Yusuf Hendra Permana. An Analysis of Oppressions Experienced by Three Female Characters in Film The Magdalene Sisters. Thesis. Jakarta: State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, 2010.

This research is aimed at finding what kind of oppressions experienced by the three main characters and how the main characters overcome the oppressions in The Magdalene Sisters movie. This research analyses three the main characters in The Magdalene Sisters movie based on the theory of Feminism. By using the Feminism theory, the writer tries to describe the three main characters. This movie is analyzed carefully and accurately using relevant theory in The Magdalene Sisters.

The writer uses qualitative method with a descriptive analysis. The writer observes the film describing the main character by analyzing the dialogues, pictures, scenes and actions. First, this study discusses about the oppressions experienced by Margaret, Rose and Bernadette as the main characters in The Magdalene Sisters movie. The last, the writer also finds how Margaret, Rose and Bernadette overcome the oppressions in The Magdalene Sisters movie. The writer concludes that the character of Margaret, Rose and Bernadette are women who break tradition controlled by patriarchal and make changes toward women that are still controlled by men, it can be concluded that Margaret’s, Rose’s and Bernadette’s efforts to open the young women’s minds at the Magdalene Laundry shows feminist ideas.





A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one


Yusuf Hendra Permana 204026002798

Approved By: Advisor,

Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum Nip: 19781003 200112 2 002



A thesis entitled “An analysis of Oppressions Experienced by Three

Female Characters in The Magdalene Sisters Movie” has been defended before the Letters and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on October, 19,

2010. The thesis has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Strata I in Department of English letters.

Tangerang, 19 October, 2010

Examination Committee

Name Signature Date

1. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd (Chair Person) (…………….)(………) NIP. 19650919 200003 1 002

2. Drs. Saefuddin, M.Pd (Secretary) (…………….)(………) NIP. 19640710 199303 1 006

3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Advisor) (…………….)(………) NIP. 19781003 200112 2 002

4. Drs. Abdul Hamid, M.Ed. (Examiner) (…………….)(………) NIP. 150 181 922

5. Innayatul Chusna, M.Hum (Examiner) (…………….)(………) 19780126 200312 2 002


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the next.

Tangerang, 19 October, 2010

Yusuf Hendra Permana


In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

All praised be to Allah the Lord of the world who has given mercy and blessed until the writer can complete this thesis without any obstacle in her opportunity. Peace and Salutation be upon to the Nobel Prophet of Islam,

Muhammad SAW, and his household, his companions, and his faithful followers.

The writer is absolutely conscious that he could not carry out this work without helping of others, both material and spiritual. For that reason, the writer would like to express his greatest love and honor to his beloved mother and father, also his brother for their endless prayers and motivations.

The great gratitude is also dedicated to these amazing people. Particularly to:

1. Prof. DR. Komarudin Hidayat, MA. the Rector of State Islamic

University, Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta.

2. Dr. Wahid Hasyim, M. Ag. the Dean of Letters and Humanities Faculty

3. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan M.Pd. the Head of English Letters

Departments, and Drs. Asep Saefudin, M.Pd., the Secretary of English

Letters Department.

4. Special thank goes to Elve Oktafiayani, M.Hum., the writer’s advisor for

continuing guidance and support in this research. The writer realizes

without her critics, help, and her support this paper will mean nothing.

v 5. All of the Lecturers in Letters and Humanities Faculty, who have given

contribution and support directly or indirectly. All staff of Faculty of Adab

and Humanities. Staff of Library Faculty of Adab and Humanities, and

staff of Library State Islamic University.

6. The writer’s big family, Bapak, Mamah, his brothers and sisters, who

always give his prayers, supports and motivations.

7. All friends at English Letters Department especially in Extension class

2004 which cannot be mentioned one by one. Our memories will never be


8. All friends in Faculty of Economy Management 2003 and Central’s


To all friends and person who give their pray, help and support in writing

this paper who could not be mentioned one by one. May Allah SWT, the

Almighty bless them all, Amiin.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis still has some weaknesses and mistakes. Therefore, the writer would like to accept any constructive suggestions to make this thesis better.

Tangerang, 19 October, 2010

The Writer


ABSTRACT ...... i







A. Background of the Study ...... 1

B. Focus of the Study ...... 5

C. Research Question ...... 5

D. Significance of the Study ...... 5

E. Research Methodology ...... 6

1. The Objective ...... 6

2. The Method ...... 6

3. The Instrument ...... 6

4. The Unit of Analysis ...... 6

5. Place and Time ...... 6


A. Feminism ...... 7

B. The Development History of Feminism ...... 9

vii C. Liberal Feminism of Betty Friedan ...... 13

D. The Concept of Oppression ...... 15


A. Oppression ...... 18

1. Marginalization ...... 19

2. Exploitation ...... 21

3. Powerlessness ...... 23

B. The Efforts to Overcome Oppression………………………………... 25

1. Margaret………………………………………………...... 26

2. Bernadette……………………………………………………….. 28

3. Rose ...... 31


A. Conclusion ...... 34

B. Suggestion ...... 35


WEBSITES ...... 38



A. Background of the Study

Allah has created mankind on earth with many advantages. Mankind is given sense of art to create film, poem, and drama. It cannot happen if mankind does not have sense of art. We are as God’s creature shall be proud because we are given many advantages to make something special on earth. But, many people do not realize that they have a talent to make something special. A long time ago, people have created a film to be enjoyed. In America, many film makers create a film to be enjoyed by whole people in the world.

