Dispatch with Real-Time Sensing Data in Metropolitan Areas ∗ — a Receding Horizon Control Approach

Fei Miao Shan Lin Sirajum Munir University of Pennsylvania Stony Brook University University of Virginia [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] John A. Stankovic Hua Huang Desheng Zhang University of Virginia Stony Brook University University of Minnesota [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tian He George J. Pappas University of Minnesota University of Pennsylvania [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT General Terms Traditional transportation systems in metropolitan areas often suf- Algorithms, Design, Experimentation, Performance fer from inefficiencies due to uncoordinated actions as system ca- pacity and traffic demand change. With the pervasive deployment of networked sensors in modern vehicles, large amounts of infor- Keywords mation regarding traffic demand and system status can be collected Intelligent Transportation System, Real-Time Taxi Dispatch, Re- in real-time. This information provides opportunities to perform ceding Horizon Control, Mobility Pattern various types of control and coordination for large scale intelli- gent transportation systems. In this paper, we present a novel re- ceding horizon control (RHC) framework to dispatch taxis, which 1. INTRODUCTION combines highly spatiotemporally correlated demand/supply mod- Sensing and wireless networking technologies are increasingly els and real-time GPS location and occupancy information. The deployed in transportation systems, such as highway management, objectives include reducing taxi idle driving distance and match- traffic light control, supply chains, and autonomous vehicles. These ing spatiotemporal ratio between demand and supply for service systems demonstrate significant safety and efficiency improvements quality. Moreover, our RHC framework is compatible with differ- over traditional systems. In modern taxi networks, real-time occu- ent predictive models and optimization problem formulations. This pancy status and Global Positioning System (GPS) location of each compatibility property allows us to model disruptive passenger de- taxi can be collected. This data set provides rich spatiotemporal mands and traffic conditions into a robust optimization problem. information about passenger demand and their mobility patterns. Extensive trace driven analysis with a real taxi data set from San Hence, real-time information provides opportunities to improve co- Francisco shows that our solution reduces the average total idle ordination of taxi networks, for higher service quality, and lower distance by 52%, and reduces the total supply demand ratio error idle driving distance. across the city by up to 45%. Traditional metropolitan taxi networks heavily rely on drivers’ experience to identify passengers on streets and maximize indi- vidual profit. However, self-interested, uncoordinated behaviors of drivers cause spatiotemporal mismatch between supply and passen- Categories and Subject Descriptors ger demand. There are taxi dispatch services operated by large taxi H.4 [Information System Application]: Miscellaneous; I.2.8 [Problem companies. Most of these services dispatch taxis based on locality Solving, Control Methods, and Search]: Control Application, or greedy algorithms, such as sending the nearest vacant taxi to pick Transportation up a passenger [15], or first-come, first-served. Such approaches prioritize immediate customer satisfaction at the cost of global re- source utilization and service fairness, because the potential cost of ∗ This work was supported by NSF grant numbers CNS-1239483, rebalancing the entire taxi supply network is not considered. CNS-1239108, CNS-1239226. In this paper, we consider the following design challenge: op- timizing for anticipated future idle driving cost and globally ge- ographical service fairness, while fulfilling current, local demand. To accomplish such goal, a control framework is needed to incorpo- rate both system models learned from historical data and real-time Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for GPS information. To the best of the authors knowledge, no previ- personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are ous work has considered this problem. Zhang and Pavone design not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies an optimal rebalancing method for autonomous cars, that consid- bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to ers both global service fairness and possible future costs [27], but republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. idle driving distance and GPS information are not considered. Both Copyright 20XX ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$15.00. costs of idle cruising and missing tasks are included to assign trucks in the temporal perspective in [25], but real-time location informa- and charaterize taxi performance features [14]. These works pro- tion is not involved in the assignment. vide insights to transportation system properties and suggest po- To utilize large-scale real-time information of the taxi network, tential enhancement on transportation system performance. Our we consider a computational efficient, moving time horizon frame- design takes a step further to develop dispatch methods based on work. Moreover, the dispatch solutions need to consider future available predictive data analysis. costs of balancing supply demand ratio under practical constraints. There is a large number of works on mobility coordination and Thus, we take a receding horizon control (RHC) approach to dy- control. Different from taxi services, these works usually focus namically dispatch taxis in large-scale networks. General learning on region partition and coverage control so that coordinated agents techniques are applied to historical monitoring data sets, to charac- can perform tasks in their specified regions [6, 1, 11]. Other re- terize passenger mobility patterns and demand models [26], which lated works include dynamic vehicle routing problems [2] and ro- then provide demand predicting model besides current bookings in bust traffic flow management under uncertainty [24]. Their task the system. Real-time GPS and occupancy information is collected models and design objectives are different from taxi dispatching to update supply and demand information for