NOVEMBER 2012 70p





Church Services for NOVEMBER 2012

Thursday 1st November 9.30am Holy Communion in St. Mary’s,

4th November The 22nd Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Cartmel Fell Matins (BCP) Mr. Julian Lambton 9.30am Helsington Holy Communion (CW) Rev. Matt Allen 9.30am Underbarrow Holy Communion (BCP) Canon Michael Middleton 9.30am Witherslack Holy Communion (CW) Ven. Colin Hill 11.00am Crook Holy Communion (CW) Rev. Brian Crowe & Stephen Bell 11.00am Winster Holy Communion (BCP) Rev. Anthony Clegg 6.30pm Crosthwaite All Souls’ Service Rev. Brian Crowe

11th November The 23rd Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Cartmel Fell Remembrance Service Rev. Michael Woodcock 9.30am Helsington Remembrance Service Mrs. Maureen Stevens 9.30am Underbarrow Remembrance Service Rev. Brian Crowe 9.30am Witherslack Remembrance Service Rev. Michelle Woodcock 11.00am Crook Remembrance Service Rev. Brian Crowe & Tony Fitch 10.50am Winster Remembrance Service Rev. Michelle Woodcock 10.50am Crosthwaite Remembrance Service Rev. Michael Woodcock

18 th November The 24th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Cartmel Fell Holy Communion (BCP) Rev. Michelle Woodcock 9.30am Helsington Holy Communion (CW) Rev. Ron Rutter 9.30am Underbarrow Holy Communion (CW) Rev. Bob Dew 9.30am Witherslack Holy Communion (BCP) Rev. Michael Woodcock 11.00am Crook Morning Worship (BCP) Reg & Elaine Bradby 11.00am Winster Holy Communion (BCP) Rev. Michael Woodcock 11.00am Crosthwaite Family Service Rev. Michelle Woodcock

25th November The Last Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Cartmel Fell Holy Communion (BCP) Rev. Michelle Woodcock 9.30am Helsington Morning Worship (CW) Rev. Matt Allen 11.00am Underbarrow Holy Communion (CW) Rev. Brian Crowe 11.00am Crook Morning Worship (CW) Rev. Brian Crowe & Hilary Fitch 11.00am Winster Matins (BCP) Mr. Roger Bingham 11.00am Crosthwaite Holy Communion (CW) Rev. Michelle Woodcock 4.00pm Witherslack Evensong (BCP) Rev. Michelle Woodcock

Tuesday 27th November 8.00pm Sung Compline in St. Anthony’s, Cartmel Fell


What is it that makes anyone distinctly christian? One often hears people remarking on how so-and-so “is such a good person, a very christian person”. This seems to imply that being christian is just about being good. But an atheist can equally be good and so can a muslim or a hindu, a sikh or a buddhist. So being christian cannot just be about being “a good person”. There must be something else which makes the christian different to a good atheist or a good sikh.

The word Christian means being a follower of Christ; following his teachings and example, and accepting him as being God-incarnate and the one who saves us. Following his teaching and example leads us to look at the kind of values Jesus Christ espouses. It is these values which will mark us out as distinctively Christian and they number among the following: Reverence, Wisdom, Thankfulness, Humility, Endurance, Service, Compassion, Trust, Peace, Forgiveness, Justice, Hope, Creation .

Now you could say that some of these values will be held equally by the atheist or the buddhist and that would be true; there are many values we share with good people from all backgrounds in the world. However, many of these Christian values are rooted in our relationship with Christ himself. We follow a God who, in human form, came to serve those around him; demonstrating great humility and compassion. It is these particular examples by Christ that Christians try to emulate . Thankfulness is a value we can only truly express if we are conscious of the One to whom we are thankful; an atheist would have no-one or nothing to thank. Forgiveness is clearly a distinctive Christian value as we understand, first of all, our need for forgiveness and secondly where we can find that forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Justice is also powerfully displayed in Christ as on more than one occasion he sought to establish fairness, justice, and equality in his relationships and in his model of society; the Kingdom of God.

It is worth pondering these Christian values listed above. How might we understand them more deeply? How might we manifest them in our own lives?

Yours in friendship,

Baptism 14 th October Emilia Jessica Kate Saunders at Holy Trinity, Winster

Wedding 6th October Jonathan Spencer & Lauren Ashworth at St. Mary’s, Crosthwaite 3 Derek Cleasby Derek was born at High Wray on the 19 th October 1936. He moved to Burblethwaite Farm, Cartmel Fell whilst still a baby, and later attended Cartmel Fell School. He then went on to Backbarrow secondary school, travelling daily by Battersby Bus.

His trading abilities started from an early age, as in the Cleasby family they used to collect rosehips and with his share of the proceeds he bought his first calf, which he named Burblethwaite Rose.

On leaving school Derek gained great experience from working on several farms in the val- ley, his last employer was Joe Walker of Michael Yeat Farm at the Row—they got up to all sorts of amusing antics. It was through his great friendship with Joe, who was good friends with Mr Argyles, that they ensured the tenancy of Little Moss Side. While there not only did he farm but also had a milk round serving Crosthwaite and surrounding areas.

