9674 • The Journal of Neuroscience, December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688

Cellular/Molecular Functional Specialization of : Identification of Initiation Zone in Axonless Olfactory Bulb Granule Cells

R. Todd Pressler and Ben W. Strowbridge Department of Neurosciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

Principal cells in the olfactory bulb (OB), mitral and tufted cells, play key roles in processing and then relaying sensory information to downstream cortical regions. How OB local circuits facilitate odor-specific responses during odor discrimination is not known but involves GABAergic inhibition mediated by axonless granule cells (GCs), the most abundant interneuron in the OB. Most previous work on GCs has focused on defining properties of distal apical dendrites where these form reciprocal dendrodendritic connec- tions with principal cells. Less is known about the function of the proximal dendritic compartments. In the present study, we identified the likely action potentials (AP) initiation zone by comparing electrophysiological properties of rat (either sex) GCs with apical dendrites severed at different locations. We find that truncated GCs with long apical dendrites had active properties that were indistinguishable from intact GCs, generating full-height APs and short-latency low-threshold Ca 2ϩ spikes. We then confirmed the presumed site of AP and low-threshold Ca 2ϩ spike initiation in the proximal apical using two-photon Ca 2ϩ photometry and focal TTX application. These results suggest that GCs incorporate two separate pathways for processing synaptic inputs: an already established dendrodendritic input to the distal apical dendrite and a novel pathway in which the cell body integrates proximal synaptic inputs, leading to spike generation in the proximal apical dendrite. Spikes generated by the proximal pathway likely enables GCs to regulate lateral inhibition by defining time windows when lateral inhibition is functional. Key words: two-photon imaging; brain slice; dendrites; interneuron; olfaction; patch-clamp recording

Significance Statement The olfactory bulb plays a central role in processing sensory input transduced by receptor . How local circuits in the bulb function to facilitate sensory processing during odor discrimination is not known but appears to involve inhibition mediated by granule cells, axonless GABAergic interneurons. Little is known about the active conductances in granule cells including where action potentials originate. Using a variety of experimental approaches, we find the Na ϩ-based action potentials originate in the proximal apical dendrite, a region targeted by cortical feedback afferents. We also find evidence for high expression of low-voltage activated Ca 2ϩ channels in the same region, intrinsic currents that enable GCs to spike rapidly in response to sensory input during each sniff cycle.

Introduction interneurons. How local OB inhibitory circuits facilitate neural Sensory information in the olfactory system transduced by recep- representations of sensory input patterns during odor discrimi- tor neurons is initially processed in the olfactory bulb (OB) nation (Abraham et al., 2010) is poorly understood in part be- through synaptic interactions between principal cells and GABAergic cause few previous studies focused on defining the functional properties of granule cells (GCs), the primary interneuron in the Received July 23, 2019; revised Sept. 25, 2019; accepted Sept. 29, 2019. mammalian OB. Olfactory GCs lack (Shepherd et al., 2007) Authorcontributions:R.T.P.andB.W.S.designedresearch;R.T.P.performedresearch;R.T.P.andB.W.S.analyzed and, instead, release GABA from spines on their distal apical data; R.T.P. and B.W.S. wrote the paper. This work was supported by NIH Grants R01-DC04285 and R21-NS103182 to B.W.S. and R03-DC913641 to R.T.P. dendritic arbor at specialized dendrodendritic (DD) We thank Dr. Dan Wesson for helpful discussions related to this project and Dr. Chris Ford for providing helpful (Rall et al., 1966; Isaacson and Strowbridge, 1998). Why neural comments on the paper. computations performed by the OB rely on axonless interneu- The authors declare no competing financial interests. rons and DD synaptic circuits is not well understood experimen- Correspondence should be addressed to Ben W. Strowbridge at [email protected]. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1763-19.2019 tally but has been explored using computational models Copyright © 2019 the authors (Cleland, 2014; Yu et al., 2014). Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 • 9675

Previous studies of GC physiology using intracellular record- Western Reserve University Animal Care and Use Committee. During ing methods described frequent spontaneous EPSPs (Cang and recording sessions slices were placed in a submersion chamber and Isaacson, 2003; Youngstrom and Strowbridge, 2015) attributed to perfused with oxygenated artificial CSF (ACSF) at a rate of 1.5 ml/min. DD synaptic inputs from spontaneously active mitral and tufted Recordings were made between 29° and 31°C. ACSF consisted of (in mM): 124 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.23 NaH PO , 1.2 MgSO , 26 NaHCO ,10 cells. (Olfactory principal neurons often fire spontaneously even 2 4 4 3 dextrose, 2.5 CaCl , equilibrated with 95% O /5%CO . All drugs except in in vitro brain slices; Castillo et al., 1999; Friedman and Strow- 2 2 2 tetrodotoxin (TTX) were added to the submerged recording chamber by bridge, 2003; Schmidt and Strowbridge, 2014.) In addition to DD changing the external solution source. synaptic input that selectively targets the distal apical dendrites of All neurons recorded were visualized using live two-photon imaging GCs, the only other established glutamatergic input to GCs arises to facilitate categorization as either “intact GCs”, with apical dendrites from piriform cortex and related olfactory cortical structures (de that passed through the mitral cell layer (MCL) and then ramified within Olmos et al., 1978; Shipley and Adamek, 1984; Gao and Strow- the EPL (N ϭ 33) or “truncated GCs”, with apical dendrites that were bridge, 2009; Markopoulos et al., 2012) and terminates on the severed within the GC layer (GCL; N ϭ 67) or MCL (N ϭ 4). Both intact proximal apical dendrite (Balu et al., 2007). GCs also have spines and truncated GCs were recorded in the same set of experiments. Trun- along their basal dendrites (Price and Powell, 1970a; Schneider cated GCs were generated either as a result of slice preparation (N ϭ 56) or following a visualized micropuncture of the GCL region using the tip and Macrides, 1978) though the source and function of these ϭ synaptic inputs has not been established. of a 25 gauge needle mounted on a motorized manipulator (N 15). We combined both types of recordings in the truncated group. We also re- Relatively little is known about the basic electrophysiology of corded from another set of visualized intact GCs (N ϭ 69) to perform the GCs, including where action potentials (APs) are initiated and mechanistic experiments described in this study (e.g., Ca 2ϩ photometry whether APs are actively propagated throughout the dendritic and pharmacological tests). arbor. Retinal amacrine cells may be a potential analog to GCs, Electrophysiology. Recordings were performed in a submerged cham- which also lack axons and generate APs at anatomically distinct ber maintained at 30°C and perfused with an extracellular solution con- regions of their proximal dendrite (Cook and Werblin, 1994; Wu taining the following (in mM): 124 NaCl, 3 KCl, 1.23 NaH2PO4, 1.2 et al., 2011; Cembrowski et al., 2012). GCs also contain a wide MgSO4, 26 NaHCO3, 10 dextrose, and 2.5 CaCl2, equilibrated with 95% variety of active conductances, including low-voltage activated O2/5% CO2. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made using Axo- (LVA) Ca 2ϩ channels (Egger et al., 2003, 2005; Pinato and Midt- Patch 1D amplifiers (Molecular Devices) and borosilicate glass pipettes ⍀ gaard, 2003, 2005; Inoue and Strowbridge, 2008), though the (3–7 M ) under infrared differential contrast microscopy (IR-DIC) video microscopy. Under current-clamp conditions, recording elec- spatial organization of this intrinsic current also has not been trodes contained the following (in mM): 140 Kmethylsulfate, 4 NaCl, 10 defined. HEPES, 0.2 EGTA, 4 MgATP, 0.3 Na3GTP, 10 phosphocreatine di-tris. The goal of the present study was to determine how functional AlexaFluor 594 (100–150 ␮M; Invitrogen) was also included routinely to properties are organized spatially within GCs. The narrow width permit visualization of the recorded using live two-photon im- of apical and basal dendrites of GCs make it technically challeng- aging, as described previously (Pressler and Strowbridge, 2006, 2017). ing to answer this question directly using dendritic or paired Internal solutions were adjusted to pH 7.3 and 290 mOsm. somatic/dendritic patch-clamp recordings (Stuart et al., 1997a,b; Intracellular recordings were low-pass filtered at 5 kHz (FLA-01, Cy- Magee and Johnston, 1995, in pyramidal cells). Instead, we used a gus Technology) and acquired at 10 kHz using an ITC-18 interface (In- two-part approach by first defining how electrophysiological strutech/HEKA) and custom Visual Basic.NET and Python software on a properties vary with apical and basal dendritic extent. This com- Windows 7-based personal computer. Intracellular recordings were not parative approach took advantage of intracellular recordings corrected for the liquid junction potential. Unless noted, all drugs were obtained from Tocris Bioscience except for TTX, which was purchased from GCs with apical dendrites that were severed before they from Calbiochem. entered the external plexiform layer (EPL), minimizing the large For TTX focal application (see Fig. 5), a second patch pipette filled source of spontaneous depolarizations arising from DD synaptic with saline solution containing AlexaFluor 594 (100 ␮M) dissolved in 124 inputs. Our comparisons of different subpopulations of trun- mM NaCl, 3 mM KCl, and 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, and was used to focally cated GCs suggest that the proximal apical dendrite is the likely apply brief puffs of 5 ␮M TTX onto spatially restricted portions of the location of both AP initiation and the LVA Ca 2ϩ channels that apical or basal dendritic arbor, or the . Focal application of TTX was generate low-threshold spikes in GCs. In the second part of this guided using live two-photon imaging with the puffing pipette tip posi- study, we confirmed these results using focal application of tioned within 5–10 ␮m of the GC process. specific pharmacological agents and with two-photon Ca 2ϩ pho- Data analysis and statistics. We selected for GCs by recording from tometry in intact GCs. We also find that excitatory inputs termi- neurons with small, elongated (“egg shaped”) cell bodies in the GCL imaged using IR-DIC video microscopy and a 60ϫ water-immersion nate frequently on GC basal dendrites. Together, our results objective. Although several other interneuron classes have been reported suggest that GCs incorporates two separate pathways for process- in this layer (Pressler and Strowbridge, 2006; Eyre et al., 2009; Pressler et ing excitatory input: the well known DD input to the distal apical al., 2013), these other cell types all have larger cell bodies than GCs and dendrite and a novel pathway in which the GC somata integrates are typical found outside the stereotyped stripes of GC somata. We also basalar synaptic inputs, leading to spike generation in the proxi- confirmed GC-like morphology in all recordings using live two-photon mal apical dendrite. Proximally-triggered spikes likely regulate imaging. lateral inhibition in the OB by defining narrow time windows Input resistance was assayed by measuring the maximal hyperpolar- when NMDARs that govern when DD inhibition are functional. ization evoked by 1 s duration current steps applied from a holding potential of Ϫ70 mV. AP threshold was defined by the voltage at 10% of the maximal membrane potential slope. AP width was a calculated from Materials and Methods the time required for the repolarization phase to pass the threshold volt- Animals. Horizontal OB slices (300 ␮m thick) were prepared from post- age. The small differences in the number of GCs reported in different natal day (P)14–P25 Sprague-Dawley rats of either sex anesthetized with experiments within this study reflected occasional recordings in which it ketamine, as described previously (Pressler and Strowbridge, 2006; Gao was impossible to determine the extent of the basal dendrite because of and Strowbridge, 2009). OB slices were incubated initially at 30°C for 30 inadequate z-stack coverage or when technical problems prevented anal- min and then maintained at room temperature until use. All experiments ysis of responses to current steps necessary to assay input resistance or AP were performed in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Case properties. In most analyses, we examined the length of the primary 9676 • J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells apical dendrite as very few truncated GCs gen- A erated collaterals of apical dendrite within the GCL. Analyses of the basal arbor were based on the total basal dendrite extent estimated by combining the lengths of each primary basal dendrite. Spontaneous EPSPs were detected using EPL custom Python programs that implemented an “up-jerk” detection algorithm described previ- ously (Larimer and Strowbridge, 2008; Hyde and Strowbridge, 2012). All detected events MCL were confirmed by visual inspection. All data MCL analysis was performed using Python 3 scripts. Unless otherwise noted, data are presented as mean Ϯ SEM. P values reported from repeated tests of the different divisions from the same GCL dataset were adjusted to reflect the Bonferroni 50 μm correction for multiple comparisons. 50 μm Nonraster two-photon Ca2ϩ photometry. We Intact GC used a nonraster two-photon scanning method Truncated GC to assay Ca 2ϩ indicator fluorescence in small regions of the GC dendritic arbor. In these ex- B C ***

