9/7/2020 Agrarian Conflict in Central (a note-1) - Peoples | Forests | Futures


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A R T I C L E ( H T T P S : / / S A V E O U R B O R N E O . O R G / C A T E G O R Y / A R T I C L E / ) / L A N D G R A B B I N G ( H T T P S : / / S A V E O U R B O R N E O . O R G / C A T E G O R Y / L A N D - G R A B B I N G - 2 / ) / O I L P A L M ( H T T P S : / / S A V E O U R B O R N E O . O R G / C A T E G O R Y / L A N D - G R A B B I N G - 2 / P A L M - O I L / ) Agrarian Conict in (a note- 1)


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Save Our Borneo notes that in almost all areas in Central Kalimantan there have been conflicts between communities and companies. More than 127 conflicts on plantations occurred, where the government became the mediator and the (https://saveourborneo.org/) audience, the police were the actors who were part of the criminalization of residents. The conflicts that occurred were dominated by conflicts over land disputes, compensation, plasma land, customary territories, river Home (httpspo:/l/lutsioanv.Keootauwarrbinogirnn Teimou.ro Drigstr/icgt satilll erarnyk/s f)irst wAithb 4o9u cats eUs sof (chontftlipcts b:e/t/wseeanv ceomomurubnitoiersn aendo c.omrgpa/naiebs. oThuet-us/) SOBinfomedWiialm a(hr atntdp Ssin:/a/rmsasv gerooupusr abreo srtinll ea ofri.gohrtgen/insg ospbecintefro fomr theed coiam/m)unity because the company is oen detained by the authorities. Several cases of conflict in Central Kalimantan. Press conference (https://saveourborneo.org/category/siaran-pers/) South Barito :

Residents of Panarukan Village, Dusun Utara District, have asked the company to return the community land that was cultivated by PT. Mata Andau Sawit Kahuripan (MASK) [2] promised by the company to be compensated and provide plasma, but the company did not fulfill its promise so that the residents harvested fresh fruit bunches on the land planted by PT. MASK. One Panarukan resident, Limbung, 33, said that Panarukan Village residents harvest and sell FFB from PT MASK's plantation. The residents are reckless to harvest because the company cheated them. The residents also asked the Barsel Regency Government to sanction PT. MASK and ask the land / land to be returned to the community. Limbung, a resident of Panarukan Village who is also the owner of the land, revealed that his party's request was not groundless. because the company engaged in oil palm plantations has lied to the residents. "That is, if the government cares about us, the people," he said.

Seruyan Regency:

The land dispute that occurred between the people of Hanau Village and Danau Seluluk, and the plantation company PT. Musirawas Citra Harpindo and PT Sumber Pandan Wangi (one group with MCH), will be taken over by the Provincial Government. On August 24, 2012, around 200 people from Terawan Village, Seruyan Raya District, Seruyan Regency took to the streets and came to one of the companies near their village, namely PT Agro Mandiri Perdana. They demanded that the company and the local government (Pemda) realize community plasma plantations in the village. PT. Selonok Ladang Mas grabbed the land of Sembuluh villagers and criminalized Handoyo Sipon, Wardian et al, residents of Sembuluh for alleged the of oil palm fruit.

Gunung Mas Regency:

