·volul ~(·h­ ;.u·y v iolt.:nco.

TITO, CLIFF'OkV, CLfiUDE YOUhS MUHf1i:::iS HA 'IE B!·::·;N A·:r:~:r:Z.::~i

.• CO:-lUN!CA.DO t/2 11 DE DICI:C::DP..E 1971._

El Co~~do To~~a topot do iiotori~ del FAL!f, se rcsponsabiliz~

por el at~quc din~mitaro centra rniccbros de la policia en

Eata ea la rcspuoa·tn del pueblo .Puortorrlqucno por ol brutnl

usesinato de t~rtin M~ito• Perez por los ani~aloo sadicos del

cuartel 25 1~ nocha del dominzo, lr~ de dicicobra • ..:L:: a T- El at;Gsinato d3 Ti 'to cs eolnmento u:;.o doloc r!uchoo at:.quen .;= -:...-. I.....··­ .. pol.. la policia r:1cis ta de nua~"a y~rk contro las cot:!unicades ~- ~ii= 1·-· Doric~as y Notiros. --,_1- - Ruostro atuquo centra entos ~~o~alcs no Doln~ento nos venga ln cuorte de Tito sino nos dn vensnnza por cl caosinato da lcs

cuch~ohitos negroa Clifford Glovor y Clnude Roane •

. ·cojccos eo~.. oportuninnd para dojorle c~bor a la policia

qua c:ualqui~ir atuquo contra nueot'Z"tl.a cocur.idades o contra

luchadoroa por la ind~pcndencin de rusrto Rico aera reaioti~o ~,_ por la VG:.nf3t.::lrdia s.rr-...nda del puoblu; ln P'l.Lii. -·-. i- 4?. Au..,quo G.poy::tt10:J la uacootrneion qu~ se llcvo acab~ f'rente ·- ... City Hall el l'.L"'l.en, 9 do diei~t1bro, nosotro3 e~tnmea eor~'\:or.cido:J

quo la \~"\-~.en :t'ua:':u q~1o ol gobierno rJ.cict:l nr.ericano rsconcnco paglna 2 ..

B3emplos de ·estas polizaa raclotas son el genocidio perpetrado contra lo3 indios, la esclavizacion de milliones de Africanos, el bor.-tbardeo inhu:;1ano del p-::.blo Indochino y la estcrilzacion u • . masiva de miles do~cujercs Puertorriquenaa.

- El racismo eo manifestado ·en nuestrao comunidades por la r.~la educacion, falta de adecuada atencion medica, bajon salarlc3, alto porccntaje de de3emploo y la cxplotacion por lo3 dueno3 de negocios y cdificio9.

Ya vomos que el raeismo es un3G manifestacion del c~pitali~~o quo sa puede eli~inar solacente con la destrucion del sinte~a cap1tali8ta yanki. Quo esto claro, "por cada accion rcprosiva tomada contra nuestrac.co:nunid:::.dcs o·contra indapendentintas la FALN respond~rn. con violeneia revoluciBaria.



COMAHDO TO:.iAS ·LOPEZ DE VICTOR!!" FALN 11 • ! Ill t 1! ' ~ 11 1 1 UJJJ 1f I i J 11 U! ! ' I r ! 1I 1D !' PIt I !: 1i ! L!J..!l~ ~...... ,.~~~~.....,.~~-r-r:~rrr-·-y-r;-· 1 t ; • • • i ' 1 • • :' ~~~--~~------~----~--~------·- POLICE lACOW\TOlY, N. Y. C. P. l. t~C). , DATE --·--···-··-··

...... ~.·#-~-~ ·~-·· ..... :... ·"!" ·f!l'!~f" ,....,.._ .. ...,...,~11"""'C'· ...... ~9., ...... ,. ... ~~" ~...... ,. .... ,...... , :: ·t L.t· ::~;-i);:~.:fJ\: . ·. :· .. ,~; ;l. ·. :_ ·:·· }'/ ·~_::· ·-·~:.... ~

. r' ~~ .·. . .. •~- '.. ··.· '. .. · ••ir ...... ~ . : : . , .~-1 ;-- :··:l,{rr:::~i\ : .. . . ·. · J: -_.:;. __;- ·:· ·-.· ·

.-:" ·· . f ..'. ·.·. =·.:. 9 ~U~£RACICN NAC60NA1 PUfHl'I'O·~.ilC.QUliNA ... 1. ; ' . ~ ' . • # t .. • • :• ..... ·!. '•· .((·''! :, "'.J'l..,./''7 : • ~ • • ::, ••. :_ 1 : : _· . 'T. _~. ! · ' ~ . . ~ · ,-. r · · =': · ·•· :.:; ::'Tba l"'tllll: lACC'Jl'kbrout ft.llct Jrndl... Otl Fi: i · :( · · l' t\.l"t.lltlr~~~r-o, )•a ~v.nt· t;o cloiU)U.Gtrata. tiu~·out,;b·· ·our· o.ct;!.ona tllut . • .4 t ;· • • . ~-·: _ tlHl. ~:i..~tki I::.~l=~;rittl.i'ct• .J att.a~}lpt. at uufJit:li.lut.ln~ tuld .. ~n1.dllilat.ina tltrt ·.. . . . :. , . I ! . . .. i?u.orto l!.tc.c.!\ Kn.t.ion, G.t!f io tbe! C\l.UO ot tlu~ G(}Nld. i~ord' tl 11lNJliO~l to . : • • I_ , .-· ·· . a11.v.lto .Pt\O).'to J{ico o. 11t~tu or tbo Uni~ul, 1o not. &oiug ~to oo ~akolll ai ttir.l , . ~tH!rn b)' tho lih~rol..1. tiO~ll l.iri$Oll0t'1l. ·,. ; 3· ~;top Th<~ t".·a. I. to; l.{arrauc.snen.t. · Ot ~·bo l~uvrt.o:·. il1.ci~ll:·; J?oopl(t .. ' • J : !+e s t()l, ':i"ho j.llttr,ul U11o. Ot 'i'h.a- Ciru.n.d Ju1•1'. . ~~ ...I' I' .. .. .~

