JavaScript Specialist Academic Student Guide Web Development Series ECL02-CEJSRF-PR-1109 • version 1.01 • rd092811



JavaScript Specialist Academic Student Guide


President/Chief Certification Architect James Stanger, Ph.D.

Vice President, Operations Todd Hopkins

Senior Content Developer Kenneth A. Kozakis

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Editor Sarah Skodak

Project Manager/Publisher Tina Strong

Customer Service Certification Partners, LLC 1230 W. Washington St., Ste. 111 Tempe, AZ 85281 (602) 275-7700

Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved.


JavaScript Specialist

Developers Brian Danks, Elliot Cherner, Ashley Craft and Susan M. Lane Contributors Lisa Pease

Editor Susan M. Lane

Project Manager/Publisher Tina Strong

Trademarks Certification Partners is a trademark of Certification Partners, LLC. All product names and services identified throughout this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. They are used throughout this book in editorial fashion only. No such use, or the use of any trade name, is intended to convey endorsement or other affiliation with the book. Copyrights of any screen captures in this book are the property of the software's manufacturer.

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Copyright Information This training manual is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Certification Partners, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, modified, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise without written permission of Certification Partners, 1230 W. Washington Street, Suite 111, Tempe, AZ 85281. EVALUATION COPY Copyright © 2011 by Certification Partners, LLC All Rights Reserved

ISBN: 0-7423-2928-3



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Table of Contents

Course Description...... xiv Courseware ...... xv Course Objectives...... xviii Classroom Setup ...... xviii System Requirements ...... xviii Conventions and Graphics Used in This Book ...... xxi Lesson 1: Introduction to JavaScript...... 1-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 1-2 Introduction to Scripting ...... 1-3 JavaScript Characteristics...... 1-3 JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts...... 1-5 JavaScript Flavors and Versions...... 1-6 Server-Side vs. Client-Side Applications...... 1-9 Annotating Your Code with Comments ...... 1-13 Case Study...... 1-16 Lesson 1 Review ...... 1-18 Lesson 2: Working with Variables and Data in JavaScript ...... 2-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 2-2 Using JavaScript to Communicate with the User ...... 2-3 Using Data More Than Once: Variables ...... 2-12 JavaScript Expressions ...... 2-17 JavaScript Operators...... 2-18 Inline Scripting, Simple User Events, and Basic Event Handlers...... 2-26 JavaScript Keywords and Reserved Words...... 2-28 Case Study...... 2-30 Lesson 2 Review ...... 2-33 Lesson 3: Functions, Methods and Events in JavaScript...... 3-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 3-2 Introduction to Functions...... 3-2 Defining a Function...... 3-3 Calling a Function...... 3-6 User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers...... 3-16 Methods as Functions ...... 3-17 Case Study...... 3-21 Lesson 3 Review ...... 3-23 Lesson 4: Controlling Program Flow in JavaScript...... 4-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 4-2 Controlling Decisional Program Flow ...... 4-3 The if...else Statement ...... 4-3 The while Statement...... 4-8 The do...while Statement ...... 4-11 The for Statement...... 4-13 The break Statement ...... 4-16 The continue Statement ...... 4-18 The switch Statement...... 4-21 Case Study...... 4-27 Lesson 4 Review ...... EVALUATION COPY...... 4-30 Lesson 5: The JavaScript (DOM) ...... 5-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 5-2 The JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM)...... 5-3 The window Object...... 5-4 The document Object ...... 5-16 The with Statement ...... 5-19 The image Object...... 5-24 The history Object ...... 5-31

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The location Object ...... 5-31 The navigator Object ...... 5-32 Case Study...... 5-38 Lesson 5 Review ...... 5-41 Lesson 6: JavaScript Language Objects ...... 6-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 6-2 Introduction to JavaScript Language Objects...... 6-3 The String Object...... 6-3 Evaluating Strings...... 6-12 JavaScript Regular Expressions ...... 6-20 The Array Object ...... 6-23 The Date Object...... 6-29 Setting and Extracting Time Information ...... 6-34 The Math Object ...... 6-38 Case Study...... 6-44 Lesson 6 Review ...... 6-46 Lesson 7: Developing Interactive Forms with JavaScript ...... 7-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 7-2 Interactive Forms ...... 7-3 Overview of Form Elements ...... 7-3 Referring to Form Elements...... 7-4 The form Object...... 7-4 The button Object ...... 7-6 The checkbox Object...... 7-7 The text and textarea Objects ...... 7-9 The radio Object...... 7-15 The select Object ...... 7-18 Form Validation ...... 7-26 Case Study...... 7-32 Lesson 7 Review ...... 7-34 Lesson 8: JavaScript Security ...... 8-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 8-2 Introduction to JavaScript Security Issues ...... 8-3 Browser vs. Operating System ...... 8-4 Browser-Specific Security Issues ...... 8-4 Browser Compatibility and Client-Side Detection...... 8-6 Script Blocking...... 8-13 Differences in document.write Among Browsers ...... 8-14 Malicious and Accidental Coding ...... 8-15 Frame-to-Frame URL Changing...... 8-18 Signed Scripts ...... 8-21 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) ...... 8-23 Cookies and Security in JavaScript ...... 8-26 Creating Secure JavaScript Code...... 8-44 Case Study...... 8-46 Lesson 8 Review ...... 8-48 Lesson 9: Custom JavaScript Objects ...... 9-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 9-2 Creating Custom Objects...... 9-3 Creating a JavaScript Object: The Constructor ...... 9-4 Creating an InstanceEVALUATION of a Custom Object...... COPY ...9-5 Creating Object Methods ...... 9-6 Creating Functions for Your Objects...... 9-10 Case Study...... 9-19 Lesson 9 Review ...... 9-21 Lesson 10: Changing X/HTML on the Fly ...... 10-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 10-2 Changing X/HTML on the Fly...... 10-3