Fajar Harapan Village, Manuhing District, Gumas Regency, PT Berkala Maju Bersama (BMB), as a village with definitive status, this area overlaps with oil palm plantation permits. The problem of conflict between the oil palm plantation company PT Kalimatan Hamparan Sawit and the community of Tumbang Mantuhe village, Manuhing Raya sub-district, Gunung Mas district, Central Kalimantan has not yet reaped the results that are considered agreed by the people of Tumbang Mantuhe Village, because the results of the meeting held at the Regent's oice Gunung Mas was attended by residents (community and PT KHS), Regent Hambit Bintih [6], Head of Police, Head of Manuhing District, Head of Manuhing Raya Sub-District, and SKPD, related to the installation of Hinting Pali with traditional Dayak rituals in the oil palm concession area of PT. Kalimantan Expanse of Palm Oil (PT KHS). Hambit Bintih, as the regional head of (Gumas) as well as the mediator of the conflict between the residents of Tumbang Mantuhe Village and PT KHS, request that residents who install Hinting Pali (installation of custom portals with a specific purpose so that the goods and places installed on the portals remain safe, the porting is always held in accordance with the Dayak Customary Ritual) as soon as possible to dismantle it again. "If the people who installed Tahinting, on May 25 2013, were not released by the one who installed the Tahinting within 3 days starting from today (5-7-2013), then we will have to submit the Hinting installation problem to - BATAMAD, The Tahinting Pali which was installed on 25 May 2013 does not comply with the rules made by the Hindu Kaharingan Council (MHK) ”. Residents of Tumbang Mantuhe, Manuhing District, Kab. Gumas, put Hinting pali in the area of PT KHS, who cultivate community- owned land without notification (25 May 2013). On the other hand, the Plantation Manager of PT KHS Ibrahim Lisaholit was sentenced to 1 year in prison and fined 200 million rupiah because he was proven guilty of burning forest and land in the PT KHS area. The Central Kalimantan DPRD recommended that the PT KHS permit be revoked because it was proven to have burned forests and land. Tumbang Pesangon villagers reject the existence of PT. Kahayan Agro Plantation which clears forest in the forest which is

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East Kotawaringin Regency:

(httpTsh:/e/ seaxviestoeunrcbeo ornf ecoo.voerrgt/ )land work activities for large private companies (PBS) oil palm plantations in the Cempaga sub- district has caused unrest the Suka Maju Farmers Group (Gapoktan). Through the Chairman of Gapoktan Muhammad Home (httpsYu:/s/ufs, tahevye reojeucrtebdo anrdn reeqou.oesrtegd/ fogllaowll-eupr yre/qu) estsA tob thoeu Mtin Uistser (ohf Ftotrpestr:/y/ osf tahev Reeopubrlbic ofr Indeoone.osiarg. Y/usaufb, wohuot-us/) is also the Secretary of Rubung Buyung Village, said that their rejection of the activity was because the PBS belonging to SOBinfomedia (https://saveourborneo.org/sobinfomedia/) PT Borneo Sawit Perdana [BSP] worked on land that was already a production forest area. Such as those located in the Press confevirellangec aere (ah otf t Rpubsu:n//g Bsuayuvnego aundr bitso surrnroeuond.oinrggs./category/siaran-pers/) The longstanding land conflict between residents of Pantap Village, Kuala Kuayan District, East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan and PT. Bumi Sawit Kencana (BSK) [8], heats up. There was a clash between dozens of residents and the security guard of this palm oil plantation owned by a subsidiary of the Wilmar Group, Tuesday (23/7/13). In that incident, four residents were injured, one resident's motorbike was damaged, two trucks and one company car were also damaged. Two security guard posts were burned by residents. PT BSK II also annexed the farmer group's land area of 1484 hectares which was previously used as a rubber plantation. PT. Karya Makmur Bahagia (KMB) [9], which operates in Antang Kalang District, East Kotawaringin Regency, has been accused of embezzling plasma land belonging to members of the village unit cooperative (KUD) Marga Rahayu, Bakti Karya Village.

