FINAL REPORT WY-18/05F SHRP2 Implementation Assistance Program (IAP)—Round 4 Concept to Countermeasures—Research to Deployment Using the SHRP2 Safety Data DRIVER PERFORMANCE AND BEHAVIOR IN ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS: AN INVESTIGATION USING THE SHRP2 NATURALISTIC DRIVING STUDY DATA—PHASE 2 Final Report March 2018 Principal Investigator Mohamed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., P.E. Assistant Professor Authors Mohamed M. Ahmed, Ph.D., P.E. Ali Ghasemzadeh, Ph.D., Post-doctoral Research Associate Britton Hammit, Ph.D. Candidate Nasim Khan, MS Student Anik Das, MS Student Elhashemi Ali, Ph.D. Candidate Rhonda K. Young, Ph.D., P.E. Hesham Eldeeb, Ph.D. (HIS) Sponsored by Wyoming Department of Transportation (Grant No: RS07216) From Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering University of Wyoming 1000 E. University Avenue, Department 3295 Laramie, Wyoming 82071 Telephone: (307) 766-5550 Fax: (307) 766-2221 E-mail:
[email protected] i FOREWORD The objective of the second phase of the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) Implementation Assistance Program (IAP) was to conduct a thorough analysis using a larger set of Naturalistic Driving Study trips to extract behavioral trends specific to a wide variety of weather conditions on freeway. These weather conditions included rain, snow, and fog from a diverse driver population from each of the six SHRP2 data collection sites. The objective of Phase 3 of this study is to interpret these findings such that they can be used to inform the development of Wyoming-based safety and reliability countermeasures. Phase 3 of begins in early 2018 and will conclude in 2019. The solid foundation generated in the first two project phases will be used to enhance the existing weather-dependent VSL system operated by WYDOT.