The whole world is under the control of the evil one: a disturbing title, but if you are reading this book then I guess that you are brave enough to deepen this statement. You can read these words in 1st John chapter 5 verse 19 from the Bible, God’s word. Saying that the whole world is under the control of the evil one seems to be a heavy statement but we must not forget that Satan offered the rulership on all the kingdoms of the earth as an act of worship as quoted in the Gospels. It was like this two millennia ago and it’s like this today.

How much trust do you put in the Bible? The Bible is an outstanding book, demonstrated by its scientific accuracy. For example, the sphericity of the earth in Isaiah 40:22 and it's being suspended in the vacuum in Job 26:7. The only point in which the Bible and science disagree is the origin of man. According to the Bible, man has been created by God while according science man is the product of evolution. The Bible also proves historical accuracy, but what continues to surprise most are the prophecies that are always fulfilled. Take for example the seventy weeks contained in Daniel’s book where 500 years before has been exactly foretold the year in which Christ would have been born ( Daniel 9:24-27 ). I’ll not spend more words on these facts; that you can examine more deeply on your own as they would be outside of the goal of this book.

Now, the first time the Bible talks about Satan, a name that means opposer, is in the book of Genesis. Satan accuses God of being a liar and he disguises himself as a snake in front of the incautious first woman whose name was Eve. The Bible provides three occasions in writing of the devil or Satan’s work. Satan talks to Eve in Genesis 3:1-5. In the book of Job, he had a dispute with God Himself, stating that every creature has a price ( Job 1:9-11, Job 2:4 ) and in the Gospels, he tempts Jesus Christ ( Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12,13 and Luke 4:1-13 ). These records do not provide much information about his doings and his personality. The name Satan tells us that he is an opposer and therefore we should have historical tracks of this.

Human history divides itself in two ages: the antediluvian one and the postdiluvian one. The first is recounted only in the Bible, while for the second, there are both biblical and non-biblical testimonies until our days. Being the flood characterized by a hugely destructive force as narrated by ancient writings, we don’t have written testimonies apart from the post-dated ones contained in the Bible of what was happening in those days. Anyway, ancient buildings, that now lie 3000 feet beneath the sea, have been found as the street off of Bimini’s island in the Bahamas discovered in 1968 by Dr. J. Manson Valentine. Another similar street in Florida’s backdrop was discovered by the submarine Aluminaut in 1969. The giant buildings off of Yonaguni’s island discovered by scientist Masaaki Kimura in Japan and the submerged city in the Gulf of Khambhat ( Cambay ) announced by science and technology minister of India Murli Manohar Joshi in 2001 where also have been found pieces of carbonized wood with the -14 dating method dated at a time before the flood happened.

The only written testimonies on the antediluvian age are found in the Bible and are narrated in the book of Genesis (completed in 1513 BC) by Moses. He lived after the flood which is spoken of in the epic of Gilgamesh where Gilgamesh meets the survivor of the flood Utanapistim to whom gods give the gift of immortality. Jesus Christ himself talks about the flood like a real event and as a warning for the future generations in the gospel of Matthew 24:37-39. He narrated how mankind didn’t take notice of the surrounding wickedness until the flood came and swept them away. Another extra-biblical source that talks about the flood was the Matsya Purana (ancient sacred Hindu text) where it talks about a vessel on which were hosted many animals and plants to save them. This writing, completed about 300 AC, is composed of parts that are about two millennia before Christ. Before the flood, there was great wickedness and angels (described as gods in other cultures) materialized themselves to have sexual intercourses with earthly women from which were born evil and violent giants. These giants have been called the heroes of old times and men of fame, represented as demigods in parallel tales, as is narrated in Genesis 6:4,5. After the flood, new mankind came from Noah. His sons and their wives which complete genealogy is written in the book of Genesis and Jesus Christ’s lineage recorded in the Gospels. Abraham, who is the origin of the jews namely the nation of Israel, was a son of Terah who was supposedly serving other gods as perceived from what is written in Joshua 24:2. At the same time, there was a contemporary of Shem who was Noah’s son and was a survivor of the flood that swept away wicked mankind. From all this, we arrive at a very important question: how can contemporary, but born after the flood, of Shem, who was a worshiper of the true God, worship pagan gods? The Bible doesn’t explain how such apostasy took place after the flood. However, we should consider that men have always shown a certain spirituality in the wrongest ways by worshiping the sun like Egyptians and other people did. Can we think that however human beings would be influenced by powerful and wicked spiritual beings driving them away from pure worship? Could the ancient gods be the divinization of wicked spiritual beings? The first time the Bible speaks about the divinization is when it makes mention of the teraphim in Genesis 31:30,34. It referred to an event that took place around two millennia before Christ. The teraphim were little statues which represented gods or family gods and they are quoted when spoken about Rachael, the wife of Jacob son of Isaac, who stole them from his father.