The plasma land with an area of about 1,000 hectares owned by the cooperative managed by the company, which was distributed to cooperative members, was only 700 ha. While the 300 hectares claimed by the company was not the plasma area owned by the Marga Rahayu cooperative, the head of KUD Marga Rahayu Sriyati said the problem had been going on for a long time, but there was no certainty from the company as the manager of the plasma cooperative. Meetings have oen been held, whether facilitated by the village, sub-district government or to the National Land Agency (BPN) as the certificate issuer, but until now they have only made promises without any evidence of settlement being attempted. The people of Kabuau Village, Parenggean District, Kotawaringin Timur Regency, Central Kalimantan began to worry when using water for their daily needs due to the leakage of the waste storage pool belonging to PT. Katingan Indah Utama. As a result of the leakage of the waste, residents suspect that the local creek has become polluted, causing many residents to suer from itching and many fish to die. PT. Katingan Indah Utama (KIU), The incident of leaking of palm oil mill eluent occurred on February 22, 2013 and made the community nervous. Although the leak was handled directly by the company, the waste was suspected to have polluted the local environment, including the water that had been used by residents. PT Karunia Kencana Permai Sejati, carried out the destruction of sacred sites in Tangar Village, Mentaya Hulu sub-district, Kotim, as well as deliberate waste management that flows into rivers. Imuk Tangar residents were arrested for harvesting oil palm fruit on PT KKP's land which is in conflict status. Approximately 200 residents of Lempuyang Village, Teluk Sampit Subdistrict, Kotim Regency, complained to the DPPRD regarding the existence of a stealth palm oil company which is currently cultivating land in the area. Hundreds of people from six villages in the Mentaya Hulu District, Kotim Regency held a demonstration in front of the estate oice of PT. MSM 1 Community action from the villages of Pantab, Tangar, Sebabi, Kapok, Kawan Batu and Kenyala they demanded plasma land. The oil palm plantation company PT Tunas Agro Subur Kencana (TSAK), which operates in Parenggean, East Kotawaringin, has destroyed government assets and a 7 kilometer long irrigation channel. The feud between PT Agro Bukit and residents of Penyang Village resulted in casualties. Four security oicers or company security guards were injured aer being attacked by the mob. Hundreds of masses occupied the oice of the East Kotawaringin Regent who is part of the Indigenous Peoples Association (Permadat) demanding the resolution of land disputes and the realization of oil plasma plantations by 20 percent. They are residents of Cempaga, Telawang, Kotabesi, Parenggean, and Antang Kalang Districts. A resident of Biru Maju, detained, is accused of stealing loose palm trees in the PT Buana Artha Sejahtera land. The land dispute between PT BAS and the residents of Biru Maju has not yet been resolved. The company built an elephant trench so that people could not enter the disputing land covering 625 hectares of APL land for transmigration. Ancis, a resident of Pondok Damar Village, was criminalized by PT Mustika Sembuluh for harvesting oil palm fruit in a conflict area, (Ancis) was detained for 7 months, counting on his arrest, no court decision has yet been made.

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In January 2013 the Sampit District Court sentenced 3 Kanyala villagers to 8 months in prison, in which the 3 residents had violated Article 363 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, for stealing oil palm fruit in the area of PT Sukajadi Sawit (https://saveourborneo.org/) Mekar.

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SOBinfomedTriaan s(mhitgtrapnst :r/e/sidseanvtse ino Puarlibh oBarrnue Voill.aoger,g K/otsaowabringfino Lmamead (Kiao/lam) ) District, Kotawaringin Barat (Kobar) Regency Press confearsekendc PeT S(huktsteps sKa:/r/yas Maavnediori u(SrKbMo) tron imeom.eodriagte/lyc raettuerng toher y38/ hseicatarraesn o-fp laenrds t/ha)t has been certified and the 62 hectares of land is a land certificate (SKT). The residents forcibly executed an oil palm plantation at the PT. Sukses Karya Mandiri (SKM). This action is the aermath of a land dispute between residents and the company that has not been resolved. In addition, residents also harvest fruit from a number of plantation blocks. The residents also managed to control and take over a guard post belonging to the company.

Kapuas Regency:

