2021 - 2022 Migratory Game A Bird Hunting L Regulations A S K Photo by Jamin Hunter Taylor Graphic Design by Sue Steinacher A The 2021 state duck stamp features a photograph by Jamin Hunter Taylor of a male ring-necked duck (Aythya collaris). Jamin is an Alaska-based nature photographer who specializes in hunting Alaska’s diverse avifauna through the lens of his camera. Ring-necked ducks breed throughout much of Alaska and often congregate into large flocks during fall migration. Unlike most other diving ducks, ring-necked ducks are frequently found in relatively small, shallow ponds and wetlands. The appropriateness of the bird’s common name (and scientific name “collaris”) is often questioned because, in the field, the neck ring is rarely visible. However, in hand it becomes obvious that males of the species do exhibit a chestnut-colored collar at the base of the neck. Despite their name, the species is more easily identified based on their pointed head shape and white ring around the bill. The State of Alaska is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Contact
[email protected] for alternative formats of this publication. 2 LICENSE AND STAMP REQUIREMENTS Resident Hunters All Alaska residents age 18 or older must possess a hunting license to hunt in Alaska and must carry it while hunting. Resident hunters 60 years old or older may obtain a free, permanent identification card issued by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). This card replaces the sport fishing, hunting, and trapping licenses. Disabled veterans qualified under AS 16.05.341 may receive a free hunting license.