PACC Fully Supports CDA's Advocacy of Registering All Electric
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Cebu People’s Coop: A Champion of Environmental Protection IPs’ Cooperatives Find Opportuni- ties in Applying Value Chain on Indigenous Crops Why the CDA was not used by the govern- By Marilyn D. Eso ment to uplift the condition of Filipino peo- With all smiles and gestures of ple? It’s because of oligarchs. gratefulness, the officers and rep- resentatives of the Tribu Migkum- —PACC Chairman Dante Jimenez. ba Multi-Purpose Cooperative (TMMPC) received the five (5) sets of “start-up kit” for Taro Roots (Lutya) chips making from USEC. ORLANDO R RAVANERA, Chair- man, Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) and the CDA Cagayan de Oro Extension Office during their Annual General As- sembly on January 29, 2018 held at Purok-3, Brgy. Dansolihon in Cagayan de Oro. Continue to p. 9 PACC Fully Supports CDA’s Advocacy of Registering All Electric Cooperatives By Ronde D. Alicaya Quezon City—In a rare occasion, The PACC presented their CDA under the leadership of Chair- country through the presentation the Cooperative Development Au- procedure in handling corruption man Ravanera, for its thrusts and of Chairman Ravanera, relating to thority (CDA) and the Presiden- complaints against government of- advocacies of uplifting the lives what he personally experienced tial Anti-Corruption Commission ficials. Before the dialogue, the two of the vulnerable sector, specially also in his hometown power distrib- (PACC) lead by Chairman Orlando top officials had a closed door one- the rights of the member-consum- utor in Bicol Region. R. Ravanera and Chairman Dante on-one meeting at Chairman Rava- er-owners (MCOs) of Electric Co- “This is clearly stated in the La. Jimenez have meet, along with nera’s Office. operatives (ECs). Constitution, that the people should its top officials, for a dialogue, at Chairman Jimenez who is Chairman Jimenez was have access to basic necessities, CDA Central Office in Cubao Que- known for his hard-hitting anti-cor- shocked when he learned the and that include; water and electric- zon City, February 12, 2019. ruption advocacy commended the real situation of MCOs around the ity,” Chairman Jimenez said. Continue to p. 9 Climate Change CDA Chairman Commission: Co- Ravanera Vows To Marawi Coops and operatives, Key to Continue Advocate IDPs Feel National Climate Action ECs Consumers’ Government’s Help By Ronde D. Alicaya Right Despite Ha- thru Cooperativism Carcar City, Cebu—The Cooperative Devel- rassments, Death opment Authority (CDA) through its CDA Cebu By Marilyn D. Eso Extension Office and the Climate Change Threats Marawi City, Lanao Del Sur - Challenged by the Commission (CCC) have organized a forum, “While the so-called Electric Cooperatives result of the study of the United Nation’s Devel- dubbed; “Climate Change Mitigation and Ad- (ECs) provide light to their member-consum- opment Program (UNDP) citing that the Number ers, these ECs have shamelessly put them aptation thru Cooperativism” in Carcar City, in the dark with regards to pressing issues”— 1 Poorest Province in the Philippines is the Au- Cebu, February 5, 2019. Chairman Orlando R. Ravanera tonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) No less than the CDA Chairman, Chairman Orlando R. Ravanera vows including Marawi, the Cooperative Development Usec. Orlando R. Ravanera spearheaded the to continue his advocacy to fight for the right Authority (CDA) through CDA- Kidapawan Exten- of the 11 million member-consumer-owners event, being the number one advocate for the (MCOs) of the Electric Cooperatives (ECs) sion Office extended its initiative and programs protection of the environment in the CDA. It nationwide. This despite the threat of being to help the people of Marawi be liberated from was attended by more than 200 participants arrested because of barrage of Ombudsman poverty and nothingness by strengthening Coop- from various cooperatives in the province. In- cases by just doing his ministerial job as a erativism. vited guests were the local government offi- Chairman of the Cooperative Development According to the UNDP, out of the 25 poor- Authority which is mandated by the Constitu- cials of Carcar and the province of Cebu, and tion, to develop cooperatives as instrument of est provinces in the Philippines, 15 are in Mind- Sec. Emmanuel M. De Guzman of the CCC, social justice, equity and economic develop- anao. It is very sad to note that amidst the oozing as keynote speaker. ment. God-given bounties and ecological wealth, peo- In his speech, Sec. De Guzman rec- Chairman Ravanera is facing a num- ple in Mindanao are suffering from hunger and ognized the important role of cooperatives in ber of Ombudsman cases for just signing the Certificate of Compliance of the Davao Del Continue to p. 8 Climate Action and cited five aspects on how Continue to p. 10 Continue to p. 6 CDA @phcoops PH Cooperatives From