Feminism As History and Politics / Sara M. Evans

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Feminism As History and Politics / Sara M. Evans I^r 1 ^^^4".,^ -v--. ^~».. TOWARD A USABLE PAST y VOroMEM N s HISTORY in the United States has been siders to the great sweeping changes wrought by men in politically charged from the beginning. Like other insur­ power. Historians who were feminists accepted the chal­ gent branches of history born in the 1960s, it exposed lenge and began what became a flood of new scholarship the implicit politics in what had previously passed as on the social history of women which poses a growing ""objective" or ""scholarly" inquiry. In the 1980s, howev­ challenge to historical tradition. er, women's history has become a respected subfield The work of contemporary feminist historians, in­ within the discipline. It is now important for feminist spired initially by the women's liberation movement, can have a broad impact on the evolution of the women's movement. Historical schol­ arship provides the material Feminism as that allows a reformulation of basic political and theo­ retical dead ends. Put sim­ History and Politics ply, the historian's work matters in the real world. But it is also important to Sara M. Evans explore the existing frame­ works for women's history and their practical manifes­ historians to reconsider the relationship between the tations in the ongoing activities of the feminist move­ field of women's history and the social movement that ment in order to gain a new kind of clarity about the gave it birth. questions we ask. The intersection of academic heritage Women's history was born because the feminist and feminist commitment is a point of tension fraught movement in the late 1960s, like all social movements, with danger as well as significance. Any approach to the required a vision of history. Contemporary feminists re­ past contains an implicit theory of social change and fu­ jected the static images of females as governed by un­ ture possibility, assumptions that can function as a dis­ changing biological and familial roles and therefore out- torting lens, as feminist critiques of traditional histo­ riography have so powerfully revealed. When made ' Some of the earliest examples include Gerda Lerner, explicit and subjected to critical examination, however, "New Approaches to the Study of Women in American His­ such assumptions provide new and creative avenues for tory," in Journal of Social History, 4:333-.356 (Fall, 1969), and "Placing Women in History: Definitions and Challenges," in research as they generate hitherto unasked questions Feminist Studies, Fall, 1975, p. .5-15; Ann D. Gordon, Mari Jo about the past. Buhle, and Nancy Schrom Dye, "Women in American Society: Historical frameworks that are limiting or inadequate An Historical Contribution, " and Sheila Ryan Johansson, in comprehending women's past in all its complexity, on ""'Herstory' as History; A New Field or Another Fad'?" both reprinted in Bernice A. Carroll, ed.. Liberating Women's His­ the other hand, reinforce political activities which are tory: Theoretical and Critical Es.says, 7.5-92, 400-430 (Urbana, similarly limiting. In the early 1970s feminist historians 1976). Subsequent articles along similar lines include Carroll defined the field and advocated a radical and sweeping Smith-Rosenberg, "The New Woman and the New History, " approach to women's past.' They argued that historians and Natalie Zemon Davis, "'Women s History' in Transition: had tended to concentrate either on women's "contribu­ The European Case, " both in Feminist Studies, Fall, 1975, p. 185-198 and Spring/Summer, 1976, p. 83-103; Jane Lewis, tions" to history or on their oppression; neither approach ""Women Lost and Found: The Impact of Feminism on His­ offered a satisfactory method of understanding the ex­ tory, " in Dale Spender, ed.. Men's Studies Modified: The Im­ periences of most women. The feminist historians urged pact of Feminism on the Academic Disciplines, .55-72 (New instead that women's lives be studied on their own York, 1981). terms, a process that might well require entirely new categories of analysis. Sara Evans, associate professor of history at the University of Minnesota, is the author of Personal Politics: The Roots of Women's Liberation in the Civfl Rights Movement and the New Left (1979). She writes and speaks widely on issues of women's history. A different version of this article was the T keynote address for the Women Historians of the Midwest JLHE CONTRIBUTION history or ""women worthies" Conference on Women's History in April, 1982, in St. Paul. approach assumes that, while men have made history, women have contributed to every major historical event Summer 1983 231 or process. The greatest practitioner of this mode was they face continuing discrimination. A failure of politics Mary Beard, whose Women as a Force in Hi.story pro­ to address these realities also results in the reification of vided both a model and a foil for recent scholarship. This single-issue solutions such as the ERA which place the approach avoids a full feminist critique of the discipline entire burden of sexual equality on a single legal change. but looks for women within the given parameters of ac­ Or the failure may lead to a retreat into individualism tivities traditionally deemed historic. Only those who and purely personal solutions. step outside the norm, who act essentially as powerful At its best, however, contribution history can help men have acted, are "'discovered. " Because such women broaden women's sense of their own possibilities. Be­ were deviant, however, questions about them bypass cause most women in the past, however prominent, are the historical realities of most women.