Teleconference Site: Director Yoo Schneider will participate via teleconference at the following location: W Washington D.C. Hotel 515 15th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20004 949.278.5761

Committee: Director Dick, Chair Staff: R. Hunter, K. Seckel, H. Baez, Director Thomas D. Micalizzi, K. Davanaugh, T. Baca Director Tamaribuchi

Ex Officio Member: Director Barbre

MWDOC Committee meetings are noticed and held as joint meetings of the Committee and the entire Board of Directors and all members of the Board of Directors may attend and participate in the discussion. Each Committee has designated Committee members, and other members of the Board are designated alternate committee members. If less than a quorum of the full Board is in attendance, the Board meeting will be adjourned for lack of a quorum and the meeting will proceed as a meeting of the Committee with those Committee members and alternate members in attendance acting as the Committee.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public comments on agenda items and items under the jurisdiction of the Committee should be made at this time.

ITEMS RECEIVED TOO LATE TO BE AGENDIZED - Determine there is a need to take immediate action on item(s) and that the need for action came to the attention of the District subsequent to the posting of the Agenda. (Requires a unanimous vote of the Committee)

ITEMS DISTRIBUTED TO THE BOARD LESS THAN 72 HOURS PRIOR TO MEETING -- Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s business office located at 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, California 92708, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District’s Internet Web site, accessible at


1. LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITIES a. Federal Legislative Report (Barker) b. State Legislative Report (BBK) c. County Legislative Report (Lewis) d. Legal and Regulatory Report (Ackerman) e. MWDOC Legislative Matrix f. Metropolitan Legislative Matrix

Page 1 of 129 PAL Committee Meeting May 21, 2018














ADJOURNMENT NOTE: At the discretion of the Committee, all items appearing on this agenda, whether or not expressly listed for action, may be deliberated, and may be subject to action by the Committee. On those items designated for Board action, the Committee reviews the items and makes a recommendation for final action to the full Board of Directors; final action will be taken by the Board of Directors. Agendas for Committee and Board meetings may be obtained from the District Secretary. Members of the public are advised that the Board consideration process includes consideration of each agenda item by one or more Committees indicated on the Board Action Sheet. Attendance at Committee meetings and the Board meeting considering an item consequently is advised. Accommodations for the Disabled. Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning Maribeth Goldsby, District Secretary, at (714) 963-3058, or writing to Municipal Water District of Orange County at P.O. Box 20895, Fountain Valley, CA 92728. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so that District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation.

2 Page 2 of 129 Item 1a

JAMES C. BARKER, PC ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW FIFTH FLOOR 1050 THOMAS JEFFERSON STREET, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20007 (202) 293-4064 [email protected] Nicholas Crockett Alia Cardwell

Municipal Water District of Orange County, California Washington Update May 14, 2018

Activity in the Congress

After several months of slow House Floor Activity -- the House has some major pieces of legislation coming to the Floor this spring and summer.

In addition to the renewed effort to try and pass most of the Appropriations Bills through the House chamber before the August break, the House will be working on a Rescissions bill which seeks to claw back authorized and unspent federal funding, a Farm Bill to reform the food stamp system, and a National Defense Authorization Act – the annual authorization bill which provides guidance to appropriators on defense spending. And in June, the House is planning to spend a week on the House Floor processing scores of Opioid bills.

Meanwhile the Senate is about to have an up or down vote on the CIA Director’s Nomination –the person that will lead that agency and she will need to be confirmed by the US Senate by a simple majority vote.

Rescissions Package

Last month we reported on the significant funding bill that was signed into law in late March for the 2018 Fiscal Year. In a response to the President’s conservative base, and in an effort to reduce some spending, the White House released a $15.4 billion rescission request to Congress last week which targets unspent funds in a number of various Federal Departments. For the moment, water programs have not been hit hard with this announcement. The agencies affected the most were the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, and the Treasury.

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The $15 billion will come from years-old programs where there is still unspent money. The request is expected to target accounts going back many years, and as far back as the 2009 Stimulus bill. Of note here, and this may be causing difficulty with the release of certain water competitive grants, whenever the President submits a rescissions request, that spending is frozen automatically for 45 legislative days, or until Congress formally rejects it.

While there is no direct impact to FY 18 appropriations, Federal Managers may be uncertain as to their total funding allotments—and in the absence of certainty they may decide to wait and see what happens with the rescissions effort before releasing all of their grants.

For the Rescissions Package to pass the Congress, it will need to pass each House by a simple majority vote.

The GOP-dominated House is expected to easily clear the rescissions package, but even White House officials are less confident about its fate in the Senate.

Colorado River Management Issues:

The Secretary of the Interior is significantly involved in the management of the Colorado River system. The effects of a prolonged drought are still evident.

Federal weather forecasters (NOAA) predicted earlier this month that the Colorado River will carry less than half its average amount of water into Lake Powell this summer. The forecast is the fifth lowest in 54 years.

Lake Powell is one of two reservoirs that store water from the most important river in the southwestern United States. The area faces a difficult summer after April precipitation did not produce much mountain snow, which trickles down to feed the river.

The good news for now, officials said the levels in Lake Powell and Lake Mead will remain high enough that mandatory cutbacks on water usage won't be necessary this year.

The Colorado River supplies water to approximately 40 million people and to some 6,300 square miles of farm lands.

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Senate 2018 Water Resources Development Act

The Senate has begun consideration of the 2018 WRDA Bill, a 200 page piece of legislation that provides direction and authorizations primarily to the Army Corps of Engineers.

Among the major issues contained within the legislation is a new two year authorization for the WIFIA Finance Program. Presently, the WIFIA program will need another authorization to function as the current authority expires in 2019. The bill is slated to be marked up in the Senate EPW Committee later this month. We have encouraged the continuation of the WIFIA Program in our meetings.

On the House side we have spoken with the House T&I Committee Water Staffer and the staffer indicates that the House is also working on a 2018 WRDA Bill. They expect to introduce the House Bill in the next several weeks and seek to move it through the House Floor by the August period. During the consideration of almost every WRDA Bill in recent memory, there has always been the temptation to deauthorize projects where there has been no construction take place. By deauthorizing sections, the Congress is then “free” to spend that amount of new money without it being scored negatively. Knowing that our Section 5039 $40 Million Authorization could be a target on the chopping block, we were able to get Congressman Rohrabacher’s office to weigh in with the Committee and urge them to not deauthorize Section 5039. We are tracking this and will keep you posted on developments here.

Wildfire Policy Given the rain fall earlier this year, there is a concern in certain parts of the West that there may be significant wildfires this summer. A wildfire funding “fix” was included in the Omnibus Funding Bill that passed in March and that fix put an end to the so- called “fire borrowing policy” that has gone on for years.

Highlights of the wildfire provision include a $2.19 billion off-budget disaster fund for wildfires, which would grow to $2.95 billion by 2027, and more flexibility to allow forest thinning in areas the Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management deem at risk of wildfire.

The Omnibus language will give the Federal Agencies more flexibility to deal with fire management policies while sorting out issues around the Endangered Species Act — a complaint that some groups have raised regarding the thinning of forestry areas.

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The impact of this provision will allow the Forestry Service to make long term plans -- for the thinning of forests or federal lands where it is appropriate—without the funding being raided in years where the wildfire budgets have not kept pace with the need for funding.

WIFIA Program Update

Earlier this year the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of approximately $5.5 billion in credit that could finance over $11 billion in water infrastructure projects through the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program. Prospective borrowers seeking WIFIA credit assistance must submit a letter of interest by July 6, 2018.

5/14/18 JCB

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To: Municipal Water District of Orange County From: Syrus Devers, Best Best & Krieger Date: May 21, 2018 Re: Monthly State Political Report

Administrative Report

The May Revise contained no surprises and Governor Brown continued his long-running sermon on the need to prepare for the next recession. Consistent with the January Budget, the May Revise proposes to fill the Rainy Day Fund by the end of this year. Brown proposed three one-time spending increases to infrastructure ($2 billion), homelessness ($359 million), and mental health (312 million). Great pains were taken to point out that the budget projections assume a continued economic recovery lasting longer than any in history, and record unemployment through 2022. The previous record for unemployment staying below 5% was 11 months in 2006.

Legislative Report

The next major deadline for the Legislature is May 25th when the fiscal committees must report bills to their respective floors. After that there will be one short week (because of Memorial Day) to move a bill introduced in 2018 out of the house of origin. No policy committees can meet for any purpose the final week of May.

SB 2050 (Caballero-Small district consolidation): The water industry’s answer to the water tax and the problems of disadvantaged water districts. The bill passed the Assembly Local Government Committee on a party-line vote with Vice Chair Marie Walderon voting against. The bill is now in Appropriations where it might be sent to the suspense file. The date of the suspense file hearing had not been announced as of the time this report was being prepared, but it could happen on Friday the 25th because of the holiday weekend.

SB 998 (Dodd-Water shut off prohibitions): Although significantly amended, several objectionable provisions remain. The Senate Judiciary analysis pointed out areas where the bill actually removed protections for low-income customers in current law. As before, Democrat committee members questioned the need for the bill but passed it as a work in progress. Republicans voted “no” and Sen. Henry Stern stayed off despite being present to vote. The bill is now in Appropriations. There are few, if any, significant negotiations with the author. Staff has all but indicated they’ve gone as far as they can. When potential Prop. 218 violations are pointed out, the response is “we’ll work on it.” Page 7 of 129 Item 1b

SB 606 (Hertzberg, previously Skinner)/AB 1668 (Friedman) Water efficiency bill package: Victory celebrations are being planned. The administration had been signaling for some time that it would support a 13% credit for potable recycled water use, but Assembly Member Blanca Rubio negotiated a 15% credit for existing facilities which garnered significant new support for the bill. The votes split along party lines except for Senator Josh Newman who voted against AB 1668. Concurrence votes to send the bills to the Governor are tentatively set for this Thursday.

Tax on Water: The future of the budget trailer bill language will be determined later this week, possibly on the 23rd. The budget subcommittees are due to wrap up their final reports and will either put the language into a Budget Trailer Bill, which all now concede will be a 2/3rds vote bill, move a shell into a budget conference committee where leadership can control the outcome, or drop it for now and wait for an end-of-session play in August. The last option is the most likely but anything is possible. If the administration feels like they have the votes, they’ll go for the Budget Trailer Bill now. If they feel OK but uncertain, they’ll go the conference committee route and buy a little time and more control. Otherwise, they’ll wait for an opening when tensions rise in August.

Page 8 of 129 Item 1c The County of Orange Report l May 14, 2018 by Lewis Consulting Group

June Primary Elections Intrigue in the Election for Governor A series of Survey USA polls show the Governor’s race is still in flux. Interestingly, Republican John Cox finds himself under attack by two different efforts perhaps for two different reasons. An independent expenditure committee funded by some of California’s wealthiest activists are attacking John Cox motivated to elevate Antonio Villaraigosa into a top two finish with Gavin Newsome. The ads attack Cox on a litany of issues designed to suppress his Republican vote.

Gavin Newsome has “attacked” John Cox in recent TV ads for staking out conservative positions. Could this be a backhanded way to help John Cox? Who does Gavin Newsome really want to face in November?

Page 9 of 129 U.S. Senate Race - A Looming Embarrassment? Kevin De Leon’s campaign has never caught on and according to Survey USA the biggest beneficiary might be Republican Patrick Little. Running with the ballot title of Civil Rights Advocate, Little is a white nationalist and holocaust denier. His elevation to the top two would be an embarrassment for the Republican brand.

Local Races of Major Interest Orange County Supervisor District 4 None of the four major candidates: Doug Chaffee, Joe Kerr, Lucille Kring, or Tim Shaw have noticeably emerged from the pack. It is still anyone’s guess which two will make the November runoff.

U.S. Congress - 39th District A recent poll was conducted in the election to succeed Ed Royce. Purportedly, the Republican poll showed Royce backed candidate Young Kim in first place with Shawn Nelson, Bob Huff and Gil Cisnaros fighting it out for a second place finish. An “all Republican” run-off would be a major setback for Democrats “California plan” as a key component of regaining the U.S. House majority.

U.S. Congress - 48th District Another recent poll seems to be bad news for long time incumbent Dana Rohrabacher. Although in first place, a meager 27% re-elect number seams to indicate an uphill climb in November. The surprise is who will come in second? Republican Scott Baugh or Democrat Hans Kierstand appear to be the most likely. A Rohrbacher-Baugh finale would be another disaster for Democrat House majority chances.

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Although the May LAFCO meeting was cancelled, there is still substantial news this month. The election process for a special district member and for the alternate position is nearly over. Here are the remaining three key dates: MAY 25 All Special Districts must have their ballots submitted to LAFCO by 3PM MAY 31 Ballots are tabulated and results are announced JUNE 11 Oaths of Office are administered

Supervisors Scramble to Spend Money on Homeless Services The last few months of Board meetings have been palpably tense. The elections haven’t helped as Supervisor Spitzer finds himself increasingly at odds with the other four Supervisors and political gotcha is apparent at each Board meeting.

On top of that, the homeless issue has created ceaseless attacks of the Board by homeless advocates who for several years have increasingly attacked the Board for “dragging its feet”.

A Voice of OC audit in early March revealed the County had an extra $200 million socked away; much of what could have been used addressing the homeless issue. That money is on top of roughly $700 million spent annually on low income but not homeless individuals.

