Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. My sister has read pages after pages of the Bible. Ans - pages after pages of the Bible

Q. I went to the temple with my parents, aunts and cousin sisters. Ans - and cousin sisters.

Q. He takes pain over his work. Ans - takes pain

Q. The Manager put forward a number of criterions for the post. Ans - a number of criterions

Q. I like the poetries of Byron and Shelley. Ans - the poetries

Q. The beautiful surrounding of the place enchanted me Ans - surrounding of the place

Q. No Porter being available he carried all his luggages himself. Ans - all his luggages himself.

Q. The table?s legs have been elaborately carved. Ans - The table?s legs

Q. The sceneries of Kashmir is very charming. Ans - The sceneriesVision Unique Study

Q. The driver showed great talent in keeping the damaged car under control. Ans - great talent in keeping

Q. महाराट के पवू  मुयमंी िशवाजीराव पािटल िनलंगेकर का िनधन कब हुआ Ans - 5 अगत, 2020

Q. अमेिरका के राटपित ने संघीय एजिसय को अपने नागिरक को िकस के साथ बदलने से रोक िदया है Ans - िवदेशी िमक Email: [email protected] 1/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. हाल ही म िकस देश ने अपने नए राजनीितक मानिच म भारतीय राय गुजरात को अपने िहसे म शािमल िकया ह Ans - पािकतान

Q. संयुत अरब अमीरात (UAE) अब ू धाबी िथत बाराक परमाणु ऊजा संयं की इकाई 1 के चाल ू होने के बाद परमाणु ऊजा का उपादन करने वाला कैवा अरब राट है। Ans - पहला

Q. eVIN वैसीन टॉक पर वातिवक समय का डेटा दान करता है और साथ ही सभी कोड चेन पॉइंट्स के िलए इटतम भंडारण तापमान सुिनिचत करता है। इलेटॉिनक वैसीन इंटेिलजस नेटवक (eVIN) COVID-19 महामारी के बीच आवयक टीकाकरण सेवाएं दान करना सुिनिचत करेगा, यह घोषणा िकस मंालय ने की थी Ans - कदीय वाय और पिरवार कयाण मंालय

Q. भारत का पहला िहम तदुआ संरण कद िकस राय म बनेगा Ans - उराखंड

Q. ताइवान ने अंितम प से िकस दवा को COVID उपचार के िलए मंजरीू दे दी है Ans - डेसामेथासोन

Q. लेबनान के पवू  धान मंी रफीक अल-हरीरी की हया पर अपना फैसला सुनाने की उमीद िकससे है Ans - संयुत राट समिथत िटयनलू

Q. िकस ने एच 1 बी के उपयोग को ितबंिधत करने के िलए एक कायकारी आदेश पर हतार िकए ह Ans - डोनाड टप

Q. बांलादेश िथत 300 साल पुराने काली मंिदर के िनमाण का समथन िकस राट ने िकया है Ans - भारत Vision Unique Study

Q. एक नए अययन के अनुसार, िवव म अपने रत म लीड रासायिनक तव के उच तर का खतरा िकतने बचे को है Ans - 3 म से 1

Q. भारतीय पहलवान बबीता फोगाट और किवता देवी को हिरयाणा के िकस िवभाग का उप-िनदेशक के प म िनयुत िकया गया है Ans - खेल और युवा मामले िवभाग

Email: [email protected] 2/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. कदीय मंिमंडल ने उच िशा े म सुधार के उेय से नई राटीय िशा नीित 2020 को भी मंजरीू दी है। कदीय मानव संसाधन िवकास मंालय का नाम बदलकर या रखा गया है Ans - कदीय िशा मंालय

Q. िकस की िवरासत को बढ़ावा देने के िलए अमेिरका की कांगेस की सिमित ने िवधेयक पािरत िकया है इस िवधेयक को नागिरक अिधकार कायकता जॉन लुईस ने अमेिरका और भारत के बीच िविनमय समझौता थािपत करने के उेय से तैयार िकया है। Ans - महामा गांधी और मािटन लथरू िकंग जिनयरू

Q. 'मौसम' नामक मोबाइल ऐप िकस मंालय ने लॉच िकया है Ans - पृवी िवान मंालय

Q. ऐितहािसक जानकारी का महवपणू  ोत या है Ans - अिभलेख

Q. बराबर एवं नागाजुन की पहाड़ी िकसने बनवाई थी Ans - दशरथ

Q. िबहार म पाए गए मौय अिभलेखो की भाषा एवं िलिप या है Ans - कृित एवं बाी

Q. गुतकाल के समय के ात अिभलेख की भाषा एवं िलिप या है Ans - संकृत एवं बाी

Q. बसाढ़ से ात एक मुहर म महादेवी धुववािमनी को िकसकी पनी बताया है Ans - चदगुत दिवतीय् Vision Unique Study

Q. पवू  मयकाल म पल शासको के अिभलेख दिण एवं मय िबहार के कई थान से ात हुए ह। इस अभीलेख की भाषा या है Ans - संकृत

Q. िकस शासक के मुंगेर तामप अिभलेख आिद भी ाचीन िबहार के इितहास पर कश डालता है Ans - देवपाल

Email: [email protected] 3/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. अजातशु ारा िनिमत राजगीर की िकलेबंद दीवार एवं बराबर की गुफाओ का अययन िकसके ारा िकया गया है Ans - बुकानन और हैिमटन

Q. राजगीर से 11 िकलोमीटर दरू बड़गांव की खोज िकसने की Ans - किनंघम

Q. केसिरया तपू और अरेराज तभ की जानकारी िकसने पहली बार दी Ans - होटगांव

Q. भारतीय पुरातव िवानं का जनक िकसे कहा गया है Ans - किनंघम

Q. नालंदा के धसरावा से ात देवपाल के पाषाण अिभलेख के अनुसार देवपल ारा नगरहारा जो वतमान अफगािनतान म है, के िकस यित को नालंदा िवविवालय का अय िनयुत िकया गया Ans - इनमे से कोई नहीं

Q. उर गुत वंश के संथापक कौन है Ans - कृण गुत

Q. िसको के अययन को या कहते है Ans - मुदाशा

Q. राय पुरातव की थापना कब हुआ था Ans - 1962

Q. I have not seen himVision since twenty years and soUnique I cannot say with certainty whether Study he is alive or dead. Ans - I have not seen him since twenty years

Q. When he did not find his cook in the kitchen he asked his wife where had he gone. Ans - where had he gone.

Q. Although I am playing for more than three years I have not been able to score a century Ans - Although I am playing cricket

Email: [email protected] 4/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The king commanded to call the first witness. Ans - The king commanded to

Q. The judge asked me if I knew the accused or not. Ans - if I knew the

Q. Ram was telling that everyone was happy with the bonus. Ans - Ram was telling

Q. My teacher said that a bad carpenter fights with his tools. Ans - No error

Q. She ordered the servant shut the door and leave the room. Ans - She ordered the servant shut

Q. The newer type of automatic machines wash clothes faster. Ans - wash

Q. Each of the students in the computer class has to type their own research paper this semester. Ans - their own research paper this semester.

Q. Everyone of the films you suggested are not worth seeing. Ans - are not worth seeing.

Q. The Secretary and Principal of the college are attending the District Development Council Meeting at the Collectorate. Vision Unique Study Ans - are attending

Q. There is only one of his novels that are interesting. Ans - that are interesting.

Q. Knowledge of at least two languages are required to pass the examination. Ans - are required to pass the examination.

Email: [email protected] 5/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The audience watched the clowns performed their act. Ans - performed their act.

Q. कद सरकार ने सेबी के चेयरमैन अजय यागी के कायकाल को कब तक के िलए बढ़ा िदया है Ans - फरवरी 2020

Q. RBI ने िकसे HDFC बक का CEO और MD िनयुत िकया है Ans - शिशधर जगदीशन

Q. नोबेल पुरकार िवजेता जॉन मू का िकतने वष  की अवथा म िनधन हो गया Ans - 83 वष

Q. हाल ही म रंगीन टेलीिवज़न के आयात पर ितबध िकसने लगा िदया है Ans - कद सरकार

Q. मनोज िसहा को जम ू - कमीर का उपरायपाल िनयुत िकया गया है। इनसे पहले इस पद पर कौन था Ans - िगरीश चंद मुमू

Q. यचरबू ांड इंडेस 2020 के अनुसार िकस बांड को पहला थान ात हुआ है Ans - एपल

Q. मय देश के िकस फसल को GI टैग िमला है Ans - बासमती चावल

Q. BCCI ने एक साल के िलए िकस कंपनी के साथ साझेदारी खम कर िदया है Ans - Vivo Vision Unique Study

Q. िकस िफम िनदशक के बेटे ने उनकी िफम 'मुगले-ए-आजम' की साठवीं सालिगरह पर इसका ीनले ऑकर लाइबेरी को सौप िदया है Ans - आिशफ

Q. हाल ही म िकस समुदी तफ़ानू ने अमेिरका म भरी तबाही मचाई है Ans - इसायस

Email: [email protected] 6/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. नए ेत म 20 की जगह 8 फ़ीट की दुरी पर लीची का बागान लगाया जा रहा है। िकस िसटम को अपनाने से लीची का ित एकड़ औसत उपादन 8 टन से बढ़कर 18 टन हो जायेगा Ans - हैगो िसटम

Q. मिसडीस के िकस फॉमला-1ू रेसर ने 70वीं एिनवसरी गापी की पहली ैिटस रेस म सबसे तेज रहे Ans - वाटेरी बोटास

Q. ICC ने मिहला वनडे वड  कप 1 साल के िलए टाल िदया है। मिहला वनडे वड  िकस देश म होना था Ans - यजीलू ड

Q. ICC के वीिडयो चैनल को िकस सोशल मीिडया पर 165 करोड़ बार देखा गया है Ans - फेसबुक

Q. ो-कबड्डी लीग ने अपने टाइटल से िकसे पसर से हटा िदया है Ans - वीवो

Q. ी लंका के चुनाव म राजपे की पाटी  को दो-ितहाई बहुमत िमला है। इसके पाटी  का या नाम है Ans - ी लंका पीपुस पाटी

Q. 2021 का टी-20 िवव कप िकस देश म खेला जायेगा Ans - भारत

Q. िकस बक ने िविभन कज अविधय के िलए मािजनल कॉट ऑफ़ फड बेड लोिडंग रेट्स म 30 आधार अंक यािन 0 .30 फीसदी तक की कटौती की है Ans - केनरा Vision Unique Study Q. िकस बक ने रेगुलेटरी फाइिलंग म बताया िक LIC की िहसेदारी 0.75 % से बढाकर 4 98 % कर िदए है Ans - YES बक

Q. UPSC का चेयरमैन िकसे िनयुत िकया गया Ans - दीप जोशी

Q. बाजील की मुय राटीय फुटबॉल चिपयनिशप िकतने िदन बाद शु हुई है Ans - 3 महीना

Email: [email protected] 7/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. देश के सबसे बड़ी बीमा कंपनी LIC ने बीते िव वष  म जबदत िवीय दशन िकया है। इस अविध के कंपनी के गुप पशन कारोबार ने िकतने पये का िरकॉड  बनाया है Ans - 1 करोड़ से यादा

Q. "इनवायरमटल साइंस एंड टेनोलॉजी लेटस" म कािशत एक लेख के अनुसार, िकस चीज़ के ारा N95 माक को सैिनटाइज करेगा Ans - इलेिटक कुकर

Q. िवव के चौथे सबसे आिमर शश बने मुकेश अबानी ने िकसका थान िलया है Ans - बनाड  अनोट

Q. "अंगेजो भारत छोड़ो" आंदोलन की 78वी वषगांठ के मौके पर धानमंी ी नरद मोदी जी ने कौन सी योजना का शुभारभ िकया है  Ans - रािटय वछता कद

Q. देश के नये िनयंक एवं महालेखापरीक (CAG) िकसे िनयुत िकया गया ह Ans - JC मुमू

Q. देश की पहली िकसान पेशल पासल टै न "िकसान रेल" कहाँ से कहाँ तक के िलए शु हुई Ans - देवलालो से दानापुर

Q. कालीकट एयरपोट पर एयरइंिडया की वदे मातरम पेशल लाइट दुघटनाग त हो गया। यह एयरपोट िकस राय म ह Ans - केरल

Q. ोगरािमंग एंड डाटा साइंस पर ऑनलाइन कोस ऑफर करने वाली कंपनी उदािसटी के सीईओ गाबे डेलपोतो के अनुसार, आिटफीिसयल इंटेिलजसVision के कारण अमेिरका म िकतने Unique जॉब समात हो जायगे Study Ans - 1 अरब

Q. पॉप ांिसस ने ईसाइयो की धमनगरी वेिटकन िसटी के फाइनिसयल मामलो पर नजर रखने के िलए सात लोगो को िनयुत िकया ह। इनमे से मिहलाओ की संया िकतनी ह Ans - 6

Q. अंडमान और िनकोबार ीप समहू के िलए पहली समुद के नीचे ऑिटकल फाइबर केबल का शुभारंभ िकसने िकया Ans - नरद मोदी

Email: [email protected] 8/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. मिहंदा राजप ने कैवी बार ी लंका के धानमंी की शपथ ली है Ans - चौथी बार

Q. दस राय म कब से कब तक िटड्डी िनयंण अिभयान चलाया गया Ans - 11 अैल से 08 अगत

Q. िव और कॉपोरेट मामले की मंी िनमला सीतारमण ने नेशनल इंाटचर पाइप लाइन NIP का उघाटन कहाँ पर िकया Ans - नई िदली

Q. ी लंका के िकस यित ने UNP के नेता का पद छोड़ने का फैसला िलया है  Ans - रािनल िवमिसंघे

Q. देश के िवदेशी मुदा भंडार म िकतने डॉलर की वृदिध् हुई है Ans - 11 अरब 93 करोड़ 80 लाख

Q. दुिनया म सबसे उदार FDI यवथा िकस देश की है Ans - भारत

Q. एवेरेडी के 7.82% शेयर का अिधगहण िकसने कर िलया है Ans - IndusInd Bank

Q. भारतीय फुटबॉल टीम के पवू  िडफडर और मोहन बगान के कतान रहे मिनतोबी िसंह का िनधन िकतने वष  की अवथा म हुई है Ans - 39

Q. COVID-19 वैसीनVision का सबसे यादा आडर देने Uniqueवाला देश कौन है Study Ans - अमेिरका

Q. दुिनया भर म सबसे अिधक डाउनलोड होने वाले COVID-19 टैिकंग एप का या नाम है Ans - आरोय सेतु

Q. बेत िवफोट को लेकर िवरोध दशन के बाद लेबनान के धानमंी ने इतीफा दे िदया है। इस धानमंी का या नाम है Ans - हसन िदयाब

Email: [email protected] 9/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. जनजातीय मामले का मंालय भारत के वतंता संगाम म जनजातीय लोगो के योगदान को दशाने वाले िकतने जनजातीय वतंता सेनानी संगहालय की थापना कर रहा है Ans - 9

Q. पावर िगड कारपोरेशन ऑफ़ इंिडया ने िवीय वष  2021 की पहली ितमाही के आधार पर कर उपरांत िकतना लाभ अिजत िकया है Ans - 19 अरब 79 करोड़ पये

Q. नेशनल इंाटचर पाइपलाइन के िलए ऑनलाइन डैशबोड  का शुभारभ िकस मंालय ारा िकया गया है Ans - िव मंालय

Q. भारत समेत अय कम और मयम आय वाले देशो के िलए 10 करोड़ वैसीन का उपादन कौन करेगा Ans - एसआईआई

Q. पीजीए गोफ चिपयनिशप का िख़ताब िकसने जीता है Ans - कोिलन मोिरकवा

Q. इंिडया ताईवांडो ने िखलािड़ओ के कयाण के िलए िकस आयोग की थापना की है Ans - रेफरी और एथलीट आयोग

Q. हाल ही म धानमंी ने िकस कोष के अंतगत एक लाख करोड़ पये की िवीय सुिवधा की शुआत की है Ans - कृिष अवसंरचना कोष

Q. देश के िवदेशी मुदा भंडार म िकतने डॉलर की वृदिध् हुई है Ans - 11 अरब 93 करोड़Vision 80 लाख Unique Study Q. िननिलिखत म से कौन सा देश 12 अगत को कोरोना वायरस का पहला टीका पंजीकृत करने के िलए तैयार है Ans - स

Q. िकस राय म पहला रेशम िशण व उपादन कद थािपत िकया होगा Ans - अणाचल देश

Q. इंिदरा वन िमतान योजना 'के शुभारंभ की घोषणा िकस राय ने की है Ans - छीसगढ़

Email: [email protected] 10/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. सबमरीन केबल कनेिटिवटी पिरयोजना िकस राय / कदशािसत देश की पिरयोजना है िजसका उदभव् धानमंी मोदी ने िकया है Ans - अंडमान और िनकोबार

Q. िकस राय सरकार ने वष  2020-23 के िलए एक नई राय औोिगक िवकास नीित पेश की है Ans - आंध देश

Q. एक भारत ेठ भारत के तहत व और हथकरघा े म वेिबनार िकन-िकन राय म दिशत हुई Ans - महाराट और ओिडशा

Q. "जांच म उकृटता के िलए कदीय गृह मंी का पदक2020" पुिलस के िकतने जवानो को िदया गया Ans - 120

Q. वीिडयो कॉिसंग के मायम से धानमंी मोदी ारा शु की गई "Transparent Taxation - Honoring the Honest " कब िकया गया Ans - 13 अगत

Q. यावसाियक उरदाियव िरपोिटंग सिमित की िरपोट िकसने जारी की Ans - कारपोरेट काय मंालय

Q. वछ भारत िमशन अकादमी की शुआत िकस मंालय ने की Ans - कदीय जल मंालय

Q. The teacher was very angry at his student ? Ans - Angry with Vision Unique Study Q. He backed out of the agreement ? Ans - Withdrew his support to

Q. Man is the only animal who can talk ? Ans - No improvement

Q. When the owner offered tea,the peon denied it ? Ans - Declined

Email: [email protected] 11/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Please report to me when you return back from delhi ? Ans - You return from

Q. Exercise is benevolent to good health ? Ans - Beneficial

Q. He parked his vehicle under the shade of a tree ? Ans - In

Q. In case if it rains,I shall not visit you ? Ans - In case of

Q. God has bestowed man unusual gifts? Ans - Bestowed on man

Q. Many workers were being held hostages? Ans - Held like hostages

Q. On one occasion he persuaded me to according him on a shooting expedition he was planing ? Ans - Had planned

Q. Too little is known by this time about possible side effects of the drug? Ans - Presently

Q. If you want to save money you must get rid of shopping? Ans - Cut down onVision Unique Study

Q. The loud and incessant chatter worries your father who is trying to concentrate? Ans - Irritates

Q. Not only they went to see a film but also had dinner out as well? Ans - Not only did they go

Q. Many a man would welcome the opportunity? Ans - No improvement Email: [email protected] 12/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The greater the demand higher the price? Ans - The higher

Q. I prefer to ride than to walk ? Ans - Riding to walking

Q. The workers went on a strike asking for better pay and service condition ? Ans - Demanding

Q. The Newspaper provides more international news than domestic news? Ans - National

Q. In whose time was Magadha the focal point of Indian history? Ans - During maurya

Q. When was the Gupta dynasty founded? Ans - In the fourth century

Q. Who is the founder of Gupta dynasty? Ans - Shri. Gupta

Q. Who among the following is the son of Ghatotkacha? Ans - Chandragupta-I

Q. Who is called the actual founder of Gupta dynasty? Ans - Chandragupta-IVision Unique Study

Q. Which title did Chandragupta I hold for the first time? Ans - Maharajadhiraj

Q. What is the most important source regarding Samudragupta's information? Ans - Prayag Commendation

Q. Who is called Napoleon of India? Ans - Samudragupta Email: [email protected] 13/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Whose reign was called the golden age of Gupta period? Ans - Chandragupta II

Q. Who among the following succeeded samudragupta? Ans - Chandragupta II

Q. Who built the Rohtasgarh Fort of Sasaram? Ans - Sher Shah Suri

Q. What was built in Humayun by breaking the Dinpanah built in Delhi? Ans - Old Fort

Q. Who built the Qila-e-Kuhna Masjid? Ans - Sher Shah Suri

Q. When Sher Shah Suri restored Pataliputra as Patna? Ans - 1541

Q. Which work is considered the best construction work of Sher Shah? Ans - Sasaram Fort

Q. Who has called Sher Shah's tomb even prettier than the Taj Mahal? Ans - Cunningham

Q. Grand Trunk Road (Road A Azam) was built by Ans - Sher Shah SuriVision Unique Study

Q. Free food, free education, free housing was arranged by which of the following? Ans - Sher Shah Suri

Q. The battle of Panipat was fought against whom Babur fought in 1526? Ans - Ibrahim lodi

Email: [email protected] 14/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. This is an example of Muslim architecture from outside and Hindu architecture from inside, which law did Kanungo say about? Ans - Sasaram Fort

Q. For his alleged involvement in espio-nage,he is under a cloud these days? Ans - Under suspicion

Q. We shouldn’t look down upon the wretched of the earth? Ans - regard with contempt

Q. Because of his misbehavior he is bound to face the music? Ans - Get reprimanded

Q. By opposing his proposal he fell foul of him? Ans - Got into trouble with

Q. Those who work by fits and starts seldom show good results? Ans - Irregularly

Q. He was all at sea when he began his new job? Ans - Puzzled

Q. As the bomb exploded people ran helter-skelter? Ans - In disorderly haste

Q. He was progressingVision by leaps and bounds because Unique of his hard work? Study Ans - Rapidly

Q. The effort to trace the culprit was a wild goose chase? Ans - Futile search

Q. I can no longer put up with her insolence? Ans - Endure

Email: [email protected] 15/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. His statement is out and out a lie? Ans - Totally

Q. If you are fair and square in your work you will definitely prosper? Ans - Honest

Q. When he saw the snake he took to his heels? Ans - Ran away in fear

Q. He has to abide by the hard and fast rules of the company? Ans - Strict

Q. She goes to her mother’s house off and on? Ans - Occasionally

Q. Indians are going places in the field of software technology? Ans - Talented and successful

Q. The party high command wanted to stave off an open battle? Ans - Postpone

Q. Very ambitious people do not like to rest on their laurels? Ans - To be complacent

Q. Ramesh takes after his father? Ans - Resembles Vision Unique Study

Q. I don’t know why she has become stand-offish recently? Ans - Indifferent

Q. Which country has recently announced the use of coronary 'Sputnik V vaccine'? Ans - Russia

Q. World Organ Donation Day was observed on which of the following days? Ans - 13 अगत Email: [email protected] 16/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state's municipal corporation has become the first state in the country to provide forest rights sheets to urban dwellers? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. Which organization has recently announced assistance to the communities most affected by the monsoon in India? Ans - United Nations

Q. Which state government has announced the launch of YSR Cheyuta Scheme for the welfare of women? Ans - Andra Pradesh

Q. Which vessel was launched on 13 August for the Indian Coast Guard offshore patrol? Ans - Sharthak

Q. By whom was the Naval Innovation and Indigenization Organization (NIIO) launched through an online webinar? Ans - Defence Minister Shri Rajnath Singh

Q. In which state was the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority established through the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers? Ans - Karnataka

Q. Which country tested the new COVID-19 smartphone app, including the Indian language version? Ans - Uk

Q. Where the Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju launched the country's largest Fit India Freedom Run on 13 August? Ans - New Delhi Vision Unique Study Q. A person with a long experience of any occupation? Ans - Veteran

Q. Words written on a tomb? Ans - Epitaph

Q. Stealthily done? Ans - Surreptitious

Email: [email protected] 17/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Something no longer in use? Ans - Obsolete

Q. One not concerned with right or wrong? Ans - Amoral

Q. A person who opposes war or use of military force? Ans - Pacifist

Q. Severely abusive writing in journals? Ans - Scurrilous

Q. One who has become dependent on something or drugs is? Ans - Addict

Q. One who knows many languages? Ans - Linguist

Q. Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space? Ans - Claustrophobia

Q. Which of the following countries successfully tested the advanced missile defense system ARO-2? Ans - Israel

Q. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has recently released ranking of states under which scheme? Ans - Amrit YojanaVision Unique Study

Q. Which state's Moira Banana has received GI TAG recently? Ans - Goa

Q. Which state has recently launched the Karma Sathi Project Project? Ans - West Bengal

Q. Who has recently started positive pay app? Ans - RBI Email: [email protected] 18/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which senior lawyer has recently been convicted by the Supreme Court in a contempt case? Ans - Prashant Bhushan

Q. In which state are the habitats of hornbill birds endangered due to excessive deforestation? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Which state has started the Arunodaya scheme? Ans - Assam

Q. Which country gave India an amount of US $ 1 million to counter the outbreak of Kovid-19? Ans - Antigua and Barbuda

Q. Which state recently celebrated Patriots Day? Ans - Manipur

Q. Recently which state / union territory has announced to create its own board of education from next session? Ans - Delhi

Q. Recently in which country emergency has been declared? Ans - Lebanon

Q. Which state has announced the opening of 16 new cyber crime police stations? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which Indian-origin woman has been elected as the Vice-Presidential candidate in the US election? Ans - Kamala HarrisVision Unique Study

Q. Who wrote the book called "Lassi" which was awarded the International Cook Book Award? Ans - Radha Bhatia

Q. Recently became the first Gulf country to have diplomatic relations with Israel? Ans - UAE

Q. Which state government will launch loan waiver scheme for farmers? Ans - Jharkhand Email: [email protected] 19/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which Independence Day of India was celebrated on 15 August 2020? Ans - 74th

Q. Which Indian cricketer has recently announced for his retirement from international cricket? Ans - Mahendra Singh Dhoni

Q. Under which mission PM Modi has announced that every Indian will get health ID. Ans - National Digital Health Mission

Q. Which of the following bank has launched shaurya KGS (Kisan Gold Credit )Card a loan product for the armed forces ? Ans - HDFC Bank

Q. Which university has recently made an electronic mask? Ans - Jadavpur University

Q. Who recently launched the ATL AI step up module? Ans - NITI Aayog collaborates with NASSCOM

Q. Which state's Department of Transportation has tied up with Bloomberg Philanthropies? Ans - Delhi

Q. Who recently announced Project Dolphin? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Which of the followingVision will be the official sponsorUnique of the Indian team for the rescheduledStudy Tokyo Olympics? Ans - INOX group

Q. The Pune-based Defense Institute of Technology has created an Ayurvedic-based face mask that will act as a deterrent against bacteria and viruses - what is it named? Ans - Pavitrapati

Q. Recently the Director General of Navy has been appointed? Ans - Vice Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi

Email: [email protected] 20/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which of these states has emerged as the no.1 investment destination in the country? Ans - Odisha

Q. Recently in which city Favilo, the cheapest drug of Corona was launched? Ans - Hyderabad

Q. The Governor of which state has written a book called Corona Kavita Kaal? Ans - Mizoram

Q. Which state government has approved four mega drinking water projects? Ans - Odisha

Q. Who has been appointed as the Executive Chairman of Capital India Finance? Ans - Harsh Kumar Bhanwal

Q. Which state government has planned to distribute free smart phones to school students? Ans - Punjab

Q. According to the WHO report, how many percent of schools around the world also lack simple hand washing facilities too? Ans - 43%

Q. Under whose chairmanship has the Central Government formed a National Expert Group for COVID-19? Ans - V.K Paul

Q. Who has recentlyVision written Our Only Home: AUnique Climate Appeal to the World Book? Study Ans - Dalai Lama

Q. Who won the Asian College of Journalism award for investigative journalism? Ans - Nitin Sethi

Q. After which Prime Minister will the Gwalior-Chambal Expressway be named? Ans - Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Email: [email protected] 21/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. At what age did Chetan Chauhan, a cabinet minister and former Indian batsman in the Uttar Pradesh government, die? Ans - 73 Years

Q. Recently where was De-Jure Day celebrated? Ans - Puducherry

Q. Recently who was appointed the new Director General of BSF? Ans - Rakesh Asthana

Q. Which state has the Padai Tuhar Para Yojana? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. The Union Environment Ministry has selected which city for the Urban Forest Plan? Ans - Itanagar

Q. Which Ministry has launched "Health Portal"? Ans - Ministry of Tribal Affairs

Q. Who has been appointed the new Governor of Meghalaya? Ans - Satyapal Malik

Q. Which Naval Ship of Bangladesh reached in Goa recently? Ans - Sangram

Q. Recently, whichVision state most corona tested? Unique Study Ans - Uttar pradesh

Q. Which state has announced a 25 percent concession in monthly fees to all private educational institutions from May? Ans - Assam

Q. Which university topped the rankings recently released by the Ministry of Education? Ans - Jamia Millia Islamia University

Email: [email protected] 22/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Shashank's gold coins have been obtained from which places in Bihar? Ans - Nalanda and Gaya

Q. By whom the early history of the arrival of Turks in India revealed? Ans - Tabaqat-i Nasiri

Q. Out of the sixteen Mahajanapadas, how many Mahajanapadas are located in Bihar? Ans - Three

Q. Where do get the information of sixteen Mahajanapadas for the first time? Ans - Anguttara Nikaya

Q. Which of the following mahajanapada is not located in Bihar? Ans - Gandhara

Q. Which of the following is the capital of Anga? Ans - Champa

Q. What is a exact source to know the administration and history of Sher Shah? Ans - Tarikh-e-shershahi

Q. Which of the following country's traveller megasthenes written indica book ? Ans - Yunan

Q. Who wrote the Tarikh-e-firoz shahi book? Ans - Ziauddin BaraniVision Unique Study

Q. Which is the first composition of Persian language written in India? Ans - Tabaqat-i Nasiri

Q. Recently which state government has awarded the contract for Bhadra project in Bharuch? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Which country is India assisting in the construction of Arun-3 hydroelectric project? Ans - Nepal Email: [email protected] 23/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. National sports awards committee has named sent to which player for Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award? Ans - Rohit Sharma

Q. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has appointed as its executive director? Ans - GP Garg

Q. Recently,Which Election Commissioner has resigned from his post? Ans - Ashok Lavasa

Q. Which company recently launched stock trading services on its platform? Ans - Paytm Money

Q. “Ibrahim Baubaker” was the President of which country who recently resigned from his post? Ans - Mali

Q. Manduadih railway station was recently renamed, in which state? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. When was World Humanitarian Day celebrated? Ans - 19 August

Q. Which IIT recently inaugurated the Academy of Folk Arts? Ans - IIT Kharagpur

Q. With what name Infosys Limited has offered a suite of multiple services, solutions, and platforms to accelerate cloud based services?Vision Unique Study Ans - Infosys Cobalt

Q. Recently, has formed an alliance with which company to provide various products to the hotel partners associated with them according to their needs? Ans - Amazon

Q. Which historical stadium is reconstructing by China to get hosting of FIFA World Cup 2030? Ans - Workers Stadium

Email: [email protected] 24/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The Rajasthan government has launched a scheme to feed nutritious food to the urban poor family for eight rupees. What is the name of this scheme? Ans - Indira Rasoi Yojana

Q. Which subsidiary has been set up by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to spread the business of digital payment products worldwide? Ans - NPCI International Payment Bank

Q. According to the Cleanliness Survey 2020 conducted by the Central Government, which city is ranked first? Ans - Indore

Q. Who was declared as the Best Ganga Town according to the Cleanliness Survey 2020? Ans - Varanasi

Q. Recently, how much has the Indian Railways set a yearly target for freight transportation? Ans - 200 tons

Q. Now, How many rupees will the players get awarded with Khel Ratna? Ans - 25 Lakh

Q. The Shoton Festival, the largest festival of Tibetans has started in Lhasa, Tibet? Which god does Tibetans worship in this festival? Ans - Buddha

Q. In which country is the Formula Kite Individual European Championship 2020 being held for the first time? Ans - Poland Vision Unique Study

Q. Whose name has been added in the OMG Book of Records and will soon be added in the Guinness Book of World? Ans - Laughing Buddha Nageshwar Das

Q. Which company of the public sector has been allowed to set up a separate unit for renewable energy business? Ans - NTPC

