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Accent on the future at Novosibirsk Conference People Status reports on colliding beam superconducting magnets held and things facilities, superconductivity, new at Brookhaven in May of last acceleration concepts for linear year (see September 1986 is colliders, and plans for future sue, page 3). big accelerators... these were Superconducting radiofrequen- the main topics at the cy cavities are now being pre Xlllth International Accelerator pared for the 100 GeV stage of Conference in Novosibirsk last LEP at CERN, for HERA at DESY, On people summer. for TRISTAN in Japan, and for The luminosity goals for the the CEBAF linac in the USA. The prestigious Enrico Fermi high energy colliders were A superconducting linac is also Award, given by the US Depart spelled out. This year the super an option under study for future ment of Energy for exceptional and conducting Tevatron at Fermilab linear lepton colliders in one of altogether outstanding achieve hopes to reach 1029 per cm2 the two-beam schemes. ment, was attributed in 1986 to per s with 800 GeV proton and The various schemes for Ernest Courant of Brookhaven and antiproton beams, climbing ev reaching high energies in linacs the late Stanley Livingston for their entually to 1030. The lower en were reviewed and sets of para landmark contributions to the de ergy CERN Collider, with its ad meters for linacs up to 1 TeV velopment of particle accelerators. dition of the ACOL antiproton beam energy were presented It is unusual for the Fermi Award collector, is shooting for 1030 less tongue-in-cheek than in the to be given posthumously, and a in 1987-88. For the electron- past. Experimental work, both pity that after 'leadership contribu positron colliders, TRISTAN in on the linac schemes and on tions to the development of nuclear Japan was on the brink of first the plasma beat-wave concept accelerators over a half-century' operation at the time of the Con are beginning to bear fruit. Livingston died last August before ference and as reported on page The most ambitious of the the announcement was made. 1 has come superbly into action future accelerator plans is, of with 25 GeV beams. The Stan course, the Superconducting Robert K. Adair has been ap ford Linear Collider should not Super Collider (SSC) in the USA pointed Associate Director of be far behind with 50 GeV which aims for 20 TeV proton Brookhaven National Laboratory beams and is hoping for pro beams. While this mighty pro for High Energy and Nuclear Phy gressively improving luminosity ject awaits a green light, CERN sics. He is thus responsible for 29 29 - 10 this year, 5x10 early has pushed further its ideas on Brookhaven's AGS (Alternating next year, 2x10?° a year later a 8.5 TeV Large Hadron Collider Gradient Synchrotron) and Physics and 6x10?° at the beginning of which could sit over the electron Departments, and Instrumentation 1990. The luminosity goal of ring in the LEP tunnel. The LHC Division. LEP at CERN with 60 GeV scheme would benefit from the beams is the design figure of existing high quality injectors at 1031 which should be reached CERN and from the LEP infra fairly quickly. Finally HERA at structure, and has the added DES Y in Hamburg, with electron attraction of rather easily having beams of 30 GeV and proton electron-proton collisions as an beams of 820 GeV, aims for a extra physics tool. luminosity of 2x10s1 when it In the interim, the construction turns on in 1990. of UNK at Serpukhov in the So The superconductivity ses viet Union is underway and they sions covered the magnets hope for 3 TeV beams for fixed which are now confidently incor target physics in 1993. On the porated in both projects for the electron front, people at Stan next hadron collider — the SSC ford are meditating about multi- in the USA and the LHC at CERN hundred GeV machines to follow — following the experience at experience with SLC, and the the Fermilab Tevatron and Conference host Laboratory at HERA. This work was reviewed Novosibirsk has similar ambi also at the ICFA Workshop on tions. Robert K. Adair — Brookhaven Associate Director CERN Courier, January/February 1987 33 European Laboratory for Particle Physics THE SCOTTISH UNIVERSITIES Laboratoire Européen pour la Physique des Particules SUMMER SCHOOL IN PHYSICS European Organization for Nuclear Research Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire The proceedings of the schools provide pedagogical introductions to advanced topics at a level appropriate to research staff and stu dents in high energy physics. All volumes are produced in hardcover The Data Handling Division is looking for a young editions at reasonable prices and are obtainable directly from SUSSP. Copies purchased through bookshops will be more expen sive. SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER SUPERSTRINGS AND SUPERGRAVITY in the team supporting large IBM VM and MVS ser vices. The central computing facilities include an 1985 school. 