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/ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 ,194T wim »AGB FOtJRTEEy E o fttin g A Y tn gt Dally Clrculatton Tht WMthur Pw the Moutk uf ■apMatkar, IN I Faraesst at 0. ■■ Wastkar ■urasn rsespUons is that of ths harness with a mtis dirt clinging to the races at Roossvelt Psrk. L. L edges, the thing was hard to dlo- Issues Varied 9 ^ 1 As ths horses come Into -ylew cem for whst It aras. This Is Where We Come In! \ ratr taNglit and Tuaaday; arfU H^jdrd Along Main Slreet the announcer givea the odds on The local recipient of thla nut* uaCtksAsfPt ; tauIgMt eantinsed w arn Tneadsy. the horses espily Identifisbie by meg tactic le convinced that the ^ In Elections af CtreulaHom /• \ ■\ Malnlacs sit ardund their winter No maUcr wiilitt happens __, who ■ he* their numbera Just like sitting MM i 4/Ul on So^e of Mmcheiter*» Side Street*, Too \. firm er' with at the track, you paya your money Urea up In Aroostook County, in the home (A n d things' Ma^cheiter^A City yUiage Charm chipping rock* to make them the l«r «riU return and you take# your chanca. L o ^ i Contest Largely DO happen) you need never ■noting anyone to run against him. right sh a ^ to include in a bunch PRICE FOUR CENTS to her winter hotee In St. Petere Well, Mondily la ToWn Election of pot*toes.\ Four or five'pounds VOL.LXVILrNO.5 Adaaetlalut as U) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 19^7 (I'XIURTEKN PAGES) / <iay and ebout the best statement Their srgumenU are contradic A local barber waa very much Centered o n .. Candi worry about who’a going to feurg, FloetSe, tory to their actions. o f rocks -In \esch bushel Is gold we've heard during the whole cam excited this week by the ungov do the laundry when New They Ulk about a sales tax re ernsble behavior of a small boy, for ths shlppOT. dates Themselves " ft la ^Mcted thet the memhers paign is "Get out and vote.” I t s W hy don’t oOr fellows get wise your fault If thlngfl don’t go your bellion. What^has the sates tax whose mother had brought him System’s your laundress. ^ot to fk) with a Town Election? Into the chop. 'The child started to to scientific farn^g? A variety o f political Issues has ^ Leave 'Em Home, Say Baby*S|tter8 ^ ttim oat U1 forw way. and you failed ■ to go to the We’re onxthe job always, U ‘s a state question. play with the barbershop equip neetliv Mohdijr. to hMr polls.''^-. "Dear Heard Along—Since 1 been raised In the section for the the The Democrats are really put* . The DemocraU put out a hand ment, spinning a vacant chair and come rain of shine, or come Truman Touches Off T )u m «. He «• a memhar ^ am temporarily llviag In C®”'* town eIccUona that are to taka Reds’ Leaders' bill In which they infer a scandal cWb. Ung up a fight during this elecUon otherwise making whoopee. The anything else. And remem with reference to a town official, mother appeared to have no con bridge, Massachur.ctts\ 1 have had place Monday. A majority of the campaign. It’s about time there an excellent opprj-tunlty to ques the wfts noiiHt Activity in that party. but they fall to recOgnlse^ some trol over the actions o f the child, controversial items appear to be ber! * On request w ell do - TtM boerd of . rather questionable actions on the tion some o f the CAntnbrians That party has been practically who darted about a working bar o f purely local interest, but In sev your hqsband’s shirts iri 21 Hattcheeter XM.io-A. will hold part of one of their own eandi- about the opi-rnt'on of tnrir City next dormant for a long time am! ber, Just then busily engaged in eral instances matters of state or nedal meetln«/*t. the Y dates. Jf they want to throw Manager type of municipal ^vern - hours. elf Denial Program^ hasn’t eame<l a place In town gov shaving, a customer. sectional interest also are being Followers to ment; the expt.