In the 1970s Derek started dealing in sheep, firstly just a couple of hundred a week, but over the years hundreds of thousands passed through his hands, latterly mainly dealing in cows. Derek was a well know character in all the auction marts and was always quite vocal. If something needed saying, he would say it. Fashion was not one of his strong points. He never tied his bootlaces up and very rarely wore a jacket!

Derek had his first heart attack in the late 1980’s and from there his health slowly went down hill. He had a couple more heart attacks and suffered from breathing difficulties in the last 5 years, but not once did he lie in bed and feel sorry for himself. He was even trading to the very end and on 31 st August he had taken cattle to Lancaster and gone onto Kendal to collect some lambs to bring home to moss side. This is where he had a fatal heart attack after unloading them and passed away in the railing field with sheep, cattle and his family around him.

He was chairman of the Moss Roads for several years and never wanted to live anywhere else but the Lyth Valley. He could not have written a better ending to his life himself.

A THANK YOU… So many of you were kind enough to send letters and beautiful cards to me and my family when Rodney died. There were just too many for me to answer individually, so please accept my heartfelt thanks to you all for your thoughtful words of condolence. They have been much appreciated. Margaret Sale In remembrance of Rodney, the Bell Ringers from St. Mary’s would like to buy a wooden bench to be situated outside the bell tower. St. Mary’s PCC will make a con- tribution towards the costs and hopes that other members of our congregation will also want to make a contribution. If you do, please contact Mary Harkness on 015395 68223. Thank you.

4 Holy Days in November 1 All Saints’ Day - Principal Feast 2 Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) - Lesser Festival 3 Richard Hooker, Priest, Anglican Apologist, Teacher of the Faith, 1600 - Lesser Festival 7 Willibrord of York, Bishop, Apostle of Frisia, 739 - Lesser Festival 8 The Saints and Martyrs of - Lesser Festival 10 Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 461 - Lesser Festival 11 Martin, Bishop of Tours, c.397 - Lesser Festival 13 Charles Simeon, Priest, Evangelical Divine, 1836 - Lesser Festival 16 Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Philanthropist, Reformer of the Church, 1093 - Lesser Festival 17 Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, 1200 - Lesser Festival 18 Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess of Thuringia, Philanthropist, 1231 - Lesser Festival 19 Hilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680 - Lesser Festival 20 Edmund, King of the East Angles, Martyr, 870 - Lesser Festival 23 Clement, Bishop of Rome, Martyr, c.100 - Lesser Festival 29 Day of Intercession and Thanksgiving for the Missionary Work of the Church - Lesser Festival 30 Andrew the Apostle - Festival

Just to let people know that if they have any concerns or want to report any crime or suspicious persons/vehicles/activity they can ring the police non emergency number 101. In an emer- gency the normal 999 number applies.

Jessica Bullock and Jayne Park cover the South Westmorland area and can be contacted direct at or [email protected] or by ringing the 101 number. They will respond to emails when in the office so please be aware this would not generate an immediate response.

Jessica and Jayne are more than happy to come along to any local groups/meetings/coffee mornings to meet residents and offer crime prevention advice. Please don't hesitate to get in touch.


To all who advertise in our Two Valleys Parish News we say “ Thank you “ for your support during the past year.

If you would like to renew your advertisement for 2013 w ith or without alteration, or if you would like to advertise for the first time, then please contact : The Advertising Manager, Matthew Dobson ASPEN, Crosthwaite LA8 8BS Tel: 015395 68849 Email: [email protected]

By no later than 30 th November 2012


Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults None of us need reminding of some of the dreadful and distressing things that can happen to children who are taken advantage of by adults. It seems to be in our news all the time. The Church nationally, along with other public institutions and organisations, now has special Safeguarding policies in place. These policies ensure that all our adults who work with both children and any vulnerable adults will have been safely recruited and have been CRB checked. In each of our churches in the Two Valleys we now have both a “Safeguarding Children Policy” and a “Safeguarding Adults who may be vulnerable Pol- icy.” Mrs Pat Howarth is the Children’s Safeguarding Co-ordinator for the four parishes of Cartmel Fell, Crosthwaite, Winster and Witherslack. Mrs. Geraldine Wilson is the Safeguarding Co-ordinator for vulnerable adults in the same four parishes. If anybody ever has any concerns in either of the areas they are to contact either Mrs. Howarth or Mrs. Wilson. The Policies (with contact names and details) are pinned up on each church noticeboard. The parishes of Crook, Underbarrow and Helsington are in the process of adopting these policies and appointing Safeguarding Coordinators, and will have done so by the end of November. We take the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults ex- tremely seriously and will not only be adopting these policies annually, but also being thorough in implementing them.