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Using the getElementById Method ...... 10-4 Using the getElementsByName Method...... 10-8 Using the getElementsByTagName Method ...... 10-12 Modifying Attributes within the DOM ...... 10-14 Appending Text to the DOM...... 10-17 Case Study...... 10-20 Lesson 10 Review ...... 10-22 Lesson 11: JavaScript Libraries...... 11-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 11-2 Introduction to JavaScript Libraries ...... 11-3 Choosing a Code Library ...... 11-4 External and Pre-Made Scripts ...... 11-5 Loading Your First Library...... 11-7 Using JavaScript Library Plug-ins ...... 11-11 Best Practices with JavaScript Libraries ...... 11-17 Copyright Issues and JavaScript ...... 11-19 Case Study...... 11-21 Lesson 11 Review ...... 11-23 Lesson 12: JavaScript and ...... 12-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 12-2 Introduction to AJAX...... 12-3 Introduction to XML ...... 12-3 Interactions Among JavaScript, XML and XHTML...... 12-5 Using AJAX Scripts ...... 12-7 AJAX and Servers...... 12-12 AJAX and Databases...... 12-13 Usability Issues with AJAX...... 12-17 Combining AJAX with Libraries...... 12-17 Alternatives to XML-based AJAX ...... 12-21 Case Study...... 12-23 Lesson 12 Review ...... 12-25 Lesson 13: Debugging and Troubleshooting JavaScript...... 13-1 Pre-Assessment Questions ...... 13-2 What Is Debugging? ...... 13-3 Tools for Debugging Code ...... 13-4 Testing Code in Various Browsers ...... 13-13 Debugging Logic Errors ...... 13-14 JavaScript and Mobile Devices ...... 13-18 Case Study...... 13-19 Lesson 13 Review ...... 13-21 Appendixes ...... Appendixes-1 JavaScript Specialist Glossary...... Glossary-1 Index ...... Index-1 Supplemental Files Contents...... Supplemental Files Contents-1

List of Labs Lab 1-1: Creating a JavaScript-enabled page ...... 1-14 Lab 2-1: Using the JavaScriptEVALUATION alert() method...... 2-4 COPY Lab 2-2: Using the JavaScript prompt() method ...... 2-6 Lab 2-3: Using the JavaScript confirm() method...... 2-8 Lab 2-4: Using the JavaScript document.write() method...... 2-10 Lab 2-5: Storing user data in a JavaScript variable ...... 2-16 Lab 2-6: Assigning and adding variables in JavaScript...... 2-23 Lab 2-7: Using the JavaScript onunload event handler and inline scripting ...... 2-27 Lab 3-1: Creating a user-defined function in JavaScript...... 3-5 Lab 3-2: Using functions, arguments and return values in JavaScript...... 3-9

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Lab 3-3: Calling a function from within another function in JavaScript ...... 3-12 Lab 4-1: Using if statements ...... 4-6 Lab 4-2: Using a while statement...... 4-9 Lab 4-3: Using a for statement ...... 4-15 Lab 4-4: Nesting if and break statements inside a while loop...... 4-17 Lab 4-5: Using a continue statement ...... 4-20 Lab 4-6: Using a switch statement ...... 4-24 Lab 5-1: Launching a new window with the open() method ...... 5-8 Lab 5-2: Writing content to new windows...... 5-11 Lab 5-3: Changing status bar text...... 5-15 Lab 5-4: Assigning properties to a remote documentdynamically...... 5-20 Lab 5-5: Preloading and swapping images to create an active link ...... 5-27 Lab 5-6: Identifying browser properties with the navigator object ...... 5-33 Lab 5-7: Redirecting to a page based on browser type ...... 5-37 Lab 6-1: Using String object formatting methods ...... 6-6 Lab 6-2: Applying String methods to text...... 6-16 Lab 6-3: Creating an Array object ...... 6-27 Lab 6-4: Accessing and using dates with the Date object...... 6-31 Lab 6-5: Creating an onscreen clock ...... 6-36 Lab 6-6: Using the Math object to generate a random quotation ...... 6-40 Lab 7-1: Working with text boxes, check boxes and buttons...... 7-13 Lab 7-2: Working with radio buttons...... 7-17 Lab 7-3: Working with selection lists...... 7-21 Lab 7-4: Working with a multiple-selection list box ...... 7-25 Lab 7-5: Conducting form validation ...... 7-27 Lab 8-1: Performing client-side browser detection ...... 8-9 Lab 8-2: Locking the browser with malicious code...... 8-16 Lab 8-3: Setting, viewing and clearing a cookie with JavaScript...... 8-36 Lab 8-4: Setting passwords with cookies ...... 8-40 Lab 9-1: Creating a custom object...... 9-16 Lab 10-1: Redirecting a page based on user input with getElementById...... 10-5 Lab 10-2: Changing the DOM using getElementsByName ...... 10-10 Lab 10-3: Getting, setting and removing X/HTML attributes ...... 10-16 Lab 11-1: Loading a JavaScript library and running a library script ...... 11-8 Lab 11-2: Using CSS and JavaScript to create a basic slideshow...... 11-10 Lab 11-3: Loading, testing and editing a library plug-in ...... 11-13 Lab 12-1: Using AJAX to dynamically edit the DOM with button clicks ...... 12-10 Lab 12-2: Using AJAX and libraries to create tooltips...... 12-18 Lab 13-1: Installing and debugging with the Mozilla add-on ...... 13-9 Lab 13-2: Troubleshooting a logic error in JavaScript...... 13-15

