(1) Minutes of the Council of 5th April and 17th May 2007, pages 1 to 147, (2) Personnel Appeals Committee of 27th March and 2nd, 3rd and 10th April 2007, pages 148 and 149, (3) Social Care Services Complaints Review Committee of 27th April 2007, page 150, (4) Appointment of Senior Officers Committee of 6th June 2007, page 151, (5) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th March, 4th, 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th and 31st May and 6th and 7th June 2007, pages 152 to 221, (6) Planning Applications Committee of 27th March, 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th April, 29th May and 5th and 12th June 2007, pages 222 to 237, (7) Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees:— (a) Roads and Lighting of 27th March 2007, pages 238 and 239, (b) Personnel and Administration Services of 28th March 2007, pages 240 to 242, (c) Development and Regeneration of 12th June 2007, pages 243 to 245, (d) Land and Environment of 13th June 2007, pages 246 to 249, (8) Audit and Ethics Committee of 29th March and 14th June 2007, pages 250 and 253, (9) Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee of 14th June 2007, pages 254 and 255, (10) Executive Committee of 30th March, 20th May and 15th June 2007, pages 256 to 286.

This print contains minutes of meetings of the Council and its committees. At the back of the print there are appendices with minutes of other bodies such as the Police and Fire Boards and the Passenger Transport Authority which are submitted to the Council for information. Minutes are a record of the decisions taken by a committee. The Council has given committees a wide range of powers to make decisions but sometimes a committee does not have the authority to decide on a matter and must pass it to the Council to decide. If this is necessary, the paragraph will have a “C” after its number in the minutes and will be submitted to the next Council meeting on 28th June 2007 for approval. If you require any further information about this print, please contact Committee Services on 0141 287 5678 for general information. Enquiries about particular committee minutes should be directed to the appropriate Committee Officer. A list of Committee Officers is shown overleaf.

Committee Services Chief Executive Department City Council City Chambers Glasgow G2 1DU. E-mail: [email protected] COMMITTEE OFFICERS.

Committee Officer Telephone

Appointment of Senior Officers Kenny McGuinness 0141 287 4520

Audit and Ethics Tony O’Neill 0141 287 7857

Council Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926

Emergency Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926

Executive Norrie Lyttle 0141 287 3926

Licensing and Regulatory Gary McDermid 0141 287 4540

Planning Applications Anne Marie McGuire 0141 287 4516

Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees:—

Development and Regeneration Maureen Hughes/ 0141 287 4377 Anna Castelvecchi

Direct and Care Services Avril Wyber 0141 287 4266

Education and Social Work Kenny McGuinness 0141 287 4520

Finance, Corporate and Trading Services Carol McPherson 0141 287 4179

Land and Environment Cathy Birrell 0141 287 7872

Strathclyde Pension Fund Carol McPherson 0141 287 4179 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 5th APRIL 2007 1



Glasgow, 5th April 2007.

Glasgow City Council.




Apologies: Christine Devine and Jim Mackechnie. Attending: I Drummond, Solicitor to the Council; G Black, Chief Executive; F Chambers, Executive Director, Direct and Care Services; R O’Connor, Executive Director, Education, Training and Young People; R Booth, Executive Director, Land and Environmental Services; D Comley, Director of Social Work Services; and S Crichton (for the Director of Financial Services). COUNCIL 2007-2008 2 5th APRIL 2007 1

Valediction. 1 The Lord Provost spoke of her term of office over the last 4 years and expressed her thanks to all members of the House and the Deans of Guild and Deacon Conveners, who had served during that time, for their assistance and support, together with Council officials for their help and advice over the years. The Leader of the Council and Bailie Gibson, on behalf of the Opposition, then on behalf of the House expressed their thanks to the Lord Provost for all the work undertaken on behalf of the city and for the enthusiasm with which she had carried out her duties.

Minutes approved. 2 The minutes of the Council of 8th and 22nd February 2007 (Print 7, pages 815 to 826) were submitted and approved.

Minutes of committees submitted and dealt with. 3 The minutes of the undernoted committees were submitted and approved except insofar as submitted for information only:— (1) Social Care Services Complaints Review Committee of 5th October, 16th and 24th November 2006 and 26th January 2007 (Print 7, pages 827 to 829); (2) Appointment of Senior Officers Committee of 13th February 2007 (Print 7, page 830); (3) Audit and Ethics Committee of 15th February 2007 (Print 7, pages 831 and 832); (4) Licensing and Regulatory Committee of 7th, 8th, 14th, 15th, 21st and 28th February and 1st, 8th, 14th and 15th March 2007 (Print 7, pages 833 to 873); (5) Planning Applications Committee of 13th, 20th and 27th February and 6th, 13th and 20th March 2007 (Print 7, pages 874 to 882); (6) Personnel Appeals Committee of 13th, 20th and 27th February and 1st, 6th, 14th, 20th, 21st and 22nd March 2007 (Print 7, pages 883 to 886); (7) Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee of 21st and 22nd March 2007 (Print 7, pages 887 to 891); (8) Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees:— (a) Roads and Lighting of 13th February 2007 (Print 7, pages 892 and 893); (b) Personnel and Administration Services of 14th February 2007 (Print 7, pages 894 to 896); (c) Parks and Facilities of 28th February 2007 (Print 7, pages 897 and 898); (d) Housing Development of 14th March 2007 (Print 7, pages 899 to 901); (e) Financial Services of 20th February 2007 (Print 7, pages 902 to 904); (f) Cultural and Leisure Services of 7th March 2007 (Print 7, pages 905 to 908); (g) Environmental Protection Services of 8th March 2007 (Print 7, page 909); (h) Social Care Services of 13th March 2007 (Print 7, pages 910 to 912); (i) Education Services of 15th March 2007 (Print 7, pages 913 to 916); (j) Development and Regeneration Services of 22nd March 2007 (Print 7, pages 917 to 920); and (9) Executive Committee of 2nd and 16th March 2007 (Print 7, pages 921 to 937) and 30th March 2007 (pages 256 to 264 hereof).

Minutes of area committees submitted for information. 4 The minutes of the undernoted area committees were submitted and noted:— (1) Central Area Committee of 27th November 2006 and 5th February 2007; (2) and West Area Committee of 7th March 2007; 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 5th APRIL 2007 3

(3) East Area Committee of 14th March 2007; (4) East (Centre) Area Committee of 14th February 2007; (5) North Area Committee of 13th February 2007; (6) South Area Committee of 22nd November 2006 and 31st January 2007; (7) South East Area Committee of 26th January and 16th March 2007; (8) South West Area Committee of 7th February 2007; and (9) West End Area Committee of 6th February 2007.

Amendment to Council Standing Orders approved. 5 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive proposing an amendment to the Council’s Standing Orders with regard to the timing of the first meeting of the Council following the forthcoming elections to be held on 3rd May 2007, advising (1) that Standing Order 1(1) provided that the first meeting of the Council after the election was to be held at 1330 hours on the second Thursday following the election, which would mean that the first meeting of the Council after the forthcoming election would be Thursday, 17th May 2007; (2) that the UEFA Cup Final was due to be held at Hampden Park on Wednesday, 16th May and the Council was due to host a civic dinner for the event on Tuesday, 15th May; (3) that it was appropriate for the city to be represented at such a major event by its Lord Provost, however, should the first meeting of the Council not be held until the 17th May, the Lord Provost would not be appointed in time to do so; and (4) of a proposal to amend the Standing Orders to allow the Chief Executive the discretion to determine the timing of the first meeting of the Council taking full account of the circumstances pertaining at the time. After consideration, the Council approved the amendment of Council Standing Order 1(1) to read as follows:— “Following consultation by the Chief Executive with political groupings and independents, the first meeting of the Council after the ordinary election of councillors will be held at a time to be determined by the Chief Executive but no later than the third Thursday after the election. At that meeting the Council will appoint the Lord Provost. The Council will also, at that meeting or at an adjourned meeting, appoint the Deputy Lord Provost, committees of the Council and their Conveners and Vice Conveners and representatives to various boards and other bodies and will deal with any other business in the notice calling the meeting.”

Standards Commission for —Decision of hearing dealt with, after division. 6 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the decision and findings of the Standards Commission for Scotland into a complaint against Councillor John Mason, which had alleged that he had breached the provisions of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct set out in Paragraph 3.14 relating to Conduct in the Chamber or Committee. Bailie Dr Christopher Mason, seconded by Councillor Purcell, moved that “The Council notes the report of the Standards Commission and, although cannot condone the disruption of Council meetings by one of its members, (1) regrets that the financial element of the sanction deemed appropriate by the Standards Commission was about 90 times greater than the level of fine that would have been imposed by a District Court for a similar ‘breach of the peace’; (2) expresses grave concern that a demonstration of dissent by an elected councillor can be dealt with by the Commission without the accused councillor having the protections that are afforded to non- councillors by the ordinary criminal justice system when similar acts result in criminal prosecution; COUNCIL 2007-2008 4 5th APRIL 2007 1

(3) invites the Commission to explain how its power to impose sanctions on elected councillors is compatible with Article Six of the European Convention on Human Rights, which requires any determination of a person’s civil rights to be determined by ‘an independent and impartial tribunal’; and (4) instructs the Chief Executive to send this resolution to the Standards Commission and to invite their response.” Councillor Baldassara, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved as an amendment that “The Council notes the report of the Standards Commission and (1) regrets that the financial element of the sanction deemed appropriate by the Standards Commission was about 90 times greater than the level of fine that would have been imposed by a District Court for a similar ‘breach of the peace’; (2) expresses grave concern that a demonstration of dissent by an elected councillor can be dealt with by the Commission without the accused councillor having the protections that are afforded to non- councillors by the ordinary criminal justice system when similar acts result in criminal prosecution; (3) invites the Commission to explain how its powers to impose sanctions on elected councillors is compatible with Article Six of the European Convention on Human Rights, which requires any determination of a person’s civil rights to be determined by ‘an independent and impartial tribunal’; and (4) instructs the Chief Executive to send this resolution to the Standards Commission and to invite their response.” On a vote being taken electronically, 5 members voted for the amendment and 64 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Budget and Service Plans and Revenue Estimates for 2007/08 approved—Reference to Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees. 7 With reference to the minutes of 8th February 2007 (Print 7, page 817) there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive seeking approval for each of the Council’s Budget and Service Plans together with detailed Revenue Estimates for 2007/08 (1) summarising the 2007/08 Budget and Service Plans for the undernoted Council services, which included information in relation to service structure, budget and staffing, together with a summary of significant issues which would affect the services over the next 3 years:— (a) Chief Executive Department; (b) Development and Regeneration Services; (c) Direct and Care Services; (d) Education Services; (e) Environmental Protection Services; (f) Financial Services; (g) Land Services; and (h) Social Work Services; (2) advising of the key service priorities and changes proposed for 2007/08 in the context of the Council’s Key Objectives and the 2007/08 budget, including the delivery of 5% net efficiencies; and (3) detailing the estimates of net direct service expenditure in respect of each service etc of the Council for the year ending 31st March 2008. After consideration, the Council (i) approved the 2007/08 Budget and Service Plans and detailed Revenue Estimates for each Council Service; 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 5th APRIL 2007 5

(ii) referred the full 2007/08 Budget and Service Plans to the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees for detailed scrutiny; and (iii) noted that the new Council would be entitled to alter the Budgets and Service Plans within the limits set by the Revenue Estimates.

Glasgow’s Sports Pitch Strategy Policy and Implementation Plan approved—Instructions to Officers. 8 With reference to the minutes of the Cultural and Leisure Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee of 7th March 2007 (Print 7, page 906), there was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Culture and Sport) seeking approval for Glasgow’s Sports Pitch Strategy Policy and Implementation Plan, advising (1) that in May 2005 the Council had commissioned PMP Consultants to produce a new Sports Pitch Strategy for Glasgow in accordance with the prescribed methodology as set out in sportscotland’s ‘Guide to the Preparation of Sports Pitch Strategies’; (2) that PMP had completed Stage 1 of the Strategy in June 2006, which had encompassed an audit of existing supply and demand, the identification of shortfalls/surpluses on an area basis, the identification of key issues and the formulation of draft policy recommendations; (3) of a number of key findings from the supply and demand analysis in Stage 1 of the Strategy; (4) that in October 2006 the Cultural and Leisure Services Policy Development and Scrutiny committee had agreed the formation of a Policy Review Group to co-ordinate the production of the Policy and Implementation Plan; (5) of the scope and approach of the Policy and Implementation Plan; (6) of the existing strategic sites and the priorities for investment in the West, North, South and East sectors of the city, together with a city-wide summary; (7) of the proposed key policy recommendations and financial implications; (8) that Culture and Sport Glasgow, in conjunction with the Council would monitor and review the implementation of the Sports Pitch Strategy Policy and Implementation Plan and would be responsible for the management and letting of the Council’s stock of sports pitches; and (9) that it was recommended that a future phase of the Policy and Implementation Plan be tasked with formulating priorities for action in relation to tennis/bowls facilities, Gaelic sports and multi-purpose games courts and that the Plan be reviewed 4 years after the date of its adoption, to monitor progress in relation to supply and demand. After consideration, the Council (a) approved the Sports Pitch Strategy Policy and Implementation Plan, subject to the amendments to paragraph 6.1 of the report agreed at the meeting; and (b) instructed the (i) Chief Executive of Culture and Sport Glasgow to submit a report to the Council detailing the financial implications of the Sports Pitch Strategy Policy and Implementation Plan; and (ii) Executive Director, Land and Environmental Services and the Chief Executive of Culture and Sport Glasgow to bring back to the Council a timeframe for the delivery of a future phase of the Sports Pitch Strategy Policy and Implementation Plan which focussed on tennis, bowling, Gaelic sports and multi-purpose games areas.

Cultural and Leisure Services Grant Awards 2007/08 dealt with—Declarations of interest. 9 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Culture and Sport) seeking approval for the Council’s Cultural and Leisure grant awards for 2007/08 which included recommendations from the Cultural Grants, Youth Services Grants to Voluntary Organisations and the Sports Development and Equalities budgets, advising COUNCIL 2007-2008 6 5th APRIL 2007 1

(1) of the criteria for support and monitoring; and (2) of the various budgets available for those grants. After consideration, the Council dealt with the undernoted applications as follows, subject to written acceptance of and compliance with the conditions set out in the letter of award:— Organisation Decision CULTURAL GRANTS—PROJECT APPLICATIONS Visual Statement Awarded £29,000 Indepen-Dance Awarded £13,500 Company Chordelia Awarded £2,000 Glasgow Oriental Dancing Association Awarded £1,000 Dance House Awarded £20,000 Visible Fictions Awarded £2,500 Collusion Theatre Company Awarded £2,000 Theatre Cryptic Awarded £18,000 Ek Performance Awarded £4,000 Cutting Edge Theatre Productions Rejected Promote YT Awarded £5,000 Vamp Productions Rejected Theatre Babel Awarded £10,000 Random Accomplice Rejected Vanishing Point Awarded £20,000 * Giant Productions Awarded £23,000 Stammer Productions Awarded £1,000 Little Stars Theatre Productions Awarded £1,000 Licketyspit Awarded £3,000 Catherine Wheels Theatre Company Awarded £2,000 Hush Productions Rejected Community Players Rejected Creative Therapies Awarded £10,000 Camcorder Guerilla Collective Awarded £3,000 Human Rights Film Festival Awarded £3,000 Arts Project Awarded £20,000 Sharmanka Awarded £9,000 Sorcha Dallas Contemporary Arts Project Awarded £4,000 The Common Guild (Modern Institute) Awarded £10,000 New Media Scotland Rejected Glasgow Eid Mela Rejected Cultural and Educational Development Association Rejected Scotland West Bengal Friendship Society Rejected 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 5th APRIL 2007 7

Organisation Decision Ricefield Chinese Arts Centre Awarded £10,000 Sri Mangala Vinayahar Community Centre Awarded £1,000 Association of Poetry & Music Glasgow Awarded £20,000 Punjabi Sahit Sabha Awarded £1,000 Glasgay Awarded £22,000 Scottish Academy of Asian Arts Awarded £40,000 Scottish Asian Christian Fellowship Rejected Scottish Refugee Council Awarded £2,000 Russian Cultural Centre Awarded £4,000 East End Community Arts Awarded £25,000 Sense Scotland Awarded £3,500 Universal Comedy Rejected Northern Rock Festival Group Awarded £3,000 Plantation Productions Awarded £3,000 Bows Art Music Management Awarded £1,000 St James the Great Rejected North Glasgow Community Food Initiative Awarded £2,000 The Drouth Rejected Confab Awarded £3,000 Black & White Publishing Rejected Youth & Community Theatre Awarded £1,500 Glasgow Galleries Group Rejected Ankhur Arts Awarded £6,000 East Glasgow Music School Awarded £1,500 Bangla Centre Awarded £3,000 Ghana Welfare Association Awarded £1,500

CULTURAL GRANTS—CORE APPLICATIONS Arches Awarded £100,000 Celtic Connections Awarded £185,000 Centre for Contemporary Arts Deferred * Citizens’ Theatre & TAG Awarded £453,500 Glasgow Film Theatre Awarded £70,000 Glasgow International Jazz Festival Awarded £113,700 Greater Arts Company Awarded £170,000 New Moves International Awarded £90,000 * Royal Scottish National Orchestra Awarded £60,575 Scottish Ballet Awarded £37,000 COUNCIL 2007-2008 8 5th APRIL 2007 1

Organisation Decision Scottish Chamber Orchestra Awarded £20,000 Scottish Opera Awarded £55,000 Tron Theatre Awarded £203,000 West End Festival Awarded £40,000 Glasgow Media Access Centre Awarded £37,000 Glasgow Print Studio Awarded £43,000 Glasgow Sculpture Studios Awarded £35,000 Street Level Awarded £39,500 Birds of Paradise Theatre Company Awarded £24,000 Paragon Ensemble Awarded £25,000 Project Ability Awarded £85,000 Scottish Ensemble Awarded £21,000 Sounds of Progress Awarded £29,000 Children’s Classic Concerts Awarded £20,000 Scottish Mask & Puppet Centre Awarded £21,000 Scottish Youth Theatre Awarded £52,200

VOLUNTARY ORGANISATION APPLICATIONS Glasgow Women’s Library Rejected The Health Spot Rejected Youth Services Group Rejected Beatroute Awarded £12,804.50 Crossroads Youth & Community Association Awarded £65,000 Youth Project Awarded £34,000 DRUM Adventure Awarded £64,000 G15 Youth Project Awarded £66,500 Glasgow East YouthBank Awarded £30,040.50 Shakespeare Street Youth Club Awarded £40,000 Sighthill Youth Centre Awarded £25,000 South Youth Project Awarded £33,000 Streetwise(c) Awarded £70,000 Temple Shafton Youth Project Awarded £79,000 The Pavilion Awarded £33,000 The Wanderers Youth Club Awarded £31,000

SPORTS DEVELOPMENT AND EQUALITIES Sports Council for Glasgow Awarded £64,151.76 * In terms of Standing Order No 26, Bailie Alan Stewart declared an interest in the application by Giant Productions, Councillors Docherty, Irene Graham and Mutter declared an interest in the application by the Citizens’ Theatre, and Councillor Macdiarmid declared an interest in the application by the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, none of those members taking part in the discussion or decision in respect of those applications. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 5th APRIL 2007 9

Childcare Strategy and pre-5 voluntary organisations grants 2007/08 approved. 10 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People) regarding the funding available in 2007/08 under the Childcare Strategy and pre-5 grants to voluntary organisations, advising that (1) in relation to Childcare Strategy funding (a) a total of £7,088,500 had been allocated to the authority for 2007/08 for its Childcare Strategy, a full projection of expenditure being detailed in Appendix A of the report; (b) £611,129 had been allocated for the development of the childcare information service and infrastructure; (c) it was proposed that £1,350,000 be held centrally, which would support city-wide developments in Training, Health and Safety Special Educational Needs; (d) £5,127,371 was now available for award, with recommendations for the allocation of £4,824,070 being detailed in Appendix B of the report; and (e) 2 awards totalling £7,922 had been made by the Executive Director, leaving funding of £295,379 still to be allocated to childcare projects; and (2) in relation to pre-5 voluntary organisations grant funding, a total of £212,000 was available to support city-wide organisations in 2007/08 as detailed in Appendix C of the report. After consideration, the Council approved (i) the continuation of the arrangements for approving childcare strategy allocations following advice from the Education Childcare Partnership; (ii) the proposed projection of spend against infrastructure costs as detailed in Appendix A of the report; and (iii) the award of funding as follows:— Establishment/Group/Project Purpose Award CHILDCARE STRATEGY FUNDING St Roch’s Childcare Service Staffing costs £81,180 Stepping Stones for Families— Family Centre Staffing costs £17,330 Stepping Stones for Families—Keppoch Out of School Care Staffing costs £18,384 Strathclyde Autistic Society Staffing costs £18,690 Milton Out of School Care Staffing costs £20,940 Rosemount Lifelong Learning—Kidzone Staffing costs £24,635 Kids and Adults Together in Sighthill (KATS) Staffing costs £55,190 NCH Scotland— Family Project Staffing costs £87,750 Milton Out of School Care Staffing Costs £56,198 Buddies Club/Playscheme Staffing costs £110,435 Karemore—Kelvinhaugh Out of School Care Staffing costs £23,903 Temple After School Care—St Clare’s Staffing costs £27,764 Temple After School Care—Drumry Staffing costs £31,870 Childcare Services Staffing costs £39,839 After School Service Staffing costs £12,500 After School Care Staffing costs £17,500 After School Care Staffing costs £16,500 , & Childcare Centre Staffing costs £13,533 COUNCIL 2007-2008 10 5th APRIL 2007 1

Establishment/Group/Project Purpose Award Carnwadric & Pre-5 Unit Staffing costs £28,856 College Childcare Centre Match funding for £20,000 capital Partnership Nurseries Salary costs £27,378 Stepping Stones For Families—Easterhouse Family Centre Staffing costs £66,685 Stepping Stones For Families—Calvey Housing Association Staffing costs £70,200 Stepping Stones For Families—Greater Easterhouse Staffing costs £20,000 Community Creche Quarriers Family Resource Centre Staffing costs £16,426 North East Circle Out of School Care—Westerhouse Staffing costs £13,899 North East Circle Out of School Care—Caledonia Primary Staffing costs £12,320 Greater Easterhouse Women’s Aid Staffing costs £29,195 North East Circle Out of School Care—St Bridget’s Primary Staffing costs £9,744 North East Circle Out of School Care—St Benedict’s Primary Staffing costs £9,744 Out of School Care—Sunnyside Primary Staffing costs £16,971 Ecumenical Youth Association (GEYA)/ Staffing costs £47,806 Play Art Life Skills(PALS) GEYA/PALS—Nethan Street Staffing costs £52,650 Govan Initiative—Fresh Start Nurseries Staffing costs £61,737 Cardonald College Childcare Centre—Lourdes Staffing costs £55,478 Mobile Creche Staffing costs £50,544 Safe til Six After School Care Staffing costs £7,773 North West Women’s Centre Staffing costs £14,454 Happy Days Community Nursery Staffing costs £12,619 Shakespeare Street Youth Club Staffing costs £18,221 Little Me Nursery Staffing costs £63,882 The Bambury Childcare Centre Staffing costs £46,000 East End Respite Care Staffing costs £70,000 Connect 2 Out of School Care Staffing costs £30,000 Calton Childcare—Tureen Street/Barras Project Staffing costs £18,000 Calton Childcare—Mile End Out of School Care Staffing costs £14,950 Buddies Out of School Care Staffing costs £18,000 Connect 2 Out of School Care—Riddrie Staffing costs £15,040 Tictacs—Wellshot Staffing costs £15,040 Our Lady of the Annunciation Out of School Care Staffing costs £8,424 Castlemilk Childcare Staffing costs £263,564 The Jeely Piece Nursery Staffing costs £56,594 Darnley Street Family Centre Staffing costs £80,000 Saturday Café Staffing costs £10,948 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 5th APRIL 2007 11

Establishment/Group/Project Purpose Award TASK Childcare Services Staffing costs £13,479 After School Service Staffing costs £7,125 Barnardos APNA Project Staffing costs £28,500 Bridge End Nursery— Staffing costs £66,437 GAP Childcare Services Staffing costs £30,000 Glasgow City Council Education Services Staffing costs £533,340 Glasgow City Council Education Services Staffing costs £1,525,883 Glasgow Women’s Aid Staffing costs £84,435 Hemat Gryffe Women’s Aid Staffing costs £19,994 Bishoploch, Lochend, Commonhead, Rogerfield Out of Staffing costs £23,903 School Care GCC SEN Summer provision Staffing costs £91,000 GCC SEN Term Time provision Staffing costs £91,000 Stepping Stones for Families—Little Stars Childcare Centre Staffing costs £142,662 Stepping Stones for Families—Thistle Childcare Centre Staffing costs £119,029

PRE-5 VOLUNTARY ORGANISATION GRANT FUNDING Scottish Pre-School Play Association (SPPA) Running costs £40,000 Centre for Under Fives Plus Running costs £23,000 Stepping Stones for Families Running costs £129,000 Glasgow Playscheme Association Running costs £20,000

Housing Information and Advice Grants approved. 11 There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work Services seeking approval for the allocation of funding for 2007/08 through the Strategic Planning Group for Money and Legal Advice, advising (1) of the ongoing work of the Housing Information and Advice network in the city during 2006/07; (2) of the outcomes from work funded during 2006/07; and (3) of the funding available for 2007/08 which would be further reviewed in November 2007. After consideration, the Council approved the following grant awards:— Organisation Amount Drumchapel Law & Money Advice Centre £15,000 Drumchapel Citizens Advice Bureau £11,000 Three Eyes Project £5,000 Castlemilk Law & Money Advice Centre (Castlemilk area) £34,000 Castlemilk Law & Money Advice Centre (Gorbals area) £34,000 Legal Services Agency—Defended Evictions Team £36,000 Govan Law Centre/Govan Money Matters/Greater Pollok Citizens’ Advice Bureau— £60,000 Joint Bid Greater Pollok & Southwest Area Implementation Group Legal Services Agency £18,000 COUNCIL 2007-2008 12 5th APRIL 2007 1

Organisation Amount Glasgow Disabled Housing Services (Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living) £22,000 Homelessness Money & Debt Advice Service (Queen’s Cross Housing Association/ £15,000 Blue Triangle Housing Association/Move On/Simon Community)

Temporary suspension of Standing Orders Relating to Contracts approved. 12 With reference to the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee of 20th June 2006 (Print 2, page 296) approving the temporary suspension of the Standing Orders Relating to Contracts until 31st December 2006 to allow sealed tender bidding to be delivered electronically, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive seeking approval to further temporarily suspend the Standing Orders Relating to Contracts until 31st August 2007 to allow the Council to conduct eAuctions as part of the procurement process, advising (1) of the eAuction and tender process; (2) that the Corporate Procurement Unit work programme had identified further potential for eAuctions to take place during the next 3 to 4 months; and (3) of a proposal to suspend Sections 11.2 and 12.1(b) of the Standing Orders Relating to Contracts until 31st August 2007 as detailed. After consideration, the Council approved (a) a temporary suspension of Section 11.2 of the Council’s Standing Orders Relating to Contracts in respect of sealed tender bidding in order to allow the price on tender documentation to be delivered electronically where this was considered the most appropriate method of securing best value; (b) a temporary suspension of Section 12.1(b) of the Council’s Standing Orders Relating to Contracts to permit eAuction bids to be submitted in the presence of the Head of Legal and Administrative Services, in addition to the Head of Corporate Procurement, or their designated representatives; and (c) that any eAuctions conducted under the provision of the suspensions be under the supervision and control of the Head of Corporate Procurement in accordance with procedures.

Award of contracts approved. 13 There were submitted reports by the Executive Director (Culture and Sport), the Director of Direct and Care Services and the Director of Social Work Services regarding tenders received for various contracts. After consideration, the Council agreed to accept the undernoted most economically advantageous tenders received:— Contract Contractor Value Construction of Toryglen Regional Indoor Central Building Contractors £13,710,000 Training Facility (Glasgow) Ltd Fruit Plus Project £885,659 per annum (1) Supply only of fruit Total Produce Ltd (2) Delivery only of fruit Dunns Food and Drinks Ltd Supply and delivery of sandwiches, Brambles Foods Ltd £260,000 per filled rolls, baguettes, wraps and annum speciality breads Provision of Home Care Services Carewatch (Glasgow) and £520,000 per Domicillary Care (Glasgow) Ltd annum Purchased intensive community-based Barnardos and Includem £1,000,000 support services for Children and Families 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 5th APRIL 2007 13

Increase in fees for care homes and older people in supported living services approved— Instruction to Director of Social Work Services. 14 There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work Services seeking approval for an increase in the rates for care homes and supported living services for 2007/08, advising (1) that over the past 3 years, Council Leaders had agreed benchmark fee levels for older people in residential and nursing care homes, had further agreed that future fee levels be linked to quality indicators and agreed the direction of travel for the development of a payment quality model for care home fees; (2) of a proposal that a number of pre-conditions be met by care home providers this year, as detailed; (3) of the COSLA fee level which had been accepted that incorporated an uplift which related to the achievement of quality; (4) that the quality award element of the fee increase would be dependent on the care home providers submitting a declaration to commit to quality and training; (5) of the proposed implementation and timetable together with the contractual arrangements and legal implications; and (6) that with effect from 9th April 2007, the personal allowance would be increased to £20.45 per week. After consideration, the Council (a) noted the increase in the personal expenses allowance from 9th April 2007; and (b) approved, with effect from 9th April 2007, (i) the fee increases for care homes as detailed in Appendix A of the report, subject to COSLA approval; and (ii) the fee increases for supported living services, adult care homes and local authority care homes as detailed in Appendix B of the report; and (c) instructed the Director of Social Work Services to report back on the national care home contract and the associated quality agenda post implementation in October 2007.

Purchased Services Maintenance Rates Increase 2007/08 approved—Declaration of interest. 15 There was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work Services seeking approval for the annual inflation increase for residential, respite, supported living and day services funded by the Purchased Services budget 2007/08, advising (1) that it was proposed that the inflation award for social care costs within the Purchased Services budget was 2% for 2007/08; (2) that in recognition of increased training costs incurred by providers to meet Care Commission Standards it was proposed to award additional funds of £1.36m, which would be allocated according to contract values; and (3) of the proposed rates for individual services. After consideration, the Council approved, with effect from 9th April 2007, (a) an inflation award of 2% for purchased services maintenance rates as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; (b) an award within purchased services of £1.36m of additional funds in recognition of training requirements to meet Care Commission standards, as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; (c) the weekly maintenance rates for new and reconfigured services within Learning Disability as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report; and (d) the weekly maintenance rates for Aberlour Number 1 Services within Addictions as detailed in Appendix 3 of the report. In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillor Elaine McDougall declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or decision. COUNCIL 2007-2008 14 5th APRIL 2007 1

Amendments to Scheme of Delegated Functions approved. 16 There was submitted a report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services detailing proposed amendments to the Scheme of Delegated Functions in relation to staff within the Enforcement Division of his service, advising (1) that the amendments were required to add new legislation to staff authorisations and to take account of structural additions and changes within Enforcement which would lead to greater crossover between functions and opportunities for more efficient working; and (2) of the proposed amendments to the Scheme of Delegated Functions. After consideration, the Council approved the amendments to the Scheme of Delegated Functions as detailed in the report.

Invitations to attend conferences etc—Representation agreed. 17 The Council agreed to be represented at the undernoted conferences etc as indicated:— Conference Date and place Representation * Visit to Ecole de la 2eme Chance 22nd to 24th April 2007, Lord Provost or substitute (2nd Chance School) Marseilles, France Reception to mark retiral of 27th April 2007, Wunsiedel, Councillor Dr Malcolm Green Chair of District Youth Exchange Germany and approaching 50th anniversary of partnership with Glasgow International Rose Trials 19th May 2007, Rome, Italy Executive member or substitute * This item was dealt with in terms of Standing Orders Nos 4 and 6 as a matter of urgency.

Elected Members’ Induction and Development Proposals 2007-11 approved—Instruction to Chief Executive. 18 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 30th March 2007 (page 263 hereof) continuing consideration of proposals for a comprehensive induction and development programme for elected members following the election, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive, advising (1) of the proposals in respect of the development programme which would include an Induction Day on Tuesday, 8th May 2007 to which every member of the Council would be invited; (2) that this would be followed by a 3-week induction period which would cover areas that would give a general overview of the Council through presentations by Directors and an introduction to the committee system as well as covering core and compulsory modules; (3) that during this period members would be introduced to the Council’s new “Leaders in the Community Programme”, which would be a different and ongoing development programme tailored to meet the individual requirements of each member; (4) of the mandatory elements of the programme which would be covered; (5) that all members would be consulted on their IT requirements and a comprehensive IT training programme would be offered; and (6) that a dedicated password protected members’ internet site was currently being developed which would allow a “1 stop shop” approach for members to access information and would also have links to external sites such as the Scottish Parliament, other local authorities and CoSLA. After consideration, the Council (a) approved the proposals in respect of the comprehensive induction and development programme for elected members; and (b) instructed the Chief Executive to implement the programme, subject to consultation with leaders of political groups and independent members. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 5th APRIL 2007 15

Proposed Pointhouse to Govan Pedestrian Ferry Service—Feasibility study agreed. 19 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director, Land and Environmental Services seeking approval to carry out a feasibility study into the provision of a pedestrian ferry service between the proposed New Riverside Museum at Pointhouse on the north bank of the and Govan on the south bank, advising (1) that the Council was currently developing a project for the relocation of the existing Transport Museum to a new facility on the north bank of the Clyde at Pointhouse at the confluence of the Rivers Clyde and Kelvin; (2) that as part of the relocation project, consideration was being given to access existing public transport hubs in the immediate area of the museum site and into the ease of walking from these hubs; (3) that at present there were no river crossings for pedestrians between the Millennium Bridge, some 1.1km upstream of Pointhouse and 1.6km downstream from the Clyde Tunnel; (4) that the provision of a pedestrian ferry linking Water Row at Govan to Pointhouse would remove those restrictions and provide an attractive route both in terms of accessibility and visitor experience to the relocated Transport Museum; (5) that in order to take this work forward, it was proposed to have a multi disciplinary team investigate the various aspects of the provision of a ferry service to investigate both land based requirements and the type of ferry vessel to be used; and (6) of the anticipated cost of the feasibility study, which would be in the region of £25,000. After consideration, the Council agreed to procure a feasibility study into the provision of a pedestrian ferry service across the River Clyde between Pointhouse and Govan including the identification of a suitable craft and environmentally friendly propulsion system.

Question. 20 The following question by Councillor Niall Walker of which notice had been given under Standing Order No 11 was answered by Councillor Purcell, Leader of the Council:— “I note the Leader of the Council has written to my constituents informing them what a wonderful job he is doing over litter. So close to an election this appears to be electioneering paid for by the taxpayer. How much did this letter cost? Will the Labour Group pay for this from their election budget?”

Civil Liberties—Motion dealt with. 21 Councillor Walker, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved that “Council notes the proposed erosion of civil liberties, for example by enforcing the use of Identity Cards. In addition, it has been suggested that police powers of detention without charge might be increased. Scottish airports have been used as refuelling points for rendition flights. All of this is evidence that the current Labour Government shows little interest in hard won civil liberties.” Councillor Irene Graham, seconded by Bailie Alan Stewart, moved as an amendment that “Council notes and welcomes the establishment of the Single Equality and Human Rights Commission in the UK and the setting up of a Human Rights Commission for Scotland. This demonstrates that the Labour Government’s commitment to human rights and civil liberties has never been stronger. This Council congratulates the UK Government for its consistent highest ranking in The Freedom House Annual Survey which monitors the progress and decline of human rights worldwide through a Civil Liberties checklist.” On a vote being taken electronically, 52 members voted for the amendment and 4 for the motion. The amendment was accordingly declared to be carried. COUNCIL 2007-2008 16 5th APRIL 2007 1

Trident nuclear weapon system—Motion dealt with. 22 Councillor McAllister, seconded by Councillor Ahmad, moved that “Council calls on the Westminster Government to cancel plans to replace the Trident nuclear weapon system with a new £25 billion weapon system. Council calls on the Government to instead direct that funding at education, health, crime prevention and local services.” Councillor Stevenson, seconded by Councillor Alex Mosson, moved as an amendment that “Council re-affirms its opposition to nuclear weapons and calls upon HM Government to (1) give support to a world Summit of Nuclear Disarmament and non-proliferation; (2) signal its resolve to strengthen the international Nuclear non-proliferation regime by terminating any further work on the replacement of Trident; and (3) announce an early date for the withdrawal of the Trident fleet from active service.” On a vote being taken electronically, 57 members voted for the amendment and 4 for the motion. The amendment was accordingly declared to be carried.

Adjournment. 23 In terms of Standing Order No 5 (n), the time being after 1600 hours, the Council agreed to adjourn, the only remaining item of business being item 19 (c). 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 17



Glasgow, 17th May 2007.

Glasgow City Council.




Attending: I Drummond, Solicitor to the Council; G Black, Chief Executive; L Brown, Executive Director of Financial Services; R Booth, Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; S Inch, Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and R O’Connor, Executive Director (Education, Training & Young People). COUNCIL 2007-2008 18 17th MAY 2007 1

Chair. 1 The Solicitor to the Council assumed the Chair and called the meeting to order.

Meeting opened with prayer. 2 The meeting opened with a prayer by the Minister of Glasgow Cathedral, the Very Reverend Dr Lawrence Whitley.

Election of councillors—Report by Returning Officer noted. 3 There was submitted and noted the Returning Officer’s report on the outcome of the election on 3rd May 2007 of councillors for the City of Glasgow. The Returning Officer’s report is printed as Appendix 1 to these minutes.

Appointment of Councillor Winter as Lord Provost approved, after division. 4 Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that Councillor Robert Winter be appointed Convener of the Council who would, in terms of Section 4(7) of the Local Government Etc (Scotland) Act 1994, be Lord Provost of the City of Glasgow. Councillor McLaughlin, seconded by Councillor Thoms, moved as an amendment that Councillor Iris Gibson be appointed Lord Provost. On a vote being taken electronically, 23 members voted for the amendment and 46 for the motion, with 9 abstentions. The motion was accordingly declared to be carried.

Installation of Lord Provost. 5 Councillor Winter was then invested with the Chain of Office of the Lord Provost of the City of Glasgow and took the oath de fideli administratione officii. The Lord Provost then took the Chair and addressed the House in suitable terms.

Appointment of Councillor Stewart as Deputy Lord Provost approved, after division. 6 Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that Councillor Allan Stewart be appointed Deputy Convener and Deputy Lord Provost of the City of Glasgow and be granted the honorary title of Bailie. Councillor McLaughlin, seconded by Councillor Thoms, moved as an amendment that Councillor Iris Gibson be appointed Deputy Lord Provost. On a vote being taken electronically, 29 members voted for the amendment and 45 for the motion, with 4 abstentions. The motion was accordingly declared to be carried.

Appointment of Bailies. 7 Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that the Council appoint the undernoted councillors as Bailies for the purpose of assisting the Lord Provost in civic and ceremonial matters:— Nina Baker Gerald Leonard Hanzala Malik Elizabeth Cameron David McDonald Gordon Matheson Margot Clark Jean McFadden James Scanlon Iris Gibson John McLaughlin Jim Todd Jahangir Hanif Catherine McMaster Ellen Hurcombe James McNally The Council agreed unanimously to the appointment of those Bailies who were thereupon invested with their chains of office. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 19

Appointment of ex officiis Justices of the Peace. 8 The Council appointed, in terms of Section 11 of the District Courts (Scotland) Act 1975, the undernoted members as ex officiis Justices of the Peace:— Aileen Colleran Euan McLeod Paul Coleshill Khalil Malik Colin Deans Tommy Morrison Alex Dingwall Mohammed Razaq Matthew Kerr Alistair Watson Tom McKeown

The Lord Dean of Guild—Valediction. 9 The Lord Provost intimated that Mr would shortly demit office from the position of the Lord Dean of Guild of the Merchant’s House of Glasgow. On behalf of the Council, the Lord Provost thanked Mr Park for his continued interest in the affairs of the Council, for his valuable assistance on civic and ceremonial occasions and for the willingness of the Merchant’s House to maintain its ancient ties with the Council. Mr Park replied in suitable terms.

Death of former Councillor Heather Ritchie. 10 The Lord Provost referred to the recent death of former Councillor Heather Ritchie and extended the House’s condolences to her family. The House stood in silence as a mark of respect.

Council and Committee Standing Orders approved, after division. 11 In terms of Council Standing Order No 6, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive submitting for approval the Council and Committee Standing Orders, highlighting the amendments which had been made to the existing Standing Orders. Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, move approval of the Council and Committee Standing Orders as submitted. Councillor John Mason, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved as an amendment that the Standing Orders be approved, subject to the following amendments:— (1) in respect of Standing Order No. 5(k), deletion of the words “but no business introduced by notice of motion will be started after 1600 hours”; (2) the amendment of Standing Order No. 11(3) to allow 3 supplementary questions to be asked following an answer to a written question; and (3) the deletion of Standing Order No. 28(4). On a vote being taken electronically, 28 members voted for the amendment and 50 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried. The approved Standing Orders are printed as Appendix 2 to these minutes.

Minutes approved. 12 The minutes of the Council of 5th April 2007 (page 1 hereof) were submitted and approved.

Appointments to committees and outside bodies etc—Membership agreed, after division. 13 Councillor Purcell, having intimated that it was the Administration’s intention to set up a working group on Autism to be chaired by Councillor Dr Christopher Mason and a working group on energy use and policy to be chaired by a member of the Scottish Green Party, and, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that COUNCIL 2007-2008 20 17th MAY 2007 1

(1) the membership of the undernoted committees be approved as follows:— Executive Committee (20 members) Steven Purcell Leader of the Council James Coleman Deputy Leader of the Council Stephen Curran City Treasurer Aileen Colleran Council Business Manager Shaukat Butt Executive Member for Direct and Care Services Stephen Dornan Executive Member for Health Archie Graham Executive Member for Culture and Sport Elaine McDougall Executive Member for Social Care Tom McKeown Executive Member for Personnel and Corporate Services Gordon Matheson Executive Member for Education and Social Renewal Hanzala Malik Executive Member for International Links George Ryan Executive Member for Development and Regeneration Ruth Simpson Executive Member for Land and Environment John Mason Leader of the Opposition Billy McAllister Deputy Leader of the Opposition Jahangir Hanif Allison Hunter Alison Thewliss Martha Wardrop plus 1 further Opposition member together with the following religious representatives for Education items only: The Rev Graham Cartlidge, Church of Scotland The Right Reverend Monsignor T Joseph Chambers, the Roman Catholic Church plus 3rd representative to be confirmed.

Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees:— Development and Regeneration (20 members) Frank Docherty (Convener) Douglas Hay Jim Todd (Vice Convener) Jim Mackechnie Philip Braat Kenny McLean Paul Carey Anne Marie Millar Gilbert Davidson George Redmond Colin Deans James Scanlon Jennifer Dunn Grant Thoms Iris Gibson Alistair Watson Alex Glass plus 3 further Opposition members 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 21

Direct and Care Services (20 members) Catherine McMaster (Convener) Matthew Kerr Paul Carey (Vice Convener) John McLaughlin Gilbert Davidson Tommy Morrison Jennifer Dunn William O’Rourke Jonathan Findlay Mohammed Razaq John Flanagan David Ritchie Alex Glass George Roberts Phil Greene James Scanlon Ellen Hurcombe plus further 3 Opposition members

Education and Social Work (20 members) Patricia Chalmers (Convener) Alex Glass John McKenzie (Vice Convener) Phil Greene Philip Braat Graeme Hendry Paul Carey Ellen Hurcombe Alex Dingwall Matthew Kerr Sadie Docherty Gerald Leonard James Dornan Anne Marie Millar Patricia Duffy Mohammed Razaq John Flanagan plus 3 further Opposition members

Finance, Corporate and Trading Services (20 members) Jean McFadden (Convener) David McDonald James McNally (Vice Convener) Kenny McLean Patricia Chalmers Khalil Malik Alex Dingwall Anne Marie Millar Frank Docherty William O’Rourke James Dornan Irfan Rabbani Jonathan Findlay James Scanlon John Flanagan Jim Todd Alex Glass plus 3 further Opposition Members

Land and Environment (20 members) Euan McLeod (Convener) Craig Mackay Ellen Hurcombe (Vice Convener) Jim Mackechnie Philip Braat Tommy Morrison Gilbert Davidson Irfan Rabbani Colin Deans George Roberts Alex Glass Allan Stewart Gerald Leonard Grant Thoms John McKenzie Jim Todd David McDonald plus 3 further Opposition members COUNCIL 2007-2008 22 17th MAY 2007 1

Other committees etc:— Appointment of Senior Officers Committee (membership varies) Steven Purcell (Convener) Tom McKeown James Coleman John Mason (plus substitute) Aileen Colleran (Alex Glass, substitute) plus relevant Executive Member Stephen Curran

Audit and Ethics Committee (8 members) John Mason (Convener) Tom McKeown Aileen Colleran George Ryan Alex Glass Kieran Wild Allison Hunter plus 1 further Opposition member

Emergency Committee (4 members) Steven Purcell (Convener) Lord Provost James Coleman John Mason

Licensing and Regulatory Committee (12 members) John McKenzie (Convener) Elaine McDougall Stephen Dornan (Vice Convener) John McLaughlin Paul Carey Anne Marie Millar Gilbert Davidson Tommy Morrison Phil Greene plus 2 further Opposition members Graeme Hendry

Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers (Management Side) Patricia Chalmers Patricia Duffy Gordon Matheson Mr Ronnie O’Connor, Executive Director (Education, Training & Young People) Mr George Gardner, Depute Director of Education Services Mr Frank Corrigan, Head Teacher, Lourdes Secondary School Ms Elsie Tysen, Head Teacher, Bankhead Primary School

Personnel Appeals Committee Tom McKeown (Convener) Jim Todd Anne Marie Millar plus 2 Opposition members James Scanlon To meet on the basis of panels of 3 members 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 23

Planning Applications Committee (20 members) George Redmond (Convener) Catherine McMaster Jonathan Findlay (Vice Convener) James McNally Elizabeth Cameron Irfan Rabbani Frank Docherty George Roberts Iris Gibson Paul Rooney Alex Glass George Ryan Jahangir Hanif Jim Todd Jean McFadden Kieran Wild Craig Mackay plus 2 further Opposition members John McLaughlin Public Processions Committee James Coleman James Scanlon John McKenzie Jim Todd Catherine McMaster plus 2 Opposition members Tom McKeown To operate on the basis of panels of 3 members Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee (7 members) James McNally (Convener) Khalil Malik Aileen Colleran Ruth Simpson Stephen Curran plus 1 further Opposition member John McKenzie Business Bureau (7 members) Aileen Colleran (Convener) Ruth Black Lord Provost (Deputy Lord Provost, substitute) Allison Hunter Alex Glass (observer) David Meikle Tom McKeown (observer) plus 1 member from Liberal Democrat party Nina Baker (2) the Council be represented on the undernoted outside bodies etc as follows:— Licensing Board Philip Braat James McNally Douglas Hay David Ritchie Graeme Hendry James Scanlon Matthew Kerr plus 2 further Opposition members Euan McLeod City Building (Glasgow) LLP Gerald Leonard (Chair) Aileen Colleran Elizabeth Cameron Jim Todd COUNCIL 2007-2008 24 17th MAY 2007 1

City Parking (Glasgow) LLP Paul Carey (Chair) William O’Rourke George Ryan Surplus Land & Property LLP Alex Glass (Chair) Hanzala Malik James McNally Community Health and Care Partnerships (nominations) East James Coleman Elaine McDougall John Mason Ruth Simpson Alison Thewliss North Ellen Hurcombe Phil Greene Jim Mackechnie Allan Stewart plus 1 further Opposition member South East Sadie Docherty James Dornan Anne Marie Millar James Scanlon plus 1 further Opposition member South West Stephen Curran John Flanagan Iris Gibson James McNally plus 1 further Opposition member West Aileen Colleran Paul Carey Kenny McLean Hanzala Malik plus 1 further Opposition member Local Community Planning Partnerships Drumchapel/ & *Paul Carey Jonathan Findlay Graeme Hendry Jean McFadden East Centre & Calton *Frank Docherty Patricia Chalmers Jennifer Dunn George Redmond Greater Easterhouse *Catherine McMaster James Coleman Douglas Hay John McLaughlin Govan & Craigton *John Flanagan Stephen Dornan Tommy Morrison Allison Hunter 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 25

Greater Pollok & Newlands/Auldburn *James McNally Colin Deans Alex Glass William O’Rourke & Linn *Archie Graham Sadie Docherty John McKenzie David Ritchie Maryhill/Kelvin & Central *Ellen Hurcombe Alex Dingwall Jim Mackechnie Mohammed Razaq Partick West & & /City *Gordon Matheson Philip Braat Craig Mackay Hanzala Malik East & Southside Central *Anne Marie Millar Stephen Curran Khalil Malik Irfan Rabbani & part of Glasgow North East *Jim Todd Gilbert Davidson Gerald Leonard Grant Thoms * suggested Convener Local Regeneration Agencies East James Coleman Catherine McMaster George Redmond North Patricia Chalmers Ellen Hurcombe Allan Stewart North West Paul Carey Hanzala Malik Paul Rooney South East Archie Graham Anne Marie Millar James Scanlon South West Stephen Dornan Alexander Glass Alistair Watson Other bodies Association for Public Service Excellence Aileen Colleran Gerald Leonard Ruth Simpson Glasgow & Clyde Valley Structure Plan George Redmond Joint Committee George Ryan Glasgow City Marketing Bureau Elizabeth Cameron Steven Purcell COUNCIL 2007-2008 26 17th MAY 2007 1

Glasgow Housing Association Patricia Chalmers Alex Dingwall Ellen Hurcombe Grant Thoms Glasgow International Jazz Festival Elizabeth Cameron National Association of Councillors Aileen Colleran Tom McKeown Ruth Simpson (3) that consideration of minority opposition party membership of Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees be continued to the first meeting of the Executive Committee. Councillor John Mason, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved as an amendment that (a) the political balance on the undernoted committees etc be as follows:— Labour proposal SNP amendment Committee etc Labour Opposition Labour Opposition Executive Committee 13 7 11 9 PDS Committees 128119 Planning Applications Committee 12 8 11 9 Appointment of Senior Officers Committee 6 1 4 3 Culture and Sport Glasgow 4 1 32 (b) each of the Community Planning Partnerships have 4 representatives in proportion to the total councillors in that area; and (c) the following bodies have at least 1 Opposition member:— (i) Local Regeneration Agencies; (ii) Glasgow and Clyde Valley Structure Plan Joint Committee; (iii) National Association of Councillors; (iv) City Building (Glasgow) LLP; (v) City Parking (Glasgow) LLP; and (vi) Surplus Land and Property LLP. On a vote being taken electronically, 33 members voted for the amendment and 45 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Membership of Board of Culture and Sport Glasgow approved, after division. 14 Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that membership of the Board of Culture and Sport Glasgow be as follows:— Elizabeth Cameron Ms Bridget McConnell, Chief Executive Stephen Curran Sir Angus Grossart James Dornan Lord Stevenson of Coddenham Archie Graham Lord MacFarlane of Bearsden Steven Purcell Mr George Reid Councillor Dr Christopher Mason, seconded by Councillor Coleshill, moved as an amendment that no appointments be made to the Board of Culture and Sport Glasgow. On a vote being taken electronically, 7 members voted for the amendment and 64 for the motion, with 6 abstentions. The motion was accordingly declared to be carried. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 27

Schedule of committee meetings etc– Proposals agreed. 15 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive proposing a schedule of committee meetings etc as submitted for the following 6 week period. After consideration, the Council, having noted that some minor amendments might be required, agreed to that timetable of meetings.

Terms of Reference of committees etc approved, after division. 16 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing the proposed Terms of Reference of committees etc. Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved approval of the Terms of Reference as submitted. Councillor John Mason, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved as an amendment that rather than a single Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee for Education and Social Work, 2 separate committees be formed. On a vote being taken electronically, 22 members voted for the amendment and 44 for the motion, with 11 abstentions. The motion was accordingly declared to be carried. The approved Terms of Reference are printed as Appendix 3 to these minutes.

Scheme of Delegated Functions approved. 17 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing a Scheme of Delegated Functions to committees, the Lord Provost and the Deputy Lord Provost, the Chief Executive, Executive Directors and other officers, highlighting the changes to the existing scheme. After consideration, the Council approved the Scheme of Delegated Functions as submitted. That Scheme is printed as Appendix 4 to these minutes.

Standing Orders Relating to Contracts approved. 18 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing proposed Standing Orders Relating to Contracts, highlighting changes made to the existing Standing Orders. After consideration, the Council approved the Standing Orders Relating to Contracts as submitted. Those Standing Orders are printed as Appendix 5 to these minutes.

Financial Regulations and Financial Management and Control Code of Practice approved. 19 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing proposed Financial Regulations and the Financial Management and Control Code of Practice in respect of procedures to be followed in relation to various financial matters, highlighting changes made to the existing Financial Regulations etc. After consideration, the Council approved the Financial Regulations and Financial Management and Control Code of Practice, subject to amendment to reflect the approved committee structure. The approved Regulations etc are printed as Appendix 6 to these minutes.

Scheme of Members’ Allowances approved. 20 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services on the Scheme of Members’ Allowances, detailing the remuneration arrangements for members from May 2007. After consideration, the Council approved the Scheme of Members’ Allowances, subject to the reallocation of the Leader of the Opposition’s salary to the Deputy Leader of the Opposition since the Leader of the Opposition had been appointed Convener of the Audit and Ethics Committee and would receive that salary. The approved salaries of senior councillors are detailed in Appendix 7 to these minutes. COUNCIL 2007-2008 28 17th MAY 2007 1





WARD 1—Linn No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no CLARK, Esme H Scottish Conservative and 898 Unionist Party CLARK, Margot Scottish Liberal Democrats Yes 1,284 10 DOCHERTY, Sadie Party Candidate Yes 1,782 8 LANG, Chris Independent 219 MCARTHUR, Harry Scottish Unionist Proudly 165 Scottish Proudly British MCKENZIE, John Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,381 10 RITCHIE, David Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,043 1 STEWART, Alan Scottish Labour Party Candidate 955 STEWART, Chloe Helen Scottish Green Party 296 THOMSON, Gordon Scottish Socialist Party-Scrap 149 Council Tax YOUNG, Frank Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 395

Election Statistics Total Electorate 21,624 Percentage Poll 45.25%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 1 Voting for More Than One Candidate 155 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 61 Total Rejected Papers 217 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 29

WARD 2—Newlands/Auldburn No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no ALLAN, Kay Scottish Green Party 579 BAILLIE, Charlie British National Party— 211 Local People First COYLE, Eamonn Scottish Socialist Party— 172 Scrap Council Tax CURRAN, Stephen Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,856 8 DEANS, Colin Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,101 3 MCELROY, Robert Scottish Conservative and 1,342 Unionist Party MCNALLY, Jim Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,475 8 MORGAN, Gordon Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 357 STEWART, Robert W Scottish Liberal Democrats 561

Election Statistics Total Electorate 17,582 Percentage Poll 50.19%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 134 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 36 Total Rejected Papers 170 COUNCIL 2007-2008 30 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 3—Greater Pollok No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no BALDASSARA, Keith Scottish Socialist Party— 591 Scrap Council Tax CARSWELL, Fleming Scottish Liberal Democrats 393 DUFFY, Patricia Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,173 1 GLASS, Alex Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,637 4 MORRISON, Tommy Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,180 8 O’BRIEN, Rory Scottish Conservative and 549 Unionist Party O’ROURKE, William Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,296 8 SCOTT, Caroline Scottish Green Party 233 SHERIDAN, Alice Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 630

Election Statistics Total Electorate 22,106 Percentage Poll 40.38%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 11 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 233 Total Rejected Papers 244 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 31

WARD 4—Craigton No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no BLACK, Ruth Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan Yes 1,220 9 COGHILL, Scott R Scottish Liberal Democrats 457 DINGWALL, Mark Scottish Unionist Proudly Scottish Proudly British 225 GIBSON, Iris Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,729 1 KERR, Matthew John Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,920 9 MACDIARMID, Gordon Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,328 MASTERTON, Gordon Scottish Green Party 315 MCGARTLAND, Wullie Scottish Socialist Party— 224 Scrap Council Tax PETTY, Scott Alexander Scottish Conservative and 569 Unionist Party WATSON, Alistair Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 2,065 6

Election Statistics Total Electorate 22,772 Percentage Poll 49.62%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 158 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 85 Total Rejected Papers 243 COUNCIL 2007-2008 32 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 5—Govan No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no BUTT, Shaukat Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,371 9 COBLEY, Michael Scottish Liberal Democrats 394 DORNAN, Stephen Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,590 9 FLANAGAN, John Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,657 9 HUGHES, Alan L Scottish Unionist Proudly 138 Scottish Proudly British HUNTER, Allison Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,694 1 JESS, Will Scottish Green Party 377 LANG, Irene Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 398 MCINTYRE, Patricia Scottish Conservative and 450 Unionist Party MCNEE, George Douglas Independent 377 PEREZ, Carolina Scottish Socialist Party— 114 Independent Socialist Scotland

Election Statistics Total Electorate 23,113 Percentage Poll 42.47%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 0 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 1 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 254 Total Rejected Papers 255 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 33

WARD 6—Pollokshields No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no ASHRAF, Ali Scottish Socialist Party— 184 Independent Socialist Scotland CURRIE, Karin Independent 438 MALIK, Khalil Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,057 6 MEIKLE, David Scottish Conservative and Yes 1,435 9 Unionist Party NELSON, Isabel Scottish Liberal Democrats 863 RABBANI, Irfan Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 2,575 1 RUFFELL, Ian A Scottish Green Party 1,043 SHOAIB, Muhammad Independent 592 UYGUN, Fatima Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 380

Election Statistics Total Electorate 17,029 Percentage Poll 57.07%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 77 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 1 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 71 Total Rejected Papers 149 COUNCIL 2007-2008 34 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 7—Langside No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no COLESHILL, Paul Scottish Liberal Democrats Yes 1,207 8 DORNAN, James Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,522 1 FRAIN, Martin Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 467 GRAHAM, Archie Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 2,222 5 MCCAFFERTY, Margaret Scottish Labour Party Candidate 853 MCDONALD, Neil Sloan Scottish Green Party 891 MUNN, Russell Scottish Conservative and 993 Unionist Party NESBITT, James Scottish Socialist Party— 179 Scrap Council Tax

Election Statistics Total Electorate 18,296 Percentage Poll 51.84%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 87 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 1 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 61 Total Rejected Papers 149 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 35

WARD 8—Southside Central No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no ALDERSLOWE, Danny Scottish Green Party Yes 812 9 HANIF, Jahangir Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,392 1 KANE, Rosie Scottish Socialist Party— 327 Scrap Council Tax MARSHALL, John B Scottish Conservative and 423 Unionist Party MCCLOSKEY, Katy Scottish Liberal Democrats 533 MCGOWAN, Jill Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 456 MILLAR, Anne Marie Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,869 1 RAJA, Hanif Scottish Labour Party Candidate 554 SCANLON, James Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,372 7

Election Statistics Total Electorate 22,863 Percentage Poll 39.25%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 177 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 1 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 57 Total Rejected Papers 235 COUNCIL 2007-2008 36 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 9—Calton No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no BARTON, Gary Independent 128 DUKE-WARDROP, Alasdair Scottish Green Party 219 FULLERTON, Fiacra Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 302 GILLESPIE, Scott Scottish Conservative and 245 Unionist Party GRAHAM, Paul Scottish Liberal Democrats 231 HOUSTON, Danny Scottish Unionist Proudly Scottish 195 Proudly British MURRAY, Kenny Scottish Socialist Party— 126 Scrap Council Tax REDMOND, George Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,982 1 SIMPSON, Ruth Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 628 10 THEWLISS, Alison E Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 1,143 7

Election Statistics Total Electorate 15,123 Percentage Poll 35.83%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 27 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 190 Total Rejected Papers 217 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 37

WARD 10—Anderston/City No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no BAKER, Nina Scottish Green Party Yes 880 8 BOYLE, Erin Scottish Conservative and 486 Unionist Party BRAAT, Philip Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,291 6 HOLLADAY, Dave Independent 145 KHAN, Akhtar Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 285 LAIRD, Ann Scottish Liberal Democrats 806 MACKAY, Craig Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 1,632 1 MATHESON, Gordon Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,177 8 MURRAY, Peter Scottish Socialist Party— 198 Scrap Council Tax

Election Statistics Total Electorate 20,431 Percentage Poll 34.41%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 56 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 1 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 73 Total Rejected Papers 130 COUNCIL 2007-2008 38 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 11—Hillhead No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no ANDERSON, John Scottish Conservative and 912 Unionist Party CRAIG, Neil Nine Per Cent Growth Party 51 ELDER, Kenneth Scottish Liberal Democrats Yes 1,184 8 IRWIN, Anthea Scottish Socialist Party— 184 Save Our Schools KHAN, Abdul A Scottish Liberal Democrats 463 KHAN, Akhter Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 344 MALIK, Hanzala Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,192 10 RHODES, Martin Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,080 ROBERTS, George A Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 1,899 1 WARDROP, Martha Ferguson Scottish Green Party Yes 1,675 5

Election Statistics Total Electorate 20,826 Percentage Poll 43.84%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 1 Voting for More Than One Candidate 21 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 122 Total Rejected Papers 144 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 39

WARD 12—Partick West No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no ATKINSON, George Aytoun Scottish Unionist 265 Proudly Scottish Proudly British CLAY, Stuart Scottish Green Party Yes 1,594 8 COLLERAN, Aileen Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 2,099 8 GRAHAM, Irene Scottish Labour Party Candidate 1,699 GRAY, Andrew Scottish Socialist Party— 240 Save Our Schools MASON, Christopher Scottish Liberal Democrats Yes 2,259 6 MCLEAN, Kenny Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,811 1 ROSS, Jimmy Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 373 SULLIVAN, Richard Alan Scottish Conservative and 1,404 Unionist Party

Election Statistics Total Electorate 23,574 Percentage Poll 54.90%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 64 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 133 Total Rejected Papers 197 COUNCIL 2007-2008 40 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 13—Garscadden/ No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no AHMED, Charlotte Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 318 CAMERON, Liz Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 2,744 1 ENGLAND, Sue Scottish Green Party 402 FINDLAY, Robert Scottish Unionist 191 Proudly Scottish Proudly British HENDRY, Graeme Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,333 1 LAVELLE, Peter Scottish Socialist Party— 145 Scrap Council Tax MCFADDEN, Jean Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,115 10 PARIS, James Scottish Liberal Democrats 483 ROONEY, Paul Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,895 4 SMITH, Matthew T Scottish Conservative and 534 Unionist Party

Election Statistics Total Electorate 20,869 Percentage Poll 49.71%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 143 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 3 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 69 Total Rejected Papers 215 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 41

WARD 14—Drumchapel/Anniesland No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no CAREY, Paul Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 2,284 1 DUKE, Eileen Margaret Cartner Scottish Green Party 260 DYER, Mike Scottish Socialist Party— 148 Scrap Council Tax FINDLAY, Jonathan Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,102 10 HOWIE, Bobby Scottish Unionist 177 Proudly Scottish Proudly British KIDD, Bill Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 1,869 1 LEE, Alan Scottish Liberal Democrats 349 MCCOURT, Susan Scottish Conservative and 412 Unionist Party NIXON, Esther Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 223 PURCELL, Steven Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,856 1

Election Statistics Total Electorate 20,398 Percentage Poll 43.60%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 157 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 3 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 54 Total Rejected Papers 214 COUNCIL 2007-2008 42 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 15—Maryhill/Kelvin No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no DINGWALL, Alex Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,561 1 LAWSON, John Scottish Socialist Party— 255 Scrap Council Tax PARIS, Mary Scottish Liberal Democrats Yes 1,602 6 POPE, Brian Clifford Scottish Conservative and 943 Unionist Party RAZAQ, Mohammed Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,546 8 TAYAR, Daryl L Scottish Green Party 705 WILCOX, Paul Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 341 WINTER, Robert Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,948 2

Election Statistics Total Electorate 21,630 Percentage Poll 46.59%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 5 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 172 Total Rejected Papers 177 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 43

WARD 16—Canal No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no BROWN, Brian Scottish Unionist 193 Proudly Scottish Proudly British CRUICKSHANK, James Independent 94 FRASER, Norman Scottish Liberal Democrats 587 HURCOMBE, Ellen Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,961 1 LEDGERWOOD, David E Scottish Conservative and 338 Unionist Party MACKECHNIE, Jim Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,055 10 MALIK, Haleema Scottish Labour Party Candidate 579 MCALLISTER, Billy Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,514 1 MCCORMICK, Angela Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 425 REDPATH, Kirsteen Scottish Socialist Party— 175 Scrap Council Tax WILD, Kieran Scottish Green Party Yes 703 10

Election Statistics Total Electorate 22,344 Percentage Poll 39.78%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 156 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 1 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 107 Total Rejected Papers 264 COUNCIL 2007-2008 44 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 17—Springburn No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no BEAN, Margaret Scottish Socialist Party— 135 Scrap Council Tax CAMPBELL, Graham Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 339 DICKSON, Graeme Scottish Conservative and 173 Unionist Party GREENE, Phil Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 1,300 5 MCALEER, Patrick Scottish Green Party 134 SAWERS, Robert G C Scottish Unionist 85 Proudly Scottish Proudly British SMITH, Kenny British National Party— 135 Local People First STEWART, Allan Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,752 1 STUART, John H Scottish Liberal Democrats 168 TODD, James Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,189 2

Election Statistics Total Electorate 15,496 Percentage Poll 43.60%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 148 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 87 Total Rejected Papers 235 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 45

WARD 18—East Centre No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no ADAMS, Jim Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 556 CHALMERS, Patricia Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,792 4 COOPER, Elaine Scottish Green Party 471 DICKIE, Drew Scottish Unioist 175 Proudly Scottish Proudly British DOCHERTY, Frank Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,277 12 DUNN, Jennifer Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 1,969 1 GRIEVE, Stuart Scottish Liberal Democrats 460 JOHNSTON, David Scottish Christian Party 137 “Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship” KERR, John Christian Peoples Alliance— 270 Leader Teresa Smith MCDOUGALL, Elaine Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,039 12 MCLACHLAN, William British National Party— 226 Local People First O’DONNELL, Daniel Scottish Socialist Party— 323 Scrap Council Tax WILSON, Randle Scottish Conservative and 383 Unionist Party

Election Statistics Total Electorate 21,119 Percentage Poll 44.36%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 1 Voting for More Than One Candidate 200 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 89 Total Rejected Papers 290 COUNCIL 2007-2008 46 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 19— No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no EYRE, Mick Scottish Socialist Party— 163 Scrap Council Tax HAMILTON, Walter British National Party— 268 Local People First HARRIS, Wheatley Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 458 JACKSON, David Scottish Liberal Democrats 420 KIRKER, Gordon Scottish Unionist 190 Proudly Scottish Proudly British MAGUIRE, Catherine Scottish Green Party 227 MCKEOWN, Tom Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,861 1 MCLAUGHLIN, John F Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 1,896 1 MCLEOD, Euan Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,369 10 RYAN, George Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,386 10 WHITE, Alex Scottish Conservative and 565 Unionist Party

Election Statistics Total Electorate 20,703 Percentage Poll 43.42%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 0 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 187 Total Rejected Papers 187 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 47

WARD 20— No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no CLARK, George Scottish Conservative and 678 Unionist Party COLEMAN, Jim Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 2,689 1 DICKIE, Ian Scottish Unionist 216 Proudly Scottish Proudly British HAY, Douglas Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,342 10 KAYES, Michael Solidarity-Tommy Sheridan 466 MACBEAN, Robert Scottish Labour Party Candidate 739 MASON, John Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 3,199 1 MCDONALD, David Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 250 10 MCVICAR, Jim Scottish Socialist Party— 224 Scrap Council Tax MORRISON, Raymond Scottish Green Party 181 WATT, Marjory Scottish Liberal Democrats 392

Election Statistics Total Electorate 23,231 Percentage Poll 45.92%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 197 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 93 Total Rejected Papers 290 COUNCIL 2007-2008 48 17th MAY 2007 1

WARD 21—North East No of First Elected at Candidate Party Elected Preferences stage no DAVIDSON, Gilbert Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 2,272 1 FRANCE, John Scottish Conservative and 485 Unionist Party LEONARD, Gerald Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,475 2 MACDONALD, Stewart Scottish Green Party 186 MACPHERSON, John C Scottish Liberal Democrats 228 MCMASTER, Catherine Scottish Labour Party Candidate Yes 1,040 10 MCPAKE, Andy Scottish Socialist Party— 129 Scrap Council Tax REILLY, Joanne Solidarity—Tommy Sheridan 350 SAVAGE, George Independent 100 THOMS, Grant R Scottish National Party (SNP) Yes 2,098 1

Election Statistics Total Electorate 23,294 Percentage Poll 37.12%

Breakdown of Rejected Papers Want of Official Mark 0 Voting for More Than One Candidate 210 Writing or Mark by which Voter could be Identified 0 Unmarked or Void for Uncertainty 73 Total Rejected Papers 283 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 49



Ordinary and special meetings of the Council. 1 (1) Following consultation by the Chief Executive with political groupings and independents, the first meeting of the Council after the ordinary election of Councillors will be held at a time to be determined by the Chief Executive but no later than the third Thursday after the election. At that meeting the Council will appoint the Lord Provost. The Council will also, at that meeting or an adjourned meeting, appoint the Deputy Lord Provost, committees of the Council and their Conveners and Vice Conveners, and representatives to various boards and other bodies and will deal with any other business in the notice calling the meeting. (2) The Council may at any time on a majority of members voting, agree to remove the Lord Provost and/or the Deputy Lord Provost from office with immediate effect. (3) The Council will meet on every sixth Thursday at 1330 hours in the City Chambers, Glasgow. At these meetings the Council will deal with the minutes of the committees which have met since its previous meeting and with any other competent business. The Lord Provost, or in his/her absence the Deputy Lord Provost, whom failing the Leader of the Council, may in exceptional circumstances alter these arrangements or authorise special meetings to be called. A special meeting may be called at any time on a written request, signed by not fewer than twenty members of the Council, being received by the Chief Executive who will arrange for a special meeting to be held within fourteen days. (4) The Council will recess for periods in the Summer and Winter during which no ordinary meetings of the Council or of committees will be held. The periods of recess will be determined by the Chief Executive after consultation with the Lord Provost and the Leader of the Council.

