
Grace MESSENGER UM Church Millsboro, Delaware July-August 2018 Volume 45 Issue 7

Ponderings from the Pastor

Dear Grace Friends,

So, here we go! As we all settle in together I know that you might be curious about a few things.

So first, I am NOT unpacked yet! There are still many boxes of books in my office and at the par- sonage, but with prayer, diligence and the help of friends, things are slowly finding their appropri- ate places. And yes, there probably will be a forthcoming ser-

mon series on possessions and de-cluttering—and perhaps

Sunday even a de-cluttering challenge for all of us!

Worship Please be patient with me as I seek to learn your names; do

Contemporary not hesitate to tell me your name so that I can pronounce, 8:30 am spell and call you your preferred name or nickname. Naming is an almost holy thing, for our identity is wrapped up in our Traditional names. Naming is important in scripture--for God and Jesus 10:30 am call folks by name into relationship and service. To know someone’s name is to honor them and to affirm their sacred worth. And that is what I want you to know—that I value your sacred worth as a child of God. Summer Church

Office Hours I preach from what is called the Revised Common Lectionary [RCL], which is a three-year cycle of weekly lections Tuesday-Friday [scriptures] and is built around the seasons of the Church Year 8:00 am - 3:30 pm [the cycle of the Church Year begins on the First Sunday of Advent], and includes four lections [scriptures] for each Sun- Friday - Pastor’s day, as well as additional readings for major feast days. I will Day Off primarily focus on one scripture for preaching each Sunday.

Grow in Christ Through Grace, Faith, Love and Service During most of the year, the lections [scriptures] are: a reading from the Hebrew Bible [Old Testament], a Psalm, a reading from the Epistles, and a Gospel reading. The Gospel readings for each year come from one of the syn- optic gospels according to the following pattern: Year A is Matthew, Year B is Mark, Year C is Luke and readings from the Gospel of John can be found throughout the GRACE UNITED RCL . We are currently in Year B, which means that the METHODIST CHURCH Gospel will be predominantly from Mark. The RCL helps P.O. Box 566 preachers and congregations to hear and read a breadth Millsboro, De 19966 of scripture and keeps us from the temptation of only fo- 302-934-7969 cusing on a few texts. The RCL is a way of moving us www.gracechurchmillsboro.com through the Bible in three years. You can find out more Recorded Info Line 302-934-5637 about the at this link from Vanderbilt Divinity Library [a UMC seminary] https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/ faq2.php.

I have already had the pleasure of gathering with the Church Staff: choir, of dining with our guests and servers at the Grace Karin Tunnell, Pastor Church Soup Kitchen, and with the kids and teachers of pastort@ VBS — what a blessing to be with each of you, and I look gracechurchmillsboro.org forward to our other Fellowship Gatherings. Pugs Sam- son & Delilah, Luke and Coby the cat are settling in as Dawn Zimmerman Dir of Family Ministries well and I thank you for your inquiries of their welfare. You [email protected] will find that I love to teach, to take lots of photos, I love to sing and ring bells, to paint and garden, to laugh and Megan Bunting, Admin Asst make cards and more. [email protected] Again, my heart is filled with gratitude for your warm and Ronnie Wootten, Custodian generous welcome - I’m excited to be at Grace and I look forward to the plans God has prepared for us!

Editor: Jesus Christ In Christ’s peace and blessing, Asst Editor: Charlotte Hastings Pastor Karin Please feel free to contribute articles, news events or cartoons to The Messenger. E-mail your information to: [email protected]