Q. In the meantime, the High Performance Director of Hockey India has resigned. What is the name of this director? Ans - David John Email: [email protected] 25/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) has given silver stump to which of its players in the plow? Ans - Stuart Broad

Q. Who won the first prize in the online short film competition organized by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting? Ans - Abhijeet Paul

Q. Who has launched the mobile app 'Green Path'? Ans - NHAI

Q. The direct ship service between India and Maldives will start from next month. Who is the President of Maldives? Ans - Ibrahim Mohammed Sixteen

Q. Which Indian army organized the Fit India Freedom Race at all its outposts? Ans - ITBP

Q. China has made a special stealth warship for Pakistan, what is its name? Ans - Type-054AP

Q. What is the meaning of the word "Vihar" originally? Ans - Buddhist monastery

Q. In which century did the first Magadha Empire rise? Ans - 6 th

Q. Where was the world'sVision first republic system establishedUnique in the sixth century BC? Study Ans - Vaishali

Q. The world's first republic was founded by whom in Vaishali? Ans - Licchavi

Q. With which state did Bimbasar not establish matrimonial relationship? Ans - Videha

Email: [email protected] 26/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who was Princess Chalna? Ans - Princess of Vajji Licchavi

Q. Which of the following king strengthened the position of his kingdom by adopting matrimonial policy? Ans - Bimbasar

Q. What was the name of Ajatashatru dynasty ? Ans - Haryak Dynasty

Q. Ajatashatru could not defeat which state? Ans - Avanti

Q. Who compiled Karyaratnakar in the beginning of 14th century? Ans - Chandeshwar

Q. Which of the following maurya kings conquered the deccan? Ans - Chandra Gupta

Q. Kautilya's Arthashastra is divided into how many tribunals? Ans - 15

Q. What was the most important center of education in the mauryan period? Ans - Takshshila

Q. Which of the following king firstly made the capital of pataliputra ? Ans - ChandraguptaVision Maurya Unique Study

Q. What is the name of the book of Megasthenes? Ans - Indica

Q. What was the message of Ashoka's Dhamma? Ans - More than one

Q. The Gupta Emperor who defeated the Huns? Ans - Skandagupta Email: [email protected] 27/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who was the last mauryan emperor? Ans - Brihadratha

Q. Which dynasty was established after the Maurya dynasty? Ans - Sunga

Q. Which ruler is mentioned in the inscriptions as Piyadassi and Devanamapriya? Ans - Ashok

Q. How long will all Indian trains be stressed with real time tracking system? Ans - December 2021

Q. Which film has been declared winner by the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) at the Patriotic Short Film Festival? Ans - AM I

Q. Which webpage has been launched by the Government of India for mental health and emotional well-being of teachers, students and their families due to the transition of COVID-19? Ans - Manodarpan

Q. Who won the Europe League 2020 (UEFA) Trophy? Ans - Seville

Q. Which Indian app has added a new feature 'Organization will get information about the health of its employees and other users without violating their privacy'? Ans - Arogya SetuVision Unique Study

Q. How many years has the microblogging site Twitter's hashtag completed on 23 August 2020? Ans - 13

Q. In which state the major crop festival 'Nuakhai' celebrated especially? Ans - Odisha

Q. When will Aadhaar authentication apply for new GST registration? Ans - August 21 Email: [email protected] 28/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country has recently agreed to co-operate with Huawei on 5G technology? Ans - Russia

Q. Recently, which University has claimed to develop a technology for the production of environmentally friendly lithium-sulfur batteries that would be three times more energy efficient and cost effective than currently used lithium- ion batteries? Ans - IIT Bombay and Shiv Nadar University

Q. Which company made the fastest-charging electric car battery? Ans - Lucid Motors

Q. Under which mission will the work be done to protect the corona virus from making a vaccine to vaccinating every person? Ans - Mission COVID Security

Q. Which of the following has been inducted into the ICC Hall of Fame? Ans - All of the above

Q. To promote bio-floc fish farming system which state has launched a new scheme ? Ans - Odisha

Q. By which nation’s state oil company China oil refinery project worth of USD 10 bn has suspended? Ans - Saudi Arabia

Q. For reopening of Delhi Metro in a phased manner which state’s Chief Minister has urged the centre? Ans - Delhi Vision Unique Study

Q. Which nation has discovered the biggest-ever natural gas reserve in the Black Sea? Ans - Turkey

Q. Which state’s government has launched India’s longest ropeway over Brahmaputra river? Ans - Assam

Q. Which state has started registration of construction workers? Ans - Delhi Email: [email protected] 29/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Mahatma Gandhi’s iconic round-shaped spectacles were sold for how much amount at a UK auction? Ans - Rs 2.55 cr

Q. Over which river Assam government launches longest river ropeway on August 24? Ans - Brahmaputra

Q. Which nation's government has announced to relocate Rohingyas to the newly constructed Bhashan Char island after monsoon season? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Who has sign agreement of USD 500 million with India for Mumbai Urban Transport Project-III ? Ans - Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Q. In which phase of Unlock centre may permit operations of metro, local trains, single screen movie halls, auditoriums? Ans - Unlock 4

Q. The WHO is reviewing nine more COVID-19 vaccine candidates to add them on which global vaccines facility? Ans - COVAX

Q. India and Uzbekistan held the first meeting of their National Coordination Committee on August 24, 2020. Who is the President of Uzbekistan? Ans - Shavkat Mirziyoyev

Q. Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari inaugurates 45 highway projects of over Rs.11,000 crores in which state? Ans - Madhya PradeshVision Unique Study

Q. When will PM Narendra Modi to confer PM’s Awards for Excellence in Public Administration? Ans - October 31

Q. Which country will be hosting Kavkaz-2020 in September 2020? Ans - Russia

Email: [email protected] 30/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country won its first-ever gold in the Mental Calculation World Championship at Mind Sports Olympiad 2020? Ans - India

Q. Which of the following maurya kings conquered the deccan? Ans - Chandra Gupta

Q. Kautilya's Arthashastra is divided into how many tribunals? Ans - 15

Q. What was the most important center of education in the mauryan period? Ans - Takshshila

Q. Which of the following king firstly made the capital of pataliputra ? Ans - Chandragupta maurya

Q. What is the name of the book Megasthenes? Ans - Indica

Q. What was the message of Ashoka's Dhamma? Ans - More than one

Q. The Gupta Emperor who defeated the Huns? Ans - Skandagupta

Q. Who was the lastVision mauryan emperor? Unique Study Ans - Brihadratha

Q. Which dynasty was established after the Maurya dynasty? Ans - Sunga

Q. Which ruler is mentioned in the inscriptions as Piyadassi and Devanamapriya? Ans - Ashok

Email: [email protected] 31/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. How much grant will the government give to farmers for planting Shednets under the Shednet scheme? Ans - 75%

Q. Recently, who won the Gold Medal and the fastest human calculator title after beating 30 participants from 13 countries in the Mental Calculator World Champion held in London? Ans - Nilkanth Bhanu

Q. Recently which company has made the facility of text to speech available in English as well as ? Ans - Microsoft

Q. Who has bought the 30-year-old INS Virat, who created a Guinness record of being a warship for a long time? Ans - Shriram Group

Q. Recently in which country 1000 years old treasure has been found? Ans - Israel

Q. Recently, In which state five lakh liters of milk processing modern plant has been set up by Kamphed? Ans - Bihar

Q. Recently which bank has announced the use of satellite data-imagery from satellites to assess the creditworthiness of its customers in the agricultural sector? Ans - ICICI Bank

Q. Where has Apple opened the world's first floating retail store? Ans - Singapore Vision Unique Study Q. Who has appointed SBI Funds Management as its Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer? Ans - Vinay S. Tonsey

Q. Which bank has introduced special FD scheme for 10 senior citizens? Ans - ICICI Bank

Q. Which state topped the export readiness index in 2020? Ans - Gujarat

Email: [email protected] 32/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which mountaineer of Arunachal Pradesh will be given the Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award 2019 on August 29? Ans - Taka Tamoot

Q. Where is Apple, the giant tech company making iPhone, going to open its first online store? Ans - India

Q. Which state of the country has been ranked first in the Export Preparedness Index 2020 ranking released by the Niti Aayog? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Facebook has announced to launch its news service 'Facebook News' along with France, Germany, UK, and Brazil and in which country? Ans - India

Q. Which country is planning to start Play BRICS game? Ans - India

Q. Which country is preparing to produce white rhinoceros from frozen sperm? Ans - North Africa

Q. Recently which company has announced employee share sale program (eSHOP)? Ans - Urban

Q. Recently which Sri Lankan cricketer has retired from all formats of international cricket? Ans - Tharanga ParanavitanaVision Unique Study

Q. Recently the National Doping Agency has suspended Dipanshu Balyan for 22 months due to consumption of banned substance 'Furosemide'. Deepanshu Balian is related to which sport? Ans - Judo

Q. National e-Governance Cell (NEGD) has recently signed an agreement with CSE e-Governance Services India to provide which app services through Public Service Centers? Ans - Umang App

Email: [email protected] 33/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Former India's Para Badminton player Satyaprakash Tiwari has been selected for which prestigious award for lifetime achievement nearly six years after retiring? Ans - Dhyanchand Award

Q. Recently the Indian Football Coaches Association has signed an MoU with the Football Coaches Association of which country to help each other for the development of football in both the countries? Ans - Australia

Q. Which legendary doubles duo, the most successful in tennis history has announced to retire on 26 August? Ans - Bob and Mike Bryan

Q. Recently which player became the first player to take 500 wickets in T20? Ans - Draven Bravo

Q. Who is the youngest author to win the International Booker Prize? Ans - Marike Lucas Rijneveld

Q. Recently the CEO of TikTok has resigned from his post, what is his name? Ans - Kevin Mayer

Q. Who has launched the Director General National Cadet Corps (DGNCC) mobile app for online training of NCC cadets? Ans - Defence Minister

Q. Which country has created an Agri trading platform to increase food exports from India? Ans - Kuwait Vision Unique Study

Q. To promote bio-floc fish farming system which state has launched a new scheme ? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which helpline service has been started by the Central Government for mental health rehabilitation? Ans - Kiran

Email: [email protected] 34/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. How many lakh rupees insurance cover has been approved by Assam government on death of COVID-19 on duty of journalists, home guards and other temporary workers? Ans - 50 Lakh Rupees

Q. Where can the Central Government establish Air Defence Command to provide strength to the three services? Ans - Prayagraj

Q. Bangladesh has recently approved the last level of testing of a potential vaccine of COVID-19 manufactured by a company of which country? Ans - China

Q. The central government has approved the allocation of how many airways in the fourth phase of the regional connectivity scheme 'Udaan'? Ans - 78

Q. What is the name of the first person in the world who has a wealth of 200 billion dollars? Ans - Jeff Bezos

Q. Who has been appointed as the new Home Secretary of Uttar Pradesh? Ans - Tarun Gaba

Q. Recently Union Ministry of Culture has announced the establishment of how many new administrative circles of Archaeological Survey of India to improve the management of monuments? Ans - 7

Q. Recently which Visionstate has won the Indian Express Unique Technology Sabha Award? Study Ans - Telangana

Q. Recently on which date Sports Day was celebrated? Ans - 29 August

Q. In which period Bihar's political power, educational and cultural dignity was fragmented? Ans - Medieval period

Email: [email protected] 35/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which Mughal ruler first introduced Bihar into his empire? Ans - Akbar

Q. Who was appointed by Iltutmish as its first Subedar in Bihar? Ans - Malik Jani

Q. Who settled the city of Patna in place of the ancient Pataliputra city? Ans - Sher Shah

Q. Who made Patna the provincial capital? Ans - Sher Shah

Q. िबहार म सवािधक लोकिय सुतान कौन था  Ans - Sher Shah Suri

Q. Who among the following destroyed Nalanda University? Ans - Bakhtiar Khilji

Q. When did Akbar merge Bengal and Bihar into the Mughal Empire? Ans - In 1576 AD

Q. What was the importance of Bihar in Delhi Sultanate and Mughal period? Ans - The only significance was that it was a geographically located region on the Delhi-Bengal route.

Q. After the fall of the Mughals, whom did Bihar become under? Ans - Nawabs of BengalVision Unique Study

Q. Approx 170 meter long tunnel has been found on the border of which country adjoining India? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Which portal has been launched by Akash Education Services Limited, preparing for competitive exams, for all alumni, institute teachers and classmates? Ans - Akash Student Alumni Portal

Email: [email protected] 36/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently the Sports Minister has increased the prize money of how many categories out of 7? Ans - 5

Q. Which of the following games got 6 awards for the first time? Ans - Badminton

Q. International Institute of Sports Management has been awarded the National Sports Promotion Award on 29 August. Who is the founder of this organization? Ans - Nilesh Kulkarni

Q. India beat which country to secure their place in the final match in the FIDE Online Chase Olympiad? Ans - Poland

Q. Which Japanese company has recently tested the flying taxi? Ans - Sky Drive Inc

Q. Which American person has created a Guinness World Record by creating the world's highest Mohawk hairstyle (42.5 inches)? Ans - Joseph Greasmore

Q. Recently which statue has been included in the Guinness Book due to the construction of 216 feet statue at a cost of 400 crores? Ans - Statue of Equality

Q. Which app has been recently launched to provide information about the rooms for rent in any corner of India and all the facilities availableVision in it? Unique Study Ans - Chishu

Q. Which company is ready to launch its search engine to compete with Google? Ans - Apple

Q. By how many points did Arsenal beat Liverpool in the penalty shootout to win the FA Community Shield Trophy 2020? Ans - 4 - 5

Email: [email protected] 37/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. In which country the fans came to the stadium after 6 months under the pilot scheme? Ans - England

Q. Who has won the Western and Southern Open title in men's category? Ans - Novak Djokovich

Q. Who has won the Western and Southern Open title in the women's category? Ans - Victoria Azarenka

Q. Which country is the first gold winner in the FIDE Online Chase Olympiad? Ans - India

Q. With the help of 1500 Crores, Gujarat will become the world's largest toy museum. At present, which country has the largest toy museum in the world? Ans - America

Q. Which technique will be used for line calls during match due to corona? Ans - Hot spot

Q. The rare bats found in some countries in the world, the Long Dead Thiscard Bat, is found in which state for the first time in India? Ans -

Q. 'Black Panther' fame tweet informing the death of actor Chadwick Bosman has made the record for most likes? Who had achieved this record before? Ans - Barack ObamaVision Unique Study

Q. The former President of India Pranav Mukharji passed away on 31 August 2020, he was sworn in as the President of which order of India in 2012? Ans - 14th

Q. हाल ही म िकसे बीपीएससी के नये अय िनयुत िकया गया  Ans - RK Mahajan

Email: [email protected] 38/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. In the first quarter of the current financial year due to Corona crisis and lockdown, what percentage of GDP growth was recorded? Ans - -23%

Q. With what name has Reliance Jio launched a new Jio Fiber plan under in which fiber data will be free for one month? Ans - New India’s new passion

Q. How many years has Maruti Suzuki India's Arena sales network completed its operations? Ans - Three

Q. Who won the BMW Golf Championship 2020 title? Ans - John Rahm

Q. Which football club won the Champions Women's League 2020 title? Ans - Olimpike Lyonnais

Q. The University of Twente and Wagening has developed a Nanosensor. Where is this university located? Ans - Netherlands

Q. Recently which bank sold two per cent stake of I-Sec for 310 crores? Ans - ICICI Bank

Q. What is the name of the first transgender doctor of Manipur? Ans - Beonsi LasharamVision Unique Study Q. Uruguay's club Penarol has recently removed which of his coaches from his post? Ans - Diego Forlon

Q. Who has been appointed as the new Election Commissioner of India? Ans - Rajiv Kumar

Q. How much does the painting ‘voices’ of the famous painter MF Hussain set a new world record by selling in rupees? Ans - 18.47 Crores

Email: [email protected] 39/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has been appointed as the Chairman of the Bihar Board for the next three years? Ans - Anand Kishore

Q. For which country Google has said that if the company will be charged, then we will stop free searching on our platform? Ans - Australia

Q. Recently who became the first female ambulance driver in the country? Ans - M Veeralakshmi

Q. Which country's experts have designed a bandage to repair the weakened shoulder muscles? Ans - Britain

Q. According to recent research, Hilsa fish protects against heart disease. Which of the following is the acid present in it? Ans - Omega-3 fatty acids

Q. 110-year-old Mora and 104-year-old Vadra have been named in the Guinness Book as the world's oldest couple. Which country is this couple related to? Ans - Ecuador

Q. For the emotional betterment of teenagers and young people and emotional support to them, has launched the Hindi website of ''? Ans - Dainik Bhaskar

Q. How many matchesVision did Serena Williams win Unique at the US Open and set the record Study for the most match winner? Ans - 115

Q. A startup company of which country is making batteries that last for thousands of years (28000 years)? Ans - USA

Q. In which scheme the government has stopped its contribution? Ans - UTI Retirement Benefit Pension Fund

Email: [email protected] 40/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who was appointed the national joint secretary of Veterans India? Ans - Anil

Q. Which district of the country has secured the first position in giving Science Idea for Inspired Award? Ans - Vaishali (Bihar)

Q. Recently who has been appointed as the President of Press Trust of India (PTI)? Ans - Avik Sarkar

Q. Uttarakhand was linked to which state under the 'Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat' program? Ans - Karnataka

Q. Who wrote the book 'The Big Thoughts of Little Love'? Ans - Karan Johar

Q. Recently which bank has started Home Utsav? Ans - ICICI Bank

Q. Recently which country has been re-inducted into the Commonwealth Games Association? Ans - Maldives

Q. How many percentage increase in the stock market due to the news of Amazon and Verizon investing up to Rs 30,000 crore in Vodafone? Ans - 29%

Q. Novak Djokovic,Vision the world's No. 1 tennis player,Unique has reached the third round ofStudy the US Open for the 15th time. He is a tennis player of which country? Ans - Serbia

Q. Who has become the fourth country to give equal pay to men and women teams? Ans - Brazil

Q. Which storm has caused havoc in South Korea recently? Ans - Mysak

Email: [email protected] 41/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently 'hematite' ore has been found on Earth's natural satellite moon, despite the abundance of air and water. Hematite is an ore of which of the following metals? Ans - Iron

Q. Sixth phase of Vande Bharat Mission has started from 01 September, 1007 international flights have been scheduled under this mission. How many countries are these international flights related to? Ans - 24

Q. The Central Government has proposed to make the valid fasttag mandatory for taking new third party insurance. When will this system be in force? Ans - 01 April 2021

Q. The monsoon palace situated on the summit of Aravali, the world's oldest mountain range, has blossomed from greenery these days. Who built this palace? Ans - Maharana Sajjan Singh

Q. Recently who made a record by hoisting Leo Pargil tricolor, the third highest peak of Himachal Pradesh? Ans - ITBP

Q. Which company has announced the expansion of the Flood Forecasting Initiative to detect flood forecasts in India and Bangladesh? Ans - Google

Q. President Ram Nath Kovind has honored how many teachers who contributed to education on Teachers' Day on 05 September? Ans - 47 Vision Unique Study

Q. How much percentage stake is being taken by Silver Lake in Reliance Retail? Ans - 10 %

Q. Who holds the first position in the fund raising sector? Ans - Banking and Finance

Email: [email protected] 42/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which company has announced that its Defense Branch has received the contract for the supply of Pinak weapon system by the Ministry of Defense? Ans - L&T

Q. Where will the sixth edition of the Women's Big Bag League be held? Ans - Sydney (Australia)

Q. How much will Cricket Australia (CA) spend to create a bio bubble for the safety of Team India's COVID-19? Ans - 1.60 Crore

Q. According to research published in the Jama Network Open, the risk of COVID-19 infection among people suffering from deficiency of which vitamin is double than other people? Ans - Vitamin D

Q. For the first time in the 31-year history of the Canadian Space Agency, which woman will be made the president? Ans - Lisa Campbell

Q. What is the name of the brutal jailer of Cambodia dictator Khmer Rouge who died in the plow? Ans - Kuang Nguyek

Q. What is the name of a startup company in the education technology sector that has announced a total of 20,000 teachers on its platform by the end of the year? Ans - Whitehat Junior

Q. Recently which state has decided to collect data of rainwater at the panchayat level? Ans - Bihar Vision Unique Study

Q. Which state has got the first position in the Business Easement Ranking of the states released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Board of Directors of private telecom company Vodafone Idea (VIL) has recently approved the company's plan to raise how much money? Ans - 25000 Crore

Email: [email protected] 43/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. A zoo in Washington has started recording animal voice to send a birthday greeting message to raise funds. How much will have to be paid for recording the best wishes from animals of your choice? Ans - 50 dollars

Q. Four-time Olympic champion Mo Farah of Britain has set the world record by setting the most distance (21 thousand 330 meters) in an hour's race? Whose name was this record before? Ans - Hayley Gabrielsi

Q. Recently which country has launched a reusable experimental spacecraft? Ans - China

Q. Recently, after the President of which country has rejected the will death demanded by a person, that person has started live streaming of death on Facebook? Ans - France

Q. A team of researchers from which IIT of the country has done this medicine that due to changing monsoon pattern, there is a possibility of more rain in the foothills of South India and in future? Ans - IIT Kharagpur

Q. Which position did Indian golfer Twesa Malik get while performing brilliantly at the Flimsarburg Ladies Open? Ans - Fourth

Q. Which famous American food maker company has announced to provide free college education to the children of its 16 thousand employees? Ans - Hormal FoodsVision Unique Study Q. What is the name of a only photographer of the world who reached the world's deepest, tallest, largest cave (Jayanti cave) in Meghalaya? Ans - Robby Shon

Q. The country's financial technology start ups have overtaken the global slowdown. Among the three biggest investors of this year, who has invested the most? Ans - New technology

Email: [email protected] 44/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The IPL cricket match to be held in India will be played in which country due to Corona this year? Ans - Dubai

Q. Which fast bowler has been suspended by the club because of putting sanitizer on the ball in an English county match? Ans - Mich Claydon

Q. When was 'International Clean Air Day for Blue Sky' first celebrated? Ans - 07 September 2020

Q. Scientists of the US space agency NASA have prepared the primary mirror of Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. How many times a clear picture can be landed with the help of this mirror? Ans - 100 times

Q. A man named Joseph Koenberry spent 2 hours 30 minutes 57 seconds in a box filled with 200 kg of ice to break his own record. Which country is this person from? Ans - Austria

Q. Preparations are being made to set up Weather Observational Network for weather forecasts on which country's border with India? Ans - Nepal

Q. Sant Kesavanand Bharati, who gave the principle of basic structure of the Constitution, died on 06 September 2020 at the age of 79 years. By which surname is he also known? Ans - ShankaracharyaVision of Kerala Unique Study Q. Which country's scientist has prepared the world's largest solar tree without sunlight? Ans - India

Q. India has successfully tested the indigenous hypersonic missile technology (Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle - DSTDV). India has become the what position of country to develop its own hypersonic technology? Ans - Fourth

Email: [email protected] 45/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. 368 new species have been discovered in the details of animals recently released by Animal Discovery, how many of these species have been seen for the first time? Ans - 116

Q. Recently, which cyclone has caused a second havoc in Japan in the same week? Ans - Haisen

Q. Under the Self-Reliant India Scheme, the government will provide assistance to the youth for the food processing industry in the Vocal for Local Campaign. What percentage of aid will be given by the central government in this scheme? Ans - 60%

Q. A unique ID number will be provided to every vendor (Rehri - Pheriwala) in all cities of which state? Ans - Bihar

Q. Which tennis player has been disqualified from the tournament in the fourth round of the US Open Tennis tournament? Ans - Novak Djokovic

Q. Which Bollywood actress has been provided with the Y Plus category security recently? Ans - Kangana Ranot

Q. How many years will CBSE now give a duplicate mark sheet or certificate? Ans - 45 years

Q. Tech company IntentsVision Mobi Limited has created Unique a navigation app that will provide Study many alerts such as road pits, waterlogging, traffic, speed breakers along the way. How many new pits, speed breakers will this app identify daily? Ans - 9000

Q. When will the state-of-the-art fighter Rafale be formally inducted into the Air Force's fleet of fighters? Ans - 10 September

Email: [email protected] 46/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. India has signed an agreement with the Russian agency Glavkosmos to create a special space suit for astronauts of the first manned space mission Gaganyaan. This suit will protect against how many degrees less mercury? Ans - 250 degrees

Q. One of the guides in the field of radio astronomy of India, Prof. Govind Swaroop, On which date did he die at the age of 91? Ans - 7 September 2020

Q. Recently which tech company has announced to give leave to its employees three days in a week? Ans - Google

Q. After which devastation in Highsen storm Japan has entered which country on 08 September? Ans - South Korea

Q. The corona virus vaccine Sputnik-V, developed in Russia, has now been released to the general public. When was the Russian government approved of this vaccine? Ans - 11 August 2020

Q. On which date World Literacy Day is celebrated? Ans - 09 September 2020

Q. Recently capital market regulator SEBI has put it on the list of enterprises carrying out e-KYC Aadhaar verification? Ans - NSE

Q. When will the MinistryVision of Commerce and IndustryUnique release the next edition of theStudy startup ecosystem ranking of states and union territories? Ans - 11 September 2020

Q. Jharkhand State Cricket Association is conducting the first cricket competition in the country as Jharkhand Premier League with the permission of the Government of Jharkhand during the Corona period. Which city will host the first live game of this competition? Ans - Ranchi

Email: [email protected] 47/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The International Olympic Committee has begun to mobilize public confidence to organize it in 2021, despite the Corona epidemic. Which country will host the Olympics 2020 to be held in 2021? Ans - Japan

Q. Recently Ayodhya Airport has been renamed as? Ans - Maryada Purushottam Shriram Airport

Q. Northrop Gruman Corporation, an American global aerospace and defense technology company, has named the next space station rescue ship with the name of which Indian astronaut? Ans - Kalpana Chawla

Q. Recently, American equity firm Silver Lake has invested Rs 7500 crore to buy what percentage of Reliance Retail share? Ans - 1.75%

Q. Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the best footballers in the world, has become the second player in the world and the first player in Europe to score 100 international goals. He is a football player of which country? Ans - Portugal

Q. Recently England's David Malan has become the world's number one batsman in T20. Who was the number one batsman in the world before this? Ans - Babar Azam

Q. When has North Korea recently celebrated its 72nd Foundation Day? Ans - 09 SeptemberVision 2020 Unique Study Q. On September 9, a huge fire broke out at Camp Moria, Europe's largest refugee. Where was this camp located? Ans - Lesbos Islands (Greece)

Q. Recently which country has deployed robots to remove loneliness of elderly in care homes? Ans - Britain

Q. Recently who has been appointed the Chief Information Commissioner of Bihar? Ans - NK Sinha

Email: [email protected] 48/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. ing to a new research, the spread of which disease will be prevented by the injection of oxygen? Ans - Cancer

Q. Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the Prime Minister Matsya Sampada Yojana. How many states including Bihar will be benefited under this scheme? Ans - 21

Q. In which university of Bihar will the Integrated Fisheries Production Technology Center be established at a cost of twenty three crores? Ans - Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University

Q. Who has been appointed the high performance batting head coach of the cricket team by the South Africa board? Ans - Neil McKenzie

Q. Recently which veteran actor has been appointed the new president of the National Theater School (NSD), the premier theater institute of the country? Ans - Paresh Rawal

Q. Recently, astronomers have discovered how many planets of similar properties to Earth? Ans - 45

Q. Recently Reliance Retail may sell 40% stake in Amazon for 1.5 lakh crores. By this news, what percentage of the shares of Reliance have risen? Ans - 7%

Q. Who has becomeVision the first Indian company to Uniquehave a $ 200 billion market camp? Study Ans - Reliance Industries

Q. Which former South African cricketer has been appointed head coach of the Swedish Cricket Association? Ans - Jonty Rhodes

Q. England will play the 150th match against which country's cricket team for the first time? Ans - Australia

Email: [email protected] 49/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. At the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, the US Department of Energy's lab, how many megapixels did it take to capture for the first time with the complete focal plane of the Crane LSST camera? Ans - 3200

Q. The Central Government has released the ranking of States in various sectors related to the year 2019 on September 11 by Startup India. In this, which state has got first place in the matter of innovation leader ready? Ans - Bihar

Q. Moody's Investors Services has estimated a reduction in India's GDP in the current financial year by what percentage? Ans - 11.5%

Q. Victoria Azarenka has made it to the finals after seven years by defeating Serena Williams in the US Open. Which player will Azarenka face in the final match? Ans - Naomi Osaka

Q. Which cricket board has been suspended by the South Africa Sports Confederation and Olympic Sports Committee to investigate mismanagement and corruption in the cricket body? Ans - Cricket South Africa

Q. The Caribbean Premier League (CPL) 2020 ended successfully with the victory of Trinbago Knight Riders in the final match on 10 September. Which of the following has been set by the Trinbago Knight Riders winning the Caribbean Premier League 2020 title? Ans - A and B both are Correct

Q. Recently, who hasVision approved the issuance of generalUnique and health insurance policy Study in electronic form? Ans - IRDA

Q. Which broadcaster company has sent a notice to Cricket Australia to cancel the contract of 2400 crores due to differences between the upcoming schedule? Ans - Channel 7

Q. Recently the Iranian army has started a three-day maneuver in the Indian Ocean by what name? Ans - Zulfikar - 99

Email: [email protected] 50/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country is preparing to open Dry Dairy for the first time? Ans - India

Q. To help with the Corona crisis, what did British painter Sacha Jaffrey call a 1980 sqm painting made in a Dubai hotel? Ans - The Journey of Humanity

Q. Which of the following duo has won the US Open 2020 women's doubles title due to their outstanding performance? Ans - Vera Jevonareva and Laura Cijmond

Q. Which Indian filmmaker has won the prestigious FIP RESCI Award for his film 'The Discipal' at the Venice Film Festival of 2020? Ans - Chaitanya Tamhane

Q. Recently who in England has won the British show 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' using only one Lifeline 50/50? Ans - Donald Fear

Q. In the American Basketball League NBA, which player defeated the defending champion Toronto Raptors and made his place in the Eastern Conference Finals? Ans - Boston Celtics

Q. Naomi Osaka has won the women's singles title of the US Open Tennis competition 2020? Which country does Naomi Osaka represent? Ans - Japan Vision Unique Study Q. Sri Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology, an autonomous organization of the Department of Science and Technology, has developed a device for relieving the problem of blood clotting from DVT. In which state of the country is this institution located? Ans - Kerala

Q. Who addressed the US from the Kinksley Hall on 13 September 1931 after coming to London to attend the second round table conference? Ans - Mahatma Gandhi

Email: [email protected] 51/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state performed best in the second edition of the state startup ecosystem ranking? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Recently former Union Minister Shri Raghuvansh Prasad Singh has passed away. He has been the Union Minister of which of the following ministry? Ans - Ministry of Rural Development

Q. According to the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, India will become self-sufficient in fertilizer production by the year 2023. Who is the current Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers? Ans - DV Sadananda Gowda

Q. Which company has appointed Juhi Chawla as its brand ambassador? Ans - Emami Limited

Q. Who has been elected Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha? Ans - Harivansh Narayan Singh

Q. When is Hindi Day celebrated in India? Ans - 14 September

Q. Yoshihide Suga has been appointed the new Prime Minister of which country? Ans - Japan

Q. Which company has chosen Arun Srinivas as director of its global business group? Ans - Facebook Vision Unique Study Q. Recently which state government has given Special Powers to arrest and search without warrant? Ans - Government of Uttar Pradesh

Q. Who has been appointed the new chairman of the Advertising Standards Council? Ans - Subhash Kamath

Q. Which state has secured the first position in the startup ranking of the Central Government? Ans - Gujarat

Email: [email protected] 52/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has been appointed the first woman CEO of Citibank? Ans - Jane Fraser

Q. Hubli railway station in the state of Karnataka has been renamed? Ans - Sri Siddharudha Swamiji Railway Station

Q. When was Hindi Day celebrated recently? Ans - 14 September

Q. Recently Yoshihide Suga was elected the new Prime Minister of which country? Ans - Japan

Q. Recently Amazon has chosen who to voice for its digital assistant Alexa? Ans - Amitabh Bachchan

Q. Recently which state government has started my family my responsibility campaign? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Who has recently been selected by Facebook as the director of the global business group? Ans - Arun Srinivas