. . f, '. ·,. 1>. 4.: : . r .f ., I . 1 . ' . :.. · I • X .. : ' .. ~ l i .: . • I • r' t . \' . '·t:' ~ ...... , . : _·; ~ ; :' :·. I: • : . f: .' .. : I I l• ; '. ' ~ .. r . .. .~. ' ... ~ . . :. I. : . I I • • I (. .I I. I ' ·~ ,I I . • . _' ·~· ' . ~ . ••• t .. ,, • I .... \ I .. '· .:1 : ., . ~ ,,;· :; . . • .f. --..:.------. ·-·~-·-···-----··· .. it ., .... EXHIBIT I ..I



We, FALN, the Armed Forces of the Puerto Rican Nation take full responsibility for the especially detornated bomb that exploded today at Fraunces Tavern with reactionary corporate executives inside. . We did this in retaliation for the CIA ordered bomb that murdered Angel Luis Chavonnier and Eddie Ramos, two innocent young wprkers who suppoorted puerto Rican independence and,the concienoeless maiming of ten innocent persons and one beautiful Puerto Rican child six years old in a Mayaguez, Puerto Rico dining plaee on Saturday the eleventh of January of 1975~ The Yanki government • is trying to J terrorize ~nd kill our people to intimidate us from seeking our rightful independence from colonialism. They do this in the same way as they did in Viet Nam, Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, the Congo, Algeria and in many other places including the United States itself. But this CIA/Colby method will fail• In our comunique number 2 we warned the North American Government that to terrorize and kill our people would mean retaliation by us. This was not an empty·warning, The bombs exploding in Puerto Rico and the United States in support of striking workers, in demand of the release of our political prisoners and our independence and to protest the Rockefeller- Kissinger visits, have avoided·any injury to innocent people. The attacks on our people have been elevated vicious criminal brutality and murder~of hungry hard working people· You have unleashed a storm from which you comfortable Yankis cannot escape. Release OScar Callazo, Lolita Lebron,,, , and Irving Flores. FREEPUERTO Rico RIGHT NOW


·· ... de Ll:lERACICN, NACIONAL PUERTO~nlQUENA- Armed Forces o£ Natio~r Liberation · SECRET March 20,1977

Today the F. A:L. N. ta1ces the full respon.sibili ty !or the t-r:o arced actions that have been ta!~eo. against lle F.B..I.· and the .:t:::.e::-ican Bank Note Company. Two Sr..:Ools of Yanld repression 2.:!ld ~xploi tation.. We wholeheartedly protest the use or the Federal Grand.Jury agai~st th.e Puerto Rican Independence Ho"ier:tent. We also protest the use of the Federal Grand Jury here ir_ I'fe\·r York, Chicago, and it's. futUX"e use in the different parts of the United States. For the.purp9se of try- ing to stop other third world and prog!:'eszive ~ovements fro~ voi~i~g opposition. to Yanki Imperialism..•. The American. Ban..~ Note Co~~any for being one of t!le chief administrator• s :ln the ex~loitation of the World's \'larking Class .. For printing the stocks and bonds that decide which fanilies will eat and live ~ell and which o~e's will starve a~d die. This co=?anY is a.J.so the p=inter of the currency of. Several Latin Ameriqan c.ou...'"!tries, .Mexico and Guatemala b~ing tao of them. This company t~s the econc~~c power to control the flow or currency in all Latin A~erican cou~t~ies. ·G~ving absolute unilateral conetary central to A~erican.Corpora~ions. We again call for the unconditional release of our :political

. prisoners that are being held in Ya~~ and Colonial ~riscns • .~he release of the Five Nationalist Prisoners who .are the lor:5est held . ·poll tical !'risoners in the Western Hemisphere. One of the Na tiona2..ist 1 s has ter:ni::.al cancer and i! he dies in prison, his death v1ill brir..e; · serious reprecussions upon the ruling class. That pri~oner is ~~i::-e Fiqueroa Cordero. The Puerto Rican hero is being der~ed the Eu=a~ ~i6h:

to· die ·in dignity. '; e Heis being denied the right to spend n-;;;J last C.ays

w:i th his f~ily and :pea ple. ·.~: e \vill keep fighting for their re l(:3.Se • .. No catter wh~t the consequenc~~ arc to us. FALU Central Co~:n:J.nd ·' f .~· .. -.. -- ~

