In Forum... In Forum... Getting rid of guns D1111? Serial killers won't making money eliminate from violence. prison. FORUM & OPINION 101tUM & OPINION Scc. column on page 2. See column on page 2. h$1,11,111 tor skit,: t nicrit 1,4;4

Volume 102, Number 68 Friday, May 13, 1994 Alumnus runs against Pandori for City Council By Daphne Dick SFrartan Daily Staff Writer Glen High School in 1988. Pandori is basing his platform If elected, the SJSU graduate He then transferred to SJSU on community involvement would be the youngest person If Pierre Oliverio has his way, and graduated in 1991 with a such as Project Crackdown. This on the 1994 City Council. "Generation X" will have repre- bachelor's degree in social sci- project was instrumental in Oliverio decided to run for sentation on the San Jose City ence. He also holds a teaching cleaning up downtown's Roo- office because he felt the cur- Council. credential and is planning to sevelt Park. rent incumbent, David Pandori, The 24-year-old is counting obtain his master's degree in The incumbent was also was not doing the best possible on his generation to support political economy by the end of instrumental in passing cam- job for the downtown area. one of their own. 1995. paign reforms. There has to be compromise "These are the people that Currently, Oliverio is teach- One reform limits the to make things go forward. This have not been involved in poli- ing social studies part-time at amount of fundraising money is not happening with Pandori," tics before," he said. "Genera- Willow Glen High School in San candidates can raise after being he said. tion X must look forward and Jose. elected. Oliverio's platform is orient- shape the agenda for our own Oliverio is running for the "Community involvement ed mainly toward crime. future." council seat in San Jose's Down- does not begin with running for "The single most important Oliverio grew up near Willow town District. Competition is office," Pandori said. issue that has been brought up and First Streets, in the down- stiff. Incumbent David Pandori Two others, Leo Tanner and when I go door-to-door is town- San Jose area. is planning to run for a second David Wall, are also competing crime," he said. Oliverio esti- He graduated from Willow term. for the seat. See OUVERIO. page 5 PIERRE UVERIO Cultural rhythms Committee selected for new search CSU Board of Trustees names committee for SJSU presidential search By Gerald Woodall Spartan Dailv Staff-Writer Three faculty representatives were elected by the Academic CSU Board of Trustees Chair Senate including: Don Keesey, Anthony Vitti has announced professor of English; Terry the names of the trustees who Christensen, chairman of politi- will serve on a committee to cal science; and Pamela Stacks, select the next SJSU professor of chemistry. Pt esideni The faculty members The committee will will give C AUFORNIA advice to the comprise SJSU faculty, trustees on who they staff, students, alumni S TATE think is the most quali- and Advisory Board fled candidate. The U NIVERSfrf members. A specific advisory group is timetable has not been responsible for prmid- set, but the search will ing information for the begin later this month. job description. identifying William Campbell will serve potential candidates. review mg ABOVE: Music instructor Royal Hartigan plays a Donno, a as the chairman of the commit- applications and intervicv,ing string-tensioned double-headed African drum, during his tee, with Chancellor Barry candidates. African Drumming class in the Music Building. Hartigan's Munn, and Board Chair Jim CA tic.: officios. See PRESIDENT page 4 class will perform at the Spring Concert of West African line serving as ex Drumming Tuesday at the Student Union Ampitheater.

LEFT: Music students Brady Fishier, left, and Ramone Tysinger plays and sings a Ghanian song called "Miafe," Exhibit to showcase meaning "goodwill to loved ones." artwork by homeless

Photos by Tim Kao St. Joseph is raises money for summer workslwp Anderson BY Laurel faculty. was funded by a one-time St,aruut Da& Staff Writer grant. The grant was awarded to Providing funding for a sum- fund cultural art activities with mer art workshop for the home- the homeless. less is the goal of the St. Joseph The e%,i I will make it possi- Cathedral Choir, which will be ble to ( mile the workshop performing this suminer along with an "When they Journalists exhibit featur- (Social Ministry ing artwork by Office) Ideas for student summer jobs community 'We're dedicated to approached us honored for homeless. about participat-

