POLO IN TWO BIG LEAGUES We show here our Tailoring Shops at corner Market, Court OF OTHER I, MEM I I and California streets. Little Stock Taken in Report that Cusick Will Be Released by In these shops we employ upwards of 600 tailors. This

Ko-We-- number is not nearly sufficient in our busy season. Ba Team Memler Has an Muncie Lafayette Pulling to Front Our problem is to keep these tailors reasonably employed Average of 1 88 for Total of League flajaei This Week. are that next winter will see a State during the dull season; Forty-Fiv- e Games. Western league of teams. Roller polo has even at In our busy Monday. this early date taken the place of basket- order that their services may be available during Richmond at Anderson. ball at Earlham. Charles S. Rauh, of this period. AVKRAGES OF LEAGUES Elwood ,at Muncle. city. Is of the Purdue team and Tuesday. has signed a fast bunch to represent that We find it economical at this season by selling our outfit at university. if we Marion at Indianapolis. 4-- cost, or even at som3 loss, by so doing can accomplish Graff and Tilford Tied for First Muncie at Elwood. President William Foor, of the Central the purpose of keeping our working force together. n esda y . Place in the Independent Wed League, has handled the reins of that or- Marion at Richmond. ganization in an admirable manner. Mr. League. Thursday. Foor released three of his best players Indianapolis at Marion. (one of them, Daly, conditionally) to up- Anderson at Muncie. To-Mon- w Friday. hold the dignity of the league. Paddy Morning, Jesse Pritchett, of the Ko-We-- Ba team, is Mor an. Dan Daly and Spot Hadley violated Therefore, Beginning bowing year's championship form Indianapolis at Anderson. a strict rule of the Central League and his last - Richmond at Elwood. Nv- re released at once by President Foor. and leads the India naiolis Bowling League Saturday who owns the controlling interest in the ata with an average of 188 for forty-fiv- e Muncle at Indianapolis. Danville team. Daly, who was afterward games. Coffin, Marions, has the same d, is playing a fast game on the of the Anderson at Richmond. rush line with "Gloomy Gus" Campbell and average for a total of thirty-tw- o games, and Elwood at Marion. will do his share toward lifting the Dan- Field, of the Turner, Is third with 187. Central League Games This Week. ville quintet from the second division. Moran is now 18 thirty-tiv- averages playing with Logansport y, There r men with of are Monday. and Hadley signed sev- January, has been as the Monda 15 and above. Kokomo at Terre Haute. enth man by the Elwood team of the West- Jap Peacock, of the Burfords, and Hayes Lafayette at Ft. Wayne. ern League. Potter, of the Pettis, are tied for first place Tuesday. f 4- - In the Commer ial League with averages of Ijifayette at Kokomo. The Ohio League which is to be organized With but the one object in view that of having sufficient work to keep our tailors em- ITT. Peacock, however, has rolled two more Logansport at Danville. the coming season will, if the gfcgjies than has Potter. Lee Graff, et the Wednesday. does not materialize, be composed ployed until the busy season is again at hand, we announce prices as follows: Ramblers, and TUford, of the same club, are Transport at Lafayette. of the following cities: Dayton, Hamilton, tied for the top rung in the Independent Terre Haute at Ft. Wayne. Cincinnati. Springfield, Phrua and Lima. If Thursday. the National League is organized Cincinnati lelgM. Graff has rolled a total of thlrty-ai- x will, in nil probability, be a member of games, and is., therefore, entitled to hold Kokomo at Logansport. the National organization. Some good play- flrat place, as Tilford has part4cipaf-- d in hut Terre Haute at Danville. ers are still in the East, but all the real three contests. Morrison. Adair.- - and Hook, Friday. stars are in the Western league and will of the White EVphant team, an- - the lead- Ft. Wayne at Lafavette. be here again next season. in Irajri1--- o han vSuits ers the LbRUi'. Morrison Danville, to at at Terre Fifteen Dollars Haute. Order an average of 165 and Adorns and Hook are tied for the second position with 154. Leon- Saturday. Halfback Cameron, of the Marlon West- ard (juiil of i : Coma team, leads the Elks' Danville at Kokomo. ern League team, is not the only player who