Nowadays, film is the famous one of swan-song because film not only becomes an entertainment for the enjoyer but also becomes a medium to convey a message and express emotion.1 Films are cultural artifacts created by specific cultures, which reflect those cultures, and, in turn, affect them.2 Commonly in a film, the film maker tells about social life, education, law, murder, adultery, oppression, and many more that ever happened in the world. But, sometimes, the film maker also makes a film based on his or her experience has ever happened in her or his life. And usually women’s life is a good topic to be a film. The film maker raises women character as his or her inspiration for her or his works, because women’s life full of sacrifice, struggle, riddle, and oppression. And the oppression toward woman often happens to women in this world.

1 Rosida Erowati, Seminar Tentang Membaca Film, Ciputat 8 April 2008 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film. retrieved on October 11, 2008

1 2

There are many aspects which influence unfair things toward woman, but there is one aspect dominantly about unfair thing to woman that is the patriarchal system. In patriarchal system they only know that woman is their server, so that, they put woman’s position lower than men. The dominance of patriarchy toward woman is fought by feminist activists. They do not agree that a woman is not better than a man. Many assumptions come from feminist, they judge that the patriarchal system tries to eliminate woman’s role in many aspects of life, for instance, in education, law, state, and politic.

This unfair thing makes the women feel inferior and subordinate. They agree to take a real action to change it. So many aspirations come from the feminists, such as: Sarah Grimke, Margareth Fuller, Virginia Woolf, Elizabeth

Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and many more, they are the first generation of feminist movement in the world (first-wave).3 They insist there are no differences between men and women in all aspects, for example: in family, government, education, law, and society. Because many of them still feel, there are differences between men and women in those aspects, especially in America. At that time there is no right for women to give her voice in the election. The point of feminist movement is change the society, culture, and people perception about women to get same opportunity, right, and gender equality with men in all aspects.

Basically, there are many forms of feminism. They are Liberal feminism, Radical

3 First-wave feminism refers to a period of feminist activity during the nineteenth and early twentieth century in the United Kingdom and the United States. It focused on de jure (officially mandated) inequalities, primarily on gaining women's suffrage (the right to vote). The term first wave was coined retroactively in the 1970s. The women's movement then, focusing as much on fighting de facto (unofficial) inequalities as de jure ones, acknowledged its foremothers by calling itself second-wave feminism. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia retrieved on august 2008. 3

Feminism, Marxist feminism, and Socialist Feminism. What is called the Liberal feminism is a view to placing women who have full freedom and individual. It states that the flow of freedom and equality is rooted in rationality and the separation between private and public world. Every human being, according to them, has the capacity to think and act rationally, as well as in women. The root of oppression and backwardness in women is due to errors caused by women themselves. Women must prepare themselves so they can compete in the world in terms of "free competition" and have equal status with men. Radical Feminism emerged since the mid-1970s in which this school offers ideology "separatist struggle of women". In its history, this flow appears as a reaction to a culture of sexism or the social dominance based on gender in the West in the 1960s, primarily against sexual violence and pornography industries. Understanding male oppression of women is one fact in the present system of society there. And this movement is as the name of "radical". Marxist Feminism is a theory flow of women to view the problem within the framework of criticism of capitalism. And

Socialist Feminism connects the oppression of women to Marxist ideas about exploitation, oppression and labor. Socialist feminists think unequal standing in both the workplace and the domestic sphere holds women down. Socialist feminists see prostitution, domestic work, childcare and marriage as ways in which women are exploited by a patriarchal system that devalues women and the substantial work they do. Those forms of feminism were called as second wave’s feminist movement. 4

About film, many film makers tell about woman’s oppression in their work, they assume that woman’s character is the best one to be used as a film; in many films we never see there is no woman character inside. It proves that woman is the important thing in a movie. And one of the directors who rise about woman oppression is . He raises woman character as the major character in his movie, his movie entitled The Magdalene Sisters tells about unfair things toward woman that is done by men. This movie tells about three women character named Margaret, Rose and Bernadette. They experience various kind of unfair things done by men, firstly she is considered as “dirty” woman by her father, and then her father sends her to one place named Magdalene, this place is a laundry which is managed by nuns voluntarily.

This place is considered as rehabilitation place for the woman. In other words, woman is considered as “dirty woman” placed in this place, Margaret,

Rose and Bernadette feel, they are eliminated by her superiors, moreover in

Magdalene, they see that many nuns in Magdalene are done cruelty by the pastures. Mostly, in this place women are experienced oppression done by men; this condition makes Margaret, Rose and Bernadette think to break the oppression toward women in Magdalene. They effort to break woman’s oppression toward the patriarchal system is same with many feminist assumptions to fight back toward unfair things.

This story inspires the writer to analyze what kind of oppression toward woman in The Magdalene Sisters and how they solve her problem to free from the patriarchal system. From those considerations the writer formulates a title to this 5

thesis “An analysis of oppressions experienced by three female characters in The

Magdalene Sisters movie.”

B. Focus of the Study

Based on to the background of the study above, the writer focuses his research in the Margaret, Rose and Bernadette characters in The Magdalene

Sisters movie and their efforts to break their oppressions.

C. Research Question

Based on the background of the study and the focus of the study above, the writer formulates the question as follows:

1. What kinds of oppressions experienced by the three female characters in

The Magdalene Sisters movie?

2. How do Margaret, Rose and Bernadette overcome the oppressions in

The Magdalene Sisters movie?

D. Significance of the Study

The writer expects the result of this study gives some information about women’s oppressions in a movie, and for the readers who want to do a deeper analysis about feminism concept in a movie.


E. Research Methodology

1. The Objective

The purposes of this research are:

a. To find out kind of oppressions related to inequality between male and

female in The Magdalene Sisters movie?

b. To know how Margaret, Rose and Bernadette overcome the

oppressions in The Magdalene Sisters movie?