Thank you for Harvest We would like to say a heartfelt “Thank you” to everyone in each of our seven villages who worked so hard again towards our respective Harvest Festivals and Suppers. Our churches looked magnificent in their decorations of flowers, fruits and vegetables and we are so grateful to the many people who gave their time and expertise in decorating our buildings. We also wish to say thank you to all those who organized our Harvest Suppers and all those who attended. Some of our churches supported the Bishop’s Harvest for the Hungry Appeal and we are delighted to report that collectively we raised over £1,300.

Two Valleys All Souls’ Service ––– remembering our loved ones This year our special All Souls’ Service for the two valleys will be at 6.30pm on Sunday 4th November and hosted by St. Mary’s, Crosthwaite. It is often helpful if we make space once a year to remember those of our loved ones who have gone before us. We always try to remember those who have died in the past 12 months, but we are also happy to include names from years past. If you have lost a loved one in the past year and we did not take the funeral locally, we can still remember that person at this special service which is al- ways a moving occasion. Do contact Rev. Michael Woodcock and let him know any names (please PRINT in Block Capitals, so that we can easily read them and not make any mistakes). The names will then be read out in the course of the service.

Remembrance Sunday occurs on Sunday 11 th November. Please note the start times of the services in your respective parish church as these may vary from the norm.

6 Christmas is coming… Yes, it’s that time of year again when all budding choristers gather to sing together for their supper! Well, perhaps not quite supper, but there are usually refreshments after each of the carol services in the Two Valleys churches! Everybody is welcome; you don’t have to be able to read music or to have sung in the choir before. Just come to the first practice. Practices will be on Thursdays at 4pm in St Mary’s Crosthwaite, starting on Thursday 22 nd November . We hope to sing in three of the Two Valleys churches’ carol services. If you regularly can’t make 4pm but would still like to sing in the choir, please contact me, and if there are enough people we’ll try to arrange a practice at a different time. Dorothy Grace ( 015395 68569).

Two Valleys Advent Carol Service 6.30pm Sunday 2 ndndnd December You are warmly invited to a special Advent Service for the Two Valleys churches at 6.30pm in St. Mary’s church, Crosthwaite on Sunday 2 nd December (Advent Sunday). This is a special service for all the churches in our two valleys as we begin together another new Church Year.

Two Valleys Prayer Meeting 2.30pm Tuesday 13 th November We meet again to pray for our parishes at 2.30pm in the Vicarage at Crosthwaite (for the colder months of the year). Anybody is welcome to come and join us for 45 minutes as we learn to pray together for our lovely parishes with their various needs. As we gather, we can pray either silently or out loud; all our prayers are valid as we pray for all local needs. If you have any local requests for prayer then do let Michael Woodcock know. 015395 68276

Compline at Cartmel Fell 8.00pm Tuesday 27 th November There will be a service of sung Compline at St. Anthony’s at 8.00pm on Tuesday 27 th Novem- ber. Compline is the service which quietly brings an end to the day’s work and activity. Come along and bring your own candle as we enjoy this wonderfully atmospheric 30 minute .

Advance notice of Witherslack Christmas Carol Serviceice————1818 December There will be a traditional Christmas Carol Service for all the village at 6.30pm on Tuesday 18 th December in Witherslack church - Make a note of the date now…..and bring your friends and neighbours along.

Open Meeting for all congregation members from Cartmel Fell, Crosthwaite, Winster and Witherslack We invite all members of these four church congregations to come together for a Special Meeting at 8.00pm on Thursday 22 nd November in Witherslack Parish Hall , where we will all discuss our plans for the future of our churches. We will be consulting everyone and asking you what goals you think we should be focussing on in the next few years. From this discussion we will formulate our Mission Action Plan (MAP) which every church in the dio- cese is in the process of compiling. This is a most important meeting where everyone has a voice to consider how best to continue making our churches sustainable. Please make this date a priority, share transport to Witherslack and do not get left out of this significant process .

Crosthwaite and Lyth Charity The above charity is very willing to give GRANTS to young people of Crosthwaite & Lyth who are in their first year at University or College. If you think you qualify, please contact Rev’d Michael Woodcock, Crosthwaite Vicarage, Phone 015395 68276 E-mail : [email protected] Before our next meeting in December 2012 7 A very special month In the September Parish Magazine I wrote about Losha, a 7 year old boy from a very needy family in Belarus who was coming to live with us for a month through the charity “Friends of Chernobyl’s Children” (FOCC). As I write this, it is a few days since Losha returned safely to Belarus and his family, but what a difference a month makes! He has gone home looking healthier, half a stone heavier than when he arrived and with a bag packed to the limits with warm clothes for the winter, food for the family, a year’s supply of vitamins and minerals and some treats and toys to remind him of his stay with us.

