25 Americans Urged Reds
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* . * Average DaUy Net Presa Run The Weather For the Week Ended Fereeaat of U. 8. Weather Bureau March 11, 1961 Snow berlnnlng thia evenlag er tonhirht, conttnuUig until ^leiday 13,317 noon, poeeibljr mixed with sleet Member of the Audit an4 rain. Low tonight S8 to S4. Hl|^ nieoday near dO. ' * Bureau of Clrcnlation Manchester— A City o f Village Charm VOL. LXXX, NO. 137 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1961 (Clasalfled Advertising on Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS 25 Americans Urged Reds State News] H-dg**Say*Tax U.S. Couple Accused 1 1 Unnecessary Bid Soviet Roundup Washington. March 13 (JP>— Secretary of Commerce Luther British Open Trial H. Hodges says it will not be Air Good necessary to cut taxes this Mishaps Bring spring to spur the economy. Hodges said yesterday he Of 3 as Red Spies thinks the recession has hit Intentions Death to Five ’ bottom and the economy now can start upward. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Kennedy said in I^ndon, M arch 13 (/P)— ^An: The government claims they stole Washington, March 13 <fl*) January that he would take American couple and three secrets from the Royal Navy^ un Five persons died of acci derwater weapons base at Portland —The White House said to another look at the state of others charged with stealing dental causes over the* week the economy in April. A tem —where Miss Gee worked — and day 25 American private citi end in Connecticut. porary tax cut might then naval secrets and passing passed them to Moscow over a zens who were in Moscow last considered, he said, if the them on to the Russians high-speed radio transmitter hidden Three of the victims drowned. in the Krogei*s’ home. November urged release of Including two children. The two economy is still lagging. pleaded innocent today at the Hodgei said,. "Generally Among the secrets which came the two RB47 U.S. fliers as "a others perished ii. car accidents. opening of Britain’s biggest into their hands, the prosecution Three-year-old Siisan R. Sey speaking I think there's a bet healthy first step” .toward ter spirit and a general feeling spy trial since atom spy claims were dra>yings of Dread- improving Soviet - American mour of Cos Cob drowned yester naught, the British nuclear sub day after she and ,-her brother. that things are going to get Klaus Fuchs was convicted a relations. better soon.” marine based on designs supplied Roger, 6, fell throp^ the Ice of a decade ago. by the United States. • President Kenriedy’a press sec pond near their bmne at 3-1 Dandy Hodges was asked during a The famed main courtroom of the retary, Flerre Salinger, told a TV-radio Interview if he cred The attorney general. Sir Regi Dr. A neighbet pulled them out. Old Bailey—where Fuchs was found nald Mannlngham-Buller, headed news conference, in response to but. Susan, daughter of Mr. and ited Kennedy for this. He. said guilty of giving the Soviet Union questions, that the group of 25 in "Kennedy's decisiveness, his the prosecution. The government Mrs. Rogef Seymour, was dead be the keys to the atomic bomb—was contends that Houghton and Miss cluded two men who now are aides fore sh t could be given medical as- interest in the people . his filled as the case opened before to Kennedy. They are Dr. Jerome marvelous program” have Lord Parker, the chief justice. Gee passed secret information to sistaiwe. Lonsdale who relayed it to the B. Wiesner, special assistant for In New Haven Saturday, a 2>/4- helped. The people have confi The accused are: ring’s communication center—the science and technology, and Dr. "j'ear-old boy. Lawrence Ruggerio dence in him and I think that's Gordon A. Lonsdale, 37, company Walt W. Rostow, deputy assistant Jr. drowned in a small brook near part of the whole thing,” Innocent-lookng bungalow in su director holding a Canadian pass burban Ruislip occupied by the .for national security. his home in the Brookside secUon. Hodges said. port but believed by the govern Salinger said Wlesner and Roa- It w'as too late by the time his ment to be a Russian. Krogera, Mingled in the courtroom crowd tow were in Moscow in Novem father could pull him out. Peter John Kroger, 50, booksel ber—shortly after Kennedy's elec In Hamden Saturday, police re ler, and his wife, Helen, 47, who were British counterintelligence agents to testify on the first day tion—with 23 other Americana to covered the body of (Carles Union Workers the U.S. Federal Bureau of Inves attend a , scientific conference Stothcrs, 38, of 35 Brown St. tigation says are Morris Ck)hen and of the case. They were to be iden