Calling of meetings. 2 (1) Meetings will be called by the Chief Executive by notice published in the City Chambers at least three clear days before the meeting. The notice will contain the agenda of business to be dealt with at the meeting. If the meeting is called as a result of a request by members of the Council the signed request and the agenda of business will be published. (2) A summons to attend the meeting containing the agenda of business will be left at the City Chambers for every member of the Council at least three clear days before the meeting or sent to another address nominated by them.

Quorum. 3 (1) The quorum of the Council is twenty. If fewer than twenty members are present ten minutes after the time appointed for the start of the meeting the division bell will be rung. If after a further period of one minute there are still fewer than twenty members present, the meeting will be adjourned and this recorded in the minutes. (2) After a meeting has started, if the number of members present falls below the quorum the Chief Executive will draw this to the attention of the Lord Provost. If after the ringing of the division bell and a lapse of one minute there are fewer than twenty members present, the meeting will immediately adjourn. No business may be transacted at a meeting of the Council unless a quorum is present.

Business to be dealt with at meeting. 4 At a meeting of the Council no business other than that specified in the summons will be considered, except business which requires to be dealt with by law or by these Standing Orders. Business which has not been specified in the summons may be intimated by the Chief Executive at the start of the meeting and considered at the end of the meeting, provided that in the opinion of the Lord Provost it is relevant, competent and urgent. COUNCIL 2007-2008 50 17th MAY 2007 1

Order of business. 5 The order of business will be as follows - (a) The Lord Provost or in his/her absence the Deputy Lord Provost, whom failing another member of the Council chosen by the members present, will take the Chair. (b) Minutes of the previous meeting and of any special meeting, having been circulated prior to the meeting, will be submitted, held as read, corrected if necessary and signed by the Lord Provost. (c) Deputations may be received. (d) Minutes of committees (except area committees) will be submitted for information only but where they require approval (if they are marked with a “C”) they will be held to be approved unless an objection is made by a member to any paragraph when it is submitted for approval by the Council. When an objection is made it will be noted by the Chief Executive and considered after all unopposed minutes have been disposed of. (e) The mover and seconder of a paragraph marked “C” may speak in support of the minutes either when submitting it for consideration or, if there is an objection to it, when the objection is debated. (f) A member may without prior notice put a question to the Leader of the Council or relevant Executive Member or Convener about any minutes submitted and will not be precluded from putting a question merely because an objection to the minutes has been made. (g) Minutes of paragraphs of minutes previously objected to or continued will then be re-submitted and dealt with in their original order. (h) Items of business. (i) Appointments to committees and other organisations. (j) Correspondence, unless it deals with a subject appropriate to a committee, will be submitted. Where an item of correspondence is not included in the summons calling the meeting it may be considered at any relevant place on the agenda, provided that it is submitted in writing to the Chief Executive before the start of the meeting and that in the opinion of the Lord Provost it is relevant, competent and urgent. (k) Questions concerning any competent and relevant subject will be dealt with in terms of Standing Order 11(1). (i) Motions of which notice has been given will be considered in the order in which they stand on the agenda, but no business introduced by notice of motion will be started after 16.00 hours. (m) Items of business that the Lord Provost has accepted for consideration as matters of urgency.

Power to vary order of business. 6 The Council may at any meeting, if necessary on a motion duly moved and seconded and voted on electronically or by a show of hands, vary the order of business to give precedence to any item on the agenda.

Lord Provost—Powers and duties—Casting vote. 7 (1) Deference will at all times be paid to the authority of the Lord Provost. When he/she rises to speak any member who is addressing the Council will resume his/her seat. It is the duty of the Lord Provost to preserve order and to secure that members obtain a fair hearing. He/she will decide all matters of order, competence and relevance. (2) The Lord Provost will also decide between two or more members rising to speak by calling on the member whom he/she first observes. He/she will be entitled in the event of disorder arising to adjourn the meeting to a time he/she may then or afterwards decide and his/her quitting the Chair will indicate that the meeting is adjourned. In the event of the Lord Provost quitting the Chair in other circumstances, the Chair will be taken in terms of Standing Order No 5 (a). (3) Where a vote is tied the Lord Provost will have a second or casting vote except where the vote relates to the appointment of a member to a particular office or committee, in which case the decision will be made by drawing lots. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 51

Question of order. 8 A member who is addressing the Council when a question of order is raised will resume his/her seat until the question has been decided by the Lord Provost.

Member disregarding authority of Lord Provost etc. 9 If any member of the Council disregards the authority of the Lord Provost or is guilty of obstructive or offensive conduct and the Lord Provost calls this to the attention of the meeting, it will be the duty of the Deputy Lord Provost to move the suspension of that member. If the Deputy Lord Provost is absent or refuses the duty, any other member may move the suspension. The motion to suspend (having been duly seconded) will be put by the Lord Provost without discussion and voted on electronically or by a show of hands and if it is supported by a majority of the members voting the Council will suspend that member for the remainder of the meeting. The Lord Provost will direct the member to leave the meeting and if he/she does not leave immediately the Lord Provost will direct the Council Officer to remove the member and give such other directions as are in his/her opinion necessary for restoring order.

Deputations, correspondence etc. 10 (1) The Council may receive deputations on any relevant matter, but not on a matter falling within the terms of reference of a committee, unless it relates to a paragraph in minutes to be submitted for approval by the Council on the day on which the deputation has asked to be heard. (2) Deputations will not exceed five persons. Not more than two speakers will be heard and neither of them may speak for more than five minutes except with the consent of the Council. (3) Representations from deputations and in correspondence which are not considered at the meeting at which they are first submitted will either be placed on the agenda for consideration at the next ordinary meeting of the Council or remitted by the Chief Executive to the relevant committee for consideration and report.

Questions. 11 (1) Members may submit written questions on any competent and relevant matter not contained in the minutes being considered by the Council for answer at meetings of the Council by the Lord Provost, the Convener of any committee (or in his/her absence the Vice Convener), Executive Member, spokesperson for a joint board or the Chief Executive or any other appointed person. (2) All questions asked in terms of paragraph (1) must be in writing, signed and delivered to the Chief Executive not later than 1600 hours on the last day but one before the meeting. All questions will be read and answered at the stage specified in Standing Order 5(k). (3) After a written question has been answered the questioner may ask one supplementary question, if necessary, to seek clarification of the answer given. One other member may ask one question for further clarification of the answer. No discussion will be allowed on any question or answer.

Notices of motion. 12 (1) Every formal notice of motion will be in writing, signed by the member giving the notice and counter-signed by one other member. The notice must be delivered to the Chief Executive at least ten days prior to a meeting of the Council. Those not received within this timescale will not be included in the summons calling the meeting. (2) Formal notices of motion not submitted in time in accordance with paragraph (1) may be submitted to the Council at the end of the meeting if (a) they are delivered to the Chief Executive before the start of the meeting, (b) they have been read by him/her to the meeting as soon as possible after the start of the meeting, and (c) they are considered by the Lord Provost to be competent, relevant and urgent. (3) Every formal notice of motion submitted in terms of paragraphs (1) and (2) above will require to be moved and seconded formally immediately after being read by the Chief Executive. If such a motion is not moved and seconded formally it will fall. COUNCIL 2007-2008 52 17th MAY 2007 1

Speeches. 13 (1) A member wishing to speak will rise in his/her place and when called upon will address the Lord Provost. He/she will speak only on the matter under consideration or on a question of order. (2) A member proposing to submit a motion or an amendment on any subject under discussion will before addressing the meeting state its terms. Should he/she fail to do so the Lord Provost will ask him/her to state its terms. Every motion or amendment must be moved and seconded and will, when required by the Lord Provost, be put in writing and handed to the Chief Executive. (3) The mover of any motion or amendment may speak in support of the motion or amendment for not more than ten minutes. No other speaker may speak for more than five minutes or more than once in the same discussion except to call attention to a point of order. (4) When the mover of a motion or amendment has spoken for eight minutes or any subsequent speaker for three minutes, a warning bell will be rung and two minutes later the bell will be rung again when the member must resume his/her seat. (5) The mover of the original motion will have the right to speak for a further five minutes in reply to the debate after which the discussion will be closed. The mover of a motion must, in his/her reply, strictly confine himself/herself to answering previous speakers and may not introduce any new matter. No member will be permitted to offer an opinion or to ask a question or otherwise to interrupt the proceedings and the question under discussion will then be put by the Lord Provost. (6) The limits of time specified in paragraphs (3) and (5) may be exceeded with the consent of a majority of the members present and the Lord Provost may determine without taking a vote whether such consent has been obtained.

Motions etc not seconded—Dissent. 14 The mover of a motion or amendment which is not seconded may have his/her dissent to the decision of the Council minuted.

Motion to lapse when meeting inquorate or proposer absent. 15 A motion will lapse either when the meeting becomes inquorate in terms of Standing Order No 3 (2) while the motion is being debated or when it is reached in the absence of the proposer unless it is moved by a member having the written consent of the proposer. Lapsed motions may be revived only by a new notice of motion.

Motion contradictory of previous decision. 16 A motion which contradicts a previous decision of the Council will not be competent within six months of that decision. The Council may however decide to consider such a motion if new information is available or if some change of circumstances has taken place.

Motion for adjournment. 17 (1) A motion to adjourn the meeting may be put at the end of any speech and will have precedence over all other motions. It must be moved and seconded without a speech and must at once be put by the Lord Provost in the form of “adjourn” or “not adjourn”. (2) A second or subsequent motion to adjourn may not be made within half an hour unless it is moved by the Lord Provost when it will be dealt with as in paragraph (1).

Closure of debate—Procedure. 18 (1) At the close of any speech any member who has not spoken on the question before the meeting may move “that the question be now put”. If this is seconded and the Lord Provost is of the opinion that the subject has been sufficiently discussed a vote will be taken without further debate. No speeches may be made on this motion. If it is carried the mover of the original motion will have the right to reply to the debate on that original motion following which the vote will immediately be taken. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 53

(2) Prior to any vote being taken the Council Officer will ring the division bell and one minute must elapse to allow members of the Council to enter the Council Chamber. The doors will then be locked, the question put and the vote taken.

Method of voting. 19 (1) A vote may be taken either by calling the roll, by electronic voting or by a show of hands. When it is proposed to take the vote by electronic voting or by a show of hands, any member may object and if one third of the members present rise in their places to show objection the vote must be taken by calling the roll. All votes on procedure will, however, be taken by electronic voting or by a show of hands. (2) When a motion and an amendment are before the Council the proposal receiving the support of a majority of the members present and voting will be declared to be the decision of the Council. (3) When a motion and two or more amendments, none of which involves postponement or negation, are before the Council, the vote will be taken on all proposals, each member having one vote. If a proposal receives the support of a majority of the members voting it will be declared to be the decision of the Council. If none of the proposals receives the support of a majority, the one which has received the fewest votes will be dropped and a fresh vote taken on the remaining proposals. This will continue until one proposal has received majority support which will be declared to be the decision of the Council. (4) In relation to paragraph (3) if any proposals equally receive the fewest votes a vote will be taken among each of them to determine which of them will be dropped. (5) When a motion and two or more amendments are before the Council and the adoption of one or more of the proposals would result either in the postponement of a decision or in negation, a vote will firstly be taken on the proposal(s) involving postponement or negation as soon as the discussion is completed. The proposal(s) involving postponement or negation (“not proceed”) will be put to the Council in the form of “proceed” or “not proceed”. Any vote then necessary on the remaining proposals will be taken in terms of paragraphs (2) or (3).

Filling of vacancies. 20 (1) In the case of an appointment where a vacancy requires to be filled and there are only two candidates, a vote will be taken and the candidate receiving a majority will be appointed. If there are more than two candidates, a vote will be taken among all the candidates, each member being entitled to vote for only one candidate. If any candidate has the support of an absolute majority of the members voting, that candidate will be appointed. If no candidate has a majority the candidate having the fewest votes will drop out, if necessary in terms of Standing Order No 19(4). In the second and any subsequent votes the same course will be followed until one of the candidates obtains a majority and he/she will be appointed. (2) Where more than one vacancy requires to be filled and the number of candidates exceeds the number of vacancies, a vote will be taken among all the candidates, each member being entitled to one vote for each vacancy. The candidates for the number of vacancies receiving the largest number of votes will be appointed. Where no clear result emerges on the first vote because two or more candidates receive the same number of votes, the candidate having the fewest votes will drop out, if necessary in terms of Standing Order No 19(4), and the voting will be repeated until a majority is secured by the number of candidates required to fill the vacancies. (3) No member of the Council may be nominated for any post in the Council, except membership of a committee of the Council, or in any outside body unless the consent of the person nominated has been previously obtained or is given at the time of nomination.

Decisions of Council. 21 No decision made by the Council will be subject to review by any committee or sub-committee of the Council or joint committee of which the Council is a member unless such review is specifically authorised by the Council.

Ultimate power of Council. 22 Without prejudice to any decision taken by a committee in exercise of delegated powers the Council may at any time deal with any matter included in the terms of reference of a committee even if no report from the committee is before it. COUNCIL 2007-2008 54 17th MAY 2007 1

Suspension of Standing Orders. 23 The Council may on a motion duly moved and seconded, and with the consent of two thirds of the members voting, suspend or dispense with any Standing Order to be specified in the motion. Any such motion may be submitted without previous notice and will be voted on by a show of hands without discussion.

Annual estimates. 24 The Council will consider draft annual estimates of income and expenditure, revise them as necessary, approve them, authorise the expenditure included in the estimates and fix the Council Tax required to finance the approved estimates.

Annual accounts—Procedure for consideration. 25 The annual accounts of the Council as prepared by the Executive Director of Financial Services will be submitted to the Council for its consideration, after they have been submitted to the Executive Committee

Declaration of interest. 26 (1) If any member of the Council has a financial or non-financial interest in any contract or other matter, as defined by section 5 of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct, and is present at any meeting at which that matter is to be considered, he/she must as soon as practicable after the meeting starts disclose that he/she has an interest and is precluded from taking part in consideration of that matter and he/she must leave the meeting while that matter is under discussion. (2) Where a member declares an interest and leaves the meeting in terms of paragraph (1) the fact will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (3) All members must observe the Councillors’ Code of Conduct as issued by the Standards Commission for Scotland.

Standing Orders to apply to committee and sub-committee meetings etc. 27 (1) A committee or sub-committee will hold such meetings as the Council may prescribe, but the Chief Executive will call additional meetings of a committee or sub-committee at any time on being required to do so either by the committee or sub-committee concerned or by its Convener. The Chief Executive will call a meeting to be held within seven days of receiving a written request specifying the business to be transacted and signed by at least one-third of the whole number of members of the committee or sub- committee concerned. (2) The quorum of committees or sub-committees consisting of five or more members will, unless otherwise agreed by the Council, be the greater of three or one-quarter of the membership. The quorum of a committee or sub-committee consisting of not more than four members will be two unless otherwise agreed by the Council. (3) If fewer members are present ten minutes after the time appointed for the start of a committee meeting than are needed to constitute a quorum the meeting will be adjourned. After a meeting has started if the number of members present falls below the quorum the Chief Executive will draw this to the attention of the Chair and if after a lapse of two minutes a quorum cannot be found the meeting will be adjourned immediately. (4) Without prejudice to the foregoing Standing Orders the Standing Orders of the Council will apply to committee and sub-committee meetings so far as relevant.

Executive Committee 28 (1) The agenda will be sent to all members of the Council at the same time as it is sent to Executive members. (2) When the Executive Committee meets to advise the Council of any matter relating to the discharge of its functions as Education Authority or to discharge any of those functions on the Council’s behalf its voting membership shall also comprise three persons representing churches and other religions appointed under Section 124 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 55

(3) Minutes of the Executive Committee will be sent to all members of the Council by the end of the working day following the meeting. No action will be taken to implement decisions until the expiry of 5 further working days. Decisions can then be acted on, unless they have been called in. (4) A member of the Executive Committee shall not at the same time be a member of a Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee.

The “Call-in” Process 29 (1) Members will be entitled to call-in decisions of the Executive Committee, on a requisition signed by five members delivered to the Chief Executive no later than noon on the sixth working day following (and not counting) the day on which the Executive Committee met. (2) A decision which has been called in will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the appropriate Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee. The Chief Executive will select the appropriate Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee. (3) Decisions called in to the appropriate Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee will be dealt with as follows: • where the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee agrees on a majority vote with the decision of the Executive Committee, it can be implemented without further delay; • where the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee does not agree on a majority vote with the decision of the Executive Committee, it will be referred back to the Executive Committee with recommendations for alternative action, as determined by the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee. The Convener or another member of the Committee nominated by the Convener will have the right to attend the Executive Committee and speak in support of its recommendation on that item; • only elected members serving on Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees will be entitled to vote. (4) The minimum time for consideration of a called in decision will always be at least one full Council cycle. A Committee may continue consideration of a called in decision to a further meeting but only with the consent of the Executive Committee or relevant Executive Member. The relevant Convener and Executive Member may reach agreement on the time to be allowed. (5) Where the Executive Committee does not accept the recommendation of the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee on a decision which has been called in from the Executive Committee, the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. (6) The Executive Committee may instruct that a decision be implemented ahead of any consideration by a Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee on the grounds of urgency, in circumstances resulting from actions or events beyond the control of the Council, if the call-in process could otherwise: (a) prevent a final decision being made before the required date; or (b) seriously prejudice the Council’s position in relation to persons or events external to the Council. (7) When the Executive Committee instructs that a decision be implemented ahead of any consideration by a Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee on the grounds of urgency, the Convener must give reasons in writing for this to the Convener of the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee. (8) The Executive Committee may declare that a decision cannot be called in where the Council’s negotiating position with trade unions or a third party could be prejudiced. (9) This Standing Order does not apply to decisions to appoint or nominate a member of the Council to an outside body or other office or to decisions of the Executive Committee which require the approval of the Council.

Election of Conveners and Vice Conveners—Duties. 30 Conveners and Vice-Conveners of committees will be elected by the Council. The Convener of each committee, or in his/her absence, the Vice-Convener will preside at its meetings. The Executive Member for Financial Services may be accorded the title of City Treasurer. Committees will appoint from their number members to convene and to chair meetings of sub-committees etc. COUNCIL 2007-2008 56 17th MAY 2007 1

Member to submit matter in writing. 31 Any member may raise with the relevant committee a matter of new business which is not already the subject of its consideration by writing to the Chief Executive who will place the matter on the agenda of business for the next meeting. The member raising the matter will be entitled to appear at that meeting to explain or support his/her written submission but may not vote unless he/she is a member of the committee.

Non-member of committee invited regarding local or special interest. 32 A member of the Council who is not a member of a particular committee or sub-committee may be invited by the Convener and/or Vice-Convener to attend a meeting while there is under discussion any item in which that member has a local or other special interest. Such member will be entitled to participate in the discussion on that item but may not vote.

Method of voting. 33 A vote at a committee or sub-committee meeting will be taken by electronic voting or by a show of hands unless a majority of the members present and voting decide that the vote will be taken by calling the roll.

Recording of proceedings. 34 No sound, film, videotape or photographic recording of the proceedings of any meeting may be made without the prior approval of the Council or the committee concerned.

Standing Orders etc to be observed. 35 It will be the duty of the Lord Provost, the Conveners of committees and the Chief Executive to see that the Standing Orders and other rules approved by the Council are observed.

Variation and revocation of Standing Orders. 36 Any motion to vary or revoke these Standing Orders will, when voted on, be approved by a majority of the members present and voting. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 57




1. The following Terms of Reference are, as that name implies, an indication of the matters which stand referred to committees of the Council. They do not cover and are not intended to cover any question of delegation to committees or officials of the Council, all of which matters are dealt with in the Council’s Scheme of Delegated Functions. 2. The Terms of Reference should also be read in conjunction with the Council and Committee Standing Orders and the Standing Orders relating to Contracts. 3. In applying the Terms of Reference, it should be recognised that in carrying out its remit each committee is empowered to consult, insofar as it might consider it necessary or desirable, with any other committee of the Council or with any other Council or outside body or person. 4. Any functions which are referred or delegated to committees within these Terms of Reference shall be exercised subject to the functions which are vested in the Executive Committee. 5. All committees should make reference to the Council’s principal policies as set out in the Key Objectives.


Terms of Reference.

To discharge all of the Council’s functions except those reserved to the Council and those matters specifically delegated to other committees.



Terms of Reference.

To fulfil the functions of Policy Development and Scrutiny (as detailed in the PDS guidelines) as they relate to Council policies, services and activities relating to Development and Regeneration. These functions include: 1. Scrutinising, complementing and adding value (including consideration of equalities issues) to the work of the Executive Member for Development and Regeneration and the Executive Member for International Links, specifically in relation to: • planning and strategic and local housing policy; • regeneration, sustainability and transport; • natural and built environment; • land and property management; • building control; • economic, business and social development initiatives; • city centre; • community councils; • voluntary sector; COUNCIL 2007-2008 58 17th MAY 2007 1

• crime, community safety and health; • international links. 2. Examining, on behalf of the Council, various policies, strategies and plans in draft relating to Development and Regeneration Services (whether provided directly by the Council, external organisations or partnerships) and reporting on these to the Executive Committee. 3. Scrutinising financial and performance information in relation to any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 4. Initiating and undertaking specific scrutiny reviews of any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 5. Undertaking reviews or policy development tasks as requested by the Executive Committee. 6. Considering any external audit (or equivalent) reports which relate to any issue falling within the remit of this committee.


Terms of Reference.

To fulfil the functions of Policy Development and Scrutiny (as detailed in the PDS guidelines) as they relate to Council policies, services and activities relating to Direct and Care Services. These functions include: 1. Scrutinising, complementing and adding value (including consideration of equalities issues) to the work of the Executive Member for Direct and Care Services, specifically in relation to: • catering, cleaning and janitorial services in schools and other premises; • facilities management delivery; • home care services; • school crossing patrol officers; • corporate hospitality and events management; • Greater Glasgow Independent Living Equipment Service. 2. Examining, on behalf of the Council, various policies, strategies and plans in draft relating to Direct and Care Services (whether services provided directly by the Council, by external organisations or partnerships) and reporting on these to the Executive Committee. 3. Scrutinising financial and performance information in relation to any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 4. Initiating and undertaking specific scrutiny reviews of any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 5. Undertaking reviews or policy development tasks as requested by the Executive Committee. 6. Considering any external audit (or equivalent) reports which relate to any issue falling within the remit of this committee.


Terms of Reference.

To fulfil the functions of Policy Development and Scrutiny (as detailed in the PDS guidelines) as they relate to Council policies, services and activities relating to Education and Social Work. These functions include: 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 59

1. Scrutinising, complementing and adding value (including consideration of equalities issues) to the work of the Executive Member for Education and Social Renewal, specifically in relation to: • nursery, primary, secondary school and special educational needs provision; • raising educational attainment; • development of school curricula and in-service training; • provision of psychological services; • Child Care Strategy; • vocational training; • careers service to schools. 2. Scrutinising, complementing and adding value (including consideration of equalities issues) to the work of the Executive Member for Social Care, specifically in relation to: • community care; • children and family services; • adult services; • criminal justice services; • Community Health and Care Partnerships; • addictions services; • homelessness function and strategy, including hostels decommissioning. 3. Examining, on behalf of the Council, various policies, strategies and plans in draft relating to Education and Social Work Services (whether provided directly by the Council, external organisations or partnerships) and reporting on these to the Executive Committee. 4. Scrutinising financial and performance information in relation to any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 5. Initiating and undertaking specific scrutiny reviews of any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 6. Undertaking reviews or policy development tasks as requested by the Executive Committee. 7. Considering any external audit (or equivalent) reports which relate to any issue falling within the remit of this committee.


Terms of Reference.

To fulfil the functions of Policy Development and Scrutiny (as detailed in the PDS guidelines) as they relate to Council policies, services and activities relating to Finance, Corporate and Trading Services. These functions include: 1. Scrutinising, complementing and adding value (including consideration of equalities issues) to the work of the City Treasurer, the Executive Member for Personnel and Corporate Services, the Executive Member for Health and the Executive Member for Culture and Sport, specifically in relation to: • Council budget; • management of Council assets; • control, monitoring and review of income and expenditure, both revenue and capital; • Members’ allowances; • employment and personnel issues; COUNCIL 2007-2008 60 17th MAY 2007 1

• purchasing arrangements; • civic matters, ward and council boundaries; • Children’s Panel; • cultural, sport and leisure provision and activities; • community learning; • health improvement. 2. Scrutinising the performance of arms-length companies, including, City Building LLP, Culture and Sport Glasgow, Glasgow Community and Safety Services, Parking LLP and Surplus Land and Property LLP. 3. Examining, on behalf of the Council, various policies, strategies and plans in draft relating to Finance, Corporate and Trading Services (whether provided directly by the Council, external organisations or partnerships) and reporting on these to the Executive Committee. 4. Scrutinising financial and performance information in relation to any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 5. Initiating and undertaking specific scrutiny reviews of any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 6. Undertaking reviews or policy development tasks as requested by the Executive Committee. 7. Considering any external audit (or equivalent) reports which relate to any issue falling within the remit of this committee.


Terms of Reference.

To fulfil the functions of Policy Development and Scrutiny (as detailed in the PDS guidelines) as they relate to Council policies, services and activities relating to Land and Environment. These functions include: 1. Scrutinising, complementing and adding value (including consideration of equalities issues) to the work of the Executive Member for Land and Environment, specifically in relation to: • transport infrastructure; • highway maintenance and improvements; • road safety; • lighting strategy; • parks regeneration and events; • street environment; • waste and recycling; • public health; • pollution; • trading standards; • scientific services; • landlord services; • Nuclear Free Zones. 2. Examining, on behalf of the Council, various policies, strategies and plans in draft relating to Land and 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 61

Environmental Services (whether provided directly by the Council, external organisations or partnerships) and reporting on these to the Executive Committee. 3. Scrutinising financial and performance information in relation to any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 4. Initiating and undertaking specific scrutiny reviews of any matters falling within the remit of this committee. 5. Undertaking reviews or policy development tasks as requested by the Executive Committee. 6. Considering any external audit (or equivalent) reports which relate to any issue falling within the remit of this committee.



Terms of Reference.

1. The power to appoint heads of department and their designated deputes.


Terms of Reference.

1. To maintain strong links with local communities, community organisations and local community planning structures. 2. To receive minutes of all local partnership bodies in which the Council participates and maintain an overview of local partnership arrangements and activities ensuring there is consistency in the various approaches. 3. To make local services more accountable to elected members of the Council and through them, to the local community. 4. To ensure that, subject to local needs and opportunities, the delivery of Council services and the use of its resources reflect the policies and priorities of the Council. 5. To improve the identification of and make services more responsive to local issues and priorities. 6. To ensure that Council services, partner agencies and the local community work together as necessary to implement the Council’s policies and to respond to local issues more effectively. 7. To work with partner agencies to promote the aims, principles and actions relating to the policy objectives, and in particular social and economic inclusion objectives, contained within key social and economic plans devised by the Council and to ensure that these are given an appropriately high priority by the Council’s services. 8. To make recommendations on those plans and proposals for service delivery. 9. To initiate and undertake developments which are consistent with Council policy and within the available financial allocations. 10. To approve applications for funding from the Council’s area budgets and area grants schemes. 11. To consider and make recommendations to the appropriate committee regarding grants awarded under specific legislation. 12. To carry out other functions as may be determined from time to time by the Council. COUNCIL 2007-2008 62 17th MAY 2007 1


Terms of Reference.

1. To agree and monitor the annual strategic audit plan and the Best Value Audit Improvement Plan. 2. To review all Council Audit and Inspection work against the audit plan. 3. To receive and consider summaries of internal and external audit work. 4. To monitor the implementation of key recommendations. 5. To monitor the performance of Audit and Inspection. 6. To promote value for money studies. 7. To monitor internal financial control, risk management and corporate governance. 8. To promote the observance by Councillors of high standards of conduct. 9. To assist Councillors to observe the Code of Conduct in accordance with any guidance issued by the Standards Commission for Scotland. 10. To take an overview of Best Value (including consideration of equalities issues) and the Efficient Government Review Programme. 11. To take an overview of corporate risk management and corporate governance.


Terms of Reference.

1. To determine appeals from parents or young persons regarding: (a) refusals by the education authority of placing requests made by parents for places in schools of their choice; (b) decisions to exclude children or young persons from school; and (c) certain aspects of the special educational needs of some children.


Terms of Reference.

1. The power to conduct the business of any education endowment, the business of which stands referred to an Education Committee and the terms of which includes power to the Council to delegate to a sub- committee of the Education Committee, consisting of members of the Education Committee, the Council’s powers thereunder for which other specific provision has not been made by the Council.


Terms of Reference.

1. To direct and supervise the operations of the Council and to incur such expenditure as may be necessary on an interim basis, in the time between the start of a civil emergency (or in other extreme circumstances) and the date of the next ordinary meeting of the Council, or for a longer period if agreed by the Council, in order to discharge those functions of the Council which are essential in those particular circumstances. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 63


Terms of Reference.

1. To determine appeals with regard to rates etc, in terms of Section 238 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947. 2. To determine appeals with regard to Council Tax in terms of Section 81 and 82 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.


Terms of Reference.

1. The power to exercise the Council’s functions in connection with all licensing matters having effect within the area of the city unless the licensing issue has been specifically referred to another committee. 2. The power to discharge the Council’s statutory functions in relation to safety at sports grounds. 3. The power to consider and determine all complaints concerning the conduct of the holders of any type of licence under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. 4. The power to discharge the Council’s statutory powers relating to Building Control. 5. To oversee the exercise of all the Council’s functions under Parts 7 and 8 of the Antisocial Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004, and to make such decisions in exercise of these powers as are not delegated to officers including in particular any decision to refuse or revoke registration under Part 8 or to apply for a Management Control Order under Section 74.


Terms of Reference.

1. The power to hear and determine appeals against dismissal and appeals against all disciplinary action taken by the Chief Executive. 2. The power to uphold or reject such appeals or to vary the disciplinary action taken in respect of all staff, including teachers. 3. The power to hear representations by trade unions and heads of department in respect of disputes not capable of resolution by other means and discuss and reach decisions thereon. 4. The power to consider and reach decisions on grievances by employees, groups of employees or trade unions in terms of the grievance procedures for staff and the Grievance Framework and Procedure for Teachers.


Terms of Reference.

1. The power to decide on all applications for (a) planning permission, (b) listed building and conservation area consent, (c) reserved matters, (d) amendments and other consents, including material and non-material variations, (e) advertisement consent, COUNCIL 2007-2008 64 17th MAY 2007 1

(f) District Approval, (g) discharge, amendment or deletion of conditions, (h) certificates of lawfulness, (i) screening and scoping opinions, (j) hazardous substances consent, (k) prior notifications for agricultural development and demolition, (l) notice of intent to develop by Government departments, and (m) decisions on permitted development. 2. To instruct enforcement and interdict actions including direct action where appropriate. 3. To refer to the Court of Session appeal decisions containing a misdirection in law.


Terms of Reference.

1. The power to make an order under Section 65A of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 prohibiting or imposing conditions on a public procession, after hearing the parties involved.


Terms of Reference.

1. To review the provision or non provision of services, the quality and extent of services, the operation of services and allied issues, with the exception of grievance procedures which concern staff issues or disciplinary matters, all in terms of the appropriate legislation and consider any complaints where the complainer has indicated dissatisfaction with the response from the Director of Social Work Services and thereafter to make recommendations to the Executive Committee.


Terms of Reference.

1. The power to oversee the Council’s role as administering authority for the Strathclyde Pension Fund in terms of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1994 and the Superannuation Act 1972. 2. The power to supervise the administration of the Local Government Pension Scheme in accordance with the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1998. 3. The power to manage the investments of the Strathclyde Pension Fund in accordance with the Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds) (Scotland) Regulations 1998. 4. The power to formulate and monitor an investment policy and investment strategy for the Fund, including an asset allocation strategy, and to adopt and maintain a Statement of Investment Principles embodying the strategy and policy. 5. The power to consider and agree an investment management structure for the Fund and to be responsible for overseeing:— (a) the appointment and termination of investment managers; (b) the establishment of performance benchmarks and targets for investment managers; and (c) monitoring of managers’ investment performance against their benchmarks. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 65

6. The power to make suitable arrangements for the safekeeping of the Fund’s investment assets. 7. The power to oversee the appointment of advisors and consultants to the Fund as required. 8. The power to formulate and maintain:— (a) a policy for the admission of employing bodies as contributors to the Fund; (b) a policy for the payment of benefits using discretions available to administering authorities under the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations; (c) an accounting policy for the Fund; and (d) a communications strategy. 9. To be responsible for overseeing and supporting the work of the Strathclyde Pension Fund Office. 10. The power to develop and monitor shareholder activism policies, including a proxy voting policy and socially responsible investment policy. 11. The power to contribute to the development of the Local Government Pension Scheme and Pensions policy. COUNCIL 2007-2008 66 17th MAY 2007 1




The Council accepts the principle that decisions should be made at the lowest or most local level consistent with the nature of the issues involved. An important element in the practical implementation of this principle is an effective scheme of delegations encompassing all major levels of decision making below that of the Council itself, viz.:— • committees, • the Chief Executive, • Directors, • other officers. Functions have been delegated to committees by reference to the Terms of Reference of Committees subject to certain exceptions. This general delegation gives the committees sufficient powers to enable them to carry out these functions but reserving always to the Council such matters as major policy, etc. The proposed delegations are dealt with in three main sections:— • Delegations to Committees. • Special Authority to the Lord Provost and the Deputy Lord Provost • Delegations to officers. Note:— These delegations are made subject to any alterations made necessary by amendments to legislation, regulations, codes of practice or government circulars.



(1) General Delegations to Committees. Subject to the provisions of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and of any Schemes made in terms of that Act, and to the special delegations, exceptions and limitations provided for in this Scheme and in the Standing Orders of the Council, there shall be delegated to the respective committees all the functions, matters, services or undertakings, whether in pursuance of Acts of Parliament or otherwise, contained in (a) the respective Terms of Reference of those committees, (b) any Schemes made under the provisions of the said Acts, (c) any minute of the Council making a specific delegation to a committee, and (d) the Standing Orders Relating to Contracts. Each committee may exercise and perform on behalf of and in the name of the Council all powers and duties of the Council in relation to the functions, matters, services or undertakings or in pursuance of the Acts of Parliament included in the delegations to committees.

(2) Exclusions from Delegations to Committees. There shall be excluded from the delegations to any committee the following:— (a) determining the objectives of the Council; (b) matters of new policy or variation of existing policy; (c) the Council’s functions with respect to borrowing money; (d) the power of incurring any expenditure not provided for in the annual Estimates of the Council unless and until such expenditure has been reported to and approved by the Council; 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 67

(e) the final approval of the annual Estimates of (i) revenue and expenditure; and (ii) capital expenditure for work authorised by the Council; (f) the fixing of the Council Tax; (g) the appointment of representatives of the Council to outside bodies unless specifically referred or delegated; (h) matters reserved to the Council by Statute, Standing Orders and other Schemes approved by the Council; (i) all proposals for the promotion of or opposition to parliamentary powers; (j) the making, alteration or revocation of Standing Orders, Bye-laws and Schemes (including plans relative to those Schemes), Regulations and Rules made under statute; (k) any proposal to delegate a power or duty of the Council to or to accept a delegated power from any other local authority; and (l) any proposal to send a member to a conference outwith the or to send more than 2 members to a conference within the United Kingdom, or to send a member to a business meeting outwith the European Union, although any member who has been appointed by the Council as its representative to a European or international organisation shall not require any further authority to attend business meetings, in the United Kingdom or overseas, of that organisation.

(3) Limitations of Delegations to Committees. Delegations to a committee shall be subject to the following restrictions and conditions:— (a) each committee shall, in carrying out the functions, powers and duties referred to or delegated to it, observe and comply with the Standing Orders of the Council and with any resolutions, directions or instructions passed by the Council with reference to its business generally or to the said delegations; (b) any delegation by a committee to a sub-committee shall be subject to the approval of the Council and a specific delegation so approved shall supersede any delegation to a committee; (c) the right of five or more members of a committee when those in favour of a resolution number less than a majority of the total membership of the committee, to require that the resolution of the committee upon any of the delegated matters shall not be carried into effect until the resolution shall have been reported to and approved of by the Council, provided that notice of intention to exercise such right is given by the requisite number of members at the meeting at which such a resolution is carried; and (d) each committee of the Council shall have the powers and duties set out in the Terms of Reference of Committees save that any functions which are referred or delegated to committees shall be exercised subject to the functions which are vested in any other committee.

(4) Special Delegations of Functions to Committees. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is authorised to carry out the powers and duties of the Council in relation to:- (a) discharging all the functions of the Council except: (i) those reserved to the Council; (ii) those delegated to other committees by the Council; and (iii) those delegated to officers of the Council; (b) consideration of proposed lobbying by a committee of a Government Minister; and (c) dealing with any matter of urgency on the Council’s behalf. COUNCIL 2007-2008 68 17th MAY 2007 1



1 The Lord Provost, whom failing the Deputy Lord Provost, shall be authorised in furtherance of the duties of his/her office to undertake visits within the city and in the United Kingdom. 2 The Lord Provost, whom failing the Deputy Lord Provost, shall be authorised to incur expenditure to meet the expenses of his/her office on the provision of reasonable hospitality, whether within or outwith the city, to representatives of other authorities, organisations, members of the Council or others.



The functions delegated to the Chief Executive and each Executive Director are also exercisable by officers at the levels shown on the list appended hereto. In exercising any delegated function the nominated officer will take account of any appropriate departmental practice or procedure, of any managerial instruction given and of any other similar consideration.

Qualifications of Delegations The Scheme of Delegations to officers as set out below is subject always: 1 to the policies adopted by the Council as embodied in Standing Orders and any other policy documents as approved and issued from time to time and any matters specifically remitted to committees and sub- committees; 2 to appropriate provisions for financial outlays having been made in the Estimates for the current year; 3 to the right of an officer to consult with the Chief Executive on any matter, even though it has been specifically delegated to him/her, or to refer any matter to the appropriate Executive Member or Convener of the appropriate committee of the Council; 4 to the obligation on an officer, where he/she considers that a matter may be politically controversial even although it has been specifically delegated to him/her, to consult with the appropriate Executive Member. If, after consultation, the officer determines that the matter is politically controversial, it must be referred to committee for approval. 5 to the obligation on the Chief Executive or each Executive Director to arrange consultations with local members on matters which affect their areas; 6 to the exclusion from delegations to officers of the Council under this Scheme, of power to deal with transactions (other than the provision of a service available generally or approved by the Council under a Scheme or otherwise) which directly involve an elected member or an officer of the Council whose salary is negotiated by the Joint Negotiating Committee for Chief Officers of Local Authorities (Scotland) or equivalent or a member of the family of such elected member or officer. In any such case a report on the proposed transaction shall be submitted to the appropriate committee or committees of the Council for consideration; and 7 to any delegation exercised by an officer in consultation with an Executive Member being reported to the next meeting of the appropriate Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee for information.

General The following delegations are hereby made to the Chief Executive or any Executive Director and are exercisable also by Assistants. No. 5 is exercisable also by third tier officers. 1 To take such measures as may be required in emergency situations, subject to advising the appropriate Executive Member and/or local members, where possible, and reporting to the appropriate committee as soon as possible thereafter, on any items for which committee approval would normally be necessary. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 69

2 To absent himself/herself or to permit any member of his/her staff to absent himself/herself occasionally and temporarily during business hours to attend to duties or services of a civic, honorary, charitable or social nature provided that these do not interfere with the efficient discharge of his/her duties to the Council. 3 In terms of the Standing Orders Relating to Contracts:- (a) in terms of Standing Order, to issue letters of acceptance for contracts of a value up to £100,000; and (b) in terms of Standing Order 10, to enter into any contract for the disposal of surplus or scrap materials. 4 To make changes to staffing structures, numbers and gradings in accordance with approved pay, grading and rewards arrangements, and subject to the approval of the Head of Corporate Human Resources and the Executive Director of Financial Services. Major departmental restructurings or staffing reviews must, however, be reported to the Executive Committee for approval. 5 To sign and issue identity cards and any necessary authorisation to officers of the Council to exercise statutory powers (including where appropriate, the right to enter land and premises in connection with the discharge of their duties). 6 (a) To make appointments within his/her department to all posts below those defined as second tier level in the schedule maintained by the Chief Executive, so long as such posts are within the approved establishment of his/her department; (b) To appoint temporary staff as required, for a period of up to 3 months, or with the consent of the Head of Corporate Human Resources, for periods in excess of 3 months; and (c) To take any decisions necessary regarding employment, retirement, dismissal and training of staff, in terms of the Council’s appropriate Schemes of Conditions of Service, subject, where appropriate, to consultation with the Head of Corporate Human Resources. 7 To take any necessary decisions or action, or to sign anything necessary in terms of the Council’s Financial Regulations. 8 (a) To pay valid claims for damage to, or loss of, personal property of employees in his or her department occurring during the course of their employment, up to an amount of £300 per claim for any one incident; and (b) To pay claims in excess of £300 after consultation with the Head of Corporate Human Resources. 9 In respect of Motor Hired in Plant, to settle direct minor damage claims to the hired vehicle not involving third party injury or damage up to a value of £100. 10 To approve:— (a) the provision of reasonable hospitality to representatives of other authorities, organisations, officers of the Council or others and also to make visits within the United Kingdom and to authorise officers within his/her department to make visits within the United Kingdom as representatives of the Council, subject always to details of the expenses incurred in terms of this delegation being made available where requested by the Chief Executive or the Executive Director of Financial Services; and (b) attendance at conferences within the United Kingdom of officers other than those whose attendance has already been authorised by a committee, in cases where he/she considers it to be in the interests of the Council. 11 To authorise:— (a) the provision by the authority to other persons of any goods and materials, or administrative, professional or technical services, or vehicles, plant or apparatus; and (b) the carrying out of works of maintenance, provided that proper accounts are kept in respect of such agreements and that the relevant committee is notified of them. COUNCIL 2007-2008 70 17th MAY 2007 1

12 Subject to the agreement of the appropriate local members and to consultation with the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services, to declare land or property surplus to the requirements of his/her department and to refer such land or property to the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services for appropriate action relating to the future use or disposal of that land or property. 13 To approve, after consultation with the appropriate local members and Executive Member, applications for renewal of grants to voluntary organisations up to a maximum of £20,000. Any proposal to:— (a) refuse or reduce a grant; (b) award an increased grant, where the increase is greater than the level of inflation, as determined by the Executive Director of Financial Services; or (c) approve a new application for grant, except where the Executive Director has a specific delegated function as set out in this Scheme, must be considered by committee. 14 To approve, in consultation with the Executive Director of Financial Services, Service fees and charges in order to achieve the level of income approved in the Annual Estimates, subject to reporting any changes to fees or charges to the appropriate Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee for information.


The Chief Executive is authorised:—

1 To give a direction in special circumstances that any officer shall not exercise a delegated function. 2 To give a direction on the applicability of the Scheme of Delegated Functions to an officer in any specific case. 3 To act as the proper officer in terms of any provisions of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and any other local government legislation and to sign all deeds and other documents which require to be sealed with the Common Seal of the Council or are binding on the Council. 4 To serve any notices, issue any consents, make any orders, and take any necessary action on behalf of the Council in terms of the Local Government (Scotland) Acts, the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 or any other similar legislation. 5 To sign missives and other documents binding the Council. 6 In respect of judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings to - (a) engage private legal firms; (b) engage Counsel; (c) discharge the functions of the Council including initiating, entering, defending and withdrawing from such proceedings; and (d) appoint parliamentary agents. 7 To settle up to a maximum of £25,000 and, where appropriate, after consultation with the appropriate Director and the Executive Director of Financial Services, over £25,000:— (a) Public liability claims; (b) Employer’s liability claims; (c) Motor—own fleet claims; and (d) Motor—hired plant claims. 8 To settle claims against the former Strathclyde Regional Council of up to £25,000 (where the settlement has involved a court action in which he/she or solicitors in agents authorities represented the Council). 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 71

9 Together with the Executive Director of Financial Services, after consultation with other Executive Directors where appropriate, to settle claims against the former Strathclyde Regional Council of over £25,000. 10 To settle claims arising in terms of the Land Compensation Acts in respect of Home Loss payments, following compulsory acquisitions and also to settle any discretionary payments arising from acquisitions by voluntary agreement. 11 To authorise payments to account to sellers of property to the Council in cases where either negotiations in respect of the property or conveyancing procedures are protracted for any reason. 12 In respect of applications for licences, permits, certificates or other consents, to determine which declared convictions or fixed penalties are relevant to the consideration of particular applications and to make grants and renewals where there are no objections or relevant convictions or fixed penalties and the applications conform to the Council’s licensing policies. 13 In respect of applications for licences, permits, certificates or other consents, to make grant or renewals where the applicant has agreed in writing to adhere to the conditions or recommendations contained within reports provided by consultees. 14 To suspend a licence with immediate effect in terms of paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. 15 To recall Suspension Orders imposed on taxi and private hire car licences where the vehicle concerned had been involved in a road traffic accident and as a consequence was out of service for longer than 28 days. 16 To grant dispensation from Condition 24 of taxi and private hire car drivers’ licences in circumstances where the licence holder had already completed and passed the relevant training programme. 17 To renew licences which do not conform to the Council’s licensing policies provided that the exceptions to the policies have previously been determined by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee or its predecessors. 18 To refund a reasonable part of a licensing fee if an application for a licence is withdrawn within 3 weeks of receipt. 19 To determine whether claimed changes in circumstances are adequate to allow the processing of a further application for a licence within one year of the date of refusal of the last application in terms of paragraph 6 of Schedule 1 to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. 20 To advertise possible taxi stance appointments and (a) appoint a new stance where no public objections or representations are received in consultation with the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services, the Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police and the local members; or (b) vary or revoke an appointment in consultation with the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services, the Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police and the local members. 21 Where it is considered, having regard to the statutory grounds of refusal contained in the Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976 or the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 as appropriate, that failure to comply with any policy or practice of the Licensing Board or Licensing and Regulatory Committee is impacting adversely on the community or any part thereof which the Council serves, to make formal objection to any licensing application before the Board or the Committee or any sub-committee thereof, or to raise a formal complaint against any existing licensed premises or licence holder. 22 In terms of the Standing Orders Relating to Contracts (a) to issue, vary or revoke procedural rules from time to time as required in terms of Standing Order (e-auctions) and Standing Order 7.2.3 (electronic procurement); and (b) to accept contracts for supplies/services with an estimated value equal to or in excess of £100,000 but no greater than £500,000 and to accept works contracts with an estimated value equal to or in excess of £100,000 but no greater than £3,000,000. 23 To issue General Safety Certificates and Special Safety Certificates, in terms of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975 and the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987 as directed by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee or the Council’s Safety Team on Safety at Sports Grounds. COUNCIL 2007-2008 72 17th MAY 2007 1

24 Together with any two members of the Council, to make Regulations in terms of the relevant legislation concerning traffic routing for major football matches and similar occasions. 25 To approve requests for civic hospitality up to a maximum cost of £10,000 within the guidelines for civic hospitality as may be approved from time to time by the Council. 26 To deal with requests for the use of the City Chambers. 27 In respect of area budgets, to authorise expenditure, subject to advice from area committees. 28 To exercise the powers conferred on the Council to appoint persons to safeguard the interests of children before a Children’s Hearing or before a Sheriff. 29 To appoint, after consultation with the Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People), members to serve on Appeal Committees in terms of Section 28(d) of the Education (Scotland) Act 1980. 30 To authorise visits overseas by officers where the visit is in connection with a business meeting or conference in cases where he/she considers it to be in the interests of the Council. 31 To approve applications from chief officials for early retiral and voluntary severance. 32 To determine appropriate interim responsibility payments up to 10% of current salary to reflect significant additional responsibilities undertaken in respect of major developments and initiatives, subject to regular review by the Head of Corporate Human Resources and the Executive Director of Financial Services. 33 To instruct the immediate implementation of any Circular from any officially recognised body which allows no discretion to the Council. The terms of such Circulars shall be reported to the Finance, Corporate Trading Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee for information. 34 To consider and determine applications for extension of leave from employees who have not completed the necessary period of continuous service in terms of the Council’s Conditions of Service. 35 To approve, in conjunction with the appropriate Executive Director, special leave with or without pay where the period of leave is in excess of the provision of the Council’s Conditions of Service. 36 To review salary placing in appropriate circumstances, within approved salary scales in conformity with accepted practice. 37 To exercise the discretionary powers available in implementation of the Conditions of Service in respect of all the employees (except teachers) in the employment of the Council. 38 To authorise emergency financial aid to employees of up to £200. 39 To approve, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Financial Services, applications from employees (except teachers) for early retiral and voluntary severance. 40 In consultation with the Executive Director of Financial Services, to deal with requests for the application of any of the discretionary elements contained in the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1998. 41 To approve the retention of staff beyond normal retiral age where it is in the interests of the Council to do so. 42 To approve ex gratia payments to employees where the circumstances of the payments are not covered by the Council’s Conditions of Service. 43 To deal with and, in appropriate circumstances, to approve applications by employees convicted of and fined under the Health & Safety at Work etc Acts, the Factories Acts, the Offices, Shops & Railway Premises Acts, the Road Traffic Acts or any associated legislation in respect of offences committed whilst acting in the course of their employment for (a) payment of the fine imposed, or (b) assistance with the legal expenses of their defence, subject to the right of an employee aggrieved by a decision of the Head of Corporate Human Resources to appeal to the Personnel Appeals Committee. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 73

44 To arrange for the provision of information concerning the Council’s policies, services and functions and in particular, (a) to negotiate and place on behalf of the Council all advertising in consultation with the appropriate Director(s); (b) to produce a regular Council publication and other printed publications, including leaflets, posters, guide books, directories and, where appropriate, arrange for the production of photography, film, video, and multi-media presentations to inform the public about the Council, Council services and the promotion of the city; (c) to provide information about the Council and the city on the electronic media, including the internet; and (d) to issue press statements, press releases, video news releases on behalf of the Council. 45 In consultation with the Glasgow City Marketing Bureau, to approve recommendations for funding of up to £100,000 to attract major events to the city. 46 To approve grants to community councils for the production of newsletters up to a maximum of £400, in terms of the guidelines and conditions for grants for community council newsletters. 47 To act as Investigation Manager for the purposes of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000. 48 Following appropriate member consultation, to appoint additional Investigation Managers, in terms of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000, should there be an operational need for these prior to the next scheduled revisal of the policy and guidelines on Covert Surveillance and Human Intelligence Sources.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT AND REGENERATION SERVICES The Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services is authorised:—

Subject to reporting to the Development and Regeneration Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee for information, details of any matters dealt with in terms of paragraphs 1 to 17 below:— 1 To negotiate terms for the acquisition of land or property and to agree terms where it has been specifically budgeted for. 2 To agree terms for the disposal of land or property (including by way of the grant of a long lease or grassum, with or without an option to purchase), which has been declared surplus to requirements and which has been advertised on the open market, where more than one offer has been received and the highest offer is being accepted and subject to being satisfied that this represented full market value. 3 To agree terms for the disposal of land or property on an off-market basis (including by way of the grant of a long lease or grassum, with or without an option to purchase), which has been declared surplus to requirements, where the disposal price is less than £100,000, and, subject to being satisfied that this represented the best consideration which could be reasonably obtained where either the subjects have recently been unsuccessfully marketed or the proposed disposal conforms to the Development and Regeneration Services policy on off-market disposals. 4 To grant temporary leases or licences of land or property which has not been recently advertised, for appropriate periods, determined by the use. 5 To grant leases or licences of land or property which has been advertised for lease on the open market, at market value, for appropriate periods determined by the use. 6 To grant leases or licences of land or property which has been advertised for lease on the open market, at market value, for a period of more than one year, at rentals of up to £100,000 per annum. 7 To grant leases or licences of land or property for the establishment of plant and equipment associated with the provision of service utilities, for periods of up to 60 years at rents up to £50,000 per annum. 8 To grant leases or licences at concessionary rents to organisations and projects conforming to the terms of the Council’s concessionary rental policy. COUNCIL 2007-2008 74 17th MAY 2007 1

9 To take land or property on lease or licence for up to 3 years, at market value, at rentals of up to £100,000 per annum. 10 To agree rent reviews of land or property leased by or to the Council up to an increase of £100,000 per annum. 11 To approve assignations of leases of land or property, subject to satisfactory business and financial references being obtained. 12 To grant consent to the sub-letting of property or to the variation in the terms of the sub-lease. 13 To vary conditions in leases granted by the Council of land or property, subject to the rent reflecting market value up to £100,000 per annum. 14 To grant or obtain minutes of waiver, servitudes and wayleaves up to a price of £50,000. 15 To agree renewals and grant leases for up to 20 years to existing tenants currently occupying property on an annual or monthly tenancy where that tenancy has been conducted to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services for a minimum of 3 years. 16. To terminate existing monthly/annual tenancies and grant new monthly/annual tenancies. 17 To terminate leases, and to take any necessary action to secure possession of property or recover rent arrears. 18 To fix dates between which the city markets are closed at holiday times where the various trade organisations are in agreement. 19 To deal with payments due to persons in terms of the Housing (Scotland) Acts following a committee determination that houses do not meet a tolerable standard. 20 To let Council properties for use as election rooms at Council, Scottish, Westminster and European elections, subject to guidelines as may be approved by the Council. 21 To negotiate and settle claims arising in terms of Land Compensation or Flood Prevention legislation. 22 To apportion office accommodation between Council departments and to arrange for any necessary alterations or adaptations to such accommodation within budgeted expenditure. 23 To make grants and loans of up to £50,000 to small businesses. 24 In terms of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997, the Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Scotland) Act 1997 and associated legislation:— (a) to grant unconditionally, or subject to conditions, routine applications for planning permission, listed building and conservation area consent, reserved matters, amendments and other consents, including material and non-material variations, advertisement consent, Notice of Intention to Develop, discharge, amendment or deletion of conditions, including those imposed by committee, certificates of lawfulness, screening and scoping opinions, hazardous substances consent, prior notifications for agricultural development and demolition, notice of intent to develop by Government departments, decisions on permitted development, unless (i) there are objections from Councillors or material objections from other aggrieved parties; or (ii) there is a material contravention of the development plan; or (iii) there is a material contravention of the Council’s policies; or (iv) the application has been submitted by an elected member of the Council; or (v) the application has been submitted by an officer involved in the statutory planning process; (b) to refuse routine applications as detailed in (a) above where there is a material breach of the development plan unless there are representations of support for the proposals from third parties; (c) (i) to enforce unauthorised advertisements, development and works on listed buildings, including serving enforcement notices, advertisement and listed building notices, Section 125 (planning contravention) notices, Section 145 (breach of conditions) notices, Section 179 (amenity) notices, Section 187 (placards and posters) notices and direct action in respect of breaches of planning control; 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 75

(ii) to enter land without a warrant, in terms of Section 156 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and Section 56 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997; (iii) to service urgent interdicts or stop notices with the agreement of the Convener of the Planning Applications Committee; and (iv) to seek interim interdict in respect of unauthorised flyposting; (d) to respond on behalf of the Council where the Council’s observations have been sought in respect of developments of adjoining planning authorities; (e) to agree to the temporary display of an advertisement for a period not exceeding one week, providing there are no adverse road safety implications; (f) to agree to the temporary alteration to an existing advertisement consent for a period not exceeding one month without requiring a fresh advertisement application; (g) to approve road closures and the diversion of services subsequent to development previously approved; (h) to decline to determine an application for planning permission following a dismissed appeal; (i) to dispense with neighbour notification of planning applications; (j) to serve a Building Preservation Notice on a building not currently listed within the jurisdiction of Glasgow City Council that is considered to be of special architectural or historic interest or is in danger of demolition or of alteration in such a way as to affect its character as a building of such interest; and (k) to serve a Building Preservation Notice for temporary listing in urgent cases where it appears to the Council that the Notice should come into force immediately by affixing the Notice conspicuously to some object on the building. 25 To allocate RES 3 funds from the Greenspace Reserve Fund to approved projects up to a value of £50,000. 26 To take appropriate action on Goods Vehicles Operators’ Licences. 27 To make Tree Preservation Orders in terms of Sections 160 and 163 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the Forestry Act 1967 and to grant or refuse consent in respect of tree operations in conservation areas or felling of trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders. 28 To serve Urgent Works Notices on historic buildings under the terms of Section 49 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997. 29 To serve any Notice in terms of Section 87 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. 30 To approve Historic Building Grant applications up to a value of £20,000. 31 To approve applications in respect of Repairs and Improvement Grants in respect of the following categories, namely roof, fabric, dry rot eradication, lead pipe replacement, standard amenities, Housing Action Areas, damp proof course installation, electrical and kitchen upgrading, disabled adaptations, care and repair, structural failures, statutory notice work and any other categories designated by the Council. 32 To approve applications by Housing Associations and Societies where such applications are in accordance with schemes of financial assistance, the principles of which have been approved by the Council. 33 To approve applications for funding relating to the Development Programme, within the Scheme approved by the Council and agreed between the Council and Communities Scotland. 34 To serve any Notices and take any necessary action on behalf of the Council in terms of the Housing (Scotland) Acts or generally any legislation appropriate to the repair or improvement of housing property in pursuance of the Council’s housing investment priorities. 35 To implement Parts 7 and 8 of the Antisocial Behaviour etc (Scotland) Act 2004. COUNCIL 2007-2008 76 17th MAY 2007 1

36 In consultation with the Executive Member for Development and Regeneration, to approve funding requests from the Special Projects (Environmental Sustainability) Budget. 37 In consultation with the chairs of the Carts and Kelvin-Clyde Greenspace Area Partnerships respectively, to commit funds allocated to each partnership towards projects additional to those in the approved implementation programmes, subject to their meeting the aims and objectives of the Local Area Partnership and to their being reported to the appropriate Partnership quarterly. 38 In terms of the Building (Scotland) Acts and the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, to grant or refuse building warrants, grant or refuse certificates of completion, serve any notices, execute any works and generally take any necessary action in connection within these Acts. 39 To enter and inspect sports grounds in terms of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975. 40 Subject to consultation with the local members, to approve new street names. 41 To act as Investigation Manager for the purposes of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000.


The Executive Director of Direct and Care Services is authorised:—

1 To act as Investigation Manager for the purposes of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000.


The Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People) is authorised—

1 To serve any notices, deal with any applications, and take any necessary action on behalf of the Council, in terms of the Education (Scotland) Acts, the Children Acts, or generally legislation concerning the Council relating to the provision of Education Services. 2 In respect of Educational Trusts or endowments, to accept and administer any Trusts or endowments which may be offered to the Council for schools in their area and to receive and determine applications for the disbursement of funds in accordance with the provisions of any Trust Schemes. 3 To make grants of up to £5,000 to voluntary organisations, schools and other organisations which make provision for children of school age, pre-fives, or out of school care. 4 To approve support for any type of educational course and to make grants from any bursary or other financial scheme operated by the Council. 5 To carry out the administration, assessment and award of any education maintenance allowances, further education bursaries or other awards. 6 To make grants to staff and/or pupils in connection with courses, conferences, educational visits and excursions. 7 To instruct the immediate implementation of any Circular concerning teachers pay and conditions which allows no discretion to the Council. The terms of any such Circular shall be reported to the Education and Social Work Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee for information. 8 To permit school boards, Parent Teacher Associations or such other organisations or persons as he/she considers appropriate to execute works of construction or improvement within the curtilage of an educational establishment, subject to (a) being satisfied that the works are relevant to the function of and will not prejudice the operation of the educational establishment; (b) the Managing Director of City Building LLP being satisfied that for his/her interest, the works are acceptable; and 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 77

(c) the Chief Executive and the Executive Director of Financial Services being satisfied with the contractual and financial arrangements relating to the execution of the works. 9 To determine the dates of local school holidays after consultation with the appropriate school boards and appropriate trade unions. 10 To exclude pupils from school. 11 To make appointments to promoted and unpromoted posts in all educational establishments. 12 To approve applications from teachers for early retiral and voluntary severance. 13 To act as Investigation Manager for the purposes of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000.


The Executive Director of Financial Services is authorised:—

1 To act as the proper officer of the Council in terms of the Local Government Acts, to administer the financial affairs of the Council, and to take any necessary action in terms of the Council’s Financial Regulations. 2 To issue any notices, collect any monies, adjudicate in respect of any claims or objections, and to take any other necessary action in terms of the Local Government Acts. 3 To take decisions on debt write-off in accordance with recognised accounting policies and the Financial Regulations. 4 To amend service budgets for new monies received or subsequent approvals during the year, with all such changes being recorded in the monitoring statements. 5 To arrange appropriate insurance cover on behalf of the Council and negotiate claims against the Council as per the Financial Regulations. 6 To take decisions required for the financial administration of the Group Life Assurance Scheme. 7 In respect of the Loans Fund, to administer Council requirements for borrowing and temporary investment in accordance with the CIPFA Treasury Management Code. 8 To administer the Local Government Pension Scheme and implement investment arrangements for the Strathclyde Pension Fund in accordance with the Local Government Pension Regulations. 9 In respect of Strathclyde Pension Fund, to appoint persons to serve on the Investment Advisory Panel. 10 To take decisions on investments or other matters in respect of monies held or funds administered by the Council. 11 To sign, for banking activity purposes, bank indemnities on behalf of the Council. 12 To vary the interest rate chargeable to authorised car users for loans for car purchases in line with bank rate fluctuations. 13 To set charges for services requested of his/her department additional to those relating to the sale of valuation rolls, Council Tax lists and electoral registers. 14 To arrange operational and/or financial leases on behalf of the Council. 15 In consultation with the appropriate local members, to authorise proceedings to exceptional attachment in respect of non-domestic rates debt and to remit such debt on the grounds of hardship in terms of Section 25A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966. 16 In consultation with the Chief Executive, to consider those cases of business rates debts for which liquidation or sequestration might be the appropriate course and, after consultation with the appropriate local members, to authorise liquidation or sequestration. 17 To make objections or complaints to the Licensing Board in respect of liquor licences in cases of failure to pay business rates. COUNCIL 2007-2008 78 17th MAY 2007 1

18 To act as Investigation Manager for the purposes of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000.


The Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services is authorised:—

1 To serve any notices, issue any licences, give any consents and generally take any necessary action on behalf of the Council in terms of the Roads (Scotland) Acts, the Road Traffic Regulation Acts and the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991 or generally any legislation concerning the Council’s functions relating to transport, parking, roads, lighting, parks, open spaces, cemeteries and crematoria, jetties, tidal waters, flood prevention measures, the collection and disposal of waste, the cleaning of roads, streets and open spaces, food safety and food standards, the safety, health and well-being of the community, health and environmental protection and consumer protection. 2 To grant wayleaves in respect of public utilities. 3 To carry out the functions of the Joint Road Safety Officer in conjunction with the Chief Constable. 4 After consultation with the Chief Executive, to agree terms for bridge agreements with private bridge owners (British Railways Board, Network Rail and others) and the terms of the discharge of the Council’s liability for annual maintenance and renewal charges in connection with such bridges. 5 To approve applications for school crossing patrols at sites where it is justified in terms of the adopted criteria. 6 To refuse applications for school crossing patrols where the criteria approved by the Council are not met. 7 Subject to consultation with the local members and the associated primary school board, to discontinue an existing school crossing patrol where it no longer meets the adopted criteria or does not comply with Council policy. 8 To approve alterations to the list of public roads. 9 To approve, in consultation with the appropriate Executive Member, Traffic Regulation Orders which are not subject to objection or which are subject to objection but not to a mandatory hearing. 10 To approve, in consultation with the appropriate Executive Member, applications for use of public parks, George Square, bandstands, pedestrian precincts and the Clyde Walkway. 11 To determine and regulate the use of parks, open spaces, civic spaces and pedestrian precincts, cemeteries and crematoria, display houses and other similar facilities. 12 To exercise any functions of the Council required in terms of Management Rules approved by the Council. 13 To issue fixed penalty notices, in terms of the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003. 14 To exercise enforcement powers in respect of legislation governing littering, fly tipping, fly posting, dog fouling and the Parks Management Rules. 15 To take any necessary action in relation to trees on Council land, in accordance with and subject to, the Council’s policies, after consultation with the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 16 To issue suspension notices, in terms of Section 11 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, to taxi and private hire car licence holders. 17 To respond, after consultation with the local members, to applications to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency for authorisation for processes involving discharges into the atmosphere in terms of the Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) Regulations 1991. 18 To respond, after consultation with the local members, to applications to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency for consent for the discharge of trade and sewage effluent etc in terms of Section 36 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974. 19 To issue notices in terms of Part VIII of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 79

20 To act as Investigation Manager for the purposes of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000.


The Director of Social Work Services is authorised:—

1 To serve any notices and to take any necessary action on behalf of the Council in terms of the National Assistance Acts, the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968, the Adoption (Scotland) Act 1978, the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984, the Children (Scotland) Act 1995, the National Health Service & Community Care Act 1990, the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000, the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001, the Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002, the Homelessness (Scotland) Act 2003, the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 or generally any legislation concerning the Council’s functions relating to the provision of Social Work Services. 2 To commission and enter into any contracts for social care and/or housing support services in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Contracts for Social Care and/or Housing Support Services and to establish contracts for existing services on a call-off basis with no commitment to use any given level of service up to the value of the European Union Public Procurement threshold, as currently displayed on the Council’s Intranet site. 3 To make grants to voluntary organisations for revenue expenditure or initial purchase of equipment up to a value of £5,000. 4 To provide aids and adaptations for disabled people up to the value of £50,000 in any one case. 5 To consider and decide upon recommendations made by the Adoption & Fostering Review Panel in reviewing original decisions made in connection with adoption and fostering matters. 6 To consider and decide on recommendations of the Parental Rights Order Panel. 7 To consider and decide upon recommendations by Adoption & Fostering Panels, on matters of approval of persons to adopt or foster, and the placement of children with such persons. 8 To add and delete from the restricted standing list(s) of accredited providers, subject to appropriate scrutiny in terms of departmental procedures, and the Council’s financial and other regulations. 9 Subject to the Council’s Financial Regulations, to purchase (a) appropriate social care and housing support services within open-ended call-off contracts from providers on the restricted standing list(s) of accredited providers and/or the list of contracted providers for care homes (residential/nursing), including the use of approved budgets, flexible budgets for social care and housing support purchase, and the budgets for direct payments, care homes (residential/nursing) and residential respite placements; and (b) care packages in Children’s Services for placements at residential/open schools. 10 To provide direct assistance (loans or grants) under statutory provisions in (a) the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968, the Children’s Act 1975 or the Children (Scotland) Act 1995; and (b) Sections 29 and 30 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995, Section 73 of the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 and Section 6 of the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000. 11 To appoint Mental Health Officers under the Mental Health Acts (approval as Mental Health Officers is restricted to those members of staff who have satisfactorily completed the approved training course). 12 To admit children to secure care in terms of the Secure Accommodation Regulations. 13 To take decisions regarding child placements which would involve separating sibling groups. 14 To authorise the emergency “transfer” of placement of a child subject to a supervision requirement in terms of Section 72 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. 15 To waive parental contributions. COUNCIL 2007-2008 80 17th MAY 2007 1

16 To apply for Child Protection Orders, Exclusion Orders and Child Assessment Orders in terms of sections 57, 76 and 55 respectively of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995. 17 To approve refuges in terms of Section 38 of Children (Scotland) Act 1995. 18 To approve waivers and disregards in respect of determining a client’s liability for contribution to social care and housing support services provided. 19 To approve waivers and disregards in respect of determining a client’s liability for contribution to care home (residential/nursing) costs. 20 To offer a funding package to newly qualified students appointed to posts of Qualified Social Worker, Care Manager or Occupational Therapist to assist in paying off student loans, up to a maximum of £3,000 per annum for 3 years and to offer similar assistance with student loans to existing staff employed in those posts tied to commitments to remain with the Council. 21 To act as Investigation Manager for the purposes of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) (Scotland) Order 2000.


The Sanctions Panel is authorised:—

1 To offer Administrative Cautions or Administrative Penalties where Benefit fraud has been committed or attempted or to refer cases of suspected Benefit fraud to the Procurator Fiscal.



Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, Section 50G.

List of Officers by whom delegated powers are exercisable.

1 As regards functions delegated by Section 3 of the scheme to the Chief Executive and each Executive Director, the delegations are also exercisable in each case by the Service/Assistant Director in each department. No 6 is also exercisable by third tier officers. 2 As regards the delegations in respect of departments, the following are the lists of officers by whom delegated powers are exercisable.