The group of 17 children who came to Silverdale and stayed with hosts in the surrounding areas all benefitted a huge amount from their visit. While they were here they all had eye tests, health checkups and dental care and plenty of outdoor activities and fun. These children benefit from a month of fresh air and good food as the land they live on and the air they breathe is still contaminated by radiation from the Chernobyl disaster which took place in neighbouring country, Ukraine. It is estimated the land will be contaminated for another 24,000 years. For them, this chance to recuperate and build up their bodies for the very hard winter in Belarus is an important lifeline. Lots of people have been interested in how we managed to communicate with Losha, but it has been really easy. We quickly found ways to express ourselves, often using sign language and pictures, and he quickly learnt the most important words; “please, thank you, apple, toilet, yes, no”, and there was always the assurance that should we encounter any difficulty that we couldn’t solve alone, then we could phone one of the Russian interpreters that came over with the group and they would resolve the issue.

For us it was a chance to appreciate again the simple things in life – all those little things we take for granted which were greeted by Losha with wide eyed wonder. He even enjoyed the floods, and this saw us driving a bit faster through the water to get that gasp of joy!

If all goes well with Losha over the next year he will hopefully come and stay with us for another month of vital respite next September and for the next 5 years. This makes all the difference to these vulnerable children whose immune systems are very weak; it enables their quality of life to improve and gives them every chance of living a more fulfilled life.

People have been asking how they can help; you can help either by donating money to Friends Of Chernobyl’s Children (It costs the charity £600 per child per year to bring them here) or considering whether you could become a host or a helper. For more information contact us (Michael and Michelle 015395 68276) or the director of the charity Mrs Olwyn Keogh MBE (01524 702330). 8 Rev. Michelle Woodcock “Making a Difference"

Make a difference - fill a shoebox with your love this Christmas.

This year, we are working with the charity Teams4u ( ), founded by David Cooke who made the first children’s Christmas shoebox appeal in 1990 and who, since then, has devoted his time to helping children in need. It is an exciting new venture for our well established team of over 100 volunteers in South Cumbria, as our shoeboxes are going to deprived rural areas of Romania where Teams4u already have projects and contacts. A team from this area is going to distribute the boxes in December, and we will be able to report back on the children who receive your shoebox gifts. Who knows, it may then be possible to make a more direct and personal link with a particular church or school in Romania.

To take part, find an empty shoebox, wrap the box and the lid separately in bright gift wrap, decide whether your box is for a boy or girl and fill the box with some or all of the follow- ing:

Hat, gloves and scarf; Facecloth and soap; Toothbrush and toothpaste; Hairbrush and comb; Pens, pencils, crayons, notebooks, colouring books and other educational items (without words); Sweets (not chocolate); Soft toy; Ball; Other games and toys; Jewellery for girls. Add a donation of £2 for transport, indicate whether your box is for a boy or girl, secure your box with an elastic band and take it to The Exchange on Wednesday 14 th Novem- ber.

After Christmas there will be stories and photos on – you may even see your own shoebox being given to a child. For further information please contact Ros- emary Webster 015395 68013.

Your co-ordinators are Cartmel Fell: Anne Ratcliffe: 015395 52107; Crosthwaite: Lorraine Brierley (015395 68172); Underbarrow: Di Dew: 015395 68680; Winster : Margaret Gambie 015394 42325; Witherslack: Irene Brennand 015395 52337. Please contact them for boxes and leaflets ------STOP PRESS!!! Shoebox checking morning is Monday, November 19th, at Winster Village Hall, starting at 9am. Please come and help if you can. All boxes are checked, sealed and packed into car- tons, and then go to the Kendal warehouse. I

If anyone can help with transport (large van or trailer), please contact Rosemary Webster on 015395 68013.

9 KINGS FOOD BANK UPDATE First of all a big THANK YOU to all those of you who have placed food items in the Food Bank box either in your church, Witherslack Community Shop or in the Crosthwaite Memorial Hall.

By the time you read this I will have made two very sizeable deliveries of your donated items to the Food Bank in Kendal.

So far, since it started at the beginning of March, the Food Bank has delivered 3000 meals to people in need in the Kendal area and now 15 churches are involved in collecting and donating food. Individuals or families who are in need and who are referred through one of the helping agencies, receive a box containing food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, together with tea and coffee for three days and they can receive up to four food boxes.

The need is still on-going so I hope you can continue the habit of popping an item of food into your nearest box once in a while. The Food Bank still needs long life milk and fruit juice, beef or chicken pies, tinned steak or chicken in sauce, tinned fruit and vegetables but they have the world’s supply of baked beans! Also if you can donate any ‘bags for life’, which are used to deliver the food to families. Although the priority is food, the Food Bank does accept toiletries, baby food and nappies. If you cannot get out to buy food, monetary donations have been given and the money used to buy shortage items. Cheques made out to King’s Church Kendal will attract Gift Aid too.