Q. Who has recently announced the acquisition of Europe-based Guide Vision? Ans - Infosys

Q. Who has won the women's singles title at the US Open tennis recently? Ans - Naomi OsakaVision Unique Study

Q. Who has won the F1 Tuscan Grand Prix 2020 recently? Ans - Louis Hamilton

Q. Who has recently represented India on the 24th ASEAN Regional Platform? Ans - V Muralitharan

Q. Recently DRDO has announced to open its research lab in which district of Madhya Pradesh? Ans - Morena Email: [email protected] 53/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has got first place in the survey conducted by Fame India Magazine and Asia Post for 50 people of India? Ans - K Kasturirangan

Q. Who is the highest-grossing footballer in the recently released Forbes list? Ans - Lionel Messi

Q. In which state the village situated on the banks of river Ganga is being developed as 'Ganga Village'? Ans - Bihar

Q. The 16th Festive of Lights has started in Berlin, Germany, which will run till 20 September. What is the theme of this festival for the year 2020? Ans - Together We Shine

Q. Recently Olympic champion Ryan Cruiser holds the meet record for shot put at the World Athletics Continental Tour Gold meet in Croatia. Which country does he belong to? Ans - America

Q. Which England player scored 17 years and 77 days to become the youngest goal scorer in Dortmund's 110-year history? Ans - Jude Bellingham

Q. Recently China has successfully sent a number of satellites into orbit in space via solid-propellant carrier rocket from a vessel in the Yellow Sea? Ans - 9

Q. Asia's first dolphinVision research center will be builtUnique in which city of India? Study Ans - Patna

Q. Recently which company has launched the innovative CottonTouch range? Ans - Johnson Baby

Q. India has got membership by defeating China in the recent United Nations CSW election. For how many years will India remain a member of CSW? Ans - Four

Email: [email protected] 54/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently the Sports Ministry has decided to upgrade the Sports India State Excellence Centers in eight states. Who is the current Sports Minister of India? Ans - Kiran Rijuji

Q. Recently the Minister of Education has conferred the Second Outstanding Institute Vishwakarma Award in 14 categories to the institutions of AICTE under the Vishwakarma Day program. Who is the current Education Minister of India? Ans - Ramesh Pokhriyal

Q. Recently Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal has resigned in protest against the Farmers' Yield, Trade and Commerce Bill 2020 and Agricultural Services Bill 2020. Which ministry is it related to? Ans - Central Food Processing Industries

Q. Which of the following company got the contract for the construction of the new Parliament House? Ans - Tata Groups

Q. Renowned artist and former nominated member of Rajya Sabha Kapila Vatsyayan passed away at the age of 91 years. He has been awarded which of the following awards? Ans - Padma Vibhushan

Q. According to the country's first Happiness Index, which state / union territory has got the first position? Ans - Mizoram

Q. Recently, William Henry Gates, the father of Microsoft founder Bill Gates and noted lawyer, died at the age of 94. What disease did he suffer from? Ans - Alzheimer's Vision Unique Study

Q. What is the rank of India in World Bank's annual Human Capital Index 2020? Ans - 116th

Q. Which of the following guns has been prepared by the Indian Army for operation in Ladakh amid tension with China? Ans - Bofors

Email: [email protected] 55/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which city topped the Global Smart City Index 2020? Ans - Singapore

Q. Kunwar Singh led the revolt of 1858 from which province? Ans - Bihar

Q. Which person from Jagdishpur led the revolutionaries in the uprising of 1857? Ans - Kunwar Singh

Q. Kunwar Singh was the king of where? Ans - Jagdishpur

Q. What was the name of Kunwar Singh's father? Ans - Sahibzada Singh

Q. Which of the following was the first commander to lead the English army in Ara against Kunwar Singh? Ans - Captain Danvar

Q. When did Kunwar Singh, the leader of the 1857 revolution in Bihar, die? Ans - 9 May 1858

Q. Rajkumar Shukla was a resident of which village? Ans - Murali Bharwa

Q. What was the working area of Birsa Munda? Ans - Ranchi Vision Unique Study

Q. With whom was Swami Sahajanand related? Ans - With the Farmers movement of Bihar

Q. Who was the guru of Chandragupta Maurya? Ans - Chanakya

Q. Who presided over the Bombay session of the Muslim League (1915)? Ans - Maulana Mazharul Haq Email: [email protected] 56/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who donated 48 acres of land for the establishment of Sadaqat Ashram? Ans - Maulana Mazharul Haq

Q. Who is Sachchidananda Sinha associated with? Ans - Demand for separate province of Bihar

Q. Which of these was associated with the farmers movement in Bihar? Ans - Rajendra Prasad

Q. Where did Rajendra Prasad live? Ans - Bihar

Q. Who is the author of India Divide? Ans - Rajendra Prasad

Q. Where was the first meeting of the Congress Socialist Party held? Ans - Patna

Q. What was Sri Narasimha Narayan? Ans - Socialist

Q. Jayaprakash Narayan belonged to which party? Ans - Socialist Party

Q. Which of the following books is not the work of jayaprakash narayan? Ans - Hind SwarajVision Unique Study

Q. Who is known as Loknayak? Ans - Jai Prakash Narayan

Q. Ramvilas Singh was an active member of which one district of the forward block? Ans - Patna

Q. Ramchandra Sharma was from which village? Ans - Amraha Email: [email protected] 57/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where was Shri Yogendra Shukla brought on December 7, 1942? Ans - Patna

Q. In which jail was Jagat Narayan Lal sent? Ans - Bankipur Jail

Q. What was the name of the wife of Shri Jagat Narayan Lal? Ans - Mrs. Rampyari

Q. Who is addressed to Bihar Kesari? Ans - Sh. Krishna Sinha

Q. Mahakavi Vidyapati was the poet of which era? Ans - Medieval Era

Q. With which of his creations Dinkar became famous as a national poet? Ans - Renuka

Q. When did Bihar secede from Bengal? Ans - 1912

Q. Is the popular art of Bihar? Ans - Madhubani

Q. Which is the famous festival of Bihar? Ans - Chhath PoojaVision Unique Study

Q. What is the painting mode of Bihar? Ans - Madhubani

Q. The Sonpur fair (cattle fair) is called? Ans - Harihar Kshetra Fair

Q. Padamshree Sita Devi was whose famous personality? Ans - Madhubani painting Email: [email protected] 58/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which of the following is a folk dance of Bihar? Ans - Jat-Jatni

Q. What is unique festival of Bihar? Ans - Chhath

Q. Which Pertian Center in Bihar has many sources of hot water? Ans - Rajgir

Q. Where is the Vishnupad temple? Ans - In Gaya

Q. Which Sikh Guru was born in Patna? Ans - Guru Govind Singh

Q. Recently, Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has dedicated the historic Kosi Rail Mahasetu to the nation. In which state is it located? Ans - Bihar

Q. Recently in which country 1.2 million years old human footprints have been found? Ans - Saudi Arabia

Q. US President Donald Trump has recently signed an order to become the two Chinese apps Tiktok and We Chat. Which of the following is the parent company of Tiktok? Ans - BiteDance Vision Unique Study Q. Recently, which state of the country has approved the law to make the murderers impotent by adopting strict action against rape? Ans - Nigeria

Q. India's first other private jet terminal has been inaugurated at which airport? Ans - Indira Gandhi International Airport

Q. Which app has recently been removed from Google Play Store? Ans - PayTM Email: [email protected] 59/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state has decided to give cows to families with malnourished children? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which state has announced subsidy schemes for e-scooters, rickshaws? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Pakistan has decided to accord full province status to which region? Ans - Gilgit Baltistan

Q. Which Indian was nominated by the United Nations in the list of 2020 class of youth for Sustainable Development Goals? Ans - Udit Singhal

Q. How much amount has India provided to Maldives to deal with the Covid-19 crisis? Ans - $ 25 million dollars

Q. Recently the former Prime Minister of which country ‘John Turner’ has died at the age of 91? Ans - Canada

Q. International Peace Day is celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 21 September

Q. Which country has recently imposed a nationwide lockdown for the second time due to the increased infection of Corona? Ans - Israel Vision Unique Study Q. Which country has recently issued an order to ban popular Chinese social media apps TikTok and WeChat in view of national security? Ans - America

Q. Which state government has recently launched Mukhyamantri Mahila Utkarsh Yojana (MMUY)? Ans - Gujarat

Q. What was the theme of World Peace Day -2020? Ans - Shaping Peace Together Email: [email protected] 60/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who approved the 'Feluda' kit made by the Tata group for the corona investigation? Ans - Drug Controller General of India

Q. How many female officers were deployed for the first time in an Indian Navy warfare? Ans - Two

Q. When is World Alzheimer's Day celebrated? Ans - 21 September

Q. When was the Pandemic Diseases (Amendment) Bill passed in Rajya Sabha? Ans - 19 September 2020

Q. On the occasion of the birth anniversary of which of the following great Indian Prime Minister will inaugurate Vaibhav Summit? Ans - Mahatma Gandhi

Q. When is World Rhino Day celebrated? Ans - 22 September

Q. With which country has India launched the first direct cargo ferry service? Ans - Maldives

Q. Which state has launched e-Peak Pahani app for farmers? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Who has announcedVision the acquisition of the AustralianUnique company DWS? Study Ans - HCL

Q. Who has been selected by India for the IG-Nobel Prize 2020? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. When is International Sign Language Day celebrated? Ans - 23 September

Email: [email protected] 61/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who was chaired by the Arogya Manthan 2.0 program? Ans - Dr. Harsh Vardhan

Q. In which state 'Anand Van' was released on 23 September 2020? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Who approved the acquisition of 100 percent equity shares of MedLife by API Holdings? Ans - Competition Commission of India (CCI)

Q. Which Indian actor has been included in the list of 100 most influential people of the year 2020 by Times Magazine? Ans - Ayushman Khurana

Q. Who has won the women's singles title of Italian Open 2020? Ans - Simona Halep

Q. Who has Google Pay partnered with to rollout tokenization on its platform? Ans - Visa

Q. When was World Maritime Day -2020 celebrated? Ans - 24 September 2020

Q. The 'Fit India Age Appropriate Fitness Protocol' started by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has been divided into which category? Ans - Three Vision Unique Study Q. Which bank has announced the launch of 'SafePay' facility? Ans - IDFC Bank

Q. The e-booklet edition was launched by whom on the success of the Tele Law program? Ans - Department of Justice

Q. Who has been appointed as the Green Ambassador of UNEP in India by the United Nations? Ans - Khushi Chindalia

Email: [email protected] 62/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Water Partnership Forum meeting between India and which country was held on 22 September 2020? Ans - Britain

Q. When is World Famavist Day recently celebrated? Ans - 25 September

Q. When is World Tourism Day celebrated? Ans - 27 September

Q. The Destination North East -2020 program was launched by? Ans - Amit Shah

Q. India has announced a funding of $ 15 million to which country to promote Buddhism? Ans - Sri Lanka

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has announced to provide health insurance of 5 lakhs to recognized journalists? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Who has become the first country in the world to identify citizens through facial verification system? Ans - Singapore

Q. The Assam campus of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute was inaugurated by whom? Ans - Narendra Singh Tomar

Q. Which Bollywood actor has been appointed as brand ambassador by CEAT Tires? Ans - Aamir KhanVision Unique Study

Q. Which session of the United Nations General Assembly was addressed in virtual terms on 26 September 2020 by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi? Ans - 75th session

Q. Who has been appointed by KVIC as its consultant? Ans - Sunil Sethi

Email: [email protected] 63/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The 113th birth anniversary of which great revolutionary of India was celebrated on 28 September 2020? Ans - Shaheed Bhagat Singh

Q. When is World Rabies Day celebrated? Ans - 28 September

Q. Who launched the Covid vaccine portal developed by ICMR? Ans - Dr. Harsh Vardhan

Q. What percentage of the economy is expected to decline in the current financial year by NCAER? Ans - 12.6 percent

Q. Who has been appointed the new chairman of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India? Ans - PD Vaghela

Q. In which state of India has the 'By Road' campaign started? Ans - Odisha

Q. When is World Heart Day celebrated? Ans - 29 September

Q. How many mega projects have been inaugurated by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi under the Namami Gange Mission in Uttarakhand? Ans - Six

Q. Alapan BandhopadhyayVision has been appointed theUnique Chief Secretary of which state? Study Ans - West Bengal

Q. Which state has announced the facility of education to the students of remote areas through radio? Ans - Odisha

Q. In which state has a portal called U-Rise been launched? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Email: [email protected] 64/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which company was approved by the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange to secede from the stock market? Ans - Vedanta

Q. When is International Translation Day celebrated? Ans - 30 September

Q. Which Indian supersonic cruise missile was successfully tested by DRDO on 30 September 2020? Ans - Brahmos

Q. Which state government has launched 'Jal Kal Yojana'? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Which film director of India has been appointed as the new president of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII)? Ans - Shekhar Kapoor

Q. Which Indian actor has been selected by the Reserve Bank of India for customer awareness campaign? Ans - Amitabh Bachchan

Q. NITI Aayog has jointly signed the 'Decarbonization and Energy Transition Agenda' with which country's embassy? Ans - Netherlands

Q. Defense Startup Challenge-4 launched by? Ans - Rajnath SinghVision Unique Study Q. When is International Veterans Day celebrated? Ans - 1 October

Q. Which Indian state has jointly signed a memorandum of understanding with Denmark in the water sector? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Who has launched the new logo of Sports Authority of India? Ans - Kiran Rijiju

Email: [email protected] 65/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which bank has launched the 'IB-Einot' initiative? Ans - Indian Bank

Q. Which zone of Indian Railways launched 'Operation Meri Saheli' scheme? Ans - South Eastern Railway

Q. In which country India has announced to build cancer hospital and cricket stadium? Ans - Maldives

Q. Union Social Justice and Empowerment Ministry has launched 'Ambedkar Innovation and Incubation Mission' for which class of people? Ans - Scheduled Caste (SC)

Q. In which Indian state has the 'Chai Sundari' project been started? Ans - West Bengal

Q. Who has been recently elected a member of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs? Ans - Harsimrat Kaur Badal

Q. Which former Indian cricketer has recently been appointed as the chairman of the Senior Women's Selection Committee by the BCCI due to her long experience? Ans - Neetu David

Q. Recently with which country India has signed an MoU on intellectual property cooperation? Ans - Denmark Vision Unique Study Q. Which birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was celebrated on 2 October 2020? Ans - 151st

Q. Which state tops the crimes against women in crime report released by NCRB for the year 2019? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which position has the Indian women's team achieved in the T20 Women's Cricket Team rankings released by the ICC for the year 2020? Ans - Third Email: [email protected] 66/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where did India successfully test the new version of the Shaurya missile? Ans - Odisha

Q. Who was inaugurated the strategically important Atal tunnel in Rohtang in October 2020? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. A webinar was organized between India and which country for the use of natural gas as a motor-fuel? Ans - Russia

Q. When is World Teachers' Day celebrated? Ans - 5 October

Q. Which summit based on artificial intelligence was inaugurated by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in October 2020? Ans - Rays: 2020

Q. Who released a book titled 'Discovery of Assam's Heritage' on 5 October 2020? Ans - Dr. Jitendra Singh

Q. NASA successfully launched a spaceship named after which female astronaut of India on 3 October 2020? Ans - Kalpana Chawla

Q. Which state government has launched 'Pathshri Abhiyan'? Ans - West Bengal

Q. Which state governmentVision has announced to provideUnique food grains on subsidy to 10Study lakh additional families under the National Food Act? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Who has recently been appointed as the Chairman of SBI by the Central Government? Ans - Dinesh Kumar Khara

Q. Which state government announced digital service bridge program for rural areas? Ans - Gujarat

Email: [email protected] 67/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country recently tested the supersonic missile assisted release of torpedoes? Ans - India

Q. India is currently negotiating with which country to acquire light weight tanks? Ans - Russia

Q. With whom has the Indian Sign Language Research and Training Center jointly signed an MoU to include sign language in the Indian curriculum? Ans - NCERT

Q. Which state's government has launched a 'war against pollution' campaign? Ans - Delhi

Q. Which country has agreed with India for the operation of Sittwe port? Ans - Myanmar

Q. Which state government has launched the 'Gram Darshan Portal'? Ans - Haryana

Q. Which Indian woman wrestler recently resigned as Deputy Director in the Sports and Youth Department of Haryana? Ans - Babita Phogat

Q. Which country has successfully tested the hypersonic cruise missile Zircon recently? Ans - Russia Vision Unique Study Q. In which field Emmanuel Sharpenchi and Jennifer Dowdna have been announced to be awarded the Nobel Prize 2020? Ans - Chemistry

Q. Who has been appointed Director General of Civil Aviation Security Bureau (BCAS)? Ans - MA Ganapathy

Q. Which state government has announced digital seva setu program? Ans - Gujarat Email: [email protected] 68/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. With which company has the Ministry of Urban Development tied up for online delivery of street food? Ans - Swiggy

Q. With whom did Prasar Bharati enter into an agreement to promote agri-technology on 6 October 2020? Ans - IFFCO

Q. In the rankings released by Forbes, who has been ranked first in the list of India's richest people for the 13th consecutive year? Ans - Mukesh Ambani

Q. Who among the following has become the first woman to receive the War Service Medal? Ans - Minty Aggarwal

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has recently launched the Kisan Rath mobile app? Ans - Assam

Q. Who was announced to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature of the year 2020? Ans - Lewis Gluck

Q. The 'MSME Prerna' program has been launched by whom? Ans - Nirmala Sitharaman

Q. Which country was gifted 41 ambulances and six school buses by the Government of India on Gandhi Jayanti? Ans - Nepal

Q. India has launchedVision an investigation into alleged Unique dumping of Ceftrizone Sodium Study Sterile, a raw material used in medicine, from which country? Ans - China

Q. Which state government recently launched the 'Chief Minister Solar Self-Employment Scheme'? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Who among the following has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace 2020? Ans - World Food Program

Email: [email protected] 69/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Renowned educationist of Indian origin Srikanth Datar has been named the dean of which school? Ans - Harvard Business School

Q. Which state has achieved the unique distinction of becoming the first 'Har Ghar Jal' state in the country? Ans - Goa

Q. Which state government cabinet has approved a tree transplantation policy in the capital? Ans - Delhi

Q. Recently which country successfully test-fired the Rudram-1 anti radiation missile? Ans - India

Q. How many rupees coin was released by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in honor of Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindia? Ans - 100

Q. In which field Paul R. Milagro and Robert B. have been announced to be awarded the Nobel Prize for the year 2020? Ans - Economics

Q. Which state government has approved the 'Tree Transplant Policy'? Ans - Delhi

Q. Who was inaugurated 44 bridges in the border areas adjacent to China and Pakistan on 12 October 2020? Ans - Rajnath SinghVision Unique Study Q. Which state government has partnered with India Post for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana? Ans - Goa

Q. Which country has successfully test-fired the Rudram-1 anti radiation missile? Ans - India

Q. Which country was placed on the 'Growing Follow' list by the Asian Pacific Group on 12 October 2020? Ans - Pakistan

Email: [email protected] 70/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has launched 'Mobile Water Testing Lab'? Ans - Haryana

Q. Who has announced the 'LTC Cash Voucher' scheme? Ans - Nirmala Sitharaman

Q. Which award was awarded to Indian-American philanthropist Harish Kotecha this year (2020)? Ans - Sandra Neese Lifetime Achievement Award

Q. Which state government has announced a road tax exemption for battery operated vehicles? Ans - Delhi

Q. Anti-terrorism exercise 'Suraksha Kavach' was organized by Indian Army and Police Force of which state? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. With whom did Atal Innovation Mission sign a Statement of Intent (SOE) on 14 October 2020 to promote innovation in schools? Ans - Asia Pacific Global Delivery Center of Excellence

Q. Who has become the first batsman in Asia to score 10,000 runs in T20 cricket edition? Ans - Shoaib Malik

Q. Which country's President Abdul Hameed got approval to hang the accused in the rape cases on 14 October 2020? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Which country hasVision announced the creation ofUnique a new vaccine of Kovid-19 named Study 'Epivacarona'? Ans - Russia

Q. Which international day was celebrated on 15 October? Ans - International Rural Women's Day

Q. Which country has been elected the president of the International Solar Union? Ans - India

Email: [email protected] 71/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who started the first blasting for construction of the Zojila tunnel in Jammu and Kashmir? Ans - Nitin Gadkari

Q. Which female entrepreneur of India has been announced to be awarded the 'Gold Steve' award in the Life Time Achievement Business category of the year 2020? Ans - Seema Gupta

Q. Which of the following footballer has won this year's Golden Shoe title? Ans - Lionel Messi

Q. Which scheme has been launched by the Central Government to encourage girl students to pursue STEM education? Ans - Vigyan Jyoti Yojana

Q. Which Chief Minister of an Indian state has recently biked 122 kilometres to promote adventure tourism in his state? Ans - Pema Khandu

Q. Which State/UT Chief Minister has announced the Odd-Even scheme to curb pollution starting from November 4 to 15? Ans - Delhi

Q. India was ranked at which position in the recent Global Hunger Index 2020? Ans - 94

Q. Which state willVision be setting up the world’s biggest Unique zinc smelter project? Study Ans - Gujarat

Q. The Union Cabinet has approved the adoption of Panchayati Raj Act in which Union Territory for the first-ever time? Ans - Jammu and Kashmir

Q. Which state’s Chief Minister launched Mission Shakti? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Email: [email protected] 72/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which nation has become the first Arab nation to reach a visa-exemption agreement with Israel? Ans - UAE

Q. Who became the first cricketer to score consecutive centuries in IPL’s history? Ans - Shikhar Dhawan

Q. Which telecommunications company has been selected by NASA to build the first-ever cellular network on Moon? Ans - Nokia

Q. NASA's OSIRIS-REx successfully touched which asteroid’s surface to collect dust and pebbles? Ans - Bennu

Q. Who has become the 190th country to join the International Monetary Fund (IMF)? Ans - Andorra

Q. On 23 October 2020, NATO announced the establishment of a new space center in which country? Ans - Germany

Q. In which state has the National TT Training (Practice) Center been approved by SAI? Ans - Haryana

Q. Who was inaugurated the Sardar Patel 'Jungle Safari' in Gujarat? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Indian Oil Corporation Limited has tied up with which technology company for digital services? Ans - IBM Vision Unique Study

Q. The 10th edition of the Economic and Financial Dialogue between India and which country was held on 28 October 2020? Ans - Britain

Q. Which Indian scientist has been selected for the Dr. Tulsi Das Chugh Award: 2020? Ans - Satish Mishra

Email: [email protected] 73/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has announced the creation of 'Anti-Trafficking Police Station'? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Recently the authorities of North Korea have urged the citizens of the country to stay indoors to avoid exposure to the clouds of the coming 'Yellow Dust'? Ans - China

Q. Recently in which state a 100 million year old fish named Aenigmachanna Gollum has been seen? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which country recently announced a financial assistance of US $ 1 billion for "priority" development projects in Central Asian countries? Ans - India

Q. Who has won the UN Global Climate Action Award 2020? Ans - Global Himalayan Expedition

Q. The state government that has banned the carrying of liquor in the state without a permit? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Which state has launched a portal to help inter-caste married couples get encouragement? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has launched 'Dharni' portal? Ans - Telangana Vision Unique Study Q. Recently which country has named a crossroads after Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan? Ans - Poland

Q. European Parliament members have requested the European Union to ban ? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Recently in which state the Agricultural Produce Market (Amendment) Bill 2020 was passed in the special session of the Legislative Assembly? Ans - Chhattisgarh Email: [email protected] 74/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government of India has announced to start offline degree college from November 17? Ans - Karnataka

Q. Which Ministry of India presented the Swachh Bharat Award-2020? Ans - Ministry of Water Power

Q. India's first 'Kisan Train' was run between which two stations? Ans - Devlali to Danapur

Q. Which engineering college in Bihar has been selected as the best project in the country in the Smart India Hackathon? Ans - MIT Muzaffarpur

Q. Recently, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has released the book 'Siyasat mein saamistha' written by Kinke? Ans - Vijay Kumar Chaudhary

Q. Which University of Bihar has been awarded the 'Scotch Gold Award' this year? Ans - Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (Bhagalpur)

Q. Who has been elected as the Lokpal in the state of Bihar for redressal of complaints received from people infected and affected by HIV / AIDS? Ans - Dr. Navin Chandra Prasad

Q. Which film producer from Bihar, 'The Scotland' has been nominated for the most prestigious 'Oscar Award' in cinema? Ans - Manish VatsalayaVision Unique Study

Q. Where is the largest animal feed factory in Bihar-Jharkhand opened? Ans - Bhojpur

Q. Which scheme of Bihar will be presented in C-20 conference? Ans - Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal Nishchay scheme

Email: [email protected] 75/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which young Indian activist has recently been nominated by the head of the United Nations for the new advisory group on climate change? Ans - Archana Soreng

Q. In how many districts of Bihar is a 500-bed corona hospital being built with the PM Care Fund? Ans - 2

Q. With whom is the 12-year-old 'Kusha Tragedy' related? Ans - Flood

Q. Which city of Bihar got third place in the list of 129 cities in the country along the Ganges in the Swachh Survekshan 2020? Ans - Munger

Q. What is the rank of Bihar in the category of big states in ‘Swachh Survekshan 2020?’ Ans - 12

Q. According to Swachhta Survey 2020, which is the dirtiest city in the country with a population of up to 10 lakhs? Ans - Gaya

Q. According to 'Swachh Survekshan 2020', what was the ranking of Patna among the clean cities of the country with a population of more than 10 lakh ? Ans - 47

Q. In which district Bihar's first online market has been opened by women's group Jeevika? Ans - Bhagalpur Vision Unique Study

Q. Who has become the first political party in the country to prepare a digital platform for a virtual rally? Ans - Janata Dal (United)

Q. What percentage of subsidy will be given to farmer producer groups (FPOS) for setting up agro-based industries in Bihar? Ans - 25%

Email: [email protected] 76/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. In which district will Bihar's second zoo be built? Ans - Araria

Q. How many saplings were planted by the Bihar government against the target of 2.51 crore this monsoon season? Ans - 3.47 Crore plants

Q. Who is the author of the book Revenge of the Psychic Ghost? Ans - Siddhen Chandra

Q. What is the name of the village in Gaya district where Longi Bhuiyan built a 3 KM long canal with 30 years of hard work? Ans - Kothlwa

Q. Which rank has Bihar got in the 'Ease of Doing' business ranked by the State Business Reform Action Plan-2019? Ans - 26

Q. How many crore 'Ghar Tak Fiber Scheme' has been launched recently by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Bihar? Ans - 14000 crores

Q. The country's first model nutritional village Kukri Bigha Bihar is located in which district? Ans - Patna

Q. Who has been appointed the new chairman of Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC)? Ans - RK Mahajan

Q. How many fruitsVision and vegetables of Bihar have Unique been included in the central government's Study 'Operation Green' scheme? Ans - 13

Q. Who is the author of the book 'On Point Narendra Modi', which was recently released by Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi? Ans - Sultan Alimuddin

Q. The famous personality of Bihar 'Arun Kumar Verma' who died recently was associated with which field? Ans - Journalism Email: [email protected] 77/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Former Union Minister Raghuvansh Prasad Singh who passed away recently has been elected 5 times MP from which Lok Sabha constituency? Ans - Vaishali

Q. How many teachers of Bihar have been conferred with 'National Teacher' Award 2020? Ans - 2

Q. According to the data made available to the Rajya Sabha by the Ministry of Finance, what is the position of Bihar in the list of Pradhan Mantri Mundra Yojana (PMMY) in providing loans to women by 31 March 2020? Ans - 4

Q. In which hospital in Bihar has the State Cancer Institute been inaugurated recently by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar at a cost of 120 crores? Ans - IGIMS, Patna

Q. Which woman from Bihar has been selected by the Union Steel Ministry as one of the 12 icons for 'Ispati Aadhi Abhiyan'? Ans - Shivdasia Kunwar

Q. Which of the following will be the first expressway of Bihar to be built under the Bharatmala Yojana? Ans - औरंगाबाद-जयनगर

Q. According to the latest data released by the National Crime Records Bureau, what percentage of suicide cases have been registered in Bihar in the year 2019? Ans - 44.69% Vision Unique Study Q. In which district was the inauguration of the largest frozen semen (semen) station of northern India under the National Gokul Mission? Ans - Purnia

Q. Which rank did Bihar get in the country's first Happiness Index report? Ans - 25

Email: [email protected] 78/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which section of the 'Paradip-Haldia-Durgapur LPG Pipeline' project is inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the second week of September 2020? Ans - Durgapur-Banka

Q. Under the Indian Information Technology Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020, which city of Bihar has the IIT got the status of an institution of 'National Importance'? Ans - Bhagalpur

Q. What is the rank of Bihar among the states with the lowest number of accidents due to drunken driving in 2019? Ans - First

Q. Recently, the Kanwar lake of Begusarai in Bihar, which has been named as Ramsar site, is the Gokhur lake of which river? Ans - Gandak

Q. Wavell Ramkalwan, who hails from Bihar, has become the new President of which country? Ans - Seychelles

Q. According to, data released by the centre for monitoring indian economy (CMIE) What was the unemployment rate in bihar in September 2020? Ans - 11.9%

Q. Who is the author of the book 'Bandage Human Rights and Development' based on the status of migrant laborers? Ans - Dr. Lakshmidhar Mishra

Q. Recently Union VisionMinister Rambilash Paswan passedUnique away, which ministry was Studyhe related to? Ans - Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution

Q. Who was appointed the president of Bihar Olympic Association? Ans - Abdul Bari Siddiqui

Q. Recently Rambalak Mahato passed away, he was the Advocate General of which state for 6 times? Ans - Bihar

Email: [email protected] 79/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The biography of which person from Bihar is included in the Golden Book of the Earth, a collection of inspiring biographies? Ans - Sanjay Kumar

Q. In which train to open from Bihar, 'Meri Saheli' program was started? Ans - Vikramshila Express

Q. Who was selected as the state icon for Bihar Assembly Elections 2020? Ans - Pankaj Tripathi

Q. The minister of which department in Bihar government, Vinod Singh passed away? Ans - Backward And Extremely Backward Class Walefare

Q. Which doctor of Bihar was appointed the national president of the Indian Medical Association? Ans - Dr. Sahajanand Prasad Singh

Q. Which minister associated with Panchayati Raj department in Bihar government died recently? Ans - Kapil Dev Kamat

Q. NMCG launched 'Dolphin Jalaj Safari' in which three states of India? Ans - Bihar, UP, West Bengal

Q. Which railway zone launched 'Meri Saheli Initiative' for the safety of women passengers? Ans - East Central Railway

Q. Dr. Gautam KumarVision of Bihar was awarded forUnique excellence in which field at the 6thStudy Annual Millennium Impact Award -2020 ceremony? Ans - Best Teacher

Q. Which person related to tattoo painting died recently? Ans - Uttam Prasad Paswan

Q. As per indian tourism statistics 2020, What is the rank of bihar in terms of foreign tourist visitors in 2019? Ans - 9th

Email: [email protected] 80/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The forest department of which state has started 'agriculture forestry scheme'? Ans - Bihar

Q. How many new people has been added to the voter list in 2020 bihar legislative assembly election ? Ans - 66.84 Lakh

Q. What is the Current limit of maximum spending by a candidate while contesting assembly elections in bihar (2020)? Ans - 30.8 Lakh

Q. Which state has launched the dharani portal for storing digitised land records and registration of properties? Ans - Telangana

Q. According to the Public Affairs Index -2020, which state is the most governed state in the country? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which mobile app was launched by Delhi government to complain about pollution-causing activities? Ans - Green Delhi

Q. A team of researchers from india and canada have found the evidence of dairy production in which civilization? Ans - Indus Valley Civilization

Q. Who inaugurated the famous Sardar Patel Zoological Park in Narmada district in Gujarat? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Which bank hasVision recently partnered with the non-profitUnique education platform edX? Study Ans - SBI

Q. Recently India's largest double decker flyover is being built in which city of Bihar? Ans - Chapra

Q. Which country has been hit by 'Hurricane Goni' recently? Ans - Philippines

Email: [email protected] 81/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state has waived motor tax 100%? Ans - Punjab