2. The Method

The writer uses qualitative method with a descriptive-analysis in

analyzing oppression toward woman that appears in The Magdalene

Sisters movie.

3. The Instrument

The instrument of this research is the writer himself, by watching

the whole of The Magdalene Sisters movie, grouping the dialogues and

pictures of some characters about Margaret and analyzing the data that

have relation with the relevant theories.

4. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis is a film entitled The Magdalene Sisters; this

film is directed by Peter Mullan and released in America on June, 11th


5. Place and Time

This research began on August 2008 in the faculty of Adab and

Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 7



A. Feminism

Feminism is a perspective that views gender as one of the most important bases of the structure and organization of the social world. Gender itself refers to the characteristics inherent to male and female those are socially and culturally constructed. Feminist argue that this structure has granted women lower status and value, more limited access to valuable resources, and less autonomy and opportunity to make choices over their lives than it has granted men4.

The word feminism originated from the French word feminisme in the nineteenth century, either as a medical term to describe women with masculine traits5. It is a discourse that involves various movements, theories, and philosophies which are concerned with the issues of gender difference, advocate equality for women, and campaign for women’s right and interests. Basically, talking about feminism cannot be separated from the term women’s movement.

The term women’s movement itself is actually a broad term. O’Neill confirms that the term women’s movement appeared in the late nineteenth century to describe all public activities of women, whether directly related to feminist goals or not.

4 Virginia Sapiro, Women In American Society. Palo Alto, California : Mayfield Publishing Company, 1986, p. 440 5 Jane Pilcher and Imelda Imelda, Fifty Key Concepts in Gender Studies. (Trown Br Idge, Wiltshire: The Cromwell Press Ltd,. 2004)

7 8

The women’s movement, in fact, included anti-suffragists and anti-feminists

(often simply called antis) as well as the partisans of women’s emancipation6.

Feminism concerns with women’s emancipation in society and discrimination encountered by women because of their sex. In addition, one could argue that all feminists call for changes in the social, economic, political or cultural order, to reduce and eventually overcome this discrimination against women. And these lead women to a feminist movement. Soenarjati Djajanegara told the aim of feminist movement is “(…) meningkatkan kedudukan dan derajat perempuan agar sama atau sejajar dengan kedudukan serta derajat laki-laki.”

Thus it is clear that the feminism aim is to have equal right and position between women and men. The main objective of feminism is to encourage the idea that women and men are totally different in biology but have the same position and rights7.

Sometimes, there is a tendency to confuse feminism with women’s rights.

Feminism and women’s rights are not the same, and the distinction is of great significance. It is also asserted that feminism is used to describe a broad movement embracing numerous phases of woman’s emancipation. It is the freedom to decide her own destiny; freedom from sex-determined roles; freedom from society’s oppressive restrictions; freedom to express her thoughts fully and to convert them freely to actions. Feminism demands the acceptance of women’s right to individual consciences and judgment. It postulates that women’s essential

6 William O’Neill, A History of Feminisim in America: Everyone Was Brave. Canada : Fitzhenry and Whiteside, Ltd, Toronto,1971 7 Soenarjati Djajanegara, Kritik Sastra Feminis, (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 2003), p.4 9

worth stems from her common humanity and does not depend on the other relationship of her life. Feminism directs itself inward first-seeking to free the woman herself from society’s pressures to conform to externally establish social standards. Women’s rights, however, implies a demand for particular privileges such as the rights to vote, the rights to equal educational and employment8.

As a kind of social phenomenon, feminism certainly has particular essence in society. Feminism, as O’Neill affirms, is perhaps best understood as one reaction to the great pressures that accompanied the emergence of nuclear family.

It was a reaction against the cult of domesticity of which homes were regarded as the women’s place9. So, it can be concluded that feminism is the struggle for equality and the freedom for women to choose or arrange their own ways of life, either in the scope of the household or in the outside of the household. In sum, feminist is a person who has such sense of freedom, equality, and independence.

B. The Development History of Feminism

Feminists and scholars have divided the movement's history into three

"waves". The first wave refers mainly to women's suffrage movements of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (mainly concerned with women's right to vote). The second wave refers to the ideas and actions associated with the women's liberation movement beginning in the 1960s (which campaigned for legal and social equality for women). The third wave refers to a continuation of,

8 Barbara J Berg, The Remembered Gate: Origins of American Feminism The Woman and the City, 1800-1860. Newyork: Oxford University Press, 1978 9 William O’Neill (1971), op.cit.50 10

and a reaction to the perceived failures of, second-wave feminism, beginning in the 1990s10.

The word feminism was the first time by the utopian socialist activists created Charles Fourier in 1837. The movement of the European center was moved to the United States and growing rapidly since the publication of John

Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women (1869). Their struggle marked the birth of first wave

After the end of the Second World War, marked by the birth of new states, which is free from European colonizers, Second Wave Feminism was born in

1960. At the beginning of this year for women enfranchised and then join the political sphere inhabited the state. Second-wave feminism refers to a period of feminist activity in the United States beginning in the early 1960s and lasting through the late 1980s. The scholar Imelda Whelehan suggests that the second wave was a continuation of the earlier phase of feminism involving the suffragettes in the UK and USA. The movement encouraged women to understand aspects of their own personal lives as deeply politicized, and reflective of a sexist structure of power. So Second-Wave feminism was largely concerned with other issues of equality, such as the end to discrimination. According to Friedan's obituary in the The New York Times, The Feminine Mystique “ignited the contemporary women's movement in 1963 and as a result permanently transformed the social fabric of the United States and countries around the world” and “is widely regarded as one of the most influential nonfiction books of the 20th

10 Krolokke, Charlotte; Anne Scott Sorensen (2005). "Three Waves of Feminism: From Suffragettes to Grrls". Gender Communication Theories and Analyses:From Silence to Performance. p. 24. 11

century11.” In the book Friedan hypothesizes that women are victims of a false belief system that requires them to find identity and meaning in their lives through their husbands and children. Such a system causes women to completely lose their identity in that of their family. Friedan specifically locates this system among post-World War II middle-class suburban communities. At the same time,

America's post-war economic boom had led to the development of new technologies that were supposed to make household work less difficult, but that often had the result of making women's work less meaningful and valuable.