Articles for the September Messenger Are Due August 22, 2018 New Members

William Davis Summer Longenecker

Jennifer Lee

Devan Hall Barbara Martin

Craig & Janet Brown PASSING THE TORCH

Fondest Farewell Warmest Welcome

GGrace AAction PPartners

I would like to thank everyone for your continued support of GAP, Grace Action Partners. We may be more aware in the cold winter months of needs in the community but the needs continue in the summer months as well. Possibly some of you may be wondering what is GAP? Grace Action Partners was formed many years ago, by members of Grace, to assist members of Grace and the community of Millsboro. As the word GAP suggests, the purpose of this mission is to stand in the GAP during a time of need. GAP assists families with electric bills, heat bills, rent, maybe a prescription, to name of few possibilities. We work with Love Inc (Love in the Name of Christ) in their outreach and we refer requests to Love Inc to be vetted for assis- tance, unless the assistance is for a Grace member or friend. GAP is not included in the church budget but is funded by donations from Grace members and friends. Donors and donations, and the names of those we assist, are kept anonymous. Dona- tions can be made by making a notation on your offering envelope of how much you would like to designate specifically to GAP. It can be a weekly, monthly or a onetime donation. Jesus said, “I was hungry and you fed me, I had no clothes and you clothed me”. GAP has been and is your chance to help keep the lights on or help someone keep the roof over their head. Your support has allowed Grace Church to be a blessing to many. Thank you for your continued support. And if you have any questions please get in touch with me, I would love to talk with you further about this local mission. Blessings, Judi Thoroughgood

Thank You to Cari Ossman and Teena Milligan for Coordinating a Wonderful VBS! As We Know, Jesus Rescues!

JOOY Ministry

The JOY Committee has been busy preparing for a great Beach Party on July 28. Get your tickets this Sunday in the Lobby. Thanks, Pastor Karin, for this great picture!! Update from Your Finance Committee

Budget: We ran further behind our giving versus our spending in the month of June. The deficit is in the $20,000 range. While the exact figures are not in, I wanted to write this report before I left for vacation.

Stewardship: If you are like me, there are passages in the Bible that have a very particular and special meaning. For me, the 25th chapter of Matthew 34-36 is such a passage: “Then the King will say to the people on the right, come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world. I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink:” There was a time in my life that was pretty messed up, with my mother running away with another man. Unemployment, drinking, gambling at the track, and being one step ahead of the bill collectors were the order of the day. There was no church, no devotions, and no acknowledgement of our God at all. There was also the time that I was homeless on the streets of Union City, New Jersey. There were two things I remember most about my situation. The first, when homeless, was all the people that passed by without helping and avoiding any kind of eye contact. It was as if I did not exist. The second thing I remember is walking into a church and really wanting to be in that church or any church! As time moved on, the Lord took care of me, and I ended up with my father, who was a great person of faith. I can think of many times the Lord interceded in my life. As a result of my past, there happens to be two things that are very important to me. The first is being part of a church, and the second is stewardship or using our resources as a church to make a difference in people’s lives. I have had four churches in my life; Grace because I moved to Delaware, Bethany Presbyteri- an which was my first church that I walked to when I was 11, Southminster Presbyterian when I moved to Maryland, and Good Samaritan Presbyterian when I moved to Southern Maryland. Dur- ing my time in the Presbyterian Church I heard many squabbles over issues such as seating ar- rangement, type of music, stained glass windows, what time the services should be etc. All these things mean or meant nothing to me. What does mean something is when the person was hungry, did we give him food, or thirsty, did we give him drink? I am so thankful to be a member of Grace Church, where we do give food, drink, and shelter. I am thankful to walk into a church building and worship our Lord. I delight in putting a check in the offering envelop, knowing that some good will be done with those monies. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed me in so many ways since the streets of Union City, New Jersey!

Coming: Estimation of Giving Cards to be mailed late October early November Narrative and Number Budget to be mailed in late October early November as well Ken Zuiderhof Finance Committee Chair

We are now recruiting for teachers, childcare, and administration for next year’s ESL programming. We will begin advertising in July, so it’s important if you feel led, to let Dawn Zimmerman know of your interest now for the best planning effort! We are hoping to continue to offer this program but need your help to make it possible! The classes run from September until April on Wednesday evenings. Dawn is hap- py to share details and answer any questions you might have! 302-934- 7969 Please step out in faith to serve, you’ll be so glad you did! We have a great team and all that’s missing is YOU!