. , ' de LIBERACION NACIONAL PUERTORRIQUENA- ARMED FORCES·of PUERTQ RICAN NATIONAL LIBERATION " April 2,.197:5 Communique #4 .. The FALN takes responsibility for the bombings of Yanki corporations in New York on April 2, 1975 These corporations are at· the heart of Yanki irnerialism. They are important decision makers in the planning of domestic and foreign policy and benefit from the exploitation and oppression of Puerto Rico and other third-world nations as well as the north american working-class · While the working-clas·s· throughout the capitalist world su£fers from recession and sinks deeper into poverty, the profits of these conglomerates ~ontinue to grow. These actions are the continuation of an offensive aimed at·· gaining the independence- of Puerto. Rico and the release of :rive political prisoners, Lolita Lsbron. Rafael Cancel Miranda, Andres Figueroa Cordero,. Irving Flores,. and ~ We are especially concerned with the release right now of Figueroa Cordero who i~ dying of cancer His death in prison will result in grave consequences for the 1anki Capitalist class. The bombing of the Anglers Club, an exclusive millionaires club that boasts of members like the Rockefellers, was a retalitory attack against that sect~r of the North American ruling-class which is direc-tly responsible for the actions of the c. I.A. and for the wave of repression which is being murderously implemented in. Puerto Rico. Our attack on January 24,1975 was not in anyway directed against working•class people or innocent North Americans The targets of our attack were bankers. stock brokers. and i~portant corporate executives of-monopolies and multi-national corporations. These are not friends of the working people But the enemies of. · humanity everywhere. · •' The bomb: attack in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico was. the most vicious of the 160 acts of c. I.A terror in the last two years against the Puerto Rican people.iThe enemy has to resort to fascist terror because the contradictions in colonial Puerto Rico are being un­ masked so rapidly that the only way they believe they can control the people is by instilling fear by the use of force· • 1 I~!!!~} 'I' p jll ;II p1 Pj'l'l'l11'1 1l111j1111'1 ~I' PI' Pj 1 PI 'I ~1'.1'1' l'j' 1'1'1 ~I' p jllljll' pI il .. • f ,_ .. _ ·- f , .,.·.f

To the FALN:·" the issue is very clear; at no time can we allow an attack by the enemy upon our people to go unanswered. Fascist terror is met with revolutionary violence. . ,

FREE PUERTO RICO NOW t Release the five Puerto Rican political prisoners in Yanki jails!


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l'l~!~J' pI' II I \1' I' p''I' p 11; 1'1 11 11' I' Iw p I' 111 1' f'I ~1 1' 1 1pI' f-'-. sr 1 1'1'1' I' II '61 POLICE LABORATORY, N. Y. C. P. L. No. DATE -

.... '' t


. . 't ·--- .. \ A:oril.-9th:. 1977 -· .. l . ... " ...... ·~- . .. . ~· . ' .... 1 , .. . ~oday s actions ~arks au:=. ae~er::::J..ce:!. effo:::ts to free c~_ .f:o=. the co~trol.o! Y~~~~ I=~=rial~sts, \ ... :ploitatiO!'!. •Of our na't.u:ral resourca3. ~t no ti:::.e Wi·ll. we let any corpo­ ratio~ or .the colo~ial gover~eut.of ?~e:::to 3ico atte:::.pt to i-i~e ou= nat~al r:sources. This also i~cl~ies a~y off-shore·d=illi~g for ~~trc le~·.

. . ..• ...... -·· . ---="'"· .. -··. ~ .... -::.. • - ...... , --~··. ·-c. .:.... .

S:ince last yaa:!: the Y,:t:n.lr~ Jury ;roces.s to stop t:.e growth of the :na:A..t.- effo:::-ts

ihese are not e~pty t=:eats ~d ·O~ actio~s ~rov~ tc~t. a.:n::f.. o:c.e of tna Fiv~ tratior.al.ist C.i~z.in .jail, there a:!:".e going to 1:e se: ous reparc~ssio~. . do not i~sua e~p~J tr.reats. Anires Fi~ueroa Cordero has to be·re!aas~ . ~ .. . - ~eciat~l~ or his ~eath i:n jail ~ill bring a sar~ous blow upon t~e he . . of the ic~erialists.

F;.L!-i C en t:-al Co--== ,d

"•-·------..... ~~· ... ',·-~·--·-· -~ ..... --...... -.....,_....~----·---·~-- ... ----·· _,:" .... ~-·---·'"-

., ·"' ,...... ·. ..

) . . COMMUNQUE N0.5

, de LU!ERACION NACIONAL PUEI1iO:l~IQUENA- ARr,'fED FORCES OF NATIONAL I.,IBERATION . Oh Saturday June 14, 1975, thou~ands of Puerto : Ricans will be rr:arching in the Puerto Rican Day . Parade on state street -,. They will be protesting against poor education. bad housing. racism, police brutality, unemployment· In essence ag.1inst the exploitation that they are subjected to on an every d~y basis. . · In solidarity with the protest contingency Yle have undertaken the following bor.1bings of Yanki imperialist institutions; the United America Bank_.,/ First National Bank, and the United States Federal Building which houses various a;a~cies of repression, ex. erA, F'BI ,LEAA .. Also .. -the Det;art:::ent of In;migra tion. which at this time is trying- to bla_:ne the failing economic system on our chicano bro:hers and sisters. This at;ency is·respcnsible for the massive deportation and repressive actions against our chicano and mexican workers. These actions also demor.strate to the United~States Government that the mobile guerrilla units of the }1\LN can hit 2.nyV!here in the United States. Once a~;::~ in; we d~:l:::?..l!d t~P. ir.;:-:1edia te release of the :four NATIO~lALis·r PRISGNE~S being held in yanki .iails • _and the unconditional indepE;ndance of PUER':CO RICcn., We also wan~to exp~ess our solidarity with the victbrious peopl~ of VIETNAM.CA~BODIA,and LAOS. '.rhei'r victory fs our victory!