Chief Executive Nos 1-2 Solicitor to the Council Nos 3-4 Solicitor to the Council, Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services Chief Solicitor Licensing Manager or Assistant Chief Solicitor Nos 5-7 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services Heads of Section Chief Solicitor Licensing Manager Assistant Chief Solicitor Nos 8-11 Chief Solicitor Licensing Manager Assistant Chief Solicitor 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 81

Nos 12-20 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services Licensing Manager No 21 Licensing Policy Monitoring and Enforcement Officer No 22(a) Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services Nos 22(b)-23 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services Chief Solicitor Licensing Manager Assistant Chief Solicitor No 24 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services No 25 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services Adviser to the Lord Provost No 26 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services No 27 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services Principal Development Officer Nos 28-29 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services Committee Services Manager Nos 30-32 Solicitor to the Council Nos 33-43 Head of Corporate Human Resources Assistant Head of Corporate Human Resources No 44 Solicitor to the Council Head of Corporate Communications Nos 45 - 46 Solicitor to the Council No 47 Solicitor to the Council Head of Legal and Administrative Services Assistant Head of Legal and Administrative Services

Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Nos 1 - 18 Assistant Director Head of Property Services Property Management Group Manager Property and Valuation Group Manager Land and Property Development Project Manager No 19 Assistant Director Head of Property Services COUNCIL 2007-2008 82 17th MAY 2007 1

No 20 Assistant Director Head of Property Services Property Management Group Manager No 21 Assistant Director Head of Property Services No 22 Assistant Director Head of Technical Services Group Manager (Facilities Management) No 23 Assistant Director Head of Economic and Social Initiatives Group Manager (Business Projects) plus one other Group Manager No 24 Assistant Director Head of Planning (City Centre and Clyde) and (Neighbourhoods) Group Manager (City Centre and Clyde), (Delegated and Performance) and (Neighbourhoods) Principal (City Centre and Clyde) and (Neighbourhoods) No 25 Assistant Director No 26 Assistant Director Head of Planning (City Centre and Clyde) and (Neighbourhoods) Group Manager (City Centre and Clyde), (Delegated and Performance) and (Neighbourhoods) Principal (City Centre and Clyde) and (Neighbourhoods) No 27 Assistant Director Head of Planning (City Centre and Clyde) No 28 Assistant Director Head of Planning (City Centre and Clyde) Nos 29 - 30 Assistant Director Head of Planning (City Centre and Clyde) Nos 31 - 33 Assistant Director Head of Housing Investment No 34 Assistant Director No 35 Assistant Director Head of Project Management No 36 Assistant Director Head of Planning (City Centre and Clyde) No 37 Assistant Director Nos 38-39 Assistant Director Head of Building Control and Public Safety Group Managers Team Leaders Building Control Surveyors Assistant Building Control Surveyors Structural Engineers No 40 Assistant Director Head of Building Control and Public Safety

Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People) Depute Director, Head of Service and, in respect of (a) no 10, Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers; and (b) no 11, Head Teachers, Acting Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 83

Executive Director of Financial Services Assistant Director, Head of Section and, in respect of No 13, the Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer and in respect of No 18, Principal Benefits Inspector

Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services Category C officers are authorised to exercise all functions in No 1 of the delegations to the Executive Director with the exception of— (a) there being reserved to Category A matters in respect of Sections 12, 13, 16(1)(b), 36 and 37, 62 and 152(2) of the Roads (Scotland) Act l984 and Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act l984; and (b) there being reserved to Category A exercise of functions in respect of delegation 1 in so far as they relate to the advertisement of any proposal for the making, revocation or variation of orders and schemes under the Road Traffic Regulation Act l984 and Sections 68-71 of the Roads (Scotland) Act l984 and the power to deal with all requests for information in connection with grant applications made under Section 8 of the Railways Act 1974. Delegation No 2: Category C Delegation No 3: Category A Delegation No 4: Category B—plus Parking Manager Delegation No 5: Category A Delegation No 9: Category E Delegation No 13: Category D Delegation No 14: Community Enforcement Officer Delegation No 16: Technical Liaison Officer Categories of Officer Category A Head of Policy, Planning & Projects Head of Roads & Traffic Head of Finance Category B Category A plus Head of Parks & Support Services Head of Projects Head of Corporate Services Head of Policy & Design Parks Development Manager Category C Category A plus Category B plus Design Manager Roads Design Manager Structures Roads & Lighting Manager Senior Project Manager Operations Manager (Parks) Commercial Manager (Parks) Area Maintenance Manager (Roads) Traffic Operations Manager Transport Manager Parking Manager Procurement & Commercial Manager Resident Engineer Personnel & Resources Manager Financial Accounting Manager COUNCIL 2007-2008 84 17th MAY 2007 1

Category D Category A plus Category B plus Category C plus Arboricultural Officer Category E Category A plus Category B plus Category C plus Events Manager plus Parks Area Manager

Environmental Health staff—Coded List of Legislation 01 Explosives Acts 1875 and 1923 (as amended) 02 Burgh Police (Scotland) Acts 1892 and 1903 03 Public Health (Scotland) Acts 1897-1945 04 Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Acts 1928 and 1931 05 Petroleum (Consolidation) Acts 1928 06 Petroleum (Transfer of Licence) Act 1936 07 Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937 08 Cancer Act 1939 09 Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949 010 Pet Animals Act 1951 011 Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 012 Factories Act 1961 013 Mock Auctions Act 1961 014 Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 015 Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963 016 Riding Establishments Act 1964 and 1970 017 Farm and Garden Chemicals Act 1967 018 Agricultural (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1968 019 Medicines Act 1968 020 Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1968 021 Trade Descriptions Act 1968 022 Health Services and Public Health Act 1968 023 Development of Tourism Act 1969 024 Agriculture Act 1970 025 European Communities Act 1972 026 Poisons Act 1972 027 Fair Trading Act 1973 028 Hallmarking Act 1973 029 Consumer Credit Act 1974 and 2006 030 Control of Pollution Act 1974 031 Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 032 Prices Acts 1974 and 1975 033 Weights and Measures Acts 1976 and 1985 034 Energy Act 1976 035 Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (as amended) 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 85

036 Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976 037 Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 038 Estate Agents Act 1979 039 Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 040 Water (Scotland) Act 1980 041 Animal Health Act 1981 042 Energy Conservation Act 1981 043 Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 044 Zoo Licensing Act 1981 045 Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 046 Telecommunications Act 1984 047 Video Recordings Acts 1984 and 1993 048 Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 049 National Health Service Amendment Act 1986 050 Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 051 Consumer Protection Act 1987 052 Motor Cycle Noise Act 1987 053 Education Reform Act 1988 054 Environment and Safety Information Act 1988 055 Glasgow District Council Order Confirmation Act 1988 056 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 057 Water Act 1989 058 The Pesticides (Fees and Enforcement) Act 1989 059 Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 060 Environmental Protection Act 1990 061 Food Safety Act 1990 and any Orders, Regulations or other instruments made thereunder or relative thereto or having effect by virtue of the European Communities Act 1972 and relating to food safety or animal feedstuff and any modification or re-enactment of the foregoing 062 Children and Young Persons (Protection From Tobacco) Act 1991 063 Motor Vehicles (Safety Equipment for Children) Act 1991 064 Breeding of Dogs Act 1991 065 Property Misdescriptions Act 1991 066 Timeshare Act 1992 067 Clean Air Act 1993 068 Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 069 Trade Marks Act 1994 070 Environment Act 1995 071 Olympic Symbol Etc (Protection) Act 1995 072 Trading Schemes Act 1996 COUNCIL 2007-2008 86 17th MAY 2007 1

073 Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 074 Pesticides Act 1998 075 Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000 076 Enterprise Act 2002 077 Copyright etc and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Act 2002 078 Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002 079 Building (Scotland) Act 2003 080 Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003 081 Fireworks Act 2003 082 Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions)(Fixed Penalty)(Scotland) Regulations 2003 083 Antisocial Behaviour etc (Scotland) Act 2004 084 Water Services etc (Scotland) Act 2005 085 Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 086 Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006

Associated Coded list of Officers Assistant Director All codes from 01 to 086, except 033 Head of Enforcement Group Manager (Environmental Health) Group Manager (Trading Standards) All codes from 01 to 086 Team Leader (Environmental Health) All codes from 01 to 086, except 033 and 075 Environmental Health Officer Enforcement Officer Team Leader (Trading Standards) All codes from 01 to 086, except 075 Trading Standards Officer Technical Officer (Food Safety) 010, 015, 016, 036, 048, 060, 061, 064 and 085 Technical Officer (Health and Safety) 010, 012, 014, 015, 016, 031, 036, 044, 045, 060, 064 and 085 Technical Officer (Trading Standards) All codes from 01 to 086, except 02, 03, 09, 011, 013, 014, 018, 024, 033, 041, 043, 049, 050, 055, 057, 068, 070, 073, 075, 080, 082 and 084 Animal Health Officer 018, 024, 025, 041, 058, 074 and 086 Asbestos Unit Team Leader 031, 037 and 060 Asbestos Unit Assistant Team Leader Consumer Advice Officer All codes from 01 to 086, except 02, 03, 09, 011, 012, 014, 018, 024, 033, 036, 041, 043, 049, 050, 055, 057, 068, 070, 073, 075, 080, 082 and 084 Pest Control Assistant Team Leader 03, 09, 017, 018, 020, 026, 031, 036, 041, 043, 044, 045, 058, 074 and 080 Investigator, Illegal Money Lending Unit 029 Litter Warden 055, 060, 080, 082, 083 and 085 Technical Officer (Environmental Control) 02, 03, 09, 011, 020, 022, 030, 036, 040, 041, 043, Technical Officer (Public Health) 045, 049, 050, 054, 055, 057, 058, 060, 067, 068, 070, 074, 079, 080, 082, 083, 084, 085 and 086 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 87

Enforcement Officer (Taxi and Private Hire Cars) 045, 060, 082 and 085 Health and Safety—Authorisation to enter As required by Section 20(2)(c)(i) of the Health and premises with an Inspector Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 Director of Social Work Services Nos 1-2 Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer No 3 Depute Head of Service No 4 Depute, up to £5,000 Head of Service, up to £3,750 Area Service Manager, Area Social Work Manager, Secondary Services Manager and Community Services Manager (addictions), up to £2,500 No 5 Depute and Head of Service, up to £10,000 Area Service Manager, Area Social Work Manager, Secondary Services Manager, Community Services Manager (Addictions) and Homelessness Services Planning Commissioning Manager, up to £5,000 Homeless Team Manager, Operations Manager and Community Addictions Manager, up to £2,500 Practice Team Leader and Nurse Team Leader, up to £500 Occupational Therapist, up to £250 Nos 6-7 Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Children’s Services No 8 Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Children’s Services, and for Fostering only, Principal Officer (Children’s Services) No 9 Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer No 10 (a) Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Service Area Service Manager Area Social Work Manager Secondary Services Manager Community Services Manager (Addictions) Operations Manager (limited to £10,000 in respect of Direct Payments) Community Addictions Manager (limited to £10,000 in respect of Direct Payments) Practice Team Leader (except Direct Payments) Nurse Team Leader (except Direct Payments) Homelessness Services Commissioning Officer (social care/housing support) Homelessness Services Manager Community Casework Team Leader James MacLean Project Manager Hostel Manager (housing support) In respect of Older People’s Services authority to approve rates (a) above the Council approved rate is delegated to Heads of Service; COUNCIL 2007-2008 88 17th MAY 2007 1

(b) at the Council approved rate in care homes (residential/nursing) outwith Scotland is delegated to Heads of Services; and (c) at the Council approved rate in care homes (residential/nursing) within Scotland and in 24 hour supported living services within Glasgow, is delegated to Practice Team Leaders No 10 (b) Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Services Principal Officer (Children’s Services) No 11 (a) Directorate, up to £4,000 Head of Fieldwork, up to £2,000 Principal Officer (Fieldwork), Area Services Manager, Area Social Work Manager, Secondary Services Manager, Community Services Manager (Addictions), up to £1,000 Operations Manager, Community Addictions Manager, Manager (Standby), Homeless Team Manager, up to £500 Practice Team Leader and Nurse Team Leader, up to £250 No 11 (b) Depute, Chief Social Work Officer, Depute Chief Social Work Officer, up to £4,000 Head of Children’s Services, Principal Officer (Community Support), Principal Officer (Leaving Care), Area Services Manager, Area Social Work Manager, Operations Manager, up to £2,500 for single person or £3,000 for single person with child Practice Team Leader, up to £300 No 12 Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer No 13 Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Children’s Services No 14 Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Children’s Services Head of Fieldwork No 15 Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Children’s Services No 16 Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Fieldwork Head of Children’s Services No 17 Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Fieldwork Head of Children’s Services Area Services Manager Area Social Work Manager Manager (Standby) Operations Manager 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 89

Community Addictions Manager Senior Social Worker (Standby) Homeless Team Leader No 18 Depute Chief Social Work Officer Depute Chief Social Work Officer Head of Children’s Services No 19 Depute Head of Service Area Service Manager Area Social Work Manager Nos 20-21 Depute Head of Service COUNCIL 2007-2008 90 17th MAY 2007 1




1. PRELIMINARY 1.1 Extent and Application 1.1.1 Glasgow City Council makes these Standing Orders in terms of section 81 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. 1.1.2 The Standing Orders must be interpreted in accordance with the key principles of openness, fairness and non-discrimination. 1.1.3 Subject to the provisions of Standing Order 1.1.7, the Standing Orders apply to all contracts made by or on behalf of the Council for the execution of works, for the supply of goods and materials, or for the provision of services. 1.1.4 The Standing Orders are subject to the over-riding provisions of European Union, United Kingdom, or Scottish legislation. They are also subject to any EU Commission, UK government or Scottish Executive guidance on public procurement that may be issued from time to time. 1.1.5 The Standing Orders shall not apply to any contracts made on behalf of the Council by the Authorities Buying Consortium or any other central purchasing body with whom the Council has made arrangements for the award of works, supplies or services contracts on its behalf. 1.1.6 All Council personnel shall comply with the terms of the Standing Orders. Failure by any employee to comply with the Standing Orders may result in disciplinary action. 1.1.7 The Standing Orders do not apply to any of the following: contracts of employment; social care contracts (which shall be subject to separate Standing Orders); contracts relating to the disposal of heritable property; and contracts for the execution of works, the supply of goods and materials, or the provision of services which are, in the reasonable opinion of the Executive Director of the Procuring Service, urgently required for the prevention of risk to life or damage to property. 1.1.8 The Standing Orders may be reviewed by the Council from time to time. 1.1.9 The Standing Orders may be suspended either in whole or in part by the Executive Committee in respect of the proposed award of any contract upon the joint recommendation of the Executive Director of the Procuring Service, the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services. This is subject to the provisos that:— there are special circumstances justifying the suspension; and the suspension is within the statutory powers of the Council. 1.1.10 The Standing Orders must be read in conjunction with the Corporate Procurement Manual. All Council personnel must comply with the Corporate Procurement Manual. Where there is any discrepancy, the Standing Orders shall take precedence. 1.1.11 All directors or trustees of associated or subsidiary companies, trusts or other bodies whose accounts form part of the Council’s Group Accounts shall ensure that they adhere to the procedures set out in these Standing Orders and the Corporate Procurement Manual. It is recognised that such bodies will have their own separate management structures and so will have a different executive approvals process for the conduct of procurement activities and the award of contracts. In all other matters, however, directors or trustees shall follow the procedures set out here. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 91

1.1.12 Any query regarding the application or interpretation of these Standing Orders should be made in the first instance to the Solicitor to the Council.

1.2 Definitions 1.2.1 “Authorities Buying Consortium” means the consortium of West of Scotland local authorities constituted by a Minute of Agreement registered in the Books of Council and Session on 9 October 2000. 1.2.2 “contract documents” means the invitation to tender for or to negotiate a contract, the descriptive document (if any), the proposed conditions of contract, the specification of the supplies, services or works required by the Council and all supplementary documents. 1.2.3 “Corporate Procurement Manual” means the mandatory procedure manual issued by the Council, setting out the detailed requirements for the conduct of procurement activity within the Council (as amended from time to time) with which all Council personnel are required to comply. 1.2.4 “Corporate Procurement Unit” means the unit established within the Council to promote and co-ordinate strategic procurement and develop procurement staff, processes and systems. 1.2.5 “Council’s Buyer Profile” means the website maintained by the Council on which contract documents may be made available to interested parties via the internet. It may be found at 1.2.6 “EU Regulations” means the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2006 (as amended from time to time). 1.2.7 “Executive Committee” means the key decision making body of the Council chaired by the Leader of the Council, except in the case of any contract relating to the Strathclyde Pension Fund, in which case it means the Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee of the Council. 1.2.8 “Executive Director of the Procuring Service” means the head of the Procuring Service. 1.2.9 “Most Economically Advantageous Tender” means the tender offer that is most economically advantageous from the Council’s point of view having regard to the subject matter of the contract and including matters such as quality, price, technical merit, aesthetic and functional characteristics, environmental characteristics, running costs, cost effectiveness, after-sales service, technical assistance, delivery date and delivery period or period of completion (all as may be considered appropriate in relation to any particular contract). 1.2.10 “Procuring Officer” means any officer designated by the Executive Director of the Procuring Service to have particular responsibility for undertaking any procurement exercise (or any part of a procurement exercise) on behalf of the Procuring Service. Each Procuring Officer must be authorised to carry out procurement activities under the Register of Procurement Officers maintained by the Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit. Each Procuring Officer must also have received training based on an overview of the Corporate Procurement Manual. 1.2.11 “Procuring Service” means the service department of the Council with responsibility for procuring any particular requirement for supplies, services or works on behalf of the Council or the disposal of surplus materials. 1.2.12 “Proper Officer” means any officer in the employment of the Council who is duly authorised for the purpose of signing contracts under the Council’s Scheme of Delegations to Officers. 1.2.13 “Strathclyde Pension Fund” means Glasgow City Council in its capacity as administering authority for the Strathclyde Pension Fund in terms of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 1998 (as amended). COUNCIL 2007-2008 92 17th MAY 2007 1

2. TENDERING PROCEDURES FOR DIFFERENT CONTRACT VALUES 2.1 The procedure for the award of any contract depends upon the estimated value of that contract. The relevant values and the associated tendering procedure that must be applied by the Executive Director of the Procuring Service, with effect from 31 January 2006 to 31 December 2007, are detailed in Table 1 below. These values are exclusive of VAT and relate to the full life of the contract. TABLE 1 : RELEVANT VALUES AND ASSOCIATED TENDERING PROCEDURE Contract Type Contract Value Applicable Procedure Works £3,000,000 and above Standing Orders 3, 6 and 7 Supplies/Services £100,000 and above Standing Orders 3, 6 and 7 Works Up to £3,000,000 Standing Orders 4, 6 and 7 Supplies/Services Up to £100,000 Standing Orders 4, 6 and 7 Works/Supplies/Services Up to £20,000 Standing Order 5 (Supplies/Services) or £300,000 (Works) in cases where tendering is inappropriate These values will be reviewed in accordance with any revision of the threshold values for supply, services or works contracts intimated from time to time by the EU Commission. All other financial limits specified in the Standing Orders shall be subject to review from time to time in accordance with Standing Order 1.1.8. 3. EU PROCUREMENT : SUPPLIES/SERVICES CONTRACTS OF £100,000 AND ABOVE and WORKS CONTRACTS OF £3,000,000 AND ABOVE This Standing Order applies together with the procedures in Standing Order 6 and 7 where the Executive Director of the Procuring Service proposes to award any contract with an estimated value equal to or exceeding the prescribed threshold. 3.1 Prescribed Thresholds With effect from 31 January 2006-31 December 2007, the prescribed thresholds are as follows:— Contracts for the execution of works : £3,000,000 Contracts for the supply of goods/materials : £100,000 Contracts for the provision of services : £100,000 Values are exclusive of VAT and relate to the full life of the contract. (Note also that they are not identical to the prescribed EU thresholds). 3.2 Aggregation 3.2.1 The Procuring Officer must take into account the aggregate value of any single requirement for works, services or supplies across the whole Council to determine if it exceeds the EU threshold. If so, even if the procurement of any such requirement is split among a number of contracts which, taken individually, are below the threshold values, each of these contracts is subject to the EU Regulations in the same way as if the requirement were procured through a single large contract. 3.2.2 The following rules for aggregation must be applied by the Procuring Officer: if there is a number of contracts for a single requirement for the same type of works, supplies or services then the total value of the individual contracts (or “lots”) must be aggregated. If the aggregate value over the contract term equals or exceeds the relevant threshold then, subject to Standing Order, the EU Regulations apply to the award of each contract. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 93 there is an exemption for “small lots” of an estimated value over the contract term below £54,738 (for supplies or services) and £684,221 (for works) as long as this value does not exceed 20% of the total value of all “lots”. Any exempt “small lot” must be advertised in accordance with Standing Order 4.

3.3 Mixed Procurement The EU Regulations include rules for determining how to treat mixed procurement comprising goods and services, as follows:—

3.3.1 Part A/Part B Services Where services specified in both Parts A and B of the “Categories of Services” as described in Schedule 3 to the EU Regulations are to be provided under a single contract, then the entire contract shall be treated as: a Part A Services contract if the value attributable to the services specified in Part A exceeds that attributable to those specified in Part B; and a Part B Services contract if the value attributable to the services specified in Part B is equal to or exceeds that attributable to those specified in Part A. If the value of the Part A Services exceeds the relevant EU threshold, however, then the entire contract must be advertised as a Part A Services contract.

3.3.2 Services/Supplies Where services and supplies are to be provided under a single contract, then the entire contract shall be treated as: a services contract if the value attributable to the services exceeds that attributable to the supplies; and a supplies contract if the value attributable to the supplies is equal to or exceeds that attributable to the services.

3.3.3 Services/Works Where a contract for services includes “Activities Constituting Works” as described in Schedule 2 to the EU Regulations that are only incidental to the principal object of the contract then the entire contract shall be treated as a services contract.

3.4 EU Procurement Procedures All procurement under the EU Regulations shall be carried out in accordance with one of the following procedures:— • the open procedure; • the restricted procedure; • the negotiated procedure : (i) with prior publication of a Contract Notice; or (ii) without prior publication of a Contract Notice. • the competitive dialogue procedure.

3.4.1 Open Procedure This is a straightforward “one stage” tendering procedure. The assessment of suppliers and their qualifications to undertake the contract takes place at the same time as the evaluation of their tender. COUNCIL 2007-2008 94 17th MAY 2007 1

3.4.2 Restricted Procedure This is a two stage tendering procedure, suitable where the Council wants to limit the number of suppliers who are invited to tender. The assessment of suppliers and their qualifications to undertake the contract is carried out as an initial “pre-qualification” stage through the issue of a Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PQQ). The Council is then entitled to select those suppliers who meet the PQQ requirements for invitation to tender. A minimum of 5 tenderers must, wherever possible, be invited to tender.

3.4.3 Negotiated Procedure This procedure may only be used where expressly permitted under the EU Regulations. The Executive Director of the Procuring Service must obtain the prior written permission of the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services in order to use the negotiated procedure. There are two forms of the negotiated procedure:— • negotiated procedure where publication of a Contract Notice is mandatory; and • negotiated procedure where publication of a Contract Notice is non-mandatory.

3.4.4 Competitive Dialogue This procedure is only available in limited circumstances when a particularly complex contract is being procured. The Executive Director of the Procuring Service must obtain the prior written permission of the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services in order to use the competitive dialogue procedure. The nature of the procedure allows the Council, through dialogue with suppliers, to develop a specification best suited to meeting its needs. A minimum of 3 tenderers must, wherever possible, be invited to participate in the dialogue. Procuring Officers shall ensure that the selected procedure is carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the EU Regulations. The Solicitor to the Council must be consulted for legal advice in order to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions.

3.5 Advertising 3.5.1 Contracts affected by the EU Regulations must be advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). There are three kinds of notices which may require to be published (depending on the procedure selected) in the OJEU at different stages in the procurement process as follows:— a Prior Indicative Notice (PIN) which gives advance warning to contractors of the essential characteristics of a forthcoming contract, including a forecast of when the Contract Notice will appear in the OJEU. Each PIN must be published at least 52 days and no more than 12 months before despatch of the Contract Notice; a Contract Notice giving more details about the particular contract including the criteria by which the contract is to be awarded; a Contract Award Notice giving details of any contract awarded under the EU Regulations which must be published regardless of whether any of the other Notices have been published. 3.5.2 Where the Executive Director of the Procuring Service wishes to retain an option to extend the period of any contract in accordance with the provisions of these Standing Orders, the Procuring Officer shall ensure that the Contract Notice expressly states that the contract may be extended for a specified period using the negotiated procedure. 3.5.3 The Contracts Administration Section within the Corporate Law Section of Legal and Administrative Services must be consulted regarding the preparation and publication of any notice to be published in the OJEU. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 95

3.6 Timescales 3.6.1 The EU Regulations set out timescales that must be applied for expressions of interest and/or submission of tenders. These depend upon the procedure that has been selected. The Executive Director of the Procuring Service must ensure that, as a minimum, the relevant timescale detailed in Table 2 below is applied during the EU tendering procedure. These are minimum timescales and may be extended (but not reduced) at the discretion of the Executive Director of the Procuring Service:— TABLE 2 : EU PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES : MINIMUM TIMESCALES Tender Response Tender Response where PIN where PIN published Expression of published (general (minimum Procedure Interest Tender Response requirement) requirement) Open (incl. DPS) N/A 52 days 36 days 22 days Restricted 37 days 40 days 36 days 22 days Negotiated (with prior 37 days N/A N/A 22 days publication of a Contract Notice) Negotiated (without prior N/A N/A N/A N/A publication of a Contract Notice) Competitive Dialogue 37 days N/A N/A N/A DPS Call-off N/A 15 days N/A N/A (see Standing order Accelerated Procedure 15 days 10 days N/A 10 days NB: Timescale period commences from the day following date of despatch of relevant notice to the OJEU. Timescales must be extended if required due to the complexity of the particular procurement. Tender response periods, where stated to be “N/A” for the negotiated and competitive dialogue procedures, should allow sufficient time from the despatch of the invitation to tender to enable compliance with Standing Order 3.6.4. It is recommended that the tender response period under either of those procedures is the same as for the restricted procedure. 3.6.2 In cases of urgency rendering compliance with the normal timescales impractical, with the prior written approval of the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services, the timescales in the restricted procedure or the negotiated procedure (with prior advertisement) for expressions of interest can be reduced to 15 days and for return of tenders to 10 days. An explanation why the accelerated timescales are used must be included in the Contract Notice. (Urgency, in this context must be narrowly defined and must normally arise for reasons external to the Council. It does not cover situations of administrative inefficiency). The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall prepare and retain a written report regarding the reason(s) why the accelerated timescale was applied in relation to any particular tendering procedure. 3.6.3 Certain minimum timescales specified in Table 2 may be reduced for certain procedures where electronic means of communication and information exchange are used as follows:— • by seven days where the Contract Notice is drawn up and transmitted by electronic means in accordance with the format and procedure set out on the EU commission’s SIMAP website(; • by five days where the Council offers unrestricted and full direct access by electronic means to the contract documents (in accordance with Standing Order 7) from the date of publication of the Contract Notice and the Contract Notice specifies the Internet address at which the documents are available. These reduced timescales are shown in Table 3 below:— COUNCIL 2007-2008 96 17th MAY 2007 1

TABLE 3 : EU PROCUREMENT PROCEDURE : REDUCED TIMESCALES WHERE ELECTRONIC MEANS OF COMMUNICATION USED Tender Response Tender Response where PIN where PIN published Expressions of published (general (minimum Procedure Interest Tender Response requirement) requirement) Online Online Online Online SIMAP Access SIMAP Access SIMAP Access SIMAP Access Format Only Format Only Format Only Format Only *Open N/A N/A 45 days 47 days 29 days 31 days 22 days 22 days (incl. DPS) Restricted 30 days No No 35 days No 31 days 22 days 22 days reduction reduction reduction Negotiated 37 days No N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 days 22 days (with prior (where reduction publication no PIN of a Contract published) Notice) 30 days (where PIN published) Negotiated N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 days 22 days (without prior publication of a Contract Notice) Competitive 30 days No N/A N/A N/A N/A 22 days 22 days Dialogue reduction Accelerated 10 days No No No N/A N/A 10 days 10 days Procedure reduction reduction reduction * Where documents are communicated by a combination of both SIMAP Format and online access, the timescale in the Open Procedure can be reduced to 40 days for tender response (where no PIN published) and 24 days for tender response (where PIN published—general requirement). 3.6.4 In the event that any tenderer reasonably requests further information relating to the contract documents, such information must be sent out not later than six days before the last date for receipt of tenders (or four days if the restricted or accelerated procedure is being used). The same information must also be made available to all other tenderers within the same timescales. 3.7 Tenderers Right to Information Regarding Contract Awards 3.7.1 As soon as possible after a decision has been made, following the evaluation process set out in Standing Order 6.3, to award any contract to the successful tenderer(s):— the Contract acceptance letter(s) shall be issued by the Solicitor to the Council in accordance with Standing Order 6.4.4; and the Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall prepare letters for issue at the same time as the acceptance letter(s) by the Solicitor to the Council informing unsuccessful candidates (i.e. those who failed to be selected for invitation to tender) and unsuccessful tenderers of:— (1) the criteria for the award of contract; 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 97

(2) where practicable the score obtained by:— • that unsuccessful candidate/tenderer; and • the successful tenderer(s); and (3) the name of the successful tenderer(s). 3.7.2 The Corporate Procurement Manual, at Section 10.13, refers Procuring Officers to standard templates of the relevant letters to be issued to tenderers. 3.7.3 As soon as possible after any decision to abandon or re-commence an award procedure, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service must inform all tenderers.

3.8 Mandatory Standstill Period In relation to any contract award to which the EU Regulations apply, with the exception of Part B Services as described in Schedule 3 to the EU Regulations:— 3.8.1 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall leave a minimum standstill period of 10 calendar days between the date of informing tenderers of the award decision and making the actual award of the contract. If any tenderer makes a written request for a debriefing by midnight on the second working day of the 10 day standstill period, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service must de-brief that tenderer during the standstill period. 3.8.2 Upon such written request, any unsuccessful candidate or tenderer must be advised of the reason(s) why it was unsuccessful and the characteristics and relative advantages of the successful tenderer. 3.8.3 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service must allow three working days between the de-briefing and the end of the standstill period. If necessary to meet this requirement, the standstill period must be extended. The Corporate Procurement Manual or, as required, the Solicitor to the Council must be consulted for further guidance on this aspect of the award procedure. 3.8.4 In any event, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall, within 15 days of a written request from any unsuccessful candidate/tenderer inform that candidate/tenderer of the reasons why it was unsuccessful and the name of the successful tenderer(s).

3.9 Special Types of EU contract/procedures 3.9.1 Framework Agreement A Framework Agreement is a general term for agreements with economic operators which set out terms and conditions under which specific purchases (call-offs) can be made throughout the term of the agreement. Regulation 19 of the EU Regulations must be applied to the award of any Framework Agreement. In awarding any Framework Agreement under the EU Regulations:— (1) the term of the Framework Agreement must not exceed four years unless the Executive Director of the Procuring Service obtains the prior written agreement of the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services that there are exceptional circumstances justifying a longer duration; (2) no substantial change may be made to the terms of the Framework Agreement when any contract is awarded under that Framework; and (3) no Framework Agreement may be used in any improper manner to distort competition or avoid application of the EU Regulations or these Standing Orders. In awarding any contract under a Framework Agreement:— (1) the contract must comply with all the substantive terms set out in the Framework Agreement as originally awarded. COUNCIL 2007-2008 98 17th MAY 2007 1

(2) without prejudice to (1) above, where there is only one Framework supplier, in awarding any contract under that Framework the Executive Director of the Procuring Service may consult with the supplier in writing requesting it to supplement its tender if necessary. (3) where there is more than one Framework supplier:— • provided that there were sufficient qualified candidates and compliant tenders, the Framework Agreement must be entered into with at least three suppliers; and • any contract under the Framework Agreement must be awarded either:— O through the application of terms set out in the Framework Agreement without further competition, or O where not all the terms of the proposed contract are laid down in the Framework Agreement, through a mini-competition. Where award of the contract is made through mini competition: (1) award criteria for any mini-competition must be stated in the Framework Agreement; (2) all Framework suppliers capable of performing the contract must be informed in writing about the contract and invited to tender by a specified reasonable deadline; and (3) the contract must be awarded to the tenderer who submitted the best tender in accordance with the award criteria stated in the Framework Agreement.

3.9.2 Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) A DPS is a completely electronic system which may be established for a limited period to purchase commonly used supplies, services or works. Regulation 20 of the EU Regulations must be applied in relation to the use of any DPS. The Council may use a DPS only for the purchase of commonly used works, services or goods. The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall decide, in consultation with the Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit, the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services whether a DPS may be used for the purchase of any specific works, services or goods. Where a DPS is so used, it must:— (1) operate as a completely electronic system; (2) not last for more than four years unless the Executive Director of the Procuring Service obtains the written permission of the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services that there are exceptional circumstances justifying a longer duration; (3) not be operated in a manner that hinders, prevents or distorts competition. Where the Executive Director of the Procuring Service decides to establish and operate a DPS:— (1) the DPS shall be advertised by publication of a Contract Notice under the open procedure; (2) the Contract Notice must specify where the contract documents may be found; (3) any tenderer who meets the evaluation criteria and submits a compliant indicative tender must be invited to participate in the DPS; (4) any tenderer who misses an initial opportunity to participate may still apply at a later date to be included in the DPS; 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 99

(5) when any particular contract is to be awarded under the DPS, a simplified Contract Notice must be sent to the OJEU in the first instance, inviting any tenderer who is not already participating to submit an indicative tender within 15 days from despatch of the notice (see Table in Standing Order 3.6.1); (6) when the specified deadline has passed, all indicative tenders must be evaluated and all members of the DPS invited to tender for the particular contract within a time limit set by the Council; (7) the particular contract must be awarded to the tenderer who submits the best tender in accordance with the award criteria specified in the original Contract Notice (although such criteria may be formulated more precisely). (8) tenderers must not be charged for application to join or admission to the DPS. 3.9.3 e-Auctions An e-Auction is a repetitive electronic process by which all tenderers submit prices to be revised downwards or otherwise submit new and improved elements of their tenders. Regulation 21 of the EU Regulations must be applied in relation to the use of any e-Auction. e-Auctions may be used under most tender procedures and, where competition is being re-opened, under either a Framework Agreement or DPS. They may be used as part of a 2-stage tendering procedure which allows for the submission of qualitative information for evaluation, followed by an e-Auction for the submission of prices. They may not be used:— (1) in certain circumstances where the negotiated procedure is being used; (2) for the award of a works or services contract concerning intellectual performance (e.g. the design of works); (3) where the contract specification cannot be precisely established. Prior to the publication of any Contract Notice for a contract where it is intended to use an e-Auction, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall consult with the Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit. Where it is agreed to conduct an e-Auction:— (1) the contract documents must be drafted and the e-Auction conducted in accordance with specific procedural rules issued by the Solicitor to the Council in consultation with the Executive Director of Financial Services and the Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit as set out in the Corporate Procurement Manual; (2) the Contract Notice must state that an e-Auction may be used for the award of the contract; (3) the award criteria for the contract must be either price only or on price and/or other factors where the award criteria is the Most Economically Advantageous Tender. An e-Auction can only take quality criteria into account where these can be quantified and expressed in figures or percentages; (4) all tenderers who submit admissible tenders must be invited to participate in the e-Auction; (5) the invitation to tender must include details on how the e-Auction will be conducted; (6) throughout the e-Auction, tenderers may submit new prices or values and the Procuring Oficer must ensure that sufficient information is communicated instantaneously to each tenderer to ascertain its relative ranking in the e-Auction at any time; (7) the identity of participating tenderers may not be disclosed during any phase of the e-Auction; and COUNCIL 2007-2008 100 17th MAY 2007 1

(8) at the close of the e-Auction, the contract must be awarded on the basis of the results of the e-Auction taken together with any other tender evaluation criteria.

3.10 Special Rules : Works Concessions; Public Housing Schemes; Design Contracts 3.10.1 Special rules apply to the procurement of the following types of contract:— works concession contracts : where the contractor or “concessionaire” is not paid directly by the Council, but is instead given an opportunity to exploit the works to be constructed in order to generate profit. design and construct contracts for public housing schemes. contests for the acquisition of plans or designs by the Council following adjudication by a jury, as part of a procedure leading to the award of a public services contract of a value in excess of the relevant EU threshold. 3.10.2 Such contracts must be awarded in accordance with the relevant rules set down in the EU Regulations. The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall consult the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services prior to commencing any tendering procedure for the award of such contracts.

4. SUPPLIES/SERVICES CONTRACTS UP TO £100,000 and WORKS CONTRACTS UP TO £3,000,000 This Standing Order applies together with the procedures in Standing Order 6 and 7 where the Executive Director of the Procuring Service proposes to award any contract with an estimated value of up to £100,000 (for supplies or services) or £3,000,000 (for works) or is otherwise exempt from the provisions of Standing Order 3. 4.1 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service must:- 4.1.1 assess whether the contract might potentially be of interest to economic operators located in other Member States of the European Union; and 4.1.2 ensure a degree of advertising sufficient to enable competition in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and non-discrimination. 4.2 For any contract that is deemed to be potentially of interest to economic operators located in other Member States of the European Union advertisement on the Council’s Buyer Profile and in accordance with Standing Order 3 shall be required in order to comply with this Standing Order. 4.3 For any contract that is not deemed to be potentially of interest to economic operators located in other Member States of the European Union, advertisement on the Council’s Buyer Profile shall be deemed sufficient to comply with this Standing Order. 4.4 The tendering procedure set out in Standing Order 3 shall be applied to any contract advertised in accordance with Standing Order 4.3 above where the contract is potentially of interest to economic operators located in other Member States of the European Union.

5. SUPPLIES/SERVICES CONTRACTS BELOW £20,000 and WORKS CONTRACTS BELOW £300,000 IN CASES WHERE TENDERING IS CONSIDERED INAPPROPRIATE The tendering procedure laid down in Standing Order 4 need not be applied to any contract with a total estimated value below £20,000 (for supplies/services) or £300,000 (for works) where tendering is considered inappropriate as long as the duration of the contract does not exceed four years. 5.1 For the purposes of this Standing Order, tendering is inappropriate in the following cases:— 5.1.1 in respect of any contract which is, in the reasonable opinion of the Executive Director of the Procuring Service, urgently required for the prevention of risk to life or damage to property; or 5.1.2 where, in the opinion of the Executive Director of the Procuring Service, there exist special circumstances which make it impossible or inappropriate to seek formal tenders (e.g. where there is only one potential supplier). 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 101

5.2 Where tendering is inappropriate, the following procedure shall apply:- 5.2.1 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall prepare and retain for audit purposes a written report recording the reason(s) why the tendering procedure was not applied. 5.2.2 Where possible, three bids must be obtained by telephone, fax or written quotation. Any oral quotation must be confirmed in writing. All quotations must be retained. The successful quotation shall be accepted by the Executive Director of the Procuring Service following evaluation in accordance with Section 10.3 of the Corporate Procurement Manual. 5.3 Where the circumstances set out in Standing Order 5.1 above do not exist, tendering is appropriate and Standing Order 4 must be applied to the award of any contract with an estimated value below £20,000 (for supplies/services) or £300,000 (for works). 5.4 Even at this value of expenditure, a contract is required. The Procuring Officer must ensure that either an appropriate works contract is used or in the case of supplies/services, where considered appropriate, the Council’s Standard Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Services form the basis of the contract. The Procuring Officer must determine whether these Standard Terms and Conditions are sufficient to govern the contract and, in cases of doubt, must contact the Solicitor to the Council for advice. NB—Experience suggests that contracts for leasing of equipment (e.g. photocopiers, vending machines etc,) can be onerous. The Procuring Officer must obtain approval from the Executive Director of Financial Services to enter into such leasing agreements.

6. TENDERING PROCEDURES FOR ALL CONTRACTS (SUBMISSION, OPENING, EVALUATION, ACCEPTANCE AND REPORTING) This Standing Order applies in respect of all contracts, irrespective of value, to be procured in accordance with either Standing Orders 3 or 4. 6.1 Submission 6.1.1 Invitation to Tender The invitation to tender and contract documents shall:— • state the nature and purpose for which tenders are invited. • state the location, date and time (in all cases 12 noon) for the delivery of tenders. • state that tenders received after the closing date and time specified in the contract documents, or at a place other than the location specified, shall not be considered • specify the period during which tenders must remain open for acceptance. • state that the Council reserves the right to accept other than the lowest tender or to accept no tender at all. • set out the criteria which shall be used in evaluating tenders. • where the evaluation criteria are other than the lowest price, these shall be set out in order of importance in the contract documents. • include a Tender Offer page with provision for the total tender price to be inserted (where appropriate) and a signature by an authorised signatory on behalf of the tenderer. • state that no tender shall be received except in a sealed envelope bearing the words “Tender for …………..” followed by the name and number of the contract to which it relates and the name or other description of the tenderer. (NB this last requirement shall not apply where the procurement procedure is being carried out by electronic means of communication in accordance with Standing Order 7). COUNCIL 2007-2008 102 17th MAY 2007 1 Tenders of a value up to £100,000 (supplies/services) or £3,000,000 (works) must be delivered to a prescribed location within the Procuring Service. Tenders of a value of £100,000 and above (supplies/services) or £3,000,000 and above (works) must be delivered to a prescribed location within the Chief Executive Department (Legal and Administrative Services). All tenders shall remain in the custody of the Procuring Service (or, where appropriate, the Corporate Law Section of Legal and Administrative Services) to which they have been delivered until they have been opened. 6.1.2 Late Tenders No tender shall be considered for acceptance unless it is received at the specified location by the date and time prescribed according to the contract documents. Late tenders must remain unopened. The tenderer must be advised as soon as possible that if the late tender is not uplifted (or re-called if the procurement procedure is being carried out by electronic means of communication in accordance with Standing Order 7) within 14 days it will be destroyed (or deleted). Where there is any question as to whether or not a tender has been received late, the express approval of the Solicitor to the Council shall be required to admit the tender for consideration. Any tender submitted to an address other than the location specified in the contract documents must remain unopened. The tenderer must be advised as soon as possible that if the tender is not uplifted (or re-called if the procurement procedure is being carried out by electronic means of communication in accordance with Standing Order 7) within 14 days it will be destroyed (or deleted). 6.2 Opening 6.2.1 Authorised Officers Tenders shall be opened as follows:— In the case of contracts: • for the provision of supplies or services of up to an estimated value of £100,000; and • for the execution of works of up to an estimated value of £3,000,000, tenders shall be opened by two officers of the Procuring Service, one of whom shall be at a salary grade not lower than Grade 7 unless otherwise expressly authorised by the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services; In the case of all other contracts, tenders shall be opened by two officers of the Chief Executive Department (Legal and Administrative Services), at least one of whom shall be at a salary grade not lower than Grade 9. 6.2.2 Disqualification Mandatory Disqualification The following tenders must not be considered for acceptance:— (1) unless the procurement procedure is being carried out by electronic means of communication in accordance with Standing Order 7, • tenders submitted in whole or in part in pencil • tenders submitted by fax • tenders submitted by email • tenders submitted to the wrong location (see Standing Order above) (2) late tenders (see Standing Order 6.1.2 above). 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 103 Qualified Tenders Any tender which attempts to qualify any terms or conditions in the contract documents may be disqualified. Where a Procuring Officer considers that it would be appropriate to disqualify such a tender he or she shall consult the Solicitor to the Council who will decide, in consultation with the Executive Director of Financial Services where necessary, whether the tender shall be disqualified.

6.3 Evaluation 6.3.1 The contract documents shall state whether tenders are to be evaluated on the criteria of either lowest price or Most Economically Advantageous Tender. Tenders shall be evaluated strictly in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the contract documents. 6.3.2 No tender is to be accepted in accordance with criteria not set out in the contract documents unless following consultation with the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of the Procuring Service it is agreed that there are exceptional circumstances. The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall report on that tender to the Executive Committee prior to award of the contract. 6.3.3 If, during the evaluation process, any post-tender communication with tenderers is necessary prior to contract award in order to clarify or supplement any aspect of their tender, such communication shall be conducted in accordance with Standing Order 12.

6.4 Acceptance 6.4.1 If none of the tenders submitted is to be accepted, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service or, as appropriate, the Solicitor to the Council shall notify all tenderers accordingly. No tender shall be accepted unless the Executive Director of the Procuring Service and the Executive Director of Financial Services are satisfied as to the technical capability, professional fitness and financial standing of the successful tenderer. 6.4.2 After a tender has been accepted, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service or, as appropriate, the Solicitor to the Council shall notify unsuccessful tenderers, indicating who was awarded the contract and (where practicable) the estimated cost of that contract. 6.4.3 All letters issued under this Standing Order 6.4 shall be issued at the same time and shall comply with the requirements of the Corporate Procurement Manual and shall be in the form prescribed in the Procurement Tool-Kit issued along with the Corporate Procurement Manual. The Solicitor to the Council must be consulted in cases where further advice or assistance is required. Where the EU Regulations apply to the award of any contract, letters shall be issued in accordance with Standing Orders 3.7 and 3.8. 6.4.4 Letters to Successful Tenderers Letters of acceptance shall be issued to the successful tenderer(s) in accordance with the following procedure:— Contracts equal to or in excess of £500,000 (Supplies/Services), and equal to or in excess of £3,000,000 (Works):— The Solicitor to the Council shall issue any letter of acceptance upon instruction from the Executive Committee provided that the Executive Committee decision to instruct acceptance has not been called in by the prescribed number of Council members by noon on the sixth working day following the Executive Committee meeting. In the event that the decision has been so called-in, the acceptance letter shall not be issued until the Solicitor to the Council has been instructed to do so in accordance with a final decision of the Executive Committee. Contracts for supplies/services equal to or in excess of £100,000 up to £500,000 and works contracts equal to or in excess of £100,000 up to £3,000,000:— COUNCIL 2007-2008 104 17th MAY 2007 1

The Solicitor to the Council shall issue any letter of acceptance upon instruction from the Executive Director of the Procuring Service. Contracts up to £100,000 (whether for supplies, services or works): The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall issue any letter of acceptance. 6.4.5 Letters to Unsuccessful Tenderers/Candidates For all contracts, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall issue any letter informing unsuccessful tenderers/candidates of the Council’s decision regarding the award of a contract. 6.4.6 Execution of Contracts Every contract shall be signed on behalf of the Council by a Proper Officer. 6.5 Reporting 6.5.1 Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee Any contract awarded with an estimated value in excess of £60,000 but no greater than £500,000 (supplies/services) and £3,000,000 (works) shall be reported to the appropriate Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee by the Executive Director of the Procuring Service. A report shall be submitted to the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee on a three-monthly basis containing the following information in relation to any such contract awarded within that period:— • the value of any contract awarded • the identity of the tenderer to whom it was awarded • the number of tenderers invited to submit a tender • the number of tenders submitted • the criteria adopted for awarding the contract • where due to exceptional circumstances as set out in Standing Order 6.3.2, the contract was to be awarded to anyone other than the lowest or Most Economically Advantageous tenderer, the amount of the lowest or Most Economically Advantageous Tender and the amount of the successful tender and the reason(s) for the selection of the successful tenderer. • such other information as may be specified from time to time by the Solicitor to the Council in consultation with the Executive Director of Financial Services. The report shall also be made available for inspection by other members of the Council. 6.5.2 Contract Management System The Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit shall maintain a Contract Management System (CMS) for the registration and monitoring of all contracts and framework agreements across the Council with a value above £20,000. The Procuring Officer within the Procuring Service shall ensure that the prescribed information is entered onto the CMS and updated regularly in accordance with the requirements of the Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit. The Procuring Officer shall:— (1) enter the prescribed information regarding the proposed contract at the time when the procurement process for the award of that contract is initiated; (2) use the unique CMS contract reference number in relation to that contract throughout the procurement process for the award of that contract on all notices, publications, documentation and correspondence; and (3) ensure that, as successive stages in the procurement process take place, the prescribed information in the CMS is updated accordingly up to and including contract termination. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 105

7. ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT 7.1 The Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit may, in consultation with the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services direct that any suitable procurement procedure is to be carried out by electronic means of communication. 7.2 Where such direction has been made:— 7.2.1 the contract documents may be issued, tenders may be submitted and received, and information throughout the procurement process may be exchanged by electronic means; 7.2.2 the timescales set out in Standing Order 3.6 may be reduced in accordance with Standing Order 3.6.3 where the tendering procedure is subject to the EU Regulations; and 7.2.3 the Procuring Officer shall comply with such procedures as may be issued by the Solicitor to the Council in consultation with the Executive Director of Financial Services and the Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit. Such procedures may permit certain amendments to Standing Order 6 for the sole purpose of facilitating the procurement of a particular contract by means of electronic communication.

8. NEGOTIATED AND EXTENDED CONTRACTS 8.1 With the exception of any contract to which the EU Regulations apply, if:— 8.1.1 the Executive Director of the Procuring Service, the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services consider that there are special circumstances which justify the negotiation of either:— (1) a contract with one supplier; or (2) in the case of an existing contract, an extension to that contract; without prior advertisement in accordance with the Standing Orders, then Standing Order 4 shall not apply to such negotiation. 8.2 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall obtain the prior written agreement of the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services in respect of any contract to be awarded or extended in accordance with Standing Order 8.1.

9. MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 Standards 9.1.1 Where there is a recognised European or International standard applicable to any contract current at the date of tender, the contract documents shall require that the works, goods, or services to be supplied shall at least meet the requirements of that standard. 9.1.2 In the absence of any such European or International standard, the contract documents shall require that an appropriate equivalent standard be used. In presenting evidence of equivalence tenderers shall be required to provide a certified translation into English of the standard being used. 9.2 Prevention of Collusion, Corruption or Illegal Practices 9.2.1 Every contract shall include a clause entitling the Council to:— terminate the contract if the supplier or its representative (whether with or without the supplier’s knowledge) shall have:— (1) practised collusion in tendering for the contract or any other contract with the Council; or (2) employed any corrupt or illegal practices in obtaining or performing the contract or any other contract with the Council; and recover from the supplier the amount of any loss resulting from such termination. COUNCIL 2007-2008 106 17th MAY 2007 1

9.3 Equal Opportunity and Race Equality 9.3.1 Before entering into any contract, the Procuring Officer shall obtain from the supplier an assurance in writing that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the supplier has:- complied with all statutory requirements relating to equal opportunity in employment; and is not unlawfully discriminating within the meaning and scope of the Race Relations Act 1976 as amended by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 (or any statutory modification or re-enactment) relating to discrimination in employment. 9.4 Freedom of Information 9.4.1 The contract documents shall give notice to tenderers of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (or, if applicable, the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004). The Act and Regulations give a statutory right of access to all information held by the Council except where an exemption or exception can be applied. 9.4.2 Tenderers who seek to incorporate provisions within any contract that all or some information is provided by them in confidence will not necessarily be entitled to rely on such provisions. 9.4.3 The Procuring Officer shall ensure that the standard Freedom of Information clause drafted by the Solicitor to the Council is incorporated in the contract documents. 9.5 Assignation 9.5.1 Except where otherwise agreed between the Executive Director of the Procuring Service and the Solicitor to the Council, every contract entered into by the Council shall include a clause prohibiting the supplier from assigning or sub-letting the contract without the prior written consent of the Council. 9.6 Scots Law 9.6.1 Except where otherwise agreed between the Executive Director of the Procuring Service and the Solicitor to the Council, every contract entered into by the Council shall be in writing and shall be subject to Scots Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.


10. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS MATERIALS 10.1 The care, custody and level of stores and equipment in any service is the responsibility of the Executive Director of the Procuring Service. He or she shall ensure that all obsolete or excess stock or scrap materials are identified and disposed of by competitive tender or public auction unless beforehand the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services approve otherwise in a particular case. 10.1.1 Disposal Where, in the opinion of the Executive Director of the Procuring Service, stock is surplus or scrap and has been valued, he or she shall first offer the surplus material to other Services of the Council. Only where no other service wishes the surplus material shall it be offered to third parties on the following basis:— For value:— where the Executive Director of the Procuring Service proposes to dispose of surplus or scrap material for value to a third party, such disposal shall take place at the discretion of the Executive Director of the Procuring Service by way of competitive tender in accordance with Standing Order 10.1.2 below. Where surplus or scrap materials are disposed of on a recurring basis (e.g. surplus vehicles) the Executive Director of the Procuring Service may seek the approval of the Executive Committee for a special scheme for disposal. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 107 Donations:— where the Executive Director of the Procuring Service proposes that surplus scrap material be donated or provided at less than the market value to a charity or voluntary organisation, he or she shall seek the approval of the Executive Committee before making such a disposal. Following such approval, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall report the donation to the Executive Committee as soon as reasonably practicable. 10.1.2 Tenders The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall , where he or she considers that tenders are appropriate, ensure that:— details of what has to be disposed are specified and advertised as required; arrangements are made for viewing if appropriate; arrangements for receipt, custody and opening of tenders comply with these Standing Orders; and the tenderer offering the best price shall be accepted. Where, in exceptional cases, the successful tenderer is not the one offering the best price, the Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall prepare and retain a written record of the reason(s) why it was selected. 10.1.3 Quotations Where the Executive Director of the Procuring Service considers the surplus to be a small quantity of materials of low value, he or she may dispose of it on a casual basis. At least three interested parties shall be invited to submit written quotations, where possible. The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall retain a written record of the type and amount of materials disposed of and the successful tender offer. [NOTE: The Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services will not actively circulate to other services details of any surplus vehicles and items of plant for whose maintenance that Service is responsible. The Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services has instituted a file of written requests from other services for such vehicles. Requests will be acknowledged with an indication of whether there is any likelihood of an appropriate surplus vehicle being made available. If any appropriate vehicles become available and are considered potentially suitable for further use, the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services will offer them to the service with the earliest request on file. The offer will contain relevant details of the vehicle and likely costs involved].

11. PAYMENT BY INSTALMENTS In any contract for the supply of goods and materials where the purchase price is to be paid by the Council to any contractor in instalments prior to completion of the contract, the following shall apply:- 11.1 Contracts with a value of £20,000 or below 11.1.1 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service must be satisfied that payment by instalment is the only available option if the contract is to proceed. 11.1.2 The proposed instalments shall reflect the progress of the contract and the approximate value of goods or materials supplied. 11.1.3 If a proposal requires payment for goods or materials which are to be retained in the possession of the contractor (e.g. until further work has been completed) then a document vesting ownership in the Council must be obtained prior to the payment of the first instalment. 11.1.4 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall ensure that any such goods or materials are insured while retained on the Contractor’s premises. COUNCIL 2007-2008 108 17th MAY 2007 1

11.1.5 If any instalment is released following a site or factory visit to inspect work in progress or equipment, a written report of the visit shall be prepared and retained within the contract records. 11.1.6 In cases where there is doubt about the propriety of making instalment payments, advice must be sought from the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services. 11.2 Contracts with a value in excess of £20,000 but below £500,000. 11.2.1 The requirements contained in Standing Orders 11.1.1 to 11.1.6 above also apply in the case of these contracts. 11.2.2 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall obtain the prior written approval of the Solicitor to the Council and the Executive Director of Financial Services when entering into any agreement to make payment by instalments. 11.3 Contracts with a value in excess of £500,000. 11.3.1 The requirements contained in Standing Orders 11.1.1 to 11.1.6 also apply in relation to these contracts. 11.3.2 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service shall obtain the approval of the Executive Committee prior to entering into any agreement to make payment by instalments.

12. POST TENDER COMMUNICATIONS 12.1 The Executive Director of the Procuring Service may instruct Procuring Officers to contact any tenderer in respect of any matter necessary to clarify or supplement their tender in accordance with these Standing Orders and, where applicable, the EU Regulations and any related EU Commission, UK government, or Scottish Executive guidance. 12.2 In order to ensure that there is no distortion of competition, post tender communications undertaken prior to contract award shall be carried out in a restricted and carefully handled manner. Any amendment to tenders or contract documents made as a result of such communications must not go beyond clarifying or supplementing a tenderer’s offer. It is essential to consider, prior to commencing communications whether the amendments that may be achieved are such that a tenderer excluded from the process (whether on the list of tenderers or not) could allege that they had been unfairly treated and/or could have submitted a better offer. 12.3 In particular, all Procuring Officers shall ensure that all discussions on fundamental aspects of contracts, variations on which are likely to distort competition, and in particular on prices, shall be ruled out. 12.4 In conducting post tender communications prior to contract award, Procuring Officers shall comply with the following additional rules:— 12.4.1 all tenderers must be treated equally and in an open and fair manner; 12.4.2 tenderers must not be permitted to amend their bids in a manner that allows them to improve their offer; 12.4.3 post tender communications must not be carried out in such a manner as to leave the Council open to charges of acting anti-competitively; 12.4.4 where any factor giving rise to post tender communications is not specific to one tenderer, all tenderers must be invited to participate in such communications; 12.4.5 there must be no material change to the specification(s) and/or criteria on which tenders are to be assessed; 12.4.6 if it becomes apparent that a material change is required, the tendering process must be recommenced with a revised specification or evaluation criteria; 12.4.7 the Procuring Officer must keep written records of all meetings with contractors and these must include the following details:— 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 109

• who was present from the Council (always more than one officer) and from the tenderer; • the date, time and location of any meeting; and • the nature of the discussion and the outcome (it would be advantageous if both parties can confirm agreement of the accuracy of this record); 12.4.8 if in doubt at any stage in the process, the Procuring Officer must seek advice from the Solicitor to the Council and the Head of the Corporate Procurement Unit, as appropriate. COUNCIL 2007-2008 110 17th MAY 2007 1



PART 1—FINANCIAL REGULATIONS 1. INTRODUCTION Financial Regulations are an integral part of the stewardship of Council Funds. Adhering to the Regulations ensures that all financial transactions of the Council are conducted in a manner which demonstrates openness, integrity and transparency. They form a significant part of the Corporate Governance of the Council.

2. FORMAT Previous versions of the Regulations have provided statements of general principle, some in more detail than others. In many instances the Regulations had to be read in conjunction with procedure manuals, codes of practice and other documents. This latest version of the Regulations takes proper account of these other documents by providing references to the appropriate documents.

3. RESPONSIBILITIES & OBSERVANCE OF FINANCIAL REGULATIONS RESPONSIBILITIES All officers employed by the Council or by a company/trust etc associated with the Council must ensure that all financial transactions are intra vires.

3.1 Responsibility of Executive Director of Financial Services It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director of Financial Services, or designated officer, to ensure that the Financial Regulations, Management and Control Code of Practice is kept up to date and monitored for their effectiveness. Changes in statute, professional guidance or Council policy that have a financial impact shall be reflected in the Code. The Executive Director of Financial Services shall determine the detailed form of capital and revenue estimates. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director of Financial Services to keep members of the Council informed at all times on financial matters.

3.2 Responsibility of Service Executive Directors It shall be the duty of each Service Executive Director to ensure that these Regulations and all associated procedure manuals and documents as listed in Section 4 are made known to appropriate staff members and shall ensure full compliance with them. Each Service Executive Director shall prepare revenue and capital estimates in respect of their Service after consultation with the Executive Director of Financial Services. Service Executive Directors are also responsible for the preparation of Service Plans. Service Executive Directors shall ensure that the Executive Director of Financial Services is informed of financial matters that will have a significant impact on the Service, seeking financial advice where necessary. In particular, Service Executive Directors shall ensure that arrangements are in place to properly account for VAT. Service Executive Directors are also responsible for the submission of an Annual Internal Control Assurance Statement.

3.3 Responsibility of Directors of Associated or Subsidiary Companies, Trusts etc It shall be the responsibility of all directors of associated or subsidiary companies, trusts etc whose accounts form part of the Council’s Group Accounts to adhere to the principles of good financial management as contained in the Financial Regulations, Management and Control Code of Practice and the procedures manuals and documents referred to in section 4. It is recognised that arms length companies and charitable trusts will be required to operate to different standards of financial accounting and reporting. In all other matters directors will be expected to follow the principles laid down in these codes. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 111

3.4 Responsibility of Head of Audit and Inspection The Executive Director of Financial Services has ultimate responsibility for the provision of the Internal Audit service to the Council. The management of Internal Audit is under the control of the Head of Audit and Inspection. The Head of Audit and Inspection also has a responsibility to ensure that all audit and inspectorate functions within the Council operate to a consistent standard that accords with best practice. It shall be the responsibility of the Head of Audit and Inspection to provide the Chief Executive and the Council Management Team and members of the Council with an annual assurance statement on compliance with the Financial Regulations. Service Executive Directors and directors of associated or subsidiary companies and trusts will provide such assistance as the Head of Audit and Inspection may require to provide assurance to the Chief Executive, Executive Director of Financial Services and members of the Council. This assurance is currently provided through the Annual Statement of Financial Control. The Head of Audit and Inspection or duly authorised representative may:— (i) enter at all reasonable times any Council premises or land; (ii) have access to all records (computerised or manual), documents and correspondence relating to any financial or other transaction of the Council; (iii) require and receive such explanations as are necessary concerning any matter under examination; (iv) require any employee to produce cash, stores, or any other Council property under his or her control; and (v) examine financial records of organisations in receipt of grant aid from the Council. The Head of Audit and Inspection may from time to time engage specialist auditors from the private sector to carry out audit work. These auditors are the Head of Audit and Inspection’s representatives and will be afforded the same rights and privileges as a member of Internal Audit. The Head of Legal and Administrative Services will ensure that all contracts with outside partners afford auditors (whether employed directly by or engaged by Internal or External Audit) full access rights as listed above. Whenever any matter arises which involves, or is thought to involve, irregularities concerning funds, stores or other property of the Council or any suspected irregularity in the exercise of the functions of the authority, the Service Executive Director concerned shall notify in writing to the Head of Audit and Inspection who shall take whatever steps are necessary by way of investigation and report. The Head of Audit and Inspection shall deal with such irregularities in accordance with the Council’s Whistleblowing and Response Policy and following consultation with the Chief Executive or Solicitor to the Council shall, where appropriate, report the matter to the Police. The Head of Audit and Inspection will ensure that the current version of the Regulations is always available through the Intranet. 3.5 Members A Committee of the Council shall be charged with overseeing the work of the Audit function. The Terms of Reference for the Committee will be published in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Council and could be expected to include: (i) agreeing the Annual and Strategic Audit Plan; (ii) reviewing all Council Audit and Inspection work against the Plan; (iii) receiving and considering summaries of Internal and External Audit work; (iv) monitoring the implementation of key recommendations; (v) monitoring the performance of Audit and Inspection; (vi) promoting value for money studies; (vii) monitoring internal financial control, risk management and Corporate Governance; (viii) promoting the observance by Councillors of high standards of conduct; (ix) assisting Councillors to observe the Code of Conduct for Councillors in accordance with any guidance issued by the Standards Commission for Scotland; and (x) receiving and approving the annual Assurance Statement. COUNCIL 2007-2008 112 17th MAY 2007 1

3.6 External Audit The Council’s External Auditor shall have the right to demand access to all records (computerised or manual), documents and correspondence relating to any financial or other transactions of the Council and receive such explanations as are necessary concerning any matter under examination. Officers of the Council, officers in arms length companies etc and officials of grant aided bodies will ensure that these rights are given to External Auditors.

3.7 Observance Any breach or non-compliance with these Regulations must on discovery be reported immediately to the Executive Director of Financial Services who may consult the Chief Executive and/or the Service Executive Director considered appropriate in order to determine the proper action to be taken.

4. ASSOCIATED CODES, PROCEDURE MANUALS AND DOCUMENTS The following is a list of codes of practice, procedure manuals and other documents that form an integral part of the Financial Regulations.

4.1 Procurement Manual This document, produced by the Head of Corporate Procurement details the roles and responsibilities of the Procurement Unit and departmental staff and the procedures to be adopted for efficient and cost effective procurement of goods and services. The Head of Procurement is responsible for the maintenance of this document.

4.2 Standing Orders Relating to Contracts This document, produced by the Head of Legal and Administrative Services, supports the Procurement Manual. The Head of Legal and Administrative Services is responsible for the maintenance of this document.

4.3 Whistleblowing and Response Policy This document, produced by the Head of Audit and Inspection, sets out the Council’s policy with regard to whistleblowing and suspected fraud and the audit response to reported cases. The Head of Audit and Inspection is responsible for the maintenance of this document.

4.4 Risk Management The Risk Management Policy and Strategy contain the procedures to be adopted to ensure risk is properly identified and appropriate mitigating control actions are put into place. The Risk Manager is responsible for the maintenance of this document.

4.5 Scheme of Delegated Functions Each service shall adopt a scheme of delegation that fits with the Council’s Scheme of Delegated Functions. The Head of Legal and Administrative Services is responsible for maintenance of this document. Each service is responsible for maintaining its own Scheme of Delegation.

4.6 Corporate Governance Each Service Executive Director shall ensure that their service has sound Corporate Governance arrangements in place and a questionnaire has been compiled for self-assessment purposes.

4.7 Grant Procedures Manual This manual was the work of various officers involved in the management of grants in the Council. The Head of Audit and Inspection is responsible for the maintenance of this document. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 113

4.8 Treasury Management All cash and bank transactions shall comply with the requirement of the CIPFA Code of Treasury Management. The Executive Director of Financial Services shall report to the appropriate Committee not less than twice in each financial year on the activities of the treasury management operation and on the exercise of delegated treasury management powers. One such report shall comprise an annual report on treasury management for presentation by 30 September of the succeeding financial year.

4.9 Debt Write Off These procedures were agreed by the Council Management Team and shall be treated as the minimum required for Best Practice. Any local variation to the procedures should be agreed with the Head of Audit and Inspection.

4.10 Travel Procedures These procedures detail the arrangements for arranging and paying for members and officers travel. These arrangements can only be varied by agreement with the Head of Corporate Procurement.

4.11 Imprest Accounts Arrangements for the management and control of imprests are laid down in imprest guidelines determined by the Executive Director of Financial Services.

4.12 Members Expenses The Scottish Executive has laid down arrangements for the payment of members’ expenses:— Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Allowances & Expenses) Regulations 2007 Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 (Remuneration) Regulations 2007 Local Government (Allowances and Expenses)(Scotland) Regulations 2007 Members, and officers supporting them, will comply with these regulations. The Executive Director of Financial Services has issued guidance to the directors of associated or subsidiary companies, trusts etc informing them that reimbursement of expenses and allowances made by external bodies to elected members is to be in line with the regulations noted above.

4.13 Money laundering Good practice guidelines have been prepared to help protect the Council and individual officers from the potential impact of criminals using the Council to launder money. Proceeds of Crime—Guidance Note Proceeds of Crime—Public Notice Proceeds of Crime—Declaration It is the responsibility of the Head of Audit and Inspection to keep this guidance up to date.

4.14 Others Though not specifically finance abuses of the following codes, documents and procedures can have a significant financial impact and all officers need to be familiar with them: Code of Conduct Information Security Policy Authorisation for Overseas Travel COUNCIL 2007-2008 114 17th MAY 2007 1

5. GOOD PRACTICE NOT COVERED IN INDIVIDUAL CODES The following Good Practice Statements must be observed by all officers. Failure to do so places not only the Council’s assets at risk but could place officers in an invidious position in any investigation.

5.1 Internal Check The following principles shall be observed in the allocation of duties:— (i) Procedures to be followed regarding the calculation, checking and recording of sums due by or to the Council shall be arranged in such a way whereby the work of one person is proven independently or is complementary to the work of another and these operations shall be separated from the duty of collecting or disbursing such sums. (ii) Officers charged with the duty of examining and checking the accounts of cash transactions shall not themselves be engaged in any of these transactions.

5.2 Cash, Banking, and Security 5.2.1 Treatment of Monies Collected • All monies received shall be paid into the Council’s bank accounts daily or remitted to the Executive Director of Financial Services without delay at such intervals as may be approved by the Executive Director of Financial Services. • All money received by an officer on behalf of the Council shall without delay be remitted to the Executive Director of Financial Services, or as otherwise directed, to the Council’s bank accounts. • No deduction may be made from such money save to the extent that the Executive Director of Financial Services may specifically authorise. • Each officer who banks money shall enter on the paying-in slip a reference to the source of the income. • Maximum limits for cash holdings shall be agreed with the Executive Director of Financial Services and shall not be exceeded without express permission. 5.2.2 Forms, Books and Tickets All receipt forms, books, tickets and other such items shall be ordered and supplied under arrangements approved by the Executive Director of Financial Services. 5.2.3 Personal Cheques Personal cheques from Council staff shall not be cashed out of monies held on behalf of the Council. 5.2.4 Transfers of Money Every transfer of Council money (cash or cheques) from one member of staff to another will be evidenced in the records of the services concerned by the signature of the receiving officer. 5.2.5 Arrangements with Bankers All arrangements with the Council’s Bankers concerning the Council’s bank accounts and the issue of cheques, BACS and other forms of payment shall be made by the Executive Director of Financial Services. The Executive Director of Financial Services shall make all arrangements with the Council’s Bankers concerning the use of purchase cards and credit cards. 5.2.6 Opening and Closing of Bank Accounts Official bank accounts, with the exception of service imprest bank accounts bearing the Council’s name shall only be opened or closed by the Executive Director of Financial Services. 5.2.7 Cheque Control (i) All cheques and other documents, but excluding cheques drawn on authorised imprest accounts, shall be ordered only on the authority of the Executive Director of Financial Services who shall make proper arrangements for their safe custody. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 115

(ii) Cheques on the Council’s main bank accounts shall bear the facsimile signature of the Executive Director of Financial Services and/or other officer authorised by the Council.

5.2.8 Safe Keys Keys to safes and similar security boxes are to be carried on the person of those responsible at all times. The loss of any such keys must be reported immediately to the Executive Director of Financial Services. A register of all such key holders shall be maintained by each Service Executive Director.

5.3 Employee Remuneration 5.3.1 Responsibility for Payment Arrangements The payment of all salaries, wages, compensation and other emoluments to all employees, former employees, Elected Members or beneficiaries shall be made by the Executive Director of Financial Services with the assistance of the Head of the Shared Service Centre under arrangements made or approved by the Executive Director of Financial Services. Each Service Executive Director shall provide such information as directed by the Executive Director of Financial Services and/or the Head of the Shared Service Centre as is necessary to ensure remuneration is made accurately and timeously. Service Executive Directors shall also maintain records of service for superannuation, income tax, national insurance and social security purposes as directed. 5.3.2 Form and Certification of Records All time records or other pay documents shall be in a form prescribed or approved by the Executive Director of Financial Services and/or the Head of Shared Service Centre and shall be certified by or on behalf of the Service Executive Director. Each Service Executive Director shall maintain a list of officers to authorise time records and other records. All requests and/or information relating to pay information, whether in paper or electronic format, shall be authorised. A list of officers appointed by Service Executive Directors to authorise payroll information shall be prepared and submitted to the Head of the Shared Service Centre. Changes to these lists shall be notified timeously to the Executive Director of Financial Services and/or the Head of the Shared Service Centre. 5.3.3 Recording and Provision of Information to Statutory Bodies Each Service Executive Director shall ensure that appropriate systems are in place to record and report statutory information by due dates. 5.3.4 Overpayments of Salaries and Wages The Head of the Shared Service Centre shall ensure that all overpayments of salaries and wages, together with details of recovery agreements, are recorded in an overpayments register and shall ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to recover overpayments.

5.4 Officers’ Travelling Expenses and Allowances 5.4.1 Arrangements for Claims The Executive Director of Financial Services shall be responsible for making arrangements for the administration and regulation of payment of claims for expenses to employees of the Council and other approved bodies.

5.4.2 Claim Forms All claims for payment of car allowances, subsistence allowances, travelling, telephone expenses and incidental expenditure shall be made, duly certified on the form prescribed by the Executive Director of Financial Services. No officer authorised to certify such claims shall certify their own personal claims. COUNCIL 2007-2008 116 17th MAY 2007 1

5.4.3 Certification of Claims Certification shall be taken to mean that the certifying officer is satisfied that the journeys were authorised, the expenditure properly and necessarily incurred and that the allowances are properly payable by the Council. 5.4.4 Time Limits Officers’ claims submitted more than 3 months after the expenses were incurred will be paid only in exceptional circumstances.

