Denstroude, Blean to Fryarne, Stelling
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To contents page (27) DENSTROUDE Parish: Blean Earliest reference: 1603 (CKS Q/SR 48/8) Ownership: Unknown, except seems to be Robert Lewes of Chilham in 1603 Size: Documentary evidence: 1603 CKS Q/SR 48/8 horse impounded by Robert Lewes of Chilham gentleman in a park at Denstroude Secondary evidence: Hipkin (2000:1-35) ‘Sitting on his Penny Rent’: Conflict and Right of Common in Faversham Blean, 1595-1610’, Rural History 11 Maps: 389 Fieldwork: OS Explorer (2½inch to mile) ?TR104617 general for Denstroude Acknowledgements: (28) EASTWELL Parish: Eastwell, Challock Earliest reference: 1589 licence to enclose (Hasted 1, p.269) Ownership: Sir Christpher Hales attorney.general to Henry VIII, died 33Henry VIII > son Sir James Hales sold to Sir Thomas Moyle chancellor of the court of augmentations mid -16th, died 1560 > Katherine Moyle m. Sir Thomas Finch lived there until died 1597 > son, Sir Moyle Finch (knighted 1584, baronet 1611) d. 1623, and remained in family until 1895 Size: 1589 = not more than 1000a (Hasted 1, p.269): 1895 = 2120a, Eastwell park, mansion and grounds (CKS U1590 E54/6) Documentary evidence: 1617-1628 CKS U350 E4 Hunting in park, Sir Edward Dering of Surrenden Dering and his Booke of Expences 1617-1628 (pp.167,294,296,307,423). Full transcription on-line publishing 1895 CKS U1590 E54/6 (Stanhope) Estate Sale brochure (detailed description of park) Secondary evidence: Arch.Cant. CXXV (2005:337) Dormer (1999:8-9,36,47-48,52) Eastwell park historiette Harris (1719:111) The History of Kent Hasted 1 (1797:269) Hasted 7 (1797:332) Mee (1936:163) Kent Physick (1973:126-128) Five Monuments from Eastwell Yeandle, on-line publishing 'Sir Edward Dering, 1st bart, of Surrenden Dering and his 'Booke of Expences' 1617-1628 Maps: 1596 Symonson - not named but unambiguous 1605 Norden 1611 Speed Fieldwork: OS Explorer (2½inch to mile) TR017475 Eastwell Park Hotel Acknowledgements: (29) EAST WICKHAM / PLUMSTEAD Parish: Bexley, Plumstead Earliest reference: 1610 TNA SP14/58/19 licence to impark 390 Ownership: Edward VI to Sir Martin Bowes > Thomas, duke of Norfolk (CPR 1561) > 1562 manorial rights purchased by Sir John Olyffe of Foxgrave, Kent, alderman of London > whose heir Joan m. John Leigh, son and heir of Nicholas Leigh of Addington > 1576, son Olyff Leigh much enlarged seat there > Christian the wife of his son Sir Francis Leigh there in Charles I' reign Size: 1610 = 500a licence (TNA SP14/58/19) Documentary evidence: 1561 CPR 8 December, Thomas, duke of Norfolk, fine for alienation 1562 CPR 12 February Attainted Lovell land including in E. Wickham to John Olyffe 1610 TNA SP14/58/19 Licence to Sir Olliphe Leigh to impark 500 acres in East Wickham and Bexley 1615 C5/13/2 1561/2 (Bexley Local Studies) Letter of January, Francis Leigh to Carew re doe killed for wife's churching 1617 TNA STAC8 198/8 Theft of buck reserved for king 1658 Assize Calendar 35/99/11/1578 Breaking into park, killing deer of Dame Christian Lee, widow 1658 Assize Calendar July 1658 no.1649 Breaking into park, killing 3 deer of David Copland owner of the park Secondary evidence: Harris (1719:332) History of Kent Hasted 2 (1797:196) Roberts (1999:115) Woodlands of Kent Tester (1991:5,18-19) East Wickham and Welling Vincent (1890:623) The Records of the Woolwich District Maps: Fieldwork: OS Explorer (2½inch to mile) ?TQ460770 open space might be former park area Acknowledgements: Joyce Hoad (30) ELHAM Parish: Elham Earliest reference: 1225 Will of Countess of Eu (Williams p.ix, Records in Merton College, Oxford) Ownership: 1271 Roger de Leybourne and with family until 1367 when escheated to Edward III > 1397 Richard II granted to dean and canons of St Stephens Chapel, Palace of Westminster > Back to Crown in Reformation > 1551 Edward VI to Lord Clinton and Saye, reconveyed back, leased for 80-year lease to Wotton > Wotton's sold interest to Alexander Hamon of Acrise d.1613 leaving 2 daughters, one married Lewknor who got it and purchased the reversion of fee from the crown some few years before the expiration of the term which ended in 1625 > in Charles I's reign sold to Sir Charles Herbert, master of the revels Size: 1649 = 400a, survey (TNA LR2/196) 391 Documentary evidence 1297 (CalPat. 