By Mad. Spears fijSU simple registration at the Ai( e The artwork this ing in the event. Spartan Daily Staff Writer making a stop at the doing achievement Career Planning and Place- is all that is needed to access will be from program again it just opened As the summer is inching ment can make the search the service. last summer's the doors for us. By Thomas Zino "This summer things are participants of It looks like we'll Spartan Daily Staff Wriu-t , many SJSIJ students will tnuch easier. because the get a break from school work, At Career Planning and looking up. Although some the "Homeless- feedback from the he able to recre- Today, the School of Journal- but will be looking for real Placement students can look compaiiies have already made ness: Good ate the workshop ism and Mass Communication work to earn money during the through a long list of hires for the summer. Works" art pro- artists was so in just as high a will be holding its third annual summer months. jobs on a terminal or many managers are ject. The quality as the first Academic Achievement Cele- "There are always summer call 924-AJOB to lear ii STUnENT coming around telling "Amazing overwhelmingly one," said Ted bration. The celebration will be jobs out there that are open. about openings in the of us their needs." Grace" concert positive.' Gehrke, director of the held to honor scholarship recip- But my experience in banking San Jose area. This Melkonian said. "Stu- features "A Ted GebrIce Union ients and new members of will probably help me get a job. phone job hot line can dents should get very Concert of Maim Union Gam Gallery. Kappa Tau Alpha, the honor I normally just look at the bank also be wry helpful tin LI r- E active now. Just American Spir- "We're dedi- society for journalism. jobs because they pay good," students who live out- because they haven't ituals". directed cated to doing Thirty-three students will be undeclared sophomore Melissa side the area and need to find tried doesn't mean there isn't by Tony Eras. this program initiated into the society. Patricia Peralta said. jobs before they come back to anything." The concert again because Herrera said this is the largest Going through newspaper school. According to Melkonian, and art exhibit are sponsored by the feedback from the artists was number of students to apply listings, word of mouth and According to Lina Melkon- the students will probably get the Social Ministry Office and so overwhelmingly positive." he and be accepted into the honor inquiring in local stores are ian, assistant director of Career paid more if they can find a job the Union Gallery. said. society. Herrera said the cele- good ways to find jobs. But Planning and Placement, a See JOBS. page 3 The first homeless art project, Homeless in the community put together by both St. Joseph See CELEBRATION. page 5 Social Ministry Office and SJSU See EXIMBIT, page 3 2 Friday. May 13. 1104 Forum & Opinion SAN lost STATE tbaveosrry SPARTAN DALLY dr,:a ear Editorial re ' 107. ok Kik tio 41/4 Letters to the Editor Gun ban won't Counselor's dedication deter criminals made graduation a reality Editor House of Representatives recently It's hard for me to believe my time at SJSU is real- Thevoted to ban 19 kinds of semi-automatic ly coming to an end. For the past two-and-one-half assault weapons and their copycats. This years, I've counted down the months until my grad- action has already begun to back fire and is a uation, and now I'm actually counting the days. major government mistake. Before I leave this beautiful old campus, there's one Since the vote last May 5, gun prices have gone person in particular I want to say "thank you" to, and up and sales have increased. In some places such that person is Bruce Kravitz. as Braverman Arms Co. in Pennsylvania, gun sales Before I transferred to SJSU from De Anza Col- quadrupled. lege, I made an appointment with Bruce to discuss The ban on these assault weapons is like for- my transferable units. Even though his schedule was bidding a child to eat candy. It only makes the booked solid, he managed to squeeze me in. forbidden objects more desirable. All during my time here, Bruce has calmly In essence the threat of taking away assault answered my frantic questions regarding the mind- rifles only heightens people's interest. This in boggling do's and don'ts of G.E. requirements. Not itself defeats the purpose of the ban. only has he always been calm, he has always been However, the increased prices have not right. In an environment where a student can get as stopped potential gun owners from buying the many different answers to a question as the number weapons. Buyers are rushing out to purchase of people they ask, that's a pretty impressive feat. guns because soon they may not have the chance Bruce is now the director of BSAC, and while it's to buy them legally a big loss for students with G.E. questions, it's an Even if the bill passes, those who want assault equally big gain for BSAC. (By the way, BSAC, what- weapons will continue to get them. ever you're paying him, it's not enough!) For selfish Just because guns are illegal and not available reasons, I'm just glad they didn't offer him the job in stores does not mean that buyers will not get rtso- before this semester. them. The black market will be an obvious outlet here's to you, Bruce. Thanks for all your help. vevC4. Cl-1141a) CIAC0 LACE it EVE Nal 11..) 1416 42.004A So for purchasing the weapons. This type of under- ? I could've done it without you, but it would have ground gun selling and buying is being done taken me at least a couple more years. now. The White House has pushed for the ban Deadlines hinder well-rounded life Pamela Madden because the assault weapons were not made for Senk Public Relations hunting. Instead violent acts are being committed with the use of these rapid fire weapons. is my last column improve because the person This Columnist perpetuates According to Handgun Control Inc., the legis- and although I executing the job would have lation will help stem the tide of violence being planned on taking the time to complete his or her done with these weapons. time to write something do- research. The work may also be gay, lesbian stereotypes However, the National Rifle Association says cluent, I am faced with a dead- refined and embellished, based Editor assault style weapons were used in less than one line. on the need. In his article in the May 10 issue of the SPARTAN percent of the country's murders. Deadlines are pesky and Some people I know may DAILY, Naser Ideis seeks to perpetuate myths about The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms annoying facts of life. Regardless argue with me. They would say a gays and lesbians by his hateful, baseless accusations. says there is no accurate number on how many of what type of work needs to be KIRA RATMANSKY deadline is a motivator for a per- Mr. Ideis intimates there is evidence to support his people are killed by assault-style weapons. done, a deadline always makes a Hodge Page son. Deadlines are necessary opinions but the overwhelming majority of literature Regardless of what type of guns are used, vio- person rush and complete the because without them nothing on the subject refutes almost everything he says. lence will always be a major concern in our coun- task at the last moment. Portable fax machines and cel- would get done. First of all, homosexual does not equal child try as long as we have a deficient justice system. Deadlines hurt the American lular phones are just some of the If a person is really passionate molester. Child molesters are most likely to be het- The solution lies in punishment of criminals society in general. People always examples of real time gadgets. about something (and everyone erosexual family members of the abused child. who commit violent acts. eat in their cars just so they can Real time technology may should ideally be at least some- Many religions accept homosexuals not only as If criminals are punished or sentenced to make it to a business meeting on have an advantage over voice what interested in their job), a members, but as dergy. death, they will not be the perpetrators of vio- time. mail and pagers, but it does not due date may pose as a con- Accuracy is the issue when it comes to the issue of lence. At the very least they will hesitate and think The business meeting is a give a person any privacy. I straint or limit creative freedom. teaching about homosexuality. Inclusion of curricu- long and hard about the consequences of their form of a deadline. People who would not want to be woken up Another argument I might lum that includes a realistic view of the world is what actions. eat in their cars are not taking in the middle of the night hear is that my column runs activists seekEducation should be based on fact, not The assault weapon ban defeats the purpose of the time to enjoy food and care because an emergency fax is every other week. I should have someone's opinions or religious beliefs. decreasing the sale of these weapons. If the bill is for their bodies. Fast food from waiting for me. found the time to make it pro- Scientists have noted that dizygotic (identical passed it will simply backfire as it is already doing. drive-throughs becomes an found. twins), even when reared in different homes are acceptable form of nutrition The second argument is slightly more likely to be both homosexual if one of because a deadline prohibits valid. However, I have other them is. Most researchers agree there is probably an SP 617\ them from taking a hour to eat 'I sometimes duties to complete. All of them element of both genetics and environment involved. lunch. wonder if people have a deadline. But who cares? Most lesbians, gays and bisexuals I remember reading a study There should not be such a don't care why we are they way we are. We just want in about how French people invent deadlines... rush to get things done. I some- to know why people like Mr. Ideis are so concerned EDITORIAL take the time to eat their lunch. times wonder if people invent about our sex lives. The study results showed that just so they don't deadlines because they like to Mr. Ideis treats sexuality as a choice. If it was so Jason Meagher executive editor French people overall have a have to deal with stay extra busy, just so they don't easy to chose, most homosexuals would not chose to Kristin Lomax city editor longer lifespan with less heart have to deal with making their subject themselves from the abuse meted out by Eric S. Huffman production editor problems, despite the fact that making their personal life a success. ignorant people. Monique Schoenfeld photo editor they eat fatty foods. personal life a After all, if the society in had Andy Barron chief photographer Heart problems are a leading all the time in the world to finish Jennifer Iltuta sports editor cause of illness in the U.S. success.' Nicole Martin features editor their duties, they may stop and James McGrath Jane Montes forum editor despite the fact that the society realize how void their lives are of Senior, Psychology Pat Matas on-line editor in general "watches the fat real emotions like love and Carolina Moroder wire editor intake." The heart problems There is no reason why I friendship. Daphne Dick investigative editor may have a direct relationship to could not answer the emergency Anti-abortion letter Shari Kaplan copy editor eating in a hurry, the study said. fax in the morning. In the mean Kevin Moore copy editor Also, the technology buffs time, while I sleep, I would pre- Kira Ratmansky is a Holly Celeste Fisk etc. editor speak of the world functioning fer the inessage to wait for me at Daily columnist. Her column misinformed Lezlee McFadden etc. photo editor on "real time." In real time, the fax machine in the office. appears every other Friday Eric Peterson etc ( over art editor communication happens If deadlines would cease to Editor instantly, without any delays. exist, the quality of work may I would like to comment on laurel .Andervin. lam Barrett. Alex Betanrourt. Ms. Maya's diatribe .Z7,1:Traerridenburg, Cara Broglia. Jack Bunting. Joan Burke, against abortion rights (May 4, 1994). Is she aware of !leather Hayes, Michelle Lau. Ilene Meeks, Cynthia Pickerrell, what lengths women went through prior to Roe v. Deana Smith, Marc Spears. Dhvana Wood, Gerald Woodall, Wade in order to get abortions (because I homas they were illegal)? Probably not Columnists: Drobkiewicz, Naser !rids, Shari Kaplan, 1)aye Prisoners: rich but not remorseful Is she also willing to take the responsibility of car- Marshall. Pat Matas, Kevin Moore, ILebra Myers. Kira Ratmansky, Kite Register rying out an unplanned pregnancy? Having chil- time a convicted entrepreneurs made up Charles dren costs a lot of money, which she seems to be Photographers: Jeanette Hanna. Jeremy Hogan, Deanna A. Anykiller can reach Manson T-shirts with a percent- overlooking. Or will she give up her child because I iorvath. Tim Kari, John Lee. G.N. Ortiz. Leslie A. Sal/mann, Km Statham celebrity status for his age of the profits going to Man- she can't afford to keep it? deeds, there is something wrong son himself. Why is she "undecided" about the issue of preg- Artiste Brett Carmel'. Michael Mayo, Michael Rodriguez with society. How can people like this be nancy resulting from Advisers: Stephen Greene, James McNay. "rape, incest, and birth Convicted criminals should allowed to make so much defects?" ADVERTISING not be able to make money Money off of killing people? Did she think about the case where a retarded Theresa Fulton advertising director while in prison. When people When I think about prison woman was gang raped by several men? Is she sup- Martin Gee art director go to jail, they should be GERALD WOODALL inmates, I picture people in cold posed to bear the child anyway because "It's unfair Angela Nolan downtown manager to stripped of their rights and Writer's Forum dark cells who are remorseful that soul to rip it out of the place were it is sup- Michael Ofrasio national manager unable to make a normal and restricted from any sort of posed to be the safest?" Rob Schultz retail manager income. before making a ton of money In my Johe Chiu marketing manager freedoms. If a felon sells the biology class, we learned about life, too, but Priti Patel co-op manager Some felons have reaped in prison. book or movie rights to his life we also learned about birth control. We were not lec- Glen Jones Production manager financial rewards from the fame Gacy picked up street youths story, the profits should go to tured that sex was wrong but rather that we should Ray Lew etc. manager given to them by the media and for sex and then killed them, yet the people or communities that be careful. We learned that yes, the best method was Jack Quinton faculty adviser disturbed fans. he has become very popular. He, were victimized. abstinence, but also that even with BOTH partners John Wayne Gacy, a notori- received more mail than any Gacy's story makes a mockery using birth control there is always a chance of preg- Executivest Pala. ti William Davidson. Heather Durham, ous murderer who preyed on other death row inmate of our prison system and should nancy. David Fit/1,am( k, Cindy Ilia ken. Julianne Flores, Jann Fratis, Mike Kosiionsek. Client Item. Monica McQueen, Sharon young men and boys, was exe- Apparently, he had a 900 make legislators re-evaluate the Welfare is NOT the answer. There are already too Milner, Jody Octavio. Colleen Sweeney, Thomas Whitsed. cuted Tuesday morning by number called the John Wayne boundaries of capitalism. many people on the welfare rolls without adding Mite Laura Bet krr. Keith Harmon, Ted Schmidt. David]. White lethal injection in Joliet, Chica- Gacy Interview Line that could Since his last murder in 1978, more unwanted pregnancies to the tab. go. His sex-related slayings land him up to $23.88 per call. he has been allowed to make Finally, adoption will not take care of everything totaled 33 victims who were How can a demented crimi- thousands of dollars while using because sometimes these unwanted children grow News Room (408) 924-3280 strangled with ropes and buried nal be allowed to make such appeals to stall his death. up to be wards of the state because of the fact that Fax 924-3237 under Gacy's house. profits? Tuesday, Gacy was put to no one wants them any longer. Why? Couples only Advertising 924-3270 According to an article in Gary was even allowed to sell death. Relatives of his victims (typically) want healthy BABIES, not older (8-11 Oassified, 924-3277 Monday's San Jose Mercury his paintings, which were shown will mourn more than just the years or more) or minority kids. Are these children News, he even invited homicide around the nation in galleries. loss of family members. supposed to wait around until someone is kind investigators into his house for He made works that included They will also suffer knowing enough to adopt them? SPARTAN DAILY. IlLSPS SOS-tarh is publohed daily every school day dinner because he was so confi- self-portraits, depiction's of the person that killed their Presumably not; if uninformed people like Ms. for (full acadernr real $25 (each terminal $13 Off c mime pnoe per dent he would not get caught. Chnst, and the seven dwarfs. He loved ones made money doing Anaya had their way, then orphanages and "undesir- copy. 15 cents. by San kne Sur 1,rnvenuty. One Waalungenn Squat.. San The man was obviously a sold these at prices up to it ables" would be a thing of the past. Coat hangers, lone, CA. 95(92.0(49 Mall tulumpoona accepted on a !monde, of earner. deranged madman that should $20,000. anyone? re haws Second-clam poatare pad .15W Sue. CA be punished to the full extent of He even set aside $100,000 to Gerald litIodall is a POSTMASTER: Send nitrean change. to SpilrUll tidy, San kw Si., the law. Eventually, he paid for go to his heirs. Dady staff wriAar Jill Mc Ewan 1 Intversoy. On< Wutungunn Square, San J. CA. 95(92-0149 his crimes with his life, but not A few years ago, some crafty Junio; linguistics SPARTAN DAILY San lost State University friday. May 13. INN 3 LY artaGuide Exhibit Jobs From page I From page 1 esteem builder. They are given a Although Career Planning The San Jose State calendar signed up through the Social challenging project and by its that is related to their major. and Placement can lx- very Ministry Office to work with completion, they accomplish The average pay for a job relat- influential in finding stu- Robin McCloskey, instructor for something," McCloskey said. "I ed to a student's major is $10 an dents jobs, Melkonian be- Cathedral. Call Sharon the workshop. think involvement in the arts is a hour, whereas a non-major relat- lieves that students must push Today Miller 283-8100 or 283- McCloskey is an artist and a very healthy thing for everyone." ed job may bring in about $8 an themselves to get these posi- AQUATIC CENTER AND 8118. volunteer with Urban Ministries Pieces of the art exhibit will hour. tions. RESIDENTIAL LIFE: Aqua THEATRE ARTS DEPART- in Palo Alto. become a permanent part of the "I'm currently calling differ- "(Students) should persist in Boogie, Pool Party, 8- MENT: The Wiz, 2p.m. and The 22 homeless in the work- gallery collection to be displayed ent ad agencies to inquire about their job search. They need 1 1 p.m., Aquatic Center. 8p.m., University Theatre. shop participated in many pro in meeting rooms in the Stu- an internship. Also, I have been to come in, get the search Call Vicci 924-8995 or Call Box Office, 924-4555. jects. They were taught print- dent Union. submitting my resume to various going, have a resume in shape lineice 924-8931. making and drawing with char- The concerts are at St. Joseph corporations dealing with adver- and actively fill out an 'SLACK GRADUATION COM- coal and pastel. Cathedral located at 80 S. Mar- tising. It is important for me to application," Melkonian said. miTTEE: Raffle Fundraiser, Sunday They drew self-portraits of ket St. Performances are Satur- get a job dealing with my major lust sending out resumes ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA: Day themselves as animals. They also day at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 in order to further my knowl- may not be enough. But Ila.m.-2p.m., SU Art created masks depicting their p.m. The works will be displayed edge and give me experience in don't give up. Roll up your Quad. Call 924-7966. on the Green, 12-6p.m., emotions and feelings. during the reception following the field, junior advertising sleeves and beat the streets in DIRECT ACTION South Campus. Call Lynne- "It (the workshop) is a self- the concerts. major Marlon Hines said. getting the job you want." ALLIANCE: General Meet- ice Gamble 924-8931. ing, 7p.m., Peace Center, THEATRE ARTS: Vital 48-S. 7th Street. Call Juan Choreography, 2p.m., SPX Ham 236-3765. 89. Calf 924-504l Sex education books provoke Officer claims discrimination FENCING CLUB: Meeting ASSOCIATED STUDENTS and practice, 5:30-7p.m., PROGRAM BOARD: FOUN- Baptist congregation to picket by supervisors in Escondido SPX 89. Call John 280- TAIN BLUES FESTIVAL, 6019. Noon, Tower Lawn. Call SPARKS, Nest (AP) - A Bap- "Society has moved forward ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP) Then the council will vote MUSLIM STUDENT'S ASSO- 924-6261. tist minister wants the public so fast with young people -A black police officer filed a on whether to reject or pay the CIATION: Prayer and Meet- library to restrict access to chil- exposed to so much, Vaughan $105,000 racial discrimination claim. ing, lp.m., Guadalupe Monday dren's sex education books. said. claim against the city. She If the claim is rejected, Room, SU. Call Aziz (510) David Peddicord, pastor of "The children need access to alleges that she has been Gravette then could file a civil 785-9169 CAREER PLANNIN(; AND Grace Baptist Church, said his correct information. Heaven harassed for two years for lawsuit PLACEMENT: Co-Op Orien- congregation plans to picket the knows, they see enough on TV, socializing with a white male According to the claim, Sikh Student Association: tation, 1:30p.m., Almaden library on Saturday. in the movies and the play- co-worker. in December 1992 Gray- Meeting, 12:30-1:30p.m., Room, SIT. Call Career Peddicord said the books are ground." The female officer, ette's supervisors called Pacheco Room, SU. Call Resource Center 924-6033. offensive and should be read by The library's collection of Dana Gravette, 27, claims her into a meeting and Parvinder 924-8736. THEATRE ARTS DEM: children only with parental about 75 books is kept on the her supervisors told her that accused her of disrupting the supervision. top shelf in the reference sec- socializing with the white offi- department by fraternizing Graduate Choreographic "Nobody in their right mind tion, next to encyclopedias and cer was inappropriate and with a fellow officer, Roy F. Saturday Works, 7p.m., SPX 219. would give books like that to magazines. reflected badly on the Escondi- Huston Jr. She also was accused Call 924-5041. SJSU GREENS: Compan- children on their own, except "A little kid couldn't read the do Police Department, accord- of 'moral turpitude," the daim ion Meeting, 2p.m., DISABLED STUDENTS ASSO- the library," he said. "We don't titles frotn the floor and they're ing to her lawyer, William states. CIATION: Meeting, 3p.m., want them banned, of course. out of reach," Vaughan said. "I Ward. Gravette refused to stop Pacheco Room, SU. Call with Huston, and Tim 293-9501. Costanoan Room, SU. Call We just want them put into a feel very comfortable with where Same-race couples in similar socializing 297-7393. controlled area as they used to they are." situations were never repri- soon thereafter began dating SJSU OPERA WORKSHOP: be." Martha Gould, Washoe Coun- manded, he said. him, Ward said. An Evening of Opera, LUTHERAN STUDENT FEL- Children's Librarian Judy ty Library director, said the chil- Assistant City Attorney Jef- Department officials began 7:30p.m., Concert Flail. LOWSHIP: Bible Study on Vaughan said when she took dren's librarians at each branch frey Epp denied the allega- a campaign of harassment that Call 924-4654. John, 1 1 a.m., Montalvo over the children's section 27 determines where the books are tions, saying the claim was included writing up Gravette Room, SU. Amy's Birthday years ago, such materials were placed. "unfounded and totally with- for numerous minor offenses, ST. JOSEPH CATHEDRAL Bash & Potluck, 6p.m., kept in a separate room. "The role of the library is not out merit." according to the complaint. AND THE UNION ART Campus Interfaith Center. They were marked with an to be restrictive, that is the The City Attorney's Gravette contends that the GALLERY: Amazing Grace; Call 298-0204. on the spine and could only responsibility of the parent," she Office will investigate the harassment continues to this A Concert of American THEATRE Airrs:"Web of be checked out with written per- continued. claim and present its find- day. Stress has forced her to Spirituals and Art Exhibit Oz", 6:30-9r., Studio mission from parents. "If you don't like what your ings to the City Council in use all her sick leave and to to benefit the Good Works Theatre. Ca John 924- She has since moved chil- children are reading, you must closed session. seek a doctor's care, Ward said. Project, 3p.m., St Joseph dren's sex education materials to address it within the family 4400. the regular reference section. unit." And you thought you could only afford macaroni and cheese.

