New Ze'aland Gazette
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llumb. 146. 36~9 THE NEW ZE'ALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1917. DiatrictIJ cunst,tuted under Ike Birth8 and Deaths Registratiol' 'I Districts C07I8titutea under the Marriage Act, 1908. Act, 1908. [L.8.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the power a.nd authority I vested in the Govemor by the Marriage Act, 1908, N pursuance and ex~r. cise of the power and authority I vested in the Govemor by the Births and Deaths Regis. I, Arthur William de Brito So. vile, Earl of Liverpool, the tration Act, 1908, I, Arthur William de Brito Savile, Earl of Governor-General of thc Dominion of New Zeala.nd, do hereby Liverpool, the Govemor - General of the Dominion of New 0. bolish the existing marriage districts known as the Te Amroa. Zealand, do here by .. bolish the existing registla tion districts and Wo.iapu Districts, and do proclaim and declare that the known as the Te ArarOo. and Waiapu Districts, and do pro territory heretofore comprised within the said districts is claim and declare that the territory heretofore comprised hereby divided anew jnto three m",rriage districts, the n& within the said districts is hereby divided anew into three and boundaries whereof shall be as follows :- re/rlstration districts, the names whereof shall be the K.uroxURA DIsTRICT. Ko.hukuro., Te Ara.roa, and Waiapu Districts, and the boundaries whereof shall be cont€rminou8 with the boundaries All that area in the Hawke's Bay Land District bounded of the marriage districts bearing the same names, as are set by a line commencing at the interseotion of 0. right line from forth in 0. Proclamation of even date herewith, made under ~angi Trig. Station to Cape Runaway, by another right the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908. line from Whanakaoa Trig. Station to the northernmost And I hereby declare that this Proclamation shall come corner of Section 1, Block VIII, Ro.ukumara Survey District; into operation on the first day of October, in the year of thence along that right line to the westernmost cm:ner of the our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen. said Section 1, along the northern boundary of that sootion and of Wairongomai Block and the western boundary of Given under the hand of His Excellency the Ri~ht Tangiho.nga Block to t1ie To.uro.nge.kautuku River, along that Honourable Arthur William de Brito So.vile, river, the southern boundary of Whakao.ngio.ngi No.4 Block, Earl of LiverJ.lool, Knight Grand Cross of the I the western boundary of No. 5 and the northern boundaries Most DistingUIshed Order of Saint Michael and of Whako.a.ngio.ngi Nos. 5, 3D, 2D, 2.&., lB 1, 1A 1, and 1A 2 Saint George, Member of the Royal Victorian Blocks to the northernmost comer of the last-mentioned Order, Governor-General and Commander-in- block; thence along 0. right line through Trig. Station E to Chief in and over His Majesty'. Dominion of the coast near East Cape; thence o.!oog the seo.shore to the New Zealand and its Depe!1dencies; . and issued south-eastern corner of No.4 Block, o.!ong the under the Seo.! of the MId DomInIon, at the southern and western boundaries of that block and the north Government H~ at Wellington, this thirteenth eastern boundaries of No. I and B Blocks to 0. public day of. .August, m the year of our Lord one thou- road; thence westerly along the said rood, intersecting sand nme hundred and seventeen. B, Waitangi, and Puhungo. Blocks to the Mata River, acr088 G. W RUSSF.LT.. and along the left bank of that river, o.!ong the Aore.ngiwai Minister of Internal Affairs. Stream, the northern boundary of Section 1, Block I, Mata Survey District, and the northern boundary of Forest Reserve UOD SAVI£ uu: Ku,,,! to Hikuro.ngi Trig. Station; and thenoe o.!ong 0. right line in BRATA.-In the description of the bounda.ries of Waihi, published in Galletti! No. 186, of the 80th August, E 1917, page 8887, Jor .. 4888'7 links" read" 4108'7 links." . In the Order in Oonnoil revoking a. lioense authorizing Hugh Mostyn Trevor, Settler, Oha.kune, t~ UBe water from the Ma.karanui Creek for the purpose of genera.ting electrioity, published in Gazette No. 141, page 8542, of 18th September, 1917, for the words" one thousand nine hundred a.nd sixteen" where they first OOQur in suoh Order read .. one thousand nine hundred and tlfteen." 