Q. Which state's agriculture minister R.K. Has Dorikkanu died? Ans - तिमलनाडु

Q. Where has 'Fit India' a 200-km talk recently started? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Recently became the first state to include transgender in public service commission examinations? Ans - Assam

Q. Recently, former Prime Minister of which country Mesut Yilmaz has passed away? Ans - Turkey

Q. Who has recently become the world's largest manufacturer of plastic waste? Ans - America

Q. Who has recently acquired ready-made food service freshly? Ans - Nestle

Q. Who has won the 'Emilia Romangana Gra Prix' recently? Ans - Louis Hamilton

Q. Where has a special campaign for the discovery of TB patients started recently? Ans - Uttar PradeshVision Unique Study

Q. Recently the Prime Minister of which country has announced a Lokdown till 2 December? Ans - United Kingdom

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state has started the scheme for distribution of 'fortified rice'? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. Recently SAI has tied up with which state for development of sports infrastructure? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh Email: [email protected] 82/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently who became the title sponsor of BCCI Women's T20 Challenge 2020? Ans - JIO

Q. Where has the world's largest census practice started recently? Ans - China

Q. Recently which state government has banned the sale of firecrackers and fireworks? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Where was India's first e-resource center 'Nyaya Kaushal' inaugurated recently? Ans - Nagpur

Q. Pandemonium: The great Indian banking tragedy written by whom? Ans - Tamal Bandyopadhyay

Q. Priya Radhakrishnan of Indian origin has been made a minister in which country? Ans - New Zealand

Q. Who has become the first state in the country to enact a law to make masks mandatory in the state? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Under Mission Sagar-2, INS Airavat Indian Navy ship reached which country with 100 tons of food items? Ans - Sudan

Q. Which leading player of Australia has recently announced retirement from all formats of cricket? Ans - Shane WatsonVision Unique Study

Q. 28th Ezhuthachan Award, which is the highest literary honor of which state, given to Paul Zacharias? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which state government has decided to give 100% tax exemption on all battery operated vehicles till 31 December 2022? Ans - Tamilnadu

Email: [email protected] 83/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state's education department has recently announced the introduction of another version of Smile? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Where has the foundation stone of Indo-Israel Center of Excellence recently been laid? Ans - Guwahati

Q. Which state government has recently decided to test corona for 600 rupees? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which state's former Chief Minister Satish Prasad has died recently? Ans - Bihar

Q. Who has recently acquired mobile gaming smartup Mech Mocha? Ans - Flipkart

Q. Which country's cricketer M. Samuels has recently announced his retirement from all cricket formants? Ans - West Indies

Q. Where has the Jwala Gutta Academy of Excellence recently established ? Ans - Hyderabad

Q. हाल ही म िकस राय सरकार ने 'टेट बोड  फॉर वाइडलाइफ' का पुनगठन िकया गया है  Ans - ओिडसा

Q. Who has recently launched the initiative 'Plastic Lao Mask Le Jao'? Ans - Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently which state has declared Panna Tiger Reserve as Unosco Biosphere Reserve? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Where has India successfully trained an improved version of the Pinaka rocket system recently? Ans - Odisha

Q. Recently naval exercise CARAT has started between India and which country? Ans - Bangladesh Email: [email protected] 84/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently Union Tourism Minister Prahlada Singh Patel has started a Tourism Facilitation Center in which state? Ans - Kerala

Q. Recently in which state ADB has approved a loan of 132.8 USD to improve power distribution system? Ans - Meghalaya

Q. Recently Axis Bank announced the acquisition of how many per cent stake in Max Life? Ans - 19%

Q. Recently Alssen Order Ottara became the President of which country for the third time ? Ans - Ivory Coast

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state has inaugurated three mobile Amma canteen? Ans - Tamil Nadu

Q. Which state government has recently launched the tollfree tally education helpline number? Ans - Assam

Q. Recently 'Faraz Khan' has passed away, who were they? Ans - Photographer

Q. Recently World Tsunami Awareness Day has been observed ? Ans - 05 November

Q. Recently who became the first tennis player to score 1000 match wins in Open Ira? Ans - Rafael NadalVision Unique Study

Q. Recently the first state to start a free internet project for poor families and public offices? Ans - Kerala

Q. Recently which state education department has announced to celebrate children's week in schools of the state from 08 to 14 November? Ans - Maharashtra

Email: [email protected] 85/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which Gulf country will hold elections for the first time in October 2022? Ans - Qatar

Q. Which airbase of India has reached the second consignment of three Rafale fighter jets recently? Ans - Jamnagar

Q. Who has been appointed as MD & CEO of ONGC Videsh Limited recently? Ans - AK Gupta

Q. Who has been officially out of the Paris Climate Agreement recently? Ans - America

Q. Recently which ministry is organizing the Virtual Global Investor Round Table Conference? Ans - Ministry of Finance

Q. Recently 'HG Somasekhar Rao' has passed away, who was he? Ans - Author

Q. Recently Ramesh Laxminarayan has been appointed as the Chief Information Officer of which bank? Ans - HDFC Bank

Q. Recently in which state assembly the bill to give 75% reservation to local people in private jobs has passed? Ans - Haryana

Q. Recently WhatsApp has partnered with how many banks for UPI payment? Ans - 05 banks Vision Unique Study

Q. Where has the joint coastal security exercise 'Sagar Kavach' started recently? Ans - Odisha

Q. Who has attracted the most investment in the first half of FY 2021 recently? Ans - Tamil Nadu

Q. Recently Foreign Secretary Harshvardhan Shringla has gone on a two-day visit to which country? Ans - Maldives Email: [email protected] 86/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently ISRO has launched PSLV C49 Satellite with how many satellites? Ans - with 10

Q. Who has recently become the new president of Hockey India? Ans - Gyanendro Nigobam

Q. Which bank has recently launched a new employee-centric initiative called Employee Assistance Program? Ans - BOB Bank

Q. Which University has recently developed the 'UV-360 Sanitizer Module Robot'? Ans - Kolhapur University

Q. When has National Cancer Awareness Day recently been celebrated? Ans - 07 November

Q. World Radiography Day is observed on which of the following days? Ans - 8 November

Q. India's Comics Hero Chacha Chaudhary has been chosen as the brand ambassador of which project? Ans - Namami Gange Project

Q. Who among the following has been elected as the new President of Hockey India? Ans - Gyanendro Ningombam

Q. Which of the following state government has topped the 'Best State' category under the National Water Awards 2019? Vision Unique Study Ans - Tamil Nadu

Q. Who among the following was sworn in as the Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) recently? Ans - Yashvardhan Kumar Sinha

Q. National Cancer Awareness Day is observed on which of the following days? Ans - 7 November

Email: [email protected] 87/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently, where has the Ministry of Defense successfully trained the QRSAM missile? Ans - Odisha

Q. Who has recently set a Guinness World Record for the biggest performance of Dio? Ans - Ayodhya

Q. Which state government has recently launched 'Mukhiya Rural Road Scheme'? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Who has recently been recognized as the world's youngest writer? Ans - Abhijita Gupta

Q. Who has recently represented India in the 15th East Asia Summit? Ans - S. Jaishankar

Q. Who has recently appointed Panasonic as their CEO? Ans - Yuki Kusumi

Q. When has IRCTC recently announced the launch of 'Bharatiya Darshan Yatra'? Ans - December 2020

Q. Recently which country has been chosen by WHO to be the Global Center for Traditional Medicine? Ans - India

Q. Recently 'Ravi Belgere' has passed away, who was he? Ans - Journalist Vision Unique Study

Q. When is World Diabetes Day celebrated recently? Ans - 14 November

Q. Recently the explorers of which country have discovered the 500 Meter long coral reef in the 'Great Barrier Reef'? Ans - Australia

Q. Recently which country's cricket board has appointed a female director for the first time? Ans - Pakistan Email: [email protected] 88/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which team has won the IPL () 2020 title? Ans - Mumbai Indians

Q. According to a report released by Aaron India, who is the largest donor in the country, who has donated 7904 crores in the financial year 2019-20? Ans - Azim Premji

Q. On which day is National Education Day celebrated? Ans - 11 November

Q. Punjab and which state government have withdrawn the 'general consent' given to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to investigate cases in the state? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. The Ministry of Finance has instructed to link all bank accounts to Aadhaar by which date? Ans - 31 March 2021

Q. Where was the country's longest motorable single lane bridge inaugurated recently? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Recently Collins Dictionary has announced his Word of the Year 2020? Ans - Lockdown

Q. Which famous writer of India was recently awarded the Tata Literature Lifetime Achievement Award is? Ans - Ruskin BondVision Unique Study Q. Which country has recently sent the world's first 6G experimental satellite into space? Ans - China

Q. Which state government has decided to extend the 'Red Light On, Gaadi Off' campaign till November 30 to reduce vehicular pollution? Ans - Delhi

Q. Recently the Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa of which country has passed away at the age of 84? Ans - Qatar Email: [email protected] 89/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. On what day was World Pneumonia Day celebrated? Ans - 12 November

Q. Which person of Indian origin has been named the new Chief of Staff of America? Ans - Kash Patel

Q. Armenia, Azerbaijan and which country have signed a peace agreement to end the ongoing military conflict in the disputed region Nagorno-Karabakh? Ans - Russia

Q. Which state has recently launched the Chief Minister Award Scheme for Good Governance? Ans - Manipur

Q. How much has Moody's revised India's GDP growth estimates for the year 2021? Ans - 8.6 percent

Q. How many times has Mumbai Indians' won the IPL Trophy so far? Ans - 5

Q. Which international organization has started a food alliance? Ans - FAO

Q. Which state has passed a resolution on 'Sarna Samhita'? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Which country'sVision university jointly started a waterUnique center with IIT Guwahati? Study Ans - Australia

Q. Which country has adopted a new law to provide assistance to retired military personnel? Ans - China

Q. Which state recently passed the Right to Recall Bill? Ans - Haryana

Email: [email protected] 90/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where will the International Bird Festival be held in 2021? Ans - Gorakhpur

Q. How much has the Center decided to provide for the 'COVID Security Mission'? Ans - 900 crore

Q. In which state will the world's largest toy museum be built recently? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Which of the following Indians has been elected on the board of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York? Ans - Nita Ambani

Q. Which Justice was recently sworn in as the Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court? Ans - Justice Muhammad Rafiq

Q. On what day was World Diabetes Day celebrated? Ans - 14 November

Q. The Supreme Court gave a clean chit to the Central Government in which fighter plane deal case, saying that reconsideration petitions are not eligible to be heard? Ans - Rafael Fighter Aircraft

Q. Which state government has recently approved the Rs 1,548 crore fiber optic network project? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which country'sVision President has been made theUnique Chief Guest of Republic Day 2020?Study Ans - Brazil

Q. Which state's famous mathematician Vasistha Narayan Singh died recently? Ans - Bihar

Q. Which first female officer will be deployed abroad by the Navy as 'Naval Attche'? Ans - Karbi Gogoi

Email: [email protected] 91/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state's Kadapa district has recently topped the water conservation? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Recently the Legislative Assembly of which state passed a separate identification code for the tribals? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Where was India's first solar based water supply project launched recently? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Recently the former Chief Minister of which state Sanchaman Limbo has passed away? Ans - Sikkim

Q. Which payment bank has recently partnered with Bharti AXA? Ans - Airtel Payment Bank

Q. In which state has the 'Parivartanam' scheme been launched recently to improve the lives of fishermen? Ans - Kerala

Q. Recently Prime Minister Modi has announced the renaming of which ministry? Ans - Ministry of Shipping

Q. Recently which country's cricketer Elton Chigumbura has announced his retirement? Ans - Zimbabwe

Q. Recently which state has been declared the best state under 'National Water Award 2019'? Ans - Tamil Nadu Vision Unique Study

Q. Who has recently won the title of Paris Master 2020? Ans - Daniel Medvedev

Q. Recently 'Sudarshan Ratna' has passed away, who were they? Ans - Filmmaker

Q. When has National Legal Services Day been celebrated recently? Ans - 09 November Email: [email protected] 92/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently, Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton won the title of world championship by winning the Turkish Grand Prix title how many times? Ans - Seventh

Q. Saumitra Chatterjee died recently in which field was he related? Ans - Actor

Q. When is National Press Day celebrated? Ans - 16 November

Q. Which organization has recently announced the establishment of a global traditional medicine center in India? Ans - WHO

Q. Which state / Union Territory has started the Kalaignar Karunanidhi breakfast scheme recently? Ans - Puducherry

Q. Which country recently received 50 metric tons of food aid from India? Ans - Djibouti

Q. Which ministry has recently announced a new incentive scheme? Ans - Ministry of Sports

Q. Where was the second world health expo held? Ans - China

Q. Recently in whichVision state did Narendra Modi unveilUnique the Statue of Peace? Study Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Where was the library launched for the world's first children? Ans - Kolkata

Q. Who was the author of Indika? Ans - Megasthenes

Email: [email protected] 93/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Megasthenes divided Indian society into how many categories? Ans - seven

Q. Megasthenes arrived in Pataliputra? Ans - 315 BC

Q. Chandragupta was the ruler who sent Megasthenes to the court of Maurya? Ans - Seleucus

Q. Mauryan Pataliputra is the main source of information regarding city administration? Ans - Indica

Q. Who among the following studied at Nalanda University? Ans - Hiuen Tsang

Q. Nalanda University is the era of founding ? Ans - Gupta

Q. What was Nalanda University famous for? Ans - Buddhism

Q. Were the reasons for the destruction of Nalanda University? Ans - Muslim

Q. Did the demolition of 'Nalanda-Vihar'? Ans - Bakhtiar KhiljiVision Unique Study

Q. Which actor has recently been appointed as the state icon of Punjab by the Election Commission? Ans - Sonu Sood

Q. Which Chief Minister has sworn in as the Chief Minister of the state of Bihar for a record seventh time? Ans - Nitish Kumar

Q. Which player has recently won the title of Masters Golf Tournament 2020? Ans - Dustin Johnson Email: [email protected] 94/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. International Student Day is celebrated on which day? Ans - 17 November

Q. Which state government has directed the dismissal of all employees holding fake caste certificates? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. Sanchaman Limbu 'who died recently was related to which field? Ans - Politics

Q. Which state has recently attained the top position in providing tap connections to rural families? Ans - Telangana

Q. Lonar lake of which state was chosen as Ramsar site? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Who has recently written the book How to be a writer? Ans - Ruskin Bond

Q. Who represented India in the 8th BRICS STI Ministerial meeting recently? Ans - Dr. Harshvardhan Singh

Q. Name the founder of Vikramashila Education Center? Ans - Dharmapala

Q. Kanishka attacked Pataliputra to take which scholar with him to Purushpur ? Ans - AshwaghoshVision Unique Study

Q. Which of the following states has hosted the Indian Regional Conference of the 6th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) ? Ans - Bihar

Q. Where was the war fought between Sher Shah and Humayun on 26 June 1539 ? Ans - Chausa

Email: [email protected] 95/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Bihar was formed as a province of the Mughal Empire ? Ans - 1580 AD

Q. Salt Satyagraha started in Bihar ? Ans - 15 April, 1930

Q. State Legislature elections held in February 2005 ? Ans - None of these

Q. Currently how many members are there in Bihar Legislative Assembly ? Ans - 243

Q. How many members are elected to the Lok Sabha from Bihar? Ans - 40

Q. Who can dissolve the Vidhan Sabha? Ans - Governor

Q. When was Patna High Court established ? Ans - 1916

Q. Who is the head of the District Planning and Development Council ? Ans - District Development Officer

Q. The decision is taken by the Panchayat to hold elections ? Ans - State GovernmentVision Unique Study

Q. Where did Lord Sinha resign from the post of Governor in 1921? Ans - Bihar-Odisha

Q. How many seats does Rajya Sabha have in Bihar ? Ans - 16

Q. How many districts are there in the state of Bihar ? Ans - 38 Email: [email protected] 96/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. What should be the minimum quota of quorum in the village court in the appeal hearing ? Ans - seven

Q. Which country's border connects the state of Bihar ? Ans - Nepal

Q. Which of the following river meets the Ganges near Fatuha ? Ans - Punpun

Q. Which of the following is called 'Mourning of Bihar' ? Ans - Kosi

Q. Which state government has recently announced the establishment of a startup hub? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which former US president recently released the book A Promised Land? Ans - Barack Obama

Q. Which state government has decided to set up a cow cabinet to conserve cows? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. FIFA has postponed the Under-17 Women's World Cup to be held in which country due to Covid-19? Ans - India

Q. The Central Government has recently extended the tenure of the Director of Enforcement Directorate (ED) by one year. What is his name?Vision Unique Study Ans - Sanjay Kumar Mishra

Q. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has recently imposed a fine of Rs one crore on which bank? Ans - Punjab National Bank

Q. Chandravati, the former Deputy Governor of Puducherry and the first woman MP of which state, has passed away at the age of 93? Ans - Haryana

Email: [email protected] 97/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. How many million US Dollars have been contributed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Covid-19 ASEAN Response Fund? Ans - One million US dollars

Q. Who has been appointed the first chairperson of the Reserve Bank's Innovation Center? Ans - Chris Gopalakrishnan

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has recently launched the rural road vendor scheme? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Which state has recently recorded the best sex ratio in the country? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Who was recently honored with the Prof. AN Bhaduri Memorial Lecture Award 2020? Ans - Dr. Susanta Kar

Q. Which state has recently started online registration of non-agricultural properties? Ans - Telangana

Q. Which state has formed an anti-electrocution cell to save wild elephants? Ans - West Bengal

Q. After how many years the England cricket team is going to visit Pakistan for the first time in 2021? Ans - 16 years

Q. In which state willVision Asia's first solar-powered textileUnique mill be set up? Study Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Which country has been given the hosting rights for the FIFA Under-17 Women's World Cup 2022? Ans - India

Q. Which two countries signed a historic defense deal on 17 November to curb China's growing influence in the South China Sea? Ans - Japan, Australia

Email: [email protected] 98/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently the former Governor of which state Mridula Sinha died on November 18? Ans - Goa

Q. Which film actress was recently honored with the Bharat Ratna Dr. Ambedkar Award 2020? Ans - Richa Chaddha

Q. Recently, who has made BCCI the official kit sponsor? Ans - MPL

Q. Recently with which country has India established a separate air bubble arrangement? Ans - Ethiopia

Q. Which country has recently installed the world's only white giraffe GPS device? Ans - Kenya

Q. Recently which state government has decided to give a monthly stipend to ST students preparing for UPSC? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. When was Bengal and Bihar separated? Ans - 1912

Q. Who was the proponent of the chokidar captive movement? Ans - Anurag Singh

Q. Who founded the Patna Youth Association? Ans - Manindra NarayanVision Rai Unique Study

Q. Magic lantern in Bihar is related to which movement? Ans - Civil Disobedience Movement

Q. Who was the first chairman of the Congress Committee in Bihar? Ans - Nawab Sarfaraz Hussain Khan

Q. The king of which state did not allow Kunwar Singh to enter his kingdom? Ans - Ruler of Azamgarh Email: [email protected] 99/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which movement has an important place in the freedom struggle of Bihar? Ans - Wahhabi movement

Q. Which part of Bihar was unaffected by the Revolt of 1857? Ans - Munger

Q. Where did Babu Kunwar Singh set up a factory to manufacture guns and ammunition? Ans - Jagdishpur

Q. In which war did Kunwar Singh help Nana Saheb? Ans - Battle of Kanpur

Q. Who has recently written a new book called "The Last Queen"? Ans - Chitra Banerjee

Q. Who was sworn in as the pro-tem speaker of the newly elected 17th Bihar Legislative Assembly? Ans - Jitan Ram Manjhi

Q. When was World Toilet Day celebrated? Ans - 19 November

Q. Which of the following vaccine manufacturers claimed that its Covid-19 vaccine is 95 percent effective? Ans - Pfizer

Q. Which country has temporarily suspended visitors from 12 countries, including Pakistan, from issuing visit visas? Ans - United Arab VisionEmirates Unique Study

Q. India has received its ninth Boeing P-8I surveillance aircraft from which aerospace company? Ans - Boeing

Q. Who inaugurated the Bengaluru Tech Summit 2020 recently? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Which country's court sentenced JUD Chief Hafiz Saeed to 10 years? Ans - Pakistan Email: [email protected] 100/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The Supreme Court of India has recently made the consent of the concerned state mandatory for the central government in which case? Ans - CBI Jurisdiction

Q. Which state recently celebrated Children's Rights Week? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Which country has recently announced a ban on the sale of petrol diesel cars? Ans - Britain

Q. Which city has been declared as the 31st district by the Karnataka cabinet? Ans - Vijayanagar

Q. Which politician recently released a book called "Swaraj of Democracy"? Ans - Rajnath Singh

Q. Who has started the "Nurtured Family Nutrition Territory" campaign? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. On the recommendation of the Government of Karnataka, what has the Central Government renamed hubli railway station? Ans - Siddharuddha Swamiji

Q. Who recently won the Booker Prize in 2020 for Fixon? Ans - Douglas StuartVision Unique Study Q. FIFA has canceled the Under-17 Women's World Cup to be held in which year? Ans - 2021

Q. What is India's rank in "Global Bribery Risk Index 2020"? Ans - 77th

Q. Private rocket Space-X recently sent four space passengers with which rocket to the International Space Station? Ans - Falcon

Email: [email protected] 101/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which President of the "Tibetan Government" has been invited by the US White House for the first time? Ans - Dr. Lobsang Sangay

Q. Which state was awarded the Best State 2020 for "Fisheries"? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Recently in which district "India's first mass garden" was developed? Ans -

Q. Which state started the medical mobile unit "Jeevan Dhara"? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. Recently the Central Government has launched the Five Year Plan to save which bird? Ans - Vulture

Q. Which state recently launched Indira Gandhi Maternity Nutrition Scheme? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Recently, which suburb has been launched by NASA for global sea level monitoring? Ans - Sentinel 6

Q. Which state government introduced the "Maha Awas Yojana" recently? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Who was recently awarded the "Vatayan Life Time Achievement Award"? Ans - Ramesh PokhriyalVision Unique Study

Q. Which of the following operations was started in Bihar to eliminate mafia gangs ? Ans - Operation Cobra

Q. Operation Ujala was started in which district? Ans - Muzaffarpur

Q. In which district was Operation Black Panther launched to end crime in Bihar? Ans - West Champaran Email: [email protected] 102/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Why was Operation Chanakya started in Bihar ? Ans - To end adulteration of daily essential goods in the market

Q. What was the objective of the Bihar operations task force? Ans - Ending Naxalite activities

Q. October 1989 Who chaired the inquiry panel to investigate Bhagalpur communal conflicts ? Ans - Justice NN Singh

Q. When did the Jehanabad jail massacre happen in Bihar? Ans - November 2005

Q. Which organization of Bihar is leftist ? Ans - Maoist Communist Club

Q. What private armies did the zamindars form in Bihar ? Ans - All of the above

Q. Which of the following districts are considered the main centers of extremism ? Ans - Jehanabad and Bhojpur

Q. What is the main reason behind the increasing extremist activities in Bihar ? Ans - All of the above

Q. Which religion has the lowest literacy rate in Bihar ? Ans - Muslim Vision Unique Study

Q. Which religion has the highest literacy in Bihar ? Ans - Jain

Q. Which religion has the lowest sex ratio in Bihar ? Ans - Buddhist

Q. Which religion has the highest sex ratio in Bihar ? Ans - Christian Email: [email protected] 103/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who established the Internal Waterways Development Authority in Bihar ? Ans - Government of Bihar

Q. Which of these national waterways is not used by steamers in Bihar ? Ans - Patna to Meenapur

Q. Which national waterway passes through Bihar ? Ans - NW-1

Q. Which place in Bihar has a flying and gliding club ? Ans - Patna

Q. Where is Abdul Bari bridge in Bihar ? Ans - Sonpur

Q. Which train does not run in Bihar ? Ans - Kalinga Express

Q. Chandragupta was the guru of Maurya ? Ans - Chanakya

Q. Which of these were associated with the peasant movement in Bihar ? Ans - Rajendra Prasad

Q. First meeting of Congress Socialist Party held ? Ans - in Patna Vision Unique Study

Q. What was Sri Narasingh Narayan ? Ans - Socialist

Q. Ramchandra Sharma was from which village ? Ans - Amraha

Q. Is a subdivision of Bihar ? Ans - 101 Email: [email protected] 104/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Number of Universities in Bihar ? Ans - 21

Q. Which is the most populous district in Bihar? Ans - Patna

Q. Which is the rainiest district in Bihar? Ans - Kishanganj

Q. Which is the least rainy district in Bihar? Ans - Aurangabad

Q. Which is the coldest district in Bihar? Ans - Gaya

Q. What does the word Bihar originally mean? Ans - Buddhist monastery

Q. Where did the 1922 session of the Indian National Congress take place in Bihar? Ans - Gaya

Q. Kisan Sabha was established in Bihar by whom? Ans - Sahajanand Saraswati

Q. Was Bihar leader of the 1857 revolution? Ans - Kunwar SinghVision Unique Study

Q. Was Patna the provincial capital? Ans - Sher Shah

Q. Who was the most popular sultan in Bihar? Ans - Sher Shah Suri

Q. Which Mughal ruler first mixed Bihar with his kingdom? Ans - Akbar Email: [email protected] 105/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Was the founder of Pataliputra? Ans - Udayan

Q. What was the working area of Birsa Munda? Ans - Ranchi

Q. Where is the entire state of Bihar located? Ans - In the plain area

Q. Which country has been chaired by the meeting of G-20 countries to be held in 2023? Ans - India

Q. Which of the following Indian-origin women has been appointed by US elected President Joe Biden for his wife Jill Biden? Ans - Mala Adiga

Q. What is the age of the International Cricket Council (ICC) to debut in international cricket? Ans - 15 years

Q. World Fisheries Day was observed on which of the following days? Ans - 21 November

Q. Who has recently written a book titled Reporting India: My Seventy Year Journey as a Journalist? Ans - Prem Prakash

Q. Who has recentlyVision launched a new feature called Unique Fleetus? Study Ans - Twitter

Q. Which High Court of India has recently considered marriage between cousins ​​and sisters illegal? Ans - Punjab and Haryana High Court

Q. Which bank has recently started CASA campaign? Ans - Karnataka Bank

Email: [email protected] 106/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state has passed an ordinance to ban online gaming related to betting? Ans - Tamilnadu

Q. The first Valley Adventure Festival was inaugurated in district of which state? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Tarun Gogoi was the former Chief Minister of which state died recently? Ans - Bihar

Q. Which country has formally removed itself from the 'Free Sky Surveillance Treaty'? Ans - America

Q. Which of the following bank has become the first bank in the world whose number of followers on the official Twitter handle has crossed 1 million? Ans - Reserve Bank of India

Q. Which country is planning to send an unmanned spacecraft to the moon by the end of November 2020 to bring samples of lunar rocks from 'Moon'? Ans - China

Q. Who has been appointed by the US elected President Joe Biden for the responsibility of climate change? Ans - John carrie

Q. In which state the India International Cherry Blossom Festival held annually is canceled due to the Covid-19 epidemic? Ans - Meghalaya Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently who has become the first state to impose "cow tax"? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Who recently won the "Children Climate Award 2020"? Ans - Vinisha Umashankar

Q. Which country has launched the world's first hydrogen-powered double-decker bus recently? Ans - Scotland Email: [email protected] 107/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently 1300 years old Lord Vishnu temple was discovered in which district of Pakistan? Ans - Swat

Q. Recently the inauguration of the first cow hospital in the northeast was called? Ans - Assam

Q. Which country chaired the 15th G-20 recently? Ans - Saudi Arab

Q. Banana production is famous in Bihar? Ans - Hajipur

Q. Is the country's leading state for the cultivation of Makhan? Ans - Bihar

Q. In which district of Bihar is Kakolat Jalapratap located? Ans - Nawada

Q. Which of the following cities is located in the easternmost part of Bihar? Ans - Katihar

Q. Which of the following lakes is located in Bihar? Ans - Anupam Lake

Q. Was the first English traveler to come to Bihar? Ans - Ralph Fitch Vision Unique Study

Q. Was the last Mauryan emperor? Ans - Vrhadrath

Q. What was the name of Ajatashatru's clan? Ans - Haryanka

Q. Ajatashatru could not defeat which state? Ans - Avanti Email: [email protected] 108/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which of the following rivers has the most riverine changes? Ans - Kosi River

Q. Which of the following districts of Bihar were given to West Bengal? Ans - Purnia and Manbhum

Q. Which of the following film has been selected as India's official entry for the Oscars in the foreign-language film category? Ans - Jallikattu

Q. Which Singapore-based private bank has been merged with Lakshmi Vilas Bank? Ans - DBS Bank India Ltd

Q. New elected Bihar Assembly Speaker is? Ans - Vijay Kumar Sinha

Q. Which state has passed an Ordinance against forced religious conversions? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which nation’s Prime Minister has been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2021? Ans - Israel

Q. Which court ruled that the centre and states cannot be allowed to have an indefinite right over the acquired properties of citizens? Ans - Supreme CourtVision Unique Study Q. Recently, who has been appointed as the new independent Chairman of the International Cricket Council? Ans - Greg Barclay

Q. Indian Constitution Day observed on? Ans - November 26th

Q. Football legend Diego Maradona passed away on November 25, 2020. He played for which nation’s national football team? Ans - Argentina Email: [email protected] 109/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country’s constitution is the world’s longest written constitution? Ans - India

Q. The Preamble of which nation’s Constitution begins with “We the people” besides India? Ans - US

Q. Indian-Origin Parliamentarian of which nation created history by taking oath in on foreign land. Ans - New Zealand

Q. In which state on November 22, 2020 ‘Har Ghar Nal Yojana’ scheme is launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. International Day for Elimination of violence against women observed on which of the following day? Ans - November 25th

Q. The first TX2 International Award for doubling its population is received by which of the following Tiger Reserve? Ans - Pilibhit Tiger Reserve

Q. Which country will host the 19th meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of SCO member states? Ans - India

Q. India has extended the ban on scheduled International commercial passenger flights till when? Ans - December 31st

Q. Who was knownVision as the father of the Indian ITUnique Industry? Study Ans - FC Kohli

Q. Faqir Chand Kohli passed away due to a heart attack on November 26, 2020. He had led the inception of which global IT company? Ans - TCS

Q. Which nation got 1st rank in FIFA’s final rankings list for 2020? Ans - Belgium

Email: [email protected] 110/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which among the following nations failed to make it into the top 10 of FIFA rankings for 2020? Ans - Germany

Q. India’s External Affairs Minister Dr. S Jaishankar is currently on a three-nation trip. Which among the following nations is not a part of his visit? Ans - Saudi Arabia

Q. Who inaugurated the Garima Greh and National portal for Transgender? Ans - Thaawarchand Gehlot

Q. The National High Speed Rail Corporation has signed the nation’s largest contract for the Bullet Train project with which company? Ans - L&T

Q. Was Emperor Ashoka's father? Ans - Bindusara

Q. What is the language used in Ashoka's inscriptions? Ans - Pali

Q. The source in which a description of the administration of Pataliputra is, available is ? Ans - Indica

Q. When did Baldev Sahai resign from the post of Advocate General ? Ans - 1942 Vision Unique Study Q. When was the attempt to assassinate King Ford in Muzaffarpur ? Ans - 1908

Q. Who is considered to be the last painter of Patna Kalam or Patna style ? Ans - Ishwari Prasad

Q. Gopal Singh Nepali did not edit which of the following magazines ? Ans - Hans

Email: [email protected] 111/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Mahakavi Vidyapati was the poet of which era ? Ans - Medieval