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61..1 if 1l 441 is fr, fe, .40 *210 I 44/.' rews.mel 6/007450 8/1611 and $11i."41 Ihr Ow, %Arlene 'UM. *.j,,/ hem ah, I PRIptol, Iva* rvv on mon,,, Mime.* and VW, avIrVi* Men' run Ve vole iffi.i.arnpu. seoUrr otlentpne I S A 4.1, .lemairon er hr ad./Ai*, iv* worst 7tgismo rah e had on ir memorial pg,e peal tst ter nib Fehrrian l'PN Me sanest mhos V SA "'b'" 1/0 IA , iwe arm gee mo Infevekle Irnuel Toy,* romvil In *AWN prrvfvu MATTI NalITIMIll .14 ,nyr re4e10, onn.x. Tr. . 116100.11.10)4 0/,04 010Ir ronvrarr /ft 441 ** vont* Wk 5 40, kw 140,04 Waint/n5 Nairn mins." 1 lewit art mesterei !national, ,y.vOr comp*, In, 5p41.1, and 405,04v, s, mkimme, 4 fpte timineer 5. 4 Friday. May 13.1994 SAN lost STATE UNIVERSITY SPARTAN DAILY

Rockin' with Mr. T Photos by Jeanette L. Hanna

FAR RIGHT: Lead singer Frank Portman, right, and bassist Aaron Rubin from the band Mr. T Experience strum out tunes to a large audience at the Student Union Amphitheater Thursday during a free concert sponsored by Associated Students.

RIGHT: A shadow of Rubin is cast upon the stage.

BELOW: Drummer Jim Pittman follows the rhythms of Rubin during the hour-long set.

RELAX The Spartan Daily. President From page 1 HAVE X SAFE SUMMER from a large group of people. !corn ilie 1'1 l' 1 \ I I best friend- to those that don't have a dog. Some of the faculty members He added that with a narrower are looking for specific qualities faculty staff doing most of the in the future candidates. interviewing, the search will be I It IIIIIIII =Ian iwa "Our advice should not be as more focused. A new look at the old neighborhood from the acclaimed director of "Do The Right Thing and "Malcolm X' JOE KERLEY individuals, but as a group that "Whoever is elected as the LINCOLN MERCURY represents the campus. I would next president of this university JEEP EAGLE like to see a candidate that has a will make mistakes and will defi- specific goal and mission for the nitely not be perfect. You can- 3566 Stevens Creek Boulevard university," said Stacks. not, as president, resolve every San Jose241-8800 "I want a president that has question on this campus to good links with the community. everybody's satisfaction, Evans SJSU should be more involved said. 4x4 '94 WRANGLER in redevelopment issues. There The search is still in its begin- are 30,000 of us on campus that ning stages. are spending a lot of money The national search will downtown," Christensen said. involve a screening of resumes He also said the new presi- and will eventually narrow down dent should be concerned applicants to a small pool of about raising more local funds people. and should have experience The committee will not only with diverse populations. wait for applicants to come for-

J. Handel Evans, SJSU's inter- ward, but will ask specific people im president, spoke about the if they are interested. search during his final press "You have to give a maximum $11,294 conference of the semester time-limit for people to apply. I Thursday. would be surprised if anything 3 Available At This Price Purchase $11 944 less $300 Factory Rebate Evans said previous search was settled by the fall. We have and $400 College Rebate Program if applicable committees were too broad and not Rebate eligibility requirements must be met for established a definite Chrysler College Graduate Program $414383, therefore expectations came timetable yet." said Stacks. 415390. 446791

'94 CHEROKEE Employee claims wrongful termination 4 DoorAutomatic Transmits- sionFactory Air Cond4.0 6 against L.A. county education officials CylCenter ConsoleAWFM StereoVisibility Group LOS ANGELES (AP) the old one was operating at County education officials falsi- capacity. Weil refused, the suit fied information used to justify a alleges, because he believed the new $8.6 million computer sys- computer system was only at 60 tem purchased in 1991, accord- percent capacity. ing to a former employee suing Weil claimed administrators the county's Office of Education. then prepared false documenta- On Wednesday, trial started in tion with the assistance of a sales- the lawsuit of Allen M. Weil, a 62- man from Bull HN Information year-old computer analyst who Systems, the computer system's $14,488 claims he was fired for resisting manufacturer. the alleged doctoring of infor- The misleading information 1 Available At This Price Purchase $14.688. less $400 College Rebate mation. was presented to the county Program I apnlicable Rebate ellypterly require- The suit for wrongful dis- Board of Education at three m wits must be rnet for Chrysler College Gradu- al Prcqrarn 1189367 missal, filed in Norwalk Superior meetings in December 1990, Court, also names as defendants Weil said. On Jan. 8, 1991, the several administrators and the board voted to buy the new sys- company that manufactured the tem. Weil was laid off from his i 1111 111.ViOlilil 1111111111111111 1111b1 111 `94 Tracer computer system. The suit seeks job in March 1993. 1 \ 111111111 111111111 111 111111 lost wages and punitive damages. Weil's attorney, Robert L. 1011111d \ 11114 411111111111 11111111111\ 110 1111i1 111 11101111111d\ 1111111 111111 1 11 11111 \11 111111111011 FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING Education officials have Esensten, said as a result of POWER STEERIVG AM/FM denied any wrongdoing. Weil's whistle-blowing, he "was IOU 111111 III\ ill 11,, 111111111\ "(111111 10111111\ \ 111111 11 \ 1111 111 11'11c1 111 "Allen 'Weil thinks he knows harassed, discriminated against I I n/Ifill STUMM, CAI11101/16 1111411f 11\1111,111 0111111 more about computers than any- and eventually fired because he one at the Los Angeles County was making statements trying to Office of Education, but he does protect the taxpayers." not, " said Eric Bathen, an attor- Weil's allegations prompted a ney for the education office. audit last year that criticized the "There's no validity in his education office. OPENS THIS FRIDAY AT $g 988 claims." The dispute also spawned In his complaint, Weil said his three other lawsuits, including a 12 Available At This Price superiors pressured him to pro- whistle-blowing suit by Weil Purchase $10,755, lege $400 C0555. Rebate EVERYWHERE. Prograrn spoked' Rebel* vide false data showing a new joined by the state attorney gen- THEATRES mints must he met tor Lincoln Maftily Graduate Protean computer was needed because eral.