In any event, the Board has ramped up a panaply of spending proposals including these agendized on the May 22, 2018 meeting. Items: 23. Approve agreement with Southland Integrated Services, Inc. for Integrated Community Services, 7/1/18 - 6/30/19 ($1,197,000); authorize Director or designee to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and execute agreement - Districts 1 and 4

Page 11 of 129 25. Approve selection of and agreements with California Treatment Services Recovery Solutions of Santa Ana ($5,227,476) and Western Pacific Med-CORP ($10,430,060) for Narcotic Replacement Therapy Treatment services, 7/1/18 - 6/30/20; authorize Director or designee to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and to execute agreements - Districts 1, 2 and 4

26. Approve selection of and agreement with Waymakers for Full Service Partnership/Wraparound services for youthful offenders, 7/1/18 - 6/30/21 ($15,685,503); authorize Director or designee to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and to execute agreement - Districts 1 and 2

28. Approve selection of and agreement with Orange County Association for Mental Health dba Mental Health Association of Orange County for Multi-Service Center services for homeless mentally ill adults, 7/1/18 - 6/30/21 ($5,477,592); authorize Director or designee to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and to execute agreement - District 1

29. Approve selection of and agreements with Grandma's House of Hope ($3,635,276) and Friendship Shelter ($936,474) for Homeless Bridge Housing services, 7/1/18 - 6/30/21; authorize Director or designee to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and to execute agreements - Districts 1, 4 and 5

30. Approve master agreement and selection of Clean Path Behavioral Health, Colette's Children's Home, The Villa Center, Grandma's House of Hope, New Life Spirit, Inc., Roque Center, Inc., and Step House Recovery for recovery residence services, 7/1/18 - 6/30/21 (aggregate total $2,400,000); renewable for two additional one-year terms; authorize Director or designee to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and to execute individual agreements - Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4

35. Approve annual updates to Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan for Mental Health Services Act, Proposition 63 programs and services, 7/1/18 - 6/30/19 ($218,897,166); direct Human Resource Services to amend master position control to add 58 positions to Health Care Agency; and authorize Director or designee to execute annual updates to Three-Year Plan - All Districts

36. Approve selection of and agreements with Child Guidance Center, Inc. ($23,199,219), Olive Crest ($6,920,724), Pathways Community Services, LLC ($4,682,016), Seneca Family of Agencies ($13,707,945), South Coast Children's Society, Inc., dba South Coast Community Services ($3,314,301), Wayfinders Supportive Solutions ($3,101,091) and Western Youth Services ($31,314,072) for Behavioral Health Outpatient services for Children and Youth, 7/1/18 - 6/30/21; and authorize Director or designee to exercise cost contingency increase not to exceed 10% under certain conditions and to execute agreements - All Districts (Continued from 4/10/18, Item 21; 4/24/18, Item S53A; 5/8/18, Item 35)

It’s Official La Niña is Over - Heading Towards El Niño Good news for California rainfall?

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Southwest Drought Continues to be a Problem The May 8th drought map released by U.S. Drought Monitor displays the intensity of the drought that much of the American Southwest is currently facing.

The map below depicts the change in drought level status over the course of one year. Heavily impacted areas include Western Oklahoma, Northern Texas and the Four Corners area. Each has suffered the maximum of five class degradation. The Four Corners area is of particular concern to Californians as it is one of the key drainage areas for the Colorado River.

Page 13 of 129 Page 14 of 129 Item 1d ACKERMAN CONSULTING

Legal and Regulatory

May 21, 2018

1. Rice Helps Wetlands: About 170 years ago, the Central Valley of California was a vast wetlands with water and birds all over the place. Since then as a result of the Gold Rush and civilization, that has all changed. Farms, cities, dams and roads have had an impact on birds, migration, bugs and all things associated with wetland territories. But hope and change are on the way. And rice farmers may be the answer. California’s rice industry in the second largest in the nation. It is also a heavy user of water. Studies and cooperation between scientists and farmers have shown that by minor changes to water control when flooding the rice fields, wetlands, similar to those of many years ago, can be replicated. Migratory birds of all kinds are returning, as well as flora and fauna from days gone by. The salmon population is also being helped.

2. Napa Watershed v Wineries: Napa County will have a measure on its June ballot which will potentially pit environmentalists versus wineries. Napa used to have a vast oak woodlands on its valley floor. That woodlands played an important role in habitat balance and water retention. Now, about 95% of those oaks are gone, due primarily to the wine industry. Current regulations controls further oak tree removal and has requirements to replace trees whenever one is removed. This measure would be much more stringent and has been criticized as anti‐ agriculture and anti‐business. It should be closely watched as there are environmentalists and farmers on both sides of the issue.

3. Dam Project Finds Whales: A new dam is being constructed at Calaveras Reservoir near Milpitas and Fremont. The discoveries from the digging including whale skulls and giant shark teeth date back 15 million years when that portion of California (from Bay Area to Bakersfield) was under water. The fossil count is a 1500 and climbing and will reside at UC Berkeley. The project is a $800 million effort by SF PUC and is part of the Hetch Hetchy water system. Some of the shark teeth belong to the megalodon species, related to the great white shark, but growing to 50 feet in length. In this JAWS movie, the shark wins!!

4. Desal in Vegas: The Southern Nevada Water Authority is considering investing in seawater desalination as part of its long term strategy. It is discussing this with Mexico. The offer was to help fund a desal plant in Mexico in exchange for a portion of Mexico’s water rights on the Colorado River. Nevada also plans to tap some old aquifers in northern Nevada to plan for their next 50 years of demand. Las Vegas is still growing at a rapid pace and the Authority is planning for that growth. This Mexico solution is also being considered by Arizona and the two

2 Mineral King I Irvine, CA 92602 I 714-322-271 0 I [email protected] Page 15 of 129 Item 1d states may form a partnership in the deal. The northern Nevada plan is being contested by the Ely Shoshone Tribe. Nevada is also considering a new international airport in the Ivanpah Valley which will increase water demand in the area from tourism.

5. Earthquake Ready: From San Francisco to Los Angeles and points in between, water world is making preparations for the next Big One and even the next Little Ones. In northern California, the main concern is the Hayward Fault and not the San Andreas Fault. That is because the Hayward Fault has not had any significant movement in a long time and is runs through more populated areas. Easy Bay MUD and SF PUC are the main players in this region and both have spent billions of dollars for seismic upgrades. Some of the engineering methods involve systems that allow the earth to move around the 6’ and 9’ pipes without hurting them. Another system has ball joints and slip joints that allow pipes to move without breaking. Some pipes in extremely high risk areas allow pipes to shift within concrete tunnels. Other pipes are built on rollers to achieve the same outcome. Both East Bay MUD and MWD have six month emergency supply for their respective regions. They also have repair supplies located at key locations in anticipation of emergencies. The Delta, as we know, is the most vulnerable part of the system, which is why the Water Fix is so important.

6. Water Board Member Fined: San Bernardino Valley MWD board member Gil Navarro was recently fined $36,500 by the FPPC for many matters including failure to disclose his legal defense fund. Navarro was an Assembly candidate in 2010 and 2014. He won election to the water board in 2012 while still a member of the San Bernardino County school board. He tried to serve in both offices until a Judge removed him from the school board. He kept a legal defense fund open even after he paid all legal bills. He failed to file required donor list for this fund. He also failed to file required Assembly reports. The water board has stripped Navarro from his leadership positions.

7. Plants Talk re Drought: Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) has done it again. They will launch the “space botanist” into orbit. The ECOSTRESS is a $30 million thermometer about the size of a small bus which will attach to the International Space Station in June of this year. It can measure areas on earth as small as 230 feet with respect to temperature and carbon dioxide content and change. In short, the hotter the plant, the less CO2 is consumes. It can take multiple measurements in one day, thereby showing real time action and reaction to climate changes. In specific, it will show plants reaction to water conditions, wet and dry. This method can help with many questions: which plants are most drought tolerant, which ones are strongest and most adaptable, which plants die first, when will drought occur. One current example of the utility of ECOSTRSS is the many types of lettuce grown in California. Some of them grow stronger with less water. Right now the farmers guess which is the right type. With this new data, they can be exact.

2 Mineral King I Irvine, CA 92602 I 714-322-271 0 I [email protected] Page 16 of 129 Item 1d 8. SF Water Rates Up: SF PUC has approved significant rate hike for the next four years. The average rate increase for their region is 7.4. to 8.4 per cent per year for the next four years. That equates to average households per month charge going from $108 to $149 in 2022. This includes water and sewer and covers large upgrades to their systems plus seismic retrofits.

9. San Diego Dry: If things continue, this could be the driest year on record for San Diego rainfall. This may tie the record low set in 1850 (those measurements may be as exact as today’s) Average rainfall for a year is 10.3 inches. This year they are at 3.1 with prior low being 3.3. There are still a few months left but the betting odds are 50/50. The atmospheric rivers that have been flowing in California lately have all missed San Diego.

10. LA Water Tax?: LA County is considering putting a measure on the November ballot to tax property owners to capture stormwater runoff……again. They considered this in 2013 but backed off due to large opposition. The tax would be on average $73 for a homeowner and $14,000 for a big box store. This would require a 2/3 vote and is already being questioned by the LA Chamber of Commerce and some cities who already have such a tax in place.

11. San Diego Seeks Reimbursement: Recent California law requires water agencies to test public schools for lead. Most all counties have complied, including Orange County, but have not necessarily checked all of their schools. Thus far these counties have tested the schools noted: Orange County 169, LA County 193, Alameda County 360, San Diego 552. San Diego’s cost has been over $400.000. Since this act has been mandated by the State, San Diego has filed a claim with the Commission on State Mandates for reimbursement. A hearing is set for November. I am sure all will be watching carefully. It should be noted that only 4 schools in San Diego exceeded the lead level.

2 Mineral King I Irvine, CA 92602 I 714-322-271 0 I [email protected] Page 17 of 129 Page 18 of 129 MWDOC PAL Committee Prepared by, Best Best & Krieger, 5/21/2018 A. Priority Support/Oppose

Aut Measure Topic Status Brief Summary Position Priority Notes 1 hor AB 1668 Friedman Water 5/14/2018-Read Would require the State Water Resources Control Board, in coordination Support A. D management third time. Passed. with the Department of Water Resources, to adopt long-term standards Priority planning. Ordered to the for the efficient use of water, as provided, and performance measures for Support/ Assembly. commercial, industrial, and institutional water use on or before June 30, Oppose 2022. The bill would require the department, in coordination with the board, to conduct necessary studies and investigations and make recommendations, no later than October 1, 2021, for purposes of these standards and performance measures. AB 1876 Frazier D Sacramento-S 4/27/2018-Failed The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Reform Act of 2009 establishes the Opposition A. Failed to get an Joaquin Deadline Delta Stewardship Council, which consists of 7 members, and requires Priority even one AYE Delta: Delta pursuant to Rule the council to develop, adopt, and commence implementation of a Support/ vote. Almost Plan: 61(b)(5). (Last comprehensive management plan for the Delta, known as the Delta Plan. Oppose failed for lack administratio location was W.,P. This bill would make the provisions establishing the Delta Stewardship of a motion. n. & W. on Council inoperative on July 1, 2020. The bill would provide for the Delta 1/29/2018) Protection Commission, on that date, to succeed to, and to be vested with, the duties, powers, purposes, responsibilities, and jurisdiction vested in the council as of June 30, 2020. AB 2050 Caballero Small System 5/10/2018-Re-refe Would create the Small System Water Authority Act of 2018 and state Support A.

Page D Water rred to Com. on legislative findings and declarations relating to authorizing the creation Priority Authority Act APPR. of small system water authorities that will have powers to absorb, Support/ of 2018. improve, and competently operate noncompliant public water systems. Oppose

19 The bill, no later than March 1, 2019, would require the state board to provide written notice to cure to all public agencies, private water of companies, or mutual water companies that operate a public water

129 system that has either less than 3,000 service connections or that serves less than 10,000 people, and are not in compliance with one or more state or federal primary drinking water standard maximum contaminant Item 1e levels as of December 31, 2018, and for 4 consecutive quarters, as specified. SB 606 Hertzberg Water 5/14/2018-Read Would require an urban retail water supplier to calculate an urban water Support A. D management third time. Passed. use objective no later than November 1, 2023, and by November 1 every Priority planning. Ordered to the year thereafter, and its actual urban water use by those same dates. The Support/ Senate. bill would require an urban retail water supplier to submit a report to the Oppose department for these purposes by those dates. The bill would authorize the State Water Resources Control Board to issue information orders, written notices, and conservation orders to an urban retail water supplier that does not meet its urban water use objective, as specified. The bill would authorize the board to waive these requirements for a period of up to 5 years, as specified. SB 623 Monning D Water 9/1/2017-From Would establish the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund in the Opposition A. The public quality: Safe committee: State Treasury and would provide that moneys in the fund are Priority goods charge and Without continuously appropriated to the State Water Resources Control Board. Support/ bill. Affordable recommendation. The bill would require the board to administer the fund to secure access Oppose Drinking (Ayes 11. Noes 0.) to safe drinking water for all Californians, while also ensuring the Water Fund. (September 1) long-term sustainability of drinking water service and infrastructure. Re-referred to The bill would authorize the state board to provide for the deposit into Com. on RLS. the fund of federal contributions, voluntary contributions, gifts, grants, bequests, and settlements from parties responsible for contamination of drinking water supplies. SB 998 Dodd D Discontinuati 5/14/2018-Set for Would require an urban and community water system, defined as a Oppose A. on of hearing May 22. public water system that supplies water to more than 200 service unless Priority residential connections, to have a written policy on discontinuation of water service amended Support/ water service: to certain types of residences for nonpayment available in prescribed Oppose urban and languages. The bill would require the policy to include certain community components, be available on the system’s Internet Web site, and be water provided to customers in writing, upon request. The bill would provide systems. for enforcement of these provisions, including making a violation of these provisions punishable by a civil penalty issued by the board in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for each day in which the violation occurs. Page B. Watch

20 Measure Author Topic Status Brief Summary Position Priority Notes 1 AB 272 Gipson D Water utility 1/20/2018-Failed Would permit a city that owns and operates a public utility for furnishing Watch B. Addresses of service: sale Deadline water service to sell the public utility for the purpose of consolidating its Watch water district 129 of water pursuant to Rule public water system with another public water system pursuant to the consolidation utility 61(b)(2). (Last procedures that are generally applicable to the sale of real property by a in urban areas.

Item 1e property by a location was city, only if the potentially subsumed water system is wholly within the Tracked city. APPR. boundaries of the city, if the city determines that it is uneconomical and because it may SUSPENSE FILE not in the public interest to own and operate the public utility and if impact SB 623 on 1/18/2018) certain requirements are met. debate. AB 2060 Garcia, Water: 5/9/2018-In Current law requires a regional water management group, within 90 Watch B. Eduardo D grants: committee: Set, days of notice that a grant has been awarded, to provide the Department Watch advanced first hearing. of Water Resources with a list of projects to be funded by the grant funds payments. Referred to where the project proponent is a nonprofit organization or a APPR. suspense disadvantaged community, or the project benefits a disadvantaged file. community. Current law requires the department, within 60 days of receiving the project information, to provide advanced payment of 50% of the grant award for those projects that satisfy specified criteria, including that the grant award for the project is less than $1,000,000, and requires the advanced funds to be handled as prescribed. This bill would require the department to providea project proponent that requests and demonstrates a need for advanced payment with advanced payment for those projects of $500,000 or 50% of the grant award, whichever is less. AB 2064 Gloria D Integrated 4/11/2018-In Current law, until January 1, 2025, requires a regional water Watch B. regional committee: Set, management group, within 90 days of notice that a grant has been Watch water first hearing. awarded, to provide the Department of Water Resources with a list of management Referred to projects to be funded by the grant funds if the project proponent is a plans: grants: APPR. suspense nonprofit organization or a disadvantaged community or the project advanced file. benefits a disadvantaged community. Current law requires the payment. department, within 60 days of receiving this project information, to provide advanced payment of 50% of the grant award for those projects that satisfy specified criteria and require the advanced funds to be handled, including that the funds are required to be spent within 6 months of the date of receipt unless the department waives this requirement. The bill, until January 1, 2025, would require a project proponent, upon completion of the first one-half of a project receiving an above-described grant award, to provide a first one-half project accountability report to the department that reports the completion of

Page objectives for the first one-half of the project and documents the expenditure and use of advanced grant funds. AB 2072 Quirk D State Water 4/4/2018-In Would require the State Water Resources Control Board, to the extent Watch B. 21 Resources committee: Set, that the state board determines funds are available, to establish and Watch Control first hearing. maintain a dedicated program to research the potential effects of of Board: Referred to constituents of emerging concern in water sources on human and 129 constituents APPR. suspense ecosystem health, as prescribed. of emerging file.