5.5 Stocks and Stores 5.5.1 Care and Custody of Stock The care, custody and level of stores and equipment in any service shall be the responsibility of the appropriate Service Executive Director who will ensure that: - (i) Stocktaking is carried out periodically by persons other than storekeepers as agreed by the Service Executive Director. (ii) Year end stock checks are notified to the Head of Audit & Inspection. (iii) All obsolete or excess stock or scrap materials is identified and disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the Standing Orders Relating to Contracts. 5.5.2 Reporting of Write-Offs or Surpluses Each Service Executive Director shall report annually to the Executive Director of Financial Services the total values of write-offs and surpluses of stock and the net effect of these adjustments on the book value of consumable stores under his or her control and a brief explanation of the reasons for these differences. 5.5.3 Inventories Each Service Executive Director shall maintain on a continuous basis an inventory of equipment, furniture, information technology hardware and software, etc. in a form that complies with the inventory procedures laid down by the Executive Director of Financial Services. 5.5.4 Use of Equipment The Council’s property shall not be removed other than in the course of the Council’s normal business or used other than for the Council’s purposes without the specific approval of the Executive Director of the Service concerned, or an officer authorised by the Executive Director. 5.5.5 Levels of Stock Stocks shall not be in excess of normal requirements except in special circumstances with the approval of the Council Committee concerned.

5.6 Security of Other Assets 5.6.1 Responsibility for Security Each Service Executive Director shall be responsible for maintaining proper security, custody and control at all times of all fixed and movable assets under their control. The Executive Director of Financial Services shall be consulted by the Service Executive Director as appropriate in any case where security is thought to be defective or where it is considered that special security arrangements may be needed. 5.6.2 Security/Retention of Documents Each Service Executive Director shall be responsible for maintaining proper security, custody and control of all documents within their Service. The retention period for all books, forms and records related to financial matters shall be determined by the Executive Director of Financial Services. Service Executive Directors will determine retention periods for non-financial records taking due cognisance of any legislative requirements where appropriate. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 117

5.6.3 Data Protection Each Service Executive Director shall be responsible for the use and security of all personal data within their service. Any queries concerning Data Protection issues shall be addressed to the Council’s Data Protection Officer.

5.6.4 Data Matching To ensure protection of personal data, data matching exercises must be approved by the Head of Audit and Inspection and the Data Protection Officer.

5.7 Leasing 5.7.1 No leasing of equipment or capital assets shall be undertaken on behalf of the Council without the prior approval of the Executive Director of Financial Services. 5.7.2 Leased equipment is the property of the lessor and cannot be sold, assigned or otherwise disposed of by Services.

5.8 Pension Fund The Executive Director of Financial Services shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Pension Fund. The investment of Pension Fund monies shall be made in the name of the nominees approved by the appropriate Committee and such investments shall be within the policy determined by the Council.

5.9 Insurance 5.9.1 Responsibility for Insurance The Executive Director of Financial Services shall effect all insurance cover and negotiate all claims with insurers in consultation with other officers where necessary. Delegated authority has been granted to the Risk Management, Insurance & Claims section of Financial Services to negotiate and settle liability claims, after consultation with the Executive Director of Financial Services.

5.9.2 Notification of Risks Service Executive Directors shall give prompt notification to the Executive Director of Financial Services of all new or increased risks, properties, vehicles, stocks and stores which require to be insured and of any alteration affecting existing insurances.

5.9.3 Notification of Claims Service Executive Directors shall notify the Head of Audit and Inspection immediately in writing of any loss, or any event likely to lead to a claim and shall inform the Police where appropriate. All liability claims made against the Council shall be referred to the Claims Section of the Risk Management, Insurance & Claims Section in the first instance.

5.9.4 Fidelity Guarantee Insurance All appropriate employees of the Council shall be covered by fidelity guarantee insurance.

5.9.5 Review of Insurance Cover The Executive Director of Financial Services shall annually, or at such other period as may be considered necessary, review all insurances in consultation with other Service Executive Directors.

5.9.6 Indemnities Each Service Executive Director shall consult the Executive Director of Financial Services who may consult the Chief Executive as necessary respecting the terms of any indemnity that the Council is requested to give. COUNCIL 2007-2008 118 17th MAY 2007 1

5.10 Deposit of Trust Securities All officers acting as trustees by virtue of their official position shall deposit all securities, bank books and documents and articles of value relating to any trust with the Executive Director of Financial Services unless the relevant trust deed provides otherwise.

5.11 Control of Charitable Funds The Executive Director of Financial Services shall ensure (i) the proper and safe custody and control of all charitable funds held by the Council, and (ii) that all expenditure is in accordance with the conditions of the fund.

5.12 Variation and Revocation These Regulations may be varied or revoked by the Council and any motion to vary or revoke them shall, when proposed and seconded, stand adjourned without discussion to the next Ordinary Meeting of the Council.



6.1 Introduction 6.1.1 Glasgow City Council is committed to achieving Best Value and the highest possible standards in the delivery of its services. The Council attaches a very high priority to exercising strong control over the management of its financial resources. Both objectives are facilitated by the provision of high quality financial management and control, through continuous improvement, to meet both statutory requirements and the needs of clients/customers in the most efficient and effective manner in terms of Best Value. 6.1.2 At present, financial management is provided to the Council, its Committees and departments through two distinct and separately identifiable resources. Central financial management is provided by Financial Services and covers both corporate and service accounting. Within all other service departments, staff provide financial management in varying degrees to their convenors and Committees, their directorate and their own front line service budget holders. 6.1.3 The Code of Practice clearly defines the respective roles and responsibilities of officers in both central and service departments. Implementation of the recommended procedures will improve the effectiveness of financial management and control and ensure the continued development of best practice.

6.2 Councillors 6.2.1 As Council and Committee members, Councillors have a personal, individual and collective responsibility for the Council’s organisation and activities. Councillors are responsible for ensuring that adequate management arrangements are in place, developing and taking decisions on the use of the Council’s physical, financial and human resources, and to concern themselves with the performance, development, continuity and overall well being of the organisation (extract from the Code of Conduct for Councillors). 6.2.2 To enable Councillors to discharge their responsibilities in this respect, officers must present to Councillors appropriate information on the Council’s performance both in operational and financial terms to allow them to ask relevant questions. Councillors will also expect to be advised on all legal matters pertaining to the operation of the Council. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 119

6.3 Chief Executive 6.3.1 The Chief Executive has a responsibility, through the Solicitor to the Council, to ensure that Standing Orders and Financial Regulations are applied across the Council, and the appropriate Committee structures are in place. It is the responsibility of the Solicitor to the Council to ensure that the relevant Committees operate to the agreed schedule. 6.3.2 The Chief Executive, as Head of Paid Service, has an authority over all officers and has responsibility for ensuring that the Council maintains an efficient use of the resources at its disposal. However the Chief Executive relies on senior officers of the Council informing him of the up to date position of an operation. Service Executive Directors shall therefore give the Chief Executive a commentary on specific matters. 6.3.3 The Chief Executive does not have operational responsibility for service departments, which is delegated to Service Executive Directors. Similarly the Chief Executive has delegated, to the Executive Director of Financial Services, the responsibility for establishing the appropriate financial reporting framework. 6.3.4 Consequently the Service Executive Director shall formally report any major problems identified in a service department to the Executive Director of Financial Services and to the Chief Executive who can instruct appropriate action and report as appropriate. 6.3.5 On a periodic basis a summary of the financial position of each department shall also be reported to the Chief Executive. In pursuance of this the Council’s four weekly summary monitoring statement and a summary Trading Operations monitoring statement shall be included on the agenda of the Council’s Management Team.

6.4 Executive Director of Financial Services 6.4.1 The Chief Financial Officer is a statutory appointment under Section 95 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. This states that every local authority shall make arrangements for the proper administration of its financial affairs and shall ensure that one of its officers has responsibility for the administration of these affairs. The primary legislation is supplemented by Scottish Executive Regulations. In Glasgow City Council, the Executive Director of Financial Services is the responsible officer. 6.4.2 Further, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) describes in detail the role of the Director of Finance within local government. 6.4.3 CIPFA specifically outlines five key roles for the Director of Finance as: • maintaining strong financial management underpinned by effective financial controls; • supporting and advising democratically elected representatives; • contributing to the corporate management and leadership; • supporting and advising officers in their operational roles; • leading and managing an effective and responsive financial service. 6.4.4 There exists, however, a significant degree of decentralisation of financial administration within the Council and the responsibilities of the Executive Director of Financial Services must be seen in this context. The Council’s Financial Regulations delegate much of the day to day financial administration to staff within the Financial Services Department and to Service Executive Directors, the extent of which shall be outlined within a framework of job descriptions. Financial Management 6.4.5 As head of strategic and operational financial management and administration, it is the responsibility of the Executive Director of Financial Services to: • ensure that a proper and prudential financial framework exists within the Council in terms of relevant legislation and codes of practice; • secure effective systems of financial administration; COUNCIL 2007-2008 120 17th MAY 2007 1

• ensure that financial management arrangements are in line with strategic policies and objectives and the Council’s overall management arrangements. 6.4.6 Specifically, the Executive Director of Financial Services will: • advise on effective systems of internal control such as financial regulations; • secure effective systems of internal financial control to ensure that income collected and payments made are accurate, complete and timely; • advise on anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures through an effective internal audit function; • ensure that all staff with financial management responsibilities are made aware of the existence and content of the “Financial Regulations & Financial Management and Control Code of Practice”.

Supporting the Democratic Process 6.4.7 In supporting and advising the democratic process, the Executive Director of Financial Services is expected to: • advise on the respective roles of Councillors and officers on financial management; • advise Members on an overall financial strategy which serves policy and service objectives; • provide Members with clear, accurate and impartial advice when considering service plans and budgets; • provide timely, accurate and impartial advice on reported financial performance, including reporting any concerns and/or disagreements with Service Executive Directors on the stated financial position and the reliability of financial systems; • ensure that Members have adequate access to financial skills and are provided with an appropriate level of financial training on an ongoing basis. Contributing to Corporate Management and Leadership 6.4.8 The Executive Director of Financial Services has an essential part to play in the corporate management of the authority by: • contributing to the effective leadership of the authority; • contributing to the management of the authority; • ensuring that the authority’s financial resources are well managed; • contributing to cross-authority issues and to the development of the authority. Supporting and Advising Service Department Officers 6.4.9 In supporting and advising operational officers, the Executive Director of Financial Services shall: • ensure that financial strategy and arrangements serve policy and service objectives, advising departments on all strategic and operational financial matters and on the availability of resources; • advise officers on performance and standards to be adhered to in relation to financial matters; • delegate responsibility for financial management and control to Service Executive Directors, ensuring the development and maintenance of appropriate management accounting systems, functions and controls and that these are compatible with the corporate financial reporting systems; • ensure that officers’ roles and responsibilities are clear and understood and that budget managers have access to adequate financial skills; • provide timely, accurate and impartial advice to the Chief Executive on any concerns or disagreements with Service Executive Directors on the reported financial position or reliability of financial systems. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 121

Leading and Managing an Effective and Responsive Financial Service. 6.4.10 In leading and managing the authority’s finance function, the Executive Director of Financial Services will: • secure high standards of performance and service to the public; • demonstrate accountability to the public by providing robust financial and performance information; • establish a good, professional working relationship with external auditors and other statutory agencies; • act as head of profession for all finance staff in the authority. 6.5 Service Executive Directors 6.5.1 Within the overall framework of the financial management and administration arrangements, it is the responsibility of the Service Executive Directors to: • ensure adherence to the Financial Regulations, Management and Control Code of Practice, Standing Orders, and any other legislative or Council requirements; • manage the expenditure and income of the service department and ensure its control within approved budgets; • prepare draft budget and service plan submissions, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Financial Services and the Chief Executive; • provide data necessary to enable the completion of budgets, monitoring reports, annual reports and all Government or other returns, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Financial Services; • formally report any major financial problems identified within the Service to the Executive Director of Financial Services, and if appropriate the Chief Executive, who can instruct appropriate action and report if required. 6.5.2 In practice, duties will be delegated to operational managers within the organisation, the extent of which shall be covered by a framework of job descriptions clearly defining individual responsibilities. 6.6 Central and Service Finance Officers Functional Roles and Responsibilities 6.6.1 The respective roles and responsibilities of central and service finance officers are given in Annexes A and B. 6.6.2 In terms of monitoring expenditure and income at Committee level, the role of service finance officers is to prepare all necessary statements and to consult with central finance officers in doing so. The role of central staff is to appraise and evaluate the statements and reach agreement with the service department staff on the reported financial position. The final data for submission to Committee is the joint responsibility of central and service finance officers. These arrangements require the retention of expertise on individual services within the Financial Services Department. Line Responsibilities/Accountabilities 6.6.3 The Executive Director of Financial Services has overall responsibility for the management and administration of the Council’s financial affairs and consequently for all staff engaged in delivering the service. All central staff are responsible to the Executive Director of Financial Services for maintaining professional accounting standards and the highest standards of conduct and integrity. All staff engaged in financial management within service departments have a similar responsibility, not only to their Executive Director, but also to the Executive Director of Financial Services. Further, central staff have a responsibility to Service Executive Directors for the provision of impartial advice and guidance on all financial matters, including contributing to and assisting in Best Value Service Reviews, option appraisal and the process of continuous improvement across the Council. COUNCIL 2007-2008 122 17th MAY 2007 1

6.6.4 The Executive Director of Financial Services has the power to draw to the attention of a Service Executive Director any circumstances where he/she considers that a member of staff engaged in financial management has not met the required standards. The Executive Director of Financial Services is also empowered to recommend how the matter shall be taken forward. Conversely, any Service Executive Director has recourse to the Executive Director of Financial Services where it is considered that any member of staff in Financial Services has not met the required standards. In the event that a Service Executive Director and the Executive Director of Financial Services fail to agree, the matter shall be raised with the Chief Executive who will be the final arbiter. 6.6.5 Dependent on the particular circumstances of any case, communication lines between the Executive Director of Financial Services and service finance officers would normally be through the Service Executive Director but may be directly with a member of staff or exceptionally, through the Chief Executive. At the same time, service finance officers have direct access to the Executive Director of Financial Services if circumstances arise where they consider that the standards required of them could potentially be compromised.

Staffing Arrangements 6.6.6 In terms of staffing within service departments, the following conditions apply: • the Head of Finance within all service departments shall be appointed at an appropriate level of seniority within the service and be a full member of the service department’s management team; • where it would not impinge on restructuring or rationalisation proposals within a service, the senior person appointed to be responsible for finance in each service department shall be a CCAB qualified accountant; • no changes to the establishment of financial management within a service may be sought without the prior agreement of the Executive Director of Financial Services; • the Executive Director of Financial Services will be invited to participate in the appointment of all senior staff in service departments whose principal responsibility is financial management. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 123


Central Finance Officers.

Roles and Responsibilities.

It is the responsibility of central finance officers to: • assist the Executive Director and Assistant Director of Financial Services in identifying and formulating options and identifying resources which will contribute to meeting the Council’s strategic objectives, including budget and service plans; • provide impartial advice and guidance to Members and Committees on all financial matters pertaining to the Council and its services; • service the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee and the Budget Working Group; • provide advice, guidance and assistance to services and officers on all financial matters; • undertake corporate accounting and co-ordinate and consolidate the Council’s financial management requirements; • develop integrated service plans, budgets and three year budgeting, in conjunction with service finance officers; • co-ordinate the budget process and consolidate final budget proposals; • control budget virement; • compile service monitoring reports jointly with service finance officers; • compile corporate budget monitoring reports and submit them to the appropriate Committees; • direct and consolidate statutory final accounting and produce the Annual Report and Financial Statement; • provide corporate financial services, e.g. capital accounting, operational leasing, option appraisal, VAT; • advise on and implement the financial management and accounting frameworks and systems in terms of relevant legislation, accounting codes of practice, standardised reporting etc; • undertake research and development on all finance related matters, and participate in and provide advice, guidance and assistance on Best Value Reviews and the process of continuous improvement across the Council; • develop and introduce new techniques, processes and systems, where appropriate or required; • maintain and develop corporate accounting systems; • extend corporate financial management systems across the Council with the objective of meeting both central and service department needs; • account for corporate funds and reserves; • provide financial advice and services to Joint Boards and other bodies. COUNCIL 2007-2008 124 17th MAY 2007 1


Service Finance Officers.

Roles and Responsibilities.

It is the responsibility of service finance officers to: • advise Members and Committees on financial matters pertaining to their service; • provide advice, guidance and support to their respective Service Executive Directors, operational managers and budget holders, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Financial Services; • implement appropriate systems to ensure compliance with Council’s Financial Regulations, Management and Control Code of Practice including Standing Orders; • maintain financial records in accordance with legislation, accounting standards and accounting codes of practice, under the direction of the Executive Director of Financial Services; • develop integrated service plans, budgets and three year budgeting, in conjunction with central finance officers; • review service budgets and assist in the budget process by costing growth/savings options and allocating them across budget heads; • maintain effective financial control of the service’s expenditure and income; • ensure that operational managers and budget holders are provided with accurate, timeous and appropriate information to enable them to effect control over expenditure and income; • (i) monitor performance against budget and provide regular budgetary control statements for operational units and managers; (ii) prepare monitoring reports and explanations of variances for submission to Committees within the reporting framework and style laid down by the Executive Director of Financial Services and in conjunction with central finance officers; and (iii) provide explanations of variances to senior management, the Executive Director of Financial Services and Committees. • provide statements on periodic and final accounting, including allocation of overhead costs etc; • develop appropriate systems for cost analysis in conjunction with the Executive Director of Financial Services e.g. unit costs, activity based costing, • carry out cost appraisals, value for money studies etc; • maintain the financial ledger in accordance with the guidelines issued by central finance officers; • provide advice, guidance and assistance on Best Value Reviews and the process of continuous improvement across the Council.

7. BUDGETS AND BUDGETARY CONTROL 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 This document provides a policy framework for the preparation and monitoring of budgets. 7.1.2 The Code of Practice defines the procedures and forms to be adopted by both central and service finance officers in the production of Council Estimates and Monitoring Statements.

7.2 Budget Preparation 7.2.1 Context • In conjunction with the Executive Director of Financial Services, departments will prepare, on an annual basis, a draft budget and service plan that will identify all service and financial implications of meeting the Council’s priorities and targets over the planning time frame. The Administration will determine the format of the budget and service plan. The Chief Executive and Executive Director of Financial Services will provide departments with detailed guidance on the completion of the budget and service plan; 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 125

• Departments will provide any financial information required by the Council in relation to their service plan or any other matters deemed relevant by the Council; • The Executive Director of Financial Services will ensure that the Council budget is set in accordance with all statutory requirements in respect of the production of a balanced budget and the setting of local taxation and rent levels.

7.2.2 Audit Trail and Supporting Documentation • All departmental budgets will be based, in the first instance, on the approved budget of the previous year; • The Executive Director of Financial Services shall maintain a full audit trail, providing analysis of budget movements from one year to the next. This audit trail will include an analysis of all adjustments including, growth, savings, inflation, resource redirections and budget pressures etc; • Departments shall make available appropriate back-up to exemplify and support the value of budget movements; • The Executive Director of Financial Services will maintain lists of all budget options.

7.2.3 Devolved Budgets • In order to discharge the management of expenditure and income effectively and ensure its control within approved budgets, Service Executive Directors shall align financial accountability and responsibility with that of operations. Budgets shall be devolved to a level that accords with managerial decision making; • Where budgets are decentralised, the basis for decentralisation must be clearly defined and understood by managers.

7.2.4 Budget Profiling • The Executive Director of Financial Services will provide a core suite of standard profiles for the phasing of budgets; • Departments will ensure that budgets are profiled in a meaningful manner reflecting pay cycles, demand patterns and prior years’ trends as appropriate; • Departments are responsible for the profiling of their budgets and shall, in conjunction with budget holders, develop and apply non-standard profiles where appropriate; • Budget profiles may be updated during the course of the financial year, with the agreement of the Executive Director of Financial Services, in order to reflect material variations in anticipated spend patterns.

7.2.5 Matrix of Inter-departmental Income and Expenditure • In conjunction with departmental Finance Officers, the Executive Director of Financial Services will prepare and maintain a matrix of inter-departmental income and expenditure. Departments will ensure that any budget that they have for inter-departmental expenditure is matched by income in the receiving department, and vice versa. • Budgets will be held at account code level, with specific inter-departmental income and expenditure accounts being established for this purpose. • Departments will liase to ensure that budget profiles of income and expenditure match for the purposes of monitoring. • Virement of budgets in respect of inter-departmental income and expenditure requires the approval of the Executive Director of Financial Services and the spending and receiving departments. COUNCIL 2007-2008 126 17th MAY 2007 1

7.3 Monitoring Reports 7.3.1 Format and Content of Reports • Committee monitoring statements will be a joint report by the Service Executive Director and the Executive Director of Financial Services; • Monitoring statements will be produced in line with the timetable issued by the Executive Director of Financial Services to meet the Committee reporting cycle; • Monitoring reports shall be produced at levels appropriate to the recipient. Council monitoring statements, at the highest level, shall report division of service and subjective summary totals. More detailed cost centre and subjective analysis shall be produced for use within services; • Monitoring statements will reflect the format agreed by Council and shall report annual and profiled budget and any approved variations during the year, actual to date and variances; • Trading Operation monitoring statements will report the position for each Trading Operation. In addition, on a quarterly basis, a detailed performance report will be presented to the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee; • All movements to total division of service or subjective summary budgets shall be reported; • Significant variances shall be reported and explained, and include action to be taken; • Departments will provide a forecast of financial performance against budget to the year-end.

7.3.2 Audit Trail • All monitoring reports will be based on information contained in the Council’s corporate ledger system; • Working papers, detailing the reason and value of adjustments to the base monitoring information will be maintained.

7.3.3 Adjustments • Monitoring statements shall reflect a true and fair view. Appropriate adjustments shall be made in order to: O eliminate errors in base information; O accrue known commitments in relation to the profile; O account for the matching of income and expenditure related to trading accounts; O account for known changes to the anticipated spend pattern. Professional judgement shall be exercised in the compilation of such adjustments and appropriate supporting evidence shall be maintained.

• Monitoring reports to internal budget holders shall be in a format that reports the base financial position prior to any adjustments. The financial impact of any adjustments may be reported as part of the variance explanation or as an adjustment to the base information in arriving at the ‘real’ variance for explanation.

7.3.4 Explanation of Variances • Monitoring statements shall highlight reasons for variances, management action being taken and the projected level of outturn variance; • Internal monitoring reports shall also assign responsibility for management action and report indicative timescales; • Variances will be reviewed each period and progress of management action considered. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 127

7.3.5 Materiality and Significance • Appropriate focus shall be placed on variance analysis, the objective being to secure sufficient coverage to those variances that contribute most to deviation from income and expenditure budgets rather than comprehensive line by line analysis. By necessity, this will be a subjective professional judgement. Prescription is not advocated, as the materiality threshold for variance explanation will vary in accordance with: O reporting levels; O scale of budget; O degree of budget decentralisation; O political sensitivity; O impact on service delivery and performance. • Service areas shall establish their decentralised materiality thresholds and criteria and communicate these to budget holders.

7.3.6 Authentication • Internal monitoring reports prepared by service finance officers shall be agreed with, and certified by, budget holders and service management as appropriate; • Service areas shall establish internal reporting mechanisms and procedures to address disputes on issues of financial management and control; • Associated budgets e.g. Trading Operation recharge income and related client service expenditure shall be subject to liaison and agreement at budget preparation, phasing, and update stages. In the event of failure to resolve disputes at service level, the matter shall be referred to the Executive Director of Financial Services.

7.3.7 Matrix of Inter-departmental Income and Expenditure • Inter-departmental income and expenditure will be monitored regularly to ensure that the procedures described at section 2.5 are being followed.

7.4 Financial Support 7.4.1 Provision of Financial Information • Financial reports shall be provided to budget holders in accordance with the financial accounting cycle based on the corporate ledger system.

7.4.2 Consultation • Service finance officers shall maintain regular contact with budget holders to review their financial position and obtain variance explanations as required. This shall be undertaken at least on a four weekly basis in order to inform the Committee reporting process and no less than quarterly in significantly decentralised environments; • Budget holders/service managers shall provide all relevant information required by service finance officers; • Budget holder views on the financial support afforded to them shall be sought at reasonable intervals and acted upon as appropriate.

7.4.3 Training • Appropriate staff development and training resources shall be made available in support of effective financial management and control. COUNCIL 2007-2008 128 17th MAY 2007 1

7.5 Virement 7.5.1 Criteria • Authority for the transfer of resources from one budget to another is provided within the Council’s Financial Regulations, Management and Control Code of Practice and requires the agreement of the Executive Director of Financial Services. Approval of such virement shall take cognisance of the following criteria: O adherence to the Accounting Code of Practice (ACOP); O the balancing of related expenditure and income issues; O movements within approved schemes of budget delegation; O the need to remedy anticipated budget pressures elsewhere; O the impact of approved service developments on the nature of service spend; O previous Council decisions on the application of budget resources; O the remedy of error in budget compilation; O spend to save initiatives. • Virement shall not be used: O to mask overspend and underspend issues; O to apply underspends or over-recoveries of income without reference to Committee; O to reverse any decision made by the Council during its budget process unless subsequently approved by Council. • Departments shall limit requests for virement to material sums; • All approved virement will be reported in departmental monitoring statements; • Virement must not result in an increase in the overall budget of the Council in the current or any subsequent financial year.

7.5.2 Authorisation • Virement adjustments shall be recorded in a form suitable for the approval of the Executive Director of Financial Services.

7.6 General 7.6.1 Information and Communications Technology • Efficiency, via the optimum use of technology, shall be applied in the input and transfer of data and in the production and distribution of financial information.

7.6.2 Controls • Appropriate controls shall be established to ensure that the financial information system accurately collates, sums and reports all authorised input and that regular and sufficient back up is maintained. 8. TRADING OPERATIONS 8.1 Policy Statement 8.1.1 Glasgow City Council is committed to achieving Best Value and the highest possible standards in the delivery of its services. 8.1.2 Glasgow’s in-house Trading Operations are at the core of many of these services and the Council is committed to ensuring that value for money is achieved and that high standards of financial stewardship are applied at all times. 8.1.3 In pursuit of this, the Council endorses this Code of Practice for the financial management of Trading Operations to which both Members and officers are expected to adhere. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 129

Code of Practice in Context 8.1.4 The Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 repealed the legislation governing compulsory competitive tendering (CCT). This removes the requirement to achieve a prescribed annual financial objective for defined local authority services, and replaces them with the requirement to identify the results of “significant trading operations” which must achieve “break even” in financial terms over a 3-year rolling period. 8.1.5 The Code covers all aspects of the financial management of Trading Operations and highlights recommended practices. 8.1.6 This Code of Practice highlights policies and procedures particularly associated with Trading Operations. The Codes of Practice relating to Roles and Responsibilities and Budgets and Budgetary Control are also relevant to Trading Operations and are applied in conjunction with this Code.

8.2 Organisational and Structural Issues What is a “Trading Operation”? 8.2.1 The definition of what constitutes a Trading Operation is contained in CIPFA’s Best Value Accounting—Code of Practice. In addition, a Guidance Note on ‘A Best Value Approach to Trading Accounts’ has been published by CIPFA and LASAAC (Local Authority Scotland Accounts Advisory Committee). This guidance suggests that the test of what is a Trading Operation will be a matter for individual authorities to determine and shall be based on a careful consideration of a wide range of services, and not simply their past status as CCT or non CCT activities. 8.2.2 The test is likely to be based on whether a service meets both the following criteria: (i) the service is provided in a ‘competitive environment’—i.e. the user has discretion to use alternative providers; and (ii) the service is provided on a basis other than straightforward recharge of cost—i.e. users take the service on the basis of quoted lump sums, fixed periodical charges, rates, or a combination of these. 8.2.3 However, where the Council believes that Best Value can be demonstrated without formal market testing or tendering, and where users are not permitted to purchase services externally, it is not a Trading Operation and therefore trading accounts are not compulsory under the requirements of the Act. In this case authorities will have to be able to clearly demonstrate that Best Value is being achieved in the absence of the use of any of these tools of competition.

What constitutes “Significant”? 8.2.4 The test of significance is important as it determines which Trading Operations are subject to the new legislative requirement to break even over a 3-year period, and for which authorities must maintain statutory trading accounts in accordance with proper accounting practice and disclose their trading results. 8.2.5 This does not prevent authorities maintaining further trading accounts for management information and control purposes, but these would not be subject to the provisions of the Act unless they become ‘significant’ at any point in the future. 8.2.6 Each authority will look to set parameters for ‘significance’, to ensure not only that the disclosure requirements of the legislation are satisfied but also to ensure that disclosures are not voluminous. It is anticipated that parameters will be set corporately and applied consistently across different Trading Operations. The criteria shall not be regarded as fixed and final as they will have to adapt to the changing circumstances of the Council. It is emphasised that each criterion shall not be considered in isolation but viewed in totality against criteria overall. 8.2.7 Criteria that the authority may wish to consider in setting parameters could include the following: O Financial Criteria • The size of the turnover of the Trading Operation, relative to the Council’s net revenue budget. COUNCIL 2007-2008 130 17th MAY 2007 1

• The risk of financial loss to which the authority is exposed in carrying out the operation. O Non Financial Criteria • The importance of a trading account to demonstrating service improvement and achievement of targets. • The authority is exposed to the risk of service or reputational loss in carrying out the operation. • The service areas likely to be of interest to its key stakeholders and their needs.

Services which may now have to be considered 8.2.8 Service areas which were previously subject to CCT legislation may still require statutory trading accounts to be maintained, but only if they pass the trading accounts and significance tests, or where they have not moved away from existing CCT contracts. 8.2.9 The guidance note gives examples of services which may now have to be considered, and these include letting of industrial estates and other properties, provision of car parking facilities, printing services, and Care Services/Residential Care. 8.2.10 In addition, there is now scope to consolidate services for which trading accounts in the past have had to be maintained separately.

Client/Contractor Split 8.2.11 A client/contractor split is no longer valid. Achieving the financial requirement to break even is based on the total cost of providing a service.

8.3 Key Roles and Responsibilities Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee 8.3.1 The Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee has responsibility for monitoring the facilities management delivery of all Council Trading Operations and has the following responsibilities: • to supervise and control the Trading Operations in the context of the Council’s overall strategy in relation to competition and Best Value; • to ensure that the function is discharged with regard to all appropriate legislation; • to consider the required structure and establishment of the Trading Operation; • to maintain the confidentiality of Trading Operation matters; • to ensure that the specified financial target is met over the relevant period and take corrective action where this is not likely to be the case. Specifically the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee shall: • approve an annual Business Plan including an estimate of expenditure and income; • approve any amendments to the plan during the year; • monitor operational and financial performance against the plan. 8.3.2 The Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee has the responsibility of achieving value for money in the provision of the service. Specifically it will: • set the standards and level of service which the Council wishes to achieve in relation to the activities undertaken by the Trading Operation; • award contracts; • monitor performance and compliance with the contract; • note variations and the application of contract penalties in line with authority delegated by Committee. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 131

8.3.3 Summarised financial monitoring statements, agreed between the Service Executive Director and the Executive Director of Financial Services shall also be presented, on a four weekly basis, to the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee. This Committee can ask for further information or refer matters to the appropriate PDS Committee for more detailed consideration.

Head of Legal and Administrative Services 8.3.4 The Head of Legal and Administrative Services shall ensure that in a tender process and in the application of a tender, Trading Operations comply fully with the current statutory framework.

Executive Director of Financial Services 8.3.5 In general, the responsibilities of the Executive Director of Financial Services are no different in relation to Trading Operations than they are in relation to all Council Services, which are defined in the Roles and Responsibilities Code of Practice, Section 6.

8.3.6 Specifically however in relation to Trading Operations, the Executive Director of Financial Services will: • under Member direction set out budget strategy, formally agree the Trading Operation business plan and co-ordinate the submission of the plan to Committee; • ensure that income assumptions within individual Business Plans are reasonable and accord with sums available in spending department budgets or other funding that may be available; • agree with the service finance officer any significant subsequent changes to the Business Plan and their effect upon profitability; • advise Service Executive Directors and Members on the options available with regard to anticipated reported losses and advise Members on the use of anticipated reported surpluses; • make arrangements to provide accurate, complete and timely advice in support of Trading Operation development proposals or client proposals which may affect Trading Operation viability or otherwise; • assist Trading Operation managers in the development and regular review of budgets as represented in the Business Plan.

Service Executive Director 8.3.7 The Service Executive Director is responsible for all aspects of the Trading Operation including its day-to-day management, effective operation, and compliance with contract conditions and financial performance. 8.3.8 In practice duties will be delegated to operational managers within the organisation, the extent of which shall be covered by a framework of job descriptions, which clearly define individual responsibilities.

Trading Operations Manager 8.3.9 Operational management and reporting shall be delegated to a nominated officer (may be Assistant Director (Operations), Head of Operations, etc). The nominated “Operations Manager” shall have responsibility for overseeing Operational Management ensuring that policies, procedures and controls are put in place at service or unit etc. level and that problems are highlighted and dealt with timeously and reported as appropriate. It is likely that certain duties will be delegated within the organisation, the extent of which shall be covered within a framework of job descriptions. 8.3.10 Specific responsibilities of the Operations Manager shall be to: • manage the resources available to the Trading Operation economically, efficiently and effectively to achieve Best Value; • prepare tender submissions to ensure the profitable operations of the Trading Operation; • prepare, with the Finance Officer, a realistic and achievable annual budget/business plan. The general format shall be consistent between different Trading Operations and cover the following broad headings: COUNCIL 2007-2008 132 17th MAY 2007 1

• aims and objectives; • current economic or business environment; • staff resources; • profile of services; • financial budgets and targets including an analysis of expected funding sources. • monitor financial performance of the Trading Operation in liaison with the Finance Officer, and instigate corrective action where necessary; • ensure that arrangements are in place for preparing measurements, claims and recovery of income due to the Trading Operation. Service Finance Officer 8.3.11 The service finance officer is expected to provide the Service Director with all relevant financial information relating to the department and its associated Trading Operations. In general this is defined within the Roles and Responsibilities Code of Practice, Section 6, Annexe B. 8.3.12 Specific responsibilities in relation to Trading Operations include: • to advise the department’s management team on financial matters relating to the Trading Operations’ activities to enable them to ensure that the organisation meets its statutory financial target; • in conjunction with the Operations Manager, to prepare a realistic and achievable annual budget as represented by the Business Plan, and agree this with Executive Director of Financial Services and ensure, in conjunction with the Executive Director of Financial Services, that sufficient spending department budgets or other funding is available; • in conjunction with the Operations Manager and subsequently with the Executive Director of Financial Services, to agree any significant changes to the Business Plan and their effect upon profitability, ensuring that such changes are reported to the appropriate Committee together with an explanation for the variance; • to maintain the financial administration and reporting framework to ensure effective monitoring of the Trading Operation’s financial performance, both in total terms and for individual operating units; • to maintain effective processing and control of the Trading Operation’s income and expenditure in line with the approved Business Plan in order that expenditure is correctly matched against income on an ongoing basis; • as part of the regular financial monitoring process, to reconcile with the client and agree with the Executive Director of Financial Services, spending against approved client budgets; • to develop and maintain the Trading Operation’s financial systems ensuring their compatibility with the Council’s corporate financial systems in liaison with the Executive Director of Financial Services; • to maintain financial records under the direction of the Executive Director of Financial Services in accordance with legislation and relevant accounting codes and standards; • to develop and maintain the Trading Operation’s information systems to provide complete, accurate and timely information for operational managers; • within the reporting framework and style laid down by the Executive Director of Financial Services, to compile and sign off regular, accurate and complete financial monitoring statements for discussion and agreement with the Executive Director of Financial Services and onward submission to Committee; • to ensure appropriate levels of accrued expenditure and income are calculated, budget profiles are maintained and supporting documentation is provided; • prepare, with the Finance Officer, a realistic and achievable annual budget/business plan. The general format shall be consistent between different Trading Operations and cover the following broad headings: 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 133

• aims and objectives; • current economic or business environment; • staff resources; • profile of services; • financial budgets and targets including an analysis of expected funding sources; • monitor financial performance of the Trading Operation in liaison with the Finance Officer, and instigate corrective action where necessary; • ensure that arrangements are in place for preparing measurements, claims and recovery of income due to the Trading Operation.

8.4 Reporting To Committee Council Abstract of Estimates (“Green Book”) 8.4.1 The inter-relationship between client budgets and Trading Operations is critical and consequently the Council’s budget process shall ensure that changes in one are reflected in the other. Draft Trading Operation Estimates shall be compiled in parallel with the Council’s Budget and be included in the Council’s Abstract of Estimates (“Green Book”). To maintain confidentiality a summary format of expenditure, income and surplus will be sufficient.

Business Plan 8.4.2 These draft estimates shall be fine-tuned as necessary and will form the basis of the Trading Operation Business Plan for the year. Each Business Plan shall be agreed between Service Executive Directors and the Executive Director of Financial Services and be submitted for approval to the first Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee of the new financial year. 8.4.3 The Business Plan may be revised during the year, but the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee must approve any significant amendments.

Monitoring Statements 8.4.4 Monitoring statements shall be prepared in line with the format determined by the Executive Director of Financial Services.

Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee 8.4.5 Summary monitoring statements shall be prepared four weekly on a full accruals basis, in accordance with relevant accounting codes and standards, and shall monitor actual performance of the Trading Operation against the approved budget. There shall be two elements to the monitoring statement: (i) Financial Statement outlining: • The annual estimate as approved in the Business Plan and any subsequent variations; • The actual expenditure and income to date, including all relevant accruals; • The budget to date calculated on the agreed profile; • The variance between the actual and budget to date, expressed in both monetary and percentage terms; (ii) Commentary The commentary shall provide an interpretation of the financial position including an explanation of the variances shown between actual and budgeted performance. The commentary shall consist of: COUNCIL 2007-2008 134 17th MAY 2007 1

• An opening paragraph presenting an overview of the performance to date, identifying problems incurred and explaining any impact on client budgets. Unbudgeted trends emerging shall be identified. Any new areas of business, not material enough to demand a revised Business Plan, shall be explained fully; • Analysis of cost and income variances shall list those items causing a variance and an explanation thereof; O A statement making clear that the Corporate Financial Ledger System was the source of the opening figures contained within the monitoring statement, with adjustments and accruals applied in accordance with agreed principles. 8.4.6 Reports to the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee would be expected to be more detailed, providing Members with more insight to the Trading Operation. A commentary shall highlight issues affecting the Trading Operation and outline performance against the Business Plan explaining the factors influencing any significant variance. 8.4.7 The format would be expected to follow that of the Business Plan and also highlight key financial indicators such as: • Actual profit (or loss) on each operation against that budgeted; • Variations awarded and penalties imposed where appropriate; • Sickness/Absenteeism v Budgeted; • A statement confirming that bonus and overtime is regularly monitored and levels are contained within expected parameters. Where this is not the case an explanation shall be provided; • Production statistics against target if appropriate (e.g. number of repairs, number of meals, etc).

8.5 Best Value Background 8.5.1 The introduction of compulsory competitive tendering (CCT) legislation in the 1980s was designed to ensure that local authorities obtained the most efficient provision of services within the specified defined activities. 8.5.2 The effect of the legislation was to create a contractual infrastructure with separate and distinct client and contractor functions. 8.5.3 An administrative framework developed with the client responsible for the specification and evaluation of tenders and contract monitoring and the contractor providing tender responses and performance. 8.5.4 As highlighted in paragraph 8.1.4, the legislation governing CCT has been replaced with new requirements contained in the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 (‘the Act’). These extend beyond the narrow range of services affected by CCT to a consideration of all services provided by the authority.

Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 8.5.5 The Act sets out a statutory duty on local authorities to secure Best Value in the delivery of their services. Best Value requires the Council to consider the balance between the quality of performance of its functions, the cost to the authority of that performance and the cost to persons of any service provided to them by the authority on a wholly or partly rechargeable basis. In maintaining that balance, the Council shall also have regard to seeking the most effective and efficient means of delivering services to its citizens. 8.5.6 The Act also sets out the requirement for statutory trading accounts to be maintained for ‘significant Trading Operations’ and that they should break even over a 3-year rolling period. 8.5.7 The Act introduces, for the first time, a requirement under primary legislation for authorities to adopt proper accounting practice, and sets out a statutory duty to publish performance reports, including provision for the inclusion of trading accounts under this duty. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 135

8.5.8 The CIPFA/LASACC Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom—A Statement of Recommended Practice (‘the SORP’) has been amended to reflect the new legislation and the current requirement to disclose the results of significant Trading Operations in the statement of accounts will continue.

Best Value Reviews 8.5.9 The Council has constructed a programme of Best Value Reviews that are designed to identify the needs of the citizen and match service provision to these needs in the most effective and efficient way.

8.5.10 In addition, a new regime of Best Value Audit is to be introduced which will increase focus on wide- ranging performance results. These audits are proposed on a 3-year rolling basis across authorities.

9. LOCAL AUTHORITY RESERVES 9.1 Background 9.1.1 To assist authorities in developing a framework for reserves, CIPFA have issued guidance in the form of the Local Authority Accounting Panel (LAAP) Bulletin 55 – Guidance Note on Local Authority Reserves and Balances. This guidance outlines the framework for reserves, the purpose of reserves and some key issues to be considered when determining the appropriate level of reserves.

9.2 Statutory/Regulatory Framework for Reserves 9.2.1 Local Authorities may only hold reserves for which there is a statutory or regulatory power to do so. In Scotland the legislative framework is as follows: Reserve Powers General Fund Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 Capital Fund Repairs and Renewals Fund Local Government (Scotland) Act 1975 Insurance Fund Cultural & Recreational Fund City of Glasgow District Council Order Confirmation Act 1988 9.2.2 For each reserve there should be a clear protocol setting out: • the reason/purpose of the reserve • how and when the reserve can be used • procedures for the reserves management and control • the review timescale to ensure continuing relevance and adequacy This protocol is outlined in Appendix A 9.2.3 In addition, over recent years the Local Authority Accounting Code of Practice has introduced a number of technical reserves in line with proper accounting practice associated with capital accounting and FRS17. These reserves are governed by specific accounting treatment and do not form part of the Council’s general available reserves.

9.3 Operation of Reserves 9.3.1 Reserves are generally held to do three things: • create a working balance to help cushion the impact of uneven cash flows and avoid unnecessary temporary borrowing—this forms part of general reserves; COUNCIL 2007-2008 136 17th MAY 2007 1

• create a contingency to cushion the impact of unexpected events or emergencies—this also forms part of general reserves; and • creates a means of building up funds, often referred to as earmarked reserves, to meet known or predicted liabilities.

9.4 Role of Executive Director of Financial Services 9.4.1 The Executive Director of Financial Services is responsible for advising on the levels of reserves. The Council, based on this advice, should then approve the appropriate strategy as part of the budget process.

9.5 Adequacy of Reserves 9.5.1 There is no guidance on the minimum level of reserves that a Council should hold. In determining reserve levels the Executive Director of Financial Services must take account of the strategic, operational and financial risks facing the Council over the medium term and the Council’s overall approach to risk management. 9.5.2 In determining the level of general reserves the Executive Director of Financial Services should consider the Council’s medium term financial strategy and the overall financial environment. Guidance also recommends that the Executive Director of Financial Services also reviews any earmarked reserves as part of the annual budget process. 9.5.3 In light of the size and scale of the Council’s operations, over the medium term it is proposed that a prudent level of general reserves will represent approximately 2% of net expenditure. This value of reserves must be reviewed annually as part of the Council’s Budget and Service Plan strategy and in light of the financial environment at that time. 9.5.4 The level of other earmarked funds will be established as part of the annual budget process.

9.6 Reporting Framework 9.6.1 The Executive Director of Financial Services has a fiduciary duty to local taxpayers to ensure proper stewardship of public funds. 9.6.2 The level and utilisation of reserves will be formally approved by Council based on the advice of the Executive Director of Financial Services. To enable the Council to reach a decision, the Executive Director of Financial Services should clearly state the factors that influenced this advice. 9.6.3 As part of the budget report the Executive Director of Financial Services should state: • the current value of general reserves, the movement proposed during the year and the estimated year end balance and the extent that balances are being used to fund recurrent expenditure. • The adequacy of general reserves in light of the Council’s medium term financial strategy. • An assessment of earmarked reserves and advice on appropriate levels and movements during the year and over the medium term.

Reserves Protocol Appendix A General Fund Purpose of the Reserve Every local authority shall have a general fund and (a) all sums received by or on behalf of the authority shall be paid into that fund; (b) all fees, commissions, discounts allowed on payment of accounts and expenses payable to or recovered by any officer of a local authority in respect of any business relating to the authority whether by reason of his office or otherwise shall be accounted for and paid into that fund, and all sums payable by the authority shall be paid out of that fund. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 137

Schedule 3, Section 12 (1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1975 prescribes the requirement for each local authority to establish a loans fund and states that it shall be part of the general fund of the authority. Use of reserve This represents the general reserve of the Council and is used to manage the financial strategy of the Council. Any use of general fund reserves has to be approved by the Council through the appropriate committee framework. Management and Control Management and control is maintained through the established financial management frameworks and review though the year-end and budget process.

Capital Fund Purpose of the Reserve To defray any expenditure of the authority to which capital is properly applicable, or in providing money for repayment of the principal of loans (but not any payment of interest on loans) Use of reserve The capital fund will support major capital investment projects within the Council’s approved capital programme. Management and Control Management and control is maintained through the established financial management frameworks and review though the year-end and budget process.

Repairs and Renewals Fund Purpose of the Reserve To defray expenditure to be incurred from time to time in repairing, maintaining, and renewing any buildings, works, plant, equipment or articles belonging to the authority. Use of reserve Various repairs and renewal funds are used to manage investment in building and equipment across the City. Management and Control Management and control is maintained through the established financial management frameworks and review though the year-end and budget process.

Insurance Fund Purpose of the Reserve An authority may operate an insurance fund for the following purposes: (a) where the authority could have insured against a risk but have not done so, defraying any loss or damage suffered, or expenses incurred, by the authority as a consequence of that risk; (b) paying premiums on a policy of insurance against a risk. Use of reserve The reserve is used to manage insurance costs over the medium term. Management and Control The insurance fund is subject to dedicated accounting rules and procedures as approved by LASAAC (Local Authorities Scotland Accounts Advisory Committee).

Cultural and Recreation Fund Purpose of the Reserve To enhance the social, cultural or recreational activities of the city. Use of reserve To provide financial support to the cultural events and investment in the recreational and sporting infrastructure of the city. Management and Control Individual projects requiring support from this fund are reported to committee for approval. The adequacy and relevance of each fund is reviewed by the Executive Director of Financial Services at each year-end and through the budget process. All recommendations for movements in balances are reported to Council either through the year-end report or as part of the budget and service plan strategy. COUNCIL 2007-2008 138 17th MAY 2007 1

10. CAPITAL INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK 10.1 Introduction 10.1.1 This document provides a definition of capital expenditure and a policy framework for the preparation and monitoring of the capital investment programme. The document builds on the Council’s existing Financial Management and Control Code of Practice which inter alia defines the procedures and forms to be adopted by both central and service finance officers in the production of the Council’s capital programme and capital monitoring statements.

10.2 Definition of Capital Expenditure 10.2.1 The CIPFA Accounting Code of Practice defines capital expenditure as: All expenditure on the acquisition, creation or enhancement of fixed assets. 10.2.2 This includes expenditure on the: • Acquisition, reclamation, enhancement or laying out of land; • Acquisition, construction, preparation, enhancement or replacement of roads, buildings and other structures; and • Acquisition, installation or replacement of moveable or immovable plant, machinery, apparatus, vehicles and vessels. 10.2.3 In this context, enhancement means the carrying out of works that are intended to: • Lengthen substantially the useful life of the asset; or • Increase substantially the open market value of the asset; or • Increase substantially the extent to which the asset can or will be used for the purposes of, or in conjunction with the functions of the local authority concerned. 10.2.4 Where expenditure is incurred to ensure a fixed asset maintains its previously assessed standard of performance, this shall be recognised in the revenue account as it is incurred.

10.3 Capital Investment Proposals 10.3.1 Policy priorities will be determined by the Council and individual investment proposals within this framework shall be subject, where appropriate, to a suitable level of options appraisal and cost benefit analysis. 10.3.2 The format of these may vary dependant upon the nature of the proposed investment. At a minimum investment proposals intended to generate income or improve efficiency, for example investment in ICT, must be accompanied by a costs benefit analysis. An appropriate format is prescribed by the Executive Director of Financial Services and agreed by the Council’s Finance Officers Forum and will be updated on an ongoing basis as required. 10.3.3 Significant investment proposals arising from Best Value reviews will more likely include an options appraisal which has regard to recommended practice. The Council’s Best Value Review guidance prescribes the minimum requirements. 10.3.4 All investment proposals must include a financial analysis that outlines the financial implications to the Council of the choices if applicable and the recommended course of action. The analysis shall cover total cost, anticipated funding streams, profile of spend and income and profile of revenue consequences. An appropriate format will be determined by the Executive Director of Financial Services and included in the Budget and Service Plan guidance and updated from time to time as required. 10.3.5 The Prudential Framework offers further opportunities for financing capital investment (see also paragraph 10.5.5). All proposals must be supported by a financial analysis identifying: • the value of the capital investment; and • any additional costs (including debt charges) and either savings accruing from the investment or additional income that will be generated over the life of the project. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 139

10.3.6 An appropriate format will be determined by the Executive Director of Financial Services and included in the Budget and Service Plan guidance and updated from time to time as required.

10.4 Capital Programme 10.4.1 Capital Investment proposals will be considered and approved as part of the integrated budget and service plan process. Service departments will include in their submissions: • capital investment requirements that are aligned to the budget and service plan strategy • an analysis of anticipated spend patterns over the life of each capital project • an analysis of capital grants and any other capital income that are available to fund the project • where appropriate an analysis of reduced operating costs/additional income that may be used to fund capital financing under prudential borrowing (see paragraph 10.5.5 below) • the associated operational revenue consequences. 10.4.2 The Executive Director of Financial Services shall maintain appropriate financial models, over the medium term, that: • monitors capital expenditure and income patterns over the life of ongoing capital projects • forecasts capital expenditure and income patterns for planned projects • continually assesses the likely impact upon the Revenue Account and affordability in terms of the Council’s prevailing Budget and Service Plan strategy. 10.4.3 Projects contained within the approved Capital programme will be released in light of the available capital resources throughout the year. No expenditure on newly approved capital projects shall be initiated without the approval of the Executive Director of Financial Services.

10.5 Capital Funding 10.5.1 The Executive Director of Financial Services shall take a medium to long-term view in assessing available funding for capital expenditure and inform the 3-year Budget and Service Plan process on an ongoing basis.

Borrowing 10.5.2 The Executive Director of Financial Services shall maintain loan debt registers for all associated capital borrowing that defrays the capital cost over the life of the asset.

Capital Receipts 10.5.3 In conjunction with the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services, the Executive Director of Financial Services will determine the estimated value of asset sale receipts obtainable in each year.

Use of Balances 10.5.4 The Executive Director of Financial Services will determine appropriate levels of balances available for supporting capital expenditure in line with the provision of the Code of Practice on Local Authority Reserves and Balances.

Prudential Code 10.5.5 The Prudential Framework offers further opportunities for financing capital investment. Policy on the use of the prudential borrowing framework will be set as part of the Council’s prevailing Budget and Service Plan strategy. 10.5.6 All proposals must be supported by a financial analysis identifying: • The value of the capital investment; and • Any additional costs (including debt charges) and either savings accruing from the investment or additional income that will be generated over the life of the project. COUNCIL 2007-2008 140 17th MAY 2007 1

10.5.7 The Executive Director of Financial Services shall advise on the form, rate and timescales of borrowing to be applied in each case. 10.5.8 All capital projects seeking to use prudential borrowing will generally be considered within the Council’s Budget and Service Plan process. Exceptionally opportunities may arise outwith the cycle and in such cases must be agreed with the Executive Director of Financial Services prior to approval by the Executive Committee. 10.5.9 The Executive Director of Financial Services will be responsible for the production of the prudential code indicators for the forthcoming year as part of the Budget and Service Plan process and for reporting the outturn against these indicators as part of the Final Accounts process.

Revenue Impact 10.5.10 The Executive Director of Financial Services continually assesses the likely impact upon the Revenue Account and affordability of the capital programme in terms of the Council’s prevailing Budget and Service Plan strategy and advises the Council on the affordability in light of available revenue resources.

10.6 Capital Monitoring 10.6.1 On a quarterly basis throughout the financial year, detailed capital monitoring statements will be reported to both individual Service PDS Committees and the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee. This will cover detailed reporting on all major projects as a minimum, taking account of project value, as well as the complexity of the project, having due regard to risk management and composite funding frameworks. The balance of the service programme may be reported in summary, with only significant issues being highlighted. 10.6.2 Detailed capital budget monitoring statements will compare actual and projected expenditure over years with the approved budget for each project (or category of project), for each of the major projects and other projects. The statement will also highlight actual and projected variances from both the approved budget and anticipated timescale for delivery of the project, outlining reasons for the variance and remedial action to be taken. Details of approved budget changes and projects completed since last reporting will also be included. 10.6.3 Corporate projects will be reported by nominated lead service departments. 10.6.4 Summary capital budget monitoring statements will be prepared on a 4-weekly basis, from period 2, and reported to the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee. Where an overspend is projected, Service Executive Directors are required to report to the Executive Committee, outlining the reasons for the projected overspend and the remedial action to be taken in order to manage the delivery of projects within the overall resources available to the service. In addition, where appropriate, Service Executive Directors will be requested to provide reasons for slippage and action plans to ensure the delivery of approved programme commitments within agreed timescales. 10.6.5 In line with revenue budget monitoring, capital monitoring statements will be agreed and reported jointly by the Executive Director of Financial Services and Service Executive Directors. 10.6.6 These arrangements represent the minimum reporting requirements for capital monitoring. Additional reporting on capital projects to Service PDS Committees by Service Executive Directors outwith this timetable or at a different level or format may be required. 10.6.7 Service PDS Committees will have responsibility for monitoring the physical delivery of the programme while the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee will have responsibility for monitoring the financial performance of the programme. Reports on capital projects that highlight a financial impact on the Council will be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval.

10.7 Virement and Additional Approvals 10.7.1 The Executive Director of Financial Services will approve virement between individual capital projects up to £100,000, all virement greater than this sum will require Committee approval. 10.7.2 Any anticipated expenditure in excess of the approved programme must be reported to Committee for approval prior to the commitment of expenditure. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 141

10.8 Asset Management Plans 10.8.1 The Prudential Framework calls for the establishment of Asset Management Plans. Early development is underway. 10.8.2 In the meantime service departments shall continue to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to ensure the integrity, security and effectiveness of their assets is maintained. 10.8.3 Service departments will maintain a register of their assets in a relevant format and will comply with guidelines issued by the Council in relation to the recording and effective use of assets.

11. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OF VAT 11.1 Background 11.1.1 The Council has always been able to fully recover the VAT it has suffered in the construction of assets and the delivery of services. However, changes to legislation, changes in the method of grant funding by the Scottish Executive, the requirement for new working arrangements with outside agencies to deliver Best Value services and changes arising from initiatives already undertaken (e.g. Secondary Schools PPP and the Housing Stock transfer) place considerable pressure on the ability of the Council to maintain this position. 11.1.2 If the Council were to exceed the limit of Exempt VAT it is permitted to recover in any given year it would be required to repay to HM Customs & Excise all Exempt VAT recovered during the year. As a minimum this is likely to be in the order of £5 million. This could mean for example, that a capital project with a cost of £10 million will in effect cost the Council £15 million plus. 11.1.3 The activities most likely to result in the Council breaching the Exempt VAT limit are transactions in land and property; joint working and funding with non-Council organisations; and cultural and educational activities. 11.1.4 Paragraph 3.2 of Financial Regulations, Management and Control Code of Practice states: “Service Executive Directors shall ensure that arrangements are in place to properly account for VAT. Any queries regarding VAT shall be referred to the Executive Director of Financial Services.” 11.1.5 Following several instances where matters relating to the recovery of VAT have not been referred to the Executive Director of Financial Services and where, on more than one occasion the award of a contract has been halted to ensure the Council has not been disadvantaged, it is proposed to create an operational framework to supplement Financial Regulation 3.2 under which the VAT implications of all new service developments, capital and revenue, will be fully appraised prior to Council approval for the development to proceed. 11.1.6 The following operational framework is designed to protect the Council by assisting the Executive Director of Financial Services to ensure that all VAT related issues arising from capital contracts, major revenue works and changes in working practices are properly taken account of at each stage of the process from formulation to asset construction and/or service delivery.

11.2 VAT—Operational Framework Implementation of New Initiatives or Changes to Existing Service Delivery 11.2.1 VAT implications can arise from a variety of sources: • Capital and revenue projects, • Joint working arrangements, • Joint funding arrangements, • New initiatives, • Changes to actual or intended use of assets, and • Changes in working practices. COUNCIL 2007-2008 142 17th MAY 2007 1

11.2.2 Projects/proposals are all subject to the same generic process—an initial proposal, a more detailed consideration if the proposal is considered worthy of possible implementation, presentation to members as part of the budget and service planning arrangements, and formal adoption within the revenue or capital budget. 11.2.3 At each stage of the process it is vitally important that the VAT implications are identified and analysed. Most, though by no means all, projects can be arranged to accommodate the VAT implications. It is critical therefore to identify the VAT implications at an early stage to prevent false expectations on the part of officers, members and perhaps more crucially, outside agencies. 11.2.4 The Council’s VAT officer has designed a form, based on a checklist of the most common areas giving rise to VAT concerns (copy attached). The form will be kept up-to-date as and when changes in VAT legislation occur. 11.2.5 Lead officers in service departments will be required to complete these forms for each of the scenarios identified above as and when they are initiated. The implications will be discussed with the chief accountant in Financial Services responsible for the service department. The lead officer and the chief accountant will sign the form and a copy passed to the Council’s VAT officer. It will be a requirement of the chief accountant to discuss the proposed project with the Council’s VAT officer who will provide further guidance as appropriate. 11.2.6 Before the proposal is presented to members the VAT implications will be revisited and discussed between the lead officer and the chief accountant to ensure there have been no changes to the proposal that impact upon the Council’s ability to recover VAT. The chief accountant will discuss the final version of the proposal with the VAT officer. It will be the responsibility of the VAT officer to give a definitive ruling on the VAT implications contained in the proposal. 11.2.7 Once analysed, all parties (lead officer, chief accountant and the VAT officer) will sign off the VAT implications in the proposal. Thereafter, changes to the proposal will not be accepted if they present a VAT liability to the Council that cannot be accommodated. The Council’s VAT officer will determine whether or not the changes can be accommodated.

11.3 Consideration of VAT Implications Arising from New or Changes to Current Service Delivery SERVICE LEAD OFFICER CHIEF ACCOUNTANT— FINANCIAL SERVICES 1. PROJECT NAME 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Please provide a general outline of the scope of the project with particular reference to: Operational status on completion (for what purpose(s) and by whom); Land & Property issues involving Construction, Refurbishment, Repair, Demolition, Infrastructure, Acquisition, Regeneration, etc.; Land & Property issues involving ownership, intention to Lease, Let, Licence, etc.; Is there any form of ‘joint initiative’, ‘joint venture’, or ‘partnership’ arrangement involved in this project? 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 143

3. COSTS/PARTNERSHIPS/FUNDING 3.1 COSTS What is the gross cost of the project?

3.2 PARTNERSHIPS Is there any form of ‘joint initiative’, YES/NO ‘joint venture’, or ‘partnership’ arrangement involved in this project? (delete as appropriate) If YES list all partners etc. both internal and external. What is each party’s share of costs?

3.3 FUNDING SOURCES Please list all funding sources. (n.b. Not all funding is monetary e.g. Land & Property at less than market value, ‘Barter’ arrangements etc.) For ALL external funding please advise: In whose name was the application made? Who will the funding body make payment to? What, if any conditions are attached to the funding? Inputs other than cash funding: Please provide a general outline of the ‘land & property’ or ‘barter’ arrangement.

3.4 CLOSE CONNECTIONS Are there any close connections between YES/NO any of the parties involved in the project (Capital; funder; developer; ‘person’ expected or likely to lease/purchase/occupy the property/asset)? (delete as appropriate) If YES please provide a general outline of the arrangement.

4. OCCUPATION OR USE OF ASSET What activities will the Council use the asset for? Will any other ‘person’ who is funding the project or who is connected to the Capital or who is connected to someone funding the project use the asset? If so, what use will they make of the asset? COUNCIL 2007-2008 144 17th MAY 2007 1

CERTIFICATION 1. Initial Proposal Name of officer Designation Signature Date

2. Proposal included in Service plan/ Capital Programme Name of officer Designation Signature Date

3. Revisions Name of officer Designation Signature Date

12. OVERSEAS TRAVEL: GUIDELINES TO SERVICE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS 12.1 Introduction 12.1.1 The purpose of these guidelines is to assist Service Executive Directors to evaluate whether a request to attend overseas conferences, seminars, international trade missions, networking or other events shall be approved. The guidelines are not designed to be used in such a way as to deliver a yes or no answer—given the size and complexity of the Council and the diverse nature of Services this is simply not possible. What the guidelines provide is a series of questions to be used as a tool to assist Service Executive Directors to reach their own conclusions about the benefits to be gained from the trip. However this approach also brings formality, evidencing and a degree of uniformity to the process and the recording of responses to the questions will help maintain transparency and accountability. 12.1.2 It is anticipated that the guidelines will assist Service Executive Directors to provide and demonstrate value for money through these overseas trips. The guidelines will also be useful in any future Freedom of Information enquiries.

12.2 Completing the Responses to the Guidelines 12.2.1 The guidelines shall be completed by an authorising officer (to be nominated by the Service) for each overseas trip and a copy retained in the department. Services will be expected to set up their own governance arrangements to ensure the questions are addressed and the decision recorded. 12.2.2 A copy of the completed guidelines shall be emailed to the Chief Executive when requesting his approval for overseas trips.

12.3 Reporting 12.3.1 In future Services will be required to maintain a register of staff attending overseas conferences, seminars, international trade missions and networking and other approved trips. A summary of this register will be collated by staff in Financial Services and reported to the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services PDS Committee on an annual basis. Important These guidelines must be completed and approved BEFORE making any travel arrangements. (Note—the guidelines are not reproduced within this document, but can be obtained from Service Executive Directors if required) 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 145

13. CAPITAL PROJECT OFFICERS STEERING GROUP TERMS OF REFERENCE AND REPORTING PROTOCOL FOR CLIENT OFFICERS 13.1 BACKGROUND 13.1.1 At the meeting of the Financial Services (Monitoring and Review) Sub-Committee on 23 November 2005, members agreed to a series of recommendations arising from a review of the Easterhouse Cultural Campus project. The first decision was that a client officer must be appointed to manage each project and to report as required to the Capital Project Officers Steering Group (the Group). There followed a series of decisions many of which require action on the part of client officers. This document incorporates the committee requirements and those of the Group.

13.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE 13.2.1 A Client officer, properly supported by suitably qualified internal or external staff, must be appointed to manage every project and report as required to the Group. 13.2.2 A key function of client officers is to scrutinise and challenge the processes that lead to decisions and to formally sign off projects at key stages. The key stages in the view of the Group are: - The recommendation to appoint an external or internal project manager (see reporting protocol) - The recommendation of the form of contract to be used for projects (see reporting protocol) - The selection of tenderers - The final pre tender review of the project - The post-tender review, including any agreed savings - The contractor/designer/ consultant appointment recommendation (see reporting protocol) 13.2.3 Client officers must retain evidence of the process of scrutiny and challenge that led up to decisions and recommendations. 13.2.4 Client officers must formally consider and recommend an appropriate form of contract to the Group who will approve the recommendation to committee. Where an external project manager is appointed, project managers must be involved with the client officer in determining the appropriate form of contract. 13.2.5 Single stage tenders should continue to be used where appropriate but client officers must be satisfied that the extent of provisional sums are minimal and that the design is to all intents and purposes practically complete. 13.2.6 Client officers must ensure that risk management is an essential part of the project management arrangements from the outset with the identification and quantification of risks and periodic review during the course of the project. (See reporting protocol). 13.2.7 Client officers must provide assurance that the selection panel has followed an acceptable process when appointing consultants, contractors and project managers. 13.2.8 Client officers must retain evidence of the process followed by selection panels. 13.2.9 Client officers must ensure that selection panels record any concerns raised during the selection process. 13.2.10 Client officers must maintain a full record of minutes of meetings throughout the project with evidence of approval by all parties. 13.2.11 Client officers must ensure that where external project managers are used the roles and responsibilities and reporting arrangements are clearly defined to avoid any ambiguity, for example in relation to responsibility for risk management. 13.2.12 Client officers should ensure that contingencies are not built into individual contracts and that calls are met from the Council’s contingency provision. 13.2.13 Client officers must ensure that reports to committee seeking approval to accept tenders identify the source and certainty of funding, who bears any additional cost if there is an expenditure overrun, the level of uncertainty and risk in all other aspects of the project. Client officers must also incorporate into reports any other technical and financial information as required by the Group. COUNCIL 2007-2008 146 17th MAY 2007 1

13.2.14 Delays in completion, or anticipated increases in costs, must be promptly reported to Committee by client officers. (See reporting protocol)

13.3 REPORTING PROTOCOL 13.3.1 Client officers must make recommendations to the Group for advance approval in respect of: - The decision to use either an external or internal project manager - The form of contract to be used - The appointment of designers, project managers or contractors. 13.3.2 Reports to the Group concerning appointment recommendations must include assurance and evidence that an acceptable selection process has been followed. 13.3.3 Client officers will be responsible for taking forward any recommendations agreed by the Group that require committee approval. 13.3.4 Client officers must submit regular reports to the Group (including reports at key events such as the completion of pre-tender reviews and post tender reviews) on the progress of projects and include copies of the risk register with each report. Reports must include full explanations of any project completion delays and cost overruns. 13.3.5 Client officers must promptly report to Committee any delays in project completion or anticipated increases in costs, together with a full explanation of the circumstances which led to the situation and the actions to be taken to minimise the risk of further time delays and cost overrun. 2007-2008 COUNCIL 1 17th MAY 2007 147



EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Leader of the Council £46,357 Deputy Leader £28,000 City Treasurer £28,000 Chief Whip & Business Manager £28,000

Executive Member for: Education and Social Renewal £28,000 Social Care £28,000 Land and Environment £28,000 Development and Regeneration £28,000 Direct and Care Services £28,000 Personnel and Corporate Services £28,000 Culture and Sport £28,000 Health £28,000 International Links £21,000

POLICY DEVELOPMENT & SCRUTINY COMMITTEE CONVENERS Education and Social Work £21,000 Land and Environment £21,000 Development and Regeneration £21,000 Direct and Care Services £21,000 Finance, Corporate and Trading Services £21,000

REGULATORY COMMITTEE CONVENERS Planning £28,000 Licensing Committee £28,000 Licensing Board £28,000 Audit & Ethics £21,000

OTHER POSITIONS Lord Provost £34,768 Deputy Lord Provost £21,000 Deputy Leader of the Opposition £21,000 Within Maximum Allowable of £602,640 PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 2007-2008 148 27th MARCH 2007 1


Glasgow, 27th March 2007.

Personnel Appeals Committee.

Present: George Ryan (Chair), Josephine Dodds and Stephen Dornan. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); and C Kirwan (for the Chief Executive).

Minutes of previous meetings approved. 1 The minutes of 27th February and 1st and 6th March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Exclusion of public. 2 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Land Services—Representations dealt with—Grievance rejected. 3 The committee considered representations on behalf of a manual worker in Land Services. Having heard the appellant, G Gould of GMB and M A Walsh and C Francis, Land Services, the committee, after discussion, rejected the grievance.

Glasgow, 2nd April 2007.

Personnel Appeals Committee.

Present: William O’Rourke (Chair), Anne Marie Millar and Jim Todd. Attending: A McLean (Clerk); and T Hughes (for the Chief Executive).

Minutes of previous meetings approved. 1 The minutes of 14th and 22nd March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Exclusion of public. 2 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Direct and Care Services—Appeal against dismissal by manual worker rejected. 3 The committee considered an appeal against her dismissal by a manual worker previously employed in Direct and Care Services. Having heard the appellant and A MacDonald and A Watson, Direct and Care Services, the committee, after discussion, rejected the appeal.

Glasgow, 3rd April 2007.

Personnel Appeals Committee.

Present: Josephine Dodds (Chair), John McKenzie and Jim Todd. Attending: T Slater (Clerk); and C Dick (for the Chief Executive). 2007-2008 PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 1 10th APRIL 2007 149

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 27th March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Exclusion of public. 2 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 11 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Social Work Services—Representations dealt with—Grievance rejected. 3 The committee considered representations on behalf of an APT&C employee in Social Work Services. Having heard the appellant, E Dougall of the Transport and General Workers Union and R Anderson, Social Work Services, the committee, after discussion, rejected the grievance.

Glasgow, 10th April 2007.

Personnel Appeals Committee.

Present: Josephine Dodds (Chair), Malcolm McLean and Ann Marie Millar Attending: A McLean (Clerk); and T Hughes (for the Chief Executive).

Exclusion of public. 1 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Land and Environmental Services—Appeal against dismissal by manual worker rejected. 2 The committee considered an appeal against his dismissal by a manual worker previously employed in Land and Environmental Services. Having heard the appellant, T Asken of GMB and L Murray and A Sinclair, Land and Environmental Services, the committee, after discussion, rejected the appeal. SOCIAL CARE SERVICES 2007-2008 150 27th APRIL 2007 1


Glasgow, 27th April 2007.

Social Care Services Complaints Review Committee.

Present: Ms Eleanor Ahern (Chair), Ms Audrey Sutherland and Ms Maureen Robertson. Attending: A Garbutt (Clerk).

Appointment of Chair agreed. 1 The committee agreed that Ms Eleanor Ahern be appointed to chair the meeting.

Exclusion of public. 2 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A was likely to be disclosed.

Complaint against Social Work Services considered—Reference to Executive Committee. 3 There was submitted (1) a submission by Mr S in support of his complaint against Social Work Services; and (2) a report by the Director of Social Work Services in response to the complaint. The appellant Mr S was present and the Director of Social Work Services was represented by Mr J Charlton, Principal Officer, Rights and Enquiries and Mr J O’Sullivan, Operations Manager. After consideration and having heard both sides who thereafter withdrew, the committee agreed the terms of the report which would be submitted to the Executive Committee.



Glasgow, 6th June 2007.

Appointment of Senior Officers Committee.

Present: Steven Purcell (Chair), Aileen Colleran, Stephen Curran, Elaine McDougall, Tom McKeown, John Mason and Gordon Matheson. Apology: James Coleman. Attending: K McGuinness (Clerk); and G Black, Chief Executive.