future dispatch. Our problem. Also, model predictive control has been widely applied design aims to regulate the mobility of idle taxis for high perfor- for process control, task scheduling, cruise control, and multi-agent mance large-scale transportation management. transportation networks [16, 17, 13]. These works provide solid The contributions of this work are as follows, results for related mobility scheduling and control problems. How- • To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to design an ever, none of these works incorporates both the real-time sensing RHC framework for large-scale taxi dispatching. Compared data and historical mobility patterns into a receding horizon con- with current local greedy algorithms, the novel framework trol design, leveraging the taxi supply based on the spatiotemporal allows us to consider both current and future requests, saving dynamics of passenger demand. costs under constraints by involving expected future costs for re-balancing supply. 3. TAXI DISPATCH PROBLEM: MOTIVA- • The framework combines large-scale data in real-time con- TION AND SYSTEM trol. Sensing data is used to build predictive passenger de- mand, taxi mobility models, and serve as real-time feedback Taxi networks provide a primary transportation service in mod- for RHC. ern cities. Most street taxis respond to passengers’ requests on their paths, and take passengers to their specified destinations. There- • Extensive trace driven analysis based on a San Francisco taxi fore, existing taxi networks rely on drivers to drive around and data set shows that our approach reduces average estimated arbitrarily pick up passengers on streets. This service model has 52% taxi network idle distance by as in Figure 5, and the successfully served up to 25% public passengers in metropolitan 45% total supply demand ratio error of all regions by as in areas, such as San Francisco and New York [9, 18]. In existing Figure 6, compared to the actual historical taxi system per- taxi networks, a couple of key dynamics affect their service qual- formance. ity: a) dynamic passenger demand. The spatiotemporal patterns of • Spatiotemporal context information such as disruptive pas- demand include both regular factors, such as rush hours and busy senger demand is incorporated into our control framework. areas, and irregular ones, such as weather, traffic, holiday schedule, This allows our control solutions to be more robust and accu- major events, etc. b) dynamic taxi supply. Taxis have different mo- rate to such disturbances under uncertain contexts as shown bility patterns, since each driver has his/her own working schedule in Figure 8. and cruising areas. From the perspective of system performance, The rest of the paper is organized as follows. More related work balancing spatiotemporal taxi supply across the whole city is a de- is introduced in Section 2. The structure of taxi monitoring system sign requirement, similar to the idea of balancing server node uti- and control problems are introduced in Section 3. The taxi dispatch lization in [27]. On the other hand, idle driving introduces a direct problem is formulated, followed by an RHC framework that inter- cost, hence, we also consider another system-level objective — to acting between historical model and real-time information in Sec- reduce total idle driving cost instead of individual driver’s profit. tion 4. A case study to evaluation the RHC framework with a real Existing infrastructures serve as the basis of our design. Taxi data set is shown in Section 5. Concluding remarks are provided in companies in metropolitan areas already monitor the performance Section 6. of the taxi network in real time. Figure 1 shows a typical monitor- ing infrastructure, which consists of a large number of geograph- 2. STATE-OF-THE-ART ically distributed sensing and communication components in each There are three categories of research topics related to our work: taxi dispatch systems, transportation system modeling, and multi- Dispatch Center agent coordination and control. A number of recent works study taxi dispatching services along with the pervasive deployment of GPS in mordern taxis. Authors of [23] focus on minimizing total customer waiting time by con- Taxi current dispatching multiple taxis and allowing taxis to exchange Passenger Mobility Distribution their booking assignments. In [22, 12, 21], authors aim to maxi- Real-Time Cellular Control mize drivers’ profits by providing routing recommendations. These Ratio works give valuable results, but they only consider the current pas- senger requests and available taxis. Our design uses receding hori- GPS zon control to consider both current and predicted future requests. Various mobility and vehicular network modeling techniques have Pickup & Delivery Occupancy Sensing been proposed for transportation systems [5, 4]. Researchers have developed methods to predict travel time [7, 10], traveling speed [3], Figure 1: A prototype of the taxi dispatch system {1,2,3} {4,5} {1,2,3} {4,5} taxi and a data center. In particular, the sensing components include 1 2 1 2 a GPS unit and a trip recorder. Each taxi automatically reports its [4] [1] [4] [1] GPS location and occupancy status to the data center via cellular radio. The data center collects and stores data. Then, the monitor- adjacent {4} region ing center sends dispatch commands to taxi drivers also via cellular {2} {2} {4} dispathing radio, which notify drivers over the speaker or on a special dis- solution play. We assume that the geographical coordinates of every taxi are available in real time. 4 3 4 3 Given both stored historical data and the real-time taxi monitor- [9] [2] [9] [2] {6} ing information described above, the process of dispatching taxis {7,8} {6} {7,8} {6} includes two phases: analysis of historical data and real-time com- (a) A dispatch solution – taxi (b) A dispatch solution – taxi 2 putation of dispatch solution. This paper focuses on phase two; 2 goes to region 4, and goes to region 4, taxi 4 goes to more precisely, we provide a scalable control framework that dis- goes to region 4. region 3, and taxi 6 goes to re- patches vacant taxis to balance current and future demand with gion 4. small idle driving distance, by utilizing both historical data and Figure 2: Unbalanced supply and demand at different regions real-time monitoring data. It is worth noting that heading to the before dispatching and possible dispatch solutions. A circle allocated position is part of idle driving distance for a vacant taxi, represents a region, with a number of predicted requests ([·] in- which introduces a trade-off between the two design objectives. side the circle) and vacant taxis ({ taxi IDs } outside the circle) Hence, one design constraint we consider is to match global supply before dispatching. A black dash edge means adjacent regions. and demand without introducing large idle driving cost. A red edge with a taxi ID means sending the corresponding va- cant taxi to the pointed region, to balance supply demand ratio. 