Item 1e concern. AB 2339 Gipson D Water utility 4/25/2018-In Would permit a city that owns and operates a public utility for furnishing Watch B. service: sale committee: Set, water service to sell the public utility for the purpose of consolidating its Watch of water first hearing. public water system with another public water system pursuant to the utility Referred to specified procedures, only if the potentially subsumed water system is property by a APPR. suspense wholly within the boundaries of the city, if the city determines that it is city. file. uneconomical and not in the public interest to own and operate the public utility, and if certain requirements are met. The bill would prohibit the city from selling the public utility for one year if 50% of interested persons, as defined, protest the sale. AB 3206 Friedman Water 5/9/2018-In Would require the State Energy Resources Conservation and Watch B. D conservation: committee: Set, Development Commission, on or before January 1, 2020, to adopt Watch water meters: first hearing. regulations setting standards for the accuracy of water meters purchased accuracy and Referred to on and after the effective date of those regulations, including water performance APPR. suspense meters installed pursuant to the Water Measurement Law, as specified. standards. file. The bill would allow a water purveyor to install a water meter possessed by that water purveyor before the effective date of the regulations for a time period deemed appropriate by the commission. SB 966 Wiener D Onsite treated 4/23/2018-April Would, on or before December 1, 2022, require the State Water Watch B. nonpotable 23 hearing: Resources Control Board, in consultation with the California Building Watch water Placed on APPR. Standards Commission, to adopt regulations for risk-based water quality systems. suspense file. standards for the onsite treatment and reuse of nonpotable water, as provided. The bill would authorize the state board to contract with public or private entities regarding the content of the standards and would exempt those contracts from, among other provisions, review and approval of the Department of General Services. Total Measures: 13

Total Tracking Forms: 13

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Item 1e Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location Recognizes the need for additional state funding for water infrastructure at time when significant water investments are acutely necessary. Requested amendments include: California Clean Water, Climate, Coastal SUPPORT AND state support for voluntary settlements with Amended AB 18 Protection and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018: SEEK upstream water users, both for habitat 8/30/17 E. Garcia (D) Enacts the California Clean Water, Climate, Costal AMENDMENTS improvement and flow enhancements; Protection and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018, based upon Board- additional funding for development of local Senate Sponsor: which places a general obligation bond of $3.470 adopted policy water supplies; increased funding for new Appropriations Author billion before voters at the June 5, 2018, statewide principles dated water treatment systems, extensions of Committee primary election. June 2003 service or consolidations for non-compliant water systems located in disadvantaged communities; flood protection; and Salton Sea restoration, consistent with CNRA Salton Sea Management Plan. Metropolitan dropped its opposition to AB 732 after the Delta Stewardship Council Delta Levee Maintenance: Delta levee maintenance directed staff to enter into a Memorandum of Amended program was established for reimbursement of costs AB 732 WATCH Understanding with the Central Valley Flood 5/30/17 incurred in connection with maintenance or Frazier (D) based upon prior Protection Board (CVFPB) and DWR to improvement of projects or non-project levees in the position on develop and recommend a new set of Senate Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. AB 732 extends the Sponsor: SB 554 (Wolk) guidelines, including a methodology and Appropriations current 75% state reimbursement rate for Delta levee Page Author from 2016 local agency requirements for evaluating a Committee maintenance costs in excess of $1,000 per mile, until local agency’s ability to pay for cost of levee July 1, 2020. maintenance or improvements under the 23 Delta Levee Subventions Program. of 129 Item 1f

1 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location AB 869 is consistent with provisions found Recycled Water: Would require long-term standards in SB 606 (Skinner/Hertzberg) and AB 1668 for urban water use conservation and water use to (Friedman) Metropolitan, with a few Amended SUPPORT IF include credit for recycled water, as specified. Would distinctions. Recognizes that recycled water AB 869 8/24/17 AMENDED state that water conservation does not include is an efficient use and should be treated as Rubio (D) based upon curtailment of use of recycled water. Would prohibit such in any new water use efficiency targets, Senate Natural Board-adopted urban retail water supplier from being required to although expands credit specified in SB 606 Sponsor: Resources and legislative policy reduce amount of recycled water it produces, sells or and AB 1668 to include nonpotable recycled Author Water priorities dated distributes for beneficial potable or nonpotable uses water. Attempts to override authority Committee 12/12/17 during period when water conservation measures are extended to Governor under Emergency in effect. Services Act regarding curtailment of potable and nonpotable recycled water.

Dams and Reservoirs – Inspections and Reporting: Requires DWR to inspect dams, reservoirs, and Amended critical appurtenant structures within its jurisdiction 1/22/18 Based upon Metropolitan’s decades of once per fiscal year, with the exception of low hazard AB 1270 experience in building, monitoring, potential dams which shall receive inspections, at a Gallagher (R) Signed by maintaining and operating more than 20 minimum, every two fiscal years. Also requires WATCH Governor on dams within the district’s regional water owners to disclose information sufficient to enable (1/22/18) Sponsor: 2/26/18 distribution system, the bill addresses DWR to determine conditions of dams, reservoirs, and Author security and inspection concerns previously critical appurtenant structures regarding their safety Page Chapter 3, identified. and to perform, at the owner’s expense, other work Statutes of 2018 necessary to secure maintenance and operation that

24 will safeguard life and property. of 129


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location

Water Efficiency Targets: Provides that if a statute AB 1323 Metropolitan supports state agency Amended is not chaptered during 2017-18 legislative session to SUPPORT Weber (D) implementation of a framework consistent 5/30/17 establish water conservation targets and long-term based upon with the water use efficiency goals set by the drought contingency planning, DWR shall convene Board-adopted Sponsor: Legislature by working through a stakeholder Senate stakeholder workgroup by February 1, 2019, to legislative policy San Diego process to ensure the goals are met in a way Appropriations develop, evaluate and recommend proposals for priorities dated County Water that recognizes the unique challenges of Committee establishing new water use targets for urban retail 12/12/17 Authority agencies throughout California. water suppliers.

AB 1654 Rubio (D) Drought Contingency Planning: As a step towards WATCH Amended Author declined to incorporate work product developing a single legislative proposal, the bill was based upon 7/12/17 stemming from legislative negotiations Sponsor: amended in the Senate Natural Resources and Water Board-adopted during summer recess [see summary of SB Regional Water Committee to state the intent of the Legislature to legislative policy Senate Rules 606 (Skinner/Hertzberg) and AB 1668 Authority and enact legislation necessary to help make water priorities dated Committee (Friedman)]. Irvine Ranch conservation a California way of life. 12/12/17 Water District

Amended SUPPORT Water Management Planning: Reflects the Brown AB 1667 7/3/17 IF AMENDED AB 1667 is consistent, in part, with the Administration’s June 2017 proposal to implement Friedman (D) based upon policy priorities adopted by Metropolitan’s Executive Order B-37-16 and the framework Page Senate Natural Board-adopted board. There are specific provisions, contained in the report Making Water Conservation a Sponsor: Resources and legislative policy however, that require revisions to merit full California Way of Life for urban and agricultural Author Water priorities dated support. 25 water usage and drought planning. Committee 12/12/17 of 129


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location AB 1668 recognizes the Legislature’s critical role in providing appropriate oversight to implementation of water conservation efforts by the Department of Water Resources and Water Management Planning: Proposes targets for the State Water Resources Control Board, indoor residential water use and performance SUPPORT while preserving local decision making. Bill AB 1668 Amended measures for CII water. References the Model Water based upon includes a water-budget based target-setting Friedman (D) 5/3/18 Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWLEO) for outdoor Board-adopted approach that could be customized to unique

water use. Also clarifies SWRCB enforcement legislative policy location conditions and could be equally Sponsor: Senate Rules authority for non-compliance; updates agricultural priorities dated effective in reducing water use. Recent Author Committee water use efficient requirements; and provides for 12/12/17 amendments ensure CII performance countywide and small system drought planning. measures are cost effective and technically feasible; clarify application of enforcement provisions and MWELO requirements; and authorizes a 15% bonus incentive for existing potable reuse projects, as defined. Amended The Delta is the largest estuary in the 4/3/18 western hemisphere and the location of the AB 1876 OPPOSE largest water delivery systems in the nation. Delta Plan: Seeks to abolish the Delta Stewardship Frazier (D) Assembly based upon Comprehensive and balanced Delta planning Council and proposes to transfer its duties on July 1, Water, Parks June 2007 and oversight cannot be accomplished by one 2020, to the Delta Protection Commission, a body that Sponsor: and Wildlife Board-adopted region seeking to eliminate the voices of all

Page is dominated by in-Delta interests. Author Committee; Delta Action Plan others. AB 1876 represents a giant step failed passage backwards in a statewide approach to resolving and balancing statewide interests. 26 on 4/24/18 of 129


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location

While laws have been enacted over the past AB 2050 Small System Water Authority Act of 2018: several years to address access to safe Caballero (D) Amended Proposes to merge small non-compliant water drinking water, immediate and lasting 4/17/18 systems, defined as a system with less than 3,000 changes to the governance structure of Sponsors: service connections or serving less than 10,000 SUPPORT chronically noncompliant small systems are Eastern MWD Assembly people, even when the systems are non-contiguous, as adopted by still necessary to protect public health and and CA Appropriations into a larger, more robust public water system to take Board on 3/13/18 safety. AB 2050 provides another tool which Municipal Committee advantage of improved technical, managerial, and could lead to more sustainable water systems Utilities financial capacities associated with larger water that can effectively deliver safe and Association systems. affordable drinking water to its residents.

Extending the existing tax exclusion by five Introduced Income Tax Exclusions – Turf Removal Water SUPPORT years will provide relief to state taxpayers AB 2283 2/13/18 Conservation Programs: Would extend, until based upon past and could encourage participation in turf Holden (D) December 1, 2024, the exclusion from gross income support of removal programs. In January 2014, Assembly of any amount received as a rebate, voucher or other AB 2434 Metropolitan added turf removal to the Sponsor: Appropriations financial incentive issued by a local water agency or (Gomez), SoCal Water$mart Regional Program, Author Committee supplier for expenses incurred for participation in a Chapter 738, making it available to customers throughout Suspense File turf removal water conservation program. Statutes of 2014 the service area.

While an open and transparent project State Agencies - Infrastructure Project Budget and

Page delivery process is important to public AB 2543 Amended Schedule: Would require state agencies to publicly OPPOSE agencies and their customers, the bill is Eggman (D) 3/13/18 report significant changes in the cost or schedule of based upon vague in its terminology and application to

27 large and complex infrastructure projects. The bill June 2007 state infrastructure projects. Project Sponsor: Senate Rules seeks to incorporate a recommendation from the Board-adopted of opponents could use an alleged violation of Author Committee October 2017 report on CA WaterFix by the State Delta Action Plan

129 the reporting requirement to bring any action Auditor General. to halt, delay or modify a project.


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location AB 2545 still includes language that would Amended expand California Department of Fish and AB 2545 4/25/18 Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreements: SUPPORT IF Wildlife’s jurisdiction over rivers and Gallagher (R) Defines a river and stream for purposes of AMENDED streams to include any land currently or Assembly determining if a lake or streambed alteration based upon formerly occupied by riparian vegetation, Sponsor: Appropriations agreement (LSAA) is required. Specifies that the Board-adopted which may extend well beyond the bed or California Farm Committee definition excludes artificial water conveyance legislative policy banks of rivers and streams. Would require Bureau infrastructure, such as canals, flood control channels, priorities dated potentially costly subsurface and historical Federation Date of Hearing: irrigation and drainage ditches. 12/12/17 records searches to determine the extent of 5/9/18 jurisdiction. Exempting new water diversions from Water Rights – Water Management: Would CEQA would likely cause significant declare that the diversion of water to underground unintended consequences that harm the storage, including the diversion of water for environment and the public. Could allow a groundwater recharge, constitutes a diversion of water OPPOSE water rights holder, who is not currently for beneficial use for which an appropriation may be UNLESS using their full water right, to hoard unused Amended made if the diverted water is put to beneficial use. AMENDED water, exacerbating over-allocation of water AB 2649 4/25/18 Also provides that the beneficial use of water diverted based upon prior in California and injuring existing water Arambula (D) to underground storage is not limited to uses requiring opposition to rights holders and other legal water users.

Assembly subsequent extraction or release of the stored water AB 647 (Eggman) Additionally, an ACWA workgroup Sponsor: Appropriations and may include beneficial uses such as protection of from 2015 and produced an administrative solution for Author Committee water quality made while the water is in underground AB 1427 moving forward to permit groundwater

Page storage. Would also codify the provisions of (Eggman) from recharge when flows are in excess conditions Executive Order B-39-17 to authorize the State Water 2017 (i.e. flow levels at or above the 90th Resources Control Board to continue issuing percentile of recorded flows). AB 2649 28 temporary permits for storage or groundwater disregards nearly a year of collaborative of recharge. discussions that produced a constructive way

129 forward.