With so many experienced discrimination in the women, activists, women activists see that they need to do some real action to escape from the system

Patriarchy. It marked the emergence of four dominant stream of feminism in the


What is called the Liberal feminism is a view to placing women who have full freedom and individual. It states that the flow of freedom and equality is rooted in rationality and the separation between private and public world. Every human being, according to them, has the capacity to think and act rationally, as well as in women. The root of oppression and backwardness in women is due to errors caused by women themselves. Women must prepare themselves so they can compete in the world in terms of "free competition" and have equal status with men.

11 Margalit Fox, "Betty Friedan, Who Ignited Cause in 'Feminine Mystique,' Dies at 85'", New York times,(February 5, 2006)


Liberal feminism women seek to realize that they are oppressed class. The work women do in the domestic sector, campaigned as something that is not productive and placing women in sub-ordinate positions. American culture is materialistic, measuring everything from the material, and strongly supports the success of individualist feminism. The women are motivated out of the house, a career with a free and no longer dependent on men. The root of this theory based on freedom and equality of rationality. Women are rational beings, the same abilities as men, so that should be given equal rights with men. The problem lies in the product state policy of gender bias. Therefore, in the 18th century often demand that women receive the same education, in the 19th century many efforts to fight for the chance of civil and economic rights for women, and in the 20th century women's organizations began to be formed to oppose sexual discrimination in political, social, economics, and personal12.

According to liberal feminists, all women are capable of asserting their ability to achieve equality; therefore it is possible for change to happen without altering the structure of society. Issues important to liberal feminists include reproductive and abortion rights, sexual harassment, voting, education, "equal pay for equal work", affordable childcare, affordable health care, and bringing to light the frequency of sexual and domestic violence against women.

Third-wave feminism began in the early 1990s, arising as a response to perceived failures of the second wave and also as a response to the backlash against initiatives and movements created by the second wave. Feminist leaders

12 http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminisme . Accessed on august 20,2009


rooted in the second wave like Gloria Anzaldua, bell hooks, Chela Sandoval,

Cherrie Moraga, Audre Lorde, Maxine Hong Kingston, and many other feminists of colour, sought to negotiate a space within feminist thought for consideration of subjects related to race13.

However, the roots of the third wave began in the mid 1980s. Feminist leaders rooted in the second wave called for a new subjectivity in feminist voice.

They sought to negotiate prominent space within feminist thought for consideration of race related subjectivities. This focus on the intersection between race and gender remained prominent through the Hill-Thomas hearings, but was perceived to shift with the Freedom Ride 1992, the first project of the Walker-led

Third Wave Direct Action Corporation. Third-wave feminism seeks to challenge any universal definition of femininity. Third-wave feminism deals with issues that seem to limit or oppress women, as well as other marginalized identities.

C. Liberal feminism of Betty Friedan

From all concept of feminist ideas, the writer uses feminist theory

developed by Betty Friedan in second wave feminism in analyzing The

Magdalene Sisters film. The reason why the writer uses this theory is because

it talks about the Liberal Feminism that seeks the right equality in social life,

thought in practice that can mean parity at various levels with men. Beside

that, the condition in that film also appropriate with the condition of Ireland

women in 1960s who reflects the inhuman brutality and degradation women

suffered as prisoners in one of the many Magdalene “laundries”.

13 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third wave_feminism. Accessed on November 12,2009 14

According to the etymology, feminism derives from the word of femme or

woman which means a female who struggles for the woman rights as social

class. In general, feminism is women movement to decline everything which

is subordinated by the dominant culture; in aspect of social life, economy and

policy. The purpose of this movement is achieving the equality between

women and men which is called by women emancipation.14

Feminist believed in prejudice of the definition of masculinity and

femininity which come from the structure of patriarchy because it creates the

dichotomy of working in domestic and in public realm.15 Sexual

discrimination shapes the inequality of women so that they cannot develop

their abilities and their rationalities. Because of that case, it utters the thought

of liberal feminism. Pandangan dasar dari kamu feminis liberal ialah bahwa

setiap laki-laki ataupun perempuan mempunyai hak mengembangkan

kemampuan dan rasionalitasnya secara optimal.16 Hence, liberal feminism

considers that the culture of patriarchy must be shattered by changing of

women’s attitudes in their relationships with men in order to form the


Liberal feminism has two waves of movements. In the second wave,

liberal it concentrates on the Civil Right Act which explains the autonomy of

women; the right of economy, social, education and self determination

14 Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra Cetakan II (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2006), p. 184. 15 Ratna Saptari dan Brigitte Holzner, Perempuan Kerja dan Perubahan Sosial (Jakarta: Pustaka Utama Grafitti, 1997), p.184. 16 Ibid. 49-50 17 Fadilah Suralaga dkk. ., Pengantar Kajian Gender (Jakarta: Pusat Studi Wanita UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2003),p. 97. 15

intellectually. The prominent figure in that era was Betty friedan who opposed

sexual discrimination in every aspect. She believed that women or married

women can achieve the real liberation and equality if the society regarded the

characteristic of femininity and masculinity.18

According to Friedan, women were human being who has Civil Right Act

such as the right of choose, free speech, and free will to be different.19 Friedan

believed in treating women and men equally could achieve the real equality

for both of them. The movement of feminism was also the idea that the

equality of woman was necessary to free both man and woman for true

fulfillment for the degradation of woman also degraded married, love, all

relations between man and woman.20

D. The Concept of Oppression a) Exploitation

The central function of Marx’s theory of exploitation is to explain how

class structure can exist in the absence of legally and normatively sanctioned

class distinctions. In pre-capitalist societies domination is overt and

accomplished through directly political means. In both slave society and

feudal society the right to appropriate the product of the labor of others partly