Q. With which of his creations Dinkar became famous as a national poet ? Ans - Renuka

Q. Where did Dr. Rajendra Prasad live ? Ans - Bihar

Q. Rajkumar Shukla was a resident of which village ? Ans - Murali Bharhwa

Q. With whom was Sachidanand Sinha associated ? Ans - None of these

Q. Padma Shri Sita Devi was the famous figure of ? Ans - Madhubani painting

Q. In which of the following cities is the Sun Temple located ? Ans - Dev

Q. Who was the national leader of the Champaran Nile movement ? Ans - Mahatma Gandhi

Q. Prabhavati Devi was a freedom fighter from which region ? Ans - Champaran Vision Unique Study

Q. During the reign of which medieval ruler, Bihar had political influence throughout North India ? Ans - Sher Shah Suri

Q. After the fall of the Mughals, whom did Bihar become under ? Ans - Became subordinate to the Nawabs of Bengal

Q. During the reign of which Muslim ruler, the lost prestige of Bihar was partially restored ? Ans - In the reign of Sher Shah Suri Email: [email protected] 112/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The world's first republic was founded by whom in Vaishali ? Ans - Licchavi

Q. Which country will be getting Oxford COVID-19 vaccine shots in the beginning of 2021 by January or February? Ans - India

Q. Who becomes first Central Bank to gains 1 million followers on Twitter? Ans - Reserve Bank of India

Q. The Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has imposed a ban on 43 more mobile apps for Indian users under which section of the Information Technology Act? Ans - Section 69A

Q. The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has relaxed the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) account norms for the NGOs. As per the norms, the NGOs have been directed to maintain their FCRA account with which of the following bank? Ans - State Bank of India

Q. Which of the following Indian web series has bagged the best drama series awards at 48th International Emmy Awards 2020? Ans - Delhi Crime

Q. Which state of India has decided to postpone the ordinance related to abusive material? Ans - Kerala

Q. In which countryVision will the Tokyo Olympics 2020Unique be held? Study Ans - Japan

Q. When is Constitution Day celebrated? Ans - 26 November

Q. Which country's Prime Minister has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 2021? Ans - Israel

Email: [email protected] 113/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has been appointed as the new President of the International Cricket Council? Ans - Greg Barclay

Q. For what period of time will the new guidelines of Ministry of Home Affairs, India, for prevention of Covid-19, be applicable? Ans - 01 December 2020 - 31 December 2020

Q. Which state government has imposed ESMA ban on strike for next six months? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. On which day is World Environmental Protection Day celebrated? Ans - 26 November

Q. For how many years has India and the United States extended the MoU for cooperation on nuclear energy? Ans - 10 Years

Q. Which state government has repealed the controversial amendment to the Police Act? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which first chief executive of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has passed away at the age of 96? Ans - Fakir Chand Kohali

Q. How long has the DGCA extended the ban on international flights? Ans - 31 December

Q. In Tamil Nadu andVision Union Territory of Pondicherry, Unique which cyclone is predicted Study to be devastated? Ans - Nivar

Q. Which state/UTs government caps price of RT-PCR test at Rs 800 in private labs? Ans - Delhi

Q. Which one of the following company is not involved in developing and manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccine? Ans - Visaig Biopharmaceuticals Ltd

Email: [email protected] 114/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has restored government recognition of the Archery Association of India? Ans - Sports Ministry

Q. AAI has now been recognised as a National Sports Federation for the promotion and regulation of Archery Sport in the country. Government recognition will be valid for? Ans - 1 Year

Q. Who is the president of Archery Association of India? Ans - Arjun Munda

Q. Who has been appointed as Joe Biden White House press secretary? Ans - Jen Psaki

Q. For which of the following organization, the government has created a new lab for focused research along India's border with Pakistan, China? Ans - DRDO

Q. Who is the chief of DRDO? Ans - Dr G Satheesh Reddy

Q. To boost the development of COVID-19 vaccine in India, which mission is launched by government? Ans - Mission COVID Suraksha

Q. Which country becomes 2nd biggest source of FDI for India during H1 of 2020-2021? Ans - US Vision Unique Study Q. PM Narendra Modi attends Dev Deepawali event in which is held in which city? Ans - Varanasi

Q. For 93rd Academy Awards which of the following short film has been selected India's official entry? Ans - Shameless

Q. In the second quarter of FY 2020-21 how much percent is contracted by Indian economy? Ans - 7.5

Email: [email protected] 115/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. For small animals which state has got its first eco-bridge? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. A state who plans to bring laws for transparency in marriage is? Ans - Assam

Q. Recently, a one-time power bill settlement scheme 2020 has launched by which of the following state? Ans - Goa

Q. World AIDS Day observed on? Ans - December 1st

Q. One of the following words has been named Word of the Year 2020 by Cambridge Dictionary is? Ans - Quarantine

Q. Which nation emerged as the second-biggest source of FDI for India during April-September 2020? Ans - US

Q. Which short film has been chosen as India's official entry to the 93rd Academy Awards? Ans - Shameless

Q. Which state has built its first eco-bridge for small animals? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Which state is planning to bring a law for transparency in marriage? Ans - Assam Vision Unique Study

Q. Which state has launched the electricity bill settlement scheme 2020 in one lump sum? Ans - Goa

Q. On what day was World AIDS Day celebrated? Ans - 1 December

Email: [email protected] 116/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. DRDO recently increased the firepower of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile system from 298 km to how many km.? Ans - 450 km

Q. Who was recently elected as the President of Volleyball Federation of India? Ans - Achyut Samanta

Q. Which company recently got the contract to construct the country's largest roadway on the Brahmaputra river? Ans - L&T

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state has inaugurated Suryadhar lake? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Recently who was appointed the new general secretary of Lok Sabha? Ans - Utpal Kumar Singh

Q. Who has recently won the Bahrain Grand Prix 2020 title? Ans - Lewis Hamilton

Q. Which state government has recently announced to start a free ambulance service for road accident victims? Ans - West Bengal

Q. Recently, who has started the Sahakar Pragya initiative to help in the development of cooperative sector capacity? Ans - Narendra Singh Tomar

Q. Who has recentlyVision been awarded the Tansen AwardUnique at the World Music Festival? Study Ans - P. Satish Vyas

Q. Which state has recently passed a bill to abolish all state-run madrasas and convert them into general schools? Ans - Assam

Q. Recently which Ministry of Defense has given 'Green Channel status' to which defense company? Ans - L&T Defense

Email: [email protected] 117/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently 'Mayiladuturai' has become the 38th district of which state? Ans - Tamil Nadu

Q. Which tribal city of Maharashtra has recently earned the tag of 'Mini Mahabaleshwar'? Ans - Jauhar

Q. Who has won the Player of the Century award at the recent Globe Soccer Awards? Ans - Christian Ronaldo

Q. Who has recently been honored with the prestigious Engineer Award 2020? Ans - VK Yadav

Q. Which bank has recently launched a digital lending platform for lending to retail customers? Ans - Bank of baroda

Q. Recently, the Central Government has declared a disturbed area for the next six months? Ans - Nagaland

Q. Recently which country has indicated the inclusion of Five Eyes in the five-nation alliance? Ans - Japan

Q. Where is India's highest meteorological center inaugurated recently? Ans - Leh

Q. In which state has the river cruise 'Brahmaputra Mukuta' inaugurated recently? Ans - Assam Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently, the tenure of the President of ISRO has been extended to 1 year, what is his name? Ans - K. Sivan

Q. Recently, Cabinet has approved Multi-Model Transport Hub (MMTH) at which of the following places in Uttar Pradesh? Ans - Greater Noida

Email: [email protected] 118/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who among the following has been awarded the Dr. Narendra Dabholkar Memorial Award? Ans - K.Veeramani

Q. Which of the following is the first bank to partner with Google Pay to issue FASTags? Ans - ICICI Bank

Q. Where is India's first pollinator park opened? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Which organization has been developing 'Green Propulsion' technology recently? Ans - ISRO

Q. Recently who has been appointed by the Election Commission of India as Deputy Election Commissioner? Ans - Umesh Sinha

Q. Recently RuPAY has tied up with which bank to introduce RuPay PoS for Indian businessmen? Ans - RBL Bank

Q. Who has inaugurated the IAF e-Governance (e-office) portal recently? Ans - RKS Bhadauria

Q. Recently Union Cabinet has approved the export of which indigenously developed missile? Ans - Akash

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has recently launched the mobile app DigiNest? Ans - Punjab Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently which state government has decided to establish a memorial in honor of covid warriors? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which state has recently launched a campaign called 'Ek Zilla Ek Shilp'? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Recently who has been appointed as the new Chairman and CEO of Railway Board? Ans - Sunit Sharma Email: [email protected] 119/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. What is the name of India's first indigenously designed and developed air drooped container recently? Ans - Sahayak - NG

Q. Recently who has been appointed as the new Chairman of SAIL? Ans - Soma Mandal

Q. Recently 21 year old Reshma Maryam Rai of which state has become the youngest panchayat president? Ans - Kerala

Q. With which country has India listed the list of nuclear installations? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Who has become the richest man of Asia recently? Ans - Zhong Shanshan

Q. In which city has the Thoubal Multi Purpose Project inaugurated recently? Ans - Imphal

Q. Who has recently launched Digital Payment Index? Ans - RBI

Q. Who was the highest civilian knighthood recently given by Queen Elizabeth? Ans - Lewis Hamilton

Q. Which country has changed a word in its national anthem recently? Ans - Australia Vision Unique Study

Q. Which country has announced to ban the promotion of harmful food for health from April 2022? Ans - UK

Q. Which Indian has been named on the board of the International Vaccine and Immunity Alliance? Ans - Dr. Harsh Vardhan

Email: [email protected] 120/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The Union Cabinet has approved cooperation between India and which country in the peaceful use of external space? Ans - Bhutan

Q. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by PM Modi has approved the construction of industrial corridors in which two states? Ans - Andhra Pradesh - Karnataka

Q. Who has recently written a book called "VAHANA MASTERCLASS"? Ans - Alfredo Covelli

Q. Which state has recently launched the Kisan Crop Relief Scheme? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Recently, which country's army has awarded the Guard of Honor to the Chief of Army Staff, Manoj Mukund Naravane? Ans - South Korea

Q. Which country has recently deployed "Sea Wing Glide" in the Indian Ocean? Ans - China

Q. Recently, which country has affected the cyclone-affected countries with relief material? Ans - Fiji

Q. In which city of Assam will a multi-model logistic park be built? Ans - Silchar Vision Unique Study

Q. Which factory has built the new Visdom tourist coach of Indian Railways? Ans - Integral Coach Factory, Chennai

Q. Recently, who has released the National Police K-9 magazine? Ans - Amit Shah

Q. Recently in which state is the first ginger processing plant of North East built? Ans - Meghalaya Email: [email protected] 121/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where was the fourth "Global Ayurveda Festival" created recently? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which state government has announced to give three crore rupees to the players who won the gold medal in the Olympics? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Where has Tesla recently launched its largest supercharger facility? Ans - China

Q. Which country has recently passed the Malala Yousafzai Act for Pakistani women? Ans - America

Q. Which state government recently announced that it will establish a Tamil academy to protect the Tamil language and culture? Ans - Delhi

Q. What day is World Braille Day celebrated? Ans - 4 January

Q. Which bank has started WhatsApp banking recently? Ans - BOB

Q. Vietnam has recently started purchasing food grains, especially rice, from which country due to its attractive prices? Ans - India Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently which country has allowed people to fly small drones at night? Ans - America

Q. Who has become the new president of All India Chess Federation (AICF)? Ans - Dr. Sanjay Kapoor

Q. Which country generated more than 50% of its electricity due to the recent storm Bella? Ans - Britain Email: [email protected] 122/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who topped the recently released Bloomberg Billionaires Index 2021? Ans - Jeff bezos

Q. Which state has installed IT equipment on its water towers? Ans - Bihar

Q. Which ministries' "adopt a heritage, your heritage your identity" scheme? Ans - Ministry of Tourism - Ministry of Culture

Q. Which nation recently released a draft Arctic Policy? Ans - India

Q. Which state government has launched Kisan Kalyan Mission? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. The Indian Embassy has suspended all consular services in which nation till February 20? Ans - UK

Q. Which state government will initiate the world’s largest floating solar project by 2023? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Which nation has signed an MoC with India for a basic framework of the partnership for proper operation of the system relating to specified skilled workers? Ans - Japan

Q. Who has toppedVision the world in CCTV surveillance Unique recently? Study Ans - Chennai

Q. Which state has recently announced to celebrate Desh Nayak Diwas? Ans - West Bengal

Q. Recently Union Health Ministry has launched which app for vaccination of Corona virus vaccine? Ans - Covin

Email: [email protected] 123/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where was Ram Lingeshwar Park inaugurated recently? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which country has recently passed a bill legalizing abortion? Ans - Argentina

Q. Recently who inaugurated the National Metrological Conclave of 2021? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Which state has recently announced the grant of green tag to government offices? Ans - Kerala

Q. Who has been elected the new Deputy Chief of Army Staff recently? Ans - Shantanu Dayal

Q. Which state has recently declared bird flu a state disaster? Ans - Kerala

Q. Recently which state government has decided to give 2.5 lakh rupees to a normal person to marry a person with disability? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which country has abolished the death penalty recently? Ans - Kazakhstan

Q. Who among theVision following has been appointed Unique as the new Chief Justice of Andhra Study Pradesh High Court? Ans - Arup Kumar Goswami

Q. Which country has recently started upgrading uranium up to 20 percent in an underground unit in violation of the 2015 nuclear deal? Ans - Iran

Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the Speaker of the US Parliament House of Representatives for the second time? Ans - Nancy Pelosi Email: [email protected] 124/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The Union Cabinet has recently approved the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between India and which country regarding the participation of 'specified skilled workers'? Ans - Japan

Q. Recently where was the second edition of Khelo India Winter Games organized? Ans - Gulmarg

Q. Which state government has implemented 'Kisan Suryodaya Yojana'? Ans - Gujarat

Q. India and which country successfully tested the medium range surface-to-air missile defense system? Ans - Israel

Q. Which state has recently launched Launchpad scheme to make the youth self-reliant? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Recently who took over as the first Additional Director General (Human Rights) of the Indian Army Human Rights Cell? Ans - Major General Gautam Chauhan

Q. Which state has recently increased the allowance of medical brick from 7500 to 12000? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which country has recently launched new airlines called Fly Big? Ans - India Vision Unique Study Q. Recently PM Modi inaugurated a natural gas pipeline to which place will it connect? Ans - Kochi-Mangaluru

Q. Who has started the auspicious Tacthalon portal recently? Ans - Ramesh Nishank Pokhriyal - Smriti Irani

Q. Who became the head of the recently formed high-level group South Asia Group for Energy? Ans - Ram Vinay Shahi

Email: [email protected] 125/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 9 January

Q. The Central Government has estimated the growth rate of GDP in the year 2020-2021? Ans - 7.7 percent

Q. How many crore rupees were sanctioned by the central government for the development of Jammu and Kashmir? Ans - 28,400 crores

Q. Who has become the richest person in the list of billionaires released by Bloomberg? Ans - Elon Musk

Q. For how many years is India's tenure as a temporary member in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) proposed? Ans - Two years

Q. TRIFED has signed an agreement with the All India Vanvasi Kalyan Kendra to establish TRIFOOD Park in 5 districts of which state? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Shigella infection has been in the news recently due to what? Ans - Bacteria

Q. Where has been the inauguration of the recent Khelo India Ice Hockey Tournament? Ans - Kargil Vision Unique Study Q. Which university has recently announced the introduction of part-time jobs? Ans - Lucknow University

Q. Which state has recently launched an M-pension app? Ans - Manipur

Q. Who has recently written a book titled India's 71 Year Test: The Journey to Triumph in Australia? Ans - R Kaushik

Email: [email protected] 126/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who was recently appointed the new head of Google Cloud in "Asia Pacific"? Ans - Karan Bajwa

Q. The name of a panel which is constituted for the preservation of Ladakh’s land, culture, and language & inclusion in the 6th Schedule of the Constitution? Ans - G Kishan Reddy Panel

Q. A natural gas pipeline has been inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi for connecting Kochi in Kerala to which city of Karnataka? Ans - Mangaluru

Q. Karnataka State Brahmin Development Board recently launch the Arundhati scheme for poor brahmin in which scheme how much rupees will be given to women for marriage? Ans - ₹ 25000

Q. Karnataka State Brahmin Development Board recently launch the Maitreyi scheme for marrying poor priests in this scheme how many rupees will be given to them? Ans - ₹3 Lakh

Q. New elected President of the All India Chess Federation name is? Ans - Sanjay Kapoor

Q. Which country has recently passed the Malala Yousafzai Scholarship Act? Ans - US

Q. As per the NationalVision Statistical Office (NSO) firstUnique advance estimate of the growth Study rate of GDP for the year 2020-21 is? Ans - 7.7%

Q. According to J&K Reorganisation Act, 2019, recently an ordinance has been released to merge Jammu and Kashmir cadre IAS, IPS, and IFS officers with that of Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Mizoram, and Union Territory (AGMUT) cadre. Lieutenant Governor of J&K is? Ans - Manoj Sinha

Email: [email protected] 127/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. To promote the language and culture of the state of Tamil Nadu, recently which state or union territory has established the Tamil Academy? Ans - Delhi

Q. Recently who has been sworn in as the new Chief Justice of the Joint Court of Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh? Ans - Pankaj Mittal

Q. Vilas Patil Andalkar has passed away, he was an MLA from which constituency? Ans - Karad

Q. According to the Public Affairs Center (PAC) ranking, which state has been declared the best governed state 2020? Ans - Kerala

Q. According to which of the following article, motion to remove Kerala Vidhan Sabha speaker because of his alleged ties with gold smugglers? Ans - Article 179(C)

Q. Where will the second edition of Khelo India Winter Games be held from February 2021? Ans - Gulmarg(J & K)

Q. The newly appointed Chief Justice of Odisha High Court is? Ans - JS Muralidhar

Q. When has 'Pravasi Bharatiya Divas' been celebrated recently? Ans - 09 January Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently how many kilometers of Air India's full women pilot (Hardeep Puri) team has created history by flying continuously? Ans - 16,000 km distance

Q. Which company has recently partnered with SIDBI to fund small industries for rooftop solar systems? Ans - Tata power

Email: [email protected] 128/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently which state government has decided to offer Khadi clothes to 4th grade employees? Ans - Assam

Q. Which state government has recently declared the entire state as a 'controlled area'? Ans - Punjab

Q. Who has recently launched the digital calendar and diary of the Government of India? Ans - Prakash Javadekar

Q. Recently who became the first female match officer in men's test match? Ans - Claire Polosak

Q. Recently the Central Government has approved hydroelectric projects on which river in Ladakh? Ans - Indus River

Q. India has invited the President of which country to be the chief guest on Republic Day? Ans - Suriname

Q. Recently the country has launched the first double stack long hall container train? Ans - India

Q. Who has recently inaugurated the two-day virtual international monolithic conference Educon 2020? Ans - Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank

Q. With which country has the US lifted all restrictions on the restoration of diplomatic contact with diplomats? Ans - Taiwan Vision Unique Study

Q. World Hindi Day was celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 10 January

Q. Which four-time former Chief Minister of Gujarat and Congress leader died at the age of 94? Ans - Madhav Singh Solanki

Email: [email protected] 129/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state started the free bus service scheme for women and elderly under the Yatra Sarathi scheme? Ans - Assam

Q. Who has been appointed as the 28th Director General of Central Industrial Security Force? Ans - Subodh Kumar Jaiswal

Q. Which Indian batsman has become the first player in the world to hit 100 sixes in all formats against Australia? Ans - Rohit Sharma

Q. Which country's army has completed a successful flight test of the indigenously developed Guided Multi Launch Rocket System, Fatah-1? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Which state has recently become the third state to successfully implement reforms of urban bodies? Ans - Telangana

Q. Recently at which harbor, Union Minister Harsh Vardhan dedicated the new coastal research vehicle Sagar Investigator to the nation? Ans - Chennai

Q. Recently, in which union territory, in view of the issue of culture and language, the Home Ministry has formed a panel? Ans - Ladakh

Q. Which companyVision has recently launched virtual Unique breakout room facility? Study Ans - Microsoft

Q. Who topped the list of largest donations released by The Chronicle of Philanthropy? Ans - Jeff bezos

Q. Who became the first state in the country to put a QR code on a seed label? Ans - Bihar

Email: [email protected] 130/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where was the country's fourth bird reading center started in Bihar? Ans - Bhagalpur

Q. In which city was the largest elevated path of Bihar built? Ans - Patna

Q. How many foreign tourists visiting India visited Bihar in 2019? Ans - 3.5%

Q. How much did Bihar (-1.158) rank in the category of big states in the "Public Affairs Index 2020"? Ans - 16

Q. Richa Kumari who got the title of "Mrs. Asia Universe 2020" belongs to which state? Ans - Bihar

Q. Who has been appointed the new chairman of the Ethics Committee in Bihar Legislative Council? Ans - Sushil Kumar Modi

Q. The Prestein Mega Food Park is being built in which district of Bihar at a cost of Rs 150 crore? Ans - Khagadia

Q. Who was the youngest minister in the new government formed by Nitish Kumar? Ans - Mukesh Sahni

Q. Who has been elected the Speaker of 17th Bihar Legislative Assembly? Ans - Vijay KumarVision Sinha Unique Study

Q. Who was elected the Protom Speaker of the 17th Bihar Legislative Assembly? Ans - Jitan Manjhi

Q. What percentage of votes did NOTA get in Bihar Legislative Assembly Elections 2020? Ans - 1.68%

Q. Which time did Nitish Kumar take oath as Chief Minister of Bihar? Ans - 7th Email: [email protected] 131/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who is the author of this book, released by Nitish Kumar, titled "Membership in politics”? Ans - Vijay Kumar Chaudhary

Q. In which places in Bihar has a mobile lab named Dhanwantari Chalant Hospital been started? Ans - Buxar-Bhagalpur

Q. Which painters of Bihar were given the prestigious Kalavart Samman 2020 of Madhya Pradesh? Ans - Godavari Dutta - Ashok Sinha

Q. Which film produced by Kilkari of Bihar has been selected for International Corona Virus Short Film Festival? Ans - The Mask

Q. Who has become the first female Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar? Ans - Renu Devi

Q. How many percent of voters exercised their vote in Bihar Vidhan Sabha elections 2020? Ans - 57.05%

Q. On the basis of which style of painting made by the postal department, My ticket was issued on Chhatuja? Ans - Patna Kalam

Q. Which sheet showed the lowest margin of victory in Bihar assembly elections 2020? Ans - Hilsa

Q. Which bank's license has been canceled by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently? Ans - Vasantdada NagariVision Cooperative Bank Unique Study

Q. Who has recently started the "Know Your Constitution" campaign? Ans - Central Government

Q. In which state India's first fire park has been established recently? Ans - Odisha

Q. National Youth Day is celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 12 January Email: [email protected] 132/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. According to the report of Bureau of Police Research and Development, what percentage of women are presently in the police force across the country? Ans - 10.3 percent

Q. Star footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has matched which of the following former players in terms of highest goals in football history? Ans - Joseph Bickan

Q. Which country's government has recently announced a loan assistance of Rs 2,113 crore to India to fight Covid-19? Ans - Japan

Q. Which Union Minister introduced a single window clearance system for operating coal mines? Ans - Home Minister Amit Shah

Q. Which state has become the third state after Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh to implement reforms in the urban local bodies set by the Union Finance Ministry? Ans - Telangana

Q. Where will India's first indoor ski park be set up recently? Ans - Kufri

Q. Where has the auspicious start of Bindu Sagar cleaning project started recently? Ans - Odisha

Q. Recently, which municipal corporation introduced pouch bags due to continuously increasing pollution in the city? Ans - Lucknow Vision Unique Study

Q. Which airlines have recently deployed robotic devices at Delhi airport to keep the aircraft unscathed? Ans - Air India

Q. Which country has topped the "Hanley Passport Index" in the recent news? Ans - Japan

Q. Recently the ICC Board gave the representation of BCCI to? Ans - Jai Shah Email: [email protected] 133/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state government has inaugurated "Arogya Mela"? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. In which city has US President Donald Trump recently declared an emergency? Ans - Washington DC

Q. Which Indian state has banned entry from neighboring states as a precaution due to bird flu? Ans - Goa

Q. Which country has been chosen as the 'Country in Focus' at the 51st Indian International Film Festival to be held in Goa? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. In which Indian state is the rare metal vanadium found? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Recently which state government has decided to waive entertainment tax? Ans - Kerala

Q. What is the theme of the One Planet Summit held this year (2021)? Ans - “Let’s act together for nature”

Q. Who will launch Khadi natural paint recently developed by KVIC? Ans - Nitin Gadkari

Q. Which state governmentVision has announced to giveUnique 2 GB data per day free to students? Study Ans - Tamil Nadu

Q. Which state has decided to develop Pipli as a tourism hub? Ans - Haryana

Q. Which state recently celebrated Cherry Blossom Festival? Ans - Manipur

Email: [email protected] 134/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently, the Union petroleum minister has inaugurated a migrant worker cell at Surat in Gujarat. Who is the Union petroleum minister? Ans - Dharmendra Pradhan

Q. The name of the newly elected president of Kyrgyzstan who has secured nearly 80% votes is- Ans - Japarov Sadyr Nurgojoevich

Q. Which state has received the 1st Prize in the State Designated Agencies Category for its effective energy conservation program at the 30th National Energy Conservation Awards 2020? Ans - Kerala

Q. The new Species of Fruit Fly named with 'Euphranta Siruvani' found in? Ans - Western Ghats

Q. Industrial Disputes Bill, 2020 gets Presidential Nod. This bill is also known as. Ans - Gujarat Amendment Bill

Q. Which of the following country has committed ₹2,113 crore support to India for its efforts to mitigate the socio- economic impacts of COVID-19 in the country? Ans - Japan

Q. Which of the following city municipal corporation of India has launched a "Period Room” initiative to promote menstrual hygiene in women? Ans - Thane

Q. Which state governmentVision has decided to provide Unique khadi shirts, and shawls, and stolesStudy made of ‘Eri silk’ to grade IV employees of the state? Ans - Assam

Q. Which of the following is the focus country of the 51st International Film Festival of India (IFFI)? Ans - Bangladesh

Email: [email protected] 135/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which company has partnered with NITI Aayog to launch the updated version of the Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP), in January 2021? Ans - Flipkart

Q. The Central Government approved how many hydropower projects of 144 MW on the Indus River and its tributaries in Ladakh? Ans - 8

Q. The author of the book titled 'Right Under Your Nose' is- Ans - R Giridharan

Q. Which bank has recently launched a welcome themed credit card? Ans - Yes Bank

Q. Which country has recently been named by the US as a sponsor of terrorism? Ans - Cuba

Q. Who has recently become the 8th state in the country to implement Ease of Doing Business Reform? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which state has recently started TESOL core certificate program for English teachers of government schools? Ans - Delhi

Q. Indian Army Day is celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 15 January Vision Unique Study Q. Where was the world's oldest cave painting recently discovered? Ans - Indonesia

Q. According to the TomTom Traffic Index, which of the following was the city with the highest traffic in 2020? Ans - Moscow

Q. Recently Central Government Hospital AIIMS has won the rejuvenation award for the third consecutive time? Ans - AIIMS BHUBANESWAR

Email: [email protected] 136/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has recently become the world's fastest growing tech hub? Ans - Bengaluru

Q. Which new policy has been announced by the Gujarat government recently? Ans - New tourism policy

Q. Fitch Ratings has projected what percentage expansion in the country's economic growth rate in the next financial year 2021-22? Ans - 11 percent

Q. Which country has banned the import of cotton and tomatoes produced in China's Xinjiang province? Ans - America

Q. How many crore rupees was fined by Deutsche Bank AG for violating deposit rate norms recently? Ans - 02 crores

Q. Which state has recently started the Parashuram Kund pilgrimage? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Which country's armed forces will participate in the Republic Day Parade 2021? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Which space agency recently announced the launch of its new flagship "Rocket H3" in 2021? Ans - JAXA

Q. In which state wasVision the Kanuma festival celebrated Unique recently? Study Ans - Telangana, Andhra Pradesh

Q. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali has recently visited India, the foreign minister of which country? Ans - Nepal

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state inaugurated the air taxi service? Ans - Haryana

Email: [email protected] 137/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Female cricketer Sophie Devine who scored the fastest century in T20 belongs to which of the following country? Ans - New Zealand

Q. In which state has the traditional festival Jallikattu organized recently? Ans - Tamilnadu

Q. Who has recently been awarded the Nelson Mandela World Humanitarian Award? Ans - Ravi Gaikwad

Q. India's first driverless metro car was unveiled in Bangalore by whom? Ans - Rajnath Singh

Q. Who is the author of the book Unscripted: Conversation on Life and Cinema? Ans - Vidhu Vinod Chopra

Q. Who recently received the Scotch Challenger Award? Ans - Arjun Munda

Q. Which country has recently unveiled a submarine-launched ballistic missile? Ans - North Korea

Q. Recently Inaugurated: Who has inaugurated Startup India International Summit? Ans - Piyush Goyal

Q. Recently who launched the Aero India-21 mobile application? Ans - Rajnath SinghVision Unique Study

Q. Which state has recently announced waiving of examination fees for students of matriculation in the ongoing academic session? Ans - Odisha

Q. What is the name of the country's first indigenous machine pistol recently developed by DRDO? Ans - ASMI

Email: [email protected] 138/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has recently decided to establish a film city? Ans - Haryana

Q. Which president of the Supreme Court Bar Association has resigned from his post with immediate effect? Ans - Dushyant Dave

Q. Which state has recently launched a Karuna campaign to save the birds? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Which Indian shooter recently won the title of Men's 10m Air Pistol in National Shooting Trials? Ans - Saurabh Chaudhary

Q. Who among the following has been appointed Policy Director of America's future First Lady Jill Biden? Ans - Mala Adiga

Q. In which state was the Makarvilakku annual festival held recently? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which of the following players of India became the first Indian to debut in international cricket of all formats within just 44 days? Ans - T. Natarajan

Q. China's economy has grown at what rate in 2020, despite the outbreak of Corona virus? Ans - 2.3 percent

Q. Which Padma VibhushanVision honored great classical Unique singer has passed away recently? Study Ans - Ghulam Mustafa Khan

Q. Recently China has allowed which Indian ship to go to Japan? Ans - MV Jag Anand

Q. Which country received the chairmanship of UNHRC recently? Ans - Fiji

Email: [email protected] 139/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state has recently launched the "Street Theater and Performing Arts Fellowship" scheme? Ans - Delhi

Q. How recently did PEPSICO set net-zero emission targets? Ans - 2040

Q. Who was recently awarded the "Indian Personality of the Year Award"? Ans - Vishwajit Chatterjee

Q. French oil-energy group Total has entered into an agreement to buy what percentage stake in Adani Energy? Ans - 20 percent

Q. Who recently became the recipient of the covid-19 vaccine in India? Ans - Manish Kumar

Q. How many harbor cranes has India recently supplied to the Chabahar port of Iran? Ans - Two

Q. Recently which ministry has started Saksham campaign? Ans - Ministry of Petroleum

Q. Which country has recently declared the UAE and Bahrain as major strategic partners? Ans - America

Q. Recently the Governor of which state Arif Mohammad Khan has inaugurated the 'Vanschool One IAS' scheme? Ans - Kerala Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently in which state PM Modi will give first land lease to indigenous landless people? Ans - Assam

Q. Which country has also announced its withdrawal from the treaty after the US announced its withdrawal from the 'Open Sky Treaty'? Ans - Russia

Email: [email protected] 140/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been elected the new chairman of which trust? Ans - Somnath Temple Trust

Q. Recently Delhi government has announced to establish an academy for which language of Goa? Ans - Konkani

Q. Which state government has recently provided financial assistance to surrendered militants? Ans - Assam

Q. What has the Gujarat government recently announced to rename Dragon Fruit? Ans - Kamalam Fruit

Q. Which country's prime minister has resigned along with the entire cabinet recently? Ans - Netherlands

Q. India has first gifted 1.5 Corona Vaccine to Kovishield under Dose grant assistance to which of the following neighboring countries? Ans - Bhutan

Q. In which state India's first Labor Movement Museum will be opened recently? Ans - Haryana

Q. Which Indian wicketkeeper-batsman has become the first Indian batsman to score 1000 runs in the lowest? Ans - Rishabh Pant

Q. Former GovernorVision of which state and former revenueUnique minister of Uttar Pradesh Study Mata Prasad passed away recently? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Who will become the first woman fighter to fly the fighter plane in the Republic Day parade? Ans - Bhavna Kant