) periments, we used an internal solution with- 1.5


( 1450 out EGTA that contained the following (in 20 mV

e mM): 140 KMethylsulfate, 4 NaCl, 10 HEPES, 4 c 100 ms n 1

a MgATP, 0.3 Na GTP, 10 phosphocreatine di- t 960

3 s -71 -73 i tris. In addition, we added an inert fluorescent 20 mV s e 0.5

␮ R dye, AlexaFluor 594 (7.5 M), to visualize GC 500 ms ϩ t 2 20 pA u morphology and an organic Ca indicator p (27) (67)


␮ I 0 dye (Cal-520, 100 M; AAT Bioquest). Because Intact GC Truncated GC Intact Trunc only a single photomultiplier tube (PMT) de- tector with a broad range emission filter (BG39 D E Schott glass) was used in this study, both Alex- aFluor 594 and Cal520 signals were combined 3 Ordered by apical 3 Ordered by basal dendritic extent in the PMT (H7422P-40, Hamamatsu) output. dendritic extent We initially obtained a conventional image





( of the relevant part of the neuron using stan- (

2 2



c dard two-photon raster scanning methods and c

n ϫ n

a a60 objective (Pressler and Strowbridge, a





i i

s 2006, 2017; Balu et al., 2007). We then com- s

e e 1 1

R puted the X and Y galvanometer command R



u voltages that corresponded to the center of the u




n area of interest on a GC dendrite or cell body. I) I) Custom software (https://github.com/Strow P < 0.03 (R = -0.28; trunc GCs) P < 0.0001 (R = -0.46; trunc GCs) 0 0 bridgeLab/Toronado-Laser-Scanning) then 0 100 200 0 100 200 300 400 generated new galvanometer X and Y scan pat- Apical Dendritic Extent (μm) Basal Dendritic Extent (μm) terns that forced the excitation focal spot to repetitively circle around this center point at Figure 1. Intrinsic properties of intact and truncated GCs. A, Two-Photon z-stack montages illustrating an intact GC (left) and a 5000 revolutions/s. Circle diameters were opti- truncated GC with no apical dendrite arbor in the EPL (right). B, Example responses to depolarizing and hyperpolarizing current mized in pilot recordings and then were fixed steps from intact (black traces) and truncated GCs (orange). Same two GCs shown in A. Inset, Initial two APs at a faster sweep at 70 nm for the experiments in this study. For speed. C, Plot of input resistance in intact and truncated GCs. ***p ϭ 3.888EϪ5, T ϭ 4.137, unpaired t test. N values for each both raster and nonraster scan modes, we in- group indicated near bottom of bars and group means indicated near top of bars. D, Plot of input resistance versus apical dendrite cluded 1:4 passive resistor dividers on the X extent in truncated GCs. Linear regression superimposed with fit parameters indicated in illustration. E, Plot of input resistance and Y inputs to the galvanometer controller versus extent of basal dendritic arbor in the same group of truncated GCs shown in D. modules to facilitate small amplitude (ϳ5 mV) scan commands. We recorded the position sensor output of the galvanometer controller in pilot experiments to Results verify that the intended scan pattern was generated. The primary focus of this study is to understand the functional The same PMT current preamplifier (SR-570, Stanford Research Sys- properties of the proximal dendrites of OB GCs. In intact GCs, tems) was used in both raster and nonraster modes but with different frequent spontaneous EPSPs originating from distal DD inputs settings optimized for either high-bandwidth signals (for raster scanning) dominate the physiological properties of these interneurons. By or high-sensitivity, low-noise signals (for nonraster photometry scan- taking advantage of “truncated GCs” (Fig. 1A) with short apical ning). We attenuated scan-related noise by filtering the output of the dendrites, we hypothesize that we can define the electrophysio- current preamplifier at a frequency lower than the circling frequency (1 logical properties of proximal processes without the confounds of kHz, 8 pole Bessel low-pass, FLA-01, Cygnus Technology) and by intro- ducing random phase delays at the start of the scan patterns on each frequent synaptic inputs and intrinsic currents located in distal trial and then averaging three to five AP-aligned episodes. During dendritic compartments. Dendrodendritic excitatory inputs are nonraster scans, the PMT signal was acquired on the same data acqui- largely absent in truncated GCs because these synapses are found sition device (ITC-18) used to record the electrophysiological signals. primarily in the EPL (Price and Powell, 1970a,b). A second ben- Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 • 9677 efit is that we can exploit the diversity in apical and basal dendritic active near rest) are distributed throughout the basal dendrites, arborization extent within our population of truncated GCs to reducing the input resistance of truncated GCs with very long ask whether specific types of intrinsic active currents and synaptic basal dendrites or more primary basal dendrites. There was no inputs are enriched in different dendritic regions of GCs. statistically significant difference in the bias current required to The comparative approach used in our study was inspired by maintain intact and truncated GCs at a holding potential of Ϫ70 the classic Sanger sequencing method in which nucleotide se- mV (p Ͼ 0.05; T ϭ 0.935; unpaired t test). The negative correla- quences were deduced by comparing DNA fragments of different tion between basal dendrite extent and input resistance in trun- length (Sanger et al., 1977). Our analysis of truncated GCs, de- cated GCs was not evident in our population of intact GCs (r ϭ scribed below, resulted in three major findings about the special- 0.09; p Ͼ 0.05), suggesting that the high spontaneous synaptic ization of GC dendrites: (1) the importance of the basal dendritic tone present in intact GCs decreased the apparent input resis- arbor as a second frequent target of excitatory synaptic input, (2) tance and masked the presence of active K ϩ channels distributed the central role the proximal apical dendrite plays in initiating along the basal dendritic arbor. APs, and (3) LVA Ca 2ϩ current is also expressed in the proximal apical dendrite and functions to accelerate Na ϩ spike firing. We Synaptic inputs to basal and proximal dendrites then used additional experimental manipulations to verify the Spontaneous EPSPs, though greatly reduced in frequency, were correlations related to AP initiation sites and the origin of low- evident in nearly all truncated GCs tested (spontaneous EPSPs threshold spikes and then define the likely functional impact of present in 67/71 truncated GCs). In most truncated GCs, the proximal and distal excitatory synaptic inputs. spontaneous EPSPs remaining when the distal apical dendrite In truncated GCs, the extent of the apical dendrite was re- was removed had large amplitudes (Ͼ1 mV) and fast rising phase duced from 336.6 Ϯ 19 ␮m in intact GCs (N ϭ 23) to 78.0 Ϯ 5.8 kinetics compared with DD EPSPs (Pressler and Strowbridge, ␮m in truncated GCs (range 11–212 ␮m; N ϭ 68). Truncated 2017). The properties of these EPSPs are described in a parallel GCs appeared to preserve much of the normal variability in basal study from our group that also exploited truncated GCs. Sponta- dendrite number and extent described previously in mature GCs. neous IPSPs were minimized in our experiments by holding GCs Ϫ We confirmed this by analyzing the basal dendrite extent and at 70 mV, near the GABAA receptor potential, precluding anal- variability in reconstructions published in four previous studies ysis of IPSP properties and frequency. (Price and Powell,1970a; Schneider and Macrides, 1978; Matsu- Across our population of 71 truncated GCs, the highest fre- tani and Yamamoto, 