an average g" er leaguers. Quill tops the lint with Ft. Wayne at Logansport. is trying the "goal-raisin- trick. Goal-tend- Of MB. Smith, of the Monarch team, is sec- FROM STAPLE AND FANCY CHEVIOTS, FINISHED AND UNFINISH- U Tibbitts, of the Lafayette live, ond with 163. Roessner. of the rn Pmall talk has been going the rounds team. Is the first in the South worked the same trick ?n a recent contest I Mun- ED $20.00. $22.00 $25.00 League. He baa an average of 168. to the effect that Manager Petty, of against Haute, WORSTEPS that have been selling at and I :id Terre which escaped the Graff, of the Phoenix team. with cle, had the release of Goal Teuder Dave notice of Referee Kilgara. This is an un- 171 and Holtman. of the Passive Turners, is Cusick iu mind. Where this story origin- sportsmanlike trick and should be stopped third with 165. The a ated no one knows, and the chances are by the officials of the two lea'gues. A good Player L'ub. Game?. A v. way to stop this would be to fasten the Frltchett. Ko -- Wc-Da 15 tn that the affair will end in smoke. To re- cages tightly to the floor. It is hardly Coffin. Marion 32 lease Cusick would be poor policy on the possible that the players would jerk the at $15.00 to $30.00 Turner u cages loose Suits to Order at Twenty Overcoats Field. part of Walter The tiaxen-haire- d from their fastenings to allow O. Kirkhoff. Washington 24 l.M Itty. a ball to roll out on to the tloor after it had From popular materials and IN NO INSTANCE IS THE RE- Brtekmeyer, w ington IS") cage guardian can give at least two of once been caged. Ko-We-- Ba 45 4-- Dollars Burton. m the other Western League goal men a few 4 DUCTION FROM REGULAR PRICE LESS THAN $10. -- We-Ba 42 F Mueller. K w on posi- Fred L. Wiltshire, a Kokomo newspaper Silk Mixed and UN- Kollo way. Turner 45 11 pointers how to play the hardest From Staple and Fancy and FINISHED man, six-clu- b Waist-coatin- gs Buddenbaum. Washington 45 1M tion in the game and he should be retained. has organized a amateur FINISHED WORSTEDS, CASSIMERES. CHEVIOTS and Every dress garment, Prince Albert Suits, Fancy Ray. Washington 33 11 David Cusick is quite a favorite with the league in that city. Mauager Barnes of Ko-We-- to dis- Ba In subjected Wands. 42 IV, the Kokomo team of the Central League, selling and $32 00. fact, every article in our shop is 4' Muncie fans. For a player to be compelled tweeds that have been at $28.00, $30.00 Bryson. Marian to Nvork under a captain of the ilk of "Wild will give a handsome silver cup to the win- tinct price reductions for the reason explained. Peacock. North Side 44 1S1 ner of the City league championship, and all 45 HB Charier" Farrell is enough to discourage games Torger, Turner well-know- n arc closely contested. Our stock is large and the assortment embraces fashionable 45 him. It is a fact that every Bumb, Turner lh2 - - - athlete in any branch of sport will have 4- 4- 4- Twenty-Fiv- e W. K. Cooper. Imperial 45 ISO vSuits to Order at novelties as well as all the staples. 42 17 "off times" occasionally. The player, in Goal Tender "Peggy" White, of the El- Kahlo, Columbia is of yellow Columbia 36 17 instances where his work not a wood team, was saved from Style, fit, workmanship and finish are absolutely guaranteed. F. lvy, a:, hue for a protracted length of time, is not serious injury Decker, Imperial 179 on Monday night of game Dollars Garments pressed and kept in repair one year without charge. 45 170 to be blamed because he happens to play last week iu the Fehrenbach. Turner one or two poor games. played Carter, Marlon 42 17: at Anderson. Frank Wodtke, the From the finest Imported Cheviot?, Worsteds, Vicunas, and Is a Genuine Opportunity to get first-cla- ss Knox. Marlon 45 179 For the good of the Muucie team let Petty "Flying Dutchman," ITThis put Bobby in shoes. The for- sent a terrific line ready-mad- e Levey, . 33 178 Hart Farrell's in Dress Cloths, ever brought to this country. clothes under prices. Marlon mer, next to Lewis, is greatest drive the direction of the Elwood cage G. Sledenstlcker. Turner 45 173 Fred the and the cage guardians of cham- goal-gett- er in the game, and would mako last year's F. Schmidt. Turner 15 178 au pion team was only saved by his mask, H. Beilkeu. 