Exclusion of public. 1 The committee resolved, in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting as exempt information, as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Posts of Executive Director of Education and Social Work and Service Director of Social Work—Shortlists approved. 3 With reference to the minutes of 13th February 2007 (Print 7, page 830) when the committee had agreed that the posts of Executive Director of Education and Social Work and Service Director of Social Work be advertised externally and filled through a competitive interview process by this committee, the committee, having considered the applications which had now been submitted for the posts, agreed (1) to interview 5 applicants for the post of Executive Director of Education and Social Work, with interviews to be held on 21st June 2007; and (2) to interview 5 applicants for the post of Service Director of Social Work, with interviews to be held on 26th June 2007.

LICENSING 2007-2008 152 21st MARCH 2007 1


Glasgow, 21st March 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John Moynes (Chair), Bashir Ahmad, Malcolm Cunning, Christine Devine, Michael Kernaghan, Gordon Macdiarmid and Mary Paris. Apologies: Malcolm McLean, Margaret McCafferty and Anne Marie Millar. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); C Corneli (for the Chief Executive); S Willett and G McCracken (for the Director of Environmental Protection Services); and M Stockton, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 39 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Premises Duration Decision

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (NEW) Emily Smoor (4215) Flat 1/2, 105 Hill Street 3 years Continued for all outstanding (Ward 16) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue and for the applicant to be in attendance Dhillon & Singh (4216) Flat 2/1, 20 Rupert Street 3 years Continued for all outstanding (Ward 18) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Dhillon & Singh (4248) Flat 2/2, 20 Rupert Street 3 years Continued for all outstanding (Ward 18) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Lisa Patton (4218) Flat 1/1, 282 Woodlands 3 years Granted, subject to the Road (Ward 18) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Calum MacCalman Flat 0/1, 5 Muirpark Street 3 years Continued for all outstanding (4219) (Ward 15) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 21st MARCH 2007 153

Applicant and reference number Premises Duration Decision Matthew Hunter (4220) Flat 3 up, 613 Great Western 3 years Continued for all outstanding Road (Ward 14) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Azuno Ltd (4221) Flat 1/1, 54 Gibson Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services John Hadden (4222) 41 Oran Gate (Ward 20) 3 years Continued for all outstanding matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue John Hadden (4261) 45 Oran Gate (Ward 20) 3 years Continued for all outstanding matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Abdul Sattar (4224) Flat 2/1, 139 Queen Margaret 3 years Granted, subject to the Drive (Ward 19) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Samima Khatoon (4230) Flat 2/1, 1 Woodlands Drive 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 18) (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all outstanding matters had been completed within 4 weeks to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Gordon MacKenzie Flat 2/2, 5 Thornbank Street 3 years Continued for certificate of (4231) (Ward 16) compliance to be produced to the Chief Executive Mary Equi (4233) Flat 1/2, 447 Sauchiehall 3 years Continued for Street (Ward 17) (1) redisplay of statutory notice; and LICENSING 2007-2008 154 21st MARCH 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises Duration Decision (2) all outstanding matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Ronald McGeachie Flat 3/1, 6 Rupert Street 3 years Continued for all outstanding (4236) (Ward 18) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Thenew Housing 172 Lethamhill Road 3 years Granted, subject to the Association (4238) (Ward 39) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Matthew Geraghty Flat 3/2, 38 Berkeley Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (4245) (Ward 17) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Gordon McConnell 5 Armadale Street (Ward 33) 3 years Continued for all outstanding (4246) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue A + M Properties Flat 1/1, 17 Glasgow Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Glasgow) Ltd (4247) (Ward 14) (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all outstanding matters had been completed within 4 weeks to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Andrew Reid (4249) 2M, 3 Armadale Street 3 years Continued for certificate of (Ward 33) compliance to be produced to the Chief Executive Sheila Riach (4254) Flat 1/1, 5 Walmer Crescent 3 years Continued for all outstanding (Ward 54) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 21st MARCH 2007 155

Applicant and reference number Premises Duration Decision Linda Robinson (4264) Flat 3/2, 7 Westbank 3 years Granted, subject to the Quadrant (Ward 14) (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all outstanding matters had been completed within 4 weeks to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Steven Cusick (4265) Flat 1/2, 7 Corunna Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 16) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (CHANGE OF MANAGER) (NEW) Adam Gadd (4243) Flat 3/1, 1088 Argyle Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 16) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Housing 2 & 4 Eldergrove Place 3 years Granted, subject to the Association (4260) (Ward 51) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (RENEWAL) Gilfin Property Flat 2/2, 385 Sauchiehall 3 years Continued for all outstanding Holdings plc (4227) Street (Ward 17) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Gilfin Property Flat 3/1, 385 Sauchiehall 3 years Continued for all outstanding Holdings plc (4228) Street (Ward 17) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Gilfin Property Flat 3/2, 385 Sauchiehall 3 years Continued for all outstanding Holdings plc (4229) Street (Ward 17) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Friends of the Western T/R, 13 Terrace 3 years Granted, subject to the Buddhist Order South (Ward 19) conditions detailed in the (Glasgow) (4232) report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services LICENSING 2007-2008 156 21st MARCH 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises Duration Decision Timbera Properties Flat 0/1, 15 St Luke’s 3 years Continued for all outstanding Ballater Ltd (4235) Terrace (Ward 66) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services McMillan & Co (4237) 18 Hillhead Street (Ward 14) 3 years Continued for all outstanding matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services Adam Gadd (4242) Flat 3/1, 1088 Argyle Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 16) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Desmond Le Marquand Flat 0/2, 27 Cranworth Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (4252) (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Desmond Le Marquand Main door, 34 Kersland Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (4253) (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Craig Forster (4255) Flat 3/1, 58 Gardner Street 3 years Continued for all outstanding (Ward 15) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Parveen Liaquat (4256) Flat 2/2, 146 Holland Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 17) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Ian Reid (4257) Flat 0/1, 27 Cranworth Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Stuart Reid (4258) Flat 0/1, 37 Cranworth Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Linthouse Housing 2 & 4 Eldergrove Place 3 years Granted, subject to the Association (4259) (Ward 51) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 22nd MARCH 2007 157

Applicant and reference number Premises Duration Decision PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (NEW) Adeyemi Adegite (2434) George Square (Ward 27) Temporary Granted, subject to from 28th to (1) the licence being retained 31st March by the Chief Executive 2007 and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services; and (2) appropriate certification being produced to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 23rd March 2007

Glasgow, 22nd March 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John Moynes (Chair), Malcolm Cunning, Gordon Macdiarmid, Anne Marie Millar and Mary Paris. Apologies: Bashir Ahmad, Christine Devine, Stephen Dornan, Michael Kernaghan, Margaret McCafferty and Malcolm McLean. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); I Lockhart (for the Chief Executive); S Willett (for the Director of Environmental Protection Services); P Owens, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue; and Chief Inspector S Neill, Strathclyde Police.

Complaints against holders of various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 40 complaints against the holders of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee (1) noted that the taxi driver’s licence of Stuart Clark had been surrendered; and (2) dealt with the remaining complaints as follows:— Licence holder Decision PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE Sajjad Hussain Continued to allow the licence holder to be in attendance Mohammed Amin Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE Asif Ashraf Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Richard Collins Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Vincent Gilmour Continued for training certificate to be produced to the Chief Executive Mark Glancy Warning issued regarding the licence holder’s failure to comply with the conditions of licence LICENSING 2007-2008 158 22nd MARCH 2007 1

Licence holder Decision Michael McMahon Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Joseph Murray Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Steven McNab Severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Mohammed Amin Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Suhail Ali-Mukarrum Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Alexandra Allan Continued for further information Joseph Boyle Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Hugh Coulter Continued for training course to be undertaken and passed and training certificate produced and for the licence holder to confirm his change of address in writing to the Chief Executive Charles Craig Continued to allow the licence holder to be in attendance Julia Devaney Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Omer Ergin Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Marek Granek Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Mohammed Javed Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Leslie Jones Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration William Kennedy Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Stephen Lyall Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration William McFarlane Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration William McLaughlin Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Janette Mooney Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration

TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE Kenneth McConnell Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Decision

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE Grant Bannerman Flat 3/1, 230 Great Western Warning issued regarding the licence Road (Ward 25) holder’s failure to comply with the conditions of licence Sarah Jane Gibson Flat 3/2, 2 Willowbank Continued for outstanding matters to Crescent (Ward 18) be completed to the satisfaction of Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Martin Joyce Flat 0/2, 52 Buccleuch Street Warning issued regarding the licence (Ward 17) holder’s failure to comply with the conditions of licence Martin Joyce MD, 253 Renfrew Street (Ward 16) Continued for outstanding matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 28th MARCH 2007 159

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Decision Kelvin Properties 77 Millbrae Road (Ward 70) Warning issued regarding the licence holder’s failure to comply with the conditions of licence Julian Petrucci Flat 3/1, 719 Great Western Road Warning issued regarding the licence (Ward 22) holder’s failure to comply with the conditions of licence David Rowand Flat 3/1, 68 Kent Road (Ward 17) Warning issued regarding the licence holder’s failure to comply with the conditions of licence Mark Taylor Flat 1/1, 25 Meadowpark Street Continued to allow the licence holder (Ward 33) to be in attendance

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE Martin Herd (1) Within Queen’s Park, west Licence suspended for the unexpired side of the footpath, 30 metres portion of its duration south of Victoria Gates (Ward 68); (2) Within Victoria Park, 25 metres north west of the War Memorial on the footpath outside the toilets; (3) Within Park on the east side of the running track, 25 metres north west of the pavilion (Ward 4); and (4) Within Elder Park at the west side of the pond, 20 metres south of Govan Road (Ward 52) William Manners Mobile Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration William Walker Mobile Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Paul McCafferty Mobile Continued to allow the licence holder to be in attendance Sandra Wilson Mobile Continued to allow the licence holder to be in attendance

Glasgow, 28th March 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John Moynes (Chair), Gordon Macdiarmid, Anne Marie Millar and Mary Paris. Apologies: Bashir Ahmad, Malcolm Cunning, Christine Devine, Michael Kernaghan, Margaret McCafferty and Malcolm McLean. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); C Corneli (for the Chief Executive); and M Gibb and S Willett (for the Director of Environmental Protection Services). LICENSING 2007-2008 160 28th MARCH 2007 1

Minutes of previous meetings approved. 1 The minutes of 14th and 15th March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Applications for various types of licences/permits dealt with. 2 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 92 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences/permits. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision AMUSEMENT WITH PRIZES PERMIT (NEW) Global Gaming Corp 101 Union Street (Ward 17) 3 years Granted to 31st August 2007, Ltd (139) subject to the permit being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (NEW) Unite Integrated Flats G/01, G/02, G/04, 3 years Granted, subject to the Solutions plc G/05, G/06, G/07, G/08, conditions detailed in the (4266 to 4314) 1/02, 1/03, 1/05, 1/06, 1/07, report by the Director of 1/08, 1/09, 2/02, 2/03, 2/05, Environmental Protection 2/06, 2/07, 2/08, 2/09, 3/02, Services 3/03, 3/05, 3/06, 3/07, 3/08, 3/09, 4/02, 4/03, 4/05, 4/06, 4/07, 4/08, 4/09, 5/02, 5/03, 5/05, 5/06, 5/07, 5/08, 5/09, 6/02, 6/03, 6/05, 6/06, 6/07, 6/08 and 6/09, 6 Blackfriars Road (Ward 34)

INDOOR SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (NEW) Culture and Sport Sports Centre, 3 years Granted Glasgow Bellahouston Drive (Ward 55) Culture and Sport Castlemilk Sports Centre, 3 years Granted Glasgow Dougrie Road (Ward 77) Culture and Sport Leisure 3 years Granted Glasgow Centre, Garscadden Road (Ward 2) Culture and Sport Drumchapel Pool, 3 years Granted Glasgow 199 Drumry Road East (Ward 1) Culture and Sport Easterhouse Sports Centre, 3 years Granted, subject to the Glasgow Auchinlea Road (Ward 49) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 28th MARCH 2007 161

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Culture and Sport Glasgow Green Football 3 years Granted, subject to the Glasgow Centre, 28 King’s Drive licence being retained by the (Ward 34) Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services Culture and Sport Gorbals Leisure Centre, 3 years Granted, subject to the Glasgow 275 Ballater Street (Ward 66) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services Culture and Sport Holyrood Sports Centre, 3 years Granted, subject to the Glasgow 60 Aikenhead Road licence being retained by the (Ward 69) Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services Culture and Sport Kelvin Hall International 3 years Granted Glasgow Sports Arena (Ward 16) Culture and Sport Nethercraigs Sports Centre, 3 years Granted Glasgow Road (Ward 59) Culture and Sport North Woodside Leisure 3 years Granted, subject to the Glasgow Centre, 10 Moncrieff Street licence being retained by the (Ward 18) Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services Culture and Sport Leisure Centre, 3 years Granted Glasgow 72 Danes Drive (Ward 10) Culture and Sport Springburn Leisure Centre, 3 years Granted Glasgow Kay Street (Ward 29) Culture and Sport Tollcross Park Leisure 3 years Granted, subject to the Glasgow Centre, 350 Wellshot Road licence being retained by the (Ward 44) Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services Culture and Sport Whitehall Pool, 240 Onslow 3 years Granted, subject to the Glasgow Drive (Ward 33) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services LICENSING 2007-2008 162 28th MARCH 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Culture and Sport Sports Centre, 3 years Granted Glasgow 2 Spiershall Terrace (Ward 6)

LATE HOURS CATERING LICENCE (NEW) Thrill of the Grill 23/25 Gibson Street (Ward 14) 1 year Granted, as amended, subject (Glasgow) Ltd (1989) to the licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services

PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (NEW) Global Gaming Corp 101 Union Street (Ward 17) 1 year Granted to 31st August 2007, Ltd (2426) subject to the licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services Rowland Hill (2436) Glasgow Green Play Park 1 year Granted to 30th September (Ward 34) 2007, subject to the (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services; (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services; and (3) appropriate certification being submitted to the Licensing Section by 1000 hours on 30th March 2007 Rowland Hill (2437) Kelvingrove Park (Ward 16) 1 year Granted to 30th September 2007, subject to the (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services; 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 28th MARCH 2007 163

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services; and (3) appropriate certification being submitted to the Licensing Section by 1000 hours on 30th March 2007 Rowland Hill (2438) Victoria Park (Ward 11) 1 year Granted to 30th September 2007, subject to the (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services; (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services; and (3) appropriate certification being submitted to the Licensing Section by 1000 hours on 30th March 2007 Culture and Sport Partick Burgh Hall, 3 years Granted Glasgow 9 Burgh Hall Street (Ward 12) Culture and Sport Shettleston Halls, 3 years Granted, subject to the Glasgow 150 Wellshot Road (Ward 44) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services

PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (RENEWAL) Mega Leisure (2424) 1046 Pollokshaws Road 1 year Granted to 31st August 2007 (Ward 71)

PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (HEALTH/FITNESS) (NEW) Clarins (UK) Ltd (2425) 97 Argyle Street (Ward 17) 2 years Granted

PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (NEW) David Fowler (PV00088) n/a 1 year Withdrawn Abdul Hanan (PV00109) n/a 1 year Refused James King (PV00163) n/a 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance LICENSING 2007-2008 164 28th MARCH 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Sandra McArdle n/a 1 year Continued to allow the (PV00164) applicant to be in attendance

PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (RENEWAL) Isabella Cameron n/a 2 years Granted and warning issued (PV00187) regarding future timeous vehicle safety inspections

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Stephen Robson n/a 2 years Granted with dispensation (PD00273) from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Maninder Singh n/a 3 years Refused (PD00276) Qamar Zaman (PD00383) n/a 3 years Refused

SKIN PIERCING AND TATOOING LICENCE (NEW) Maxwell Hewat (4) 1060 Argyle Street (Ward 16) 1 year Refused Paula Egelnick (14) 16 Minard Road (Ward 14) 2 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services Louisa Dingwall (15) 48 Norse Road (Ward 10) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Archangel Tattoo & 255 Maryhill Road (Ward 25) 1 year Continued for further Piercing (16) inspection of the premises by the Director of Environmental Protection Services

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (NEW) Allan Davidson (11905) (1) On the north side of 1 year Continued for site visit to Road, 75 stance 3 metres west of the west side of the main entrance to the Blochairn Fruit Market (Ward 28); (2) South side of Blochairn Road, 100 metres east from the east side of the main entrance to Blochairn Fruit Market (Ward 28); and (3) East side of John Street, 50 metres north of George Street (Ward 27) 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 28th MARCH 2007 165

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision George Gallacher Outside Unit 1-2, Block C, 1 year Continued to allow the (11849) 280-310 Provan Walk, applicant to be in attendance Glasgow Fort Shopping Centre (Ward 49) Liza Noble (11876) South side of Road, 1 year Granted 35 metres west of Murrayfield Street (Ward 44) Brian Feeney (11884) Mobile 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Brian Kelman (11882) (1) West side of Springfield 3 years Granted with dispensation Road, 75 metres north of from condition 15, subject to Janefield Street (Ward 36); the conditions detailed in the correspondence by the (2) West side of Aikenhead Director of Land Services in Road, 25 metres north of respect of stance (1) Mount Annan Drive (Ward 74); (3) North side of Paisley Road West, 15 metres east of Merrick Gardens (Ward 53); and (4) Mobile

Applications for street trader’s licence—Adjournment. 3 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing the following 2 applications for the grant of a street trader’s licence:— Applicant and reference number Stance Duration Kay Reader (11842) West side of Laidlaw Street, 40 metres south 3 years of Wallace Street (Ward 54) Phyllis Smith (11846) (1) In the private car park, 15 metres south west 1 year of the entrance to Devon Place (Ward 66); (2) Within private car park, 17 metres north east of the entrance to Laidlaw Street (Ward 64); and (3) South side of Blochairn Road, 20 metres west of the west entrance to Blochairn Fruit Market (Ward 32) After consideration, the committee, in terms of Standing Order No 17, agreed to adjourn the meeting at 1200 hours for a visit to the proposed site of each application.

Resumption of meeting. 4 The meeting resumed at 1300 hours and the sederunt was taken as follows:— Present: John Moynes (Chair), Gordon Macdiarmid and Mary Paris. Apologies: Bashir Ahmad, Malcolm Cunning, Christine Devine, Michael Kernaghan, Margaret McCafferty, Anne Marie Millar and Malcolm McLean. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); and C Corneli (for the Chief Executive). LICENSING 2007-2008 166 29th MARCH 2007 1

Applications for street trader’s licence dealt with. 5 The committee resumed consideration of 2 applications for the grant of a street trader’s licence. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Stance Duration Decision Kay Reader (11842) West side of Laidlaw Street, 3 years Granted with dispensation 40 metres south of Wallace from condition 11, subject to Street (Ward 54) the applicant’s existing street trader’s licence being surrendered Phyllis Smith (11846) (1) In the private car park, 1 year Continued for further 15 metres south west of information the entrance to Devon Place (Ward 66); (2) Within private car park, 17 metres north east of the entrance to Laidlaw Street (Ward 64); and (3) South side of Blochairn Road, 20 metres west of the west entrance to Blochairn Fruit Market (Ward 32)

Glasgow, 29th March 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John Moynes (Chair), Bashir Ahmad, Christine Devine, Gordon Macdiarmid and Mary Paris. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Margaret McCafferty, Malcolm McLean and Anne Marie Millar. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); M Millar (for the Chief Executive); G McCracken and S Willett (for the Director of Environmental Protection Services); and Chief Inspector S Neill, Strathclyde Police.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 46 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Duration Decision PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (NEW) Muhammad Baig (PD00648) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Iltaf Dean (PD00362) 1 year Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s failure to comply with the conditions of his licence and future conduct Christopher Devlin 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s (PD00639) future conduct 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 29th MARCH 2007 167

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision Fergus Elliot (PD00597) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Martin Gourlay (PD00618) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Andrew Hendry (PD00612) 1 year Refused Zaffer Hussain (PD00635) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Richard Hutchinson 1 year Refused (PD00655) Faizal Lombard (PD00604) 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Paul McCann (PD00624) 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Stephen McCormack 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s (PD00615) future conduct David McLean (PD00658) 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Stephen Noon (PD00642) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Jeffrey Reilly (PD00142) 1 year (1) Granted, subject to the applicant undergoing a medical examination during February 2008; and (2) Severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct George Riddell (PD00625) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Waqar Saeed (PD00626) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Gurmukh Singh (PD00599) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Brian Stirling (PD00631) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Bassam Aid (PD00487) 1 year Refused Ali Daowd (PD00299) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance William Fleming (PD00307) 1 year Refused Sherry Freeman (PD00356) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct James Hogg (PD00367) 1 year Refused David McAtear (PD00482) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance William Thompson 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance (PD00468) Adam Abramczyk (PD00601) 2 years Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Adam Norris (PD00191) 3 years Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Ryan Sinclair (PD00532) 2 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance LICENSING 2007-2008 168 29th MARCH 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Johnathan Bruce (PD00580) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Craig Charles (PD00565) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Duncan Grant (PD00550) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct George Maxwell (PD00572) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Robert Mitchell (PD00555) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct William Mullen (PD00573) 2 years Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Tahir Mansur (PD00538) 3 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Hamid Ashraf (PD00261) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Thomas McCallion (PD00455) 2 years Continued for production of driving licence to the Chief Executive Mohammad Tousif 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 (PD00200) TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Lachlan Cameron (TD00339) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Edward McGlinchey 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and (TD00401) warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Thomas McNellis (TD00417) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Daniel Ferguson (TD00409) 3 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct James Caldwell (TD00252) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Thomas Melville (TD00189) 2 years Refused William Ferguson (TD0095) 3 years Granted, subject to the applicant undergoing a medical examination during February 2008 and 2009 Applicant and reference number Premises Duration Decision MARKET OPERATOR’S LICENCE (NEW) Geraud Markets UK St Enoch Square (Ward 17) Temporary from Granted, subject to the Ltd (T363) 5th to 8th April licence being retained by the 2007 Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Environmental Protection Services 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 4th APRIL 2007 169

Glasgow, 4th April 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Christine Devine, Gordon Macdiarmid and Mary Paris. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Stephen Dornan, Michael Kernaghan, Margaret McCafferty, Anne Marie Millar and John Moynes. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); C Corneli (for the Chief Executive); and J Docherty (for the Director of Environmental Protection Services).

Minutes of previous meetings approved. 1 The minutes of 21st and 22nd March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Applications for house in multiple occupation licence dealt with. 2 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 200 applications for the renewal of a house in multiple occupation licence for a 3 year period for various premises. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant Flat number Premises Decision University of Glasgow 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1 1 Bellshaugh Court Continued to allow (4014 to 4091) and 2/2 (Ward 9) (1) any outstanding 0/1, 1/1 and 2/1 2 Bellshaugh Court matters to be (Ward 9) completed to the satisfaction of the 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 3 Bellshaugh Court Director of 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 9) Environmental 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 4 Bellshaugh Court Protection Services; 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 9) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 5 Bellshaugh Court (2) the applicant to 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 9) investigate if there was a problem with 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 6 Bellshaugh Court dampness in respect 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 9) of the premises 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 7 Bellshaugh Court 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 9) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 8 Bellshaugh Court 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 9) 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1 and 9 Bellshaugh Court 2/2 (Ward 9) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 11 Bellshaugh Court 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 9) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 12 Bellshaugh Court 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 9) University of Glasgow 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 7 Kelvinhaugh Gate Granted, subject to the (4092 to 4213) 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 9 Kelvinhaugh Gate Environmental Protection 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) Services 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 11 Kelvinhaugh Gate 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) LICENSING 2007-2008 170 11th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant Flat number Premises Decision 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 15 Kelvinhaugh Gate 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 1/1, 2/1 and 3/1 115 Kelvinhaugh Street (Ward 16) 0/1, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 2/2, 117 Kelvinhaugh Street 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 119 Kelvinhaugh Street 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 3 Palmerston Place 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1,1/2, 2/1, 27 Kelvinhaugh Street 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 45 Kelvinhaugh Street 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 53 Kelvinhaugh Street 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 2/2, 61 Kelvinhaugh Street 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 69 Kelvinhaugh Street 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 77 Kelvinhaugh Street 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 85 Kelvinhaugh Street 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16) 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 91 Kelvinhaugh Street 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 (Ward 16)

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Private hire car licence—Requests to recall Suspension Orders dealt with. 3 There were submitted reports by the Chief Executive regarding requests by Peter Carrick that the Suspension Orders imposed on his private hire car licences be recalled (1) advising of the circumstances leading to the Suspension Orders being imposed in respect of each licence; and (2) attaching supporting correspondence from the licence holder. After consideration, the committee dealt with the requests as follows:— Name Decision Peter Carrick (Ref No. 33311) Granted Peter Carrick (Ref No. 31712) Granted

Glasgow, 11th April 2007. Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Christine Devine, Gordon Macdiarmid and Anne Marie Millar. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Stephen Dornan, Margaret McCafferty, John Moynes and Mary Paris. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); C Corneli (for the Chief Executive); S Willett (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G McCracken (for the Director of Land and Environmental Services); and P Henery, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue. 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 11th APRIL 2007 171

Minutes of previous meetings approved. 1 The minutes of 28th and 29th March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 2 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 61 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision

CINEMA LICENCE (NEW) Arlene Steven (788) 350 Sauchiehall Street 1 year Granted, subject to the (Ward 16) licence being retained until the conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services had been complied with

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (NEW) Jeremy Broad (3995) Flat 3/1, 4 Southpark Avenue 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Salman Shaikh (3921) Flat 2/2, 192 West Princes 3 years Continued for outstanding Street (Ward 18) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Aziz Property Co (3931) 41 Oakfield Avenue (Ward 14) 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services James Gibson (3932) 10a Burnbank Gardens 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 25) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Grant Armstrong (3937) Flat 2/1, 54 Gibson Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services LICENSING 2007-2008 172 11th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Grant Armstrong (3938) Flat 2/2, 1 Kersland Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all outstanding matters had been completed within 2 weeks to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Douglas Jardine (3933) Flat 3/1, 8 Highburgh Road 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Clark Pub Company Flat 1/2, 22 Willowbank 3 years Continued for clarification on (3993) Crescent (Ward 18) whether statutory notice had been displayed and for outstanding matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Jagdish Bassi (4239) Flat 1/1, 275 Wilton Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 19) (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all outstanding matters had been completed within 2 weeks to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Jagdish Bassi (4240) Flat 0/2, 287 Wilton Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 19) (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all outstanding matters had been completed within 2 weeks to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 11th APRIL 2007 173

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services

Jagdish Bassi (4241) 291 Wilton Street (Ward 19) 3 years Granted, subject to the (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all outstanding matters had been completed within 2 weeks to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Dhillon & Singh (4248) Flat 2/2, 20 Rupert Street 3 years Refused (Ward 18) David Leathem (4251) Flat 3/3, 7 Radnor Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 16) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (RENEWAL) Town and City Flat 2/2, 6 Cresswell Street 3 years Granted, subject to the Investments (3923) (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services

Thenew Housing 25 Cairngorm Road 3 years Granted, subject to the Association (3962) (Ward 72) (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until the inspection of the premises by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services

Timbera Properties Flat 0/1, 15 St Luke’s 3 years Granted, subject to the Ballater Ltd (4235) Terrace (Ward 66) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services LICENSING 2007-2008 174 11th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Jugal Allahabadia (4226) Flat 1/1, 50 Bank Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Jugal Allahabadia (4336) Flat 3/2, 192 West Princes 3 years Granted, subject to the Street (Ward 18) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services

LATE HOURS CATERING LICENCE (NEW) Suray Hamdi (1991) 140 Red Road (Ward 29) 1 year Granted Basheer Qureshi (1995) 78 Union Street (Ward 17) 3 years Refused Mohammed Moeen 966 Argyle Street (Ward 17) 3 years Granted (2001)

LATE HOURS CATERING LICENCE (RENEWAL) For Sang Ip (2005) 10/12 Lorne Street (Ward 54) 3 years Granted Saleem Akhtar (2012) 1150 Argyle Street (Ward 16) 3 years Continued for further information

PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (VARIATION) Glasgow Science Centre 50 Pacific Quay (Ward 54) n/a Granted, subject to the Ltd (V2062B) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services

PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (NEW) SSRG Ltd (PV00240) n/a 1 year Continued for vehicle inspection and production of documentation Wai Lam (PV00318) n/a 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Wenke Pan (PV00321) n/a 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Michael Maguire n/a 1 year Continued for vehicle details, (PV00330) inspection and production of documentation James Shields (PV00343) n/a 1 year Granted Andrew Bell (PV00347) n/a 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (RENEWAL) Robert Berwick n/a 2 years Continued to allow the (PV00295) applicant to be in attendance 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 11th APRIL 2007 175

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision John Paterson (PV00494) n/a 2 years Continued for vehicle inspection and production of documentation Christina Craig n/a 2 years Continued to allow the (PV00642) applicant to be in attendance Kenneth Ross (PV00517) n/a 2 years Continued in terms of Section 3(1) of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (NEW) John McIntyre n/a Temporary for Granted with dispensation (PD00957) 6 weeks from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Duncan Meiklejohn n/a 2 years Granted with dispensation (PD00790) from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Alexander Cox n/a 2 years Granted with dispensation (PD00777) from condition 23 SECOND HAND DEALER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Southside Tyres (1829) 103 Woodneuk Road 3 years Granted (Ward 61) SKIN PIERCING AND TATOOING LICENCE (NEW) Francesca Howell (17) 653 Shields Road (Ward 65) 1 year Continued for inspection of premises by the Director of Land and Environmental Services Woodland Herbs Ltd 100 Woodlands Road 1 year Continued for inspection of (18) (Ward 18) premises by the Director of Land and Environmental Services Samantha Millar (19) Unit 41, Savoy Centre, 1 year Continued for inspection of 140 Sauchiehall Street premises by the Director of (Ward 17) Land and Environmental Services STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (NEW) Phyllis Smith (11846) (1) In the private car park, 1 year Withdrawn 15 metres south west of the entrance to Devon Place (Ward 66); (2) Within private car park, Granted with dispensation 17 metres north east of from condition 11, subject to the entrance to Laidlaw the applicant’s existing street Street (Ward 64); and trader’s licence being surrendered LICENSING 2007-2008 176 11th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (3) South side of Granted, subject to the Blochairn Road, 20 applicant’s existing street metres west of the west trader’s licence being entrance to Blochairn surrendered Fruit Market (Ward 32) George Gallacher Outside Unit 1-2, Block C, 1 year Continued to allow the (11849) 280-310 Provan Walk, applicant to be in attendance Glasgow Fort Shopping Centre (Ward 49) Brian Feeney (11884) Mobile 1 year Granted Gordon Sawers (11828) West side of Lawmoor Street, 1 year Refused 30 metres south of Caledonia Road (Ward 66) Paul Shanks (11881) On the west side of 1 year Continued to allow the Hardgate Road, 230 metres applicant to be in attendance north of Road (Ward 51) Eugene Shiels (11913) Mobile 1 year Granted with dispensation from condition 15 Maureen MacKay South side of University 2 years Granted (11889) Place, 130 metres east of Byres Road (Ward 15) Michael Moran (11888) (1) North side of Bolton Drive, 3 years Granted with dispensation 5 metres west of junction from condition 15, subject to of Road the applicant’s existing (Ward 69); and licence being surrendered (2) Mobile

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Joseph Revie (11831) South side of access road 2 years (1) Granted, subject to the within Industrial conditions detailed in the Estate, 65 metres east of correspondence by the Finlas Street (Ward 26) Director of Land and Environmental Services; and (2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s failure to comply with the conditions of licence Rosemary Lyon (11883) Mobile 2 years Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s failure to comply with the conditions of licence

TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Francis McGuire n/a 2 years (1) Granted with (TD00440) dispensation from condition 24, subject to the applicant 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 11th APRIL 2007 177

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (a) undergoing a medical examination during January 2008 and 2009; and (b) producing his driving licence by 25th July 2008; and (2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

THEATRE LICENCE (NEW) Alan Smith (227) Academy Concert Hall, 1 year Continued for further Guinness Room, New information from the Director Athenaeum Theatre, of Development and Chandler Studio Theatre and Regeneration Services on the Alexander Gibson Opera amended plans submitted Studio, 100 Renfrew Street (Ward 20) Eleanor Murphy (228) Scottish Youth Theatre, 1 year Continued for outstanding 105 Brunswick Street (Ward 17) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services

THEATRE LICENCE (RENEWAL) Elizabeth Masson (221) Tron Theatre, 63 Trongate 1 year Granted (Ward 17) Susan Triesman (222) The Ramshorn Theatre, 1 year Granted 98 Ingram Street (Ward 17) Christopher Evans (223) King’s Theatre, 1 year Granted, subject to the 297 Bath Street (Ward 17) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Land and Environmental Services Alan Smith (224) Academy Concert Hall, 1 year Granted Guinness Room, New Athenaeum Theatre, Chandler Studio Theatre and Alexander Gibson Opera Studio, 100 Renfrew Street (Ward 20) Lorna Dougall (226) Crawfurd Theatre, 1 year Granted 76 Southbrae Drive (Ward 8) Anna Stapleton (230) Citizens’ Theatre, 1 year Granted, subject to the 119 Gorbals Street (Ward 73) conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Land and Environmental Services LICENSING 2007-2008 178 12th APRIL 2007 1

Application for street trader’s licence—Adjournment. 3 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing an application by Allan Davidson (11905) for the grant of a street trader’s licence for a 1 year period in respect of the following stance locations:— (1) On the north side of Blochairn Road, 75 metres west of the west side of the main entrance to the Blochairn Fruit Market (Ward 28); (2) South side of Blochairn Road, 100 metres east from the east side of the main entrance to Blochairn Fruit Market (Ward 28); and (3) East side of John Street, 50 metres north of George Street (Ward 27). After consideration, the committee, in terms of Standing Order No 17, agreed to adjourn the meeting at 1215 hours for a visit to the proposed stance location detailed at (3) above.

Resumption of meeting. 4 The meeting resumed at 1230 hours and the sederunt was taken as follows:— Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Gordon Macdiarmid and Anne Marie Millar. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Christine Devine, Stephen Dornan, Margaret McCafferty, John Moynes and Mary Paris. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); and C Corneli (for the Chief Executive).

Application for street trader’s licence dealt with. 5 The committee resumed consideration of an application by Allan Davidson (11905) for the grant of a street trader’s licence for a 1 year period. After consideration, the committee dealt with the application as follows:— Stance Decision (1) On the north side of Blochairn Road, 75 metres west of the west Refused side of the main entrance to the Blochairn Fruit Market (Ward 28); (2) South side of Blochairn Road, 100 metres east from the east side of the main entrance to Blochairn Fruit Market (Ward 28); and (3) East side of John Street, 50 metres north of George Street (Ward 27)

Glasgow, 12th April 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Gordon Macdiarmid and Mary Paris. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Christine Devine, Stephen Dornan, Margaret McCafferty, Anne Marie Millar and John Moynes. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); I Lockhart (for the Chief Executive); S Willett (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); J Anderson, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue; and Chief Inspector S Neill, Strathclyde Police.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 37 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 12th APRIL 2007 179

After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Duration Decision PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (NEW) Allan Clyde (PV00673) 1 year Continued for vehicle inspection and production of appropriate documentation Raj Singh (PV00505) 1 year Continued for vehicle details, inspection and production of appropriate documentation Stephen McStay (PV00328) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (RENEWAL) Mohammad Asif (PV00370) 2 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Mehdi Mohammadi 3 years Withdrawn (PV00470)

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (NEW) Sharjeel Afridi (PD00714) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Stuart Carnegie (PD00774) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Conrad Gillies (PD00727) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Zaraq Jan (PD00384) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct William MacKenzie 1 year Refused (PD00812) Asim Sajid (PD00673) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to produce a written offer of employment, including terms and conditions and confirmation that his proposed employer would pay all national insurance contributions Henry Shaw (PD00692) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Paul Hinde (PD00743) 2 years Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Harry Dow (PD00678) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Khurshid Khan (PD00628) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Rashid Ali (PD00715) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Masoud Heydar-Tamini 2 years Continued for the outcome of the applicant’s application (PD00741) to the Home Office for human rights leave to remain in the United Kingdom Shakeel Khalil (PD00679) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Ian Lowery (PD00710) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct LICENSING 2007-2008 180 12th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision Andrew Smillie (PD00797) 2 years Continued to allow the applicant to undergo a medical examination Suhail Khan (PD00808) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Alan Paul (PD00689) 3 years Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Susan Brooks (TD00287) 2 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance John McKnight (TD00151) 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 1 year and final warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (NEW) Lets Direct (Scotland) Flat 0/1, 146 Holland Street 3 years Refused Ltd (4655) (Ward 17) Global Properties (UK) Flat 0/3, 60 Kelvinhaugh 3 years Refused Ltd (4666) Street (Ward 16) SECOND HAND DEALER’S LICENCE (NEW) Riaz Arshad (1816) 51 French Street (Ward 35) 1 year Refused STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (NEW) Ross Davidson (11887) Mobile 1 year Refused Thomas Martin (11898) Mobile 1 year Refused Susan Anderson (11901) Mobile 1 year Refused David Campbell (11902) Mobile 1 year Refused Irene Downie (11894) Mobile 1 year Withdrawn Jeffrey Flanagan (11874) Mobile 1 year Continued for certificate of compliance to be produced John Logue (11877) (1) North side of Westerhouse 1 year Continued for vehicle details Road, 88 metres west of and certificate of compliance Cairnbrook Road to be produced (Ward 50); and (2) South side of Auchinlea Withdrawn Road, 40 metres south east of the main entrance to Glasgow Fort Shopping Centre (Ward 49) David Martin (11878) (1) North side of Westerhouse 1 year Continued for vehicle details Road, 88 metres west of and certificate of compliance Cairnbrook Road to be produced (Ward 50); and (2) South side of Auchinlea Withdrawn Road, 40 metres south east of the main entrance to Glasgow Fort Shopping Centre (Ward 49) 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 18th APRIL 2007 181

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Gerard Melvin (11872) Mobile 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Alan Williams (11873) Mobile 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

Glasgow, 18th April 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Christine Devine, Gordon Macdiarmid, John Moynes and Mary Paris. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Margaret McCafferty and Anne Marie Millar. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); I Lockhart (for the Chief Executive); J Burns (for the Director of Financial Services); J Donohoe, S Hannigan and G McCracken (for the Director of Land and Environmental Services); and Chief Inspector S Neill, Strathclyde Police.

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 4th April 2007 were submitted and approved.

Revenue budget 2006/07—Monitoring report noted. 2 There was submitted and noted a joint monitoring report by the Director of Financial Services and the Chief Executive on the revenue budget 2006/07 for Licensing for the period from 1st April 2006 to 23rd February 2007.

Variation in order of business. 3 In terms of Standing Order No 6, the committee agreed to vary the order of business as hereinafter minuted.

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Requests to recall Suspension Orders dealt with. 4 There were submitted reports by the Chief Executive regarding requests by licence holders to recall the Suspension Orders imposed on their licences (1) advising of the circumstances leading to the Suspension Orders being imposed in respect of each licence; and (2) attaching background information and supporting correspondence from each licence holder. After consideration, the committee dealt with the requests as follows:— Name Type of licence Decision George Marsh Private hire car licence Granted and severe warning issued regarding the licence holder’s failure to comply with the conditions of his licence Stuart Currie Taxi driver’s licence Granted LICENSING 2007-2008 182 18th APRIL 2007 1

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Variation of resolution requiring amusement arcades to hold a public entertainment licence agreed. 5 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding changes to the regulation of amusement arcades, advising (1) that in terms of a resolution made by this authority in 1983 under Section 9 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, all applicants for permits for the provision of gaming machines under Section 34 and Schedule 9 of the Gaming Act 1968 require a public entertainment licence; (2) that as from 1st September 2007, the Gaming Act 1968 and other betting and gaming legislation would be replaced by the Gambling Act 2005; (3) of the arrangements for this new licensing system, which would be supported by a system of licensing conditions and codes of practice imposed and enforced by both the Gambling Commission and the Licensing Board; and (4) that in view of these new arrangements, the committee were invited to consider varying the resolution requiring amusement arcades to hold a public entertainment licence, in terms of Section 41 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. After consideration, the committee (a) agreed to vary the resolution made under Section 9 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 so as to remove the requirement for amusement arcades to hold a public entertainment licence as from 1st September 2007; and (b) noted that all applicants submitting applications for the grant or renewal of a public entertainment licence in respect of such premises in the interim period would be advised that they should only apply for a 1 year licence in order to avoid unnecessary costs.

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Skin Piercing and Tattooing) Order 2006—Additional standard conditions of licence approved. 6 With reference to the minutes of the Licensing Committee of 15th March 2006 (Print 7, page 1131) when the committee had noted the implementation arrangements for the licensing of skin piercing and tattooing from 1st April 2006 and instructed the Director of Environmental Protection Services to prepare a code of conduct for licence holders for consideration at a future meeting, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the matter (1) advising that (a) the Health Protection Agency, working with local authorities, had convened the Scottish Licensing of Skin Piercing and Tattooing Working Group to develop national conditions for skin piercing and tattooing; (b) on 6th March 2007, the said Working Group had agreed national conditions and recommended that they should be formally presented to all local authorities for adoption; (c) the list of conditions incorporated all the statutory conditions, together with additional conditions, which were considered appropriate for health protection, regulatory and safety reasons; (d) whilst there were sound reasons for attaching the additional conditions proposed, there was concern that this position was not legally defensible; and (e) in determining whether to approve the additional conditions, members should be aware that the Courts had been active in putting limits on the amount of additional regulation which licensing authorities could introduce to the licensing system; and (2) attaching, as an appendix to the report, the said list of additional standard conditions for the carrying on of the business of skin piercing and tattooing. After consideration, the committee approved the additional standard conditions to be attached to licences for the carrying on the business of skin piercing and tattooing as detailed in the appendix to the report, subject to (i) condition 15 being deleted; and (ii) condition 33 being amended to read as follows:— “The Licence holder shall ensure that prior to skin piercing or tattooing all operators shall thoroughly wash their hands with a suitable soap and hot water and dry with clean disposable paper towels.” 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 19th APRIL 2007 183

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Proposal to extend taxi stance at Sauchiehall Street (Wards 16 and 17) approved—Instruction to Director of Land and Environmental Services. 7 With reference to the minutes of 25th January 2007 (Print 6, page 740) when it had been agreed to give notice of a further amended proposal to alter the taxi stance at Sauchiehall Street (Wards 16 and 17) and instruct the Chief Executive to carry out statutory consultation, in terms of Section 19 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive on the outcome of the consultation process. After consideration, the committee (1) approved the alterations to the taxi stance at Sauchiehall Street as detailed in the report to extend the stance a further 25 metres to allow for an additional 5 taxi vehicles, to operate from 1800 hours to 0800 hours, 7 days; and (2) instructed the Director of Land and Environmental Services to (a) arrange for the appropriate signage to be established in respect of the alterations to the stance; and (b) consider the concerns expressed by a member of the public as outlined in the report in relation to the proximity of refuse bins and signage at the location and to take any necessary action to relocate these items.

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Private hire car driver’s licence—Suspension of licence for the unexpired portion of its duration agreed. 8 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the suspension of the private hire car driver’s licence of Sajjad Hussain, in terms of paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (1) advising that (a) following receipt of correspondence from the Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police, the private hire car driver’s licence of Sajjad Hussain had been suspended on 29th January 2007 with immediate effect for a period of 6 weeks, as it was considered that his continued private hire car driving would be likely to cause a serious threat to public safety; (b) due to an inadvertence, the report advising of the suspension of the licence had not been included in the business for the meeting of this committee on 8th March 2007 to determine whether the licence should be suspended, in terms of paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 of the said Act; and (c) as a result, the private hire car driver’s licence of Sajjad Hussain was again suspended on 14th March 2007 with immediate effect for a period of 6 weeks, as it was considered that his continued private hire car driving would still be likely to cause a serious threat to public safety; and (2) attaching the said correspondence from the Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police. After consideration, the committee agreed to suspend the private hire car driver’s licence of Sajjad Hussain for the unexpired portion of its duration, in terms of paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

Glasgow, 19th April 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Christine Devine, Gordon Macdiarmid and John Moynes. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Margaret McCafferty, Anne Marie Millar and Mary Paris. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); I Lockhart (for the Chief Executive); S Willett (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); and W Lang, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue. LICENSING 2007-2008 184 19th APRIL 2007 1

Complaints against holders of various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 16 complaints against the holders of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee (1) noted that the private hire car driver’s licence of Alexandra Allan had been surrendered; and (2) dealt with the remaining complaints as follows:— Licence holder Decision PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE Roberto Coletta Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Hugh McGurk Continued to allow the licence holder to be in attendance Faisal Malik Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Hugh Coulter Continued for training certificate to be produced Charles Craig Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Vincent Gilmour Warning issued regarding the licence holder’s failure to comply with the conditions of his licence

TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (NEW) Michael O’Connor No action

Licence holder Premises Decision HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE Shona Reid Flat 1 up, 23 Kersland Street Continued for new electricity metres (Ward 14) to be installed and appropriate certification produced to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Shona Reid Flat 3 up, 23 Kersland Street Continued for new electricity metres (Ward 14) to be installed and appropriate certification produced to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services Duncan Russell 156 Road (Ward 13) Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Sarah-Jane Gibson Flat 3/2, 2 Willowbank Crescent No action (Ward 18) Martin Joyce MD, 253 Renfrew Street (Ward 16) No action Mark Taylor Flat 1/1, 25 Meadowpark Street No action (Ward 33)

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE Paul McCafferty Mobile Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration Sandra Wilson Mobile Licence suspended for the unexpired portion of its duration 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 24th APRIL 2007 185

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Application for house in multiple occupation licence granted. 2 With reference to the minutes of 11th April 2007 (page 171 hereof) when an application by Salman Shaikh (3921) for the grant of a house in multiple occupation licence for a 3 year period for premises at flat 2/R, 192 West Princes Street (Ward 18) had been continued for all outstanding matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Development and Regeneration Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the matter. After consideration, the committee (1) granted the application, subject to the conditions detailed in the report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and (2) issued a warning to the applicant regarding his future management of the premises.

Glasgow, 24th April 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Christine Devine, Gordon Macdiarmid and John Moynes. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Eamon Fitzgerald, Margaret McCafferty, Anne Marie Millar and Mary Paris. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); C Corneli (for the Chief Executive); S Willett (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); and P McNab, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.

Minutes of previous meetings approved. 1 The minutes of 11th and 12th April 2007 were submitted and approved.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 2 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 38 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (NEW) (CHANGE OF MANAGER) Namana Properties Ltd 17 Cathkin Road (Ward 69) 3 years Granted, subject to the (4319) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (RENEWAL) Namana Properties Ltd 17 Cathkin Road (Ward 69) 3 years Granted, subject to the (4318) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (NEW) Gordon Penman Mobile Temporary from Granted with dispensation (T11971) 14th to 16th from condition 14 May 2007 LICENSING 2007-2008 186 24th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Paul Delaney (T11973) South side of St Vincent Temporary from Granted Place, 5 metres east of 14th to 16th Buchanan Street beside the May 2007 toilets (Ward 17) Shaun McCongley East side of Queen Street, Temporary from Granted (T11986) 20 metres south of 14th to 16th George Square (Ward 27) May 2007 Angela Adie (T11987) South side of Bell Street, 25 Temporary on Granted metres east of Candleriggs 16th May 2007 (Ward 27) Alan Adie (T11986) South side of Bell Street, Temporary on Granted 25 metres east of 16th May 2007 Candleriggs (Ward 27) Ian Adie (T11988) South west side of George Temporary on Granted Square, 40 metres south 16th May 2007 west of Scott’s Statue (Ward 27) Darren Brown (T11989) South west side of George Temporary on Granted Square, 40 metres south west 16th May 2007 of Scott’s Statue (Ward 27) Thomas Farrow East side of Queen Street, Temporary on Granted with dispensation (T11994) 12 metres south of George 16th May 2007 from condition 11 Square (Ward 27) James Scally (T11996) North side of Bell Street, Temporary on Granted with dispensation 8 metres east of Albion 16th and 17th from condition 11 Street (Ward 27) May 2007 Paul Shanks (11881) West side of Hardgate Road, 1 year Continued to allow the 230 metres north of applicant to be in attendance Shieldhall Road (Ward 51) John Logue (11877) North side of Westerhouse 1 year Continued for certificate of Road, 88 metres west of compliance to be produced Cairnbrook Road (Ward 50) David Martin (11878) North side of Westerhouse 1 year Continued for certificate of Road, 88 metres west of compliance to be produced Cairnbrook Road (Ward 50) Jeffrey Flanagan (11874) Mobile 1 year Continued for certificate of compliance to be produced George Gallacher Outside Unit 1-2, Block C, 1 year Refused (11849) 280-310 Provan Walk, Glasgow Fort Shopping Centre (Ward 49) Renee Smith (11892) East side of Hillington Road, 3 years Granted, subject to the 45 metres north of (1) conditions detailed in the Nasmyth Road (Ward 56) correspondence by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; and 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 24th APRIL 2007 187

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (2) existing street trader’s licence for the stance location being surrendered Elizabeth Wallace North side of University 3 years Granted (11935) Place, 62 metres west of University Avenue (Ward 15) Edward Brown (11914) (1) On the pavement on the 3 years Granted John Cochrane (11915) north side of Edmiston Linda Cochrane (11916) Drive at the doorway to Arthur Dawson (11917) 240 Edmiston Drive, Karen Deakin (11918) 28 metres west of Alison Findlay (11920) Broomloan Road Caroline Forbes (11921) (Ward 52); Yvonne Gallacher (11922) (2) On the steps at the pavement on the south Jim Lavelle (11923) eastern side of the Gavin McGill (11924) roundabout between Jeffrey Millar (11926) Edmiston Drive and Stewart Nimmo (11927) Broomloan Road, 24 Gerard Roper (11928) metres north east of John Douglas (11919) Hinshelwood Drive Bruno Wright (11930) (Ward 53); (3) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, 78 metres west of the Main Stand and 5 metres north of Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (4) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, 63 metres west of the Main Stand and 5 metres north of Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (5) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, 20 metres west of the Main Stand and 5 metres north of Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (6) On the pavement on the south side of Edmiston Drive, 100 metres east of the junction with Broomloan Road (Ward 53); LICENSING 2007-2008 188 24th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (7) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, on the north side of the Broomloan Road entrance to the stadium, 60 metres east of Broomloan Road (Ward 53); (8) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, at the north side of the Broomloan Road entrance to the stadium (Ward 53); (9) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium at the entrance to the Broomloan House Offices (Ward 53); (10) On the pavement on the south eastern corner of the junction between Woodville Street and Copland Road (Ward 53); (11) On the pavement at the west side of Copland Road, 20 metres south of Woodville Street (Ward 53); (12) On the pavement at the north east corner of the junction with Copland Road and Mafeking Street (Ward 53); (13) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium at the east side of the Mafeking Street entrance, 24 metres west of Copland Road and 4 metres south of Mafeking Street (Ward 53); (14) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 53 metres west of Copland Road and 5 metres south of Mafeking Street (Ward 53); 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 24th APRIL 2007 189

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (15) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 45 metres west of Copland Road and 21 metres south of Mafeking Street (Ward 53); (16) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 45 metres west of Cairnlea Drive and 10 metres north east of the Rangers Superstore (Ward 53); (17) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 85 metres north of Edmiston Drive and 10 metres west of Copland House (Offices) within the Copland Road Stand (Ward 53); (18) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 12 metres east of the east side of the Main Stand and 5 metres north of Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (19) On the pavement on the north side of Edmiston Drive, 68 metres west of the junction with Copland Road (Ward 53); (20) On the pavement on the north side of Edmiston Drive, 43 metres west of the junction with Copland Road (Ward 53); (21) On the pavement on the south side of Edmiston Drive, 100 metres west of the junction with Copland Road (Ward 53); (22) On the pavement at the north west corner of the junction between Copland Road and Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); LICENSING 2007-2008 190 24th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (23) On the pavement on the south side of Edmiston Drive, 5 metres west of Copland Road (Ward 53); and (24) On the pavement on the north side of Edmiston Drive, 55 metres east of Copland Road (Ward 53) Arthur Dawson (11917) (1) On the pavement, east 3 years Granted, subject to the Stewart Nimmo (11927) side of Janefield Street at conditions detailed in the Gerard Roper (11928) east corner of Holywell correspondence by the John Walters (11929) Street (Ward 36); Executive Director of Land John Douglas (11919) and Environmental Services Bruno Wright (11930) (2) On the pavement, north east side of Janefield Street, 50 metres east of Holywell Street (Ward 36); (3) On the pavement, north east side of Janefield Street, 110 metres north west of Springfield Road (Ward 36); (4) On the pavement, north east side of Janefield Street, 5 metres north west of Springfield Road (Ward 36); (5) On the pavement, west side of Springfield Road at the north east corner of the junction with Janefield Street (Ward 36); (6) On the pavement, west side of Springfield Road, 70 metres north east of the junction with Janefield Street (Ward 36); (7) On the pavement, north side of London Road at the north west corner of the junction with Springfield Road (Ward 36); (8) On the pavement, north side of London Road, 35 metres east of Kinloch Street (Ward 36); 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 24th APRIL 2007 191

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (9) On the pavement, north side of London Road, 17 metres east of Kinloch Street (Ward 36); (10) On the pavement, north side of London Road at the corner with the west side of Kinloch Street (Ward 36); (11) On the pavement, north side of London Road, 100 metres east of Kinloch Street (Ward 36); (12) On the pavement, east side of Kerrydale Street, 65 metres north of London Road (Ward 36); (13) On the pavement, south side of London Road, 125 metres west of Buddon Street (Ward 36); (14) In front of the Main Stand at Celtic Park, 115 metres north of London Road and 10 metres west of Kerrydale Street (Ward 36); (15) Outside the south east corner of the Celtic Superstore in Kerrydale Car Park, 35 metres north of London Road (Ward 53); (16) On the pavement, north side of London Road, 15 metres west of Davaar Street (Ward 36); (17) In front of the Main Stand at Celtic Park, 160 metres north of London Road and 50 metres west of Kerrydale Street (Ward 36); (18) Bottom of the north set of stairs at the official coach park at Celtic Park at the south side, 65 metres north of Street (Ward 36); and LICENSING 2007-2008 192 25th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (19) Bottom of the south set of stairs at the official coach park at Celtic Park at the north side, 55 metres north of Barrowfield Street (Ward 36)

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Joanne Cairney (11931) East side of Millarbank 2 years Granted Street, 20 metres north of Gourlay Street (Ward 26) Louise Prentice (11937) East side of Netherfield 2 years Granted, subject to the Street, 35 metres south of conditions detailed in the the junction with correspondence by the Duke Street (Ward 36) Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services Matthew Hunter (11939) (1) North side of 3 years Granted with dispensation Somerville Drive, 25 from condition 15, subject to metres east of the conditions detailed in the Bolivar Terrace correspondence by the (Ward 74); Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services (2) South side of Janefield in respect of stances (1) and Street, 30 metres (2) north west of Springfield Road (Ward 36); (3) South side of Edmiston Drive, 50 metres west of Hinshelwood Place (Ward 53); and (4) Mobile Gaye Reader (11903) North side of Admiral Street, 3 years Granted with dispensation 190 metres north of dispensation from condition Milnpark Street (Ward 54) 11

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Review of criteria for the assessment of the taxi fare scale—Item withdrawn. 3 This item was withdrawn from the agenda.

Glasgow, 25th April 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Eamon Fitzgerald, Michael Kernaghan, Gordon Macdiarmid and John Moynes. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Christine Devine, Margaret McCafferty, Anne Marie Millar and Mary Paris. 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 25th APRIL 2007 193

Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); C Corneli (for the Chief Executive); I Morrison, Chairman of the Council’s Safety Team on Safety at Sports Grounds; S Willett (for the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G McCracken (for the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services); and M Stockton, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue.

Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975—Application by Celtic Football Club Ltd for a special safety certificate for Celtic Park (Ward 36) granted, subject to conditions. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chairman of the Council’s Safety Team on Safety at Sports Grounds regarding an application by Celtic Football Club Ltd for the grant of a special safety certificate for events to be held on 25th and 26th May 2007 at Celtic Park (Ward 36). After consideration, the committee agreed to grant the special safety certificate for a total stadium capacity of 2,000 persons for both events, subject to the conditions detailed in the report.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 2 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 65 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (NEW) Grant Armstrong (3943) Flat 1/2, 40 Clouston Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 19) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Grant Armstrong (3944) Flat 3/2, 12 Ruthven Street 3 years Withdrawn (Ward 13) Grant Armstrong (3945) Flat 0/1, 91 Sanda Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 20) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Grant Armstrong (3946) Flat 0/2, 91 Sanda Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 20) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Thomas Cairns (3967) Flat 2/1, 126 Novar Drive 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 13) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Thomas Cairns (3968) Flat 1/1, 110 Novar Drive 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 13) (1) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and LICENSING 2007-2008 194 25th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (2) undertaking given that appropriate marketing information would be amended Grant Residential Flat 3/2, 23 Apsley Street 3 years Granted, subject to the Property Ltd (3969) (Ward 12) (1) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and (2) applicant providing all residents in the building with a 24 hour contact telephone number Lahcen Melloul (3972) Flat 2/1, 175 West Princes 3 years Granted, subject to the Street (Ward 18) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Jonathan Quearney Top flat, 29 Hillhead Street 3 years Refused (3981) (Ward 14) Grant Armstrong (3983) 42 Roslea Drive (Ward 33) 3 years Withdrawn Grant Armstrong (3986) Basement, 28 Buckingham 3 years Granted, subject to the Terrace (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services John Gargan (3988) Flat 3/1, 146 Holland Street 3 years Continued for outstanding (Ward 17) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Iain Stewart (3990) Flat 1/1, 44 Hillhead Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Kenneth Moyes (4002) 1st floor, 19 Dowanside Road 3 years Continued for outstanding (Ward 14) matters to be completed to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Kellie Service (4009) Flat 3/2, 62 Great George 3 years Granted, subject to the Street (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 25th APRIL 2007 195

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Randeep Kholi (4214) Flat 3/1, 192 Wilton Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 19) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Sarah Vernon (4223) 15K Buccleuch Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 17) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Michael Cameron (4225) 327 North Woodside Road 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 25) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Irene Ogilvie (4234) Flat 3/2, 1 Westbank 3 years Granted, subject to the Quadrant (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services

HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (RENEWAL) Joan Elliot (3965) Flat 3/1, 7 Westbank Quadrant 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Roger Thomas (3994) Flat 2 up, 6 Bower Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services John Reid (4217) 33 Cranworth Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Inam Raja (4244) Flat 2/1, 9 Oakfield Avenue 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 14) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services

LATE HOURS CATERING LICENCE (NEW) Kalidug Foods Ltd 1097 Argyle Street (Ward 16) 3 years Continued to allow the (2013) applicant to be in attendance

LATE HOURS CATERING LICENCE (RENEWAL) Saleem Akhtar (2012) 1150 Argyle Street (Ward 16) 3 years Granted LICENSING 2007-2008 196 25th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision MARKET OPERATOR’S LICENCE (NEW) Robert Lythall (T369) Halls 1 and 2, Kelvin Hall Temporary on Granted, subject to the (Ward 16) 2nd and 3rd licence being retained by the June 2007 Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services

Culture and Sport Area 1, Kelvingrove Park Temporary on Granted, subject to the Glasgow (T366) (Ward 16) 17th June 2007 licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services

Culture and Sport Area 2, Kelvingrove Park Temporary on Granted, subject to the Glasgow (T367) (Ward 16) 17th June 2007 licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services

Culture and Sport Area 3, Kelvingrove Park Temporary on Granted, subject to the Glasgow (T368) (Ward 16) 17th June 2007 licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services

Spectrum Properties 63/89 Jessie Street (Ward 75) 3 years Granted, subject to the (360) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services

Innovation Hospitality Park Drive (Ward 16) 1 year Continued for further Ltd (365) information 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 25th APRIL 2007 197

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (NEW) TTL Telemarketing Ltd Bellahouston Park Temporary on (1) Granted, subject to (T2451) (Ward 54) 27th April 2007 (a) the licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (b) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 26th April 2007; and (2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s future timeous submission of applications Derek Codona (T2439) Glasgow Green (Ward 34) Temporary from Granted, subject to 10th to 28th (1) the licence being retained May 2007 by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (2) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 4th May 2007 Derek Codona (T2440) Elder Park (Ward 34) Temporary on Granted, subject to 1st June 2007 (1) the licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and LICENSING 2007-2008 198 25th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (2) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 24th May 2007

Celtic Football Club Celtic Park (Ward 36) Temporary on Granted, subject to Ltd (T2448) 25th and 26th (1) the licence being retained May 2007 by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (2) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 18th May 2007

John Jeffries (T2445) Kelvingrove Park (Ward 16) Temporary on Granted, subject to 17th June 2007 (1) the licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (2) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 11th June 2007

West End Festival Kibble Palace, Botanic Temporary from Granted, subject to (T2441) Gardens (Ward 9) 8th to 24th (1) the licence being retained June 2007 by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 25th APRIL 2007 199

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (2) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 1st June 2007 West End Festival Quadrangle (East), Temporary from Granted, subject to (T2442) University of Glasgow 19th to 24th (1) the licence being retained (Ward 15) June 2007 by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (2) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 12th June 2007 G1 Group plc (2432) Social/Belo, 25, 27 and 1 year Granted, subject to the 27a Royal Exchange Square extension to 0500 hours (Ward 17) being utilised no more than 12 times per year and the Chief Executive and Strathclyde Police being notified 4 weeks in advance of each use

PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (NEW) James King (PV00163) n/a 1 year Refused Andrew Bell (PV00347) n/a 1 year Refused Wai Lam (PV00318) n/a 1 year Withdrawn Wenke Pan (PV00321) n/a 1 year Refused Mohammed Aslam n/a 1 year Continued to allow the (PV00429) applicant to be in attendance Deborah Brennan n/a 1 year Granted and warning issued (PV00473) regarding future timeous vehicle safety inspections Jaqcars Ltd (PV00481) n/a 1 year Continued for vehicle inspection and production of appropriate documentation Jaqcars Ltd (PV00482) n/a 1 year Continued for vehicle inspection and production of appropriate documentation William Anderson n/a 1 year Withdrawn (PV00491) Robert James (PV00503) n/a 1 year Granted LICENSING 2007-2008 200 25th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Kalwant Singh n/a 1 year Continued to allow the (PV00509) applicant to be in attendance Ajmal Khan (PV00483) n/a 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (RENEWAL) Robert Berwick n/a 2 years Refused (PV00295) John Paterson (PV00494) n/a 2 years Granted and warning issued regarding future timeous vehicle safety inspections Christina Craig n/a 2 years Continued to allow the (PV00642) applicant to be in attendance

SECOND HAND DEALER’S LICENCE (NEW) Mountcliffe Ltd, 260 St Vincent Street 3 years Granted t/a Stereo Stereo (1830) (Ward 17)

SKIN PIERCING AND TATOOING LICENCE (NEW) Louisa Dingwall (15) 48 Norse Road (Ward 10) 1 year Refused Francesca Howell (17) 653 Shields Road (Ward 65) 1 year Continued for further information on compliance with conditions detailed in report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services Samantha Millar (19) Unit 41, Savoy Centre, 1 year Granted, subject to the 140 Sauchiehall Street conditions detailed in the (Ward 17) report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services Elaine Collins (20) 11 Royal Exchange Square 1 year Granted, subject to the (Ward 17) (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all pre-licence conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services had been complied with; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services Craig Guthrie (21) St George’s Buildings, 1 year Withdrawn 5 St Vincent Place (Ward 17) 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 25th APRIL 2007 201

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Rhona Fraser Ltd (22) 270 High Street (Ward 33) 1 year Continued for further information on compliance with conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services and for certificate of compliance to be produced Balance Chiropractic 118/122 Napiershall Street 3 years Continued for further and Yoga Centre Ltd, (Ward 25) information on compliance t/a Balance (23) with conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Susan Brooks (TD00287) n/a 2 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

THEATRE LICENCE (NEW) Alan Smith (227) Academy Concert Hall, 1 year Granted Guinness Room, New Athenaeum Theatre, Chandler Studio Theatre and Alexander Gibson Opera Studio and New Pink Area, 100 Renfrew Street (Ward 20) Eleanor Murphy (228) Scottish Youth Theatre, 1 year Continued for further 105 Brunswick Street information (Ward 17)

Applications for various types of licences—Consideration continued. 3 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 51 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee, in terms of Section 3(1) of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, continued consideration of the applications as detailed in the report.

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Review of assessment criteria used in submissions to increase the taxi fare scale dealt with. 4 With reference to the minutes of the Licensing Committee of (1) 17th July 2003 (Print 3, page 508) when a template for future taxi fare scale assessments had been approved; and (2) 25th October 2005 (Print 5, page 744) when the Chief Executive and Director of Building Services had been instructed, in consultation with Glasgow Taxis Ltd, to undertake a comprehensive review of the various factors considered in relation to the formula used for the taxi fare tariff submissions and their assessment, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the matter (a) advising LICENSING 2007-2008 202 26th APRIL 2007 1

(i) that following meetings with relevant agencies to review the criteria, it had been agreed to commission a report on the matter from the Transport Research Institute, based at Napier University; and (ii) of the outcome of a further meeting held with relevant agencies to discuss the terms of the said report on 9th February 2007 and of the agreed proposals for the review of the assessment criteria used in submissions to increase the taxi fare scale; and (b) attaching the said report commissioned from the Transport Research Institute. After consideration, the committee (A) approved the content of the new cost model as detailed in the report; and (B) agreed that (I) applications for taxi fare scale increases should be submitted for assessment at the end of February each year; (II) the application of the tariff should remain unchanged with a combination of initial flag fall, distance and/or time; (III) the denominations used should be in increments of 20 pence; and (IV) these proposals should be applied to all applications for taxi fare scale increases from February 2008.

