Small Ads. on this page Small Ads. J cent a word are read by those who know each Insertion. 30 cents a their value. Try them line per week of 7 days. 75 Situations Wanted Advertisements Inserted them. They will be of value to you. Twice Without Charge. cents a month Try


book t even- WASTED A set of keep HOTELS. Astorian ings. Address K. X. Y., The Troy Laundry office.' Free With Small Ads In PACIFIC COTTAGE -- & The only white Isber laundry the WHERE By Special Arrangemeut with Wadhams Kerr Shell near the Rooms with WANTED A POSITION', city. Does the best work at reasonable road, lch. de-tir- Bros. THE ASTORIAN has secured a board.' knowledge of figures u more to be large prices and Is In every way wcrthy of IiaonabIe jrlws. lee mini highly-educate- d of their and of than hard work, by quantity your patronage. parlor all klmlt, young man, whose ability war- Short order." Coffeo, cake, eto. clerical J. MRS. NELLIE WILLIAMS rants a trial; any position. 10th and DUANE 8ts Phone 1891. E. S., care Astorian. FAMOUS ECONOMY Trop. m. BROKERAGE. HELP WANTED.

WANTED MIDDLE-AGE- WOMAN THE OSIER CAFE FRUIT JARS C. J. TRENCIIARI) to act as housekeeper. Call at $20 AND 1 Rssl Grand avenue, Scovr Bay, at noon, or - - Estate, Insurance, Cemmiseler , 1 nd after 6 P. M. One of which, together with a Booklet of Recipes, Shipping. Short Order House will be with each '2.cent or want CUSTOM HOUSK BROKER. COMPITEXT GIRL WANTED FOK given higher Office 139 Ninth Street, Neat te Justloe Oysters, Clam sand Crabi la any Style, housewark $25.00 per ad. inserted in either The Daily or The Sunday Office. general wages Home C, OREGON. cooking, nothing but the beit of month. Apply Mrs. D. K. Warren, Astorian. ASTORIA, everything. Short order or rrgular Warrenton or Astoria national bank. . What Mr Fred Dreaver ba K y nbout the ECONOMY JAK t meats at reasonable Kerr G1h' MunufcttirluCoiniiv, Portlitiid, Orv". PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. price (letitUtneo: Keftrrliu to the K(H)NUMV I'Hl'IT JAR, wear plmaed to LEARN IjCLEGRAPHY AND R. R wv thul we aellln them for Ihrtf yntr. MRS. C. C. brlornotdoreJ three the aveond Wa and thin OSIER, Prop. sal- - The tint year Krw, year gruaa, v Accounting. $o0 to $500 a Month ( year our orttor call for tweuty.flve kiom. We bellev ttml wtilun a few yewni they will b lar In flrwl, Clara B Seaside, Oregon. under Wid. I Simpson, ary assured our graduates heeMiiiH theiiuallty of the Jar fttr emi'la all other ; aecond, the Jar u;atttiiUtry, Our six schools the largest in America liavltiK a wide mouth, tiiere.unenlly rl.nned. The cover la aa unnltavry a the itliuui Itaelf. while theroverrou nmnv and endorsed by all Railroads. Write otherjarnare inada nf aliir, wtileh protluoea jhiImiii when In rontnet will! COLONIAL HOTEL fruit and viyelablra. MORSE SCHOOL OF The alwolule of KI'DS'OM Y JAK miike It the Ideal PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. for catalogue. eerUtlnly every aenltttg Located In the mo.t beautiful over-hokin- g ftir We a future Tor the ECONOMY JAR. spot, Cincinnati, O., Buffalo, Jar eannlnic turKe. be.ek ifrmt TELEGRAPHY, Heare very truly yount, K. CO. the oocau. Ninety elegantly Tex-arkan- Hy K. I'rea. Room 2, Over Theater. N. Y, Atlanta, Ca., La Crosse, Wis., llrtiwer, Star. furniiliid rooms. Cal. Tex., San Francisco, Bath House in Connection. ADS MILK DEALERS. ASTORIAN SMALL Comforts of home. lut meal. WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS. Rte, 12 and up. Are "Economy" in Renting Rooms, Selling Milk ruut be frtfth and pure etc. the is old and FUR-nishe- Lost rate That It; WANTED TWO OR THREE d Property, Finding Articles, young may enjuy a word each insertion. Advertisements Few know that it evn may prove cure McGUIRE'S housekeeping rooms by young one cent HOTEL office For wraknees whloh is i- - annoying. couplej no children. Address, with par must be delivered in our and paid for in We Handle only Pure Milk freih irom and Rooms. ticulars, P. O. Box CS3. advance. Urge Airy Good beds. Healthy Cows. Everything ftrsUdass. Kates Ilessonable HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Morning or night delivery. THE SLOOP-JEFFER- S CO, 10th and Main TWO COMFORTABLY FURNISHED Street, Sesilde, Ore. LOST AND F0UHD. