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BAP 374 Covers.Indd Late Devonian Goniatites (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) from New York State M. R. House and W. T. Kirchgasser Bulletins of American Paleontology Number 374, July 2008 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Established 1895 Paula M. Mikkelsen Warren D. Allmon Editor-in-Chief Director Editorial Board Jason S. Anderson, University of Calgary Carlton Brett, University of Cincinnati Ann F. Budd, University of Iowa Peter Dodson, University of Pennsylvania J. Thomas Dutro Jr., United States Geological Survey Daniel Fisher, University of Michigan Dana H. Geary, University of Wisconsin-Madison John Pojeta, United States Geological Survey Carrie E. Schweitzer, Kent State University Geerat J. Vermeij, University of California at Davis Emily H. Vokes, Tulane University (Emerita) William Zinsmeister, Purdue University Bulletins of American Paleontology is published semiannually by Paleontological Re- search Institution. For a list of titles and to order back issues online, go to http://museum- Numbers 1-94 (1895-1941) of Bulletins of American Paleontology are available from Periodicals Service Company, Germantown, New York, Subscriptions to Bulletins of American Paleontology are available to US addresses for US$165 per year, postage included, to individuals or institutions; non-US addressees pay an additional US$20 for postage and handling. For additional information or to place an order, contact: Publications Offi ce Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road Ithaca, New York 14850-1313 Tel. (607) 273-6623, ext. 20 Fax (607) 273-6620 [email protected] Th is paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Late Devonian Goniatites (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) from New York State M. R. House and W. T. Kirchgasser Bulletins of American Paleontology Number 374, July 2008 ISSN 007-5779 ISBN 978-0-87710-476-6 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2008931960 © 2008, Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, U. S. A. Michael House (at far right) on a “Friends of Devonian” fi eld trip, western New York, 1966, with (left to right) John Huddle (U. S. Geological Survey), Ed Buehler (SUNY Buff alo), Larry Rickard (N. Y. State Geological Survey), Bill Kirchgasser (SUNY Potsdam), and Jon Harrington (Cornell University). Photograph by Prof. J. W. Wells (Cornell University). Michael House (second from left) with Tony Dunn (SUNY Potsdam) and Prof. and Mrs. J. Wells, at Luck Stone Lodge, Sheldrake Point, Cayuga Lake, 1984. Michael House (seated at right) with Gil Klapper (at left, University of Iowa) and Th omas Becker (standing, Southampton University and Universität Münster), in Western Australia, 1990. TRIBUTE MICHAEL ROBERT HOUSE (1930-2002) Michael House was raised on the Mesozoic ammonites along the coast of his native Dorset. While studying at Cambridge, he found Devonian goniatites on the rocky shores of Cornwall and Devon and began a lifelong pursuit of their relatives around the globe, collecting bed by bed and tracking down type specimens in museums large and small, making friends everywhere. He came to America to fi nd Professor John Wells at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and was guided to the Naples area where the seed that grew into this monograph was planted. House was a tireless ambassador for the Devonian with an ever-expanding goniatite portfolio, a true internationalist, a Friend of the Devonian and all its students, profes- sional and amateur. He was a dedicated teacher and mentor to generations of students at the universities at Durham, Oxford, Hull and Southampton. Among the many awards and tributes is a volume of papers in his honor (Becker & Kirchgasser, 2007) that includes a list of his one-hundred-plus publications. R. T., & W. T. Kirchgasser, eds. 2007. Devonian Events and Correlations. Geological Society (London) Special Publication 278, 280 pp. HOUSE & KIRCHGASSER: LATE DEVONIAN GONIATITES 1 LATE DEVONIAN GONIATITES (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) FROM NEW YORK STATE M. R. House* & W. T. Kirchgasser Department of Geology, State University of New York at Potsdam, Potsdam, New York 13676, U. S. A., email [email protected] [*deceased] ABSTRACT This paper is a revision of the classic nineteenth century goniatite collections from the Devonian of New York State de- scribed by James Hall and John M. Clarke. Type material is illustrated photographically, mostly for the first time; the taxonomy is revised, and ontogenetic and statistical data are given, where possible. Detailed biostratigraphic work is re- ported through the late Givetian, Frasnian, and Famennian, aimed at determining the precise horizon and location of primary material at 184 localities. A description of the