2004; Burton and Urban, 2015). We found quency of spontaneous EPSPs was 2.8 Hz (in a GC with 67 ␮m in these published reconstructions a similar mean length of the apical dendrite and 196 ␮m basal dendrite extent). The mean longest basal dendrite (48.9 ␮m; N ϭ 21 GCs) as our population EPSP frequency was 0.60 Ϯ 0.07 Hz). As shown in the two histo- of GCs (70.0 ␮m; N ϭ 67) as well as similar levels of cell-to-cell grams in Figure 2B (with logarithmic time axes), this maximal variability in basal dendrite length (CV ϭ 0.46 in previous studies rate of spontaneous EPSPs in truncated GCs is far lower than we vs 0.50 in our truncated GCs). The trend toward slightly smaller observed in a majority of intact GCs (73% of intact GCs had basal dendrite lengths in prior work, all using fixed OB sections, higher frequencies of spontaneous EPSPs). The large difference may be attributable to tissue shrinkage during fixation. The num- in mean spontaneous EPSP rates in intact (11.4 Hz; Fig. 1C) and ber of basal dendrites did not differ between truncated GCs truncated GCs supports the hypothesis that distal DD EPSPs (1.7 Ϯ 0.1; N ϭ 67) and GCs with intact apical dendrites recorded dominate the synaptic input impinging on intact GCs. in this study (2.0 Ϯ 0.2; N ϭ 20; p Ͼ 0.05). There was no differ- Subdividing our population of truncated GCs based on apical ence in the mean depth within the GCL of GC somata in intact dendrite length failed to reveal statistically significant differences (126.3 Ϯ 12.6 ␮m below the MCL) and truncated GCs (143.2 Ϯ in the rate of spontaneous EPSPs (p Ͼ 0.05; T ϭ 1.354; unpaired 7.7 ␮m; p Ͼ 0.05, T ϭ 1.168; unpaired t test). Because GCs t test; comparison based on above/below median apical dendrite continue to be generated postnatally (Petreanu and Alvarez- length, 65 ␮m). However, a parallel division of truncated GCs Buylla, 2002; Carleton et al., 2003; Matsutani and Yamamoto, based on the extent of the basal dendrite revealed ϳtwofold more 2004; Whitman and Greer, 2007; Kelsch et al., 2008), different frequent spontaneous EPSPs in GCs with more extensive basal developmental stages likely contributes to the natural variation in dendritic arbors (Fig. 2D; median basal dendritic extent ϭ 137 basal dendrite arborization though all GCs included in this study ␮m). We also assayed the correlation between dendritic extent are “mature” by standard electrophysiological benchmarks (e.g., and synaptic tone in our population of truncated GCs to deter- firing repetitive APs; Carleton et al., 2003). mine whether excitatory synapses were more abundant on the As illustrated in Figure 1B, the electrophysiology of truncated proximal apical or basal dendrites. As shown in Figure 2E, there GCs showed little evidence of damage due to the severed den- was little correlation between the rate of spontaneous EPSPs and drite, which presumably sealed over, as demonstrated in previous the extent of the apical dendrite (r ϭ 0.07; p Ͼ 0.05). By contrast, recordings of isolated hippocampal dendritic segments (Kavalali we found a statistically significant correlation between EPSP rate et al., 1997). Both intact and truncated GCs could fire repetitively and the extent of the basal dendrite (r ϭ 0.44; Fig. 2F). This in response to depolarizing steps. The input resistance assayed by correlation between spontaneous EPSP rate and the basal den- hyperpolarizing steps was significantly higher in truncated GCs dritic extent was higher than the EPSP rate correlation with the than intact GCs (Fig. 1C); the opposite of what would be expected total dendritic length (apical and basal) measured in the same if dendrite severing resulted in a continuous electrical leak to the cells (r ϭ 0.22), providing additional evidence that the basal den- extracellular solution. When sorted by their apical dendrite dritic arbor is a frequent target of excitatory synaptic inputs to length (Fig. 1D), we found only a weak negative correlation (R GCs. ϳϪ0.3) between apical length and input resistance in truncated GCs. By contrast, sorting truncated GCs by the extent of their Action potentials in granule cells basal dendritic arbor generated a robust and statistically signifi- Although truncated GCs generated large-amplitude APs (Fig. cant negative correlation (R ϳϪ0.46; Fig. 1E) with input resis- 1B), the mean amplitude of APs in truncated GCs tended to be tance. Presumably active conductances (especially leak K ϩ current slightly (ϳ2.5 mV) smaller than APs evoked under similar con- 9678 • J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells

A ditions in intact GCs (Fig. 3A,B; difference not statistically sig- Intact GC nificant, p Ͼ 0.05). This small average amplitude difference, however, masked larger differences among subpopulations of truncated GCs: those with apical dendrites greater than the me- -71 dian length of all truncated GCs had ϳ7 mV larger AP amplitudes than truncated GCs with short apical dendrites (Fig. 3B). When 2 mV Truncated GC truncated GCs were subdivided into smaller groups based on 500 ms -73 median apical dendrite length, only truncated GCs with long apical dendrites had mean AP amplitudes as large as in intact GCs (Fig. 3B, right bars). The amplitude of APs in truncated GCs with the shortest apical dendrites were ϳ10 mV lower than APs in both intact GCs and truncated GCs with long (Ͼ80 ␮m) apical dendrites. Dividing truncated GCs based on the total extent of the B basal dendrites (greater or less than the median values) failed to 4 Intact GCs 27% 73% reveal significant differences in AP amplitude (p Ͼ 0.05, T ϭ 3


n 1.668 for total basal extent). These results indicate that voltage-

u 2 ϩ o gated Na channels located in the proximal apical dendrite, at

C 1 least through the initial 80 ␮m, are required to generate full- 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 height APs. APs evoked in truncated GCs had a longer mean duration Trunc GCs 6 than APs evoked in intact GCs (by ϳ0.3 ms; Fig. 3C). Within our

t population of truncated GCs, cells with longer apical dendrites

n 4


o (greater than the median apical length) had significantly nar- C 2 rower APs than truncated GCs with short apical dendrites (Fig. 0 3C). There was no significant difference in AP width in truncated 0 0.01 0.1 11 0 Ͼ ϭ sEPSP Freq. (Hz) GCs grouped by total basal dendritic extent (p 0.05; T 0.0336 for above/below median basal dendritic extent), providing addi- C D tional evidence that the apical dendrite is more important for AP 15 1 *** *** generation than the basal dendritic arbor.


z 0.8

H 0.8 The difference in AP amplitude in truncated GCs with long



. 10 ϩ q and short apical dendrites suggests that voltage-gated Na chan-



F 0.5 nels responsible for driving the rising phase of the AP are likely


S 5 0.4 concentrated in the proximal segment of the apical dendrite. We


E 0.2

s (71) tested this hypothesis by computing the maximal slope of the AP ϩ 0.6 (33) (34) (33) rising phase which provides a more direct measure of Na den- 0 0 Intact Trunc GCs short long basal sity than AP amplitude (Sun et al., 2014; Losonczy et al., 2008). In Trunc GCs intact GCs and truncated GCs with long apical dendrites, the EFN.S. (R = 0.07; trunc GCs) P < 0.001 (R = 0.44; trunc GCs) 3 3 membrane potential versus Vm slope plot followed overlapping trajectories (Fig. 3D) suggesting that APs in both cell populations were driven by similar constellations of voltage gated Na ϩ chan- 2 2 nels. This similarity implies that Na ϩ channels located in the distal apical dendrite, although likely necessary to support active 1 1 spike propagation (Egger et al., 2003, 2005; Egger, 2008; Zelles et