4. ALGORITHM DESIGN cost. 4.1 Taxi Dispatch Problem Formulation Given the latest occupancy status information, we assume there are total N vacant taxis in the entire city that can be dispatched. Informally, the goal of our taxi dispatch system is to schedule The initial supply information consists of real-time GPS position vacant taxis towards current and future passengers with least total for the i-th vacant taxi, denoted by P 0 ∈ 1×2, i = 1,...,N, idle mileage. Based on the spatiotemporal patterns of passenger de- i R and the initial position matrix for all available taxis is denoted by mands in the city, the dispatch center dynamically allocates vacant P 0 ∈ N×2 (How does information of occupied taxis affect the taxis to different regions in order to match the passenger demands. R supply/demand model will be discussed in subsection 4.2). We use supply demand ratio of different regions as a measure of The basic idea of the dispatching problem is illustrated in Fig- service quality, since sending more taxis for more requests is a nat- ure 2. Specifically, each region has a predicted number of requests ural system-level requirement, to make customers of different po- the dispatch system needs to meet, and vacant taxis with IDs at sitions equally satisfied. A similar service metric of service node different locations given real-time sensing information. The sup- utilization rate has been proposed in [27]. ply demand ratio at each region before dispatching is unbalanced. To calculate a dispatch solution, the system is equipped with We want to find a dispatch solution in order to balance the supply model learning techniques to predict spatiotemporal patterns of pas- demand ratio, while satisfying practical constraints and not intro- senger demand, either purely from history data, or combining real- ducing large idle driving cost for current and future time. Once the time information of the taxi network. The real-time information taxi reaches the target location to pick up passengers, the dispatch includes each taxi’s GPS location and occupancy status with a time system will wait until the next dispatch period. stamp that periodically reported to the dispatch center. Besides balancing supply and demand, another design require- 4.1.2 Variables, constraints and a cost function ment is to include future cost when calculating the current dispatch With the above initial information about supply and demand, to solution. It is difficult to perfectly predict the future of the large- calculate a dispatch decision at the region level for current vacant scale taxi service system in practice, hence, we use a heuristic fu- taxis, we define the dispatch order matrix Xk ∈ {0, 1}N×n as a ture idle driving distance to describe anticipated future cost asso- binary variable matrix, satisfying that Xk = 1 if and only if the ciated to meeting customer requests. Considering control objec- ij i-th taxi is sent to the j-th region during time k. Then the constraint tives and computational efficiency, we choose a receding horizon Xk1 = 1 , k = 1,...,T, approach. We assume that the optimization time horizon is T , in- n N must be satisfied, since every taxi should be dispatched to one re- dexed by k = 1,...,T . gion at time k, where 1N be a length N column vector of all 1s. 4.1.1 Supply and demand in taxi dispatch A routing process for a taxi usually needs a starting position and a destination position first, and then the driver follows the path With a large amount of historical data on taxi GPS and occu- shown on the GPS unit in the taxi. Since the routing process design pancy status, we extract basic dynamic demand information, such is not the focus of this work, the dispatch center can simply sends a as demand during rush hours and in busy areas. We assume that two dimensional GPS location for the taxi driver as destination. In the entire area of a city is divided into n regions according to some practice there are taxi stations on the road in a metropolitan area, specific method. For example, a city can be divided into adminis- and each taxi has a preferred station or is randomly assigned one by trative sub-districts. We also assume that during a time slot k, the the monitoring system at every region. Denote the preferred geom- total number of requests we want to serve by current vacant taxis n×2 k etry location matrix for the i-th taxi by Wi ∈ R , and [Wi]j – at the j-th region is denoted by rj , the total number of requests in the j-th row of Wi is the dispatch position sent to the i-th taxi when the entire city is denoted by Rk = Pj=n rk, and define a request k j=1 j Xij = 1. It is equivalent to send the following location vector to k 1×n k k vector as r ∈ R :[r1 , . . . , rn]. These are the demands we the i-th vacant taxi: k P k k 1×2 want to meet during time k = 1,...,T with minimal idle driving Xi Wi = q6=j Xiq[Wi]q + Xij [Wi]j = [Wi]j ∈ R , Parameters Description N the total number of vacant taxis n the number of regions k 1×n r ∈ R the total number of predicted requests to be served by current vacant taxis at each region Ck ∈ [0, 1]n×n matrix that describes taxi mobility patterns during one time slot 0 N×2 P ∈ R the initial positions of vacant taxis provided by GPS data n×2 Wi ∈ R preferred positions of the i-th taxi at n regions N α ∈ R the upper bound of distance each taxi can drive for balancing the supply β ∈ R+ the weight factor of the objective function k R ∈ R+ total number of predicted requests in the city Variables Description Xk ∈ {0, 1}N×n the dispatch order matrix that represents the region each vacant taxi should go k di ∈ R+ heuristic idle driving distance of the i-th taxi for reaching the suggested location Table 1: Parameters and variables of the RHC problem (8).