18 Rosemarie Putnam Tong, Feminist Thought: Pengantar paling Komprehensif Kepada Aliran Utama Pemikiran feminis. (Yogyakarta&Bandung: Jalasutra, 2006), p. 36. 19 Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1974), p. 10. 20 Betty Friedan, Beginning Theory: An Introduction of Literary and Cultural Theory (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995), p. 78.


defines class privilege, and these societies legitimate class distinctions with

ideologies of natural superiority and inferiority. b) Marginalization

Increasingly in the United States racial oppression occurs in the form of

marginalization rather than exploitation. Marginal are people the system of

labor cannot or will not use. Not only in Third World capitalist countries, but

also in most Western capitalist societies, there is a growing underclass of

people permanently confined to lives of social marginality, most of whom are

racially marked — Blacks or Indians in Latin America, and Blacks, East

Indians, Eastern Europeans, or North Africans in Europe. c) Powerlessness

While it is false to claim that a division between capitalist and working

classes no longer describes our society, it is also false to say that class

relations have remained unaltered since the nineteenth century. An adequate

conception of oppression cannot ignore the experience of social division

reflected in the colloquial distinction between the “middle class” and the

“working class,” a division structured by the social division of labor between

professionals and nonprofessionals. Professionals are privileged in relation to

nonprofessionals, by virtue of their position in the division of labor and the

status it carries. Non professionals suffer a form of oppression in addition to

exploitation, which I call powerlessness.


d) Cultural Imperialism

Exploitation, marginalization, and powerlessness all refer to relations of

power and oppression that occur by virtue of the social division of labor —

who works for whom, who does not work, and how the content of work

defines one institutional position relative to others. These three categories

refer to structural and institutional relations that delimit people’s material

lives, including but not restricted to the resources they have access to and the

concrete opportunities they have or do not have to develop and exercise their

capacities. These kinds of oppression are a matter of concrete power in

relation to others — of who benefits from whom, and who is dispensable. e) Violence

Finally, many groups suffer the oppression of systematic violence.

Members of some groups live with the knowledge that they must fear random,

unprovoked attacks on their persons or property, which have no motive, but to

damage, humiliate, or destroy the person. In American society women, Blacks,

Asians, Arabs, gay men, and lesbians live under such threats of violence, and

in at least some regions Jews, Puerto Ricans, Chicanos, and other Spanish-

speaking Americans must fear such violence as well.21

21 http://cleandraws.com/2010/01/16/five-faces-of-oppression. Accessed on November 22,2010 18



The Magdalene Sisters is a film that was inspired from the true story that

happened in the town of County Dublin, Ireland in 1964. It is a film about

teenage girls (Margaret, Bernadette and Rose) who were sent to Magdalene

Asylums, otherwise known as the 'Magdalene Laundries': homes for women

who were labelled as "fallen" by their families or society. They were put in

there as a part oppression that they received as a woman from the society.

In The Magdalene Sisters movie the writer saw that there were oppressions

which experienced by the three girls (Margaret, Bernadette, and Rose). In this

chapter the writer will discuss the oppressions that they experienced and how

they fought against the oppression.

A. Oppression

Oppression is a type of injustice. Oppression is the inequitable use of

authority, law, or physical force to prevent others from being free or equal.

The verb oppress can mean to keep someone down in a social sense, such as

an authoritarian government might do in an oppressive society. It can also

mean to mentally burden someone, such as with the psychological weight of

an oppressive idea.22 Feminists fight against the oppression of women.

Women have been unjustly held back from achieving full equality for much of

22 http://womenshistory.about.com/od/feminism/a/oppression.htm.Accessed on November 16, 2009. 18 19

human history in many societies around the world. Feminist theorists of the

1960s and 1970s looked for new ways to analyze this oppression, often

concluding that there were both overt and insidious forces in society that

oppressed women.

1. Marginalization

The film shows that celebration of her sister wedding party was very lively.

The priest sings a ballad as the bride and groom watch, and the musicians receive an enthusiastic response from the wedding guests. They all enjoyed it together happily including Margaret and her cousin, Kevin. When the wedding party was still going on they were looked very close and Kevin whispered to Margaret that he wanted to show something to Margaret in the small room, and then Margaret curiously followed her cousin, Kevin. This action can be seen in the scene below:

(The Magdalene Sisters movie, 0:02:46)

When Margaret and Kevin arrived at the small room she was treated badly by

Kevin, where he forcefully holds her down and raped her, but she tried to fight against the rough treatment which was done by Kevin. She had reminded him that he was her cousin until she begged to him to stop his action, but Kevin didn’t care about her warning, he had strong desire to do this action instead. Kevin still kept 20

his action until Margaret couldn’t do anything to defense herself. Look at the following scene and conversation below:

Margaret: Kevin, stop! Now, Kevin, behave yourself. Now, you're my cousin! What would your father say? No. Please. Please stop it. No. I'm begging you. Please stop it. (The Magdalene Sisters movie, 0:03:46)

From this action and the dialogue above the writer concludes that these treatments which Margaret received such as the rough treatment, compulsion, and rape are the oppressions that was experienced by Margaret and these oppressions was done by her cousin, Kevin. From these cases the writer views that this is the first oppression which Margaret received.