Spiritism has its origins in the necromancy that has a goal to get in touch with the spirits of the dead. This practice comes from ancient Egypt with its book of the dead that has been written nearly contemporarily with the Bible. The immortality of the soul, which is a fundamental of necromancy, comes from very ancient times being taught in religions like Hinduism that comes from Vedism which sacred texts are dated two millennia before Christ. An architectural example that is representative of the teaching of the immortality of the soul is the Egyptian pyramid. The pyramids were huge tombs that only pharaohs could have. At the same time, they appear in every ancient culture like the Mesoamerican one, the European one (they can be found in Visoko in Bosnia) and also in the Asiatic one (the monument of Yonaguni in japan and Xian in China). The pyramid on the dollar seems to resemble the one of Cheope in Giza in Egypt.

On the dollar bill we have the statement “in God we trust”, but how is possible to link a pagan symbol like the pyramid to faith in the Creator? Besides the pyramid, we find the statements “novus ordus seclorum” and “annuit coeptis” which mean respectively “new order of the ages” and “(God) approves our enterprises”. The Italian President Giorgio Napolitano said, “per contribuire alla creazione di un nuovo ordine mondiale” (to contribute to the creation of new world order). Similar things have been said by famous personalities like the Pope Benedetto XVI (Ratzinger) who said, “ti incoraggia a impegnarti nell’edificazione di un nuovo ordine mondiale” (it encourages you to engage in the edification of new world order). Pope Giovanni Paolo II (Wojtyla) said, “respect for the unique dignity of every human being a new world order”. The American President George H.W. Bush stated, “for ourselves and for future generations a new world order” and President Barack Obama said, “world order that I think all of us would like to see”. We can see the complicity between religion and politics. This should induce us to reflect on how this is different from Jesus Christ who said “my kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36).

Now the pyramid with the eye inside is a masonic symbol. The Roman number MDCCLXVVI means 1776; that is the year in which has been declared the independence of the United States of America. Also, there is an eagle, that is their symbol, with above the Star of David formed by 13 stars (symbolizing the 13 colonies that together proclaimed the independence from the United Kingdom the 4th of July 1776) and the Latin “e pulribus unum” which means “out of many, one”. David’s star is a Zionist symbol and it’s widely used in the esoteric Kabbalah and the general occultism. We find it also in other cultures, like for example, on a stone above an idol contained in the ruins of a temple protected by a pyramid in Nouga Kogen in Japan.

The eye inside the triangle is also called “the Eye of the Providence”. It symbolizes the eye of God that examines us, its being included in a triangle comes from a trinitarian conception. The image here below (a production of Devanath hosted on represents the eye of Horus hosted in the Egyptian cross known as ankh. Don’t you find any resemblances between them? The eye seems to be the same…

The word “trinity” is not found in the whole Bible but it’s sustained by using certain scriptures. The first time that the trinity has a certain weight is in the Council of Nicea held in 325 AD, it’s important to keep in mind that this council has been held because wanted by emperor Costantine I that allowed and favored the diffusion of the Christianity that, with Theodosius I, became the religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD. But once again didn’t Jesus Christ say, “my kingdom is not of this world”?

Noteworthy is the fact that our dating system is based on the year in which Jesus Christ is born (calculated by Dionysus according to Luke’s Gospel that says that Jesus was 30 years old shortly after the fifteenth year of the empire of Tiberius Julius Caesar). This happened because of the Gregorian calendar introduced on the 4th of October 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII with the papal bull “inter gravissimas”. Today, this calendar is used nearly worldwide apart from in nations like North Korea and some Islamic countries. Noteworthy too is the fact that we can find triads of gods both in Egyptian and Roman religions. Below is the Capitoline Triad (photo by Sailko taken from Wikimedia with license CC BY 3.0):

While here, we can see the Horo-Osiride-Iside triad (photo by Guillaume Blanchard taken from Wikimedia with license CC BY-SA 1.0):

Are the Egyptian and Roman religions copying the concept of trinity or have they invented it ?

The Eye of Providence included in the triangle that we can see on the dollar bill is a masonic symbol but let’s see the strong resemblance with the sculpture that represents the pharaoh Akhenaten, his wife Nefertiti and their children irradiated by the sun. Now we can see the Eye of the Providence in its masonic representation (image of public domain taken from Wikimedia):

and the pharaoh Akhenaten and his family in their representation (image of public dom ain taken from Wikimedia):

Are the Eye of the Providence and the sun, the same thing? Very interesting is the “Hymn to Amun” that says: “all gods are three: Amon, Ra e Ptah; whom none equals. He who hides his name is Amun, he appears to the face as Re, his body is Ptah.” Also, the birth date of Jesus Christ, never reported in the Gospels, has been fixed for the first time as the 25th of December by Hyppolite of Rome (170 AD - 235 AD). But the 25th of December is also the feast of the Sol Invictus representing the birth of the unconquered sun (dies natalis del sol Invictus); and that in Syria and Egypt the celebrants were required at midnight to get out of the sanctuaries in which they retreated announcing that the Virgin had given birth to the sun. Can you see an analogy with the virgin Mary? The Christian apologist Epiphanius of Salamis wrote that in certain Arab and Egyptian cities a feast to celebrate the god Aion generated by the virgin Kore. Therefore if the Eye of the Providence is the sun, which birthday becomes the one of Jesus Christ, then we can understand how Jesus Christ has become God.