If you have any questions or want to help in any way please contact me or your ‘Box Monitor’ Cartmel Fell : Anne Ratcliffe (015395 52107) Winster: Margaret Gambie (015394 42325 ) Witherslack : Barbara Page (015395 52177) Crosthwaite : Pat Howarth (015395 68652)

Thank you for all that you do. Pat Howarth Food Bank rep for The Two Valleys (015395 68652)

Great North Run – Thank you! A HUGE thank you to everyone who supported me in my Great North Run. It was an amazing day, and I really enjoyed the whole thing. I completed the run in 2 hours 8 min- utes and have raised £2, 718 for the British Heart Foundation. My initial target was £500, so thank you very much to all those who have helped me raise such a brilliant total in memory of my dad. I know he would have been proud. Michelle Woodcock

10 THE DEVIL’S VIOLIN COMPANY in ‘A LOVE LIKE SALT’ Helsington & Brigsteer Village Hall Saturday November 17 th at 7.30 pm

'A Love Like Salt' was commissioned by the Bodleian Library and the English Faculty at Oxford University. It features three wonderful tales that have gripped us for hundreds of years: stories full of passion and longing, drama and danger; stories of love and lust, of life and death. They also happen to be tales that inspired our two foremost storywriters - Chaucer and Shakespeare. King Lear, Franklin's Tales and the Wife of Bath's Tale are skilfully spun into stories for the present, grippingly told by one of England's most renowned storytellers, Daniel Morden, together with three fabulous musicians on violin, accordion and cello. Music makes up 50% of the evening and is woven into the stories. Love is put to the test as the audience is transported to King Arthur's Camelot, the Breton shores and the ancient Britain of King Lear. Meet a knight on a year long quest to discover what women really want and enter a world where Cinderella meets Cordelia. ‘An enchantment’ The Times

Tickets Adult £9; Under-18 £4.50; Family £23. Phone 015395 68498 or 68886

This concert is sponsored by the Highlights rural touring scheme. All profits in aid of Village Hall funds.

11 An update from Pathfinders and Trailblazers Pathfinders and Trailblazers continue to go from strength to strength and we have now outgrown the space in our Vicarage and have moved to Argles Memorial Hall!

On 30 th September the groups planned, led and took responsibility for all parts of the 5 th Sunday service at Underbarrow church and did extremely well leading a very moving and thoughtful service.

We now meet at Argles Memorial Hall, Crosthwaite usually on the 2 nd Monday of the month. Pathfinders is from 4.15 – 6pm and Trailblazers meet from 5.15 – 7pm. We eat a hot meal together at 5.15 and we ask for £1.50 per child to help cover the cost of this.

The dates for the rest of this term are Monday: 12 th November 10 th December , 14 th January 2013.

Pathfinders is open to children aged 8 – 11 and Trailblazers for 11+. New members are always welcome to join. Please contact Rev. Michelle Woodcock for further details (015395) 68276

Crosthwaite & Lyth Snooker Club are keen to increase their membership ITALIAN COMES TO and would welcome new players to their CROSTHWAITE FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY! regular Wednesday night sessions, ARGLES MEMORIAL HALL starting at 7 p.m. in THTHTH the Parish Room, Crosthwaite SATURDAY 17 NOVEMBER (please note change of date! (next to the Church) Incorrect date in October Everyone welcome to come along and Magazine!) have a go! Cheer yourself up in November. Instruction will be given if required. Don’t miss this once-in-a- lifetime Junior/senior membership available For further enquiries please contact opportunity to enjoy a marvellous Italian 3 David Stott 015395 68461 course meal in the convivial surroundings of the Memorial Hall and in the company of your friends and neighbours. CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR 3 COURSE ITALIAN MEAL 24 November 10 a.m.a.m.————44 p.m. Dallam School Hall, Haverflatts Lane plus coffee – only £15 per person. Milnthorpe. Tickets from the Exchange or ring: £10 per table for craft stall-holders. Jim on 68203, Please book in advance through Lorraine Marilyn on 68522, Brierley tel: 07826 800469. Gordon on 68210 Free entry for shoppers! Roger on 68671 Refreshments on sale. Full tables may be booked. All proceeds in aid of Dallam PTA Licence applied for a wine bar. 12 All proceeds to Memorial Hall funds. NOTICES FOR INDIVIDUAL PARISHES

