March 2011 I Salute The Confederate Flag With Affection, Reverence, and Undying Devotion to the Cause for Which It Stands. From The Adjutant Commander : David Allen 1st Lieutenant Cdr : Gen. RE Rodes Camp 262, Sons of Confederate Veterans, will meet Thursday night, John Harris March, 10th, 2011, at 7 PM in the Tuscaloosa Public Library. 2nd Lieutenant Cdr & Adjutant : Commander David Allen will present a program on "Coins, Currency and Economic Frank Delbridge Policy of the Union and Confederacy through 1865". He will have examples of many of the Color Sergeant : items discussed to display. Clyde Biggs Chaplain : It is time to begin planning something special to do during April 2011, Confederate History Dr. Wiley Hales Month, this Sesquicentennial year. Bring up any suggestions you have at this meeting. Newsletter : James Simms
[email protected] The date for dedication of the General N. B. Forrest monument in Gainesville, AL has been Website : Brad Smith set for 10:00 AM, Saturday, March 12, 2011 at the site. Reenactors will be present to participate
[email protected] in the program activities. Walter Dockery has provided directions for getting to the site as given below. INSIDE THIS Take Interstate 59-20 south to County Road 14 which leads to Clinton, Alabama. At Clinton, take County Road 39 through Mt. Hebron to Gainesville. Stay on 39 to County Road ISSUE 116 (State Street). You will see a small park with a gazebo. The Forrest Monument is located 2 General Rodes on the road to the west (Gainsville Noxubee Road). You should see a small fenced-in area on a 4 News of the Rodes small raised area and the monument in within the fenced area.