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location Water Transfers – Idled Agricultural Lands: Would require the Wildlife Conservation Board to establish an incentive program to encourage Although supportive of the incentive AB 2697 landowners to voluntarily cultivate or retain cover OPPOSE program, AB 2697 would make it more Gallagher (R) Amended crops or other upland vegetation on idled lands to UNLESS difficult for DWR to ensure that water 4/17/18 provide wildlife habitat for waterfowl and other game AMENDED transfers are legitimate by shifting the burden Sponsor: birds. Also sets forth that the Department of Water based upon past of proof from the transferor to DWR California Assembly Resources (DWR) could require the abatement of any opposition to regarding harm caused by allowing excess Waterfowl and Appropriations nonirrigated cover crops or vegetation that are actively AB 472 (Frazier) vegetation to remain. Existing law already Pheasants Committee transpiring water beyond that associated with normal in 2017 strikes a balance between encouraging cover Forever annual precipitation. Participating landowners would crops and protecting water transfers. not be subject to additional regulations for subsequent manipulation or removal of nonirrigated cover crops or vegetation during normal agricultural activities. Sales Tax Exemption: Authorizes, until January 1, 2024, an annual three‐day exemption from state Metropolitan and its member agencies will sales tax for the purchase of qualified water continue to strengthen their conservation Amended efficiency products, including: rain barrels with a SUPPORT outreach and rebate programs, focusing on AB 3170 4/16/18 capacity of 100 gallons or more; soaker or drip‐ based upon new ways to help homeowners, businesses Friedman (D) irrigation hoses; weather‐based irrigation Board-adopted and communities change outdoor landscapes Assembly controllers; soil moisture‐based control legislative policy and gardens, where most water typically is Sponsor: Appropriations technologies; mulch and compost; WaterSense priorities dated used. AB 3170 will provide further financial

Page Author Committee 12/12/17 incentives to make this transformation a Suspense File products; low‐water use plants; and a permeable ground cover surface, other than living turf grass, reality and will further facilitate an

29 that allows water to reach underground basins, aggressive approach to lowering water use. aquifers, or water collection points. of 129


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location Preserves the legislative process for setting Water Management Planning: Provides for the water-use efficiency goals yet recognizes the calculation of water use objectives by urban retail role of state agencies to implement a detailed water supplies. Specifies SWRCB enforcement tools SB 606 SUPPORT framework consistent with those goals. Bill and timelines. Contains revisions to UWMP reporting Skinner (D) and Amended based upon contains numerous opportunities for and filing requirements. Provides for preparation of Hertzberg (D) 4/5/18 Board-adopted stakeholder engagement to ensure Water Shortage Contingency Plans and annual water legislative policy requirements of the measure are met in a way supply and demand assessment by urban wholesaler Sponsor: Assembly Floor priorities dated that recognizes the unique challenges of and retailer water suppliers. Measure also recognizes Authors 12/12/17 water agencies throughout California. SB that recycled water is an efficient use and should be 606 preserves local and regional decision- treated as such in the calculation for new water-use making and control in determining actions to efficiency targets. avoid shortage or mitigate shortage impacts. Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund: Would establish the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water SB 623 Generally speaking, the water industry Fund to assist communities and individual domestic Monning (D) OPPOSE agrees with the intent of SB 623. The lack of well owners who lack access to safe drinking water, UNLESS access to safe drinking water in certain Amended particularly those in small, rural disadvantaged Sponsor: AMENDED disadvantaged communities is a public health 8/21/17 communities. Fund may pay for replacement water; Community based upon and social issue that the state must address. domestic well testing and investigations; planning, Water Center Board-adopted Potential revenue sources identified for the Assembly Rules construction, operation and maintenance costs for and legislative policy Fund should reflect the “beneficiary pays” Committee system improvements; and outreach to eligible Western priorities dated principle, as opposed to a fee or assessment communities. Revenue for the Fund would come Growers 12/12/17 levied on water agencies for funding the Page from an agricultural fee on fertilizer sales and dairy Association broader public benefits. operations and a permanent tax on ratepayers of urban retail water systems. 30 of 129


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location SUPPORT Water Resources – Stream Gages: SB 919 would based upon A robust and accurate data collection system Amended require the Department of Water Resources (DWR) to SB 919 Board-adopted will support informed decision-making 3/15/18 develop a plan to deploy a network of stream gages Dodd (D) legislative policy regarding water management. Having a that includes a determination of funding needs and priorities dated more reliable and accurate system of stream Senate opportunities for reactivating existing gages. In Sponsor: 12/12/17 gages can also help integrate groundwater Appropriations consultation with its sister agencies and other The Nature and recharge during high-flow events. Good Committee interested parties, DWR is required to prioritize the Conservancy June 2007 information and science leads to sound Suspense File deployment of stream gages based upon gaps in the Board-adopted public policy on water management. existing system. Delta Action Plan State Permitting – Processing Procedures: Would SB 1301 will help identify delays and gaps in Amended require the Department of Fish and Wildlife, the San current permitting processes. The bill will Francisco Bay Conservation and Development SB 1301 4/9/18 also establish a more efficient permitting Commission, the California Coastal Commission, the SUPPORT Beall (D) process for dam safety and flood protection State Water Resources Control Board, and a based upon Senate projects by facilitating a multi-agency pre- California Regional Water Quality Control Board, to Board-adopted Sponsor: Appropriations keep accurate records of processing times for permits application and model fee-for-service legislative policy Santa Clara Committee that each agency issues for a dam safety project or agreement. Due to understaffing at state priorities dated Valley Water flood risk reduction project beginning July 1, 2020. permitting agencies, deadlines for permitting 12/12/17 District Date of Hearing: Defines dam safety and flood risk reduction projects are often missed, particularly for large and makes these projects eligible for interagency 5/14/18 projects that yield the most public safety collaboration for the purpose of expediting project permitting. benefit. Page 31 of 129


Metropolitan Water District of Southern California State Legislation Matrix 5/7/2018

Bill Number Amended Date; Title-Summary MWD Position Effects on Metropolitan Author Location SB 1493 State Lands: Represents the Senate Natural WATCH Senate The tide and submerged lands granted to Resources and Water Committee omnibus “code based on MWD Committee on Metropolitan in 1967 by the State Lands Amended clean-up” bill. Sections 23 and 24 would repeal the Real Property and Natural Commission are subject to a reversionary 4/10/18 State Lands Commission’s (SLC) Statutory Trust Asset Resources and interest. The state is choosing to exercise Grant issued to Metropolitan and returns the tide and Management Water that interest to focus its resources on other Assembly Desk submerged lands at Bolsa Chica to the State of Committee matters rather than annually monitoring and California. Metropolitan has not, and does not intend discussion on Sponsors: reviewing the inactive status of the grant. to, move forward with projects as defined in the grant. 12/12/17 Multiple

Page 32 of 129


Item No. 2


TO: Public Affairs & Legislation Committee (Directors Dick, Tamaribuchi, Thomas)

FROM: Robert Hunter, General Manager

Staff Contact: Tiffany Baca

SUBJECT: Overview of MWDOC’s Social Media Activities


Staff recommends the Public Affairs & Legislation Committee: Receive and file this report.


Committee recommends (To be determined at Committee Meeting)


It has been a year since MWDOC decided to invest in amplifying its digital platforms, utilizing social media and the District’s website,, to engage a variety of audiences on top water issues, in particular the California WaterFix, and current and relatable water news, water-use efficiency opportunities, District events, District career and contract opportunities, upcoming meetings, and more. With the added investment, the District’s digital footprint has grown impressively and MWDOC has fast become an industry leader for digital messaging on water related issues.

A staff presentation will elaborate on the history of this program and highlight success of these efforts.

Budgeted (Y/N): Budgeted amount: Core __ Choice __ Action item amount: Line item: Fiscal Impact (explain if unbudgeted):

Page 33 of 129 Page 2


At the time of this report, MWDOC has 7,821 followers on Facebook, up 913 from the previous month. 429,692 total people were reached during the month of April through this platform. 367,591 of that total were reached through a $4,500 boosted post effort. Facebook post engagements totaled 4,868, up 26% from the previous month.

MWDOC now has 1,678 followers on Twitter. 151,600 total people were reached during the month of April on this platform and $750 was spent on Twitter messages. Post engagements totaled 1,083.

337 people now follow MWDOC on Instagram.

Analytics from the time period of April 6 through May 14 show has received 15,901 page views from 4,960 users. 30% of traffic is “organic” meaning the website has been found through a variety of search engines while roughly 22% of traffic has been driven by Social Media. 45% of traffic came from users accessing the url directly.

Additionally, during this period, nearly 80% of visitors to the website have been categorized as “new” meaning they have accessed the website directly one time, and 20% are return visitors. 70% of visitors view the website via desktop, 24% via mobile device, and 6% through tablets. Visitors are coming to the website most often Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm.

The top most visited web pages for the time period identified in this report are as follows:

 Home page 17%  Residental Rebates 10%,  WUE landing page 7%  Turf Removal 7%  Careers 4%  Water Awareness Poster Contest 3%  Board Meetings 3%  OC Friendly Landscapes 3%  Smart Sprinkler Timers, About MWDOC, Contact Us, Board of Directors, Drip Irrigation Rebates, MWDOC Service Area, RFPs/RFQs, and Water Policy Dinner pages make up approximately another 14% of page visits.

Page 34 of 129

Item No. 3

ACTION ITEM June 20, 2018

TO: Public Affairs and Legislation Committee (Directors Dick, Tamaribuchi, and Thomas)

FROM: Robert Hunter, General Manager Staff Contact: Heather Baez



Staff recommends the Board of Directors receive and file the report.


Committee recommends (To be determined at Committee Meeting)



For the third quarter (January-March 2018) of fiscal year 2017-2018, one trip was taken in the third quarter.

 January 10-12 – Director Barbre

The following is budgeted for fiscal year 2017/2018 for directors:

Washington D.C. Legislative Budget Travel - $10,800, 6 trips

 Total cost for this quarter: $869.21 (January trip – Director Barbre)  Year-to-date spent: $5,120.13  Budget remaining: $5,679.87

Budgeted amount: Directors - $10,800 Budgeted (Y/N): Y Core X Choice __ Staff - $10,800 Line item: 11-7155 Action item amount: None 12-7150 Fiscal Impact (explain if unbudgeted):

Page 35 of 129 Page 2

Projecting for the fourth quarter, no trips are scheduled


For the third quarter (January-March 2018) of fiscal year 2017-2018, one trip was taken.

 January 10-12 – Heather Baez

The following is budgeted for fiscal year 2017/2018 for staff:

Washington D.C. Legislative Travel - $10,800, 6 trips

 Total cost for this quarter: $840.49 (January trip – Heather Baez)  Year-to-date spent: $1,723.72  Budget remaining: $9,076.28

Projecting for the fourth quarter, no trips are scheduled.

The focus of the trips this legislative year will be on the importance of the CA WaterFix (federal permits and funding), long term conservation and tax parity water rebate issues (turf removal program, et al.), and visits to representative’s offices to update them on issues of importance to MWDOC and its member agencies.

Page 36 of 129

Item No. 4

ACTION ITEM June 20, 2018

TO: Public Affairs and Legislation Committee (Directors Dick, Tamaribuchi and Thomas)

FROM: Robert Hunter, General Manager

Staff Contact: Heather Baez



Staff recommends the Board of Directors receive and file the report.


Committee recommends (To be determined at Committee Meeting)



For the third quarter (January-March 2018) of fiscal year 2017-2018, no trips were taken.

The following is budgeted for fiscal year 2017/2018 for directors:

Sacramento Legislative Budget Travel - $4,600, 8 trips

 Total cost for this quarter: $0  Year-to-date spent: $0  Budget remaining: $4,600

Projecting for the fourth quarter no trips are scheduled.

Budgeted amount: $4,600 – Directors Budgeted (Y/N): Yes Core X Choice __ $10,500 – Staff Line item: 11-7155 Action item amount: None 12-7150 Fiscal Impact (explain if unbudgeted):

Page 37 of 129 Page 2


For the third quarter (January-March 2018) of fiscal year 2017-2018, five trips were taken.

 January 31 – Joe Berg  January 31/February 1 – Heather Baez  February 9 – Heather Baez  March 2 – Heather Baez  March 23 – Heather Baez

The following is budgeted for fiscal year 2017/2018 for staff:

Sacramento Legislative Travel - $10,500, 18 trips

 Total cost for this quarter: $2,806.42  Year-to-date spent: $4,048.75  Budget remaining: $6,451.25

Projecting out for the fourth quarter, 4 trips have been taken/scheduled.

 April 13 – Heather Baez  May 4 – Heather Baez  June 8 – Heather Baez  June 29 – Heather Baez

The focus of trips is “Making Conservation a California Way of Life” legislation (AB 1668/SB 606), proposed water tax (SB 623 and Budget Trailer Bill language), low income rate assistance implementation, water shutoffs (SB 998), and State Water Resources Control Board meetings.

Page 38 of 129 Item No. 5


TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Public Affairs Legislative Committee (Directors Dick, Tamaribuchi and Thomas)

Robert Hunter Staff Contact: Damon Micalizzi General Manager



Staff recommends the Board of Directors receive and file.


Committee recommends (To be determined at Committee Meeting)


Nearly 200 people attended the April 19th Water Policy Dinner featuring Department of Water Resources Director, Karla Nemeth at the Great Wolf Lodge in Garden Grove.

Nemeth’s visit to Orange County came a little more than a week after the historic vote by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) to finance the bulk of the California WaterFix. Nemeth thanked Orange County for its leadership in supporting the generational project, while touting the need for additional investment in water infrastructure across the State and the need for continued efforts to conserve.

Anticipated revenues for the event are $14,721.57. Anticipated expenses are $14,070.48. These numbers are preliminary and show a net revenue of $651.09.

The next MWDOC Water Policy Dinner will tentatively be in September.

Budgeted (Y/N): n/a Budgeted amount: n/a Core X Choice Action item amount: None Line item: Fiscal Impact (explain if unbudgeted):

Page 39 of 129 Item No. 6


TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Public Affairs Legislative Committee (Directors Dick, Tamaribuchi and Thomas)

Robert Hunter Staff Contact: Damon Micalizzi General Manager



Staff recommends the Board of Directors receive and file.


Committee recommends (To be determined at Committee Meeting)


Staff is putting the finishing touches on the program for the 2018 OC Water Summit - Water, What’s Behind the Magic. Table sponsors and individuals continue to RSVP with more than 225 attendees registered at the time of this report.

Staff continues to reach out to sponsors to underwrite the cost of the Summit. The preliminary budget for the 2018 event is $79,950. The committee intends to underwrite the entire cost of the event through sponsorships.

Commissioner of the US Bureau of Reclamation, Brenda Burman, will serve as the Keynote Speaker with NBC 4 Weathercaster Fritz Coleman providing color commentary as Emcee and a video ‘California Water Forecast’.

Other confirmed speakers and presenters include:  Senator Bill Monning, Author of SB 623 (Possibly via Skype)  Jon Coupal, President of Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, who will discuss SB 623.

Budgeted (Y/N): n/a Budgeted amount: n/a Core X Choice Action item amount: None Line item: Fiscal Impact (explain if unbudgeted):

Page 40 of 129 Page 2

 Paul Jones, General Manager, Eastern Municipal Water District, who will discuss AB 2050.  Rob Hartman former Chief Hydrologist, CA/Nevada River Forecast Center  David Rose, Chief Counsel for the State Water Resources Control Board who will present on the growing influence of the State Water Resources Control Board over local water providers.  Panelists Marc Marcantonio, General Manager of Yorba Linda Water District and Kurt Schwabe, Adjunct Fellow of the Public Policy Institute of California who will discuss the unintended consequences of water conservation.  Chris “Maven” Austin, Author of Maven’s Notebook

The eleventh Annual OC Water Summit will be again held at the Disneyland Grand Californian Hotel on June 1st, 2018

The Summit committee meeting dates are:  Dark in May – staff meeting(s) only unless something unexpected occurs  Monday, June 25, 2018, 8:30 am (Post event wrap-up meeting).