46 177 excellent leader for the Muncie team. as the ball iu National i.s well liked over circuit, which is struck squarely the wire of Klang. Columbia 45 177 Hart the the face protector and White was knocked 45 177 Just th reverse iu the case of Farrell. Lee, Washington Farrell is a good polo player in every over the cage by the force of the blow. Juday. North Side 44 177 And still tho goal tenders, with the ex- 177 sense of the word. He is an excellent shot Leap. Marlon cage in goals ception of Bannon, say thnt they woulJ C Kirkhof Washington 45 176 for the and leads the centers rather play without the mask. Ko-We-- 42 176 caged to date. However, a man of Far- Potter. 4-- Keetei, National 42 175 rell's type is not the oae to try and lead DoUmaai. Columbia 36 176 a team to victory in a race for a cham- McGilvray's men have delivered the goods Tailoring Company 24 175 pionship and the Muncie fans will soon be in a way Vinson. Columbia demanding that the change he made. that has been entirely satisfactory Havellek. Columbia 39 a to the fans. The Indians have been excep- ( Kahn ffinmrrciul Howling IttagM Roller polo is again on the boom in Wis- tionally unlucky in having the ball roll Makers of the Kind of Clothes Gentlemen Wear Player. Club. Games. Ave. agains-r- . them and lost more games Peacock. Burford 44 17', consin. Teams have been organized in Rac- than Potter. Pettis 42 177 ine and Milwaukee and the two clubs are they won In the past week. The local five Rosenthal. Burford 41 173 are not by any means i iaying a series of games in the two disheartened and will Klrkwood. Kinean 41 16 rinks. continue to play the polo which will eventu- Kvans. Burford J7 The first game plnyed in Milwaukee since ally land them the championship of the Holtman. Laurie At If? Mi was played on Tuesday night of last Western League. McGilvray and Pierce (iruner, Laurie 4 164 Ave are teaming like they had played together . 160 week. The Milwaukee was the victor Baker. News hy a score of 7 to 5. A Milwaukee paper on the same clubs all their lives. Murtaugh Wioimtr. Kirtgan 45 Mf has the following story in part iu regard Is playing a game at center and has Brady. Kingau 45 lt to the contest: "Although last night's game been unfortunate in drawing numerous Gough. Kingan 30 10 was not particularly fust as a game of fouls (?) from Referee Lush. Allie Coggs-ha- ll S&nagon. Kahn 27 159 can be depended upon to play the game A 44 roller polo, due to a great extent to the AMUSING COMMENT MILLERS TO PRACTICE news WHIST PL YERS Brandt. Kahn i: small and the dead banks, to and he filled Way's place at half back In of the: l.'A surface the Ban-non- L. Coble. Maiott 41 .itors who were unfamiliar with the an excellent manner in recent games. 's Marriott. When 42 157 sport the game appeared to be a whirlwind work at goal has exhausted the vo- OF INDIANAPOLIS AND STATE Eagle 45 155 ELL-F- Durman. from start to finish." The goal tender cabulary of the polo writers and nothing ATT O R B ES BOUT ON CHAMPAIGN FIELD Jordan. Kingan 43 IM of the Racine aggregation had a total of more can be said about the big case guard- Mueller, Kahn - 45 154 ian. Charle Kerrigan, the Indian utility 41 153 eighteen stops, and his opponent In front Be Fisher. News t of the Milwaukee cage was credited with man. although a lightweight, will, when it State Tournament Will Held During tlie Week of Feb. 22 Meeker. Kahn 42 151 game becomes necessary, rough it with any play- N. 41 lfil nineteen. The must have been of Heizer. ws six-clu- b er in the game and is a general Chicago Man Showed Ignoranct Watkins Will Call His Players Many Visiting Clubs Will Be Represented 151 the whirlwiud style. A WlfOMllI favorite O. CoMe, Marott 36 League is now being boomed in the Badger with the fans. V - - - Harms, News 4- 4- 4- by Saying It Was for Cham- Together in Illinois Town 150 State. Gibson, News - 4- 4-- Is 44 150 The playing of the Fort Wayne team New Year Resolutions. vice president, R. G. McClure; secretary, R, Brown. Marott pionship. on April i. D. Slsloff. Burford 26 Ifit The Lafayette aggregation is playing entirely different from that of any other "Resolved that from thla New Tftar'a cay Machan; treasurer, U. P. Welborn. Webster. Bnrfotd 34 150 good polo in the Central League. Man- club in the minor league. It Is seldom I'll throw no single trick away Ooultw. Pettis 3 150 ager By careless or by stupid play. The club seems to be in line Koch. Eigle T. 149 Baugh should have retained Fahey. indeed that Jason