Nycdot Belt Parkway Bridge Vertical Clearence And

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Nycdot Belt Parkway Bridge Vertical Clearence And NYCDOT BELT PARKWAY BRIDGE VERTICAL CLEARENCE AND TRUCK TURNING ANALYSIS OF INTERCHANGES FOR STUDY OF ALLOWING TRUCKS ON BELT PARKWAY DURING CONSTRUCTION OF CONTRACT HBQBQE FEBRUARY 2016 BeltParkwayClearanceandEntranceSurvey SummaryofFindings ThisworkisbeingprogressedincooperationwithothertasksbeingstudiedfortheBQEworkfromSand StreettoAtlanticAvenue.Thepurposeofthisworkistodeterminethefeasibilityofallowingtrucksto utilizetheBeltParkwayasanalternaterouteduringtheconstructionworkontheeBQE.Th Belt ParkwaycurrentlyisconfiguredfornonͲcommercialtrafficonly.Atthepresenttimetherearesome expressbusroutesandlocalbusroutesthatutilizeportionsoftheBeltParkwaybutthatislimited. ItshouldbenotedthattheBeltParkwaywouldbeusedbytrafficcomingfromBrooklynBatteryTunnel orfurthersouth.TrafficfromBrooklynBridgeandManhattanBridgeheadingnorthstillneedstobe accommodatedthroughportionoftheproject,inadditiontrafficheadingsouthfrombothofthese bridgeswouldneedtobedivertedelsewhere. ThereareseverallimitationsthattheBeltparkwaypresentstoallowtrucktraffictoutilizethefacility andtheyare: 1. Narrowlanewidths 2. SubͲstandardturningradiionmanyentranceandexitramps 3. Lowverticalclearanceissuesonmanystructuresthatspantheroadway. 4. LowLiveLoadCarryingCapacityofbridgesthatcarryBeltParkway Thisstudyseekstolookattheseissuesfromascientificandeconomicpointofviewtoestablishthecost ofmakingtheparkwayintoatruckcompliantroadway.Thisstudydoesnotaddressthefactthat Parkwaysarenotavailabletotrucksnordoesisaddresswhattheresidentsandbusinessesalongthe throughfarewouldsay.Additionally,thereisnoprovisioninthestudyforlandacquisitionasthosecosts areadditionaltothecostsofbuildingwhatwouldberequiredtomaketheroadwaytruckcompliant. Additionally,thereisanassumptionofafulllengthtruckutilizingtheinterchangesasthatdeliversthe mostcostadversescenario.ThetruckallowancecouldbereducedtoaWBͲ40loadwhichwouldreduce thecostfactorsrequiredtoperformworkoftheroadwaysoftheinterchangesbuttheheightclearance issueswillnotbereduced. History TheBeltParkwaywasconstructedinthe1940’sand1950’sbyRobertMosesandisconnectedtothe BQEat65thStreetinBrooklyn.ItrunsaroundBrooklynwitheithertheparkwayelevatedorthelocal streetselevatedateachcrossing.TheparkwaycrossesnumerouswaterinletsfromJamaicaBayandis crossedbyatleastfourtransitlinesoverhead.Manyoftheoverpassesandunderpasseshavestone claddingand/orstoneattachedtothestructuraloverpass. Overtheyearssinceitopened,therehavebeennumerousstructuresthathavebeenworkedoneither byinͲhouseforces,componentrehabilitationorpartial/fullreplacements.TherecentworkontheBelt hasbroughtseveralstructuresuptofederallimitedaccesshighwaystandards.However,therearestill manystructuresthatarewhollysubͲstandardandthosewillbeviewedinthisstudy. Thisstudyisconfinedtothelimitsfrom65thStreetinBrooklynandSunriseHighwayinQueens.Thereis alsoconsiderationgiventostoppingattheVanWyckExpresswayasthatwouldthenformaloopof limitedaccesstruckrouting.However,therearealsosomeintersectionissuesontheQueenslegthat poseseriousissuestotruckstransferringontotheNassauExpressway. 