k k 1 0 1 since Xiq = 0, XiqWi = [0 0] for q 6= j. Wi does not need to di = kPi − Xi Wik1, i = 1,...,N. change with time k and can be set up by the dispatch system before calculating the dispatch solution. To consider possible future costs in the current dispatch solution Cost for violating service fairness: One design requirement as re-balancing costs, we need to estimate the driving distance to k is to fairly serve the requests across the entire city. An intuitive reach Xi Wi from the ending position of time k − 1 for serving re- measurement of whether demand is matched at every region is: quests described by rk. However, during time k − 1, taxis mobility Pn k k error= j=1 |sj − rj |, pattern is related to the pick-up and drop-off locations of passen- k gers, which is not controlled by the dispatch system. So we assume where sj is the total number of vacant taxis sent to the j-th re- gion. However, even supply is already fairly allocated to each re- the estimated ending position during k − 1 is approximated as a k−1 gion, this error can still be large, since the total number of vacant linear function of the starting position Xi Wi provided by the taxis and requests are different. Therefore, to measure how supply mobility pattern model, denoted by: matches demand at different regions, we use the measure metric— k−1 k−1 1×2 1×2 EPi = f(Xi Wi), f : R → R . (4) supply demand ratio. When the supply demand ratio of every re- gion equals to that of the whole city, we have the following equation For instance, when taxi’s mobility pattern during time slot k is k n×n Pn for j = 1, . . . , n, k = 1,...,T , described by a matrix C ∈ R satisfying j=1 Cij = 1, where Ck is the probability that a taxi drops off a passenger at 1T Xk N 1T Xk rk ij N ·j = , ⇐⇒ N ·j = j , (1) region j near the end of time k when the trace starts from region i. rk Rk N Rk k j Then the process to get a heuristic di is illustrated in Figure 3. k k where X·j is the j-th column of matrix X . For expression conve- Remark 1. When road congestion information is available to the nience, equation (1) is equivalent to the following equation about dispatch system, function in (4) can be generalized to include real- two row vectors time congestion information. For instance, there is a high probabil- 1 1 ity that a taxi stays in the same region for time k under congestion. 1T Xk = rk, k = 1, ··· ,T. (2) N N Rk It is worth noting that we do not assume the information of pas- senger’s destination is available to the system for future time slots But equation (2) is too strict to be a constraint, since variables are k = 1,...,T , since many passengers just wait for service at taxi integers, and taxis’ driving speed is limited that they may not be stations instead of reserving one in advance in metropolitan areas. able to reach far away for serving some request in time k, and there When destination and travel time of all trips are provided to the may be no feasible solutions satisfying (2). Thus, we define the dispatch center via additional software or device for time k, the total supply demand error cost JE to measure how much the global information is considered as a constant matrix P k in problem (8), supply demand ratio is violated at all regions instead of the function defined in (4). k−1 k−1 n×n T Given Xi and the mobility pattern matrix C ∈ [0, 1] , X 1 T k 1 k JE = 1N X − r . (3) the probability of ending at each region for taxi i is k n k−1 k−1 k−1 k−1 1×n N R 1 P k=1 p = j=1[C ]j I(Xij = 1) = Xi C ∈ R , k−1 Estimated idle driving distance associated with meeting the where the indicator function I(Xij = 1) = 1 if and only if 0 1 dispatch solutions: Traversing from position Pi to position Xi Wi for service will introduce cost since the taxi drives on the road with- Latitude out picking up a passenger in order to serve a target region. Hence, we consider to minimize this kind of idle driving distance while dispatching taxis. Driving in a city is approximated as traveling on Mahattan norm a grid road. To estimate the distance without knowing the exact possible path path, we use the Manhattan norm or one norm between two geom- etry positions, which is widely applied as a heuristic cost in path Longitude k planning algorithms [19]. We define di ∈ R as the estimated idle driving distance of the i-th taxi for reaching the dispatched loca- k 1 Figure 3: Illustration of a heuristic future driving distance for tion Xi Wi, then the distance associated with going to Xi Wi is 1 k = 2: predict ending location EPi in (5), get a heuristic dis- approximated by 2 2 tance to location Xi Wi denoted by di in (6). k−1 k−1 k−1 1 Xij = 1, and [C ]j is the j-th row of C . We take the form (8), for the i-th taxi, set the largest value of Xi to 1, and the 0 expected value of the i-th taxi by the end of time k − 1 at each others to 0. This may violate the constraint of di , however, we set a dimension as a predicted ending location of the i-th taxi conservative upper bound and it does not effect the dispatch effects n in the experiment. The computational complexity of the relaxation k−1 X k−1 k−1 1×2 form of (8) is polynomial of Vn = nNT . EPi = pj [Wi]j = pWi = Xi C Wi ∈ R . (5) j=1 Remark 2. Previous work has developed multiple ways to learn k If we send a taxi to a target location Xi Wi at the beginning of passenger demand and taxi mobility patterns [3, 7, 12], and ac- k−1 time k from position EPi , the approximated driving distance is curacy of the predicted model will affect the results of dispatch solutions. With perfect knowledge of customer demand and taxi k k−1 k−1 k di = k(Xi C − Xi )Wik1, k = 2, ··· , T, i = 1,...,N. mobility models, we can set a large time horizon to consider future (6) costs in the long run. However, in practice we do not have perfect predictions, thus a large time horizon may amplify the prediction Here dk is only a heuristic distance function of Xk−1 and Xk, i i i error over time. With an approximated mobility pattern matrix Ck, since the estimation accuracy depends on the predicting accuracy the dispatch solution with large T is even worse than small T , as of the mobility pattern model. We use the expected ending posi- shown in Figure 12. Applying real-time information to adjust taxi tion (not expected distance, this is a non-convex function of Xk) to i supply is a remedy to this problem. Formulation (8) is one compu- avoid a random variable distance dk, since a random variable will i tationally efficient approach to describe the design requirements. result in a stochastic programming that computationally expensive Modeling techniques are beyond the scope of this work, and dis- for a large-scale optimization problem. The distance d1 is based on patch methods considering effects of different modeling approaches real-time location information P 0, and we use heuristic d2, . . . , dT is a future work. to measure possible future costs for meeting requests. We consider the effect of an inaccurate model when choosing T , which is dis- 4.1.4 A robust RHC problem cussed in the Remark, and experiment result is shown in Section 5. The distance every taxi can drive should be bounded during lim- One advantage of the formulation (8) is its flexibility to adjust ited time, and this distance upper bound for every taxi is denoted the constraints and objective function according to different condi- N k tions. With prior knowledge of scheduled events that disturb the de- by a vector α ∈ R any d should satisfy k mand or mobility pattern of taxis, we take the effects of the events d 6 α. Total idle driving distance to satisfy service fairness is denoted by into consideration by setting uncertainty parameters. For instance, when we have basic knowledge that total demand in the city during T N ˜k k X X k time k is about R , but each region rj belongs to some uncertainty JD = di (7) k k k set, denoted by an entry wise inequality R1  r  R2 , given k=1 i=1 k n k n k k k R1 ∈ R ,R2 ∈ R . Then rj ∈ [R1j ,R2j ], j = 1, . . . , n, and is 4.1.3 An RHC problem formulation an uncertainty parameter instead of a fixed one as in problem (8). If we ignore the change of R˜ for different rk and fix it on the de- Since there exists a trade-off between two objectives as discussed nominator, by adding an uncertain range space for rk, we have a in Section 3, we define a weight parameter β when summing up the robust optimization problem (9) costs related to both objectives. To summarize, we formulate the following problem (8) based on the definitions of variables, param- T N ! X 1 T k 1 k X k eters, constraints and objective function min. max J = 1N X − r + β di Xk,dk RkrkRk N ˜k 1 2 k=1 R 1 i=1 minimize J = JE + βJD Xk,dk subject to constraints of problem (8). T N ! (9) X 1 T k 1 k X k = 1N X − r + β di N Rk k=1 1 i=1 The robust optimization problem (9) is solvable in real-time, and 1 0 1 we have the following Lemma 1 subject to di = kPi − Xi Wik1, i = 1,...,N, k k k−1 k di = kf (Xi Wi) − Xi Wik1, Lemma 1. The robust RHC problem (9) can be solved exactly as i = 1, . . . , N, k = 2,...,T, a deterministic optimization problem. k PROOF. In the objective function, only the first term is related d 6 α, k = 1, 2,...,T, rk rk k to . To avoid the maximize expression over an uncertain , we X 1n = 1N , k = 1, 2,...,T, k k k first optimize the term over r for any fixed X . Let X·j represent k k Xij ∈ {0, 1}, i, j ∈ {1, 2,...,N}. the j-th column of X , then (8) 1 T k 1 k max 1N X − r k k k ˜k A list of parameters and variables is shown in Table 1. In particular, R r R N R 1 k 1 2 if transition probability C , k = 1,...,T is learned by the mod- n k k−1 k−1 k 1 rk eling technique, di = k(X C − Xi )Wik1. When mixed X T k j i = max 1N X·j − RkrkRk N ˜k integer programming is not efficient enough for a large-scale taxi 1 2 j=1 R network regarding to the problem size, one relaxation method is re- n k 1 rk placing the constraint Xij ∈ {0, 1}, ∀k, i, j by X T k j k = max 1N X·j − . rk∈[Rk ,Rk ] N ˜k 0 ≤ Xij ≤ 1, j=1 j 1j 2j R With this approximation, every element of Xk is not restricted to 1 k a binary variable. After getting an optimal solution X of relaxed The second equality is true because we can optimize each rj sepa- k k k rately in this equation. For R1j ≤ rj ≤ R2j , we have Algorithm 1: RHC Algorithm for real-time taxi dispatch