Important Information from the Foundation Fund

Why You Need an Updated Power of Attorney A Durable Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document used to appoint a person (or people) as your agent (legal representa- tive) for legal and financial decisions and it remains in effect after you are determined to be incapacitated. Delaware adopted the Durable Power of Attorney Act in 2010, which marked significant changes to the law. A POA may be drafted to take effect immediately upon execution, or only after the person making the document (principal) is deemed disabled by a medical doctor. Delaware’s Attorney General’s Office has a form Durable Power of Attorney available on its website for public use, but those using the form or consulting with an attorney who uses the form in their practice should complete the document carefully, mak- ing sure to afford their named agent all the rights and powers that may be needed in the future. Every person over the age of 18 should consider having a POA, but many don’t. Below is a list of reasons that I sometimes hear when individuals explain why they don’t have a POA…with some additional thoughts to consider. Everything I own is jointly held with my spouse. While it is true that joint account owners often have authority to manage the account if the other is incapacitated, having your spouse listed as a joint owner may not be sufficient. IRS rules require IRA accounts to be held in the taxpayer’s individual name and beneficiaries listed on these assets can only obtain information about the account after the taxpayer dies. There- fore, if you have IRA accounts, your spouse will not be able to access the account if you are incapacitated. Also, if a legal claim is pending against you, or planning or applying for certain public benefits would assist you (especially relevant in a long term care scenario), your spouse may not be authorized to act on your behalf. What will you do if your spouse predeceases you or you are incapacitated at the same time? Naming your spouse as your initial agent with possible backup (successor) agents under a valid and complete POA will ensure that your spouse or another trusted person can act on your behalf. I don’t want someone else to be in charge of my money. None of us want to become incapacitated, whether that is for a short time due to a medical emergency or during a prolonged period of dementia at the end of life. However, incapacity is a reality for many. If you become unable to manage your financial affairs, someone will have to manage your affairs for you. If you execute a valid POA, you will have retained control over se- lecting the person or people who will serve in this role. If you don’t, there is a judicial procedure for appointing a legal guardian of your property, which means the Court of Chancery will select and oversee a person charged with managing your assets. Have some peace of mind that POAs are revocable. Therefore, you are not permanently “stuck” with the person you initially appoint. If your or your agent’s circumstances change, you can change your decision by executing a new POA. I don’t have the time or money to obtain a power of attorney. Guardianship, the alternative to executing a POA, is expensive, time-consuming, and emotional for loved ones. Relatively speaking, maintaining a POA while you are well may save you and your loved ones significantly in the future. Submitted by Leslie DiPietro Leslie is an attorney with Procino-Wells & Woodland, LLC, a law firm serving families in Delaware and Maryland with their estate planning, long term care planning, and administration needs. She is also a member of our Foundation Fund Committee.


On June 20th, the United Methodist Women served their salad lunch- eon. Thank you to all of you who attended and supported this annual fundraiser. There were 118 lunches served! Thank you to all of the UMW members who made this event a huge success.

Our next meeting will be held on September 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room. Any ladies interested in joining us please come on out. There will be an Executive meeting prior at 6:00 p.m.

Have a wonderful July and August and we hope to see you all in Sep- tember. Beth Kern UMW President

God is Everywhere

“The Whole World is Full of His Glory” Isaiah 6:3

God’s Beautiful Masterpiece From Mike and Judy Hall—taken from their Backyard

Camera People - If you have a picture that depicts God in places where we frequently don’t think to look, e-mail it to: [email protected].

One of Life’s Little Lessons

Faith is like Wi-Fi, it is invisible but has the power to connect you to whatever you need.

“The creation and presentation of a prayer shawl, like all acts of generosity, enriches the giver as well as the recipient.”

Grace United Methodist Church’s Prayer Shawl Ministry will begin to meet again Friday, September 14, 2018. Although we had a summer break, we were pleased with donations of yarn that we received this summer. We gath- er at 10am until noon in the Conference Room. Please contact Peggie Aubrey, 302-934-7914, for additional information.

We welcome all to the group, even if you do not knit or crochet. Join us for conversation and prayer.

Jan Davis

Baby Bottle Campaign

During the month of May Grace Church participated, for the first time, in the Sussex Preg- nancy Care Center’s Change for Life Baby Bottle Campaign. I would like to thank every- one who accepted a baby bottle and returned it filled with change, cash or a check. If you have not returned your baby bottle please try to bring it in by the end of July. The monies in the bottles will be counted by the folks at the SPCC and they will give us a grand total which will be announced as soon as we hear from them.

I would like to share that while I was delivering the initial bottle collection to the center a young girl walked in and requested a pregnancy test. Baby bottle donations help provide SPCC with the ability to offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds for confirmation of cli- ents pregnancies. Many clients hearts are changed to choose life for their baby when they see the sonogram picture of the baby. A picture is worth a thousand words when a woman is considering her crisis pregnancy options. Your donation also supports a men’s program, Building Foundations for Successful Dads, mentoring the fathers in our community through education and encouragement to build a strong foundation for their families and to be suc- cessful dads.