List of Figures Figure 1-1: Comparing Java to JavaScript...... 1-7 Figure 1-2: File lab1-1.htm displayed in Internet Explorer v8 browser...... 1-15 Figure 1-3: File lab1-1.htm displayed in Mozilla browser ...... 1-15 Figure 2-1: Alert message ...... 2-4 Figure 2-2: File lab2-1.htm displayed following JavaScript statement...... 2-4 Figure 2-3: User prompt dialog box ...... 2-7 Figure 2-4: Alert message box ...... 2-7 Figure 2-5: Confirm dialog box...... 2-8 Figure 2-6: Result of confirm() method after clicking OK ...... 2-9 Figure 2-7: Result of confirm()EVALUATION method after clicking Cancel...... 2-9 COPY Figure 2-8: User prompt ...... 2-11 Figure 2-9: Page for lab2-4.htm with customized welcome message...... 2-11 Figure 2-10: Customizing initial prompt...... 2-11 Figure 2-11: User prompt dialog box ...... 2-16 Figure 2-12: Alert message box ...... 2-16 Figure 2-13: Page for lab2-5.htm with welcome message recalling user's name...... 2-17 Figure 2-14: Result of JavaScript addition: z=13 ...... 2-23 Figure 2-15: Concatenation, not sum...... 2-24

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Figure 2-16: Correct sum is indicated ...... 2-24 Figure 2-17: Prompt dialog box ...... 2-27 Figure 2-18: Alert box ...... 2-27 Figure 2-19: Page for lab2-7.htm with welcome message ...... 2-28 Figure 2-20: Goodbye alert box ...... 2-28 Figure 3-1: Page for lab3-1.htm with alert...... 3-5 Figure 3-2: Page for lab3-2.htm ...... 3-10 Figure 3-3: Result of function call ...... 3-10 Figure 3-4: Result of function call ...... 3-11 Figure 3-5: Return value from myFunction() ...... 3-11 Figure 3-6: Page for lab3-3.htm ...... 3-13 Figure 4-1: Page for lab4-1.htm ...... 4-7 Figure 4-2: Alert dialog box...... 4-7 Figure 4-3: Alert dialog box...... 4-7 Figure 4-4: Alert dialog box...... 4-8 Figure 4-5: Page for lab4-2.htm ...... 4-10 Figure 4-6: Prompt dialog box ...... 4-10 Figure 4-7: for loop alert message...... 4-13 Figure 4-8: Output of for loop...... 4-14 Figure 4-9: for loop alert message...... 4-14 Figure 4-10: Output of for loop...... 4-15 Figure 4-11: Page for lab4-3.htm...... 4-16 Figure 4-12: Page for lab4-4.htm...... 4-17 Figure 4-13: Prompt dialog box ...... 4-18 Figure 4-14: Leap year example ...... 4-20 Figure 4-15: Page for lab4-5.htm...... 4-21 Figure 4-16: Page for lab4-6.htm...... 4-25 Figure 4-17: Alert boxes...... 4-26 Figure 5-1: JavaScript object hierarchy...... 5-3 Figure 5-2: Page for lab5-1.htm ...... 5-9 Figure 5-3: CIW Web site ...... 5-9 Figure 5-4: New window with height and width attributes ...... 5-10 Figure 5-5: Small window opened ...... 5-12 Figure 5-6: Manipulating status property ...... 5-14 Figure 5-7: Page for lab5-3.htm ...... 5-15 Figure 5-8: Page for lab5-3.htm status bar message...... 5-16 Figure 5-9: Result of using with statement...... 5-20 Figure 5-10: Page for lab5-4.htm...... 5-22 Figure 5-11: Prompt dialog boxes...... 5-22 Figure 5-12: Alert dialog box ...... 5-22 Figure 5-13: New window...... 5-23 Figure 5-14: Page for lab5-5.htm...... 5-28 Figure 5-15: Page for lab5-5.htm with image swap ...... 5-29 Figure 5-16: Page for lab5-6.htm...... 5-35 Figure 5-17: Alert in Mozilla Firefox 3.5 ...... 5-35 Figure 5-18: Alert in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 ...... 5-36 Figure 6-1: Alert with line breaks in text ...... 6-7 Figure 6-2: Page for lab6-1.htm ...... 6-8 Figure 6-3: Links window...... 6-9 Figure 6-4: Output of String prototype demonstration...... 6-11 Figure 6-5: Evaluating strings with string methods ...... 6-17 Figure 6-6: Telephone number regular expression...... 6-22 Figure 6-7: questionsEVALUATION array has length of 3...... COPY 6-26 Figure 6-8: Page for lab6-3.htm ...... 6-27 Figure 6-9: Page for Llb6-3.htm with sorted array ...... 6-28 Figure 6-10: Alert dialog box ...... 6-28 Figure 6-11: Date object information in browser alerts...... 6-29 Figure 6-12: Alerts with date information...... 6-32 Figure 6-13: Date information calculated through script ...... 6-32 Figure 6-14: Page for lab6-5.htm...... 6-37 Figure 6-15: Math object alert box sequence...... 6-40