After that accident, Margaret told to her friend about the rough treatment which was done by Kevin and then her friend reprimanded Kevin about his treatment toward Margaret. Therefore her friend reported to Margaret’s father then her father talked to the priest about the news that he had received from

Margaret’s friend, and the priest judged that Margaret had made a sinful deed.

Look at the scenes:


(The Magdalene Sisters movie, 0:04:33)

These scenes show about the injustice of the woman’s right can be seen when the three men joined by the priest, then convene behind closed doors without asking the true accident to Margaret, by giving the unilateral decision; they decided that Kevin was removed from the scene of his crime. Margaret’s father and Father Doyle (the priest) decided Margaret’s fate unjustly. This constitutes the oppression for Margaret toward the tree men which not considered the existence of woman in that time.

2. Exploitation

Meanwhile Bernadette, who has just reached adulthood in St

Attracta’s Orphanage, in that place she is the only beautiful girl in the Orphanage.

The two girls whom always in Bernadette sides admired her beautiful face, so that they wanted to comb Bernadette hair as they took turn to comb her hair.

Bernadette unwired that her blossoming good looks were undermining her future.

While she was fawned over by the younger girls at the Orphanage, Bernadette also attracted the attention of the local factory boys. When Bernadette gathered with her friends at the orphanage, then came the factory boys to tempt Bernadette and said to her with abusive language to her which she was considered as a bad woman. Look at the following dialogue and the scene below.


Boys: So what's your name, gorgeous? Bernadette: Bernadette. Boys: You're fine-looking. Boys: So are you coming up to give us a kiss? Bernadette: No chance. Boys: She's a right nag, isn't she? - Just give us a kiss. - Cheeky. Bernadette: - Just why not? - I'm not that kind of girl. You wasn't saying that when you were dating me, were you? Boys: - Are you giving us a kiss? - She's teasing us now, she is. Come on up. Boys: Give a look of your legs, love. Go on. Bernadette: Excuse me? Boys: Show us a bit of leg. Go on. Show us a bit more than a bit of leg. Come on. Bernadette: You spend all your time hanging around playgrounds? Boys: Which one of us do you like? She fancies me. How could she fancy you with the stomach on you? (The Magdalene Sisters movie, 0:11:01)

From the dialogue above it can be concluded that the factory boys considered her as a bad woman, because the factory boys saw that she was beautiful and enchanting woman for the factory boys then they assumed that Bernadette was a bad woman, and it was as a humiliating treatment for Bernadette. In fact, she was only the woman who had a beautiful face which the factory boys had a bad prejudice toward Bernadette. The writer concludes that it is kind of the oppression that the factory boys done toward Bernadette.

Fearing Bernadette to be a bad influence on the impressionable young girls and an unacceptable temptation to the willful young men, the principle decided to remove Bernadette from the Orphanage and sent her to the

Magdalene Laundry as a more suitable home for a temptress. From this condition the principal looked from distance that she was attempted by the local factory boys without asking what was happened to Bernadette. 23

(The Magdalene Sisters movie, 0:11:13)

From this condition above the writer concludes that Bernadette got injustice treatment from the teacher which saw her was talking to the factory boys, and her attitude to the factory boys that can affect the bad influence on the impressionable young girls. The teacher told the principle about this event. Therefore the

Principle decided to remove her to the Magdalene Laundry without any consideration to prove her that she made a mistake or not. The principle decision was injustice for Bernadette and this treatment as the oppression that Bernadette received with what the principle had done.

3. Powerlessness

Rose described as a gentle, maternity, and patient. She had just given birth to a little boy. Her mother was present but completely impassive, her mother didn’t want to admit Rose’s son as their Grandchild. Rose begged her mother to look at the baby, and forgive her to receive her child as their grandchild, she acknowledged the sin of giving birth out of wedlock, but her other was steadfast didn’t want to admit as her grandchild. Her father arrived a having brought a priest with him and the priest convinced Rose that her son would be better off raised by a ‘good’ Catholic family. She signed the form, but when the priest took her baby away she instantly regretted her decision and cried out for her baby, 24

struggling desperately but restrained by her father. Because she does not have any power to safe her child, the priest could take her child.

Rose: Ma. Please. Would you just look at him? He's your grandson. Ma, I've said I'm sorry. I know it was sinful what I did. But just look at him, Ma. You can't blame him for something he's nothing to do with. I know I've shamed you and me da. But just look at him, Ma. Ma, would you just say something...anything? Adoption Agency : My name is Father Doonigan. I work for St. John's Adoption Society. Your father and I have discussed your situation. We feel it would be better for the child if you'd put him up for adoption. A child born out of wedlock is a bastard child. Would you have him go through life as an outcast, rejected and scorned by all decent members of society? It's a grievous sin you have committed. Rose: I know, Father. I'm sorry. I really am. Donningan: All the same, would you have the child pay for your sins? Not his, remember. Rose: No, Father. Doningan: Speak up, Rose. I didn't hear you. Rose: No, Father. Dooningan: So, better he get a chance in life, that he grows up in a good Catholic home with a loving mother and father? Sign your name here. Now...You stay here with your father while I go and get the baby. Rose: You're going to take him now? Dooningan: You wouldn't want to get too attached, would you, Rose? Rose: Did you see the baby, Da? He's beautiful.I think I'll tell him I've changed my mind. Can I not change my mind? Can we just tear up the forms? Did you look at him, Ma? Isn't he beautiful? He is beautiful. My baby! I want my baby! I've changed my mind! Please, Da, stop them! Please, Da, don't let them take my baby! Please, Da! Please, Da.Leave them down there now and wait. (The Magdalene Sisters movie, 0:15:13)

From all sequences of events that experienced by Rose, beginning from when

Rose born her child lonely without the father of the baby at her side, and her parents did not want to admit Rose’s child as their grandson. The priest assumed 25

that the child born out of wedlock is a bastard child, it’s made Rose felt disappointed and humiliated with what the priest said. Rose had to endure suffering without any mercy from her parents. These treatment was injustice for

Rose and it constitutes the oppression for Rose.

