Hotel Columbia, Hotel Imperial
Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories GEORGE W. SHEPARD, Hardwood Lumber Buffalo, N. Y. Hotel Columbia, COR. NIAGARA & FIRST ST9. American Plan, $2.00 Per Day. W.G. White, Manager. Convenient to Railroad Stations, Trolley Lines, the Falls and Parks. Hotel Imperial C. N. Owen, Proprietor. ISTiagara Falls, 2ST. IT. ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST MODERN HOTELS AT THE FALLS. Rates $2.50 to $4.00. SCHOOLS IN PRINCIPAL CITYS American Mandolin ^School M. SHAVITZ. DIRECTOR. 19 S. CLINTON ST. 13'/2 E. SWAN ST. ROCHESTER, N. Y. BUFFALO, N. Y. INSTRUMENTS Q1VEN FREE TO ALL. Use The Remington Typewriter see pages 71-91 g BUFFALO. N. Y. BRANCH 62 NIAGARA ST. CB Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories WILLIAM MAYO MANUFACTURER OF WOOD AND METAL SPECIALTIES. PATTERN AND MODEL MAKING. GENERAL JOBBING SO and 52 NORTH WATER STREET ROCHESTER, N. Y. Rochester Public Library Reference Book Not For Circulation Th Central Library of Rochester and RI Monroe County ami t( Local History & Genealogy Division 115 South Avenue Rochester, New York 14604 such hard mate- rial that they are TYPE AJ. PRICE, $20. practically indestructible. Seven inch disc records, 50 cents each; $5 per dozen. Ten inch disc records, $1 each; $10 per dozen. Both si/.es can be used on either style of Disc Graphophone. A /# FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, ADDRESS COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY. 645 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, NEW YORK. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories MATTILL & LAMB 8! ftbe printers A h 265-275 Woodland Avenue, - - Cleveland, Ohio Bell North 266 Cuyahoga A 880 220Street7 Mai.
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