![St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 52, August 24, 1916](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
University of Central Florida STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 8-24-1916 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 52, August 24, 1916 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 07, No. 52, August 24, 1916" (1916). St. Cloud Tribune. 460. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-stcloudtribune/460 Drousht A I:: .ll' , 6 11 -~I • "Thousands Have Died of Heat 1n the Past Few Weeks in the Northern States" L • - N«WS IT~M I N 1110 C 1TY l>A / 1 Y , Con1e to St. Cloud Where Heat Prostrations Are Unknown ST. CLOUD TEMPERATURE natc Max. M in. .i\11t.~,l t li , •. ,, <)J .;t, \ u,-.o\1 1 1R ........ 1!7 .. ...... 70 All!(ll t 19 .. , ..... 85 .... .... <i') ,\ 1 !(tllH JO .. , .... 88 .. ...... ti<) \nllUSl J r. .•. ., , . t,ti, .. , . .... iO \us,usl u .. ... 90 ....... ,t Awgust ..2,1 .. ... ... 91 . .. .... ,J VO L, 7, NO. 52, E IGH T PAGES THIS W E EK. ST. CLOUD, O SCE O LA COUNTY, FLO RIDA, T HURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 191 6. $1.50 PER YE AR. FlVE CE NTS THE CO P Y. • Mass Meeting August 29 To Discuss City Bond Issue • The voters of St. Cloud will be called upon to vote on a bond issue Sept. 5 to construct a waterworks and sewerage system and pave certain streets, and in order that the improvement to the city may be fully understood, a mass meeting has been called by the mayor for next Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Every person qualified to vote on the bond issue is urged to be present. Meeting to be held at the G. ~!... R.; ....haU. funtlin11 or the bunds. This ,dll re• and 10 <1 ls "ere destroyed when the Juce the levy !o r s1rcct pa,•ing. l·rom h1-ildi11i; burned to the ground, the WHAT BONO ISSUE FOR WATER­ .. .lO,O<JO to ., 25,000 hns heen spent on blaze bdn ~ di covered a1 about ele,cn OUTLOOK FOR EARLY BUILDING the streets o f 1he city "ithin th • las t u'duck in the ,vening. Just how 1he ~b. year nn<l today ,, c ha, c not a sin• tire sturted i .5 not known. Large g lc bl ock o l sa1isfac:ory pavement. iarmm.r machinery, including the ANO SEWERAGE MEANS TO CITY Let's start now and make pcrnHlncn• s praying machinery, was 1haulcd front OF ELECTRIC ROAD BRIGHTER C) 1he wo rd in str,et ou,lding. 1he building and escaped dest~uction. Board of Trade Committee Issues Interesting P ARTIN SELLS CATTLE CUT NAT A'L HAY THIS W EEK Representative of Capitalists Visits St. Cloud ~Ir. llenry Partin this week shipped Mr. C. \\. Morsman cut the cro11 ot two car loads of line beer caiilc to ~a1.al hay on his farm just west of Article Concerning Approaching J ackson, illc, wh<re they "ill be Looking Over ,Route To Be Covered slaughtered !or the lncal market. Five the old 51. C loud canal this week. The hundred head w e re a lso sold to Mr. w-op wos grown on the n ew ground Election on City Bonds 13 . R. Lester !or delivery ep1cmber put under cultivation during the past --Says Outlook Encouraging 1 :. This lot will be shipped W t sl year. and the first cutting y ield ed t\J annouucl!<l in the Tribune, •he For sani ar) sewerage the ci ty is II ith other stock t hat 1\1 r. Lester is well. It is unted that another cut­ T h t! only th ing that remain s tn be (.loud a nd ll l lbour n e, be would be in comm,11,c ,,! 