B. The Effort to Overcome Oppression

After analyzing the oppressions that have been experienced by

Margaret, Rose and Bernadette, the writer will discuss their effort to overcome

the oppressions and escape from The Magdalene Asylums which they were put


The Magdalene Asylums in Ireland were run by the Sisters of Mercy on

behalf of the Catholic Church. Young girls were sent there by families or

orphanages and they were imprisoned and sent to work in the laundries where

they could atone for their sins. Their sins varied from being an unmarried

mother to being too pretty or simple minded or too clever or being a victim of

rape and talking about it. And for their sins they worked 364 days a year

unpaid, they were half starved, beaten, humiliated, raped, their children

forcibly removed from them. Thousands of women lived and died there.

Margaret, Rose and Bernadette arrive at the Magdalene together; their

clothes now in boxes are exchanged for dowdy brown uniforms. Sister Bridget

explains how they will atone for their sins and be saved from eternal

damnation by a regimented life of work and prayer, as she sits at her desk

counting the money taken by the laundry business. Margaret questions her 26

father’s decision to leave her there, which is answered quite clearly by Sister

Bridget’s brutal insults. Sister Bridget re- names Rose - Patricia, because they

already have a girl named Rose.

In The Magdalene Sisters movie the writer understands that there are

several efforts which they have done to overcome the oppressions by three

girls (Margaret, Bernadette, and Rose). In this section the writer will explain

their efforts to escape from The Magdalene Asylums.

1. Margaret

Margaret is sent to the laundry as her father believes she lured her cousin

into the act. Margaret tried to motivate her friends to escape from The

Magdalene Asylum and she also always remind them that they were not

proper to live and threatened inhuman in The Magdalene Asylum. They have

to be more respected and get good treatments as if another girls because they

only the victim of oppression, and harshness from men that they always saw

that the girls in Magdalene Asylum were sinful. Margaret becomes the power

of her friends to give spirit to her friends to escape from The Magdalene in


Beside that the efforts which Margaret done were she catches a glimpse of

Father Fitzroy forcing Crispina to satisfy his sexual desire, Margaret mixes

poison ivy in with his undergarments to make him chary from what he had

done to Crispina, as an act of revenge on Crispina's behalf. When she saw the

pastor in itchiness condition because the effect from poison that Margaret

mixed it in his undergarment. Look at the scenes below: 27

(The Magdalene Sisters movie, 01:11:54)

These act which Margaret done as an effort to show that the pastor is not

“a man of god” because he committed a to Crispina, and the

pastor proper to get bad treatment from Margaret. Margaret said and show to

her friends that the pastor had a bad attitude and even more sinful than the

girls in The Magdalene.

Margaret as one of the main characters in the film The Magdalene Sisters

had a lot of pressures and sexual abuses finally took a stance against all the

problems she faced. One type of attitude she took to fight the high-handedness

is a way to motivate herself and her surrounding environment to be free from

pressure that will be undertaken by the nuns of The Magdalene Sisters who

treat her arbitrarily. Her efforts can be seen at the following dialogue and the

scene below.

Margaret: Can you believe that it's that simple? That a brother can just turn up and... Can you believe that? (The Magdalene Sisters movie, 01:32:44) 28

From the action above it can be concluded that Margaret was a woman

who has a sense of caring to her friends that they were oppressed during the

Magdalene. Margaret's efforts are undertaken to motivate her friends to get out

of the Magdalene. Refer to the theoretical framework in chapter II; Margaret's

attitude that really cares about her friends who are oppressed, it can be

considered as a reflection of a feminist, because she wanted freedom and equal

rights as human beings. She was eventually freed when her younger brother

comes to collect her four years after her incarceration in the Asylum.

2. Bernadette

Bernadette is a beautiful teenage orphan who is sent to the Magdalene

Laundry because she is flirtatious with the boys at the orphanage. However,

Bernadette, unlike the other three girls, is still a virgin. When she was in The

Magdalene Asylum Bernadette makes a disastrous attempt to escape from The

Magdalene Asylum shortly after she arrives and has her hair cut off in

punishment. She remains the most rebellious and headstrong of the girls,

making her hatred for the asylum clearly felt. She is ultimately good, helping

the other girls and, in one scene, momentarily relinquishes her stony attitude

when the laundry overseer dies, kissing her on the forehead.

Bernadette: So, are we gonna get married? Man: What? Bernadette: We could run away together. Man: Where would we go? Bernadette: Go to England or America or something. 29

Bernadette: All right, Do you have the keys to the back door? Man: No, Seamus has them. Bernadette: But you can get them? Man: I think so. Bernadette: Then get them and bring them here tonight. Man: Tonight? Bernadette: Yeah. (The Magdalene Sisters movie, 0:45:49)

From the dialogue above the writer sees one of Bernadette's efforts to

escape from The Magdalene Sisters that she tries to run away without

considering the rules and the punishments that she will get if she didn’t obey

the regulation. She only thought how to escape from that place and she could

live in peace. She used every artifice to gain her wishes although she had to

persuade the man who worked in The Magdalene. Bernadette wanted freedom,

and she wanted to get the same treatment like another girls outside The

Magdalene Asylum. Bernadette, in the hopes that having sex with one of the

laundry delivery drivers will get him to help her escape, but Bernadette failed

to run away from that place.