3670 TH.E NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 146 the direction of Cape Runaway to its intersection by a right position of the said land, and a statement of the rea.sons line from Whana.kaoa Trig. Station to the westernmost corner why ib is no longer required for Stabe·forest purposes, of Seotion 1 aforesaid, the place of commencement. been laid before both Houses of Pa.rlia.meut for a. period of thirty da.ys, a.nd no resolution has been pa.ssed by either of TE ABAROA DISTRICT. such Houses objecting to the issue of this Proolama.tion : All that area in the Auckland and Hawke's Bay Land Now, therefore, His Excellency tbe Governor·Genera.l of Distriots bounded by a line along the seashore from Cape the Dominion of New,in pursuance a.nd exercise of Runaway to a point near East Cape opposite Trig. Station the powers conferred by section twenty.eight of the E; thence along a right line through the said Trig. Station E Aot, and of all other powers in anywise enabling him in this to the northernmost corner of Whakaangiangi lA 2 Block, behalf, and acting by and with the advice a.nd consent of bbe along the north·western boundary of that block and of lA 1 Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby revoke and IB 1 Blocks, part of the north·eastern boundary"of; 2A *e Proolamation speoified in Part II of the said Sohedule, and the north·western boundaries of 2A, 2B, 3B, and 5, the so far as it relates to the land described in Part I of the said western boundary of 5 and the southern boundary of Whaka· Sohedule, 80S from the date of the publioa.tion hereof in the angiangi 4 Block to the Taurangakautuku River, along that New Zeatatui Gazette; and doth hereby proolaim a.nd river to Section 2, Block II, Mangaoporo Survey District that from and after such date the paroel of land desoribed (F.R.), along the south-eastern boundary of that section in Part I of the said Schedule shall be no longer subjeot to and of Ahomotariki No. 2B Block and along the northern tbe provisions of the said Act. boundary of Wairongomai Block and of Section 1, Block VIII, Raukumara Survey District, to its westernmost corner; SCHEDULE. thence along a right line running in the direction of Whanakaoa PART!. Trig. Station to its intersection by a right line from Cape Runaway to Hikurangi Trig. Station; and thence along the ALL that area in the Wellington La.nd Distriot, containing said right line to Cape Runaway, the pla.ce of commencement. by admeasurement 323 acres, more or less, being Section 42, Block XI, Ongo Survey District. Bounded towards the WAIAPU DISTRICT. north· west, north, and north-east generally by the Rangi· tikei Valley Road, by Section 71 of said Block XI, 80 road All that area in the Hawke's Bay Land District bounded reserve, a.nd by Section 44, Block XI aforesaid; towards the by a line commencing at Hikurangi Trig. Station; thence south-east and south·west by Sections 43,40, and 38 of said eastward along the boundary of Forest Reserve and of Section block, and by the Rangitikei Valley Road. As the same is I, Block I, Mata Survey District, and along the Aorangiwai delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 1911/329, deposited Stream to the Mata River, along that river to the road inter in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at secting Puhunga, Waitangi, and Ngamoe B Blocks, along that Wellington, and thereon bordered red. rood and the north-eastern boundary of the last· mentioned block and of Ngamoe No. 1 Block, and the western and PART II. southern boundaries of Ngamoe No. 4 Block to the coast; thenoe along the seashore to the south·eastern corner of Proclamation dated the 28th day of October, 1899, and Waipiro No. 5 Block at the mouth of the Waihuru Stream; published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 92, of the 10th thence along the southern boundaries of Waipiro No.5 and November, 1899, page 2079. Kaupeka.a·Haumia Blocks, Te Matai and Mangahawini Given under the hand of His Excellency the Ri~ht Streams, 'to the south· eastern oorner of Poroikamoona Block, Honourable Arthur William de Brito Savile, along the southern boundary of that block and of Rakaua· Earl of Livel'{'ool, Knight Gra.nd Cross of the tautini B Block to the Pauariki Stream, along that stream Most Distingu18hed Oraer of Saint Micha.el and and the southern boundary of Ruangarehu No.1 Block to Saint George, Member of the Royal VictOrian the Onetehunga Stream, along that stream and the north· Order, Governor - Genera.! a.nd Commander-in eastern boundary of Small Grazing·run 53 and a rood to Chief in and over His Majesty's Dominion of the south·eastern corner of Small Grazing-run 92, along New Zealand and its Dependencies; and issued the southern boundary of that run to Te Pora Stream, by under the Seal of the Dominion, at the that stream to Paparoa No.1 Block, along the south·eastern Government House at Wellington, this twenty· boundary of that block to the Mata River, along the right fourth day of September, in the year of our Lord bank of that river to a point opposite the mouth of the one thousand nine hundred and seventeen.