EPSP Freq.(Hz) al., 2006), do not contribute significantly to the AP recorded in

0 0 the GC somata. In truncated GCs with short apical dendrites, by

001000 200 0 10 200 300 40 contrast, the Vm versus Vm slope relationship followed a different Apical Dendritic Extent (μm) Basal Dendritic Extent (μm) trajectory and reached a lower maximal slope than in intact GCs (Fig. 3D, orange plot). Over our population of GCs, the maximal Figure 2. Spontaneous EPSPs in intact and truncated GCs. A, Example voltage records illus- trating frequent spontaneous EPSPs in an intact GC (top, black traces) and a truncated GC with Vm slope reached during the AP in truncated GCs with short infrequent spontaneous EPSPs (bottom, orange traces). Vertical lines indicate onset times of apical dendrites (less than the median extent) was significantly sEPSPs detected automatically. The time and voltage calibration are the same in both sets of lower than both intact and truncated GCs with long apical den- traces. B, Summary histograms of sEPSP frequency in 33 intact GCs (top) and 71 truncated GCs drites. The maximal Vm slope was nearly identical in intact and (bottom). Event frequency indicated on log (base10) scale. Green bar indicates the number of GCs and truncated GCs with long apical dendrites (89 vs 85.5 truncated GCs with no detected sEPSPs. Vertical dashed line denotes highest sEPSP frequency V/s). In a parallel analysis, we found no significant difference in detected in population of truncated GCs. C, Plot of sEPSP frequency in intact and truncated GCs; the AP maximal slope in truncated GCs subdivided by their basal percentage of intact GCs above and below that sEPSP frequency indicated next to dashed line. dendritic extent (above and below the median extent; p Ͼ 0.05; ϭ Ϫ ϭ ***p 5.133E 15, T 9.050, unpaired t test. D, Plot of sEPSP frequency in truncated GCs T ϭ 0.297). These results confirm that full-height somatically- with short (less than median extent, 137 ␮m) and long (greater than median extent) basal ϩ ϭ ϭ recorded APs require Na channels located proximal apical dendrite arbors. ***p 0.00246, T 3.151, unpaired t test. E, Plot of sEPSP frequency versus ϳ ␮ apical dendrite extent in 67 truncated GCs. Linear regression was not statistically significant. F, dendrite (through the first 80 m). The differences in AP am- Plot of sEPSP frequency versus basal dendrite extent in the same group of truncated GCs. Linear plitude and kinetics associated with longer apical dendrites did regression is statistically significant (fit parameters indicated in illustration). not affect AP threshold which was similar across truncated GCs with long and short apical dendrites (also both nearly identical to the threshold recorded in APs in intact GCs; Fig. 3F). Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 • 9679


10 mV 2.5 ms

Intact GC

Trunc GC


50 μm Trunc GC (42 m apical) B *** 45 C 3 44.7 43.4 ** 42.3 **

41.6 ) 40 s 2.5

m 2.5

( 39.1 39

h t 2.3


37.7 i

** W 2.2 35 35.9 2


A 2.0 33.6

(25) (66) (35) (29) (12) (16) (14) (10) (12) (25) (66) (35) (29) 30 1.5 Intact all trunc short apical long apical <40 m apical 40-60 m 60-8 80-100 m >100 m Intact all trunc short apical long apical GCs 0m GCs

D 100 E ** F Trunc GCs ** Short Long 100 Intact GCs apical apical 0 50 (13) (12) (23) 89.1 85.5 ) 80














p 60


0 m











d -20




a 40




P -27.9

-50 P -28.4 -29.4

A Intact GC 20 A Trunc GC long apical (84 m) Trunc GC short apical (24 m) (13) (12) (23) n.s. 0 -100 Intact GCs Short Long -40 apical apical -60 -40 -20 0 20 Membrane Potential (mV) Trunc GCs

Figure 3. Smaller AP amplitudes and rising-phase slopes in truncated GCs with short apical dendrites. A, Example APs from intact (black trace) GC and a truncated GC with short apical dendrite (42␮m;orangetrace).Reconstructionsofbothcells(left,intactGC;bottomtraces,truncatedGC).B,PlotofAPamplitude(thresholdtopeak)inintactGCs(graybar)anddifferentsubsetsoftruncated GCs (orange bars). Short/long apical relative to median apical length, 65 ␮m: ***p ϭ 2.924EϪ4, T ϭ 3.839, unpaired t test; different from intact, Ͻ40 ␮m apical: **p ϭ 0.020, T ϭ 2.812, unpairedtest.C,PlotofAPwidthmeasuredatthresholdinintact(gray)andsubgroupsoftruncatedGCs(orangebars).Intact/alltruncated:**pϭ7.915EϪ4,Tϭ3.259,unpairedttest;short/long apical: **p ϭ 0.011, T ϭ 2.618, unpaired t test. D, Plot of rising phase slope versus membrane potential for one AP from an intact GC (black curve), a truncated GC with a long apical dendrite (blue) and a truncated GC with a short apical dendrite (orange). E, Plot of maximum AP rising phase slope in three groups of GCs. Intact/short apical, less than median length: **p ϭ 0.0057, T ϭ 3.213; short/long apical, greater than median length: **p ϭ 0.0050, T ϭ 3.168. Both unpaired t tests. F, Plot of AP threshold in the three groups of GCs shown in E. n.s. ϭ not significant.

