Question for written answer E-006264/2020 to the Commission Rule 138 (S&D), (S&D), (S&D), (S&D), (S&D), Clara Aguilera (S&D), Adriana Maldonado López (S&D), (S&D), (S&D), Pedro Marques (S&D), (S&D), (S&D), Monika Beňová (S&D)

Subject: Implementation issues related to the Platform to Business Regulation

The main aim of the Platform to Business (P2B) Regulation is to guarantee fairness and transparency in the online platform economy. The Commission has committed itself to a number of tasks that contribute to the attainment of these objectives. However, since its entry into force in July 2019, the Commission does not seem to have complied with all its obligations under the Regulation. In light of these considerations:

1. When does the Commission intend to comply with its duty under Article 5 to produce guidelines to orient online intermediation services in their obligation to establish ranking transparency requirements?

2. Has the Commission complied with its obligation pursuant to Article 13 to encourage online intermediation services to set up one or more organisations providing impartial and independent mediation services? If so, can the Commission provide specific details of how this was done?

3. Did the Commission abide by its duty to monitor the impact of the P2B Regulation on the relationships between online intermediation services and their business users, what relevant information did the Commission receive, and how can this be used to determine policy options within the framework of the Digital Services Act, and in particular regarding the ex ante rules for tackling the major digital companies’ uncompetitive practices?