Residents of Sei Pinang Village, , Central Kalimantan, have closed access to the large oil palm company (PBS) PT. Dwi Warna Karya because the demands for compensation for land owned by the community that had been taken and taken over, which were previously used by the community as garden land and community fields were not fulfilled by the company. In their actions, the community uses a customary tradition called HINTING PALI, the community has closed access to the company for about 1.5 months so that the company's activities are completely paralyzed. Residents of Penda Katapi Village, Kapuas Barat Subdistrict, Kapuas District, refuse the entry of the oil palm plantation company PT Wira Usaha Tama Lestari into their area. The residents considered that the area of their village would be reduced if it had to be used for oil palm plantation land. And on their land there are gardens of rattan, durian and others that have been inherited from generation to generation. " The Mantangai police chief summoned Basri Bin Hendri and Dirman, both residents of Mantangai Hulu Village, Mantangai District, Kapuas, Prov. Central Kalimantan, through a summons signed by investigator Inspector of Police One Ricky Yuhanda to meet Aipda Erwin Hidayat at Mantangai Police Head, on Wednesday, August 14, 2013, at 15.00. In the Summons, it is stated that both are summoned as witnesses in a case of criminal damage as referred to in Article 170 of the Criminal Code. However, Basri and Dirman refused to attend because the names and addresses in the letters were not clear. It is suspected that the summons was related to the protests by residents in Mantangai Hulu Village against the oil palm plantation company PT. Handalan Usaha Perkasa (HUP), which seized community lands in the Sei Hambiye and Sei Jangkit areas, Mentangai Hulu Village. HUP companies have also planted former community fields and gardens with oil palm tree seedlings without the residents knowing. The Mantangai Village Government has never conveyed the company's plan. A few days ago, on 7 and 12 August 2013, dozens of residents in Mantangai Village, who owned land and handsil, took action to remove dozens of PT. Handalan Usaha Perkasa planted in garden land and former fields owned by residents. Then the residents planted hundreds of rubber tree seedlings on the land. took action to remove dozens of oil palm seedlings of PT. Handalan Usaha Perkasa planted in garden land and former fields owned by residents. Then the residents planted hundreds of rubber tree seedlings on the land. took action to remove dozens of oil palm seedlings of PT. Handalan Usaha Perkasa planted in garden land and former fields owned by residents. Then the residents planted hundreds of rubber tree seedlings on the land. Because they were not explicit about the land ownership rights currently controlled by PT Rezeki Alam Semesta Raya (RASR), dozens of representatives from Sei Ahas, Ketimpun, Kalumpang and Pulau Keladan Villages, Mantangai District, occupied the Kapuas Regent's Oice. Although he has not yet obtained a forest release permit (IPKH) from the Minister of Forestry as a condition for conducting land clearing, the oil palm plantation company PT Susantri Permai (SP) continues to operate. No half- hearted, the land that has been cleared is thousands of hectares. The Dwi Warna Karya (DWK) group company operating in the Kapuas Hulu area has actually invited a number of land clearing contractors to open unlicensed plantations.

Lamandau Regency:

The case of land grabbing by oil palm plantation companies is still a scourge for the people of Central Kalimantan. This time, PT Pilar Wana Persada (PWP) of was reported to the Central Kalimantan Regional Police aer annexing land owned by residents in the name of Ch London BD in Bakonsu Village. The appropriation of London's plantation land, said London's companion, Eko Kristiawan SH, has been reported to the Central Kalimantan Regional

This website usesP ocoliocek iwesit tho a i mlepttreorv oef y roeucer iepxtp oefr riepncoert. Wnuem'llb aesrs:u SmTPe Ly o/ u41'r e/ Vo k/ 2w0it1h3 t/h SisP,K bTu rte ycoeuiv ceadn b oyp Bt-roipukt aif J yuomu awirisi h. Cookie settings ACCEPT For two days the residents of Nangabulik blocked the road to the entrance of PT Gemareksa Mekarsari (GM) by about a https://saveourborneo.org/konflik-agraria-di-kalimantan-tengah/ 4/7 9/7/2020 Agrarian Conflict in Central Kalimantan (a note-1) - Peoples | Forests | Futures

thousand residents. They are members of the Nangabulik indigenous community who are upset because the company is considered to have encroached on an 856 ha customary area. The indigenous people of Lamandau ask that the area that (https://saveourborneo.org/) has been cultivated is returned to the customary community or the community that inherits it.

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SOBinfomedThiae r(ehsidttepnts w:/h/os oawvne 3o2 ouilr pbaolmr nlanedo c.eortrigfic/atseso rbegiinstfeoremd weitdh itahe/ e)mployee cooperative (Kopkar) in Air Dua Village, Press confeBraelani cReiam (h Dtisttpricst:,/ S/uskamvaerao Ruergbenocyr,n Aengoe.ro. Trghis/ ics abteecagusoe rtyh/e sceiartirfiacante-sp teharts w/e)re previously deposited in the cooperative under the auspices of PT KSK for credit have not been returned to the residents. In 2008, residents used their oil palm land certificate as collateral at a bank in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. At that time the residents used the cooperative's name under PT KSK. In 2010 the credit installment was paid o. But until now the certificate is still being held by the cooperative for no clear reason. Residents of Ajang Village, Permata Kecubung District, Sukamara District reported the management of the oil palm plantation company PT Sumber Mahardhika Graha (PT SMG) to Bareskrim Polri, BPN Pusat, and the Ministry of Forestry. Ironically, the Sukamara police were even processed for accusations of committing unpleasant acts against PT SMG. "