k k k Inputs: Time slot length t1 minutes, period of sending R1j rj R2j ≤ ≤ . dispatch solutions t2 minutes (t1/t2 is an integer); a preferred ˜k ˜k ˜k R R R station location table for every taxi in the network; estimated Then the problem is to maximize each absolute value for j = request vectors rˆ(h1), h1 = 1,..., 1440/t1, mobility patterns ˆ 1, . . . , n. Consider the following problem for x, a, b ∈ R to exam- f(h2), h2 = 1,..., 1440/t2; parameters of problems (8), (9): ine the character of maximization problem over an absolute value: prediction horizon T ≥ 1, β, and α. ( Initialization: The predicted requests vector r =r ˆ(h1) for |x − a|, if x > (a + b)/2 corresponding algorithm start time h1. max |x − x0| = x0∈[a,b] |x − b|, otherwise while At the beginning of each t2 time slot do (1). Update sensor information for initial positions of =max{|x − a|, |x − b|} vacant taxis P 0 and occupied taxis P 00, total number of =max{x − a, a − x, x − b, b − x}. vacant taxis N, preferred dispatch location matrices Wi. if time is the beginning of an h1 time slot then k Similarly, for the problem related to rj , we have Calculate rˆ(h1) if the system applies an online training method; count total number of occupied taxis k k k k 1N X·j rj 1N X·j R1j n (h ); update vector r. max − =max{ − , o 1 rk∈[Rk ,Rk ] N ˜k N ˜k end j 1j 2j R R k (10) (2). Update the demand vectors and mobility functions r , 1 Xk Rk k k N ·j 2j f (·)(for example, C ), k = 1, 2,...,T. − }. N R˜k (3). if there is priority knowledge of disruptive events such that rk is in an uncertainty set then k n Thus, with slack variables t ∈ R , we re-formulate the robust solve relaxed form of problem (9); RHC problem as else solve relaxed form of problem (8); T n N 0 X X k X k end min J = ( tj + β di ) Xk,dk,tk (4). Send dispatch orders to vacant taxis according to the k=1 j=1 i=1 1 optimal solution of matrix X . Let h2 = h2 + 1. k k k k k 1N X·j R1j k R1j 1N X·j end subject to tj ≥ − , tj ≥ − , N R˜k R˜k N Return: Stored sensor data and dispatch solutions. k k k k k 1N X·j R2j k R2j 1N X·j tj ≥ − , tj ≥ − , N R˜k R˜k N j = 1, . . . , n, , k = 1,...,T, Remark 3. Predicted values of requests rˆ(h1) depend on the mod- constraint of problem (8). eling method of the dispatch system. For instance, if the system only applies historical data set to learn each rˆ(h1), rˆ(h1) is not updated Then we reduce the robust RHC problem to a deterministic opti- with real-time sensing data. When the system applies online train- mization problem. ing method such as [26] to update rˆ(h1) for each h1, values of r, k r are calculated based on the real-time value of rˆ(h1). Taxi mobility patterns during disruptive events are not easily esti- mated (in general), while we have knowledge such as a rough num- 4.2.1 Update r ber of people are taking part in a conference or competition, or even We receive sensing data of both occupied and vacant taxis in real- more customer reservations because of events in the future. By in- time. Predicted requests that vacant taxis should serve during h1 is troducing extra knowledge besides historical data model, the dis- re-estimated at the beginning of each h1 time. To approximate the patching system responds to such disturbances faster than the situ- service capability when an occupied taxi turns into vacant during ation without a robust optimization. Comparison of results of (1) time h1, we define the total number of drop off events at different n×1 and problem (8) is shown in Section 5. regions as a vector dp(h1) ∈ R . Given dp(h1), the probability that a drop off event happens at region j is 4.2 RHC Framework Design T Demand and taxi mobility patterns can be learned from histori- pdj (h1) = dpj (h1)/1n dp(h1), (11) cal data, but they are not sufficient to calculate a dispatch solution where dp (h ) is the number of drop off events at region j during with dynamic positions of taxis. Hence, we design an RHC frame- j 1 h . We assume that an occupied taxi will pick up at least one pas- work to adjust dispatch solutions and incorporate historical model 1 senger around after turning vacant, and approximate future service with real-time sensing information. Real-time GPS and occupancy ability of occupied taxis at region j during time h as information then act as feedback by providing latest taxi locations, 1 and demand-predicting information for an online learning method roj (h1) = dpdj (h1) × no(h1)e, (12) like [26]. Formulation (8) or (9) are embedded in one iteration of the algorithm, to provide dispatching solutions. where d·e is a ceil function, no(h1) is the total number of current 1 T Though we get a sequence of solutions in T steps– X ,...,X , occupied taxis at the beginning of time slot h1, provided by real- we only send recommendations to vacant taxis according to X1.We time sensor information of occupied taxis. Let summarize the complete process of dispatching taxis with both his- r =r ˆ(h1) − ro(h1), torical and real-time data as Algorithm 1, followed by a detail com- then the estimated service capability of occupied taxis is deducted putational process of each iteration. from r for time slot h1. Taxicab GPS Data set Format Collection Period Number of Taxis Data Size Record Number ID Status Direction 05/17/08-06/10/08 500 90MB 1, 000, 000 Date and Time Speed GPS Coordinates Table 2: San Francisco Data in the Evaluation Section. Giant baseball game in AT&T park on May 31, 2008 is a disruptive event we use for evaluating the robust optimization formulation.