the Editor CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION THRU COOPERATIVISM by yearly horrifying typhoons i.e. ern times. Even if scientists can’t Commission under Secretary Em- Typhoon Bopha (known in the Phil- determine whether the storm’s re- manuel de Guzman has become ippines as Typhoon Pablo) and the markable ferocity was due in part imperative for climate change ad- worst of all was Typhoon Haiyan to human induced climate change, aptation and mitigation. In effect, (Typhoon Yolanda) where more they can’t determine that human-in- the cooperatives will be true to than 10,000 people died in Taclo- duced climate change greatly am- the DNA of cooperativism which is ban. Yes, the Philippines is the plified the impact of the storm. As of members-owned, value-based and third hardest hit by Climate Change 2012, the ocean level off the East- sustainable. and deadly storms are becoming ern Seaboard of the United States Yes, the science of denial the new normal. was roughly one-third of a meter headed by no less than President Climate change is becom- higher than a century earlier, the Trump must be debunked as such ing a global phenomenon. Here are result of global warming causing is an unprecedented crime against some of undeniable facts: “Longer a rise in ocean levels around the humanity. The greed of global cor- droughts in the Middle East are world. This higher sea level greatly porations to perpetuate the use of causing extreme water shortag- exacerbated the flooding associat- coal and fossil fuel with their annual es. Growing desertification in Chi- ed with the superstorm. rakings of two trillion dollars from Orlan R. Ravanera na and Africa is creating a severe According to scientists, by the use of coal and some five tril- Kim’s Dream food-security challenge. The mon- the end of the century the ocean lion dollars from the use of fossil We are now on the 19th year of soon season is shrinking in India, level will increase by at least one fuel and natural gas must now be the 21st century but we are not perhaps upending a century-old meter, worse, two meters if the stopped. Yes, the nineteen fossil sure anymore if we can reach the water cycle. Amped-up heat waves business as usual paradigm will fuel corporations are earning ten 22nd century which is only 81 years in Australia are making part of the continue. By that time, the 7,100 million dollars per minute at the from now. The end of civilization is continent unlivable. More intense Philippines islands will just be re- expense of humanity and of Gaia at hand, not through nuclear war hurricanes could devastate entire duced to some 3,000. There will be (mother earth). but through Climate Change. “The cities in America. Water wars in the pestilence, famine and war as the Indeed, homo sapiens, the world itself will not end, of course. Horn of Africa are now the root of “four horsemen” of apocalypse as flawed species, have sacrificed Only ours will; our livelihoods, our armed conflict. Rebellions, refu- revealed by St. John are coming. mother earth to the altar of greed homes, our cultures. And we’re gees, and starving children across Unless we start addressing and profit. Denigration of collective squarely at the tipping point,” to the globe are becoming com- the cause climate change and stop action and veneration of the profit quote the conclusion of scientists mon-place.” These are not discon- simply navigating its effects, we will motive have infiltrated virtually ev- and environmentalists. nected events. These are pieces be facing a series of unstoppable ery government of the planet, major A little revisiting of of larger puzzle that environmental catastrophes by the time our pre- media organizations, every univer- the recent past on ecological di- expert Jeff Nesbit has put together. schoolers graduate from college. sity, every religious organization, sasters that have afflicted the Phil- As mentioned in the book, Yes, our world is in trouble – right our very souls. Yes, we are nothing ippines is worth noting. In 2011, “The Age of Sustainable Develop- now. Yes, now is the time to create but self-gratification machines. That Cagayan de Oro was hit by Ty- ment,” authored by Mr. Jeffrey D. a robust movement to address the is indeed RES IPSA LOQUITOR as phoon Sendong (Tropical Storm Sachs, “the crisis is felt by rich and climate crisis which Pope Francis our country and people will now be Washi) where in one night of flood- poor alike. In October 2012, police has called “a crime against God, entertained by self-gratification of ing in that fateful dawn of Decem- cars floated down the streets in against humanity.” Increasing the politicians whose agenda and dis- ber 17, 2011, some 3,000 people Manhattan during super storm San- awareness of 14 million coopera- courses will not include the horrible died and 11,000 families were ren- dy, one of the strongest storms to tive members nation-wide in coor- scenario we are now facing - the dered homeless.