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dunne streets. housekeeping rooms. 26 Astor street. LOST-- OX COMMERCIAL STREET, Maintains unexcelled service from the BARBER between Eteventh and Twelfth, a black west to the east and south. Making WOOD YARDS. SHOP. TYPEWRITERS. FURNITURE. feather boa, yesterday. Reward, re- close connections wl:h trains of all & C. transcontinental lines, passengers are BLICKEXSDERFER TYPEWRITERS turn to Charles Vosberg, A. R., WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! NEW CITY their choice of routes to Chicago, BARBER SHOP depot. given supplies, repairing. Ross & Ross, 266 ROBINSON fifllLDEBRAND Cord mill box weed, any Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, weed, weed, Two I'p todate barbers Stark street, Portland. and through these points to the far kind of wood at lowest prices. Kelly, FOUND TWO PAPERS OF NET. east. the transfer man. 'Phone 2211 Black, Shaving, ic. Hair out ting, J 103 travelers Infor- Barn en Jack Kivari, Snomi avenue. Prospective desiring Goodman 588 Commsrolal Twelfth, eppesiu epere mation as to the lowest rates and best Bldg. 8t house. Main You May Want routes are Invited to correspond with street, next door to City Bakery. LOST EARLY LAST EITHER A furnished house, rooms or store. WEEK, the following representatives: RESTAUANTS. at The Breakers or at Seaside, self-fillin- g FURNITURE. Make your wants known to the B. H. TRUMBULL. Commercial Ajent, Carpsts, Bedding, RESTAURANTS. fountain pen, red and black rub- 142 Ore. Window readers of this paper. If you want Third St., Portland. Stoves, Matting, Shads, F1KST.CLA.3S MEAL ber stub of in- LINOLEUM, Eto. a tenant for a house, tome reader case; large gold pen; J. C. LINDSEY, Trav, PassengT Agent, trinsic worth and valued highly as a 142 Third St., Poitland. Ore. for LOUIS OYSTER may be the desired party. lrc; nice cake, coffee, jie, or HOUSE gift; reward. Astorian office. PAUL B. THOMPSON, Paas'gr. Aent, CRACKED Obtained by Advertising in the BILLIARD HALLS. doughnuts, fie, at 0. S. Restaur- CRABS, OYSTERS. J. C LINDSEY, Trav. PassengT Agent, Clam Chowder a Want Columns of the Morning specialty. Served any 14J Third St., Portland. Or. ant. 434 Hond St hour Astorian. TO RENT. of the day. Occident Hotel Bar At the end of the bridge. d Seaside WANTED' TO RENT A small (SL BEST 15 CENT MEAL. Oregon. DAILY READERS Billiard Hail. us. We 7,000 house or three housekeeping You can always find the host Try will plee you. rooms in respectable location. Address, 15-cc- nt rocal in the city at the giving terms, Inquirer, care Astorian. Tables New and Everything THE HEMLOCK CAFE AND OYSTER First Class. Riding Sim Restaurant. PARLOR. AT SEASIDE U HOUSES WANTED. C.12 Commercial St getting to bo the leading resort at Seanldtf. Fineit brands of ami PHOTOGRAPHERS. Tkisis "ike THE MORNING ASTORIAN Liquors Cigars WANTED SEVEN-ROO- FURNISH-e- d Khort orders a Special! v. MRS. H. A. house, centrally located. Blaine A. A. STILKS, Proprietor. Is on Sale at 4 SAARI, kiwi of su PbillipR, Astorian. MEAT MARKETS. . PHOTOGRAPHER. LIVERY AND EXPRESS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. LEWIS k CO.'S DRUG STORE ' Firt-Cln- Work fiuurnntwd. . AND CURED MEATS for FRESH Orders tuki-- tor Stoig and enlarging FOR SALE A FARM NEAR OLNEY. WIloIlKHll-Btl- H'LhII Livery Stable For As Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, Saddle particulars address K, care Logging Camps and Mills Sup- 212 Fourteen! h street, Foard & MORRISON & GREENBAUM'S Ships, opposite First-Clas- s torian. Horses, Rigs, Jlnggnge and ' plied on Short Notice. Stoke Co., Atoiia, Ureg'in. Kxpie.s. Wood for sule and Liv Sold. general d. CIGAR STORE. Stock Bought and NATIONAL INCUBATOR FOR SALE 400 EGGS 4 