Plo.Ccd in the Capit\.Llict Onterprioo,!:Ew York
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. " co:.~:·lUZ,I ..,U~ :10.10 . , - . de LI3!HlACION NACICNAL PUErtTORRIQUENA S~J?TB:·iB.::t~ 21 1 l 'J7b AR:·Ir;D :1!".:1\CZS Oi-" It.~:\TI02;.t\L ~IA3E..t.1ATIO!l Todcy o. .bo~£o JNO.!J :plo.ccd in the capit\.llict onterprioo,!:ew York . Hilton aotcl. ~·;a ·tho F.A.L.:;. to.l-:.c !·espor!nlbility fo~ tho action aa a protoot u.gtinst colouial c.;ovorn.or dafa.ol.llurnanuoz Colon's·ancos to u• ...;. cu. pi ~~in t cor;?oru tion.U to invos t in i-uor::o Rico o~d to o~~ist in P~o ~e~rc-oloction. ~hia only d~~onstratos to tho \'; class \'lho tho-ac tu.:.D. oppro!J!jora o t tho \10rking cloos a.Ild t!lo i·ucrto. i~ican poo 1.·lo uro really oro. Hcrnande z Colon is toJay ;,·,olco~od ut a bunquElt by the Sa!!le corpo.::·atioa:J ·.:l1ich hn.vo kopt our pooplo opprcoocJ through lov; \Wlgos, st.:1nd~ds of l.i'linb, the ecnocido ol· ocn,';Iooan, ancl childroH,::s..ttcrapto to destroy our cultaro and;~ur;o 1;ttrOUt;ri "'0 forc-;d a.ssi:.:.ilution. '.L'hat all thcso jac~-c.olo should bo in ono 0 di3cttn:..;i~:.g cocin~ ~~ovc.::bc= r- roo:n tho ole ctions of thin n only 1·cin!o.r~uf; our resolve to t:itruczlo for the indopondcnce of m Puerto ~~ico u.n til our colonizcu no. ticn !inu.lly rcachou it'::-; triu.:n:b. As :iarnon~oz Colon rc~asurcs cupit4liat corportionn th~t their invc:;t::ont :tn :·uorto i~ico \'lill i'a.ce no polU.tical couvlic~-cior..:;. ~·:o, tho F.~\.!...;i. usnure tho yunqui ioporialict:J th:.1t t!iot!lor t!loir livos. nor tli.oi'l.. prorK~rty , nor their invoatwont.:J \1ill b3 sn.fc until we obtain tho i'l.. cedo!.t for our coc.ntry. 7ho l1ono:... abla nation.:;.li3t lead<:n·,.?edro ..\lbizu Co.. ::l~oo,whoso 85_th birthc~uy '\Juo on ..;opt. 1~, toucht for the indcfond0nca of ~uorto aico to the end o! hiG lifo. .z He op!_)~:_;ed colonial elections, for ho lmo::~ they ocrvcJ only :< to r~iui"orco ~·o.nqui control of our l)Coplo ... o also oppose colonial •n olccto:·cl !;!'vCOOS, for 'WC balicVO th::J.t ito purpooa is to ~tO":? o·~ ••• · atrus~lo an,L r.o !ocus tho indepcnco oovo:Jont on \·;orki.n; \:Ji thin their :3yutc.·1 •.:... syotcn v1;1ich c ...-.n n0rvor be used to obta:..n i'r.Jodo::l frou c~loniul b0nuuee. In boubin.::; the 1Jc',:/ lork :iil ton, ';;O strlko a.g:..1inst on..: of tha corpor.J.tior..i; !:'.':IJ t roost rooponziblo for yan.:1ui· coloniali.:::J i!l o-ar countr,y. 0-:.t.:." uc tion toda.y alno ic in ro::1o .ubranco of .:\lbiza C<l!.lpos' u bir :i.t:ta.y and ~cpto;.Jbcr 23, tho lOS :.:1 a.nnivor::J.::LrY of Otl.r' I~i.r:.~t rcvolu !:i~n ugain! ;.ipanioh coloniali!:;3:" ·:. e also wi::;h to co~..::.~cn.icato proiou41d c;orr0\'1 on the dcat11 or. c:IAI.i.~:~.A~~ ~~0 ~3E TU:F..i W!lo 1o "";~aching l'~o inopirod tho ontiro F •. A.L.H. every atep o! tho wo.y •. FR3S ~:i:B :i.l\.TIO:TALIS~ P;~ISO~;E.1S! IUD~r;;:~:'L1~i~S~ I:'O.J PU~1TO RICO ~zo~·;r . 0Pl?0:3..:! EL.:::;c~o.l.L OP?Ol~i'U~li;.;H I4i RICO 1 F, !\• L.l:. Ci:U:rAL CO~·~·tiu1D .· de LI~ERACION NACIONAL Pl!ER10~UIQUt:NA ARMED FQRCES OF PUERTO RICAN NATiuilAL LIBERATION COMMUNIQUE N0.1 OCTOBER 26, 1974 ~oday, commando units of FALN attacked mayor Yanki corporations 1n now York Ci~3: Those. actions have been taken in commemoration - of the October JO, 1950 uprising in Puerto Rico against.Yanki colonial. domination~· These bombings are also to accent the seriousnes!: of our demands for the release of the five Puerto Rican political prisoners, the longest held ~oli tical in the hemisphere a . OSCAR COLI.. AZO, LOLITA LEBRON, RAFAEL· CANCEL MIRANDA, ANDRES PIGUEROA CORDERO and IRVING FLORES, and the immediate and unconditional independence of Puerto Rico. The corporations that we bombed are an integral part of Yanki monopoly capitalism and are responsible for the murderous policies o:r the -Yanki government in Puerto Rico, Latin Ame:rica, a11d against workers, peasants and Indios throughout the world~· It is these corporations which are responsible for the robbery and exploitation of ~hird World countries in order to make greater profit and increase their capital. They are the ones ~hich often decide who shall govern countries, who shall·live and who shall die. For these reasons these corporations and the criminala who run them are the enemies of all freedom loving· people, who are strnegllng for self determination and the right to decide their own destini€s. -·-·-=-...