or Leydon drive for the BIG GLOVES WERE USED MAY OPEX IX THIS CITY Uesolved that when th game begins. with tha News 3S 143 the crack , as he, was fast and cage except when iu the immediate vicinity No m-tt- er how my partner ins. other clubs in having as increased attend-lnc- e Harding. I'll smile as sweet as when she wins. Beaomar. When 4t 149 a popular player. Ed Gavitt is the Fred of the draperies. The ball is passed from game being at its meetings. Six tables have been 44 147 one to or from Resolved that when, the o'er, MoKittrn h. Pettis league. The rusher the other the center Brutal Games Will Be Played I find myself with bottom score, in play eat each meeting N 4 146 Lewis of the minor lanky rush to one of the two rushers, and is carried Many Men Do Not Possess Exhibition since the first of iTeasel 'ws I will not. meanly (as of yore). the year. new Weatcort. N.-w- s Ml can. and does, drive from any position and down the floor iu this manner. Thnt this Instincts, and Do Not Crave with Teams in This Part of Go sounding forth the old refrain The clubroom, the ladles or- Ooldsmith. Batfle M 145 Nvith terrific force and is an excellent man style of play is successful is shown by the 'My partner showered tricks like rain. dinary, at the Grand Hotel, Is proving very Dowd. Burford 145 for any club to have. The Lafayette .team fact that the Fort Wayne bunch leads the Blood. the Country. I ll never play with her again.' satisfactory to the members. idt. When 38 145 is slowly crawling up the ladder, and from Central League teams by a margin of 2w Resolveü that when a rival pair f Lengne. present indications the tight for first place points. Are over me, I'll not declare Bowling - - 4- were everywhere. The annual plus score Independent in the Central will be between Fort Wayne, 4- That tricks given them of members of th Cincin- YV. H of Minne- Resolved no more the game to play 1903 Player. Club. Games. Ave. Sporting writers of Chicago and Y;iikins, president the e, club for Is as tl. present leaders, and the Lafayette and not be a pick tmr-oderat- way, follows: Messrs. Bond, 36 It would difficult matter to In an foolish Graff. Ramhier K Terre Haute ought know better, apolis club, is in Indianapolis and will 176; ; Kokomo clube. The team has all-st- ar nati, who really to still But only twice or thrice a day. Sullivan, Roemler, Tilford. flambier a expected än team from among the Central 8; J. W. Sluss, not shown the form of it. The some very ludicrous comments n main here until he goes to Chicago next Resolved my good resolves to keep 76; 70; Baker. Rlnky Dink 1S Danville club is not by any means to be League players. Phil Jason, llrst rush, aud have made And break not one before I sleep." Cleland, Welborn. 67; McFurland. 64; 39 on be- Sunday meeting of the Amer- Fox. Prospect M counted out of the running, but their new Cauavao, r. the recent contest in Indianapolis to attend the Edith Chrlstman. lies, 62; Machan. 60; J. M. Woods. 40; Ham- 15 1S1 James cent of the Fort Wayne Dierkes. Royal men. Hardy and Whiting, have n.,t be. 1 1 in tween Abe and Harry Forbes. The ican Association. He announced yester- ilton, 23; Rockwood, 15; Jaquith, E. E. 17 178 team would be to plsy two Attell i, Brady, Alcazar the Wet long enough to give the rritles a entitled these Chicago day he completed arrangements Sluss. 8; Preston. 6; Stine 3; Yaudea 2: Royal 41 177 positions on five. criticism or comment started in that had A meeting of tho officers of the State L Jacks. chance to judge their work. Logansport, the premier "Scissors" EU., Coffin. 31 17'5 tail-en- paper took H up without for Iiis team to practice at Champaign, Association was held at the Penlson Valley. Alcasar by virtue of holding the d position Gavitt, of Lafayette, would be the man and a Cincinnati Whist O'Brien. Rinky Dink 39 176 a "hearty good will" since the opening changing any. One paper said: this spring. The players will report there hotel, Wednesday The officers 41 176 with picked for the second rush and Hughey the matter afternoon. Members of the club who had plus scores Kroeck. t. Royal season, is weakest proposition in 1 15. of the the Devlin, of the same team, should, on form, "The fight between Harry Forbes and Abe on April and will remain until April are: President, Orlando B. lies; vice pres- the meeting 12, Watson. Dewey 3 176 Um league. However. Manager at Tuesday night. Jan. were 24 174 Central be picked for the position of half back. games played on Satur- Li. Holts, Reliance Frank Wilson will not again try to John Berry, of Iogansport. Is the best goal Attell in Indianapolis recently was much Exhibition will be ident. Charles E. Coffin; secretary. Mrs. O. Messrs. Rockwood. 