550 pages. Editors: Davies & Sutherland. Price IBM 3090-200, a Siemens 7890S and a substantial 24 pounds. DEC VAX cluster. A Cray X-MP/48 will be installed This school was conceived of as a topical survey of supersymmetry during 1987. and supergravity but developed into an excellent introduction to all Candidates should have a university degree, prefe facets of superstring theory. The lecture notes provide the first rably in Computer Science, and several years prac comprehensive presentation of this exciting new subject. Also included are excellent reviews of conventional quantum gravity tical experience in IBM systems programming, approaches and cosmology. Contributors : Duff, Ellis, Ferrara, Gri- ideally in VM. The ability to work independently in saru, Isham, van Nieuwenhuizen, Schwarz and West. such areas as systems generation, performance analysis and development of local enhancements FUNDAMENTAL FORCES to the basic system code is essential. Knowledge of English is required and some knowledge of 1984 school. 540 pages. Editors: Frame & Peach. Price 20 French is desirable. pounds. Please write for an application form to the address given below, quoting the following reference: The school was primarily concerned with standard, and non-stan dard, models of the electro-weak theory, together with a critical DD-SW-IB-093 assessment of the experimental evidence from the CERN collider Head of Personnel (Darriulat, Jarlskog, Walsh, Dowell, Perl, Cashmore, Ledermann). CERN In addition there were excellent reviews of Lattice QCD (Schier- holz), Supersymmetry (Llewellyn-Smith) and Composite Models CH-1211 Geneva 23 (Harari). Switzerland STATISTICAL & PARTICLE PHYSICS 1983 school. 500 pages. Editors: Bowler & McKane. Price 20 pounds. OXFORD UNIVERSITY The school was concerned with recent developments in statistical and particle physics which exploit and extend the analogy between CLARENDON LABORATORY statistical fluctuations in thermal systems and quantised field theo ries of elementary particles. Topics included : The onset of chaos (Feigenbaum) ; First order transitions (Gunton) ; Monte Carlo me thods (Swendsen); Topological excitations (Goddard); Interface problems (Zia) ; Random systems (Moore) ; String theory (Green) ; Research Monte Carlo calculations (Rebbi). With Highly Ionised Atoms GAUGE THEORIES 1980 school. 640 pages. Editors: Bowler & Sutherland. Price Several research posts are available in a Clarendon group 15 pounds. carrying out research with Highly Ionised Atoms. The prima Topics included : Broken gauge theories (Appelquist) ; Neutrino phy ry interest of the group is the study of relativistic and sics (Barish); GUTS (Ellis); High energy interactions (Giacomelli); quantum electrodynamic effects in highly charged one- and High energies (Glashow) ; Confinement ('t Hooft) ; QCD (Ross) ; Sur two-electron ions, to test fundamental theories of these face theories (Wallace); e+e— experiments (Wilk). systems. The research is carried out both in Oxford, and overseas QUARK MODELS at the high energy heavy ion accelerators at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California, at GSI Darm stadt, and at GANIL, Caen. 1976 school. 500 pages. Editors: Barbour & Davies. Price 10 Salaries are on the Scale £ 8,020-12,780 p.a. and suitably pounds. qualified candidates should write as soon as possible with a Seminal articles on strings (Nielsen), Supersymmetry (Zumino), c.v. and the names of 3 referees to: Confinement in lattice gauge theories (Susskind), and Quark models (Close, Pati, Dalitz, Sutherland, Yankielowicz). SUSSP Publications (CC) Dr. J. D. Silver Department of Physics Clarendon Laboratory University of Edinburgh Parks Road EDINBURGH EH9 3JZ. UK. Oxford, OXI 3PU United Kingdom 34 CERN Courier, January/February 1987 Taking advantage of its presence in England for the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, the CERN itinerant exhibition visited two other seats of learning before returning home. Pictured is the facade of Queen Mary College, London, where nearly 2000 schoolchildren saw the exhibition. Packed lectures on particle physics were held in parallel. At Royal Holloway and New Bedford Colleges, London, the exhibition was a key feature of a series of Open Days visited by fifty schools, the local population and some 300 industrialists. (Photo Georges Claude) Jean Sacton of Brussels has been reelected Chairman of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA). It was originally intended that Italo Mannelli would take over from Sacton, until Mannelli was Pulling in the crowds sity at the annual meeting of elected as the next Chairman of the British Association for the CERN's Scientific Policy Commit Advancement of Science. CERN tee, succeeding Don Perkins. had done a professional job, At CERN, Pierre Darriulat has Behind the trendy docklands and it gave Peter Kalmus, pro been appointed Director of Re developments along the north fessor in particle physics, the search from 1 July, to succeed bank of the River Thames, Lon idea of housing the exhibition Robert Klapisch. Pierre Lehmann don's sordid 'East End' hides in his department at QMC for a (France) has been elected Vice from the public eye.