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Polina P. Interested in

Looking for remote job as JavaScript developer. Interested in development single-page applications using pure JavaScript or React, Redux. Open to learn Stack and use other JavaScript libraries and frameworks. Total Experience 9

Bio JavaScript  9 competent 4+ years experienced JavaScript and markup React  2 developer. Have experience of developing web sites competent and single-page applications using such JavaScript frameworks and libraries as Backbone, and React. Experience Highlights

Education FINMAP June 2019 - September 2019 (3 months) Master of Mathematics, Kharkov National University by V. N. Karazin I worked on Developed web browser applications and the website 2009 Stack JavaScript React Field of study Department: Mechanics and Mathematics. Mode of Study: Full-Time Services Degree Master's ​ ​ JavaScript Javascript/ES6-7 Javascript

React Router React html css CSS3 CSS

HTML HTML5 Typescript Material UI Redux

• TypeScript

Tools TSLint WebStorm Slack Trello Bitbucket Git

GlobalLogic June 2012 - April 2015 (almost 3 years)

I worked on Developed single-page applications using JavaScript (JQuery, JQuery UI, backbone, knockout). Creating markup using HTML5, CSS3, LESS. Participating in code reviews of other developers' work.

Stack JavaScript

Services html2canvas HTML5 LESS html css javascript CSS3

CSS Backbone.js knockoutjs Knockout.js BackboneJS

jqGrid jQuery UI JQuery

Tools JavaScript (ES6/7) MS Visual Studio 2005 WebStorm Jira

Bitbucket ​ ​ GitHub ​ ​Github GIT. Github

Git Exadel June 2011 - May 2012 (11 months)

I worked on Participated in developing a client-side part of a web-site using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, , JSPX.

Stack JavaScript

Services ​ ​ JavaScript Javascript CSS3 CSS

html css javascript HTML5 HTML Tools Jira

Echostar February 2010 - May 2011 (about 1 year)

I worked on Developed client-side web applications using JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5. Made and updated design for applications using Photoshop. Participated in code reviews of other developers' work.

Stack JavaScript

Services html css javascript CSS3 CSS html2canvas HTML5

HTML Javascript

Tools Mantis Jira