Average requests number during a weekday 600 Region 3 Average requests number during weekends

Region 4 600 Region 3 Region 7 Region 4 400 Region 10 Region 7 400 Region 10

200 200

Average requests number 0 0

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Average requests number Time: hour 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time: hour (a) Requests during weekdays (b) Requests during weekends Figure 4: Requests at different hours during weekdays and weekends, for four selected regions. A given historical data set provides basic spatiotemporal information about customer demands, which we utilize with real-time data to dispatch taxis.


We assume requests are uniformly distributed during h1. Then We conduct trace-driven simulations based on a San Francisco for each time k of length t2, if the corresponding physical time taxi data set [20] summarized in Table 2. In this data set, a record is still in the current h1 time slot, the request is estimated as an for each individual taxi includes four values: the geometric position average part of r; else, it is estimated as an average part for time (latitude and longitude), a binary indication of whether the taxi is slot h1 + 1, h1 + 2,... , etc. The method is described as following vacant or with passengers, and the Unix epoch time. With these records, we learn average requests and mobility patterns of taxis, ( 1 r, if (k + h2 − 1)t2 ≤ h1t1 which serves as the input of Algorithm 1. We note that our learning rk = H l m 1 (k+h2−1)t2 model is not restricted to the data set used in this simulation, and H rˆ( t ), otherwise 1 other models [26] and date sets can also be incorporated. where H = t1/t2. When there is disruptive events and estimated We implement Algorithm 1 in Matlab using an optimization tool- k request is a range rˆ(h1) ∈ [Rˆ1(h1), Rˆ2(h1)], similarly we set r box called CVX [8]. We assume that all vacant taxis follow the dis- patch solution and go to suggested regions. Inside a target region, to an uncertain set of 1/H[Rˆ1(h1), Rˆ2(h1)]. The lengths of discrete time slots for learning historical mod- we assume that a vacant taxi automatically picks up the nearest re- els and updating real-time information do not need to be the same, quest, and we calculate the total idle mileage including distance across regions and inside a region by simulation. The mileage be- hence in Algorithm 1 we consider a general case for different t1, t2. The main computational cost of each iteration is on step (3), and tween two points is approximated as proportional to their geograph- ical distance on the road map, since a city is a small area on the t2 should be no shorter than the computational time of the opti- mization problem. We regulate parameters according to experi- earth surface. Geometric location of a taxi is directly provided by mental results based on a given data set, since there are no closed GPS data. Hence, we calculate geographic distance directly from form equations to decide optimal design values of these parame- the data first, and then convert the result to mileage. ters. How to adjust parameters such as objective weight β, time Experimental figures shown in Subsection 5.1 and 5.3 are aver- age results of all weekday data from the data set of Table 2. Results slots t1, t2, prediction horizon T are shown in Section 5. shown in Subsection 5.2 are based on weekend data. 4.2.3 Generalization of Algorithm 1 Estimate request and drop off vectors: Requests during differ- ent times of a day in different regions vary a lot, and Figure 4 com- Distributed RHC algorithm: Since the relaxed form of iter- pares bootstrap results of requests rˆ(h ) on weekdays and week- ation step (3) is polynomial of the problem size V , a central- 1 n ends for selected regions. This shows a motivation of this work— ized framework works well for a certain range of variable num- necessary to balance the number of taxis according to the demand bers based on the computational capability of the monitoring sys- from the perspective of system-level optimal performance. Drop tem (see Section 5 for more detail). When centralized computation off vectors dp(h ) are also calculated via bootstrap method. is not efficient enough for a large-scale problem, we can design a 1 distributed information collecting and iterative computing RHC al- gorithm. In general a distributed framework introduces a trade-off 5.1 RHC with real-time sensor information between dispatch cost and computational complexity, and is one Real-time GPS and occupancy data provides latest position in- direction of future work. formation of all vacant and occupied taxis. When dispatching avail- Real-time information of waiting requests: We do not restrict able taxis with true initial positions, the total idle distance is re- the data source of waiting requests – it can be either predicted re- duced 52% compared with the result without dispatch methods, as sults or customer reservation records. Some companies provide taxi shown in Figure 5. This is because the optimization problem (8) re- service according to the current requests in the queue. If reserva- turns a solution with smaller idle distance cost given more accurate tions are received by the dispatch system, we then assign value of initial position information P 0. Figure 5 also shows that even ap- the waiting requests vector rk in (8) according to the reservation, plying dispatch solution calculated without real-time information and the solution is subject to customer bookings. is better than non dispatched result. Based on the partition of Figure 7, Figure 6 shows that the supply To estimate a mobility pattern matrix Cˆ(h2), we define a ma- demand ratio at each region of the dispatch solution with real-time trix T (h2), where T (h2)ij is the total number of passenger tra- information is closest to the supply demand ratio of the whole city, jectories that starting at region i and ending at region j during 1 T k 1 k ˆ and the error N 1N X − k r is reduced 45% compared with time slot h2. We also apply bootstrap process to get T (h2), and R 1 P no dispatch results. Even the supply demand ratio error of dis- Cˆ(h2)ij = Tˆ(h2)ij /( Tˆ(h2)ij ). patching without real-time information is better than no dispatch j solutions. We still allocate vacant taxis to reach a nearly balanced For simulation simplicity, we partite the city map to equal-area n×2 supply demand ratio regardless of their initial positions, but idle regions. to get the longitude and latitude position Wi ∈ R of distance is increased without real-time data, as shown in Figure 5. each vacant taxi, we randomly pick up a station position in the city Based on the costs of two objectives shown in Figures 5 and 6, the map by uniform distribution. total cost is higher without real-time information, mainly results from a higher idle distance. 5.2 Robust optimization One disruptive event of the San Francisco data set is Giant base- Idle distance comparison ball at AT&T park, and we choose the historical record on May 31, 600 Dispatch with RT information 2008 as an example to evaluate the robust optimization formula- Dispatch without RT information tion (9). Customer request number for areas near AT&T park is af- 480 No dispatch fected, especially Region 7 around 5 : 00pm, which increases about 360 40% than usual. Figure 8 shows that with a robust optimization formulation (9), the error 1 1T Xk − 1 rk is reduced 25% N N Rk 1 240 compared with problem (8), 46% compared with historical supply data without dispatch. Even under solutions of (8), the total supply 120 demand ratio error is reduced 28% compared historical data with- out dispatch. In general, we consider the factor of disruptive events 0 Average total idle distance: mile 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 in a robust RHC iteration, thus the system level supply distribution Time: Hour responses to the demand better under disturbance. Figure 5: Average idle distance comparison for no dispatch, dispatch without real-time data, and dispatch with real-time 5.3 Design parameters for Algorithm 1 GPS and occupancy information. Idle distance is reduced 52% Parameters like the length of time slots, the region division func- given real-time information, compared with historical data without dispatch solutions. Supply demand ratio under different conditions Supply demand ratio comparison