_ SPARTAN DAILY San lose State University Friday. May 13, it's 5 Oliverio: SJSU alumnus runs for city council Celebration Prom page I Arena. of the National Organization for has been slow-going due to From page I According to Oliverio, funds Women Political Action Com- lack of funds. So far Oliverio esti- being accepted because they mates he knocked on more than for these and other projects will mittee (NOW PAC). mates he has spent $2,400 for his bration will not be open to the have excelled in other areas 3,000 doors in his quest for the come from a criminal clean-up A NOW PAC survey was sent campaign. public. besides academics. council seat. program. to all p .ople running for council His funds have come from his Professor and advisor for "We have more smart stu- The biggest project for the The program he wants to seats and according to Sandy personal savings and individual Kappa Tau Alpha, Jane Wertz, dents," Wertz said. candidate is to beef up the develop will provide alternatives Spaulding, president of the donations. said that there are a many new The event will be awarding police department. to jail for criminals convicted of NOW PAC, Oliverio was the only Pandori has spent $20,000 on initiates because there are many scholarships in the areas of If he wins the June 7 election, vandalism or misdemeanors. candidate to return the survey his campaign. students who have an average advertising, journalism, public Oliverio plans to present many Criminals would clean up graffi- "This was not an automatic Oliveria will hold a campaign GPA above a 3.5. relations, and broadcast journal- issues, as well as crime, to the ti, litter and weeds. endorsement," Spaulding said. fundraising event at Toon's According to Wertz, there are ism. The celebration will be held City Council. He said money saved by 'There are certain issues the can- nightclub June 1. a few new members that have an in the SJSU Faculty Dinning Oliverio wants to enforce cur- not incarcerating these petty didates must support." Oliverio feels strongly that average GPA of only 3.4, but are Room from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.. few laws for minors and deter criminals, combined with less 'We are impressed he is com- downtown must be made safe aggressive panhandling down- need for city clean-up crews mitted to women's issues," she for its residents. town. He also plans to open a should pay for his new pro- said. "City government can not dialogue with the Golden State grams. Oliverio is pro-choice. provide everything, but it can -r-T Warriors in an attempt to move Oliverio has the support of Although he has the support provide a safe place to live," he WHEN DRINKING, CALL A FRIEND, 41111111M them down to the San Jose the San Jose South Bay Chapter of the NOW PAC, his campaign said. OR GET A RIDE WITH A STRANGER. Group finds discrimination by insurance companies;

assistant attorney general queries Congress for help Drinking and riding can lead to a loss of license, a conviction, or even worse. That's if you're lucky. The fact is, 50% of motorcycle fatalities involve WASHINGTON (AP) The housing agencies in dale. unavailable to explain to them senting fair riders who have been drinking. So if you have been drinking, get a ride nation's chief civil rights the reasons why the problem 35 states, gave senators results of "These differences in treat- with a friend. It's the best call you can make renecrou sum MOM enforcer asked Congress today exists," said assistant general their testing in four cities: ment are similar to the practices to help him determine how counsel Lynn Schubert. "We Atlanta, Chicago, Louisville and used by mortgage lenders to dis- insurance companies do busi- believe it is time to start attacking Milwaukee. courage minorities from apply- ness, so those illegally avoiding these problems head-on." It used matched pairs of ing for credit, practices now minority homeowners can be The Senate committee is black, white or Hispanic testers determined to be discriminato- identified and sued. studying two bills that would calling the same insurance office ry," Tisdale said. EIEST MUSICAL Deval Patrick, assistant attor- require insurance companies to and routinely speaking with the One insurer, Allstate Insur- 7 TOW AS ney general for civil rights, told submit information on the types same agent. ance Co., said it is not biased the Senate Banking Committee of homes they insure, where the The houses used in the tests against minority homeowners, that prosecuting insurers who homes are located and who were well-maintained homes in and cited a long history of pro- break civil rights laws would be owns them. They would be simi- moderate- to middle-income viding coverage for inner-city easier if he knew where their lar to reports now required from neighborhoods. Most were built homes. offices are located, the types of banks and mortgage companies before 1950, and they were "And while we stand behind policies issued, claims and loss to determine whether lenders matched in terms of construc- our record of doing business in payments, and race of applicants are breaking laws against dis- tion, age and square footage. the cities, we are always looking 411.1.10 who were accepted or rejected crimination in mortgage lend- Black testers in Louisville for appropriate ways to expand 11ro HE rural for coverage. ing. experienced discrimination 47 our role by partnering with com- stes 114 "Insurance companies can Roberta Achtenberg, assistant percent of the time, the alliance munity groups who we think can ttrenIti inflict substantial damage on HUD secretary for fair housing, said. make a difference,* said Rhonda l? a/ neighborhoods by refusing, said her department needs the Black testers in Atlanta and M. Woodard, Allstate's assistant because of the racial or national insurance disclosure as part of its Milwaukee wei e victims of bias vice president for urban affairs. origin identity of the neighbor- effort to expand home owner- more than 60 percent of the Other findings by the housing Moil E. 7. 12 , 13 at 8:00pm IZ hood, to market their products," ship opportunities for minori- time, and Latino testers in Chica- alliance: May 14 cit 2:00pm and 8:00pm Patrick said. "Improved report- ties. go were discriminated against in Insurers refused to provide The University Theatre ing would certainly aid our law "Without property household more than 95 percent. insurance to minorities based on at enforcement efforts." insurance, you can't qualify to The alliance said it would file the age or market value of their (51h & San Fernando Streets) The American Insurance receive a loan," she said. a complaint today with the homes. Directed 1A4 Buddy Butler Association, a national trade "There's reason to believe there Department of Housing and Agents asked minorities for group for casualty insurers, said are significant disparities here, Urban Development, accusing at names and phone numbers of Gorearaphed lay Janie Scott it supports the idea of reporting but nobody knows for certain least two insurers of violating fair mortgage lenders so they could Vocal direction lan Boorni Butts-Rano insurance data, for the purpose how pervasive the problem is, housing laws. gather information about the DIred1011 Lti Catherine Snider of "a fair, efficient and effective because there has never been "We are confident that insur- property before providing a rate study" of insurance coverage. federal disclosure." ance companies will claim they quote. C.11.d4 to .014.40..,,,,,emolion,-(408) 924-4555 "It is cold comfort to the citi- The National Fair Housing are insuring risk, not race," said Minorities were told a cred- l. fuetIav infoc,..tic..ficlqrnup roles- (408) 924-4551 zens for whom insurance is Alliance, a private group repre- alliance President William R. Tis- it check was required. Produceci by SJSU Theatre Aeft Depaetmeat aL1011. ' "7 Reach the Unorthodox relationship shown SJSU market. in television movie "Roommates" ADVERTISE

LOS ANGELES (AP) Tele- her film characters: Rita ("They Responsible SMART vision takes a different view of All Laughed"), Carmen ("Down

AIDS with the NBC movie and Out in Beverly Hills"), Choices = CHOICES "Roommates," which is about Marisa ("batteries not includ- two quarreling victims of the dis- ed"), Rosie Morales ("La the 1'1.1 1:1.NTIAl ease, one gay and one straight. Barnba"), Consuela ("Vibes"), Eric Stoltz plays a sensitive and Tracy Perez ("Blue Steel"). and homosexual Harvard Usually, she has been cast as a graduate, and Randy Quaid is a fiery Latin. blustery former bank robber, a "Lisa in 'Roommates' is the straight man who contracted the most 'together' character I have How To AFFORD A NEW INTEGRA AND NOT disease from a blood transfu- ever played," she said. "She's 111.* ARS sion. pretty well-balanced, and I've HAVETO MOVE BACK IN WITH YOUR PARENTS. The special note of compas- never played anybody who was sion in the Monday night drama completely well-balanced. I is provided by Elizabeth Pena, found it much more difficult to who plays the social worker who play basically the straight man. 9c arranges for the men to share a Most of the time I have roles room in an apartment complex that are emotional or slightly off- for AIDS patients. center." Pena had a special interest in Her next role appears equally appearing in "Roommates." "together." She was leaving for "I, unfortunately, have lost the Puget Sound for her part as over 38 friends to AIDS," she a whale doctor in "Free Willy 2." said, close to tears. "The first She and Jason James Richter will that passed away was in 1981. I help rescue Willy from the do know a couple of friends effects of an oil spill. LOW DOWN PAN MEN1 HIV" positive. Pena got her name from her right now who are FLEXIBLE PAYMENT "How do I deal with it? You birthplace, Elizabeth, N.J. "1 SCHEDULE have to be strong. You really had very creative parents," she can't do anything to change said wry-y. EASY TO QUALIFY that. All you can do is be the She lived in Cuba until her best friend you can possibly be, parents moved to New York and be there for them. I con- when she was 8. She came by (-14R-I .11141 11111, as a student, you pmbablv don't have a whole lot of money a,ailable to spend on a neu sat Cu, stantly try to keep myself very acting naturally. Her father, I well-educated on the subject, so Mario, founded New York's you probably need wheels That's why were offenng a deal that's as,ilable only to soon -to-be graduates. or graduates I can help out when the time Latin American Theater Ensem- comes." ble in New York, and her moth- 0-wmA, who have been out of schimil less than a year With al low down payment. you null dove ay" in a 1444 Acura Integra The pairing of Quaid and er, Margarita, served as its execu- And it's easy to qualify Generally all you need is proof of employment and no .kherse Stoltz is fiery from the start, espe- tive producer. Sports Coupe or Sports Sedan. Pena has appeared in three cially when Quaid rants t credit history. Tlus offer applies to all Acura automobile exsept the NSX . Or. It you prefer vim can take advantage at AIDS "is God's way of cleaning short-lived 1V series: "Tough Z3 house." Cookies," as Robby Benson's our equally attractive lease program. Either was. that mean. Iv. monthly payments while your monthb, 09 With the social worker's help, cop sidekick; "I Married Dora," ACURA the two men eventually find a as a Latin-American nanny who income begins to catch up to what you're really worth SOME THINGS ARE WORTH THE PRICE way to share each other's views. marries her charges' father for a card; and "Shannon's Pena, who is of Cuban green 81111.511 IMI OTIS & NIWSIS MTV Sal MITI IOU descent, appears to be begin- Deal," as a secretary to a crimi- BJ Man latvev 1.t. mtortI I o.,./D11. Um., laolanol h. lot t 1...r '1141.t, V1141 114, J1 It/71/ Ilnuodwno 1.1441Ion.t.n1 Any InICI I,, t oath. Filvd 7:111 Si I...t NI I I r.on. is,. 141,11 I.o.t 214111,0, 5,, also has 1;40 ning to shed the Latin type-cast- nal lawyer. She 415-57..42011 S10414 (4 5, 44* Ito 10011 ;Itt 444 5101 41- 1.4 II; too: 11-', 14 51 I 1: ing that has followed her since appeared in several TV films and 1111 at New series, most recently 'LA. Law" 0211/1611 11111111111 VOW MEWS. 161112 SLAMS her days as a student oldan owe Acura ? 11tura Arun of Mountain Vu4 Mt. of 11,1441111.111 .111, ',tete/1.1 Ind. School of Perform- "I've been through thousands 711 Serramonte 2454 On the Sunn soak lignolet "4.5ia San,, R., WI 1 111.1i 1 lilltor 111. 1resrrt. rood. 11,1 York's High 110 `.:17 111.! 444 24- 427 accent," Colma/Daly in Alonprulto 1 Al I W UI Ell amino Real low 441 Itonorwooll ing Arts. of teachers to lose my ti011 7-1 AcUlt Trua. 4 1. 414460.1141111 SIP 40.1 415, At one time, she was nixed she said. "Onstage, I can man- 42- L'111) for the role of Madge in the play age to sound completely accent- Offer told 4 months pmi higrodslohon n4 er year after gradynnon through olturrt au /tondo Ftroaner 4 orporotunt nth othrt Jo. didn t less. But I almost have to do it alnutota 4, ptp "Picnic" because she not apply to ?tremolo Acura pun hoses lip to to) equal monthly payments l,sso in. 01.0 an,olot14,. from seem the small-town Midwest like a dialect. My natural pat- Mission of American Honda Motor co.. Inc Atlora and Integra .m nogutrrroi toot000ttt4t. ot 'tondo h1, o 11,4 (71( us, tnutrorytO, ients come back whenever I get of Honda Motor Co.. La Make aot Intritutturt , Ruckle up tYPe. And consider the names of emotional. 6 Friday, May 13, i994 Sports San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Tree Spartan sluggers ranked among the elite in the Big West Gender equality balanced at SJSU