Can we see how the cult of the sun has arrived until our days by it's appearing on the dollar bill? We can see a plot that continues in the millennia that never breaks but which flows homogeneously. Which is the greatest nation in the whole world? Is it not the United States of America; from a cultural, military and economic viewpoint? One of the most important monuments in the United States of America is the Statue of Liberty which we can see here in a photo by Derek Jensen (known as Tysto on Wikimedia):

Now we can see a representation of the Sol Invictus in a stele hosted at the Roman National Museum (image of public dom ain taken from Wikimedia):

Aside from the number of tips on the crown being different in the two pictures, it is clear that the Statue of Liberty, ideated by the freemason Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, takes the concept of sol Invictus being in this way a monument dedicated to the sun. One of the most important symbols of the nation, influential and important in the whole world, which also defines itself as Christian; is dedicated to a pagan god. Therefore we can see how the whole world is under a unique and wicked influence. Besides, freedom is a masonic ideal and the philosophy of Thelema, elaborated by the freemason occultist Aleister Crowley. In its first law, it says “Do what thou wilt” that today is a thought that is always more followed and practiced by the greatest majority of mankind. Doing what you want is a concept that first or after will put us in opposition to God just as it did the first human couple, to Nimrod who built the tower of Babel and so on until our days. Satan doesn’t care about what we are doing, what counts to him is to bring us to disobey to God’s laws and his invisible influence is evident at a worldwide level.

Other beliefs like the immortality of the soul are not exceptions. For example, we can find hell in Taoism where the realm of the dead ones is called Feng Du. This is a mountain in which there is a multilevel labyrinth of rooms. Each one is meant to judge it's kind of sin: so in one room murder is punished, in another adultery and so on. In one room the bodies of the damned ones are sawn in two pieces and are beheaded and forced to climb trees full of sharp blades and here too their relatives can alleviate their sufferings with their prayers. This hell is based on 18 levels. Some analogy with the Divine Comedy?

The doctrine of the immortality of the soul has nothing to do with the Bible: for example, Ecclesiastes 3:19 states clearly, that man is not superior to the beast. They both die and return to the dust since they have the same spirit. Anyway, we can find the teaching of the immortality in any religion, from the eastern ones to the western ones, that comes from Satan that said, “you shall not surely die” as quoted in Genesis 3:4.

The doctrine of the immortality has very ancient roots as we can find it in the Babylonian culture that also teaches other false beliefs including the hell, the use of the images for worshiping, the cult of the sun and the trinity. They believed that the gods were in the images if they were made in a certain way and were treated with a certain level of care. They celebrated the new year, they had a clerical class with a clear distinction between the priests and the laypeople. The Christmas tree comes from Babylon where Nimrod was celebrated as he was the sun god that after being killed, represented by a log that was burnt on the 24th day of December, returned to represented by an evergreen that is our pine tree. The candles on the birthday cakes which people blow out to send away the wicked spirits come too from Babylon and the Babylonian Trinity was composed by the gods Marduk, Ishtar and Nabu.

It doesn’t marvel that the Bible in the book of Revelation, English translation of the Greek term Apocalypse, calls the empire of the false religion Babylon. Being the Revelation or Apocalypse a book full of symbologies, it’s logical to think that Babylon the Great, depicted as a harlot, can’t be a literal woman since it sits on many waters that represent people, nations, and tongues (Revelation 17:1,15). It rules on the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18) and is a religious entity, not politic or commercial since the kings (Revelation 18:9) and the merchants (Revelation 18:11) weep its destruction while with its spiritual practices mislead all the nations (Revelation 18:23). In his book “Nebuchadnezzar”, Tabouis says that the Babylonians were the people most religious in the antiquity and clay tablets, with cuneiform inscriptions that gave instructions on how to perform magic rituals. They were collected in the library of Assurbanipal, the last great king of the new Assyrian Empire. Righteously, the Bible identifies with the term “Babylon the Great” the empire of the false religion.

Politics and religion have supported each other since ancient Egypt. The pharaoh was a political figure as a king but at the same time was a religious figure since he was thought to be the incarnation of the god Horus son of Ra the sun god. In December of 1945 the Japanese emperor Hirohito confirmed his divinity by claiming his direct descent from the goddess of the sun Amaterasu (once again we encounter the sun, curious is that Amaterasu was the daughter of Izanagi who is the god that created all things). Also, we find in Nazism a great esoteric influence. The Nazi swastika represents the sun in the sky bringing a wish of fertility and wellness. Hitler himself reported that he heard a voice that told him to move from the position he was in the trench in the Flanders (1914) just in time to avoid being torn by a bombard. He reported too, of hearing voices and of seeing people not seen by others. Hitler was not crazy but possessed.