1. LaneWidth. ThelanewidthonmuchoftheBeltParkwayis11foot.Thisisclearlylessthanthe12foot requiredontheInterstatesystemandtherearenoshouldersexceptinthelocationsofthe6 bridgesinthecurrentBeltprogram.Ifwetassume tha addingtherequiredshouldersis necessarythecostofthatalonecouldbeprohibitive.However,therearecertainlyportionsof theroadwaywherethiscouldtakeplace. Assumingjusta12footwidelanewidthitwouldbepossibletoinstallalongtheentirelengthwe arelookingataddingthreefeetineachdirection. Thatcostwouldberoughly$50millionplusdrainagerelocationsandusercostassociatedwith thisconstructionduetodelaysexperiencedbythetravellingpublic. Theothersignificantportionofthecostofthisistowidenanybridgesthatdonot accommodatethefulllanewidthsthatcarrytheBeltParkway.Thiswillrequirediscussionswith NYSDOT,DPRandothersintheareasofthesebridges.Thespecificsofthisareasfollows: A. BSHPoverBayRidgeAvenue(BIN221249) Thisbridgewasjustreconstructedandisexpectedtohavearatingabove6.0.Itdoeshave enoughlanewidthbutwillnotaccommodateshouldersunlessalaneiseliminated. B. BSHPoverBayParkway(BIN2231319) TheBayParkwayBridgeonlyaccommodatestheexistinglanewidths.Thebridgeiscurrently rated4.533andisnotfundedinthecurrent10yearplan.Theworktowidenthisbridge couldbeincludedintherehabilitationcontract.Thewideningwillbetheminimalifitisjust toaccommodatethe12footwidelanes.Ifshouldersaretobeputintherewillbealarge impactontheDPRlands.Theestimatedcosttoperformthisworkis$50millioninFY17 dollars. C. BSHPover26thAvenueBIN2231329) The26thAvenueBridgeisaridgedframestructureandhasclearanceissuesoverthe roadwaybelow.Thecurrentstructuralratingis4.600anditisnotcurrentlyinthe10year capitalplan.Thereissomelandoneithersidetoaccommodatethewideningbutitisnot clearifshoulderscouldbeinstalled.Thecurrentestimatetoperformthisworkis$45Min FY17dollars. D. BSHPover15thStreet–ShellRoad(BIN2231330) Thisbridgeisaddressedinthebridgeareainthatthetransitlinegoesoverthisbridge. E. BSHPoverOceanParkway(BIN2231360)TheOceanParkwayBridgewasreconstructedin the2000’sandwasbuilttofederalstandardswithshoulders.(Nocost) F. BSHPoverSheepsheadBayRoad(BIN223140Ͳ9) G. BSHPoverOceanAvenue(BIN223141Ͳ() H. BSHPoverBedfordAvenue(BIN223142Ͳ9) I. BSHPoverNostrandAvenue(BIN2231439) TheabovefourbridgesareallonaraisedsectionoftheBeltinSheepsheadBay.Thebridge ratingsare4.738,4.306,4.278,and4.264respectively.Therearewoodedembankmentson bothsidesoftheparkwaysothereisroomtoinstalltheadditionallanewidths.Theremay alsoberoomtoinstalltheshouldersbutthatmayeliminateorseverelyimpactthegreen space.Thesebridgesarebeingbundledintoadesigncontractforinclusioninthe10year plantheestimatedcostoftheprojectis$230MinFY17dollars. J. BSHPoverGerritsenInlet(BIN2231450) TheGerritsenInletBridgeisbeingreconstructedtofederalstandardsintheBelt2contract (Nocost) K. BSHPoverMillBasin(BIN2231479) TheMillBasinBridgeiscurrentlybeingreconstructedtofederalstandards.(NoCost) L. BSHPoverPaerdegatBasin(EBandWBBIN2231482and2231481) ThesebridgeswerenewlybuiltintheBelt1contracttofederalstandards.(Nocost) M. BSHPoverRockawayParkway(BIN22314499) TheRockawayParkwayBridgewasreconstructedintherecentBelt1contracttofederal standards.(Nocost) N. BSHPoverFreshCreek.