These are just part of the services SPCC is able to provide thanks to you and change in a baby bottle bank. Hopefully this will be an annual event . The Local Mission Pillar Group is also planning a baby shower for the fall, complete with games, refreshments and fellow- ship to help stock the SPCC baby closet with items to help the families with things from clothes to diapers. Mothers get to shop by earning points because they have participated in various programs to help them with being a successful mom. Thank you for participating in the Change for Life Baby Bottle Campaign. And if you still have the baby bottle sitting on the shelf please try to bring it in so we can get our final do- nation total.

Thank you from the Local Mission Pillar Group. Mike Hall, Lynn Wilmer, Donna Milligan, Brenda Morris, Jim Kells and Judi Thoroughgood Resource Center/Library

Summer fun is in full swing! We have time to go to the beaches or to go on vacation to all of the beautiful, wonderful parts of the good, old, USA. Of course, there athose who enjoy visiting other countries, as well. No matter where you choose to go, bring some great reading material with you. NO, not your Nook or some other technical device ------but an old fashion-----BOOK! Something that you can hold in your hands and use a book mark to save your page for the next time you want to resume reading a good story. Remember when you would curl up in a chair on the beach or next to a pool and you got lost in the depths of a good book? Well, the following are a few of the new additions that you can find in the Resource Center / Library, which is located in the Conference Room of Fellowship Hall. You will find a sign out sheet on the shelf to place your name and the names of the reading material or CD's that you be borrowing. When you return the items (No Time Limit) please enter the date of return next to you name.


“Seek Me With All Your Heart” Author Beth Wiseman Read this book & find out what would cause the Armish to move to Colorado, leaving family & friends behind.

“Love, Charleston” Author Beth Webb Hart Family, friendship & faith converge in a beautiful story about how God's transforming love works in the Holy City of Charleston.

“Sweet Sanctuary” Authors Sheila Walsh & Cindy Coloma When the family gathers in Cottage Cove, old wounds will be healed, new love will blos- som & the innocent prayers of a child will be answered in an unexpected way.

“The Lucky One” Author Nicholas Sparks A terrific suspense story, filled with tender romance.

“The Last Song” Author Nicholas Sparks An unforgettable story of love in all its myriad forms.


“God Loves Broken People” Author Sheila Walsh (Women of Faith) This author walks readers through stories & scriptures that dare to grapple with the pain of suffering. Read these words &hope again.

“Is This Heaven?” (The Magic of the Field of Dreams) Author Brett H. Mandel The stories that this author tells are real, but full of magical knowledge – just as the movie (Field of Dreams) did.

“What Women Fear” (Walking in Faith That Transforms) Author Angie Smith You will walk through stories of others who have loved God & struggled with faith.

“Mended” (Pieces of a Life Made Whole) Author Angie Smith Another wonderful book by this author. She shows us how faith lives in our daily lives & why your life does make a difference.

“When You Don't See His Plan” (A true story of author Nadine Hennesey) Discover how you can trust God --- even when you don't see His plan.

“How Can I Find You, God?” Author Marjorie Holmes This is a story of the author's personal journey from a spiritual void to the ultimate joy.

“A Deepening Love Affair” (The Gift of God In Later Life) Author Jane Marie Thibault This book has been written for the mature adult who is spiritually discontented.



SANDEE BRIGANDI [email protected] Just Saying...

Sing, so the back row hears you Glide, 'cause walking just won't do Dance, you don't have to know how to Ever since, ever since Grace got you

Grace Got You - MercyMe CCLI 2515126

Thursday Thoughts is our Home weekly e-mail communication to all members, visitors and Communion friends with upcoming ser- vice information, thoughts If you are unable to attend our from Pastor Karin, and high- lighted events. If you are not Sunday Service regularly, and receiving Thursday Thoughts would like to receive communion and would like to be added to at your residence on the first the e-mail list please e-mail: Sunday of the month, please [email protected] contact Jill McEwen at 933-8212 or 717-808-4421 or e-mail to [email protected]

I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of

the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13

A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps. Proverbs 14:15

Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! It will be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed a that very hour. Matthew 8:13

Wisdom and Education from the Bible I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:13