Spartan Daily Staff Report will close out the season SSU is ahead of all women's sports not only trying to break down some of Three Spartan softball play- against No. 7 UNLV (34-16, other CSU campuses in increases the opportunities for those barriers." ers are ranked among the Big 22-6) today and against No. achieving equality g1:4) women to participate in inter- SJSU has already made sig- West Conference hitting lead- 20 Long Beach State (29-23, between men's and women's collegiate athletics, but it nificant equity adjustments in erS. 14-12) Saturday. sports. increases the amount of schol- sports. Four women were cho- Sophomore center fielder Today's doubleheader The issue is gender equity. It arships that female athletes sen out of the five new coaches Pat Martinez ranks second in begins at 4 p.m. Saturday's means more improvement in can receive. to coach women's sports. the conference with a .338 doubleheader starts at 1 p.m. women's sports, women ath- According to Brennan, In 1993, women's diving was batting average and leads the Both contests will be played at letes and women coaches. ALEX BETANCOURT SJSU has made a real effort to added to the swimming pro- Big West with 80 hits and nine PAL Stadium. In Spartan athletics, 65 per- enhance women's sports over gram and facilities for softball, triples. At Saturday's game, the cent of athletes in Division-IA Sports Forum the past four years. volleyball and gymnastics have She is tied for third in runs Spartans will honor two programs are men and 35 per- In 1991, SJSU formed a been improved.According (37) and doubles (12). Mar- seniors. All-American third cent are women. Nationally, 70 National Organization for Gender Equity Committee. to Brennan, tinez leads the Spartans in baseman Jackie Tawney will percent of these athletes are Women reached a legal settle- The committee conducts self- women's cross country is cur- batting average, hitting, dou- finishe her four-year career at men. ment with the CSU system examinations of Spartan ath- rently being recommended as bles and triples. SJSU. It is not a surprise, that after having filed a lawsuit per- letics and brings recommenda- the next addition to Spartan Freshman infielder Valeri She has been a two-time many organizations have been Wiling to gender equity. tions to Brennan and Presi- athletics. gunner() is eighth in batting first team All-West region and concerned with these figures. In the settlement, the CSU dent J. Handel Evans. SJSU is moving in the right with a .333 average. All-Big West Conference selec- They have attempted to define system agreed to enhance It examines team travel, direction and setting an exam- Senior third baseman Jack- tion. and establish equality for women's sports over the next facilities, grants-in-aid, person- ple for other CSU campuses to ie Tawney ranks ninth in bat- Tawney is first in the SJSU men's and women's sports. five years. nel, equipment and recruit- follow. ting with .332 and is second record books in doubles, "Gender equity is probably Gendei equity must be ment Establishing equality unites in hits (67) and fourth in RBI games played and RBI. one of the most important and achieved within five percent of "When people ask me how the athletics division by pro- (30) in the Big West. Tawney played third base pervasive aspects of college undergraduate enrollment. SJSU's basketball is doing, moting equal support for all Freshman pitcher Amy during her four-year career at sports today," said Thomas The ultimate goal is to achieve they're usually referring to the sports, regardless of the partic- Phillips is ninth among Big SJSU. Brennan, SJSU director of ath- a balanced proportion of male men's team. Then they ask, ipating sex. West pitchers with a 2.12 Senior Vivian Villa is in her letics. and female athletes. 'And how's women's basket- ERA. second year at SJSU after Last year, the California The enhancement of ball?'," Brennan said. "We're In team batting, SJSU is transfering from Hartnell tied with Hawaii for third with Community College where Spartans finish baseball season against New Mexico State ,279. Spartan pitchers are she also played. For sixth in the Big West with a Villa, a utility player, has Spartan Daily Staff Report 2.37 ERA. seen action at first and second Pavicich was named the Big tured thumb. The senior The Spartan softball team bases this season. better health West Conference Pitcher of infielder injured the thumb The Spartan baseball the Week. while sliding into second read team looks to end regular The junior southpaw base on May 3 against Stan- season on a strong note tossed a complete-game, ford. He returned to the the when it hosts a three-game three-hitter against Nevada lineup Sunday, going 3-for-8 series against New Mexico Saturday in his only appear- with three runs scored. Spartan State, beginning today. ance of the week. Center fielder Laverne 1/50Z. BEE S! 6PM TO MIDNI HT The series is the Big West He allowed two earned Thomas had his season- ot Conference season-ended runs, walked one and struck high, 11-game hitting streak (.9 OC6LN OPEN UNTIL 3AM I Daily!!! for both teams. out seven in a 5-2 vicotry end sunday against Nevada. Game time tonight is 7 over the Wolfpack. The senior is tied for first tL,PIICLtrE.11 THU.,FRI., 6, SAT. { 01160tPsoicg"7. p.m. under the lights of Eric Pitt his his fourth in the Big West with 45 p. Municipal Stadium. home run of the year in sat- walks. The Saturday and Sunday urday's game against neva- Richard Smith needs one 011 P31 f ROCK N TACOS HAVE A games both begin at 1 p.m. da. to tie Anthony Chavez HEALTH -MEX FUN SJSU leads in the series The junior designated hit- for the school record for & SAFE SUMMER with NMSU, 42. NMSU won ter/first baseman leads the career saves with nine. An. ..-9 131 W. SANTA CLARA ST.1 last year's series with the Spartans in FtBI with 42. The senior + ) (5 BLOCKS WEST OF CAMPUS) I FROM THE PEP CENTER Spartans in Las Cruces, 2-1. First baseman Tim Gavel- currently has two saves this For the second time this lo missed Saturday's game season for a total of eight in season, starting pitcher Paul against Nevada with a frac- his career. R E- dtk-r GET ROCKED! 993-8230 I . EXPIRES 5/20/94 imin da-r-.sivr CST Sharks upset bid falls short as they lose 3-2 in OT RESCHEDULED Les, our diredor, Or: TORONTO (AP) Mike The Sharks pushed the man, had rushed deep and got the Jerry Bobr2w, The A esnc tted Student. Prater.] Roetd promo,. as written over 20 n ot albeshelling Gartner scored at 8:53 of over- Leafs to the limit, past the Leafs' Mark Osborne s on test preperat:n...n 1 4 T H ANNU A L time as the Toronto Maple Wendel Clark scored for to get into the clear and he crait our programs cre absokrteiy up- Leafs beat the San Jose Sharks Toronto in the first period and slammed Dahlen's pass behind CL 3-2 Thursday night and tied Igor Larionov for San Jose in goalie Felix Potvin. BLUE A: Yes, we have a free "repeat' policy. at 'rOUNTAIN their NHL playoff series at the second. Clark and Jeff Nor- In the first, Clark scored A: yes, vie prepare over 17,000 students three games apiece. ton exchanged third-period 5:26. Gilmour shot the puck 1:FESTIVALL), eam ana every year. Gartner banked a sharp- goals before Gartner netted from the neutral zone into the angled shot off Sharks goal- the winner, corner of the rink to Irbe's Roy Rogers and the tender Arturs Irbe to force a Clark's second goal of the right. A: Yes, all materials are included Delta Rhythm Kings seventh and deciding game in game and sixth of the playoffs The carom went to Clark, A: YE:b* acininister prograns for 26 the second-round series. gave Toronto a 2-1 lead at 5:32 who was moving down left Zakiya Hooker and OZA Cab ia Sla Unersities-,iv conogir and law 4. The Maple Leafs and Sharks of the third. wing and he slapped a shot Sista Monica A: Yes, dl progrars are on campus will play Saturday night with Sandis Ozolinsh was serving from the middle of the circle. The Johnny Nocturne Band the winner advancing to the an interference penalty for Clark got only a piece of the A: Ye, we've been helpong students pre- with Brenda Royk in pare or the post 20 years. Western Conference finals hauling down Doug Gilmour puck but it bounced between against the Vancouver Canucks away from the play. Clark Irbe's legs, anyway. what would you exix-a to Isay for a pro (Wedernes [Jaye.. and Tro)) starting Monday. stuck out his stick blade to San Jose controlled the gram that gives you all 111ese answers2 The New York Rangers host deflect a long Todd Gill shot second period, allowing Toron- A Our fees rusge from only $115 ID the New Jersey Devils in the past Irbe. to only three shots on Irbe $195 opener of the Eastern Confer- A mistake by Gill then set up while smothering the Leafs' 12 Noon ence finals Sunday. Norton's goal at 7:38 to make offensive stars. BORROW Gartner's goal was the only it 2-2. Gill had the puck in a Larionov scored at 8:43. He Sunday May 15th. 1994 Test Preparation shot on net either side had in corner of his own zone and took a pass from Garpenlov at Arts & crafts, food, sun, and of course... Fantastic Music overtime, although the Sharks dumped it behind his net Toronto's blue line and Tower Lawn on SJSU Campus SERVICES nearly won the game 1:13 into right to the Sharks' Ulf slapped a drive from near the (AdJauena 10 515 St. between See Fernando Si. nod Sae Cedar SO (510) 680-6556 the extra period when Johan Dahlen. Dahlen quickly passed top of the circle that beat No Glass Bottles, Containers, or BBQs Please! Garpenloy hit the crossbar, out front. Norton, a defense- Potvin on the short side. C411 924-6261 few wen eformainn RaIrled 9y the Aseecidol Straka. SAN JOSE STATE 6 OZME I UNIVERSITY CfnCE Of CONTINUING EDUCATION Hawks hold Pacers to record low of 69 :AC 14081924-2600 ATLANTA (AP) Atlanta Atlanta surged to a 61-42 lead first quarter. Duane Ferrell fol- held Indiana to the fewest points halfway through the third quarter, lowed with a 3-pointer at the in NBA playoff history Thursday then withstood a Pacers come- buzzer for a 24-19 lead, and night as the Hawks, behind 20 back that closed them to 65-57 on Manta extended it to 30-21 early points each from Danny Manning Reggie Miller's 3-point basket in the second on a layup and two MAKE THIS SUMMER and Kevin Willis, tied the Eastern with a second left in the period, free throws by Craig Ehlo and a Conference semifinal series 1-1 Miller scored 12 points and 16-footer by Manning. with a 92-69 victory. Derrick McKey 11 for Indiana, Atlanta stretched the lead to YOUR BIG SEASON AT The 69 points by the Pacers which plays host to Games Sand 47-32 at halftime before a 6.0 run broke the league-low mark of 70, 4 on Saturday and Sunday before by the Pacers at the start of the WEST VAILL, shared by Golden State against returning to Atlanta Tuesday third chopped into the lead. Los Angeles in 1973 and Seattle night for Game 5 of the best-of-7 Holding a 49-40 lead, Atlanta against Houston in 1982. series. went on a 12-2 run in which CCOL,L,E,G E Mookie Blaylock added 11 The Hawks never trailed after Stacey Augmon scored five points, 13 assists and 10 rebounds breaking a 19-19 tie on Willis' has- points and Blaylock hit a 3-point for the Hawks, the fourth triple ket from the corner with just basket for the 61-42 advantage We have hundreds of day and evening liberal arts courses that fulfill college double of his career. under nine seconds left in the halfway through the period. degree requirements or contribute to your personal or professional development. Earn fully transferable credits in only six or four weeks and you pay only $13 per A's hold on to losing streak against Tigers 6-5 unit ( $50 per unit if you already have a college degree). That's what we call HIGHER EDUCATION AT LOWER COST. Check it out! DETROIT (AP) It just Instead, the A's stranded 11 Phillips' head-first slide beat the keeps getting worse for the Oak- runners and lost theirr fourth tag of third baseman Scott Bro. land REGIS I KM ION BEGINS: MAY 2nd. Athletics. straight, their eighth in nine sius. Joe Boever (2-0) allowed Travis Fryman broke a sixth- games. one run in 1 2-3 innings. SIX WEEK SF.SSIONS BEGIN JUNE 6th AND JUNE 20th, AND RR TR WEE k Mike inning tie with a sacrifice fly and Tony Phillips singled off Billy Gardiner got four outs for his SESSION BEGINS JUNE 6th. rookie Chris Gomez homered as Taylor (0-1) starting the sixth, second save. "We felt he could the won 6-5 Thurs- then stole second and third. One run on that guy " 14000 Fruitvale Avenue, in Saratoga day, sending Oakland to its loss in out later, Fryman lofted a fly to Jimenez walked four batten in WEST 22 games. left that scored the go-ahead run. the inning, including the first VALLEY Exit Hwy. 17 at Hwy. 9 ' We had big chances to win "That's a Tony rally," said three, but got Eric Davis to hit pir ( 408 ) 741-2001 this game and I thought we Phillips, who scored two runs." into a double play. COLLEGE should have won it," Oakland On the second steal, third base "It's a great feeling to con- manager Tony La Russa said. umpire Daryl Cousins ruled tribute like this," Gomez said. SPARTAN DAILY San lose State University World Events Friday. May 13, 1996 7 PLO self rule in Gaza Strip Waning factions unite in South Africa First Palestinian police enterfericho ANC, Inkatha Pledge Peace in Zulu Territory IIJERICHO, West Bank Khaled al-Qudra after he and PIETERMARITZBURG, guration, Zuma - who was given (AP) - After hours of other PLO officials met with pJ South Africa (AP) - South the social welfare ministry - and delays, a vanguard of Israelis at the new administrative Africa's two biggest black his followers raised their fists along Palestinian police arrived in the headquarters for the Gaza Strip. groups joined today to govern the with those of Inkatha lawmakers in West Bank on Thursday and In the Gaza border town of Zulu region, the main battle- a traditional cry of "Wena Ndlovu" began preparations for taking Rafah, Israeli soldiers and police ground for their bloody rivalry ("You are the elephant") to honor over Jericho, the seat of Palestin- withdrew, turning over the police over the past decade. Zulu King Goodwill Zwelethini. ian self-rule. station and military government Frank Mdlalose took office as Zwelethini said the stage was set for Their arrival, and the PLO headquarters to about 40 locally premier of KwaZulu-Natal "the beginning of a new era in my takeover of more areas in the recruited police who have yet to Province late Wednesday, welcom- kingdom." Gaza Strip, stepped up the pace receive weapons. ing Jacob Zuma of the African Thousands of people have died of Israel's withdrawal and plans Rafah, a town of 100,000 peo- National Congress into his Cabi- in fighting between the ANC and for the Palestinians to actually ple, is the biggest to be ceded to net Inkatha over the past decade, most begin autonomy in Jericho and Palestinian control. About 500 sub no threat KwaZulu-Natal, the stronghold IxI KwaZulu-Natal. Gaza. residents turned out to see the Russia: plutonium of Mdlalose's Inkatha Freedom Inkatha had resisted the April A PLO official who helped PLO flag run up over the police EMOSCOW (AP) - Envi- submarine caught fire and sank Party, was one of only two 26-29 eler-tior!, insisting it first negotiate the deal for self-rule building, and spray paint was ronmental experts in 1989, killing 42 of the 69 provinces the ANC lost in the first wanted guarantees of strong local said he hoped the Palestinians used to scrawl "Autonomy pressed Russia today to Soviet sailors aboard. South African election to include powers to protect its power base would be able to take over all civil Administration" on both build- seal the cracked bow of a Russia and Norway are wor- the black majority. from an ANC-controlled central powers by Tuesday. In Cairo, the ings. sunken nuclear submarine in ried it will corrode and leak The ANC swept the national government. PLO announced the appoint- "It is a great moment ... to see the Barents Sea but played radioactive plutonium from its vote. Hours before the inaugural Inkatha's last-minute decision to ment of 13 men and two women the Israeli soldiers lowering the down the risk of catastrophe two nuclear torpedoes. ceremony in Pietermaritzburg, 180 participate allowed a relatively to the Palestinian Authority that Israeli flag and have it replaced from a possible plutonium leak. But a report by experts in miles southeast of Johannesburg, peaceful election in KwaZulu- will control the two areas. with the Palestinian flag," said Officials fear the Komsomo- the Russian Ministry of Envi- Inkatha chief Mangosuthu Natal. Inkatha won 50 percent of "We are transferring files, Adrian Jummaa, a 40-year-old lets could fall apart if they try to ronmental Protection said Buthelezi took his place in a the vote here, although the ANC other departmental things. Every- laborer who brought his two chil- raise it from its watery grave 210 there was no cause for alarm. national unity Cabinet. has accused it of widespread elec- thing is going smoothly," said dren to watch. miles north of Norway. The After the KwaZulu-Natal inau- tion fraud.