FREE PUERTO RICO NO~ FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS FALN CENTRA'L C01·'1!•lAND ··~.--· --··- : .. ~----- .... ---- . ; . . ' . ,I

de ll~!rtACCON NAtiONAL PU!H1Tonniau!':NA Armed Forces Of Puerto Hican Hational Liberation . -- 0 c t • 2?, 1975 Today, armed units of the FALN commemorate,. the 25th ii.nni "tersar~ c~ the October 30 1 1950~revolution in Puerto Rico against yanki do~inatiot a~d ma~ks the first anniversary of our existence as an organization, by .:a'Jnching a simultaniously coordinated attack against Yanki government anc =.'l:topoly capitalist institutions in Uew .York, ·~·/ashington D.C., Chi?ago, ax: ?uerto Rico. We demand the im=ilediate independence of l'uerto Rico and the un·c ·:itional release of the five Puerto. aican Nationalist prisonez:s; Oscar :.:ollazo, Lolita Lebron, Rafael Cancel Hiranda., Andres Figueroa Cordero·, an · Ir~ting Flores, as ·uell ~s other P~erto Rican Political Prtson~rs in Yanlti

!. :olonial and neo-colonial prisons.\ i . . . . ' -~·:e extend our: friendship. and-: solidarit'y to the United States .... ----~· ' . .. --. -· ...... -.,...... ·::.:>:-king class, our allies i!J th~ s,t~u~gl~ ·against Yank.i racism, who like ?uerto Rican workers are bging pushed out of work and forced to the unem- . ... ' . ~ •. .•. : . : ~1o1~ent lines while Yanki ·6oip~rations, and ~speciially the banks, are -~-~1ng billions in profit~.-· While ~he ·rich and t~eir pupp~ts in govern- .. ' . !!i.en.t eat and drink well off tl:le sweat of ·wor)ters,. more and more people are • • .. .. • 0 ~ 0 '• <.. .; •... ' 0 .. :•• ~ '·. ~ ' .. ; .. • ~. ~ ... t M' ::eins pushed into the une:nploy:nent lines...... :. :.),·~J ;·,-.::·· ~~ ~ : .. VIe also wish to draw attention to the just cause:or tho pana~ ~aaian people who wish to recover their canal zone. We express our uncon­ i.i tional support· for the~ in th~ realization that the. removal of ;the Yanld • ',. • ' :.· I ' •• '> : • ~ # l :olonialists_fro~ the ar~~-~s just as important as our national indepandcnc ' ...... , .. . ' . . . . ' . .. - Jhould :the Pana~ania~ pe~pl7 .. L?e for~ed .~o ;:.;t'~~ort.~Jo .:~r~~, -:~he. ~A~N wi~l.gi ~~ the!ll ,support necessary. .. :.. ... · ..... ·...... ·. :· , '· r· • -. ... wh~tever.... ,...... · ...... •' .. . '.i~· . . ... ~ .' . . ' .. : . . . '"' . .. . ) ~ ...... ~ l . ·: "" .. } .. ,. . -" • , . ·~,:~ ..... \,...... ' ~ . The FALN welcomes the support given -the Puerto Rican National 1. . 1beration struggle at the solidarity conference in ·and th~ meeting ·!I or Uo~-aligned nations in. Peru in Septcmb'er. . . , -~·

. .. ~ .. . • '...... ·.. ' .. ·

...· ~. "* .... ; ' • 1\ I', ...... '• '~. ~ ~ ~ ...... :.. " f ' ', .... •• f ' • ,. : ::: ~- ...... -:--·-""---·--··-·· ... -~ ... .. •. • ...... • .. . ! :_ : '. ,, ·.' ·... "', : ~ ~ l :·~ ·:' '. . \ . . .. r· . --...... -·. . r .• ·.. -:-. ·"' ... . .;. .. • t' .~ .... ,.. ' • 1.. • •• • - 9 ·esp~c.:Laily aclm0\7ledge .;ha ~oral support gi,ren to Jur organization by ;he Cuban people and government in a speech made by Prime ·z·tinister Fidel