10; Vfikel. 3; J. M. 1. . 20 174 Wl Royal . strengthen his team until the fans of the iu League. heralded as a real battle for the bantam- days und Sundays with teams in this part G. Pfaff; treasurer. Edward B. Porter. The 7; 7; 12 171 tender the Central Although Woods. McFarland. E. E. Sluss. 2; C. Koelling. Pud No Bridge City demand it. To not do a thing a Is Comlngor, 4; 11; 41 173 playing with team which holding down weight championship. There was no men- of the country. When the championship executive board is composed of the officers Sullivan. Roemler, 2; H Holtman, Pud No until forced to is one of Wilson's long puice no opposition. Berry Machan, $; Bixby, 6; Maisoll. Ramhler 45 173 the last with tion of 'pillows' before the tight, but after season opens Minneapolis will not have a and the presidents of the whist clubs affi- J. N. Sluss, 1; Bond, a, suits. is a per among the goal in - :; tenders the 4- 172 4-- Raasfleld. Rambler 4 minor league. It is probable that an all- - It was over it became known that the long jump to make as the Western teams liating with the State Association. Mueller. Rambler 33 172 sport Is taking will be picked The Meridian Club will hold Its next meet- 42 Polo as a college a great star team from the Cen gloves weighed between seven and eight will open In the East and there is a chance It was decided at the meeting to hold C. Buxatt, Alcazar 171 League close of present ing with Mrs. Thompson. Rinky 3: 171 on the colleges of Indiana. Teams are tral at the yie a of Minneapolis playing the first series in a two evenings the week of The club is com- Knslow. Dink hold season play a post-seaso- n games ounces. Both fighters made creditable tournament 36 171 to series of posed of twelve members, Resener. Rambler being organized in nearly all the prominent with an all-st- ar team of theWes-Ur- n League showing, but there was little damage done Indianapolis. Feb. 22. tho date and place of meet- all earnest stu- Wolslffer. Rambler 171 fxact dents of the game, colleges in the State, and the indications players. at any stage of the fight." Charles Ruschaupt, president of the In- ing to he agreed upon later. and meets every Monday J. T'rlewlcz. Alcazar 45 m morning at J:30 oclock for play the Comstock. Alcazar 17 171 The sporting writer on the Chicago "yel- dianapolis club, claimed he had no in- The manner of play is to be the same as home of one at .. MA NT HI" VS Et'RKKA. the last tournament, both team and pair of its members. Niemann. Rambier 45 170 Nieman, Germania m low paper" a of learning things formation to give to the public yeeterday at 155 '. 3. has habit play the first night, and second night e Waun r. Meridian Mamlm. ft 2. i Eureka. 1. 2. J. h- - regarding the Hoosiera. It would be quite the DruKK Ilnwlin League. . TVS after everything is over, but hud paid as ist' J. Gnnu-r- Passive Turner .. m llunr 1 H. Cterm'r.l45 13T 120 interesting to receive official information open pair play, with pins as prizes. The Kate Wheelock Club met at the hnms I much to match between At- Plaver. Cluh. irr. s. A e. A. E. James, Stone Palace.. IN Thomaa l.'S 141 12T Steffen 154 ST 116 attention the regarding some of other trades There ought to be a large attendance 7 113 place as the that I Eln,r C. Sewall. on Park avenue, Morrison. White Elephant. 21 155 151 McCTM W Heyer 136 156 113 tell and Forbes before it took he to be from the towns throughout the State to re-- VLre" Simon. Passive Turner .134 Ml 130 150 are made or that have been made frriday morning. Whfte Elephant 154 151 Underwood Ie Haven... has since he would realize how amusing L. tw.-.