After Bernadette failed to escape from The Magdalene she tried another

way to run away from that place, and now Bernadette persuaded her friends

named Rose to go out from the Magdalene but Rose initially doubt about

Bernadette’s plan. Bernadette tried to convince Rose to trust her that they

could run away from that place. Look at the following scenes and the



Bernadette : You know we're both gonna grow old and die in here. No one's gonna come for me. Or for you. I just don't want to feel like this for the rest of my life. I don't want to end up like one of them. So are you ready? Rose : Ready for what? Bernadette : We have to go. Rose : Go where? Bernadette : Out. Rose : Have you completely lost your mind? Look what she did to me. And that was only for talking to someone. What's she gonna do if she catches me trying to run away? Bernadette : It doesn't matter. She's gonna do it anyway. For something or for nothing. It doesn't matter to her. We have to go. We have to go now. (The Magdalene Sisters movie, 01:44:52)

From the scenes and the dialogue above it can be shown the effort of

Bernadette to warn and to make her friend, Rose was aware of the condition

that was not proper for them, they could live normally without any pressure

from anyone, and they must struggle together to get the keys from the sister

Bridget then escape from The Magdalene. From this condition it can be seen

that the efforts of Bernadette reflect a feminist ideas which wanted for

freedom from any pressure. She eventually escapes the Asylum with Rose

after wrestling for the key with Sister Bridget.

3. Rose

Rose finds herself in the laundry after having a baby out of wedlock. She

is prepared to work hard for the sins she has committed, with the hope that she

may see her son again one day. Sister Bridget says she will be called by her

confirmation name, 'Patricia', because the laundry already has a girl named


Rose is one of the three female main characters in the film The Magdalene

Sisters is a lot of injustices suffered during she stays at Magdalene, she was

trying to solve all her problems. However, not many efforts made by Rose 31

because of the three main characters are women and she's one of the most

afraid to take action. Rose becomes increasingly resentful of her lack of

freedom after she is denied sending her son a birthday card. Her wish to send

her son a birthday card was denied and it made her annoyed to Sister Bridget

and when she drying the cloths in filed, Rose was called by Crispina’s sister

and Crispina’s son then talked and told that Crispina wasn’t in The

Magdalene. One of the nun’s saw Rose was talking to them. Then she was told

to sister Bridget and Rose get punishment which she was beaten by sister


After she is severely beaten by Sister Bridget for talking to Crispina's

sister and son through the gate, she agrees to escape with Bernadette. She

troubleshoots it by escapes with Bernadette. This can be seen in the following


(The Magdalene Sisters movie, 01:48:29)

From the scene above can be drawn a conclusion that the Rose was trying

to get out of The Magdalene Sisters that previously made her isolated from the

outside world so that the freedom to live a normal woman should be limited, so

she was decided to escaped with Bernadette. The efforts of the Rose could be

considered as a form of resistance against the nurse who took his freedom.

Resistance was made by Rose reflected the attitudes of feminists who wanted 32

freedom, because based on the previous chapter was explained that the feminist

ideas were born out of injustice.

By the end of the film, Margaret settled in Donegal, where she became a

primary school teacher and she never married. Bernadette soon moved to

Scotland where she opened her own salon, she has been married and divorced

three times, she now lives alone. And Rose married and had two children, both

girls. She found her son in 1996, thirty-three years after he was taken. She

remained a devout Catholic until she died in 1998.

Those female characters at the end gain their rights and society recognition

they continue their lives as respected women and society accept them. This

ending of the film reflects what Friedan wish for every woman she believed

that women or married women can achieve the real liberation and equality if

the society regarded the characteristic of femininity and masculinity. Each of

the character achieve her liberation and equality.





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the story of The Magdalene Sisters movie the

writer concludes that the three main characters Margaret, Bernadette and

Rose on The Magdalene Sisters movie, the characters of Margaret,

Bernadette and Rose were presented as the major female characters. This

movie narrates about the oppressions experienced of the three girls whilst

they are inmates of the Magdalene Laundries.

In The Magdalene Sisters movie three of the girls are shown, to

some extent, to triumph over their situation and their captors. Margaret,

although she is allowed to leave by the intervention of her younger

brother, does not leave the asylum without leaving her mark. When she

deliberately asks Sister Bridget to step aside for her to freely pass, and

being sharply shot down, Margaret falls to her knees in prayer. The

Mother Superior is so surprised, she only moves past her after the Bishop

tells her to come along. Bernadette and Rose finally decide to escape

together, trashing Sister Bridget's study in search for the key to the asylum

door and engaging her in a suspenseful confrontation. The two girls escape

her clutches and are helped to return to the real world by a sympathetic

relative, their story optimistically ending when they board a coach bound

for the ferry to Liverpool. They are actually details of real women who

inspired the characters in the film, and all of their efforts are not useless.

33 34

They were successful in making her friends realize that they can have

freedom. All of her persistence and fighting in making changes at

Magdalene shows feminist ideas, so it can be concluded that the main

character in this film represent the feminist ideas.

B. Suggestion

Firstly, in analyzing film or literary work, the writer should use the

right theory or approach in order to have the right comprehension of the

film or literary work itself. In this occasion, the writer uses feminism

theory in analyzing The Magdalene Sisters film, but it is possible for the

other researchers to use another theory or approach in analyzing this film.

The other researchers who want to analyze this film can also use some

aspects in film that are not used by writer, such as character and

characterization to get a broader comprehension of the film.



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