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Figure 6-16: Page for lab6-6.htm...... 6-42 Figure 7-1: Alert with form name/value pairs...... 7-12 Figure 7-2: Page for lab7-1.htm ...... 7-13 Figure 7-3: Alert dialog box...... 7-14 Figure 7-4: Page for lab7-1b.htm...... 7-15 Figure 7-5: Page for lab7-2.htm ...... 7-17 Figure 7-6: Alert dialog box...... 7-18 Figure 7-7: Alert dialog box...... 7-18 Figure 7-8: Page for lab7-3.htm ...... 7-22 Figure 7-9: Alert dialog box...... 7-22 Figure 7-10: Page for lab7-3a.htm after adding onchange event handler...... 7-23 Figure 7-11: Alert dialog box ...... 7-23 Figure 7-12: Page for lab7-4.htm...... 7-25 Figure 7-13: Alert dialog box ...... 7-26 Figure 7-14: Interactive form...... 7-27 Figure 7-15: Alert dialog box ...... 7-29 Figure 7-16: Page for lab7-5a.htm after submitting data ...... 7-30 Figure 8-1: Pop-up describing browser type detected...... 8-9 Figure 8-2: Table detailing your browser properties...... 8-12 Figure 8-3: Blocking JavaScript in Internet Explorer 8.x ...... 8-14 Figure 8-4: Alert dialog box...... 8-17 Figure 8-5: Close Program menu...... 8-17 Figure 8-6: End Task message ...... 8-17 Figure 8-7: Inline frame used for password entry ...... 8-19 Figure 8-8: Examples of same-origin relationships ...... 8-20 Figure 8-9: Example of security request for signed script ...... 8-22 Figure 8-10: Enabling and disabling cookies in Internet Explorer 7.x ...... 8-33 Figure 8-11: Options dialog in Mozilla Firefox 3.x...... 8-33 Figure 8-12: Deleting cookies in Mozilla Firefox 3.x ...... 8-34 Figure 8-13: Accessing cookie settings in Mozilla Firefox 3.x ...... 8-34 Figure 8-14: Accessing cookie settings in 9.x ...... 8-35 Figure 8-15: Deleting cookies in Google Chrome...... 8-35 Figure 8-16: Dialog asking whether to delete cookie ...... 8-37 Figure 8-17: Cookie accepted ...... 8-37 Figure 8-18: Landing page for lab8-3.htm ...... 8-38 Figure 8-19: Cookie deleted...... 8-38 Figure 8-20: Page for lab8-4.htm...... 8-41 Figure 8-21: Alert dialog box ...... 8-42 Figure 8-22: Alert dialog box ...... 8-42 Figure 8-23: Password-protected page (lab8-4a.htm) ...... 8-42 Figure 8-24: Alert dialog box ...... 8-43 Figure 9-1: Product list page ...... 9-7 Figure 9-2: After clicking Get Info ...... 9-9 Figure 9-3: Search item for ID...... 9-11 Figure 9-4: Search result for invalid entry...... 9-11 Figure 9-5: Result of clicking Show All Products button ...... 9-12 Figure 9-6: Result of selecting CIW Polo Shirt link...... 9-13 Figure 9-7: Page for Lab9-1.htm...... 9-17 Figure 9-8: Alert displaying employee information...... 9-17 Figure 9-9: Alert showing all employees ...... 9-17 Figure 10-1: Page for lab10-1.htm...... 10-7 Figure 10-2: Page for getElementsByName example ...... 10-9 Figure 10-3: Quiz pageEVALUATION for lab10-3.htm...... COPY .... 10-11 Figure 10-4: Score page generated by document.write...... 10-12 Figure 10-5: Results of example_getAttributes.htm script — accessing and modifying attributes ...... 10-15 Figure 10-6: Alert for special_attribute in Internet Explorer and Firefox, respectively...... 10-15 Figure 10-7: Page content with attributes accessed and set...... 10-17 Figure 10-8: Content appended to page instead of overwritten...... 10-18 Figure 11-1: Basic form page without validation...... 11-14 Figure 11-2: First Name field is validated ...... 11-15 Figure 11-3: Completed form validation script result...... 11-17

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Figure 12-1: Diagram of AJAX interactions among JavaScript, XML and X/HTML...... 12-6 Figure 12-2: Database table consisting of fields (columns) and records (rows) ...... 12-14 Figure 13-1: Internet Explorer error alert for syntax error ...... 13-5 Figure 13-2: Disabling in Internet Explorer ...... 13-6 Figure 13-3: Accessing JavaScript Console in Chrome's Tools menu ...... 13-7 Figure 13-4: Chrome error alert for syntax error ...... 13-7 Figure 13-5: Firefox rendering page without errors...... 13-8 Figure 13-6: Mozilla Firefox home page — Add-ons menu...... 13-9 Figure 13-7: Firebug Add-ons home page...... 13-10 Figure 13-8: Firefox security alert warning about add-on installation ...... 13-10 Figure 13-9: Opening Firebug debugger in Firefox...... 13-11 Figure 13-10: Firebug error alert box ...... 13-11 Figure 13-11: Debugged JavaScript rendered as expected ...... 13-12

List of Tables Table 1-1: Comparison of JavaScript and Java...... 1-7 Table 1-2: JavaScript versions and browser support ...... 1-8 Table 2-1: JavaScript variable data types ...... 2-12 Table 2-2: JavaScript literal types ...... 2-13 Table 2-3: JavaScript expression types...... 2-18 Table 2-4: JavaScript operators ...... 2-18 Table 3-1: JavaScript user events ...... 3-16 Table 3-2: JavaScript event handlers ...... 3-17 Table 5-1: Properties of window object...... 5-4 Table 5-2: Methods of window object ...... 5-5 Table 5-3: Event handlers of window object...... 5-6 Table 5-4: window attributes accessible in open() method...... 5-7 Table 5-5: Properties of document object...... 5-17 Table 5-6: Methods of document object ...... 5-18 Table 5-7: Comparison of code using with statement...... 5-20 Table 5-8: Properties of image object...... 5-25 Table 5-9: Event handlers of image object...... 5-26 Table 5-10: Properties and methods of history object...... 5-31 Table 5-11: Properties of location object ...... 5-32 Table 5-12: Properties of navigator object ...... 5-33 Table 5-13: Methods of navigator object ...... 5-33 Table 6-1: String object formatting methods...... 6-4 Table 6-2: Special characters in JavaScript...... 6-5 Table 6-3: Methods of Date object...... 6-30 Table 6-4: Methods of Math object...... 6-39 Table 6-5: Properties of Math object ...... 6-39 Table 7-1: X/HTML form elements ...... 7-3 Table 7-2: Properties of JavaScript form object ...... 7-5 Table 7-3: Methods of JavaScript form object ...... 7-5 Table 7-4: Event handlers of JavaScript form object ...... 7-6 Table 7-5: Properties of button object...... 7-6 Table 7-6: Method and event handler of JavaScript button object...... 7-6 Table 7-7: Properties of checkbox object...... 7-8 Table 7-8: Method and event handler of JavaScript checkbox object...... 7-8 Table 7-9: Properties text and textarea objects...... 7-9 Table 7-10: Methods of text and textarea objects...... 7-10 Table 7-11: Event handlersEVALUATION of text and textarea objects...... COPY 7-10 Table 7-12: Properties of radio object...... 7-16 Table 7-13: Method and event handler of JavaScript radio object ...... 7-16 Table 7-14: Event handlers of select object...... 7-19 Table 7-15: Properties and subproperties of select object...... 7-20 Table 8-1: Types of cross-site scripting (XSS) ...... 8-24 Table 12-1: readyState values for XMLHttpRequest...... 12-9

