Rai Gayatri et al., IJSRR 2019, 8(2), 1258-1279 Research article Available online www.ijsrr.org ISSN: 2279–0543 International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews Social Media Cyberfeminism Fighting the Violence Against Women and Brining Change in Real World – A Case Study of #Metoo, an Online Campaign Rai Gayatri 1*and Manish Verma2 1Amity School of Communications, Jaipur-303022-, Raj. India 2Amity School of Communications, Jaipur-303022-Raj. India ABSTRACT In this millennium social media have emerged as most popular media of communication. In the social media era, no woman is alone. This paper wishes to explore how social media can be used to attain gender equality, women empowerment and fighting against the violence against women. Paper wish to analyse the social media campaigns advocating feminist issues. The reason #MeToo has been chosen as it is recent and still in news on online and traditional media. It has been picked immediately by 85 countries. This is an analytical, exploratory research. The content has been taken from the Online articles, online news portals, web pages, Facebook pages, blogs, tweets, pictures from google and other websites discussing #MeToo campaign and its updated reporting. The data has been picked from online media and social media from between October 2017 to February 2018. KEYWORDS– Social media, cyberfeminism, violence against campaign, online activism *Corresponding Author Ms. Gayatri Rai Amity School of Communications, Amity University, Jaipur-303002, Raj. India Email:
[email protected], Mob No -7568702958 IJSRR, 8(2) April. – June., 2019 Page 1258 Rai Gayatri et al., IJSRR 2019, 8(2), 1258-1279 INTRODUCTION Digital devices have made our life easy but actually complicating it.