tified. only by letters of the alpha there. Hamden, from Clark's Pond off his Wife, Lola, American citizens Salinger said the entire group Whitney Av.e, They said he had At NHRR Plan and former residents of New York bet when called to the witness of Americana was In Moscow as box. been missing since early Friday. City. private citizens. He added it is his A 27-year-old Yale graduate Harry Frederick Houghton, 55, Intelligence officers from undersanding that Russian offici student, Neill McShane, of Oiar- Tax Bill March and his financee, Ethel Elizabeth als asked the Americans how lottesviile, Va., was Injured fatal Gee, 46, both British civil servants. (Continued on Page Five) Soviet-Ameriigui , relation* could ly on the Wilbur Cross Parkway Boston, March 13 (/P)—Repre be improved. in Woodbrldge Saturday night sentatives of 12,000 nylon em "My information is,’^ Salinger Catwalk to the Sky when his car crashed into an abut added, "that all 25 indicated that Walking along the tops of laminated wood arches, workmerCarc fastening the arch sections together ment of an ovet^ass. He died a ployes ot the New Haven Railroad release of the fliers would be a after they are hoisted Into place by a crane. The arches, Which tnake possible a vaulted ceiling, are short time later at St. Raphael's' have voted to halt work at 9 a.m. Head healthy first step.” being used at the Concordia Lutheran Church building gftthg up on Pitkin St. The building, which Hospital in New Haven. Wednesday and march on the Kasavubu to The White House statements Leroy Lamb, 53, a building in will Include" a church and a 2-level educational wing, will cost 1360,000. The church will seat 380. State House to support a bill to came agjiinst a backgp-ound of Arnold lAwrence Is architect and Squlllacote Builders the contractors. (Herald photo by Oflara). spector In Groton, was killed in a clamor from Republicans to know collision at the intersection of give the carrier tax relief. whether secret concessions were j ' Routes 95 and 27 in Groton Satur Just what effect the demonstra United Congo States made to the Russians for release day. An autopsy showed chest In tion would have on the New Ha- of Capts. Freeman B. Olmstead, New Testament Revised juries had damaged hi^-heart. I yen’s operations was. not clear. Elmira, N. Y., and John R, Mc- Both McShsme and lAmb were iMuch would depend on the num said Kone, Tonganoxie, Kan. alone in their cars. - bers heeding the call. But at least Tananarive, Malagasy Republic.^hM one legal government March 13 t/P) — Anti-Communist Pravda. The Soviet bloc recog a slowdown seemed certain. nizeS Gizenga's regime as the only (Continued on Page Five) At the same time, the , New political leaders of The Congo have Extended Forecast agreed to replace their centrally legal Ctongo government. Windsor Locks, March 13 )— Haven's president .George Alpert Kasavubu, who has been the The NeV English Bible (JP was invited to appear before a controlled parliamentary govern The 'U.S. Weather Bureau at Brad- legislative hearing, Wednesday ment by a confederation <rf semi Central Government president Snow Warning lej Field issued this Connecticut armed* with records’ of the rail independent states headed by Leopoldville and the only Congo forecast today: Joseph Kasavubu. lese authority recognized by the By RAYMOND 'ALiMEB 4btion, but deliver us from evil: for^Ail the responsibilities of publlca- road’s expenditures for travel, Temperatures during the next food, entertainment arid similar The action of the political con U.N., messaged U.N. headquar Boston, March 13 (A’) — The 'London, March V l T — A New Thine is the kingdom. * and the tioh were entrusted jointly to the five days, Tuesday through Satur ference here on the island of ter* in New York to ask for re Weather Bureau forecast snow will Testament In mddem English, 13 power, and the glory, for ever. University Presses of Oxford and day, are expected to average 2 to itema The Invitation was extended by Madagascar, which ended yester cognition of the new setup and spread into southern New Eng yeirs In the wntlng, went on sale Amen.” Cambridge, which bear the whole day, raised hopes in Leopoldville continued economic assistance. He land this\evening with Indication.s New English Bible: . cost and own the copyright. (Continued on Pagfe-Eleven) State Sen. Mario Umana, D-Bos today. / ton, chairman of the Joint Legis that the way had been opened to said partial union has been achiev of substanti3l'' accumulations and Knovw'as "The New English "Our father in heaven, 'The joint committee is composed an evenutal end to the chaos and ed and the danger of civil war considerable drifting.