livery, N. D. B4IN & CO., S. n.lde, Ore. capacity; also three 100 capacity WASHINGTON MARKET HAMMOND DIRECTORY flrst-clas- a Ad brooders; condition. WINES AND ' 4. CO. LIQUORS. I1AGAZNE dress A. Astorian Offloe. CHRISTENSEN SALOONS HAMMOND. FOR SALE SECOND-HAN- D 7 COL- - THE umn newspaper outfit; complete THE LIBERTY SALOON BRIDGE this of- Central Meat Market is qept prsg; cheap. Inquire at HAMMOND, OREGON. fice. Harry Krctzer and Hurry Hulger paying G. W. Morton & Jno. Fuhrman, Prop'i. Are now running The Bridge Saloon, Under New Management. where they will be to meet PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT pleased their The Best place in the City to Spend friend. 110,000 MEATS PROMPT DELIVERY. a pleasant hour. TOO DIFFICULT PHYSICIANS. FRED n a Puiiylui! town wbr 'U friend, BRENDELL, Prop. 1 abound old on 542 Commercial St. Phone Main 321 THE t prim Quaker ,p1oitr day Paeifhi and Henrietta fSti., Hammond. GEM aucuk4 tlie marriage of ber grandnephew, a THE bu bad In Uus JAY TUTTLE, M. D. yoNof pfraoo count of hit twenty Whilo at Bench m jtar rtcciTed luueti needed diaclpUoe at bet the stop nt Tl(c Gem. tiandt. pniSICIAN AND .SURGEON I'ure The MORNING ASTORIAN BLACKSMITHS. Liquors, Cad Peer, Highest Grade old lady w at hef Vnt on thla (tlT Acting Anlsuuit The Hammond. t Surgeon occasion, ud at a pauw In tha Cigars, a niT youi, relative looked oter at Bet wltn a U.S. Marine Mrmpltal Hervlce. Sjwclalty, oKUilln sniiie, "leii ui hy neeer Office hours: 10 to 12 a-- 1 4:20 Sale in ' the, married, Aant Pa, to p.nx Is on People do not take time to knock lifiKr? he ftaid. taslnifly. "Tint l mmo told. v.Milam," mid the old Qua- 477 Commercial Street. 2nd Floor. Astoria at When the end of tlio walk. keress calmly. "It raa teeauae 1 waa not as - at pleased aa wife eay tliy u." M ANDREW ASP, THE The man on thg Jnnk of the river, OCEAN OSTEOPATHISTS. J. N. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. Fine ll'itmrafftd r!jars will deliver Blacksmith. The niont popular mloon Do To yon by th'Aiht of sun or moon, ' Dr. Blio'la C. Hlekn. Vr. E" Having Installed a Rubber Tiring AT fcEASlDK. i. Snyder STAR CORNER CIGAR STORE, If you culljflt the Hammond Saloon. fyow OSTEOPATHS. ' ' Machine of the latest pattern I am Billiard and Tool Hull in connection. W STOltM, Prop. Office Mansell Bid. Phone Black 2065 to do all kinds of work at B. J. CAI.LAHAX, , know UTZINGER'S NEWS DEPOT, prepared Prop of 673 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. reatonsble prices. MARTIN'S PALACE OCCIDENT HOTEL OFFICE, EAGLE SALOON I DENTI8TS. 12th and Duans Sts. You will mine if don't Mar-ti- atelier one it you lee Choice SCULLY'S CIGAR STORE, Wines, Liquors 'and Cigars. newani ume stones, anecdotes, MM cl All Knights of the Koad, and other verse from a DR. T. L. BALL, Finest pluco in Seuxido to a any clipping newspaper, will jmss plea uiogaiuic v( iMJt uiai iioa ukiue you Knights bo royally entertained ant hour. DENTIST. and IN PORTLAND here. Think, or FRANK SCOTT, Trop, Laugh Cry 024 Commercial fit Astoria, Oregon. The Morning Astorian martin Mclaughlin, prop. 840 prizes wiM be given for the best selec- THE ASTORIAN OFFICE, tions. Ten piles of silver dollars as high Hammond, Oregon. as the first ten successful competitors are Dr. Is for sale at the news stands of tUt HOTELS. the lirst awards. VAUGIIAN, Tenth and Commercial Sts. The fmlj; condition for entering this n is that you send with yourclijjping Dentist NEWS COMPANY THIS. ST A It SALOON PC. for a six months' trial OREGON, subscription " t to the National Address, Building,' Astoria, Oregon. Wines, Lienors and Cigars. HOTEL PORTLAND Magazine. Pytbian situated at You can spend a pleasant hour bore. JOE CHAPPLE, Editor Dr. W. C. LOG AH HOTEL' Pool room in connection. PORTLAND ' ; PORTLAND, ORE, 846 DORCHESTER CHAS. McDERHOTT, AVENUE. DENTIST Boston, Mass. 147 Sixth Street- - 125 Sixth Street Prep. ' V - - 578 Commercial St , Shanahan Building Hammond. Oregon. Finest Hotel In the Northwest. J