Q. Who has topped the recently released 'India Innovation Index 2020'? Ans - Karnataka

Email: [email protected] 141/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country's government recently announced a $ 3.7 billion package to help it overcome the effects of COVID-19? Ans - Malaysia

Q. Recently the 'Strawberry Festival' has been inaugurated in? Ans - Jhansi

Q. The Union Government announced which day to celebrate the birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose? Ans - Prakaram day

Q. How many years after Palestine is ready to hold its first national election in 2021? Ans - 14 years

Q. In which state Gorewada Zoo has been renamed recently? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Which number of America has been sworn in as the President of America recently? Ans - 46th

Q. Which state mister has recently celebrated 43rd 'Kokborok Day'? Ans - Tripura

Q. Which payment bank has recently launched 'Safe Pay' to protect customers from fraud? Ans - Airtel Payment Bank

Q. Which Sri LankanVision cricketer recently retired fromUnique franchise cricket? Study Ans - Lasith Malinga

Q. Which country has decided to ban former US Secretary of State Mike Ponpio recently? Ans - China

Q. Which company has recently been awarded the ICAI National Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting? Ans - Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)

Email: [email protected] 142/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which player was appointed as the new captain of the team by the IPL team Rajasthan Royals? Ans - Sanju Samson

Q. How many MW Ratle Power Project has been approved by the Central Government in Jammu and Kashmir recently? Ans - 850 MW

Q. Which position did India get in the Global Firepower Index 2021? Ans - Fourth

Q. Recently India has decided to buy '21 MiG-29 and 12 Sukhoi-30 MKI' fighter aircraft from which country? Ans - Russia

Q. Who has topped the recently released Global Firepower ranking? Ans - America

Q. Which state has recently started Project Lighthouse to collect information about beaver? Ans - Goa

Q. Recently with which country has India signed the Submarine Save Cooperation Agreement? Ans - Singapore

Q. Recently which state government has announced to develop Shivrajpur beach? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Where is the 43rdVision 'Heart of Radio Hills Yangistan' Unique first online youth radio station Study recently launched? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. Recently China has built a village on the banks of which river in Arunachal Pradesh? Ans - Tsari Choo

Q. Which state government has launched RE-SVAYEM scheme for youth to start business ventures? Ans - Sikkim

Email: [email protected] 143/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which Bollywood actor will be named after a street in Andrews Ganj in South Delhi? Ans - Sushant Singh Rajput

Q. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and which organization has signed an MoU for cooperation in the field of natural disaster management? Ans - DRDO

Q. Recently SEBI has imposed a fine of Rs 1 crore on which bank? Ans - HDFC Bank

Q. Which state government has recently announced to increase the number of working days from 100 days to 150 days under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Which state's police academy has recently received the best police academy award for 2019-20? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Which state government recently started door delivery vehicles? Ans - Andra Pradesh

Q. The Adani Group has recently signed an agreement with the Airports Authority of India (AAI) for the development, operation and management of three airports? Ans - Guwahati, Jaipur and Thiruvananthapuram

Q. Which of the following state government announced the Horticulture Development Mission? Ans - Gujarat Vision Unique Study

Q. Which company recently acquired fitness equipment manufacturer Fitbit? Ans - Google

Q. Which train has been renamed as Netaji Express? Ans - Howrah Kalka Mail

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has recently launched AVLOKAN software? Ans - Karnataka Email: [email protected] 144/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. In which state will the recently proposed Chatargala tunnel be built? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Who has recently received the Michael & Sheila Held Award? Ans - Nikhil Srivastava

Q. Who has recently been selected as Business Standard of the Year for 2019-20? Ans - Shyam Srivastava

Q. Where is India's longest road arch bridge inaugurated recently? Ans - Meghalaya

Q. When has 'Parakram Divas' been celebrated recently? Ans - 23 January

Q. Recently in which police station the first child friend station of Uttarakhand state has been established? Ans - Dalanwala

Q. Who has recently become the first second gentleman of America? Ans - Douglas Emhas

Q. Who has recently written a book titled 'Manohar Parrikar of the Record'? Ans - Vaman Subha Prabhu

Q. Recently which state assembly has rejected the proposal to remove the speaker? Ans - Kerala Vision Unique Study

Q. Who has launched the Union Budget Mobile App recently? Ans - Nirmala Sitharaman

Q. Which state has recently celebrated its foundation day on 24 January? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. When has 'National Girl Child Day' been celebrated recently? Ans - 24 January Email: [email protected] 145/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently, RBI has imposed a fine of how many crores on Standard Chartered Bank? Ans - 02 crore

Q. Recently which state government has announced a government job to a family member of farmers killed in the farmers' movement? Ans - Punjab

Q. Where has the foundation stone of Netaji Bus Terminal been laid recently? Ans - Cuttack

Q. Which country has recently approved the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine? Ans - Sri Lanka

Q. Which space agency recently shared the astonishing picture of the giant galaxy cluster Abell-370? Ans - NASA

Q. Who among the following was made the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand for one day? Ans - Srishti Goswami

Q. DRDO has recently conducted a successful flight test of the Smart Anti Airfield Weapon off the coast of which state? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which of the following days is celebrated every year as National Voters' Day? Ans - 25 January Vision Unique Study Q. Recently 'Pankh' scheme has been launched by which state government? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise team Rajasthan Royals has appointed which Sri Lankan veteran batsman as its Director of Cricket? Ans - Kumar Sangakkara

Q. Recently, which country has opened its embassy in Abu Dhabi after UAE approval? Ans - Israel Email: [email protected] 146/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. How many years has the proposal to extend the recent Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty proposed by US President Joe Biden? Ans - Five years

Q. Recently Uttar Pradesh government has launched which scheme for free coaching facility for various competitive exams? Ans - Abhyuday

Q. Recently Narendra Luther passed away, which of the following were they? Ans - Singer

Q. Which of the following state government has launched a scheme named 'One plant well-fed Veti'? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Recently Srishti Goswami became the Chief Minister of which of the following state for a day? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Recently which of the following has created a world record by launching 143 satellites from a single rocket? Ans - SpaceX

Q. Recently which state government has made GPS and panic buttons mandatory in public passenger vehicles? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. Recently in which state border 'Operation Chill Hawa' is started? Ans - Rajasthan Vision Unique Study Q. Recently in which of the following countries Prime Minister Khuralsukh has resigned from his post? Ans - Mongolia

Q. Uddhayam Sarathi app has been launched by which state government? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Who has recently inaugurated the annual event Bharat Parva 2021? Ans - Om Birla

Email: [email protected] 147/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has recently launched a new version of the Gallantry Awards portal? Ans - Rajnath Singh

Q. In which state, the newly discovered ant species has been named after Professor Amitabh Joshi? Ans - Kerala, Tamil Nadu

Q. Where has the Akash -NG (new generation) missile been successfully tested recently? Ans - Odisha

Q. Recently, who has become the most valuable company in the country on the basis of market capitalization? Ans - TCS

Q. When has 'International Customs Day' been celebrated recently? Ans - 26 January

Q. Recently where has the foundation stone of Jallianwala Bagh Centenary Memorial Park been laid? Ans - Chandigarh

Q. Where will the two-day 'Mega Poetry Program' be held recently? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Recently the Government of India has instituted annual disaster management awards in whose name? Ans - Subhash Chandra Bose

Q. Recently who became the first state to vaccinate two lakh workers? Ans - Karnataka Vision Unique Study

Q. The International Monetary Fund has estimated India's economic growth rate to be what percentage of the following in 2021? Ans - 11.5 percent

Q. Recently, how many years does the US want to extend the 'New Start' agreement on nuclear weapons and prevention with Russia? Ans - 05 years

Email: [email protected] 148/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. In which state has the 'PANKH Abhiyan' for girls been started recently? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Which former Prime Minister of Japan has been awarded the Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civilian award of the country by the Government of India? Ans - Yoshihide Suga

Q. Recently in which city has the 24th Sanskar of Hunar Haat been inaugurated? Ans - Lucknow

Q. The Collegium of the Supreme Court has approved the proposal to make Justice PV Sanjay Kumar the Chief Justice of which High Court? Ans - Manipur High Court

Q. In which state Kavita vij has organized a four-day poetry festival recently? Ans - Kerala

Q. Who has recently won the Subhash Chandra Bose Disaster Award? Ans - Rajendra Kumar Bhandari

Q. Spain and which country recently signed an agreement to build 590 MW solar power plant? Ans - France

Q. Where has the annual 'Adivasi Mela' been started recently? Ans - BhubaneswarVision Unique Study Q. Where has the boat library been started recently? Ans - Kolkata

Q. How many individuals have been approved by President Ram Nath Kovind to confer the Jeevan Raksha Medal Series Award - 2020? Ans - 40

Q. Recently Home Minister Amit Shah has launched Ayushman CAPF scheme in which state? Ans - Assam Email: [email protected] 149/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. International education day is celebrated on which day? Ans - 24 January

Q. Where will Karnataka's first Indian Gray Wolf Sanctuary be established recently? Ans - Koppal

Q. Which district of Uttar Pradesh has recently been declared corona free? Ans - Kaushambi

Q. Which Indian has been appointed by the Biden administration in the US as Chief of Staff? Ans - Tarak Shah

Q. Recently who became the first state in the country to have airstrip on two expressways? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which place has India ranked in the recently released Germanwatch's Global Climate Risk Index 2021? Ans - 7th

Q. According to the recently released report, which country has become the largest recipient of FDI in 2020? Ans - China

Q. Renowned Marathi novelist Namdev Chandrabhan Kamble has been awarded with which award for his contribution to literature? Ans - Padma Shri Award

Q. Which country hasVision signed a strategic partnership Unique agreement with 'IA' recently? Study Ans - India

Q. Recently HSBC has inaugurated international banking unit in which state? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Who has recently been appointed as the new CFO of Hindustan Unilever? Ans - Ritesh Tiwari

Email: [email protected] 150/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently with whom Mi India has started the initiative for education for every hand? Ans - Sonu Sood

Q. Who has recently inaugurated the Chennai Chair of 'NCLAT'? Ans - Nirmala Sitharaman

Q. Recently Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs has launched which National Migration Assistance Portal to streamline the creation of state and national level programs for migrant workers? Ans - Shramshakti

Q. Which state has recently launched the 'Agriculture Pump Electricity Connection Policy'? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Who has recently launched electronic version of Photo Identity Card e-EPIC? Ans - Election commission

Q. Recently which country has provided 5 lakh doses of 'COVISHIELD' vaccine to which country? Ans - Sri Lanka

Q. Recently which state government has announced to provide free books to scheduled caste students studying in colleges? Ans - Haryana

Q. Which state government has recently launched the 'Jail Tourism' initiative through an online program? Ans - MaharashtraVision Unique Study Q. According to the Economic Survey presented in Parliament recently, what percentage of the country's economy will be registered this year? Ans - 7.7%

Q. Union Minister Kiran Rijiju presented the first prize to which state's tableau in the Republic Day Parade? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Where was the 5th joint meeting of the India Japan Act East Forum held? Ans - New Delhi Email: [email protected] 151/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has recently announced the establishment of the country's first leather park? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Where has the 'School of Public Health' been launched recently? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Which country has recently received Geographical Indicator (GI) tag for its basmati rice? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Which state government has recently reduced the VAT on diesel and petrol by 2 percent? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Which country has announced to help 1.5 million dollars for peace mission to the United Nations in the year 2021? Ans - India

Q. Which country's Prime Minister recently resigned due to criticism in dealing with the Corona virus epidemic? Ans - Italy

Q. Which place did India ranked in the 2020 Corruption Perception Index recently released by Transparency International? Ans - 86th

Q. Recently which bank appointed S Janaki Raman and AK Tiwari as MD? Ans - SBI

Q. Which country willVision provide 1.5 million doses Unique of Covid vaccine to Africa recently? Study Ans - India

Q. Which country has recently entered into a 'strategic partnership agreement' with the International Energy Agency? Ans - India

Q. According to the Economic Survey, what percentage of the country's economic growth is expected to be in the year 2021-22? Ans - 11%

Email: [email protected] 152/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has been appointed the new Vice Chief of Army Staff (VCOAS) of the Indian Army recently? Ans - Chandi Prasad Mohanty

Q. Who has become the fastest country to reach one million vaccinations recently? Ans - India

Q. When is the 73rd Martyr's Day celebrated? Ans - 30 January

Q. Where have 23 new garbage cafes opened recently? Ans - Delhi

Q. Recently in which city of India Airtel has announced 5G Ready Network? Ans - Hyderabad

Q. Arvind Joshi has passed away recently. Which of the following were they? Ans - Actor

Q. Recently who has become the 5th strongest brand globally? Ans - Jio

Q. What is India's rank in the recently released Asia Pacific Personal Health Index? Ans - 10th

Q. Recently Shubhadarshini Tripathi has been appointed as the Ambassador of India to which country? Ans - Kazakhstan Vision Unique Study

Q. Who has recently launched 2021 as India France Environment Year? Ans - Prakash Javedkar

Q. Which judge of Madhya Pradesh High Court has resigned from his post recently? Ans - Sunil Kumar Awasthi

Q. Recently US President Joe Bidenne announced a ban on selling F-35 fighter jets to which country? Ans - United Arab Emirates Email: [email protected] 153/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. According to the recently released report, who has been described as the most favorite city of tourists around the world? Ans - Bali

Q. Recently who was appointed as the President of Asian Cricket Council? Ans - Jai Shah

Q. Where will the first dog park of North India be established in the recent news? Ans - Chandigarh

Q. Recently World Leprosy Day was celebrated? Ans - 31 January

Q. Recently India and which country have started initiatives for sustainable development and global environmental protection? Ans - France

Q. Recently India has entered into an agreement with whom for global energy security? Ans - IEA

Q. Who are exempted from the double tax system in the Union Budget 2021-22? Ans - NRI

Q. Who introduced India's Union Budget 2021-22 as a soft copy of the budget for the first time? Ans - Nirmala SitharamanVision Unique Study Q. Who recently launched anti doping reference material? Ans - Kiren Rijiju

Q. Which app has been launched by Nirmala Sitharaman for this year's general budget? Ans - Union Budget Mobile App

Q. Recently who inaugurated a national festival at Dilli Haat? Ans - Venkaiah Naidu

Email: [email protected] 154/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Union Budget 2021-22 How many people over the age of no longer have to fill ITR? Ans - People older than 75 years

Q. How many Union Budget documents, including the Finance Bill, have been included in the app launched for the Union Budget 2021-22? Ans - 14 Union Budget Documents

Q. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced to establish a university in India in the Union Budget 2021-22? Ans - Leh

Q. Who was recently appointed the new CEO of Ayushman Bharat Yojana? Ans - R S Sharma

Q. How much money has been provided for Self-reliant Healthy India Scheme in the Union Budget 2021-22? Ans - 64180 crores

Q. Recently in which country did the army declare a state of emergency for one year amid fears of a military coup? Ans - Myanmar

Q. Who started the national polio immunization program in India? Ans - Ram Nath Kovind

Q. Who wrote the book "The Little Book of Encouragement"? Ans - Dalai Lama Vision Unique Study Q. Who among the following won the Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 Trophy recently? Ans - Tamil Nadu

Q. Recently became the new acting chief of NASA? Ans - Bhavya Lal

Q. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has released a National Action Plan for which species? Ans - Marine Turtle

Email: [email protected] 155/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has recently launched By Many a Happy Accident Autobiography? Ans - Hamid Ansari

Q. Recently Oxford has declared which word as the Hindi word of the year 2020? Ans - Self-sufficiency

Q. Recently India's first gender park will be established in which state? Ans - Kerala

Q. When was World Wetlands Day celebrated? Ans - 02 February

Q. Which state government has launched the Har Ghar Pani Har Ghar Cleanliness Mission? Ans - Punjab

Q. Which country won the Handball World Championship in Egypt recently? Ans - Denmark

Q. When was World Cancer Day celebrated? Ans - 04 February

Q. Recently Asia's biggest aero show has started at which place? Ans - Bangalore

Q. Who has become the first union territory to become Corona free? Ans - Andaman andVision Nicobar Unique Study

Q. Recently India's first crippled clinic has been launched? Ans - Chandigarh

Q. Which of the following countries topped the Democracy Index 2020? Ans - Norway

Q. Who among the following was awarded the Alert Being 'Icon Award? Ans - A R Rahman Email: [email protected] 156/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently which ministry has launched ASEAN India Hackathon 2021? Ans - Ministry of Education

Q. In how many years, for the first time BCCI has canceled the event? Ans - 87

Q. Which country has been out of Colombo terminal project recently? Ans - India

Q. Which Union Minister recently inaugurated the Virtual Agri India Hackathon 2020? Ans - Narendra Singh Tomar

Q. How long has the US and Russia extended the nuclear weapons control treaty recently? Ans - 2026

Q. Which country has recently deployed a fleet of underwater drones in the Indian Ocean? Ans - China

Q. Which state government has announced no registration, no road tax on EVs? Ans - Telangana

Q. Where will the 'war exercise' military exercise between India and America be held recently? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Who has been honored with Zayed Award recently? Ans - Both of the aboveVision Unique Study

Q. Who has recently been appointed as the new MD of Google Cloud? Ans - Bikram Singh Bedi

Q. Recently who became the president of 'Boxing Federation of India'? Ans - Ajay Singh

Q. According to the recently released report, who became India's top celebrity endorser? Ans - Virat Kohli Email: [email protected] 157/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently Andy Jessie has been announced as the CEO of which company? Ans - Amazon

Q. Recently in which state has the teen health program named 'Udaan Tara' started? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Who has inaugurated the 'Chauri Chauri Shatabdi Celebration' recently? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Which ministry has recently launched an integrated portal on Govardhan Yojana? Ans - Ministry of Water Power

Q. Which country recently successfully test-fired surface-to-surface ballistic missile 'Ghaznavi' with nuclear capability? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Recently, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has inaugurated Aero India at which air force station? Ans - Yelahanka Air Force Station

Q. Which state government has recently launched a rehabilitation scheme for beggars? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. हाल ही म िकस राय सरकार ने छा को िकताब का पैसा देने की घोषणा की है Ans - उराखंड

Q. Who has recentlyVision become India's youngest 'femaleUnique pilot'? Study Ans - Ayesha Aziz

Q. Who has recently written a book titled 'Yes Man: The Untold Story of Rana Kapoor'? Ans - Pawan C. Lal

Q. Where is the world's longest swing ride Bollywood Skylar opened recently? Ans - Dubai

Email: [email protected] 158/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state recently announced the opening of its first human milk bank is? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which company has received the first 'carbon neutral oil' recently? Ans - Reliance

Q. Who has started the 'Switch Delhi' campaign recently? Ans - Arvind Kejriwal

Q. Who has recently become the chairman of the National Security Council? Ans - S N Subramanyam

Q. Which country's government has recently announced the creation of the world's first energy island? Ans - Denmark

Q. Where has the Chah Udyan Dhan Award Fair organized recently? Ans - Assam

Q. Recently who became the first state to implement 'E -Cabinet'? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. What is India's position in the Innovations Index 2021 released by Bloomberg? Ans - 50th

Q. Which company has recently announced the closure of domestic payment services in India from 01 April? Ans - Paypal Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently which ministry is organizing 'Ughoga Manthan'? Ans - Ministry of Commerce

Q. Which state government has recently announced to set up 500 EV charging points? Ans - Delhi

Q. Federal Bank has launched a special savings account scheme for children? Ans - Fedfirst Email: [email protected] 159/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently scientists have discovered the world's smallest chameleon, how much its length? Ans - 1 inch

Q. Aung San Suu, who has been in the news recently, belongs to which country? Ans - Myanmar

Q. Where will India's first Thunderstorm Research Testing Center be set up? Ans - Odisha

Q. Where was Assam's first heliport inaugurated recently? Ans - Majuli

Q. Which edition of Kolkata International Book Fair will be held recently? Ans - 45th

Q. Which state has recently announced the setting up of the Indian Institute of Skills in collaboration with the Tata group? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which state government has approved Chief Minister Vigyan Pratibha? Ans - Delhi

Q. Who is the author of the book 'Beautiful Things'? Ans - Hunter Biden

Q. Which country hasVision recently declared the nationalist Unique group Proud Boys as a terrorist Study group? Ans - Canada

Q. Who has launched 'Asom Mala Project'? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Who has topped the list of aspirational districts recently released by NITI Aayog? Ans - Shravasti

Email: [email protected] 160/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country has approved China's Sinobac vaccine recently? Ans - Indonesia

Q. Which state's Election Commissioner has recently launched the eWatch mobile app? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Which state has recently launched two schemes namely Pragyan Bharti and Bhasha Gaurav? Ans - Assam

Q. Which state has recently had a glacier burst? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. By which year Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has declared India to be the first pollution free railway in the world? Ans - 2030

Q. Who has been announced by ICC as its global partner? Ans - BYJU’S

Q. Which state has started the SAANS campaign? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. The Union Environment Ministry has approved the construction of Lakhwad power project on which river? Ans - Yamuna

Q. Recently Prime VisionMinister Narendra Modi dedicated Unique four infrastructure projects Study worth how many crores in Haldia, West Bengal to the nation? Ans - 4700 crores

Q. Which state has announced Unicode for identification of 'land holding'? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Srivilliputhur Megamalai is going to become the fifth tiger reserve of which state recently? Ans - Tamil Nadu

Email: [email protected] 161/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has recently been appointed as the chairman of the National Security Council (NSC) by the Ministry of Labor and Employment? Ans - S N Subramanian

Q. The 16th joint military exercise 'War exercise' has started where? Ans - Bikaner

Q. Where is the world's largest wind power plant planned? Ans - South Korea

Q. Where was the Mandu Festival held recently? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Which country has announced to set up a new platform to monitor emissions of polluting industries? Ans - China

Q. According to the released report, which state is at the top in terms of Covid-19 vaccination? Ans - Bihar

Q. Where has the foundation stone of the 100 feet high flag been placed recently? Ans - Gulmarg

Q. In which state has the 4G service been restored after 18 months by the central government? Ans - Jammu and Kashmir

Q. Who was recentlyVision given the ICC Player of theUnique Manch Award for January 2021? Study Ans - Rishabh Pant

Q. Which former international boxer and former Asian Games silver medalist died recently? Ans - Captain Hari Singh Thapa

Q. How many crore rupees have been allocated by the central government for the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme for the upcoming financial year 2021-22? Ans - 16,000 Crore Rupees

Email: [email protected] 162/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Union Fisheries Minister Giriraj Singh has recently announced an investment of how many crores to make Goa a fisheries center? Ans - 400 Crore Rupees

Q. The Central Government has extended the tenure of Rohini Commission till 31 July 2021 to submit a report on sub-categorization of which category? Ans - OBC

Q. When is World Pulses Day celebrated? Ans - 10 February

Q. Who was elected as the next Director General of the World Trade Organization? Ans - Okonjo-Iwela

Q. Which player won the third Alan Border Award of his career? Ans - Steve Smith

Q. Which state has recently signed an agreement with Switzerland in the field of tourism, dairy and skills training? Ans - Haryana

Q. Which country will host the World Sustainable Development Summit 2021? Ans - India

Q. Which state's women forest officer Sasmita Lenka was recently awarded the United Nations Environment Enforcement Award? Ans - Odisha Vision Unique Study

Q. Which state has announced the establishment of a state control room? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Former Indian cricket team opener Wasim Jaffer has resigned as the coach of which cricket team? Ans - Uttarakhand Cricket Team

Email: [email protected] 163/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which public sector company has announced the implementation of the country's first geothermal sector development project in Ladakh? Ans - ONGC

Q. International Day of Women and Girls in Signs is celebrated on which day every year? Ans - 11 February

Q. Where was the first women's public hearing program held recently? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Recently with which country did New Zealand cancel political and military relations? Ans - Myanmar

Q. Which country's army has deployed the dogs for the Covid-19 test? Ans - India

Q. Which state government has decided to appoint Hima Das as DSP? Ans - Assam

Q. Which country has recently decided to rejoin the United Nations Human Rights Council? Ans - America

Q. Which state government has approved the 'Chief Minister Science Talent Examination'? Ans - Delhi

Q. Indian Space ResearchVision Organization (ISRO) hasUnique released the first pictures of glacierStudy bursting in of which state? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Which country has warned the USA on the presence of a warship near the Parcel Islands in the South China Sea? Ans - China

Q. Which state government has recently started the Knowledge Mission? Ans - Kerala

Email: [email protected] 164/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently Vijayanagar became the 31st district of which state? Ans - Karnataka

Q. Which country's president has recently announced the formation of a Chinese task force? Ans - USA

Q. Recently who launched the website of "Bharat Toy Fair 2021"? Ans - All

Q. When is World Yunani Day celebrated? Ans - 11 February

Q. Who recently won the World Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2021 award? Ans - Robert Irwin

Q. Recently which state transport department has launched various citizen-centric online services? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which state's forest department has banned the wearing of the crest of Monal bird on the cap? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. Which two wrestlers have recently been dropped from the annual contract by the Indian Wrestling Federation? Ans - Sushil Kumar and Sakshi Malik

Q. Which party has applied to the Congress Party to replace Ghulam Nabi Azad as the party leader in Rajya Sabha? Ans - Mallikarjun KhargeVision Unique Study

Q. How much aid amount has been announced by the US to the Myanmar government? Ans - One Billion Dollars

Q. Which country said that its spacecraft 'Tianwen-1' has entered the orbit of Mars? Ans - China

Q. When was World Radio Day celebrated? Ans - 13 February Email: [email protected] 165/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who became the sixth state to implement the recently prescribed local body reforms? Ans - Goa

Q. Which state cabinet has recently approved the REWARD project? Ans - Odisha

Q. VP Joy has been appointed the additional Chief Secretary of which state? Ans - Kerala

Q. Who recently released his autobiography Unfinished: A Memoir is ? Ans - Priyanka Chopra

Q. Who has launched India's first CNG tractor? Ans - Nitin Gadkari

Q. Who has inaugurated the bus stand cum shopping complex in Jammu and Kashmir recently? Ans - Manoj Sinha

Q. Which state has announced to start mobile laboratories for covid-19 testing? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Which state government has announced a grant of Rs. 05 lakhs to the Olympic qualifiers? Ans - Haryana

Q. When is Indian National Women's Day celebrated? Ans - 13 February Vision Unique Study

Q. Which space agency has opened a satellite test center for the private sector for the first time? Ans - ISRO

Q. Which country's Navy has conducted the TROPEX exercise in the Indian Ocean? Ans - India

Q. Who has been appointed the next Director General of International Solar Alliance? Ans - Ajay Mathur Email: [email protected] 166/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently who has launched the book Turn Around India: 2020-Surmounting Past Legacy? Ans - Juel Oram

Q. Which country's army has successfully tested the Babur cruise missile? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Which Indian film has been recently selected for the 93rd OSCAR Awards? Ans - Bittu

Q. Which state has signed a $100 million project with the World Bank? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. Recently Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has inaugurated the Jalabhishekam campaign in which state? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Who has recently launched Anmol Bharat program to see the rich heritage of global travelers? Ans - MasterCard

Q. Which state has trained for the paperless assembly session? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to build the dacoit museum in which district? Ans - Bhind

Q. Which state government has launched a crop loan waiver scheme for over 16 lakh farmers? Ans - Tamil Nadu Vision Unique Study

Q. Whose death anniversary is celebrated in India as Surrender Day? Ans - Deendayal Upadhyay

Q. In which country has the Indian government presented 2000 metric tonnes of rice to strengthen food security? Ans - Syria

Q. Which Indian woman became the head of the Oxford Students' Union? Ans - Rashmi Samanta Email: [email protected] 167/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where is India's first dolphin research center being built? Ans - Patna

Q. Which country has unveiled a 10-year space program including the 2023 moon mission? Ans - Turkey

Q. Which country's team has become the first team to win 100 international matches in T20 cricket? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Which country's runner has made a world record by completing the 5 km road race in 14 minutes 43 seconds? Ans - Kenya

Q. Government of India provided two thousand metric tons of rice to which of the following countries as emergency humanitarian aid? Ans - Syria

Q. Who has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of Italy? Ans - Mario Draghi

Q. Who was recently declared African of the Year 2020? Ans - Goji Okonzo Iwela

Q. Recently, in which state did the Prime Minister provide 118 hitech Arjun tanks to the army in Chennai? Ans - Kerala

Q. Recently Tesla hasVision announced the opening ofUnique the first manufacturing unit in whichStudy Indian city? Ans - Bengaluru

Q. Which state has made Aadhar card mandatory for Covid-19 vaccination? Ans - Bihar

Q. In which state is the National Sanskrit Festival 2021 organized? Ans - West Bengal

Email: [email protected] 168/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has recently been selected as the International Criminal Court Prosecutor? Ans - Karim Khan

Q. What has been recently renamed by the franchise of IPL Team Kings XI Punjab recently? Ans - Punjab Kings

Q. Who recently launched the Jute Seed Distribution Scheme? Ans - Smriti Irani

Q. Which Indian-origin woman has been appointed by US President Joe Biden as Special Assistant in the Domestic Auxiliary Council for Labor and Labor? Ans - Pronita Gupta

Q. Recently which Ministry of National Aviation and DGCA has allowed which sports authority to run drones for live streaming? Ans - Board of Control for

Q. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently laid the foundation stone for the memorial of Maharaja Suheldev in Bahraich of which state? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. In which country was the first Fagun festival celebrated recently? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Which company has recently appointed Mark Listosella as its new Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director? Ans - Tata Motors VisionLimited Unique Study

Q. Recently who launched e-Chhawani portal? Ans - Rajnath Singh

Q. Which state government has recently signed an agreement with Flipkart to promote wooden toys, local artwork, handicrafts? Ans - Maharashtra

Email: [email protected] 169/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently removed from the post of Lt. Governor of Puducherry? Ans - Kiran Bedi

Q. The country has approved the flying hybrid car produced by Terrafugia Transition? Ans - America

Q. Who has recently become the chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council? Ans - Ajay Malhotra

Q. Who among the following has been conferred with the Hall of Fame in the 20th Awards of Indian Television Academy? Ans - Ekta Kapoor

Q. Who has been appointed as the Executive Secretary of United Nations Capital Development Fund? Ans - Preeti Sinha

Q. Doctor Thangjam Dhabali Singh of which state has been awarded the Order of Rising Sun? Ans - Manipur

Q. Who has recently become the first woman power lift of Kashmir? Ans - Syma Ubaid

Q. Which state government has recently increased the salary of mid-day meal worker? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Who overtook theVision US as the largest trading partnerUnique of the European Union? Study Ans - China

Q. Who has recently written a book titled "Kamalas Way: An American Life"? Ans - Dan Moren

Q. Tata has entered into an agreement to buy 68 percent stake in which of the following company? Ans - Bigbasket

Email: [email protected] 170/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who inaugurated the first route of Kochi Water Metro recently? Ans - Pinarayi Vijayan

Q. Who has been appointed as the new Director-General of International Solar Alliance from India? Ans - Ajay Mathur

Q. In which state, six elephants died due to Hemridge septicemia in the Karlapat Wildlife Sanctuary? Ans - Odisha

Q. Who recently launched an instant messaging app called Sandesh? Ans - NIC

Q. What is India's position in the Anti-Corruption Index released by international non-governmental organization Transparency International? Ans - 86th

Q. Which state government has decided to establish Covid Warrior Memorial in the state? Ans - Odisha

Q. Recently the state government has amended the jail rules? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Which state government has recently made RT-PCR test mandatory? Ans - Karnataka

Q. Who has recentlyVision started a pilot on hydrographic Unique survey? Study Ans - Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

Q. Who was recently honored with the Scotch Chief Minister of the Year Award? Ans - YS Jagan Mohan Reddy

Q. In which state is the 11th edition of the National Culture Festival organized? Ans - West Bengal

Email: [email protected] 171/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has organized a Chintan Camp to brainstorm on the coal field? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Which state government has launched 'Maa' canteen to provide subsidized cooked food to the poor and destitute? Ans - West Bengal

Q. In which state did Prime Minister Narendra Modi launch the 'Mahabahu-Brahmaputra' scheme? Ans - Assam

Q. Where are the recent Asian wrestling championships held? Ans - Delhi

Q. Who has been elected the chairman of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Steering Committee? Ans - Seiko Hashimoto