Classi ed Phone: 924-3277 FAX: 924-3282

The SPARTAN DAILY FOR SALE SMALL WORLD SCHOOLS WANTED FEMALE hams director STUDIO FOR 1- With sieeplig loft. RESUME AND INTERVIEW CALL TODAY 296-5270 CALL MARCIA 2669448 metes no dein lot products or Currently hiring for various full & 4 sorority. Free room/private bath No pets. $490./mo ind. util. + $330 services and consultation from FREE QUOTE for Word Processing Services services advertised below not Is BEER ON TAPCOORS KESERATOR part time teaching positions for in exchange 4 minimal housing sec. dep. Parking. Call 2587040. a member of the business NO HASSLE Edit & Format Specialist for there any guerarkee Implied. The Sert-contained CO2 system w/beer preschools & school-age programs supervision. 8/94-5/95. Call and employment community. NO OBLIGATION Theses/Projects/Term Papers. classified Wises of the Spartan catch. Man 415-941-6882. (extended day care). ECE units Karen Ryan 612682831. GREAT LOCATION SECURED aposs Starting at $50. Rob Gelphman Also open Saturdays 9-2. APA Tubbier, MIA Daly consist of psid advertising required for both preschool & from campus, non-smoking female Associates, 451.8420. Grammar, Punct.. Phrasing and casings we not approved or SYNCHRONIZED ACTION SKIER. school-age programs or elementary CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Earn up .1.1e 1 -kg 14. $450. 292-7715. $50.00 STUDENT DISCOUNT! Tables, Graphs, & Charts. verified by the newspoper. Cross country exercise machine. education units may apply for to $2,000+/mo. on Cruise Ships LEGAL SERVICES ASTORIA INSURANCE BROKERAGE Will also edit disks. Pro-Form Lifestyle 2000. With time. school-age programs only. Expel- or Land-Tour companies. Summer 2 Bedroom Ambient $750/mo. Criminal Defense Auto, Jet Ski, Motorcycle, 600 dpi Laser Pnnting speed & distance monitor. Xlnt ence preferred. Substitute posi- & full-time employment available. Security type building Drunk Driving Boat, Horne owners Insurance. Resumes/Cover Letters ANNOUNCEMENTS cond. Like new. $40. /0.8.0. tions available, flexible schedule No experience necessary. Call Secure Parking Theft Charges "Numni" serving "Students" intenstiabi Studenb Welcome Call 227-1145. does not interfere with your school 1-206-634-0468 eat. C6041. Close In Drug Charges ...Talk to me. I'll help you. 10 minutes from campus! 100% PURE ADRENALINE 111111 or study time! Advancement oppor- Modem Building Personal Injury DUI? Accidents? Suspended Lic? Experience the thrill of free falling tunities available with our 20 Free Basic Cable service Auto/Motorcycle injuries Call me. (Don) 408-247-3734. WORD PROC: term simpers from 10,000 feet at the Bay Area's AUTO FOR SALE schools located throughout the bay OPPORTUNITI.ES Laundry Room Slip & Fall injuries Open on Sat/Sun with ape*. only! & theses. Resumes by former job only skydiving center. Come join us area. Medical/Dental benefits Village Apts. 576 S. 5th St. No fee if no recovery. recruiter. Very reas. 445-9678. for a tandem jurnp and enjoy your 82 FORD BRONCO 4WID. 4 sp, Ps. available for full-time employees. HOME- BASED BUSINESS $ (408) 295-6893. BEHZADI LAW OFRCES first skydive with only 45 minutes All black wired stnpe. Tahoe equip- Please call 408/257-7326 to Home based businesses are 111 N. Market St. #306. SanJose TRAVEL "*1 HATE TO TYPE!**** of training. For the true thrill seek- pad $5400. Jim 408-286-4776. discuss your interest & availability. growing at an alarming rate. WILLOW GARDEN APTS. TeL 408-971-3661. If this got your attention, give your- er, try an accelerated freefall Cash in on this money making 408-9980300. Minutes from WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO? self a break. Let me do it for you! course and find yourself on the ACUFACTS, INC. Opportunity and get your share San Jose State. Spacious 2 Hawaii. Mexico. Europe? Pick up and delivery - $1.00 fastest road to becoming a EMPLOYMENT Security guards/patrol officers of this multi -million dollar bdrm. apts. with 2 full baths. HEALTH/BEAUTY Call for low air fares. Resumes, term papers & theses. certified skydiver, starting with a s* Full-time/Part-time. All shifts. a year legitimate industry. Ideal for students and room- Great low prices for cruises too! APA format. $2.00 per double hour class and a mile long freefall PART-TIME WAITPERSON Apply Mon.-Fri. Bam-6pm. "No gimmicks". Learn how you mates. Swimming pool, saunas. PROFESSIONAL BODY MASSAGE Make your vacation plans now. spaced page / 5.00 minimum. the same day. Videos of your jump needed evening & weekend shifts 555D Meridian Ave. San Jose. can earn as much as $50,000. weight room & club house. Give yourself a healthy gift Call Arlene 408.997-3647. Cash only. Call Julie -445-0707. also available. Owned and operat- available. Apply in person. (408) 29958810. within the next 3 months. Quality living at a reasonable you can afford. 1 hr session ed by SJSU students and grads. Britannia Arms. 5027 Almaden HURRY! Please send $5.00, rate. 1750 Stokes St. $25.0011 CATCH A 1E71 WORD PROCESSING/TYPING- 15 For more info call (510)6347575. Expressway, San Jose, EARN GREAT MONEYI for an informational packet, to Swedish or sports massage. Europe $269. yrs exp. SJ, Cmpbi, Am & S Clara Environmental company ' L.J. Marketing, P.O. Box 10429 780 S. llth STREET APTS. Large House calls also. Call Paul at New York. $129. areas. Reasonable rates. HP Laser NEW SOLENT DENTAL PLAN: THE OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY expanding in the Bay Area San Jose. CA 95157-0325. 2 bdrm./2 be. $745. -$795. /mo. 7360929. Call for program deschption! miter. term pepes, resrnes. letters. Office visks and x-rays no charge. is now hiring energetic outgoing seeks motivated indrunduals with Responsive management. Walk or AIRHITCH 1-800397-1098. tresactm Picks) & ea" Weer. SAVE MONEY and your teeth. customer service oriented people good people skills. FT/FT. ride bike to school. Very clean, MEN & WOMEN - BARE IT ALLI e'er Ecro , 40132810418. ieeo rn4 Erroll nowl for all staff positions. Apply in Training provided. ROOMMATES roomy & remodeled. Secured PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL. REAL C. JEAP TRAVEL' For brochure see A.S. Office or person Mon-Thur. between 3-4. 408-262-1442. entrance Laundry facilities. Cable Stop shaving, waxing, tweezing or Discount air tickets to Europe RESUMES GRADUATES! lob call (800)655-3225. 51 N. San Pedro, San Jose. MALE WANTED TO SHARE 2 TV. Ample parking. Call 288-9157. using chemicals. Let us perma- and the Orient. Special London search has started & you need to POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! bdrm./1 bath, with 2 SJSU male nently remove your unwanted hair. summer fare. $498. R/T. market yourself! Res.. coy letter. TELEPHONE BILLS TOO HIGH? spoRrfra4 BOOKSTORE has openings Many positions. Great benefits. students. $300./month + 1/3 Back Chest- Lip Bikini - Chin - Buy now for the summer season. refer.. etc. Call Beth 927-6746 Are you tired of feeling broke after for summer, tali semesters. Stop by Call 1-803436-4365 ext. P-3310. utilities. Call David 924-8613. SERVICES Tummy etc. Students & faculty Special student fares. Call now! paying your bills? SAVINGS OF office to fill out apps. Mon. Fri. receive 15% discount. First app!. DISCOUNT TRAVEL DESK WORD PROC: term papers is CONSUMER RESOURCES offers between 8am and 5prn. S80URITY-117.00TO $12.00 TERRIFIC 2 BDRM./2 BATH APT. WRITING HELP. Professional 1/2 price if made before June 30. 1-800-690-9030. theses. Resumes by former job students discounted long-distance Security / Control Center / EMT's near Hamilton & 17. Need male to editing, rewriting, proofing. ghost- 1994. Harr Today Gone Tomorrow. recruiter. Very reas, 445-9678. service. Easily cut your telephone COUNSELOR/SKILLS TRAINER to Weekly Pay Checks. share. Your own private room & writing. Letters, reports, books, 621 E. Campbell Ave. #17. costs by more than 30% & save work with DD adults. 6 mo exp. Medical / Dental / Vacation Pay. bath. Pool, weight room, covered essays, theses, articles, etc. For Campbell . (408) 379.3500. WORD PROCESSING WORD PROCESSING / TYPING. money. Send $5.00 & SASE for $6./hour. Rernont 5102260505. Full-time or Part-time. parking. $435./mo. Pail 379-2909. more info please call Dave Bolick, West San Jose/Cupertino. SPA. Info packet & start saving now: Rea14. Viesv/Milpitas/SJ/S Clara 510-601-9554. VISA/MASTER- ELECTROLYSIS CUNIC. EXPERT WORD PROCESSORS. 'Term papers 'Group projects Savings Of Consumer Resources ACCOUNTING STUDENT Part No experience Necessary. 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES LOOKING CARD. FAX. Emergencies 0.K Unwanted hair removed forever. Science and English papers/ Thesis Letters Applications (SO.C.R) P.O. Bee 21345, San Jose, time to assist CPA with ongoing Day shift starts: 6, 7 or 8 am. for a third. 1. blk from campus. Specialist, Confidential. theses our specialty. Laser print- "Ravines *Tape transcnption. etc. CA 95151. project in Fremont. General Swing shift starts: 3 or 4 pm. Large 3 br./2 ba. Pool. PC, parking. AFFORDABLE Your cren probe or disposable. ing. Free spell check and storage. Nursing/Math/Science/English. office knowledge helpful. Grave shrft starts: 11 or 12 pm. $310.00. Call Christy a 279-8630. LEGAL 335 S. Baywood Ave. San Jose. APA. Turabian and other formats. Laser printer Days & evenings. 900 NUMBERS TO RENT. (510) 256-7930. Apply: 8am - 5pm, Mon. Fri. CLINIC 247-7488. Resumes, editing, graphics 7 days. SUZANNE. 