The preceding analysis suggests that in intact GCs, APs likely very small amplitude sinusoidal waveforms are applied to the X originate in the proximal 80 ␮m of the apical dendrite because and Y galvanometer mirrors that control the laser beam position, only truncated GCs with apical dendrites Ͼ80 ␮m had full-height creating small diameter circular trajectories that could be cen- APs. We used two approaches to test this hypothesis. First, we tered on different dendritic segments (see Materials and Meth- used two-photon Ca 2ϩ photometry in intact GCs filled with the ods). Because fluorescence intensity is sampled continuously in Ca 2ϩ indicator dye Cal520 to assay the amplitude and kinetics of one region rather than periodically during line or raster scans, AP-triggered intracellular Ca 2ϩ accumulations. In this method, this approach enables high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and ex- 9680 • J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells cellent temporal resolution of Ca 2ϩ indicator responses. With The ⌬F/F magnitude changes in photometry experiments sug- the bandwidth of the fluorescence detection system reduced from gest that GCs use active conductances to enable APs to propagate ϳ1 MHz used with raster scanning to ϳ1 kHz in these experi- into the distal apical dendrite. The kinetics of the AP-evoked ϩ ments, the SNR of Ca 2 transients generated by APs detected Cal520 fluorescent transient also varied at different locations. photometrically in individual experiments often exceeded 40 (Fig. Instead of continuously increasing with distance from the soma, 4A). To our knowledge, this is the first report of experimental results the rising phase kinetics of the photometry signal was more rapid 2ϩ obtained two-photon circling Ca photometry though several re- in the mid apical dendrite (50–100 ␮m from the soma) and then ports used single-photon confocal photometry with the laser slowed at more distal apical dendritic compartments (Fig. 4F). beam parked in one position (Escobar et al., 1994; DiGregorio et The rising phase kinetics of the ⌬F/F response were significantly al., 1999; Nakamura et al., 2015). 2ϩ faster in the mid-apical zone than in either very proximal or more We initially used two-photon Ca photometry to define the distal apical zones. We found no difference in the rising phase fractional change in Cal520 fluorescence elicited by APs in intact kinetics in parallel experiments with voltage-clamp steps to ϩ10 GCs at different points along the dendritic arbor. As shown in the mV (5–50% rise times of ⌬F/F signal: 2.45 Ϯ 0.17 ms for apical example spike-aligned traces in Figure 4B and the summary plot 2ϩ 10–25 ␮m, 2.15 Ϯ 0.11 ms for apical 50–100 ␮m, 2.05 Ϯ 0.24 ms in 4C, the magnitude of the AP-evoked Ca transient (expressed ␮ Ͼ as ⌬F/F) increased by Ͼtwofold when the photometry spot was for apical 150–200 m; means not different, all p 0.05), sug- ␮ ␮ gesting that kinetic difference in AP-evoked transients did not moved from proximal (10–25 m) to distal (150–200 m) sites 2ϩ along the apical dendrite. The magnitude of the spike-evoked reflect differences in voltage-dependent Ca channel expression 2ϩ or properties in different dendritic regions. The difference in Ca transients was similar in the basal dendrites and the most ϩ proximal apical dendritic region tested. The same pattern of kinetics may reflect a higher density of voltage-gated Na chan- larger ⌬F/F responses in more distal apical dendritic compart- nels in the mid-apical dendrite, as suggested by a requirement for ments found in the summary plot (Fig. 4C) was also evident in apical dendrites Ͼ80 ␮m to generate full-height APs in our anal- individual experiments (4B). ysis of truncated GCs subgroups (Fig. 3B). Although indirect, the Increasing ⌬F/F Ca 2ϩ indicator responses at more distal den- similar findings in these different experiments suggest that in intact dritic sites are commonly observed in a variety of cell types and GCs, APs likely originate in the mid-apical zone, 50–100 ␮m from may reflect increasing surface-to-volume ratios as the dendritic the soma. arbor tapers (Kullmann and Kandler, 2008) as well as potentially In the second approach to define the functional properties of ϩ different densities and subtypes of Ca 2 channels in different the proximal apical dendrite, we used focal application of the dendritic compartments. We used voltage-clamp step depolar- voltage-gated Na ϩ channel blocker TTX to confirm the central izations in a second series of intact GC recordings to ask whether role for the proximal apical dendrite spike generation. We visu- 2ϩ different distributions of voltage-gated Ca channels were re- alized the cell body and apical dendrite in 29 intact GCs to guide ⌬ sponsible for the larger F/F responses in distal dendrites. As focal TTX application under live two-photon imaging (Fig. 5A). shown in Figure 4D, the fractional change in Cal520 fluorescence In Figure 5, we compared the effectiveness of focal TTX in mod- ϩ evoked by 5 ms duration steps to 10 mV was similar across the ulating the spike discharge during standardized responses (250 same set of dendrite locations studied in current-clamp experi- ms current steps that evoked 3–5 APs). Only TTX applied to the ments. This result indicates that the lower fractional change in proximal apical dendrite (10–100 ␮m from cell body) reduced Cal520 fluorescence evoked in proximal apical and basal den- drites by APs was not because of lower Ca 2ϩ channel densities in the number of APs evoked by the test step (Fig. 5B; reduction 2ϩ in number of APs in 8/27 experiments). In three experiments, these compartments. Although we did not assay Ca responses ϩ to different amplitude voltage-clamp steps in this study, the rel- TTX applied to the proximal apical dendrite blocked all Na atively brief duration of the voltage-clamp pulses used biases spikes (Fig. 5B, example with recovery following TTX wash- these Ca 2ϩ transients to reflect primarily high-threshold chan- out). In other five successful experiments, TTX applied to the nels and minimizes the contribution from LVA Ca 2ϩ channels. proximal apical dendrite reduced the number of APs evoked ϩ In four experiments we confirmed that the Ca 2 indicator re- by the step stimulus by an average of 46 Ϯ 5.8%. In the 7 of 8 sponse evoked by 5 ms steps to ϩ10 mV was unaffected by 50 ms successful experiments with proximal apical dendrite TTX, the ef- prepulses to Ϫ45 mV, suggesting that response to the 5 ms pulse fect of TTX pressure application reversed within 2 min, as illustrated 2ϩ ⌬ was primarily mediated by high-threshold Ca channels ( F/F in Figure 5B. (The eighth experiment showed only a partial Ϯ ϩ 94.0 6.2% of control step responses to 10 mV without pre- recovery.) pulses; p Ͼ 0.05, T ϭ 0.960, paired t test). Similar applications of TTX to the soma (N ϭ 7; Fig. 5C), We next used GC AP waveforms as voltage-clamp command ϩ distal apical dendrite (Ͼ150 ␮m from cell body; N ϭ 7; Fig. 5D) signals to determine whether the Ca 2 transients recorded in and basal dendritic locations (N ϭ 10) all consistently failed to distal GCs dendrites arose from active spike propagation. As shown in Figure 4E, we found the largest fractional change in alter the number of APs evoked. Results from these experiments are summarized in Figure 5E and demonstrate that transient Cal520 florescence responses to AP waveform stimuli in the most ϩ proximal apical dendritic compartment. Calcium elevations as- blockade of Na channels located proximal apical dendrite re- sociated with voltage-clamp AP waveforms then decremented duced spike discharges initiated by somatic current injections. when tested at more distal apical dendritic locations. The oppo- Focal application of TTX to the cell body not only failed to mod- site spatial pattern of ⌬F/F responses along the apical dendrite to ulate the number of APs triggered by the depolarizing step but physiological APs (recorded under current-clamp conditions; also did not affect the AP latency (Fig. 5F) or the amplitude of the Fig. 4C) and voltage-clamped AP waveforms (4E) suggests that initial AP (p Ͼ 0.05, paired t test). The inability of TTX applied AP propagation relies on active conductances distributed along to the soma to modulate AP properties also provides evidence the apical dendrite to invade the more distal regions of the apical for the spatial selectivity of the pressure application method. arbor. Together with the comparative analysis of truncated GCs with Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 • 9681

Apical dend different length apical dendrites (Fig. 3) A B Half-max F and the analysis of spike-evoked Ca 2ϩ 5 rev/ms transient kinetics (Fig. 4F), these results 10-150 m suggest that the proximal apical den- Apical 25 m drite is likely the initiation site for APs

Soma in GCs.

Shutter open F (AP) ؉ Low-threshold Ca 2 current in Apical 100 m proximal apical dendrite accelerates F Cal520 GC firing 0 25 F/F Apical 200 m The third major difference we found be- tween intact and truncated GCs was a re- 10 mV duction in the spike latency in intact 10 ms 10 mV neurons. We assayed spike latency by -70 1 ms slowing increasing the amplitude ofa1s -65 (Intact GC) duration current step until a single AP was triggered from a holding potential of Ϫ70 C CC APs D 100 ** mV. In intact GCs, the AP occurred with ϳ *** VC Steps n.s. only a short 200 ms latency while in 100 truncated GCs with short apical dendrites, 75 79.2 the latency was significantly longer (Ͼ500 83.5 75 80.3 79.4 79.6 ms; Fig. 6A). In many truncated GCs with ) *** % short apical dendrites, the membrane po-



F 50 53.6 %

/ ( tential reached a quasi-steady-state volt-


F 50 / age after 100 ms and then began to slowly


33.9 depolarize before finally triggering a spike 25 30.5 25 (Fig. 6A, middle, blue trace). Increasing the stimulus amplitude accelerated firing

(17) (17) (15) (9) (7) (10) (11) (4) in these truncated GCs. However, even 0 0 10-25 10-25 50-100 150-200 m 10-25 10-25 50-100 150-200 m with steps that triggered two or more APs, Basal Apical Basal Apical the initial spike latency was still delayed relative to intact GCs (initial spike latency E F 1.9 CC APs in truncated GCs firing two or more VC AP Waveforms *** ϭ Ϯ Ϯ 25 *** spikes 370.1 47.3 vs 209.4 21.6 first ** ) ϭ s 1.8 1.81 spike latency in intact GCs; p 0.0034;