Q. Recently who became India's first single-use plastic free airport? Ans - IGI Delhi

Q. Credit rating agency S&P Global Ratings said that India will be one of the fastest emerging economies, with what percentage increase in the next financial year? Ans - 10 percent

Q. Recently which state government has announced to its employees to work only 5 days in a week? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Where was the KalaVision Kumbh exhibition organized Unique recently? Study Ans - Delhi

Q. On which planet has the US Space Agency NASA successfully made a landing of Persistence Rover? Ans - Mars Planet

Q. Who has recently become the third most spoken language in the world? Ans - Hindi

Email: [email protected] 172/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. India has signed an agreement with which country regarding visa facility and leather technology? Ans - Ethiopia

Q. Where was the E-kuber payment system recently introduced? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. The Chief Minister of which state inaugurated the chariot in a temple? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Who has become the second fastest country to give one crore Covid-19 vaccine? Ans - India

Q. Recently who started the "Go Electric" campaign? Ans - Nitin Gadkari

Q. When was world day of Justice celebrated? Ans - 20 February

Q. Recently, who has become the third city of India to be the most affected by air pollution? Ans - Benguluru

Q. Where has DRDO successfully tested Helina Dhruvastra anti-tank guided missile? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Who released the book titled Nation First-82 Swarnim Gatha? Ans - Amit Shah Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently in which city Uttarakhand Government has announced to set up Science City Project? Ans - Dehradun

Q. Which state government has recently approved the right of property to villagers? Ans - Punjab

Q. Which state government signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations Environment Program? Ans - Bihar Email: [email protected] 173/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who inaugurated the Kolkata Metro Extension? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Recently NASA's spacecraft successfully landed on the Jazero crater of which house? Ans - Mars House

Q. International Mother Language Day was celebrated on which day? Ans - 21 February

Q. Recently, India's highest purifier filter will be installed at which place? Ans - Chandigarh

Q. Which of the following tennis players has recently won another Australian Open title? Ans - Novak Djokovic

Q. How many crores has India signed for maritime security of Maldives? Ans - 363 crores

Q. Where was the foundation of the first skill university of eastern India recently? Ans - Meghalaya

Q. Which tennis player has won the women's singles title of Australian Open tennis? Ans - Naomi Osaka

Q. World Thinking Day was celebrated? Ans - 22 February Vision Unique Study

Q. Which country has officially returned to the Paris Climate Agreement recently? Ans - America

Q. Which country's fast bowler Dhammika Prasad has announced his retirement from international cricket? Ans - Sri Lanka

Q. Where was Atal Paryavaran Bhavan inaugurated recently? Ans - Lakshadweep Email: [email protected] 174/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. What day is World Pangolin Day celebrated? Ans - Third Saturday of February

Q. Recently, the Madhya Pradesh government has given the new name of Hoshangabad? Ans - Narmadapuram

Q. How many years has China reduced the age of criminals from 14 to some serious crimes to tackle child crimes? Ans - 12 years

Q. Who will host the second Khelo India University Games recently? Ans - Karnataka

Q. Which country has recently decided to register GI Tag of Himalayan pink salt? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Recently Reliance Jio has become the largest telecom operator in which state? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Which state is hosting Khelo India 'Youth Games 2021? Ans - Haryana

Q. Who among the following has been appointed for the fifth consecutive term as the President of the People's Democratic Party? Ans - Mehbooba Mufti

Q. DRDO has successfullyVision test-fired which surface-to-air Unique missile recently built in Studythe country? Ans - VL-SRSAM

Q. India has recently signed how much million-dollar defense loan agreements with the Maldives? Ans - Fifty million dollars

Q. Which country has recently allowed women to enter the armed forces? Ans - Saudi Arabia

Email: [email protected] 175/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which former Indian batsman has made a strategic investment in online education company Unacademy under a multi-layered partnership? Ans - Sachin Tendulkar

Q. In which of the following union territories, the Congress-backed government has fallen due to not proving its majority? Ans - Puducherry

Q. When is Central Excise Day celebrated? Ans - 24 February

Q. Who has written a book called 'Yuva Bharat: The Heroes of Today'? Ans - Deveer Singh Bhandari

Q. Which district has been selected for the Prime Minister Kisan National Award? Ans - Anantapuram

Q. Where has recently organized a two-day festival of flowers, vegetables and gardening? Ans - Varanasi

Q. Which country has issued a green pass for people with vaccination certificates? Ans - Israel

Q. Recently who became the first state to give ownership to women? Ans - UttarakhandVision Unique Study Q. Who has launched Mission Rainbow 3.0? Ans - Dr. Harshvardhan Singh

Q. Recently Jindal Power Limited has appointed its Chairman? Ans - Anil Kumar

Q. Where has DRDO recently conducted successful trials of two VL-SRSAMs? Ans - Odisha

Email: [email protected] 176/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has become the second most cyber-attack country in Asia Pacific? Ans - India

Q. India has signed a $ 100 million loan agreement with which country? Ans - Mauritius

Q. Which of the following states has decided to create a mico containment zone? Ans - Bihar

Q. Which state government has recently planned to build an electric city on 700 acres? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Who is the youngest woman to solo the Atlantic Ocean recently? Ans - Jasmin Harrison

Q. In which state will Essar Power Limited set up a 90 MW solar plant? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Who will inaugurate the second edition of 'Maritime India Summit'? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Recently who was appointed as the first director of Jammu AIIMS is? Ans - Dr. Shakti Kumar Gupta

Q. In which state has the world's largest cricket stadium been renamed? Ans - Gujarat Vision Unique Study

Q. The Supreme Court of Nepal has restored the delegation by reversing whose decision? Ans - Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli

Q. Who has appointed the export organization Fio as the new chairman? Ans - A. Shaktivel

Email: [email protected] 177/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. In Nagaland, how many million-dollar agreements was signed with the World Bank to improve the quality of education? Ans - Six crores eighty lakh dollars

Q. Which country has banned venomous drugs for the vulture? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. How many crore rupees have been approved by the Government of Kerala recently to develop traditional Anganwadi as 'smart' infrastructure with better facilities? Ans - 09 crores

Q. The Union Cabinet has approved the proposal to impose President's rule in which state? Ans - Puducherry

Q. Who became the fourth state in the country to include a female commando squad in the police? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has given a big gift to the lawyers in the budget and announced how many crores to the Bar Council of Rajasthan? Ans - 10 crores

Q. In which state did a group of scientists from three institutes discover a new species of Alpine plant? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Who has recently become the first country in the world to receive free Corona virus vaccine? Ans - Ghana Vision Unique Study

Q. Which country has recently given a loan of 50 million dollars to Pakistan? Ans - Sri Lanka

Q. Recently which state has been declared a disturbed area for the next six months? Ans - Assam

Q. Recently the Biden administration has been selected for the International Anti-Corruption Champions Award? Ans - Anjali Bhardwaj Email: [email protected] 178/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has expanded the ambitious contactless ticketing service? Ans - Delhi

Q. The Chief Minister of which state government has inaugurated the Technology Innovation Hub? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. Recently which state government has approved the mission red streak in all the villages? Ans - Punjab

Q. Which country's Prime Minister announced a minister for loneliness? Ans - Japan

Q. In which state will the flower processing center be set up recently? Ans - Karnataka

Q. Who has taken charge as the chairman of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes? Ans - Vijay Sampla

Q. OSTRACISE: Ans - Welcome

Q. DENSE: Ans - Sparse

Q. PARSIMONIOUS: Ans - Extravagant Vision Unique Study

Q. FETTER: Ans - Liberate

Q. HARMONY: Ans - Strife

Q. VALIDATE: Ans - Disprove Email: [email protected] 179/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. SEGREGATE: Ans - Unite


Q. EMINENT: Ans - Ordinary

Q. ECONOMICAL: Ans - Extravagant

Q. CONCILIATION: Ans - Confrontation

Q. MYTH: Ans - Fact

Q. RELUCTANTLY: Ans - Willingly

Q. MUTILATE: Ans - Mend

Q. LAMENT: Ans - Rejoice Vision Unique Study

Q. ANIMOSITY: Ans - Love

Q. ALTERCATION: Ans - Compromise

Q. COAX: Ans - Active Email: [email protected] 180/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. ERUDITE: Ans - Unscholarly

Q. AFFLUENT: Ans - Poor

Q. PAROCHIAL: Ans - Global

Q. FALLIBLE: Ans - Unerring

Q. IMPERTIENT: Ans - Respectful

Q. ROUGH: Ans - Smooth

Q. RATIFICTION: Ans - Disapproval

Q. OMIT: Ans - Include

Q. INTEGRATION: Ans - FragmentationVision Unique Study

Q. MINIATURE: Ans - Large

Q. EXHAUSTS: Ans - Invigorates

Q. DISTANT: Ans - Close Email: [email protected] 181/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The Madhya Pradesh government has cut the retirement age limit of contract officers and employees by how many years? Ans - 3 years

Q. Recently which state government has decided to ban hookah bars in the state? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Which country has lifted the ban on green cards for the professional people of the world including India? Ans - America

Q. Who has been elected the President of the Table Tennis Federation of India? Ans - Dushyant Chautala

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has recently launched PMFME scheme? Ans - Manipur

Q. Which state government has increased the retirement age of government employees? Ans - Tamil Nadu

Q. Which union territory has launched the first carbon watch? Ans - Chandigarh

Q. Who has recently been selected for the Tata Innovation Fellowship? Ans - Uttama Lahiri

Q. Which state hasVision implemented PM Kisan Yojana Unique fastest? Study Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which state government has launched e-transport system? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. Which country will remain on the FATF gray list until June 2021? Ans - Pakistan

Email: [email protected] 182/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently with which country has India signed the ceasefire agreement? Ans - Pakistan

Q. How many years has the Tamil Nadu government announced to increase the retirement age of government employees? Ans - 60 years

Q. Which state has got the first position at the national level for better implementation of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. OBNOXIOUS : Ans - Disgusting

Q. COVENANT: Ans - Contract

Q. DEFERENCE: Ans - Respect

Q. ABROGATE: Ans - Repeal

Q. INTREPID: Ans - Fearless Vision Unique Study Q. BENEVOLENT: Ans - Charitable

Q. ACUMEN: Ans - Intelligence

Q. CONFISCATE: Ans - To seize by authority

Email: [email protected] 183/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. DEGENERATION: Ans - Deterioration

Q. CLEMENCY: Ans - Kindness

Q. GRANDEUR: Ans - Magnificence

Q. INCEPTION: Ans - Beginning

Q. COLOSSAL: Ans - Enormous

Q. PARADOX: Ans - Puzzle

Q. PROLIFERATE: Ans - Reproduce

Q. CENSURE: Ans - Criticise

Q. DILIGENT: Ans - Industrious Vision Unique Study

Q. CONTEMPLATION: Ans - Meditation

Q. ADULATION: Ans - Flattery

Q. GUIVER: Ans - Tremble Email: [email protected] 184/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. BEAUTIFUL: Ans - Handsome

Q. MOMENTOUS: Ans - Important

Q. INFATUATION: Ans - Passion

Q. CONSIGNEE: Ans - Nominee

Q. TRAMP: Ans - Wanderer

Q. IRREVERENCE: Ans - Disrespect

Q. AMICABLE: Ans - Friendly

Q. PRUDENT: Ans - Cautious

Q. PANACEA: Ans - Cure-all Vision Unique Study

Q. BENEVOLENCE: Ans - Kindness

Q. The India Toy Fair 2021 was inaugurated by whom? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Recently Saras Aajeevika Mela was inaugurated by whom? Ans - Narendra Singh Tomar Email: [email protected] 185/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently the NSO has estimated a decline of what percentage in the Indian economy in the year 2020-21? Ans - 8%

Q. Where was the "Student Health Card" recently released? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. In which country was the Lantern Festival celebrated recently? Ans - China

Q. In which state was the Attukal Pongal festival organized recently? Ans - Kerala

Q. Which state government has launched the budget mobile app? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Which country has recently launched a mass vaccination campaign? Ans - South Korea

Q. Which Indian player recently announced his retirement from all formats of cricket? Ans - Yusuf Pathan

Q. Which bank was first established in Bihar? Ans - Allahabad Bank

Q. Which is the first newspaper to be published in Bihar newspapers? Ans - Amrit Bazar VisionPatrika Unique Study

Q. From which city of Bihar was the Hindi monthly child published? Ans - Patna

Q. When was "The Times of India" published in Bihar? Ans - In 1986 AD

Q. When was the "Bihar Bandhu" newspaper started in Bihar? Ans - In 1874 AD Email: [email protected] 186/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The idol of Chanmargrahini Yakshini, the Chandragrahini is the best replica of Mauryan folk art, from which place was this idol obtained? Ans - Licchavi

Q. From which place in Bihar did two Yaksha idols get? Ans - Aang

Q. Where is "Ajgaivinath Temple" located in Bihar? Ans - Bodh Gaya

Q. In ancient times "Nalanda University" located in Bihar was the medium of language? Ans - Pali

Q. Who was the famous Vice Chancellor of Nalanda University? Ans - Gyan Chandra

Q. Recently the Indian Air Force has sent a legacy Aliat III helicopter to the Air Force of which country? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Where has the integrated control room for Kumbh recently been set up? Ans -

Q. Where did ISRO successfully test the 'Amazonia-1' satellite recently? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Recently in whichVision district of Karnataka the foundationUnique stone of 'Toy manufacturing Study cluster' has been laid? Ans - Koppal

Q. Who has recently been selected for the Sahitya Academy Fellowship? Ans - Velacheru Rao

Q. Which state government has recently reduced the retirement age of contract employees by three years? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Email: [email protected] 187/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has recently flagged off the special train at Tanakpur Delhi Junction? Ans - Piyush Goyal

Q. When has National Science Day been celebrated recently? Ans - 28 February

Q. Recently who has been appointed as the Principal Director General of Press Information Bureau? Ans - Jaideep Bhatnagar

Q. Which state government has announced the award of Bharat Bharti to Dr. Suryabala, a senior litterateur? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. On which day is Zero Discrimination Day observed? Ans - 1 March

Q. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has discovered a Buddhist monastery buried under a mound near the Juljul mountain in the Sitagadhi Hills of which state? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Who attended the recent G20 Central Bank Governance meeting? Ans - Nirmala Sitharaman

Q. Who has recently received the Global Energy and Environmental Leadership Award? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. National ProteinVision Day was observed on which Unique of the following days? Study Ans - 27 February

Q. Which of these companies has done 1 billion in the monthly transaction process? Ans - Paytm

Q. Who will host Hero Indian Women's League 2021 recently? Ans - Odisha

Email: [email protected] 188/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where did DRDO launch satellite Indus Netra? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Which country has launched the space satellite Arctica-M? Ans - Russia

Q. Has written a book titled "Advantage India: The Story of Indian Tennis"? Ans - Anindya Dutt

Q. Who has written a book name with Because India Comes First? Ans - Ram Madhav

Q. How many months has the tenure of Pramod Chandra Modi, chairman of the Central Board of Direct Taxes, been extended? Ans - Three months

Q. Recently India and which country have announced a consensus to establish a hotline between the two countries? Ans - China

Q. Recently which state government has provided life imprisonment to food adulterants? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Who has recently inaugurated Global Bio India 2021? Ans - Dr. Harshvardhan Singh

Q. In which Indian Visionstate were the two cruise ships Unique of Britain disbanded? Study Ans - Gujarat

Q. Who among the following became the first cricketer in the world to get 100 million followers on Instagram? Ans - Virat Kohli

Q. Where has the international yoga festival started? Ans -

Email: [email protected] 189/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has recently inaugurated the Maritime India Summit 2021? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. In which state did Dr. Harsh Vardhan lay the foundation stone of the Mon medical college? Ans - Nagaland

Q. Who launched the Sugamya Bharat app? Ans - Thawarchand Gehlot

Q. PM Modi has recently inaugurated the 1000 MW Neveli Thermal Power Project in which state? Ans - Tamil Nadu

Q. Recently which state government has approved reservation for 75 percent of the state's youth in private sector jobs? Ans - Haryana

Q. What is it now named after the merger of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha TV? Ans - Parliament TV

Q. Which state government has inaugurated hostels for SC and ST students? Ans - Odisha

Q. Who has been elected as the chairman of the committee of AIBA? Ans - Mary Kom

Q. हाल ही म ‘घर की पहचान चेिलक नाम’नामक योजना शु की है Ans - उराखंड Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently in which state 'Air cargo service' has been started? Ans - Nagaland

Q. हाल ही म ‘संचारी रोग िनयंण अिभयान’ कहाँ शु हुआ है Ans - उर देश

Q. Who has taken over the additional charge of DG of CRPF? Ans - Kuldeep Singh Email: [email protected] 190/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which Indian wrestler has recently won a gold medal in the women's 53 kg category? Ans - Vinesh Phogat

Q. Who has been appointed as the first Chief Executive Officer of Parliament TV? Ans - Ravi Kapoor

Q. World Wildlife Day is observed on which of the following days? Ans - 3 March

Q. Who is the new MD CEO of Central Bank of India? Ans - Matam Bekat Rao

Q. How many crore rupees have been sanctioned by Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik for the scholarship of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes students in the state? Ans - 101 crores

Q. Sri Lanka has awarded the contract to develop the Western Container Terminal of Colombo Port to which country? Ans - India

Q. Who has become the second player in T20 International cricket after Yuvraj Singh to hit 6 sixes in 6 consecutive balls? Ans - Kieron Pollard

Q. When is 'National Safety Day' celebrated? Ans - 4 March Vision Unique Study Q. Recently Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare inaugurated the second edition of 'Global Bio-India-2021' in which city through virtual medium? Ans - New Delhi

Q. Which of the following states has launched the country's first 'Engineering Research and Development' policy? Ans - Karnataka

Email: [email protected] 191/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. The Union Cabinet has approved the Memorandum of Understanding between India and which country for cooperation in the agricultural sector? Ans - Fiji

Q. In which state Udaipur Science Center has been inaugurated? Ans - Tripura

Q. Who topped the recently released Ease of Living Index 2020? Ans - Bengaluru

Q. Which country's citizens will vote on the burqa ban referendum? Ans - Switzerland

Q. Who topped the recently released municipal performance index 2020? Ans - Indore

Q. Where has the three-day Joint Commanders' Conference started recently? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Recently Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India has signed an agreement with which state government? Ans - Odisha

Q. भारत ने िकस देश के साथ बोस िमसाइल समेत अय रा उपकरण की आपितू  हेतु समझौता िकया है Ans - िफलीपींस

Q. Who among theVision following has been appointed Unique as the chairman of the Champions Study and Veterans Committee? Ans - MC Mary Kom

Q. Who has become the first country in Africa to authorize 'COVAXIN'? Ans - Zimbabwe

Q. By what percentage has China increased its defense budget by last year? Ans - 6.8 percent

Email: [email protected] 192/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Researchers from India and which country has discovered five new species of shrub frogs? Ans - America

Q. Which country has signed a ten-year agreement with Qatar regarding liquefied natural gas (LNG)? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Recently, which year has the United Nations declared the International Year of Milts? Ans - 2023

Q. Where has DRDO flight-tested solid fuel ducted ramjet technology? Ans - Odisha

Q. The EPFO ​​decided to keep the interest rate on the Employees Provident Fund deposits at what percentage during the year 2020- 21? Ans - 8.5 percent

Q. Who has topped the 'Khelo India Winter National Games'? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Where is the 'Radio Chinar 90.4 Every Heartbeat' salt radio station inaugurated? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Which country has shipped the first red rice consignment to India? Ans - America

Q. Which of the followingVision state government has Unique launched the fact check website andStudy twitter account? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Which state government has launched the Mo Chhatua and E Kalika mobile apps? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which country has recently approved the Johnson & Johnson vaccine? Ans - Canada

Email: [email protected] 193/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who has launched the digital platform Jagrit Tripura to promote e-governance? Ans - Viplab Kumar Dev

Q. Recently who has become the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations? Ans - Ligia Noronha

Q. Which country's government has recently launched its national app portal? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Which state has launched the Chief Minister Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana? Ans - Haryana

Q. Which state government has recently launched an online registration portal for migrant workers? Ans - Meghalaya

Q. Who will be honored with the Bihari Award for the year 2020? Ans - Mohan Krishna Bohra

Q. Which state has launched the country's first engineering research and development policy? Ans - Karnataka

Q. Which Indian player recently became the 5th Indian woman player to play 100 ODIs? Ans - Haranampreet Kaur

Q. Which country has recently appointed the first transgender news reader? Ans - Bangladesh Vision Unique Study

Q. Where was the first white water rafting festival organized? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Where was the 69th Senior National Volleyball Championship inaugurated recently? Ans - Odisha

Q. Where has Desikan Bhavan been inaugurated recently? Ans - Agra Email: [email protected] 194/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where was the GI Festival inaugurated recently? Ans -

Q. When was International Women's Day celebrated? Ans - 8 March

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has inaugurated the first World Skill Center? Ans - Odisha

Q. Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate the 'Friendship Bridge' between India and which country? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Which state government has targeted vaccination of one lakh women? Ans - Bihar

Q. Where is the two-day Good Festival Jaugiri Festival organized? Ans - Lucknow

Q. Where is India's largest 'Kidney Dialysis Hospital' opened? Ans - Delhi

Q. Which medal did PV Sindhu win at the BWF Swiss Open? Ans - Silver

Q. Where is India's first forest medicine center opened? Ans - UttarakhandVision Unique Study

Q. Which state's police has organized the All Women Parade? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. Where is India's first transgender community desk open? Ans - Telangana

Email: [email protected] 195/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state has been ranked first among the 112 most polluted sites in the country by the Central Pollution Control Board? Ans - Odisha

Q. Who has recently been entrusted with the responsibility of the Communist Party by the Nepal Supreme Court? Ans - Rishi Kattel

Q. Which country has recently prohibited the wearing of burqa in public places? Ans - Switzerland

Q. According to a report by the United Nations (UN), approximately what percentage of food production is wasted annually worldwide? Ans - 17 percent

Q. On which day is Jan Aushadhi Day celebrated? Ans - 07 March

Q. Which state government has introduced night safari in three national highways? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Which country's President has won the 'African Leadership Award'? Ans - Niger

Q. Which state's chief minister has resigned recently? Ans - UttarakhandVision Unique Study Q. In which state has the President inaugurated the conservation work of the Singorgarh Fort? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Who has launched the 'Women with' web platform to promote women? Ans - Google

Q. Recently who became the first state to come up with the gender budget concept? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Email: [email protected] 196/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which medal did Bajrang Poonia win in the Moti Pelican World Ranking Series? Ans - Gold

Q. The Australian government has suspended its defense cooperation with which country? Ans - Myanmar

Q. Recently which state government has announced to start the new scheme Saheli itself? Ans - Delhi

Q. Which state government has presented a patriotic budget of 69000 crores? Ans - Delhi

Q. When is World Kidney Day celebrated? Ans - 11 March

Q. Recently which state government has announced super-75 scholarship scheme? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Who will be awarded the FIAF Award recently? Ans - Amitabh Bachchan

Q. Which country topped the Economic Freedom Index 2021? Ans - Singapore

Q. Dustlik practice has started between India and which country? Ans - Uzbekistan Vision Unique Study

Q. Which country has started the first military exercise in space recently? Ans - France

Q. Who has recently been selected as the Indian Sportswoman of the Year by the BBC? Ans - Koneru Hampi

Q. Who was made the new Chief Minister of Uttarakhand? Ans - Tirath Singh Rawat Email: [email protected] 197/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where have recently been voted to ban full-face coverings in public places? Ans - Switzerland

Q. Where recently established an excellent center in the dairy sector? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Who has recently won the ICC Player of the Manch Award for February? Ans - R. Ashwin

Q. Who has become the first MP to become a Captain in the Territorial Army while in Government? Ans - Anurag Thakur

Q. According to the recent report, which state has the highest number of beggars? Ans - West Bengal

Q. Where was the recent Herath festival celebrated? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Who has recently been re-elected as the President of the IOC? Ans - Thomas Bak

Q. Which state has been ranked the top inland record digitization? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Where is India's largest floating solar plant being built? Ans - Madhya PradeshVision Unique Study

Q. Who recently launched the Kindle edition of Bhagavad Gita? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Which state government has recently announced to celebrate the elixir of independence? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which state government has given 1% exemption in stamp duty for women? Ans - Maharashtra Email: [email protected] 198/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. With whom has ISRO developed a joint Earth observation mission radar? Ans - NASA

Q. Under which scheme has the Uttar Pradesh government started a campaign to create a golden card? Ans - Ayushman Bharat Scheme

Q. To whom has Ramnath Kovind presented the Battle of Honor recently? Ans - Kiran Bedi

Q. West Indies Cricket Board has recently appointed a new captain of the Test team? Ans - Craig Braithwaite

Q. Pakistan's Media Regulatory Agency has again banned which of the following Chinese apps? Ans - Tik Toc

Q. Which chief administrator of the world famous spiritual organization Brahma Kumaris passed away recently? Ans - Dadi Hriday Mohini

Q. Recently which country has closed 184 Chinese websites for selling bad, adulterated goods and making fake offers? Ans - Saudi Arab

Q. Who has become the first batsman of Afghanistan to score a double century in Test cricket? Ans - Hashmatullah Shahidi

Q. Prime Minister of which African country Hamed Bakayoko has passed away at the age of 56 due to cancer? Ans - Ivory Coast Vision Unique Study

Q. The Election Commission has ordered the removal of Virendra, the Director-General of Police of the state with immediate effect, before the assembly elections in which state? Ans - West Bengal

Q. Which of the following have become the second woman and first Indian cricketer in the world to complete 10,000 runs in women's international cricket? Ans - Mithali Raj

Email: [email protected] 199/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. When ‘NCRB’ has celebrated its 36th Foundation Day? Ans - 11 March

Q. Which country has the world's most powerful computer ready for use? Ans - Japan

Q. Which country has inaugurated its first major vaccination clinic to save people from the corona epidemic? Ans - New Zealand

Q. Who is promoted as a Captain in the Union Territorial Army? Ans - Anurag Thakur

Q. Which state government has tied up with IBM to start STEM for Girls? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Recently RBI has removed PCA ban on which bank? Ans - IDBI Bank

Q. Which state government has increased the fares of all commercial vehicles by 19%? Ans - Jammu Kashmir

Q. Recently the Global Ayurveda Festival has been inaugurated by? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Recently which state government has started Tech Fest in association with UN Women? Ans - Punjab Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently India's first World Skills Center has been inaugurated? Ans - Bhubaneswar

Q. Recently two ships of Indian Navy have come to the port of Mongla for the first time in which country? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Recently released booklet hallmark focuses on the stories of tribal heritage of which state? Ans - Madhya Pradesh Email: [email protected] 200/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently who became the MD and CEO of ARCIL? Ans - Pallava Mohapatra

Q. Recently who chaired the first meeting of BRICS CGETI? Ans - India

Q. Recently who launched self-reliant Investor Mitra portal? Ans - Piyush Goyal

Q. Recently who wrote a book called A Road Map for Entrepreneur? Ans - Jitendra Gupta

Q. Recently who became the first country in Central America to be declared malaria free? Ans - El Salvador

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state has inaugurated the Golden International Shivaratri Fair? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. Recently who launched Wheels of Love to support parenthood? Ans - Tata Motors

Q. Recently who has launched online certificate course on 5G technology? Ans - DoT

Q. Recently where is the 27th Hunar Haat being organized? Ans - Bhopal Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently the Governor of which state has been awarded the Top 20 Global Women of Excellence 2021? Ans - Telangana

Q. Recently in which state Arjun Sahayak Project has started? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which state has met the doctor population ratio of WHO? Ans - Bihar Email: [email protected] 201/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which city will become the EV capital of India? Ans - Delhi

Q. Recently, the central government has allowed increasing the foreign investment in the insurance sector by what percentage? Ans - 74 %

Q. Which country has announced a ban on wearing burqas after Switzerland? Ans - Sri Lanka

Q. Who has been appointed as the Chairman of the Committee of External Auditors of the United Nations for the year 2021? Ans - Girish Chandra Murmu

Q. Recently, who has reached the top in terms of giving employment under MNREGA? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. Where is India's first centralized AC railway terminal built? Ans - Bangalore

Q. Prime Minister Modi will go on an official visit to which country? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Which state has recently inaugurated Rasin Dam and Chillimal Dam? Ans - Uttar PradeshVision Unique Study Q. Russia and which country have entered into an agreement to set up an international lunar research station? Ans - China

Q. When is World Consumer Rights Day celebrated? Ans - 15 March

Q. Japan and which country started producing hydrogen from brown coal? Ans - Australia

Email: [email protected] 202/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has directed to remove all the religious places settled by road in the last 10 years? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which Indian woman cricketer became the first cricketer in the world to score 7000 runs in ODI cricket? Ans - Mithali Raj

Q. Which bank has launched Vikas Asha loan scheme for women? Ans - Karnataka Development Rural Bank

Q. Which state recently organized the Black Salt Rice Festival? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which state government has reserved 75% of the jobs in the private sector for local people after Haryana? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Which country's player has made the world record for the most overs in a Test match in the 21st century? Ans - Afghanistan

Q. Where will the first genome mapping project begin recently? Ans - Indian Ocean

Q. Which app has been launched by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution to help migrant laborers? Ans - My Ration App

Q. Which former captainVision of the Indian cricket teamUnique was included as a member ofStudy the board of the Indian professional golf tour? Ans - Kapil Dev

Q. Which country has become the second largest oil supplier in India, surpassing the UAE? Ans - America

Q. Which international female swordsman of India has qualified for the Tokyo Olympics starting on 23 July this year? Ans - Bhavani Devi

Email: [email protected] 203/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. When was National Immunization Day celebrated? Ans - 16 March

Q. Who has recently written a book titled Karunanidhi: A Life? Ans - AS Panneerselvan

Q. Who has become the highest wicket taker in T20 cricket for India? Ans - Yuzvendra Chahal

Q. Which state's High Court has approved transgender entry into NCC? Ans - Kerala

Q. According to a recent report, who is at the top in terms of foreign exchange reserves? Ans - India

Q. Which state government has distributed agricultural machinery and equipment to farmers? Ans - Manipur

Q. Which country will host the Asian Boxing Championship 2021? Ans - India

Q. Russia and which country signed the MoU for the lunar research station? Ans - China

Q. According to the World Air Quality 2020 report, who has been named the most polluted capital in the world? Ans - Delhi Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently in which state Vanvasi Samagam was organized? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Recently the Ministry of Home Affairs has directed Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and which state to check illegal inflows from Myanmar into India? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Email: [email protected] 204/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has decided to plant seabuckthorn plants in the cold desert areas of the state? Ans - Himachal Pradesh

Q. Scientists of which country have put telescope under water for the first time? Ans - Russia

Q. The Parliamentary Committee has recommended the government to reduce the age of the juvenile from 18 to which of the following years under the POCSO Act? Ans - 16 years

Q. Which prominent adviser to Prime Minister Narendra Modi has resigned from his post due to personal reasons? Ans - PK Sinha

Q. Who became the first transgender to get a place on the front cover of Time? Ans - Elliot Page

Q. Which bank has recently imposed a fine of Rs 2 crore on the Reserve Bank of India? Ans - SBI

Q. According to the report released by SIPRI, what is the percentage of decline in India's arms imports? Ans - 33 %

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has introduced the temple management system? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Recently the GovernorVision of which state has released Unique a new e-book called Dawn underStudy the Dome? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Who was awarded the International Woman of Courage 2021? Ans - Kausalya Shankar

Q. Recently the Union Railway Minister has informed that on which river in Jammu and Kashmir the world's highest rail bridge is in the final stages of its construction? Ans - Chenab River

Email: [email protected] 205/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. East African country Kenya has refused to participate in the proceedings of the International Court of Justice on maritime boundary dispute with which of its neighboring countries? Ans - Somalia

