Romantic Triangles
Romantic Triangles: Author-Publisher-Reader Relations in Early Nineteenth Century British Literary Magazines: with particular reference to the Familiar Essays of Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt, and Thomas De Quincey by Christopher J. Skelton-Foord B.A.(Cantab.), M.Litt. (Aberdeen) A Master's Dissertation, submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Master of Arts Degree of the Loughborough University of Technology September 1992 Supervisor: Diana Dixon B.A., M.Phil.(Leicester), Dip.Lib.(London), A.L.A. Departme·nt of Information and Library Studies '. @ C. J. Skelton-Foord, 1992 - iii - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am glad to acknowledge my debt to my research supervisor, Diana Dixon, for advice and friendly guidance which have helped to ensure that writing my dissertation remained challenging and enjoyable. I am grateful to the staff of the British Library Document Supply Centre; Manchester Central Library; and the University Li braries of Aberdeen, Cambridge, Leicester, Loughborough, Manchester, Nottingham, and Staffordshire (especially its Assistant Humanities Librarian, Cathryn Donley) for their courtesy in making available to me their collections. Special thanks go to Mrs Hilary Dyer and Professor John Feather for their kind assistance at Loughborough, to Brandon High and John Urquhart for their encouragement and example, and to the School of English Studies, Journalism and Philosophy at the University of Wales College of Cardiff, whose award of a Corvey Senior Studentship in Bibliography from October 1992 provided me with the reassuring focus of knowing that my research into the production and reception of literature in the Romantic a~e could progress a stage further.
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