COASTAL VIEWSCAPES OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Report for the Coast Protection Branch South Australian Department for Environment and Heritage Dr Andrew Lothian 2005 Scenic Solutions, PO Box 385, Mitcham 5062 Cover photograph of lighthouses on the South Australian coast: Beachport (SE) Cape Banks (SE) Cape Borda (KI) Cape du Couedic (KI) Robe (SE) Cape Northumberland (SE) Corny Point (YP) Point Lowly (upper Spencer Cape Willoughby (KI) Gulf) Dr Andrew Lothian Principal Scenic Solutions Environmental Policy Solutions ABN 55 275 407 146 PO Box 385 Mitcham South Australia 5062 E:
[email protected] P: 0439 872 226 COASTAL VIEWSCAPES OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Report for the Coast Protection Branch South Australian Department for Environment and Heritage Dr Andrew Lothian Principal Scenic Solutions 2005 i South Australian Coastal Viewscapes Project COASTAL VIEWSCAPES OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Requirements in Australia and overseas. Virtually all the studies examined applied various criteria to The Coastal Protection Branch of the what was believed to constitute attractive Department for Environment and Heritage landscapes and then analysed them engaged Dr Andrew Lothian of Scenic accordingly. A typical methodology involved Solutions to measure and map the scenic the classification of areas of similar landscape quality of the South Australian coastline. character and the application of criteria such as naturalness, pattern, form, line and texture The Branch recognised that increasing to each area. The scores would then be added developmental pressures on the coast were and its landscape quality thus derived. This threatening the very qualities that the method is heavily dependent on the selection community value. Development pressures of factors to be scored and this varied widely included housing and land division, marinas, from study to study.