(BIN2231509) TheFreshCreekBridgewasreconstructedtofederalstandardsintherecentBelt1contract (Nocost) O. BSHPoverHendrixRoad(BIN2231529)(NYSDOTownedfacility) P. BSHPover2ndAvenue(BIN2231239)ThisiswheretheBeltcrossesover2ndAvenue.Thereis plentyofdeckareatoaccommodatethelanesandshouldersastheroadwaytransitionstoa singlelanewidthattheBQE(NoCost) Q. BSHPoverFountainAvenue(BIN2231539)(NYSDOTownedfacility) R. BSHPover84thStreet(BIN2231549)(NYSDOTownedfacility) S. BSCPoverRockawayBoulevard(2231601/2)NYSDOTownedfacility) OnepointthatneedstobeaddressedisthattheBQEhas11footwidelanesinsomeportionsso itisnotunknowntohavenarrowerlanesfortruckaccess.Thereforemuchoftheinformation abovecandbemodifie ornegatedforatemporarytruckroute.However,thecommunitiesalong theroutewilllikelyopposeputtingtrucksonthebeltand/orrequirethatnoisebarriersbe installedwhichwouldcostasizableamount(muchmorethanthebridgework)andbecomea maintenanceissueaslongastheyarethere. 2. IntersectionCompliance. Theintersectionsareallsubstandard.Tobringtheintersectionstocurrentstandardto accommodateaWBͲ67tractortrailerrequiresasubstantialamountofrealestateandmaynot bepossibleatallintersections.Thesemovementswillalsobecompoundedbythefactthat someofthebridgeswillneedtobefurtherelevatedtoaccommodatetheclearance. Additionally,therearelocationswhereeitherparklandwillbeneededorthegeometryand elevationwillnotallowafullWBͲ67tomaketheturn.Itisalsoamajorissueforadjacent roadways,bridgesandpropertyowners. ThereneedstobeaclearpathtoanymajordeliverysitesuchasJFKInternational.Thatwill requireamajorreconfigurationoftheinterchangeatCrossBayBoulevardorabetterfeedto eithertheNassauExpresswayorServiceroadjusttotheeastofCrossBayBoulevard.Thecostof bridgeworkisaddressedinthenextsectionbutthecostoftheongradeworkcouldbe substantial. InlookingattheinterchangesonlyFlatbushAvenueallowsforallmovementsofaWBͲ40truck. Alltheotherinterchangeshaverestrictionsofoneormoremovements.Asthetrucksgetbigger theinterchangesdegradequicklytothepointthatforaWBͲ67truckthereareonlyoneortwo allowablemovementsandsomeinterchangeshavenone. Morerigorousdesignandlayoutwouldneedtobedonetoformulateestimatesforthework butitshouldbekept inmindthatthebridgesovertheBeltincreasethecostsforthework.Asa roughestimateforcomparisonwethinkthatitwouldcostroughly$5MͲ10Mperinterchange forreworktoaccommodateaWBͲ40truck.$20MͲ$25MforaWBͲ62truckand$30MͲto $35MmillionforaWBͲ62truck.Itshouldalsobenotedthattherewillbeinterchangeswhere nothingcanbedoneoronlysomemovementscanbemade.. ItisalsounclearastothecompatibilityoftrucksandtherampstoandfromtheVerrazano Bridge.Wedonothavethefinalconfigurationfortheworkthatiscurrentlytakingplaceand futurework. 3. BridgeClearance ThisstudylooksonlyatverticalclearanceissuesthatwouldaffecttruckstravellingontheBelt Parkway.AsindicatedearliertherearenumerousstructuresthatspantheBeltthatpresenta clearobstacletotrucktraffic.Typicallytheclearancewearelookingforis15feet. A. BeltParkwayatthesplitwiththeBQE(BIN106531E) TheBeltParkwayatthesplitwiththeBQEisasinglelaneentranceandexit.Thegeometryis setandtherearenoclearanceissuesthatarepresent.(NoCost) B. 81theStreetPedestrianBridge(BIN2231250) The81thStreetBridgeisastandardpedestrianbridgebuilttoaccommodatethelocal communityaccesstothewaterfrontpark.Thisbridgeisnotpostedforverticalclearance, howeverdatabaseindicatesaminimumverticalclearanceof13feetͲ3inches. C. 92ndStreetPedestrianBridge(BIN2231260)
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