2.0 1.8 Global supply demand ratio Global supply demand ratio 1.7 Dispatch without RT information 1.5 Robust optimization (9) Dispatch with RT information Optimization (8) 1.4 1.3 No dispatch No dispatch 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.7 Supply demand ratio

0.5 Supply demand ratio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0.4 Region ID 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Region ID Figure 6: Supply demand ratio of the whole city and each re- gion for different dispatch solutions. With real-time GPS and Figure 8: Comparison of supply demand ratio at each region, occupancy data, the supply demand ratio of each region is for solutions of robust optimization (9), problem (8) in the RHC closest to the global level. The error of supply demand ratio framework, and historical data without dispatch. With the dis- 1 1T Xk − 1 rk is reduced 45% with real-time informa- N N Rk 1 patch solution of problem (9), the supply demand ratio of each tion, compared with historical data without dispatch solutions. region is closer to the ratio of the whole city, and the total sup- ply demand ratio error 1 1T Xk − 1 rk is reduced 46%. N N Rk 1 Supply demand ratio for different 1.5 Global supply demand ratio 1.3 =0 =10 1.1 =2 0.9

0.7 Supply demand ratio

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Region ID Figure 7: A heatmap about the density of our San Francisco Figure 9: Comparison of supply demand ratios at each region taxicab GPS data set, with a region partition method. The during one time slot for different β values. When β is smaller, denser the area, the more the GPS data points. Region 3 cov- we put less cost weight on idle distance that taxis are allowed ers several busy areas, include Financial District, Chinatown, to run longer to some region, and taxi supply matches with the Fisherman Wharf. Region 7 is mainly Mission District, Mis- customer requests better. sion Bay, the downtown area of SF. β 0 2 10 without dispatch tance between geographical coordinators between points, since the s/d error 0.645 1.998 2.049 2.664 idle driving distance in problem (8) is calculated based on GPS idle distance 3.056 1.718 1.096 4. 519 sensing data. total cost 0.645 5.434 13.009 47.854 We calculate the total cost as (s/d error +β× idle distance) (Use Table 3: Average cost comparison for different values of β. Idle β = 10 for the without dispatch column). Though with β = 0 we distance is calculated as the difference between geographical can dispatch vacant taxis to make the supply demand ratio of each coordinators of two points. region closest to that of the whole city, a larger idle geographical distance cost is introduced compared with β = 2 and β = 10. Compare the idle distance when β = 0 with the data without dis- tion, the objective weight parameter and the prediction horizon T patch, we get 23% reduction; compare the supply demand ratio of Algorithm 1 affect the results of dispatching cost in practice. error of β = 10 with the data without dispatch, we get 32%. Optimal values of parameters for each individual data set can be Average total idle distance during different hours of one day for different. Given a data set, we change one parameter to a larger/s- a larger β is smaller, as shown in Figure 10. The supply demand maller value while keep others the same, and compare results to ratio error at different regions of one time slot is increased with choose a suboptimal value of the varying parameter. We compare larger β, as shown in Figure 9. the cost of choosing different parameters for Algorithm 1, and ex- How to decide the number of regions: In general, the dispatch plain how to adjust parameters according to experimental results solution of problem (8) for a vacant taxi is more accurate by divid- based on a given historical data set (including both GPS and occu- ing a city into regions of smaller area, since the dispatch solution pancy record) for a city. is closer to road-segment level. However, we should consider other How the objective weight of (8) – β affects the cost: How to factors when deciding the number of regions, like the process of choose the number of regions: The cost function includes two predicting requests and mobility patterns based on historical data. parts — idle cruising cost and the supply demand ratio mismatch A linear model is not a good prediction for future events when the cost. This trade-off between two parts is addressed by β, and the region area is too small, since pick up and drop off events are more weight of idle distance increases with β. A larger β returns a solu- irregular in over partitioned regions. While Increasing n, we also tion with smaller total idle geographical distance, while a larger er- increase the computation complexity (the area of each region does ror between supply demand ratio, i.e., a larger 1 1T Xk − 1 rk N N Rk 1 not need to be the same as we divide the city in this experiment). value. The two components of the cost with different β by Al- Figure 11 shows that the idle distance will decrease with a larger gorithm 1, and cost of historical data without dispatch algorithm region division number, but the decreasing rate slows down; while are shown in Table 3. The supply demand ratio mismatch cost is the region number increases to a large number, the average cost shown in the s/d error row. The idle distance row shows the dis-

Average total idle distance for different T Average total idle distance for different 240 180 T=8 = 0 T=2 = 2 150 T=4 180 = 10 120 90 120 60 30 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Average total idle distance: mile Time: hour 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Average total idle distance: mile Time: hour Figure 12: Average total idle distance at different time of one day compared for different prediction horizons.When T = 4, Figure 10: Average total idle distance of taxis at different hours. idle distance is decreased at most hours compared with T = 2. When β is larger, the idle distance cost weights more in the total For T = 8 the costs are worst. cost, and the dispatch solution causes less total idle distance. Total idle distance for different region partitions 240 Average total idle distance for different t 2 4 regions t =1 hour 2 120 16 regions 240 t =30 mins 64 regions 2 t =10 mins 0 100 regions 2 t = 1 min 256 regions 180 2 360 120 240

120 60

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