Katingan Regency:

Di Kecamatan Pulau Malan, Kabupaten Katingan, PT Kereng Pangi Perdana (KPP), Warga (Abet Nego Rawan) melapor kasus tidak adanya perizinan Hak Guna Usaha (HGU), tidak adanya Izin Pelepasan Kawasan Hutan dan Perambahan Kawasan Hutan Produksi (HP) sehingga hal ini adanya kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh PT. Kereng Pangi Perdana (KPP), yaitu kegiatan illegal Logging karena menebang kayu tanpa Dokumen Izin Pemamfaatan kayu (IPK) yang sah dan karena hal ini kayu yang ditebang oleh PT.KPP sebagian digunakan untuk keperluan infrastruktur dan keperluan perusahaan sedangkan pada Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan. Warga pemilik kebun melakukan demo dengan membawa senjata tajam, bahkan nyaris bentrok dengan pihak perusahaan PT Hampalit Jaya yang berlokasi di Jalan Tjilik Riwut Km 30, Kasongan-Sampit, Simpang Tumbang Samba, Kabupaten Katingan. Seperti sudah menjadi modus perusahaan dalam memperkuat cakarnya, mereka bekerjasama dengan oknum kepolisian untuk menjadi beking dan menakuti warga dengan mengkriminalisasi warga, dengan berbagai tuduhan seperti pencurian dan pengrusakan. Kriminalisasi warga yang terjadi diantaranya: Di Kabupaten Seruyan Handoyo dan Sipon ditangkap dengan tuduhan pencurian buah sawit, padahal lahan sawit tersebut merupakan lahan keluarga mereka yang diwariskan dan dikelola secara turun temurun dan sedang bersengketa dengan PT Salonok ladang Mas. Di desa Banua Usang dan Ulak Batu 3 orang warga ditangkap dengan tuduhan pencurian oelh pT SNP (Goup Asam jawa). Di desa Biru Maju, Ibnu dan Asngari ditangkap dengan tuduhan pencurian buah sawit dilahan PT BAS (Group Sinar Mas). Di desa Pantap, Kabupaten Kotim 5 orang warga ditangkap dengan tuduhan pencurian buah sawit oleh PT BSK II (Goup Wilmar) padahal mereka memanen dilahan kelompok tani yang dirampas oleh perusahaan, Di desa Tangar, Bpk. Imuk ditangkap dengan tuduhan pencurian buah sawit oleh PT KKP (Group Wilmar). Bp. Fancis warga desa Pondok Damar juga ditangkap dengan tuduhan pencurian buah sawit. Bpk. Rudi/Abak warga desa Penyang ditangkap dengan tuduhan pencurian buah oleh PT MAP. Gorup besar seperti Wilmar, Sinar Mas, Makin Goup, BGA Group seolah tidak tersentuh hukum, setiap permasalahan dan pelanggaran tidak pernah ditindaklanjuti oleh kepolisian dan pemerintah. Polisi “impoten” dan pemerintah bisu tuli dalam menindaklanjuti pengaduan dan laporan dari masyarakat, tapi saat perusahaan melaporkan warga polisi sangat cepat melakukan penindakan, penangkapan, penahanan bahkan tidak segan menjebloskan warga ke penjara serta tindakan kekerasan lainnya. Pemerintah menjadi pintar seperti “atlet pingpong” yang mempingpong warga kesana- kemari dalam upaya mencari keadilan dan penyelesaian terhadap hak mereka yang dirampas perusahaan.

Konflik terjadi karena pemerintah abai dengan masyarakatnya dan lalai dalam pengawasan, dimulai dari pemberian Izin Lokasi [IL] dengan tidak melakukan kajian dilapangan mengenai lokasi yang diizinkan apakah ada pemukiman warga, lahan masyarakat, wilayah adat, situs keramat dll. Pihak kepolisian seringkali beralasan dan berdalih kekurang personil dalam menindaklanjuti laporan dari masyarakat.

Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Di Kalimantan Tengah

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Berdasarkan data yang dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Perkebunan Kalimantan Tengah disebutkan terdapat sekitar 310 PBS Kelapa Sawit, namun hanya sekitar 87 perusahaan perkebunan yang anggap “clean & clear” dan sisanya masih dalam (https://saveourborneo.org/) proses. Clean & Clear disini dimaksudkan adalah bahwa perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit tersebut telah lengkap dan memenuhi semua perizinan yang dipersyaratkan, sedangkan yang masih proses artinya ada beberapa izin yang Home (http se:/d/ansga dvane hoaurursb doilernngkeaopi. oolregh p/egruasallheaarny./) About Us (https://saveourborneo.org/about-us/) SOBinfomedia (https://saveourborneo.org/sobinfomedia/) Dalam aturan mainnya jika perusahaan belum memiliki IUP dan atau HGU maka perusahaan tersebut belum bisa Press confebreronpcereas (i,h atkttipfitsas:/ y/asnga vdiepeorbuorlebhokarnn heaony.oalargh p/ecmabtibeitgano, rtayp/i skeinayraatanan-npyea rdsila/p)angan perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut sudah melakukan aktifitas pembukaan lahan, penggarapan hutan, penanaman, bahkan sebagian sudah melakukan pemanenan buah.

Selain itu juga beberapa perusahaan telah melakukan perluasan kebun dengan menggarap kawasan hutan dan lahan masyarakat. Luas kebun melebihi luas izin yang diberikan. Satu contoh adalah PT Globalindo Agro Lestari berlokasi di Kabupaten Kapuas, aktifitas sudah panen buah dan melakukan perluasan kebun. Setelah dilakukan pengukuran ulang oleh masyarakt, LSM dan pemerintah terdapat kelebihan luas kebun 6000 ha dari izin lokasi yang diberikan. Penting juga diperhatikan dari sekian banyak perusahaan yang belum lengkap perizinannya bagaimana perusahaan tersebut berkontribusi untuk pemasukan daerah (pajak). Perusahaan yang melakukan pelanggaran seharusnya bisa ditindak tegas agar pemerintah tidak disepelekan dan tercipta situasi investasi yang kondusif.

Permentan No.98 Tahun 2013

Pada tahun 2013 bulan september keluar Permentan No. 98 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pedoman Perizinan Usaha perkebunan revisi dari permentan No. 26 tahun 2007 yang banyak dikritisi oleh para aktivis lingkungan, sosial dan HAM karena merugikan petani dan masyarakat. Dan sudah mendapat penolakan dari beberapa organisasi sosial yang ada di Kalteng. Permentan 98 ini ternyata malah lebih berpihak kepada investor yang mana masih tetap menjadi pelindung dari para investor dan sangat merugikan masyarakat.

Sebagai contoh dari Permentan No. 98 Tahun 2013 yang sangat buruk bagi masyarakat misalnya pada Pasal 15, dimana; Perusahaan Perkebunan yang mengajukan IUP-B atau IUP dengan luas 250 (dua ratus lima puluh) hektar atau lebih, berkewajiban memfasilitasi pembangunan kebun masyarakat sekitar dengan luasan paling kurang 20% (dua puluh per seratus) dari luas areal IUP-B atau IUP. Kebun masyarakat yang difasilitasi pembangunannya sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berada di luar areal IUP-B atau IUP. Kewajiban memfasilitasi pembangunan kebun masyarakat sekitar sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) mempertimbangkan: a. ketersediaan lahan; b. jumlah keluarga masyarakat sekitar yang layak sebagai peserta; dan c. kesepakatan antara Perusahaan Perkebunan dengan masyarakat sekitar dan diketahui kepala dinas provinsi atau kabupaten/kota yang membidangi perkebunan sesuai kewenangannya. Masyarakat sekitar yang layak sebagai peserta sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2): a. masyarakat yang lahannya digunakan untuk pengembangan perkebunan dan berpenghasilan rendah sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan; b. harus bertempat tinggal di sekitar lokasi IUP-B atau IUP; dan c. sanggup melakukan pengelolaan kebun. Masyarakat sekitar yang layak sebagai peserta sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (4) ditetapkan oleh bupati/walikota berdasarkan usulan dari camat setempat. Pelaksanaan fasilitasi pembangunan kebun masyarakat oleh perusahaan penerima IUP-B atau IUP didampingi dan diawasi oleh gubernur atau bupati/walikota sesuai kewenangan yang meliputi perencanaan, pemenuhan kewajiban dan keberlanjutan usaha. Gubernur, bupati/walikota dan Perusahaan Perkebunan memberi bimbingan kepada masyarakat sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (4) untuk penerapan budidaya, pemanenan dan penanganan pascapanen yang baik.