- n efforts officers of Adams. a Obergfel, Meridian s Indianapolis and Minneapolis. The ward the earnest of the White Elephant .... .v21 15) Ayn-- 119 IM Hi Kollo 13J H his comment is. A well versed sMiting association to make the tournament a Hook. l.l Latham, Active Turner ..: E. 1- 115 club officials have officially announced that the Eli Lilly 24 153 Osterm r.154 -' writer should know that championship bat- success. Some races have been The American Club team No. 1 played Blair. M. T. H. S. Averages. Totals ...I .... tles are against the laws of Indiana. There Billy Fox had been traded to Minneapolis laminar Lohrmann. Eli Lilly 10 152 T39 644 and it is now in them to announce missed from the last few tournaments, that a challenge game with the Indianapolis Totals IB was absolutely no mention of the contest line for repre- Datesman. White Elephant...... l Xt Games that Kihm, Ford and one or two others all would be glad to see again. The Club team No. 1 being for the championship as such a thing No-blevvl- lle for the I. W. c. trophy, Fits, Ki fer tte ...... - 1. Played. Av. will wear Minneapolis uniforms next sea- sentatives from Rushville. Lebanon, Pennifke. Eli Lilly 24 151 B hwah. Ikkioko 36 165 M. T. H. S. BOWLING GIRLS w is n. er thought of by the boxers or the son. and Alexandria of former years Wednesday evening, at the Grand Hotel, re- Xlegler. White Eleiphftnt. ... 24 1.10 Schmidt. Ikkioko 36 164 promoters of the club. The men were en- who have rtot met with the association for sulting in a victory for the American 14'. 36 MS gaged for n boxing contest and It was an- Club. Duryea, Kleferette 24 Dickey, Ikkioko ROLL HIGH SCORES The Iveague at meeting Inst some time would be welcomed, not only for In the first of game Vlnk VII I II W Z 145 36 I.V. nounced nearly every day in the Indianapo- Central its efficiency half the the score was Knox. Freshie their as "whistlers." but for their 6 Ite KW-pha- 24 145 Murr. Manchu 24 159 lis papers that they would wear large week adopted a plan to fine clubs that do genial presence. The women from Terre to 4, in favor of the American team. Ia iiri-- t gloves. of in lor. Kl M 144 Avrs. Manch ii 30 156 Tht games in the Manual Training For the benefit cities other not furnish official averages of their play- Haute, Lafayette, Connersvllle and Mun- the last half the score was 5 to 5. 36 144 eiti-- s it might be well to any there Messrs. hall. 24 144 Adam. Ikkioko School Girls' Howling league were that offi- cie have been ardent supporters and are No Bond. -i- - 24 144 30 140 Ilih are hundreds of men in Indianapolis who ers to the president of the league. num- Cleland. Roemler and Sullivan Thomas. Manchu Pas- "whit artist?." as the winning of a 21 143 ( Ki-V- 27 142 played yesterday afternoon at the enjoy a good boxing contest and they do cial averages for the past season have been by proven. Iseo the American team, and Messrs Her-n.- n randell. i possess ber of prises them has They Da ih r. Coffin and Plrkey r. b ... 24 141 Zmmjmm. ki-y- i 21 140 time alleys. Although their scores did not not the brutal instincts of other issued because President itement did not surely should come again, and all whist apolis the Indian- 11 tight grumble If a of" team. K.rn. E Lilly. 12 141 IMrsi hman. Freshie 31 140 exactly eo,ual those made by the hoys In followers who quart of receive the scores from all the cities clubs, either gentlemen or women, are ear- K 3 141 Buddenbaum. Freshie 24 139 morning-- , they a blood is riot spilt or if one man is not sent Under th" new plan the league should be nestly requested to send delegates, and if not Bilk. the showed great Improve- - ftt. White 6 140 Borhom, Ikkioko 21 139 ment since the last practice. to dreamland us a result of a Jub on the able to isau.- averages once a month, as already members, enter the State Associa- Which Is the correct lead and why? 1 Ja W. the clubs will not care to take chances on BuwItiiK St. IT. n. Dub 24 The ""Dainty PoUy Vardens" took . tion. The leader s hand holds ace, queen, IxiiKir. -- thr Jack, r. Kn hie 36 i:i s being fined and expelled If the failure to Dunnv " H:irn-- from tho Phi Helta Nus. and the xxx 8. 5. Club. Games. . i of a plain suit. Player. s In very The Ar. .Morrison. Pub 36 l Strik'-r- took two from the Florodor.-ts- It is generally believed that Young Cor- - send scores Is repeated often. The The Woman's Club always holds a leader opens the . league In com- club game by Coma m II. ostermyvr 3(? 134 Lotft also adopted a good policy leading the ace eacn adversary h. Monarch . 22 163 Brom made the high individual score bett has distinctly the better of the weight contest Just preceding a tournament, to Kl-- Vl 23 132 106, pelling the Wheeling and Dayton clubs to playing a small h . 