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Course Description The JavaScript Specialist course focuses on the fundamental concepts of the JavaScript language. This course will empower you with the skills to design client-side, platform-independent solutions that greatly increase the value of your Web site by providing interactivity and interest. You will learn how to use JavaScript to communicate with users, modify the Document Object Model (DOM), control program flow, validate forms, animate images, create cookies, change XHTML on the fly, and communicate with databases.

The first part of this course focuses on essential JavaScript principles and techniques, including common programming practices, working with variables and data, and using functions, methods and events.

Next, you will learn intermediate JavaScript programming techniques that will build upon your knowledge and present solutions for more functional and exciting Web pages. These include using control structures for program flow, manipulating the JavaScript DOM, using language objects, creating expressions, and creating and using custom objects.

You will then apply JavaScript programming techniques to develop interactive forms, change XHTML dynamically, create and use cookies, and explore security issues related to JavaScript. You will also learn about extensions to the JavaScript language, including JavaScript code libraries and advanced interactive Web applications with AJAX. Finally, you will learn about tools and techniques for debugging and troubleshooting your JavaScript code.

By the end of this course, you will understand and use the most popular applications of JavaScript.

Guided, step-by-step labs provide opportunities to practice new skills. You can challenge yourself and review your skills after each lesson in the Lesson Summary and Lesson Review sections. Additional skill reinforcement is provided in Optional Labs, Lesson Quizzes and a Course Assessment that are available from your instructor. This course also offers Case Studies and pre-lab scenarios for class discussion about real-world skills applications.

This coursebook comes with supplemental materials that include the lab files used in class. To practice the skills presented in class or to perform any labs that were not completed, refer to the Classroom Setup section for information about system requirements and using the lab files.

Note: Most JavaScript code is widely provided as freeware and is not subject to copyright restrictions. Some code used in this course's examples and labs for instructional purposes was provided in part or in whole as freeware, and was not necessarily written in full by CIW developers. The CIW JavaScript Specialist course prepares students to take the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam (1D0-635).

Series JavaScript Specialist is the first course in the CIW Web Development series:

 JavaScript Specialist  Perl Specialist EVALUATION COPY  Database Design Specialist

Prerequisites No prior knowledge of the JavaScript programming language is necessary. However, students should be familiar with using the Internet, developing Web pages and configuring networks to a level consistent with that found in the CIW Web Foundations series. Knowledge of X/HTML code development is required.

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Certification The CIW JavaScript Fundamentals course prepares candidates to take the CIW JavaScript Specialist exam (1D0-635), which if passed earns the individual the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification.

Candidates who also earn the CIW Perl Specialist certification and the CIW Database Design Specialist certification earn the advanced CIW Web Development Professional certification in addition. The CIW Web Development Professional certification program prepares students to excel in a career in Web and IT technologies. This advanced certification validates skills in the essential combination of a front-end scripting language, a back-end programming language and the ability to integrate them with a database.

To earn the CIW Web Development Professional certification, students must pass three certification exams:

 CIW JavaScript Specialist (exam 1D0-635)  CIW Perl Specialist (exam 1D0-437)

 CIW Database Design Specialist (exam 1D0-541) For information about taking CIW exams, visit

Target audience The CIW JavaScript Specialist course is for individuals who want to understand how to fully use the features of the JavaScript programming language in Web application development. These specialized Web language skills can help you begin or grow a career in advanced Web development and technologies:

 Web developers  Software developers  Application programmers  Client/server developers  Desktop publishers Courseware This coursebook was developed for instructor-led training and will assist you during class. Along with comprehensive instructional text and objectives checklists, this coursebook provides easy-to-follow hands-on labs and a glossary of course-specific terms. It also provides Internet addresses needed to complete some labs, although due to the constantly changing nature of the Internet, some addresses may no longer be valid.

The student coursebook is organized in the following manner: EVALUATION COPY

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 course title

 table of contents

 list of labs

 list of figures

 list of tables  lessons  lesson objectives

 pre-assessment questions

 narrative text

 exam objective callouts

 graphics

 tables and figures

 warnings

 tech notes

 supplemental movie clips

 labs

 exam objective callouts

 graphics

 tables and figures

 warnings

 tech notes

 ca se study

 lesson summary

 lesson review

 appendixes

 glossary

 index

 supplemental files

When you return to your home or office, you will find this coursebook to be a valuable resource for reviewing labs and applying the skills you have learned. Each lesson concludes with questions that review the material. Lesson review questions are provided as a study resource only and in no way guarantee a passing score on the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam.

Coursebook versions The CIW Web Development courseware is designed for various classroom environments: academic, learning center and corporate. These coursebooks are available in both instructor and student versions. Student versions are available for both the academic environment and the learning center/corporate environment. Check your book to verify which version you have.

 Instructor (Academic, Learning Center and Corporate) — Example syllabi for 10-week and 16- week instruction periods are included with the instructor supplemental files available on CIW Online. Learning centers can teach this series at an accelerated pace; consult the implementation table that can be found on CIW Online. The supplemental files also include an appendix listing the CIW JavaScript SpecialistEVALUATION certification exam objectives and locations of correspondingCOPY material in the coursebook. The instructor version of this book includes Instructor Notes in the margin, which provide additional tips and commentary for the instructor to supplement course narrative. Margin callouts also direct instructors to material that relates directly to specified CIW JavaScript Specialist objectives. The instructor book and supplemental files contain all answers to Optional Labs, Lesson Quizzes and the Course Assessment. The supplemental files also include handout versions of all Optional Labs, Lesson Quizzes and the Course Assessment, which the instructor can print and assign during class or as homework. Lesson Quizzes and Course Assessments are provided as study and

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course-grading resources only; success on these materials in no way guarantees a passing score on the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam.

