© Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 2002

The tribe Neosharpiini Hoffmann belongs in the subfamily Baridinae (Coleoptera: )

B.A. Korotyaev

Korotyacv, B.A. 2002. The weevil tribe Neosharpiini Hoffmannbelongs in the subfamily Baridinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 11(1): 192.

The monotypic weevil tribe Neosharpiini Hoffmann, 1956 is herein placed in the sub­ family Baridinae. Elasmobaris capucinus Faust, 1881 is transferredto Neosharp1aHoffm., and is probably synonymous with Neosharpia artemisiae Hoffm.In addition to Neosharpia, the genus Eumycterus Schoenh. is placed in the Neosharpiini. E. albosquamulatus Boh. is recorded for the first time from Middle Asia, Iran, and Ethiopia. a/boguttata Bris. is designated as type of Elasmobaris Reitt.

B.A. Korotyaev, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy ofSciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia.

Subfamily BARIDlNAE contiguous scaling. Thus, the generic separation of Elas­ mobaris capucinus is well substantiated, as also erecting Tribe NEOSHARPIINI Hoffmann, 1956, new placement of a tribe Neosharpiini to include Eumycterus Schoenh., in addition to the type genus. The tribe Neosharpiini was originally placed in the subfamilyCurculioninae as a group intermediatebetween Genus Eumycterus Schoenherr, 1838 Erirrhinini and Smicronychini. The Far Eastern Eumycterus gracilis Voss (holotypc Genus Neosharpia Hoffmann, 1956 examined) has simple outer margin of mandible and does not belong in Eumycterus or Neosharpiini. Type species Neosharpia artemisiae Hoffmann, 1956 (NW Iran, Lake Urmia). Eumycterus albosquamulatus Boheman, 1838

Neosharpia capucinus (Faust, 1881), comb. n. Material. Uzbekistan (new record): 3 d', I 'i?, Kumak, 30.IV and 4.V.1929 (L. Zimin); I d', I 9, Zeravshan, Serbent, 1892 (Glazunov). Turkmenistan (new record): Lissotarsuscapucinus Faust, 1881; Elasmobaris capucinus: I d', Kughitang Viii., irrigated zone, 24.V.1959 (G.S. Reitter, 1913. ?= N. artemisiae Hoffmann, 1956. Medvedev); Id',2 'i?, Murgab Distr., Teze Durmush Col­ lective Fam1, cotton fields, 29-30.V and 12. VII.1971 (U. Material. Kazakhstan: 1 9, Kustanai Prov., Naur­ Kamalov). Iran (new record): I 9, Shahrud, I.Vl.1914 zumskii Nat. Reserve, N of Lake Aksuat, l5.VIII.1993 (Alexander N. Kiritschenko). Ethiopia (new record): I (V.Yu. Savitskii) (coll. V.Yu. Savitskii); I d', "Kirghis., 'i?, Addis-Ababa, 1899 (Sason) (Zoological Institute, Akinin", with head and fore legs, except forright tarsal St.Petersburg). claw-segment, missing; in the Staatliches Museum fiir Distribution. Mediterranean area and northwestern Tierkunde, Dresden. tropical Africa. Distribution. Russia (Astrakhan, holotype; examined); Kazakhstan; ?NW Iran. Acknowledgements Elasmobaris capucinus perfectly fits the description and figuresgiven by Hoffmann (1956) in the description The study was supported by grant no. 01-04-4964 I of of Neosharpia artemisiae except that apices of the mesepi­ mera are visible, although very narrowly, in dorsal view. the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. I cordially thank Dr. R. Krause, Staatliches Museum fiir Tierkunde, The structure of the mandibles in N. capucinuswith elon­ Dresden, and V. Yu. Savitskii, Moscow State University, gate triangular projections raised at sides, more strongly forloan of material. so at base, and the structure of aedeagus, are very similar to those in Eumycterus albosquamulatus Boh., to which N. capucinus is closely related, differing primarily in the References very narrow tarsi and contiguous vestiture. On the con­ trary, N. capucinus differsfrom Elasmobaris a/boguttata Hoffmann, A. 1956. Curculionides nouveaux rapportes Bris. and E. signifer Fst., originally included in Lisso­ par la mission G. Remaudiere en Iran. Rev. Path. veg. tarsus,in all principal characters and was placed in Lisso­ Entomol. agr. Fr., 35(4): 241-249. tarsus Faust (non Chaudoir, 1838; replaced with Elasmo­ baris Reitter, 1913, type species Baris alboguttata Bri­ sout, 1870, present designation) mainly because of the Received 2 December 2002