Agenda Council Date: Monday 25 February 2013 Time: 5.00 pm Place: Council Chamber, Town Hall For any further information please contact: Mathew Metcalfe, Democratic and Electoral Services Officer Telephone: 01865 252214 Email:
[email protected] The meeting will also be available via a webcast. This means that people may choose to watch all or part of the meeting over the internet rather than attend in person. The webcast will be available to view on the City Council's website after the meeting. Council Membership Lor d Mayor Councillor Alan Armitage Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Mohammed Abbasi Sheriff Councillor Dee Sinclair Councillor Mohammed Altaf -Khan Councillor Ben Lloyd - Councillor Antonia Bance Shogbesan Councillor Laurence Baxter Councillor Mark Lygo Councillor Elise Benjamin Councillor Sajjad Malik Councillor Tony Brett Councillor Stuart McCready Councillor Jim Campbell Councillor Joe McManners Councillor Anne-Marie Canning Councillor Mark Mills Councillor Bev Clack Councillor Helen O'Hara Councillor Mary Clarkson Councillor Susanna Pressel Councillor Colin Cook Councillor Bob Price Councillor Van Coulter Councillor Mike Rowley Councillor Steven Curran Councillor Gwynneth Royce Councillor Roy Darke Councillor David Rundle Councillor Jean Fooks Councillor Gill Sanders Councillor James Fry Councillor Scott Seamons Councillor John Goddard Councillor Craig Simmons Councillor Michael Gotch Councillor Val Smith Councillor Mick Haines Councillor John Tanner Councillor Sam Hollick Councillor Ed Turner Councillor Rae Humberstone Councillor Oscar Van Nooijen Councillor Graham Jones Councillor Ruth Wilkinson Councillor Pat Kennedy Councillor David Williams Councillor Shah Khan Councillor Dick Wolff HOW TO OBTAIN AGENDA In order to reduce the use of resources, our carbon footprint and our costs we will no longer produce paper copies of agenda over and above our minimum internal and Council member requirement.