 Student (Academic) — The student book and supplemental files include Pre-Assessment and Lesson Review questions for each lesson. However, the student book does not provide answers to these questions. It also does not include any Optional Labs, Quizzes or the Course Assessment. Students can obtain these elements and answers only from the instructor. The student supplemental materials include appendixes and files used to perform many of the labs in the coursebook. The supplemental files also include an appendix listing the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam objectives and locations of corresponding material in the coursebook. Lesson Quizzes and Course Assessments are provided as study and course-grading resources only; success on these materials in no way guarantees a passing score on the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam.

 Student (Learning Center/Corporate) — Designed for the learning center/corporate environment, this student book includes Pre-Assessment and Lesson Review questions. The student supplemental materials include appendixes; files used to perform many of the labs in the coursebook; and answers to the Pre-Assessment Questions, Lesson Review Questions, Course Assessment, Optional Labs and Lesson Quizzes. The supplemental files also include an appendix listing the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam objectives and locations of corresponding material in the coursebook. Lesson Quizzes and Course Assessments are provided as study and course-grading resources only; success on these materials in no way guarantees a passing score on the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam.

Online resources You can visit CIW Online at to access supplemental course materials and to get help in preparing for the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam.

CIW courseware supplemental files This coursebook includes supplemental material that can be accessed from CIW Online. Online materials are provided for both instructors and students, and include some elements required to complete the coursework and other optional elements that are provided for your interest or further study. Student materials include lab files used to complete the course labs, answers to student exercises and quizzes, and appendixes with related information (including the CIW JavaScript Specialist Objectives And Locations Appendix). Instructor materials include course syllabi and implementation tables, answers to student exercises and quizzes, and appendixes with related information (including the CIW JavaScript Specialist Objectives And Locations Appendix). See the CIW Supplemental Files section under Classroom Setup for information about accessing these files.

CIW Online Exercises These interactive activities are instructional supplements to the official print and online books, designed to offer a blended-learning approach. Mapped directly to the Official CIW Courseware, the CIW Online Exercises enable you to review important concepts from the JavaScript Specialist course and measure your proficiency on content relevant to the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam. CIW Online Exercises challenge you with a wide range of activities, including glossary flashcards, matching exercises, fill-in-the-blank exercises, crossword puzzles and true/false questions — all providing immediate feedback. EVALUATION COPY CIW Course Reviews CIW Course Reviews are designed to assess your knowledge of the concepts, skills and best practices of Web technology taught in the Official CIW Courseware. The CIW Course Reviews assess lesson knowledge, reinforce classroom learning and enhance instruction. This online review program contains multiple-choice reviews and quizzes that cover CIW JavaScript Specialist courseware content lesson by lesson.

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CIW Certification Practice Exams After you have mastered the CIW JavaScript Specialist course material, you are ready to prepare for the high-stakes CIW JavaScript Specialist certification exam. The online CIW Certification Practice Exams program helps you build confidence with your knowledge of the CIW exam objectives. This program provides you with:  Timed practice exams that simulate the high-stakes testing environment and help predict actual performance on CIW certification exams.

 A feedback review mode that allows you to check answers while taking the practice exam and gain valuable feedback that relates each question to a CIW exam objective and a lesson in the Official CIW Courseware.

 Exam results that report on your mastery of each CIW exam objective.  Personalized performance reports and study plans to track individual progress and view overall class trends. Course Objectives After completing this class, you will be able to:

 Identify characteristics of JavaScript and common programming practices.  Work with variables and data in JavaScript.  Use JavaScript functions, methods and events.  Use JavaScript statements to control program flow.  Explain and use the JavaScript Document Object Model (DOM).  Use JavaScript language objects and create expressions.  Use JavaScript to develop interactive XHTML forms.  Address security issues relevant to JavaScript, and define and use cookies.  Create and use custom JavaScript objects.  Use JavaScript to change XHTML before it is rendered on a Web page.  Use JavaScript code libraries to assist in developing JavaScript programs.  Use JavaScript and AJAX to create interactive Web applications.  Debug and troubleshoot JavaScript code. Classroom Setup Your instructor has probably set up the classroom computers based on the system requirements listed in the following sections. Most software configurations on your computer are identical to those on your instructor's computer. However, your instructor may use additional software to demonstrate network interaction or related EVALUATIONtechnologies. COPY System Requirements This section lists the hardware, software and connectivity requirements to implement this course.

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Hardware The following table summarizes the hardware requirements for all courses in the CIW program. Each classroom should be equipped with enough personal computers to accommodate each student and the instructor with his or her own system. Note: The CIW hardware requirements are similar to the minimum system requirements for Microsoft Windows XP implementation except that CIW requires increased hard disk space (20 GB) and RAM (1 GB).

CIW hardware specifications Greater than or equal to the following

Processor Intel Pentium processor (or equivalent) 1-GHz minimum required (single or dual processor system)

L2 cache 256 KB

Hard disk 20 GB



Network interface card (NIC) 10BaseT or 100BaseTX (10 or 100 Mbps)

Sound card/speakers Required for instructor's station, optional for student stations

Video adapter At least 4 MB

Monitor Super VGA (800 x 600) resolution video graphics card and 17-inch monitor with 256 colors

Network hubs Enough 10-port 10BaseT or 100BaseTX (10 or 100 Mbps) hubs to allow classroom computers to communicate

Router* Multi-homed system with three NICs (Windows 2000/2003 server)*

* Router only required for some security and networking courses. Please review the connectivity or network requirements for each course to determine if a router is required. Must meet universal CIW hardware requirements.