Q. Who has recently become the first Muslim actor to be nominated for an Oscar? Ans - Rizwan Ahmed

Q. Who recently started the Awam Ki Baat project? Ans - Manoj Sinha

Q. India organized PASSEX exercise with which country's Navy? Ans - Bahrain

Q. Where did the recent ISSF Shooting World Cup 2021 begin? Ans - Delhi

Q. Who was recently appointed the chairman of the Stop TB Partnership Board? Ans - Dr. Harsh Vardhan

Q. Which country has announced to build the world's largest floating solar farm? Ans - Singapore

Q. Where was Mission Gramodaya launched recently? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Which former cricketerVision has been awarded theUnique SJA British Sports Journalism AwardStudy for the year 2020? Ans - Michael Holding

Q. Where was the skill fair organized? Ans - Kargil

Q. On which day is the World Consumer Rights Day celebrated? Ans - 15 March

Email: [email protected] 206/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country will propose legislation banning cryptocurrency? Ans - India

Q. Recently Madhya Pradesh government decided to stop passenger bus transport from which state in view of the increasing cases of Corona? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Which Indian company is included in the WEF Global Light House Network? Ans - Renew power

Q. Which country's Prime Minister Mark Rutte has won the election for the fourth consecutive time? Ans - Netherlands

Q. What is the subject of the recent International Day of Action for Research? Ans - Rights of Rivers

Q. Who became Asia's youngest to climb Africa's highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro? Ans - Virat Chandra

Q. Where is the Amar Ekushi Fair inaugurated recently? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. According to Hurun Wealth Report 2020, which city is home to maximum crores of people in India? Ans - Mumbai

Q. Which country hasVision signed the International SolarUnique Alliance under the amended ISAStudy Framework Agreement? Ans - Italy

Q. How many million US dollars have been approved by the World Bank to help Bangladesh? Ans - 200 million

Q. According to the recently released World Happiness Report, who became the happiest country in the world? Ans - Finland

Email: [email protected] 207/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently Mark Rutte became the Prime Minister of which country for the fourth time? Ans - Netherlands

Q. Recently the famous religious place of which state Shamlaji Vishnu Temple Trust has banned visitors from wearing small clothes? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Recently India and which country have announced the establishment of a joint commission to strengthen bilateral relations? Ans - Kuwait

Q. According to the recent report, what percentage of the forest area of ​​India has increased? Ans - 24.56%

Q. Which bank has recently set up a subsidiary to manage its credit card business? Ans - PNB

Q. Where has the first 'High-level US China' meeting started recently? Ans - Alaska

Q. When is the recent United Nations French Language Day celebrated? Ans - 20 March

Q. Recently on which river in India is the world's highest arch bridge being built? Ans - Chenab Vision Unique Study Q. Recently who has started the right direction honour campaign? Ans - UNDP

Q. On which day is Bihar Day celebrated each year? Ans - 22 March

Q. Which country has recently passed a law to legalize wilful death? Ans - Spain

Email: [email protected] 208/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state has announced the launch of the SAAMAR campaign? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. According to a recent report, which is the only Asian currency strengthened? Ans - Rupee

Q. According to the report in Holi, which country has the most dangerous roads in the world? Ans - South Africa

Q. Which state government has announced a one month extra salary for health workers? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Which state of India has emerged as the model state for the Van Dhan Vikas Yojana? Ans - Manipur

Q. Who has started the 'Gram Ujala Yojana' recently? Ans - RK Singh

Q. Who has recently started the 'Catch the Rain Campaign'? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Recently India's Para Athlete Singharaj has won which medal in the 2021 Para Shooting World Cup? Ans - Malaysia

Q. Recently the Vice President of which company Cesar Sengupta has resigned? Ans - Google Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently who became the first state to have 'ethanol policy'? Ans - Bihar

Q. Which railway coach factory has recently introduced the first Linke Hoffman Busch (LHB) AC three-tier economy class coach? Ans - Kapurthala

Email: [email protected] 209/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently the farmers of which state started the Fresh Fruit Cake Movement? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. When has World Water Day been celebrated recently? Ans - 22 March

Q. According to defense director website Military Director, which country has the most powerful army? Ans - China

Q. Which place has India ranked in the recently released Global Home Price Index? Ans - 56th

Q. Recently the 109th Foundation Day of which state has been observed on 22 March? Ans - Bihar

Q. Where has the three-day shehnai festival started recently? Ans - Varanasi

Q. Recently which country has taken the initiative to open more border haats along the border of Mizoram? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Who has recently written a book titled DOWN UNDER THE DOME? Ans - Swati Pandey

Q. When is World Meteorological Day celebrated? Ans - 23 March Vision Unique Study

Q. The Central Government has reconstituted the Advisory Committee to study which mythical river in the next two years? Ans - Saraswati

Q. Which state has given a 30% wage increase for state employees? Ans - Telangana

Email: [email protected] 210/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which actress has been honored with the National Award at the 67th National Award recently? Ans - Kangana Ranaut

Q. The Chief Minister of which state has announced the setting up of three PAC Women's Vatallions? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Who has recently announced the acquisition of 58.1% stake in Gangavaram Port? Ans - Adani Ports

Q. Where has the recently concluded two-day 'Nandini River Festival'? Ans - Mangalore

Q. Recently which state has decided to start India's first ambulance network for animals? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. In which state the formal indigenous language and knowledge system school has been inaugurated recently? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Who will be given the Gandhi Peace Prize of the year 2020? Ans - Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Q. Which organization has recently proposed to create a digital green certificate? Ans - European Commission

Q. Which player of the Indian women's cricket team has surpassed Australia's Beth Mooney to achieve the number one ranking in ICCVision T20 cricket? Unique Study Ans - Shefali Verma

Q. The central government has increased the annual limit of tax free interest on deposits in Employees Provident Fund (PF) from 2.5 lakh to how much of the following? Ans - Five lakhs

Q. On what day is World Tuberculosis Day celebrated? Ans - 24 March

Email: [email protected] 211/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed a fine of how many lakhs on Fedbank Financial Services Limited, Mumbai? Ans - 15 lakh rupees

Q. Which state will start the Chief Minister Chiranjeevi Yojana from 01 May 2021? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. India and which country have agreed for patent verification cooperation? Ans - Japan

Q. An MoU has been signed by the Chief Ministers of Madhya Pradesh and which state to implement the Ken-Betwa Link Project? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Which of the following is the theme of World Water Day 2021? Ans - Valuing Water

Q. Who among the following wrote the book Bride of the forest the untold story of yayati’s daughter? Ans - Madhavi Mahadevan

Q. With which state is Delhi linked under the Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat program? Ans - Sikkim

Q. Which Indian climbers have recently held a 24-hour record on Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in the continent of Africa? Ans - Rohtash KhileriVision and Anu Yadav Unique Study

Q. Which state recently launched the Ethanol Production Promotion Policy, 2021? Ans - Bihar

Q. To what date has the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) announced the cancellation of all international flights? Ans - 30 April

Email: [email protected] 212/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. How many satellites from 18 countries have been successfully launched by Russia recently? Ans - 38

Q. Recently 116th meeting of Permanent Indus Commission between India and which country was held in New Delhi? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Which state's Chief Minister has launched the 'Mera Mask Mera Suraksha' campaign? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Recently, who has been chosen as the best SME bank of India by AsiaMoney? Ans - HDFC Bank

Q. When did Assam Rifles celebrate its 186th Raising Day? Ans - 23 March

Q. Which state government has organized 'Banana Mahotsava'? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Q. Where is the world's first 'Ship Tunnel Project' being built? Ans - Norway

Q. Recently Homeland Secured Dialogue will resume between India and which country? Ans - America

Q. Recently, the government has decided to sell what percentage stake in Rail Vikas Nigam? Ans - 15% Vision Unique Study

Q. Which state government has started the 'Look Apna Pradesh' campaign? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Where is the Indian Coast Guard ship Vajra commissioned? Ans - Chennai

Q. Which Indian wrestler has been inducted into the Hall of Fame 2021 by WWE? Ans - The Great Khali Email: [email protected] 213/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which singer will be awarded the Maharashtra Bhushan Award, the highest award of the Government of Maharashtra? Ans - Asha Bhosle

Q. Which of the following places India in the International Intellectual Property (IP) Index? Ans - 40th

Q. Who has recently been awarded the Vyas Samman on behalf of the KK Birla Foundation, New Delhi to the senior litterateur? Ans - Sharad Pagare

Q. Which country has co-sponsored a resolution led by the European Union, highlighting ongoing human rights concerns in Myanmar, including the Rohingya? Ans - America

Q. Who has recently been appointed as the new CEO of UIDAI? Ans - Saurabh Garg

Q. Who has been named by Chief Justice SA Bobde for the next Chief Justice? Ans - N. B. Ramana

Q. In which city did Power and New and Renewable Energy Minister Raj Kumar Singh launch "Village Ujala Yojana"? Ans - Varanasi

Q. Recently who inauguratedVision the Kurnool Airport Unique in Andhra Pradesh? Study Ans - YS Jaganmohan Reddy

Q. Where is the Chhatrasal Convention Center inaugurated? Ans - Khajuraho

Q. Which state government has recently announced the introduction of affordable rent housing scheme? Ans - Uttar Pradesh

Email: [email protected] 214/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Where was the 28th Hunar Haat inaugurated? Ans - Goa

Q. Prime Minister Modi has announced the Golden Jubilee Scholarship for the youth of which country? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Where was the Indo-Korean Friendship Park inaugurated recently? Ans - Delhi

Q. Which country has successfully tested the Shaheen-1A missile recently? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Who launched the tribal TB initiative for TB-free India? Ans - Dr. Harshvardhan Singh

Q. Where has 'Shaheed Ashfaq Ulla Khan Park' inaugurated recently? Ans - Gorakhpur

Q. Recently NASA's Curiosity rover sent stunning video of Earth-like clouds passing over which planet? Ans - Mars

Q. Recently DD Free Dish has crossed the figure of how many million subscribers? Ans - 40

Q. Which country has recently announced a ban on British individuals and institutions? Ans - China Vision Unique Study

Q. Which state government has recently mandated a negative RT-PCR report for entry into the state? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Who will build 'Atmospheric Observatory' recently? Ans - IIT Delhi

Q. Recently Neelam Sahni has been appointed as the new State Election Commissioner of which state? Ans - Andhra Pradesh Email: [email protected] 215/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country has Mount Merapi volcano erupted? Ans - Indonesia

Q. Recently, NASA has shared a picture of the snowy sand dunes of which house? Ans - Mercury

Q. Which train has been announced to connect Dhaka in Bangladesh and Jalpaiguri in West Bengal? Ans - Mitali Express

Q. Recently India and which country have agreed to joint production of military hardware? Ans - South Korea

Q. For which financial year has the Khelo India scheme been extended? Ans - 2025-26

Q. Recently, which country's army has given a dose of 01 lakh Kovid vaccine to which country's army? Ans - Nepal

Q. Which country's Parliament has passed a bill enabling the current President of the Parliament for the next two more terms? Ans - Russia

Q. Recently where will the US-based crypto currency exchange Coinbase set up its office in India? Ans - Hyderabad

Q. Who has been awardedVision the Best Actor Award Unique at the Filmfare Awards 2021? Study Ans - Irfan Khan

Q. Who has been awarded the Best Actress Award at the Filmfare Awards -2021? Ans - Taapsee Pannu

Q. Which anti-satellite missile has been successfully tested by the Defense Research and Development Organization recently? Ans - Mission Shakti Missile

Email: [email protected] 216/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Water power minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat sanctioned 465 crores as demonstration incentive fund for how many states under the Jal Jeevan Mission? Ans - Seven

Q. To what date has the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) extended restrictions on withdrawals and deposits in Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative (PMC) banks? Ans - 30 June 2021

Q. Who topped the recent ISSF Shooting World Cup 2021? Ans - India

Q. Which famous Marathi writer has got the Saraswati Samman 2020? Ans - Sharan Kumar Limbale

Q. The foundation day of which of the following states has been observed on 30 March? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. The Central Government has proposed what percentage of tax rebate on submission of scrap certificate of old vehicle before the purchase of new vehicles? Ans - 25 percent

Q. Where has the training program for rural women started recently? Ans - 25 percent

Q. Who wrote the book Names of the Women? Ans - Jeet Thyle Vision Unique Study

Q. Which bank has been adjudged 'India's Best SME Bank' at the AsiaMoney Best Bank Awards 2021? Ans - HDFC Bank

Q. Recently 'Vajra Prahar' exercise was organized in Himachal Pradesh between India and special forces of which country? Ans - America

Email: [email protected] 217/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has recently inaugurated the Shaheed Ashfaq Ulla Khan Zoo (Gorakhpur Zoo) in which city? Ans - Gorakhpur

Q. Who has recently announced the new feature of Checkout with Crypto? Ans - PayPal

Q. Recently the Government of Pakistan has lifted the ban on importation of goods with India? Ans - Sugar, cotton and cotton

Q. Which veteran actor of South Cinema has been announced to be awarded the 51st Dadasaheb Phalke Award? Ans - Rajinikanth

Q. The Income Tax Department has extended the deadline for linking PAN card with Aadhaar from 31 March till which of the following? Ans - 30 June

Q. How many crore rupees have been approved by the Central Government for the food processing industry under the production based incentive (PLI) scheme? Ans - Rs 10,900 crores

Q. The World Bank has increased India's GDP-GDP growth estimate for the year 2021-22 to what percent? Ans - 10.1 percent

Q. Recently which country has provided a grant-in-aid of 800 crore Nepalese rupees to Nepal under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)?Vision Unique Study Ans - India

Q. A 25-year "strategic cooperation agreement" has been signed between China and which country? Ans - Iran

Q. How many weeks has the French President Emmanuel Macron imposed a lockdown on the whole country in view of the threat of Corona? Ans - 4 weeks

Email: [email protected] 218/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has become the first state in the country to provide health insurance to each family under Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme? Ans - Rajasthan

Q. Pakistan's app has lifted the ban on which app? Ans - Tittock

Q. On which day is World Autism Awareness Day celebrated? Ans - 02 April

Q. The Supreme Court, while rejecting an appeal of which state government, has imposed a fine of Rs 20,000 on the state government for wasting the court's time? Ans - Bihar

Q. Which state government has proposed Mahendergiri as the second biosphere reserve of the state? Ans - Odisha

Q. How has India slipped 28 places in the list of 156 countries in the Global Gender Ratio Report 2021? Ans - 140th

Q. Which country has registered the world's first COVID-19 vaccine for animals? Ans - Russia

Q. How long has the Reserve Bank of India extended the deadline to implement its guidelines related to bill payments and subscription renewals? Ans - 30 SeptemberVision Unique Study

Q. Which state's governor has been honored with the Kalinga Ratna Award? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. Which company has launched a short video platform called Threadit? Ans - Google

Q. India has signed a memorandum of understanding with which country in the field of water resources? Ans - Japan Email: [email protected] 219/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. In which city 104 fit high flag mast was inaugurated recently? Ans - Gangtok

Q. Recently which state government has given Rs 693.94 crore to help the farmers? Ans - Odisha

Q. Which state has named Amboli as a biodiversity heritage site? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Which railway zone became the first fully electrified railway zone in India? Ans - West Central Railway

Q. Who released Dr. Shailendra Joshi's book Supari Palan? Ans - M. Venkaiah Naidu

Q. Where will the Men's Boxing World Championship 2023 be held? Ans - Tashkand

Q. Where will India's largest floating solar power plant be set up? Ans - Telangana

Q. Which state has announced the Kovid-19 vaccination for journalists of all ages? Ans - Uttarakhand

Q. Who will represent India in Mrs. Galaxy competition? Ans - Shruti ChauhanVision Unique Study

Q. How many million dollar loan has been approved by World Bank and AIIB to Punjab? Ans - 300 million dollars

Q. In which state has the Adani Group bagged a Rs 1169 crore highway project? Ans - Odisha

Q. Who has recently been announced as the ICC Women's World Cup 2022 official song? Ans - Girl Gang Email: [email protected] 220/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country's President has abolished the ban on H-1B visas? Ans - America

Q. Which country has recently approved a proposal for a controversial change in Hong Kong's election system? Ans - China

Q. Recently awarded the Dronacharya Award, which prestigious shooter coach has passed away at the age of 79? Ans - Sanjay Chakraborty

Q. After Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, who has become the third state in the country to pass a law on forced conversion for marriage? Ans - Gujarat

Q. Recently the government of which country announced the suspension of all public traffic? Ans - Bangladesh

Q. Which company recently closed its smartphone business? Ans - LG

Q. Which country's foreign minister, Sagai Lavrov, has come for a two-day visit to India? Ans - Russia

Q. Recently the Chief Minister of which state has launched a public awareness campaign against Corona? Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Who has recentlyVision been appointed by the Central Unique Government as the new Secretary Study of Economic Affairs? Ans - Ajay Seth

Q. On which day is the World Health Day celebrated? Ans - 07 April

Q. Who has been appointed as the next Chief Justice of India (CJI)? Ans - Justice NV Ramana

Email: [email protected] 221/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has declared Amboli region as a biodiversity heritage site in Sindhudurg district of Western Ghats? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. The International Monetary Fund has increased India's growth forecast for FY 2021-22 to what percentage? Ans - 12.5 percent

Q. In which state has the World Bank approved a $ 32 million project to improve health services? Ans - Mizoram

Q. On which date does the United Nations celebrate International Sports Day for Development and Peace? Ans - 06 April

Q. On which river in Jammu and Kashmir did the arch work of the world's highest railway bridge be completed? Ans - Chenab River

Q. Which state government has recently launched the Lab on Wheels initiative? Ans - Delhi

Q. Which country's Football Federation has been suspended by FIFA? Ans - Pakistan

Q. Who has recently been appointed as the President of AAI? Ans - Sanjeev Kumar

Q. Recently which Visionstate government has decided Unique to work five days a week? Study Ans - Madhya Pradesh

Q. Which country has banned the entry of Indian citizens in its Civil Code? Ans - New Zealand

Q. Who has recently launched Tribal Health Cooperation Anamay? Ans - Both A and B

Email: [email protected] 222/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which country has recently hosted the 17th Bismitech Ministerial Meeting? Ans - Sri Lanka

Q. हाल ही म उकल केसरी डॉ. हरे कृणा महताब ारा िलिखत ओड़ीशा इितहास पुतक का िहदी अनुवाद कौन लांच करगे Ans - नरद मोदी

Q. Recently who was given the Devishankar Awasthi Award? Ans - Ashutosh Bhardwaj

Q. Which institution has decided to publish the Financial Inclusion Index? Ans - RBI

Q. India has entered into an agreement with which country for academic and research cooperation? Ans - Japan

Q. Nilimarani - Who has written the book My Mother My Hero? Ans - Dr. Achyut Samanta

Q. Recently in which country has the Barak Atomic Energy Plant started its commercial operation? Ans - UAE

Q. Who recently launched the Madhukranti portal? Ans - Narendra Singh Tomar

Q. Who has recently launched the SARTHAQ initiative? Ans - Ramesh NishankVision Pokhriyal Unique Study

Q. Who will be awarded the Chhattisgarh Virni Award? Ans - Duti Chand

Q. Recently in which ocean China has expressed its interest in making polar silk route? Ans - Arctic Ocean

Q. When is the martial day of CRPF celebrated? Ans - 09 April Email: [email protected] 223/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which former Mumbai cricketer and famous player of Kanga Cricket League has passed away at the age of 90? Ans - Mehli Irani

Q. After the resignation of Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, who among the following has been appointed as the new Home Minister? Ans - Dilip Valse Patil

Q. Which of the following company has appointed Indian captain Virat Kohli as its brand ambassador? Ans - Digit Insurance

Q. Recently, how many lakh crore rupees emergency credit line guarantee scheme has been extended till June 30, 2021? Ans - 3 lakh crores

Q. Whose birth anniversary has been declared a public holiday by the Government of India in April this year? Ans - Dr. BR Ambedkar

Q. Which female actor has won the SAG Award for Outstanding Performance in a Leading Role? Ans - Viola Davis

Q. In which state India's largest floating solar plant with 100 MW power generation capacity will be set up? Ans - Telangana

Q. Which country's women's cricket team has created a world record for the most ODI wins? Ans - Australia Vision Unique Study Q. Recently World Homeopathy Day has been celebrated? Ans - 10 April

Q. Recently who launched the world's first microsensor based explosive trace detector 'nanosnifer'? Ans - Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank'

Q. Recently who dedicated the 'Hansdiha Godda Rail Line' to the nation? Ans - Piyush Goyal

Email: [email protected] 224/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently which country's Navy has organized Freedom of Navigation Operation in the Indian Ocean Region? Ans - America

Q. Recently which country has fined Alibaba Group $ 2.8 billion? Ans - China

Q. Recently which state government has announced a free 50 km journey for the differently-abled? Ans - Bihar

Q. Recently who has attended the meeting of 103rd Development Committee of 'World Bank-IMF'? Ans - Nirmala Sitharaman

Q. Recently who has won the 2020 ACM AM Turing Award? Ans - Alfred Veno Ego

Q. According to the recent report, in which state 3 out of every 1000 pregnant women are HIV positive? Ans - Meghalaya

Q. Recently India and which country have appealed to strengthen global cooperation to combat terrorism? Ans - Maldives

Q. Recently who has been appointed as the new 'Revenue Secretary'? Ans - Tarun Bajaj

Q. Recently which state government has launched a 14-day mask campaign? Ans - Odisha Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently which country has given a patrol ship 'PS Zoroaster' worth 100 crores to which country? Ans - Seychelles

Q. Recently the name of which great poet's Tapasthali has been changed from Mahmudpur to 'Parasauli'? Ans - Surdas

Q. Which country recently deployed an INS surveyor to conduct joint hydrographic survey? Ans - Mauritius Email: [email protected] 225/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Manisha Maun is related to which sport, which has been in the news a lot recently? Ans - Boxing

Q. Which version of the Indo-Russian Friendship Car Rally will be held in Russia? Ans - Fifth

Q. Which country has India included in the air bubble agreement? Ans - Sri Lanka

Q. Which lieutenant colonel of the Indian Army broke the two Gunnies world records for fastest single cycling? Ans - Bharat Pannu

Q. Where has the Khelo India Center of Excellence recently launched? Ans - Srinagar

Q. Recently India and which country has announced to launch a water sector strategic partnership? Ans - Netherlands

Q. Who has launched the first online dispute resolution booklet of its kind in India? Ans - NITI Aayog

Q. Recently who has become the fastest vaccinating country in the world? Ans - India

Q. In which country will the Sanskrit teaching app Little Guru be launched recently? Ans - Bangladesh Vision Unique Study

Q. Which country has recently announced the name of its female astronaut? Ans - UAE

Q. Who has recently been awarded the UAE's top civilian award? Ans - Yusuf Ali

Q. Who has been awarded the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters of Honor? Ans - Gunit Monga Email: [email protected] 226/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which state government has appointed Sonu Sood as the Kovid Vaccination Ambassador? Ans - Punjab

Q. Who has inaugurated the decision and order portal recently? Ans - DY Chandrachud

Q. Recently which became the first country to implement the largest free trade agreement RCEP? Ans - Singapore

Q. Who has recently announced the launch of Mentor Connect program? Ans - Amazon India

Q. Who among the following has become the first woman Director General of National Council of Applied Economic Research? Ans - Poonam Gupta

Q. Who has inaugurated the 6th Raisin Dialogue recently? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Who will be appointed the new director general of NADA? Ans - Siddharth Longjam

Q. Which Union Territory has been declared TB free? Ans - Lakshadweep

Q. Which country recentlyVision recommended a temporary Unique ban on Johnson & Johnson Study vaccines? Ans - America

Q. Which organization has launched a government securities acquisition program? Ans - RBI

Q. Which country has gifted the PS Zoroaster, a 100-crore patrol vessel to which country? Ans - Seychelles

Email: [email protected] 227/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. On which day is Ambedkar Jayanti celebrated? Ans - 14 April

Q. Recently, who has announced the release of contaminated water from the nuclear plant to the sea? Ans - Japan

Q. Which country has announced the sending of Rover Rashid to the moon in 2022? Ans - UAE

Q. On which day is World Art Day celebrated? Ans - 15 April

Q. Who has become the first country to bring legislation for climate change? Ans - New Zealand

Q. The International Cricket Council (ICC) has banned former Zimbabwe captain Heath Streak for how many years? Ans - Eight years

Q. Which state government has recently announced a financial package of Rs 5,476 crore for the weaker sections? Ans - Maharashtra

Q. Which vaccine has been banned by the United States due to cases of blood clotting? Ans - Johnson & Johnson

Q. Which country has seized the Ever Given Ship after blocking the Suez Canal? Ans - Egypt Vision Unique Study

Q. Which of the following vaccines is 90 percent effective six months after the second dose? Ans - Modern

Q. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has appointed which of the following retired justices as Deputy Lokayukta? Ans - Surendra Kumar Yadav

Email: [email protected] 228/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Who among the following became the first player to hit 350 sixes in IPL history? Ans - Chris Gayle

Q. Which of the following has become the 60th country to approve the Russian vaccine Sputnik-V? Ans - India

Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the next Chief Election Commissioner of the country? Ans - Sushil Chandra

Q. The Central Government has extended the ceasefire agreement with Naga groups in Nagaland for how many years? Ans - One year

Q. Who among the following has been named as the first female astronaut of the UAE? Ans - Nora Al Matroshi

Q. National Safe Motherhood Day is observed on which of the following days? Ans - 11 April

Q. The US has announced a resumption of a plan related to how many million dollars for Palestine, making a significant change in its predecessor policy? Ans - 235 million dollars

Q. Which of the following social media company has tied up with domestic company CleanMax to buy a 32 MW renewable energy project in Karnataka in India? Ans - Facebook Vision Unique Study Q. Who has chosen Wisden Almanack as the best ODI cricketer of the decade of 2010? Ans - Virat Kohli

Q. How many crores of rupees will be provided by e-commerce company Amazon to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in India? Ans - 1873 crores

Email: [email protected] 229/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which Pakistani batsman has beaten the captain of Indian cricket team Virat Kohli recently and secured the first position in the ICC ODI rankings? Ans - Babur Azam

Q. ISRO and which country's space agency signed an agreement on 15 April 2021 for cooperation in India's first manned space mission 'Gaganyaan'? Ans - France

Q. Which country's Prime Minister Joseph Juth has resigned from his post? Ans - Haiti

Q. US President Joe Biden has decided to extend the May 1 deadline of September 11 to withdraw all US troops from which country? Ans - Afghanistan

Q. Which Union Minister has recently launched Eatsmart Cities Challenge and Transport for All Challenge? Ans - Hardeep Singh Puri

Q. When has 'World Voice Day' been celebrated recently? Ans - 16 April

Q. Recently India has signed an agreement with which country for cooperation on the Gaganyaan mission? Ans - France

Q. Recently GVG Krishnamurthy has passed away. Who were they? Ans - Former ElectionVision Commissioner Unique Study

Q. Who has recently launched 'e-SANTA' electronic market place for aqua farmers? Ans - Piyush Goyal

Q. Recently 'former CBI director' has passed away. What is his name? Ans - Ranjit Sinha

Q. Which country has recently announced the purchase of 60 million vaccines from Russia? Ans - Iran Email: [email protected] 230/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Recently Google has announced how many millions of Kovid vaccines to low and medium income countries? Ans - 2.5

Q. Who has recently been appointed as 'McDonald's India' as its brand ambassador? Ans - Rashmika Mandana

Q. Recently from which country has the US announced a full military withdrawal? Ans - Afghanistan

Q. Which state's Theravada Buddhist community has recently celebrated Sangken ceremony? Ans - Arunachal Pradesh

Q. Recently which center of development of advanced computing has celebrated its foundation day? Ans - 34th

Q. Who has recently released four books related to Babasaheb Ambedkar? Ans - Narendra Modi

Q. Who has recently become the new secretary of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Finance? Ans - Ajay Seth

Q. Recently under whose chairmanship has the RBI decided to set up a regular review authority? Ans - S. Rajeshwar Rao

Q. Which country will host the World Table Tennis Championship recently? Ans - America Vision Unique Study

Q. Recently in which state KSK Mahanadi Power Project is being developed at a cost of 3.6 billion rupees? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. World Heritage Day is celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 18 April

Q. Which of the following star wrestlers has won a gold medal in the Asian Wrestling Championship (53 kg category)? Ans - Vinesh Phogat Email: [email protected] 231/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which of the following countries has got the first position in the Inclusive Internet Index 2021? Ans - Sweden

Q. World Hemophilia Day is observed on which of the following days? Ans - 17 April

Q. भारत ने कजातान के अलमाटी म एिशयाई कुती चिपयनिशप म मिहला वग म कुल िकतने पदक जीते ह Ans - 7

Q. The UK Home Ministry has recently approved the extradition of which fugitive businessman? Ans - Nirav Modi

Q. On which river in Odisha will the Rs 110 crore Ropex jetty project be built? Ans - Dhamra

Q. World Voice Day is celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 16 April

Q. Who among the following has been appointed as the new Chairman and Managing Director of Small Industries Development Bank (SIDBI)? Ans - Shiva Subramaniam Raman

Q. Which of the following country's Prime Minister has resumed his India tour due to Corona infection next week? Ans - Britain

Q. National Lok DayVision is observed on which of theUnique following days? Study Ans - 21 April

Q. Which state government has implemented the Essential Services Maintenance Act? Ans - Chhattisgarh

Q. Which Indian wrestler has won a gold medal in the 59 kg weight category at the Asian Wrestling Championships 2021? Ans - Sarita More

Email: [email protected] 232/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. Which nation is hosting the Asian Wrestling Championship 2021? Ans - Kazakhstan

Q. Which company will acquire Cleartrip Travel Company? Ans - Flipkart

Q. How many new hospitals will soon have their own oxygen plants? Ans - 100

Q. Which country recently approved a bill that makes "Ecocide" a crime? Ans - France

Q. Which state government has announced to organize Health Safety Week between 22nd to 29th April with a view to curbing the outbreak of Kovid-19 in the state? Ans - Jharkhand

Q. Which famous Marathi filmmaker has passed away recently? Ans - Sumitra Bhave

Q. Recently, NASA's miniature robotic helicopter 'Ingenuity' made a successful takeoff and landing on which planet? Ans - Mars Planet

Q. Scientists of which country have launched the world's largest 'Underwater Neutrino Telescope' named 'Baikal-GVD (Gigaton Volume Detector) in Baikal, the world's deepest lake in Siberia? Ans - Russia Vision Unique Study Q. World Creativity and Innovation Day is observed on which of the following days? Ans - 21 April

Q. Italy has recently launched the first "Mega Food Park" in which country includes food processing facilities? Ans - India

Q. Which country's space agency RossCosmos plans to launch its 'Lunar 25' mission in October this year? Ans - Russia

Email: [email protected] 233/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. World Earth Day is observed on which of the following days? Ans - 22 April

Q. According to the report of Energy Conversion Index (ETI), which country ranked first in the list of 115 countries? Ans - Sweden

Q. Which of the following ranked India in the World Press Freedom Index 2021 report? Ans - 142nd

Q. Which player has become the first player to play 200 matches from the same cricket team as the captain? Ans - Mahendra Singh Dhoni

Q. Priyanka Mohite has become the first Indian woman to conquer which peak of Nepal? Ans - Mount Annapurna

Q. For how many years has the Central Government extended the insurance scheme of the health workers under the Prime Minister's Poor Kalyarn Package? Ans - One year

Q. Which state government recently released the first installment of Rs 672 crore under the Jagannanna Vidya Deewana scheme for the year 2021-22? Ans - Andhra Pradesh

Q. The Union Cabinet has recently approved a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Director General of Trade Treatment of India and the Trade and Duty Commission of which country? Ans - Bangladesh Vision Unique Study

Q. Which of the following players became the first batsman to score 6 thousand runs in IPL? Ans - Virat Kohli

Q. World Book Day is celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 23 April

Email: [email protected] 234/235 Website: Current Affairs December By - Manish Panday

Q. In which state has the Election Commission banned roadshows and vehicle rallies with immediate effect in view of increasing cases of corona virus? Ans - West Bengal

Q. Which famous music composer of Bollywood has passed away recently? Ans - Shravan Kumar Rathore

Q. Which country has recently banned passenger flights coming from India and Pakistan for the next 30 days? Ans - Canada

Q. Care ratings have reduced India's GDP (GDP) growth rate estimate to what percent for FY 2021-22? Ans - 10.2 percent

Q. English Language Day is celebrated on which of the following days? Ans - 23 April

Vision Unique Study

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