^ not represented in our received tradition, their rediscov­ The political dimension of contribution history is an ery brings the shocked recognition of our own assimilationist assertion that women should enter the impoverishment. '^ public arena as freely as men: equal opportunity history. Focused on women in public life, it implies no critique of personal or family life nor any challenge to the sub­ T-H E SECOND APPROACH to women's history asserts ordination of these spheres to the public. The popular thaJLHt womeI n have been brutalized, dehumanized, and press features this version of feminism and women's his­ defined as secondary by every known culture in history. tory; books and articles about great and exceptional This could be called victim history because it investi­ women in the past bolster the contemporary myth of the gates the origins of women's oppression and the nature "superwoman, " who manages career and family with of patriarchy. In many ways it is focused on the actions of ease. Where high school and college texts have begun to men toward women rather than on the actions of women. add a few ""great women " to provide role models, the The works of early feminist theorists Shulamith Fire­ message becomes: women must increase their contribu­ stone and Kate Millett, for example, emphasized tion to public life by learning to get ahead in the ways women's history as a story of oppression. Firestone that men do. argued that ""throughout history, in all stages and types Betty Friedan's recent work. The Second Stage of culture, women have been oppressed due to their (1981), represents a version of this mode at its most biological function." Millett offered an early analysis of ahistorical. In her haste to eliminate what she views as patriarchal and misogynist images and structures in feminists' angry excesses, Friedan accords virtually no American literature. Each drew her framework from weight to the past. She speaks vaguely about "evolution" Simone de Beauvoir, who asserted in The Second Sex that moving toward the feminine, allowing women for the men had made history and that women had been the first time to be themselves while taking their place in passive and dependent "other. "'* history by transcending the conflicts between work and family. The magical quality of her solution illustrates the ^ Davis, in Feminist Studies, 18.5-198. The best source on fact that, when history finally becomes irrelevant, so does Mary Beard is Anne J. Lane, ed., Mary Ritter Beard: A Source­ political strategy. book (New York, 1977). See also Bernice A. Carroll, "Mary The organizations associated with this vision have Beard's Woman As Force in History: A Critique, " in Carroll, been on the front lines of the battles around the New ed.. Liberating Women's History, 26-41. Right, the Equal Rights Amendment, reproductive •'Excellent examples of this positive use of traditional women's history are the ""Found Women " column in Ms. in the choice, and affirmative action. Their members, often mid-1970s and Barbara Stuhler and Gretchen Kreuter, eds.. called moderate feminists, concentrate on practical lob­ Women of Minnesota: Selected Biographical Essays (St. Paul, bying skills and work through the courts and the political 1977). Feminist scholars are also demonstrating the rich inter­ parties. In recent years political observers and some pretive possibilities when the questions and perspectives of moderate feminists have voiced fears that feminists are woman-centered social history are applied to traditional sub­ jects of political activity and "famous" women. See, for exam­ no longer setting the agenda but instead are just defend­ ple, Mari Jo Buhle, Women and American Socialism, ing gains already made. In part, such judgments reflect 1870-1920 (Urbana, 1981); Gerda Lerner, The Grimke Sisters the limitations of equal economic opportunity as a goal: from South Carolina: Pioneers for Women's Rights and Aboli­ "women who are like men should be treated equally tion (New York, 1971); Kathryn Kish Sklar, Catharine Beecher: with men. ' But most women are not like men. They A Study in American Domesticity (New Haven, 1976). There is also a large and growing literature on the suffrage movement.
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