Page 41 of 129 Item No. 7


TO: Public Affairs & Legislation Committee (Directors Dick, Tamaribuchi, Thomas)

FROM: Robert Hunter, General Manager

Staff Contact: Tiffany Baca

SUBJECT: 2018 Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge


Staff recommends the Public Affairs & Legislation Committee: Receive and file the report.


Committee recommends (To be determined at Committee Meeting)


During the month of April, cities across the U.S. took part in the 7th Annual Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation. Nationwide, cities compete within five population categories to win the title of most water-wise city in the nation. Residents participate by completing a series of online pledges which outline water-efficient goals that encourage positive changes in consumer behaviors. Contest winners for the five population categories will be announced by the Wyland Foundation on May 21, 2018.

Additionally, as part of the MWDOC-Wyland partnership established in 2017, an Orange County breakaway contest has been developed and a water-wise demonstration garden will be awarded to the highest participating Orange County city within the MWDOC service area. The breakaway contest winner will be announced on May 25, 2018. Staff will prepare and distribute a news release announcing the breakaway contest winning city, as well as

Budgeted (Y/N): Y Budgeted amount: 10,000 Core __ Choice __ Action item amount: Line item: 32-7670 Fiscal Impact (explain if unbudgeted):

Page 42 of 129 Page 2 distribute a series of congratulatory social media posts and an eCurrents newsletter public notification.

To assist MWDOC member agencies with their participation and success in the national contest as well as in the MWDOC-Wyland Orange County breakaway contest, staff prepared a media kit which included tips for success, a news release template, and sample social media posts.

Page 43 of 129 Item No. 8


TO: Public Affairs & Legislation Committee (Directors Dick, Tamaribuchi, Thomas)

FROM: Robert Hunter, General Manager

Staff Contact: Sarah Wilson

SUBJECT: Education Program Update


Staff recommends the Public Affairs & Legislation Committee: Receive and file this report.


Committee recommends (To be determined at Committee Meeting)


Contractors for the Municipal Water District of Orange County’s (MWDOC) education programs continue to book classes for the current school year. Both Discovery Science Center (DSC) and Inside the Outdoors (ITO) are confident they will reach their contracted student totals this year.

The following reports are included here: Elementary School Assemblies for April 2018, Elementary Education Student Counts Chart, and the “What About Water” High School Program report.

Budgeted (Y/N): Budgeted amount: Core X Choice X Action item amount: Line item: Fiscal Impact (explain if unbudgeted):

Page 44 of 129 Municipal Water District of Orange County Attendance Report

Sunday, April 01, 2018 through Monday, April 30, 2018 Grand Total: 3953 3840 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Anaheim, City of Totals For: Anaheim, City of 290 334 Jefferson (Thomas) Elementary School Anaheim 4/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 80 91 District 4/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 80 91 District 4/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 60 74 District 4/25/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 70 78 District Page 45 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 1 of 9 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Buena Park, City of Totals For: Buena Park, City of 160 170 Emery (Charles G) Elementary School Buena Park 4/4/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Buena Park School 80 94 District 4/4/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Buena Park School 80 76 District Page 46 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 2 of 9 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

El Toro Water District Totals For: El Toro Water District 412 402 Olivewood Elementary School

4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Saddleback Valley 135 131 Unified School District 4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Saddleback Valley 67 66 Unified School District 4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Saddleback Valley 61 59 Unified School District 4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Saddleback Valley 83 85 Unified School District 4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 66 61 Unified School District Page 47 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 3 of 9 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Huntington Beach, City of Totals For: Huntington Beach, City 643 634 of Carden Conservatory

4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 18 19 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 15 16 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Private 15 12 Huntington Seacliff Elementary School 4/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Huntington Beach City 120 125 School District Moffett (S A) Elementary School Huntington Beach 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Huntington Beach City 96 93 School District 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Huntington Beach City 105 100 School District 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Huntington Beach City 85 90 School District 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Huntington Beach City 93 89 School District 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Huntington Beach City 96 90 School District Page 48 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 4 of 9 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Moulton Niguel Water District Totals For: Moulton Niguel Water 1136 991 District Avila (Don Juan) Elementary School 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 140 132 School District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 128 120 School District Bergeson (Marian) Elementary School 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 92 102 School District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 120 103 School District 4/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 118 83 School District 4/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 122 84 School District 4/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 120 85 School District Hidden Hills Elementary School

4/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 56 54 School District 4/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 60 55 School District 4/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 58 55 School District 4/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 122 118 Page School District 49 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 5 of 9 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Orange, City of Totals For: Orange, City of 508 472 Taft Elementary School Orange

4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 65 77 District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 89 77 District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 75 62 District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 93 68 District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 90 92 District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 96 96 District Page 50 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 6 of 9 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

San Juan Capistrano, City of Totals For: San Juan Capistrano, 163 142 City of Saddleback Valley Christian School 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 20 27 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 39 20 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 38 31 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 40 34 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 26 30 Page 51 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 7 of 9 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

South Coast Water District Totals For: South Coast Water 83 98 District Saint Catherine of Siena Parish School 4/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 23 37 4/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 31 32 4/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Private 29 29 Page 52 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 8 of 9 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Tustin, City of Totals For: Tustin, City of 558 597 Heideman (Robert P) Elementary School 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Tustin Unified School 90 100 District 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Tustin Unified School 90 110 District 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Tustin Unified School 90 104 District 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Tustin Unified School 90 89 District 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Tustin Unified School 90 102 District Saint Cecilia Elementary School Tustin 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 36 25 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 36 35 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 36 32 Page 53 of 129

5/2/2018 6:33:56 AM Page 9 of 9 Municipal Water District of Orange County Attendance Report

Tuesday, August 01, 2017 through Saturday, June 30, 2018 Grand Total: 56513 51917 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Anaheim, City of Totals For: Anaheim, City of 7311 7288 Elementary School

5/25/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 82 0 District 5/25/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 60 0 District 5/25/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 65 0 District 5/25/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 65 0 District 5/25/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 65 0 District 5/25/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 62 0 District Canyon Rim Elementary School

11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 90 85 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 90 89 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 90 88 District 11/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 90 90 Page District 11/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 90 80

54 District 11/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 90 88 of District

129 Centralia Elementary School

10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Centralia Elementary 65 64 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 1 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Anaheim, City of Totals For: Anaheim, City of 7311 7288 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Centralia Elementary 80 73 School District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Centralia Elementary 85 79 School District 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Centralia Elementary 67 93 School District 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Centralia Elementary 85 75 School District 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Centralia Elementary 79 80 School District Crescent Elementary School

11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 54 54 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 59 70 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 87 90 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 55 90 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 66 67 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 59 60 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 57 63 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 58 55 District Page 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 54 48 District

55 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 66 63 District of Danbrook Elementary School 129 Anaheim 10/24/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Centralia Elementary 91 91 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 2 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Anaheim, City of Totals For: Anaheim, City of 7311 7288 10/24/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Centralia Elementary 85 85 School District 10/24/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Centralia Elementary 63 63 School District 10/26/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Centralia Elementary 89 93 School District 10/26/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Centralia Elementary 96 73 School District 10/26/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Centralia Elementary 112 85 School District Edison (Thomas) Elementary School Anaheim 9/18/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 1 53 District 9/18/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 1 52 District 9/18/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 1 55 District 9/18/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 1 46 District 9/18/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 1 54 District 9/18/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 1 54 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 59 58 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 57 60 District Page 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 56 55 District

56 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 51 51 District of 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 56 55 129 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 58 60 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 3 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Anaheim, City of Totals For: Anaheim, City of 7311 7288 Hansen Elementary School

2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Savanna School District 80 71 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Savanna School District 90 86 Jefferson (Thomas) Elementary School Anaheim 4/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 80 91 District 4/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 80 91 District 4/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 60 74 District 4/25/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 70 78 District Lincoln (Abraham) Elementary School Anaheim 9/5/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 85 81 District 9/5/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 85 79 District 9/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 70 79 District 9/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 70 77 District 9/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 70 75 District 9/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 70 70

Page District Mann (Horace) Elementary School Anaheim 57 10/9/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 108 101 District of 10/9/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 80 94 129 District 10/9/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 105 98 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 4 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Anaheim, City of Totals For: Anaheim, City of 7311 7288 10/9/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 78 88 District 10/9/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 87 83 District 10/9/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 100 98 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 23 21 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 23 22 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 25 25 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 24 20 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 27 26 District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 21 21 District Marshall (John) Elementary School Anaheim 10/25/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 131 93 District 10/25/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 144 131 District 10/25/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 115 124 District 10/26/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 119 114 District Page 10/26/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 106 119 District

58 10/26/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 97 106 District of Orange Grove Elementary 129 School Anaheim 10/10/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 93 87 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 5 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Anaheim, City of Totals For: Anaheim, City of 7311 7288 10/10/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 88 86 District 10/10/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 90 88 District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 93 92 District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 81 91 District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 79 62 District Powell (Baden) Elementary School 12/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Magnolia School District 80 80 12/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Magnolia School District 80 63 Reid (Twila) Elementary School

10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Savanna School District 75 76 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Savanna School District 90 110 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Savanna School District 90 100 10/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Savanna School District 81 87 10/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Savanna School District 83 91 10/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Savanna School District 71 94 Revere (Paul) Elementary School

10/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 116 116 District

Page 10/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 113 112 District 10/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 110 125

59 District

of Westmont Elementary School Anaheim 129 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Anaheim City School 84 90 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 6 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Anaheim, City of Totals For: Anaheim, City of 7311 7288 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Anaheim City School 90 120 District 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Anaheim City School 101 96 District 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Anaheim City School 81 83 District 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Anaheim City School 119 110 District 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Anaheim City School 106 106 District Page 60 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 7 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Brea, City of Totals For: Brea, City of 1376 1029 Christ Lutheran School Brea

10/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 20 16 10/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 22 20 10/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 50 49 Country Hills Elementary School Brea 1/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Brea-Olinda Unified 80 59 School District 1/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Brea-Olinda Unified 79 106 School District 1/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Brea-Olinda Unified 81 71 School District 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Brea-Olinda Unified 63 73 School District 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Brea-Olinda Unified 79 61 School District 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Brea-Olinda Unified 63 86 School District Fanning (William) Elementary School Brea 6/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Brea-Olinda Unified 65 0 School District 6/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Brea-Olinda Unified 57 0 School District 6/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Brea-Olinda Unified 67 0 School District

Page 6/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Brea-Olinda Unified 72 0 School District 6/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Brea-Olinda Unified 67 0 61 School District

of 6/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Brea-Olinda Unified 68 0 School District 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 8 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Brea, City of Totals For: Brea, City of 1376 1029 Mariposa Elementary School Brea 10/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Brea-Olinda Unified 83 63 School District 10/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Brea-Olinda Unified 60 61 School District 10/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Brea-Olinda Unified 60 75 School District 10/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Brea-Olinda Unified 82 95 School District 10/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Brea-Olinda Unified 87 81 School District 10/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Brea-Olinda Unified 71 113 School District Page 62 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 9 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Buena Park, City of Totals For: Buena Park, City of 2084 2079 Beatty (Gordon H) Elementary School Buena Park 2/2/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Buena Park School 98 93 District 2/2/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Buena Park School 115 117 District 2/2/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Buena Park School 106 114 District 2/2/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Buena Park School 112 111 District 2/2/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Buena Park School 93 95 District Dysinger (Glen H) Elementary School 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Centralia Elementary 62 62 School District 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Centralia Elementary 69 63 School District 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Centralia Elementary 69 66 School District 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Centralia Elementary 70 77 School District 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Centralia Elementary 85 61 School District 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Centralia Elementary 72 65 School District Emery (Charles G) Elementary School Buena Park Page 9/20/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Buena Park School 70 76 District

63 4/4/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Buena Park School 80 94 District of 4/4/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Buena Park School 80 76 129 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 10 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Buena Park, City of Totals For: Buena Park, City of 2084 2079 Gilbert (Carl E) Elementary School Buena Park 1/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Buena Park School 96 91 District 1/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Buena Park School 90 88 District 1/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Buena Park School 77 90 District 1/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Buena Park School 92 93 District 1/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Buena Park School 90 91 District 1/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Buena Park School 87 85 District Pendleton (Mabel L) Elementary School 11/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Buena Park School 74 68 District 11/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Buena Park School 64 59 District 11/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Buena Park School 62 70 District 11/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Buena Park School 51 51 District 11/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Buena Park School 65 65 District 11/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Buena Park School 55 58 District Page 64 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 11 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

El Toro Water District Totals For: El Toro Water District 1279 1258 Abiding Savior Lutheran School

2/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 20 20 2/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 20 20 2/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 20 20 Del Cerro Elementary School

10/31/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Saddleback Valley 70 72 Unified School District 10/31/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Saddleback Valley 61 61 Unified School District 10/31/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 62 62 Unified School District 10/31/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Saddleback Valley 74 76 Unified School District 10/31/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Saddleback Valley 74 74 Unified School District 10/31/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Saddleback Valley 85 83 Unified School District Grace Christian School Lake Forest 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 15 15 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 19 19 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 9 9 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 9 9 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 35 31

Page Olivewood Elementary School

4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Saddleback Valley 135 131

65 Unified School District

of 4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Saddleback Valley 67 66 Unified School District 129 4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Saddleback Valley 61 59 Unified School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 12 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

El Toro Water District Totals For: El Toro Water District 1279 1258 4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Saddleback Valley 83 85 Unified School District 4/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 66 61 Unified School District San Joaquin Elementary School

10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Saddleback Valley 44 26 Unified School District 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Saddleback Valley 56 60 Unified School District 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 56 58 Unified School District 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Saddleback Valley 47 46 Unified School District 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Saddleback Valley 39 40 Unified School District 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Saddleback Valley 52 55 Unified School District Page 66 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 13 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Fountain Valley, City of Totals For: Fountain Valley, City of 1246 1228 Courreges (Roch) Elementary School 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Fountain Valley School 123 107 District 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Fountain Valley School 108 110 District 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Fountain Valley School 85 112 District 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Fountain Valley School 109 116 District 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Fountain Valley School 130 103 District Gisler (Robert) Elementary School 12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Fountain Valley School 96 93 District 12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Fountain Valley School 95 97 District 12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Fountain Valley School 90 77 District Plavan (Urbain H) Elementary School 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Fountain Valley School 92 93 District 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Fountain Valley School 75 77 District 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Fountain Valley School 92 93 District Page 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Fountain Valley School 83 82 District

67 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Fountain Valley School 68 68 District of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 14 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Fullerton, City of Totals For: Fullerton, City of 963 975 Acacia Elementary School