Glasgow, 26th April 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: Malcolm McLean (Chair), Eamon Fitzgerald, Gordon Macdiarmid, Anne Marie Millar, John Moynes and Mary Paris. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Christine Devine, Stephen Dornan and Margaret McCafferty. Attending: K McGuinness (Clerk); M Millar (for the Chief Executive); F Innes (for the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G McCracken (for the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services); and Inspector J Galbraith, Strathclyde Police.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 54 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Duration Decision PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (RENEWAL) Mohammad Asif (PV00370) 2 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (NEW) Jeremy Brown (PD00840) 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Thomas Caldwell (PD00855) 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct William Campbell (PD00868) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 26th APRIL 2007 203

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision Jonathan Graham (PD00880) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Habib Iqbal (PD00841) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Craig McBride (PD00862) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Scott McInnes (PD00826) 1 year Refused Stuart McIntosh (PD00891) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Stephen Riddell (PD00852) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Joseph Rudden (PD00827) 1 year Refused Mohammed Shafiq (PD00897) 1 year Refused Gurchinchel Singh (PD00828) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Palwinder Singh (PD00838) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Ramandeep Singh (PD00829) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Malcolm Weir (PD00887) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Ali Daowd (PD00299) 1 year Refused Martin Gourlay (PD00618) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Zaffer Hussain (PD00635) 1 year Refused David McAtear (PD00482) 1 year Refused Waqar Saeed (PD00626) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance William Thompson 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s (PD00468) future conduct Sharjeel Afridi (PD00714) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Stuart Carnegie (PD00774) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Asim Sajid (PD00673) 1 year Continued for the applicant to provide a written offer of employment, including proposed terms and conditions and confirmation that his proposed employer would pay all national insurance contributions Mohammad Asim (PD00832) 2 years Granted Ryan Sinclair (PD00532) 2 years Refused Obadula Sollehe (PD00340) 2 years Refused Harry Dow (PD00678) 3 years Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Khurshid Khan (PD00628) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) John Carroll (PD00477) 2 years (1) Granted with dispensation from condition 23, subject to the applicant undergoing a medical examination during March 2008 and 2009; and (2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s failure to comply with the conditions of his licence LICENSING 2007-2008 204 26th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision Shehzad Iqbal (PD00882) 2 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Kushi Mohammed (PD00408) 2 years Refused Thomas McCallion 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23 and severe (PD00455) warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Masoud Heydar-Tamini 2 years Refused (PD00741) Robin Dickson (PD00306) 3 years Granted, subject to the applicant submitting written medical evidence during March 2008 and 2009 that he was fit to drive a private hire car Suhail Khan (PD00808) 3 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) John Lyon (TD00345) 2 years (1) Granted, subject to the applicant submitting written medical evidence in December 2007 and December 2008 that he was fit to drive a taxi; and (2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s failure to comply with the conditions of his licence James Allan (TD00256) 3 years Continued for production of medical report from BUPA Occupational Health Ltd Alexander Morran (TD00281) 3 years Continued for production of medical report from BUPA Occupational Health Ltd Kenneth McLean (TD00255) 3 years Continued for production of medical report from BUPA Occupational Health Ltd

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision

MARKET OPERATOR’S LICENCE (NEW) West End Festival East pavement of Byres Temporary on Granted, subject to the (T371) Road between Church Street 10th June 2007 licence being retained by the and Torness Street (Ward 15) Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration and Land and Environmental Services West End Festival Pavement on both sides of Temporary on Granted, subject to the (T372) Byres Road between 10th June 2007 licence being retained by the Vinicombe Street and Chief Executive and not Cresswell Street and on both taking effect until all sides of Cresswell Street arrangements were to the (Ward 14) satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration and Land and Environmental Services 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 26th APRIL 2007 205

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision METAL DEALER’S LICENCE (NEW) John Stewart Jewellers 1052 Pollokshaws Road 3 years Granted and warning issued (88) (Ward 71) to Stewart Morgan regarding his future conduct

PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (NEW) Rowland Hill (T2453) Botanic Gardens (Ward 9) Temporary on Withdrawn 10th June 2007

INDOOR SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (VARIATION) Culture and Sport Scotstoun Leisure Centre, N/a Granted, subject to the Glasgow (V105) 72 Danes Drive (Ward 10) licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration and Land and Environmental Services

SECOND HAND DEALER’S LICENCE (NEW) John Stewart Jewellers 1052 Pollokshaws Road 3 years Granted and warning issued (1831) (Ward 71) to Stewart Morgan regarding his future conduct

SKIN PIERCING AND TATTOOING LICENCE (NEW) Bryan Whitelaw (34) 216 Argyle Street (Ward 17) 3 years (1) Granted, subject to the conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; and (2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (NEW) Paul O’Neil (11900) Mobile 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Alexander Mapplebeck (1) On the pavement on 1 year (a) Granted, subject to the (11925) the north side of (i) conditions detailed in Edmiston Drive at the the correspondence doorway to by the Executive 240 Edmiston Drive, Director of Land and 28 metres west of Environmental Services Broomloan Road in respect of stances (Ward 52); (25) to (43); and LICENSING 2007-2008 206 26th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (2) On the steps at the (ii) applicant ceasing to pavement on the trade 1 hour after south eastern side of kick off of first team the roundabout fixtures at Celtic between Edmiston Park in respect of Drive and Broomloan stances (25) and (26); Road, 24 metres north and east of Hinshelwood (b) Warning issued to the Drive (Ward 53); applicant regarding his (3) Within the grounds at future conduct Ibrox Stadium, 78 metres west of the Main Stand and 5 metres north of Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (4) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, 63 metres west of the Main Stand and 5 metres north of Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (5) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, 20 metres west of the Main Stand and 5 metres north of Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (6) On the pavement on the south side of Edmiston Drive, 100 metres east of the junction with Broomloan Road (Ward 53); (7) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, on the north side of the Broomloan Road entrance to the stadium, 60 metres east of Broomloan Road (Ward 53); (8) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium, at the north side of the Broomloan Road entrance to the stadium (Ward 53); 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 26th APRIL 2007 207

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (9) Within the grounds at Ibrox Stadium at the entrance to the Broomloan House Offices (Ward 53); (10) On the pavement on the south eastern corner of the junction between Woodville Street and Copland Road (Ward 53); (11) On the pavement at the west side of Copland Road, 20 metres south of Woodville Street (Ward 53); (12) On the pavement at the north east corner of the junction with Copland Road and Mafeking Street (Ward 53); (13) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium at the east side of the Mafeking Street entrance, 24 metres west of Copland Road and 4 metres south of Mafeking Street (Ward 53); (14) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 53 metres west of Copland Road and 5 metres south of Makeking Street (Ward 53); (15) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 45 metres west of Copland Road and 21 metres south of Makeking Street (Ward 53); (16) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 45 metres west of Cairnlea Drive and 10 metres north east of the Rangers Superstore (Ward 53); LICENSING 2007-2008 208 26th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (17) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 85 metres north of Edmiston Drive and 10 metres west of Copland House (Offices) within the Copland Road Stand (Ward 53); (18) Within the grounds of Ibrox Stadium, 12 metres east of the east side of the Main Stand and 5 metres north of Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (19) On the pavement on the north side of Edmiston Drive, 68 metres west of the junction with Copland Road (Ward 53); (20) On the pavement on the north side of Edmiston Drive, 43 metres west of the junction with Copland Road (Ward 53); (21) On the pavement on the south side of Edmiston Drive, 100 metres west of the junction with Copland Road (Ward 53); (22) On the pavement at the north west corner of the junction between Copland Road and Edmiston Drive (Ward 53); (23) On the pavement on the south side of Edmiston Drive, 5 metres west of Copland Road (Ward 53); (24) On the pavement on the north side of Edmiston Drive, 55 metres east of Copland Road (Ward 53); 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 26th APRIL 2007 209

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (25) On the pavement, east side of Janefield Street at east corner of Holywell Street (Ward 36); (26) On the pavement, north east side of Janefield Street, 50 metres east of Holywell Street (Ward 36); (27) On the pavement, north east side of Janefield Street, 110 metres north west of Springfield Road (Ward 36); (28) On the pavement, north east side of Janefield Street, 5 metres north west of Springfield Road (Ward 36); (29) On the pavement, west side of Springfield Road at the north east corner of the junction with Janefield Street (Ward 36); (30) On the pavement, west side of Springfield Road, 70 metres north east of the junction with Janefield Street (Ward 36); (31) On the pavement, north side of London Road at the north west corner of the junction with Springfield Road (Ward 36); (32) On the pavement, north side of London Road, 35 metres east of Kinloch Street (Ward 36); (33) On the pavement, north side of London Road, 17 metres east of Kinloch Street (Ward 36); (34) On the pavement, north side of London Road at the corner with the west side of Kinloch Street (Ward 36); LICENSING 2007-2008 210 26th APRIL 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (35) On the pavement, north side of London Road, 100 metres east of Kinloch Street (Ward 36); (36) On the pavement, east side of Kerrydale Street, 65 metres north of London Road (Ward 36); (37) On the pavement, south side of London Road, 125 metres west of Buddon Street (Ward 36); (38) In front of the Main Stand at Celtic Park, 115 metres north of London Road and 10 metres west of Kerrydale Street (Ward 36); (39) Outside the south east corner of the Celtic Superstore in Kerrydale Car Park, 35 metres north of London Road; (40) On the pavement, north side of London Road, 15 metres west of Davaar Street (Ward 36); (41) In front of the Main Stand at Celtic Park, 160 metres north of London Road and 50 metres west of Kerrydale Street (Ward 36); (42) Bottom of the north set of stairs at the official coach park at Celtic Park at the south side, 65 metres north of Barrowfield Street (Ward 36); and (43) Bottom of the south set of stairs at the official coach park at Celtic Park at the north side, 55 metres north of Barrowfield Street (Ward 36) 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 31st MAY 2007 211

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Alan Williams (11873) Mobile 1 year Refused Thomas Caulfield Mobile 2 years Granted and severe warning (11908) issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct John McCabe (11906) On the pavement on the east 2 years Granted on condition the side of Holywell Street at the applicant ceases to trade 1 junction with Janefield Street hour after the kick off of first (Ward 36) team football fixtures at Celtic Park STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) John McAreavey Mobile 3 years Granted and warning issued (11912) regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Glasgow, 31st May 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John McKenzie (Chair), Stephen Dornan, Elaine McDougall, John McLaughlin and Anne Marie Millar. Apology: Tommy Morrison. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); I Lockhart (for the Chief Executive); and Chief Inspector S Neill, Strathclyde Police.

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982—Private hire car driver’s licence—Suspension of licence for the unexpired portion of its duration agreed. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the suspension of the private hire car driver’s licence of Ashgar Rafiq, in terms of paragraph 12 of Schedule 1 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (1) advising that following receipt of correspondence from the Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police, the private hire car driver’s licence of Ashgar Rafiq had been suspended on 20th April 2007 with immediate effect for a period of 6 weeks, as it was considered that his continued private hire car driving would be likely to cause a serious threat to public safety; and (2) attaching the said correspondence from the Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police. After consideration, the committee agreed to suspend the private hire car driver’s licence of Ashgar Rafiq for the unexpired portion of its duration, in terms of paragraph 11 of Schedule 1 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

Glasgow, 6th June 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John McKenzie (Chair), Paul Carey, Gilbert Davidson, Stephen Dornan, Phil Greene, Elaine McDougall, John McLaughlin, Anne Marie Millar, Tommy Morrison and Mary Paris. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); C Corneli (for the Chief Executive); S Willett (for the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G McCracken (for the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services); and W Lang, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue. LICENSING 2007-2008 212 6th JUNE 2007 1

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 56 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision HOUSE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPATION LICENCE (NEW) John Gargan (3988) Flat 3/1, 146 Holland Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 10) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Clark Pub Company Flat 1/2, 22 Willowbank 3 years Refused (3993) Crescent (Ward 11) Kenneth Moyes (4002) 1st floor, 19 Dowanside Road 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 11) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Emily Smoor (4215) Flat 1/2, 105 Hill Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (Ward 10) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Dhillon & Singh (4216) Flat 2/1, 20 Rupert Street 3 years (1) Granted for a restricted (Ward 11) period of 2 years, subject to the conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and (2) Warning issued regarding the applicant’s future management of the premises Calum MacCalman Flat 0/1, 5 Muirpark Street 3 years Granted, subject to the (4219) (Ward 12) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Matthew Hunter (4220) Flat 3 up, 613 Great Western 3 years Granted, subject to the Road (Ward 11) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services John Hadden (4222) 41 Oran Gate (Ward 15) 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 6th JUNE 2007 213

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision John Hadden (4261) 45 Oran Gate (Ward 15) 3 years Granted, subject to the conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Gordon Mackenzie Flat 2/2, 5 Thornbank Street 3 years Refused (4231) (Ward 10)

LATE HOURS CATERING LICENCE (NEW) Kalidug Foods Ltd (2013) 1097 Argyle Street (Ward 10) 3 years Refused Nazir Ahmad (2015) 512 Tollcross Road (Ward 9) 3 years Granted Saleem Akhtar (2016) 589 Govan Road (Ward 5) 1 year Continued for inspection of the premises by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Sizzlers No 1 Ltd (2017) Sizzlers Unit J, Merchant 1 year Continued to allow the Square (Ward 10) applicant to be in attendance

MARKET OPERATOR’S LICENCE (NEW) Michael Dale (T374) Railing of Botanic Gardens on Temporary on Granted, subject to the Queen Margaret Drive 9th, 10th, 16th, licence being retained by the (Ward 15) 17th, 23rd and Chief Executive and not 24th June 2007 taking effect until the condition detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services had been complied with Geraud Markets UK St Enoch Square (Ward 10) Temporary Granted, subject to the Ltd (T364) from 21st to (1) licence being retained by 24th June 2007 the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (2) conditions detailed in the reports by the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services LICENSING 2007-2008 214 6th JUNE 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Michael Dale (T376) Gibson Street/Eldon Street Temporary on Granted, subject to the (Ward 11) 17th June 2007 (1) licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (2) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (NEW) Glasgow City Council, Linn Park, Road Temporary on Granted, subject to Land and Environmental (Ward 1) 16th June 2007 (1) the licence being retained Services (2457) by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; (2) the conditions detailed in the reports by the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (3) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 8th June 2007 Rowland Hill (T2454) Eldon Street (Ward 10) Temporary on Granted, subject to 17th June 2007 (1) the licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 6th JUNE 2007 215

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (2) the conditions detailed in the reports by the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (3) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 11th June 2007

Scottish Opera (T2456) Rankine Hall, 39 Elmbank Temporary on Granted, subject to Crescent (Ward 10) 20th June 2007 (1) the licence being retained by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; (2) the conditions detailed in the reports by the Executive Directors of Development and Regeneration Services and Land and Environmental Services; and (3) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 14th June 2007

Cutting Edge Theatre Kelvingrove Park (Ward 10) Temporary from Granted, subject to Productions (T2450) 21st to 23rd (1) the licence being retained June 2007 by the Chief Executive and not taking effect until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; (2) the conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; and LICENSING 2007-2008 216 6th JUNE 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision (3) appropriate certification being submitted to the Chief Executive by 1000 hours on 15th June 2007 Arches Theatre Ltd The Arches, 253 Argyle 1 year Granted, subject to the (2435) Street (Ward 10) (1) conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; and (2) extension to 0500 hours being utilised no more than 12 times per year and that the Chief Executive and Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police, were notified 4 weeks in advance of each use PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (RENEWAL) GA Estate Agency Ltd 18 Renfield Street/ 3 years Continued for consideration (2433) 24 Drury Street (Ward 10) of amended plans PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (VARIATION) Glasgow Science Centre 50 Pacific Quay (Ward 5) n/a Granted, subject to Ltd (V2062A) (1) the licence being retained by the Chief Executive until all arrangements were to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; and (2) the conditions detailed in the report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (NEW) Ajmal Khan (PV00483) n/a 3 years Refused Mohammed Aslam n/a 1 year Refused (PV00429) Tariq Mangat (PV00652) n/a 1 year Continued for production of documents Rehman Hussain n/a 1 year Granted (PV00684) Gulniaz Khan (PV00787) n/a 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 6th JUNE 2007 217

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (RENEWAL) Christina Craig n/a 2 years Refused (PV00642) Paul McGuinness n/a 2 years Continued for vehicle (PV00757) inspection P + K Cars (PV00798) n/a 2 years Granted and warning issued regarding future timeous vehicle inspections Keith Melvin (PV00821) n/a 2 years Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Janette Mooney n/a 2 years Continued for vehicle (PV00898) inspection Gary Connolly n/a 2 years Continued for vehicle (PV00945) inspection Donna Menzies n/a 2 years Continued to allow the (PV00956) applicant to be in attendance

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (NEW) Tariq Mahmood n/a 2 years Continued to allow the (PD00656) applicant to be in attendance

SECOND HAND DEALER’S LICENCE (NEW) Samantha Whyte (1834) 384 Victoria Road (Ward 8) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

SKIN PIERCING AND TATOOING LICENCE (NEW) Archangel Tattoo & 255 Maryhill Road (Ward 11) 1 year Refused Piercing (16)

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (NEW) Gail Milne (T12024) Within Bellahouston Park, Temporary on Granted 90 metres north of 10th June 2007 Boulevard (Ward 5) James Milne (T12025) Within Bellahouston Park, Temporary on Granted 95 metres north of Mosspark 10th June 2007 Boulevard (Ward 5) Jeffrey Flanagan (11874) Mobile 1 year Refused John Logue (11877) North side of Westerhouse 1 year Refused Road, 88 metres west of Carnbrook Road (Ward 21) David Martin (11878) North side of Westerhouse 1 year Refused Road, 88 metres west of Carnbrook Road (Ward 21) Paul Shanks (11881) On the west side of Hardgate 1 year Refused Road, 230 metres north of Shieldhall Road (Ward 5) LICENSING 2007-2008 218 6th JUNE 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision William Newsome On the east side of the car 1 year Continued to allow the (11910) park of Platform Building applicant to be in attendance Materials, 100 metres south of entrance to David Street (Ward 9) Carla Newlands (11933) South side of Dumbarton 1 year Continued to allow the Road, 140 metres west of applicant to be in attendance Incholm Street (Ward 12) David Reeves (11938) (1) West side of Easter 1 year Granted, subject to the Road, 29 conditions detailed in the metres north of correspondence by the Dunivaig Road Executive Director of Land (Ward 20); and Environmental Services (2) West side of Coalhill in respect of stances (1) and Street, 15 metres north of (2) Gallowgate (Ward 9); and (3) North side of Hinshelwood Drive, 19 metres south of Edmiston Drive (Ward 5) Donna Short (11943) Mobile 1 year Granted Eleanor Craig (11948) Mobile 1 year Continued for certificate of compliance to be produced

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Graeme Giles (11891) (1) On the pavement on the 2 years Granted with dispensation west side of Springfield from conditions 11 in respect Road, 23 metres north of stance (2) and 15 in east of London Road respect of the mobile element (Ward 9); of the licence, subject to the conditions detailed in the (2) On the pavement on the correspondence by the west side of Copland Road, Executive Director of Land 30 metres south of and Environmental Services Woodville Street (Ward 5); (3) On the pavement on the south side of Prospecthill Road, 65 metres west of Cathcart Road (Ward 7); and (4) Mobile John Martin (11936) (1) North side of London 2 years Granted with dispensation Road, 15 metres west of from condition 15 in respect Kinloch Street (Ward 9); of the mobile element of the licence, subject to the (2) East side of Dalriada conditions detailed in the Street, 8 metres north correspondence by the of London Road Executive Director of Land (Ward 9); and and Environmental Services (3) Mobile 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 7th JUNE 2007 219

Applicant and reference number Premises/stance Duration Decision Stephen Carey (11944) (1) South side of Janefield 3 years Granted, subject to the Street, 50 metres west of conditions detailed in the Springfield Road correspondence by the (Ward 9); and Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services (2) West side of Aikenhead in respect of stance (1) Road, 30 metres south of corner of Hangingshaw Place (Ward 7)

TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (GRANT) William Barrowman n/a 3 years Continued to allow the (TD00423) applicant to be in attendance

TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Kenneth McLean n/a 3 years Granted, subject to the (TD00255) applicant undergoing an exercise test Alexander Morran n/a 3 years Granted with dispensation (TD00281) from condition 24, subject to the applicant undergoing a medical examination during May 2008 and 2009

Glasgow, 7th June 2007.

Licensing and Regulatory Committee.

Present: John McKenzie (Chair), Gilbert Davidson, Stephen Dornan, Phil Greene, Elaine McDougall, Anne Marie Millar and Tommy Morrison. Apology: Mary Paris. Attending: G McDermid (Clerk); I Lockhart (for the Chief Executive); and Chief Inspector S Neill, Strathclyde Police.

Applications for various types of licences dealt with. 1 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing 35 applications for the grant or renewal of various types of licences. After consideration, the committee dealt with the applications as follows:— Applicant and reference number Duration Decision PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (NEW) Allan Clyde (PV00673) 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Rehman Haider (PV00862) 1 year Refused Raj Singh (PV00505) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct LICENSING 2007-2008 220 7th JUNE 2007 1

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision

PRIVATE HIRE CAR LICENCE (RENEWAL) Mohammad Asif (PV00370) 2 years Refused

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (NEW) Sharjeel Afridi (PD00714) 1 year Withdrawn Mark Avery (PD01066) 1 year Granted Muhammad Baig (PD00648) 1 year Refused Stuart Carnegie (PD00774) 1 year Refused Peter Cheung (PD01067) 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance Christopher Collins (PD01037) 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Martin Gourlay (PD00618) 1 year Refused Habib Iqbal (PD00841) 1 year Refused James Jeffrey (PD01049) 1 year Granted and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Adam Khan (PD01050) 1 year Granted Craig McBride (PD00862) 1 year Refused Waqar Saeed (PD00626) 1 year Refused Asim Sajid (PD00673) 1 year Continued for further information Palwinder Singh (PD00838) 1 year Continued for further information Ramandeep Singh (PD00829) 1 year Refused Malcolm Weir (PD00887) 1 year Refused Khurshid Khan (PD00628) 3 years Refused Muhammad Shafique 3 years Granted for a restricted period of 1 year and severe (PD01059) warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

PRIVATE HIRE CAR DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Shehzad Iqbal (PD00882) 2 years Refused Andrew Smillie (PD00797) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 23, subject to the applicant undergoing a medical examination during May 2008 Suhail Khan (PD00808) 3 years Continued for production of driving licence

TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (NEW) John O’Hagan (TD00563) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Andrew Tennant (TD00577) 1 year Granted and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

TAXI DRIVER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) John Adams (TD00528) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct 2007-2008 LICENSING 1 7th JUNE 2007 221

Applicant and reference number Duration Decision Neil Mackinnon (TD00510) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and final warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct Derek Paterson (TD00435) 2 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and severe warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct David McConnell (TD00439) 3 years Granted with dispensation from condition 24 and final warning issued regarding the applicant’s future conduct

Applicant and reference number Stance Duration Decision STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (NEW) Paul O’Neil (11900) Mobile 1 year Refused John Newlands (11934) South side of Dumbarton 1 year Continued to allow the Road, 140 metres west of applicant to be in attendance Inchholm Road (Ward 12) Gary Martin (11946) Mobile 1 year Continued to allow the applicant to be in attendance

STREET TRADER’S LICENCE (RENEWAL) Ian Fitzpatrick (11940) (1) East side of Holywell 3 years Granted with dispensation Street, 33 metres north of from condition 11 in respect Janefield Street (Ward 9); of stance (2), subject to the (2) North side of the inshot, (a) conditions detailed in the 40 metres north of correspondence by the Hangingshaw Place Executive Director of (Ward 7); and Land and Environmental Services in respect of (3) Mobile stance (1); and (b) applicant ceasing to trade 1 hour after the kick off of first team football fixtures at Celtic Park in respect of stance (1)

PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2007-2008 222 27th MARCH 2007 1


Glasgow, 27th March 2007.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Robert MacBean (Chair), Shaukat Butt, Malcolm Cunning, Jonathan Findlay, Iris Gibson, Alexander Glass, Jean McFadden, Euan McLeod, James McNally, Hanzala Malik, Robert Marshall and Alex Mosson. Apologies: James Mutter and Paul Rooney. Attending: A M McGuire (Clerk); S Ahmed, I Davidson and C Tyler (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); and G Slessor (for the Director of Land Services).

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 20th March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Planning permissions conditionally granted. 2 There were submitted reports by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions, subject to the approval of the First Minister in respect of the application for the site at 67 Portman Street:— Site Applicant Development 26 Beaconsfield Road (Ward 9) V A Properties Erection of house with integral garage and formation of access 71 Earlbank Avenue (Ward 10) Gareth and Susy Reid Erection of single-storey extension to rear of dwellinghouse 15 Hillside Road (Ward 72) Everest Care Group Use of upper floor of dwellinghouse as part of approved day care nursery on ground floor, erection of enclosed fire escape stair and conservatory with external stair on site of existing garage 13 Kittochside Road (Ward 78) Mr Ross Belch Erection of 2-storey dwellinghouse with garage, wind turbine and formation of access 28 Laurel Park Gardens (Ward 8) Mr and Mrs Jones Conversion of garage to habitable room and erection of upper-storey extension and front balcony to dwellinghouse Site at 67 Portman Street Alburn Ltd Erection of assessment centre and (Ward 54) residential care facilities 252 Tollcross Road (Ward 36) First Glasgow Formation and extension of bus parking area with associated boundary fences and engineering works

11 Albert Road (Ward 68)—Display of internally illuminated fascia sign etc—Listed building consent conditionally granted. 3 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Lloyds TSB for listed building consent for the display of an internally illuminated fascia sign and internally illuminated double sided projecting box sign at 11 Albert Road (Ward 68). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted listed building consent, subject to the approval of the First Minister. 2007-2008 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 3rd APRIL 2007 223

Glasgow, 3rd April 2007.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Robert MacBean (Chair), Keith Baldassara, Shaukat Butt, Margot Clark, Iris Gibson, Billy McAllister, Jean McFadden, James McNally, Hanzala Malik, Robert Marshall, Kirsteen Mosson, William O’Rourke and Paul Rooney. Apologies: Jonathan Findlay, Alex Mosson and James Mutter. Attending: A M McGuire (Clerk); J Patrick, A Russell and D Veitch (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G Slessor (for the Director of Land Services); and V Bond (for the Chief Executive).

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 27th March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Planning permissions conditionally granted. 2 There were submitted reports by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions, subject to the completion of agreements under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in respect of the applications for site at Bridgegate/St Margaret’s Place/Mart Street/Jocelyn Square and 39 Brown Street:— Site Applicant Development Site at Bridgegate/ N V Properties Erection of residential development St Margaret’s Place/Mart Street/ including ground floor retail/office Jocelyn Square (Ward 17) uses 39 Brown Street (Ward 17) Crest Link Ltd Erection of residential development including ground floor retail/ commercial unit Site at Cottar Street/ Maryhill Housing Erection of flatted residential Gilhill Street/Campbell Street Association Ltd development and associated works (Ward 21) 23 Tabard Road (Ward 4) Mr S Kilgour Erection of 2-storey side extension to dwellinghouse

47-49 Bankhall Street (Ward 67)—Erection of 43 flats etc—Application for planning permission and listed building consent—Consideration continued. 3 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Hansion Homes for planning permission and listed building consent for the erection of 43 flats and associated car parking following the partial demolition of property at 47-49 Bankhall Street (Ward 67). After consideration, the committee agreed to continue consideration of the matter for 1 week.

Decisions appealed to First Minister—Outcome noted. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services (1) advising that planning legislation entitled applicants to a right of appeal to the First Minister in various circumstances, with the decisions being of special interest to the Council as they represented an independent appraisal of its decisions and could impact on Council policy; and (2) detailing in the appendix to the report, the outcome of appeal decisions received for the period from 1st to 28th February 2007. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2007-2008 224 10th APRIL 2007 1

Glasgow, 10th April 2007.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Robert MacBean (Chair), Keith Baldassara, Shaukat Butt, Jonathan Findlay, Alexander Glass, Billy McAllister, Jean McFadden, Catherine McMaster, James McNally, Hanzala Malik, Robert Marshall, Alex Mosson, Kirsteen Mosson, James Mutter and Paul Rooney. Also present: Patricia Chalmers. Apologies: Margot Clark and Euan McLeod. Attending: A M McGuire (Clerk); S Ahmed, I Davidson and C Tyler (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G Slessor (for the Director of Land Services); and C Watt (for the Chief Executive).

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 3rd April 2007 were submitted and approved.

Site bounded by Appin Road/Corsock Street/Todd Street/Aitken Street (Ward 37)—Erection of houses and flats etc—Planning permission conditionally granted, after division. 2 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Milnbank Housing Association Ltd for planning permission for the erection of houses and flats with associated access road, vehicular accesses, parking, regrading of land and landscaping at a site bounded by Appin Road/Corsock Street/Todd Street/Aitken Street (Ward 37). Councillor MacBean, seconded by Councillor Marshall, moved that consideration of the application be determined at this meeting. Councillor Baldassara, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved as amendment that consideration of the application be continued for a site visit and hearing. On a vote being taken by a show of hands 5 members voted for the amendment and 10 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried. Thereafter, the committee conditionally granted planning permission, subject to an additional condition to read “Within 2 months of the date of this consent the applicant shall submit for the written approval of the Planning Authority a statement setting out the aims and objectives of the proposed “Urban Woodland Park” (which is to include clarification on the nature and extent of public access and the method of control of access to the site). Thereafter, the scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the terms of any written approval” and the completion of an agreement under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

Planning permissions conditionally granted. 3 There were submitted reports by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions:— Site Applicant Development Site at 8 Chesterfield Avenue Mr and Mrs Trevisan Demolition of existing building and (Ward 9) erection of flatted residential development with associated car parking and new boundary wall 340 Crow Road (Ward 11) Café Royale Variation of Condition 02 of previous approval 04/03056/DC to alter cooking equipment and installation of filtration system 2007-2008 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 10th APRIL 2007 225

Site Applicant Development 71 Lubnaig Road (Ward 72) Dr and Mrs Campbell Erection of single-storey rear extension and installation of window to side elevation of dwellinghouse 450A Sauchiehall Street Mr A Shaan Deletion of Condition 4 of previous (Ward 16) approval 00/03109/DC and erection of rear flue 176-182 Woodlands Road SNQ Associates Ltd Use of 2 retail units and rear part of (Ward 18) office as extension to restaurant incorporating takeaway and external alterations

86 Mitchell Street (Ward 17)—Display of various signage and internal alterations—Listed building consent and advertisement consent conditionally granted. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Video Drive In Ltd for listed building consent and advertisement consent for the display of various signage and internal alterations at 86 Mitchell Street (Ward 17). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted listed building consent and advertisement consent, subject to the approval of the First Minister.

124 Ingram Street (Ward 27)—Installation of frontage etc—Planning permission, listed building consent and advertisement consent conditionally granted. 5 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Tesco Stores Ltd for planning permission, listed building consent and advertisement consent for the installation of a frontage and the display of illuminated signage at 124 Ingram Street (Ward 27). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission, listed building consent and advertisement consent, subject to the approval of the First Minister.

97 Buchanan Street (Ward 17)—Internal alterations—Listed building consent conditionally granted. 6 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Willow Tea Rooms for internal alterations at 97 Buchanan Street (Ward 17). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted listed building consent.

47-49 Bankhall Street (Ward 67)—Erection of 43 flats etc—Planning permission and listed building consent conditionally granted. 7 With reference to the minutes of 3rd April 2007 (page 223 hereof), the committee resumed consideration of a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Hansion Homes for planning permission and listed building consent for the erection of 43 flats and associated car parking following partial demolition at 47-49 Bankhall Street (Ward 67). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission and listed building consent, subject to the (1) inclusion of an additional condition to read “Before any work commences on site, details of a memorial plaque to record the previous use of the premises as a cinema shall be submitted for the written approval of the Council. These details shall include the proposed materials, size, wording and location of the plaque on the building. No works shall commence on the site until these details, or such other details as may be acceptable to the Council have been approved in writing”; (2) completion of an agreement under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland ) Act 1973; and (3) approval of the First Minister. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2007-2008 226 17th APRIL 2007 1

924 Shettleston Road (Ward 44)—Change of use from Class 1 (Retail) to hot food takeaway—Appeal against refusal of planning permission. 8 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the outcome of an appeal to the First Minister against the refusal of planning permission for the change of use from Class 1 (Retail) to hot food takeaway at 924 Shettleston Road (Ward 44), advising that the appeal has been sustained and planning permission conditionally granted. After consideration, the committee noted that (1) there were no policy implications arising from this decision; and (2) the adjoining premises at 928 Shettleston Road would be investigated in order to ascertain whether it was operating beyond its current consent in terms of hot food takeaway.

Glasgow, 17th April 2007.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Robert MacBean (Chair), Shaukat Butt, Margot Clark, James McNally, Robert Marshall, Alex Mosson, Kirsteen Mosson and James Mutter. Also present: Alan Stewart Apologies: Jonathan Findlay, Jean McFadden, Hanzala Malik and Paul Rooney. Attending: A M McGuire (Clerk); S Ahmed, F Barron and J Patrick (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G Slessor (for the Director of Land Services); and C Watt (for the Chief Executive) .

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 10th April 2007 were submitted and approved.

Planning permissions conditionally granted. 2 There were submitted reports by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions, subject to the completion of agreements under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in respect of the applications for the site bounded by Brechin Street/Kent Road/Berkeley Street, the site formerly known as 25 Greenhead Street, the site bounded by Janefield Street/Greenfield Road/Gallowgate and 27 Vulcan Street/ 90-94 Springburn Way. Site Applicant Development Site at Atlantic Quay/ Wilson Bowden Developments Erection of office building including York Street (Ward 17) ancillary retail/commercial use plus associated ground engineering, infrastructure and public realm works Site bounded by Brechin Street/ Glasgow West Housing Erection of residential development Kent Road/Berkeley Street Association Ltd with ground floor offices, associated (Ward 17) residential parking and landscaping Tesco Store, 12 Cobden Road Tesco Stores Ltd Variation of Condition 3 of previous (Ward 28) consent 99/03138/DC and Condition 23 of previous consent 00/03117/DC to allow formation of mezzanine level in order to create 4227 square metres of additional floor space 2007-2008 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 17th APRIL 2007 227

Site Applicant Development Site formerly known as Campsie Property Erection of residential development 25 Greenhead Street (Ward 34) Developments Ltd including façade retention with associated car parking and landscaping 163 Hamilton Road (Ward 46) Braidcroft Ltd Erection of flats with associated parking Site bounded by Janefield Bellway Homes Scotland Erection of residential development Street/Springfield Road/ with associated access, parking, Gallowgate (Ward 36) courtyards and landscaping 226 Newlands Road (Ward 73) Mr William Crew Use of workshop and yard as funeral directors and frontage alterations 154 Park Road (Ward 18) Garlic Part use of ground floor of delicatessen as café, use of part of pavement area for outside seating and installation of extract louvre system with mass carbon filters to basement of gable elevation 19A Rhannan Road (Ward 74) Gordon McCulloch Erection of conservatory to rear of flat 122 Stockwell Street (Ward 17) Somerset Hotels (Glasgow) Ltd Installation of air conditioning units in rear courtyard and erection of fence enclosure 27 Vulcan Street/ Spring Developments UK Ltd Erection of mixed use residential/ 90-94 Springburn Way office (Class 4) development (Ward 29) 82 Wellington Street/ The Co-proprietors Waterloo/ Erection of office development with 27-31 Waterloo Street Wellington ground floor shop and public house (Ward 17) (Public House Licence) Flat 6/2, 34 West George Anne C MacDougall Use of office as office with ancillary Street (Ward 17) residential use

430 Road (Ward 78)—Use of shop (Class 1) as hot food takeaway etc— Planning permission refused, after division. 3 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Mr Imran Anwar for planning permission for the use of a shop (Class 1) as a hot food takeaway (Sui Generis), the erection of a ventilation flue and shop front alterations at 430 Carmunnock Road (Ward 78). Councillor MacBean, seconded by Councillor Marshall, moved that planning permission be conditionally granted, subject to an amended Condition 3 to read “Prior to the commencement of the use hereby authorised, revised proposals shall be submitted for the written approval of the Planning Authority, incorporating a scheme of treatment of the proposed flue, which shall incorporate the appearance of a traditional chimneybreast with finishes matching those of the building to which it shall be attached. The agreed finishes shall be implemented in full prior to commencement of the use hereby consented and shall be maintained in the approved form thereinafter”. Councillor Clark, seconded by Councillor McNally, moved as an amendment that planning permission be refused. On a vote being taken by a show of hands, 5 members voted for the amendment and 3 for the motion. The amendment was accordingly declared to be carried. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2007-2008 228 24th APRIL 2007 1

4 Essenside Avenue (Ward 2)—Erection of 3-storey women’s aid building etc—Planning permission conditionally granted. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Cairn Housing Association Ltd for planning permission for the erection of a 3-storey women’s aid building (Class 7) comprising flatted accommodation for temporary use, the creation of an access, parking provision and associated landscaping at a site adjacent to 4 Essenside Avenue (Ward 2). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission, subject to (1) the inclusion of the following reasons for granting approval contrary to the development plan “The proposal is considered to be acceptable because:— (a) CDP 1—An analysis of greenspace provision in Drumchapel and in the vicinity of the application site has found that there is a surplus of land and that the loss of the site will have no harmful impact in terms of overall provision; and (b) CDP2—The applicants have prepared a landscaping scheme which mitigates the loss of the open space by upgrading the open space adjacent to the application site to a higher quality than exists currently, in accordance with City Plan Policy ENV 2”; (2) the completion of an agreement under Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997; and (3) the approval of the First Minister.

1 Rowan Road (Ward 54)—Erection of 2nd-storey etc—Planning permission conditionally granted. 5 With reference to the minutes of Development and Regeneration Services (Development Applications) Sub-committee of 13th June 2006 (Print 2, page 252), the committee resumed consideration of a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Al-Meezan for planning permission for the erection of a 2nd-storey to a single-storey wing and external alterations to the ground floor at 1 Rowan Road (Ward 54). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission.

43 Hope Street (Ward 17)—Use of Class 1 premises as Class 3—Application for planning permission—Report by Director of Development and Regeneration Services noted. 6 With reference to the minutes of 13th March 2007 (Print 7, page 881), conditionally granting planning permission for the use of Class 1 premises (Shop) as Class 3 at 45 Hope Street (Ward 17), there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services advising that (1) the applicant had discovered that 45 Hope Street was the address of the main building and not the shop unit; (2) it was considered that the change of address in this case did not affect the decision making process as the comments submitted by members of the public were clearly for the property involved regardless of the address that was used; and (3) a new decision notice would be issued with the correct address of 43 Hope Street.

Glasgow, 24th April 2007. Planning Applications Committee.

Present: Robert MacBean (Chair), Keith Baldassara, Shaukat Butt, Jonathan Findlay, Jean McFadden, Euan McLeod, James McNally, Hanzala Malik, Robert Marshall, Kirsteen Mosson and James Mutter. Also present: Michael Kernaghan, Dr Christopher Mason, Ruth Simpson and Niall Walker. Apologies: Malcolm Cunning, Iris Gibson, Alexander Glass, Catherine McMaster, Alex Mosson and Paul Rooney. Attending: A M McGuire (Clerk); K Clark, I Davidson, J Patrick, C Tytler and D Veitch (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G Slessor (for the Director of Land Services) and C Watt (for the Chief Executive). 2007-2008 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 24th APRIL 2007 229

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 17th April 2007 were submitted and approved.

Planning permissions conditionally granted. 2 There were submitted reports by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions, subject to (1) the completion of agreements under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in respect of applications for the sites at 45 Street and 9A Victoria Road; and (2) the inclusion of an additional condition to read “Prior to the occupation of any flat within the development, the applicant shall submit a noise survey to demonstrate the impact of existing industrial noise on the proposed development. The survey shall be carried out by a method agreed with the Planning Authority. Reference shall be made to BS 4142 “ Method for Rating Industrial Noise Affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial Areas”. Any mitigation measures identified in the survey shall be implemented within a timeframe to be agreed in writing with the Planning Authority” in respect of the application for 9A Victoria Road. Site Applicant Development 25 Cleveden Drive (Ward 9) Colin Blair External alterations to existing mews with link to main house, alterations to wall, formation of gate, erection of detached garage, formation of hardstanding and gate to rear garden of dwellinghouse 9 Cordiner Street (Ward 74) Electrical Solutions (Scotland) Alterations to shopfront and Ltd installation of air conditioning unit to rear of shop 19 Coylton Road (Ward 73) Mr and Mrs Smith Removal of 2 windows and installation of timber patio doors to rear elevation of dwellinghouse Site at 45 Finnieston Street Skypark Trustee Ltd Erection of 3-storey rooftop (Ward 17) extension, new service core, rebuilding retails units and cladding of building Flat 3/2, 89 Hill Street Mr Mikael Star Installation of 2 rooflights to rear (Ward 16) roof slope of flat Flat 2/1, 47 Hoddam Avenue Scottish Association for Use of second floor flat as office (Ward 79) Mental Health Cathcart House, Scottish Power Formation of additional car 42 Spean Street (Ward 73) parking Flat 2/2, 23 Tormusk Road Scottish Association for Use of second floor flat as office (Ward 79) Mental Health 3 Trongate (Ward 17) Catherine Chegra Use of retail premises as café with sealed unit cooking 9A Victoria Road (Ward 67) Southplace Homes Ltd Amendment of previous approval 05/01381/DC to create an additional unit, remove a rear amenity deck and erection of electricity sub-station 15 Winton Drive (Ward 9) Judith Clyde Erection of decking, shed and fencing in garden of dwellinghouse PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2007-2008 230 24th APRIL 2007 1

Anniesland College, 19 Hatfield Drive (Ward 8)—Erection of further education college etc— Planning permission conditionally granted, after division. 3 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Anniesland College for planning permission for the erection of a further education college with associated site regrading works, car parking and landscaping at Anniesland College, 19 Hatfield Drive (Ward 8). Councillor MacBean, seconded by Councillor Marshall, moved that planning permission be conditionally granted, subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the approval of the First Minister. Councillor MacFadden, seconded by Councillor Kirsteen Mosson, moved as an amendment that planning permission be refused. On a vote being taken by a show of hands, 3 members voted for the amendment and 8 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Site at Park Circus Lane/Park Quadrant (Ward 16)—Erection of residential development etc—Planning permission conditionally granted—Dissent. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Stewart Milne Group for planning permission for the erection of a residential development comprising 107 flats, off-street car parking and associated landscaping at a site at Park Circus Lane/Park Quadrant (Ward 16). After consideration, the committee, Councillor Baldassara dissenting, conditionally granted planning permission, subject to detailed conditions regarding the roof and windows being referred back to committee for approval, the completion of an agreement under Section 69 of Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and the approval of the First Minister.

Planning permissions and listed building consents conditionally granted. 5 There were submitted reports by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission and listed building consent. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions and listed building consents, subject to an amended Condition 4 to read “The use of the pavement area on McCormick Lane shall be restricted to Class 3 use in association with the adjacent restaurant at 11 Exchange Place” in respect of the application for the site on the footpath at 74 Buchanan Street and the completion of an agreement under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in respect of the application for 54 Cook Street:— Site Applicant Development Site on footpath at Gowton Outdoor seating in Buchanan Street 74 Buchanan Street (Ward 17) and McCormick Lane with associated servery and erection of canopy within McCormick Lane (in association with existing Class 3 use) 54 Cook Street (Ward 54) Iain Wilson Properties Ltd Internal and external alterations associated with the conversion of buildings to form 33 flats and erection of residential block of 19 units within courtyard 162 Holmlea Road (Ward 74) Bank Machine Ltd Alterations to shopfront including installation of ATM and associated litter bin 38 Nithsdale Road (Ward 68) Ms Elaine Dearie Use of office (Class 2) as café (Class 3) with microwave cooking only, frontage alterations and use of footway for outdoor tables and seating area 2007-2008 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 29th MAY 2007 231

Site Applicant Development 325 Sauchiehall Street (Ward 17) HK Use of shop (Class 1) as hot food takeaway) (Sui Generis) and erection of ventilation flue to rear elevation

17 Kensington Gate Lane (Ward 13)—Erection of 2 mews houses—Amendment of planning permission refused. 6 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by NV Properties Ltd for an amendment of previous consent 04/02634/DC for the erection of 2 mews houses at 17 Kensington Gate Lane, the amendment being to upgrade the lane after the development had been completed. After consideration, the committee refused planning permission.

23 Cook Street (Ward 54)—Erection of mixed use development etc—Outline planning permission conditionally granted. 7 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Bosunstone Ltd for outline planning permission for the erection of a mixed use development comprising residential, community facilities, class 2 and Class 3 ground floor units, car parking and accesses at 23 Cook Street (Ward 54). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted outline planning permission.

Site at M77/Waukglen Road/Leggatson Road (Ward 62)—Erection of mixed use development etc—Item withdrawn. 8 This item was withdrawn from the agenda.

Site adjacent to allotment gardens at Duchray Street (Ward 39)—Part use of park as allotments etc—Application for district approval—Notice of intent to develop noted— Instruction to Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 9 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by the Director of Land Services for district approval for the part use of a park as allotments with landscaping, parking and associated works including boundary treatment at a site adjacent to allotment gardens at Duchray Street (Ward 39). After consideration, the committee (1) noted the deemed consent for the principle of the development; and (2) instructed the Director of Development and Regeneration Services to advise the First Minister of the notice of intent to develop and of the objections received.

Glasgow, 29th May 2007.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: George Redmond (Chair), Elizabeth Cameron, Frank Docherty, Jonathan Findlay, Iris Gibson, Jahangir Hanif, Jean McFadden, Craig Mackay, John McLaughlin, Catherine McMaster, James McNally, Irfan Rabbani, George Roberts, Paul Rooney, George Ryan and Kieran Wild. Also present: Aileen Colleran, John Mason and David Meikle. Attending: A M McGuire (Clerk); I Davidson, J Patrick and D Veitch (for the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services); J Mackenzie (for the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services); and C Watt (for the Chief Executive). PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2007-2008 232 29th MAY 2007 1

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 24th April 2007 were submitted and approved.

Planning permissions conditionally granted—Declaration of interest. 2 There were submitted reports by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions, subject to (1) the completion of certificates under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in respect of the applications for the site bounded by Breadalbane Street/Dover Street/Argyle Street, 78 Smithycroft Road and the site formerly known as 201 Victoria Road; and (2) an amended Condition 05 to read “The use of the premises shall be restricted to the following hours of operation 0900-2200 hours Monday to Saturday and 1100-1800 hours Sunday” in respect of the application for No 26 Springburn Shopping Centre, 230 Springburn Way. Site Applicant Development 246 Albert Drive (Ward 6) Riaz Ahmed Use of shop as hot food takeaway (Sui Generis) and erection of rear ventilation flue Storey 0, 23 Bothwell Street Living Ventures Ltd Use of footway for outdoor seating (Ward 10) area associated with restaurant (Occasional Licence) Site bounded by Breadalbane Glasgow West Housing Erection of residential and Street/Dover Street/ Association Ltd commercial development with Argyle Street (Ward 10) associated landscaping works *47 Carlaverock Road Mr and Mrs Neill Erection of single-storey extension (Ward 2) to side of dwellinghouse Site at Cresswell Street/ Arqiva Ltd Removal of existing street lighting Cranworth Street (Ward 11) column and erection of replacement street lighting column incorporating 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment Site to the rear of John Sullivan Erection of flats 158A Gartocher Road (Ward 20) Site at corner of Great Arqiva Ltd Replacement of existing street Western Road/Byres Road lighting column and erection of (Ward 15) replacement street lighting column incorporating 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment 7 Hughenden Terrace (Ward 11) Landcove Ltd Sub-division of combined church and multiple occupancy within 1 townhouse to form separate church use at ground floor and self- contained duplex flat at 1st and 2nd floors, demolition of existing single garage and erection of replacement double garage Site at corner of Hyndland Arqiva Ltd Removal of existing street lighting Street/Highburgh Road column and erection of (Ward 12) replacement street lighting column incorporating 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment 2007-2008 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 29th MAY 2007 233

Site Applicant Development 24 Invergarry Avenue Mr and Mrs Baker Erection of 2-storey side extension (Ward 3) to dwellinghouse 108 Kilmarnock Road Hugh Mulgrew Use of Class 1 premises as health (Ward 6) and fitness studio (Class 11) 22 Langhaul Road (Ward 3) Mr and Mrs S McLeod Erection of conservatory to rear of dwellinghouse 93 Mitre Road (Ward 12) Mr and Mrs C MacMillan Erection of extension and 2 dormers to rear of dwellinghouse Site at corner of Napiershall Arqiva Ltd Removal of existing street lighting Street/Great Western Road column and erection of (Ward 11) replacement street lighting column incorporating 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment 78 Smithycroft Road (Ward 18) Carmarthen Developments Ltd Erection of flatted residential development with associated access, landscaping, parking and retaining features No 26 Springburn Shopping Betfred Sub-division of retail unit Centre, 230 Springburn Way (permitted development), part use (Ward 17) of retail unit (Class 1) as betting office (Class 2) and external alterations Site at corner of University Arqiva Ltd Removal of existing street lighting Avenue/Byres Road (Ward 11) column and erection of replacement street lighting column incorporating 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment Site at University Avenue/ Arqiva Ltd Removal of existing street lighting Southpark Avenue (Ward 11) column and erection of replacement street lighting column incorporating 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment Site at corner of University Arqiva Ltd Removal of existing street lighting Place/Byres Road (Ward 11) column and erection of replacement street lighting column incorporating 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment Site at University Place/ Arqiva Ltd Removal of existing street lighting University Avenue (Ward 11) column and erection of replacement street lighting column incorporating 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment Site formerly known as Forrestgate Developments Ltd Erection of flatted residential 201 Victoria Road (Ward 8) development and associated car parking Site at corner of Woodlands Arqiva Ltd Removal of existing street lighting Road/Park Avenue (Ward 10) column and erection of replacement street lighting column inspiriting 1 telecommunication antenna and ancillary equipment PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2007-2008 234 5th JUNE 2007 1

* In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillor McNally declared an interest in this item of business and took no part in the decision making thereon.

1860 Paisley Road West (Ward 4)—Formation of public house seating area etc—Application for planning permission—Consideration continued. 3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Spirit Group Ltd for planning permission for the formation of a public house seating area on the pavement (Public House Licence) at 1860 Paisley Road West (Ward 4). After consideration, the committee continued consideration of the matter for 1 week.

55-59 Union Street (Ward 10)—Hot food takeaway and restaurant at ground floor etc— Amendment of planning permission conditionally granted. 4 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Al Rafiq Ltd for an amendment of previous approval 06/00182/DC for the sub- division of a ground and basement bakery/restaurant to form a shop at ground floor and a restaurant at basement level with alterations to the frontage to create separate entrances at 55-59 Union Street (Ward 10), the amendment being a separate hot food takeaway with a restaurant at ground floor and a restaurant at basement (Refreshment Licence) with alterations to the frontage to create separate entrances. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the amendment of planning permission.

Ruchill Hospital, 520 Bilsland Drive (Ward 16)—Demolition of building 4—Listed building consent conditionally granted. 5 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Scottish Enterprise Glasgow for listed building consent for the demolition of building 4 at Ruchill Hospital, 520 Bilsland Drive (Ward 16). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted listed building consent, subject to the approval of the First Minister.

42 Buchanan Street (Ward 10)—Internal alterations and display of various signage—Listed building consent and advertisement consent conditionally granted. 6 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by 3G (UK) Ltd for listed building consent and advertisement consent for internal alterations and the display of various signage at 42 Buchanan Street (Ward 10). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted listed building consent and advertisement consent, subject to the approval of the First Minister.

Glasgow, 5th June 2007.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: George Redmond (Chair), Margot Clark, Frank Docherty, Jonathan Findlay, Iris Gibson, Alex Glass, Jahangir Hanif, Jean McFadden, Craig Mackay, John McLaughlin, Catherine McMaster, James McNally, David Meikle, Irfan Rabbani, George Roberts, Paul Rooney, George Ryan and Jim Todd. Also present: Tommy Morrison and Alistair Watson. Apology: Kieran Wild. Attending: A M McGuire (Clerk); F Barron, I Davidson, T Turley and D Veitch (for the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G Slessor (for the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services); and P Kane (for the Chief Executive). 2007-2008 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 5th JUNE 2007 235

Planning permissions conditionally granted. 1 There were submitted reports by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions, subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 in respect of the application for the site at Gartocher Terrace/Gartocher Road:— Site Applicant Development 1 Douglas Drive (Ward 14) Mr Michael Scot Malcolm Erection of 2-storey side and single- storey rear extension to dwellinghouse Site at Gartocher Terrace/ Shettleston Juniors Club Ltd Erection of houses and flats with Gartocher Road (Ward 20) associated vehicular access and road improvements, regrading of land and formation of retaining walls 3 Muirkirk Drive (Ward 14) Mr and Mrs Smith Erection of conservatory to rear of flat

Storey 0/1, 85B Queen Street (Ward 10)—Use of ground floor offices and basement as wine/tea bar etc—Planning permission and listed building consent conditionally granted. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Glenerroll for planning permission and listed building consent for the use of ground floor offices and basement as a wine/tea bar with associated outdoor seating in Royal Exchange Square, Royal Exchange Court and South Exchange Court (Refreshment Licence) at Storey 0/1, 85B Queen Street (Ward 10). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted planning permission and listed building consent, subject to the approval of the First Minister.

Site at M77/Waukglen Road/Leggatston Road (Ward 3)—Erection of mixed use development etc—Outline planning permission conditionally granted, after division. 3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Meridian Developments Ltd for outline planning permission for the erection of a mixed use development consisting of strategic business/business/office uses (Class 4 business, Class 5 general industrial, Class 6 storage or distribution), community facilities (Class 1 shops, Class 2 financial, professional and other services and Class 10 non-residential institutions), tavern and associated play area (Class 3 food and drink and public house), residential (Class 9 houses), hotel and associated leisure/public house/restaurant/function and meeting room uses (Class 3 food and drink, Class 7 hotels and hostels, Class 11 assembly and leisure and public house), formation of and alterations to roads, cycle and pedestrian accesses, landscaping, site engineering and drainage works at a site at M77/Waukglen Road/Leggatston Road (Ward 3). Councillor Redmond, seconded by Councillor Findlay, moved that outline planning permission be conditionally granted, subject to the completion of agreements under Section 69 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the approval of the First Minister. Bailie McNally, seconded by Bailie Clark, moved as an amendment that outline planning permission be refused. On a vote being taken by a show of hands, 3 members voted for the amendment and 14 for the motion, with 1 abstention. The motion was accordingly declared to be carried. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 2007-2008 236 12th JUNE 2007 1

1860 Paisley Road West (Ward 4)—Formation of public house seating area on pavement— Planning permission conditionally granted, after division. 4 With reference to the minutes of 29th May 2007 (page 234 hereof) the committee resumed consideration of a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Spirit Group Ltd for planning permission for the formation of a public house seating area on the pavement (Public House Licence) at 1860 Paisley Road West (Ward 4). Councillor Redmond, seconded by Councillor Findlay, moved that planning permission be conditionally granted. Bailie Gibson, seconded by Bailie McLaughlin, moved as an amendment that planning permission be refused. On a vote being taken by a show of hands, 7 members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Glasgow, 12th June 2007.

Planning Applications Committee.

Present: George Redmond (Chair), Margot Clark, Frank Docherty, Jonathan Findlay, Alex Glass, Jahangir Hanif, Jean McFadden, Craig Mackay, John McLaughlin, Catherine McMaster, James McNally, David Meikle, Irfan Rabbani, George Roberts, Paul Rooney and Jim Todd. Apology: George Ryan. Attending: A M McGuire (Clerk); J Patrick, A Russell and C Tytler (for the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services); G Slessor (for the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services); and P Kane (for the Chief Executive).

Planning permissions conditionally granted. 1 There were submitted reports by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the undernoted applications for planning permission. After consideration, the committee conditionally granted the undernoted planning permissions, subject to an additional condition to read “The scheme shall be amended to incorporate a total of 17 cycle bays. Amended drawings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Council and the bays shall be provided prior to the occupation of the development.” in respect of the application for 12 Gibson Street:— Site Applicant Development 23 Burlington Avenue (Ward 15) Mr Clelland and Ms Barbour Erection of single-storey extension to rear of dwellinghouse Site on footpath outside T-Mobile (UK) Ltd Erection of 14.7 metre high slim line 90 Crookston Road (Ward 4) streetworks monopole supporting 3 antennae within GRP shroud, associated electrical equipment housing and ancillary equipment Site adjacent to Unite Group plc Erection of 32 flats of student 12 Gibson Street (Ward 11) accommodation incorporating Class 2 office at ground floor level 34 Norse Road (Ward 13) Eliza Aire Erection of single-storey rear extension to dwellinghouse 2007-2008 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1 12th JUNE 2007 237

12-24 Willowbank Street (Ward 11)—Tenement refurbishment including windows, stone cleaning and stone repairs—Application for planning permission and listed building consent dealt with—Instruction to Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Charing Cross Housing Association Ltd for planning permission and listed building consent to vary Conditions 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 of previous approval 02/02229/DC for the refurbishment of a tenement, including replacement windows, stone cleaning and stone repairs at 12-24 Willowbank Street (Ward 11). After consideration, the committee (1) conditionally granted planning permisson and listed building consent, subject to the approval of the First Minister, for the variation of Conditions 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10; (2) refused planning permission and listed building consent for the variation of Condition 12; and (3) instructed the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to take action under the Planning Acts in respect of the unauthorised development.

3 Falcon Terrace (Ward 15)—Erection of housing development—Outline planning permission conditionally granted. 3 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Mr W McDermott for outline planning permission for the erection of a housing development at 3 Falcon Terrace (Ward 15). After consideration, the committee conditionally granted outline planning permission.

Site at 466 Kilmarnock Road (Ward 2)—Erection of flatted development with associated car parking—Application for planning permission—Deemed refusal—Instruction to Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 4 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding an application by Dr Rhoda Ritchie for planning permission for the erection of a flatted development with associated car parking at a site at 466 Kilmarnock Road (Ward 2) which was the subject of a deemed refusal to the First Minister. After consideration, the committee (1) approved the report as its comments on the application; and (2) instructed the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to advise the First Minister accordingly. ROADS AND LIGHTING 2007-2008 238 27th MARCH 2007 1


Glasgow, 27th March 2007.

Roads and Lighting Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee.

Present: Allan Stewart (Chair), Stephen Dornan, Kirsteen Mosson, James Mutter, Craig Roberton and James Scanlon. Apologies: Gerald Leonard, Malcolm McLean and James McNally. Attending: A Wyber (Clerk); I Bruce and G Gillespie (for the Director of Land Services); J Shevlin (for the Director of Financial Services); and L McKenzie (for the Chief Executive).

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 13th February 2007 were submitted and approved.

Progress on Race Equality Scheme 2005-08—Position noted. 2 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 19th January 2007 (Print 6, page 795) approving the Council’s Race Equality Scheme for 2005-08 together with the revised implementation plan and referring the report to all Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees for their consideration, there was submitted and noted the relevant report by the Chief Executive.

Monitoring report noted. 3 There was submitted and noted a joint monitoring report by the Directors of Financial and Land Services for the period from 1st April 2006 to 26th January 2007 in respect of the 2006/07 revenue budget.

Work programme—Progress noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Land Services regarding the progress of the committee’s work programme in relation to the local transport strategy, road safety, lighting strategy and major projects.

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport—Funding projects 2007/08 noted. 5 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Land Services regarding funding approved by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) for Council projects (1) detailing projects which would be funded from SPT’s capital budget for 2007/08 and projects which had been funded from its capital budget for 2006/07; and (2) confirming that funding from SPT would contribute towards the development of Quality Bus Corridors, enhanced public transport information, enhanced bus infrastructure improvements in the City Centre and the development of the North Clyde Development Route all of which were included in the Council’s new Local Transport Strategy and Land Services’ Budget and Service Plan.

Road Safety Forum—Site visit to new school sites noted. 6 With reference to the minutes of 13th February 2007 (Print 7, page 893) requesting the Road Safety Forum to visit new schools in the city and report back on whether there was improved parking access, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Land Services (1) advising (a) that the Road Safety Forum had visited Park Primary School and Keppoch Campus to view traffic and safety arrangements at these schools; and 2007-2008 ROADS AND LIGHTING 1 27th MARCH 2007 239

(b) that the measures designed into the new schools and their surrounding environment included traffic calming measures, off-road drop off areas and segregated pedestrian and vehicle accesses; and (2) concluding that traffic calming was one option that should be part of new school developments and that the views and local knowledge of elected members should be sought at this stage, when there was an excellent opportunity to secure safety in a pro-active manner.

Glasgow City Council (West George Street)(Traffic Regulation) Order noted. 7 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Land Services advising that under the Scheme of Delegated Functions he, in consultation with the Executive member for Roads and Lighting, had approved the introduction of the Glasgow City Council (West George Street)(Traffic Regulation) Order. PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 2007-2008 240 28th MARCH 2007 1


Glasgow, 28th March 2007.

Personnel and Administration Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee.

Present: Josephine Dodds (Chair), Stephen Dornan, Alex Mosson, Kirsteen Mosson, James Scanlon and Alan Stewart. Apologies: Frank Docherty, Tom McKeown, Malcolm McLean and Allan Stewart. Attending: T O’Neill (Clerk); N Aird, Head of Corporate Human Resources; I Tully, Head of Shared Services; E Murray, Head of Change Management; and C Christie (for the Director of Financial Services).

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 14th February 2007 were submitted and approved.

Work and Families Act 2006—Revised Statutory Maternity, Adoption and Carer provisions noted. 2 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive regarding amendments to the Council’s Maternity Leave and Pay and Family and Domestic Leave provisions, which incorporated the requirements of the Work and Families Act 2006, advising (1) that the Work and Families Act 2006 had introduced revised arrangements in respect of Maternity Pay, Leave, Notice provision, Keeping in Touch and Contact during Maternity/Adoption Leave periods, which would be effective from 1st April 2007; (2) of a number of changes introduced by the Act, including (a) extension of Maternity Allowance from 26 to 39 weeks; (b) additional Maternity Leave (26 weeks) available to all working mothers regardless of service; and (c) enhancement of existing legislation by extending the right to request flexible working to carers of adults; (3) of criteria which the Council had identified as critical factors on which the amendments should be based; (4) of a number of changes which would be made to the Council’s existing policy; and (5) of a summary of the changes detailed in an appendix to the report.

Health and Safety Policy arrangements—Position noted. 3 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive providing an outline of both a new and amended Health and Safety Policy arrangement to be incorporated into the Council’s Health and Safety Management System, advising (1) that currently, there was a Council Health and Safety Policy in place which was supported by various Health and Safety policy arrangements, which covered major hazards or risks applicable to all Council Services with each service developing their own procedures to comply with those policy arrangements; (2) of amendments as a result of recent legislation, as detailed, to an existing policy arrangement in respect of Smoke Free Workplaces; (3) that a new policy arrangement had been developed in respect of Transport Safety, as detailed, to ensure that Council employees used vehicles on the road as safely as possible; and (4) that Services would now be required to amend or develop their own service specific procedures to comply with the policy arrangements and that progress would be monitored by the Corporate Health and Safety Group, with updates being provided to the Council’s Joint Health and Safety Forum. 2007-2008 PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 1 28th MARCH 2007 241

Revenue Budget 2006/07—Monitoring report noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a joint report by the Chief Executive and the Director of Financial Services on the revenue budget 2006/07 for the Chief Executive Department for the period from 1st April 2006 to 23rd February 2007.

Access Glasgow Programme—Monitoring statement noted. 5 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Financial Services regarding budget monitoring information in respect of the Access Glasgow Programme to 23rd February 2007.

Strategic Partnership for ICT and Property Services—Recommended shortlist for competitive dialogue noted. 6 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 8th December 2006 (Print 5, page 694) when it had been agreed that the Council build on its 1 Business approach and move to a corporate-wide model for a broader range of support services, there was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive advising (1) that a Contract Notice had been published on 18th January 2007 restricting the number of organisations that would be taken forward to a competitive dialogue phase to between 3 and 6; (2) that each of the 119 organisations who had expressed an interest in the Contract Notice had been issued with a Proposition Briefing and Data Pack and invited to (a) complete a pre-qualification questionnaire; and (b) attend an Industry Briefing at which the Council had presented information covering the background to the procurement, partnering requirements and arrangements for competitive dialogue; (3) that due to the resources and range and depth of skills required to provide the services in scope, interested organisations were advised that an application could be submitted either from a single organisation, prime contractor supported by sub-contractors or a consortium of companies which could be supported by sub-contractors or not; (4) that 11 pre-qualification questionnaires had been received by the closing date; (5) of the evaluation criteria which had been undertaken; and (6) of the recommended shortlist of companies to be asked to participate in a competitive dialogue for a Strategic Partnership for ICT and Property Services, namely BT, Capita, IBM and Serco.

Council Web site performance and trends—Position noted. 7 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the recent performance of the Council’s corporate Web site, advising (1) that the Council’s corporate Web site had been re-launched in 2004 and had continued to grow in size, scope and level of staff involvement; (2) that in January 2007, the Web site had recorded almost 300,000 unique users, the second best performance among local authority sites in the whole of the United Kingdom, with only the Corporation of London’s Web site recording more unique users; (3) that in March 2007, following a survey of local authority and public sector Web sites by the Society of Information Technology Management, the Council’s site had been awarded the top ranking of “Transactional”, the first time it had been rated in that category and an accolade afforded to only 7 Council sites throughout Scotland; (4) of a number of key performance indicators which had been measured on a monthly basis in order to build a picture of activity on the site as detailed; (5) that a number of the new online services which had been introduced to the site over the past year or so were proving increasingly popular with citizens, including PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES 2007-2008 242 28th MARCH 2007 1

(a) maps within the City Plan; (b) fitness class searches within the Glasgow Club pages; (c) the Glasgow Museums online photo sales library; and (d) the revamped River Clyde Waterfront regeneration section; and (6) that as the Council continued to consolidate information contained on a number of different Web sites operated within services areas, citizens were gaining increased confidence that the main Council Web site was the place where they could do business online with the authority.

Discretionary registration fees and charges for civil ceremonies—Increases noted. 8 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive regarding increases in civil ceremony fees charged by the Council, advising (1) that most registration fees were statutory and were set by the Registrar General for Scotland; (2) that the Council did, however, levy additional non-statutory fees in respect of the provision of enhanced services and facilities; and (3) of the revised level of fees and charges for civil ceremonies and other registration fees which had been agreed in terms of the Scheme of Delegated Functions, which would be effective from 1st April 2007.

Redundancy/early retirement of Council employees—Details noted. 9 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive advising of 4 redundancies and 17 early retirals within specific departments as detailed.

Provision of civic hospitality etc noted. 10 There was submitted and noted reports by the Chief Executive, advising of civic hospitality and invitations to attend charitable events approved by him in terms of the Scheme of Delegated Functions.

Valediction 11 Councillor Dodds spoke of her time as Convener of both the Personnel Appeals and the Personnel and Administration Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees and expressed her thanks to all members of those committees, including her Vice-Convener, Bailie Jim Todd, for their assistance and support together with officials for their help and advice. 2007-2008 DEVELOPMENT AND REGENERATION 1 12th JUNE 2007 243


Glasgow, 12th June 2007.

Development and Regeneration Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee.

Present: Frank Docherty (Chair), Philip Braat, Paul Carey, Stuart Clay, Paul Coleshill, Colin Deans, Jennifer Dunn, Alex Glass, Douglas Hay, Jim Mackechnie, Kenneth McLean, David Meikle, Anne Marie Millar, George Redmond, James Scanlon, Grant Thoms, Jim Todd and Alistair Watson. Also present: Aileen Colleran and John Mason. Apology: Gilbert Davidson. Attending: A Castelvecchi (Clerk); G Gormal, Assistant Director of Development and Regeneration Services; D Corbett, Head of Corporate Policy: and H Simpson (for the Executive Director of Financial Services).

Terms of Reference and Initial Guidelines for Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees. 1 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive (1) advising of the Terms of Reference for this committee, which had been approved by the Council on 17th May 2007 (page 57 hereof); and (2) detailing initial guidelines for policy development and scrutiny committees.

Development and Regeneration Services—Budget and Service Plan 2007/08 noted— Instruction to Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 2 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services detailing the priorities identified in the Development and Regeneration Services Budget and Service Plan 2007/08 and highlighting areas of work which the committee might wish to focus on in its work programme. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the main areas of development activity identified in the Service Plan; and (2) instructed the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to bring forward reports to future meetings on the issues detailed below:- (a) major physical regeneration initiatives; (b) new local development strategies; (c) economic development and employment initiatives; (d) significant conservation and heritage initiatives; (e) economic trends within the city; and (f) new policy initiatives.

Development and Regeneration Services annual performance report 2006/07 noted. 3 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding his department’s annual performance report for 2006/07 (1) detailing progress and achievements as they related to the Council’s commitments as set out in the Council Plan 2003-07 and the supplementary Council Plan 2006/07 together with the service changes and priorities set out in the Service Plan 2004-07 (April 2006 edition); and (2) identifying future priorities and service improvements for the 2007/08 planning period. DEVELOPMENT AND REGENERATION 2007-2008 244 12th JUNE 2007 1

Policy development work programme within Development and Regeneration Services noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services detailing various areas of policy development currently being taken forward within Development and Regeneration Services and proposing to submit reports on the following issues for discussion at future meetings:— (1) Joint Economic Strategy Action Plans—August 2007; (2) City Plan 2 - proposed post consultation amendments—October 2007; (3) Annual review of the Glasgow economy—November 2007; (4) Environment Strategy and Action Plan annual performance report—January 2008; (5) Tourism Strategy and Action Plan 2007-14—August 2007; and (6) City Centre Action Plan annual report—October 2007.

Performance management and measurement in Development and Regeneration Services noted. 5 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the range of performance indicators used within Development and Regeneration Services to monitor, measure and target performance, highlighting (1) statutory performance indicators, measures for improved performance and other performance measures in place in Development and Regeneration Services; (2) that performance indicators were measured on a quarterly basis and reported on an annual basis within the Development and Regeneration Services’ Budget and Service Plan; and (3) that detailed reports on each indicator would be presented to the committee on a phased basis during the remainder of the current financial year, to allow effective performance scrutiny by committee.

External representation on committee—Consideration continued. 6 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding a proposal for external organisations to be represented on the committee. After consideration, the committee continued consideration of the matter to the next meeting.

Monitoring report noted. 7 There was submitted and noted a monitoring report by the Executive Directors of Financial and Development and Regeneration Services for the period from 1st April to 18th May 2007, in respect of the 2007/08 revenue budget.

Development of Strategic Housing Investment Plan, Older Private Housing Strategy and Local Housing Strategy noted. 8 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding a timetable for the development of Glasgow’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP), Older Private Housing Strategy and Local Housing Strategy (LHS), advising that (1) Communities Scotland was introducing a strategic investment framework for the allocation of development funding resources to local authorities in Scotland and as part of that framework all local authorities were required to submit an annual SHIP, which would be used for resource allocation from 2009/10; (2) the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 required every local authority to prepare and submit a LHS when required to do so by Scottish Ministers, that made an assessment of the local housing market, set out housing issues and priorities and provided a strategic framework for future investment and management; 2007-2008 DEVELOPMENT AND REGENERATION 1 12th JUNE 2007 245

(3) the LHS also represented a shared understanding developed in partnership between housing agencies and the local community and in Glasgow, a Council LHS Stakeholder Working Group ensured that the partnership worked effectively; (4) Glasgow’s first LHS ran until March 2008 and Communities Scotland had indicated that a further LHS would be required but that it should not be produced until 2009 in order to bring Glasgow into the same LHS timeframe as all other local authorities and in order to bridge this gap it was intended to develop a local housing strategy policy statement for 2008 which would form part of the SHIP; (5) the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 required the Council to produce strategies to improve or demolish all below tolerable standard houses within a reasonable period and to use the new Scheme of Assistance to improve the condition of houses in the city; (6) in addition, the Council was required to set out a policy for identifying housing renewal areas, in line with the new provisions of the Act, these requirements would be fulfilled within a single older private housing strategy document bringing together evidence on private housing conditions in the city, the Council’s proposals for addressing them and the issues arising in relation to their implementation; and (7) setting out in the appendix to the report, a timeframe for the development of these strategies.

Merchant City Action Plan noted. 9 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the Action Plan (1) intimating that the first Merchant City Action Plan ran from 2001 to 2006 and set out a range of projects including (a) capital investment in properties repaired and refurbished; (b) a targeted retail lettings policy for the Council’s retail properties, designed to attract particular types of businesses to locate within the area; (c) a marketing programme designed to attract new visitors and footfall into the area; and (d) a programme of business development support to existing and new businesses locating within the area; (2) confirming that progress reports had been submitted to the former Development and Regeneration Services Committee on a regular basis and agreement had been reached by the Merchant City Working Group to prepare proposals for a second 5 year action plan programme, which had been prepared following consultation with other public agencies, local organisations within the Merchant City and the Merchant City business community; and (3) advising that the second action plan would cover the period from 2007-12 and contained budget provision for a number of key projects, including (a) the arts property strategy which would create a total of approximately 250,000 square feet of business space aimed at companies in the creative and craft sectors between 2007 and 2010; (b) further enhancements to the public realm during 2006/07; (c) the Lighting Festival 2007 which had a specific focus on the Merchant City; (d) the annual Merchant City Festival; and (e) continued funding for the Merchant City Support Team, which also managed the Merchant City Townscape Heritage Initiative Project.

Development funding programme 2006/07—Outturn performance noted. 10 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services providing details of performance against ministerial targets for the 2006/07 development funding programme which were based on the final report submitted to Communities Scotland on 11th April 2007.

Scheme of Delegated Functions—Quarterly reports noted. 11 There were submitted and noted quarterly reports by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services, detailing those transactions which had been approved in terms of the Scheme of Delegated Functions. LAND AND ENVIRONMENT 2007-2008 246 13th JUNE 2007 1


Glasgow, 13th June 2007.

Land and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee.

Present: Euan McLeod (Chair), Philip Braat, Margot Clark, Stuart Clay, Colin Deans, Alex Glass, Ellen Hurcombe, Gerald Leonard, David McDonald, Craig Mackay, Jim Mackechnie, John McKenzie, Irfan Rabbani, George Roberts, Allan Stewart, Grant Thoms and Jim Todd. Also present: Paul Carey, Frank Docherty, Tom McKeown and John Mason. Apologies: Gilbert Davidson and Tommy Morrison. Attending: C Birrell (Clerk); R Booth, Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; D Montgomery and C Watt (for the Chief Executive); and J Shevlin (for the Executive Director of Financial Services).

Terms of Reference and Initial Guidelines for Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees. 1 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive (1) advising of the Terms of Reference for this committee, which had been approved by the Council on 17th May 2007 (page 27 hereof); and (2) detailing initial guidelines for policy development and scrutiny committees.

Proposed Work Programme agreed. 2 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services outlining the 5 key areas that the Convener had proposed for the committee’s work programme. After consideration, the committee agreed that the undernoted 5 areas be scrutinised and developed as part of the work programme for 2007/08:— (1) works carried out by Scottish Water; (2) the Local Transport Strategy, “Keep Glasgow Moving”; (3) Glasgow’s Waste Strategy; (4) Land and Environmental Services’ role in the Commonwealth Games bid; and (5) service reform within Land and Environmental Services.