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” John 20:29

Farewell Linda and Pastor Ed

On Monday, June 11, 2018 the JOY Ministry bid a fond farewell to Linda and Pastor Ed at a luncheon held at Blue Water Grill. They were wished Godspeed and were presented with a token of appreciation for the all support they have given JOY Ministries. A good time was had by all! Prayer Concerns

Michelle Phillips Nick Brown Aubrey, Gabe & Maverik Bob & Phyllis Kelley Brian Howard Marquez Al Brocato & Family Ray Bryant Robin & Ray Bunting Debi Persing & Family Jack & Kitty John & Pat Hall Gloria & Nick Yengle Daughter & Son-In-Law Sue Gilbert Maryleen Cathell Lillie Henninger Alice Mead Tom Taylor World Allies Edith Feeney Donna Milligan Linda Parrot Summer Vacations & Travel Robert & Diana Atkins Sally Barron Plans Sherry Overberger & Family Donald Tubbs Those with Addictions Mary Lee Shockley Tony Costango Frank Harriet Smith Windsor Kenny & Natalie Janice K. Pastor Karin Sean & Teena Candy A. Pastor Ed & Linda Graduates Linda Dukes Jim P. Methodist Church Families Separated at Border Tish Pusey Harriet Kumerlow Donna Irvine Beth Relationships Those with New Jobs Debi Mom Mom Helen Families Ethan & Youth Group Sister Family of Roberta Savage Summer Schoolhouse Susan Miss Verna Sunday School Morley Family Marie’s Mom Grace Church Nailor Family Presteen Thomas Milligan Family Ed Huffman Jo Adams Our Country Jo-An Cameron All Those Undergoing Treat- Cameron Hall Sharon Hearn ments Hannah Slacum Jack & Kathy Snyder Wendy Deale Tammy Brandon & Carrie Emily & Tyler Wright Harley Elizabeth Quillen Guatemala Grandchildren Men & Women Who Serve Our Edwin & Glenda Cheryl West Country Miss Ingrid & Miss Peg Family of Bea Brasure Transitions Church Council Family of Granville Holston Mary Lee Phillips Donna Irvine’s Family & Friends New Principal at East Mills- Grace Family Cheryl boro All Those Dealing with Loss Students Over the Summer Kevin & Hiyla Smith All Those Traveling ASP 50th Summer Benjamin Macklin & Familty All Those Battling Cancer Betty Jane Keen Courtney & Jeffrey Nicholson Family Meghan Robin Hall Ross Rogers Donna Dave Robinson Jim Daisey Aly, Grace & Tyler Those Recovering from Sur- Ronnie Andre Jerry & Linda gery Jeff Neithammer Newcomers World Leaders Carolyn Seth Supreme Court Nominee James & Kris Case Ella West All Military Betty McWilliams Bill Davis International Relationships Janet Brown Laura, Bob & Hayley Eder POTUS & Leaders

Those Who Can’t Be With Us…

Please remember our friends and members who cannot be with us on Sundays.

Bill Simpson Methodist Manor House 1001 Middleford Rd Unit 264 Seaford, DE 19973 Bob and Phyllis Kelley Maridell West Transitions HealthCare 26025 Morris Mill Road 2810 Kaywood Place Millsboro, DE 19966 Sykesville, MD 21784 302-934-7247 Ed and Ann Elliott Betty Thomas 1001 Middleford Road Apt 620 1001 Middleford Road Seaford, DE 19973 Seaford, DE 19973 Leon Baker Lillian Gray 25435 South Oak Drive 28564 Dupont Hwy Millsboro, DE 19966 Millsboro, DE 19966 Samuel Parsons Robert Parsons Box #630 USMMA 5382 Glen Thorn Court 300 Steamboat Road Rosedale, MD 21237 Kings Point, NY 11024-1699

Please call the church office or send an e-mail to [email protected] with the name and address of those that we may include on this list.

Jesus Calling Ministry

Needs toiletries Aug Collection

Supplies are low Small toys (play dough, jump ropes, cars and trucks, baseball caps) Drop them off in the Lobby Must fit in a Shoe Box

Thanks for Your Support! Please put items in the bin in the Lobby


PO Box 566 Millsboro, DE 19966 Return Service Requested Grow in Christ Through Grace, Faith, Love and Service.

The JOY of Vacation Bible School