Extensions of Remarks E1083 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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May 7, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1083 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MORTGAGE REFORM AND ANTI- risk. I believe that if these provisions had been LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT HATE PREDATORY LENDING ACT in place 10 years ago, the foreclosure crisis CRIMES PREVENTION ACT OF 2008 might have been averted. We cannot turn SPEECH OF SPEECH OF back time. But we can learn—and if we have HON. STENY H. HOYER learned anything, it is how much we need leg- HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD OF MARYLAND islation like this. I urge my colleagues to sup- OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES port it. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Wednesday, April 29, 2009 The House in Committee of the Whole f Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I was House on the State of the Union had under proud to cast my vote along with 249 other consideration the bill (H.R. 1728) to amend MOURNING THE PASSING OF members of the House of Representatives in the Truth in Lending Act to reform con- RUSSELL DUNHAM favor of the Local Law Enforcement Hate sumer mortgage practices and provide ac- Crimes Prevention Act. This legislation will countability for such practices, to provide certain minimum standards, for consumer protect Americans by expanding the definition mortgage, loans, and for other purposes: HON. JOHN SHIMKUS of hate crimes and providing law enforcement Mr. HOYER. Mr. Chair, it is well-known by OF ILLINOIS officers with the tools they need to prosecute now that our economic crisis began as a fore- these heinous crimes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes closure crisis. It began with homeowners Prevention Act is not a cure-all and it will not across America signing up for mortgages they Thursday, May 7, 2009 stop all hate violence, but it will send the mes- could not afford. And even though few of us sage that senseless violence is unacceptable knew it at the time, much of our financial sys- Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise today and perpetrators will be punished. Since law tem was riding on their ability to pay those to mourn the passing of an American hero. enforcement sometimes lacks the personnel, mortgages off. When it became clear that Russell Dunham passed away on April 6, resources or determination needed to properly many of them could not, the economic chain 2009, at his home in Jerseyville, Illinois. He is investigate and prosecute hate crimes, this reaction affected every community in America. survived by his daughter, Mary Lee Neal and measure will give the appropriate agencies the For a family, a foreclosure is traumatic her husband Kerry, his stepdaughter Annette tools they need to combat hate violence in our enough—but we have also learned from this Wilson and her husband Glenn, and his step- communities. crisis that foreclosures can have wide public Under current law, the Federal Government consequences, as well. son, David Bazzell. Mr. Dunham had three can only investigate hate crimes motivated by Of those who applied for mortgages they grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, three the victim’s race, color, religion or national ori- could not possibly pay back, some were sim- brothers and three sisters. Today they have gin. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act extends ply irresponsible. But many others were hard- my condolences, those of this House and Federal jurisdiction to hate crimes motivated working, responsible homeowners who fell vic- those of a grateful nation. He was preceded in by the victim’s actual or perceived sexual ori- tim to predatory lending. Unfortunately, incen- death by his wife, Wilda, two granddaughters, entation, gender, gender identity or disability. tives in our financial system made that preda- five brothers and two sisters. Because such crimes are directed at an entire tory lending possible: unscrupulous mortgage Mr. Dunham served our nation in the Army’s group of people and not just one individual, brokers were not required to provide sufficient the bill provides assistance to state and local information to homeowners, and those who 3rd Infantry Division, part of General Patton’s law enforcement to streamline the investiga- then sold the mortgages had little reason to Third Army during World War II. In January tion and prosecution of hate crimes. see that they were sound. 1945, near Kayserberg, France, Technical It is my hope that the Senate will quickly This bill goes a long way toward correcting Sergeant Dunham single-handedly silenced take up and pass this important measure. those flaws, protecting future homeowners, three German machine guns. Leading his pla- Hate motivated crimes undermine our commu- and cracking down on predatory lending. It toon forward through the snow, Sergeant nities and final passage of this bill has been helps consumers get full information—the in- Dunham raced 75 yards through heavy fire to delayed for far too long. I look forward to the formation they need to decide wisely on what assault a well-emplaced enemy position. At- day when legislation like this will no longer be is one of the biggest financial commitments of tacking the first gun, Sergeant Dunham was needed, but until that day comes I applaud their lives. It prevents lenders from steering seriously wounded by machine gun fire, but he passage of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act. borrowers into higher-cost loans and bans yield spread premiums and other compen- kept up his assault, silencing first one, then f another, and then the third and final enemy satory incentives that lead brokers to push TRIBUTE TO MS. TERRY those loans on borrowers. It also establishes emplacement, using his 175 rounds from his TYBOROWSKI national standards for the protection of bor- carbine and 11 grenades. rowers and ensures that those who entrap Despite his wounds, Sergeant Dunham kept HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON consumers in predatory loans are liable for ad- moving forward from one position to the next, OF IDAHO justing the loan’s terms and paying the bor- risking his life above and beyond the call of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rower’s costs, including attorneys’ fees. duty. For his ‘‘conspicuous gallantry and intre- Finally, this bill requires those who Thursday, May 7, 2009 securitize loans to third parties to put ‘‘skin in pidity,’’ Technical Sergeant Russell Dunham, Mr. SIMPSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today the game’’ and retain interest in at least 5% of earned the Medal of Honor from the grateful to pay tribute to the work of Terry Tyborowski, the credit risk of each loan they sell or trans- nation he helped to save. Professional Staff for the House Energy and fer. This provision will ensure that, at every After the war, Mr. Dunham spent more than Water Development Appropriations Sub- link of the chain, there is an interest in seeing three decades helping area veterans through committee. Unfortunately, Terry will soon be that the loan is repaid and that the home- his work with the Department of Veterans Af- leaving the House of Representatives for a owner does not go into foreclosure. fairs. He raised a family, and was an active new job at the Department of Energy, but the Mr. Chair, this is a strong, carefully delib- positive impact of her work will be felt in this member of the VFW and AMVETS. He will be erated response to the foreclosure crisis, one House, and across this nation, for many years that rules out many of the unscrupulous prac- dearly missed by his family and his commu- to come. tices that harmed so many responsible fami- nity, and his service and sacrifice will continue As a member of the Energy and Water De- lies—and helped put an entire economy at to earn the gratitude of all Americans. velopment Subcommittee for over 6 years, I ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:35 May 08, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07MY8.001 E07MYPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1084 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 7, 2009 have had the opportunity to work with Terry on tact, Lieutenant Webster motivates other fire Greatest Small Boat Rescue of all time. In a number of vitally important energy issues. I professionals to aspire to higher standards 2007, the Coast Guard acknowledged the have seen firsthand the professionalism she through his leadership and inspiration. enormity of the rescue by declaring it their brings to the job and the respect she has I am pleased to know that experienced pub- third most significant rescue of all time, rank- earned from Members, staff, and stakeholders lic servants like Lieutenant Webster are hard ing behind only the 1980 rescue of 520 people alike. That respect derives not from her posi- at work each day keeping the citizens of Bart- from the Dutch liner Prinsendam off Alaska tion or title, but from the hard work, honesty, lett, Tennessee safe. With his broad knowl- and the service’s phenomenal performance in reliability, and deep knowledge that are so edge of the various facets of the fire depart- the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, during prominent in Terry’s character. ment, Lieutenant Webster is a valuable asset which 33,545 people were saved. In 2002, I Perhaps the most impressive thing about not only to the Bartlett Fire Department but to had the great and distinct privilege of over- Terry is her commitment to doing that which is the entire Shelby County community.