Land Services and Environmental Protection Services—Annual Performance reports for 2006/07 noted. 3 There were submitted and noted reports by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services regarding the 2006/07 annual performance reports for Land Services and Environmental Protection Services (1) detailing the performance and achievements of both services in 2006/07; and (2) setting out the service targets to be achieved in 2007/08.

Land Services and Environmental Protection Services—Budget and Service Plan 2007/08 noted. 4 There were submitted and noted reports by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services detailing the priorities identified in the Budget and Service Plan 2007/08 for (1) Land Services; and (2) Environmental Protection Services. 2007-2008 LAND AND ENVIRONMENT 1 13th JUNE 2007 247

Clean Glasgow Project—Progress noted—Instruction to Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services. 5 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services advising (1) that the Clean Glasgow Project was launched in February 2007; (2) that the project aimed to clean up Glasgow and make it a cleaner place for people to work, children to play and everyone to visit; (3) the project involved a multi agency approach, with the main partners being his department and Glasgow Community and Safety Services; (4) of intentions to include in the project all parties and agencies who might impact on the cleanliness of Glasgow; and (5) that community and business involvement was considered essential to the desired sustained improvement in the cleanliness of the city. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the progress to date on the Clean Glasgow Project; and (b) instructed the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services to ensure that progress reports on Clean Glasgow be submitted to all future meetings.

Determined Prosecutions—Details noted—Instruction to Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services. 6 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services advising of the outcome of cases reported to the Procurator Fiscal. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the report; and (2) instructed the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services to write to the Lord Advocate to express this Council’s concerns in relation to the inconsistency of the penalties imposed.

Distribution of Landfill Tax Credits (Year 10) noted. 7 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services regarding the distribution of Landfill Tax Credits (Year 10), advising that (1) each year this Council had an opportunity to distribute Landfill Tax Credits to Environmental Bodies; (2) in 2004 the Council agreed that Landfill Tax Credits would be distributed to East Dunbartonshire Council given that they had a contract with this Council to deposit waste at the Dawsholm Transfer Station; (3) it had been calculated that £563,057 of Landfill Tax Credits had been made available for 2006/07; (4) East Dunbartonshire Council were due £20,033 in Landfill Tax Credits, leaving £543,024 available for distribution; and (5) because Landfill Tax Credits had to be distributed by 31st May 2007 otherwise credits would be paid to HM Customs and Revenue, the Executive Director, had exercised his delegated authority on the grounds of urgency and approved the grants listed below:— Environmental Body Project Award Starling Learning Glasgow Family Birds Project £108,244 EB Scotland t/a Score Environment Toryglen £133,00 BTCV Scotland Glasgow’s Biodiversity Action Project £5,362 LAND AND ENVIRONMENT 2007-2008 248 13th JUNE 2007 1

Environmental Body Project Award Land Trust Toryglen Regional Training Centre £101,111 Wise Group Cathkin Braes Countryside (Phase 7) £47,000 Govan Initiative Ltd Govan C Project £62,000 Castlemilk Environment Trust Castlemilk Woodlands £50,000

Road injury statistics for January to March 2007 noted. 8 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services regarding road injury statistics for January to March 2007.

Introduction of Traffic Regulation Condition for noted. 9 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services regarding Traffic Regulation Conditions (TRCs), advising (1) that TRCs were conditions that could, on application by the local authority, be added to a bus operator’s licence by the Traffic Commissioner; and (2) of the reasons for the introduction of a TRC to control stopping places of local bus services within Glasgow City Centre, which had been approved by the Traffic Commissioner and had come into operation on 7th May 2007. After consideration, the committee noted the report and that reports on the ongoing enforcement and operation of the TRC would be submitted to future meetings.

Parking Controls West of Glasgow City Centre (Wards 10 and 11)—Amendments noted. 10 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services advising that under the Scheme of Delegated Functions, he had, in consultation with the Executive Member for Land and Environment, approved amendments to the parking controls west of the city centre (Wards 10 and 11) as detailed in the report.

Glasgow City Council (School Keep Clears—Prohibition of Stopping) (Traffic Regulation) Order noted. 11 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services advising that the Glasgow City Council (School Keep Clears—Prohibition of Stopping) (Traffic Regulation) Order had been approved in terms of the Scheme of Delegated Functions and would be effective from August 2007.

List of approved Traffic Regulation Orders noted. 12 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services advising that he had in consultation with the Executive Member for Land and Environment approved the undernoted Traffic Regulation Orders, in terms of the Scheme of Delegated Functions:— Glasgow City Council (Sydenham Lane) (Traffic Regulation) Order Glasgow City Council (Renfield Lane) (Traffic Regulation) (One Way) Order Glasgow City Council (High Street (New Road)) (Traffic Regulation) Order Glasgow City Council (Broomhill) (Traffic Regulation) Order Glasgow City Council (Anniesland) (Traffic Regulation) Order Glasgow City Council (Nitezone) (Traffic Regulation) Order) Glasgow City Council (Victoria Park Drive South) (Speed Limit) (Amendment) Order 2007-2008 LAND AND ENVIRONMENT 1 13th JUNE 2007 249

Glasgow City Council (Mitchellhill Road) (Stopping Up) Order Glasgow City Council (Linburn Place) (Prohibition of Driving) Order

Revenue budget 2006/07—Monitoring reports noted. 13 There were submitted and noted joint monitoring reports by the Executive Directors of Finance and Land and Environmental Services on the revenue budget 2006/07 for Land and Environmental Services and Land and Environmental Service Managed Services for the period from 1st April to 18th May 2007.

Trading Operations monitoring reports 2006/07 noted. 14 There were submitted and noted joint monitoring reports by the Executive Directors of Finance and Land and Environmental Services on the Trading Operations monitoring reports for Ground Maintenance, Fleet Management, Roads, Refuse Collection and Street Cleansing for the period from 1st April to 18th May 2007. AUDIT AND ETHICS 2007-2008 250 29th MARCH 2007 1


Glasgow, 29th March 2007.

Audit and Ethics Committee.

Present: Craig Roberton (Chair), Mary Beckett, Eamon Fitzgerald and Jean McFadden. Apology: Susan Baird. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); P Marsh, Head of Audit and Inspection; I Scott, Head of Legal and Administrative Services; D Corbett, Head of Corporate Policy; and S Inch, Executive Director (Development and Regeneration Services).

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 15th February 2007 were submitted and approved.

Corporate governance arrangements in Development and Regeneration Services noted. 2 With reference to the minutes of 26th October 2006 (Print 5, page 592), the committee heard and noted a presentation by the Executive Director (Development and Regeneration Services) regarding the arrangements for securing sound governance within his service.

Best Value Review of Trading Services and Facilities Management—Phase 2 outcome noted. 3 With reference to the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee of 22nd March 2005 (Print 7, page 1259) approving the recommendations of phase 1 of the Best Value Review of Trading Services and Facilities Management, there was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the outcome of phase 2 of the review, advising (1) of the Council’s approach to the review; (2) that the requirement on the Council to identify trading operations extended to all Council services and not just DLOs/DSOs and accordingly an assessment was carried out of all Council services under phase 2; and (3) of the outcome of that assessment. After consideration, the committee noted (a) the Council’s existing trading operations; (b) the revised approaches to the delivery of services in relation to car parks, support services, sports and recreation and markets; and (c) that on-street car parking was not appropriate as a trading activity in view of the Council’s enforcement and traffic management responsibilities and the absence of competition.

Internal Audit reports noted—Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 4 There were submitted reports by the Head of Audit and Inspection advising of the outcome of various audits. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the outcome of the following audits:— (a) Review of the Corporate Communications Partnership; (b) Council-wide Cash Counts; (c) Chief Executive Department (Corporate ICT)—Audit of Service Smartcard Project; 2007-2008 AUDIT AND ETHICS 1 14th JUNE 2007 251

(d) Chief Executive Department (Corporate ICT)—Review of Corporate Unix Administration; (e) Cultural and Leisure Services—Audit of Public Access to Libraries’ PCs and Wireless Networks; (f) Development and Regeneration Services—Private Sector Housing Grants; (g) Financial Services—Benefits Performance Standards—Claims Processing, Counter Fraud and Sanctions; and (h) Land Services—Other Income Generating Activities; and (2) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit further reports in due course with an update on the implementation of the recommendations of the various audits.

Follow-up audits noted. 6 There was submitted and noted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection advising of the outcome of the follow-up audits that had been carried out for the following systems:— (1) Direct and Care Services—Local Area Network Audit; (2) Education Services—Computer Virus Incident; (3) Financial Services—Landlord fraud relating to Housing Benefit; (4) Chief Executive Department—District Courts; (5) Council-wide Cash Counts; (6) Land Services—Hires; (7) Social Work Services—Bed and Breakfast Accommodation; (8) Cultural and Leisure Services—Sport and Recreation Cash Counts; (9) Chief Executive Department—Data Protection; (10) Financial Services—Council Tax Write-off of debts; (11) Development and Regeneration Services—Communities Scotland Development Fund; (12) Building Services—Contract/Procurement Audit; (13) Social Work Services—Payments to Foster Care providers; and (14) Education Services—Devolved School Management.

Valedictory. 7 Councillor Roberton thanked the members of the committee and officers for their support in the operation of the committee during his term of office.

Glasgow, 14th June 2007.

Audit and Ethics Committee.

Present: John Mason (Chair), Aileen Colleran, Kenneth Elder, Alex Glass, Allison Hunter, George Ryan and Kieran Wild. Apology: Tom McKeown. Attending: T O’Neill (Clerk); P Marsh, Head of Audit and Inspection; I Scott, Head of Legal and Administrative Services; R Cooke (for the Executive Director of Financial Services); and F Kordiak and C Grant, Audit Scotland.

Committee Terms of Reference noted. 1 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive advising of the Terms of Reference of this committee, which had been approved by the Council on 17th May 2007 (page 11 hereof). AUDIT AND ETHICS 2007-2008 252 14th JUNE 2007 1

Audit Plan 2007/08 approved. 2 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the Audit Plan 2007/08 (1) advising of the processes involved in compiling the 2006/07 Annual Audit Plan; (2) highlighting the main features of the Audit Plan; and (3) seeking agreement to implement the Audit Plan 2007/08. After consideration, the committee approved the Audit Plan 2007/08.

Audit Scotland’s Audit Risk Analysis and Plan and Financial Statements Strategy 2006/07 noted. 3 There was submitted and noted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding Audit Scotland’s Audit Risk Analysis Plan and Financial Statements Strategy 2006/07, advising (1) of the findings from Audit Scotland’s audit risk assessment process for the Council; (2) of the key risks being faced by the Council, the action underway or planned in response to those and the audit activity which would be required to be undertaken in the year ahead; and (3) that an annual report to the Council would be produced to summarise all significant matters arising from the audit and overall conclusions about the Council’s management of key risks.

Ethical Standards in Public Life—Progress noted. 4 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding those sections of the committee’s Terms of Reference which related to ethical standards, advising (1) that the guidance issued by the Standards Commission required that when Councils were reconstituted after local government elections, arrangements should be made to run training sessions for all councillors followed by periodic refresher courses; (2) that as part of the Council’s Members’ Induction and Development Programme, 3 seminars on the Code of Conduct for Councillors had been held in May at which 29 councillors had attended and that further seminars would be arranged giving those members who had not yet attended the opportunity to do so; (3) that further seminars on ethical standards aimed at members in specific areas such as planning and licensing would be arranged for the period after the summer recess; (4) that although all members had been issued with a copy of the Code of Conduct for Councillors together with the associated Guidance and Dispensations Note, experience had shown that because of the complexity of the Code there were specific areas which were of particular concern to members, such as declarations of interest at committee and in this respect it was proposed to produce a quick reference guide on that subject and others of particular concern; (5) that members were nevertheless encouraged to seek advice from the Solicitor to the Council or the Head of Legal and Administrative Services should they be faced with ethical standards issues, such as potential conflicts of interests; and (6) of the intention to submit to committee, the annual report from the Standards Commission and any significant development in ethical standards which might arise. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the report; and (b) agreed that invitations to future Code of Conduct seminars should include a reminder that the Council had agreed that attendance was mandatory.

Internal Audit Annual Report 2006/07 noted. 5 There was submitted and noted the Internal Audit Annual Report 2006/07 by the Head of Audit and Inspection providing, for the year ended 31st March 2007, 2007-2008 AUDIT AND ETHICS 1 14th JUNE 2007 253

(1) an overview of the work of the Council’s Internal Audit Section; and (2) the Annual Assurance Statement on the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal financial control system within the Council and within those companies which covered the 2006/07 Council Group Accounts.

Annual Risk Management Report 2006/07 noted. 6 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding risk management activities during 2006/07, detailing (1) risk management activity and progress on the risk management action plan; (2) action taken in connection with the Corporate Risk report; and (3) the updated Corporate Risk and Assurance Register as at 31st March 2007.

Whistleblowing 2006/07. 7 There was submitted and noted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the usage made of the Council’s whistleblowing facilities during 2006/07.

Whistleblowing and Response Policy noted. 8 There was submitted and noted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection regarding the Council’s updated Whistleblowing and Response Policy, (1) outlining the 3 main areas which the policy covered, namely (i) preventing fraud and corruption; (ii) the Council’s rules and procedures; and (iii) the Council’s whistleblowing and investigation arrangements; and (2) detailing the manner in which the complaints were dealt with.

Internal Audit Charter noted. 9 There was submitted and noted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection in respect of the updated Internal Audit Charter outlining the purpose, authority and principal responsibilities of the Council’s Internal Audit Section.

Internal Audit report noted—Instruction to Head of Audit and Inspection. 10 There was submitted a report by the Head of Audit and Inspection advising of the outcome of a recent audit of the Human Resources Payroll Processing which had been carried out to provide assurance on the adequacy of controls over the Council’s payroll processing. After consideration, the committee (1) noted the outcome of the audit; and (2) instructed the Head of Audit and Inspection to submit a further report in due course with an update on the implementation of the recommendations of the audit. STRATHCLYDE PENSION FUND 2007-2008 254 14th JUNE 2007 1


Glasgow, 14th June 2007.

Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee.

Present: James McNally (Chair), Paul Coleshill, Aileen Colleran, Stephen Curran and Khalil Malik. Apology Ruth Simpson, Attending: C McPherson (Clerk); L Brown, Executive Director of Financial Services; R McIndoe, Head of Pensions; R Bowie, Hymans Robertson, D Barfield, C Burton and Professor G Wood, Investment Advisory Panel.

Presentation and comments noted. 1 The Forum noted a presentation by Richard McIndoe, Head of Pensions, Strathclyde Pension Fund entitled “The Investment Structure of Strathclyde Pension Fund”.

Minutes noted. 2 The minutes of the undernoted committees etc were submitted and noted:— (1) Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee of 22nd March 2007; and (2) Strathclyde Pension Fund Representative Forum of 13th March 2007.

Strathclyde Pension Fund administration—Position noted. 3 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services advising of performance and current issues within the benefits administration of Strathclyde Pension Fund Office as at 31st March 2007.

Changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme—Position noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and the LGPS (Scotland), advising that (1) amendment regulations extending membership of the LGPS to councillors came into force on 2nd May 2007 and that implementation of the scheme had been listed as a priority within the Strathclyde Pension Fund Office Business Plan 2007/08, and as a result the scheme had been successfully made available to councillors following the elections in May; (2) in respect of the new scheme proposals, tripartite discussion were continuing on the scheme for Scotland and the timetable for proposals to be issued for consultation was early 2007 with an implementation date of 2009 being likely; and (3) in England and Wales it remained the intention to introduce the new scheme from 1st April 2008.

Strathclyde Pension Fund—Investment performance noted. 5 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services advising of the investment performance of the Strathclyde Pension Fund as at 31st March 2007.

Strathclyde Pension Fund—Portfolio summary noted. 6 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services advising of the portfolio summary of the Strathclyde Pension Fund as at 30th April 2007.

Investment Advisory Panel—Outcome of meeting noted. 7 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services on the outcome of the Investment Advisory Panel (IAP) meeting held on 17th May 2007. 2007-2008 STRATHCLYDE PENSION FUND 1 14th JUNE 2007 255

Corporate Governance—Summary of Investment Managers’ activities noted. 8 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services advising on Corporate Governance and providing a summary of Investment Managers’ activities for the period ending 31st March 2007.

Socially responsible investment policy—Current position noted. 9 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding the socially responsible investment policy, advising of (1) the activity for the period to 31st March 2007; and (2) the compliance of investment managers when implementing the Fund’s policy.

Financial statement—Current position noted. 10 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding financial statements for the administration of Strathclyde Pension Fund, advising of (1) the administration costs outturn for 2006/07; (2) the monitoring statement for period 2 from 1st April to 18th May 2007; and (3) the cash flow statement for period 2 from 1st April to 18th May 2007.

Training plan for elected members 2007/08—Current position noted. 11 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding the training plan for elected members, advising (1) that the training for elected members was continuous to ensure that the members of the Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee could effectively discharge their responsibilities as defined in the Myners Principles and associated guidance issued by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy; (2) of the progress in implementing the current training programme; and (3) detailing the Local Government Employers Fundamentals training for 2007.

2007/08 Business Plan—Current position noted. 12 With reference to the minutes of 22nd March 2007 (Print 7, page 891) approving the business plan for Strathclyde Pension Fund and Strathclyde Pension Fund Office for 2007/08, there was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services advising of performance to date in respect of the development priorities contained therein.

Strathclyde Pension Fund Representative Forum—Appointment of members agreed. 13 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding this Council’s representation on the Strathclyde Pension Fund Representative Forum. After consideration, the committee agreed that Bailie James McNally, who would chair the meetings, and Councillor Stephen Curran represent the Strathclyde Pension Fund on the Strathclyde Pension Fund Representative Forum.

Inter Valuation Monitoring—Position noted. 14 With reference to the minutes of 23rd March 2006 (Print 1, page 51) approving the actuarial valuation of the Strathclyde Pension Fund, there was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services, advising of (1) the estimated funding position which had increased steadily since March 2005 as a result of substantial gains from investment returns and was approximately 108% as at 31st March 2007; and (2) of the limitations of this approach.

EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 256 30th MARCH 2007 1

The minutes of 30th March 2007 were dealt with by the Council on 5th April 2007.


Glasgow, 30th March 2007.

Executive Committee.

Present: James Coleman (Chair), Eamon Fitzgerald, Irene Graham, John Lynch, Jean McFadden, John McKenzie, Catherine McMaster, Hanzala Malik, Dr Christopher Mason, William O’Rourke, George Ryan, Ruth Simpson, Margaret Sinclair and David Stevenson. Also present: Archie Graham. Apologies: Aileen Colleran, Margaret McCafferty and Steven Purcell. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); G Black, Chief Executive; I Drummond, Solicitor to the Council; L Brown, Director of Financial Services; B McConnell, Executive Director (Culture and Sport); F Chambers, Director of Direct and Care Services; R O’Connor, Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People); S Inch, Director of Development and Regeneration Services; R Booth, Director of Land Services; D Comley, Director of Social Work Services; T MacDonald, Depute Director of Environmental Protection Services; and Superintendent A Irvine, Strathclyde Police.

Minutes of previous meeting approved. 1 The minutes of 16th March 2007 were submitted and approved.

Call-in of decision—Premises at 260-270 Moffat Street (Ward 66)—Consideration continued. 2 With reference to the minutes of (1) 2nd February 2007 (Print 6, page 807) approving a 10 year lease on concessionary terms of premises at 260-270 Moffat Street (Ward 66) to the Hayfield Centre; and (2) the Development and Regeneration Services Policy and Development Scrutiny (PDS) Committee of 22nd March 2007 (Print 7, page 919) considering the call-in of the decision by Councillor Mutter and 4 other members and referring the decision back to this committee with the recommendation that the lease be approved on a yearly basis and the Council liaise with the Hayfield Centre to look for alternative premises, there was submitted an excerpt from the said minutes of the Development and Regeneration Services PDS Committee together with the relevant report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services previously considered by this committee. After consideration, the committee continued consideration of the matter for a visit to the premises.

Monitoring reports noted. 3 Councillor Simpson, City Treasurer, presented monitoring reports for the period from 1st April 2006 to 23rd February 2007 for (1) the Council’s revenue budget and investment programme 2006/07; and (2) trading operations’ budgets 2006/07. After consideration, the committee noted the reports.

Treasury Management Strategy for 2007/08 approved. 4 With reference to the minutes of the Council of 8th February 2007 (Print 7, page 821) approving the prudential indicators for the period from 2006/07 to 2008/09, Councillor Simpson, City Treasurer, presented a report by the Director of Financial Services regarding the Treasury Management Strategy for 2007/08 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 30th MARCH 2007 257

(1) advising that the Council’s prudential indicators required to be considered when determining the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy for the next 3 financial years; and (2) detailing (a) the prudential indicators for 2007/08 and 2008/09; and (b) the proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2007/08. After consideration, the committee approved the Treasury Management Strategy for 2007/08.

Chirnsyde Community Initiative (Ward 24)—Recommendations of Chirnsyde Scrutiny Review Group approved. 5 With reference to the minutes of the Cultural and Leisure Services Policy Development and Scrutiny (PDS) Committee of 7th March 2007 (Print 7, page 907) when it had been agreed, following consideration of a report by its Scrutiny Review Group set up to review issues surrounding Chirnsyde Community Initiative (Ward 24), to recommend to this committee a number of short, medium and long term recommendations, Councillor Archie Graham, Convener of the Cultural and Leisure Services PDS Committee presented a report by the Chirnsyde Scrutiny Review Group advising (1) of the background to the Chirnsyde Community Initiative; (2) of the review of evidence gathered which had been taken from a variety of sources, including written material and oral evidence; (3) of an analysis of the issues arising from the evidence which had been assembled; (4) that the Chirnsyde Community Initiative had been formally dissolved on 28th February 2007; and (5) of a number of proposed short, medium and long term recommendations together with 3 specific recommendations regarding general Council policy. After consideration, the committee approved (a) the following short-term recommendations:— (i) that the Community Centre be re-opened in June 2007, managed by the Council, re-branded and re- launched; (ii) that the Centre run a service which would initially, primarily focus on children and young people; and (iii) that to support the delivery of the programme, the Council consult with service users; (b) that in the medium-term a comprehensive local consultation exercise take place on future development of the Centre and local area, which should make use of models of consultation, such as the Citizen’s Panel, in order to ensure that the whole community might participate; (c) the following long-term recommendations:— (i) that the Local Economic Development Companies, Local Community Planning Partnership, Council and other relevant organisations develop and implement a community capacity building programme; and (ii) that consideration be given to replacing the Centre with a facility linked to any future recommendations for the area as part of the next phase of the pre-12 strategy; and (d) the following general recommendations:— (i) that the Council continue to promote community management of community facilities but within a planned approach to provision in an area whereby the community facility must be linked into other provision including mainstream services; (ii) that a set of standards be developed to allow charities to assess their position against good practice and Council’s emphasis as a funder be upon ensuring that those organisations in receipt of grant were working towards best practice through a process of continuous improvement; and EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 258 30th MARCH 2007 1

(iii) that the Council, Community Planning Partnership, Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector, Local Economic Development Companies and other relevant organisations take stock of the current provision of capacity building work and develop an enhanced and planned programme of support to build the capacity of voluntary and community organisations and charities to ensure best practice in the governance of their organisations.

Social Inclusion Budget and Community Regeneration Fund—Joint working proposals approved. 6 Councillor Hanzala Malik, Executive member for Development and Regeneration Services, presented a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services on a proposal for the development of a closer link between the Social Inclusion Budget (SIB) and the Community Regeneration Fund (CRF) by creating a virtual Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) totalling £52.5m to which both the Council and Community Planning Partnerships would contribute, advising that (1) in recent years the Council’s various Services Plans and the Glasgow Community Plan had given priority to tackling economic and social inclusion and promoting social renewal throughout the city; (2) a recent review of SIB and CRF programmes found that in some instances organisations were receiving funding from both bodies which could effectively reduce the effectiveness of the funding and also create an element of unnecessary duplication in reporting requirements and other areas of operations; and (3) it was proposed to align the SIB with CRF in respect of services and activities which were complementary within the projects. After consideration, the committee (a) agreed (i) to propose to the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership (GCPP) that the Social Inclusion Budget (funded by the Council) and the Community Regeneration Fund (funded by Communities Scotland) should be more closely linked to ensure that areas of duplication and overlap were addressed; (ii) that the GCPP Central Finance Working Group, chaired by the Deputy Leader of the Council, should make recommendations on the allocation of the Social Inclusion Budget to this committee and to the GCPP; (iii)that as a first step towards budget re-alignment, it would be appropriate to recommend that the GCPP consider taking full responsibility for funding the 9 joint funded projects listed in Appendix 1 to the report from 2007/08 onwards, subject to them meeting the Regeneration Outcome Agreement and CRF funding criteria; and (b) noted that (i) the Council would retain responsibility for the overall financial management of both elements of the proposed budget; (ii) the Council would use the Single Monitoring Framework developed by Glasgow Community Planning Ltd as the basis of its monitoring procedures, enhanced as necessary to meet the Council’s own specific monitoring requirements; (iii) GCPP and the Council would take responsibility for the non-financial monitoring of those elements of the budget which reflected the areas in which they had a lead role; (iv) further work would be undertaken to look at other jointly funded or supported areas of activity to ensure value for money and to eliminate overlap; and (v) these proposals would be developed to ensure that the single budget proposed best contributed towards the aims of the proposed Glasgow Reform and Efficiency Pathfinder.

Partnerships approach between City Building (Glasgow) LLP and construction companies approved. 7 Councillor Hanzala Malik, Executive member for Development and Regeneration Services, presented a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding a proposal to utilise land and property resources in Council ownership to promote training and procurement partnerships between City Building (Glasgow) LLP and construction companies. 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 30th MARCH 2007 259

After consideration, the committee (a) agreed that (i) the Director of Development and Regeneration Services should utilise surplus land and property assets to help develop construction, training and procurement partnerships between City Building (Glasgow) LLP and companies purchasing those assets; and (ii) the disposal of the former Bishoploch Primary School (Ward 50) be used to pilot this approach by requesting potential bidders to indicate whether and how they would propose to work with the LLP to maximise local training and procurement opportunities; and (b) noted that a report evaluating the impact of this requirement on the disposal price would be submitted to committee prior to this type of development partnership being applied more widely to sites being disposed of by the Council.

Clyde Gateway Regeneration Partnership—Formation of Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company approved—Authority to Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 8 Councillor Hanzala Malik, Executive member for Development and Regeneration Services, presented a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the Clyde Gateway Initiative, advising (1) that the Clyde Gateway Partnership Area sat within the Clyde Corridor, the Scottish Executive’s National Regeneration priority, and aimed to exploit opportunities created by infrastructure investment to regenerated communities across the East End of the city and areas of South which had suffered persistent physical, economic and social deprivation; (2) that a partnership agreement had been signed by the Communities Minister, the Council, South Lanarkshire Council, Scottish Enterprise and Communities Scotland to take forward delivery of the Clyde Gateway Initiative which outlined the partners’ vision for the initiative and their intention to establish an Urban Regeneration Company to co-ordinate regeneration activities in the area and deliver key regeneration projects; (3) that the business plan for the Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company (URC) which had been submitted to the Scottish Executive for approval had identified the project vision, objectives and funding requirements and had confirmed partner cash and property contributions towards the Clyde Gateway URC; (4) of the objectives and roles of the Clyde Gateway URC; (5) of the key findings of the appraisal carried out by consultants to consider alternative forms of strategic partnership structures to deliver the Clyde Gateway vision; and (6) of the proposed legal structure of the Clyde Gateway URC. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the incorporation of the Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company; and (b) authorised the Director of Development and Regeneration Services to negotiate the detail of legal and operational matters with the Clyde Gateway Partners and report back on these matters in the autumn.

Establishment of Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership approved. 9* Councillor Hanzala Malik, Executive member for Development and Regeneration Services, C presented a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding a proposal to establish a Strategic Drainage Partnership for Metropolitan Glasgow, advising that (1) the finalised draft Glasgow Strategic Drainage Plan (GSDP) masterplan had identified upgrading works required to sewerage, drainage and wastewater treatment systems to tackle flooding and pollution of watercourses and to address development constraints in the Glasgow water catchment area; EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 260 30th MARCH 2007 1

(2) Scottish Water’s current proposed 8-year investment plan for Glasgow did not cover the scope of works in the GSDP masterplan and did not address the objective of a sustainable urban drainage system which unlocks development and regeneration opportunities across metropolitan Glasgow; (3) following discussions between the Council, Scottish Water, SEPA and Scottish Enterprise it was proposed that a strategic partnership be established between these agencies; and (4) although the focus of the partnership would be on the City of Glasgow, the water catchment areas concerned extended beyond the city’s boundaries and as it included parts of 6 other local authority areas, the partnership would report its progress on a regular basis to the Clyde Valley Community Planning Partnership. After consideration, the committee (a) agreed (i) that the Council join the Strategic Drainage Partnership, which it was proposed to establish to oversee the implementation of the Strategic Drainage Plan for Metropolitan Glasgow; (ii) the terms of reference for the partnership as detailed in the report; and *(iii) that the Leader of the Council represent this Council on the Partnership Board and that the Director of Development and Regeneration Services would identify the appropriate officers within the Council to participate within the operation group; and (b) noted (i) the importance of having a Strategic Drainage Plan for the Metropolitan Glasgow area in order to resolve existing capacity constraints and to minimise future development constraints; (ii) that the Partnership would operate through a Partnership Board and an Officer Steering Group, both of which would report progress to the Clyde Valley Community Planning Partnership and the management structures of the other partnership members; and (iii) that the proposals had been approved by the Clyde Valley Community Planning Partnership, SEPA and Scottish Water.

Priority Regeneration Areas—New approach to delivery approved—Authority to Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 10 Councillor Fitzgerald, Executive member for Housing Development, presented a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the progress made by the Council and Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) in developing a new approach to the regeneration of key neighbourhoods in the city, advising (1) that following the stock transfer, the Council and GHA had agreed to establish a number of joint regeneration priorities, focused on major area regeneration projects in which both bodies had strategic interests; (2) a number of projects had been identified as joint priorities and the GHA had commissioned a number of development and technical studies in these areas which had identified that the scale of these projects represented a huge regeneration challenge and opportunity and that it was essential to distinguish between projects which could be progressed effectively without new delivery mechanisms and those which might demand a special purpose vehicle or new model; (3) that a group of 7 transformational regeneration projects had been jointly identified with GHA, namely East Govan/Ibrox, Gallowgate, Laurieston, Maryhill, North Toryglen, Sighthill and Shawbridge, with a separate programme also being progressed for the Red Road area; (4) that Development and Regeneration Services and the GHA were progressing a number of strands of strategic work and the work done to date pointed to the potential of approaching the management of these projects as an integrated programme to create a range of innovative local arrangements for each area, capable of delivering the required outcomes in partnership with the private sector; (5) that if the projects were not tackled in the way as detailed in the report, the delivery of the stock transfer promise to tenants of 6,000 new-build homes within 10 years of the transfer would become difficult to achieve; 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 30th MARCH 2007 261

(6) of the economics of the programme proposals; and (7) that the key ingredients to deliver this model were based on a new formal entity where the land assets of the Council and the GHA were brought together as a mechanism to facilitate masterplanning and engagement with the private sector at scale and for this to function effectively, a new contract was required between the Scottish Executive, GHA and the Council to modify aspects of the Stock Transfer Disposal Clawback Agreement in the 7 priority areas. After consideration, the committee (a) noted (i) the progress made in developing proposals for the priority regeneration areas; (ii) that the proposals for each priority regeneration area had been subject to consultation with appropriate community groups and local housing organisations; (iii) that a range of development partnerships, with a variety of developers, would be entered into to take forward development in each of the regeneration areas within the context of local development strategies; and (iv) that the project for Laurieston was at an advanced stage of development and would be brought forward for early implementation; (b) agreed (i) in principle, to the creation of a Special Purpose Vehicle to co-ordinate the implementation of regeneration programmes as they developed in each of the proposed regeneration areas; (ii) the key role for local housing organisations and community based housing associations in the development and delivery of the projects and the importance of more local community ownership of GHA stock as part of this; (iii) that priority within each area should be given to maximizing the local employment, training and procurement benefits for local residents and businesses; and (iv) that an appropriate consultation process with key stakeholders would be undertaken as part of the development of these proposals; and (c) authorised the Director of Development and Regeneration Services to (i) negotiate the detail of the most appropriate structure and legal framework for the Special Purpose Vehicle with GHA, and other appropriate stakeholders; and (ii) seek the formal agreement of the Scottish Executive to a variation in the terms of the Housing Stock Transfer Agreement for these areas, to allow the capital receipts generated from the sale of surplus land within these areas to be recycled within the projects to meet infrastructure and other development costs.

Lighting Network Renewal programme—Capital allocation approved. 11 There was submitted a report by the Director of Land Services regarding the Lighting Network Renewal programme, advising that (1) the Lighting Network Renewal programme had been initially aimed at including the city’s main arterial routes and the city centre and was intended to create a city-wide impact by delivering white light giving equal priority to all areas and although £22.2m had been identified for a 4-year programme, only phase 1 amounting to £5.1m had been allocated to date; (2) a column age profile exercise for reporting Statutory Performance Indicators had been carried out which had found that 45.1% of the lighting columns were over 30 years old; and (3) it was estimated that 4,600 units required to be replaced at an estimated cost of £5m and it was proposed that the works be initiated in 2007/08 at a cost of £3m and extended into 2008/09 at a cost of £2m. After consideration, the committee approved a £5m capital allocation for the Lighting Network Renewal programme to be phased £3m in 2007/08 and £2m in 2008/09. EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 262 30th MARCH 2007 1

Autism Spectrum Disorder—Recommendations of Joint Community Care Committee approved—Instruction to Chief Executive. 12 Bailie Dr Christopher Mason presented a report by the Autism Spectrum Disorder Working Group, chaired by him, regarding progress made by Council services in meeting the needs of people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (1) detailing the responses to a questionnaire which had been issued to establish the progress made by Council services in meeting the needs of people affected with ASD; (2) outlining (a) the conclusion to the responses; and (b) the Council’s work to date on ASD; and (3) advising (a) that the Autism Spectrum Disorder Working Group had submitted a report to the Joint Community Care Committee (JCCC) detailing what had been achieved in the 4 years of this Council and had made a number of strategic recommendations as then detailed as to how the work could be progressed during the next Council term; and (b) of the matters that the Autism Spectrum Disorder Working Group had agreed required urgent action. After consideration, the committee (i) approved the recommendations of the Joint Community Care Committee as detailed in the report; and (ii) instructed the Chief Executive to submit this report to an appropriate committee in the next Council, with a recommendation that the committee (A) considers the action required to carry out the recommendations of the Autism Spectrum Disorder Working Group as detailed in the report and approved by the Joint Community Care Committee; and (B) gives urgent consideration to the issues raised in paragraphs 5.3 to 5.6 of the report.

Property disposals approved. 13 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding proposals for the disposal of various properties and land. After consideration, the committee approved the following disposals, the sales being subject to the terms and conditions negotiated by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services:— Property Purchaser Price Subjects at 247-259 Sauchiehall Lujo Properties Ltd Sale for £660,000 Street (Ward 17) Land adjacent to 133 Finnieston Street FM Finnieston Ltd Sale for £125,600 (Ward 35) Sites at Orkney Street/ Govan Housing Association Sale for £600,000 Broomloan Road/Govan Road (Ward 53)

Leases approved. 14 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the lease of properties. After consideration, the committee approved the undernoted leases of property by the Council, subject to the terms and conditions negotiated by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services. Property Lessor Annual rent Ground floor, Block 1, Orr Street/ Logan (Orr Street) Ltd £23,880 Abercromby Street (Ward 34) Former Osborne Street baths, Third Step Ltd £6,000, £1 per annum for first 2 14-20 Osborne Street (Ward 17) years 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 30th MARCH 2007 263

Elected members—Induction and development proposals 2007-11—Consideration continued. 15 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding a comprehensive induction and development programme for elected members whereby they would be introduced to the Council’s new “Leader in the Community Programme” which would be a different and ongoing development programme tailored to meet the individual requirements of each member. After consideration, the committee continued consideration of the matter.

Requests for civic hospitality approved. 16 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing requests received from organisations for civic hospitality. After consideration, the committee approved the requests as follows:— Applicant Event Date Decision St Simon’s Church 150th Anniversary 2nd May 2007 Dinner and drinks Biochemical Society Life Sciences 9th July 2007 Drinks reception and hire Conference 2007 charge

Strategic Partnership for ICT and property services—Participation in competitive dialogue—Shortlist approved. 17 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 8th December 2006 (Print 5, page 694) agreeing that the Council now build on its 1 Business approach and move to a corporate wide model for a broader range of support services and any recommendations to subsequently invite formal tenders for a partnering arrangement for the provision of ICT and property services and thereafter the evaluation results be reported back to committee for approval, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive advising that (1) following an advert in the Official Journal of the European Union, the 119 organisations who had expressed interest in the contract had been issued with a proposition briefing and data pack and had been invited to complete a pre-qualification questionnaire; (2) the 11 pre-qualification questionnaires returned were evaluated on the basis of an assessment criteria covering legal and financial standing, track record and technical capability and capacity and there were 3 stages to the evaluation; and (3) following all stages of evaluation, 8 applications remained and the 4 highest scoring submissions were by BT, Capita, IBM and Serco and these companies demonstrated experience of partnership working and capability in the relevant services. After consideration, the committee agreed that BT, Capita, IBM and Serco be asked to participate in a competitive dialogue for a Strategic Partnership for ICT and property services.

Transfer of Royal Strathclyde Blindcraft Industries staff to City Building (Glasgow) LLP approved—Instruction to Chief Executive. 18 With reference to the minutes of 16th February 2007 (Print 7, page 809) instructing the Chief Executive to undertake a feasibility study in relation to Royal Strathclyde Blindcraft Industries (RSBI) staff transferring to City Building (Glasgow) LLP and bring forward recommendations to a future meeting, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive advising that (1) the feasibility study carried out had concentrated on the short term impact of the transfer of RSBI staff to City Building (Glasgow) LLP which would allow City Building (Glasgow) LLP to directly control the service and the ability to examine the options for developing the manufacturing base of RSBI in conjunction with its business plans for City Building (Glasgow) LLP and City Building (Contracts) LLP; EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 264 30th MAY 2007 1

(2) following an assessment of the main risks associated with the proposed transfer, officers were satisfied that appropriate measures had been identified to minimise the impact of legal and financial risks which would be reviewed; and (3) it was proposed that RSBI staff transfer to City Building (Glasgow) LLP and to maximise the long term sustainability of RSBI, a Strategic Business Review required to be undertaken to explore the best way forward in securing future contract opportunities in core markets as well as expanding opportunities in new market areas. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the transfer of RSBI staff to City Building (Glasgow) LLP; (b) instructed the Chief Executive to undertake a Strategic Business Review into the longer term options for RSBI to be reported back to committee before the end of 2007; and (c) agreed to continue consultation with staff and trade unions on the proposals.

Equal pay issues—Progress noted—Authority to Chief Executive. 19 With reference to the minutes of the Policy and Resources Committee of 25th October 2005 (Print 4, page 708) authorising the Chief Executive to utilise the available sums identified by the Director of Financial Services to meet the costs of effecting compensation agreements with identified staff prior to the end of December 2005 as part of the introduction of a pay and grading structure which addressed equal pay issues within the Council, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive advising that (1) there were currently approximately 2,100 Employment Tribunals relating to equal pay which were in the process of going through the Tribunal system; (2) there was now an opportunity to negotiate a settlement of these outstanding claims; and (3) a negotiated settlement would provide a more economic financial solution for the Council and would bring to a substantial conclusion outstanding issues relating to Equal Pay. After consideration, the committee authorised the Chief Executive to (a) negotiate a settlement in respect of the current Employment Tribunals; and (b) utilise the available sums identified within the approved accounts and resources of the Council to meet the costs of the negotiated settlement.

Glasgow, 30th May 2007.

Executive Committee.

Present: Steven Purcell (Chair), Shaukat Butt, James Coleman, Aileen Colleran, Stephen Curran, Stephen Dornan, Archie Graham, Jahangir Hanif, Allison Hunter, Billy McAllister, Elaine McDougall, Tom McKeown, Hanzala Malik, Dr Christopher Mason, John Mason, Gordon Matheson, George Ryan, Ruth Simpson, Alison Thewliss and Martha Wardrop. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); G Black, Chief Executive; I Drummond, Solicitor to the Council; L Brown, Executive Director of Financial Services; S Inch, Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; F Chambers, Executive Director of Direct and Care Services, R Booth, Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; R O’Connor, Executive Director (Education, Training & Young People); and D Comley, Director of Social Work Services.

Appointments to committees and outside bodies approved. 1 With reference to the minutes of the Council of 17th May 2007 (page 19 hereof), the committee approved, as a matter of urgency in terms of Section 1 (4) (c) of the Scheme of Delegated Functions, 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 30th MAY 2007 265

(1) the appointment of members to the undernoted committees as follows:— Committee Appointment Executive Committee Dr Christopher Mason Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees:— Development and Regeneration Stuart Clay Paul Coleshill David Meikle Direct and Care Services Ruth Black Margot Clark Mary Paris Education and Social Work Ruth Black David Meikle Mary Paris Finance, Corporate and Trading Services Nina Baker Kenneth Elder David Meikle Land and Environment Danny Alderslowe Margot Clark Stuart Clay Audit and Ethics Committee Kenneth Elder Licensing and Regulatory Committee Ruth Black Mary Paris Personnel Appeals Committee Alex Dingwall Ruth Black Planning Applications Committee Margot Clark David Meikle Public Processions Committee John Mason Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee Paul Coleshill Business Bureau Mary Paris Area Committees:— East James Coleman (Convener) Gilbert Davidson (Vice Convener) North Gerald Leonard (Convener) Allan Stewart (Vice Convener) South East Anne Marie Millar (Convener) Irfan Rabbani (Vice Convener) South West William O’Rourke (Convener) Tommy Morrison (Vice Convener) West Paul Carey (Convener) Philip Braat (Vice Convener)

(2) the appointment of members as Council representatives on the undernoted outside bodies as follows:— Organisation etc Appointment Licensing Board Margot Clark David Meikle EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 266 30th MAY 2007 1

Organisation etc Appointment Community Health and Care Partnerships North Kieran Wild South East David Meikle South West Ruth Black West Dr Christopher Mason Glasgow Clyde Regeneration Ltd Ruth Simpson William O’Rourke Alistair Watson Glasgow Cultural Enterprise Ltd Ellen Hurcombe (Chair) Elizabeth Cameron Aileen Colleran Douglas Hay Tommy Morrison Mohammed Razaq

Members Substitutes COSLA Convention Steven Purcell Ruth Simpson Aileen Colleran George Ryan Gordon Matheson Stephen Curran Tom McKeown James McNally Jean McFadden Elaine McDougall John Mason Grant Thoms John McLaughlin Kenny McLean Dr Christopher Mason Mary Paris

Representation on Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority approved, after division. 2 Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that the Council’s 5 representatives on Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority comprise 4 members of the Administration and 1 member of the Opposition parties. Councillor John Mason, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved as an amendment that the Council’s 5 representatives on Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority include 2 members of the Opposition parties. On a vote being taken electronically, 7 members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried. Thereafter the committee agreed the following representation on Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority:— Members Substitutes Douglas Hay George Ryan Tommy Morrison Frank Docherty George Roberts Danny Alderslowe Ruth Simpson Hanzala Malik Alistair Watson William O’Rourke 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 30th MAY 2007 267

Representation on Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Board approved, after division. 3 Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that the Council’s 8 representatives on Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Board comprise the following 6 members of the Administration and 2 members of the Opposition parties:— Members Substitutes Aileen Colleran Anne Marie Millar Stephen Dornan Alistair Watson Ellen Hurcombe Philip Braat Hanzala Malik Elizabeth Cameron Catherine McMaster Sadie Docherty Tommy Morrison Alex Glass Councillor John Mason, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved as an amendment that the Council’s 8 representatives on Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Board include 3 members of the Opposition parties. On a vote being taken electronically, 7 members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried. Thereafter as the following 3 nominations had been received for the 2 Opposition places:— Members Substitutes Alex Dingwall David Ritchie Allison Hunter Alison Thewliss Ruth Black Mary Paris, a vote was taken electronically between the 3 nominations for the first place when 6 members voted for Alex Dingwall, 2 members voted for Allison Hunter and 3 for Ruth Black. Alex Dingwall was accordingly appointed, with David Ritchie as substitute. A further vote was then taken electronically between the remaining 2 nominations for the second place when 8 members voted for Allison Hunter and 5 for Ruth Black. Allison Hunter was accordingly appointed, with Alison Thewliss as substitute.

Representation on Strathclyde Joint Police Board approved, after division. 4 Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that the Council’s 8 representatives on Strathclyde Joint Police Board comprise the following 6 members of the Administration and 2 members of the Opposition parties:— Members Substitutes Jean McFadden Gilbert Davidson Euan McLeod Aileen Colleran James McNally Paul Carey William O’Rourke John McKenzie Irfan Rabbani Gordon Matheson Paul Rooney Gerald Leonard Councillor John Mason, seconded by Bailie Hanif, moved as an amendment that the Council’s 8 representatives on Strathclyde Joint Police Board include 3 members of the Opposition parties. On a vote being taken electronically, 7 members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried. EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 268 30th MAY 2007 1

Thereafter as the following 3 nominations had been received for the 2 Opposition places:— Members Substitutes Billy McAllister John McLaughlin Iris Gibson Phil Greene Dr Christopher Mason, a vote was taken electronically between the 3 nominations for the first place when 5 members voted for Billy McAllister, 7 members voted for Iris Gibson and 6 for Dr Christopher Mason. Iris Gibson was accordingly appointed. A further vote was then taken electronically between the remaining 2 nominations for the second place when 5 members voted for Billy McAllister and 14 for Dr Christopher Mason. Dr Christopher Mason was accordingly appointed. Thereafter the committee agreed that Billy McAllister be appointed as substitute for Iris Gibson and Mary Paris appointed as substitute for Dr Christopher Mason.

Called-in decision—Premises at 260/270 Moffat Street (Ward 8)—Lease on Concessionary Terms—Previous decision reaffirmed—Declaration of interest—Instruction to Director of Social Work Services. 5 With reference to the minutes of the 30th March 2007 (page 256 hereof) continuing consideration of a called-in decision and the recommendation by the Development and Regeneration Services Policy Development and Scrutiny (PDS) Committee that the Hayfield Centre at 260/270 Moffat Street (Ward 8) be granted a lease on a yearly basis and that during that time the Council liaise with the organisation to look for alternative premises, there was submitted a report by the Director of Social Work Services responding to the concerns which had been expressed at the aforementioned committee regarding the building’s suitability for the proposed use, advising (1) of the background to the Hayfield Centre; (2) that Care Commission reports had indicated the property was fit for the purpose and Social Work Services view was that while the property was not purpose built, it provided a higher standard of accommodation than many other day services in the city and it would meet the requirements of care standards for the foreseeable future; (3) that Social Work Services had reviewed the June 2004 report of the internal review of the service, completed a desk top review of the needs of current services users and had compiled an action plan to progress issues identified in the report; (4) that the previous Executive Member for Social Work Services, Councillor John McKenzie, had visited the Hayfield Centre following the previous meeting of this committee and had been satisfied of the need for the service and that the accommodation was being well used and was fit for the purpose. After consideration, the committee (a) re-affirmed its previous decision to grant a 10 year lease of the premises on concessionary terms; and (b) instructed the Director of Social Work Services to report to the Education and Social Work PDS Committee in 1 year’s time on progress made on developing new models of service offered by Hayfield. In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillor Wardrop declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration.

Re-financing of Public Private Partnership Schools Project approved—Instruction to Executive Director of Financial Services. 6 Councillor Curran, City Treasurer, presented a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services on the re-financing of the loan debt relating to the Public Private Partnership (PPP) schools project, advising that 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 30th MAY 2007 269

(1) the Council’s schools PPP project with 3ED had commenced in August 2000 and had contracted 3ED to build, extend, refurbish and maintain the 29 secondary schools estate and 1 primary school over a 30 year period; (2) the agreement had included the provision for re-financing the loan debt relating to the project after a period of time given that there was likely to be financial gains relating to the loan debt restructuring after the initial construction period had been completed; (3) the Council had now been approached by 3ED to seek Council agreement to commence the re-financing process and a similar approach had been made to Edinburgh City Council by its provider ESP; (4) given the majority shareholders in both 3ED and ESP were the same organisations and that there were similarities in the Glasgow and Edinburgh PPP projects, it was intended to negotiate the re-financing of both projects in parallel using the same advisers for each Council as detailed; (5) re-financing negotiations would be undertaken in accordance with the HM Treasury “Re-financing of Early PFI Transactions—Code of Conduct” and the Council would require to seek the approval of the Scottish Executive Financial Partnership Unit confirming that the re-financing deal provided value for money for the Council within the terms of the Code of Conduct; and (6) within that Code of Conduct it was stated that Councils would generally received a 30% share of re- financing gains after deduction of re-financing costs and as yet there was no firm figure on the re- financing gain to the Council but it was estimated that it might be in the region of £5m, offset by the Council’s share of the re-financing costs of financial and legal advisors. After consideration, the committee (a) authorised the Executive Director of Financial Services, in consultation with the Solicitor to the Council, to negotiate the final re-financing of the PPP secondary schools project with 3ED, ensuring that the agreement complied with the HM Treasury Voluntary Code on Re-financing and had been approved by the Scottish Executive; and (b) instructed the Executive Director of Financial Services to report to the Finance, Corporate and Trading Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee on the final re-financing agreement.

Establishment of European Forum for Western Scotland approved—Representation agreed. 7 Councillor Ryan, Executive Member for Development and Regeneration, presented a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services proposing the establishment of a Western Scotland European Forum, advising (1) that in September 2006 the Clyde Valley Community Planning Partnership Board had considered a report on the future of the West of Scotland European Consortium (WOSEC) and had agreed that it would cease to exist in its current form after the 2007 elections and that arrangements should be put in place to ensure that various aspects of the work of WOSEC could continue; (2) on 23rd March 2007, WOSEC had agreed to the establishment of the European Forum for Western Scotland to take on its work on behalf of Western Scotland and to make available the WOSEC funding balance to support the activities of the forum; (3) that there was an acknowledged need for an effective means of lobbying on behalf of Western Scotland on European issues which affected the area in terms of a number of issues as detailed; (4) of the objectives, financing, timetable and initial membership of the forum as detailed; and (5) of a proposal that the Lord Provost attend the opening ceremony of the Forum which would be marked by a formal launch on 6th June 2007, which would be followed by a Brussels familiarisation programme that was being developed by the Brussels representative for new elected members with responsibility for European and/or Economic Development responsibilities. After consideration, the committee (a) agreed that the Council join the proposed Western Scotland European Forum; *(b) nominated the Leader of the Council to represent the Council on the Forum; EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 270 30th MAY 2007 1

*(c) authorised the Lord Provost (or substitute) to attend the formal opening of the Metropolitan Glasgow Office in Brussels on 6th June 2007; and (d) noted that the Council would provide the secretariat services for the Forum. * Approved in terms of Section 1 (4) (c) of the Scheme of Delegated Functions.

City Plan Policy Res 3—Second Annual Monitoring report—Amendment to procedures approved. 8 Councillor Ryan, Executive Member for Development and Regeneration, presented a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services on the progress in relation to the implementation of City Plan Policy Res 3: Residential Green Space Standards, (1) providing an update on income that had been generated from developer contributions, which had totalled £6,977,942 as at 22nd January 2007; (2) including an overview on consultation with area committees in relation to options for spend which had provided a useful city-wide view of available options for investment in children’s play, amenity greenspace and outdoor sport; and (3) setting out a series of recommendations with regard to issues relating to the implementation of the policy which had included small contributions, capital/revenue split, administration/staffing, planning gain supplement and reserve fund interest. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the current value and allocation of the RES 3 fund; (b) agreed (i) that outdoor sports resources accruing from the RES 3 policy be aligned to the priorities in the Sports Pitch Strategy; (ii) that service departments submitting proposals for RES 3 spend that required permanent staffing could vary the amount allocated to revenue up to a maximum value of 50% of the total sum required from the RES 3 contribution; and (iii) to the introduction of a processing charge for each legal agreement concluded in relation to this policy to fund the cost of an additional Planning Gain officer; and (c) authorised service departments (i) to consolidate developer contributions of up to £10,000 and to larger sums up to a maximum of £50,000 to maximise the impact of expenditure; and (ii) to allocate temporary interest according to approved service priorities.

Sites at Gallowgate (Ward 9)—Proposed development agreement approved. 9 Councillor Ryan, Executive Member for Development and Regeneration, presented a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services on the proposed terms and conditions of a development agreement with Alba Town Limited to facilitate the delivery of an integrated development at Gallowgate/Spoutmouth/Dovehill (Ward 9), advising that (1) the site in question had been partially cleared of its poor quality tenemental property as part of the Glasgow East Area Renewal project and while some properties had remained in-situ on the site, the majority of the land had been cleared and redeveloped as landscaped car parking; (2) that due to the limited Council land ownership, coupled with the wide divergence of other private ownerships within the site, it had proved extremely difficult for the Council to bring forward a comprehensive regeneration strategy for the site, however it had not proved a major barrier to the regeneration process within the surrounding streets, which included adjacent mixed residential/commercial developments by Alba Town Limited and Strathcarron Estates; 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 30th MAY 2007 271

(3) that in 2005, those 2 companies had jointly approached the Council to investigate the possibility of entering into a development agreement in respect of the site indicating that they would be willing to enter into a profit-sharing agreement with the Council, ensuring the Council’s interest would be protected and “best value” achieved; (4) that the developer’s proposals would allow the previous development barrier of multiple ownership to be addressed, through the acquisition of the various outstanding interests by the private partners and where this was not possible, and as a last resort, the Council would use compulsory purchase powers to achieve a single comprehensive development site; (5) that due to differences between the parties which could not be resolved, the joint venture company was subsequently dissolved and no development was ever brought forward on the basis proposed at this locale; and (6) that Alba Town Limited, one of the original participants remained committed to developing the site for mixed commercial and residential purposes as well as actively participating in the master planning of that part of the city and had agreed provisional terms for inclusion in a new development agreement. After consideration, the committee approved the proposed development agreement on the terms and conditions as detailed in the report.

New Primary School (Ward 2)—Acceptance of tender approved. 10 Councillor Simpson, Executive Member for Land and Environment, presented a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services on the tenders which had been received and evaluated for the new Merrylee Primary School (Ward 2), advising (1) of the outcome of the evaluation of the tenders received; (2) of the project costs summary as detailed; and (3) that the procurement process had been unable to deliver the new-build Merrylee Primary School within the original budget of £6,500,000 and action had been taken to reduce costs and make up the remaining shortfall in funding. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the acceptance of the tender submitted by Central Building Contractors (Glasgow) Limited in the sum of £6,963,015 for the construction of the new Merrylee Primary School; and (b) approved the allocation of £695,043 from the Scottish Executive’s Schools Fund towards this project.

Award of Contract for M74 Completion Advance Contract Phase 2 Archaeological Mitigation Services approved. 11 Councillor Simpson, Executive Member for Land and Environment, presented a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services proposing acceptance of a tender for the M74 Completion Advance Contract for Phase 2 Archaeological Mitigation Services, advising (1) that the Council, as Appointed Agent for the M74 Completion Project, had been requested by the Scottish Ministers and other Project Partners to accept the recommended tender for the contract; and (2) of the outcome of the evaluation of tenders received. After consideration, the committee approved the award of the contract for the M74 Completion Advance Contract Phase 2 Archaeological Mitigation Services to Headland Archaeology Limited/Pre-Construct Archaeology Limited Joint Venture in the sum of £4,947,268.20.

Joint funding for the post of Hate Crime Policy Officer approved. 12 Councillor McKeown, Executive Member for Personnel and Corporate Services, presented a report by the Chief Executive seeking approval to fund jointly with Strathclyde Police, and for a fixed period, a post of Hate Crime Policy Officer, to be based at Glasgow Community and Safety Services, advising EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 272 30th MAY 2007 1

(1) of the duties of such a policy officer and of the suggested benefits to the Council; and (2) that the estimated annual cost of the post of £53,000 would be shared equally between Strathclyde Police and the Council. After consideration, the committee approved the funding for the post of Policy Officer for a period of 3 years as detailed.

Guidelines for Policy Development Scrutiny Committees approved—Reference to Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees and Business Bureau. 13 With reference to the minutes of the Council of 17th May 2007 (page 27 hereof), agreeing the terms of reference for the 5 Policy Development and Scrutiny (PDS) Committees to be established under the Council’s decision making arrangements, there was submitted a report by the Chief Executive proposing guidelines for the operation of those committees as detailed. After consideration, the committee (1) approved the initial guidelines for the operation of the Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees; and (2) agreed to remit the initial guidelines to the first meetings of Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees for information and to the Business Bureau for early consideration.

Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007—Vetting of Councillors approved. 14 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive, proposing that all Council members be subject to an enhanced disclosure check to ensure that the Council complied with the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007, advising (1) that the former Policy and Resources Committee of 14th June 2005 (Print 2, page 331) had agreed to give the Solicitor to the Council the responsibility for obtaining enhanced disclosure checks on appointees to the Education Services Committee, Social Care Services Committee and the Children’s Panel Advisory Committee and their sub-committees to ensure that the Council complied with the provisions of the Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003; (2) that this Act had now been replaced by the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 which extended the range of committees covered to include those dealing with services to vulnerable adults; and (3) now that the Council had approved the membership of committees, it was clear that the majority of elected members were required to undergo disclosure checks to ensure that the Council complied with the law. After consideration, the committee agreed that all Council members be subject to an enhanced disclosure check to ensure that the Council complied with the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007.

Invitations to attend conferences etc—Representation agreed. 15 The committee, after consideration and having noted that the arrangements for dealing with conference invitations would be referred to the Business Bureau for review, agreed as a matter of urgency in terms of Section 1(4)(c) of the Scheme of Delegated Functions to be represented at the undernoted conferences etc as indicated:— Conference Date and Place Representation International Rose Trials 14th June 2007, Paris, France Councillor Ruth Simpson (or substitute) 13th July 2007, Dublin, Eire 16th July 2007, Belfast 15th European Social Services 18th-20th June 2007, Berlin, Councillor Elaine McDougall Conference Germany 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 15th JUNE 2007 273

Land at /Kelvinhaugh Street (Ward 10)—Disposal approved. 16 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding a proposal for the disposal of property/land at Yorkhill Street/Kelvinhaugh Street (Ward 10). After consideration, the committee approved the disposal to Yorkhill Developments for £185,000 as detailed in the report.

Leases approved. 17 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services seeking authority to take on leases for property to be occupied by the Council. After consideration, the committee approved the following leases:— Property Leasor Price Charlotte House, Charlotte House Glasgow Ltd £599,250 78 Queen Street (Ward 10) Building at 350 Darnick Street City Building Glasgow LLP £440,000 grassum payment to allow (Ward 17) the building to be purchased.

Glasgow, 15th June 2007.

Executive Committee.

Present: Steven Purcell (Chair), Shaukat Butt, James Coleman, Aileen Colleran, Stephen Curran, Stephen Dornan, Archie Graham, Jahangir Hanif, Allison Hunter, Billy McAllister, Elaine McDougall, Tom McKeown, Hanzala Malik, Dr Christopher Mason, John Mason, Gordon Matheson, George Ryan, Ruth Simpson, Alison Thewliss and Martha Wardrop. Also present: Alex Glass. Attending: N Lyttle (Clerk); G Black, Chief Executive; I Drummond, Solicitor to the Council; L Brown, Executive Director of Financial Services; S Inch, Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services; F Chambers, Executive Director of Direct and Care Services; R Booth, Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services; R Murray, Depute Director of Social Work Services; and M Doran, Services Director of Education.

Revenue budget and investment programme 2007/08—Monitoring report noted. 1 There was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services on the 2007/08 revenue budget and investment programme for the period from 1st April to 18th May 2007.

Draft final out-turn and financial statement for 2006/07 approved. 2 Councillor Curran, City Treasurer, presented a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding the 2006/07 draft final out-turn and financial statement, advising (1) that to conclude the monitoring process for 2006/07, a number of substantive accounting transactions would be required to allow the completion of the Council’s accounts for the year by the statutory deadline of 30th June 2007; (2) that the monitoring statements throughout the year had adjusted budgets in respect of additional monies received and additional committee approvals granted; (3) that given the profile of expenditure, commitments would extend to 2007/08 and this would be reflected as a reduction in the final budget for 2006/07, with £503,000 being carried forward to 2007/08 to meet the undernoted commitments:— EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 274 15th JUNE 2007 1

Department Value Programme Chief Executive £172,000 Electoral Registration Grant Development and Regeneration Services £200,000 Scotcash Financial Services £131,000 Adult Literacy and Numeracy (4) of issues relating to the General Fund, Revenues, Investment Programme and Trading Operations. After consideration, the committee approved the following various substantive accounting adjustments for 2006/07:— (a) the transfer of £4m to the Cultural and Recreation fund to continue to support the Council’s cultural programme; (b) a corresponding adjustment to both sides of the balance sheet of £6.4m which was required to reflect the net debtor position on 1999/00 to 2006/07 in respect of local taxes and those older than 1 year in respect of sundry debtors including irrecoverable amounts raised in the year; and (c) that the Executive Director of Financial Services, in common with previous practice, actions entries as required to the Council’s reserve funds within the previously approved spending plans of those reserves and in keeping with accounting rules.

Framework for review of Trading Operations approved. 3 Councillor Curran, City Treasurer, presented a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding a framework for a review of Trading Operations, advising that (1) the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 stipulated that proper accounting practices were adopted for Significant Trading Operations (STOs), set out the statutory duty to secure Best Value in delivering trading services and required the services to break even financially over a rolling 3-year period, from the date the STO was set up; (2) the impact of the Workforce Pay and Benefits Review and the equal pay compensation payments had resulted in employee costs increasing significantly and changes to the Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 17 had also impacted on the financial viability of the Trading Operations; (3) Audit Scotland had confirmed it was appropriate from 2006/07 for Councils to increase the income of Trading Operations in line with the increased staffing costs for the Workforce Pay and Benefits Review and FRS 17 recharges; and (4) it was proposed that a report on each Trading Operation, including recommendations for improvement, be presented to committee in 3 phases as detailed in the report. After consideration, the committee approved the framework for the review of Trading Operations, which would begin in August 2007 and roll out over an 18-month period.

Financial Inclusion Strategy approved—Declaration of interest. 4 Councillor Ryan, Executive Member for Development and Regeneration presented a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services on proposals to introduce the 2nd phase of the Financial Inclusion Strategy for Glasgow, advising that (1) in May 2002, the Council and other agencies with an interest in financial inclusion had launched the Strategy for Debt and Money Advice for Glasgow; (2) significant progress had been made since 2002 with many recommendations of the strategy in place and already implemented; (3) there were currently 27 organisations providing the bulk of financial advice and assistance across Glasgow, for which the Council and Glasgow Community Planning Ltd had provided over £4m towards the annual costs; (4) it was proposed to extend the strategy to ensure Glasgow had a comprehensive city-wide financial inclusion strategy to allow the Council and other funders to meet the requirements of Audit Scotland and ensure that agencies funding financial inclusion could fulfil specified criteria; 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 15th JUNE 2007 275

(5) a range of specific elements to be examined were detailed in the appendix to the report; (6) an Action Plan would be developed to make the necessary changes whilst taking account of the constraints which might affect its implementation; and (7) the measuring of success of the approach would be based on management information which included impact, progress, performance and various other factors. After consideration, the committee (a) agreed that (i) Money Advice and Debt Management Services should be delivered on the basis of a ‘lead service provider’ in each CHCP area; and (ii) the detailed implementation of the strategy would be overseen within the Council by the Development and Regeneration Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee; and (b) noted (i) the progress made in implementing the first phase of the Money Advice and Debt Strategy For Glasgow; (ii) that a further report would be brought to committee identifying the options for implementing the ‘lead service provider’ model; and (iii)that a detailed action plan would be prepared by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to ensure implementation of the proposals. In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillor Wardrop declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration.

Glasgow Local Regeneration Agencies—Funding approved—Declarations of interest. 5 Councillor Ryan, Executive Member for Development and Regeneration presented a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services on funding arrangements for Glasgow’s recently reconfigured network of Local Development Companies (LDCs) which were now known as Local Regeneration Agencies (LRAs), advising that (1) in 1986 Glasgow began evolving the most extensive area based economic development network of any city in Europe offering tailored innovative local solutions to local problems; (2) 8 LDCs were developed in Glasgow to deliver substantial economic development programmes on behalf of the Council and Scottish Enterprise Glasgow (SEG); (3) following the completion of a Best Value Review in 2005, the Council, in consultation with SEG agreed that the LDCs should be reconfigured in order to reflect the changes that had taken place through the establishment of Community Health and Care Partnership (CHCP) and Community Planning Partnership boundaries; (4) since April 2007 5 new LRAs had been operating across Glasgow, sharing boundaries with the CHCP areas, namely South West, South East, East, North and West; and (5) of the proposed core and project funding allocations for 2007/08 as detailed:— Glasgow South East LRA £241,229 Glasgow South West LRA £455,040 Glasgow West LRA £346,868 Glasgow North LRA £93,888 Glasgow East LRA £405,274 ————— TOTAL £1,542,299 ————— EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 276 15th JUNE 2007 1

After consideration, the committee (a) approved funding of £1,542,299 in respect of LRA core and project costs for the financial year 2007/08; and (b) noted (i) that the LDCs had changed from 8 companies with collective, partial city coverage to 5 companies that now offered services across the whole of Glasgow and were now known as Local Regeneration Agencies; (ii) the progress made by the LDCs in achieving their employment and training targets for 2006/07; (iii) that there was provision in the current budget estimates for this expenditure; and (iv) that Service Level Agreements would be renegotiated with the new LRA companies for 2007/08. In terms of Standing Order No 26, Bailie Matheson and Councillors Stephen Dornan, Graham, Hanzala Malik and Wardrop declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration.

Clyde Gateway Advance Enabling Works approved. 6 Councillor Ryan, Executive Member for Development and Regeneration presented a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services seeking funding to undertake land remediation and infrastructure works critical to the implementation of the early action programme within the Clyde Gateway project area, advising that (1) in February 2006 the Scottish Executive Regeneration Statement (People and Place: National Regeneration Statement) identified the Clyde Gateway as the top national priority and proposed the establishment of an Urban Regeneration Company (URC) as the means of delivering an ambitious 20- year regeneration programme; (2) the targets set for the Clyde Gateway were ambitious and challenging but realistic if the necessary investments in land assembly, site preparation and infrastructure provision were made; (3) a number of investments were already programmed or were in the process of being planned to help unlock the regeneration opportunities in the east end of Glasgow; (4) there was a need for early investment to deal with the issues of immediate concern which were surface water pipe, soil removal and land remediation programmes totalling £21.4m, to which Development and Regeneration Services’ budget had contributed £2.6m and Central provision existed for £15m leaving a shortfall of £3.8m; and (5) there might be opportunity for further contributions towards the £3.8m figure from targeted use of the Cities Growth Fund and the Derelict Land Fund. After consideration, the committee (a) approved expenditure of £21.4m on a programme of land remediation, infrastructure works and site preparation in the Clyde Gateway area, as detailed in the report; and (b) noted that funding towards these costs would be sought from the European Regional Development Fund, the Derelict Land Fund 2008 and the Cities Growth Fund 2008.

Private Sector Housing Grant programme 2007/08 approved—Instruction to officers. 7 Councillor Ryan, Executive Member for Development and Regeneration presented a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services on the allocation and proposed distribution of funding from Communities Scotland to support private sector housing in the financial year 2007/08, advising (1) that the Private Sector Housing Division within Development and Regeneration Services had responsibility for administering the Private Sector Housing Grant (PSHG) from the bidding process to the distribution of awards; (2) that the PSHG was ring fenced funding made available by the Scottish Executive and distributed by Communities Scotland to local authorities based on a bid that detailed how funding would be used to meet national and local private housing priorities; 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 15th JUNE 2007 277

(3) of a proposed programme of funding totalling £10,224,000; and (4) that a separate bid to improve sites used by Gypsy Travellers had been awarded £35,000 which was subject to discussions with Social Work Services and available to spend in the current financial year. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the PSHG allocation of £10,224,000 for 2007/08 and the separate allocation of £35,000 for the improvement of Gypsy Traveller sites; (b) approved the implementation of programmes to meet the target expenditure as detailed in the report; and (c) instructed officers to report back on the outcome of the Best Value review of disabled adaptations.

Facilitating major developments—One Stop Approach to Development Consents approved, after division. 8 Councillor Purcell, Leader of the Council, presented a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services on proposals to introduce measures designed to improve processes through which applications for planning, building warrants and roads construction consents for major developments were processed, advising that (1) following recent service restructuring, Development and Regeneration Services was responsible for managing all of the Council’s statutory planning consent, building warrant and the customer end of the traffic regulation order functions; (2) the Council operated within a set of statutory performance indicators determined by the Scottish Executive and over the past 2 years the Councils performance in dealing with planning applications had improved significantly; and (3) the implementation of a 10 point improvement plan as then detailed and an intention to work with the Scottish Executive to pilot the proposed changes in the planning inquiry system was proposed and detailed negotiations with Historic Scotland for plans to secure delegated listed building powers to improve the processing of applications for minor works. Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that the committee (a) note that the reorganisation of Council services provided the basis for a more co-ordinated approach to managing the statutory consents process for new development within the city; and (b) approve (i) the proposals for the development of a ‘one stop shop’ approach to all of the consents needed for major developments; and (ii) the actions proposed in the report to facilitate the statutory processes for major developments which were likely to bring significant economic and social benefits to the city. Councillor Dr Christopher Mason, seconded by Councillor John Mason, moved as an amendment that a further report be submitted setting out in greater detail and clarity the grounds for identifying and prioritising major applications and the means in place within Development and Regeneration Services to guarantee quasi judicial autonomy. On a vote being taken electronically, 7 members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Draft Council Annual Performance Report 2006/07 approved. 9 Councillor McKeown, Executive Member for Personnel and Corporate Services presented a report by the Chief Executive regarding the draft Council Annual Performance Report 2006/07, advising that the report (1) provided a snapshot of the Council’s performance set within the context of the commitments contained within the Council Plan; (2) set out the progress which had been achieved together with an assessment of performance in relation to the Council’s Key Objectives; and EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 278 15th JUNE 2007 1

(3) would be refined and relevant financial information from the final out-turn and financial statement would be included in the published version. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the publication of the Council Annual Performance Report for 2006/07, in line within the Council’s public performance reporting approach, with the draft Efficiency Statement also being included in the published version; and (b) noted that the draft report would be refined, with additional financial and service performance information being incorporated into the finalised version.