9/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Fullerton School District 103 104 10/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Fullerton School District 65 105 Commonwealth Elementary School 2/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Fullerton School District 60 57 2/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Fullerton School District 65 62 2/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Fullerton School District 70 64 2/21/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Fullerton School District 80 70 2/21/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Fullerton School District 50 43 2/21/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Fullerton School District 50 60 Maple Elementary School Fullerton 1/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Fullerton School District 50 32 1/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Fullerton School District 50 52 1/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Fullerton School District 50 60 1/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Fullerton School District 50 50 1/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Fullerton School District 50 45 1/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Fullerton School District 50 50 Sunset Lane Elementary School

2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Fullerton School District 60 62 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Fullerton School District 60 59 Page 68 of 129

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Garden Grove, City of Totals For: Garden Grove, City of 3239 2870 Anderson (H.B) Elementary School 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Westminster School 50 65 District 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Westminster School 65 76 District 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Westminster School 70 71 District 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Westminster School 70 72 District 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Westminster School 85 63 District 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Westminster School 75 61 District Barker (Loyal) Elementary School 9/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 57 56 School District Bryant Elementary School Garden Grove 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 94 94 School District 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 96 96 School District 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 108 108 School District 2/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 84 80 School District Page 2/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 104 102 School District

69 2/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 85 90 School District of Clinton-Mendenhall Elementary 129 School 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 100 90 School District

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Garden Grove, City of Totals For: Garden Grove, City of 3239 2870 5/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 80 0 School District 5/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 92 0 School District 5/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 80 0 School District Cook (A.J.) Elementary School

12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 58 31 School District 12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 41 61 School District 12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 44 61 School District 12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 52 34 School District 12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 48 48 School District 12/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 52 52 School District Excelsior Elementary School Garden Grove 3/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 60 62 School District Hill (Merton E) Elementary School 9/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 42 42 School District Page 9/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 64 64 School District

70 9/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 51 51 School District of 9/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 40 40 129 School District 9/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 42 42 School District

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Garden Grove, City of Totals For: Garden Grove, City of 3239 2870 9/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 54 54 School District Morningside Elementary School Garden Grove 3/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 85 64 School District Simmons (Linton T) Elementary School 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 61 60 School District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 57 57 School District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 57 56 School District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 64 57 School District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 68 64 School District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 64 58 School District Violette (C.C.) Elementary School 10/24/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 64 57 School District 10/24/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 72 55 School District 10/24/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 73 58 School District Page 10/25/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 65 59 School District

71 10/25/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 65 64 School District of 10/25/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 59 61 129 School District

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Garden Grove, City of Totals For: Garden Grove, City of 3239 2870 Woodbury Elementary School Garden Grove 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 54 53 School District 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 62 60 School District 10/3/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 50 48 School District 10/5/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 64 59 School District 10/5/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 57 56 School District 10/5/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 55 58 School District Page 72 of 129

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Golden State Water Totals For: Golden State Water 207 Parkview Elementary School Garden Grove 11/16/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 71 School District 11/16/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 65 School District 11/16/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 71 School District Page 73 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 20 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Huntington Beach, City of Totals For: Huntington Beach, City 4958 4837 of Carden Conservatory

4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 18 19 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 15 16 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Private 15 12 Circle View Elementary School

1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Ocean View School 104 104 District 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Ocean View School 105 174 District 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Ocean View School 97 99 District 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Ocean View School 75 93 District 1/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Ocean View School 104 78 District 1/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Ocean View School 65 49 District 1/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Ocean View School 64 25 District 1/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Ocean View School 75 79 District Clegg (Ada) Elementary School

1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Westminster School 97 96

Page District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Westminster School 98 98 District 74 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Westminster School 115 116 District of 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Westminster School 86 90 129 District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Westminster School 76 75 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 21 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Huntington Beach, City of Totals For: Huntington Beach, City 4958 4837 of College View Elementary School

2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Ocean View School 64 56 District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Ocean View School 75 74 District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Ocean View School 50 49 District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Ocean View School 63 58 District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Ocean View School 65 59 District Eader (John H) Elementary School 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Huntington Beach City 105 88 School District 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Huntington Beach City 110 84 School District 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Huntington Beach City 90 90 School District 2/28/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Huntington Beach City 80 100 School District 2/28/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Huntington Beach City 95 80 School District Hawes (Ralph E) Elementary School 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Huntington Beach City 101 96 Page School District 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Huntington Beach City 90 114 School District 75 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Huntington Beach City 105 89 of School District

129 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Huntington Beach City 100 87 School District 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Huntington Beach City 100 116 School District

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Huntington Beach, City of Totals For: Huntington Beach, City 4958 4837 of Huntington Seacliff Elementary School 4/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Huntington Beach City 120 125 School District Lake View Elementary School Huntington Beach 1/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Ocean View School 40 65 District 1/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Ocean View School 40 74 District 1/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Ocean View School 40 64 District 1/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Ocean View School 40 37 District 1/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Ocean View School 40 37 District Moffett (S A) Elementary School Huntington Beach 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Huntington Beach City 96 93 School District 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Huntington Beach City 105 100 School District 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Huntington Beach City 85 90 School District 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Huntington Beach City 93 89 School District 4/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Huntington Beach City 96 90 Page School District Oak View Elementary School

76 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Ocean View School 103 97 of District

129 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Ocean View School 104 90 District 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Ocean View School 114 109 District

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Huntington Beach, City of Totals For: Huntington Beach, City 4958 4837 of 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Ocean View School 110 93 District 12/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Ocean View School 103 95 District Oka (Isojiro) Elementary School

1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Fountain Valley School 93 86 District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Fountain Valley School 71 95 District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Fountain Valley School 81 64 District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Fountain Valley School 59 54 District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Fountain Valley School 81 50 District Saint Bonaventure Catholic School 1/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 47 35 1/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 51 60 1/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 63 54 1/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 66 63 1/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 68 52 Saints Simon and Jude Elementary School 2/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 35 36 Page 2/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 53 42 2/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 46 44

77 2/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 48 46

of 2/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 41 41 Sun View Elementary School 129

11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Ocean View School 37 32 District

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Huntington Beach, City of Totals For: Huntington Beach, City 4958 4837 of 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Ocean View School 25 23 District 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Ocean View School 16 16 District 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Ocean View School 35 26 District 11/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Ocean View School 21 23 District Village View Elementary School

12/5/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Ocean View School 90 84 District Page 78 of 129

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La Habra, City of Totals For: La Habra, City of 1588 1597 Arbolita Elementary School

9/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 La Habra City School 107 58 District 9/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 La Habra City School 107 120 District 9/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 La Habra City School 107 119 District El Portal Elementary School

2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Lowell Joint School 67 63 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Lowell Joint School 62 65 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Lowell Joint School 63 62 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Lowell Joint School 75 67 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Lowell Joint School 59 53 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Lowell Joint School 61 72 District Sierra Vista Elementary School La Habra 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 La Habra City School 75 75 District 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 La Habra City School 75 85 District Page 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 La Habra City School 75 53 District

79 2/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 La Habra City School 75 87 District of 2/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 La Habra City School 75 63 129 District 2/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 La Habra City School 75 106 District

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La Habra, City of Totals For: La Habra, City of 1588 1597 Walnut Elementary School La Habra 10/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 La Habra City School 90 96 District 10/11/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 La Habra City School 90 97 District Washington Middle School La Habra 1/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 La Habra City School 125 151 District 1/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 La Habra City School 125 105 District Page 80 of 129

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La Palma, City of Totals For: La Palma, City of 384 365 Los Coyotes Elementary School

1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Centralia Elementary 72 76 School District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Centralia Elementary 77 61 School District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Centralia Elementary 80 72 School District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Centralia Elementary 80 84 School District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Centralia Elementary 75 72 School District Page 81 of 129

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Mesa Water District Totals For: Mesa Water District 831 675 Adams Elementary School Costa Mesa 6/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 60 0 School District California Elementary School Costa Mesa 2/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 61 62 School District College Park Elementary School Costa Mesa 11/21/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 80 84 School District Davis (Maude B) Elementary Magnet School 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 91 87 School District Kaiser Elementary School

1/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 120 67 School District 1/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 61 72 School District Paularino Elementary School

6/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 60 0 School District Rea (Everett A) Elementary School Page 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 65 65 School District

82 Victoria Elementary School Costa Mesa of 12/5/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 47 45 129 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 29 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Mesa Water District Totals For: Mesa Water District 831 675 Whittier Elementary School Costa Mesa 11/21/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 59 66 School District 11/21/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 62 62 School District Wilson Elementary School Costa Mesa 12/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Newport-Mesa Unified 65 65 School District Page 83 of 129

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Moulton Niguel Water District Totals For: Moulton Niguel Water 4025 4003 District Avila (Don Juan) Elementary School 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 140 132 School District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 128 120 School District Bergeson (Marian) Elementary School 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 92 102 School District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 120 103 School District 4/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 118 83 School District 4/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 122 84 School District 4/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 120 85 School District Hidden Hills Elementary School

4/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 56 54 School District 4/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 60 55 School District 4/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 58 55 School District 4/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 122 118 Page School District Laguna Niguel Elementary School 84 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 94 86 of School District

129 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 90 90 School District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 90 82 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 31 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Moulton Niguel Water District Totals For: Moulton Niguel Water 4025 4003 District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 80 90 School District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 108 89 School District Linda Vista Elementary School Mission Viejo 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Saddleback Valley 46 44 Unified School District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Saddleback Valley 43 42 Unified School District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Saddleback Valley 52 49 Unified School District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 57 52 Unified School District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Saddleback Valley 52 56 Unified School District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Saddleback Valley 42 54 Unified School District Malcom (John) Elementary School 3/28/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 65 65 School District 3/28/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 65 65 School District 3/28/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 120 120 School District Montevideo Elementary School Page Mission Viejo 12/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Saddleback Valley 40 59 Unified School District 85 12/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 40 58 of Unified School District

129 12/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Saddleback Valley 40 35 Unified School District 12/4/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Saddleback Valley 40 27 Unified School District

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Moulton Niguel Water District Totals For: Moulton Niguel Water 4025 4003 District Moulton Elementary School

5/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 100 96 School District 5/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 100 99 School District 5/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 100 103 School District 5/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 100 102 School District 5/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 100 115 School District Oak Grove Elementary School

2/21/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 64 62 School District 2/21/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 64 59 School District Orange County Academy of Sciences and Art 12/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 60 60 School District 12/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 60 78 School District 12/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Capistrano Unified 60 78 School District Viejo Elementary School Page

2/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 62 83 School District 86 2/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 85 92 of School District

129 2/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 70 86 School District

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Moulton Niguel Water District Totals For: Moulton Niguel Water 4025 4003 District White (George L) Elementary School 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 95 82 School District 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 90 90 School District 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 95 95 School District 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 100 110 School District 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 15 12 School District Wood Canyon Elementary School 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 60 80 School District 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 80 60 School District 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 60 65 School District 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 50 78 School District 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 55 64 School District Page 87 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 34 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Orange, City of Totals For: Orange, City of 2350 2336 California Elementary School Orange 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 84 85 District 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 90 90 District 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 104 104 District 2/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 90 89 District Cambridge Elementary School

11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 58 58 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 84 83 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 70 69 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 67 67 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 55 61 District 11/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 86 86 District Holy Family Cathedral School Orange 3/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 30 52

Page 3/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 30 44 3/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 45 43 3/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Private 50 50 88 3/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 40 46 of 3/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 40 45

129 Jordan Elementary School Orange 3/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 65 80 District

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Orange, City of Totals For: Orange, City of 2350 2336 3/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 44 60 District 3/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 54 54 District 3/2/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 48 27 District 3/2/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 66 64 District 3/2/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 61 35 District Linda Vista Elementary School Orange 9/28/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 65 65 District McPherson Magnet Elementary School 10/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 91 89 District Taft Elementary School Orange

4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 65 77 District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 89 77 District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 75 62 District 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 93 68 District Page 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 90 92 District

89 4/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 96 96 District of West Orange Elementary School 129 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 57 55 District

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Orange, City of Totals For: Orange, City of 2350 2336 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 69 66 District 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 61 61 District 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 75 76 District 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 63 60 District Page 90 of 129

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San Clemente, City of Totals For: San Clemente, City of 662 632 Benedict (Truman) Elementary School 2/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 94 82 School District 2/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 100 100 School District 2/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 118 106 School District 2/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 93 71 School District 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 59 57 School District 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 59 63 School District Las Palmas Elementary School

1/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 68 78 School District 1/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 71 75 School District Page 91 of 129

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San Juan Capistrano, City of Totals For: San Juan Capistrano, 985 952 City of Ambuehl (Harold) Elementary School 9/20/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 60 75 School District 9/20/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 60 70 School District 9/20/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 60 61 School District 9/20/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 60 55 School District 9/20/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 60 58 School District Del Obispo Elementary School

12/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 60 57 School District Kinoshita Elementary School

11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 110 106 School District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 92 86 School District 11/6/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 80 75 School District 11/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 87 77 School District 11/7/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 93 90 Page School District Saddleback Valley Christian School 92 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 20 27 of 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 39 20 129 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 38 31 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 40 34 4/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 26 30

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Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 Adams (John) Elementary School Santa Ana 5/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 86 0 School District 5/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 85 0 School District 5/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 92 0 School District 5/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 59 0 School District 5/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 86 0 School District Carr (Gerald P.) Intermediate School 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 100 101 School District 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 100 67 School District 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 100 87 School District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 100 94 School District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 100 73 School District Carver (George W) Elementary School Santa Ana 5/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 53 0 School District Page 5/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 54 0 School District

93 5/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 71 0 School District of Davis (Wallace R) Elementary 129 School Santa Ana 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 80 81 School District

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Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 107 105 School District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 93 93 School District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 98 99 School District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 128 125 School District Diamond Elementary School

3/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 89 90 School District 3/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 85 85 School District 3/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 81 92 School District 3/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 92 90 School District 3/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 86 56 School District Fairhaven Elementary School

1/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Orange Unified School 73 62 District 1/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 77 75 District 1/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Orange Unified School 62 63 District Page 1/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Orange Unified School 76 72 District

94 1/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Orange Unified School 54 60 District of 1/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Orange Unified School 81 81 129 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 41 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 Franklin (Benjamin) Elementary School Santa Ana 5/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 56 0 School District 5/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 87 0 School District 5/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 70 0 School District 5/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 65 0 School District 5/29/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 61 0 School District Garfield Elementary School Santa Ana 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 150 132 School District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 120 151 School District 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 143 102 School District 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 135 125 School District 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 142 132 School District Hazard (R F) Elementary School

10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 66 68 School District Page 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 54 55 School District