-- -.,~ .. ,.._ ____ page 2 . ' . '· ·. We,· the c~erilleros of the FALN, have undertaken these . bombings.· not only asainst the presence of the yanki corpora- tions in Puerto Rico, but as part of the international. workers revolution and all people fighting for national liberation. ~hese actions, along with bombing of major department stores, for three consecutive days in late spring, and the . ' dynamite blastsJat ~ewark Police Headquarters and City Hall, demonstrate what we have said since 1969a that the Puerto Rican people organizing and arming in- order to form a Peoples Revolutionary Army which will rid Puerto Rico of yanki colonial ism. We have opened .......two fronts, one in Puerto Rico the other in the ,.United States, both nourished by the Puerto Rican people and allies within Northamerica. We are not pure militarists. Therefore we do not oppose those parties oz:o people who believe in mass organization. However, to be truly revolutionary, a party must educate and . organize the masses for the seizure of power by way of an or-· ganized and disciplined vehicle, a Peoples Revolutionary Army. A party which fails to do this falls into reformism and becomes ari agent of the bourgeoisie for the continued exploitation and oppression of the people. ~he importance of a Peoples Revolutionary Army is that it arms the masses, and produces cadres to lead the masses to victory and \he development of a Marxist-Lennist Party, tried and tested under fire, which will educate and organize the people for the construction of a socialist society. finally, the FALN supports the demonstration, at Madison Square Garden, on Oct. 27, in support of the independence of Puerto Rico. We view this as a significant step in the for~ation • t/ . ' ~t ~n ~n~i~lmpe~ialist !romt, in the United States, which will -~pport a~d fight for the national liberation of ~uerto Rico, &n~ ~g~~~t~ tne American people to the murderous and genocidal ~l~91~s 91 the yanki capitalists ·throughout.the world. ~ON~ ~lVE FREE PUBRTO RICO ~ONG LlV~ THE UNITY OF ALL PEOPLE IN STRUGGLE AGAINST IMJ>~R;.I:ALtSM. PALNr CENTRAL CO~~AND .. !- ·•.... _ ~ . '· . ~ ... .·., .. .. ·; . .. .. .. ~ -· ·--. ---........ ~ . ~· .... .... ... ARff.ED r"OrtCES C.f' PUERTO iUCJ~N !lA'1'IC;i1\f.~ LII;:~HA't'IOI'l II , ... ,UN···p:·• ~2 Co.... , .&....,~,.;r.,. v DECE!.\!JErt II, 197ft • • .. rr::sr)or.Udlity for tho'dynnrnito attacl; on mcr~1horn of th~ t~r.,., I York Clty pollen force, on Wed Doco:.;bor 11,1971;. • in E!J !j.\HHIO. 'l'hi a i a the re5ponsc of tho l'vorto Rlcnn pcoplo to the: brutnl rnurdor or f.~artin "'fit.o" Pcrc1. by ~ho nndintic ard::.:1l!i against the Puerto q)ca.n nnd BJ'acl~ co:.~muni ticn hy thr' r:.i.c i :.t H!'w York 01 ty pol i':e departr.1~nt. ln r~l:tl1ntlr~.~ ~1r.nin~1t Titc'::; dei.'th t:(' nro also ...~ ''''l''";w ~ ·u •· .,• '* ..... ' ot.IH'I' \nn0cont PtH'rt~ F!ir.:.'ln 'u and Black • D who have been ~)rutn! l~ Bo!1aul tt~rl and murd~rcd by roc i st cops. fly thls action the FALN wlchc!'J to mal:c it known th~t . World ~ommuni ti<'::,. ::\S Wt~1 \ o.s Rttnck!l acnln~t o;~ Puorto Htcan 1 11 1 ''""""C\'ll' I.. (J'I• ....• C(J .....t'lo,. ' l'lI .i ",., '1,•1 . • 1 \ ·'4 ll '·"Uv 1,1._.1.··t.~· "'''1;,, t.}•., I_ ~~ ,···. r·r.·,r'. ""..l l''•!",\,.;_ ~... ·.·' ·. r',·-· •." •. ----~ ... · • . .. f:l .. • • Even 'though we support the demonstration which took place in City Hall on Monday, Decemhar 9, we fully realize that the people will not g~tin jurtt1oG by demou~tratin4 Rn·1 fth<"utlul'l. Tho only justice "' that can bft handed out to tho murder•r• of - our people is revolutionary justice through the implementation or revolutionary violence. Yankl capitalism has developed through the utilttation or racist policiee. The genocide or the 1nd\o!t, r-n~lflvtonHlnt of mill ions of Africans, inhumane bombing of the lndochlnune people and the massive sterllitation of thousand~ tlf" Puerto Rican women just a few examples of the r:tc\~t J'oll<'1n~ .. "" ' A<\ nflCJShl ~cp teT"riblo health tr~atment, low salarien, rPleRntion of our people to the most menial joBs and exploitation by whltehuaine~~ men.and landlords is a symptom of capitalism.and can only be eliminated by the destruction of the yanki system of eovernmP.nt.