REEDY CREEK NURSERY PTY LTD ABN: 14 093 466 187 PMB 221 KINGSTON (SE) SA 5275 Email [email protected]

Phone (08) 8768 7220 Fax (08) 8768 7209

Potted Native for windbreaks farm forestry revegetation projects home gardens


Reedy Creek Nursery Pty Ltd – Princes Hwy – Reedy Creek At the T junction between the Kingston / Millicent Hwy & Lucindale / Naracoorte Rd 8AM to 4PM – Monday to Friday

Reedy Creek Nursery Pty Ltd. - 2010 1 All species are available as tubestock. Plugs only available as marked: P

Plugs Height Wind Coast Inland / Black North Name Break Forestry Crack/ SA Clay Acacia acinacea Gold Dust Wattle 1-2m * * Acacia baileyana Cootamundra Wattle 10m * * Ac. calamifolia Wallowa 2-3m * * * Ac. cupularis Coastal Umbrella Bush 2-3m * * * Ac. iteaphylla Flinders Ranges Wattle 3-5m * * Ac. leiophylla Limestone Wattle 2-3m * * Ac. pycnantha Golden Wattle 3-5m * * * Ac. retinodes Wirilda – Swamp Wattle 5-8m * * Acorus gramineus Sweet Flag grass ornam Agonis flexuosa Willow Myrtle P 5-12m * * * Alyogyne hakeifolia Mauve Desert Hibiscus 2-3m ornam. Alyogyne huegelii White Desert Hibiscus 2-3m ornam. Anigozanthos flavidus Tall Kangaroo Paw 2m ornam. marginata Silver Banksia 2-8m * * * Bursaria spinulosa Christmas Bush - Blackthorn P 2-4m * * * Callistemon rugulosus Scarlet Bottlebrush 2-4m * * * Callistemon speciosa Showy Bottlebrush 3m * ornam. Callistemon ‘King’s Park Special’ 3-5m * Callistemon ‘Taree Pink” 2-4m * ornam. Callistemon recuruus ‘Tinaroo Dazzler” 2-4m * ornam. Callitris gracillis Southern Cypress Pine 5-7m * * * Calytrix tetragona Fringe Myrtle 1m ornam. Casuarina cristata Black Oak 20m * * * Casuarina cunninghamiana River Oak P 10-15m * * F * Casuarina obesa WA Swamp Oak 10-15m * * F * Casuarina pulsilla Little Sheoak 2-3m * * * Chamelaucium sp. Geraldton Wax 2-3m * * ornam. Chamelaucium “Lady Stephanie “ 2-3m * * ornam. Allo. Cas . luehmanii Bull Oak 7 – 15m * * Allo. Cas. muelleriana Slaty Sheoak 1-3m * * Allo. Cas. verticillata Coast Sheoak P 5-8m * * F Correa alba - pink Native Fuchsia 1m ** ornam. Correa reflexa -nummularia Native Fuchsia Ground cov * ** ornam. Correa reflexa – variegated Native Fuchsia Ground cov. ** ornam. Correa reflexa – ‘ Mallee Pink “ Native Fuchsia Ground cov. * ornam. Correa pulchella ‘Pink Mist” Native Fuchsia Ground cov * ornam. Dianella revoluta Blue Flax-Lily .3-1m * Under st Dodonaea viscosa Sticky Hop Bush 1.5-4m * * * Eremophila alternifolia Native Honey Suckle 2-3m * * ornam. Er. blue barbata Emu Bush 1m * *ornam * Er. blue weldii Emu Bush .5m * *ornam * Er. drummondii Emu Bush 1m * *ornam * Er. glabra grey Emu Bush .5m * *ornam *

Reedy Creek Nursery Pty Ltd. - 2010 2 Name Plugs Height Wind Coast Inland / Black North break Forestry Crack/ SA Clay Er. glabra orange Emu bush 1m * *ornam * Er. glabra ‘Kalbarry Carpet' Ground cov. ornam prostra . Er. maculata burifolia Spotted Emu Bush 2-3m * *ornam * Er. maculata compacta Spotted Emu Bush 1-2m GC * * Er. macdonnellii 0.5 - 1 * * Er. nivea purple Emu Bush 0.5m * *ornam * Er. prostrate Burgundy 0.5m Er. vaneta blue Emu Bush 0.5m GC * *ornam * Eucalyptus baxteri Brown Stringybark 6-15m * * * E. botryoides Bangalay 15-20m * F E. caesia Gungurru 3-5m *ornam. E. calycogona Square Fruited Mallee 3-5m * * * E. camaldulensis River Red Gum P 20-25m * * F * E. camaldulensis obtusa Northern Red Gum 10-25m * * F * * E. cinerea Argyle Apple 3-5m * florist C. citriodora Lemon Scented Gum 10-35m * F E. cladocalyx Sugar Gum P 15-30m * * F E. cladocalyx nana Bushy Sugar Gum P 7 – 15 m * * E. cornuta Yate Gum P 8-15m * * E. diversifolia SA Coastal White Mallee 2-10m * * E fasciculosa Pink Gum P 5-15m * * C. ficifolia WA Red Flowering Gum 6-10m * *ornam E. globulus Tasmanian Blue Gum 15-50m * * F E. gomphocephala Tuart Gum 10-20m * * E. gracilis Yorrell 3-9m * * * E. grandis Flooded Gum 20-30m * F * E. incrassata Ridge-Fruited Mallee P 3-7m * * * E. kondininensis Stocking Gum 3-5m * *ornam E. landsdowneana Crimson Mallee Box 5-8m * * *ornam * E. landsdowneana (purpurea) Mallee Box 5/8m * * *ornam * E. largiflorens Black Box 10-20m * * E. leptophylla Narrow-Leaved Red Mallee P 4-6m * * E. leucoxylon leuc. SA Blue Gum 8-30m * * F E. leuc. megalacarpa large-fruited SA Blue Gum 6-10m * * * E. leuc. rosea stephanae red flowering 6-10m * * * E. macrocarpa Lg Horned Mallee P 6m * ornam. E. newbeyii Coastal Mallet 7-10m * * * C. maculata Spotted Gum P 10-40m * F E. occidentalis Flat-topped Yate P 10-20m * * * F E. odorata Peppermint Box 3-5m * * E. ovata Swamp Gum P 6-20m * * * E. platypus Round Leaved Moort 3-8m * * * E. porosa Mallee Box P 5-14m * E. rubida (darylmpeana) Candle Bark 5-10m * E. saligna Sydney Blue Gum 20-30m * F