4465658 Low cost Rtmote you business or Vanguard Security Services LOS GATOS: Mellow lesbian room- Attorneys & paralegals and other services available. Interest Sharing or test period TEACHERS/ACES FT/Pi POSTYIS 3212 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara. mate wanted. Walk to downtown. Immigration 50% DISCOUNT1 Masterson's Word Processing. PROFESSIONAL Word Processing. possible. (408)358-3494. Long & Short Term. We can offer Gardening space. Excellent neigh- Divorce Permanent Cosmetics by Trish. Cal Paul a Virginia 408251-0449 Theses, term papers, group competitive wages & work w/your TEACHERS borhood. Equal sharing of house. Traffic Problems Enhance your natural beauty! projects, resumes, letters. etc schedule. Start IMMEDIATELY! PRESCHOOL/ELEM CHILDCARE Child O.K. No drugs, smoking, Personal Injury Eye Liner- Lips - Eyebrows. EXPERIENCED Word Processor. All formats, especialiy APA. ChoiceCare Temps 408227-7209. Min. 6 ECE units required. alcohol. $450. Call KJ., 3950116. Bankruptcy Expires June 1st. 1994. Retired secretary. Let me do Experienced, dependable. quo, Certain advertisements In South Valley Family YMCA All Legal Matters 400379.3500 the typing!! Resumes. term return. Transcriptions available. these coheres msy refer DEUVERY EVES 99. Hourly + tips. now accepting applications for (408) 286-8087 Hair Today Gone Tomorrow papers, theses. etc. Grad Almaden / Branham area the feeder to specific Many different restaurants. West creative energetic staff RENTAL HOUSING 621 E. Campbell Ave. #17, & undergrad. IBM Computer. Call Linda (408)264-4504. telephone embers or SJ area. Own car + ins. 369.9401. to join our team. PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST Campbell, CA 95008. Laser printer. Fax machine address's lot additional Also need assistant director. APARTMENT - 7th & Reed. 2 br. w/13.A. and 15 years experience Nortary Public. Appointment Wonnetion. Classified STORYBOARD ARTIST FOR FIU11 Call 226.9822 now. 1 ba. Free cable TV, parking. Aral. is now accepting students wishing CHIROPRACTIC INTERN necessary. Call Anna at SCHOLARSHIPS residers should he remind- project. Want fresh approach. Call 6/1. $650/mo. lease. 2680439. to excel at guitar or bass. All looking for patients for college 972-4992. ed that, when making 415-371-9386, leave message. RETAIL SALES: PART-TIME levels and styles apply. Beginning, clinic. Sliding scale fee. $S BILLIONS ava-iabie o you, these Artier contacts, positions available. Previous BRAND NEW EVERYTHING! Intermediate, and advanced in Lee Oliva: 248-3188. HA’AVARDFREM0NTUP4ION CITY education. al- students clualiiy! they should require com- MARKETING COORDINATOR outdoor experience a plus. Be the first to occupy these jazz, rock, fusion, blues, funk, Wordprocessing and typing: Free message 800i 66E-GRAD plete Wornistion before National insurance brokerage Contact Western Mountaineering newly upgraded units. Studios, reggae and folk. Call Bill Ireton at STUDENT MASSAGE! 23 year All work accepted!! Reports sending money kw goods seeks Jr. or Sr. business major at 408884-7611. one and two bedrooms from 408-2988124. old offers healthy. full body Theses Proficient with APA. CORPORATE SCHOLARSHIPS!!! a services. In addition, to provide customer service and $525. 1/2 block from SJSU. Physical Therapy Massage. MLA, and Turablan formats: The private sector wants to func readers should carefully follow-up. 9 - 3, M - F. $7/hr. plus ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVIST Parking. Cable ready. Ask about FREE SERVICES to currently Minorities encouraged too. Quick & Speedy turnaround: your education! 8w -ors of 5$ in Investigate Nine oferIng incentive plan. N/S. Apply at Wry ftp Ploys this *loner when move in bonus. $400. dep. enrolled students. CAREER Mysetf: Honest & nice appearance. WP 5.1., Laser printer. Call me corpoate 'inanc,a ac goes employment 1860 S. Bascorn Ave, Campbell. you cart ffp oxneerres us?!! No pets. 55 South 6th St. PLANNING AND PLACEMENT Page 552-0885 for callback 7 days a week 7 am to 10 pm. unciaimed each: yea' Why? ben0 or coupons for Wok to proasct the ornament WO 408-292-5174. offers job listings, job search from Robert. Suzanne Scott 510/441-0504. Peope don't know wr,e,e or how clecowit vacations or DELIVERY PERSON NEEDED. Silicon Valley Touts Coalition's assistance, job fairs, career to apoiv for -t Lea- now to tali machendles. THE SPARTAN DAILY is accepting outreach/ fundraising team. RENT A SPACIOUS 1 BR. APT. counseling, interest testing, 20110 PROFESSIONAL Exissienoe. irto th.,s valuable resource. applications for Fall '94 semester. F.T.-$300/wk salary. P.T.-$8/hr. in landmark bldg. Huge windows, career workshops, and career INSURANCE Typing & transcnption for ALL your Ca now 408,2363747 HOURS: 7:00 am -9:00 am. Summertime or Lifetime. miniblinds, new appliances /employer info. Register for the needs including COLOR. Copying. DAYS: Monday through Friday. Call 2887882 incl. D.W. & disposal, A/C. 24 hour job hotline. Visit BC13 AUTO INSURANCE binding & FAX available. Pick up SS MONEY FOR COLLEGE $S COME PARTY IN THE STREETS of PAY: $5.00/hour. Paid monthly. Equal Opportunity Employer. Neutral carpet, intercom entry, 'anti 924-6033 for details. Campus insurance Service & delivery. REASONABLE RATES $1.35 m :iron unclaimed! San Francisco with Pleasure Players DUTIES: Deliver the Spartan gated covered parking, laundry Special Student Programs Timeliness & satisfaction Schoiarshlp matching at Carnival 94, May 29th. Dance to Daily to distribution locations on CLERICAL/PACKAGING. Small room.Great views! 1 blk from WRITING, RESEARCH. EDITING, Serving SJSIJ for 20 years guaranteed. Tutoring available guaranteed! FREE informative %Mae and Calypso. Costumes and campus & recycle old newspapers software on. ReStene/flar rrs. Close campus. 2 persons OK Rent from all subjects. Versatile, expert "Great Rates for Good Drivers" in some subjects. Contact Candi booklet! 24 hour recording! T-shirts available. For more info call into the campus recycling bins. to &GU. Good cam. skills, compiler $640. Aspen Vintage Tower service. Fast turnaround. Free FAX "Good Rates for Non-Good Drivers" at (408)369.8614. Call now! Toll Free! 408-636-0552. Cal. License & DMV printout is knowledge. Prefer freshman or 2974705. delivery. 800-777-7901. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 1(8001 434-6015 ext 1210. required, if hired. Apply at the sophomore. Call 298-0828. "Good Student" "Fan!), Multscar" MODELS, ACTORS, ACTRESSES. Spartan Deity, !NAV Bente! Hall, Local agent seeks fresh talent. Room 203, now through May 27, AA CRUISE &TRAVEL Employment Nationwide exposure possible. 1994. For info: call 924-3277 or Guide. Earn big $$S + travel the Cell 249-9737 or FAX 2494233. 924-3283. world freel (Caribbean, Europe. Hawaii, Asia!) Hurry, busy spring & DAILY CLASSIFIED--ADVER77SING THAT WORKS! CHILD DEVELOP MAJOR for home summer seasons approaching. LOST & FOUND preschool, assist w/ activities. Free student travel club member- field trips. 2 positions, am & pm. ship! Call (919)929-4398 et C181. FOUND! ARMENIA KEY RING Enthusiastic. Start June 13. RIM your ad here. Line is 30 spaces, including letters, numbers, punctuation & spaces between words with 6 keys. Go to DBH 105 or $5.00/hour. Call Alice 356-0895. ALAMIA WAINER EPIPLOYIAENT. cell 9243240. Earn up to $8,000.+ in two months. PRESCHOOL TEACHERS, Room & board! Transportation! LJLJEI ILilIDOLILJOODLIOOMOODUEDOODEE DOUBLE KEY RING W/13 KEYS 2 full-time, needed for small, Male/Female. No experience found in DOH hallway outside the exployer-sponsored child care necessary! (206) 545-4155 ext 11101111111111311111MOODEDOODOCIODEIEDOCIEJED Spartan Daily. Pick them up In center in DT San Jose. Good pay/ A6041. DBH 203 or call 9243277 for hfo. benefits package & opportunity for growth. Minimum 12 ECE units & FEMALES MODELS for Silicon DOODOODMOOODEJOODOOCIEDOODEIDOED experience working with children Valley posters/postcards. Contact VOWNTEERS required Call Carol Meligen, Joe Anthony 0 Silicon Valley FE111-7CIODEOFOOODOEMOODOCIODOODEJ YWCA, 295-4011,ext 211. Scenes (408)247-8779. 00 YOU LE 114111311TOODURS7 Non-profit Family Service Assoc. is WANTED: PAINTERS 4 SUMMER ALASKA FISHERIES Summer Ad Retail: 3-line minimum Please check I looking for daytime volunteers to Excellent pay + bonuses! Santa employment. Earn up to $15.000, Owe Two Three Four Five amide childcare for up to 4 hours Clara/Sen Jose must be college this summer In canneries, proces- AddrOSS one classification: car. Apply now. sors, etc. Male/female. No exp. Day Days Days Debi Days a week while trier mothers attend student & have _Announcements _Renter Housing counseling sessions In davintown 408-998-8568. necessary. Room/board/travel 3 lines $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 Dry & ntele ID co% _Roommates San Jose. Tue. 10ern 3pm., Wed. often provided! Guaranteed suc- 4 lbws $6 $11 $10 $12 $14 _Events ext. A181 ,none 9ern - N:on., Thur. 5:30pn - 8pm. CPA CANDIDATES Accounting cess! (919) 9294398 5 lines $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 _Campus Clubs _Pea Estate Call Child Watch at 288.6200. firm otters 12 hours per week 2-reek Messages :',ervces during school. Will train. Fr/So 11750/WK. ALASKA FISHERIES 611w. $8 $10 $12 $14 116 Send check or money order tO _ost and round inealth/Beauly RE A FRIENDI status only. Good language. this summer. Maritime Services $1 for each additional line Caring and friendly volunteers 371-7445, 8 10 am only. 1.20118600219. Spartan Daily Claealflede _Volunteers R,cle Share needed to help Individuals After the Nth day, rate biereeeee by $1 per day. Son Jose State UM, _For Sale _nswance with mental illness become RESTAURANT FOOD SERVERS. WORK IN THE WILD Tour guide, First line (25 spaces) set in bold for no extra charge San Jose, CA 95192-07141 _Autos For Sale _Entertainment hoursl Flexible schedules. Apply 2-4, M-F. dude ranch, instructor, lifeguard, independent! Flexible Up to 5 additional words available in bold for $3 each _Electronic Eouip ryv Training and support given. Chili's, 300W Calaveras, Milpitas, trail maintenance, hotel staff, fire- O Classified desk is located in DvAght Bente' Room 209 _ Tutoring Gain practical experience for fighter & volunteer & government SEMESTER RATES Deadline 10 00 a m two weekdays before publication _Wanted Peychology, social work, OT, RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS this positions available at national All ads are prepaid MI No refunds on canceled ads _EMployment _Word Processing +bonuses! 3-9 lines: $70.' 10-14 lines: $90. nursing or related fields. summer! Summer management parka Ecellent benefits 10 Rates for consecutwo publications dates only _Opportunities ___SchOlerShip Serv at Internships available with Over 25,000 openings! Apply now 15-19 lines: $110. Cell Teresa Jackson QUISTIOtatt CALL (409)9943277 4013/5001288 a 408/287-21321 Student Works Painting. for best posrtions. For more Info. For info cal 1-800295-9675. call: 1-208-545-4804 ext. N6041. 8 Friday. May 13. 1994 SAN fuse SlATE UNIVLUbITY SPARTAN DAILY Ore score and seven molds ago