Let’s talk about Trilateral Commission, founded on June 23, 1973, which is a study group, not government and non-partisan, composed by more than 300 people chosen between businessmen, politicians, and intellectuals; that has as a goal, the promotion of a more close cooperation between Europe, Japan, and North America. It’s interesting to see that the symbol of the Trilateral Commission is nearly the same as the one of the trinity chosen by John Bonham, drummer of Led Zeppelin, based on a symbol conceived by Rudolf Koch. Here it is the symbol of the Trilateral Commission:

And here it is the symbol of the trinity of John Bonham:

Instead, this one below is the symbol of the ONU (image of public dom ain since published in the USA before the 17th of September 1987 by the United Nations):

In the symbol of the ONU, of which the Holy See is a permanent observer, we can see a circle divided into 33 sectors, flanked by two olive branches which is a symbol of peace; while 33 is the degrees of the Freemasonry. Famous freemasons have been the musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the scientist Enrico Fermi, the American president George Washington, the philosopher Voltaire, the poet Giosuè Carducci and the revolutionary hero Giuseppe Garibaldi. Interestingly, Giosuè Carducci had composed the “Hymn to Satan” in 1863 (published in 1865), where Satan is viewed as the symbol of reason, progress, and modern civilization - ideals of the Freemasonry. What to say about Russia and China that are so opposed to the western world? Both adhere to the communism of which Karl Marx is the father and though was a convinced Christian writing in 1835 the essay entitled “The union of the faithful with Christ (John 15:1-14)”, after becoming a convinced anti-Christian quoting in his essay “private property and communism” the statement “communism begins where atheism begins” di Robert Owen. This is not strange. A person can change his views after experiences in life or personal growth, but what is disturbing is that Karl Marx was a freemason as it can be seen by the following picture in which is portrayed in the masonic posture of the hidden hand:

the same posture is adopted by Napoleone Bonaparte: by Russian dictator Josif Stalin:

and by first American President, George Washington:

Doesn’t matter to which nation they belong or that they engage in bloody wars, really they are manipulated by the same puppeteer. The Freemasonry worships a supreme being defined as “Great Architect of the Universe”, but Karl Marx was atheist even being a freemason. How then can we explain such contradiction? Let’s say that this great architect of the universe is not God but His worst enemy the devil himself and therefore the atheism of Marx, apparent denial of the existence of God is instead rebellion to God Himself. Noteworthy is that Aleister Crowley, famous English occultist, was a freemason (anglo-saxon lodge 343 of Paris). Modern atheism began when Charles Darwin in a letter he wrote on the first day of February 1871 - to which Karl Marx sent a copy of “The Capital” after reading his work - to Joseph Dalton Hooker, an English botanist, made an hypothesis that argued that life could have come from a little pond full of ammonia, phosphoric salts, light, warmth, and electricity in which formed the first proteins which evolved into more complex structures. But it was in Russia that atheism reached its actual fame. The Russian scientist Alexander Oparin in 1924 did some experiments in a laboratory, according to Charles Darwin’s ideas about how proteins could form themselves from chemical elements bombed by ultraviolet rays, and after all this, he wrote the book “The origin of life”. Oparin was awarded Hero of Socialist Labour in 1969, received the Lenin Award in 1974 and the gold medal Lemonosov in 1979 for the achieved results in the field of Biochemical Science. Oparin was a supporter of the agronomist Trofim Lysenko and of Olga Lepeshinskaya, Lenin’s friend, a biologist who believed living cells could come from inanimate matter. Lysenko, a Stalin’s protégé, instead didn’t believe in the existence of genes and of DNA but even worst, his directions in agronomy followed in Russia with his allies and in China, where severe famines that killed millions of people originated. Sad to say, the scientists that opposed themselves to Lysenko were dismissed, interned in prisons and psychiatric hospitals, executed, or left to starve like the agronomist Nikolai Vavilov.

Oparin’s ideas are the basis of modern science. Today, the presence of water and the quantity of carbon in a planet are indicators of a possible presence of life now or in the past, and all this is happening because of a masonic Satanist like Stalin. It’s sufficient to look at a telecast to see how the divine intervention is abandoned on behalf of the blind case. Wouldn’t it be interesting for Satan to deny God’s existence?

Interestingly, Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan that published “The Satanic Bible”, believed that God was a projection of the self and not an external divinity. He believed that Satan, reduced to a purely allegoric figure, was a representation of personal freedom and individualism. Atheism is a religion which must be performed as an act of faith; namely, believing that God doesn’t exist and in which everything can be done with the only limit's that the human society sets. Laws that place boundaries apart from those created by the society it'self don’t exist.

The idea of , the life that comes from the inanimated matter, is also the basis for the opinion that extraterrestrial civilizations could exist and that man is one of their experiments. Some say that in the past, mankind was visited by them, “to argue their ideas”. For example, in the biblical story where the sons of God came to earth and took wives of earthly women for themselves (Genesis 6:2) and the Greek mythology, dated nearly a millennium before Christ, where spoke about a time when gods and humans lived together freely and from which union were born demigods.