* m

( ϭ 20 1.79 T 2.849; unpaired t test). e 1.76


i The ability of intact GCs to fire rapidly

t 18 1.7

) 15 F in response to step stimuli appears to re-



x flect recruitment of a low-threshold spike


F / 2ϩ


F 12.4

- (LTS) mediated by LVA Ca channels. 10 f 1.6


a In most intact GCs and truncated GCs 8.6 H 1.57 with long apical dendrites, depolarizing 5 4 1.5 steps that were just subthreshold for trig- (6) (9) (9) (3) (14) (14) (15) (9) gering APs often evoked a low-threshold 0 0 2ϩ 10-25 10-25 50-100 150-200 m 10-25 10-25 50-100 150-200 m Ca spike (Fig. 6A, red traces). In these Basal Apical Basal Apical GCs, the LTS response facilitated APs be- cause the Na ϩ spike occurred at approxi- 2ϩ Figure 4. Optical measurement of AP triggered Ca accumulation in different dendritic compartments. A, Example simulta- mately the same time as the LTS in just- neousmeasurementofsomaticmembranepotential(blacktrace)andCal520fluorescenceintheapicaldendrite(orangetrace;10 subthreshold responses (Fig. 6A, blue ␮m from the soma; single trial) in an intact GC. AP-triggered change in florescence indicated by vertical arrows on right (⌬F), relative to fluorescent signal immediately before AP (F). See Materials and Methods for photometry details. B, Example photom- traces). In truncated GCs with short apical etry responses to a single AP recorded at three different locations along the apical dendrite of the same GC. Each responses dendrites, by contrast, just-subthreshold current steps typically failed to trigger a representsspike-alignedaverageoffivetrials.Verticalarrowsindicatetimingofhalf-maximalAP-evokedfluorescenceincrease.C, ϩ Plot of mean AP-evoked fluorescence increase in different dendritic regions. N values represent number of dendritic location/cell LTS and Na spike firing was delayed trials; 10–25/50–100 ␮m apical: ***p ϭ 2.278EϪ4, T ϭ 4.333; 10–25/150–200 ␮m apical: ***p ϭ 4.263EϪ5, T ϭ 5.150; when the stimulus intensity was increased 50–100/150–200 ␮m apical: **p ϭ 0.018, T ϭ 2.740. All unpaired t tests. D, Plot of mean fluorescence transients evoked by 5 to reach the AP threshold (Fig. 6A, mid- ms duration voltage-clamp steps from Ϫ70 to ϩ10 mV. E, Plot of mean fluorescence transients evoked in response to voltage- dle). Figure 6B, left plot, illustrates the clamp AP waveform command in intact GCs. **p ϭ 0.0296, T ϭ 2.590; *p ϭ 0.0419, T ϭ 2.569; both unpaired t tests. Voltage- ϩ tight clustering of both LTS amplitude gatedNa channelsblockedusingQX314addedtotheinternalsolutioninDandE.F,Plotoftimingofhalf-maximalAP-evoked (from just-subthreshold responses) and fluorescence transient, as illustrated in B, for the same dendritic subregions. Timing relative to AP onset. y-Axis broken to spike latency (from just-suprathreshold illustraterelativedifferencesinmeantimes.Tento25/50–100␮mapical:***p ϭ 0.00525,T ϭ 3.200;50–100/150–200 ␮m apical: ***p ϭ 2.629E-3, T ϭ 3.559; both unpaired t tests. n.s. ϭ not significant. responses) in intact GCs. In truncated GCs, similar analysis reveals a larger range of both LTS amplitude and spike latency. We also found a statistically significant in- 9682 • J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells verse correlation between LTS amplitude A and spike latency (Fig. 6B, right plot), supporting the hypothesis that the LTS distal apical TTX (D) functioned to accelerate AP firing in GCs with long apical dendrites. proximal apical TTX (B) In addition to correlating with LTS rec soma TTX (C) amplitude, spike latency was significantly (and inversely) correlated with the extent intact GC of the apical dendrite in truncated GCs B Control Wash (120 s) (Fig. 6C, left plot). Spike latency was not TTX (prox. apical; 10 s) TTX (prox. apical; 20 s) significantly correlated with basal den- dritic extent in the same population trun- 20 mV cated GCs (r ϭϪ0.35; p Ͼ 0.05). Plot of 40 ms relative frequencies of different AP laten- -71 cies in truncated GCs (Fig. 6C, right) sug- gested two clusters of truncated GCs: 30 pA those with early and delayed firing. When C Control TTX (soma; 10 s) D Control TTX (distal apical; 10 s) divided into two populations based on the median apical dendrite length, truncated GCs with long apical dendrites (greater 20 mV 20 mV than the median length) had significantly 40 ms 40 ms faster spike latencies than truncated GCs with short apical dendrites, consistent -69 -72 with the correlation plot in Figure 6B.We 30 pA 30 pA found no significant difference in spike la- Somatic TTX tency a similar subdivision based on the E 1.2 F 60 basal dendritic extent (longer or shorter n.s. Ͼ ϭ 1.0 1.04 than median basal extent; p 0.05; T 1.0 1.240). * * 0.91 45.7 46.3 0.8 40 44.1 We next asked how long an apical den- 0.76 drite was required for a truncated GC to 0.6 0.67 have “intact-like” properties (a LTS fol- lowing just-subthreshold stimuli and 0.4 20 short AP latencies in response to just- 0.2 First AP Latency (ms) Num. APs in TTX (Norm.) suprathreshold steps). Restricting the (10) (7) (8) (12) (7) (7) (7) (7) 0 0 population of truncated to GCs to those Basal Soma 10-25 50-100 150-200 m Control TTX Wash with apical extents Ͼ100 ␮m resulted in a Apical Dendrite short mean AP latency (ϳ180 ms) similar Focal TTX Position to that found in intact GCs (ϳ210 ms; Fig. 6D, gray bar). Just-subthreshold steps Figure 5. Blockade of APs by focal TTX applied to proximal apical dendrites. A, Diagram illustrating locations where TTX was evoked LTS responses in all truncated applied to GCs. B, Example responses to the same current step before TTX (Control), 10, 20, and 120 s following a single pressure GCs with apical dendritic extents Ͼ100 application TTX to the proximal apical dendrite, 50 ␮m from the soma. TTX (5 ␮M) ejected using a 300 ms, 20 psi pressure pulse. ␮ C, Example responses to the same current step before and 10 s following TTX application to the soma. D, Example responses to the m. Together, these results suggest that ␮ LVA Ca 2ϩ current located in the proximal samecurrentstepbeforeand10sfollowingTTXapplicationtothedistalapicaldendrite,200 mfromthesoma(intheEPL).E,Plot ␮ ofnumberofAPsevokedbythesamecurrentstep10sfollowingfocalTTXpressureapplicationtodifferentsoma-dendriticregions. apical dendrite (through the first 100 m) Fraction change reported relative to number of AP evoked in control (pre-TTX) episodes at that location. Ten to 25 ␮m apical, is critical to enable GCs to trigger a LTS significantly different from 1: *p ϭ 0.0498, T ϭ 1.897; 50–100 apical: *p ϭ 0.0127, T ϭ 2.582; both two sided one-sample t that can accelerate AP firing. The LTS re- tests. F, Plot of the latency to the first AP evoked by the same current step before and 10 s following focal TTX application to the sponse is likely to be especially important soma. n.s. ϭ not significant. in small interneurons with high-input re- sistance, such as GCs, that have long membrane time constants. Without such an accelerating mech- orescence increase were blocked by the LVA Ca 2ϩ channel antag- anism, GCs might not reach firing threshold within the inhala- onist ML218 (Fig. 6E, green traces). We also confirmed that tion phase of the respiratory cycle. nickel (100 ␮M), another blocker of many types of LVA channel We then asked whether the LTS response was mediated by subtypes (Lee et al., 1999; Obejero-Paz et al., 2008), also blocked LVA Ca 2ϩ channels, as previous studies have identified LVA the LTS voltage response (Fig. 6F). Finally, we verified that LTS Ca 2ϩ current-mediated responses in OB GCs (Pinato and Midt- voltage responses could be still evoked in intact GCs with voltage- gaard, 2003, 2005; Egger et al., 2003, 2005; Inoue and Strow- gated Na ϩ channels blocked by either bath TTX (Fig. 6G; N ϭ 3) bridge, 2008). We first used two-photon Ca 2ϩ photometry in the or intracellular QX314 (data not shown; N ϭ 9) suggesting that proximal apical dendrite verify that LTS voltage responses were LVA Ca 2ϩ channels rather than subthreshold Na ϩ channels were associated with intracellular Ca 2ϩ elevation. As shown in the likely responsible for the LTS in GCs. Both Na ϩ channel blockers example responses in Figure 6E, a subthreshold step that trig- abolished step-evoked APs. gered a LTS but no APs also triggered an increase in Cal520 The effectiveness of ML218 in reducing the LTS-associated fluorescence. Both the LTS voltage response and the Cal520 flu- intracellular Ca 2ϩ accumulation, measured photometrically, is Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 • 9683

A B Intact GC Trunc GC Trunc GC 12 12 (53 m apical) (108 m apical) LTS 8 8 10 mV LTS 200 ms 4 4

0 0 LTS Amp. (mV) -4 -4

Intact GCs P < 0.001 (R = -0.65; trunc GCs) 20 pA -8 -8 0 200 400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Spike Latency (ms) C D 1000 1000 800 ** ***

) 800 800 )

s s *** 656 600 636





y 600 y 529 c 600






t 400






367 400 400







p p 200

S 209 200 200 S 183

P < 0.005 (R = -0.52; trunc GCs) (20) (31) (17) (13) (23) (7) 0 0 0 All Short Long Apical Apical 0 125 250 0 4 8 Intact Apical Apical <100 >100 m Apical dend extent ( m) Count GCs Trunc GCs

E F LTS G Control LTS (with Na+ channels blocked) 20 mV Apical dend 200 ms -72 5 rev/ms 10 mV

50 m 200 ms Nickel -71

Soma 20 pA Intact GC Intact GC in TTX 10 (a.u.)

Ctrl HI150 6

ML218 ) y *** r *** t *

Cal520 ) Ctrl 20 mV e V 4.7 F m 4

100 m

o 4.3

( 200 ms t 99.7 ML218



p Vm h


m -70



2 50 2

Intact GC (


21.2 T


/ L 0.3

F Open Close shutter (3) (3) (8) (6) Nickel 0 0 Control ML218 ControlML218 Control