Reedy Creek Nursery Pty Ltd. - 2010 3 Name Plugs Height Wind Coast Inland / Black North break Forestry Crack/ SA Clay E. salmonophoia Salmon Gum 25m * * * E. sideroxylon – rosea Red Ironbark 10 – 20m * E. socialis Red Mallee P 4-8m * * * * E. spathulata Swamp Mallet 6-10m * * * E. torquata Coral Gum 6-11m * * * E. viminalis cygnatensis Rough Barked Manna Gum P 6-20m * * * E. woodwardii Lemon Flowered Gum 3-5m * *ornam * oleafolia Olive Grevillea 1-2m * * * Grevillea - ‘Spriggs’ 0.5m ornam. Grevillea ‘Winpara Gem’ 1-2m * ornam. Grevillea ‘Red Sunset” 1-2m * ornam. Grevillea rosmariaflora 1-2m ornam. Grevillea ‘Coopers Creek “ 1m ornam. Silky Oak 8-20m ornam drupacea Sweet Hakea 2-3m * * * Pin Cushion Hakea 3-5m * Yellow Hakea 1-3m * * Hakea rugosa Wrinkled Hakea .5-2.5m * * Inperata cylinict rubida Blood Grass grass * ornam. Isolepis nodosa Knobby Club Rush rush * reveg Kunzea baxteri Scarlet Kunzea 1m *ornam Kunzea pomifera Muntries groundcover * ornam. Lavender dentate French Lavender 1-2m * * * Leptospermum coriaceum Green Tea Tree 1-3m * * * Lept. continentale Prickly Tea Tree 1.5 – 4 m * * * Lept. lanigerum Wooly Tea Tree P 2-5m * * * Lept. scoparium ‘winter cheer’ 1-2m * ornam. Lept. scoparium rubrum 1-2m * ornam. Leucophyta brownii Cushion Bush 1m * *ornam Melaleuca brevifolia White Flowered Paperbark 2-4m * * * * Mel. decussata Cross-Leaved Honey Myrtle 2-5m * * Mel. gibbosa Slender Honey Myrtle P 1-2m * * Mel. halmaturorum Saltwater Tea Tree P 2-6m * * * Mel. huegelii Chenille Honey Myrtle 3m * *ornam Mel. lanceolata Dryland Tea Tree P 3-8m * * * Mel. nesophila Showy Honey Myrtle 1-2m * * Mel. squarrosa Scented Paperbark 2-5m * * Mel. uncinata Broombush P 2-3m * * Mel. wilsonii Wilson’s Honey Myrtle 1-2m * *ornam Myoporum parviflorum Creeping Boobialla ground * * Pittosporum phylliraeoides Native Apricot 4-8m ornament * Ophiopagan japonicas Mondo Grass grass ornament Westringia eremicola Native Rosemary 1-2m * * * Westringia fruiticosa variegated 1-1.5m ornam. Westringia fruiticosa ‘zena’ 1-1.2m ornam.

Reedy Creek Nursery Pty Ltd. - 2010 4 PRICES – GST inclusive (prices do not include delivery)

• Tubestock = $2.20 / per (40mm x 120mm) individual trees • Tubestock = $1.80 /per plant (quantity discount) in crates of 40 per species • Plugs = 48 cents each in trays of 64 • Forestry Orders in bulk plugs – POA (see separate species sheet )

Reedy Creek Nursery Pty Ltd – Princes Hwy – Reedy Creek At the T junction between the Kingston / Millicent Hwy & Lucindale / Naracoorte Rd 8AM to 4PM – Monday to Friday

REEDY CREEK NURSERY PTY LTD ABN: 14 093 466 187 PMB 221 KINGSTON (SE) SA 5275 Email [email protected]

Phone (08) 8768 7220 Fax (08) 8768 7209

Reedy Creek Nursery Pty Ltd. - 2010 5