Some argue the idea that extraterrestrial civilizations had contacts with mankind quoting respectable and authoritative sources. In 343 BC according to Diodorus Siculus, the Greek general Timoleon saw a torch in the sky leading his fleet until it arrived in Sicily. In 70 AD, the famous historian Flavius Josephus recounts that in the Judaic war a shining light appeared over the Temple of Jerusalem and that in the day after chariots and armed troops crossed the skies. Christopher Columbus himself spoke of a passage of trails of fire in the sky and that from this, on the night of September 15, 1492, a “fiery branch” came down. During the Second World War, several air force bombers of different countries saw little spheres of light or metallic twirling around their aircrafts (such phenomenon is widely known as foo fighter). A similar event is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12,16, where it speaks of the Magi that were guided by a “star” first to Jerusalem and after directly where Jesus was born stopping over at that place. This “star” brought Erodes that ordered the killing of all children of Bethlehem under two-years-old. To know that Jesus was born, and therefore could have only wicked intentions, is showing that was a ploy of Satan himself. If we think that the most famous contactee (a person said to be in touch with extraterrestrial entities) like Claude Vorilhon (known also as Rael and founder of the ufological religion known as Raelian Movement), George Adamski (founder of the esoteric circle named Royal Order of Tibet) and Eduard Albert Meier, were interested in both ufology and spirituality then things are clear. A world we need to stay away from.

If the names of the contactees quoted above are mostly unknown to the majority of people, the following names of the celebrities who say or have said to have had been in situations in which UFOs were involved are known nearly to everyone:

Sammy Hagar: singer and rock guitar player, the voice of the hard-rock band Van Halen between 1986 and 1996. He was in San Bernardino in California when he was younger and was dreaming to be a rockstar and remember an encounter with two beings that by telepathy had a kind of communication with him and after this flee away with their spaceship at the speed of light.

Elvis Presley: the King of Rock’n’Roll, believed in the existence of UFOs and claimed to have seen several of them during his lifetime. His friend Larry Geller confirms this by telling of an episode in which Elvis Presley was driving in the desert and saw strange lights. Another time while walking in a field he saw other lights moving back and forth. For the ones more interested in all of this about Elvis Presley there is the book “Alien Rock” by Michael Luckman.

Russell Crowe: the famous actor who appeared as the main figure in the well-known movie “The Gladiator”, winner of the Oscar award as best movie, says to have seen, and even filmed, a UFO out of his office located at Woolloomooloo, a little town a few kilometers from Sidney.

Lemmy Kilmister: bass player and founder of the hard rock band Motorhead, written by “incarnava alla perfezione l’archetipo dell’animale da palco consacrato alla triade sesso-droga- rock’n’roll” ( embodied at the perfection the archetype of the stage consecrated to the triad sex, drugs and rock’n’roll ), told of something coming from the horizon that stopped in mid-sky to then go away at it's maximum speed without accelerating.

John Lennon: guitar player, singer and member of the legendary English band the Beatles on the 23rd of August 1974, together with his girlfriend May Pang, saw from the window of his flat in New York a UFO 100ft away from them equipped with flashing lights - a red one at its top, came near them after.

Mick Jagger: the legendary voice of the Rolling Stones, in 1968 in Glastonbury with his girlfriend Marianne Faithful saw a UFO in the shape of a cigar. In those times he had installed in his property, an alarm that would activate in the presence of strong electromagnetic activity.

David Bowie: the famous English singer, who as a child, saw several UFOs. In 1967 he saw them over London and was even able to feel they were coming.

Robbie Williams: former member of Take That, says to have seen over him, at the distance of 150 feet, a UFO and shared his experience in the video-documentary entitled “Hunt for the Skinwalker”.

Ace Frehley: ex-soloist guitarist of the notorious hard-rock American band Kiss, in 2002 saw a UFO which landed in the garden of his house located in the county of Westchester, a zone already known for similar sightings. Ace Frehley, as said in an interview he had with the radio operator Eddie Trunk, that he filmed that UFO that left a circle of burnt grass with a diameter of 27 feet in his garden as reported in the book “Alien Rock” by Michael Luckman. Jimi Hendrix: the authentic guitar legend that influenced many famous guitar players, together with his brother Leon, saw a UFO through the window. Jimi Hendrix can indeed be defined as the father of the rock guitar and his lifestyle could be well identified by the triad sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll. Besides seeing the UFO, he composed a song titled U.F.O. (UFO is the acronym of “unidentified flying object”, a term invented by the captain Edward Ruppelt).

Olivia Newton John: famous singer that had the main role in Grease with the actor John Travolta, said to have seen, when she was just fifteen, a silvery object that was flying in the sky at a crazy speed.