261 Bab.1. of with Emma Am second, with 103. card and leader s partner iinn. Monart Ki-Y- 13 ISO question in the coming bout. Britt was the guarantee more for each game to visiting give a practice, 1581 Gooble. I The other individual scores follow: the teams little and also to arr.s. Hub . 1 Cor-be- playing the klne of Manchu 21 129 man who held out for 19 pounds and tt clubs than the other clubs In the league. trophy, is a the suit. Whlh card . Wh!u. NU VS. play for a club which handsome Bretsel :.l ir.7 13 130 PHI HELTA POLLY VARDEN. It was about the only way the Wheeling of the suit ought the m k. Dub -- leader Continus . 4 ir.7 1. & . ' seemed to consent rather reluctantly. cut-gla- ss vase given ott. Bended Knw !. 12 128 Phi Helta. Dolly V '! J. and Dayton magnates succeeded In remain- to the cluh by Mrs. with, - Bhl ko why? IV. Ktu- 156 Ikki R. M 69 7 J M 51 97 as and If leader continues with Beiul'd E t rmvcr 33 125 Oolrick... Htinm Yet those who are close to the champion ing in the organization. J. W. Bradshaw, and the teams "score" Jack, should partner . . V 3i 44 K 78 6H so trump or not trump, tael . 33 .." 12:? J IVrine An state that he is secretely phased with in the contest, they are numbered at the M 26 5 that and why? . .rriott H Hei nh z. f 73 H..ln 7o Han-Io- n Jl l- I. pound over his figure in the tournament. The vase is now in the pos- KellOKK 29 -:i K 41 33 44 It. 72 additional This may Moh-iw- ytaley. ... Itofranlua. 9 to one on Von s seem . 3 l. . fight. too.; "Just another old Chris der of No. 1, composed a simple question, but 122 C. PrewK-r..- 55 64 M. 64 68 77 It heroic measures to get session team of 152 Pusmaon fi sf Yule 12y there appears to be more ways oae . 33 31 121 Young Corbett down to pounds and It Ahe." nays Joe Cautilion. "It was told me Lynn. Pfaff. Smith and Johnson. than - .j to answer it. endet! Kne- . 17 l.-- Van Landinfrham Totals . U3a J7 Totals 343 360 will cause him a good deal of trouble to by Arlie Latham, Is good enough to 130-pou- and Answers 11. nd . IB M. T. S. HOWLING HKSl'LTS. make the limit. But as Jimmy addressed to Whit Department. FLoKnlxiHA VS STRIKER The club selected following cap- Indianapolis n . 34 to turn loose. has the Journal, will a; whist If Standing of Teams. Florodora. I. 2. 3. Striker. 1. 2. 3. Hrltt is said be in the neighborhood of column of K"n nine teams: next Sunday edition. T. L. arch . 37 clubs. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. l'O pounds just at present, it does not ap- "After winning a couple of those cham- tains for Mesdames Branham. J. ij Ikkioko M 4 .KS F. Davis 46 42 pear as if Corbett would have all the re-- 1 pionships there was nothing too good in Swain. Smith. Drew. De Vay, Talbott. Wil- ohawk IU Frcshl's , 10 ,W E. Tn k 54 4J 1 A p 44 67 in ing to do. Britt is said to be a btt.-- r HtiKUlnM Mi Train for tnnmtt. .1 : 35 89 59 St. Louis for the Browns, and old Chris, of son, Hutchinson and Lowry. They are to U. i i. Ki . 140 hus 36 1 Is .500 L Innrem H. II 34 y man at 133 than at 13o. This fact will likely K-n- l 1 K ii ;; Man I. 37. f. H' It Miller. 46 63 form their teama and begin practice NKW YORK. 16 - Hug-gin- s, Ki-Y- ls 38 17 19 .472 Hutl.r make the Denver ! favorite over him course, was the largest man In Missouri. at Met, Jan. That John ."mii 32 36 13 23 .31 When they COOM together. Forecasts of the Th.-r- e was a big exposition of some kind so as to be ready for the tournament in racers, Kurtkaa Totall ....243 306 304i Totals . 395 319 February. They will report the meeting famous trsiner of who has 315 - t - on In 8t. Lnjis, decided at id .'I Dubs 5 31 m on the fight arc to the effn thnt Cor- going and Chris Tuesday. made a name on two continents, will re- hawk in bet- So he them next yes- - bett will be at shorter odds the tirst to give his men a treat. took 4-- . 117 In the M. T. H. S. HowIIuk TuRue turn to coming uel 2" from X. l TIOXA L ting than he was in the Hanlon bout. all In one evenlnj?, intending; to buy them the turf and the ssson take 9 tonlay the Ikkiokos took three naMM COMMISSION iu led a For the last quarter the club has had two charge . Dub 144 4- - 4-- everything siht. and them in of a stahl, possibly tn.tntng th.