Figure 6. Low threshold Ca 2ϩ spike requires proximal apical dendrite. A, Example subthreshold (red traces) and suprathreshold (blue traces) step responses in an intact GC (left) and two truncated GCs (middle and right). The truncated GC with a very short apical dendrite (53 ␮m) failed to generate a LTS with just-subthreshold steps and had a long-latency to trigger an AP with suprathreshold steps. Low-threshold spikes (red arrows) evident in responses to just-subthreshold current steps in intact GC and truncated GC with long (108 ␮m; right) apical dendrite. APs truncated in A. B, Plot of the relationship between AP latency and LTS amplitude in 31 truncated GCs (right, orange symbols) and 14 intact GCs (left, black). Linear regression (solid line) superposed on plot from truncated GCs. C, Summary plot of relationship between apical dendrite extent and just suprathreshold AP latency in 31 truncated GCs. Linear regression (solid line) superimposed. HistogramofspikelatencyintruncatedGCsshownonright.D,Summaryofspikelatencyinresponsetojust-suprathresholdcurrentstepsinintact(graybar)andtruncatedGCs(orangebars).***pϭ 2.361EϪ5, T ϭ 4.464 (intact vs all truncated); **p ϭ 0.010, T ϭ 2.758 (long/short apical); ***p ϭ 1.271EϪ4, T ϭ 4.186 (truncated GCs with apical dendrites Ͻ or Ͼ100 ␮m). All comparisons 2ϩ tested via unpaired t tests. E, ML218 (1.5 ␮M; green traces) also abolished the LTS response (bottom traces) and the increase in intracellular Ca assayed using two-photon photometry in the proximal apical dendrite (50 ␮m from the soma; top traces). F, Nickel (100 ␮M; green trace) abolished the LTS response (arrow) evoked by just subthreshold current steps in an intact GC. G, Intact ϩ 2ϩ GCwithNa channelsblockedby1␮M TTXstillgenerateslow-thresholdspikes(arrow).H,SummaryplotofreductionintheCa increaseassociatedwithLTSbyML218inintactGCs.*pϭ0.0297, T ϭ 3.920, paired t test. I, Plot of the reduction in LTS amplitude by ML218 (left bars) and nickel (right bars) in intact GCs. ***p ϭ 1.403EϪ4, T ϭ 6.687 (ML218); ***p ϭ 0.00116, T ϭ 5.701 (nickel), paired t tests. 9684 • J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells

A B C Control (Intact GCs) 10

t 8 n 6


Control o 4

Control C 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 -72 -71 Nickel (Intact GCs) 6


n 4


o 2 C 0 20 mV 20 mV 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Nickel 200 ms ML218 200 ms 6 t ML218 (Intact GCs) n 4 -72 u -71 o 2

C 0 30 pA 50 pA Intact GC Intact GC 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Spike latency (ms) D E F Control 200 * *** 20 mV 600 ) **

s ) 200 ms

m s 150

536 ,



D *** 135

S y -66


c 400

r n 396 100 Vm





t ML218

i a *





k 200


i 210 206 i 50 62

p p 24

S S 35 -66 (8) (8) (8) (8) 0 0 25 pA Ctrl Nickel Ctrl ML218 Ctrl Nickel Ctrl ML218 I Intact GC

Figure 7. Low threshold Ca 2ϩ spikes decrease spike latency and reduce jitter in GCs. A, Example responses to just-suprathreshold current steps in intact GCs before (black traces) and following 2ϩ attenuation of T-type Ca current with nickel (100 ␮M). B, Similar experiment with ML218 (1.5 ␮M). A, B, Green voltage and current traces represent just-suprathreshold trials in T-type blockers (nickelorML218).C,Summaryhistogramsofspikelatenciesinresponsetojust-suprathreshold1scurrentstepsundercontrolconditions(top,blackbars)andwithT-typeCa 2ϩ currentsattenuated usingeithernickel(100␮M;middle,greenbars)orML218(1.5␮M;bottom,greenbars).AllrecordingsfromvisualizedintactGCs.D,Plotofthemeanspikelatenciesfromtheexperimentspresented in A–C. ***p (nickel) ϭ 0.00154, T ϭ 4.418; ***p (ML218) ϭ 0.00133, T ϭ 4.543. Both paired t tests. E, Plot of spike jitter (latency SD) before and after attenuation of T-type Ca 2ϩ currents with nickelorML218.*p(ctrl/nickel)ϭ0.0255,Tϭ2.351,pairedttest;**p(ctrl/ML218)ϭ0.0107,Tϭ2.952,pairedttest;*p(nickel/ML218)ϭ0.0385,Tϭ1.909,unpairedttest.F,BlockingT-type Ca 2ϩ currents with ML218 attenuated voltage responses to phasic current waveforms that mimic rhythmic synaptic excitation during respiration (100 ms ␣ functions repeated at 2.5 Hz). summarized in Figure 6H (⌬F/F reduced to ϳ20% of control). dicate that LTS responses also function to amplify the stimulus. Figure 6I summarizes the reduction in LTS amplitude following Low-threshold spikes appear to increase the probability that GCs blockade of LVA Ca 2ϩ channels with ML218 and nickel over spike within the narrow time windows at the peaks of slow phasic multiple experiments. These results demonstrate that current depolarizing stimuli generated during sniffing. through LVA Ca 2ϩ channels mediates the LTS evoked by depo- larizing stimuli in GCs. Proximal excitatory inputs trigger APs with high If LTS responses that accelerate spike firing are mediated by temporal precision LVA Ca 2ϩ current in the apical GC dendrite, then pharmacolog- Overall, the results of this study suggest that subregions within ical blockade of LVA channels should increase AP latencies. In the GC dendritic arbor are specialized for different tasks with the Figure 7 we show that two T-type LVA Ca 2ϩ channel antagonists, proximal apical dendrite playing a critical role in both generating nickel (7A) and ML218 (7B), do indeed increase spike latencies in APs and low-threshold Ca 2ϩ spikes that accelerate spike timing. intact GCs tested with just-suprathreshold current steps. Histo- The basal dendrite appears not to be necessary for AP generation grams of spike latencies show that both LVA Ca 2ϩ channel block- but, our results suggest, is a largely unexplored source of excit- ers not only increase mean spike latency but also greatly increase atory input to GCs. spike time variability. The effect of LVA blockers on mean spike The proximal region of the apical dendrite we find important timing is quantified in Figure 7D and on spike timing jitter in 7E. for AP generation overlaps with the innervation zone for centrif- These results support the hypothesis that LVA-mediated LTS re- ugal afferents to GCs arising from piriform cortex (de Olmos et sponses function to oppose the tendency of interneurons with al., 1978; Haberly and Price, 1978; Shipley and Adamek, 1984; high resistance, like GCs, to have delayed firing latencies as a Balu et al., 2007). Sensory-driven afferents, by contrast, disynap- consequence of their long membrane time constants. In olfactory tically activate the distal apical dendrite, generating EPSPs re- GCs, the ability to spike quickly in response of slow phasic stimuli corded in the soma that have slower kinetics than cortical is especially important because OB circuits are normally driven feedback EPSPs (Fig. 8A,B; feedback EPSPs generated by focal phasically during sniffing. Using current injections that mimic two-photon guided microstimulation; distal dendritic EPSPs this natural input set at just-suprathreshold intensities, blockade evoked by stimulating a monosynaptically-coupled mitral cell in a of LVA Ca 2ϩ channels abolishes firing (Fig. 7F). In addition to paired recording from a previous study from our group; Pressler and accelerating spiking in response to step stimuli, these results in- Strowbridge, 2017). Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 • 9685