• t .. • ;astro· in rl.ugust in which he said that thEt C_uban government would do all t could t~ support the ~ALN. -~lth6u3h we-have acquiredeeverything we need . ' it this time from our own efforts,· As ·the ~truggle intensifies and the needs ~n~~ease, we may have to clairn concrete expression of such support, not only . . . :::-o~t the revolutionary government of. Cuba, but frO!"l all supporters of Puerto :ican independence. ·-· These d~velopments, co~bined with the recent victory ot the Puert6 :i:an cause at the lJ ni ted, !ia tions where the Yanki gorillas were.· fore ed ~o f:r::;ose their claws to the world by resorting to racist arm twisting of their ~~u allies in order to prevent a committee discussion or the case of Puerto ~ico, reaffirms our position; Only a protracted, organized art:ted struggle can force the Yanki ~~vadcrs out of Iuerto Rico. At a ti~e when our cause is.rooted in the international community, :~~ imperialists are undergoing a political and economic crisis in the u.s. ~ni else~~here, and our historical le8acy of struGgle is given living proof I . ~Y t!'le existence of the 1-.. ALN and the ·political prisoners. Any organization b:!tcrine; ..t"a~ll..· ~~~:;~taz:y _fOl~-tic~. ~.. ~~h. ~n .. ~!].e ·:.c~~OJ?.Y 1.~ _C?n~Y._.?~r~~l?-~~r~pg .. ;.jo , . 1. t •t• . t .. ,.... :,·; :' o_onJ.a ~s. ac 1cs.• "" · ... ' '"·'"'• .... -_...... ; • . . .. .:. . ... "·• " ...._,..-· ... _.;...., ... ;.•.• ...... •_· ... ,__ ..;...... ·· l...... \ ...... _1 ·-:~ "" ...... ' ,'"l.,...... The role of Vanguard and progressive organizations no·.v in Puer~o rr .. " • : " • • • , • # • "' • • - • • •• ._. •• • • _..._ ..... :ico is to organize the armed struggJ,.e, telescop~ the con~radictions and_: .. -,.: .. • ., ... - · ..· ...... ~ ...... ····"'*""" ~stablis~. the. P~?.p~e~ -, Ar::~y o._r_ National ~ip~~~_tion~ ... :, -~: :-:·~. _·-:_:;; ~; ::-.~:~ t .-~ ~ r .. ~;·_·.i: ~e uish ~o extend· our soiid~rity with all th~ organiza~ions _w~ging_ :;x::ed struggle wi.thin the U.s. ~g~:i.~~t· yanki- im:P~ri~ii~~ ~br~ad. ~nil. ~api t~~ .. • . . • .. -· .. i . -· ...... • · ...... 0 - ... ' • -· ..... list ex~loi t~tion of the I-iorth A:nerican working class. We support the de- ~!~ition of a single working class. to which eyeryon~ liv~ng in. the Vni~ed:~ ~ ...... " . . .. ~ . - ...,...... States arid working within it belong, despite cultural and ethnic difierencet • . • . • • . • , r ._ ·• ~ • •• . • . ., ~. ,. 6 • ., •.t

\;hich actually enrich your country. . . . ·.. . • .- ... ~. ~ .. i' . .. ; ...; .~ • , :. .· •• ~ ~~ •.•.• • • • • • • • • t •. ~. ~ ... n• • • : "' ... # - •• ·~"' - :.. .,. .. • ~ 0. •# ... ,. • ~ •• " • " ...... t; I...... L - Finally, -..·te send our y;armest·. and most affectionate greetings_. to.:-·.·,) :.:_. .:. freedom fic;hteJ;s of our -~atin American homeland from Argentina! s Tierra. iel Fuego ~o the ~ou~h, . to .. Hex~co .. i~. th~ nor.th where ~he struggle _continues ~o end _fac~st olie:;archies ap.d their Yanki masters, and who are creating the ::~ny Viet-~iams. necessary for the total de~truction of impertalism and ..the:.

of der.~~c:-.:tc:i, justice, and e\lttality~ ... _.... . ! ....

_.. .·, .. . Independe~ce for Puerto Ri:co, now! ...: .. ·· ... : ·:. ·· !' • -. Free the Puerto Rican.Political prisoners!

. ·:: :· . ;... · . . . . .: .. , . . .. . F. A. L.N. , Ccn trnl .Command .- .;.. .. . , . t ...... ~ .. • I .:., - . \ .. · •.. , ,,...... ' ......



Armed como.:w.do u.nitG or tho F.:~... L.:: •. , taka rcopon.cibility ror the dyn;u:dte att.cl.ckG ag.:.t.inct yan.ki ·r:onopoly·capita.J..ist and.ropressiva in:Jtitutiono in tho SOUTil D:-<01~: .. nnd :·t:~·EiNl?I'A~~. Faced· -.:.~ith tho dovclop::tont of n gro~nc rcvolution~~Y ~tion~l liberation ~ovc~cn~~ tho iQpcrialiot viEJll to nloc.itioizc" their subjuuation end exploitation or tho Pucrto­

~ican people by holdinc an ccono~e c~t confcronco on Juno 27-28, . ~1.th Dovcn m.:1jor capi~liot countricc(u.:;.,Groat 3rita.in,FrD..:lc6, IUl.ly,

\':ost Gcr,::a.ny 1 Ju.r~n). The prcscnco in l·uorto rico of thcnc rorl.!lor o.nd

proaont colo~ioto Dhould bo with tho ~oct cili~t doaon~trations

possiblo. ~':ork otol(Pa.soc 1 organized nt~oct fichtin£,; o.gdnst thJ acent.o or reprosoion, and sabotac.;o of c;ovt. nnd tlillta.ry i.lwtalla.tions ohould be tho order or the day. All attcoptn by tho yunki enc~ to ·consolidate

it•s control over Puerto Rico ~ust be met by the organiz~d arced resistance or the people. To full ~nto the electoral. trap or enter . into negotiations with the colo~l govt. at a timo ~hen tho seed for revolutio.:l :ts Eproutinl; in Puer-to Itico in dcroatizt ll!ld countcr­ rovolutiona.ry. For this reason t:c support tho receD:tly ror::::.cd R:!:'J'OLU- ::'IOI~!./l A:;~.rr-:L:CTOP...:.r. F~C!~'il, co::posod or the LiGa .3ociulistn., Pcrtido

Co::unista Pucrtorriquon:11 i·~ovi.t:lic:Jto Soci.ulictc. Fopulc..r, and Pc. .rtido

::aciona.lic ta. Once il£!'?-in \"iC tl·::lkc OUl" dc:::a.li.dc;

• •••) M•l•" !.:..-•! J..; ......