If we pay attention to the point that the Raelians, the members of the ufological religion of Rael of which we talked about before, want to bring in use again the swastika, symbol of the sun god, and they do it with many tools like the website, then everything is clear. Interesting is the fact that the German scientists serving the Nazi government were working on the realization of aircrafts with capacities that were near to the ones of UFOs as confirmed by the aeronautic engineer Roy Fedden and by the captain Edward Ruppelt. Astonishingly, instead is the fact that the Chilean Diplomatic and Nazi sympathizer Miguel Serrano considered the god of the jews, creator of everything, a being fundamentally evil who argued that the Arians were offspring of the gods, that Hitler was an avatar of Kalki (avatar of the Hinduist divinity Vishnu) and that would have taken the command of a fleet of UFOs to build the Fourth Reich. Also, the United States Air Force established the project Blue Book that was a commission investigating the phenomenon of UFOs and that the ufologist Timothy Good was received in 1998 by the Pentagon and in 2002 by the French Aeronautic to talk about UFOs and other related themes.

We have quoted musicians and actors as both cinema and music are powerful tools that can be used to manipulate the minds of people. If then we think that several masonic lodges are dedicated to the honor of the Italian writer Dante Alighieri and that Oscar Wilde and Goethe were freemasons, then we can grasp the fact that also writing is a powerful tool with which it is possible to share ideas that have the goal of manipulating people’s mind. Also in the world of music we can find freemasons as, for example, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Niccolò Paganini, and Johann Sebastian Bach. Regarding scientists and psychologists, we can quote Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, who were freemasons and have given great contributions to their fields. Walt Disney himself was a freemason that with Mickey Mouse influenced generations of children since 1930. We can see in the photo here below, in the masonic posture of the teacher of the second veil according to “Masonic Ritual and Monitor” by Malcolm Duncan, the philosopher Nietzsche in 1861: Ok, but many of these quoted celebrities belong to the past but what about today’s examples? The freemason Aleister Crowley, who is considered the founder of the modern occultism and source of inspiration for satanism (Anton Lavey, founder of the Church of Satan was inspired by him), had a deep influence on the music: a myth for the singer Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden, the singer Marian Gold of Alphaville got from inspiration for the song Red Rose. Mick Jagger is his fan, Robbie Williams quoted him in his song “Random Acts of Kindness”. Ozzy Osbourne dedicated to him the song “Mr. Crowley”. David Bowie remembered him in his song “Quicksand” and the guitar legend Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin wanted that two sentences of Crowley graven in the center of the vinyl recording “Led Zeppelin III”.

The word “konx” and the number 777, which paternity is to give to Aleister Crowley, are respectively written on a sticker on the Jem Flo and part of the name of the Ibanez guitar Jem model designed by Steve Vai. In his song Whookam there is the sentence “Holy Mary/ Mother of God/ And blessed is the fruit of thy womb!”, inversely recorded which is a thing that Satanists do. Madonna Wayne Gacy, the keyboard player of the rockstar Marilyn Manson, says that if you want to do something of evil you must take a Christian thing and play it backward. It’s sad that such concepts even played in the right way, have nearly nothing of Christian since they have pagan origins (we have to remember the virgin Persefone called also Kore that is the mother of the sun god).

Aleister Crowley appears on the cover of Sgt. Pepper by the Beatles that has been defined as the most famous album in the history of the rock. Barry Miles, in his book “The Beatles Diary Volume 1: The Beatles Years”, reports Paul McCartney who said in 1980, “We were going to have photos on the wall of all our heroes”. John Lennon, instead, said “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink”, “We’re more popular than Jesus now”. He even went on to say, “Jesus was all right but his disciples… ruin it for me”. If in the United Kingdom such affirmations were nearly unobserved, in the United States they had a completely different impact. Many radio stations didn’t play any more of their singles, some records were burnt and even some press conferences were canceled. Do you think that today we would observe similar reactions? We can well see how the world has changed today.

It is in the last 60 years that we have had a deep change of direction of the world; also with the contribution that the founder of Playboy, Hugh Hefner, said, “the major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex.” Even the Church of Satan has dedicated to him a memorial on its website. His words are in perfect tune with the inventor of the miniskirt Mary Quant who said, “I love vulgarity, good taste is death, vulgarity is life”. Hugh Hefner in 1953 printed his first issue of Playboy and Mary Quant ten years later created the miniskirt, awarded in 1966 as Officer of the Order of the British Empire by the Queen Elizabeth II. They are the parents of the sexual revolution that promoted nakedness, pornography, premarital sex, masturbation and the legalization of abortion. Interesting also is that the book “White Stains” by Crowley, contains the poem entitled “a ballad of passive paederasty” and Playboy printed “Sugar and Spice” in 1975 that contained a picture of a naked Brooke Shields that was just ten years old. What a huge thrust to the impoverishment of moral standards has been imparted.