Software The recommended software configurations for computers used to complete the labs in this book are as follows.

To be installed before class:

 Microsoft Windows XP or later.  Microsoft Internet Explorer browser  Mozilla Firefox browser  (optional) Google Chrome browser  (optional) browserEVALUATION COPY  A standard text editor, such as Notepad, Notepad++ or WordPad (included with Microsoft Windows).

Connectivity Internet connectivity is required for this course. You will experience optimal performance with a dedicated Internet connection (e.g., a cable/DSL modem or a T1 line).

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CIW supplemental files This coursebook includes supplemental materials that are referenced and used throughout the course. These supplemental materials are provided online at

You will need to create a directory for all supplemental materials for the course. The default location is C:\CIW\[Course_Title]. To view or download the materials, go to CIW Online, click the link for each file and save to this directory. You can then create a shortcut to this directory on your Desktop. As you conduct the course labs, you can use this shortcut to quickly access your lab files.

Note: Most JavaScript code is widely provided as freeware and is not subject to copyright restrictions. Some code used in this course's examples and labs for instructional purposes was provided in part or in whole as freeware, and was not necessarily written in full by CIW developers.


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Conventions and Graphics Used in This Book The following conventions are used in this coursebook.

Terms Technology terms defined in the margins are indicated in bold type the first time they appear in the text. However, not every word in bold type is a term requiring definition.

Lab Text Text that you enter during a lab appears in italic bold type. Names of components that you access or change in a lab appear in bold type.

Notations Notations or comments regarding screenshots, labs or other text are indicated in italic type.

Program Code or Text used in program code or operating system commands appears in the Lucida Commands Sans Typewriter font.

The following graphics are used in this coursebook.

Tech Notes point out exceptions or special circumstances that you may find when working with a particular procedure. Tech Notes that occur within a lab are displayed without the graphic.

Tech Tips offer special-interest information about the current subject.

Warnings alert you about cautions to observe or actions to avoid.

This graphic signals the start of a lab or other hands-on activity.

Each lesson summary includes an Application Project. This project is designed to provoke interest and apply the skills taught in the lesson to your daily activities.

Each lesson concludes with a summary of the skills and objectives taught in that lesson. You can use the Skills Review checklist to evaluate what you have learned.  EVALUATIONThis graphic indicates a line of code that is completed COPY on the following line.

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© 2011 Certification Partners, LLC. — All Rights Reserved. Version 1.01

1Lesson 1: Introduction to JavaScript

Objectives By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:  1.1.1: List key JavaScript characteristics, including object-based nature, events, platform-independence, and differences between scripting languages and programming languages.  1.1.2: Identify common programming concepts, including objects, properties and methods.  1.1.3: Describe various JavaScript versions and flavors, including ECMA standards, JScript and similarities with proprietary scripting languages.  1.1.4: Distinguish between server-side and client-side JavaScript applications, including JavaScript interpreters and rendering engines.  1.1.5: Describe acceptable coding practices, including appropriate use of comment tags and the


1-2 JavaScript Specialist

Pre-Assessment Questions

1. Which of the following statements about JavaScript is true? a. Mobile browsers cannot use JavaScript. b. JavaScript runs the same on all browsers. c. JavaScript is a compiled language. d. JavaScript is platform-independent.

2. Which of the following statements properly references an external JavaScript file? a.

X/HTML page text

X/HTML page text

Notice that the X/HTML comment tag is used to "comment out" or hide the text of the script. You can use this feature in case the person browsing your page has an old browser that cannot execute JavaScript code. The comment tags prevent the specified text from displaying in the browser window. However, as more users upgrade their browsers, the comment tag will become less necessary for this purpose. The preferred method is using the

Notice the special addition in the ending comment tag line. The // characters at the beginning of the line are how JavaScript comments out text. JavaScript does not know how to handle the ending comment tag because it consists of two JavaScript operators; therefore you must hide that line from the JavaScript code. Failure to include the // characters results in an error message when the page is loaded in some browsers, and may keep the script from executing properly.

The HTML 4.0 type attribute OBJECTIVE The HTML 4.0 specification deprecated the language attribute of the Script Versioning for your Browser

The assumption would be that this script would currently display "JavaScript version 1.8," and in the future "version 1.9." However, the deprecation of the

The browser will automatically read the code written in the .js file as if it were placed between the

© 2011 Certification Partners, LLC. — All Rights Reserved. Version 1.01 Lesson 1: Introduction to JavaScript 1-13

Annotating Your Code with Comments

OBJECTIVE As your scripts become longer and more complex, they will become harder to read and 1.1.5: JavaScript debug. For this reason, successful developers place comments in their code to help coding practices remind them of the purpose and function for each major section of code. You know that X/HTML allows you to use the comment tags to place comments in the document that have no effect on the document's appearance to the user. Similarly, you can also place comments in your JavaScript code. Comments are useful for making notes to explain code, or to temporarily disable one or more lines of code during debugging.

JavaScript uses two types of comment indicators. One indicator delineates a comment on a single line of script (//). The other type of comment indicator is used for multiple-line comments (/*...*/).

Single-line comment indicator You have already used the // to comment out the ending X/HTML comment tag. However, the single-line comment indicator is not limited to this use. You can use this method to add comments to a whole or partial line, as demonstrated in the following code excerpt:

In this example, the portion of the coding from the // to the end of the line will be ignored by the JavaScript interpreter. Remember that the X/HTML comment indicators are used around a script block to hide the script code from older browsers that are unable to render it.

Multiple-line comment indicator Eventually, you will need to use a comment that extends beyond a single line. To perform this task, enclose the area that will not execute with the /* and */ indicators. Note that the syntax for this comment is exact.

The following is an example of a multi-line comment:

© 2011 Certification Partners, LLC. — All Rights Reserved. Version 1.01 1-14 JavaScript Specialist

You can also use comments to prevent a section of code from executing if you need to troubleshoot your script. If you enclose the section of suspect script within comment indicators, JavaScript will ignore that section when your script executes.

