THE Distrffiution of the AUSTRALIAN PSITTACINES (Order PSITTACIFORMES: Parrots, Cockatoos, Etc.)
THE S.A,' ORNITHOLOGIST 3 THE DISTRffiUTION OF THE AUSTRALIAN PSITTACINES (Order PSITTACIFORMES: Parrots, Cockatoos, etc.) by ALAN LENDON, Adelaide This paper is the culmination of many east-central Queensland and of the Paradise years of documentation of personal obser- Parrot in the vicinity of the Mitchell River. vations and of published records especially those in The Emu and The South' Australian ORDER: PSITTACIFORMES: PARROTS, Ornithologist, of the distribution of the Aus COCKATOOS, ETC. tralian members of the order Psittaciformes. FAMILY TRICHOGLOSSIDAE: LORIKEETS An attempt has been made to collate this in 254 TRICHOGLOSSUS MOLUCCANUS formation with the records of the specimens RAINBOW (BLUE MOUNTAIN) LORIKEET in the various Australian Museums, thanks Checklist distribution-E.A.,- S.A., T. to the courtesy of their Directors, and with Eastern Australia is best divided into the communicated observations of numerous States. In Queensland, there are records field workers, far too numerous to mention from some Torres Strait islands and from individually. Great reliance has been placed all of Cape York Peninsula and thence down on the various regional textbooks of Aus the whole of eastern Queensland without ever tralian birds, particularly Birds of Western going much further west than the limits of Australia by Serventy and WhitteIl, Tasma the Great Dividing Range. It is appreciated nian Birds by Sharland, A H andlist of the that there is considerable overlap of the range Birds of Victoria by Wheeler, A Handlist of of this and the next species at the base of the Birds of New South Wales by McGill, Cape York Peninsula. List of Northern Territory Birds by Storr, and In New South Wales, the recorded distri the papers appearing in The South Australian bution is again limited to the Great Dividing Ornithologist by Terrill and Rix and by Range and to the east thereof and but rarely Condon.
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