route from Hale Moss through Milnthorpe, CARTMEL FELL Levens and up the Lyth Valley to Bowland ST ANTHONY’S ROTAS Bridge. We saw petrol stations, transport Coffee 11th Anne Emmett; 25th Vanda cafés and hostelries, some of which are no Lambton. longer in operation. Flowers : Roselyn Kitching & Vanda Lamb- At our next meeting, on 12 th November, ton Hugh Wright, a knowledgeable author about local furniture-makers, will be talking about CARTMEL FELL COMMUNITY TRUST the craftsman Arthur Simpson and the family will be holding their BONFIRE PARTY on firm “The Simpsons of Kendal”. Saturday 3rd November. There will be a Andy Lowe will be showing us “some Lake- lantern procession, fireworks, and story tell- land Churches” at our December meeting, ing round the bonfire. Mulled wine and a which will be followed by a Jacob’s Join hotpot supper will be served. The lantern supper. Both these meetings will be held in procession will leave the Parish Hall at 6 the Cartmel Fell Parish Hall starting at 8pm. p.m . to take the Guy to the bonfire site. For more information contact the secretary There will be a competition for the best lan- Jeni Boothman on 015395 68389 or tern, of any kind, and a raffle. Tickets [email protected] £7 (children £3) to include supper. If no food required - adults £5, children free. AN INDIAN EVENING Please get your tickets in advance from Come and join us for our “Sari & Dish Bowland Bridge Stores. Dash” curry evening on 24th November at 7.00pm. Indian Dress optional. Tickets LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Adults £10 Children £5 available from Dr. Jean Turnbull came to Cartmel Fell to Vanda 015395 31311; Anthony 015395 talk about her fascination with the structures 31481 and Bowland Bridge Shop. Wine & created during the development of Westmor- Beer will be available, also a non curry dish. land’s roads and road-side services. We were informed that the challenges of the A DATE for YOUR DIARY Our Carol 20 th century were to make highways suitable Service will be on 16th December at for motor transport, which entailed the wid- 5.00pm followed by Wine and Mince Pies. ening of roads and bridges, smoothing sharp bends, tarmacing surfaces and building by- passes. There were also opportunities for CROOK new businesses such as the provision of fuel CROOK YOUNG FARMERS and vehicle repairs, accommodation, and You don’t have to have any farming back- sustenance for the traveller. With the arrival ground at all to become a Young Farmer. of motorways into the region in the 1970s, We do everything from Cinema & Pizza local facilities became less viable, and some nights, to Stockjudging, to Flower arranging of these roadside features have disappeared to informative talks by local businesses. or are at risk. Jean’s slides illustrated the Crook Young Farmers is for anyone 13between the ages of 10 & 26 years old. So why not Competition held at Hawkshead Bowling come along to Crook Memorial Hall on a Club on a very wet day in September! We Tuesday night or come along to one of the are now looking forward to our annual din- following events: ner at the Lyth Valley Hotel on 7 November. Crook Young Farmers Are hosting their annual bonfire on Thanks to David Taylor and David Wilson Sunday 4th November and everyone who contributed to the Knock- out Competition which raised £340 for the At Little Moss side, Crosthwaite from 7pm Campaign. The winning team was George Everyone welcome. Free entry Herd, Doug Cottam, Manuel Zobole and Pat Refreshments, casserole, hotdogs, soup, Walker. bonfire toffee & lots more. With a fantastic firework display. Please note our Annual General Meeting will ————--- be on 14 November in the meeting room of Bingo night including pie & peas on Friday Argles Memorial Hall starting at 7.30 pm. All members are welcome. 23rd November at The Punchbowl,

Underbarrow, Tickets £5 including Pie & Underbarrow, Tickets £5 including Pie & CHRISTMAS FAIRFAIR————88 DECEMBER Pea Supper & 1 bingo card free. More bingo Taking place in the Argles Memorial Hall cards are available to buy on the night . from 10am until 12 noon. The usual stalls For more details on these events or to buy selling plants, wreaths, cakes and gifts as tickets for bingo night contact: well as a raffle, tombola, fancy dress compe- Nicola 07902874523/01539568535 tition,and coffee and mince pies. Admission or Joe on 07979226748 50p all welcome. Application for stalls (£5) to Marilyn Shuttleworth tel: 015395 68522.


