Marcelo Camargo (Haskell Camargo) – Résumé [email protected] Based in Joinville / SC – Brazil


• Programming languages domain: ◦ Ada, AdvPL, BASIC, , C++, C#, Clipper, , CoffeeScript, Common LISP, Elixir, Erlang, F#, , Go, Harbour, Haskell, , Hy, Java, JavaScript, Ink, LiveScript, Lua, MATLAB, Nimrod, OCaml, Pascal, PHP, PogoScript, Processing, PureScript, Python, Ruby, Rust, Self, Shell, Swift, TypeScript, VisualBasic [.NET], Whip, ZPL. • Markup, style and serialization languages: ◦ Markdown, reStructuredText, [X] HTML, XML, CSS, LESS, SASS, Stylus, Yaml, JSON, DSON. • Database management systems: ◦ Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL. • Development for operating systems: ◦ Unix based, Windows (CE mobile included), Android, OS. • Parsers and : ◦ Macros: ▪ Sweet.js, preprocessor directives. ◦ Parser and scanner generators: ▪ ANTLR, PEG.js, Jison, Flex, re2c, Lime. • Languages: ◦ Portuguese (native) ◦ English (native) ◦ Spanish (fluent) ◦ French (fluent) ◦ Turkish (intermediate) ◦ Chinese (mandarin) (intermediate) ◦ Esperanto (intermediate)


• Prelude AdvPL – a library that implements in AdvPL and extends its syntax to a more expressive one; it's a port of Haskell's Prelude; • Frida – a LISP dialect that runs on top of Node.js; • PHPP – A complete PHP preprocessor with a grammar able to identify and replace tokens and extend/modify the language syntax, meant to be implemented in PHP 7.2 core; • Rawr – Functional programming, pure object orientation and the Haskell ported to PHP. Why? Because we can, of course; • RawrLang – A that compiles to PHP with straightforward mapping; • Ink – A language that compiles to ZPL; • Vardump.js – Implementation of PHP expressions analyzer in JavaScript. • Sublime AdvPL – Sublime syntax highlighting for AdvPL; • ThRust – Monadic implementation in Rust; • Prelude Erl – A port of Haskell's Prelude for Erlang; • Iguana OS – The first brazilian web based operating system.

Translator on

• Mozilla Foundation • phpMyAdmin • Atlassian Bitbucket • Geany • WPS Office • Wikimedia Foundation • CakePHP

Open-source projects contributed to

• Whip • HS language PHP Compiler • Microsoft TypeScript Compiler • PHP language specification • LiveScript Compiler • DefinitelyTyped • PHP Core • • Mermaid programming language

Professional experience

2015 – Systems Analyst (AdvPL, LiveScript) on NG Info – Totvs Software Partner; 2014 – Programmer (C#, PHP, ZPL, Erlang) on Evosix Prime Solutions; 2013 – Hardware technical on MicroClean Info; 2012 – Network technical on AmplasNet.


• Backend developer on Civil Defense's website for Brusque; • Open-source and functional programming shiite and enthusiastic; • Focus on programming paradigms; • Experienced with ERP and whatever you imagine (except for C++ template metaprogramming. Nobody really knows it); • 1 year attending systems of information on UNIASSELVI; • I love cats.