BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 110/2014 Monday 30 June 2014
BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 110/2014 Monday 30 June 2014 SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Private and Hybrid Bills – revised Guidance and determinations On 12 June 2014, the Parliament agreed to a number of changes to the standing orders relating to Private and Hybrid Bills, based on recommendations made by the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments (SPPA) Committee in its 4th Report, 2014 (available at spx). These Rule-changes came into effect on 27 June. The SPPA Committee inquiry prompted a more general review of Private and Hybrid Bill procedure. This included a review of the various Presiding Officer determinations made under Chapters 9A and 9C of standing orders, and the two volumes of associated Guidance, which have been updated to reflect these changes and in the light of experience. New editions of the two Guidance volumes have now been published on the Parliament’s website (under Parliamentary Business / Parliamentary procedure / Public, Private & Hybrid Bills Guidance): Guidance on Private Bills: Guidance on Hybrid Bills: 1 Both volumes are published initially in PDF format only, but HTML versions will be added shortly. The new volumes include (in annexes) all the Presiding Officer (and SPCB) determinations, including the following determinations, which have recently been revised by the Presiding
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