Politics and the Councils of the Fifteenth Century
CCHA Study Sessions, 36(1969), 41-55 Politics and the Councils of the Fifteenth Century by C. M. D. CROWDER Queen’s University Much, perhaps too much, of my theme will be illustrated from the Council of Constance. Of the six general councils of the Church in the first half of the fifteenth century, which are familiar to English-speaking historians as the conciliar movement, it is neither the first, the longest, nor the last; but it is the most significant.1 It is also the one known best to me. One of the most spirited contemporary accounts of this council was written by a citizen of Constance, Ulrich of Richenthal; and one of the most spirited illustrations of the manuscript of Ulrich’s chronicle which is still preserved in Constance shows Pope John XXIII being thrown from a cart (hardly to be dignified as a carriage) as he crossed the Alps from Italy.2 The illustrator knew what John XXIII only suspected: that the Pope was riding for a fall. The incident was no more than a traveller’s hazard, but it gains a symbolic value from the decision of Cardinal Roncalli nearly five hundred and fifty years later, when he in his turn was elected successor of St. Peter, 1 The Roman Catholic Church recognizes 21 oecumenical councils, New Catholic Encyclopaedia, V, New York, 1967, p. 376, H. Jedin, Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church, an Historical Outline, Edinburgh, London, 1960, p. 3 (The English translation by E. Graf of Kleine Konziliengeschichte, Freiburg, 1959). Two of these are among the councils of the first half of the fifteenth century: Constance, 1414-18 and Ferrara-Florence, 1438-c.
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