The faster kinetics of cortical feedback EPSPs suggests that first 80 ␮m are sufficient to generate intact GC-like APs. We that input could drive spike generation more efficiently than the obtained a similar estimate of the initiation zone by measuring electrotonically-slowed distal dendritic input. We used short- maximal rising phase slope: only truncated GCs with apical den- duration depolarizing steps that evoked voltage responses that drites longer than the median length had intact GC-like mem- mimicked the rising phase of cortical feedback EPSPs (Fig. 8A; brane potential slopes. Third, we find the fastest AP-driven time to peak ϳ3.4 ms) and distal DD EPSPs (8B; time to peak Ca 2ϩ transients in the proximal apical dendrite of intact GCs ϳ7.2 ms) to test this hypothesis. These cortical and DD responses (50–100 ␮m from the soma). And finally, we find the proximal displayed similar rise-time kinetics as the physiological synaptic apical dendrite (10–100 ␮m from the soma) is the only region in inputs and could be scaled to a sufficient amplitude to reliably which focal TTX application reduced step-evoke discharges, also trigger spiking. With both 3 and 10 ms duration steps, we ad- tested in intact GCs. The similarity in the estimates of the initia- justed the amplitude to trigger a single AP (Fig. 8C). As illustrated tion zones from the comparative analysis of truncated GCs and in Figure 8, C and D, GC spiking occurred with far less jitter when pharmacological/photometry studies in intact GCs suggests that driven by cortical EPSP-like depolarizing steps than by slower these results are not strongly biased by the absence of the distal DD-like steps. These results suggest that proximally-located ex- apical arbor in truncated GCs. citatory synaptic inputs, including cortical feedback EPSP, are The precision of our estimates of the AP initiation zone are able to trigger more precisely-timed APs than distal DD EPSPs, limited by the number of different sites we can test with pharma- reflecting both their faster kinetics and their location near the cological probes and by the size of our pool of truncated GC spike initiation zone. recordings. We conclude that the AP initiation zone is within the proximal 100 ␮m of the apical dendrite in GCs based on a con- Discussion servative estimate from all four experimental approaches. Our We make three primary conclusions in this study. First, we find methods cannot reveal whether Na ϩ channels might be selec- that the likely site of AP generation in GCs is the proximal 100 tively enriched within hot spots within the proximal 100 ␮mof ␮ m of the apical dendrite. Previously, the origin of APs in these the apical dendrite. However, we can eliminate the possibility axonless interneurons was unknown. Our results also suggest that any potential hot spots are always in one fixed location as we that APs initiated in the proximal apical dendrite propagate ac- occasionally find truncated GCs with relatively short apical den- tively through the distal apical dendritic arbor, based on the ␮ 2ϩ drites (e.g., 50 m) that have full-height APs and yet also find opposite spatial patterns of Ca transient evoked by APs and regions further out the apical dendrite (50–100 ␮m from the AP-like voltage-clamp command signals. Our results highlight soma) where focal TTX application reduces step-evoked spike the importance of cortical feedback excitatory inputs which se- discharges. Finally, our results are limited to the question of lectively target the same proximal apical dendritic region. Sec- where APs originate following somatic current injection, leaving ond, we find that LVA channels also located in the proximal for a future study the question of whether synaptic inputs initiate apical dendritic region are necessary to generate low-threshold spikes in the same location. spikes that accelerate spiking in GCs. Without low-threshold 2ϩ Recent work has identified a requirement for NaV 1.2 channels Ca spikes, the long membrane time constant of GCs delays ϩ for AP generation in GCs (Nunes and Kuner, 2018), Na channel spiking by Ͼ300 ms in response to just-threshold stimuli, a delay subunits typically expressed at higher densities in axons in other that would likely reduce the probability that GCs fire during in- dividual sniff cycles. And finally, we find the basal dendrites are cell types (Catterall et al., 2005; Lorincz and Nusser, 2010; Spratt an important source of excitatory input to GCs that has largely et al., 2019). NaV 1.2 subunits are expressed at higher levels in GC been ignored. dendrites than cell bodies (Nunes and Kuner, 2018), consistent Together these findings support the hypothesis that GCs com- with our electrophysiological findings. However, NaV 1.2 also prise two different functional modules: (1) the established path- appears to be expressed at high levels in distal segments of the GC apical dendrite, including in spine heads (Nunes and Kuner, way (Shepherd et al., 2007) in which sensory-driven DD ϩ excitation of distal apical GC dendrites leads to GABA release at 2018) This indicator, therefore, may reflect Na channels in- EPL spines and (2) a novel (and motoneuron-like) synaptic inte- volved both in spike initiation and active propagation of APs into the distal dendrites of GCs. Multiple imaging-based studies have gration pathway in which excitatory basalar dendritic synaptic ϩ inputs are integrated in the soma, leading to spike initiation in the focused on the functional role of voltage-gated Na channels in proximal apical dendrite and then propagation of APs through distal GC dendrites and on dendritic spines (Zelles et al., 2006; the distal apical dendritic arbor (Fig. 8E). Presumably, the Egger, 2008; Bywalez et al., 2015; Aghvami et al., 2019). Because precisely-timed spikes generated by the proximal integration of their different focus, these prior studies did not addressed the pathway regulate DD synaptic transmission by modulating question of where APs initiate in GCs though Egger (2008) did 2ϩ NMDAR function (by temporally relieving Mg 2ϩ blockade; Balu et report increased fractional changes in Ca indicator responses al., 2007), creating a dual pathway system for facilitating DD inhibi- as the sampling position along the apical dendrite was moved to tion known to rely preferentially on NMDARs (Isaacson and Strow- more distal positions, consistent with our findings. Kosaka et al. ϩ bridge, 1998; Schoppa and Westbrook, 1999). (2008) identified Na channel hot spots on proximal dendrites segments (within 50 ␮m of the soma) of several OB interneuron Spike initiation zone in proximal apical dendrite subtypes, including GCs, based on immunohistochemical stain- Our results provide four lines of evidence that indicate AP initi- ing. These hot spot clusters appeared to colocalize with other ation in GCs occurs in the proximal apical dendrite. First, we markers proteins often enriched in initial segments, includ- demonstrate that neither the distal apical arbor nor extensive ing ␤ IV spectrin and ankyrin G. The correspondence we find ϩ basal dendrites are required to generate full-height APs in trun- between T-type LVA Ca 2 currents and the site of presumed ϩ cated GCs. Second, we find that, on average, truncated GCs with Na spike initiation also parallels the organization of axon initial long apical dendrites (greater than the median length) had full-height segments in other neuron types (Bender and Trussell, 2009; APs, suggesting that voltage-gated Na ϩ channels located within the Bender et al., 2012). 9686 • J. Neurosci., December 4, 2019 • 39(49):9674–9688 Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells

Low-threshold spikes promote short- latency, precise firing in GCs A Cortical EPSPs Our study finds three distinct functions of 2ϩ LVA Ca currents in GCs. First, T-type -72 Ca 2ϩ currents located in the proximal GC apical dendrite appear to underlie short AP Cortical 1 mV latency, low-threshold spikes that often zone exc input ϩ 5 ms avg 13 trigger Na spikes. Using this mecha- rec nism, GCs can overcome their tendency s2 to spike late in response to depolarizing s1 stimuli, a consequence of high-input re- Dendrodendritic EPSPs sistance and long membrane time con- Dendrodendritic stants. Although many other neurons B exc input generate all-or-none spikes mediated by -72 2ϩ T-type Ca currents (e.g., thalamic relay Intact GC neurons; Jahnsen and Llina´s, 1984; Mc- avg 15 Cormick and Huguenard, 1992), this 1 mV AP spike accelerating function of T-type 5 ms zone Ca 2ϩ currents may be more important in rec small interneurons, like GCs, than in s2 larger relay neurons. In addition to de- MC 2ϩ creasing spike latency, T-type Ca cur- s1 s2 rents in the proximal dendrite enhanced Cortical EPSP timing D spike precision and amplified responses to C 0.8 trains of phasic depolarizations that mim- 20 mV 1 ms *** icked rhythmic sensory-driven input. 0.6 Although other reports have examined 0.6 LVA Ca 2ϩ current in GC, we believe this AP report is the first to focus on the specific zone 1 nA 0.4 functional role of T-type Ca 2ϩ current in the proximal apical dendrite. GCs also ap- Dendrodendritic EPSP timing 2ϩ 0.2 pear to express LVA Ca current in their 20 mV Spike jitter (SD; ms) 0.1 basal and distal apical dendrites (Egger et 1 ms (6) stimulus (6) al., 2003, 2005; our unpublished observa- 0 Cortical- DD-like tions). Spatial proximity to the AP initia- like tion zone may explain why T-type Ca 2ϩ current located in the proximal apical Intact GC 1 nA dendrite functions to accelerate spiking. In cartwheel cells (Bender and Trussell, E 2009; Bender et al., 2012), pyramidal cells Dendrodendritic Mode Motoneuron Mode Dual/Triple Excitation Mode (Yu et al., 2010; Clarkson et al., 2017), and dentate GCs (Martinello et al., 2015) re- searchers have reported colocalization of T-type Ca 2ϩ channels and high den- sities of voltage-gated Na ϩ channels in + axon initial segments; paralleling the LTS AP zone zone colocalization we find in proximal den- drites in GCs. Based on these models, the enrichment of LVA Ca 2ϩ currents near the spike generation zone of GCs could facilitate specific modulatory Figure 8. Higher spike precision in response to cortical-like EPSPs than dendrodendritic-like EPSPs. A, Example unitary (top) mechanisms that affect AP firing such as and average (bottom) responses to focal 2p-guided microstimulation of a presumptive cortical feedback excitatory input to an setting spike threshold. intact GC. Responses to two stimuli separated by 50 ms (20 Hz; timing indicated by asterisks). Diagram at left indicates likely locationofcorticalfeedbackEPSPbasedonthepositionofthefocalstimulatingelectrode(apicaldendrite,62␮mfromthesoma). Functional significance B, Example dendrodendritic EPSPs recorded in an intact GC (blue traces). EPSPs evoked by activating APs in a presynaptic mitral There are at least two functional conse- cells within a dual simultaneous recording (black traces). Inset, Comparison of initial phase and peak (arrows) of average cortical quences to the location of AP initiation (red)anddendrodendritic(blue)EPSPsusingthesamescaling.C,ExampleresponsesrecordedinthesameintactGCtoshort(3ms; red) and long (10 ms; blue) duration current steps that mimic the rising phase kinetics of cortical and dendrodendritic EPSPs. Both zone in the proximal apical dendrite. steps adjusted to be just-suprathreshold; just-subthreshold responses indicated by black traces. D, Plot of AP jitter (latency SD) in First, it suggests a novel route for synaptic just-suprathreshold responses to 3 and 10 ms duration current steps. ***p ϭ 9.047EϪ4, T ϭ 6.026, paired t test. E, Summary processing exists in GCs (synaptic excita- diagram of three different activation modes for GCs: distal stimulation via dendrodendritic EPSPs (left), proximal stimulation via tion of the basal dendrites, summation of basal dendrite inputs (middle), and combined distal and proximal stimulation. Red circles indicate potential third excitatory proximal synaptic inputs in the cell body pathway via cortical feedback inputs. Vertical brackets indicate likely dendritic zone required for maximal AP (red) and LTS (black) followed by spike initiation in the proxi- amplitude. Arrows indicate likely direction of AP propagation. Pressler and Strowbridge • Segregation of Intrinsic Currents in Granule Cells J. 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