Dan pada Pasal 16, yang selengkapnya berbunyi; Kewajiban memfasilitasi pembangunan kebun masyarakat sekitar sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 15 dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kredit, bagi hasil dan/atau bentuk pendanaan lain sesuai dengan kesepakatan dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Kewajiban memfasilitasi pembangunan kebun masyarakat sekitar sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) tidak diberlakukan terhadap badan hukum yang berbentuk koperasi.

This website usesD caolaomki epsa stoa li m15p droisveeb yuotukar ne xbpaehrwiean claeh. aWne p'll aassmsuam bee ryaodua'r dei louka wr IiUthP t pheisr,u bsuath yaoaun ,c kaenm oapnt-ao luatg iif lyaohua nw iitsuh .a kanC odoickairei ?s eLtathinagns ACCEPT yang ada sudah habis diambil perusahaan. Hal ini merupakan keuntungan besar bagi perusahaan karena perusahaan https://saveourborneo.org/konflik-agraria-di-kalimantan-tengah/ 6/7 9/7/2020 Agrarian Conflict in Central Kalimantan (a note-1) - Peoples | Forests | Futures

tidak wajib memberikan lahan dari luasan lahan yang diperoleh dari izin yang diberikan, akan tetapi merupakan suatu kerugian yang sangat besar untuk masyarakat sekitar karena selain kehilangan lahan juga kehilangan lahan plasma, (https://saveourborneo.org/) walaupun ada kewajiban bagi perusahaan untuk memfasilitasi pembangunan kebun plasma bagi petani / masyarakat sekitar. Permentan ini akan mendorong ekspansi kebun sawit lebih besar dengan dalih pembangunan kebun plasma dan Home (httpsak:/a/n seamvaekion umrebninogrknatekaon. okorngfl/ikg diamlalseyrayra/ka)t. SOAB mbeonuolta kU susb s(thantstip Pser:m//enstanv Neoo. 9u8r Tbahournn 2e01o3.org/about-us/) SOBinfomedia (https://saveourborneo.org/sobinfomedia/) Ditahun 2013 juga keluar Undang-Undang No. 18 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Perusakan Hutan Press confeprelenncgkea p( hUtntdpansg:-/U/nsdanvge Noo.u 4r1b Toahrunne 1o99.o9 rtgen/tacnag tKeehguotarnya/n syaiangr adnira-npcaenrgs u/n)tuk menjerat pelaku kejahatan korporasi dan otak pelaku kejahatan termasuk juga aparatur negara yang melakukan kelalaian dan pengabaian terjadi kerusakan hutan.

Keberadaan masyarakat adat di hutan juga tidak akan disingkirkan dan tidak pula mereka disebut merusak hutan. Masyarakat sekitar hutan boleh menebang kayu untuk hidup sehari-hari, kegiatan sosial dan bukan untuk kepentingan komersial. Kalau untuk kepentingan pribadi, harus meminta izin kepada pejabat berwenang agar lebih terkontrol. Dalam Undang-undang ini diamanatkan dibentuk badan pengawas seperti satgas dalam 2 tahun kedepan harus terbentuk yang terdiri dari gabungan kejaksaan, Kepolisian, Pemerintah dan masyarakat sipil.

Semoga keadilan bisa ditegakan, konflik dimasyarakat bisa diselesaikan dengan sebaik-baiknya dan berkeadilan. Undang-undang dan peraturan sebaik apapun jika tidak ada ketegasan dalam penegakan hukum, hanya akan jadi macan kertas. (bersambung..) Let’s Save Our Borneo

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