~hie at tc.ck io c..leo i:1 :.::li tc.!lt solidc.ri ty wi til. tllc :~orth- I~crican \':orl:inc-cln.sa, OCllCCio..ll:; in tho !:i ou th .Sroi!:"', \iilich io bearinG l .r• • '• . • - tha 'full brunt; of· tho ~:ra.!litic capito.li.ot1:1 .a:eivo io:: c;roator ,Prof:ita and con:Jolid.ation of cnpito.l.

~0 our CO!!lradoa 1!1 SOUT:I AP':~ICA., J!iOD:::SL\1 o.nd a:~-tiB!!L, flO aontl our

~o our JJirltera and b:rotllars in L.\T:U: .i~·l~HIC:\ \1ith who:.:1 vo ·ahara tho vigion of the continental struoslo!~o sand ou: lovo ~d co:L~tt~ont . . to cro~ in P\J~·~o RICO· one of the man:~ VIE'Z-!:.A.:·lZ \Jhich c:!E IiO clear_~

saw and p:'Odictod ao naces.Gi:ll:'y f'pr the liberu.tion of the .AH~~IC,\'S• ....

•41ft* '.

• .. .. . ~......

•... ·J.,_ •


proto ot ot tho ;pr\:Tconce of ~ colonial loachoa a ttond.ing a • .. natio~ convo ntion o! ono of the ruling ~tion in tho u.s.

~heoo paru.oi.too. h.a.vo nrulo it thoir lifot~o clooion to ·

~orpotua.te tho ocono!do and political onolavomont-ot the PUi.Jt~~u

I aiCAll pooplo. Tho coat ot thia onalavonont io tho lo:~a of m.illlons

-. o:,.Plo1taUo!1 t7hicll {ioca to ou'hoidizo. tho .r~o!it. or u • ..;. eorporuUc I 1 :.honovor tho FUEi~TO RICAn· pooplo ;p.""'toot _tbio exploi~tion And.

do~d 1ndopondonco, thoy oro ~~orod with bullota and doath.'-

~e do~d our unconditional inder~ndonco now·nnd tho ~Qdinta

. ~ . roloa.ae of our nvo ·political pri.oonoroa ~ ... ~IT.~\ .L~!o:; 3 A~;!):~: Ficu:_

1 ··c-~"'··~o ·':')HT..... ~,.. -,-:_ ('" ., ~ .-;'~ ~ ':'\ r." .... c~· '"I"'-* ··n · ... d c··',.. A 7:) '".. ,. .. 1 ~ ~o \.1 .. ..J_., fj .L.:.•'t'->hJ ...uv .. ::.....Jt ... ..J.J:a ...... u ..,~._...... !..! t'~ .·.a., .... 1n:n· uldl•• vV11.0.J.1....J •

Ue nsnin co.ll your o.ttontion to tho vary poor h~th o~ A.:4J:L~

FIGU...:~~,\ cc:-::J ::·.~o \:Jilo ia dyins ot ~cor smrl t:ho ha.s boen oporatod

on throo t1:.:oo. Hio do~th in ,.,ricnn ·r:ill ·~c~llt in t'.l~ aovc!"ont

COHi·LuiJO. u::I~ A:JD!~ DIG~ . 'lflo!'\:-t :r:·~t .'~"''M- 1 ,T,.,n f ~1\u-· u_ .. ,.,u ...... '-·'-J ..... CCRD:!.;Q

----··-·-···· -- . ·--··- __ ...... ___ -·~ . ----·· ..._ ...... _.-...... - .


. c~·l\IUNIQUE


Since June of 1976, ·we have launched an offens-ive to dramatize th.., a t r a. !l g 'l 1 a t i o n. o r t h ~ P..l e r t o R: ~ a n. p ~ :J ? 1 e 1 ~ the · ~- s 1 s. :1 d a. s ..-r -3 11 !l ' !~ th~ ,. s. by the yoke of Yanki !~perialism. Puerto Rico surre~s !tha highest degree of exploitation and oppression of ant country in the Western ~~~ishere. A classical ~xa~?le of this is t~e 1mpr!~o~~ent of our five nationalists patriots whose only orime was a desire and o~mmit~ent to see our oountry free. Lolita Lebron, Rats.el Ca.nc9l ~iranda~ Irvin~ ~lore~. Oscar C~ll~zo ~nd A,dra~ ~~~~eros. Cordero together hs.ve served over one hundred years in prison. The latter has canoer and hi~ chances o~ livinz a~e VPrt d!~. Ev~n u~d~r t~tse :)~:tditions, he r~~a.i~~ a ?r!s~n.~r w~ile killers, rapi~ts. andoth~rs who are also oo~on criminals, like ~ichard Nix~n are allo~od ~o go tree. THIS !S A GROSS INJUSTIC~t

Our offensive is not direot3d at the Amsrioan p~opls (~he workers, the ~o.r:iler, t'l3 c.a~ive A":t.

Our atrugglo is tor th~ indcpendenoe or ?uerto Rioo, and tor the treedom of the f1vo nationalists. But we will not sit idle while there is oppression and exploitation o~ white workers, the poor. • . .' .. ·. . ... ··.. ~. • . .. . . '

·. . . •


: I • . f ..· .., 1 : I : i ...

the blacks. the woman. or the last vestiges of racism. We seek juaticesand we shall see that justic~ prevaila.

