RANGER COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS World Civilization II HIST 2322 3 credit hours INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Twila Johnson HIST 2322 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Twila Johnson EMAIL:
[email protected] OFFICE: online PHONE: 361-646- 9075 HOURS: may text or call between 7:30 am and 7:30 pm I. Texas Core Curriculum Statement of Purpose Through the Texas Core Curriculum, students will gain a foundation of knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, develop principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a diverse world, and advance intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning. II. Course Description A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, religious, and intellectual history of the world from the 15th century to the present. The course examines major cultural regions of the world in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania and their global interactions over time. Themes include maritime exploration and transoceanic empires, nation/state formation and industrialization, imperialism, global conflicts and resolutions, and global economic integration. The course emphasizes the development, interaction and impact of global exchange. III. Required Background or Prerequisite Successful completion of TSI. IV. Required Textbook and Course Materials Stearns, Adas, Schwartz, Gilbert World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Pearson Education, 2015, 7th edition. 2321: ISBN: 9781323864784 2322: ISBN: 9781323864807 V. Course Purpose To gain wider understanding of World History, Cultures, Politics, Religion, and Economies. Also, to gain larger understanding of human history, interactions, and movements before the modern era. 2 HIST 2322 VI. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will: 1. Create an argument through the use of historical evidence.