-lence of Cambridge TutaiMy n o o y ernment. Whenever it has pro mud they may find somebody Finally the barber asked the ahould Interest idanchcster citi pushed to the front for the atten duced good talent it has been rec- throwing, stones and their glass Snnaet RebekStT Ledge m m - mother to take the child out, but zens who are sfcon to be governed tion of the voters. ' ognia^. The late Robert V. hoiuie will really be shattered. NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY - — reouested to meet thia she protested that she was too by this sort of j libllc adminlst^- Here In Manchester the contest Tival who was a lifelong Demo They Ulk about the local gov tired to walk him around the Is almost completely one amongst Harrison St., Off East Center St; Telephone 3733 ; : S i ^ r a r w m 0 0 ^ ^ * " ® ; : " crat and he was for several years ernment being controlled by one tlon. .. \ kaU. from whence ttiey «riU street. The barber assisted by g iv The experientv of Cambridge' the candidates themwlvcs as far To Giv^ Europe Aid man. As the Democratic Idol, the eaad to the homo o f Mr*. ® «r - elected a Selectman by the Repub ing the little one a sound tanning, \M the election goes, with none of Next Time Send Your Dry Cleaning, Too! U . S. over seveml years has been wholly licans Constable James Duffy late Al Smith use<l to say. ’’Let's niem having adopted any partlcu- M it t Pentland, 4** ^ ® ^ ^ but without result. Finally the favorable. In sciti of the fact that was for years a Democratic chndl- look at the record." The nine laV pledge or special purpose for -------- 7 ■ t S w a t Mtt. PenUend. whoec mother placed the child back of much o f Cambridge’s most val date for Con»t*ble but In every Republican candidates for Board running. The Items before the 4Mth occurred. her In S chair, but his yells and uable propertv 'S owned by Harv- * jCallfi for Food Saeri* Democratic .Primary his fellow of Directors were nominated In thrashing about did not subside. towii meeting also are of local 7 ^ Statement Serves No fOrd hoeplUd, wrae a member of Primary In a contest between 13 nrd, M IT. and Radcllffe College, the lodse. TraneporteUon will be DemocraU tried to oust him until Nothing, the victim in the chair c o m ^ n it y concern, and there has fices as American! men seeking nine positions. The and is therefore tax-exempt, the Withhold Comment Atomic/Pouter Use I he finally transferred to the Re tells us, can make one feel so In been only passing reference to any tice of Intention to fM lH ic d thie eirenlng. Republican town committee tinder economics cfRcted by the city publican party ami haW been a top secure as having a razor at one’s gcneral^utslde issues. Contribution to Peace Ju<lge Hyde as chairman—no manager have been sufficient to Wreck, If Possible, A maae X-ray aervlcc for J ^ lo r vote-getter for Constable ever throat while that sort of rumpus floubt the "one man" they refer permit a steady reduction In,the ' In Olanonbury, a town elecUon ARMY. AN D NAVY CLU B No Meat on Tuea^ and aenlor High Jichool ■t«de"U since. progresses. Issue Is b ^ g raised on the sales N Marshall Plan for Eu Oil Red Statement Yet Lodg Way Off One of the arguments the Dem to. didn’t work tn name any cer tax rate and simultaneous In la planned tor Tueeday ^ the crease In police, fire, nnd school tax by the Democrats, who appar days. Going Withont jj^ort^reet Recreation Center ocrats have been putting Up is tain nine men to that board. A n y ropean Aid and Tru one who knows what he’s talk In our mailbag we received the services. All of the people to ently feel th u the m atter Is one -.!«» iiie faculty and peraonnel. it that there should be some changes following; that should start to Interest the We»tern European Gov^ Eggs and Poultry on made. They talk about'efficiency lug about knows that the chair whom I spoke were enthusiastic man Doctrine to Com ;imbeaet up by tte ^ower. "Dear Heard Along: Permit me voters politically now. In other N E W SUPER In office and about recognising man of the present Selectmen, a about the city manager form df Dodgers Lead, Thun^ays and Saving X-ray Cbmpany, and will ^ o the to correct a mis-statement in last places It Is the GOP Itself that Is emmenU and Most DemocraU. For heaven’s sake candidate for Director, most cer government, and pointed out that bat ‘ Totalitarianism; 5aee of the Patch test of prcvl- week’s Heard Along. I am not a coming out favoring repeal of thla the DemocraU themselvea over tainly Isn’t In the Hyde camp. their record fax reductions and Newspapers Silent; Should Not Delay Bread ' Daily Urged- o w y e a ra . veteran of World War I as was tax. Meeting at Poland the { years have recognised cffl- As chairman of the Republlean services Increases were mode while Sending Shea All o f Charges stated. In che first place I waa too the city of Boston, just across the In Bolton there is the question _______A British Study Setup Electrical Expansion ctency hy repeatedly endorsing town committee Judge Hyde t» old St that lim e to be drafted and Washington, Oct.