1292-1301, 227)LC William de Leybourne's park hunted while he was in Gascony 2 entries 1332 Lit.Cant.I.491, p.524, 6 does given by prior of Christ Church Canterbury from Westwell park to Sir William Clinton warden of Cinque Ports for Elham Park 1358 CPR Widow of Earl of Huntingdon had deer and other beasts from warren taken and servant assaulted 1368 CPR Survey Preston and Elham parks and repair defects in enclosures 1403 CPR 26 July Confirmation of grant of manor and park to Abbey of St Mary Graces by Tower of London 1602 CKS QM/SI 1603/1 Coursing in park 1649 TNA LR2/196 Survey Secondary evidence: Hasted 8 (1797:98) Knafla (1994:127) Kent at Law 1602 Liddiard (2005:139-140) Castles in Context Roberts (1999:67) Woodlands of Kent Mileson (2009:106) Parks in Medieval England (citing Coulson 1979, Journal of British Archaeological Association 132, p.75) Williams (1959:ix) A Short history of Elham and its Parish Church Maps: 1596 Symonson - park shown to E of road not named 1605 Norden 1611 Speed Fieldwork: OS Explorer (2½inch to mile) TR160458 Elhampark Wood 5 February 2005 - Shown one bank, but haven't enough information to know whether this was a deer park or wood bank. Acknowledgements: Geoffrey Roberts (31) ELTHAM – GREAT Parish: Eltham Earliest reference: 1309 onwards (Cal.Pat. 1307-1313, 172) LC Ownership: Royal C13th, subsequently in hands of Anthony Bek, bishop of Durham, who d.1310, leaving the reversion of it to Queen Eleanor (VCH I p.472), remained with crown into Charles I's reign Size: 1605 = 612a, survey (TNA E164/44): 1649 = 596a, survey (TNA LR2/196) Documentary evidence: 1309 CPR 8 May, Trespassing into park of Anthony bishop of Durham 1369 CPR 20 July, Prior of Rochester gives up tithes on park in return for other lands king 392 grants 1376 CPR 26 November, Repair enclosure, racks, have hay, repair lodges for hay storage 1378 CPR 6 April, Steward and keeper appointed for 1 year to get hedgers to make hedge round park at king's expense and arrest the disobedient 1386 CPR Retrospective licence to acquire land in compensation for tithes lost on arable meadow and pasture when park enlargd under late king 1422 CPR 17 December, Parker of the parks at Eltham 1428 BL, Warrant for 6 fat bucks from park to lord mayor of London 1428 CPR 1 July, Grant to Queen Isabella of Eltham manor held by king of grant from bishop of Durham 1451 Inquisition Miscellaneous VIII p.138-139, 2 kept manor of Eltham with appurtenances in and without the park, save pasture for wild beasts worth £40 p.a. net 1552/3 TNA E41/524, Manor of Eltham granted by Henry VIII to Sir Henry Guldeford 1553 CPR 13 Nov, p.404, Jermingham keeper of Great and Horn parks, master of hunt ?1561 TNA SP12/20/52 Account of tempest damage, Richmond, Eltham, Greenwich, Hampton Court 1568 CPR 27 July, Hatton keeper of Great and Small park and Horn, master of game (wages given) held by Jermyngham or formerly by Gates or Speake. To have keepers lodgings adjoining capital mansion, in reversion all lands in parks, also keeper of garden and purveyor of manor, keeper and surveyor of woods, and more 1572/73 TNA SC12/27/7 Survey of lodges in Eltham parks, 2 lodges, pond, pale decayed 1574 CPR for life John Greene keeper of game (hare and game birds from Greenwich to Eltham, Woolwich, Lewisham, Deptfond) 1586 TNA SP12/186/46 Pett shipwright warrant to take timber from Eltham parks, priced by woodward, not yet paid for 1590 TNA SP12/234/78 Plan of Eltham palace 1590 TNA SP12/335/9 Keeper of house and park fee £13/13/4d, of the garden £4/13/11d, surveyor £6 20d 1594 TNA SP12/250/42,44 Repair to house and parks, £1143/14/0d, survey of house 1594 CKS QM/SB 25/30A Release John Hayt arrested for hunting in Eltham Park, on request of Lord Cobham 1596 TNA E178/1164 In latin 1597/8 TNA E178/1163 Timber felling near park pale; felling licenced and unlicenced in park, used for lodge and pale 1597 TNA SP12/263/107 Grant to Sir William Brooke of keeping Eltham Great park. 1597 TNA SP12/264/7, July 4, Lord North after reversion of Hugh Miller keeper Little park, 3d day, Great park after reversion of William Brooke, house, fee 6d day, custody of Horn 16d day, and 10 marks year; with keeper's lodging, the chantry and priest's house, Eltham , + other benefits 1599 TNA SP12/273/25 November 10, Reversion of keepership of Great Park granted to Sir Thomas Walsingham of Scadbury in succession to Lord North. 1600 TNA SP12/275/3 Rreference to horses being taken to run at grass in the park. 1605 TNA E164/44/ff3-58 Survey = 612a & 510 deer, 4+miles perimeter, 50 timber trees 1606 CKS QM/SB/706 Poaching partridges near King's house 1607 TNA E214/1138 Eltham park, land held in trust for parish now enclosed in park 1608 TNA E351/3367 J. Tavernor surveyor-general of woods S of Trent including Eltham 1608 TNA SP14/31/10 Grant John Livingstone in reversion after Sir Thomas Walsingham keeper of Great park Eltham 1608 TNA SP14/35/49 Sir Julius Caesar to Sir Thomas Lake for privy seal for payment of 393 Sir Oliver Leigh of £81/1/4d balance of his account for repairs at Eltham park.