Cinema and television were not forgotten by such cultural changes. In 1972, in “That Certain Summer”, there is a story of a man who hid his homosexual relationship to his son. It’s only in 1991 that we can see the first lesbian kiss shown by the television network NBC. This event induced some customers to withdraw their advertising spots and half of the audience expressed negative comments. Today would we have the same reaction? Anyway, Jack Warner, the co-founder of the cinematographic house Warner Bros, Louise B. Mayer founder of the Metro Goldwin Mayer, Darryl F. Zanuck that helped found the 20th Century Productions and Carl Laemmle the founder of Universal Studios were all freemasons. With the freemasons, we have also the Illuminati, an alternative order besides the Freemasonry created in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt and perfected in 1780 with the support of the freemason Adolf Von Knigge. The vision of Adam Weishaupt was pantheist, meaning he believed that God and the universe was the same thing and that, “any man capable of finding in himself the inner Light becomes equal to Jesus namely Man-King”. Of this order we don’t have any traces today as it has no historical continuity. However, we find references in videogames GTA V, in signs/posters and in “Life is Strange” in the graffiti of the school attended by the protagonist. They are quoted by the famous rapper Tupac and the Korn have dedicated to them the song “Illuminati”. The Writer Dan Brown of the famous “Davinci Code”, in his novel “Angels and demons”, speaks of the Order of the Illuminati and has presented his novel “Hell” at the Freemason’ Hall in London headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England. Anyway, there are several websites said to represent them and even accept registrations.

The picture here below is of the sadly notorious Adolf Hitler in a posture well known today:

If you try to search Google by “Illuminati pyramid hands”, you’ll find results that will leave you astonished. Searching by “Illuminati eye gesture”, you’ll find several celebrities that mimic the Eye of the Providence. You’ll see also the gesture of the horns performed by several personalities searching the web “Illuminati horn gesture”. It can have different meanings starting from a wish of good luck, to symbolizing the horns of the devil (Ronnie James Dio learned it from his grandmother who used it to send away the evil but it was already used by the band Coven in which logo appears a reversed cross that is definitely a Satanist symbol). The gesture of the horns is also a combination of the letters i,l,y initials of I, love, you in the American sign language. It is different from the gesture of the horns of the devil that has the thumb pointed toward the palm rather than outside. It is even used in the comics Doctor Strange, by the protagonist, to launch his incantations. Gene Simmons, the bass player of Kiss, uses the gesture i.l.y affirming to have learned it just reading Doctor Strange.

We have already spoken about ONU, we want to remember its programs Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. We can find the number 21 in several songs like “21 questions” by 50 Cents, in “21 things I want in a lover” by Alanis Morisette and “21 modi per dirti ti amo” by Italian singer Antonello Venditti. While 2030 is the year that we want to achieve saving our planet as Greta Thunberg has spurred. Simple coincidences or something more? We have already spoken about the Trilateral Commission that was founded on June 23, 1973 by David Rockefeller, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank. We have seen as it's symbol resembles very much to the one of the trinity of John Bonham, the drummer of Led Zeppelin. Now we can see another resemblance in the universal symbol of recycling (please note the number and the arrows following a triangle symbol with which we have a certain familiarity now):

Here below we have the symbol of the recyclable material:

Again the symbol of recycling used in Taiwan:

In all the symbols of recycling we can perceive the idea of movement. In the last symbol we viewed, we can note as the arrows form a square and divide it with a cross. But if we pay attention, we can even see that instead of four green arrows entering, four white arrows go out as if there is the willingness to get the focus on something coming forth. Could be that they are the rays of the sun? It seems that the concepts found at an esoteric level are replicated at any level. We can see another example of esoteric symbolism in the following toy portrayed in an image of Chetraruc from

We can note that this toy is similar to the triskelion or triskele, a Celtic symbol used also to identify the Christian trinity (image of AnonMoos from Wikimedia):

We have spoken of politics at a worldwide level, of religion in its origins, of music, of philosophy, of literature, of cinema and television as mediums to modify people’s minds. By the way, how can something be made acceptable? First, it is placed as a secondary element or nearly hidden. Then it is made constantly visible until it gets unnoticed. It is a process that requires decades, but always reaches its goal. I’ll not give you more examples since I think that the material listed in this book is quite enough as a starting place for further deepenings. If some esoteric elements are sometimes shown clearly and brazenly, other times are portrayed at a level nearly subliminal. A process of brainwashing that runs parallel with a process aimed to demolish the power of the people as it has been put in black and white in the Crisis of Democracy, a study of the Trilateral Commission, where it highlights the problems of governability which come from an excess of democracy. We can see the actors get substituted at their deaths, they are always replaced to complete the project but the director is always the same. If Satan has done anything to direct mankind towards a certain mindset on the other side, he moved it away from the true God by hiding His name and making the Bible a book very difficult to get and to read. In fact, who possessed the Old or New Testament should have given them to the local bishop to burn. This should have happened in eight days from the date in which the second Council of Tarragona held in 1234.