In the following lab, you will create a JavaScript-enabled X/HTML page. Suppose you are working on the Web team for a midsize company that has a fairly wide audience. Your supervisor says that your team needs to know which browsers are being used by customers who visit the site. You can use JavaScript to determine the browser used by site visitors, then tailor the JavaScript code to certain users. Many large-scale Web sites will first determine the browser type and version, then display the Web pages appropriately.

Any text editor can be used to create this page. Check with your instructor for special instructions about the editor to be used for this course. Before beginning this lab, copy the Student_Files folder from this course's supplemental CD to your Desktop.

Lab 1-1: Creating a JavaScript-enabled page

In this lab, you will create your first JavaScript page, which will introduce two JavaScript objects using a method of one and two properties of the other. The first object is the document object and will use its write method. The second object is the navigator object and will use its appName and appVersion properties.

1. Editor: Open the lab1-1.htm file from the Lesson 1 folder of the Student_Files directory. Enter the code indicated in bold:

Lab 1-1

CIW JavaScript Specialist


2. Editor: Save lab1-1.htm.

3. Browser: Open the lab1-1.htm file in your browser. Your screen should resemble Figure 1-2, depending on the browser you use (the figure shows the file displayed in Internet Explorer 8). You can see that this simple script determines and displays the type and version of browser used to display it.

© 2011 Certification Partners, LLC. — All Rights Reserved. Version 1.01 Lesson 1: Introduction to JavaScript 1-15

Figure 1-2: File lab1-1.htm displayed in Internet Explorer v8 browser

4. Browser: Now launch a different browser, and use it to open the lab1-1.htm file. Your screen may resemble Figure 1-3, depending on the browser you use (the figure shows the file displayed in Mozilla Firefox). You can see that this simple script determines and displays the type and version of browser used to display it.

Figure 1-3: File lab1-1.htm displayed in Mozilla Firefox browser 5. Browser:EVALUATION Study the display in the browser. As you canCOPY see, differences exist in the format that each browser uses for the output of the JavaScript statements. This example indicates the differences in implementing JavaScript from browser to browser.

6. Editor: Review the code you wrote in the lab1-1.htm file. In this lab you used a document.write() statement. The document object's write() method is used to output data to the X/HTML stream. You also used the navigator object's appName and appVersion properties. The appName property returns a string value indicating

© 2011 Certification Partners, LLC. — All Rights Reserved. Version 1.01 1-16 JavaScript Specialist

the name of the client browser. The appVersion property returns a string value indicating the version number of the client browser, as well as the client's platform.

Notice that in the document.write() statements, the code navigator.appName and navigator.appVersion was not typed inside quotation marks, whereas the X/HTML

tag was inside quotation marks. The two lines of code using the navigator object are evaluated text. In other words, the JavaScript interpreter dynamically supplies the appropriate text when the script is executed. Therefore, that text was not inside quotation marks. The literal

tag is static text. Its value is known before the script runs, so it is placed inside quotation marks.

Case Study Client-Side Stride TimeWarp E-Calendar Company's Web site had a major problem: January was coming, and its site had barely survived the New Year's rush the previous year.

The TimeWarp Web site allowed users to design a custom calendar, download it, then print it out. Each day of the calendar could be edited separately to add photos, birthdays, special events and so forth. Hundreds of people could be using the TimeWarp site at any given time, and the average customer made 20 customizations, each of which was sent to the server to update the customer's calendar. This activity was a huge drain on the TimeWarp server resources.

However, TimeWarp found a solution that used client-side JavaScript and DHTML to modify the calendar instead of server-side scripting. The user could pay for the calendar and download the DHTML pages to his or her system once, then update each calendar page on his or her computer. When the calendar was finished, the user could print it or save it for further editing later. But after the initial download, TimeWarp E-Calendar's server would not need to be involved at all.

* * *

Consider this scenario and answer the following questions.

 What are some advantages of shifting some or all of a process load from the server to the client? What are some disadvantages?

 Even if you cannot rewrite an entire program as client-side code, it is almost always possible to shift at least some code from the server to the client. What are some examples of common Web site functionality that can be performed faster or better on a user's computer (the client) rather than on the server?


© 2011 Certification Partners, LLC. — All Rights Reserved. Version 1.01 Lesson 1: Introduction to JavaScript 1-17

Lesson Summary

Application project

The World Wide Web provides many valuable JavaScript resources. Use any good search engine to locate several JavaScript resources. Also, you can find some resources listed in an appendix to this course.

Begin investigating sites that provide language documentation, tutorials and code examples. Become familiar with the various resources on the World Wide Web. Determine and document which sites provide the most information, which sites are the easiest to use, and which will benefit you the most as you learn the JavaScript language.

As you begin writing code, you will find that these types of resources are essential in several ways: They help you learn the language, they save you development time when you implement the language, and they help you stay up-to-date over time as the technologies and languages you learn are evolved and improved.

Skills review Computer users' expectations and the demand for sophisticated graphical application interfaces have resulted in the advent of powerful scripting languages, such as JavaScript. JavaScript was first supported in the Netscape Navigator version 2.0 browser and has since gained wide support in most popular browsers. Like other scripting languages, JavaScript is interpreted, not compiled to any particular machine or operating system. Scripting languages are subsets of larger, more complicated programming languages. JavaScript is an object-based language because it derives functionality from a collection of built-in objects. JavaScript is event-driven and platform-independent. In programming, objects encapsulate predesignated attributes and behavior. Developers refer to attributes and behaviors by three specific terms: properties, values and methods. Although the names are similar, Java and JavaScript are different languages. Java is a full-fledged object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, whereas JavaScript is an object-based scripting language that stands alone and does not require Java. JavaScript has been updated many times, and the current version is JavaScript 1.8.1, with version 1.9 in development. JavaScript can be used for client-side and server-side solutions. JavaScript is usually placed within an X/HTML document using the