~ .. ~ur acti~os 'toc!£ht cgainst the Holiday Inn. the office ot the I Co~onwealth l' of Puerto Rioo and other sites demonstrate once . ~~ain our a~ility to hit the targets ot u. s. imperialists and .. ·''I'• thoir allies. •

For now let it be understood that & tree and Socialist Puerto Rico, 1t necessary. will be writton in red blood. The nation ia courage and aaorificos. Puerto Rico belongs to the.Puarto Ricanst free Puerto Rico nowt Free the five nationali.ats no2!J.

Comando Central. • •t • -

Febr-uary 28. 1 982

The FAL.f\ essumes fu1 i respo ns 1b~i 1:y ~or the bomb1 ngs which nave o::ured 1r. the financial sec~r of W~11 St~eet on Sunday, Feb. 2!, 1982. This &rQed tttact against yant1 imperla11st corporations and institutions iz part of our continuing •ar for the iiber&tion of our haleiand fro= Un1t~ States :o1or.1llis~. for the i~ed1~te tnd uncone1tionat r-e,eese of our Prisoners of War and ?c11tic~1 prisoners, and in sol1dar1ty with the heroic Sa 1vac1orean peop1 e and their anz~ed vanguard the Fr-ente Farabundo Mart1 de L1ber-ae1on Nac1onal (FMUf). It is the r-esponse of the Puer-to Rican people 1n ex~le to the latest Pr-o I'Xlunecments by the U.s. 1mperia t ists as ma n1 fcsted thrr-ough their mouthpieces Reagan (Jan. 12, 1982) and Speaker of the House O'Neil (Feb. 12, 1982) tr~t the yant1 imper1l1ist government supports statehood for- Puerto Rico. Aga1n the tsnperialtsts have made clear their designs for our homeland: to culminate the colonizition of Puerto Rico by ab­ sor~1ng 1t into the yant1 federal state. They intend td do this with the support and blessing of 1nte~nationa1 cap1tal1~ as ~s clear.1y stated 1n 1977 by then president For-d at a Trilateral Commission ge!ting held on Pue~to Rican so1l stoien from us by the parasitic, connivingt thieves and murdere~. the Rockefellers. We the oppressed Puerto Rican nat1onai1ty forced to abandon our be· loved home1and to 11ve and survive in the wretched slums and ghettoes of the u.s. know what statehood really signifies for the Puerto Rican people. Statehood for Puerto Rico means genocide. It is a l1fe of ser­ vitude to the interests of a ~rof1t hungry, parasitic minority, the total destruct~on of our identity, language, values, nationality, culture and the plunder and rape of our land and natural resources for the benefit of the yank1 capitalists. This we must and w1l1 -resist. Puer-to Rico 1s not nor ever will be part of the U.S.A. Puerto R1co belongs to the Puerto Rican people. This we wtll defend and f1ght for until victory or death. --l.. The FAL.N wishes to bring to the attention of the people of Puerto~., . r ... Rico, the United States and the world the inhumane treatment that our jailed canrades and member-s of our orgaj1zat1on, the Eleven Puerto Rican Prisoner-s of War (Oscar Lopez Rivera. Lucy Rodriguez, Carlos Alberto Tor!"es, !aydee Torres, Lu1s Rosa. Altcia Rodriguez, Ricardo Jimenez, Dylcia Pagan Morales. Antongiorgi, EltzaM Escobar, Carmen Valentin) are !"!te1v1ng 1n the dungeons of the yant1 prison system. Their health problems have been 1grored, prison authorities are constantly harassing and att•pt• ing to Pf"Ovoke them, they have been kept in lock-up and isolation for weeks at a time, family visits have been interfered w1th, literature and read1 ng • ter-ial is denied the~~. and they are constantly being placed in situations where physiea 1 and mental stree is appl 1eLuis Rosa and the de- nial of medical attention for Haydee Torres even when prison doctors diagnosed the possibility of her havtng an early stage of can:er. Despite a n&tionLi a-nd intel'"ft&tion&.l c:uptigft wt:i:h mobUized aedieal voups, eiy1e and ~eiig1ous o~91ntzations, ~~ters, studeats &Rd profess1ontts ""o pr-essured tnt yanti 9CVtr-nHftt and 1ts blf"eau of ~1sons sill N.s not *" attended tc • Our or-~n1ution will ~~at t.olr&tt any phyt1c:&l CM" aent&l ham ctone to our ec.rades to go unans~~Mr-ed:. We df!Dirtd they be treate