RIGHT: Metal sculpture student Jill Salak helps steady a sus- pended crucible as molten bronze, heated to 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit, is poured into molds during a class lab at the SJSU foundry.

ABOVE: Protective leather gar- ments, gloves and facemasks are worn during the pouring process.

Photos by TOP: With the help of visiting instructor Tom Walsh, students in the Monique Schoenfeld metal sculpture 169 class maneuver a suspended vat of bronze over the molds that are buried in a pit of dirt.

ABOVE: Excess plaster particles are vacuumed from the white molds which will be filled with molten bronze. After the bronze is poured, it cools for at least 24 hours.

Televised debate by main presidential candidates a first MEXICO cm (AP) A left- satisfied," said Cuauhtemoc Car- under the economic reforms of Mexico's future and in the Need a Job? lot presidential candidate denas, of the left-leaning Revolu- the government of President upcoming Aug. 21 presidential The Spartan Bookstore has employment opportunities . pelted a historic debate Thurs- tionary Democratic Party, in Carlos Salinas de Gortari, the elections. semesters. Stop by the book- day calling for change in a coun- opening the first debate in Mex- candidate of the ruling institu- "The elections are about the for the summer and fall application between the hours ' IA ruled for decades by one ico's history of main political par- tional Revolutionary Party future of Mexico, of our families, store office to fill out an pit. and evoking President Rea- ties. "Nobody can say we are bet- responded he had the most our children," said Zedillo. "The of 8:00am to 5:00pm Mon.-Fri. Group interviews will gan, saying Mexicans are now ter off than in 1988. experience of the candidates. debate is for the future of Mexi- be held the week of May 16th. worse off. After the eight minute open- Ernesto Zedillo, 42, who has co. I am sure Mexico can soon "We are in situation in which ing remarks in which he criti- held several government posts, be the democratic nation we the majority of Mexicans are not cized corruption and poverty called the debate a landmark in plainly wish for." SPARTAN BOOKSTORE World Cup Kix At Paddy's PLea se AM San 'loses Friendliest Pub World Cup Soccer

recYcLe THe Happy Hour 9W-F4-7pml Any Entree quinness& poortuillortuagsmottivolo Specials: 10% off sPar-ran 4 10 Select Beers 1 s Won Ton Rice Stick Combination Crispy Hours: 1130 am - 2 am Soup Flied Noodles Lunch: 11:30 am M-1 Won Ton Noodle Soup Chow Fun coca i inr 111 'Food 'Tall pm tab N3 ood Food At Great Prices NOODLE Irish Tub & Restaurant NEW TUNG KEE HOUSE n. .sat. At.teMusicn. Ap Cover 'Proprietor 262 East Santa Clara St. Pafricklt McMahon E.sq 289-8688 31 E. Santa, Clara Street, Downtown San Jose (408) 293-1118 from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Close To Light Rail Convenient Parking Parties Welcome