95 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 73 74 School District of 10/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 82 85 129 School District 10/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 64 65 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 42 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 10/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 64 63 School District Heninger (Martin R.) Elementary School 1/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 90 84 School District 1/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 60 54 School District 1/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 90 87 School District 1/26/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 60 92 School District Hoover Elementary School Santa Ana 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 60 35 School District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 60 66 School District 2/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 60 60 School District 2/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 60 59 School District 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 60 57 School District Jackson (Andrew) Elementary School Santa Ana 1/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 120 117 School District Page Jefferson Elementary School Santa Ana

96 1/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 112 101 School District of 1/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 120 110 129 School District 1/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 109 96 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 43 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 1/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 117 105 School District 1/19/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 120 110 School District Kennedy (John F) Elementary School Santa Ana 1/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 62 60 School District 1/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 63 59 School District 1/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 60 60 School District 1/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 57 64 School District 1/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 63 54 School District 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 65 60 School District 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 65 57 School District 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 65 28 School District 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 59 60 School District 1/11/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 62 58 School District Lincoln (Abraham) Elementary School Santa Ana Page 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 90 148 School District

97 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 90 84 School District of 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 90 58 129 School District 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 90 120 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 44 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 90 88 School District 2/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 60 60 School District 2/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 90 57 School District 2/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 60 56 School District Lowell Elementary School Santa Ana 11/30/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 125 118 School District 11/30/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 141 137 School District 11/30/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 103 102 School District 11/30/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 119 116 School District 11/30/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 137 125 School District Madison Elementary School Santa Ana 3/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 90 87 School District 3/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 60 55 School District 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 75 67 School District Page 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 90 70 School District

98 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 90 88 School District of 3/7/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 60 58 129 School District 3/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 90 91 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 45 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 3/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 75 75 School District 3/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 90 90 School District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 75 60 School District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 90 60 School District Magnolia Science Academy Santa Ana 12/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Charter 62 62 12/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Charter 64 67 12/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Charter 62 64 12/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Charter 53 53 12/19/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Charter 67 64 Mendez (Gonzalo Felicitas) Fundamental School 11/21/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 128 111 School District 11/21/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 101 101 School District 11/21/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 112 112 School District 11/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Santa Ana Unified 138 132 School District Monroe Elementary School Santa Ana Page 12/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 65 50 School District

99 12/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 45 52 School District of 12/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 68 39

129 School District 12/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 54 50 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 46 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 12/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 75 55 School District Monte Vista Elementary School Santa Ana 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 91 81 School District 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 80 100 School District 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 93 80 School District 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 97 90 School District 2/15/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 84 93 School District Newhope Elementary School

1/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 47 47 School District 1/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 56 58 School District 1/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 56 50 School District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 43 43 School District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 61 60 School District 1/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 59 60 Page School District Pio Pico Elementary School Santa Ana 100 10/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 90 68 School District of 10/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 90 68 129 School District 10/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 90 127 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 47 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 10/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 90 69 School District 10/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 90 115 School District Russell (Edward) Elementary School 10/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 91 84 School District 6/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 65 0 School District 6/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 87 0 School District 6/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 81 0 School District 6/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 55 0 School District 6/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 83 0 School District Santiago Elementary School Santa Ana 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 73 87 School District 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 72 92 School District Sepulveda (Jose) Elementary School 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 62 65 Page School District 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 59 55 School District 101 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 71 58 School District of 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 56 65 129 School District 2/20/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 78 73 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 48 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 Thorpe (Jim) Fundamental School 5/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District 5/18/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 75 0 School District Walker Elementary School

10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 73 84 School District 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 54 61 Page School District 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 82 62 School District 102 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 88 55 School District of 10/13/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 81 91 129 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 49 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Ana, City of Totals For: Santa Ana, City of 12842 10300 Wilson Elementary School Santa Ana 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Santa Ana Unified 90 87 School District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Santa Ana Unified 106 102 School District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Santa Ana Unified 90 84 School District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Santa Ana Unified 94 90 School District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Santa Ana Unified 121 118 School District Page 103 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 50 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Margarita Water Totals For: Santa Margarita Water 2793 2447 District District Bathgate Elementary School

12/14/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 100 98 School District 12/14/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 110 105 School District 12/14/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 100 98 School District Chaparral Elementary School Ladera Ranch 1/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 140 131 School District 1/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 140 118 School District Cielo Vista Elementary School RSM 2/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Saddleback Valley 90 90 Unified School District 2/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Saddleback Valley 90 90 Unified School District 2/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Saddleback Valley 90 108 Unified School District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 90 115 Unified School District 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Saddleback Valley 90 108 Unified School District

Page 2/13/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Saddleback Valley 90 75 Unified School District Melinda Heights Elementary 104 School 1/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 70 58 of Unified School District

129 1/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Saddleback Valley 70 67 Unified School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 51 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Margarita Water Totals For: Santa Margarita Water 2793 2447 District District Montessori at the Park

8/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 40 60 8/23/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 35 17 Oxford Preparatory Academy Mission Viejo 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Private 120 110 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 70 93 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 100 83 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 100 68 Reilly (Philip J) Elementary School 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 85 112 School District 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 81 115 School District 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 85 101 School District 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 70 84 School District 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 64 63 School District Tijeras Creek Elementary School

3/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 60 63

Page School District 3/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 60 30 School District 105 3/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 65 60 School District of 3/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 59 59

129 School District 3/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 69 68 School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 52 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Santa Margarita Water Totals For: Santa Margarita Water 2793 2447 District District Wagon Wheel Elementary School 5/30/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 90 0 School District 5/31/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 90 0 School District 5/31/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 90 0 School District 5/31/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 90 0 School District Page 106 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 53 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Serrano Water District Totals For: Serrano Water District 97 85 Villa Park Elementary School

12/8/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Orange Unified School 97 85 District Page 107 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 54 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

South Coast Water District Totals For: South Coast Water 688 709 District Dana (R H) Elementary School

1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Capistrano Unified 35 29 School District 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Capistrano Unified 35 31 School District 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Capistrano Unified 36 32 School District 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Capistrano Unified 32 28 School District 1/22/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Capistrano Unified 47 61 School District Saint Catherine of Siena Parish School 4/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 23 37 4/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 31 32 4/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Private 29 29 Saint Edward the Confessor Parish School 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 70 64 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Private 70 68 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 70 69 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 70 64 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Private 70 77 3/6/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 70 88 Page 108 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 55 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Trabuco Canyon Water Totals For: Trabuco Canyon Water 60 63 District District Trabuco Elementary School

3/21/2018 MWDOC - KP -6 Saddleback Valley 20 19 Unified School District 3/21/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Saddleback Valley 20 23 Unified School District 3/21/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Saddleback Valley 20 21 Unified School District Page 109 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 56 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Tustin, City of Totals For: Tustin, City of 3180 3149 Beswick (Benjamin) Elementary School 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Tustin Unified School 85 71 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Tustin Unified School 93 92 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Tustin Unified School 97 87 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Tustin Unified School 65 75 District 2/1/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Tustin Unified School 113 110 District Guin Foss Elementary School

1/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Tustin Unified School 65 72 District 1/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Tustin Unified School 88 56 District 1/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Tustin Unified School 61 67 District 1/10/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Tustin Unified School 60 131 District Heideman (Robert P) Elementary School 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Tustin Unified School 90 100 District 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Tustin Unified School 90 110 Page District 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Tustin Unified School 90 104 District 110 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Tustin Unified School 90 89 District of 4/27/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Tustin Unified School 90 102 129 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 57 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Tustin, City of Totals For: Tustin, City of 3180 3149 Loma Vista Elementary School Santa Ana 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Tustin Unified School 75 69 District 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Tustin Unified School 79 77 District 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Tustin Unified School 95 92 District 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Tustin Unified School 111 91 District 9/29/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Tustin Unified School 100 118 District Red Hill Elementary School

12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Tustin Unified School 78 75 District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Tustin Unified School 87 84 District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Tustin Unified School 92 90 District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Tustin Unified School 103 101 District 12/1/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Tustin Unified School 105 104 District Red Hill Lutheran School

3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 80 78 Page 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 40 40 3/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Private 65 65

111 Saint Cecilia Elementary School Tustin

of 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Private 36 25

129 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Private 36 35 4/17/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Private 36 32

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 58 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Tustin, City of Totals For: Tustin, City of 3180 3149 Thorman (Jeane) Elementary School 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Tustin Unified School 98 98 District 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Tustin Unified School 91 91 District 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Tustin Unified School 96 95 District 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Tustin Unified School 99 99 District 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Tustin Unified School 91 92 District Veeh (Marjorie) Elementary School 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Tustin Unified School 68 45 District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Tustin Unified School 69 14 District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Tustin Unified School 44 46 District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Tustin Unified School 59 63 District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Tustin Unified School 70 64 District Page 112 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 59 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Westminster, City of Totals For: Westminster, City of 2509 2153 Anthony (Susan B) Elementary School Westminster 11/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Garden Grove Unified 44 44 School District 11/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Garden Grove Unified 73 73 School District 11/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Garden Grove Unified 52 52 School District 11/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -6 Garden Grove Unified 72 72 School District 11/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Garden Grove Unified 44 50 School District 11/17/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Garden Grove Unified 90 60 School District DeMille (Cecil B) Elementary School 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Westminster School 55 56 District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Westminster School 55 53 District 3/16/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Westminster School 55 55 District Eastwood Elementary School Westminster 6/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Westminster School 67 0 District 6/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Westminster School 56 0 Page District 6/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Westminster School 69 0 District 113 6/14/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Westminster School 84 0 District of Finley Elementary School 129 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Westminster School 55 46 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 60 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Westminster, City of Totals For: Westminster, City of 2509 2153 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Westminster School 51 63 District 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Westminster School 69 69 District 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Westminster School 44 45 District 2/5/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Westminster School 72 70 District Hayden (Dr. Jessie) Elementary School 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Westminster School 90 89 District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Westminster School 60 61 District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Westminster School 90 90 District 2/8/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Westminster School 60 58 District 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -1 Westminster School 98 99 District 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -2 Westminster School 113 112 District 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Westminster School 90 91 District 2/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -5 Westminster School 60 60 District Schmitt (Ray M) Elementary Page School 9/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Westminster School 70 66 District 114 9/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Westminster School 66 65 District of 9/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Westminster School 66 63 129 District 9/15/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Westminster School 90 88 District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 61 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Westminster, City of Totals For: Westminster, City of 2509 2153 Star View Elementary School

10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Ocean View School 75 93 District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Ocean View School 93 83 District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -1 Ocean View School 97 57 District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -2 Ocean View School 101 57 District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -5 Ocean View School 83 113 District Page 115 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 62 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Yorba Linda Water District Totals For: Yorba Linda Water 1063 680 District Lakeview Elementary School Yorba Linda 10/16/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Placentia-Yorba Linda 88 90 Unified School District 10/16/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Placentia-Yorba Linda 71 60 Unified School District Linda Vista Elementary School Yorba Linda 6/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Placentia-Yorba Linda 67 0 Unified School District 6/12/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Placentia-Yorba Linda 88 0 Unified School District Melrose Elementary School Placentia 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Placentia-Yorba Linda 98 97 Unified School District 10/12/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Placentia-Yorba Linda 111 112 Unified School District Rose Drive Elementary School

10/27/2017 MWDOC - KP -4 Placentia-Yorba Linda 60 62 Unified School District 3/23/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Placentia-Yorba Linda 68 67 Unified School District Ruby Drive Elementary School

Page 12/22/2017 MWDOC - KP -3 Placentia-Yorba Linda 50 38 Unified School District Sierra Vista Elementary School 116 Placentia 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Placentia-Yorba Linda 71 92 of Unified School District

129 3/9/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Placentia-Yorba Linda 82 62 Unified School District

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 63 of 64 Agency Name Presentation Event Name School District Reserved Actual Date

Yorba Linda Water District Totals For: Yorba Linda Water 1063 680 District Travis Ranch School

6/4/2018 MWDOC - KP -4 Placentia-Yorba Linda 99 0 Unified School District 6/4/2018 MWDOC - KP -3 Placentia-Yorba Linda 110 0 Unified School District Page 117 of 129

5/2/2018 6:35:38 AM Page 64 of 64 2017-18 Water Education School Program

# of Students Booked July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June Target Booked Average (Historical) 22,936 26,212 31,188 39,425 45,000 50,647 57,577 62,058 65,364 67,548 69,643 71,249 72954 Last Year (2016-17) 0 0 3,399 9,309 14,235 19,936 27,441 36,886 45,530 50,083 54,067 60,623 67,361 Current Year (2017-18) 17,823 22,162 34,981 42,926 50,696 52,682 54,111 56,887 57,056 56,720 62,035

# of Students Taught July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June Total Monthly Average (Historical) - 63 4,876 8,301 6,301 4,146 11,354 9,126 9,758 9,158 7,606 4,257 74,891 Last Year (2016-17) 0 0 3,399 5,910 4,926 5,701 7,505 9,445 8,644 4,553 3,984 6,556 60,623 Current Year (2017-18) 0 77 3,144 9,149 5,240 4,305 7,634 11,242 6,771 3,840 3,376 1,942 56,720

# of Students Booked # of Students Taught 80,000 12,000 70,000 10,000 60,000 50,000 8,000 40,000 6,000 30,000 4,000 20,000 10,000 2,000 0 0 July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June

Current Year (2017-18) Last Year (2016-17) Monthly Average (Historical) Current Year (2017-18)

Page Booked Average (Historical) Last Year (2016-17) 118 of 129 Monthly Report Presented by

May 2018

Page 119 of 129 What About Water? - Inside the Outdoors School Visits Year 3 - 2017/2018

1st Visit 2nd Visit Expo School Agency High School 1st Visit - student 2nd Visit - student School Expo Total Students Notes Enrollment Enrollment Enrollment

Anaheim 10/23/17 71 11/17/17 72 1/31/18 2,896 3,039 Expo- Lunchtime

City of Brea Brea Olinda High School 5/22/18 5/29/18 6/5/18 0 Expo- Lunchtime

City of Buena Park 2/8/18 139 3/1/18 136 4/6/18 1,900 2,175

City of Fountain Valley Fountain Valley High School 0 FVHS, Los Amigos, then Harbor

City of Huntington Beach Edison High School 11/27/17 52 1/10/18 37 tbd 89

City of San Clemente San Clemente High School 4/30/18 158 5/7/18 tbd 158 Expo- Lunchtime

Junipero Serra High School or San City of San Juan Capistrano 0 Juan Hills High School

Tustin High School or Columbus City of Tustin 0 Middle School

East Orange WD Foothill High School 12/14/17 13 2/27/18 13 3/22/18 2,379 2,405 Expo- Lunchtime

El Toro El Toro High School 3/7/18 147 3/22/18 170 4/18/18 2,436 2,753 Expo-Evening Family Event

*Updated dates Mesa Water Costa Mesa High School 10/16/17 29 1/11/2018* 30 4/12/2018* 1,818 1,877 Expo- Lunchtime

Moulton Niguel Aliso Niguel High School 0

Moulton Niguel Laguna Hills High School 2/6/18 36 2/20/18 39 tbd 75 Expo-Project Presentation

Moulton Niguel Capistrano Valley High School 0

Moulton Niguel /Santa Margarita WD Mission Viejo High School 2/9/18 53 2/21/18 58 3/9/18 2,407 2,518 Expo-Project Presentation

Santa Ana Santa Ana High School 11/3/17 47 12/13/17 53 2/7/18 2,800 2,900 Expo- Lunchtime

Santa Margarita WD Tesoro High School 4/19/18 30 5/3/18 31 5/14/18 61 Expo- Lunchtime

South Coast WD Dana Hills High School 2/5/18 63 2/26/18 58 tbd 121 Expo- Lunchtime

Total 838 697 16,636 18,171

Teacher Workshops

CUE Conference for Educators 3/15/2018

Water Education Training 5/2/2018

Student Summits

Upper Newport Bay Watershed 1/13/18 78 Day of Service and Education

Earth Day Beach Clean- 4/14/18 57 Up/Education Day Mile Square Park Water Education Day of Service and 4/7/18 45 Education

Rancho Soñado Water Education 3/24/18 85

Rancho Soñado Water Education 4/13/18 130

Estancia High School Event 3/16/18 85


Downtown Disney Voice4Water 4/21/18 800

tbd = verbal confirmation, pending calendar dates


Page 120 of 129 APRIL 2018 METRICS REPORT - Water Campaign

Water Campaign ● Goal: Promote discussion and educational activities for regional water conservation and water-use efficiency issues.