- - lnibs, and thv Freshios took the same for 143 s. long procession door. As they Ki-Vi- S hwab held WILL MONTH through the systems in play the Howell and Compara- various owners, probably mm ri Cma. 14 14:: Dumber from th the MEET XEXT Tespniring of getting on a fight with Joe went in every man in the bunch bought but principally for COT, with 2'N in the lirat game. tive alternating each meeting. Ity A. t"as.-at-t. dt. Monarch . i- - Ml hi'h Choynski. negotiations for which have been a big popcorn ball. Chris, resplendent In that J is a rert that a I 1 . vs more members are satistled to-da- y. . Vma 142 ikkioko ni'H. ('.WINN ATI. Jan. 1; -- President Han B. going on for four weeks, Sandy Ferguson a new silk hat. was marching at the head, method than much interest In racing circles Mr. iMjb 25 141 3-- by only one year. B. 1. 2. 1 L 2. J. t when a popcorn ball whizzed through the adopting system for the Ikkl.ko. "-I- Iub Amerh-nr- Huggins goes T xas 1 tiii HH 111 Johnson, of the LeaRUe. spent has decided to go "something to within a few . CHM 2 140 PirW.v Ittl 171 II after better." air and bang went the new silk hat. Chris In no club will be found all members agree- days, I.V. 163 I3g to-d- ay on auy one being will only ilenuV! Knee 21 140 Srhwah . Marriott ....IM IT. here en route to Washington aud Alec Mi Ferguson's manager, has whirled around, wild with rage. ing system the best, and but remain there a short time He Inffton. -. Ieant !,,.-- it .IV. 173 ArMi.'kl- - . . . UÄ 92 r.-- . New York. In an informal posted a $200 with Swee- " me by dod by using two the club pleases some a part l i . . ; ttoaftt llnu l.i'HK III'. I XI 133 .i .. iont forfeit Who hltted bopgnrn ball?' has directed Liioch Wishar r lli Jain '; i; li: ill with Präsident Herrmann Secretary ney accepted Lirnci I time and the Ml i"j v.n and and the challenge of Bob ho roared. 'Who hltted me? will git of the rest the other time. him a cottage at Sheepshead. whl h he yvT. CMh Ave. IJonham ....161 ir: n will Bruce, of the national baseball commission, Fiusimmons. in which the lanky Cornih-ma- $25 to tindt uod who did dot criminal deed!' take possession of probably early in Mart h Oktr. Germania it was a lv Totals .s IM MS Totals .. doided to call meeting of the expressed a willingness to meet any "Arlie I'ttham stepped forward and held of club If the report of Mr. Huggins s active re- national commission in Chicago during heavy Boston light "I The members the that had plus KI-Y- I vs. Y. the followers who out his hand. did it, Chris.' said he. entry into racing affairs is correct u Paaalve Turner FRESH Pul-lia- m. 12, nan. second week in February. President saw the recent bout between Marvin Hart 'Give me the J25.' scores Tuesday, Jan. were: mean much to lovers of the horse 1. 2. J. I Frenhy. L 2. 3. of the National League, was not pres- and George Gardner, in which the glared at him speechlessly for a 11; Wilson, 11; Messlck, 3; East- Mr. Hugglus has been in 140 114 .144 133 131 latter "Chris Condultt. frequent e..rsul-tatio- n ...138 Knox ent waa no com- de-cl- ar i.V. I'iT U7 K.-i- r and there meeting f tho made such a woefully poor showing, minute. Then he handed Arlie the 2S. and man. 3: Rock wood. 2; Plrkey. 2. Five tables with a man close nix .114 116 139 in- '1 in turf affair t mission. While various matters were openly that Fitzsimmons's showing slowly and incisively: "Here were iu Mr. . ii 122 117 117 Uuiunyer . li--' 134 remarked ist play. Csssatt. and hns now d. nie, t.. t.,,t li. formally dlseussed no wan even out- gave Fergi..-o- u $25. you vos $50 out-racheo- us .113 174 114 Piel .112 action against the Lowell man dot Aber fined for dot t short his trip to Texas, as well as to en- . e rierilK 141 on omn-befor- ...117 13 160 Ilirsohm'n . .. IV 104 lined anything, but tili matters to good grounds for asking a match, and that qddack upon your employer. Hlt- American Whist Club gage a cottage at Sheej.-hea- d m live Turner . 15X .15 expected The at its annual time i Rud baum 11 l.,l the commission are to be he would be able to get plenty of backing ted me mit a bopgot ii hall, vill you.' " et ready for early rnclnjf. Toll .. 71? CM ready for tho meeting In Chicago next for any side bet the Cornishman would "And the $50 waa duly meeting elected the following officers for This led many deducted from has to think re-A-Krt . 13t Totals . . .Mf 74 70 month. S. that tie make. Arlle's envelope next pay day." the ensuing year: President, L. Loud. of his Intended tvura: is trust worth