1he lloard of Trn,:Jc h:u laid vff in districts. Sewer mains a n d buyinii in this sect io n. ting will be possible in about six done lo assure lite in lcr urban rail· a position to rnake a rcpors lO his peO• i-sucd on nrticle concerning the bcn · ta •c , uls will be lnuJ in var ious s ec• we<ks. T h e crop was sold to A . F. pie that would insure the w ork being wa y t hr ough St. Cloud to the East lite to 1he i,roperty owners and the tions of 1hr city. Di trict No. 8, the PlRE OESTRO VS BARN ON Ha , o( this city The ready sale of 5tar tcd a t a n ear ly da1c, Coa s t and to Kissimmee, O rla ndo a n d 1J1"u.io11 nccusn1y 10 carry the bonds, one which co, e rs the central 1)t.1rtio11 ' THE O L D STO RY PLACE the first c r o11 of I his h ay grown in 1\I r. Brenner s ta:cd thnt h e found that honld he read by every person ,ii the d 1y-lllin ois avenue being the Fire destr yccl ,.he barn on the this scciion speaks wdl o( the value o t her points, is p rompt action on t hc la rge se tion , of this country along that i ,·ligihle to vote on h •1n~~lio11. ,•,•,tern houndary and l',l issouri ave nu ranch 011 En. I Lnl<e known as the a feed for s tock . ll l r. Ra s con ducts part o( par:ies along t he p r oposed the route 1hat present ed a br.a utitu1 It , 1,eli ved that vet) persnu 1he \\ stern h undary o( this district, 01'1 tory P lace. A bout fi!tcen tons a stable in the city, and hns s tor ed rout<' in granting righ ts-oi-way (or npporiunily for development as 1,oon who undcrst:Jh ds " ·hM 11rea1 Improve• .,n-1 !-ncnlh and Fourtc nth streeti n t hay, some snrnll farm machinery th~ hay !or futnre use. 1he ruatl. This fact hecame known as the road was constructed, and that menu ,dll br mndc in 1hc city by thi hrinf'l the n11rth and uuth h ... u ,uluri,a. in l. Cloud Tuesday when n re pre- in llrevard co un :y ant.I pnrt o( range , ur 11 ( bond , a111I \I hat inert a <' "ill Tl11, distri I is 10 he cu111ptc1dy SC\\ r• cutalive of the linanciers who pro- to the north.,ast o! St. loud, was a 1 h, 111atlc In vnhtc <1f property there• rel ,\ tnx le, y u( 1 mill ,dll he pose 10 back thL n ,ad and push it 10 larl{c ar<·a o( lands that \\Ould unde r• aller, '"II , ,1tc fur 1hc hnntl . The (l>l• 111orl· th. n s11ffic1l·nt :,, pay the int~r­ Cl) lllplction, returned to the city frnm q:n rlr:t in a(;'c in th~ next twelve months luwi11~ l trac 1 • frC1111 th, infurm'1li1.l11 rat un this i"am!, ha cd tin th pre -~nt WHY NOT BOND COUNTY FOR a 1rip of ins1>cc,iun and investigation. tnd \\Ould he p t' n t1 'o settl,mr nt. 1 rq ar< I ,, 1rnhh ht d 11,r lhc hendit vah,ati<' n-,rnli· 50 per cu11 u ( ,lClll, I L\tr. C. D . ll,cnner, reprcselllatht 0 ( I ) the intcrurhan. -;._ll u c.- . (. .i thli~e \\ho nrt: not .i .n .: t J)O !ll tld (l J\ capitali u, arrived in St. Cloud a (cw ''The interur ban "ill mnke a larg 15,000 For S t reet Paving tb\: mattl.'r MILLION CONSTRUCT ROAD? days al{n, and n Tuesday returned c, y t ll St. Cl nud," sa id .\Ir. Brenner, trreu to he pa, ell ,, ith pc.rma.nu1t TO 1 h ,nu!lt Ctll\\ iucin~ pr,,or t hat th, Ir m Melbourne .,nd other points on "and I believe the p ~o11le in this see­ pa, i1111 mat, riot. pion o f h11t u.; 11 ~ for munh: ipal im• the East Const, where h,• had gone tinn will appreciate the great hencf1t I rt pc'1) a,Jj,, i111n" r ach id, nl th,· 1 rnvemcnl i th (;H't tha1 cl11ht) per earlier in the we k tu luok ,Her tile In be derived from the building of this • tnet 1,1 he a! c. scd !or onvthirtl ,, f ·,•nt of the town 0 1 the cuunuy arc line proposed to be traveled hy 1he system of railroad a n ti wtll co-operate tht.' en. t of construction. Thus ;.\f': -ro,. Tribune Reader Suggests That Entirely New ,nlo111ing ot. new l!lectric railway. !\Jr. Brenner with th e gentlemen who arr now en• tlll;\lt•ly ., 10,fK'I() of the att1uunt will he E, ry 1ow11 ,,f "ny conshJerahlc sizt: c.illctl nt the Trihunc of!ice 11ncJ gave rlc a voring to secure t he rig ht-of-way. paid hy the adjoinin11 prop r1y own­ htt its \\attr. 1.!Wi1agc, and lc.ctri Bond Issue For Whole County out the state m ent t ha t what h e saw T her e h uld be nn d1cs itan cy 011 the • er.
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