ST MARY’S ROTAS Crosthwaite school is hoping to build a hall Coffee & Refreshments onto the school which will provide a much 11 th Geraldine & Arthur Wilson. needed space big enough for all the school to 18 th Dorothy Dobson comfortably join together for assemblies and 25 th Lorraine Brierley & Gillian Smith worship, and of course to deliver the PE cur- Flowers: riculum. There doesn’t seem to be any fund- 4th Volunteers ing forthcoming from Cumbria County 11th Volunteers Council or the Diocese at the moment, so the 18th Volunteers school are trying to raise the money them- 25th Helen Bond selves. FrOCS have pledged to raise Note: Will Volunteers for Flowers please £12,000 over the next year to help towards contact Vonnie Sharpe (52005) the costs. We do not expect to raise this en- or Eileen Alston (68565) tire amount from the school family or the local community, so are casting our nets far CROSTHWAITE & LYTH BOWLING and wide over the next year in order to raise CLUB this large sum of money. Our first event Ccongratulations to Martin Wilson on win- however IS aimed at our local community and is an Auction of Promises and Things ning 14 the Rothay League Division 1 Merit That Money Cannot Buy. Details below….. UNDERBARROW Auction of Promises and Things That THANK YOU Money Cant Buy A MacMillan Coffee Morning was held on In aid of FrOCS Tuesday 25 th . September at the home of To be held on Rosie Harris. Despite terrible weather a total Friday 23 rd November 2012 of £122 was raised. A big “ Thank you” to all At the Lyth Valley Hotel who attended and provided the raffle prizes. So far Auction Lots include : Dinner for 2 with matching wines at the UNDERBARROW CHRISTMAS Holbeck Ghyll Hotel SOCIAL AND PRIZE DOMINO DRIVE Dinner, B&B at the Gilpin Lodge Hotel The Christmas Social and Prize Domino Dinner for two at L’Enclume, Cartmel Drive will be held in The Institute on Friday A Sausage Making Experience 7th December at 7 p.m. Tickets, which in- A Load of Logs clude a buffet supper, cost £8 (children £4) A Make-Over and Photo-shoot and are available from PCC members. Any- Basket of Washing Ironed one who can loan domino sets for the evening An Easter Sail on Windermere should contact Henry Willison (68359) or Catalogues and Tickets costing £10, in- Peter Smith (68927). cluding a Hot Pot Supper, are available from 5th November from: CHRISTMAS COFFEE EVEEVENINGNING Crosthwaite School Tel: 68471 WITH BURNESIDE BRASS Bowland Bridge Stores, Underbarrow Village Hall The Exchange Friday 30th November 7pm-9pm or any FrOCS member Entry £1 for as much Tea, Coffee, Biscuits Come and support your local school and as you would like, Mince Pies also available. have a great night out too! A Big Raffle ~ Tombola ~ Guess the Weight of the Christmas Cake Competition ~ Christ- mas Gifts & Crafts For Sale ~ Bric A Brac CROSTHWAITE SHOW 10 AUGUST Stall ~ Cake Stall and much more …… not to 2013 mention Festive Christmas Carols being The classes for the art and photography next played by members of Burneside Brass. year are: “A Study in Yellow”,” Games” & WILD BOAR “Transport”. I read, with considerable interest, the piece We hope you find these subjects inspiring! entitled “From the Helsington Parish Maga- zine, March 1899” , that appeared in the Oc- tober 2012 issue of Two Valleys Parish HELSINGTON and News. I really must place on record the fact that the piece has been wrongly attributed to BRIGSTEER me and I expect the writer must have been SECOND SATURDAY COFFEE disappointed to see my name below his writ- The 'Second Saturday' Coffee Morning will ing, though I equally expect that contrition be held at Glenwood, Brigsteer on Novem- has already been expressed by the Editor! ber 10th, 10.30-12noon. Please 'phone Jim Mike Wolfenden and Lesley Boyer tel;68396 for details. Eve- It certainly has! The piece was written by ryone will be most welcome. Mike Fleetwood, 15 Editor Lorraine Brierley duly contrite ! Harvest supper was a really happy occasion WINSTER with about 100 people enjoying the meal WINSTER BOON DAYDAY————1010 November and the auction. We raised the record sum of We are holding a Boon day at Holy Trinity £1040 for Church funds. from 10am-2pm (ish). We should like to tidy The following morning, there was a lovely, the church yard, including the grass, leaves and well attended Harvest service . The Church walls and give the church a good clean. looked splendid - the many beautiful , in- COFFEE AND SOUP will be served to fortify spired and interesting displays reflecting the workers! Please make a note of this date in fruit, vegetable and crop harvests as well as your diaries and come and join in the "fun". celebrating dairy and sheep farming. There For details please contact Margaret on 015394 was even the aroma of newly baked bread! 42325. All those involved in the weekend – whether it was by helping, donating so generously or THE OLD SCHOOL by attending– deserve our sincere thanks. Mulled wine and Mincepies and Cakes Saturday, November 24th, 10am-4pm. WITHERSLACK COMMUNITY SHOP Do join us for an early Christmas celebration. Monday 7.45 – 6.30 There is a warm welcome with a log fire, good Tuesday 7.45 – 6.30 books to buy, coffee, tea and delicious cakes. Wednesday 7.45 – 12.30 We have lots of very reasonable items suit- Thursday 7.45 – 6.30 able for Christmas presents, as well as our own Friday 7.45 – 6.00 Winster calendars and Christmas Cards. Contri- Saturday 9.00 – 3.00 butions are welcome. For info:- Margaret on 015394 42325. Tel. 015395 52188