Gender Equality Scheme 2007-10 approved. 10 Councillor McKeown, Executive Member for Personnel and Corporate Services presented a report by the Chief Executive on the Council’s Gender Equality Scheme 2007-10 describing how the Council would meet its statutory gender equality duty placed on it by the Equality Act 2006. After consideration, the committee (1) approved the Gender Equality Scheme as detailed in the report; and (2) noted that regular monitoring reports would be reported to the relevant Policy Development and Scrutiny Committees.

Riverside Museum—Appointment of main contractor approved, after division—Declaration of interest. 11 Councillor Graham, Executive Member for Culture and Sport presented a report by the Chief Executive seeking approval of £14m capital funding to allow the appointment of HGB Construction Ltd to construct the Riverside Museum and delivery of the complete project, advising that (1) the Policy and Resources Committee on 24th January 2006 (Print 6, page 1030) and subsequently the Heritage Lottery Fund had approved capital funding for delivery and completion of the Riverside Museum, the Glasgow Museums Resource Centre Phase 2 (GMRC2) and associated elements; (2) this committee on 27th October 2006 (Print 4, page 582) had approved the stage 1 appointment of HBG Construction Ltd to allow the main building contractor to tender all the building sub-packages so that a firm price could be achieved for the whole building and landscape works; (3) site works for the Riverside Museum were scheduled to commence in November 2007 with the museum opening in December 2010; and (4) overall the estimated additional cost of completing the Riverside Project was £17m, which was offset by a project contribution of £2m agreed under the framework agreement with Ltd, £1m of unutilised budget within the extension to GMRC2 was to be directed to the Riverside Museum leaving an overall total of £14m to complete the project. Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that the committee approve £14m of capital funding to allow the appointment of HGB Construction Ltd to construct the Riverside Museum and delivery of the complete project. Councillor John Mason, seconded by Councillor McAllister, moved as an amendment that no action be taken on the matter. On a vote being taken electronically, 4 members voted for the amendment and 12 for the motion, with 1 abstention. The motion was accordingly declared to be carried. In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillor Dr Christopher Mason, declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration.

Bridge strengthening 2007/08—Funding approved. 12 Councillor Simpson, Executive Member for Land and Environment, presented a report by the Director of Land and Environmental Services regarding funding for bridge strengthening works, advising 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 15th JUNE 2007 279

(1) that Audit Scotland had compiled an annual Statutory Performance Indicator (SPI) using the number of bridges that in some way fell short of the required strength standard as a measure of local authority performance in the bridge management sector; (2) that a study of the bridges that failed to meet the standard had been undertaken to determine if any could be brought up to a permanently satisfactory operation at low cost without significant adverse effects on the functioning of the road network; and (3) of a list of bridges proposed for inclusion in the programme as detailed at a cost of £660,000. After consideration, the committee (a) approved an allocation of £660,000 in the current financial year for bridge strengthening; and (b) noted the improvement in performance this would achieve.

Local Air Quality Management—Declaration of Air Quality Management Areas approved. 13 Councillor Simpson, Executive Member for Land and Environment, presented a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services advising of the requirement to declare further Air Quality Management Areas and amend the existing City Centre Air Quality Management Area, advising that (1) the Scottish Executive had issued guidance to local authorities on carrying out the review and assessment of air quality in 2 stages namely production of an update and screening assessment followed by a detailed assessment; and (2) the detailed assessment had resulted in a range of recommendations, including designation of:— (a) Air Quality Management areas for nitrogen dioxide for Byres Road/Dumbarton Road and Cross; and (b) the amendment of the existing City Centre Air Quality Management Area to include particulate matter and to incorporate the Royston Road and North Street Areas. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the conclusion to recommend designation of new Air Quality Management Areas for nitrogen dioxide for Byres Road/Dumbarton Road and Parkhead Cross; (b) approved (i) the amendment of the existing City Centre Air Quality Management Area to include particulates and to incorporate the Royston Road and North Street areas; and (ii) the declaration of the Air Quality Management Areas as detailed in the report; and (c) agreed to proceed in terms of the Environment Act 1995 to produce an Action Plan for these areas by the end of 2007, with the aim of identifying and implementing various action to reduce levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulates.

Parks Development Programme—Capital funding approved. 14 Councillor Simpson, Executive Member for Land and Environment, presented a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services requesting approval of funding and a programme of works to be undertaken through the Parks Development Programme in partnership with the Glasgow Housing Association and for improvement works to Queen’s Glasshouse (1) advising that it was proposed that the following additional capital funding was made available for the Parks Development Programme:— Neighbourhood Quality Improvement Fund £1.0m Play Area Improvement Programme £0.5m Queens Glasshouse £0.4m ——— Total £1.9m ——— EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 280 15th JUNE 2007 1

(2) detailed the proposed projects to be funded by those allocations. After consideration, the committee approved the release of funding and programme proposals.

Parks Enhanced Visitor Facilities—Botanic Gardens (Ward 15)—Lease approved, after division. 15 Councillor Simpson, Executive Member for Land and Environment, presented a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services seeking approval of a 99 year lease of the former railway station site in the Botanic Gardens (Ward 15) to G1 Group to allow the restoration of former James Miller railway station building as a café and restaurant together with a performance facility and nightclub venue, advising that (1) the Parks and Open Spaces Strategic Best Value Review and Implementation Plan had identified a need to enhance and develop facilities and amenities in Glasgow’s parks; (2) as part of this programme an advertisement had been placed in the Glasgow Herald on 23rd March 2006 seeking expressions of interest for business opportunities in Kelvingrove Park and the Botanic Gardens following which tenders were issued for the Botanic Gardens former railway station site; (3) only 1 suitable submission had been received from the G1 group for the reconstruction of the former James Miller railway station building with the front and gable elevations replicated from the original building and a contemporary rear glass elevation along with the development of the subterranean platform areas; and (4) the proposal would provide a family orientated café-bar and restaurant and a performance/conference facility and a night club venue all of which would be accessed from the Botanic Gardens and Great Western Road. Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that the committee approve a lease of the Botanic Gardens former railway station site to the G1 Group for up to 99 years, including appropriate staged reviews, subject to the satisfactory conclusion of negotiations on the lease terms and conditions, with the comments by members at this meeting being taken account of during the negotiations. Councillor John Mason, seconded by Councillor McAllistair, moved that consideration of the matter be continued to obtain the views of the local community. Councillor Dr Christopher Mason, seconded by Councillor Wardrop, moved as a further amendment that the committee do not proceed with the matter. On a vote being taken electronically, 4 members voted for the amendment by Councillor John Mason, 2 for the amendment by Councillor Dr Christopher Mason and 12 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Parks Enhanced Visitor Facilities—Bellahouston Park (Ward 5)—Issue of tenders for lease of part of plant production depot approved—Dissent. 16 Councillor Simpson, Executive Member for Land and Environment, presented a report by the Director of Land and Environmental Services seeking approval to proceed with the tender process and the negotiation of a lease for a commercial Garden Centre in the grounds of the existing plant production depot in Bellahouston Park (Ward 5) as part of the Parks Enhanced Visitor facility initiative. After consideration, the committee, Councillor Wardrop dissenting, approved the issue of tenders to ascertain the Best Value facility for Bellahouston Park and negotiations of a lease to the preferred bidder to enable the development and operation of a Garden Centre as an enhanced visitor facility.

Homelessness Partnership—Funding requests for 2007/08 and 2008/09 approved— Declaration of interest. 17 Councillor McDougall, Executive Member for Social Care, presented a report by the Director of Social Work Services regarding Homelessness Partnership Funding requests for 2007/08 and 2008/09. After consideration, the committee approved the following awards:— 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 15th JUNE 2007 281

Organisation 2007/08 funding 2008/09 funding Glasgow Rent Deposit Scheme £55,000 — Shelter Housing Aid Centre £122,367 £122,367 Big Issue—Grand Central Savings Bank £40,000 — Funding for Temporary Development Worker for Housing £33,000 — Information and Advice for Minority Ethnic Communities In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillor Wardrop declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration.

New rates for care homes and supported living services for 2007/08 approved. 18 Councillor McDougall, Executive Member for Social Care, presented a report by the Director of Social Work Services seeking approval for new rates for care homes and supported living services, advising that (1) in March 2000 Social Work Services had approved proposals for the development of a purchasing strategy for nursing and residential home care in Glasgow; and (2) as part of the purchasing strategy and with the Supporting People funding stream being made available, several supported living and enhanced supported living services had been implemented for older people. After consideration, the committee approved the undernoted rates:— Project 2007/08 rate Annandale Project £739.92 per week Crannog Dementia £672.24 per week Crannog ARBD £814.89 per week Bulldale Place/Beil Drive 24 Hour Supported Living £533.46 per week Bulldale Place/Beil Drive 24 Hour Enhanced Supported Living £608.94 per week Bulldale Place/Beil Drive Supported Living £20.91 per hour Ferguson Anderson Temporary Sensory Impairment Unit £676 per week Talbot Association Riverside Project £339 per week

Licensing Scotland Act 2005—Establishment, membership and Terms of Reference of Local Licensing Forum approved, after division. 19 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding the establishment of a Local Licensing Forum advising that (1) Section 10 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 came into force on 1st May 2007 and required Councils to establish a Local Licensing Forum for its area; and (2) the Local Licensing Forum must be both independent and expert and comprised of not less than 5 and not more than 20 members with a balanced representation of relevant interests. Councillor Purcell, seconded by Councillor Coleman, moved that the committee approve (1) the establishment and Terms of Reference of the Local Licensing Forum as follows:— (a) To keep under review the operation of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 in the City of Glasgow. (b) To keep under review the exercise by the Licensing Board of the functions under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. (c) To give such advice and make recommendations to the Licensing Board in relation to those matters as the Forum considers appropriate; and EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 282 15th JUNE 2007 1

(2) the membership of the Local Licensing Forum as follows:— Name Organisation Councillor Shaukat Butt Glasgow City Council Councillor John McKenzie Glasgow City Council Claire Smith Grocers’ Federation Donald McLeod Concert Promoter’s Association Mike Lees Scottish Beer and Pub Association Paul Young Licence holder, “Molly Malones”, 224 Hope Street Superintendent John Farrell Strathclyde Police Catriona Renfrew Greater Glasgow Health Board Neil Hunter Social Work Services John McCusker National Union of Students Jack Cummins Licensing Lawyer Licensing Standards Officer Glasgow City Council Dr Lesley Sawyers Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Scott Taylor Glasgow City Marketing Bureau 2 community representatives to be filled by ballot of community councils Councillor John Mason, seconded by Councillor Hunter, moved as an amendment that an opposition member be appointed as one of the Council’s representative on the Local Licensing Forum. On a vote being taken electronically, 5 members voted for the amendment and 11 for the motion, which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Queen’s Park Football Club—Financial contribution approved. 20 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding a proposed financial contribution to Queen’s Park Football Club for the installation of a new synthetic football pitch at Lesser Hampden, advising that (1) Queen’s Park Football Club provided coaching support and football training days at Lesser Hampden as part of its commitment to the Council’s Schools Senior 1 Football League; and (2) the Football Club proposed to install a new synthetic pitch at a cost of £285,000 including contingency and had requested a contribution of £50,000 to meet the shortfall in funding. After consideration, the committee approved a financial contribution of £50,000 to Queen’s Park Football Club for the installation of a new synthetic football pitch at Lesser Hampden.

Voluntary Sector Organisations—2007/08 funding approved—Declaration of interest. 21 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding requests from 3 Voluntary Sector Organisations for funding for 2007/08, advising that (1) the West of Scotland Racial Equality Council was established in 1971 and was a charitable company which assisted individuals facing racial harassment and discrimination; (2) the Glasgow Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Centre was the only one in the West of Scotland and the centre acted as a hub for a wide range of social, health and youth services; and (3) Glasgow Women’s Library was established in 1991 and was a charitable company, which had a wide range of materials by, for and about women. 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 15th JUNE 2007 283

After consideration, the committee approved, subject to the conditions detailed in the report, a financial contribution for 2007/08 of £50,000 to the West of Scotland Racial Equality Council, £46,000 to the Glasgow LGBT Centre and £30,000 to the Glasgow Woman’s Library. In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillor Wardrop declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration.

Cultural Grant Awards 2007/08 approved—Declaration of interest. 22 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive regarding grants to cultural organisations for 2007/08 as detailed. After consideration, the committee approved the undernoted applications:— Applicant Decision Association of Indian Organisations £2,000 Theatre Royal Stage 1 £40,000 Scottish Amateur Music Association Nil The Hidden Gardens Trust £75,000 Projectability £4,000 Paragon Ensemble £3,000 Cultural Enterprise Office £8,000 Royal Glasgow Institute £5,000 The Village Storytelling Centre £5,000 Glasgow Grows Audiences £50,000 In terms of Standing Order No 26, Councillor Wardrop declared an interest in this item of business and left the meeting during its consideration.

Invitations to attend conferences—Representation dealt with. 23 The committee, after consideration, agreed to be represented at the undernoted conferences as indicated:— Conference Date and place Representation Waste Minimisation and 19th June 2007, Glasgow Councillors Euan McLeod and Processing in Scotland Ruth Simpson National Association of 29th June to 1st July 2007, Councillor Ruth Simpson Councillors—Conference on Scarborough “Breaking Down the Barriers to Local Government Equality and Opportunity”

School transport—Renewal of contracts approved. 24 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People) regarding the renewal of mainstream school transport contracts from August 2007 (1) outlining the Council’s policy on the provision of school transport for primary and secondary pupils; and (2) advising of the tendering procedure for the renewal of school transport contracts adopted by Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, who had been appointed on an agency basis to manage and monitor the contracts. After consideration, the committee agreed that the contracts for school transport be awarded on the basis submitted as detailed in the appendix to the report, at an annual cost of £969,498.68 and at an annual cost of £148,100 for transport to Blairvadach Outdoor Centre. EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 284 15th JUNE 2007 1

Award of contracts approved. 25 There were submitted 2 reports by the Chief Executive regarding tenders received for various contracts. After consideration, the committee agreed to accept the undernoted most economically advantageous tenders received:— Contract Contractor Tender amount Supply and delivery of 4-wheeled refuse containers and Egbert H Taylor £323,910 per annum associated replacement parts—3 year contract Supply and delivery of Street Lighting materials including accessories and external lighting equipment—3 year contract Lot 1—Supply and delivery of luminaries Mallatite £1,563,069.10 Lot 2—Supply and delivery of lamps Trilight £708,832.53 Lot 3—Supply and delivery of columns Mallatite £833,416.23 Lot 4—Supply and delivery of electrical networks J MacLeans £747,714.97 Lot 5—Supply and delivery of miscellaneous items James M Anderson £114,015.68

Abstract of Accounts for 2006/07 approved—Authority to Executive Director of Financial Services. 26 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Financial Services regarding the Abstract of Accounts for 2006/07 (1) advising that the Council was required to submit its Abstract of Accounts to the Authority and Controller of Audit by the statutory deadline of 30th June 2007 and these accounts would then be subject to audit by Audit Scotland who would complete their audit by 30th September 2007 and thereafter report their findings to the Council; and (2) detailing the Abstract of Accounts 2006/07. After consideration, the committee (a) approved the submission of the Council’s annual accounts for 2006/07; and (b) authorised the Executive Director of Financial Services to complete the Council’s Group Accounts in line with proper accounting practice by the statutory deadline of 30th June 2007.

Millerfield Road (Ward 9)—Sale of ground to Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd— Further terms of agreement approved. 27 With reference to the minutes of 10th November 2006 (Print 5, page 681) authorising the Director of Development and Regeneration Services to enter into a land transaction involving the acquisition of the site at Springfield Road from, the disposal of a site at Strathclyde Street/Beechgrove Street to, and payment of a balance in the sum of £1.7m to Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd to secure a key site within the Commonwealth Games Village Masterplan area (Ward 9), there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services advising that (1) as part of the land disposal agreement, the Council was required to provide Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd with an alternative unencumbered residential site of similar size and a site at Beechgrove Street/Dalmarnock Road had been identified as fitting all the main requirements; (2) the Council had now acquired the site at Millerfield Road but detailed investigations had shown that the Council did not own all of the site at Beechgrove Street and unless the outstanding interests could be voluntarily acquired, or a satisfactory title indemnity policy could be obtained, the only practical alternatives were to promote a Compulsory Purchase Order over the parts of the sites not in the Council’s ownership or for an alternative site to be transferred to Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd; and (3) while the preferred option of both the Council and Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd was to resolve the ownership issues and commence a residential development on the site, alternative sites required to be identified. 2007-2008 EXECUTIVE 1 15th JUNE 2007 285

After consideration, the committee (a) noted that (i) the Council had now acquired the site at Millerfield Road, within the Games Village site from Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd; and (ii) site ownership difficulties at Beechgrove Street/Dalmarnock Road had prevented the disposal of this site which was part of the overall land disposal agreement to Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd; (b) authorised the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to negotiate (i) the acquisition of outstanding land interests at Beechgrove Street/Dalmarnock Road not currently within the Council’s ownership and in the event that these outstanding interests could not be bought by voluntary means to promote a Compulsory Purchase Order; and (ii) the sale of sites at Ashgrove Street and on the west side of Dalmarnock Road/Springfield Road to Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd to ensure a more satisfactory residential development scheme could be brought forward; and (c) agreed that if the ownership issues could not be resolved, the Council disposes of an alternative site, still to be identified, of equivalent value to Stewart and McKenna (Dalmarnock) Ltd.

Proposed retail development within Central Regeneration area (Ward 4) approved— Authority to Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 28 With reference to the minutes of 1st September 2006 (Print 3, page 482) approving the disposal of the former Penilee Secondary School and ground bounded by Gleddoch Road/Barshaw Road and Bowfield Place (Ward 4) to Bellway Homes, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services advising that (1) Phase 3 of the development included new retail facilities and discussions had been ongoing with the shop tenants at 69-81 Gleddoch Road to establish interest in developing and occupying the new shops; (2) G101 Off Sales Ltd who occupied the premises at 73 Gleddoch Road and Martin McColl Ltd who occupied the premises at 75 Gleddoch Road had submitted formal offers to develop the new shopping facility but only the offer by Martin McColl Ltd complied with the Council’s brief for the development; and (3) the offer submitted by Martin McColl Ltd was based on a ground lease of the site for the duration of the development works and upon completion, Martin McColl Ltd would acquire the ground for £230,000 and renounce their existing lease of the premises at 75 Gleddoch Road. After consideration, the committee (a) authorised the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to (i) establish a development framework with Martin McColl Ltd in relation to the proposed replacement retail facility at Gleddoch Road; (ii) utilise part of the proposed Capital Receipt to fund the demolition and clearance of the existing shop range at 69-81 Gleddoch Road; (iii) implement Compulsory Purchase Powers if required to ensure site clearance was established at 69- 81 Gleddoch Road; and (iv) utilise the services of Commercial Property Consultants to undertake acquisition negotiations with the tenants at Gleddoch Road, if proved necessary; and (b) instructed the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to report back to committee on the matter in due course.

Disposal of 3 former primary school sites within Drumchapel (Ward 14) approved— Instruction to Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 29 With reference to the minutes of the Development and Regeneration Services Committee of 8th September 2005 (Print 3, page 520) approving the selection of a consortium led by New City Vision (NCV) as the preferred developer for the regeneration of the Drumchapel New Neighbourhood (Ward 14), subject to conditions, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services, advising that EXECUTIVE 2007-2008 286 15th JUNE 2007 1

(1) the Pre-12 strategy for Drumchapel had identified 8 primary schools for closure in Drumchapel and 5 had been earmarked for development by specific parties but Pineview, Lochgoin and Drumry Primary Schools within the New Neighbourhood development area remained available for development; (2) NCV had signed the Development Agreement and to enable the residential design concepts to be extended had requested that the Development Agreement be extended to include the 3 available school sites; and (3) Social Work Services had an operational requirement to develop a new care facility and it was proposed that the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services work in partnership with NCV to develop this care facility on part of one of the school sites, with the cost of developing the new care facility being incorporated into the Development Agreement. After consideration, the committee (a) authorised the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to enter into negotiations with New City Vision Ltd in relation to the disposal of the former Lochgoin, Drumry and Pinewood Primary School sites; (b) noted that the disposal met the Council criteria for ‘off-market’ disposals; and (c) instructed the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to report back on the outcome of the negotiations.

Disposal of site at Knightscliffe Avenue (Ward 14) approved. 30 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the proposed disposal of a site at Knightscliffe Avenue (Ward 14). After consideration, the committee approved the disposal of the site at Knightscliffe Avenue to The Trustees of William Alexander Cargill Fund for £800,000, subject to the terms and conditions negotiated by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services.

Property at 20 Dunkenny Square (Ward 14)—Lease approved. 31 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services regarding the lease of property at 20 Dunkenny Square (Ward 14). After consideration, the committee approved a 5 year lease of property at 20 Dunkenny Square (Ward 14) from PPG Metro Ltd to the Council at a rental of £30,233, subject to the terms and conditions negotiated by the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services.

Exclusion of public. 32 The committee resolved in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the remaining business as exempt information, as defined in paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A, was likely to be disclosed.

Social Care Services Complaints Review Committee—Findings noted—Response by Director of Social Work Services approved. 33 There was submitted (1) a report by the Social Care Services Complaints Review Committee of 27th April 2007, detailing its findings in respect of the complaint; and (2) a response by the Director of Social Work Services in respect of the report. After consideration, the committee (a) noted the committee’s decisions, as detailed in its report; and (b) approved the response by the Director of Social Work Services in respect of the complaint. 1



Glasgow, 20th March 2007.

Bishop’s Wood Area Committee.

Present: Ronnie Quinn (Chair), Jim Coleman, Gaille McCann and Catherine McMaster and Cathy Mulligan (community representative) Apologies: Gerald Leonard and Ann Curran Attending: S Anderson (Clerk) and J McDade (for the Chief Executive); A Duff, D Mowat and S Taylor (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); and B Yeaman (for the Director of Land Services).

Minute of meeting of 6th February 2007 approved. 1 The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th February 2007 were submitted and approved.

Area Budget 2006/07 monitoring report approved. 2 There was submitted and approved a report by the Chief Executive which (1) detailed commitment on projects to date totalling 98.55% of the 2006/07 Area Budget allocation; and (2) recommended that unallocated balances in Community Grants and events allocations should be reallocated to General Projects.

Area Budget 2006/07 applications dealt with. 3 (i) There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing applications received and recommendations for funding from the 2006/07 Area Budget. After consideration, the Committee dealt with the following applications as undernoted General Projects Project Title Applicant Purpose of application Decision Transport and Cherrykees School of Transport and Approved £649 subject to accommodation Dance accommodation costs to receipt of satisfactory participate in a dance assessment from Cultural tournament in Dunoon & Leisure Services Improving childrens’ Sandaig Nursery To purchase storage Deferred until the next access to resources cupboards and an art financial year trolley Community Grants Bus hire Craigend Elderly Forum Bus hire costs of a day Approved £145 trip to Kelvingrove Museum Purchase of materials Advisory To purchase tables, Approved £880 subject to Committee chairs, curtains and receipt of satisfactory paint to enhance two assessment from Cultural rooms within Ruchazie & Leisure Services Community Centre Purchase of office Ruchazie, Craigend and To purchase and install Rejected—application furniture Credit office furniture retrospective Union 2

Project Title Applicant Purpose of application Decision Bus hire Ruchazie Pensioners’ Bus hire costs of a day Approved £150 Club trip to Ayr Purchase of materials Ruchazie Youth Club To purchase art and craft Approved £500 subject to materials receipt of satisfactory assessment from Cultural & Leisure Services Theatre performance St Rose of Lima To hire M & M Approved £250 Primary School Theatre Productions to give a performance for the whole school Purchase of equipment Womens’ Centre To purchase two Deferred until the next Information and Support computers, printers and financial year Project associated software

Youth Budget Accommodation costs Avenue End Primary Accommodation costs Approved £1,457.50 School of a trip to Blairvadach Outdoor Centre Transport and Blairtummock Primary Transport and Approved £677.50 accommodation School accommodation costs of a trip to Dalguise Adventure Centre Transport and entry Buchlyvie Nursery Transport and entry Approved £306.50 fees School fees to Biggar and Calderglen Country Park Transport and Cherrykees School of Transport and Approved £757 subject to accommodation Dance accommodation costs to receipt of satisfactory participate in a dance assessment from Cultural tournament in Dunoon & Leisure Services Transport and entry Cranhill Primary School Transport and entry Approved £518.50 fees fees to Loudoun Castle Theme Park and Ayr Transport and Global Glasgow Youth Transport and Approved £733.50 subject accommodation Project accommodation costs for to receipt of satisfactory two pupils to assessment from Cultural participate in a & Leisure Services personal and social development project in South Africa Transport and entry Greater Easterhouse Transport and entry Approved £672.50 subject fees Women’s Aid fees to Edinburgh Zoo to receipt of a satisfactory and Xscape report from Social Work Services Transport and entry fees Lamlash Nursery School Transport and entry Approved £156.50 fees to Almond Valley Heritage Centre Transport and entry fees Lochview Nursery Transport and entry fees Approved £471.50 School to Blair Drummond Safari Park and various City Council parks 3

Project Title Applicant Purpose of application Decision Transport and Muirton Boys Club Transport and Approved £1,051.50 accommodation accommodation costs to subject to receipt of participate in a football satisfactory assessment tournament at Craig from Cultural & Leisure Tara, Ayr Services Transport and entry fees Sandaig Nursery School Transport and entry fees Approved £712.50 to Deep Sea World Transport and entry fees St Maria Goretti Primary Transport and entry fees Approved £1,222.50 School to Blair Drummond Safari Park and Loudoun Castle Transport costs St Rose of Lima Transport costs to Approved £517.50 Primary School Pollok House, People’s Palace and Stirling Castle

Area Budget 2006/07 Playscheme Summer Camp 2006—report noted. 3 (ii) With reference to the minutes of 2nd May 2006 (Print 2 Appendix 1 page 35), when it was agreed to approve £3,900 to Cultural and Leisure Services to fund a summer camp experience for playschemes in the Bishop’s Wood area, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director Culture and Sport which provided an evaluation of the project, and advising that (1) Cultural and Leisure Services Play Services had written to those playschemes operating in the area, giving them the opportunity to apply to attend the camp; and (2) the funding had allowed one playscheme, the Pavillion, from the Bishop’s Wood area to attend a four night residential trip at Dounans during the summer school holidays in 2006. Following discussion, the committee noted the report.

Carriageway and Footway Revenue Programme 2007/08 report approved. 4 There was submitted a report by the Director of Land Services detailing the proposed carriageway and footway surfacing programme for financial year 2007/08 totalling £140,400. Following discussion, the committee approved the list as detailed below. Location Limits Cost £K Carriageways Kerrera Place Full length 14 Glenraith Road Cardrona Street to Mossvale Court 35 Fordoun Street Full length 9

Footways Fordoun Street Full length 15 Skerryvore Road Bellrock Street to primary school (North footway only) 19 Sandaig Road Selected lengths 11

Proprietary carriageway Glenraith Square Selected areas 5 Errogie Street Full length 6.8 Longstone Road Selected lengths 9 4

Location Limits Cost £K Proprietary footway Pendeen Crescent Full length 4 Gardyne Street Full length 4.5 Uig Place Full length 3.6 Lochdochart Road Easterhouse Road to Dunskaith Street (South footway only) 4.5

RES 3 Contributions noted—Instruction to Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 5 With reference to the minutes of 29th November 2005 (Print 5, appendix 1, page 1) and 13th June 2006 (Print 3, appendix 1, page 1) approving a list of options for investment in greenspace projects in the Bishop’s Wood area, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services on City Plan Policy RES 3 contributions for the area, advising (1) as detailed below, (a) the total amount received from developers; (b) the amount allocated to each Council Services Department, according to the greenspace categories set out in the policy; (c) the funding available to spend, drawn from contributions that have been received from housing sites that were under construction or complete; and (d) the total funding that was allocated to greenspace projects in the Bishop’s Wood area. Total Land Cultural and Total Available Received Services Leisure Services to spend £120,782 £21,460 £99,322 £105,782 (2) that although £120,782 had been received to date from four housing proposals only two of these developments were under construction, these being Jackson Drive, Cardowan 680 Edinburgh Road, Carntyne (3) the amount available to spend was actually £105,782 and that Cultural and Leisure Services and Land Services would jointly assess opportunities for spend according to the availability of RES 3 funding. The majority of the funding received to date had been allocated to formal pitch provision; (4) that the first phase of the Council’s Sports Pitch Strategy, including preferred options for investment in the Bishop’s Wood area, would be presented to the Executive Committee in Spring 2007; and (5) that the RES 3 annual monitoring report recommended that RES 3 resources be aligned to the priorities in the Sports Pitch Strategy, once approved. Following discussion, the committee requested that a report be presented to a future meeting addressing issues in relation to proposals for the area at Gartcosh cottages.

City Plan 2—Finalised Draft Plan noted. 6 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services advising the committee of the format and contents of the Finalised Draft City Plan 2 detailing the (1) background to the City Plan and previous consultation which had helped to inform the overall development strategy and spatial priorities for City Plan 2; (2) current timetable with an overall target date for adoption of City Plan 2 of early 2009; (3) format of the finalised draft City Plan 2 which comprised 3 elements 5

(a) Part 1—Development Strategy Overview; (b) Part 2—Development Strategy Priorities and Proposals; and (c) Part 3—Policy Framework. (4) broad contents of the finalised draft plan with a development strategy to focus investment in the following areas: (a) the Metropolitan Growth Corridor (City Centre/Clyde Waterfront/Clyde Gateway); Strategic Growth Corridors (Glasgow North/M80 Corridor/M8 East Corridor); and (c) Masterplans and Local Development Strategies for other parts of the city outwith the Growth Corridors. (5) key differences between City Plan 1 and City Plan 2 with a stronger focus on the following aspects: (a) design/environmental quality; (b) sustainability; (c) industrial and business development; (d) retailing; and (e) Planning Gain. (6) intended means and extent of consultation to take place over an 8 week period between mid-May/mid July; and (7) consultation outcomes and suggested changes to the Plan were required to be approved by the Council, prior to further consultation (for a 6 week period) being undertaken on the proposed changes towards the end of the year.

Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections 2007—report noted. 7 With reference to the minutes of 6th February 2007 (Print 06, appendix 1, page 6) where the Chief Executive was instructed to provide further information with respect to the forthcoming Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections, there was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive detailing (1) the roles of the polling station team including an information officer to assist the public with the new system; (2) information on voter registration including a deadline of 18th April 2007; (3) the format of the single transferable voting system; (4) that policing arrangements were an operational matter for the Chief Constable. It was understood that mobile police teams would provide support to polling stations; (5) that a national awareness campaign was to be run by the Electoral Commission under the heading VoteScotland; and (6) the Glasgow awareness campaign was to be managed by Glasgow City Council.

Citizens’ Panel Findings—Autumn 2006—report noted. 8 With reference to the Executive Committee of 8th December 2006 (Print 5, page 699) referring the key findings of the Citizens’ Panel which was held in Autumn 2006 to individual Area Committees, there was submitted and noted the aforementioned report advising that (1) MORI had interviewed a sample of 1,013 random residents in the city and the sample had been stratified by Community Planning Partnership area (CPP) to allow a more robust analysis at CPP and Community Health and Care Partnership level; (2) topics covered included anti-social behaviour, homelessness, service use and satisfaction, and the Glasgow magazine; and (3) a newsletter would be sent to Panel members advising of key results and the report would be placed on the Council’s web-site. 6

Valedictory—Councillors Quinn and McCann 9 Councillor Coleman advised the committee that Councillor Quinn and Councillor McCann would be retiring from the Council and accordingly this was their last meeting of the committee. The committee thanked the retiring members for their valuable contribution to the work of the committee and wished them well for the future. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Glasgow, 28th March 2007

East (Centre) Area Committee.

Present: Frank Docherty (Chair), Tom McKeown and George Redmond and Margaret Brawley, Elinor Macfarlane and Duncan Miller. Apology: Elaine McDougall. Attending: J Bell (clerk) and D Blair (for the Chief Executive); L Crawford (for Executive Director, Culture and Sport); E Anderson, E Currie, A Duff, T Mitchell, S Taylor, C Tytler and M Waters, (for Director of Development and Regeneration Services); M Abernethy (for Executive Director, Education, Training and Young People); and B Archibald (for Director of Land Services).

Order of Business. 1 In terms of Standing Order No. 6, the committee agreed to vary the order of business as hereinafter minuted.

Devolved School Management of Resources (DSM) report noted—Instruction to Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People). 2 With reference to the minutes of 13th December 2006 (Print 6, appendix 1, page 15), where the committee requested clarification on the budgets available within Education for schools to access, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People) which provided members with an overview of the budgets available to individual schools for the purchase of equipment and materials, and advised that:— (1) all councils across Scotland operated a scheme of Devolved Management of Resources, and in excess of 90% of a school’s budget was devolved to the head teacher which allowed decisions to be made at a local level; (2) the budget allocation to each school was primarily formula driven, with pupil numbers being the main driver. In some instances a fixed element was incorporated into the formula to ensure minimum standards were maintained; (3) the key devolved budget areas were (a) Employee Costs (teaching and admin) (b) Premises (c) Supplies and Administration; (4) the allocation was enhanced by funding from the Scottish Executive to support a range of targeted initiatives; and (5) in December 2006, schools received ‘quick spend’ funding from the Scottish Executive to the total of £4.3 million to be spent by March 2007. This was not expected to be repeated in 2007/08. Following discussion the committee (i) instructed the Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People) to clarify (A) the level of library standards expected within schools; and (B) how money was awarded and spent within school libraries; and (ii) otherwise noted the report. 7

City Plan 2—Finalised Draft Plan noted—Instruction to the Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 3 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services advising the committee of the format and contents of the Finalised Draft City Plan 2 detailing the:— (1) background to the City Plan and previous consultation which had helped to inform the overall development strategy and spatial priorities for City Plan 2; (2) current timetable with an overall target date for adoption of City Plan 2 of early 2009; (3) format of the finalised draft City Plan 2 which comprised 3 elements (a) Part 1—Development Strategy Overview; (b) Part 2—Development Strategy Priorities and Proposals; and (c) Part 3—Policy Framework. (4) broad contents of the finalised draft plan with a development strategy to focus investment in the following areas: (a) the Metropolitan Growth Corridor (City Centre/Clyde Waterfront/Clyde Gateway); (b) Strategic Growth Corridors (Glasgow North/M80 Corridor/M8 East Corridor); and (c) Masterplans and Local Development Strategies for other parts of the city outwith the Growth Corridors. (5) key differences between City Plan 1 and City Plan 2 with a stronger focus on the following aspects: (a) design/environmental quality; (b) sustainability; (c) industrial and business development; (d) retailing; and (e) Planning Gain. (6) intended means and extent of consultation to take place over an 8 week period between mid-May/mid July; and (7) consultation outcomes and suggested changes to the Plan were required to be approved by the Council, prior to further consultation (for a 6 week period) being undertaken on the proposed changes towards the end of the year. Following discussion the Committee requested information on the targets set for renewable energy sources particularly in relation to house building programmes.

Minutes of meeting of 14th February 2007 approved. 4 The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th February 2007 were submitted and approved.

Area Budget 2006/07 Playscheme Summer Camp 2006—report approved. 5 With reference to the minutes of 10th May 2006 (Print 2, appendix 1,page 17,) when it was agreed to approve £3,900 to Cultural and Leisure Services to fund a summer camp experience for playschemes in the East Area, there was submitted a report by the Executive Director (Culture and Sport) which (1) advised that (a) the funding allowed 1 playscheme from the area to attend a 4 night residential trip to Dounans during the summer school holidays in 2006; (b) Cultural and Leisure Services Play Services wrote to every playscheme in the area, giving them the opportunity to apply for their playscheme to participate in the trip; and 8

(c) none of the playschemes in the area wished to attend the residential trip, and also declined the chance to participate in a day trip to Dounans which was proposed for the spring 2007 school holiday; and (2) requested that the balance of £3,900 be re-allocated to other projects in the area. Following discussion, the committee noted the contents of the report and approved the re-allocation of £3,900 to General Projects.

Area Budget 2006/07 virement approved—monitoring report approved. 6 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive which (1) detailed that commitment on projects to date totalled 94.8% of the 2006/07 area budget allocation; and (2) recommended that unallocated balances in the Youth Budget and the Housing Environment Budget should be reallocated to General Projects. Following discussion, the committee (a) approved the reallocation of remaining balances; and (b) otherwise noted the report.

Area Budget 2006/07—Current Applications report dealt with. 7 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive detailing applications for funding through the East (Centre) Area Budget 2006/07. After consideration, the Committee dealt with the following applications as undernoted:— Project Title Applicant Purpose of application Decision General Project Childcare Services Glasgow East Childcare Towards the cost of an Refused. Recommended Audit Strategy Forum audit on childcare funding approved by East services available in the Area Committee. east of the city Play Equipment for Reidvale Adventure Towards the purchase Awarded £2,457. Sensory Room Play Association of new equipment (RAPA) including glow pebbles, floor tiles and sensory toys Drama and Singing Junior Section 72nd Towards the cost of a Awarded £890 subject to Courses and Equipment Boys Brigade six week course in receipt of satisfactory drama and singing and assessment. also towards the purchase of new equipment Bus Hire Company Section 72nd Bus trip to Dalguise Awarded £150. Boys Brigade Outdoor Centre on 13th April 2007 Residential Trip St James Primary School Towards transport and Awarded £1,000. accommodation costs for a 3 night trip to Lochgoilhead Outdoor Centre in May 2007 9

Project Title Applicant Purpose of application Decision Equipment 101st Girls Brigade Towards the purchase Awarded £600 subject of of equipment to be receipt of satisfactory used in a range of assessment. activities to promote mental and physical well being Bus Hire Queen May Street Bus trip to Blair Awarded £150. Mother and Toddlers Drummond Safari Park in May 2007 Bus Hire South Carntyne Bowling Bus trip to Dumfries Awarded £150. Club in April 2007 Awareness Campaign Friends of Tollcross Towards the cost of Awarded £125. Park stationery and promotional material to launch an awareness campaign to attract new members Bus Hire Pensioners Action Bus trip to Saltcoats on Awarded £75. Group East 20th June 2007 Construction Kits Glasgow Association Towards the cost of Awarded £430. for Mental Health bird/dolls house (GAMH) construction kits to be used in training courses Community Gala Day Milnbank Mother and Towards the cost of Awarded £500 subject to Toddlers staging a Community receipt of satisfactory Gala Day on 2nd June assessment. 2007 Equipment Ladywell Pensioners Towards the cost of a Awarded £225 subject to Group new CD player and a receipt of satisfactory selection of CDs assessment. Residential Trip St Aidan’s School Towards transport and Awarded £998. accommodation costs for a 5 night trip to Holland in June 2007

Carriageway and Footway Revenue Programme 2007/08 report approved. 8 There was submitted and approved a report by the Director of Land Services detailing the proposed carriageway and footway surfacing programme in the East (Centre) area for financial year 2007/08 totalling £141,000 as detailed below Location Limits Cost £K Carriageways Poplin Street Dunn Street to Playfair Street 39 Greendyke Street Charlotte St to London Road 33 ——— 72 ——— 10

Location Limits Cost £K Footways Templeton Street London Road to Arcadia Street 18 French Street Norman St to Swanston St (Selected areas) 17.5 ——— 35.5 ——— Proprietary Carriageway Surfacing Bogside Street Full Length 3.0 Kinnear Road Bogside Street to Irvine Street 7.0 Tranent Place Full Length 2.0 Uphall Place Full Length 3.0 Gala Street Tay Crescent to Almond Street 9.5 ——— 24.5 ——— Proprietary Footway Surfacing Kinnear Road Bogside St to Soron St (Selected areas) 9.0 ——— 9.0 ———

RES 3 Contributions for East (Centre) Area Committee noted. 9 With reference to the minutes of 7th December 2005 (Print 6, appendix 1, page 12) and 21st June 2006 (Print 3, appendix 1, page 19) approving a list of options for investment in greenspace projects in the East (Centre) area, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services on City Plan Policy RES 3 contributions for the area, advising (1) as detailed below, (a) the total amount received from developers; (b) the amount allocated to each Council Services Department, according to the greenspace categories set out in the policy; (c) the funding available to spend, drawn from contributions that have been received from housing sites that were under construction or complete; and (d) the total funding that was allocated to greenspace projects in the East (Centre) area. Total Land Cultural and Total Available Received Services Leisure Services to spend £424,015 £273,915 £150,100 £232,543 (2) that although £424,015 had been received to date from 13 housing proposals, only four of these developments were under construction, these being Gallowgate/High Street James Street/Greenhead Street, Bridgeton Finlay Drive, 435 Alexandra Parade, Dennistoun (3) when more developments began on site, the funding that was available to spend would increase; 11

(4) that the first phase of the Council’s Sports Pitch Strategy, including preferred options for investment in the East (Centre) area, would be presented to the Executive Committee in Spring 2007; and (5) once approved, there were proposals to align RES 3 resources to the priorities in the Council’s Sports Pitch Strategy.

East End Local Development Strategy: Consultation Programme—progress report noted. 10 With reference to the minutes of 14th February 2007 (Print 7, appendix 1, page 21) where the Director of Development and Regeneration Services outlined the East End Local Development Strategy: Consultation Programme, there was submitted and noted a progress report which advised that (1) 40 scrapbooks containing photographs or aspects of the area, taken by local people, had been returned as part of the active consultation programme; (2) 3 consultation events were planned for (a) 27th March at Parkhead Library (b) 28th March at Dalmarnock Community Centre; and (c) 29th March at Bridgeton Community Learning Campus. The events would be from 12.00pm to 3.00pm and from 3.30pm to 6.30pm; and (3) the consultation period would end on 30th April 2007. In addition the Officers were congratulated on their innovative approach to community engagement.

Commonwealth Games Village 2014—presentation by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services noted. 11 A presentation was given on the proposed Commonwealth Games Athletes Village 2014 for the Dalmarnock area which outlined: (1) the creation of over 1,000 houses for use by the athletes and officials; (2) other facilities including dining hall, gymnasium, polyclinic, shops, and leisure facilities to be located within the international zone; and (3) athletes’ services, including a transport mall to provide necessary bus links to training and competition venues. In addition the proposals highlighted the benefits and opportunities of the riverside location for the athletes village.

Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections 2007 report noted. 12 With reference to the minutes of 14th February 2007 (Print 7, appendix 1, page 22) where the Chief Executive outlined information concerning the forthcoming Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections, there was submitted and noted a further report by the Chief Executive detailing (1) the roles of the polling station team including an information officer to assist the public with the new system; (2) information on voter registration including a deadline of 18th April 2007; (3) the format of the single transferable voting system; (4) that policing arrangements were an operational matter for the Chief Constable. However, it was understood that mobile police teams would provide support to polling stations; (5) that a national awareness campaign was to be run by the Electoral Commission under the heading VoteScotland; and (6) the Glasgow awareness campaign was to be managed by Glasgow City Council. 12

Citizens’ Panel Findings—Autumn 2006—report noted. 13 With reference to the Executive Committee of 8th December 2006 (Print 5, page 699) referring the key findings of the Citizens’ Panel which was held in Autumn 2006 to individual Area Committees there was submitted and noted the aforementioned report advising that (1) MORI had interviewed a sample of 1,013 random residents in the city and the sample had been stratified by Community Planning Partnership area (CPP) to allow a more robust analysis at CPP and Community Health and Care Partnership level; (2) topics covered included anti-social behaviour, homelessness, service use and satisfaction, and the Glasgow magazine; and (3) a newsletter was sent to Panel members advising of key results and the report placed on the Council’s web-site.

Minutes of the East Centre and Calton Community Planning Partnership of 5th December 2006 noted. 14 There was submitted and noted the minutes of the East Centre and Calton Community Planning Partnership of 5th December 2006.

Minutes of East Centre Community Safety Forum of 18th January 2007 noted. 15 There was submitted and noted the minutes of the East Centre Community Safety Forum of 18th January 2007.

Closing Remarks. 16 Councillor Docherty advised that this was the last meeting of the East (Centre) Area Committee within the current administration and also the last meeting to be attended by Councillor Smith and Councillor Stevenson who were retiring from the Council. The committee, thanked both members, in their absence, for their contribution to the work of the Committee. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Glasgow, 27th March 2007.

North Area Committee.

Present: Ellen Hurcombe (Chair), John Gray, Elaine McDougall, John Moynes and Jim Todd; and John McGhee, Ronnie Rodden and Mary Frances Smith. Apologies: Allan Stewart, Mary Beckett; and Elizabeth King and Marie Stewart. Attending: S Anderson (Clerk) and M Jewett (for the Chief Executive); S Taylor, M Marshall (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); and B Yeaman, B Turnbull and D Walker (for the Director of Land Services).

Minutes of 13th February 2007 approved. 1 The minutes of 13th February 2007 were submitted and approved.

Update on Glasgow Community Health and Wellbeing (GoWell)—Research and Learning Programme: Investigation of Neighbourhood Change noted—Request for further update and presentation. 2 With reference to the minutes of 20th June 2006 (Print 3, appendix 1, page 22) requesting an update on the Glasgow Community Health and Wellbeing (GoWell) Research and Learning Programme: Investigation of Neighbourhood Change initiative, there was submitted the said update in the form of a newsletter. 13

After consideration, the committee (1) noted the update; and (2) requested a further update and presentation from the Go-Well investigation team in due course.

Carriageway and Footway Revenue Programme 2007/08 approved after amendment— Instruction to Director of Land Services. 3 There was submitted a report by the Director of Land Services outlining the first tranche of the department’s works programme of carriageway and footway schemes for 2007/08, totalling £282,000. After consideration, the committee (1) instructed the Director of Land Services to replace Caldervan Street (ward 26) with Road (Ward 26) in the proposed footways schemes; and (2) otherwise approved the report subject to further discussion with Councillor McDougall.

City Plan 2—Finalised Draft Plan noted. 4 There was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services advising the committee of the format and broad content of the City Plan 2—Finalised Draft Plan and a timetable for consultation, detailing the (1) background to the City Plan and previous consultation which had helped to inform the overall development strategy and spatial priorities for City Plan 2; (2) current timetable with an overall target date for adoption of City Plan 2 of early 2009; (3) format of the finalised draft City Plan 2 which comprised 3 elements: (a) Part 1—Development Strategy Overview; (b) Part 2—Development Strategy Priorities and Proposals; (c) Part 3—Policy Framework; (4) broad contents of the finalised draft plan with a development strategy to focus investment in the following areas: (a) the Metropolitan Growth Corridor (City Centre/Clyde Waterfront/Clyde Gateway); (b) Strategic Growth Corridors (Glasgow North/M80 Corridor/M8 East Corridor); and (c) masterplans and local development strategies for other parts of the city outwith the strategic growth corridors; (5) key differences between City Plan 1 and City Plan 2 with the latter having a stronger focus on the following aspects: (a) design/environmental quality; (b) sustainability; (c) industrial and business development; (d) retailing; and (e) planning gain; (6) intended means and extent of consultation to take place over an 8-week period between mid-May/mid July 2007; and (7) fact that consultation outcomes and suggested changes to the Plan were required to be approved by the Council, prior to further consultation (for a 6-week period) being undertaken on the proposed changes towards the end of 2007. 14

City Plan Policy RES 3: Contributions for North Area Committee noted. 5 With reference to the minutes of 13th February 2007 (Print 7, appendix 1, page 26 ) instructing the Director of Development and Regeneration Services to submit a further report on RES 3 contributions with specific reference to the Possilpark area (wards 24 and 26), there was submitted the aforementioned report, indicating (1) as detailed below (a) the total amount received from developers; (b) a breakdown of the amount allocated for the Possilpark area to each Council Service according to the greenspace categories set out in the Policy; Total Amenity Children’s Outdoor Sport Outdoor Sport Funding Greenspace Play Kickabout Pitches £408,865 £77,035 £140,229 £88,222 £103,309 (c) the funding available to spend, drawn from contributions that had been received from housing sites that were under construction or due to start; and (2) the current proposals for the Possilpark area, specifically the play area upgrade at Dartford Street Hamiltonhill which had an expected completion date of spring 2007. After consideration, the committee noted (i) that the Council’s Sports Pitch Strategy would not be approved prior to the Local Government elections in May 2007; and (ii) the contents of the report.

Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections 2007 noted. 6 With reference to the minutes of 13th February 2007 (Print 7, appendix 1, page 24) where the Chief Executive was instructed to provide a further report on the Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections 2007, there was submitted and noted the aforementioned report detailing (1) the roles of the polling station team including an information officer to assist the public with the new system; (2) information on voter registration including a deadline for registration of 18th April 2007; (3) the format of the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system; (4) that a national awareness campaign was to be run by the Electoral Commission under the heating ‘VoteScotland’; and (5) that the awareness campaign in Glasgow was to be managed by the Council.

Citizens’ Panel Findings—Autumn 2006 noted. 7 With reference to the Executive Committee of 8th December 2006 (Print 5, page 699) referring the key findings of the Citizens’ Panel which was held in Autumn 2006 to area committees, there was submitted and noted the aforementioned report (1) advising that MORI had interviewed a sample of 1,013 residents in the city with the findings being classified by Community Planning Partnership (CPP) and Community Health Care Partnership (CHCP) areas to allow for a more robust analysis; and (2) indicating that the topics covered in the survey included anti-social behaviour, homelessness, service use and satisfaction and the Glasgow magazine.

Mosesfield House Feasibility Study noted. 8 With reference to the minutes of 13th February 2007 (Print 7, appendix 1, page 26) instructing the Director of Land Services to submit a report on the Mosesfield House Feasibility Study, there was submitted and noted the aforementioned report detailing the 15

(1) background to the project; (2) conservation assessment; (a) condition and potential future uses of the building; (b) potential sources of funding; and (c) estimated restoration costs.

Area Budget 2006/07—Monitoring statement noted. 9 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive detailing the position in relation to projects approved by the committee through the North Area Budget 2006/07 totalling 99.52% of the budget available.

Area Budget 2006/07—Applications for funding dealt with. 10 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive summarising applications for funding through the North Area Budget 2006/07. After consideration, the committee (1) noted (a) the return of £40 from the James McLean Project; (b) that Sighthill Playscheme would not run a Spring 2007 session and, consequently, a further £489.05 was available to allocate to other projects; and (2) dealt with the applications for funding as follows: General Projects Applicant Purpose of application Decision Alive and Kicking Costs to produce a show £1,444 awarded subject to satisfactory assessment. Community Grants Colston Milton Social and Bus trip. £150 awarded Keep Fit Club

Minutes of Community Planning Partnerships and Community Health and Care Partnerships noted. 11 The minutes of the undernoted partnerships were submitted and noted: (1) Maryhill/Kelvin and Canal Local Community Planning Partnership Board of 23rd January 2007; (2) Springburn and Western Glasgow North East Local Community Planning Partnership Board of 7th December 2006; (3) North Glasgow Community Health and Care Partnership Board of 29th January and, in terms of Standing Order No. 4, as a matter of urgency, 26th February 2007.

Valedictory—Councillors Beckett, Gray, Marshall and Moynes. 12 The Chair advised the committee that Councillors Mary Beckett, John Gray, Robert Marshall and John Moynes would be retiring from the Council and accordingly this was their last meeting of the committee. The Committee thanked the retiring members for their valuable contributions to the work of the committee and wished them well for the future. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the chair. 16

Glasgow, 15th March 2007. North West Area Committee. Present: Robert Winter (Chair), Haleema Malik, Hanzala Malik, Kirsteen Mosson; and Cathy Burke, Clare Crawford, Anna Dyer, Ramzan Shah, William Steen, Margaret Tavendale, Hugh Tavendale and Peter Wilson. Apologies: James Mackechnie and Mohammed Razaq. Attending: S Anderson (Clerk) and L Banks (for the Chief Executive); V Allen and B Turnbull (for the Director of Land Services); E Campbell, P Gelsthorpe and M Marshall (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services); and H McLean (for the Executive Director, Culture and Sport).

Minutes of 1st February 2007 approved. 1 The minutes of 1st February 2007 were submitted and approved. In terms of Item 4 bearing the rubric “The Glasgow City Council (No Stopping on School Keep Clears) (Traffic Regulations) Order” where the committee instructed the Director of Land Services to provide a further report outlining the proposed schedule of work, timescales and costs associated with the laying of new, and renewing of existing Keep Clears at schools in the north west, there was submitted and noted correspondence from the Head of Roads and Traffic, Land Services confirming that (1) funding had been secured for the project; (2) the statutory process and implementation of the project would be completed for all schools within Glasgow by August 2007; and (3) a launch of the project, including a publicity campaign would coincide with the start of the new school term.

Variation in order of business. 2 In terms of Standing Order No. 6, the committee agreed to vary the order of business as hereinafter minuted.

RES 3 Contributions for North West Area Committee—Investment in Greenspace noted. 3 With reference to the minutes of 2nd February 2006 (Print 6, Appendix 1, page 19) and 8th June 2006 (Print 2, appendix 1, page 26) approving a list of options for investment in greenspace projects in the north west area, there was submitted and noted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services on RES 3 contributions for North West Area Committee, indicating (1) as detailed below, (a) the total amount received from developers; (b) the amount allocated to each Council Service according to the greenspace categories set out in the Policy; (c) the funding available to spend, drawn from contributions that had been received from housing sites that were under construction or complete; and (d) the total funding that was allocated to greenspace projects in the north west; Total Land Cultural and Total Available Total Allocated Received Services Leisure Services to Spend to Date £561,280 £167,570 £393,711 £417,650 £0 (2) the current proposals for the north west area; (3) that the first phase of the Council’s Sports Pitch Strategy, including preferred options for investment in the North West, would be presented to the Executive Committee in Spring 2007, once approved the Strategy would be presented to the north west area committee; and (4) proposals to align RES 3 resources to the priorities in the Sports Pitch Strategy, once approved. 17

Update on Key Legislation Related to Bus Services noted—Instruction to the Chief Executive. 4 With reference to the minutes of 1st February 2007 (Print 6, appendix 1, page 21) instructing (1) the Chief Executive to write to the Convenor of Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) to express disappointment that an officer was not available to attend the meeting; and (2) the Director of Land Services to provide an update on key legislation related to bus services, there was submitted (a) correspondence from the Convenor of SPT advising that (i) the organisation had to cover 12 Local Authority areas and did not have the resources to instruct an officer to attend every Area Committee in each and every Local Authority; and (ii) SPT would be happy to provide reports in the future and an officer could possibly be made available to attend a combination of Area Committees; (b) a report by the Director of Land Services that provided an update on the progress regarding key legislation related to the provision of bus services that detailed 3 key areas, advising that (i) SPT, Glasgow City Council and First Glasgow had signed up to a ‘Stability and Growth Pact’’ on 31st October 2006 to ensure bus services operated efficiently and effectively in Glasgow; (ii) the Council had submitted a request to the Traffic Commissioner for Scotland on 25th January 2007 to introduce a Traffic Regulation Condition (TRC) to prevent bus operators from using stops inappropriately and that this would be monitored by SPT and the Council, and (iii) a report presented to the Council’s Executive Committee outlining the draft Local Transport Strategy which included policies and actions related specifically to legislation of bus services had been approved on 2nd March 2007. After consideration, the committee (A) instructed the Chief Executive, in response to the correspondence from the Convenor of SPT to reply advising that, in the committee’s view, the response was unsatisfactory; (B) in relation to the report, requested that the Director of Land Services take appropriate action to ensure that if the proposed Traffic Regulation Condition (TRC) is implemented, compliance is monitored effectively and that a robust enforcement regime is adopted; and (C) noted the correspondence and report.

Cleansing operations in the North West—correspondence and details of complaints noted. 5 With reference to the minutes of 1st February 2007 (Print 6, appendix 1, page 23) where the committee instructed the Director of Environmental Protection Services to provide a further report indicating his opinion on how successfully the bulk uplift system operated, with particular reference to the Christmas and New Year shutdown, there was submitted (1) correspondence from the Director of Environmental Protection Services advising that (a) there was no bulk uplift service over the Christmas and New Year period, with the exception of emergencies; (b) the 16 vehicles and crew dedicated to bulk uplift were diverted to domestic refuse collection, which was 3 to 4 times more than normal uplifts at that period, ensuring that this priority statutory service met with a specific target; (c) residents were kept informed of arrangements; and (d) the department’s Civic Amenity Sites were open 363 days of the year for residents with available transport to dispose of bulk items themselves; (2) a report by the Director of Environmental Protection Services providing a summary of complaints in relation to street cleansing, refuse collection and bulk uplift in the north west between 7th January 2007 and 17th February 2007. 18

After consideration, the committee (i) noted that there was a need for information for residents who did not have a backcourt area to place bulk items prior to pick up; and (ii) commented that a number of complaints made by members of the committee were not included in the summary.

Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections 2007—arrangements noted. 6 With reference to the minutes of 1st February 2007 (Print 6, appendix 1, page 22) where the Chief Executive was instructed to provide further information regarding the election process and the public awareness campaign to be undertaken by the Electoral Commission with respect to the forthcoming Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections, there was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive detailing (1) the roles of the polling station team including an information officer to assist the public with the new system; (2) information on voter registration and postal votes including a deadline for voter registration of 18th April 2007; (3) the format of the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system; (4) that a national awareness campaign was to be run by the Electoral Commission under the heading ‘Vote Scotland’, a public catalogue was available and information could also be accessed via the internet; and (5) the awareness campaign in Glasgow was to be managed by the City Council.

Carriageway and Footway Revenue Programme 2007/08 approved. 7 There was submitted and approved a report by the Director of Land Services outlining a programme of carriageway and footway schemes including reserves, to a value of £114,100 for financial year 2007/08, advising that (1) reserve carriageway and footway schemes could be substituted for those proposed and schemes not on the list may also be suggested by members if regarded as a higher priority than the current proposals, provided that they did not exceed the amount allocated; and (2) a further report would be submitted to the committee outlining a programme for the remainder of the budget for the proposed carriageway and footway scheme.

City Plan 2—Finalised Draft Plan noted—Instruction to the Director of Development and Regeneration Services and request to the Chief Executive, Glasgow Housing Association. 8 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services advising the committee of the format and contents of the Finalised Draft City Plan 2 detailing the (1) background to the City Plan and previous consultation, which had helped to inform the overall development strategy and spatial priorities for City Plan 2; (2) current timetable with an overall target date for adoption of City Plan 2 of early 2009; (3) format of the finalised draft City Plan 2 which comprised 3 elements (a) Part 1—Development Strategy Overview; (b) Part 2—Development Strategy Priorities and Proposals; and (c) Part 3—Policy Framework; (4) broad contents of the finalised draft plan with a development strategy to focus investment in the following areas: (a) the Metropolitan Growth Corridor (City Centre/Clyde Waterfront/Clyde Gateway); (b) Strategic Growth Corridors (Glasgow North/M80 Corridor/M8 East Corridor); and (c) Masterplans and Local Development Strategies for other parts of the city outwith the Growth Corridors; 19

(5) key differences between City Plan 1 and City Plan 2 with the latter having a stronger focus on the following aspects: (a) design/environmental quality; (b) sustainability; (c) industrial and business development; (d) retailing; and (e) Planning Gain; (6) intended means and extent of consultation to take place over an 8-week period between mid-May/mid July 2007; and (7) consultation outcomes and suggested changes to the Plan would require to be approved by the Council, prior to further consultation (for a 6 week period) being undertaken on the proposed changes towards the end of the year. After consideration, and having heard the Director of Development and Regeneration Services confirm that there was continued commitment to look at the issue of Houses with Multiple Occupancy, the committee Instructed the Director of Development and Regeneration Services and requested the Chief Executive of Glasgow Housing Association to provide a joint report and presentation at the next meeting outlining key planning issues in the north west of the city.

Citizens’ Panel Findings noted. 9 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 8th December 2006 noting the key findings of the Citizens’ Panel held in Autumn 2006 and referring the report to this committee for information, there was submitted and noted the relevant report by the Chief Executive.

North West Area Budget 2006/07—Monitoring Statement noted. 10 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive detailing commitments to date on projects funded through the North West Area Budget 2006/07 totalling £78,992.85 (85.1% of the budget).

North West Area Budget 2006/07- virement approved—applications for funding dealt with. 11 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive summarising applications for funding through the North West Area Budget 2006/07. After consideration, the committee (1) agreed to transfer the balance of the Community Grants Scheme budget to the General Projects Fund; and (2) dealt with applications for funding as follows: General Projects Applicant Purpose of application Decision Cadder Community Festival Costs associated with the £2400 awarded. Group Cadder Community Festival in June 2007. Glasgow North West Carers Costs associated with residential £450 awarded. Group trip for 4 young carers. Ghana Welfare Association Musical, percussion instruments £1000 awarded. and costumes. Abercorn School Costs associated in developing a £3205 awarded subject to sensory garden. positive assessment. 20

Applicant Purpose of application Decision Active Schools St Blanes Costs associated with providing £750 awarded subject to Primary School a 5-week activity programme for positive assessment. parents and children. Cultural and Leisure Services Costs associated with providing £1069 awarded. (Youth Services) cycle maintenance skills. North West Women’s Centre To purchase a vacuum cleaner. £358 awarded. ‘4 Word’ Maryhill Youth Equipment £2002.15 awarded subject to Theatre confirmation of match funding and positive assessment. Dancetime Costs associated with setting up a £903 awarded. web page and promotional flyers, costume and boot bags. Gairbraid Church Guild Bus trip £150 awarded. Maryhill Mobile Crèche Carpet for crèche room. £585 awarded West of Scotland Seniors Costs associated with an open day £262 awarded. Forum and fete. Sri Mangala Vinayahar Fabrics and haberdashery £500 awarded. Community materials. Dar Al Falaah Bus Trip £150 awarded.

Minutes of the Maryhill/Kelvin and Canal Community Planning Partnership Board of 23rd January 2007 noted. 12 There was submitted and noted the minutes of Maryhill/Kelvin and Canal Community Planning Partnership Board of 23rd January 2007.

Chair’s concluding remarks. 13 The Chair advised the committee that Councillor Mosson would not be standing for re-election and accordingly this was her last meeting. The committee thanked Councillor Mosson for her valuable contribution to the work of the committee and wished her well for the future.

Glasgow, 20th March 2007.

West End Area Committee.

Present: Aileen Colleran (Chair), Dr Malcolm Green, Dr Christopher Mason, Mary Paris, Ruth Simpson and Niall Walker; and Willie Anderson, Ian Bayne, Sandra Dunbar, James McNeil and Antony Ownsworth. Apology: Stuart McLean. Attending: S Anderson (Clerk) and L Banks (for the Chief Executive); B Turnbull (for the Director of Land Services); G Campbell, M Marshall, S Taylor and S Turnbull (for the Director of Development and Regeneration Services).

Minutes of 6th February 2007 approved. 1 The minutes of the meeting of 6th February 2007 were submitted and approved. In terms of Item 4 bearing the rubric ‘Recycling Initiatives in the West End’ where the committee instructed the Director of Environmental Protection Services to provide regular update reports to future meetings there was submitted and noted correspondence confirming that reports would be provided as requested. 21

West End Area Budget 2006/07—Monitoring statement noted. 2 There was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive detailing commitments to date on projects funded through the West End Area Budget 2006/07 totalling £60,370.87 (99.4% of the budget).

Area Budget 2006/07 Playscheme Summer Camp 2006—report noted. 3 With reference to the minutes of 2nd May 2006 (Print 1, appendix 1, page 47) when it was agreed to approve £2,000 to Cultural and Leisure Services to fund a summer camp experience for playschemes in the West End Area, there was submitted and noted a report by the Executive Director (Culture and Sport) which advised that (1) Cultural and Leisure Services Play Services wrote to every playscheme in the area, giving them the opportunity to apply for their playscheme to participate in the trip; (2) 1 playscheme from the area had attended the residential trip to Dounans during the summer school holidays in 2006; and (3) an evaluation of the summer camp had indicated that the residential experience had proved successful in terms of the chldren’s personal and social development.

West End Area Budget 2006/07—Applications dealt with. 4 There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive summarising applications for funding through the West End Area Budget 2006/07. After consideration, and having heard the Chief Executive confirm that an amount of £375.13 had been returned to the budget, the committee dealt with applications for funding as follows: General Projects Applicant Purpose of application Decision Hyndland Parish Church Bus Trip £150 awarded Friends of Glasgow West Production, printing and £225.13 awarded. The publication of heritage trail organisation was invited to leaflets for the Glasgow West apply for the balance required Conservation Area. in 2007/08 financial year.

Carriageway and Footway Revenue Programme 2007/08 approved—Delegation of authority. 5 There was submitted a report by the Director of Land Services outlining a proposed programme of carriageway and footway schemes for 2007/08 to the value of £152,400 advising that (1) carriageway and footway schemes on the recommended programme could have been replaced by schemes on the reserve list, or by other schemes proposed by members, provided that the total allocation was not exceeded; and (2) a further report would be submitted to the committee in due course outlining a programme for the remainder of the budget for carriageway and footway schemes. After consideration, the committee (a) in relation to the proposed footway proprietary treatment at Hatfield Drive (ward 8), delegated authority to local member, Bailie Dr Mason and the Director of Land Services to identify an alternative scheme at the same cost, if the proposed work at Hatfield Drive would have been adversely affected by the planned refurbishment of Anniesland College; and (b) otherwise approved the programme, as detailed in the report.

City Plan 2—Finalised Draft Plan noted. 6 There was submitted a report by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services advising the committee of the format and contents of the City Plan 2—Finalised Draft Plan detailing the 22

(1) background to the City Plan and previous consultation which had helped to inform the overall development strategy and spatial priorities for City Plan 2; (2) current timetable with an overall target date for adoption of City Plan 2 of early 2009; (3) format of the finalised draft City Plan 2 which comprised 3 elements: - (a) Part 1—Development Strategy Overview; (b) Part 2—Development Strategy Priorities and Proposals; (c) Part 3—Policy Framework; (4) broad contents of the finalised draft plan with a development strategy to focus investment in the following areas:— (a) the Metropolitan Growth Corridor (City Centre/Clyde Waterfront/Clyde Gateway); (b) Strategic Growth Corridors (Glasgow North/ M80 Corridor/M8 East Corridor); and (c) Masterplans and Local Development Strategies for other parts of the city outwith the Growth Corridors; (5) key differences between City Plan 1 and City Plan 2 with the latter having a stronger focus on the following aspects: (a) design/environmental quality; (b) sustainability; (c) industrial and business development; (d) retailing; and (e) planning gain (6) intended means and extent of consultation to take place over an 8-week period between mid- May/mid July 2007; and (7) consultation outcomes and suggested changes to the Plan will require to be approved by the Council, prior to further consultation (for a 6 week period) being undertaken on the proposed changes towards the end of 2007. After consideration, and having heard the Director of Development and Regeneration Services provide details of a public awareness campaign, the committee noted the report.

Citizens’ Panel—Findings noted. 7 With reference to the minutes of the Executive Committee of 8th December 2006 (Print 5, page 699) noting the key findings of the Citizens’ Panel held in Autumn 2006 and referring the report to this committee for information, there was submitted and noted the relevant report by the Chief Executive (1) advising that MORI had interviewed a sample of 1,013 residents in the city with the findings being classified by Community Planning Partnership (CPP) and Community Health Care Partnership (CHCP) areas to allow for a more robust analysis; and (2) indicating that the topics covered in the survey included anti-social behaviour, homelessness, service use and satisfaction and the Glasgow magazine.

City Plan: Policy RES 3 Contributions for the West End Area Committee—Investment in Greenspace noted—Instruction to Director of Development and Regeneration Services. 8 With reference to the minutes of 13th June 2006 (Print 3, appendix 1, page 34) and 13th December 2006 (Print 6, appendix 1, page 35) approving a list options for investment in greenspace projects in the west end area, there was submitted by the Director of Development and Regeneration Services on RES 3 contributions for the West End Area Committee, indicating (1) as detailed below, 23

(a) the total amount received from developers; (b) the amount allocated to each Council Service according to the greenspace categories set out in the Policy; (c) the funding available to spend, drawn from contributions that had been received from housing sites that were under construction or complete; and (d) the total funding that was allocated to greenspace projects in the west end area. Total Land Cultural and Total Available Total Allocated Received Services Leisure Services to Spend to Date £306,919 £139,852 £393,711 £417,650 £0 (2) the current proposals for the West end area; (3) that the first phase of the Council’s Sports Pitch Strategy, including preferred options for investment in the west end, would be presented to the Executive Committee in Spring 2007; and (4) proposals to align RES 3 resources to the priorities in the Sports Pitch Strategy once approved. After consideration, the committee (i) instructed the Director of Development and Regeneration Services to submit a report providing information in relation to the contribution of £109,479 received in the west end towards Public Realm; and (ii) noted the report.

Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections 2007—Arrangements noted. 9 With reference to the minutes of 6th February 2007 (Print 7,appendix 1,page 47) where the Chief Executive was instructed to provide further information regarding the election process and the public awareness campaign to be undertaken by the Electoral Commission with respect to the forthcoming Scottish Parliament and Local Government Elections, there was submitted and noted a report by the Chief Executive detailing (1) the roles of the polling station team including an information officer to assist the public with the new system; (2) information on voter registration and postal votes including a deadline for voter registration of 18th April 2007; and (3) the format of the Single Transferable Vote system; (4) that a national awareness campaign was to be run by the Electoral Commission under the heading VoteScotland, a public awareness catalogue was available and information could also be accessed via the internet; and (5) a Glasgow awareness campaign was to be managed by the City Council.

Minutes of the Central and West Community Planning Partnership Board of 8th November 2006 noted. 10 There was submitted and noted the minutes of the Central and West Community Planning Partnership Board of 8th November 2006.

Minutes of the Central and West Community Safety Forum of 16th January 2007 noted. 11 There was submitted and noted the minutes of the Central and West Community Safety Forum of 16th January 2007.

Chair’s concluding remarks. 12 The Chair advised that as this was the last meeting of this administration, of the West End Area Committee, she would like to thank all members for their participation and valuable contribution to the work of the committee. The Chair also wished Councillors Dr Malcolm Green and Eamon Fitzgerald, who would not be standing for re-election, well for the future.