Apr 4th Thanks to the teachers and students who either spread the word or participated in our #Voice4Water video ​ ​ contest which ended mid-March. Official winners will be announced soon. In the meantime, congrats to Tyler Harris, a teacher at Estancia HS in Costa Mesa, who was randomly selected to receive a pair of tickets for himself and one of his students. Municipal Water District of Orange County Media = Photo

Apr 6th MY WATER PLEDGE - CLASSROOM EDITION: The Municipal Water District of Orange County is ​ ​ partnering with Wyland Foundation for the 2018 National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation to ​ ​ award a water-wise pocket park to a winning city in their service area, which includes 28 OC water agencies. If you are a teacher, you can pledge on behalf of your class so your students can "learn about the importance of our natural resources and engage in a fun classroom activity." In addition to discussing the sustainability of water resources, all participating classes are entered into drawings for a chance to win $250 gift cards to Staples for classroom supplies. The Classroom Edition includes STEM-based lesson plans for teachers, as well. To participate, go to: Media = Link + Photo of PDF Flyer

April 11th Have you heard about the California WaterFix in the news? This video explains that: "On average, the total volume of water exported from the Delta would be about the same as today." It's one small part of our high school water education curriculum. On our first classroom visit, students learn about where their water comes from. They explore their own water usage and contemplate ways to conserve water. On the second classroom visit, we ask what water issues could be addressed at school or in their community. Videos like this one spur research and thoughtful debate amongst students when we ask "Is this a good solution?" and then dig deeper with "Why / Why not?" questions. The curriculum culminates in a campus wide water expo. Municipal Water District of Orange County ​ Media = Delta Flow Animation Video

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Apr 18th We reference a number of California Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI) lessons for high school ​ ​ water-focused programs on our Water Resources page. Each EEI curriculum unit contains a combination of teacher, classroom, and student components that are full of engaging lessons & informational texts. Municipal Water District of Orange County (Photo credit goes to the California Department of Water Resources. Thank you!) ​ ​ Liquid Gold: California's Water (Unit Details) ​ Link to our PDF list of recommended EEI lessons for pre and/or post-trip activities.…/Docu…/EEI/ITOandEEI_HighSchoolWater.pdf Media = Photo + Links

Apr 27th WATER QUALITY: The Water Education Foundation cites the "biggest source of [water] pollution is us – ​ ​ you and me." They offer 2 interactive education booklets to teach students grades 4-7 about watersheds & pollution prevention. And there's even a board game option! Municipal Water District of Orange County…/water-quality Media = Link

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Instagram Hashtag #ocwatereducation

Thanks to all the teachers and students who either spread the word or participated in our #voice4water video contest which ended mid-March. Official winners will be announced soon. In the meantime, congrats to Tyler Harris, a teacher at Estancia HS in Costa Mesa, who was randomly selected to receive a pair of tickets for himself and one of his students. #ocwatereducation #bewaterwise

“Protecting the Quality of the Rockflower Reservoir” is a case study of a fictitious reservoir and deals with the interest-of-a-few vs. the interest-of-many. • Visit our What About Water page to download the PDF #lessonplan and student booklet. #ocwatereducation #watereducation #bewaterwise #canva

The Inland Empire Utilities Agency’s (IEUA) 10th Annual Earth Day celebration meant a field trip for local schools today. Their free community event on April 19th “promotes environmental awareness to the community and provides ways for the community to take action and support environmental stewardship.” #cityofchino #wetlands #environmentaleducation #handsonlearning #watereducation

What happens when a rainstorm (squirt bottle with water, in this instance) hits a watershed? It’s an a-ha moment when you can actually see the runoff and the pollutants carried with it as it reaches the ocean in our model. Then comes a great discussion about ways to prevent this type of pollution from occurring. #watershed #watereducation #ocwatereducation #bewaterwise

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Water Originals

Teachers! Pledge on behalf of your class. @MWDOC is partnering with @WylandORG for the 2018 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation to award a water-wise pocket park to a winning city in their service area, which includes 28 OC water agencies. ​ ​

Thanks to the teachers + students who participated in our #Voice4Water video contest (ended mid-March). ​ ​ ​ Official winners announced soon. Congrats to Tyler Harris of Estancia HS -- randomly selected to receive a pair of tickets for himself and one of his students. @MWDOC ​ ​

#LessonPlan for #WaterEducation - "Protecting the Quality of the Rockflower Reservoir." Case study of a ​ ​ ​ ​ fictitious reservoir + deals with interest-of-a-few vs. interest-of-many. Visit our What About Water page for PDF lesson and student booklet. @MWDOC ​ ​ ​ ​

We reference a number of @CaEEI lessons for high school water-focused programs. Each EEI curriculum ​ ​ ​ unit contains a combo of teacher, classroom, & student components with engaging lessons & informational texts. #watereducation [ Photo from @CA_DWR ] @MWDOC ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

WATER QUALITY: The @WaterFdn cites the "biggest source of [water] pollution is us – you and me." ​ ​ ​ Interactive education booklets teach students grades 4-7 about watersheds & pollution prevention. There's even a board game! #ocwatereducation @MWDOC ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Water RTs

RT @NOAAWaterToday What color is the ocean? Are there five oceans, or one? Get to know your ocean in this episode of the Ocean Today Every Full Moon series, “The Ocean We Love”: …

RT @CAL_FIRE Today is California Poppy Day! Did you know that California’s Official State flower is also drought tolerant and fire resistant. Plant some poppies and help save water in the process of planting your fire safe landscape! … ​ ​

RT @WaterEdFdn Two bond measures, worth $13B, aim to aid #flood preparation, #subsidence, #SaltonSea & other #cawater ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ needs. Western Water writer Gary Pitzer sifts through the measures to explain what they would fund, who’s behind them & how they came together. doing-double-take-2018 …

Page 124 of 129 RT @Surfrider For years water quality in San Diego has been tarnished by cross-border releases of untreated sewage. To better understand the sources & to protect their local community, @surfridersd partnered with a local high ​ ​ ​ school to test water quality at the border. rder …

RT @WHOI New research led by UC London and WHOI provides evidence that a key cog in the global #ocean ​ ​ circulation system hasn’t been running at peak strength since the mid-1800s and is currently at its weakest point in the past 1,600 years. @NSF_GEO #NSFfunded ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

RT @MWDOC As part of our multi-faceted public education effort, we sponsor the Orange County Boy Scout Council Soil & Water Conservation Merit Badge and the Orange County Girl Scouts’ Ambassador-level Water Badge. #WaterEducation #MWDOC || Learn More: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

RT @NOAAFish_NEFSC Middle school #teachers & #educators: interested in a lesson plan to celebrate #WorldFishMigrationDay? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Check out our NOEPS plans focusing on #AtlanticSalmon, threats to survival #NGSS ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ #EndangerdSpecies #WFMD2018 ​ ​

RT @TDSIanJames 10 questions about 11 proposals to save the shrinking Salton Sea: @metzsam wades into complex questions ​ ​ ​ about California's largest lake, examining new proposals to import water from the Sea of Cortez #CORiver #SaltonSea ​ ​ ​ ​

RT @BeWaterWise ​ ​ The Matilija Poppy, a #CANative perennial, does best in full sun & grows by underground runners - making it ​ ​ ​ perfect for planting on hillsides or sloped areas where it can spread. Plus, they are great for table arrangements! #CaliforniaNativePlantWeek ​ ​ ​ ​

RT @ucanrwater The @LAO_CA releases a new report on improving California’s ​ ​ ​ forest & watershed management. Recommendations include increasing and improving funding for forest health #CAwater ​ ​ ​ ​

RT @mwdh2o We’re at Downtown Disney today for #EarthDay! Proud sponsor of the #Voice4Water video contest by ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ LEAF (Leaders for Environmental Action Films) along with @MWDOC @ITOFoundation & more. Congrats ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ to the winners! . ​ ​ ​

Page 125 of 129 RT @EdJoyce #California is headed for a future of precipitation extremes. ​

Study by @UCLA’s @Weather_West & others in @NatureClimate projects a greater number of extremely ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ wet/dry events - & potentially catastrophic floods - by end of the century. … #cawater ​ ​ #CAdrought

RT @mwdh2o Want a quick glimpse of one of the most ambitious #CAWater projects in the state's history? Check out this ​ ​ ​ #CAWaterFix 101: ​ ix_project_implementation_april2018_final.pdf …

Page 126 of 129 Item 9 Public Affairs Activities Report April 10, 2018 – May 8, 2018

Member Agency Public Affairs Staff: Relations  Updated the commercial and residential rebate flyers for El Toro Water District  Created a press release calling attention to the City of Huntington Beach Utilities Department’s Neutral Output-Discharge Elimination System truck (a truck to eliminate the discharge of water during water system flushing)  Provided update to WUE Workgroup on Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge, Water Awareness Poster Contest, and OC Water Summit  Received and organized 862 submissions for annual Water Awareness Poster Contest. Selected 40 winners and sent invites to winners and families for Awards Ceremony on June 4. Creating voting process for selection of grand prize winners

Heather attended the MWDOC Member Agency Managers Meeting and provided an update on the upcoming LAFCO election for the special district seat. She also gave a status update on the LAFCO dues restructuring that ISDOC is reviewing. Community Public Affairs Staff: Relations  Updated website with upcoming community events  Provided materials and giveaways for WUE Staff at the H2O for HOAs event hosted by Moulton Niguel WD in collaboration with Aliso Viejo, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, and Mission Viejo  Continued to promote Wyland National Mayor’s Challenge through Social Media  Attended MET Spring Green Expo in support of Saddleback College students receiving World Water Forum Grant for Laguna Beach Pocket Park design Education Public Affairs Staff:  Provided information to El Toro Water District on the High School Program Expo  Provided information to City of Anaheim on past Elementary school participation and upcoming year  Provided updated schedule to City of San Clemente for High School Program visits  Attended Film Festival to present award MWDOC Voice4Water video contest winner  Attended Estancia High School assembly honoring MWDOC Voice4Water video contest participants  Provided Santa Margarita WD with information on upcoming Elementary school visit and CHOICE program overview  Attended Girl Scouts of Orange County “Breakfast with the New CEO” with Director Schneider  Attended Girl Scouts of Orange County Voice for Girls event  Met with Boy Scouts of America to meet new Development Director and review merit badge objectives  Selected and notified 40 winners for the 2018 Poster Contest, voting for the grand prize winners is open from 5/10/2018 to 5/17/2018. Page 1 of 3 Page 127 of 129 Item 9

Media Relations Public Affairs Staff:  Coordinated and participated in radio segment for Water Awareness Month at Saddleback College with Director Thomas, Director Schneider, and Joe Berg, Director of Water Use Efficiency

Special Projects Public Affairs Staff:  Produced and distributed a letter to Orange County elected officials from the OC MET representatives, regarding the MET Decision to support the full California WaterFix  Staffed a two-day State Water Project and Northern California Agriculture Inspection Trip with Director Larry Dick; co-sponsored by Western Municipal Water District Director Don Galleano  Complied with a public records request regarding the April 19, 2018 Water Policy Forum and Dinner.  Made general updates to the MWDOC website  Met with Wyland Foundation, Saddleback Community College, City of Laguna Beach, LBCWD, SCWD, & South Laguna Civic Assoc. for presentation of updated pocket park design & next steps for Laguna Design Review Board

Heather staffed the WACO Planning Meeting and finalized details for the April speaker. Director Dick also attended.

Heather coordinated with Tiffany inviting speakers for the May WACO program.

Heather and Christina Hernandez sent out reminder emails for and staffed the ISDOC Quarterly Luncheon featuring speaker Neal Kelly, Orange County Registrar of Voters. Christina and Director Finnegan handled registration and check-in.

Heather participated in the interviews for the Executive Assistant position with Maribeth Goldsby and Cathy Harris.

Heather staffed the April WACO Meeting featuring guest speaker, Brandon Goshi from MET. Legislative Heather attended the ACWA State Legislative Committee meeting in Affairs Sacramento.

Heather and Melissa participated in the MET Member Agency Legislative Coordinators meetings.

Heather monitored the Water Affordability Symposium coordinated by the State Water Resources Control Board.

Heather participated in ACWA’s Water Shutoffs Working Group focused on SB 998 (Dodd).

Water Summit Public Affairs Staff:  Secured sponsorships o Luncheon – 1 o Program – 1 Page 2 of 3 Page 128 of 129 Item 9 o Associate – 2 o Table – 12 o Breakfast – 2 o Exhibitor – 3  Secured additional speakers: o David Rose – SWRCB o Kurt Schwabe – PPIC o Jeff Stephenson – SDCWA o Steve Ritchie – SFPUC o Paul Jones – EMWD  Invited speakers: o Deven Upadhyay – MWD o Assemblywoman Laura Friedman  Attended walk-through at Disney Grand Californian venue to finalize event details

Water Policy Public Affairs Staff: Forum & Dinner  Coordinated the April 19th Water Policy Forum & Dinner with Keynote Speaker: Karla Nemeth. Approximately 200 in attendance.

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