An evening with Andy Lowe Sunday Club "Discovering our The next Sunday Club will be on Sunday 4 th Roadside Heritage" November and we meet at St. Paul’s church, at Witherslack from 9.30am - 10.30am. All Winster Village Hall children aged 3 - 12 are welcome.. Friday November 16th at 7.30pm Another of Andy's fascinating talks, Witherslack Parent & Toddler with slides, on the history of our Group surrounding area. Coffee Morning Do come and join us in our newly November 27th decorated hall. Witherslack parish hall £4 adults £2 children 10am- 12:30pm Raffle, refreshments. For information please call: Fabulous raffle prizes 015394 42325/44098 Guess the weight of the Christmas cake Books and Bric-a-brac WITHERSLACK Cakes & Crafts… Any donations of books or bric-a- ST. PAUL’S HARVEST TTHANKSHANKS brac would be greatly appreci- We had a wonderful harvest weekend. The ated. Please contact Lucy on 16 015395 52910. Thank you WOMEN’S REPORTS CROSTHWAITE Marylyn Shuttleworth thanked all the &&& members who had entered successfully in NEWS the County Show with 20 Golds and two INSTITUTES Cups. She presided over a short business meeting prior to the Fashion Show. In CARTMEL FELL which Paula Cross, Eileen Dobson, Pat The last meeting started with a talk by Howarth and Jean Sceal modelled the Anne Ratcliffe remembering Doreen William- Fashions supplied by Town and Country son who sadly died during the summer. Do- Fashions in Carnforth reen will be greatly missed by us all. In her memory it was decided to organise a Fund HELSINGTON/BRIGSTEER Raising event for Cancer Research, a charity Brigsteer W.I. will hold their A.G.M. on of which Doreen was an active supporter. Thursday, 28th November, 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Please come along and sup- A recent visit to Jodrell Bank was reported as port your hard-working committee, who being very enjoyable and interesting. Mem- are never dull. bers who attended the Fashion Show held by Crosthwaite WI last month, reported the event WITHERSLACK as being a 'really good evening'. The present- Christine Knipe gave an interesting pres- ers and owners of the fashion shop in Carn- entation on the history of the Westmorland forth, whose clothes were being dis- County Agricultural Society of which she played, apparently were bubbly and full of is Chief Executive. The amount of activi- fun complimented by the extremely able and ties in the field of education, training and confident local models (new careers....?). support for rural activities that they are involved with is amazing. Schools are Tony Marshall was our speaker for the eve- strongly encouraged to participate in open ning demonstrating the differences and simi- days. Many IT courses take place at Lane larities of habitats, feeding patterns and the Farm, the headquarters of the Society. effects of environmental changes on bats, all Some figures from the Show.: 32 separate illustrated by superb slides. There are 18 Brit- classes for sheep, 16+ for Cattle , 93 for ish bat species with eight species in Cumbria. Horses. Over 29,000 people came this Tony assured us that bats wanting to get tan- year with a record nearly 30,000 in 2010. gled up in women's hair is just a myth. In fact The cost of staging the show is £260,000. by the end of the evening we were all con- Mrs Knipe goes to many shows around the vinced that the bats we have here in Cumbria country but says the Westmorland WI tent were endearing little creatures who keep our is the best. She said they value the WI`s gardens free from midges and insects! Thank commitment very highly. you Tony for such a super informative, inter- esting and entertaining talk. Ideas are requested for a venue to hold our annual dinner in January. Next month is Our next meeting will be: the Annual Meeting after which a supper A.G.M. with a Jacob's Join Hot Supper of Baked Potatoes and sweets will be Wed 7th Nov at 7.30pm, Cartmel Fell Par- served. ish Hall. For further information tel: Anne Ratcliffe on 015395 52107. 17 HELSINGTON & BRIGSTEER For bookings and more information contact Jackie Fleetwood 015395 68148 Zumba Gold Fitness Class Mondays 10.30-11.30am Short Carpet Bowls Mondays 7.30-9.30pm U3A Circle Dancing Course Tuesdays 10.00-11.45am Yoga Tuesdays 6.00-7.30pm Table Tennis Tuesdays 8.00pm Book Group 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm Women’s Institute Last Wednesday evening of the month, 7.30pm UFOs Sewing Group 1st & 3 rd Thursday of the month, 2.00-4.00pm Pilates Fridays 12.00-1.00pm and 1.15-2.15pm

CARTMEL FELL For bookings contact Helen Caldwell Tel. 015395 68428 Women’s Institute First Wednesday in the month at 7.30pm Local History Society Second Monday in the month at 8pm during winter

CROOK MEMORIAL HALL Table Tennis Monday & Friday 7.30-10pm (from September through winter months) Young Farmers Club Tuesday 7.30 – 9.30pm Aerobics/body toning Thursday 10 – 11am Folk Dance Group Thursday 7.30 – 10pm

CROSTHWAITE MEMORIAL HALL Check bookings online at Aerobics Mondays 7.30pm–8.30pm Playgroup Term time Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30am—11.30am Exchange Wednesday 2pm–4pm (1pm on the 1st Wednesday) WI Wednesday 19th Sept 7.30 Art Club Mondays Indoor Bowling Tuesdays and Thursdays 7.30 pm—10 pm Snooker Club Wednesday 7-9 pm n the Parish Room, Crosthwaite Pathfinders (age 8-11) 2nd Monday of the month starting at 4.15– 6 p.m. Tel: 68276 Trailblazers (age 11+) 2nd Monday of the month starting at 5.30—7 p.m. Tel: 68276

UNDERBARROW INSTITUTE Quilting class Mondays 2–4pm Billiards Club Mondays from 7.30pm WI Every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm

WINSTER Book & Plant days 10.30am-4.00pm on the last Saturday in each month Line Dancing Classes Mondays 7.30pm–9.30pm at Winster Village Hall Tai Chi Class Thursdays at 4.15 pm at Winster Village Hall

WITHERSLACK Indoor Bowling Wednesdays 7.30-10pm (except July & August ) Parent & Toddler Group Tuesdays 10am until Noon Tea & Chat Group Every 1st Tuesday of the month at 2pm Women’s Institute Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm The 18 Art Club Fridays 9.30am-12.30pm