Protection in Danger Monthly News Brief May 2018 Incidents of violence in refugee and IDP settings

Security Incidents and Access Constraints This monthly digest comprises

threats and incidents of Africa violence affecting protection of Kenya IDPs and refugees. It is 25 May 2018: In Kakuma town, Turkana county, an inter-clan fight at prepared by Insecurity Insight Kakuma refugee camp resulted in the death of a tribal chief and from information available in another person. Source: Radio Tamazuj open sources.

Nigeria All decisions made, on the basis 17 May 2018: In Dikwa town, Borno state, a suspected Boko Haram of, or with consideration to, suicide bomber detonated his explosives at an open-air mosque in an such information remains the internally displaced people (IDP) camp, killing at least four people and responsibility of their injuring 15 more. Source: Punch respective organisations.

Rwanda Editorial team: 30 April 2018: In Karongi district, Western province, a stand-off Christina Wille, Laurence between a crowd of Congolese refugee youths and the Rwandan Gerhardt and Helen Buck National Police at Kiziba refugee camp resulted in the death of one Insecurity Insight refugee, and the injury of several others. The police subsequently arrested at least 23 refugees. Sources: Reuters and United Nations Research team: High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) James Naudi Insecurity Insight 01 May 2018: In Rwankuba, Karongi district, refugees from Kiziba refugee camp were arrested for allegedly throwing stones at police Subscribe here to receive officers, and one was reportedly killed. Sources: UNHCR and ACLED monthly reports on insecurity affecting the protection of IDPs Sudan and refugees. 02 May 2018: In Abu Jabra village, Gereida area, South Darfur state, an ethnic militia of 20 people attacked the village, targeting returning Suggested citation: Insecurity IDPs of the Mahadi ethnic group, leading to one death, two injuries, Insight. 2018. Protection in and two children going missing. Source: ACLED Danger Monthly News Brief, May 2018. Switzerland: 09 May 2018: In El Fasher area, North Darfur state, 35 armed Insecurity Insight, Aid in Danger militiamen attacked and beat with sticks a group of 25 IDPs collecting Project. firewood. The attackers threatened to kill the victims if they returned, stating that the area was a pasture for herders, not for collecting wood. Source: ACLED

Protection in Danger Monthly News Brief May 2018 Page 1

17 May 2018: The UNHCR temporarily suspended its Sudan refugee resettlement programme in connection with two ongoing fraud investigations launched last February and March by the agency’s independent Inspector General’s Office. Source: UNHCR

21 May 2018: In Zallingi area, South Darfur state, Rapid Support Forces (RSF) attacked the Khamsa Degaig IDP camp, killing one person and injuring two others. Central Darfur authorities claimed the incident was a mistake - that RSF entered the camp mistakenly and were met with hostility by residents. Residents of the camp held a protest later that day, and security forces (possibly RSF) responded to the protest with live ammunition, triggering clashes that left five state forces and nine civilians injured. Source: ACLED

23 May 2018: In Garcila area, South Darfur state, the Rapid Support Forces opened fire on two civilians at Abuja market in Ardiba refugee camp allegedly to prevent them from looting their belongings. The same assailants then killed a woman and injured several others as they were mourning at the cemetery. Camp residents testify that the police and security forces were present during the attacks that left three dead and twelve injured. Sources: Sudan Tribune and ACLED

27 May 2018: In Gereida area, South Darfur state, unidentified militia opened fire on residents of the Gereida IDP camp, killing one person and injuring four. Source: ACLED

Uganda 24 May 2018: In Terego district, a riot broke out in the Omugo refugee camp when South Sudanese residents desperate for food ransacked the UN food stores. The police broke up the riot and arrested 9 people. Source: ACLED

25 May 2018: In Arua district, West Nile sub-region, Northern region, at least nine South Sudanese refugees at Omugo Refugee Settlement broke into stores of the World Food Progamme (WFP), stealing three computers, food items, wheelbarrows, hoes and slashers. They were later arrested. Source: News Headlines

Asia India 23 May 2018: In Jammu city, Jammu and Kashmir state, refugees held a protest over the state government’s failure to provide support and relief for their families but were prevented by police from marching through the city. Source: ACLED

28 May 2018: In Jammu city, Jammu and Kashmir state, IDPs held a protest under the banner of SOS International, complaining of mistreatment and harassment by government officials while attempting to clear their refugee status. Source: ACLED

Middle-East and North Africa 14 May 2018: In district, , hundreds of residents of Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp took to the streets as the United States (US) was set to inaugurate its controversial embassy in Jerusalem later that day. Source: Daily Star

20 May 2018: In Sidon district, South governorate, al-Tiri neighbourhood, a clash inside Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp resulted in the injury of two people. Source: National News Agency

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Occupied Palestinian Territories 16 May 2018: In Fawwar town, Hebron governorate, West Bank, a pipe bomb was thrown toward Israeli soldiers amid violent clashes on the outskirts of al Fawwar refugee camp. Source: Y Net News

24 May 2018: In Ramallah, West Bank region, an Israeli soldier was killed during a raid on al Amari refugee camp when he was hit in the head by a stone block. The perpetrator was not identified. Source: ACLED

28 May 2018: In Ramallah, West Bank region, Israeli forces raided the al Amari refugee camp in an alleged search for suspects in the killing of an Israeli soldier. 13 Palestinian refugees were injured when fights broke out between the Israeli forces and the locals. Source: ACLED

31 May 2018: In Bethlehem, West Bank region, four Palestinian residents of the Dheisheh refugee camp protesting their conditions were injured after Israeli Defence Forces fired live bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades at the protesters. Source: ACLED

Syrian Arab Republic 09 May 2018: In Ma’ar Zita village, southern Idlib governorate, warplanes believed to be of Russian origin fired missiles onto the al Walid IDP camp, heavily damaging the tent residences. Source: SNHR

21 May 2018: In Damascus governorate, Syrian troops and militias looted homes in Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp as the militant group Islamic State vacated the area. Source: SMART News

Jordan 12 May 2018: In Amman, residents of al Mahatta refugee camp staged a protest in front of the House of Representatives in response to a decision to expel them. Source: Saraya News

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This document is part of the Aid in Danger project. It is published by Insecurity Insight and funded and supported by USAID through Save the Children US, and the European Union Humanitarian Aid.

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Protection in Danger Monthly News Brief May 2018 Page 4