EVALUATION OF UNDP’S SECOND REGIONAL COOperATION FRAMEWORK FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 2002–2006 Evaluation Office, May 2007 United Nations Development Programme REPORTS PuBLISHed Under THE RCF EVALUATIon SerIES RCF for the Arab States 2002-2005, (2005) RCF for Africa 2002-2006, (2007) RCF for Latin America & the Caribbean 2002-2007, (2007) EVALUATION TEAM Team Leader Steen Folke International Consultant Pao Li Lim Team Member and Juha Uitto EO Task Manager Research Assistant Elizabeth K. Lang Copyright © 2007 United Nations Development Report Evaluation Office One United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017, USA Website: http://www.undp.org/eo Email:
[email protected] Foreword The report of the Evaluation of the Second and communications technology for development; Regional Cooperation Framework (RCF) for Asia and crisis prevention and development. and the Pacific 2002-2006 presents the findings The evaluation examined UNDP’s regional of the evaluation of the RCF carried out by the programme and its contributions to regional Evaluation Office. The evaluation assesses UNDP’s development in terms of its relevance, effectiveness, performance, achievements and results, the scope efficiency and sustainability. It combined a meta- and range of strategic partnerships formed, and evaluation approach with an in-depth investigation its strategic positioning in the region. It is one of of the programme. Three outcome evaluations three evaluations carried out this year, prior to the had been commissioned in 2006 in the areas of submission of new RCFs for the Executive Board’s poverty, governance and HIV/AIDS, which were approval. The aim of the evaluation is to provide made available to the present evaluation team.