In Matthew 6:9, where the Lord’s Prayer is written, it says “hallowed be Your name”. What is God’s name? God? Lord? Let’s try to go out into the street and call “lord”. How many people will turn in our direction? Of course we can’t liken God to a human being, but since He has put His name in the Bible then it must be for us to use it if we want to communicate with Him. It appears in several manuscripts dated before Christ, like the Dead Sea’s Scrolls and we can see it from a detail taken by the painting “Adoration of the name of God” dated 1772 by Francisco Goya which is located in the Basilica del Pilar in Zaragoza in Spain (we can see it included in a triangle but we must keep in mind that this is only two centuries and half old):

Ok, it is written in Jewish; but there is a problem. In Jewish, only the consonants were written and the vowels were put according to grammatical rules that have been lost since the Jews think it was a blasphemy to pronounce God’s name. The sequence of characters of God’s name, that is called Tetragrammaton, is transliterated without the vowels YHWH (it is read from right to left like Arab is). Therefore, don’t we have a way to read it? We don’t know for certain what was the correct pronunciation but the Masoretes, scholars, and scribes who existed between the VII and IX centuries AD, have put on the consonants signs to establish which vowel to add and so the Tetragrammaton was transcribed in two ways that lead to pronounce Adonai (Lord) or Elohim (God) instead of the true name of God. We have in this way two different pronunciations of the Tetragrammaton, one that is YeHoWaH (the most used) and the other that is YeHoWiH. Another pronunciation is based on the opinion of Wilhelm Gesenius who said that YaHWeH was more correct since the Tetragrammaton is transliterated as “Iabe” in some greek translations dated around the first century AD. Now, if we keep in mind that the shortening of God’s name, derived from the two first letters of the Tetragrammaton, is generally accepted as Jah (please think to the famous HalleluJah) and that the name Joshua that comes from the accepted Jewish YeHoshua has instead in common the first three letters (always reading from left to right), than we can conclude that YeHoWaH is not that wrong even if we can’t say with certainty which was the correct pronunciation (only a Jew of those times could say it). Therefore we have Jah, Jahvè , and Jehovah that was used by Giosuè Carducci, in a blasphemous way, in his “Hymn to Satan”, while Jehovah is used in the song “Jehovah and all that jazz” by the famous Canadian composer Gino Vannelli. If the Wicked one uses this name to identify God, then it means that he acknowledges to it a certain authenticity. Don’t you agree ?

Besides using the holy name of God we must pray to Him through the mediator that He has established namely His son Jesus Christ through which we say Amen (II Corinthians 1:20). This is an essential condition that must be satisfied if we want our prayers to be accepted. An important role is also played by our conduct and our honesty. If mankind has been so well deceived in the centuries, don’t you think that God has done something to counteract all this? Which religious confession does His will? Ask it of Him in prayer, you’ll receive an answer. I didn’t tell you which is the righteous religion because I want that you draw your conclusions through prayer, meditation, and personal research. I’ll give you some hints on which you can meditate: let’s start with the conditions of our planet that is always becoming more alarming and disastrous. Scientists have given dates for mankind to act before it’s too late. And so we have 2020, 2030 (year indicated by Greta Thunberg as the possible point of no return) and 2035. It was said that 2018 would be the year in which the emissions of greenhouse gases would have triggered a chain reaction that would have brought the human race to its extinction by freeing the hydrates of that are under the Arctic ices. We find ourselves in a cold war between the United States of America and the coalition between Russia and China that could degenerate in a thermonuclear conflict with effects that we can well imagine. Are we at the end? Matthew 24:14 speaks of worldwide preaching before the destruction of this wicked system of things would have happened. These words have had their first fulfillment when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD by the Roman troops in which local preaching was performed. Isn’t this work performed today? Has it already happened or will it happen in the future? If it is performed in our time, then who is doing it?

Why have I written this book? Because I love everyone and so I love you too. Anyone of us has a wonderful perspective of eternal life and I hate the fact that people are continuously deceived. It doesn’t matter if they are intelligent or not, they are deceived by the systems we have seen in this book and they have the rights to know it. Satan has put himself at the center of his life, because of his envy he has deceived the first human couple bringing them death. He keeps on deceiving people and puts them against God, and in very dangerous situations that could mean their destruction. He has replaced perfect mankind that would have enjoyed a joyous and eternal existence without suffering and dying while wicked angels have discarded their life in the skies to taste wrong pleasures on earth. Living forever is not something that everyone will get, we must cultivate a righteous mindset and set the unselfish love as our reason of life while this system induces you to defy yourself to bring you to death. Neglecting the wickedness that is surrounding us condemns us to be accomplices like in Noah’s days when men ate, drank, got married and didn’t pay attention nor take care of what was happening as it is reported in Matthew 24:38. This is an important warning for us.

I want to thank Wikipedia as the free encyclopedia without which it would not have been impossible to make this book. I thank also Pixabay that several times I used as a source of images of public domain like for example the one that appears on the cover that is a work of Yuri_B.

I chose also to publish this book for free because everyone must know and giving it for free is the best way to guarantee the most complete diffusion. You can delete it after you read it but you can share it with others in the way you believe is the most beneficial without any exclusion. Since I have dedicated time and energy to write it, I ask you, in the most gentle way, to not modify it in any of its parts but to leave it intact as you received it. If you want to communicate with me then you can do it by the contact that is following, even if it is free you can donate since I can use such funds to translate it, to print it and to promote it in any possible way. Thank you very much for the time you spent to read it.

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