pagl 3

Tnt Mexiee.r: aover-f'll')ent a.l~ ela.iru tc $UQ?Ort Puerto Riear. 1ndepaftdencc. It has e¥en ~sted ar. intern~tiona, ~nfer-en:c ht s.ol1dar1ty with Purto Rican 1ndc::"Jer.Cence ~ nn s igage &s "dtftnder cf the oppr-essed• ts a f&r-sc. lt 1' a c:over for the. 110st brvtt1 &ftd Otr"'!SSiYt explottlt1oa of thl t.­ J:IOYI'r1 s~~ ~ ic:llr. D! sses t;.y the ft\ex1c:an ol iga1"'c:h.r and yant:.i iape-1& 1 h::m. Ltte in E1 Stlvtldor thousans of Mexietn worke-rs, peasants. students, pro­ fe~s1ona1 and rerrolut1onar-ies h.!Yt been &ssas1nated or 0 d1sappear-ed• by the r-epre,s1v~ aoen:1 e; and the right w1 ng death squada or-gantted anc! finance~ by the Mexican ruling class. In Ae.xfc:o law and order is •1ntatnad th~ugh assasinat1or., terr-or and tortvte. The true intent of Mexico•s progress1v; fore1pn policy is nothing but & .anuvtur to ~sk re~sston at home and to serve as 1 stabfl1z1~ far1:e 1n the area a;~ inst tht popular ar.d revol~ionary movements so that they do not sw1nv to far to t~ left. ln the st~teqy of the 1•peritl1st$ ft appears as tbe nice 9UY white the U.S. 1s the bad. Our struggle for national l1bertt1o" does not ne~ th1s •solidar1t,a f?-Oil ::urders, torture!"s and exp1o1te!"s. They are tht enc.1ts of fl"eedc. lov1nq people everywhere. We do not need to p~st1tute cur political princ1~les to 2a1n the temporar-y support of our class tneaies who •111 1!\'entually betray us when we na longer benefit th• or JPrYt their fn- tere;ts. , ~ To OUT' Chfcano-f".ex1ano, Slact an~ Native -r.erican IJN)the,.s lftd / sisters ..no are 1'19hting .w1th1n tht yantf federal state to regafft tht · lands and territory stolen from th&J .- extend ou,. deepest an4 most s1net~ revelutioner1 so11dar-tty. The FAlft supports the reua1ffcation of the Ctz1cano-14tx1ear.o \an:Ss tn tht Southwest and Wtst with Mexfco aad the crttt1on of a ftOn .. lt~n~ and soe1alitt P'ttxfec; tht legftftlate r1; ht of' 81 act people to the land arH 1n t~ South and the ere-~tion of the nation of new Afrte~; 1ftd tht right of tht! Ntt1ve-.&4!ericaft peoples• a"d nattons to recapture thtir o:cupfed lands. For us thete 11 eJ'\1 y 'ne road: a reed stru~gl1. and ont enemy: yantf i•ptr1t1 t•. In the t;p1rit of proletar11n 1raternet1onalfsn the F.ALN w111 contribute to tbe destr-uction of the 1aper1a1 fst yank1 federal st•te by •gtng ar~~ld strugg1e untn !'uarto R1c:o1s free of yantf co1on1a11SIJ and frtterferDCe. To the Black freedom fighters who are rresently rtttifing tbe full we1ght of the yanki reprnt1ve nch1nary and who are btfng tilted and brtured by these agents of death, ~'"' strert;th. courage and ..t11 to fight has 11$pfred us • ~~ support your fight ag1anst the colorafal f!ftslavaaent ct your people and for Mew Africa and we are as ter't&fa of the h'ev1tabf1 tty ot' ~ur y1ctory as we are of ours. Wa also wish to exr:rftst ovr solo1clartt.r with the thr"tt noc-thalrricans captured 1" the Br-1nts eJ.propriat1on. By 1 tl'!iirtg ap with 10ur Black CCII• rade~ an~ 11attn~ their strvggle )'Our OlL'n you have put fnto practice tht len1 n1 st p-tnet pl e ~~1ch states that the duty of thl .,rking class and adY1need seetz:,P"S in the i•per1a11st countries is to actiyely assist .. - ~. . - ...... ' .• !


=:.U?"> &nd wi t1 to fi gnt has insp1rl

, tM llltU•.OON NACIONA.t. .-untotttQUEMA.-

boe&t.ISe •th~y htve nothing to htor• are only foo1 tn; ttt.lstl¥'K. wua they \eat expect ~t thl ency wi11 armtnf\at1 tta ff it f•lc these Or>?ani:.ct,ons tJ:)U l trret t. Purto R~cc 1s 1 nation ifttr"Yenecf by 1 ~Ntign ;over. It ts. antt.ar-tly, con=a~a.lly and poltti:atly oc:c:upted. lu a rn.u,t tro~ J>ue!"to R1can peoJ'lt h&vt &l•ys hac! a r-ight to piet UP' 1rr.2s ~~ the r:onc1ttions fOf'" ar"H4 st:'M.t9gle have alcys txistecl. Wt.a t hls been 1acJi ng at c:eru tn Dt'Aients t.ve been tht rwolvt1oMr-y or-;an1ut1onswhro w1li laad thts ctrug~le. lbw thest ot"g&rtizattons extst. Thett- ex1,t&net r:h&l l&ngn f!fry independent 1st& tD efthef't .,_.e fo,.....r-~ by support1n~ and jo1n1ng the .-..olut1ttMry arwecf elanoQstine o~ant:at1ons ot- step aside and show thetr trut colors by Joi r.i ~ the refomt st and autonoe1st sector"S whtch a,.e try1ng to eo~-..~ t n the arl:led Stnlilglt fo,. tndependen:e and soet& l tsc. Th! s;.,::::ess or ou,.. str-uggle is def)endaat on the ~h aM effe:tiveness of the a~ed clandestine politieotmflita,..y ~gantll­ t1ons. Or.ly they a,..e 1n a position to effectively e~btne and 118d the N.ss •nd ara:e<1 struggles. Thtr"efore 1t 1s this un1ty wh~ch wt must ~rk fer. Thr-ough the union of the armed clandestine Or"gantza­ ttcns, ~ieh have been born and developed ·troll reYolutionary theory and practtee and tn the heat of blttlt. we wfll of""ganize the Nlttonat Ltber&ti:n front and 1ts &i11t&t-y detachment the ~eoplc's Reroluttona~y ~. It will be th1a vehicle wnteh wt11 drive the yankt ta~taltsts from Puerto R1eo and which w111 lead to the neeessafl'y str"Uetul-es for thl con,tr"uct1on of a socialist society.