considerable additional goniatite material is integrated with that of the classic type specimens to treat the faunas systematically and as a whole. Noteworthy is the different contribution to knowledge provided by a range of preservation patterns, especially of the material preserved as barite replacements from the Cashaqua Shale. The goniatite-bearing horizons are mostly associated with transgressive pulses that punctuate the Catskill Delta succession. The major ones are the upper Tully Limestone, the Geneseo and Renwick black shales, the Ge- nundewa Limestone, and the Middlesex, Rhinestreet, Pipe Creek, and Dunkirk black shales. The refined goniatite succession reported is perhaps the most detailed known in the world through the interval stud- ied. The New York faunal levels are correlated with those known elsewhere, especially with Old World successions, and with the new international standard established by Becker & House (2000). Minor regional variations give a more detailed Appalachian regional zonation of 25 zones, which is integrated with the international standard. The succession associated with the major late Givetian faunal turnover (Taghanic Event) is described, and the influence of sea level changes and anoxia on faunal entry and diversification is reviewed. Very little endemicity is recognized in the faunas, apart from the multilobed Triainoceratidae that are well developed in the mid-Frasnian of central New York. The late Frasnian succession associated with the Lower and Upper Kellwasser Events is documented. Parallel conodont work provides cor- relation with the conodont zonation scale. New taxa described are Koenenites styliophylus kilfoylei n. ssp., Koenenites beckeri n. sp., Sandbergeroceras? enfieldense n. sp., and Manticoceras sinuosum clausium n. ssp.; the older names sinuosum Hall, 1843, and tardum Clarke, 1898, are regarded as subspecies of Manticoceras sinuosum (Hall, 1843). Lectotypes are desig- nated for Pharciceras tridens (G. & F. Sandberger, 1850), Sandbergeroceras syngonum Clarke, 1897, Acanthoclymenia ge- nundewa (Clarke, 1898), Chutoceras nundaium (Hall, 1874), Koenenites styliophilus styliophilus (Clarke, 1898), K. ?fasciculatus (Clarke, 1898), Manticoceras contractum Clarke, 1898, M. sinuosum apprimatum Clarke, 1898, M. sinuosum tardum Clarke, 1898, M. accelerans Clarke, 1897, Carinoceras sororium (Clarke, 1898), Delphiceras cataphractum (Clarke, 1898), Sphaeromanticoceras rhynchostomum (Clarke, 1898), S. oxy (Clarke, 1897), Tornoceras uniangulare uniangulare (Conrad, 1842), and Truyolsoceras bicostatum (Hall, 1843). The Geneseo Limestone Horizon is proposed as a new in- formally named horizon of the Genesee Group. INTRODUCTION turbed, and over a wide outcrop tract more than 280 mi Nowhere in the world is the Upper Devonian exposed so (450 km) long, the dip of the rocks rarely exceeds 1.5o to continuously and accessibly as in New York State. The lower the south. With so extensive an outcrop, and so simple a Upper Devonian (upper Givetian-Frasnian) in particular is structure, the facies changes from the thin marine sequence seen in quite unparalleled excellence, and this interval has near Lake Erie on the west to the thick non-marine se- the greatest potential for refining the biostratigraphic record quences in the Catskill Mountains to the east can be corre- of goniatite cephalopods. The Upper Devonian in New York lated and analyzed in great detail (Text-fig. 1). State crops out over an area of approximately 15,000 mi2 These goniatite faunas have been known since the work (39,000 km2). The sequences are well exposed in innumer- of James Hall (1843) and Lardner Vanuxem (1839, 1842), able creek, gully, and riverside sections. The beds are undis- but it was their description by John M. Clarke (1898, 1899a, b) that made them particularly well known. Clarke 2 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY no. 374 Text-fig. 1. Map of upstate New York showing the outcrop area of late Devonian rocks (Tully Limestone and younger) (stippled), the 15' quadrangle map areas, and (inset) the location of the diagram. The Finger Lakes are marked in black. In addition to the state quadrangle maps, current editions of the New York State Atlas and Gazeteer (Anonymous, 1993) are a convenient source of maps for site location. discovered very well-preserved material, including rich bar- The framework was built on the lithological correlations es- itized faunas that enabled extraction by etching, and he de- tablished by G. W. Colton, J. F. Pepper, W. de Witt, Jr., and veloped techniques for producing artificial molds of material R. G. Sutton in a series of contributions. So excellent are from siltstones. His descriptions of the early stages of many the exposures, however, that individual goniatite horizons forms, particularly
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